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An outline of your available Bender Classes.

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Published by Tannis, 2020-09-18 15:06:49

Avatar: Coming Oblivion - Bender Classes

An outline of your available Bender Classes.

Bender Classes

Along with being a Bender, you also have a set of honed and tested skills prior and
during your revelation as an Elemental Bender...

The Air Bendergentle gust of wind passes by the monk's Creating an Air Bender
patient ears. He sits in place utop a pillar of
stone in the high mountains, where he could Whether you were born with the gift to move the winds and
almost touch the sky. Meditating for inner trained with it, recently discovered that you even had this
amazing gift or curse, or if you were given these powers by a
Apeace. Days of meditation turn into weeks, and greater being, the same notion applies to all: You have been
slowly into months. Taking not the slightest chosen for a reason...
amount of food or drink, he sits in complete
silence, not moving a single muscle. Finally, after so much Quickbuild
time has passed druing his still retreat, the monk finally
opens his eyes, taking in the sight of the sun after months of You can make an Air Bender quickly by following these
lack. He observes his surroundings, as he notices the fruits of suggestions. First, make Dexterity your highest ability score.
his labor: He was floating ten feet above the stone. The monk Your next highest ability score should be Intelligence. Then
had become the void and discovered inner peace. pick Dexterity and Intelligent based proficiencies in your

The Air Bender

Level Proficiency Features Innates
Bonus Bending, Speed, Meditation Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Quick Repel 5
1st +2 Spirit Walk, Air Resistance 3 10 5
2nd +2 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 3 15 10 5
Elemental Affinity, Companion 3 20 15 10 5
3rd +2 Restorative Gale, Flowing Nature 4 25 20 15 10 5
4th +2 Quick Repel & Spirit Walk Improvement 4 30 25 20 15 10 5
Bending Improvement 4 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
5th +3 4 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
6th +3 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 4 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10
Air's Patience, Companion Improvement 4 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15
7th +3 5 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20
8th +3 Energy Overcharge, Air's Intuition 5 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25
5 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30
9th +4 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 5 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35
10th +4 Blades of Mist, Bending Improvement 5 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40
5 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45
11th +4 Quick Repel & Spirit Walk Improvement 5 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50
12th +4 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 5 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55
Bending Improvement 5 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60
13th +5 Spirit of Air, Companion Improvement 5 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65
14th +5 5
Air Immunity 5 100 95 90 85 80 75 70
15th +5 5 100 95 90 85 80 75
16th +5 Ultimate Elemental Nature, Master 5 100 95 90 85 80
Companion 5 100 95 90 85
17th +6 6 100 90 90
18th +6

19th +6
20th +6

21st +7
22nd +7

23rd +7
24th +7

25th +8


Class Features For Example: If you have +3 in your meditation skill, you can
regain 30 expended energy points. You can use this skill
As an Air Bender, you gain the following class features. twice per Long Rest.
Upon reaching 18th level, you can extend your meditative
Hit Points state to others as well. If you, and up to your Air Nature
modifier in creatures sit in a meditation circle, you regain the
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Air Bender Level normal amount of energy points you would have, and the
Hit points at 1st level: 8 + your constitution modifier and others receive half as much.
your air nature modifier For Example: If you have +3 in your meditation skill, you can
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your constitution regain 30 expended energy points and all allies participating
modifier and your air nature modifier per Air Bender level regain 15. You can use this skill once per Long Rest.
after 1st.
Quick Repel
Bending Starting at 2nd level, you have the ability to control the nature
of air. As a reaction, without acting as a technique, you can
Innates: push a creature within 10 feet of you up to 30 feet directly
away from you. The creature must make a constitution saving
At 1st level, you know three innates of your choice from the throw, and be pushed on a failed save. The creature also
Air Bender's Technique List. You learn additional Air Bender takes your air nature modifier in force damage if they fail the
Innates of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the save.
Innates Known column of the Air Bender table. Starting at 7th level, you can use this reaction twice per
round, and three times per round at 18th level.
Energy Points:
Spirit Walk
The Air Bender table shows how much energy you have to Upon leveling up to 3rd level, You now can tap into your inner
use your techniques of lst level and higher. To cast one of spirit and travel to the spirit world. While in combat, you can
these techniques, you must expend the required amount of take an action to travel into the spirit world, and play on a
energy points for that technique and that energy must be of different kind of battlefield. You can attack a creature's spirit
the techinque's level. You regain all expended energy points while in the spirit world, dealing damage against their spirit's
when you finish a long rest. health. Unless the weapon you are wielding has the Spiritual
You prepare the list of Fire techniques that are available for aspect, you can only make spirit fist strikes. A spirit strike
you to perform, choosing from the Air Bender Technique list. takes an action and upon hit, deals 1d4 + Air Nature Modifier
When you do so, choose a number of Air techniques equal to in spirit damage. You can stay in this state a number of turns
your Intelligence modifier + your Spirit Bender level equal to your air nature modifier or until you end it early.
(minimum of one technique). The techniques must be of a Starting at 7th level, your body becomes less vunerable while
level for which you have energy points. you are in this state. Your physical body gains an extra +3 AC
For example, if you are a 3rd-level Fire Bender, you have 15 while in this state.
1st-level energy points, 10 2nd-level energy points, and 5 3rd- Starting at 18th level, your body and your spirit become so
level energy points. With an Intelligence of 16, your list of entangled that you obtain a duel mind. While in this state, you
prepared techniques can include six techniques of 1st, 2nd, can take your normal actions with your spirit form, and you
or 3rd level, in any combination. can make one action with your physical body. Due to the
You can change your list of prepared techniques when you strain of this ability, any form of action (Bonus, Reaction,
finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of Air techniques Movement, etc.) will take the entire action regardless.
requires time spent in meditation and training: at least 10 Outside of combat, you can stay in the spirit world for up to
minutes per technique level for each technique on your list. 24-hours, before being pulled back to your body.

Speed Air Resistance
At 1st level, as an Air Bender, you gain proficiency in the skill At 3rd level, you gain the same body of air itself. You become
Speed. This traits increases your movement speed. For each resistant to all air damage, and your are resistant to all
point in your speed skill, you can move an extra 5ft. per point. slashing damage from non-mystical attacks.
For Example: If you have a +2 in your speed skill, your
movement speed is increased by 10ft. Elemental Nature Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, and again at 10th, 15th, and 19th
Meditation level, your Air Nature increases by 2.
At 1st level, with your given clarity as an Air Bender, you gain
proficiency in the skill Meditation. You become the only
bender capable of regaining expended energy points before
taking a long rest. For each point in this skill, you can regain
10 energy points in any one technique level for which you
have performable techniques.

Elemental Affinity Multi-Bending: If you use a technique that only has the
When you reach 5th level, you hone and master your skills capability of effecting a single creature, you can target
over a specific aspect of the element of Air. Once you take an multiple creatures at a time equal to your elemental
affinity, you gain features from your chosen archtype at 5th, nature modifier (to a max of 3: Hitting a total of 4
10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th Level. creatures). You can use this ability a number of times
equal to your elemental nature modifier before having to
Companion take a Long Rest.
This is a harsh world, and you need all the friends and allies
you can get. You will receive a special, class appropriate Air's Patience
companion during a special mission when you reach 5th Starting at 11th level, you have advantage against all effects
level. Your companion is determined by your Element, that would cause you to be knocked prone, go unconcious,
Physical Class, and your chosen elemental affinity. Your become paralyzed or stunned, and pushed back.
companion gains new features, abilities, and many other new
and powerful aspects as you level up. They gain these Energy Overcharge
features at 11th and 21st level. Starting at 13th level, you gain the ability to use energy
overcharge. This ability allows you to use a technique that
Restorative Gale you have prepared, and perform it even if you don't meet the
Starting at 6th level, you become the embodyment of air itself. energy requirements to perform it OR You can overcharge a
Upon being reduced to 0 Hit Points, all creatures within a 40 technique that you do meet the requirements for, but you
foot radius must make a Constitution Saving throw or be double its effects. Once you use this ability, you gain a point of
blasted 60 feet away (or 30 feet on a passed save), from a gale fatigue, which can cause multiple conditions to occur, such
of forceful wind that propels from your body. In addition, all as:
allies within the radius, instead of being blasted away, they
regain 6d6 Health Points from the restorative properties of One Point: You have disadvantage on your next attack
the gale. You must take a long rest before using this feature Two Points: You temporarily lose -2 AC
again. Three Points: Your movement speed is halved
Four Points: Your weapon damage is halved
Flowing Nature Five Points: Your current health is reduced by half
At 6th level, your knowledge and understanding of the world Depending on the power of the technique in question, you
widens due to your continued exposure to the elemental may gain more than one point of fatigue per use. You lose one
winds of air. Your Intelligence score is increased by +2, and point of fatigue at the start of your turn.
your Intelligence and Dexterity scores can exceed 20 (to a
max of 24). Air's Intuition
Starting at 13th level, you gain proficiency in the Investigation
Bending Improvements skill. If you already have this proficiency, you gain expertise in
As you gain levels in the Air Bender class, you gain more it, doubling the effect.
power of the forces that you command. Once you reach 8th
level, your bending abilities change and advance as followed: Blades of Mist
Starting at 16th level, you gain the ability to create six swords
Energy Cost: The cost of all techniques involving the coimprised of a dense mist that rotate around you. To
moving, transformation and general usage of the element summon these blades, you must spend an action to construct
you command are halved. the blades. You may only use one blade per turn as a free
Range: The range of all techniques invloving your element action, thrusting it towards a creature you can see within 60
are doubled. feet of yourself. The targeted creature must make a Dexterity
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature will take 1d6 +
Once you reach 20th level, your bending abilities advance Dexterity Modifier + Air Nature Modifier in piercing damage,
even further, including the following: and half as much on a passed save. The blades last until
there are no more to use.
Duel-Bending: If you use a technique that takes a full
action, you can then, as a free action, use another Spirit of Air
technique that takes a full action to perform directly after Starting at 21st level, your spirit becomes that of the moving
your first technique. You can only use this ability a number air. You gain resistance to force damage and you have
of times equal to your elemental nature modifier before advantage against any method that would force you to sleep.
having to take a Long Rest.
Air Immunity
At the 23rd level, you become the living embodyment of the
element of air. You are immune to all air and slashing

Ultimate Elemental Nature
Once you reach the 25th level, your elemental nature is
increased to its max (20). You also gain the ability to give
yourself advantage on initiative rolls. You can use this feature
a number of times equal to your fire nature modifier per Long

Master Companion
Your companion has now reached its final form, gaining their
Master Feature. This feature is described on your
companion's feature tree.

Affinity: Spiritual Light Affinity: Spiritual Dark
Instead of having another elemental aspect, commune Instead of having another elemental aspect, commune
commune with the spirits of the spirit world. You have commune with the spirits of the spirit world. You have
specifically decided to commune with the spirits of light, specifically decided to commune with the spirits of darkness,
mastering a more pure form of spiritual bending. mastering a more tainted form of spiritual bending.

Spiritual Commune: Light Spiritual Commune: Dark

Starting at 5th level, while meditating, you can commune with Starting at 5th level, while meditating, you can commune with
a Light Spirit and ask them three, one word answer a dark Spirit and ask them one, full answer question. You can
questions. You can use this ability once per short rest. use this ability once per long rest.

Spiritual Hands: Light Spiritual Hands: Dark

Starting at 10th level, you can use your hands as conduits of Starting at 10th level, you can use your hands as conduits of
spiritual energy. You can perform one of the following spiritual energy. You can perform one of the following
abilities per use: abilities per use:

Restore: You can heal a creature you touch. The creature Inflict: You can harm a creature you touch. The creature
regains health equal to 1d6 + Air Nature Mod (x5). takes 4d10 dark damage.
Rejuvinate: You can restore some of a creature's spirit. Break: You can harm creature's spirit. The creature takes
The creature regains spirit health equal to 1d6 + Air 3d6 dark spirit damage.
Nature Mod (x2). Resurrect: You can resurrect a fallen creature that has
Resurrect: You can resurrect a fallen creature that has been dead no longer than a day and back to full health, but
been dead no longer than 10 minutes. The creature rises that creature will have a curse that lasts until they
back with 1 HP. complete a Long Rest.
Remove Affliction: You can remove three creature's Bestow Affliction: You can put a random curse, disease,
curses, diseases, or conditions. or condition unto a creature you touch.
Each ability takes a bonus action, requires touch, and can Each ability takes a bonus action, requires touch, and can
only be use once per long rest each. only be use once per long rest each.

Ultimate Spirit Walker Ultimate Spirit Walker

Starting at 10th level, while you are in the spirit world outside Starting at 10th level, while you are in the spirit world outside
of combat, you can stay within the spirit world indefinitely. of combat, you can stay within the spirit world indefinitely.

Spiritual Summons: Light Spiritual Summons: Dark

Once you reach 15th level, you now have the ability to call Once you reach 15th level, you now have the ability to call
forth spirits of light to aid you in battle. You can choose forth spirits of dark to aid you in battle. You can choose
whether you summon: whether you summon:

Five Small Light Spirits Four Small Dark Spirits
Three Medium Light Spirits Two Medium Dark Spirits
Two Large Light Spirit One Large Dark Spirit
The spirit(s) you summon last a number of turns equal to The spirit(s) you summon last a number of turns equal to
your air nature modifier. The type of spirit you summon will your air nature modifier. The type of spirit you summon will
be randomized within the category you chose. You can give be randomized within the category you chose. You can give
them a simple command or request, but you cannot them a simple command or request, but you cannot
determine what exactly they will do. determine what exactly they will do.

Spiritual Mastery: Light Spiritual Mastery: Dark

Once you reach 20th level, you have begun to master the use Once you reach 20th level, you have begun to master the use
of light spirit energy. When you make an attack with an air of dark spirit energy. When you make an attack with an air
bender technique, roll a percentile dice. If the number is bender technique, roll a percentile dice. If the number is
equal to or less than your level, then you deal an extra 1d10 of equal to or less than your level, then you deal an extra 1d12 of
Light Spirit Damage. dark Spirit Damage.

Spiritual Resistance: Light Spiritual Resistance: Dark

At 20th level, you become resistant to all light spirit damage. At 20th level, you become resistant to all dark spirit damage.

Embodyment of Light Embodyment of Dark

At 25th level, you can use an action to turn into a powerful At 25th level, you can use an action to turn into a powerful
spirit of light. You stay in this state a number of turns equal to spirit of darkness. You stay in this state a number of turns
your Elemental Nature Modifier & once per Long Rest. equal to your Elemental Nature Modifier & once per Long

Spirit of Light

Huge Spirit, Any Alignment
Armor Class 20
Hit Points 500
Speed 60ft. Walk / Fly / Swim

20 (+5) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 10 (0)

Bending. You still have the capability of performing
your bending techniques, only their damage is
doubled (or tripled if applicable)
Spiritual Immunity. While in this form, you are
immune to all light spirit damage.
Physical Immunity. While in this form, you are
immune to all physical damage dealt by something


Unknown. Ask the DM something that you can
attempt to do, and you will either be approved or
haulted. No matter what, all actions will be light
spirit related.

Spirit of Dark

Huge Spirit, Any Alignment
Armor Class 20
Hit Points 500
Speed 60ft. Walk / Fly / Swim

20 (+5) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 10 (0)

Bending. You still have the capability of performing
your bending techniques, only their damage is
doubled (or tripled if applicable)
Spiritual Immunity. While in this form, you are
immune to all dark spirit damage.
Physical Immunity. While in this form, you are
immune to all physical damage dealt by something


Unknown. Ask the DM something that you can
attempt to do, and you will either be approved or
haulted. No matter what, all actions will be dark
spirit related.

The Earth Benderandering the streets of the city, a man Creating an Earthbender
stumbles upon a group of miscreants gathered
around a poor, helpless citizen, beaten to the Whether you were born with the power to mold the earth and
ground without mercy. As the group laughs, trained with it, recently discovered that you even had this
amazing gift, or if you were given these powers by a greater
Wthe ground starts to shake beneath their feet. being, the same notion applies to all: You have been chosen
The man in the distance slowly raises his for a reason...
hands, as four pillars of stone raise from the
ground, beneath each of the oppressors. Thrusting them far Quickbuild
up into the air, as they hit the ground with a loud thump,
knocked unconscious. The man helps the poor commoner You can make an Earth Bender quickly by following these
up, takes one last glance, then goes on his way... suggestions. First, make Strength your highest ability score.
Your next highest ability score should be Constitution. Then
pick Strength based proficiencies in your background.

The Earth Bender

Proficiency Features Cantrips
Level Bonus Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
1st +2 Bending, Toughness, Leap 3 10 5
3 15 10 5
2nd +2 Tremor Sense 3 20 15 10 5
4 25 20 15 10 5
3rd +2 Burrow, Earth Resistance 4 30 25 20 15 10 5
4 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
4th +2 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 4 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
4 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10
5th +3 Elemental Affinity, Companion 4 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15
5 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20
6th +3 Stone Skin, Earthen Strength 5

7th +3 Tremor Sense & Burrow Improvement

8th +3 Bending Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Elemental Nature Score Improvement

11th +4 Mountain's Stillness, Companion

12th +4 5 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25
5 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30
13th +5 Energy Overcharge, Fear of the Earth 5 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35
5 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40
14th +5 5 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45
5 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50
15th +5 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 5 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55
5 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60
16th +5 Fists of the Mountain, Bending Improvement 5 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65
5 100 95 90 85 80 75 70
17th +6 5 100 95 90 85 80 75
5 100 95 90 85 80
18th +6 Tremor Sense & Burrow Improvement 5 100 95 90 85
6 100 90 90
19th +6 Elemental Nature Score Improvement

20th +6 Bending Improvement

21st +7 Mind of Stone, Companion Improvement

22nd +7

23rd +7 Earth Immunity

24th +7

25th +8 Ultimate Elemental Nature, Master


Class Features Tremor Sense
When you reach 2nd level, with your primal connection to the
As an Earth Bender, you gain the following class features. earth, you can sense the movement of creatures and objects
as long as both you and the object in question are touching
Hit Points the ground and moving. This acts as a kind of blindsense.
When you first gain tremor sense, it has a range of 30 feet.
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Earth Bender Level The range of your tremor sense increases by 30 feet at 7th
Hit points at 1st level: 12 + your constitution modifier and and 18th Level, to a max of 90 feet.
your earth nature modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your constitution Burrow
modifier and your earth nature modifier per Earth Bender Starting at 3rd level, you have the ability to adapt to the earth
level after 1st. around you. You gain a burrow speed equal to your
movement speed. This ability allows you to take your
Bending movement action to delve into the ground and emerge on the
surface at a point within range. If you take an attack action
Innates: against a creature after using this form of movement, you
gain advantage on that attack. You can only use this ability if
At 1st level, you know three innates of your choice from the the ground is strictly made of earth. You can only use this
Earth Bender's Technique List. You learn additional Earth ability once per turn.
Bender Innates of your choice at higher levels, as shown in
the Innates Known column of the Earth Bender table. Earth Resistance
At 3rd level, you gain the same endurance of the earth itself.
Energy Points: You become resistant to all earth damage, and your are
resistant to all bludgeoning damage from non-magical
The Earth Bender table shows how much energy you have to attacks.
use your techniques of lst level and higher. To cast one of
these techniques, you must expend the required amount of Elemental Nature Score Increase
energy points for that technique and that energy must be of When you reach 4th level, and again at 10th, 15th, and 19th
the techinque's level. You regain all expended energy points level, your Earth Nature increases by 2.
when you finish a long rest.
You prepare the list of Earth techniques that are available for Elemental Affinity
you to perform, choosing from the Earth Bender Technique When you reach 5th level, you hone and master your skills
list. When you do so, choose a number of Earth techniques over a specific aspect of the element of Earth. Once you take
equal to your Strength modifier + your Earth Bender level an affinity, you gain features from your chosen archtype at
(minimum of one technique). The techniques must be of a 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th Level.
level for which you have energy points.
For example, if you are a 3rd-level Earth Bender, you have 15 Companion
1st-level energy points, 10 2nd-level energy points, and 5 3rd- This is a harsh world, and you need all the friends and allies
level energy points. With a Strength of 16, your list of you can get. You will receive a special, class appropriate
prepared spells can include six spells of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level, companion during a special mission when you reach 5th
in any combination. level. Your companion is determined by your Element,
You can change your list of prepared techniques when you Physical Class, and your chosen elemental affinity. Your
finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of Earth techniques companion gains new features, abilities, and many other new
requires time spent in meditation and training: at least 10 and powerful aspects as you level up. They gain these
minute per technique level for each technique on your list. features at 11th and 21st level.

Toughness Stone Skin
At 1st level, as an Earth Bender, you gain proficiency in the Starting at 6th level, with your furthering connection to the
skill Toughness. For each point in your toughness skill, you element of earth, you start to become more like it. You skin
gain an addition to your AC equal to that number. becomes a light grey pigment is not unlike common stone in
For Example: If you are wearing a Breastplate (18 AC) and material. This increases your AC by +1 and your Constitution
have +2 Toughness, you would have a total of 20 AC. score by +2.

Leap Earthen Strength
At 1st level, with your given endurance as an Earth Bender, At 6th level, your physcial traits start to enhance due to your
you gain proficiency in the skill Leap. For each point in your continued connection with the earth. Your strength score is
leap skill, your jumping ability increase by 5ft. per point. increased by +2, and your Strength and Constitution scores
For Example: If you have +2 in your leaping skill, you can can exceed 20 (to a max of 24).
jump an extra 10ft.

Bending Improvements Fists of the Mountain
As you gain levels in the Earth Bender class, you gain more Starting at 16th level, you gain the ability to create two, giant
power of the forces that you command. Once you reach 8th fists made of the solid rock around you. These fists last a
level, your bending abilities change and advance as followed: number of turns equal to your elemental nature modifier. To
summon these fists, you must spend a bonus action to mold
Energy Cost: The cost of all techniques involving the the earth around you into the levitating fists. You may make
moving, transformation and general usage of the element one attack for each fist on each of your turns, that don't take
you command are halved. an action to use. Each fist deals 1d6 + Strength Mod + Earth
Range: The range of all techniques invloving your element Nature Mod in Earth Damage and 1d6 + Strength Mod +
are doubled. Earth Nature Mod in Bludgeoning Damage for each fist. You
may target the same creature with both fists or two targets,
Once you reach 20th level, your bending abilities advance each with one fist. The fists have a range of 40 feet, with you
even further, including the following: as the center.

Duel-Bending: If you use a technique that takes a full Mind of Stone
action, you can then, as a free action, use another Starting at 21st level, your mind starts to become that of the
technique that takes a full action to perform directly after solid earth itself. You gain resistance to psychic damage and
your first technique. You can only use this ability a number you have advantage against any charming spell or attack.
of times equal to your elemental nature modifier before
having to take a Long Rest. Earth Immunity
Multi-Bending: If you use a technique that only has the At the 23rd level, you become the living manifestation of the
capability of effecting a single creature, you can target element of earth. You are immune to all earth and
multiple creatures at a time equal to your elemental bluedgeoning damage.
nature modifier (to a max of 3: Hitting a total of 4
creatures). You can use this ability a number of times Ultimate Elemental Nature
equal to your elemental nature modifier before having to Once you reach the 25th level, your elemental nature is
take a Long Rest. increased to its max (20). You also gain the ability to create a
1 foot by 1 foot cube, sphere, or any other shape of your
Mountain's Stillness element. You may use this feature once per Long Rest
Starting at 11th level, you have advantage against all effects
that would cause you to be knocked prone, go unconcious, Master Companion
become paralyzed or stunned, and pushed back. Your companion has now reached its final form, gaining their
Master Feature. This feature is described on your
Energy Overcharge companion's feature tree.
Starting at 13th level, you gain the ability to use energy
overcharge. This ability allows you to use a technique that
you have prepared, and perform it even if you don't meet the
energy requirements to perform it OR You can overcharge a
technique that you do meet the requirements for, but you
double its effects. Once you use this ability, you gain a point of
fatigue, which can cause multiple conditions to occur, such

One Point: You have disadvantage on your next attack
Two Points: You temporarily lose -2 AC
Three Points: Your movement speed is halved
Four Points: Your weapon damage is halved
Five Points: Your current health is reduced by half
Depending on the power of the technique in question, you
may gain more than one point of fatigue per use. You lose one
point of fatigue at the start of your turn.

Fear of the Earth
Starting at 13th level, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation
skill. If you already have this proficiency, you gain expertise in
it, doubling the effect.

Affinity: Metal Affinity: Sand
You've chosen to test your skills, rather than mastering just You've chosen to test your skills, rather than mastering just
the earth itself, you've decided to master it's minerals. You've the earth itself, you've decided to master it's lesser aspects,
gained the ability to bend metal to your will just as you can making them stronger. You've gained the ability to bend the
with the earth. sand, dirt, gravel, and other loose earth to your will just as you
can with the solid earth.
Metal Skin
Body of Sand
Starting at 5th level, instead of taking the stone skin feature,
you've decided to go even further beyond. Your skin shifts and Starting at 5th level, while also taking the stone skin feature
turns, becoming solid, shining metal. This increases your AC at 6th level, you also gain the ability to turn into the sand
by +3 and your Constitution score by +4. Your skin is not of itself. Along with the Stone Skin feature, you may also
natural metal, therefor another earth bender with the affinity effectively disolve into a pile of sand, and re-materialize back
of metal cannot you there abilities to bend your body, and into your true form. You can use this feature to move up to 20
neither can you. feet worth in free movement (Not taking your own movement
speed). As a reaction, you may also use this feature to gain
Magnetism advantage on all ranged attacks made against you, having
them phase through you, just like a wall of sand.
Starting at 10th level, with your body being that of solid
metal, you have now gained the ability to make yourself Sand Storm
magnetic at will. This allows you to magnetise to any metal
surface and stand your ground. At 10th level, you can call forth a small sandstorm around
your enemies. At the beginning of combat, you can use this
Metal Skin Shift ability to force your enemies within a radius of 40 feet,
centered at a point that you can see within 100 feet, to make
Starting at 15th level, you gain the ability to warp your body, a Dexterity saving throw. If they fail the save, they get
creating one of the following: disadvantage on their initiative roll and take 1d6 + Strength
Modifier + Earth Nature Modifer in Earth Damage. On a
Bladed Hands: You can shift your hands and forearms passed save they take half-damage and don't take
into that of large blades. You can make attacks with these disadvantage on their initiative rolls. You can use this feature
blades as if they were longswords. These weapons can not a number of times equal to your Earth Nature Score Modifier
be disarmed, due to the fact that they are apart of you. before having to take a long rest.
Thorned Skin: You can warp the surface of your skin into
small, metallic spikes. Any creature that makes a melee Sands of Time
attack against you must make a Constitution Saving
throw, or take 1d8 Piercing Damage. It takes a bonus Starting at 15th level, you gain the foresight of the Sands of
action to bend your body in this way, and a full action to Time. When you use this ability, you gain the following
switch between them. Once you leave combat, your body effects:
reverts to its normal, smooth metallic form.
Pecognition: You have advantage on your next action.
Fists of Steel Awarness: You have advantage on all saving throws until
the start of your next turn.
Once you reach 16th level, and recieve the ability Fists of the Quick Action: All creatures have disadvantage on all
Mountain, you can instead form them out of metal if there is attacks against you until the end of your next turn.
enough metal nearby to bend. The damage die for the fists go You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
from 1d6 each, to 1d10 each. Earth Nature modifier before taking a Short or Long rest.

Master of Metal Dune Fists

Once you reach 20th level, you have begun to master the Once you reach 16th level, and recieve the ability Fists of the
movement of metal. You can now have the choice to bend Mountain, you can instead form four, smaller hands made of
metal or earth on your earth bender techniques that require sand. The same rules of apply, except the damage die for each
earth to perform. fist goes from a 1d6 to a 1d4. You can decide to use two of the
Dune Fists on a single creature, adding the damage, and
Metal Resistance forcing them to make a Constitution save. If they fail the save,
they are grappled by the hands until the start of your next
At 20th level, you become resistant to all metal damage. turn. You can attempt to grapple them again on your turn,
making them make another Constitution save. On a passed
Dominus of Metal save, they break the hand's grips.

Upon reaching 25th level, you become a true master of metal. Master of Sand
Gaining the following features:
Once you reach 20th level, you have begun to master the
Metal Overcharge: Whenever you use the overcharge movement of sand. You can now have the choice to bend sand
feature on a earth technique while bending metal instead and loose earth or solid earth on your earth bender
of earth, the effects are tripled for a technique that you can techniques that require earth to perform.
already perform.
Metal Elemental Nature: When you use your Ultimate
Elemental Nature feature, you can create pure metal
instead of pure earth if you so choose.

Sand Resistance

At 20th level, you become resistant to all effects and damage
that would otherwise cause you to loose your vision or sight.

Sultan of Sand

Upon reaching 25th level, you become a true master over the
dunes. Gaining the following features:

Sand Overcharge: Whenever you use the overcharge
feature on a earth technique while bending sand instead
of earth, the effects are tripled for a technique that you can
already perform.
Sand Elemental Nature: When you use your Ultimate
Elemental Nature feature, you can create a 10 by 10 foot
area of sand instead of pure earth if you so choose.

The Fire Benderwar party passes through a forest path they Whether you were born with the power to twist the rage of
have taken regularly, but this time, somethings flame and trained with it, recently discovered that you even
wrong. Instead of the lush and green forest, had this amazing gift or curse, or if you were given these
there was in its place, black trees, burnt to a powers by a greater being, the same notion applies to all: You
have been chosen for a reason...
Acrisp. Dead, brown bushes stand in the places of
once lively ones. A great fire had started here Quickbuild
and destroyed everything. They felt, like they
were being eatched. They turn, and there stand a woman, You can make an Fire Bender quickly by following these
with hands engulfed in blazing flame. The final screams of suggestions. First, make Charisma your highest ability score.
the war party that echoed throughout the now ashen valley Your next highest ability score should be Dexterity. Then pick
are still remembered by the local villages... Charisma and Dexterity based proficiencies in your
Creating an Fire Bender

The Fire Bender

Proficiency Innates 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Level Bonus Features Known 5

1st +2 Bending, Ashen Teleport, Fire Aura, Fire 3

2nd +2 Flame's Control 3 10 5
3rd +2 Growing Fire, Fire Resistance 3 15 10 5
4 20 15 10 5
4th +2 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 4 25 20 15 10 5
5th +3 Elemental Affinity, Companion 4 30 25 20 15 10 5
4 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
6th +3 Flames of Retribution, Cunning Flames 4 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
7th +3 Flame's Control & Growing Fire Improvement 4 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10
5 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15
8th +3 Bending Improvement 5 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20
9th +4 5 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25
5 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30
10th +4 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 5 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35
11th +4 Fiery Hatred, Companion Improvement 5 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40
5 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45
12th +4 5 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50
5 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55
13th +5 Energy Overcharge, Fear the Fire 5 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60
5 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65
14th +5 5 100 95 90 85 80 75 70
5 100 95 90 85 80 75
15th +5 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 5 100 95 90 85 80
5 100 95 90 85
16th +5 Blazing Serpents, Bending Improvement 6 100 90 90

17th +6

18th +6 Flame's Control & Growing Fire Improvement
19th +6 Elemental Nature Score Improvement

20th +6 Bending Improvement
21st +7 Heart of Fire, Companion Improvement

22nd +7

23rd +7 Fire Immunity

24th +7

25th +8 Ultimate Elemental Nature, Master Companion


Class Features Fire Aura
At 1st level, with your given rage as a Fire Bender, you gain
As an Fire Bender, you gain the following class features. proficiency in the skill Fire Aura. If an enemey makes a
successful melee attack against you, they will take fire
Hit Points damage. For each point in your fire aura skill, the damage is
increased by 1 for each point.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Fire Bender Level For Example: If you have +6 in your fire aura skill, your
Hit points at 1st level: 8 + your constitution modifier and attacker will take an automatic 6 fire damage.
your fire nature modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your constitution Flame's Control
modifier and your fire nature modifier per Fire Bender level Starting at 2nd level, you have the ability to control the nature
after 1st. of fire. You have the ability to hault the spread of your flames
if need be. You also gain the following abilities at certain
Bending levels.

Innates: Flame's Mercy: At 7th level, you can now keep your fire
from harming up to your Fire Nature's Modifier in
At 1st level, you know three innates of your choice from the creatures.
Fire Bender's Technique List. You learn additional Fire Propulsion: At 18th level, you can now control your
Bender Innates of your choice at higher levels, as shown in flames to such a point, that you can use them to effectively
the Innates Known column of the Fire Bender table. fly, giving yourself a natural flying speed of 60 feet.

Energy Points: Growing Fire
Upon leveling up to 3rd level, along with the rest of your
The Fire Bender table shows how much energy you have to leveling bonuses, you gain an extra 5 maximum health points.
use your techniques of lst level and higher. To cast one of You gain an extra 10 at 7th level, and finally and extra 20 at
these techniques, you must expend the required amount of 18th level.
energy points for that technique and that energy must be of
the techinque's level. You regain all expended energy points Fire Resistance
when you finish a long rest. At 3rd level, you gain the same endurance of the burning fire
You prepare the list of Fire techniques that are available for itself. You become resistant to all fire damage, and your are
you to perform, choosing from the Fire Bender Technique resistant to all piercing damage from non-mystical attacks.
list. When you do so, choose a number of Fire techniques
equal to your Charisma modifier + your Fire Bender level Elemental Nature Score Increase
(minimum of one technique). The techniques must be of a When you reach 4th level, and again at 10th, 15th, and 19th
level for which you have energy points. level, your Fire Nature increases by 2.
For example, if you are a 3rd-level Fire Bender, you have 15
1st-level energy points, 10 2nd-level energy points, and 5 3rd- Elemental Affinity
level energy points. With a Charisma of 16, your list of When you reach 5th level, you hone and master your skills
prepared techniques can include six techniques of 1st, 2nd, over a specific aspect of the element of Fire. Once you take
or 3rd level, in any combination. an affinity, you gain features from your chosen archtype at
You can change your list of prepared techniques when you 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th Level.
finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of Fire techniques
requires time spent in meditation and training: at least 10 Companion
minutes per technique level for each technique on your list. This is a harsh world, and you need all the friends and allies
you can get. You will receive a special, class appropriate
Fire Generation companion during a special mission when you reach 5th
Unlike that of other benders, fire benders are the only one level. Your companion is determined by your Element,
who can generate their own element, without having to use Physical Class, and your chosen elemental affinity. Your
pre-existing flames. This makes them much more formittable. companion gains new features, abilities, and many other new
and powerful aspects as you level up. They gain these
Ashen Teleport features at 11th and 21st level.
At 1st level, as a Fire Bender, you gain proficiency in the skill
Ashen Teleport. This traits allows you to combust yourself
into a pile of ash, then rematerialize back into your true form
in another space. For each point in your ashen teleport skill,
you can move 5ft. per point.
For Example: If you have a +2 in your ashen teleport skill, you
can teleport 10 feet.

Flames of Retribution Three Points: Your movement speed is halved
Starting at 6th level, you become the embodyment of the Four Points: Your weapon damage is halved
explosive rage of fire itself. Upon being reduced to 0 Hit Five Points: Your current health is reduced by half
Points, all creatures within a 40 foot radius must make a Depending on the power of the technique in question, you
Dexterity Saving throw. Firey energy explodes from your may gain more than one point of fatigue per use. You lose one
body, dealing 10d6 fire damage to all creatures that failed the point of fatigue at the start of your turn.
check, and half as much to those who passed. You must take
a long rest before using this feature again. Fear the Fire
Starting at 13th level, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation
Cunning Flames skill. If you already have this proficiency, you gain expertise in
At 6th level, your strategic and influential mind widens due to it, doubling the effect.
your continued exposure to the elemental flames. Your
Charisma score is increased by +3, and your Charisma and Blazing Serpents
Dexterity scores can exceed 20 (to a max of 24). Starting at 16th level, you gain the ability to create two,
medium serpents made of blazing flame. These serpents last
Bending Improvements a number of turns equal to your elemental nature modifier. To
As you gain levels in the Fire Bender class, you gain more summon these serpents, you must spend your entire turn to
power of the forces that you command. Once you reach 8th generate enough fire to morph these creatures. You may
level, your bending abilities change and advance as followed: make one attack for each serpent on each of your turns, that
don't take an action to use. Each serpent deals 1d8 +
Energy Cost: The cost of all techniques involving the Charisma Mod + Fire Nature Mod in Fire Damage. You may
moving, transformation and general usage of the element target two different creatures (one for each serpent) OR you
you command are halved. can target the same creature with both, deal the same
Range: The range of all techniques invloving your element amount of damage, and attempt to constrict them. The
are doubled. creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or be grappled
for its next turn. You can use their action the next round to re-
Once you reach 20th level, your bending abilities advance grapple, making them take the save again.
even further, including the following: Upon the end of the serpent's cycle, they will disperse in a
small, fiery explosion. All creatures within 10ft. of the serpent
Duel-Bending: If you use a technique that takes a full must make a Dexterity saving throw, or take 1d6 + Fire
action, you can then, as a free action, use another Nature mod in Fire Damage.
technique that takes a full action to perform directly after
your first technique. You can only use this ability a number and 1d6 + Strength Mod + Earth Nature Mod in
of times equal to your elemental nature modifier before Bludgeoning Damage for each fist. You may target the same
having to take a Long Rest. creature with both fists or two targets, each with one fist. The
Multi-Bending: If you use a technique that only has the fists have a range of 40 feet, with you as the center.
capability of effecting a single creature, you can target
multiple creatures at a time equal to your elemental Heart of Fire
nature modifier (to a max of 3: Hitting a total of 4 Starting at 21st level, your heart starts to become that of the
creatures). You can use this ability a number of times unyielding fire itself. You gain resistance to lifesteal damage
equal to your elemental nature modifier before having to and you have advantage against any charming spell or attack.
take a Long Rest.
Fire Immunity
Fiery Hatred At the 23rd level, you become the living manifestation of the
Starting at 11th level, you have advantage against all effects element of fire. You are immune to all fire and piercing
that would cause you to be knocked prone, go unconcious, damage.
become paralyzed or stunned, and pushed back.
Ultimate Elemental Nature
Energy Overcharge Once you reach the 25th level, your elemental nature is
Starting at 13th level, you gain the ability to use energy increased to its max (20). You also gain the ability to give
overcharge. This ability allows you to use a technique that yourself advantage on initiative rolls. You can use this feature
you have prepared, and perform it even if you don't meet the a number of times equal to your fire nature modifier per Long
energy requirements to perform it OR You can overcharge a Rest.
technique that you do meet the requirements for, but you
double its effects. Once you use this ability, you gain a point of Master Companion
fatigue, which can cause multiple conditions to occur, such Your companion has now reached its final form, gaining their
as: Master Feature. This feature is described on your
companion's feature tree.
One Point: You have disadvantage on your next attack
Two Points: You temporarily lose -2 AC

Affinity: Lightning Affinity: Magma
You've chosen to test your skills, rather than mastering just You've chosen to test your skills, rather than mastering just
creation of fire, you've decided to master the conduction of the fire itself, you've decided to master it's more solid form.
something stronger. You've gained the ability to bend You've gained the ability to bend the fire within the earth,
lightning to your will just as you can with fire. creating magma.

Lightning Aura Body of Magma

Starting at 5th level, instead of dealing fire damage with your Starting at 5th level, your skin hardens slightly, forming small,
Fire Aura skill, you can instead deal the same amount of glowing cracks of fiery energy in certain parts of your body.
damage in Lightning Damage instead. You gain a natural +1 to your AC.

Bolts of Redemption Minor Eruption

Starting at 10th level, when you are droped to 0 hit points, Starting at 10th level, you can use your action to cause an
instead of dispersing fire energy, you can disperse elctric eruption of lava burst from the ground. You choose a spot
energy. All creatures within a 20 foot radius must make a within 10 feet of you and thrust a chaotic bolt of fire into the
Dexterity Saving throw or take 5d6 of lightning damage and ground, causing a small volcano caldera rise from the ground.
be stunned for their next turn. If they pass the check, then A rain of fire sweeps across a 60 foot radius. Every creature
they tak half damage, and are not stunned. This ability is in the area must make a Constitution saving throw or take
much more controlled than the former, thereby, allies will not 4d4 fire damage, or half as much on a passed save. The
be effected. caldera sinks back into the ground, and the rain of fire ends.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your fire
Lightning Phasing nature modifier before having to take a Long Rest.

Starting at 15th level, you can temporarily convert parts of Flowing Lava
your body into phasing energy. You can stay in this state for 1
minute, and can phase your arm or other smaller parts of Starting at 15th level, as an action, you can thrust enough fire
your body through up to 2 feet of solid material. Once you use into the earth, creating a pool of flowing lava in a 30 foot
this ability, you must wait 1 hour to recover. radius of the center of the fire. You can make the center of the
pool at a spot you can see with 60 feet of yourself. The
Storm Serpents following effects apply to the area of lava:

Once you reach 16th level, and recieve the ability Blazing Difficult Terrain: The area of the lava becomes difficult
Serpents, you can instead form them out of lightning. The terrain.
damage die for the serpents go from 1d6 each, to 1d8 each. Burning Lava: All creatures within the area must make a
Dealing lightning damage instead of fire. Dexterity Saving throw, or take 6d6 Fire Damage and half
as much on a passed save. They must continue making
Master of Lightning the save at the start of each of their turns until they leave
the area.
Once you reach 20th level, you have begun to master the The lava lasts an amount of turns equal to your fire nature
conduction of lightning. You can now have the choice to bend modifier. You must complete a long rest before being able to
lightning or fire on your fire bender techniques that require use this feature again.
fire to perform.
Volcanic Serpents
Lightning Resistance
Once you reach 16th level, and recieve the ability Blazing
At 20th level, you become resistant to all lightning damage. Serpents, you can instead form them out of magma if you
have enough earth nearby to create it. The serpents while
Lord of Lightning made of magma cannot use their constrict ability. The
damage of the serpents becomes 1d4 + Fire Nature Mod in
Upon reaching 25th level, you become a true master of fire damage and 1d8 + Fire Nature Mod in bludgeoning
lightning. Gaining the following features: damage.

lightning Overcharge: Whenever you use the overcharge Master of Magma
feature on a fire technique while bending lighting instead
of fire, you quadruple the effects of the technique, but you Once you reach 20th level, you have begun to master the
instantly gain 5 points of fatigue. You may use overcharge manipulation of magma. You can now have the choice to
in this way twice per short rest. bend fire into the solid earth and using it on any of your fire
Lightning Bolt: When you use your Ultimate Elemental techniques. If you decide to bend magam instead of fire, the
Nature feature, you can use your bonus action to conduct damage on fire techniques goe from piercing to bludgeoning.
a bolt of lightning, thrusting it at the closest target. On a
hit, the bolt deals 6d8 Lightning Damage.

Magma Resistance

At 20th level, because of your new found manipulation of the
earth into magam, you become resistant to all earth damage.

Herald of Lava

Upon reaching 25th level, you become a true master over the
manipulation of magma. Gaining the following features:

Sand Overcharge: Whenever you use the overcharge
feature on a earth technique while bending sand instead
of earth, the effects are tripled for a technique that you can
already perform.
Magma Elemental Nature: When you use your Ultimate
Elemental Nature feature, instead of taking the
advantage on initiative, you can create a 3 by 3 foot ball of
magma to use for your abilities.

The Water BenderSimic wanders the coastline, in search of a Creating an Water bender
good spot to start fishing for the day. The winds
are unyielding, the waves are crushing, and the Whether you were born with the power to bend the waves
fog is almost unbreachable. He places down his and trained with it, recently discovered that you even had this
amazing gift, or if you were given these powers by a greater
Anets and his baskets at the edge of the waves. being, the same notion applies to all: You have been chosen
He puts his hands together and pulls them for a reason...
apart, splitting the waves down the middle. The
fish and other marine life sit on what was the covered bed of Quickbuild
the shore, as he grasps a crate, and starts to collect his haul.
His village will eat very well tonight, so can be the simple life You can make an Water Bender quickly by following these
of the Water Bender... suggestions. First, make Wisdom your highest ability score.
Your next highest ability score should be Constitution. Then
pick Wisdom based proficiencies in your background.

The Water Bender

Level Proficiency Features Cantrips 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Bonus Known 5
10 5
1st +2 Bending, Regeneration, Tentacle of Water 3 15 10 5
3 20 15 10 5
2nd +2 Fluid Blink 3 25 20 15 10 5
4 30 25 20 15 10 5
3rd +2 Speed of the Deep, Water Resistance 4 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
4th +2 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 4

5th +3 Elemental Affinity, Companion

6th +3 Liquid Life, Water's Wisdom

7th +3 Fluid Blink & Speed of the Deep

8th +3 Bending Improvement 4 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
4 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10
9th +4 5 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15
5 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20
10th +4 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 5 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25
5 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30
11th +4 Unmoving Waves, Companion Improvement 5 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35
5 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40
12th +4 5 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45
5 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50
13th +5 Energy Overcharge, Healing of Water 5 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55

14th +5

15th +5 Elemental Nature Score Improvement

16th +5 Shield of the Sea, Bending Improvement

17th +6

18th +6 Fluid Blink & Speed of the Deep

19th +6 Elemental Nature Score Improvement 5 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60
5 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65
20th +6 Bending Improvement 5 100 95 90 85 80 75 70
5 100 95 90 85 80 75
21st +7 Body of Water, Companion Improvement 5 100 95 90 85 80
5 100 95 90 85
22nd +7 6 100 90 90

23rd +7 Water Immunity

24th +7

25th +8 Ultimate Elemental Nature, Master


Class Features Tentacle of Water
At 1st level, with your given control as a Water Bender, you
As an Water Bender, you gain the following class features. gain proficiency in the skill Tentacle. As a bonus action, you
can sprout a tentacle comprised completely of water from
Hit Points your back. You can use the tentacle as a free attack or grapple
action. The tentacle deals 1d4 + Wisdom Modifier + Water
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Water Bender Level Nature Modifier in water damage. You gain an additional
Hit points at 1st level: 8 + your constitution modifier and tentacles at 10th level, another at 20th level, and a final one at
your water nature modifier 25th level.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your constitution
modifier and your water nature modifier per Water Bender For each point in your tentacle skill, your tentacle's length
level after 1st. increases by 5ft. per point.
For Example: If you have +2 in your Tentaclse skill, your
Bending tentacle has a length of 10 feet.

Innates: Fluid Blink
When you reach 2nd level, you can use a bonus action to
At 1st level, you know three innates of your choice from the revert your body to that of a liquid, and travel up 30 feet
Water Bender's Technique List. You learn additional Water The range of your fluid blink increases by 30 feet at 7th and
Bender Innates of your choice at higher levels, as shown in 18th Level, to a max of 90 feet.
the Innates Known column of the Water Bender table.
Speed of the Deep
Energy Points: Starting at 3rd level, you gain a swimming speed equal to
your movement speed (If you are a creature that gets a
The Water Bender table shows how much energy you have to swimming speed, then it is additive).
use your techniques of lst level and higher. To cast one of Your swimming speed increases by 30 feet at 7th and 18th
these techniques, you must expend the required amount of level.
energy points for that technique and that energy must be of
the techinque's level. You regain all expended energy points Water Resistance
when you finish a long rest. At 3rd level, you gain the same warping nature of water itself.
You prepare the list of Water techniques that are available for You become resistant to all water damage, and your are
you to perform, choosing from the Water Bender Technique resistant to all crushing damage from non-magical attacks.
list. When you do so, choose a number of Water techniques
equal to your Wisdom modifier + your Water Bender level Elemental Nature Score Increase
(minimum of one technique). The techniques must be of a When you reach 4th level, and again at 10th, 15th, and 19th
level for which you have energy points. level, your Water Nature increases by 2.
For example, if you are a 3rd-level Water Bender, you have 15
1st-level energy points, 10 2nd-level energy points, and 5 3rd- Elemental Affinity
level energy points. With a Wisdom of 16, your list of When you reach 5th level, you hone and master your skills
prepared spells can include six techniques of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd over a specific aspect of the element of water. Once you take
level, in any combination. an affinity, you gain features from your chosen archtype at
You can change your list of prepared techniques when you 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th Level.
finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of Water techniques
requires time spent in meditation and training: at least 10 Companion
minute per technique level for each technique on your list. This is a harsh world, and you need all the friends and allies
you can get. You will receive a special, class appropriate
Regeneration companion during a special mission when you reach 5th
At 1st level, as a Water Bender, you gain proficiency in the level. Your companion is determined by your Element,
skill Regeneration. You regain a number of health points Physical Class, and your chosen elemental affinity. Your
each turn from the roll of a die size of the number in that skill. companion gains new features, abilities, and many other new
For Example: If you have +6 in your regeneration skill, roll a and powerful aspects as you level up. They gain these
1d6, and you regain that number of health points. features at 11th and 21st level.


Liquid Life Five Points: Your current health is reduced by half
Starting at 6th level, you now contain the lifeblood of the Depending on the power of the technique in question, you
element of water. You now have the ability to resurrect a may gain more than one point of fatigue per use. You lose one
creature with enough water to fill their body, if they have been point of fatigue at the start of your turn.
dead no longer than 1 hour. You can use this ability once per
short or long rest. Healing of Water
Starting at 13th level, you gain proficiency in the medicine
Water's Wisdom skill. If you already have this proficiency, you gain expertise in
At 6th level, your spiritual traits start to enhance due to your it, doubling the effect.
continued connection with the water. Your wisdom score is
increased by +2, and your Wisdom and Constitution scores Shield of the Sea
can exceed 20 (to a max of 24). Starting at 16th level, you gain the ability to create a layer of
mystic water around your body. To summon this shield, you
Bending Improvements must spend a bonus action to pull the water around you into
As you gain levels in the Earth Bender class, you gain more a thin, moving layer over your body. The shield gives you
power of the forces that you command. Once you reach 8th temporary health point equal to 10 + Wisdom Modifier +
level, your bending abilities change and advance as followed: Water Nature Modifer x 5.

Energy Cost: The cost of all techniques involving the Body of Water
moving, transformation and general usage of the element Starting at 21st level, your body starts to become that of the
you command are halved. raging sea itself. You gain resistance to all physical damage.
Range: The range of all techniques invloving your element
are doubled. Water Immunity
At the 23rd level, you become the living manifestation of the
Once you reach 20th level, your bending abilities advance element of water. You are immune to all water and crushing
even further, including the following: damage.

Duel-Bending: If you use a technique that takes a full Ultimate Elemental Nature
action, you can then, as a free action, use another Once you reach the 25th level, your elemental nature is
technique that takes a full action to perform directly after increased to its max (20). You also gain the ability to create a
your first technique. You can only use this ability a number 1 foot by 1 foot cube, sphere, or any other shape of your
of times equal to your elemental nature modifier before element. You may use this feature once per Long Rest
having to take a Long Rest.
Multi-Bending: If you use a technique that only has the Master Companion
capability of effecting a single creature, you can target Your companion has now reached its final form, gaining their
multiple creatures at a time equal to your elemental Master Feature. This feature is described on your
nature modifier (to a max of 3: Hitting a total of 4 companion's feature tree.
creatures). You can use this ability a number of times
equal to your elemental nature modifier before having to
take a Long Rest.

Unmoving Waves
Starting at 11th level, you have advantage against all effects
that would cause you to be knocked prone, go unconcious,
become paralyzed or stunned, and pushed back.

Energy Overcharge
Starting at 13th level, you gain the ability to use energy
overcharge. This ability allows you to use a technique that
you have prepared, and perform it even if you don't meet the
energy requirements to perform it OR You can overcharge a
technique that you do meet the requirements for, but you
double its effects. Once you use this ability, you gain a point of
fatigue, which can cause multiple conditions to occur, such

One Point: You have disadvantage on your next attack
Two Points: You temporarily lose -2 AC
Three Points: Your movement speed is halved
Four Points: Your weapon damage is halved


Affinity: Blood Affinity: Ice
You've chosen to test your skills, rather than mastering just You've chosen to test your skills, rather than mastering just
the water itself, you've decided to master it's darker potential. the water itself, you've decided to master it's solid form.
You've gained the ability to bend blood to your will just as you You've gained the ability to bend the frigid ice to your will just
can with the water. as you can with the water.

Dark Life Blood Cryo Skin

Starting at 5th level, you can now use a bonud action to bend Starting at 5th level, with your new found mastery over the
blood and transfer it between one creature and another. If the ice, you start to become more like it. As a bonus action, you
creature is willing, they instantly take 1d6 + Wisdom Modifier can turn your skin into that of solid, freezing ice. This
+ Water Nature Modifier water damage, and the recipent increases your AC by +2 and you are immune to all ice
ragains 1d6 + Wisdom Modifier + Water Nature Modifier damage while in this state. You can stay in this state a
health points. The range of this ability is 30 feet. number of turns equal to your Water Nature Modifier before
having to take a Short Rest.
If the creature is not willing, they must make a Constitution
saving throw. If they fail, then the same rules of transfer apply. Freezing Touch
If they pass, then they are unaffected.
At 5th level, you now have the ability to freeze water, turning
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your it into ice.
Water Nature Modifier before taking a short rest. In addition, you can use a free action to touch an ally that has
been down and put them in a semi-cryogenic state, instantly
Blood Sap stabalizing them.

Starting at 10th level, you gain a deepening sense and control Tomb of Ice
over the blood of others. As an action, you can steal a large
amount of blood from the body of a creature within 60 feet. At 10th level, as a bonus action, you can blast up to three
The target must make a constitution saving throw, and take creatures with a spray of water, and then freeze that water
4d10 of water damage. On a passed save, they take half around them, trapping them for their next two turns. Each
damage. creature must make a Constitution Saving throw, or become
entombed. If they pass the save, their feet are still frozen to
You can either disperse the blood, or store the blood in a the ground and cannot move until the start of their next turn.
container for later use. If the creature happens to be a fire creature or bender, they
are only frozen for one turn if they fail, and they are
Master of Blood unaffected if they pass.

Once you reach 15th level, you have begun to master the Cryo Master
movement of blood. You can now have the choice to bend the
blood that is either your own or the blood that you have Once you reach 15th level, you have begun to master the
stored and collected on your water bender techniques that formation of water. You can now have the choice to bend solid
require water to perform. ice or water with your water bender techniques that require
water to perform.
Blood Defense
Cold Resistance
Once you reach 15th level, your blood can no longer be
bended by anyone other than yourself. At 20th level, you become resistant to cold damage.

Blood Puppeteer Bishop of Ice

Once you reach 20th level, you have begun to master the Upon reaching 25th level, you become a true master over the
control of blood. As a bonus action, you can now control all of dunes. Gaining the following features:
the blood in the body of another creature. The creature must
make a disadvantage constitution saving throw, or be Ice Overcharge: Whenever you use the overcharge
controlled by you for their next turn. You can use this ability a feature on a water technique while bending ice instead of
number of times equal to your Water Nature Modifier before water, the effects are tripled for a technique that you can
taking a short rest. It takes your bonus action to control that already perform.
target's action at the start of their next turn. Ice Tentactles: You can now, as a bonus action,
temporarily freeze parts of you water tentacles, turning
Count of Blood their damage into a 1d8. They are frozen like this as part
of their attack action, then they defrost after their action.
Upon reaching 25th level, you become a true master of blood. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Gaining the following features: Water Nature Modifier.

Blood Overcharge: Whenever you use the overcharge
feature on a water technique while bending blood instead
of water, the effects are tripled for a technique that you
can already perform.
Blood Elemental Nature: When you use your Ultimate
Elemental Nature feature, you can create pure blood
instead of pure water if you so choose.



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