Poems and Color Gestures from
2018-2021 3-Year Certification Program Graduates
Awaiting with openness, the gentle reception of the hands of God,
I prepare my chalice in freedom to receive and connect,
The flight of communion into my heart, bestowed by the Holy Spirit.
Bestowed communion by the Holy Spirit, the flight into my heart,
Connects and receives in freedom into my prepared chalice,
As the hands of God are gently received with openness, as I am awaiting.
-- JoyceL
“the tree of life and knowledge”
My Spiritual Community
Touched by the Holy Spirit
Love takes flight
I am seeing
Whitsun Salvation Light
Wings of love
Radiant flight
Resurrected and seen
Eye in the sky
Ahh Freedom!
Veronica’s Poem
In my selfhood,
within my Sphere-Self,
we are bridging in communion,
a warm recognition,
of one to the other.
In fun-ness and in our unique totality,
while we speak the Verse for America,
in our various worldwide languages,
I sense a growing togetherness,
a Unity of Spirit.
The image should have the little yellow seed-germ/spark at the top of the page. It should look like it is
coming down towards the circle of rainbow-like colors. I worked with an image that came from the word
How the first breath
encompasses the birthing
of the
Ever onward
To new horizons!
Interweaving Poem: One Cave, Two Caves (Red Caves, Blue Caves)…
One Cave
I stand in my dark cave of consciousness
Surrounded by Beings of Light:
Seven Planetary Beings of Time
Twelves Zodiacal Beings of Space
Nine Hierarchical Beings of God
Three Divine Beings of Love.
I had completely forgotten they were there.
I felt alone and locked in my cave
Cut off from the dazzling Light
Of both the inner and the outer Suns.
Imprisoned by mirrors of doubt, fear and hate
I longed to be rescued by br/others.
I longed to be rescued from my doubt and my fear
But when the others I turned to couldn’t release me
Good Heavens, I erupted with hate.
Little did I know then,
The job could not be done from outside.
I tried breaking out
But that only strengthened the walls
The only way out was to grow
The little love I had with me…my treasure.
Then into this space, grew the light of a child
A light more powerful than two suns
As he turned on his light, what a mess I did find
I’ve been cleaning it up ever since.
I have cleaned and have cleaned
Until a small space was made
To let in the Love of the Christ.
Only that Love could dissolve
The walls I had built
And free the jailers so the jailed could be freed.
Two (or More) Caves Interweaving
Two caves of consciousness meet in this realm
Drenched in both the Light and the Dark.
With what conduct do we agree to proceed?
You show me yours, and I’ll show you mine,
Oh, what a mess we will make.
I stand before your cave with great trepidation
As I stand in the forecourt of mine.
There are places in both that scare me to hate
Those are places I don’t want to go.
You have feelers in yours that can reach into mine
Into those very places I don’t want to go.
I will blame you for taking me there.
I have the same feelers in mine that can reach into yours
Perhaps we should stay far away.
But we both have treasures, as well, hidden inside
That could light up the deep darkest sea.
So we could agree to get close
Dare to enter the dark
And face the dangers we know to be there.
We could search for the Suns hidden inside us
With the help of the Bright Outer Sun
I would rather do that than stay alone in my cave
Are you willing to go there with me?
O mysterious membrane
Secret realm
Mirror and variegated reflection
Between Co-existence and destruction
O mysterious membrane
Secret realm
Flowing river of life
Winter’s frozen cracking
And Springtime’s growth of joy
O mysterious membrane
Reveal the secret of living
Surrendering the Ills to Christ
Into the bosom of Golgotha, I open and humbly give my bountiful striving
My human wrought bag of ills serve as precious treasure
Lightly laughing at the notion of ‘eyes on prize’ along the arduous way
Fertile fields of growth unfold with human companions
The grail once believed to be buried shines … oh heart of human becoming!
Open Wound to Open Heart
A wound awakens me.
In mute alarm at first
A silent resounding of heart pain
Arising from my heart-center,
Breathlessly screaming,
desperately beseeching.
Seeming betrayal inflicting
Deep sensations of agony
at both core and periphery,
In my little human self
And finding echo
in the grand crucifixion of Christ in the Etheric.
The sacred wound, it radiates,
Resounds too throughout the ethers
And bears light to all corners of the earth.
What heart brightness breaks through from those far spaces
Speaking tenderly to my inmost depths?
I breathe in nourishing rays of hope,
And dare to set out seeking others,
My wound open to the world.
Curious, the others, like doubting Thomas,
Feel the need to explore my wound,
Poking, tending, stretching, touching
to see if I am real,
to see who I really am.
If I stand upright, my wound and wrought Self exposed,
Allowing fellow journeyers to poke and rub
the raw bleeding bits of me,
I will be churned into transmuting karma,
Churned into finally learning the Royal Art:
Social transformation is a path of initiation.
I want that!
I vow to remain standing in the fire, in the heat
Of our mutual dismembering and re-casting,
Forging via the bellows of honest conflagration
Each other’s best Self.
Coming together, in trust now,
One with we-warmth,
Enthusiastically embracing
And nudging each other further and further
On paths of purification.
The heart triumphant!
Together, our mutual gleaming brightens.
Collaborating, we are carried
Buoyantly now,
Into fields of kindled spirit transmutation.
The heart wins, Halleluiah!
Jubilant, at last, I learn love,
Heart cracked open.
Susan O, 4/12/2021
My pre-birth intensions included helping the world with our fallen situation,
To that end, I was open to radiating love centered on the spiritual dimension.
I have swum in many spiritual streams and found a warm home focused on AAP.
Like a seed pod, there is a more to AAP than it appears to be,
When planted in your soul, AAP begins blooming like a vibrant lotus flower.
It does not take long to know that understanding Steiner’s worldview takes will power.
Ernest study may cause me to fret, eventually revealing a sacred geometry,
Yet not until the many holes in my understanding have been filled with spiritual reality.
“Emerging Whole with Holes”
Soul of Christ
Love radiating light of Athena,
Oh, divine mother Mary-Sophia!
From your womb was unfurled,
The fructification of the ground being of the world.
Colours in Movement
Beautiful Radiance,
Vibrantly Bold.
Interconnected Dynamic Rainbow,
A Rich Colour Spread.
This journey through time
relying on a dark earth connection
getting messier, more material
To wonder how it came to be
this becoming, this incarnating
Now over the threshold of curiosity
a full spectrum of color
A metamorphosis to
spiritualize matter.
Return Journey
Eternal vortex, gathering!
Wholesome universe creating,
reflecting, mirroring
Inner-glow increasing,
Power-of-light, breathing in,
breathing out, radiating!
The return journey,
Peter S
Sun. April 11, 2021
‘In Growth’
As I gaze upon the illumination,
Moving me towards the harmonious call,
My etheric is grounded in joy.
While it balances the lemniscate,
Projecting essence of flow.
The mobious strip cycles calm with which
Fills the depths of my being.
Connection, inclusion, collaboration-creating group engendered vibrancy.
Acknowledging something of an eternal nature the spiritual world smiles,
Giving a blessing, allowing the creation of a heart space infused with a warm protecting light.
Each eye now sees their reflected light, a moving reflection of their being
A shining sunflower- reaching, growing, expanding, striving, and then shining some more.
A cause for jubilation above and below!
The Dynamic Path
In the process of life,
I absorb
and birth
Sorting fantasy
and reality.
Who am I?
Who am I really?
Poem of Gratitude to my Guardian Angel, during these past AAP years...
Thank you, dearest Guardian Angel.
Thank you for walking with me, on the path of inner work, to bring light into dark places of my being.
Thank you for raising me up, with most luminous and magnificent wings,
to see the starry cosmos, as above, mirroring the still waters of my beingness, as below.
Thank you for holding me in balance when I stumble and fall on the path to the threshold.
Thank you for tender care of my heart space and that you are reflection of Truth, Beauty and Goodness all
around me.
Thank you for eternal patience, always and somehow, getting me to the right place, at the right time, to be with
the right people. All for highest good!
Thank you for always forgiving me for my shortcomings and trespesses.
Thank you for allowing me to keep you very busy during this incarnation!
I love you so much... Thank you!
By Kathleen B,April 11, 2021
peace on earth
Deepening Mirrors the Rising Up of Spirit
The seedling of spirit-self
And bursts out with the
Forces of St. Michael —
To full growth and potential
The Journey
On the path through earth-bound life,
Sometimes glimpsing a shaft of light,
The AAP program provided a richness,
A path to wholeness on my earthly quest.
Studying and striving and staying connected,
The results were often unexpected.
I've had to be strong to stay the course,
And about this effort i have no remorse.
Healing inner ecology is, at the start,
The loving task of my aspiring heart.
Between Boaz and Joachim there is a space,
There the Spirit-Fire transforms by grace
The lower forces into the higher
That moral impulse on earth may inspire
The Royal Art of collaboration
And the resurrection of a New Creation.
For one who is a seeker of the holy way forward,
Courage and protection come from
Meeting the helpers on the trodden path,
Whether directly or indirectly.
Though the journey be through a wave of darkness
The protection of each stepping stone
Leads to the serenity
Of the delicate bridge across the void.
The strength of gentleness
Sense the light touch of angel wings
In the warmth light ether moving.
Through veils of evanescent mists
Receiving rays of sacred light,
A rose emerges holding light.
You listen to the gentle light
And hear your secret strength unfold
Holding radiating spirit.