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Published by rothschildd, 2016-04-20 08:30:15

Technology Magazine

Technology Full Magazine

All about hoverboards

                       ​By: Morgan VanMeter

Who was the hoverboard inventor? Where are they
banned? How many brands are out there? Which are
most recommended? All your hoverboard questions

There are many ‘creators’ of the hoverboard… There are
two companies who claim they own the device. According
to, “Chic robotics company founded in 2013”
Their first ‘hoverboard’ was called the “smart s1” which
was debuted in August of 2014. What they’re trying to
say is their company was created first and they had the
first hoverboard. claims “Shane Chen, an
American business man, who founded the company
inventist has made an early claim of owning the device.
Your next question may be, where are hoverboards
banned? Let’s find out.

Many places and countries have banned hoverboards. says Newyork (United
states) has banned all hoverboards from roads. They do
allow them to be in houses. The United Kingdom,
California (also a part of the United States),Netherlands,

Hong Kong, and New South Wales, Australia has also
banned hoverboards.

People who own hoverboards recommend these. Sqkue
self balancing scooter.You can change the settings of the
hoverboard if you are a beginner for easier control and
slower speed. Hovertrax by Razor. It goes about 7 miles
per hour, and you can ride for about 2 and a half hours.
Until it needs to be charged again. Powerboard, It is easy
to control, has fun LED lights, and can go about 15 mph.

There are many brands of hoverboards. The ones that
are selling now are… Segway, Swagway, Jetson, Hoverx,
Sense, Razor, Iohawk, Kebe, Witech, Sqkue, Swyft and
Future Foot. Sqkue is one of the most recommended
hoverboards as seen in the last paragraph. Razor
hovertrax is also another recommended hoverboard

This is a swegway This is a guy on a hoverboard.

Now you know who the hoverboard inventor is, What
brands are sold, Where they are banned at and the
most recommended hoverboard. Hopefully it helped you
answer the questions of hoverboards are.


How to fix a ps4
By: Donaven Whitehorn


   ​​The p​s4  ​is one of the best gaming systems. 
Announced as the successor to the play playstation 3 
during a press conference on February 20, 2013, it 
was launched on November 15, 2013 in North 
America, and November 29, 2013 in Europe, South 
America and Australia, and February 22, 2014 in 
Japan. It competes with nintendo's  wii u  and 
microsoft  xbox  ​​one  as part of the eighth generation 
of the gaming industry. 

The ps4 game system lights up and when you turn the system on.

Ps4 problems include discovering disc errors, the STEP/CATEGORY 3
ps4 turning off without warning.step 1 restart
ps4. Information about step/category 3 information
about step/category 3 information about
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3 information about step/category 2 information
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The ps4 controller can you can talk to other people and the controller lights up
on the back


The bluetooth headset you can
talk through it and lights up
when you talk.


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information about step/category 2 information
about step/category 4.


Information about step/category 5 information
about step/category 5 information abo


  Do you have
The History Of
the Iphone questions for
Iphones, well
By: Ebony johnston
here you
  may find
Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve 
Wonzniak and Ronald Wayne. Over the years, they  some
created ipods and computers. Then they created a  answers.
new invention the Iphone which changed the 
cellphone population.

The Creation of the First  
Apple was founded in 1976 Steve Jobs,
I​n 2007,Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, released the steve wonzniak and ronald wayne.

first Iphone. This forever changed the cellphone  
industry. Some of the first Iphone’s features
included no front camera, a 2 megapixel camera What Technical Problems do
with no flash and the software was iOS 3 and Iphone 6 have?
there was no GPS app. Other features included no
headphones, wifi connection and the storage was Although the Iphones are very popular, the Iphone
16 GB. 6 has few problems.

How Did the Iphone Become One problem is the screen turns red and it may
Successful? refuse to turn on. Another problem is glitches

According to Andrew Till “the Iphone was
an instant hit in because many people

were locked into itunes”.“It was a natural
progression from the Ipod’’, Andrew

continued, “And it was easy to use unlike
other smartphones on the market.

According to Aaron M, “the Iphone was
considered a massive breakthrough. Even
though Iphones are very successful they

still have problems.  

occur and images or icons fill the screen.
According to Simon Hall, ‘’People are complaining

about their screens cracking easily. Although
there were a couple problems, hopefully the

Iphone 7 doesn't have these problems.



About the Iphone 7  Iphones are really popular. The Iphones has been 
changing the cell phone industry for 9 years. Apple 
Most people are waiting for the Iphone 7 to be  may continue to make Iphones with new designs and 
released.  features. Apple should continue to make Iphones, 
tablets and computers. 
The Iphone 7 will be launched on September 9,2016
with new designs and features. Some of the features
include no headphone jack, 2 screen sizes, upgraded
processor and a dual lens camera. The Iphone 7 has
a new design. It will be thinner but similar to Iphone
6s. The Iphone 7 might be the latest update but it
may not be the last of the Iphone legacy.

The Iphones form the first to the last.

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