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Published by realestategra7, 2022-06-10 10:55:51




612-242-2188 | [email protected]|EkDarUinNriCceAdNuSnOcaNn.sCoOn.Mcom


My philosophy is clients come first. I pledge to be in Core Values
constant communication with my clients, keeping
them fully informed throughout the entire buying or • Commitment to Excellence
selling process. I believe that if you’re not left with an • Be Cutting Edge
amazing experience, I haven’t done my job. I didn’t • Client-Centric
measure success through achievements or awards, but • Care (Be passionate and care about
through the satisfaction of my clients.
what you are doing)
I pride myself in delivering unmatched expertise and • Consistent Follow Through
hands-on experience benefiting my clients, whether
buying or selling. Each client is unique as is the home
they are buying or selling. I’m focused on building
lasting relationships with clients to continue to be a
valuable resource long after the transaction process
is over. I strive for my clients to consider me as a total
resource in buying, selling or investing in real estate.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

I Saint Paul born and raised, Karin is an expert at every stage of
want homeownership – whether you are a the first-time buyer or seasoned
real estate investor or anything between; she has done it all. One
to thing all Karin’s clients have in common is that she helped them
help accomplish their real estate goals with optimal value and efficiency.
you! Buying and selling homes can be simple or it can be complicated
- different people have various objectives; different properties have
various features and assets. Karin excels in guiding people and helping
families navigate the unique landscape of today’s real estate market to
meet the goals and priorities of the clients she serves.

Whether you’re selling your home for the hundredth time or just
curious about buying a home for the first time, Karin will go above and
beyond for you – and makes it all seem easy and effortless. In addition
to real estate, Karin’s professional passions include ballroom dance,
photography and architecture/design. Before discovering her calling
as a realtor, she was a professional photographer and ballroom dance
instructor. Karin’s background as a dance professional and teacher
gives her the ability to react gracefully, anticipate proactively, and
lead decisively real estate clients through the challenging ethos of

today’s housing market. Her photographer’s instinct not only helps
her appreciate and illuminate the aesthetic potential of a home –
but also fuels an essential ability to see the big picture and advise
her clients with unparalleled professional perception and personal
honesty. Karin lives in Saint Paul with her husband and three
children. She is an avid skier, dog mom, and connoisseur of wine,

cheese, and coffee.

RE/MAX Results

[email protected]

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Salesperson VS. Consultant


We take a consultative approach = We give you • Heavily based on price point
the best information and present options so • Supply and demand
that you can make a truly educated decision. • Inventory Down, Price up, and vice versa

• Do you have a target payment in mind?
• What specifically are you looking for in a home?
• Do you have a specific area you are interested in?
• How soon do you need to be there?
• Do you have a home to sell?
• Have you spoken with a lender?

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |


612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Guiding You From Start To

Professionalism Is
a Trademark...

Good Advice Doesn’t Cost You...
It Pays You

A home is one of the most significant purchases fun now that we’re here?
you will ever make. It is not just about building From now until the day we drop a set of keys
equity-it is also an investment in your quality into your hand, our job is to guide you through
of life. You want a place that inspires you to every stage with confidence and care. The
imagine the memories and milestones that lie journey ahead will reflect our commitment to
ahead. helping you find a place that ignites and fuels
Beyond the spreadsheets and loan your passions.
qualifications, mortgage calculators and market You’ll never be left with unanswered questions or
analysis, finding the right home should be wondering what’s coming next. We are present
exciting and empowering. You have wanted to and always available.
do this for a long time so why not have a little

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Things to know before
home shopping

1. Understanding your buying power 3. Recreation

• Price point? • Hobbies?
• Downpayment options? • Family Outings?
• Monthly Payments? • Community amenities?
• If you need to sell your current property for

the next?

2. Family needs 4. Dreams

• How many? • What type of lifestyle you want to live?
• How soon do you need to be in your new • Dream kitchen, closet or backyard?
• Ever wanted to recreate your new home
• Do you need a Mother-In-Law Suite? with a fixer upper?
• Pets?
• School district?
• Occupation - Location?
• Do you need a home office or studio?

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Customizing Your Wishlist

Once you’ve done your financial preparation and worked with a reputable lender to confirm a
budget, you are ready to find your dream home. Location, features, architectural style, amenities -
it’s all important because finding the perfect match for your needs and desires is our goal.

Questions to Consider:

As you let your imagination wander, we’ll help you prioritize your must-haves. Creating a list of
amenities is a great start but you should also consider the type of homeowner you’d like to be. For
• How do you want your home to make you feel? Is it about the features of a home— a chef ’s

kitchen, views, backyard space, or square footage? Or is location and access to shopping or
transportation more important?
• What do you need this home to do for you? Is it just about putting a roof over your head or does
it need to accommodate a growing family?
• Does the idea of a fixer-upper sound fun or is the more hands-free lifestyle of getting into a
newly constructed property more appealing?
We can help find a property to fit just about any set of preferences so put that list in our hands and
we’ll get to work.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Need to sell your
current property?

Contingent and Non Contingent sales

Contingent - A contingent sale is when you have to sell your current property to buy a new home.
How a contingent sale works - The goal is to set you up for success meaning listing your current
property before shopping for the next. The further along you are in the sale of your current property,
the stronger your offer on your next property is, allowing the seller to seriously consider your offer.
Seller protection on contingent sales - Seller contingencies protect you from being homeless
during this process. As the buyers are removing their contingencies, you will be performing the
same investigations on your replacement home.
Non Contingent sale - This is when you do not have a property to sell or do not need to sell your
current property to buy the next. In a seller’s market, sellers typically prefer a non contingent offer
due to less complications.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Buyer Agency

As representing you as a buyers agent, i have a legal obligation to protect your interests as a buyer
and work to ensure you are getting the best deal possible.


• 100% of my clients choose buyer agency.
• I am a knowledgeable and professional REALTOR.
• Committed ally to negotiate on your behalf.
• The backing of a trusted company, Keller Williams Realty
• Only get paid when a property closes (RESULTS BASED)
• Fees are paid by the seller
• Follow the FSBO market closely so that we don’t miss any

• Preview more than 100 homes a month and have a finger on the

pulse of the market.
• Working with you until we find the home of your dreams.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Types Of Sales

There are a variety of ways a home is offered for sale. Let’s discuss
the different types, benefits, and misconceptions regarding;

Standard - This is the type of sale that most people are familiar with. The seller has equity in the
property, so this type of sale is not a “distress” sale.
Short Sale - This type of sale takes place when a financially distressed homeowner sells their
property for less than the amount due on the mortgage. The buyer of the property is a third
party and all the proceeds from the sale go to the lender. The lender forgives the remaining
balance, hence needing the lender or bank to approve an offer. The short sale process is lengthly
and can take up to six months especially if multiple lenders are involved. In some cases buyers
have to pay out of pocket to pay some of the lien holders.
Pre-Forclosure/ Notice of default (NOD) - This type of property is not up for sale. Third party
websites like Zillow pull county records when a homeowner defaults on their mortgage
payment. If the homeowner does not come up to date on payments within 90 days, the property
then goes into Notice of Trustee’s Sale (NTS).
Bank Owned/Real Estate Owned - This is when a lender, often a bank takes ownership of a
forclosed property.
Auction - This type of sale is designed for the lender to get repaid quickly for the loan that is in
default. These sales are typically cash sales with no repairs, as is and where is.
HUD owned (Department of Housing and Urban Development) - These are properties that
have been foreclosed on that were originally purchased with FHA loans. They are not listed on
the MLS and are sold as is, so no repairs or improvements are make before its sold.
Probate - This type of sale is when a property owner dies and did not leave a will. The process is
lengthly and the property is sold as is, where is and most times with no repairs.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

7 Steps To Buying
a Home

Our goal isn’t to fit you into the process - it’s to make
the process work for you.

At first glance, buying a home can seem like a formulaic and unending
list of things to do and hurdles to clear. But we understand that every
client deserves a highly customized experience. No one shares your
same preferences, has your exact financial situation, or thinks about
the future in quite the same way. We will shape the journey ahead to fit
who you are and where you want to be.

Needs Analysis

Home Preview and Financing Application

Offer and Negotiation

Final Financing Property Inspection

Escrow and Closing
612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Sellers Response To The Offer

Once you have found the property you want, we will write up an offer that we will present to the
listing agent and/or the seller. The seller will then do one of the following:

Accept the Reject the Counter
offer offer offer

By far the most common is the counter offer. In these cases, my experience and negotiating skills
become powerful in representing your best interests.
When a counter offer is presented, you and I will work together to review each specific area of the
counter offer, making sure that we move forward with your goals in mind and ensuring that we
negotiate the best possible price and terms on your behalf.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

The Basic Offer

Main terms to consider:

• Purchase price
• Escrow timelines
• Earnest money deposit (EMD)
• Contingency timelines
• Move in Date
• Additional Property

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Who You Work With Matters

What we do to get your offer accepted

When you find a home that you LOVE! Its is critical to understand what it takes to
make this a win-win for both buyer and seller.

Communication: From scheduling the showing ensure our offer’s are submitted to the sellers
to see the home we ensure to maintain smooth fully executed, without messy or confusing
flowing communication with the listing agent terms that could throw the seller off.
and seller. This communication continues
to after we see the home, sending feedback, Fully documented offers should have the
writing up the offer and finally submission following
of the offer. There is always an open line of
communication making the seller comfortable • Fully Executed Purchase Contract
with working with us. • Pre-Approval letter
• Proof of Funds (reflecting down
Professionalism: We ensure to represent you
as our buyers in a very professional manner payment and/or EMD and/or Assets)
and this shows from when we schedule the • Fully Underwritten DU findings
home tour, show the home, communicate with • Credit Disclosures
sellers through their agents and in the offer • Letter to Sellers (if seller is accepting)
Offer Creativity: There are several terms that
Understanding sellers needs: Putting you in can be added or changed to make your offer
a position where we understand what type of more attractive. Like shorter contingency
offer the seller is looking for and coming up periods, shorter escrow time, offering to pay
with an offer game plan. some of the sellers closing costs, offering the
seller additional time in the home (at no cost
Submitting Clean, Fully Executed and Fully or per diem) and other fun facts that will make
Documented Offers: 87% of Realtors submit your offer stand out!
their buyers offer partially executed, leaving
out simple things like sellers names and Contingency Periods: Shorter contingency
sometimes their own license numbers. We periods are always more attractive to the seller.
In a hot sellers market, most buyers are totally
removing some or all contingencies.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Contingencies and how
they work

In a typical transaction, as a buyer, your 3 main contingencies are
Inspection, Appraisal and Loan.

Inspection Contingency: Standard contract allows 17 days for a buyer to perform all their
inspections on a property and then remove that contingency on or before the 17th day once
satisfied with all the findings. If you decide to remove this contingency, you can still perform all
your inspections, but the sellers would usually be expecting not to receive a request for repairs.
In a hot sellers market most buyers reduce their inspection contingency anywhere from 5 to 10
Appraisal Contingency: Standard contract allows 17 days for a buyer to remove their appraisal
contingency. The lender will order the appraisal and the bank with approve your loan based off
the appraised amount. When a buyer removes their appraisal contingency, it means that they
are prepared to pay any difference in the purchase price and appriased amount (if any). eg. If
a buyer offers $550,000 and property only appriases for $540,000, then the buyer has to pay
$10,000 on top of their downpayment and closing costs. Another option to guarantee the seller a
predetermined amount to cover any gap.
Loan Contingency: Standard contract allows 17 days for a buyer to remove their loan
contingency. Loan contingencies are removed once your lender issues a full loan approval. Most
buyers who remove or reduce their loan contingency rely on their lender’s expertise to have the
confidence to do so upf ront. It is always a risk no matter how good the lender is, but in hot sellers
markets, many buyers are willing to take that risk to get their offer accepted.
Note: An offer that removes their appraisal and loan contingency is as good as a cash offer.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Offer Accepted!!

Now What?

Congratulations, your offer has been accepted!!

All documents will be sent to the lender and the loan processing
will begin.

• It is now time to send in your Earnest Money Escrow instructions will also be sent to you.
Deposit (EMD). You have 3 days to do that Escrow instructions define the events and
after offer acceptance. conditions that must take place and the
manner in which the escrow agent shall
• Next is to choose which home inspection deliver or release to the beneficiary the assets,
company to use. Choose a top 3 to interview documents and money held in escrow. The
and choose who you feel most comfortable escrow instructions are commonly a reiteration
with. of the purchase contract.

• Expect to receive and sign a lot of
paperwork. Before signing anything we will
discuss what you are signing.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Escrow Timeline

Buyer Offer Accepted & Seller
Escrow Opened
• Make deposit to Escrow • Complete disclosures(7
company WEEK 1 days)

• Mortgage loan processing Inspections • Make sure water heater
begins ordered, Appraisal is strapped and carbon
monoxide/ smoke detector
• Documentation to lender (if ordered, Escrow is installed and functioning
needed) title search.
• Termite inspection
• Review and sign seller WEEKS completed
disclosures 2-3
• Sign additional paperwork
• Sign additional paperwork Appraisal received • Review inspection reports
• Get homeowners insurance • Negotiate repair request
CLOSING • Repair agreement reached
quote • Make any repairs
• Complete and pay for Loan documents issued, Buyer • Save receipts/invoices of
wires funds, Lender Funds
inspections Loan, Deed records at repairs
• Review Inspection reports County.
• Make repair request, if needed • Make arrangements for
• Repair agreement reached transfer of utilities
• Release contingencies
• Sign at Escrow company
• Meet any lender loan
conditions • Buyer walks thru home
• Final loan approval
• Loan closing disclosure issued • Home is vacant and
& signed
• 3 day wait period begins • Leave keys, garage door
• Make arrangements for openers and manuals with
transfer of utilities
• Sign at Escrow company and

wire downpayment

• Final walk thru
• Receive keys

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Home Inspection

If you are purchasing a resale property, we highly recommend that you have a professional home
inspector conduct a thorough inspection. The inspection will include the following:

• Appliances
• Plumbing
• Electrical
• Air Conditioning And Heating
• Ventilation
• Roof And Attic
• Foundation
• General Structure

The inspection is not designed to criticize money. A professional inspection will help you
every minor problem or defect in the home. make a clear-headed decision. In addition to
It is intended to report on major damage or the overall inspection, you may wish to have
serious problems that require repair. Should separate tests conducted for termites or the
serious problems be indicated, the inspector presence of radon gas. In choosing a home
will recommend that a structural engineer or inspector, consider one that has been certified
some other professional inspect it as well. as a qualified and experienced member by a
trade association.
Your home cannot “pass or fail” an inspection,
and the inspector will not tell you whether he/ I recommend being present at the inspection.
she thinks the home is worth the money you This is to your advantage. You will be able to
are offering. The inspector’s job is to make you clearly understand the inspection report and
aware of repairs that are recommended or know exactly which areas need attention. Plus,
necessary. you can get answers to many questions, tips for
maintenance, and a lot of general information
The seller may be willing to negotiate that will help you once you move into your new
completion of repairs or a credit for home. Most important, you will see the home
completion of repairs, or you may decide through the eyes of an objective third party.
that the home will take too much work and

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

The Loan Process

Unless you are paying cash, closing on your Step 4. Loan Approval
dream home requires successfully securing a Upon receiving your submission, the
loan through a reputable lender. Getting pre- underwriter will decide whether to approve
approved before you start shopping helps move your loan and whether it’s a conditional
this stage forward by leaps and bounds. approval. For instance, additional
documentation or explanations for things such
The lender you choose will guide you through as blemishes on a borrower’s credit history may
the process but we will remain fully engaged be requested.
to ensure you understand everything along the
way and that you’re getting the support you Step 5. Documents are Drawn
need from the bank or loan provider. While the After approval, the loan documents (including
process will be customized to your individual the note and deed of trust) are completed and
financial situation, most loans follow a typical sent to the title company. You will then come in
path. to sign final documents and pay any required
closing costs.
Step 1. The Application
While pre-approval of a loan puts you ahead of Step 6. Funding
the game, you will still formally apply for a loan The signed loan documents will be returned
once you find the right home and know the to the lender, who then reviews the package. If
exact selling price. Get ready for paperwork and all the forms have been properly executed, the
lots of it. funds will be transferred by wire.

Step 2. Requesting Documentation Step 7. Recording
The lender will want verification of your full When your title company receives the
financial picture including employment, debt, funds from your lender, your escrow officer
assets, etc. They will also perform an appraisal will authorize the recording of your signed
on the property. documents with the county recorder. The
lender will then prepare a final settlement
Step 3. Loan Submission statement, disburse the proceeds to the seller,
Once all the necessary documentation is in, pay off the existing encumbrances and other
your loan processor will put the loan package obligations.
together and submit it to the underwriter for
approval. Step 8. THE KEYS ARE YOURS!

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Who Pays For What

Although the question of who pays for various closing costs is negotiable between the buyer and
seller, the following is a standard breakdown of how responsibility for costs is typically divided.
Closing costs are the various charges made by the lender, the title company, real estate agents, and
other service providers necessary to complete a transaction.

The seller customarily pays for: • Bonds or assessments
• Delinquent taxes
• Real estate commission • Notary fees & recording fees
• County & City transfer tax • Third party Natural Hazard Disclosure
• Document preparation for deed
• Documentary transfer tax (amount Statement
• Pre-sale inspection fees
dependant upon sales price) • Termite inspection fee (if specified in
• Pay off of all loans against the property
• Interest accrued on loans being paid contract)
• HOA document fee’s
off, reconveyance fees and prepayment • HOA transfer fee’s
penalties • Transaction coordinatiing fee’s (Seller side)
• Home warranty (if specified in the contract) • Seller escrow fee’s
• Any judgement or tax liens against the • Title insurance
• Property tax prorations
• Unpaid homeowners dues

Buyer customarily pays for:

• Notary fee’s • Earthquake insurance (optional)
• Buyers escrow fee’s • Private mortgage insurance if required by
• Buyer lending title fee’s
• Contractors and buyers inspection fee’s the lender
• All loan charges (points, appraisal, • PMI, property tax impound account if

document processing fee’s, etc) required by lender
• Interest on new loan from date of funding • Transaction coordinating fee (Buyers side)
• Miscellaneous charges
to 30 days prior to the 1st payment
• Home warranty (if specified) This is a general guideline of charges and may not be
• Home owners insurance wholly inclusive or exclusive to your transaction.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Closing Checklist

Time To Call The Movers!

Complete any last paperwork your lender, escrow or title may need you to fill out to send to
Make sure you have received a copy of your home warranty.
Schedule your move. Hire movers (you can often get estimates online or over the phone) or
schedule to rent any moving trucks.
Change utilities. Cancel the utilities at your current residence and turn on the utilities at your
new one. This includes electricity, gas, phone, cable and internet service.
Change your mailing address with US Postal Service.
Final walk through will be scheduled before closing so that you may inspect the property to
make sure that it is in substantially the same condition as when you ratified the contract to
purchase it.
Register to vote, register your car and driver’s license to your new address.
Once escrow closes, its time to move into your new home.
Change the locks to your new home.
Make a list if you need anything after the move and call us to see which vendors we can
provide for you.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

My Commitment to You

Our job is to get your home SOLD while taking the Communication
stress off your shoulders and walking you through • Provide feedback f rom showings
the complicated selling process. It takes years of • Continuous monitoring of marketing results
experience to navigate the twists and turns of the real • Communicate and consult with seller on a regular
estate process. Karin Rice-Duncanson partnered with
REALTOR | RE/MAX Results specializes in selling homes basis
and getting these tough deals to the closing table. Let • Respond quickly to all buyer inquiries
us put our years of experience to work for you. • Facilitate the flow of information between buyers

Pre-Sale Activities and sellers
• Research and determine the market value • Arrange showings when necessary
• Prepare for signature all documentation and home
Negotiate Offers / Acceptance
warranty • Schedule offer presentation with seller
• Home preparation consultation including list of • Present offer(s)
• Explain ramifications relating to terms
trade professionals who can help prepare your • Negotiate terms on behalf of seller
home for sale • Complete necessary paperwork
• Arrange and attend inspections (representing • Organize and tender copies of offer to appropriate
seller’s interests)
• Develop disclosure packages parties for ratification

Maximum Exposure Marketing Negotiate Escrow
• Order yard sign • Deliver completed contract to both parties involved
• Take professional photos
• Create a virtual tour and post online in the contract
• Putlock box on your home • Deliver completed contract to lender
• Enter property listing on Multiple Listing Service • Deliver contracts to title company
• Resolve problems and challenges relating to
• Enter property listing on the country’s top real property condition
• Coordinate appraisal appointment
estate websites • Arrange home warranty
• Create a compelling brochure highlighting the • Complete necessary paperwork
• Negotiate actual occupancy
features of the home • Coordinate actual close date
• Create and distribute a Just Listed postcard • Coordinate and attend the closing
• Create and distribute an open house invitation to • Work with seller on organizing utility shut-off
• Work with several organizing moving and storage
neighbors • Attend buyer’s final walkthrough
• Promote to Agent network, announce at office • Resolve any problems or challenges
• Utilize Relocation Referral Network to promote your • Deliver leys to new owners

home to relocating buyers from around the country After Escrow Follow Up
• Call past client referrals • Provide dose of escrow package with all supporting
• Canvass the neighborhood to invite people to the
home sale documents
open house and alert buyers • Work with seller to ensure the transition to new
• Submit ads to appropriate publications
• Host Broker’s open house residence is smooth
• Host public open house • Provide a list of trade professionals who can help
• Schedule showings and show property to potential
with repairs or upgrades to your new home
buyers • Serve as a resource to your friends and family

Redefining Full Service

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Showings and How they work

Owner occupied homes: Most sellers require a minimum of 24hrs notice. As soon as you see a home

that you would like to tour, let us know right away so we can schedule a showing as soon as possible. It is
always best to take a look at a couple of homes in the same day to make a decision faster, especially in a
fast paced market.

If for any reason, we have to cancel a showing, please inform us right
away as a courtesy so we may alert the sellers. Most sellers leave their
home for showings.

Vacant Homes: These are easier to get a short notice tour in, but some do require 24hr notice as well.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |


Can you help me find new construction homes? Yes, I can work with

builders and get you the information you need to make a decision. If there is any interest,
I get you on the BUILDER PRIORITY list as soon as possible as well. On your first visit with
the builder, I will accompany you. By using my services with a new construction home
purchase, you will receive the services I offer, as well as those provided by the builder, at no
additional cost.

How does for sale by owner (FSBO) work? Homeowners trying to sell

their home without agent representation are usually doing so in the hopes of saving
commission. If you see a FSBO and want the advantages of my services, let me contact
the owner for you and make an appointment. Most times the homeowner will work with
an agent, even though their home is not listed since the agent is introducing a potential
buyer to their property.

Will you inform me of homes from all real estate companies or only
Keller Williams Realty? I will keep you informed of all homes. I want to help you

find your dream home, which means I need to stay on top of every home that’s available
on the market.

Can we go back through our property again once and offer is
made, but before possession? Usually, I can notify the seller and schedule a

convenient time to visit the property again. Immediately after offer acceptance I will
schedule a home inspection and before closing, I will schedule a final walk-through of
your new home.

Can i visit open houses or browse model homes without you
present? Yes, you can browse open houses and/or models homes, all you need to do is

give the agent present or salesperson my contact information or business card and have
them aware that you are already represented. This way you are avoiding multiple agent’s
and sales people blowing up your phoneline. If you happen to love a property, inform me
immediately and I will reach out to start negotiations and visit the property with you again.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Client Testimonials &

Our Clients Say It Best!

Check out our google and
zillow reviews

Karin was great to work with. She was available and patient with us when we
wanted to view a property more than once to decide what we wanted. Willing
to find answers to our questions and did a great job negotiating the price.
Always pleasant, positive and helpful. It was a great experience.

12/11/2020 - ue4edh6zeu

We loved working with Karin! It was obviously a challenging time to be looking
for a home but we felt like we were in good hands. Karin was always easy to
reach and very prompt with replies and willing to find out any information we
were seeking. We absolutely love the home that she helped us find!

07/07/2020 - mreenibeen

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

As a professional realtor, Karin
Rice-Duncanson believe in creating
value and providing high levels of
service for her clients.

Karin is awesome! She has handled multiple deals for me, including purchasing
two homes and selling one. Quick to respond, a great negotiator, and a kind
person. Highly recommend!

06/18/2020 - Hannah Palmquist

Karin was recommended to us by a friend who bought a home with her as
their agent, and we could not have been happier. With COVID changing home
buying, Karin went to every home for us to FaceTime as we lived 1600 miles
away. She responded quickly to any question we had, and even post sale made
sure we were happy. I’d never go with anyone else.

05/12/2020 - James Rhoads

My husband and I connected with Karin through Zillow and we truly lucked out
by having her on our side while shopping for a home in Minneapolis.
She quickly understood what we were looking for in a home and catered
viewings to match our likes and lifestyle within our price range. She was quick
to respond and arrange viewings for us many of which were within very short
notice. She happily and patiently coached us through all of the emotions
home hunting can bring. Karin is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to
knowing the area, Above all, Karin is honest and works hard to help you find the
home that is right for you. We’re grateful to have worked with her. We highly
recommend Karin for any of your realtor needs. She’s fantastic!

03/04/2020 - lizzydmiller
612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Moving Checklist

New Telephone Number:
New Address:

Before you move, you should contact the following companies and service providers:

Utilities: Insurance Companies:

Electric Accidental
Telephone Auto
Water Health
Cable Home
Gas Life

Professional Services: Business Accounts:

Broker Banks
Accountant Cellular Phones
Doctor Department Stores
Dentist Finance Companies/
Lawyer Credit Cards


Internal Revenue Subscriptions:
Post Office Magazines
Schools Newspapers
State Licensing
Library Miscellaneous:
Administration Business Associates
House of Worship

Clubs: Dry Cleaner
Health and Fitness
Country Club

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

It’s All About You


It’s all about you.
• Your needs
• Your dreams
• Your concerns
• Your questions
• Your finances
• Your time
• Your life

My focus is on your complete satisfaction. In fact, I work to get the job done so well, that you will
want to tell your friends and associates about it. The biggest compliment I can get from you is a
Good service speaks for itself. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to earn your referrals!!!

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Our Promise

We have a promise or a goal to create and we are absolutely focused on creating a 10+
deliver to you an experience that you can’t experience for you. And thats our PROMISE.
imagine being any better. Our systems and
everything we do are designed to deliver on We ask that if we deliver on our promise,
our promise. you will send us someone that needs our
assistance. Whether its BUYING, SELLING or
Delivering an amazing service to you is our REFINANCING. They may be thinking about
priority and we are committed to providing a remodeling or they may just need some real
level of service that creates repeat and referral estate advice. Could you do that?
business. In real estate, there are going to
be challenges that happen because “its real We will deliver on OUR PROMISE
estate”, and we deal with different people. and we will count on you for
But know that no matter what is going on , that REFERRAL.

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Staying In Touch

You’ve purchased a property but it isn’t truly probate and estate attorneys, family law
a home until you’ve put your own touch on attorneys, accountants, financial planners,
it. Your pictures on the walls, your furniture in insurance providers, and private bankers.
the rooms, your splashes of personality and
preference these are the things that bring a We’re excited to see you create a great life in
space to life and create a place for memories this new home and hope you’ll always see us
to take shape. as a one-stop shop for all things real estate
related. There is no greater joy for us than
Long after the transactional part of your knowing that our clients who have already
home ownership is completed, Karin remains purchased a home, still lean on us with
present and available to help guide all aspects questions and still think of us as your trusted
of owning and maintaining your valuable Realtor for years to come.
investment. I have an amazing network of
trusted movers, interior designers, general Our clients will tell you, once you’re part of the
contractors, plumbers, electricians, painters, Karin, you’re on the team for life. That means,
flooring and tile specialists - you name it! when the time comes, we will be here to help
you sell or rent your home, and we will be here
We also understand that your new home is when you decide to buy again.
part of the bigger picture of planning for a
future and building wealth. We can help you But for now, catch your breath, settle in, and
reach out to established and trustworthy enjoy. You’ve earned this!

612-242-2188 | [email protected] |

Thank you for taking the time to review my Buyer’s Handbook. I appreciate
your time and effort. At the end of the day, good advice doesn’t cost you, it

pays you!

I look forward to being your trusted advisor.

REALTOR | RE/MAX Results 612-242-2188
[email protected]

Let’s Co6n1n2-e2c4t2o-2n18S8oc|[email protected]|

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