Character is who you really, truly deep down inside. Character born from our thoughts and
emotions. Character also shown how we act in front of the others. All choice that we make in
every situation will determine if we have a good or bad characteristic. A good characteristic is
a blessing. This is because a good characteristic person will be
easily loved by the others everywhere. That is why a good
character us more valuable than diamonds. If you have wealth
and lost it, nothing will less. But everything is gone when you have
a bad character in mind. Hence, a good character can make
parents should provide early exposure someone succeed in life easily. A good characteristic can be
about housework to their children foster in someone by helping doing works at home. We can
start practise helping our and experience it daily. A good
character is not created with little work, but it will develop from consistent and hard effort.
Volunteering helping our parents doing work at home is a good deed as a son. We can help
them doing some house chores little by little so we can foster some good character in our mind
Children will easily learn what is right and expected if they see and experience it daily (Davis
& Davis, 2013) .There a many character that you can build when you always helping doing
work at home. But how helping at home will develop our character?
First and foremost, it can install a sense of responsibility in our heart. If you have a
strong sense of responsibility for your action or someone,
you will ever abandon your duty and straightly deal with it.
Helping doing work at home provide someone a means to
hold themselves accountable for their actions. For an
example, when we make a mess after playing with our
siblings, it is our responsibility to clean it up. When we
always help our mother clean our mess, it will evoke a Children can be more responsible for
sense of responsibility to clean it up after we make a mess making mess when they always helping at
anywhere. One of the best ways to teach your child about responsibility is to model the
behavior for her (Jamie Farnsworth Finn ,2020). This action can coach us to be more sensitive
with dirty environment thus educating us to always responsible for own actions and mistakes.
This is one of the good character that really admirable because a sense of responsibility can
make someone a good leader. It is because a responsible leader always taking care of all his
subordinates problems and never neglect them. So by doing work at home, we can install a
sense of responsibility and develop a good characteristic that really beneficial for us.
Besides that, we can also foster a sense of independence by helping doing work at
home. Independence is someone that free from the influence or control of another and he can
do all work and also support himself. Helping doing work at home can teach us many useful
life skills. We can use the opportunities to learn and practice the skill and the way of life from
our parents. There are many ways how we can become
independence from helping at home. For an example, we can
try help our parents doing household chores such as sweeping
floor, wash the car, cooking and washing clothes. As we observe
and help carry out these activities, we can also become more
Being independence allow us become self-sufficient and better prepared to living on our own. It is
more skillful when doing any work in because we can apply all the skills that we learn from our
our life parents on our daily lifestyle. We can also volunteer to help with
planning menus for dinner and shopping for groceries at the market. When we often doing
shopping for groceries, a sense of independence automatically will be nurtured in ourselves
while we become more knowledgeable about groceries and cooking stuff. Hence, helping at
home will definitely will foster a sense of responsibility in ourselves.
By helping at home, we can also become a hardworking person. Hardworking is a
character for someone that is diligent and puts effort into doing and completing task. When
we often helping doing works at home, our attitude automatically changed from a lazy person
to a hardworking person. This is because we always forced by the parents to help them
although it is opposite from our desire. When we always doing that activities and make it as
our routine, eventually it will become a new norm for us and educate us to become a
hardworking person. For an example, helping our mother at the kitchen by wash the dishes
and cooking for dinner can make us become more hardworking. Although at that time we want
to play video games or watching television. But try to oppose your thoughts and prioritise to
help our mother at the kitchen. We can apply this good attitude and characteristic in our life
by always become a hardworking person when doing any task that our manager gave to us.
Although sometime we can become lazy and have many other work to do, but try to finish the
work that we are doing it right now. By doing that, we can manage our time properly and
efficiently while all our task is complete. We can clearly see that helping doing work at home
will make us become a hardworking person.
As a conclusion, there are many benefits for developing our characters from helping
our parents or siblings at home. Whether we like it or not, helping at home are a necessary
part of everyday life. It is because it can ensure that our home continue to run efficiently, and
that our living environments remain organized and clean. Helping at home also promoting a
good overall mind and body health and safety. Hence, we must try to make helping at home
as one of our daily routine in our life because it provides an excellent opportunity for character-
building besides school. Not everything we can learn at school. In fact, half of our learning and
character-building process comes from home and our experience.
Davis, T., & Davis, T. (2013, March 26). Homeschooling is more than academics. SheKnows.
Developing responsibility in kids: Here’s what to know. (n.d.).
Parent’s Corner. (n.d.). The Center for Parenting Education. Retrieved December 19, 2021,
Policy, P., & Service, T. of. (2021, August 8). Character Traits for Kids and How Families
Nurture Them. Roots of Action.