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University Of The Commonwealth Caribbean Policy-Student Handbook, 2020-2021

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Published by ucconlineofficer5, 2021-05-03 11:00:41

UCC Student Handbook 2020 - 2021

University Of The Commonwealth Caribbean Policy-Student Handbook, 2020-2021

Bachelors’ Degree Grading System

Letter Percentage Quality Points Award
Grade Score Per Credit
Hour Degree Diploma
A 90 – 100

B+ 75 – 79 3.50 CUM LAUDE CREDIT

B 65 – 74 3.00 PASS PASS
B- 60 – 64 2.67
C+ 55 – 59 2.33
C 50 – 54 2.00
F 0 – 40 0.00

Masters’ Degree Grading System

Quality Points per
Credit Hour
Percentage Score Letter Grade
90–100 A 4.00
80–89 A- 3.67
70–79 B+ 3.33
60–69 B 3.00
F 0.00

Student Handbook 2020-2021 89

Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes-
Student Services and Amenities

Student Services and Amenities- Orientation- Undergraduate Programmes
Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes Undergraduate Programmes- The first year of
Orientation University for most students is a huge change as
Advising and Counselling the campus environment and its registrants
Aeorion, Student Management System (SMS) therein are new and unfamiliar. The UCC
Student Identification (ID) Orientation Programme for new students
Classrooms includes a course: “Orientation To University
Computer Labs Life” designed to facilitate and assist students
Co-curriculum Activities transition to being responsible and independent
Fund Raising and Approval Process learners.
Campus Store The course covers the basics of study skills,
Library and Information Centre character building, time management and career
Medical Assistance path identification. The focus of the course is to
Students with Disabilities support students in transitioning into University
Registry Request Services life and being able to navigate the multicultural
Transcript Request environment. The Orientation to University Life
Parking and Use of Motor Vehicles is conducted over two days at the
Student Council and Alumni commencement of the Term and it is a 3
Scholarship, Grants and Bursaries component course which carries 1 credit.
Student Mentorship Programme
Research supports the notion that students who are
The University of the Commonwealth Caribbean properly transitioned into university life tend to excel
accepts the validity of a holistic approach to academically. This notion has strongly influenced the
student development and has established the design and implementation of the course.
Office of Student Affairs as a part of the necessary
structure to ensure that welfare functions for Orientation- Graduate Programmes-
students are properly developed and delivered See applicable section for information on
orientation for graduate programmes.
Special amenities offered to students will include
some of the following: Students receive 24 hour Advising and Counselling-
WIFI access with extended bandwidth, email This service is designed for students to
accounts, security and study facilities. maximise their full potential. Students should
Upgraded state of the art Class rooms equipped meet with their Programme Coordinators during
with air conditioning and accessed by elevators. orientation or when the need arises to work
Events are hosted in our ultra-modern Main through academic challenges.
Lecture Theatre, retrofitted with ambient light
control, speech intelligible acoustic designed for Counseling- A chaplain is available for walk-ins
video conferencing with special cameras on Mondays 10am – 1pm at the Worthington
integrated with projectors. Campus. The University Chaplain also
interfaces with students twice per semester in
workshop presentations. Counseling services can

Student Handbook 2020-2021 90

be scheduled through the department of student b. In general, however, the computer lab must
affairs. at all times be regarded as a quiet place of
study and investigation.
Aeorion- Aeorion is the online Student
Management System (SMS) accessed by c. Food and beverage is strictly forbidden in
students with their eight (8) digit uniquely the computer lab.
assigned Student ID number provided in the
Letter of Admission. It is used by students to d. The use of cell phones, audiovisuals, radios
select courses, add and drop courses, view notes, or any other personal audio visual systems
upload E-Journal, print exam permit, in the computer lab is strictly forbidden.
communications, between lecturers and student Students are therefore not allowed to take
and upload assignments and download unofficial such equipment into the computer lab.
grade report.
e. Use computer resources lawfully and
Student Identification (ID)- Students are issued responsibly. No sitting in laps is allowed –
with a photographic Student Identification Card the institution provides one (1)
which should be presented when attending chair/seating arrangement per student.
classes or seeking to access any of the
institution’s facilities or services. Senior UCC f. Do not tamper with facilities and avoid any
staff and security personnel are authorised to ask action that interferes with the normal
any person on the premises for their operations of computers, networks and
identification; as such, students should have facilities;
their ID cards displayed on their persons at all
times. g. Every student shall be required upon
termination/deferral of his /her course or
Classrooms- Classrooms are equipped with programme to return any property
belonging to the UCC to the Dean/Head of
whiteboards, multi-media projectors, audio- School, Campus Manager, Programme
visual equipment, Wi-Fi, open and merge Coordinator or Librarian, as the case may
functionality and air conditioning units. be.
Students are not required to turn on or off, or
adjust the air conditioning units. UCC h. A student who fails to return any property
operates a smoke free environment as such belonging to the UCC upon termination/
smoking is not permitted on any of our deferral of his/her course or programme
premises. may be debarred from accessing any
Students are not to mark or deface the services i.e. transcripts, letters, diplomas
classroom walls or furniture. etc.

Computer Labs- Students using the computer Co-curriculum Activities- Recreational
Activities- The UCC sports programme presents
labs are required to observe the rules as a healthy option; participation in sports not only
approved for the computer labs. Members of the enhances physical and mental growth but also
Information Systems and Technology (IS&T) has multiple positive effects later in life. UCC
staff are empowered to require users to comply Male Football Team participates in the annual
with such rules. Intercollegiate Football programme.

a. The computer labs are available for use to 91
any registered student of the UCC on the
presentation of a valid UCC Identification

Student Handbook 2020-2021

Clubs and Societies

Clubs Schedule

Circle K Dates and Venue posted on Notice

UCCF Dates and Venue posted on Notice

IT Club Dates and Venue posted on Notice

The Lions Football Club Dates and Venue posted on Notice

Alithe Blazers Dance Club Dates and Venue posted on Notice

Toast Masters Dates and Venue posted on Notice

UCC Esemble Dates and Venue posted on Notice

Debate Society Dates and Venue posted on Notice

Tourism Club Dates and Venue posted on Notice

NTSM Dates and Venue posted on Notice

Dance Club Salsa sessions Dates and Venue posted on Notice

The ladies are encouraged to participate in  Environmental Awareness and Outreach
the Female football team; other exciting Programme- The University takes pride in the
games such as table tennis, netball, dominoes, environment and in carrying out the mandate of
obstacle race and track and field, are all a part the University. The Department of Student
of the UCC Annual Sports Day, one of the Affairs strongly emphasises the importance of
biggest events of the year. being socially responsible to all its students, so it
urges balance and the need to preserve the
Clubs and Societies- Clubs and societies are environment for present and future generations.
dedicated to developing quality students. The
UCC currently has several functional clubs  Our emphasis on Environmental Awareness and
and societies that are designed to suit your Community Social Responsibility is evident in
varied tastes and interests. the directives to UCC Clubs and Societies that
We take pride in nurturing students so that outreach has to be a part of its yearly schedule.
they will leave the University equipped for
the world of work; through various planned  Being socially responsible is a mandate of our
activities, students are exposed to outreach, Orientation to University Life, 1 Credit Course ,
advocacy, sports and a host of other whereby, it is compulsory for students to
disciplines. complete a 5 hours outreach project which forms
a part of their overall assessment for the course .
Student Handbook 2020-2021
 Good Samaritan Inn Programme- Students
are advised at Orientation of the affiliation of
UCC with the Good Samaritan Inn Feeding
Programme every Tuesday and are encouraged
to participate in this outreach venture

Fund Raising and Approval Process-
Student organisations are permitted to sponsor
fund raising activities. Only recognised and
registered student organisations may sponsor a


fund raising activity on campus and/or using The Worthington Avenue facility operates
institutional resources. Fund raising projects within the following schedule:
must receive the written approval of the - Mondays to Thursdays: 8:30 am-7:30
Department of Student Affairs. By holding a
fund raising event, the student organisation pm.
assumes the full responsibility and liability for - Fridays - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
the event. Fund raising activities must be - Saturdays - Closed
consistent with the policies of the UCC, and - Sundays - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
comply with all local laws and ordinances. The Other campuses provide snacks and hot and
University’s definition of an income-producing
project is: cold beverages.

a. “Any project which produces income Campus Store- A Campus Store is available
including that which involves the sale of on the Worthington Campus, and serves all
tickets; any article of voluntary UCC campuses or regional campuses.
contribution.” Opening hours are:
- Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00 am - 7:30 p.m.
b. Income-producing projects include, but are - Fridays: 8:00 am - 4:30 p.m.
not limited to, bake sales, movies, dances, - Sundays: Varied hours
raffles, contributions, and sales of foods,
beverages, or snacks. NB: While the above schedules are normative,
the institution institutes special hours of operation
All monies generated from fund raising events during the holidays and the early phases of
must be deposited in the organisation’s bank academic periods. These will be communicated
account through the UCC Accounting and via email to all stakeholders.
Finance Office.
Campus Store- Regional Campuses-
Events Requiring Approval- Organisations are Students at the Regional Campuses will have
encouraged to organise programmes and events their books and other stationery items
at the UCC. The following types of events need delivered to them through the respective
to receive approval in advance: Campuses.
a. Commercial activities
b. Concerts Library and Information Centre- The mission
c. Films of the UCC Library and Information Centre is to
d. Marches or parades provide the faculty and the student body with
e. Outdoor and other major events relevant resource materials and to deliver these in
f. Rallies and demonstrations an efficient manner, so as to effectively support
g. Student social events the institutional and research programmes of the
h. Sporting activities outside of those institution. The Library and Information Centre
normally organised by the University was established to bring together collections of
books and non-book materials, which will support
Cafeteria- Cafeteria and refreshment services and enhance the programmes offered at the
are provided at selected campuses. No institution.
alcoholic beverages are served at the
cafeteria. Alcoholic beverages are not Role- The Library’s role is to acquire, preserve,
allowed on any of the UCC campuses. organise, and disseminate information to its
users efficiently, reliably, and effectively.

Student Handbook 2020-2021 93

Services- Reference Service Desk and Online with headphones, ear pods or similar as
(by email to be addressed to long as its use doesn’t disturb the patrons or quiet environment of the
 Library Orientation Library.
 Library Information Sessions on demand
 Computer Area with Internet Access Ebook Central Database- This database
 Printing provides a wide variety of e-books for research
 Loans purposes.
 General reading area
Ebook Central is a product from ProQuest. It
Library Usage- All duly registered students and offers a variety of authoritative e-books that
lecturers automatically acquire membership to allow the patron to create and shelve his or her
the library. Students however must present a customised bibliography. Patrons may create
valid UCC identification and pass card in order citations in their documents, once they copy
to borrow materials from the library. All library from this environment. It is user-friendly, easy
users, whether students, or faculty will need to to navigate, and available in several languages.
be registered with the library before any item
can be borrowed. Other resources- The Jamaica Gleaner and
a. The Library is available for use to any Daily Observer newspapers are available in hard
and soft copies for use by all patrons. The
registered student of the UCC on the newspaper should be accessed inside the library.
presentation of a valid UCC Identification For accessing the e-paper version, patrons
Card. should request from one of the UCC Library
b. Students using the Library are required to Officers. The Gleaner Archive provides access
observe such rules as are approved for the to articles dating back to the early 18th century.
Library and members of the Library Staff
are empowered to require users of the Lecturers also deposit copies of lectures and any
Library to comply with such rules. other relevant material which could enhance
c. In general, however, the Library must at all their students’ studies.
times be regarded as a quiet place of study
and investigation. For the Regional Campuses, a small collection
d. Food and beverage are strictly forbidden in of appropriate textbooks, mainly prescribed
the Library area. course texts, is available at each Campus.
e. The use of cell phones, digital music device
or personal media player or any other For general enquiries, past papers request,
personal audio visual systems in the Library project assistance, making an appointment to the
is strictly forbidden. Library please email to

 The use of cell phones, and cameras or Extension of book loans, are done only by
recording devices and apps in the telephone or any consultation you may call the
Library is strictly forbidden. Cell Library at: 876-906-3987, 876-906-3988 or 876-
phones should be muted once in the 906-3989.
While the following times are normal, the
 Digital music device or personal media institution sets special hours of operation
player, laptops, tablets or any other during the holidays and the early phases of
personal audiovisual systems are only academic periods. These are extended during
accepted if they are contributing with a
project or research and only to be used 94

Student Handbook 2020-2021

examinations, and will be communicated via Each applicant is required to ensure that the
email to all stakeholders. ODR is properly completed and the relevant fee
Library Opening Hours paid.
- Mondays -Thursdays: 7:30 am- 8:00 pm.
- Fridays: 8:30 am. - 4:30 pm. Transcript Request- Final grades for each
- Saturdays: Closed. course are recorded and preserved as part of the
- Sundays: 9:00 am. - 4:30 pm. student’s permanent record. Students grade in a
given semester are released through the Aeorion
Medical Assistance- Registered UCC students Student Management System. No transcript will
may request health care advice and routine be issued for students, who are financially
medical assistance at the approved Campus indebted, have other obligations to the institution
Health Clinic, which will maintain all medical or who have not fully satisfied matriculation
records in accordance with the best practice requirements within the stipulated timeline.
standards of doctor-patient confidentiality. All
our Campuses are equipped with Sick Bays that Document Payment- Official proof of payment
provide first aid care.
of the required processing fee must be clearly
Students who are located at regional campuses visible on the ODR with each request. If this is
may consult with a health care professional at not evident and certified the ODR request will
the Clinic by telephone, when practicable. not be honoured, and thus the application will be
delayed. The payment options are:
Students with Disabilities- When a student has
a documented disability, the Department of  Option 1: Log into your Aeorion account
Student Affairs works with the student, and any with your eight (8) digit student
other department of the university necessary, to Identification number to pay with Credit
assure that the student's needs are Card or Key Card. Select the document type
accommodated in the classroom environment to and send proof of payment to the Registry
the greatest extent possible. Where necessary, at: and to
arrangements can be made to facilitate Students outside of
adjustments to exams/assessments to Jamaica can only pay using credit card
accommodate students with special needs.
 Option 2: Or setup a student payee online
Accommodation- Refers to an adjustment or Scotiabank or JN Live- using your Student
modification in the academic environment that ID number and add two zeros and follow
enables the student to enjoy equal access to the the payment instructions online.
University’s programmes, services or activities.
An example of an accommodation would be one Thereafter, email the payment authorisation
that allows a student to complete the same
assignment or test as other students, but with a to and
change in the timing formatting, setting,
scheduling, response and/or presentation.

Records Request Services- All requests for  Option 3: Student may ask someone to pay

transcripts must be submitted via the on their behalf by logging onto to Aeorion:
University’s Official Document Request (ODR) Click “Generate a Third Party Payment
Form posted on the website here: Key” The student gives the number
generated to their proxy and direct proxy to
Student Handbook 2020-2021
the Third Party Payment to insert the

number and following the directions. A


new Third Party Payment Key is required
for all new transactions.

 Option 4: Pay at the campus cashier.
Collect and complete the Official Document
Request (ODR) Form at the cashier and pay
with cash. Only payment of JMD$2,000.00
or less is accepted at the cashier. Or
students can pay with debit card, credit card
or managers cheque.

Delivery and Collection- If the student is not
collecting then the student is required to pay for
mailing or courier charges. Student collecting
document must present an ID. Persons collecting
on behalf of a student must be given written
permission from the student and must provide a
national ID.

Mailing and Timeline- If not collecting in
person, please pay mailing or courier charges.
Documents to be sent via Courier will require a
telephone contact number, which is to be placed
on the ODR form. Official Transcripts are e-
mailed directly to institutions and not to

Students are to be guided by document
preparation timelines set out in table below:

Student Handbook 2020-2021 96

Registry Department- Fees and Services

May 2019, Revised Jun 8, 2020

Registry Turn-around Charge- J$ Charge- US$ Effective Date
Fees and Services Time (Regional and
(Caribbean) May 1, 2019
May 1, 2019
Academic Report Request 5 Business Days $1,500.00 US$15.00 May 1, 2019

Course Outline 5 Business Days $50.00 US$10.00 May 2012
Per page Sept 1, 2019
(Course Outline on Aeorion is free) August 2019

Financial Letters 15 Business Days $1,000.00 US$10.00 Aug 2019
Effective Date
(Will now be provided by SFS)
Sept.1, 2019
Graduation- Gown Rental 2 Days Notice $10,000.00 Sept.1, 2019
(Refundable) May 1, 2019
(Outside the normal Photo-Shoot period)
Sept 2020
Graduation- Fee See Included in May 1, 2019

Miscellaneous Fee Miscellaneous Fee May 1, 2019
May 1, 2019
Graduation- Fee- Fall 2019 $5,000.00 Summer 2019
(Final year students that had already May 1, 2019
paid the $9,000.00 will pay a prorated $2,500.00 May 1, 2019
fee of $5,000.00) Effective Date
Graduation- Walkers Turn-around Charge- J$ Charge- US$
(Reprocess file for outstanding courses) Time (Regional and
Included in (Caribbean)
Registry 1 Months Miscellaneous Fee
Fees and Services

Graduation- Processing

Graduation- Certificate 2 Months after Included in
Ceremony Miscellaneous Fee
Graduation- Replacement 6 Weeks $9,000. - Over 5yrs
3 Weeks $6,000. -5yrs or less
Graduation- HRM Replacement
Certificate ( charged by UCJ)
Letter of Completion
5-10 Business Days Student eligible for
(Tentative) conferral- Gets 1 fee
Letter of Completion
(Letters of completion prior to May 2019 is
priced / treated as a Status Letter) 5 Business Days $1,000.00 US$10.00
10 Business Days $1,500.00 US$15.00
Status Letters
Transcript Request- Regular

Transcript Request- Express 3 Business Days $2,500.00 US$25.00

Verification Forms 5 Business Days $1,500.00 US$15.00

Photocopies- Letter Size 3 Business Days $15.00
(Depends on volume Per page
(Black and White only)

Registry Department- Turn-around Charge- J$ Charge- US$
Mailing and Courier Time (Regional and

Remittance by Courier- USA- 10-14 Business Days US$45.00


Remittance by Courier- USA- 10-14 Business Days US$50.00

Rest of USA

Remittance by Courier- UK 10-14 Business Days US$55.00

Remittance by Courier- Canada 10-14 Business Days US$55.00

Remittance by Courier- International 10-14 Business Days Available on


Remittance by Courier- Caribbean 10-14 Business Days Available on


Via Local (regular) Mail 5 Business Days $200.00

Via Overseas (regular) Mail- USA 21-28 Business Days $400.00

Via Overseas (regular) Mail- Canada 21-28 Business Days $450.00
and UK

Please call 876-906-3000 ext. 3982 or 3975 for the US$ Exchange Daily Bank Rate

Student Handbook 2020-2021 97

Parking and Use of Motor Vehicles- UCC its representative system of government at the
provides adequate parking facilities at, or national level, and at the level of the regional
adjacent to, all campuses which it operates. campuses. Additionally, each cohort or class is
Students may also need to present their ID cards required to elect a Class Representative. Each
to the parking attendants or security personnel academic year in the Spring trimester students
assigned to these facilities. From time to time are able to nominate candidates for the
particular areas will be reserved for lecturers’ respective offices to the Student Executive
parking and students are asked to comply with Council of the Students Union. Elections are
the instructions of the parking attendants. held on announced dates during the Spring
trimester following a vigorous electoral
While the institution takes reasonable campaign. The Council once elected sits for a
precautions to safeguard its students, faculty, one year term of office.
staff, and its property, nevertheless students are Each of the UCC Campuses throughout Jamaica
asked to be aware of their surroundings, facilitates the election of a Campus level Student
particularly when traveling to and from the Committee. These committees represent student
University or around the environs of the interests at the regional campuses. They also are
campuses. allowed representation on the national Student
a. Students who drive motor vehicles on Executive Council.

campus are expected to do so with due The Student Executive Council nominates
care and attention. members to sit as representatives and the voices
of students on the governance and operational
b. Parking or driving is prohibited on grass Committees of the institution.
plots, tree plots, construction areas, or
any place that will mar the landscaping  Student Council Executive- The UCC
of the campus, create a safety hazard, or Students Executive Council shall comprise of
interfere with the use of the UCC the Full Board which includes Class
facilities, unless so advised by the Representatives from each class, and the
security on duty. Executive. The Executive shall be comprised
of the elected officers (as designated) such as
c. The responsibility for finding a legal Pre Officer, Entertainment and Sports
parking space rests with the motor Coordinator, Departmental Representatives and
vehicle operator. Lack of space is not Regional Campus Delegates, nominated and
considered a valid reason for violation of elected by the student body. The current
regulations. President is Mr. Alex Mowatt, Tel:876-317-
4133, email:
d. All traffic and parking regulations must
be obeyed at all times. Student Council Election- Elections for the
Student Council shall be held on all Campuses,
e. Loud music or loud noise from motor with elections as published by the appropriate
vehicles is strictly prohibited on the UCC authorities. Officers elected shall serve for a
campuses. term not exceeding one year. No person shall
serve for more than two terms consecutively.
f. The UCC shall not be responsible for loss Officers to be elected are President, Vice
or damage to motor vehicles or any other President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations
private property. Officer, Entertainment and Sports Coordinator,
Departmental Representatives and Campus
 Delegates.
 Student Council
The University of the Commonwealth Caribbean 98
facilitates a fully functioning student governance
system. This includes the Students’ Union with

Student Handbook 2020-2021

All students enroled at a given UCC Campus scholarship, the award may include other
may vote in that Campus’ election. financial assistance offered by external sources.
Voters must present a valid UCC ID in order to The student must be 25 years of age or younger
cast their ballots. on the day of entry for the first day of classes.

Alumni Association- An active Alumni The applicant must possess in one sitting, at
Association is maintained that generates a least eight (8) grade 1 passes at the CSEC
quarterly report of activities. We encourage General Proficiency level or GCE O’Level (A’s
volunteerism and community service activities. only) including Mathematics, English and a third
The Alumni membership form is available on subject, depending on the programme to be
the UCC’s website. pursued. For example, to pursue the B.Sc. in
Information Technology, the student must pass
Scholarship, Grants and Bursaries- Annually Information Technology at the CXC level or
students benefit from scholarship, grants, GCE with a grade 1 or an A. Proven interest in a
bursaries, honours and micro loan facilities. The social outreach or leadership programme is
lists of available scholarships with criteria and desirable.
conditions have been posted on the website.
Receipts of these awards are subject to the Appendix A- List of prescribed programmes
availability of funds and candidates meeting the eligible for the scholarship:
requirements. The cadre of scholarship includes  BSc. Tourism & Hospitality Management
UCC Scholarships and UCC external  BSc. Information Technology
scholarships can be accessed from:  BSc. Production & Operations Management  BSc. Logistics & Operations Management
 BSc. Social Work
In addition to the available scholarships students  BSc. Applied Psychology
may also benefit from:  BSc. Entrepreneurship & Innovation
 BA. Media & Communication
 Scholarship Payment Plans- Students  BSc. Criminology & Criminal Justice
qualify for Scholarship payment benefits
based on the number of courses they are Student Mentorship Programme- The UCC
registered for within a semester and the Alumni Association in partnership with the
promotional offer being given as a benefit. department of Student Affairs has organised a
mentorship program in which student mentees
 UCC Online Applicable Scholarships- are matched with a volunteer mentor based on
Scholarships on tuition fees only are applied mutual professional interests. The goal of this
to accounts of students pursuing courses via program is to facilitate dialogue among students
UCC Online if payment is made for 10 or and UCC graduates or UCC Staff members in a
more courses in full in advance. supportive manner, where knowledge, skills and
experiences are shared, and where networking
UCC Honours Scholarship: A 25% scholarship relationships are cultivated. To be selected
on tuition fees only for the first year (equivalent students must be registered in a full-time degree
to 45 credits) in a prescribed bachelor’s degree programme and must be in year 1 or 2 of the
in appendix A below. The scholarship does not respective programme.
cover textbooks. In addition to the 25% tuition

Student Handbook 2020-2021 99

Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes-
Incidents and Emergencies


All our Campuses are equipped with Sick Bays that provide first aid care. The Sick Bay at the Worthington

Campus is managed by the Operations Department and Sick Bays in the regions are managed by the Campus

Managers. In the event of an emergency immediately contact the following responsible authority in the

relevant department:

Emergency Telephone Contact

Personal Student Department of Student Affairs (DSA)

Matters DSA Director: 876-319-3913; 876-906-3000 ext.3994
DSA Administrator: 876-906-3000 ext.3997

DSA Student Affairs Officers 876-906-3000 ext. 4063

Medical- Nurses Station
 Worthington Campus; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Mon - Thurs
Medical Email:; Tel: 876-906-3000 ext. 4107
 Oxford Terrace Campus (10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mon - Thurs)

Email:; Tel: 876-906-3000 ext. 4108

– Campus Managers

May Pen Campus- Tel: 876-322-3306
Mandeville Campus- Tel: 876-337-9793
Ocho Rios Campus- Tel: 876-337-9800
Montego Bay Campus- Tel: 876-337-9835

General Contact Telephone Operators

Tel: 876-906-3000 ext. 4081 and ext. 4080

Incidents and Operations Department:

Emergencies Tel: 906-3000 ext. 3966, 4028, 4029, 4030, 4031

Director, Security & Facilities: 876-906-4030; Cell: 876-322-4034

Director, Logistics & Administration: 876-906-4029; Cell: 876-339-0241

Supervisor, Operations: 876-347-6265

Operations Officer: 876-339-0918

Operations Officer: 876-322-4034

Clerical Assistant: 876-339-0241

Student Handbook 2020-2021 100

Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes-

Student Behavioural and Ethical Standards

Student Behavioural and Ethical Standards  Categories of Academic Misconduct
Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes The submission of assignments in the form of
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy essays, lab reports, presentations, tests and
Academic Misconduct examinations must meet the required standards of
Plagiarism and Sanctions quality assurance for accreditation purposes. It is
Turnitin required that students present assignments based
Self-Plagiarism on their own effort, except in the case of group
Academic Fraud work. Academic misconduct may be minor or
APA Style major offenses.
Code of Conduct  Minor Offenses- Minor infractions, are
Cultural Diversity usually ones in which the student has
Dress Code accidentally copied or partly copied the work
Respect for Self and Others of another person, without properly citing it.
Respect for the Law Major infractions, are usually cases in which
Rights and Responsibilities of Student the student has taken deliberate steps to copy
Organisations someone else’s work in order to pass it off as
Use and Care of the UCC Property and their own. Major cases normally result in
Premises severe consequences, and it is not unknown
University of the Commonwealth Caribbean for students to be suspended from their
focuses on preparing persons of the highest course, or even expelled.
ethical standard for the world of work and
entrepreneurship, and for others who are already  Major Offenses- Plagiarism is a form of
working, facilitating the achievement of intellectual theft. If you fail to acknowledge
significant professional development goals. your sources or make it appear that someone
UCC is committed to providing all students with else’s work is your own, you are guilty of
excellent educational and social experiences. plagiarism. The scholarly world operates by
exchanging information and crediting the
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy sources of that information. If you violate
Conditions and Procedures Governing that process, you have committed a crime in
Students’ Academic Misconduct the academic community. If you are having
difficulty completing a paper on time, or
 Academic Misconduct need some additional help, or are unsure of
Academic misconduct consists of academic how or where to document a source, please
dishonesty or unethical behaviour not limited to contact your lecturer or go to the librarian
acts of plagiarism. The University considers these for help so you can avoid inadvertently or
matters to be serious which can affect the intentionally plagiarizing a source.
credibility and integrity of the education process.
Therefore, the University will discipline students Plagiarism- presenting as new, ideas or products
who have engaged in acts of academic dishonesty that was derived from an existing source. To
or unethical behaviour. plagiarize is also to present information without

Student Handbook 2020-2021 101

crediting the source. This relates to anything that is produced: essays, photograph.
 Types of Plagiarism

Clone: Submitting another’s work, word –for- word, as one’s own.

CTRL-C: Contains significant portions of text from a single source without alterations.

Find Replace: Changing key words and phrases but retaining the essential content of the

Remix: Paraphrases from multiple sources, made to fit together.
Recycle: Borrows generously from the writer’s previous work without citation.

Hybrid: Combines perfectly cited sources with copied passages without citation

Mashup: Mixes copied material from multiple sources.

404 Error- Includes citations to non-existent or inaccurate information about sources.

Aggregator: Includes proper citation to sources but the paper contains almost no original

Re-tweet: Includes proper citation but relies too closely on the text’s original wording
and/or structure.

Student Handbook 2020-2021 102

Turnitin- Plagiarism Detection Software b) Submit the drafts for major assignments
Background- The ease with which students one week before the final paper is due
can access electronic sources has contributed
to increased acts of plagiarism. Students rely c) Download the Similarity Report
heavily on web resources to write academic d) Summarize or paraphrase sections of the
papers and often students unintentionally
plagiarize. To supplement workshops on report that have similarities with any
Academic Integrity, UCC has acquired the electronic source. Check that all citations
Turnitin Software to allow students to are accurately done.
identify for revision, drafts of major papers e) Final copies of major assignments should
which may have significant similarities with have a Similarity Index of 20% or less
electronic sources. Having submitted their and should have all sources cited
drafts and after receiving the similarity accurately
reports, students will have the opportunity to f) Use the findings of the Similarity report
summarize, paraphrase or remove sections of to revise areas of the report with
their major papers that appear in other web similarities to online sources one week
resources. This academic quality assurance before the final assignment is due.
intervention makes it convenient for students Students will revise papers and submit a
to self-monitor to ensure that their papers are revised copy that reflects very little
original. Likewise lecturers are able to use similarity with online sources.
evidence if necessary, to apply appropriate g) Write the submission ID on the front
sanctions for students who submit papers right of the cover page of the hardcopy to
with patch writing and other academic verify that the final copy of the paper
integrity infractions. Turnitin is intended for was submitted to Turnitin.
students to self-correct their papers based on h) Final hard copies of assignment will not
the findings of Similarity. be graded unless the paper was submitted
to Turnitin. Be guided by the
 Turnitin Guidance for Students University's Assignment Guide and
a) Sign up for Turnitin by the third week of certify that the assignment is your own
class work by signing the Declaration clause
on the standard Assignment Cover.

Student Handbook 2020-2021 103

 Plagiarism Sanctions
Plagiarism is a serious offense that can result in a variety of sanctions ranging from failure of the course
to suspension from UCC.


Poor academic A formal warning but no penalty is
practice (PAP) This is not a disciplinary offence and issued by the Head of Department
Offences occurring does not count as a first offence in the and the student is directed to
for the first time in context of the Category 3 plagiarism academic support within the
the first semester of a definition. PAP involves collaboration department.
student’s course or poor citation practice where there is The student is required to undertake
should normally be the University’s on-line plagiarism
treated as poor evidence that the student did not tutorial.
academic practice appreciate the rules of academic writing In cases of poor academic practice
or where the extent of copied material the mark will reflect the academic
Category 1- can be considered so slight that it does merit of the work; the mark is likely
plagiarism and/or not justify disciplinary proceedings or a to be low.
collusion penalty. The work in question includes
(among other characteristics): A mark of zero (0) should be awarded
 a limited amount of material or for the assessment in which the
plagiarism was found to occur.
copied text expressing ideas or The course mark is calculated on the
concepts taken from the work of basis of the zero mark for the
others in the student’s own words but plagiarised assessment.
If this results in failure of the course,
without appropriate citation. where resubmission is available, the
 a limited amount of material or

copied text which is referenced in the
bibliography but is not properly
 a limited amount of material or
copied text that has been subjected to
minor linguistic changes with or
without citation.
 a limited amount of material or
copied text that is cited but not in
quotation marks.
 limited collaboration between

students as evidenced by structure,
source or copied text; this includes
cases where the written work is
original throughout.

The work breaches the rules of
academic integrity by presenting the
material of others as the student’s

original material. Category 1 plagiarism
includes (among other characteristics):
 short blocks of material or copied

text expressing ideas or concepts

Student Handbook 2020-2021 104


student may resubmit the assessment for
Category 2- taken from the work of others a capped course mark.
plagiarism and/or without appropriate citation, or The cap should be set at the pass
collusion copied text that is cited but not in mark for the programme.
quotation marks.
 short blocks of material or copied A mark of zero (0) should be
text which is referenced in the awarded for the assessment in which
bibliography but is not properly the plagiarism was found to occur.
cited The module mark is calculated on
short blocks of material or copied the basis of the zero mark for the
text that have been subjected to plagiarised assessment. If this
minor linguistic changes and results in failure of the module, the
presented as the student’s own, with student should be required to
or without citation. resubmit the assessment in order to
 short blocks of material or copied fulfil the learning outcomes and
text that is cited but not in quotation obtain the module credits where this
marks. is required for progression purposes.
 collaboration between students as No mark will be awarded.
evidenced by structure, sources or If this penalty does not result in the
short blocks of copied text,
(including copied text subjected to
minor linguistic changes) or similar
A short block of text may be as
small as two continuing lines.
 short blocks of copied code, other
computer files or experimental
results copied from another student
or the work of others from online
resources or books without
appropriate referencing.

A Category 2 offence will be committed
when the copied material represents a
significant proportion of the work. The
line between Category 1 and Category 2
offences will be determined by the level
of similarity between the work and the
source material on a case by case basis.
Category 2 plagiarism includes (among
other characteristics):

 significant or numerous blocks
of material or copied text
expressing ideas or concepts
taken from the work of others
without appropriate citation.

Student Handbook 2020-2021 105


 significant or numerous blocks of failure of the module, the module
Category 3- mark obtained for the module should
plagiarism and/or material or copied text which is be further reduced by 10% of the
collusion - ‘repeat referenced in the bibliography but is maximum available mark.
offence’ not properly cited;
 significant or numerous blocks of If both offences are Category 1 then
material or copied text that have the penalty on the second offence is
been subjected to minor linguistic a Category 2 penalty. If either of the
changes and presented as the two offences is a Category 2 offence
student’s own, with or without then the penalty on the second
citation. offence is a Category 3 penalty.
 significant or numerous blocks of The Category 3 penalty is as
material or copied text that is cited follows:
but not in quotation marks. A mark of zero (0) should be
Significant blocks of text may be as awarded for the assessment in which
small as several continuing lines the plagiarism was found to occur.
 collaboration between students as The course mark is calculated on the
evidenced by structure, sources, basis of the zero mark for the
significant or numerous blocks of plagiarised assessment. If this
copied text, (including copied text results in failure of the course, the
subjected to minor linguistic student should be required to
changes) or similar bibliographies. resubmit the assessment in order to
 blocks of copied code, other
computer files or experimental
results copied from another student
or the work of others from online
resources or books without
appropriate referencing.

A Category 3 offence will be committed
if Category 1 or 2 penalties have been
applied to a student’s work on a
previous occasion (i.e. a repeat offence).
Contemporaneous offences or offences
in which a student has had no
opportunity to act upon advice arising
from an earlier offence due to close
submission dates etc. are not treated as
repeat offences but may attract PAP,
Category 1 or Category 2 penalties in
the normal way.
The Plagiarism officer shall determine
whether the latest instance of plagiarism
is Category 1 or Category 2 in the level
of severity. The penalty to be applied
shall then take into account the category

Student Handbook 2020-2021 106


of penalty of the prior offence. fulfil the learning outcomes and
Category 4- obtain the course credits where this
plagiarism and/or A Category 4 offence is the most severe is required for progression purposes.
collusion plagiarism where the departmental No mark will be awarded.
processes do not provide a sufficient If the penalty does not result in the
penalty. Examples include purchasing failure of the module, the course
of work or soliciting to do so or multiple mark obtained for the course should
repeat offences. It may also be be further reduced by 10% of the
appropriate to refer to a disciplinary maximum available mark.
panel a case which is complex and If this penalty does not reduce the
where the department is unable to degree classification at the end of
establish the facts, for example a case of the programme by one class, the
apparent collusion where the degree class should be reduced by
identification of the guilty party cannot one class. Where reduction in the
be ascertained. A disciplinary panel has degree class would result
the power to impose penalties up to and in undergraduate students not
including expulsion from the University. obtaining an Honours degree, or in
Foundation degree students or
postgraduate students failing the
programme, their cases should be
considered by a disciplinary panel.
Refer to Panel

Plagiarism in the honours-level or to obtain a Master’s degree since no Master’s
postgraduate project or dissertation will award can be made where a zero mark is
normally be considered as Category 2 or recorded for the dissertation. In such cases a
Category 4 plagiarism depending on the scale of resubmission is not offered, and the Board of
the plagiarism. A Category 2 penalty applied to Examiners will consider whether an interim
a postgraduate dissertation will result in failure award is available. Where the plagiarism in the

Student Handbook 2020-2021 107

project or dissertation is very serious or a repeat  Crediting sources
offence then this will be treated as Category 4  Document formatting
plagiarism.  Writing style and organisation

 Self- Plagiarism For more information, please consult the
Resubmission of A Student’s Own Work Publication Manual of the American
(Self-Plagiarism)- This occurs when a student Psychological Association, (6th ed., 2nd
submits material for assessment which s/he has printing) available in the university library and
previously submitted as part of another online. A quick online tutorial on the Basics of
assessment exercise and which has been APA Style is available at
marked. The extent of the offence would be
evaluated using the above categories. tutorial.aspx.

 Academic Fraud Code of Conduct- UCC has outlined a set of
A disciplinary hearing is normally called when desired values and attitudes considered to be the
the Student has breached the University's code foundation of intellectual and moral integrity in
of discipline for students. Disciplinary Hearings our future societal leaders. It outlines behaviour
are expected of its students.
As a member of the UCC community, students
also convened when a student has been alleged will:
to have performed a major act of plagiarism.  respect the institution’s rules of conduct and

All students agree to the Code of Discipline its mission.
when they enrol at the University.  respect the opinions and differences of all
The outcome of a disciplinary hearing can
depend of the severity of the accusation against members of the UCC community.
 practice civility and avoid behaviour that
the student. This can mean that a student could
face a reprimand, right up to being suspended or undermines the normal functioning of the
expelled from the University. UCC.
 respect the rights and property of the UCC
Disciplinary Hearings are serious as they can and its members.
have significant consequence for the student. If  be diligent and honest in all personal and
you receive a letter inviting you to a disciplinary academic endeavours
hearing, you should contact the Department of
Students' Affairs (DSA) advice team Note: All students enroled at the institution,
immediately. regardless of the programme affiliation, are
expected to know and adhere to all rules and
APA Style- Students at the University of the regulations of the institution.
Commonwealth Caribbean are expected to write
ALL papers using the APA (American Cultural Diversity- The University of the
Psychological Association) format. The Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC) will consider
American Psychological Association (APA) applications from all persons, irrespective of
developed a set of standards that writers in the race, gender, religion or creed, national or ethnic
social sciences follow to create consistency origin, or range of abilities to all its programmes
throughout publications. These rules address: and activities, with all the rights and privileges
generally accorded or made available to students
of the University.

Dress Code- Changes in clothing trends will not

override the dress code policy. While students

Student Handbook 2020-2021 108

have a right to wear stylish clothes of their mode of dress approved by the UCC for regular
choice, they also have a responsibility to dress class sessions. This mode of dress consists of
neatly and appropriately (including footwear for business/business-casual pieces such as:
the lecture room, and examinations). Underwear buttoned opaque shirts with sleeves, polo shirts
must not be visible. (UCC polo shirts encouraged), tailored pants (or
solid-colored jeans), knee-length opaque skirts,
Students are expected to be well-groomed at all vests, light sweaters and jackets.
times. Personal grooming including but not
limited to, combing, brushing and spraying hair, a. Departure from the prescribed mode of
and applying cosmetics is allowed only in dress requires the permission of the Head of
restrooms and/or designated areas. Department, Campus Manager or the Student
Affairs Director
Note: Full-time day students are encouraged to
wear the UCC Polo or Oxford shirts available b. While attending classes at UCC facilities or
from the UCC Campus Store to assist with being transacting business with the institution or its
appropriately attired. agents students are not permitted to wear
baseball caps, oversize or skin-fit clothing, tank
The following are not permitted: tops with deep cuts, see through clothing, ripped
 Clothing that exposes the torso or upper clothing, navel breakers, pornographic prints,
symbols promoting illicit behaviour or any other
thighs, or excessive cleavage. article of clothing deemed to be inappropriate by
 Mini-skirts, midriff blouses, shorts or the UCC

muscle shirts Respect for Self and Others- Students are
 Clothing which is not appropriately worn or
expected to conduct themselves in a manner
not properly fastened or splits which are which exemplifies respect for people of all
indecent. races, religious beliefs, and ethnic groups,
 Garments such as boxer shorts and Furthermore, each student should adhere to his/
bloomers that were traditionally designed as her personal values without unduly imposing
undergarments may not be worn as outer them on others. At no time should students
garments. harass members of the UCC community or
 Bedroom/bathroom slippers violate the privacy of other persons. Students
 Head coverings including, but not limited should also conduct themselves in ways to
to, caps, hats and bandanas or scarves protect themselves and others from
unless they are worn for bona fide religious communicable diseases.
or medical reasons.
 Curlers and other hair grooming aids. The UCC reserves the right to impose
 Wearing of sunglasses indoors unless a appropriate disciplinary measures based on any
doctor’s authorisation is on file. student conduct that may be deemed to be
 Any articles of clothing or jewelry that may adversely affecting the college community. In
cause injury, including but not limited to, the case where a student behaves in an
belts and bracelets with spikes, heavy link undisciplined and disrespectful manner, that
chains, and wallet chains. student will be asked by the lecturer or
 Wearing of headphones and ear buds in administrator in charge to leave the lecture
class. room. Furthermore, a disciplinary notification
may be entered on such student’s Permanent
Full-Time Students – Dress Code Record. Based on the nature of the violation, the
Students are expected to be neatly attired at all Academic Council may impose disciplinary
times. In addition, they are required to wear the actions.

Student Handbook 2020-2021 109

Respect for the Law- Students are expected to  Providing information on policies and
respect and obey all regulations of the UCC and procedures
all laws governing our country. Of particular
importance is adherence to laws pertaining to  Co-signing all transactions
theft, destruction/defacing of property, noise  Providing guidance and ideas upon request
pollution, use of illegal substances; possession
of unlicensed firearms and offensive weapons; Use and Care of the UCC Property and
threats against others and physical assault.
Breaches of the Law of the land will become the Premises-
subject of a police matter.
No UCC student shall:
NB: Smoking, drinking or the use of drugs or a. Use either: the UCC name, logo, official
illegal substances and weapons are not permitted stationery or the stamp of the Institution or that
on any of the UCC locations. of any of its Divisions or Departments without
the permission of the Dean or Head of School or
Student Organisations- Rights and Student Affairs Director.

Responsibilities b. Have access to any key of the UCC without
the authority of the University as communicated
The UCC is committed to the belief that directly or through the Academic Dean or Head
of School or Student Affairs Director. In
individuals have the right and privilege to particular, under no circumstances must any key
of the UCC be reproduced or duplicated or
organise and participate in groups whose caused to be reproduced or duplicated by a
purposes center around the interests and goals of
c. Refuse to comply with the procedures
individual, professional, community and prescribed from time to time for the cleanliness
of the buildings, premises and grounds. In
corporate advancement. Though student particular, students shall not contribute in any
way to unsanitary or unclean conditions at the
organisations are able to function on campus and UCC.

enhance campus life, neither the Department of d. Damage or deface any property belonging
to the UCC or property for which the University
Student Affairs nor the University of the has responsibility; or remove without UCC
permission any such property, or act in any way
Commonwealth Caribbean assumes likely to cause damage to, or the defacing of, or
the removal of such property.
responsibility for organisations. UCC does not
assume financial responsibility for such


a. A registered student organisation and

its members are responsible for conducting its

affairs in a responsible manner consistent with
the policies and procedures of the “University of
the Commonwealth Caribbean’s Code of
Conduct” and local laws. Registered student

organisations will be held accountable for the

action and behaviour of their members or guests

at their functions.

b. All registered student organisations
are required to have an advisor (who may be a
UCC faculty or staff member). The
responsibilities of the advisor are designated by
the student organisation itself, but often take the
form of:
 Attending meetings and events

Student Handbook 2020-2021

Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes-
Student’s Misconduct, Offences and Grievances

Student Misconduct, Offences, and The student’s poor academic performance
Grievances- Undergraduate and Graduate relating to a programme of studies.
Programmes  Repeatedly failing to attend an exam
Academic Performance and Attendance
Admission and Registration without adequate reason.
Attendance  Failure to enter for an examination after
Bullying and Harassment
Courses, Programmes and Coursework completing the normal course.
Disabilities and Challenges
Discrimination The Dean or Head of School may refuse to allow
Dishonesty (Cheating, Bribery Sabotage) any student admission to an Alternate
Examination Grades Examination where the student was absent from
Gambling, Substances and Weapons a scheduled exam without a valid reason.
Misconduct b. In cases where a student has been denied
Non-Payment of Tuition and Fees
Plagiarism attendance, he/she may appeal to the
Sexual Harassment Disciplinary Committee against the decision
Violation of the Dean/Head of School, provided that a
letter of appeal is submitted to the
The Academic Council serves as the policy- Disciplinary Committee within ten (10)
making and regulatory board for all UCC days after the date of the letter from the
programmes and courses. A participant may Dean conveying the decision.
submit a petition (in the form of a letter) to
the Programme Coordinator/ Campus c. The decision will not be revoked until the
Manager regarding matters that may Disciplinary Committee has reviewed the
legitimately facilitate adjustments or appeal. Students who have been refused
discretions in his/her academic programme or permission to renew their attendance at the
course. This may be dealt with UCC shall be deemed ineligible to write
administratively. However, if a student is examinations.
dissatisfied with the outcome of the
administrative review, the student should Admission and Registration
utilise the Student Grievance, Complaint and UCC also reserves the right to deny
Appeal Policy. admission to any applicant and to change the
entrance requirements without prior notice.
 Academic Performance and
Attendance Attendance- Students shall be required to
a. The Dean or Head of a School may refuse
attend classes at the hours prescribed by the
to allow any student to renew his/her University and to be regular and punctual in
attendance as from the beginning of any their attendance. In particular:
Semester for good cause. These may Students shall be required to attain the
include but are not limited to: prescribed minimum attendance of 75% of
classes in order to qualify for an award
representing completion of studies from the

Student Handbook 2020-2021 111

a. Students who have to be absent for not it is characterised by a racial, sexual, gender,
extended periods must apply/express this in medical condition, marital status, religious,
writing to the Head of Department of their political belief, ethnic harassment or treatment in
programme of study for the course in which a manner that the student believed he/she been
they are registered as applicable. Students victimised. The student has the right to appeal to
must not absent themselves either before utilise the Student Offences, Grievance and
they have received a letter approving the Appeals process.
request, or for days in excess of the period
as may be authorised. Dishonesty (Cheating, Bribery, Sabotage)
Academic dishonesty or academic misconduct is
b. Students who have been absent from classes a type of cheating that occurs in relation to a
for three to six sessions for any course formal academic exercise. It can include:
without prior permission or not having  Plagiarism- The adoption or reproduction of
submitted a medical certificate to the Head
of Department through the Programme original creations of another author (person,
Coordinator as is applicable shall be collective, organisation, community or other
considered as having withdrawn from the type of author, including anonymous authors)
UCC. These records will be placed on the without due acknowledgment.
student’s permanent record with the  Fabrication- The falsification of data,
Registry. information, or citations in any formal
academic exercise.
Courses, Programmes and Coursework- It is  Deception- Providing false information to an
instructor concerning a formal academic
the particular responsibility of a student to exercise—e.g., giving a false excuse for
ensure that they are familiar with the special missing a deadline or falsely claiming to have
procedures and requirements for courses, submitted work.
coursework and programmes that are appropriate  Cheating- Any attempt to give or obtain
for their academic programme and collectively assistance in a formal academic exercise (like
satisfy their credit requirements. an examination) without due
Bullying and Harassment- If a student believes  Bribery or paid services. Giving certain test
they have experienced repeated social answers for money.
manipulation direct or indirect negative actions,  Sabotage- Acting to prevent others from
physical or passive harassment or any apparent completing their work. This includes cutting
infringement of their right to free expression or a pages out of library books or willfully
complaint about unfair or arbitrary treatment, disrupting the experiments of other
that student has the right to appeal using the  Professorial misconduct- Professorial acts
Student Offences Grievance and Appeals that are academically fraudulent equate to
process. academic fraud.

Disabilities and Challenges- If a student is For all acts of academic dishonesty which are
discontented with his or her safety, comfort and serious matters which subvert the integrity and
well-being the a student has the right to appeal credibility of the educational process please
using the Student Offences, Grievance and refer to the Examination Policy.
Appeals process.
Students who are having difficulty completing a
Discrimination- A student who believes he/she paper on time, or need some additional help, or
has been subjected to discrimination whether or are unsure of how or where to document a

Student Handbook 2020-2021 112

source. Please contact the lecturer or go to the  Will not be afforded grade reports or any
Librarian for help. other services which are offered or to which
they might be ordinarily entitled.
Examination Grade- A student who wishes to
Failure to comply will result in UCC barring/
challenge a failing grade should complete and removing students from campuses/classes/
submit the Student Grade examinations
Query/Review/Remark Form to the
Programme/Officer or Campus Manger and refer Sexual Harassment- Sexual harassment will
to Section V of the Examination Policy.
 not be tolerated at the UCC. Sexual
 Gambling, Substances and Weapons harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual
a. No smoking is permitted in any UCC building advances, requests for sexual favours, or
or any other areas on any campus. other physical or verbal conduct of a sexual
b. No alcoholic beverage (except as required nature including but not limited to: unwanted
by formal instruction in approved courses, such or inappropriate touching, or physical
as Bar Operations) is to be consumed or allowed contact, verbal remarks of a sexually
on any UCC campus. suggestive or derogatory nature, visual
c. A student shall not, under any circumstance symbols, gestures, questions or sounds,
whatsoever, have in his/her possession, or cause distribution or display of written or graphic
to be used, possess, or sell illegal drugs and sub- materials, sending of inappropriate e-mail
stances on the UCC premises. Violation of this messages of a sexual nature, or sexting,
rule will result in automatic suspension and which can be interpreted as unacceptable by a
possible expulsion. reasonable person.
d. Using or possession of firearms, explosives,
dangerous chemicals or other weapon is forbidden It is recognised that sexual harassment may
on UCC campuses or within any of the UCC also occur between persons of the same or
facilities. Violation of this rule will result in different gender and between students. Such
automatic suspension and possible expulsion conduct is therefore absolutely prohibited
from the UCC. whether the perpetrators are faculty, staff or
e. A student shall not engage in gambling, or students of the UCC or contractors, workers,
knowingly be part of a group activity involved or other non-employees of the UCC who
in gambling anywhere on the UCC compound. have reason to be on the UCC premises.
Violation of the rule will result in automatic
suspension and possible expulsion. Sexual harassment is regarded by the UCC as
reprehensible, and particularly damaging,
Non-Payment of Tuition and Fees- Students when it exploits the dependence and trust
inherent in student/faculty, student/staff, or
who do not honour their financial obligations to employee/supervisor relationships.
UCC will be subjected to a financial hold on
their accounts and may face the following Violation- Students are expected to be fully
additional sanctions / consequences: acquainted with all published policies and
 Will be formally notified by the Student procedures, as they will be responsible for
compliance with these policies and
Financial Services department or their procedures. Any violation of the rules is
nominee subject to the UCC taking specific actions.
 Will not be allowed entry to classes,
examinations (written/oral) Misconduct (Minor and Major Offences)
 Any breach of the Rules and Regulations of
Student Handbook 2020-2021 the UCC by a student constitutes misconduct


and renders the student liable to disciplinary h. Provoking or instigating a fight, or fighting
action. Misconduct shall not be excused on the on the UCC premises or at any event
grounds that the offender acted on behalf of, or sponsored by the UCC.
on the instructions of any other persons or
organisation or was not aware of these rules and i. Use or possession of firearms, explosives,
regulations. dangerous chemicals or other weapons.

 Misconduct can be of two types: minor j. Stealing or unlawful possession of UCC
misconduct (sometimes referred to as a minor property or the property of another student
offence) or major misconduct (sometimes or staff.
referred to as a major offence).
k. Removal of UCC property unless
Minor Offence- In case of an offence, deemed authorised in writing to do so.
to be a minor offence, the Head of the
Disciplinary Committee shall determine the l. Gambling anywhere on the UCC
penalty to be imposed on the student. Such compound.
penalties might include, but not be limited to:
 A written apology, m. Engaging in acts of lewd behaviour or any
 Restoration, or payment for restoration of other behaviour likely to be considered as
sexual misconduct.
 or loss of privileges (e.g. in the Library, n. Sexual harassment of any kind or the
deliberate filing of false accusations of
Computer Laboratories). sexual harassment.

Major Misconduct- May carry penalties of o. Possession of any article made or adapted
suspension or expulsion and may includes, p. for use for causing injury or intended by
but is not limited to:
a. Conduct or action which may be considered the student for such use by him or her or
by some other person.
a risk or danger to members of staff or other q. Unauthorised use or tampering with or
students. breaking into UCC computer and other
b. Gross insubordination – disruption of facilities.
classes, exams or continuous general r. Persistent breach of UCC Rules and
misconduct. Regulations.
c. Being on the UCC premises under the
influence of alcohol or any other prohibited The process for handling Minor and Major
substance. misconducts are set out in the Student
d. Destroying or damaging without lawful Grievance, Complaints and Appeals Procedure
excuse, the property of the UCC. in the next section.
e. Assaulting any member of staff or student,
or explicitly threatening to do so.
f. Possession of alcohol or illegal drugs and
substances at the University. The University
reserves the right to conduct searches for
such contraband among students and other
g. Smoking.

Student Handbook 2020-2021 114

Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes-

Student Grievances, Complaint and Appeals Process

Students’, Complaints Policy Grievance and  Be operated in a respectful and sensitive
Appeals Procedure way, value people’s point of view,
University’s Commitment having due respect for confidentiality;
Student Expectations
Approach to Complaints  Provide appropriate remedies when a
Time Considerations complaint is upheld;
Student Support Sources  Help us to keep on improving the quality
Categories of Complaints of what we do.
Options to Complaints
Student Expectations
- Informal Process In order for the University to deal with a
- Formal Process complaint properly and in a timely manner,
The Formal Complaint Procedure students are expected to engage with the
The Grievance Procedure complaints process and undertake the following
University’s Commitment- Consistent with its
commitment to students first, the University of  Raise concerns at the earliest
the Commonwealth Caribbean has adopted this opportunity;
policy to assist both students and staff in the
resolution of student concerns and complaints  Observe the Student Code of Conduct
constructively, quickly and fairly. Complaints and Responsibilities;
made under this policy will be monitored and
reviewed to enable the University to continually  Follow informal routes to resolve
improve processes and services in support of concerns before raising a formal
student learning. This policy aims to foster complaint;
equitable relationships to:
 Engage with a Department of Student
 Support students with a straightforward, Affairs Representative;
appropriate and effective process for
resolving complaints;  Consider seeking advice from Student
Support Sources;
 Take complaints seriously, but also to
deal with them in a way that is  When submitting a complaint provide
appropriate to the issue complained full detail in a concise manner and
about; provide documentary support for points
 Guarantee that complaints are dealt with
on the basis of evidence and proper  Make considered and reasonable
investigation; suggestions for remedy should the
complaint be upheld and include this in
 Ensure that every issue raised in a your complaint submission;
complaint receives an appropriate
explanation;  Be aware of sensitivities where issues
involve other students or staff;
 Ensure that all stakeholder directly
involved in a complaint have the  Raise a complaint only where a genuine
opportunity for a fair hearing and issue has arisen, since repeated
understand each step of the process; unfounded complaints may cause distress
and could amount to harassment.

Approach to Complaints
Whenever possible a complaint will be dealt
with swiftly and informally. When formal
investigation is needed, the approach will still

Student Handbook 2020-2021 115

aim to avoid confrontation and blame, but it will be referred to the appropriate Misconduct and
nonetheless be rigorous and impartial. When a Grievance policy.
complaint requires speedy investigation or the The University will be responsible for ensuring
complaint needs to be handled confidentially, an that the Complaints Procedure operates without
opportunity will be made available to do so. fear of recrimination or retribution against the
Persons involved in operating the complaints complainant. If a formal complaint is submitted
procedure will make known anything that would that would more appropriately be dealt with
prevent them from acting impartially and step through other University procedures. The
aside if that is agreed to be the right course of University will notify the student who makes the
action. Complaints need to be decided in complaint and any other parties involved if this
accordance with academic standards, the needs to be done.
University’s legal duties and our published
policies and procedures. However, if a Time Considerations
complaint highlights an inconsistency between Complaints should be raised immediately or no
University practices, policies and procedures later than five (5) days of an issue occurring.
and our obligations to a student, then Complaints submitted outside of this time period
exceptionally it may be appropriate not to apply will only be considered in exceptional
that policy of procedure in the case of that circumstances.
The University keeps records of complaints and Complainants
their investigation and will monitor the A complaint may be made by a student, a
information relating to complaints to allow us to previously registered student, a student studying
improve our services. Complaints will be logged with a partner institution in collaborative
and monitored by the appropriate personnel who arrangements, a recent graduate or an applicant
receives the complaint and will be overseen by for a programme of study. Complaints submitted
the Director of Student Affairs. The complaint by a third party or representative will not
record is separate from the student record. Staff normally be formally investigated. A complaint
or the University may give an apology in made by a third party will, however, be passed
recognition of disappointment or hurt feelings, to the appropriate College/Department as
but that will not, in itself, constitute an informal feedback. Throughout the Complaints
acceptance of legal or moral responsibility. Procedure students are entitled to bring someone
with them to any meetings held to discuss the
Definition complaint. This person, referred to as a “friend”,
A complaint arises when it is felt that an aspect should be a member of the University or Student
of a course/programme, University service, Council Representative. Where the complaint is
facility or site is unsatisfactory and should be brought by a student under the age of 18, they
investigated. The Complaints Procedure is not may be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
intended for appeals against the decision of the
Examinations Committee or, the decision of Student Support Sources
appointed external examiners and/or Research Informed guidance may be sought on the
Committee (refer to appeals section of the applicability and operation of the procedures
related policy ). For matters related to from the Department of Student Affairs.
unacceptable social behaviour by a student (refer Guidance is also available on the University web
to the Grievance Policy). Complaints relating to pages at which
the misconduct of a member of staff may be includes a link to an online form for submission
submitted initially as a complaint but may later of complaints. Students should refer to the

Student Handbook 2020-2021 116

following as sources of impartial help, advice, Campus Manager or the Department of Student
guidance and support in making a complaint: Affairs who will investigate by scheduling an
 Programme Coordinators interview with the staff or student. The staff or
 Student Council Representatives student shall be informed of the complaint
 Department of Student Affairs Officers against him/her and shall be given an
 Campus Managers opportunity to be heard in his or her defense.
 The Registry
 Online Programme Officers Group Complaint
 Student Financial Services Representatives If more than one student wishes to submit a
 Recruitment Officers complaint about the same issue they must:
 Scholarship and International Student Unit a) Nominate one or two people who are
 Live Chat Support
submitting the complaint to whom the
Categories of Complaints University should respond and who will
The procedure is designed to facilitate: inform the rest of the group as to the
progress and outcome of the complaint;
General Complaints
Students are encouraged to speak with the b) Enclose a list of the names, student
Department of Student Affairs where there is a registration numbers and signatures of all
general complaint such as: dissatisfaction with students who are party to the submission of
access or condition of facilities, provision of the complaint.
information technology services (Wi-Fi,
Aeorion, Moodle), student financial services, Options to Complaints
and/ or access to Registry services (transcripts, Informal Process
status letters, graduation process). The best way to deal with most complaints is for
the student to raise the issue promptly with the
Complaint against Process or Policy relevant staff locally in the area where the issue
If the matter involves an academic process or a arose, and the University expects that students
policy and not a staff/faculty then the student will do this before making a formal complaint.
should consult the appropriate personnel below This procedure contains approaches to informal
who has ten (10) business days within which to resolution for both students and staff.
Formal Process
 Admissions (and other matters connected If a student wishes to pursue a formal complaint,
thereto) - University Registrar then they must complete the (Appendix A)
official Complaint Form and submit it within
 Academic Policies - Head of Programme five (5) working days of receipt of the outcome
Department of the informal complaint process. Students can
obtain a Complaint Form and receive advice on
 Examinations Policy - Head of its completion for the Student Support Sources.
Programme Department The Complaint form must be signed and dated
and ensure that it:
 Other Processes and Policies - Director a) Outlines the complaint;
of the Department of Student Affairs b) Describes what the student has already done

Complaint Against a student or staff to resolve the complaint and give details of
The student should seek to resolve any disputes the response received (include a copy if in
with the party to which the student has a writing);
concern. Where the matter needs to be escalated c) Explains the reason for the student to remain
or was unresolved. The Student shall file a dissatisfied, and;
complaint with the Programme Coordinator,
Student Handbook 2020-2021

d) Explains the outcome desired. The Grievance Process
Where the student is dissatisfied with the
If the form does not contain all of the outcome of the formal process, the complaint
required information, it will be returned to becomes a grievance. Therefore, the student
the student and he/she will be asked to should explore the following process:
provide the correct information. Once this 1. Dean or Department of Student Affairs
has been received the timescales outlined in
the Grievance process will begin. (DSA)- If the matter is not resolved at the
formal process, the matter may be escalated
The Formal Complaint Process to the Dean or to the Director of Student
Students who have complaints must exhaust the Affairs depending on the nature of the
formal complaint before advancing to the matter and he or she will arrange for
grievance process with fairness and satisfactory mediation in order to arrive at an amicable
resolution being the main objectives. The resolution.
following UCC personnel participate in the 2. Appeals Committee- Where actions have
achievement of these positive outcomes. been taken against a student, the student has
Programme Coordinator/Officer or Campus a right of appeal to the Appeals Committee,
Manager or Department or School Head – On which is chaired by the Executive Vice
receipt of a written complaint, the Programme President for Academic Affairs.
Coordinator or Programme Officer, Campus
Manager, Heads of Department (HOD) or Head The Grievance Procedure
of School (HOS) will investigate the matter Depending on the nature of the complaint, the
further, and, if necessary, conduct an informal student may seek mediation through the Director
hearing with the student and other relevant of Student Affairs or escalate the matter to the
parties. Dean of Undergraduate Studies/ Senior Director
of Graduate Studies.
The Formal Complaint Procedure
Step 1-Programme Coordinator, Campus Step 2- Director of Student Affairs (Five (5)
Manager, HOD or HOS days to complete)

(Five (5) days to complete) The Department of Student Affairs
The student must send or deliver the (DSA) should be notified in writing of all
Complaint Form to the appropriate attempts made to resolve the issue at this
personnel as captioned who will level. The matter should be discussed
acknowledge receipt and forward the fully in an attempt to mutually resolve
form to the relevant Head of Department. the issue within five (5) business days of
At this point, the Head of Department the complaint and if not mutually
will determine if an early resolution is resolved the student has the option to
possible and contact the student, in seek mediation.
writing within five (5) working days to
tell the student how they will resolve the Mediation is a process involving a
complaint. If the complaint is upheld or
partially upheld, the student will be neutral third party who will assist in
informed what action is to be taken. If
the complaint is not upheld, the student resolving the issue mutually and the
will be given reasons for the decision.
mediator may be a staff or faculty
Student Handbook 2020-2021
nominated by the student or the UCC

Chaplain/Counselor, Programme

Coordinator, HOD or the HOS. A written

request for mediation setting out the

grievance, the date, time, place and the


parties involved is to be sent to the The Dean of Undergraduate Studies/
Department of Student Affairs (DSA). Senior Director of Graduate Studies will
review the complaint and and/or meet
The DSA will notify the parties involved with the parties to further clarify and
in writing of the mediation request and investigate the issue to either grant or
the required steps. All parties must agree deny the redress sought or provide
to the mediation process or the matter is alternate remedies within ten (10) days.
escalated for dispute resolution. The If resolved, the Dean of Undergraduate
meeting time and place must be agreed Studies/ Senior Director of Graduate
by all parties (including the mediator) for Studies and the student signs to the
a fair and objective process. The resolution of the grievance.
mediator must be impartial and ensure Where the student is dissatisfied with the
that the meeting rules are followed and efforts made by the Director of Student
keep records to file reports. Mediation Affairs or Dean of Undergraduate
length may vary depending on issue(s) as Studies/ Senior Director of Graduate
well as the availability of the parties Studies, the student may appeal to the
involved. The agreed solution must be Appeals Committee.
noted on the Complaint Form and all
involved parties must sign the Appeal Process
agreement. If no agreement is reached, Step 3- Appeal (Twenty 20 days to complete)
further intervention may take place. If The Appeal Committee, which is chaired by The
the student is not satisfied with the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs
outcome of the Mediation, the student (EVPAA) has Twenty business days in which to
may escalate the matter to the Dean. hear all sides of the matter, and respond to the
student concerning the action taken. If the
Step 2- Dean of Undergraduate Studies/ student agrees with Committee’s decision he or
Senior Director of Graduate Studies (Ten (10) she will be asked to sign the related report and
days to complete) the Complaint Form.

A written complaint using the Formal External Appeal
Complaint Form (Appendix I) is to be The grievance procedure gives student the right
submitted after all attempts have been of appeal to access an independent third party if
exhausted to resolve the matter through the internal processes failed to resolve a
the informal process with factual grievance. External appeals may be addressed
evidence to the Dean of Undergraduate to the relevant agencies within the Ministry of
Studies/ Senior Director of Graduate Education, Youth and Information.
Studies within five (5) days of the All cases of appeals and outcomes of appeals are
conclusion of the Mediation or Formal to be documented and retained by UCC
Process. Department of Student Affairs.

Student Handbook 2020-2021 119

Grievance and Appeal Procedure
Kindly consult the complete Students’ Complaint Policy and Grievance Appeals Procedure

A student who has a complaint must observe each step in the grievance process before advancing

to the next stage for fairness and satisfactory resolution.

Steps Processes

Step 1 Programme Coordinator/Officer or Campus Manager or Department

5 Days to complete or School Head

On receipt of a written complaint, the Programme Coordinator or

Programme Officer, Campus Manager, Heads of Department

(HOD) or Head of School (HOS) will investigate the matter

further, and, if necessary, conduct an informal hearing with the

student and other relevant parties.

The Department of Student Affairs (DSA) should be notified in
writing of all attempts made to resolve the issue at this level. If
not mutually resolved the student has the option to seek mediation.

Step 2 Mediation (Completed within a Semester)
10 Days to Mediation is an informal process involving a neutral third party
complete who will assist in resolving the issue mutually. If the student is
not satisfied with the outcome of the Mediation, the student may
file a Formal Complaint and escalate the matter to the Dean within
five (5) days of conclusion of Mediation.

The Dean will review the written complaint and and/or meet with
the parties to further clarify and investigate the issue to either
grant or deny the redress sought or provide alternate remedies
within ten (10) days. The Dean’s report signed by the student and
the Student Complaint Form are sent to the student’s file in the

Student Handbook 2020-2021 120

Step 3 Disciplinary Committee
15 Days to If the matter is still not resolved the student has five (5) days to request a
complete hearing. The Dean or the Director of Student Affairs will summon the
Disciplinary Committee to intervene and Disciplinary Committee has
Step 4 fifteen (15) days to provide a response. If a Hearing is required the
20 Days to Disciplinary Committee shall include a Student Council representative.
 Hearing (Hearing + 5 days to complete)
Please consult the Student Grievance Complaint Policy for Hearing

 Sanctions and Resolutions (Five (5) days to complete)
The Disciplinary Committee and Academic Affairs Committee have
five (5) days after the hearing to make a recommendation. Where a
suspension or expulsion is recommended the Executive Vice President
for Academic Affairs will review the recommendation and act
accordingly or as deemed necessary to determine the period of

The Disciplinary Committee shall report the outcome of its decision in
writing to the student. If the student agrees that the process has
resolved the complaint, the student will be asked to sign the report to
this effect.
Internal Appeal
Where actions have been taken against a student, the student may file an
appeal to Academic Council within ten (10) days of Report.

External Appeal
A student has the right to appeal to an independent third party if the
internal processes failed to resolve a grievance. External appeals may be
addressed to the relevant agencies within the Ministry of Education,
Youth and Information.

Student Handbook 2020-2021 121

Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes-
Graduation Policy

Graduation Policy- Undergraduate and students by the University Registrar as
Graduate Programmes appropriate, published on the University’s
Commencement Ceremony website and/or
Application to Graduate will be posted on notice boards.
 July Conferral
 December Conferral Application to Graduate- Students must
Eligibility to Graduate confirm their intention to graduate by
Graduation in Absentia responding to an email invitation to apply for
Issuing of Certificate certification. Eligible students are required
Honours and Awards to apply online using their UCC GMAIL
student account ONLY. All prospective
Commencement Ceremony graduands must apply in order to be considered
It is the policy of the University of the for the conferral of awards. Please note that your
Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC), for the student Gmail account needs to be active
Chancellor to confer Academic Awards upon to access this link. You may also access the link
students who have satisfied all graduation which is located under additional links on
requirements. Aeorion. Ensure the link opens from a new tab.

Awards will be conferred on duly enroled The processing fee must be paid by the
students in their legal names as stated on the stipulated deadline before applications are
student’s permanent record. Name changes must processed for degree conferral.
be supported by documentary evidence in the
form of certified Deed Poll, Marriage Please be sure to follow all instructions
Certificate, and Decree Absolute as is carefully to ensure the submission of your
applicable. Such documentary evidence must completed application. Do not hesitate to
form part of the enroled student’s permanent file make contact with the Registry
in the Registry at the time of application for the at should you have
conferral of an award. queries.

All academic, financial and administrative July Conferral- The University of the
obligations must be met at least forty-five days Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC) confers the
preceding the Commencement Ceremony in Academic awards due at an annual
order for the conferral of an academic award to Commencement Ceremony held in July each
be completed. All applicable fees related to year. These awards are conferred on students
the Graduation Ceremony will be communicated who have met the following criteria:
in writing.
• Successfully completed all Academic
Note: Specific deadline dates pertaining to the requirements, including matriculation
details of the commencement ceremony, matters and programme credits by the
academic regalia, fees, invitations, Spring semester preceding the
memorabilia etc. will be communicated to Commencement Ceremony.

Student Handbook 2020-2021 122

• Cleared Library and Financial Standing Students are eligible to receive their
from the library and Student Financial degrees/diplomas in December, after the
Services respectively. successful completion of all requirements, in
accordance with the following regulations:
• Satisfied all policies and practices of the 1. Attainment of a minimum Grade Point
university eg. disciplinary matters.
Average (GPA) of 2.0 for undergraduate
Students will only be eligible to receive their programmes and 3.0 for local graduate
degrees/ diplomas (Awards), after the successful programmes.
completion of all the requirements of 2. All academic requirements, including the
their prescribed programme of study, in achievement of the established number of
accordance with the following regulations: programme credits, admissions and
matriculation matters must be satisfactorily
Attainment of a minimum Grade Point Average completed by August 31 of the graduating
(GPA) of 2.0 for undergraduate programmes and year.
3.0 for local graduate programmes.
Current degrees and Diplomas/Certificates
All academic requirements, including the will not be dated and issued outside of the
achievement of the established number of two periods of July and December each year.
programme credits, admissions and
matriculation matters must be satisfactorily Eligibility to Graduate- Students will become
completed by June (the release of final grades
associated with the Spring Semester) of the eligible to graduate once they have successfully
graduating year. concluded all requirements by the dates
stipulated in each conferral period.
All eligible graduates are encouraged to
participate in the academic procession. These Graduate As A Walker- Students who
include persons who would have completed all submitted an application to graduate and were
requirements including the Spring Semester advised of their ineligibility, may apply to
examinations of the graduating year. participate as a “Walker”.
In this regard, the student will have the option to
Please note that two degrees (different levels) attend the July commencement ceremony or
are not awarded to one graduand. Therefore, an wait another eight (8) months to attend the next
individual will not receive an Associate degree commencement ceremony after completing their
and a bachelor’s degree for the programme for programmes.
which registration was done.
Students may be cleared to walk by their school
December Conferral- Students, who satisfy the or programme. Each programme or school will
eligibility requirements, may receive their determine its participation requirements.
degrees in December. There is no ceremony in Students cleared to walk should:
the December period therefore, such individuals - Have no more than three (3) courses
be will eligible to participate in either the annual outstanding to be completed in the semester
Commencement Ceremony held in July of that immediately proceeding the commencement
year or the one immediately following the ceremony.
completion of their programme requirements. - Have paid all outstanding fees for the summer
session at least four (4) weeks before the
Student Handbook 2020-2021 Commencement Ceremony.
- Be fully registered for the upcoming semester
i.e. part-time students pay for all outstanding


courses in addition to the miscellaneous fee and If for any reason a student does not qualify to
full-time pay for all outstanding courses in receive his/her certificate at the scheduled
addition to the miscellaneous fee at least four (4) conferral date he/she will be required to
weeks before the Commencement Ceremony. complete another APPLICATION FOR
- Be willing to pay the additional processing fee CERTIFICATE form for participation in a
to update their records for the release of their subsequent period.
Honours and Awards- Students will be
Graduation in Absentia- Graduation in considered for the Deans’ and President’s
Absentia is not automatic and must be applied awards at the end of each academic year and
for and be approved by the University Registrar recognition of achievement will be done at the
or designate. Approval will only be given for annual Commencement Ceremony.
the following reasons that need to be supported Dean’s and President’s Award
with documentary and verifiable evidence: Dean’s List- A student will be named to
 Illness the Dean's List in an academic year if, during
 Death of a close family member that year, the student attains a grade point
 Work obligations average of 3.68-3.79 and has:
 Carried no less than the minimum allowable
A graduation administrative fee is applicable for
persons wishing to do so in absentia or who course load/credit hours.
applied to attend but who missed the ceremony  Received no final grades below C
due to emergency, illness, family death or  Received no grade of I (Incomplete) in any
emergency work-related issues.
Issuing of Certificate  Completed all course/programme
In order for certificates to be issued to graduates,
they must satisfy: requirements.
 Participated in UCC activities, events,
(i) All academic requirements
(ii) All financial obligations student organisation and/or other student
(iii) All library obligations leadership.
(iv) Pay Processing fee-  Participated in government or community
(applicable for year of application) service.
 Demonstrated exemplary student behaviour.
Degrees will be distributed at ALL UCC  No disciplinary issues on his or her file.
locations and may be collected at the respective
campuses within two months of the date of President's List- A student who qualifies for the
conferral, unless otherwise advised. Dean's List in a given academic year with a
grade point average of 3.80 and above will also
be named to the President's List.

Student Handbook 2020-2021 124

Graduate Programmes- Applied Research

Graduate Programmes- Applied Research terms, research orientations and designs, data
Applied Research- Graduate Programmes collection and analysis methods, interpretation
Research Methodology for Management as well as methods of reporting of formal
Decision research study.
Master’s Applied Research Project
 Types of Applied Research Projects Master’s Applied Research Project- Students
 Applying Research Methods take up the Applied Research Project course
Proposal Formulation (Final Draft) after completing the eight core courses for their
Research Proposal respective programme and the Research
Data Collection and Analysis Methodology for Management Decision Making
Preparing and Presenting the Research course . The Applied Research Project is a 3-
Findings credit group research activity. Students forward
the project proposal to the Programme Director
Research is a crucial feature of postgraduate and undertake the project when the proposal is
study, and involves both the acquisition of approved.
critical skills and their application to satisfy a
number of purposes. Within the processes The objective of the Applied Research Project is
involved in organisational leadership and to help the student to apply multidisciplinary
management corporate officers and functionaries concepts, tools, and techniques learned during
have to undertake research (applied and/or pure) the programme, while solving organisational
processes in order to define answers and problems and contributing analysis and findings
solutions to major issues. In so doing they are to the body of knowledge in management or
required to articulate the research processes at public administration This course is designed to
the foundation of their work. The Applied facilitate students’ application of research
Research done by the CEMBA-CEMPA principles. Students at the graduate level are
students is facilitated over two courses : expected to apply critical, analytical, and
Research Methods for Management Decision problem solving skills in addressing
Making and the Master’s Applied Research organisational problems. This course is intended
Project and is designed to enhance the research to build competencies in managers that will
capabilities and skills of the participants by allow them to conduct research to solve
providing them with the requisite knowledge problems in their organisational contexts.
and skills to conduct research at the graduate
level and in their organisational contexts. Types of Applied Research Projects- The

Research Methodology For Management project may be from any one of the following

Decision Making- This course is designed to types:
• Comprehensive case study (covering single
prepare postgraduate students for undertaking
meaningful social research for decision making. organisation/multifunctional area problem
It therefore introduces participants to basic
knowledge and skills that will assist them in formulation, analysis and
identifying and defining suitable research topics,
and in planning and conducting research to recommendations).
improve practice in business and public • Inter-organisational study aimed at inter-
administration. This course covers the basic
organisational comparison / validation of

theory / survey of management or

developmental practices.
• Field study (empirical study).

Student Handbook 2020-2021 125

Applying Research Methods- At the end of the schedule, cover letter, consent form, a
Research Methods course, the students will be timeline, a budget, etc.
able to: The paper should be type-written. Font size
 know the difference between quantitative must be 12, font must be “Times New Roman”,
and spacing must be 2.0.
and qualitative approaches to research Students are coached into using the Group
studies; Proposal to produce the first three Chapters of
 learn basic concepts, definitions, the Research Thesis.
assumptions and principles associated with
research; Data Collection and Analysis- Once the
 understand the different research designs Proposal is approved, research groups have 10
and methods used in research; weeks to complete data collection and analysis.
 know how to apply the different research Students are coached into completing Chapters
methods to selected research problems; Four and Five of the Research Thesis. Coaching
 learn how to use library resources and will involve data collection, analysis and
services as tools of research; interpretation and presentation of research
 develop a research plan/proposal to findings and recommendations. Each research
investigate a research problem and group will submit a Thesis document that will
 know how to conduct a major research reflect the students’ writing style and
study, with the guidance of a research interpretation of the findings, analysis,
supervisor. conclusion and recommendations. APA
Guidelines must be strictly adhered to.
Proposal Formulation (Final Draft)- The
project proposal draft prepared at the end of the Preparing and Presenting the Research
Research Methods course should be revised in
consultation with the Supervisor and submitted Findings- Research groups will be expected to
to the Research Proposal Review Panel for
approval. The proposal should clearly state the complete and submit all five chapters of the
objectives and research methodology of the
proposed project to be undertaken. It should Research Project, to include a summary of the
have full details of the rationale, sampling, data
collection instruments to be used, analysis research findings, conclusions,
techniques to be used, limitations, if any, and
directions for further research, etc. The research recommendations and suggestions for further
groups have 4 weeks to complete and submit the
Final Draft of the Proposal to the Research research study. Students are coached into
Proposal Review Panel for approval.
converting and summarising the Research Thesis
 Research Proposal
Students are expected to do the following: into a PowerPoint presentation for delivery in a
1. Prepare the final draft of their Research
group format. Oral presentations of the Research
Proposal with three chapters, reference list
and appendices. Project will be scheduled, and the Research
2. The Literature Review chapter should
contain at least 30 articles/references and be Facilitators, along with at least two other
15 to 20 pages in length. qualified individuals, will assess each group’s
3. In the Appendix, students should include
the following: questionnaire or interview project and adjudicate the oral presentations

Student Handbook 2020-2021 according to the rubrics for assessment. The

marks from the assessors will be averaged to
attain the group’s Final Project grade. After the

grading of the projects and presentations, the

papers will be returned to the students for

corrections and preparation of the final bound
copies which will be placed in the institution’s



UCC Online

and complete examinations online. (SEE

UCC Online Frequently Asked Questions at Appendix C for

What is UCC Online more).

Programmes Offered

Course Delivery Delivery Models

Technical Requirements Hybrid (Synchronous and

Course Delivery Asynchronous): Students have the

Technical Requirements option of selecting to complete some of

Is UCC Online for me? their courses online and other courses in

Activating Your UCC Student Account the traditional face-to-face/classroom

Registering for Your Online Courses option. The Hybrid model is available

Preparatory Sessions (Mandatory) currently only to students residing in

How To Login To Your Online Courses Jamaica who can choose to complete a
How to Login To Your Chat Sessions course at one of UCC’s campuses. The

Zoom Meeting Room Guidelines conduct of a face-to-face class is subject

Grading Guidelines for Participation to enrolment numbers at the UCC campus

Assessment of choice.

Proctored Exams

Location Survey Synchronous: The student can select to

Tips, Netiquette Guidelines do all online courses for their

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) undergraduate degree. These courses are

taught completely online but will require

What is UCC Online? the student in Jamaica to attend the

UCC Online offers/delivers courses for students assigned UCC Campus to sit proctored

pursuing UCC undergraduate degrees (and end-of-modules examinations. Students

graduate degrees through the Graduate Studies studying outside of Jamaica will now sit

Office). These courses are equivalent to those their end-of-semester-assessment

offered in the traditional classroom setting. While examinations from the convenience of
the online courses offer greater flexibility and their home using a ‘live’ online proctoring

convenience (the ability to study from home), service called ProctorU.
UCC’s online courses are not self-paced courses.

The courses are delivered within the same Programmes Offered at UCC Online

academic period as face-to-face courses and are The following represent the undergraduate

fully comparable in rigour to the curriculum programmes that were traditionally offered

delivered on any UCC campus. at UCC Online:

UCC Online uses a web-based platform called Bachelor of Science degree in
MOODLE as its primary online course  Business Administration
management software to offer courses via  Business Administration majoring in
distance learning. Students of UCC Online
communicate with their instructors and Accounting and Financial Management
classmates via this web page link:  Business Administration majoring in Once students log
in with the same credentials as they would Accounting (start: Fall 2017)
after activating their UCC student email  Business Administration majoring in
account, students may view lecture notes,
announcements, view and upload assignments Financial Management (start: Fall 2017)
 Information Technology
 Business Administration majoring in

Information Systems Management

Student Handbook 2020-2021 127

 Human Resource Management assignments via a Drop Box facility;

 Marketing and respond to discussion questions in
a forum posted by lecturers.

Since Summer 2020, all programmes at the 2. Synchronous: this means the

university are offered in the online modality. instructor and the student are present

Each programme is fully online except for at a scheduled time (in real-time) for

those requiring internship or practicum chats/discussions, instruction and

exposures that cannot be readily facilitated activities.

online, but requires some level of physical

interaction. These programmes are therefore Technical Requirements

offered in the blended modality. The To ensure that your online learning

programmes offered via blended modality experience is successful, please refer

are: to the following basic guidelines:

Bachelor of Science degree in Hardware - System Requirements:

 Logistics and Operations Management Windows Users
 Tourism and Hospitality Management Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
 Production and Operations 3 GB of RAM
28.8 kpbs
Management Soundcard with Speakers
 Social Work Microphone
 Applied Psychology Webcam

The following graduate programmes are Headset and above
Microsoft Office 2003 for Adobe
offered online: (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Pop-ups must be allowed
UCC/Commonwealth Executive Master Connect and MOODLE

of Business Administration Requirements:

UCC/Commonwealth Executive Master
of Public Administration. Browser

The following post-graduate programmes are The Browsers below work best with the
offered online in collaboration with the learning platform – Ensure that it is
University of Sunderland: updated to the latest version.

Professional Doctorate Google Chrome
Doctorate in Business Mozilla Firefox
Administration Internet Explorer

Course Delivery Software Requirements
UCC Online courses are designed to have a Microsoft Office Suite or other word
blend of student-to-student and instructor-to- processing programme capable of
student interactions and create activities that saving files in RTF (Rich Text Format).
require the students to engage in the course Your course may require special (free)
content and with each other. UCC Online plug-ins to access streaming media,
courses are delivered in two basic formats: PDF files, or other web components. If
1. Asynchronous: this format does not this is the case, you will learn more
require the instructor and student to be about these special requirements from
online at the same time. Asynchronous the instructor.
learning at UCC Online allows Antivirus software is highly
students to review course materials recommended. (AVG is free and can be
including lecture notes, PowerPoint downloaded online.)

presentations and other resource Is UCC Online for me?
materials (including audio and video To be successful as an online student, you
lectures); download documents; send must exhibit certain behaviours. Before

Student Handbook 2020-2021 128

signing up for UCC Online, please take a few

moments to complete the following survey to

see if you are ready for the commitment
involved in online education. Respond ‘Yes”
or ‘No’ to the following statements:


1. I am good at setting and keeping goals and deadlines for myself.
2. I finish the projects I start.
3. I do not quit when things get difficult.
4. I learn fairly easily.
5. I am self-motivated, self-disciplined and can work

independently of

6. I can learn from a variety of media (audio recordings, material in
print etc).

7. I am willing to have discussions with people I might never see.
8. I am willing to spend at least 4 hours per week on each (3-credit)

9. I am responsible for what I learn.
10. I do not put off assignments until the day before they are due.

I can express myself well through written communication and
11. can

follow written instructions.
12. I know how to do web searches, download files and install

13. I can use “chat” features for real-time communication.
14. I have access to a computer with a recent operating system

(Windows or Macintosh) installed.
15. I have reliable, high-speed internet access.

Total Responses

Tally the number of ‘Yes’ responses. Now evaluate your readiness for online education using
the guide ahead:

13-15 ‘Yes’ responses: You are capable of

taking an online class. Activating Your UCC Student Account

10-12 ‘Yes’ responses: You might be Your acceptance package from UCC contains

successful in online studies but you will need information related to your Student

important preparatory work before you Identification Number, Programme of Study,

undertake online classes. Year Accepted and Exemptions (if any).
9 and fewer ‘Yes’ responses: You should delay

taking an online class until you can improve Each UCC Online student is required to

your study habits, commit time to independent activate the unique UCC Student Account on

study and/or improve your computer skills. Aeorion, which is the Student Management

See also Tips for Succeeding at UCC Online System used to manage the teaching-learning

at Appendix A. experience at UCC as well as your UCC

Student Email (

Student Handbook 2020-2021 129

scheduled Preparatory Session. This is meant

to improve your readiness for your online

Registering for Your Online Courses studies in the semester.

Dates related to the registration period for each

semester are available in the published AcademicHow to log in to your courses on UCC Online

Calendar (available at the UCC website at 1. Visit the UCC Online website at ). The registration period is

that period when students select and pay for the 2. Enter your username and the password

courses they intend to pursue for the upcoming which you created for this account once you

semester. are fully registered. Students will get access

on the first Monday of the semester once

To register for UCC Online courses, take the they are fully registered during the

following steps: registration period. If you register during the

1. AFTER activating your Aeorion Account ADD/DROP period (this is considered

(follow steps given in package), log in to LATE REGISTRATION), allow for 24-48
Aeorion, select link “Register for Classes” business hours for enrolment to UCC Online.

to start the registration process. 3. After you have successfully logged into the

UCC Online website, you will be required to

2. Select: Semester > complete the mandatory Prep Session

Years>Schedule>Campus Example: (including a short quiz) after which you will

Fall>2019>Undergraduate>UCC be enrolled to your online classes.

ONLINE 4. The list of courses for which you are

enrolled will appear under your profile.

3. There are four (4) steps involved in the actual

registration process. Step One is course Please remember: You will not get online

selection; Step Two calculates your charges; access unless you are fully registered.

Step Three is where you pay fees. STEP 4

completes your registration process. If you pay aHow to log into your Chat Sessions

portion of your fees whether by credit card or at Chat sessions are held once per week. Chat

a UCC offline facility (Scotia Online, JNBS or sessions commence in the FIRST week of
Manager’s Cheque), you must call,visit or email the semester. Each session lasts for one

(and send proof of payment receipt to) Student hour during the Fall and Spring semesters

Financial Services (or SFS) at but for approximately 90 minutes per week

to be deemed fully registered. Only online in the Summer session.

students residing overseas should send a copy of

their payment receipt to a UCC Online officer at Chat sessions are facilitated using Zoom Otherwise, you may pay Video Conferencing. Students join the Zoom

in full online and be deemed fully registered. meeting room by clicking on the

link/Meeting ID on the UCC Online course

4. When you are fully registered by SFS, please page at the scheduled class time.

wait 24-48 business hours to be enrolled to

Moodle. When using the Zoom Video Conferencing

Meeting Room, you must have the following:

5. Contact: for 1. High speed Internet

assistance with activating your UCC student 2. A (built-in) video camera

email account. NB: Your default password is 3. A headset to prevent feedback from

your ID Number external speakers through your

6. Use your student ID Number to log in to your microphone. Feedback is unwanted

UCC Online class. noise that will disturb the meeting.

Preparatory Sessions for Online Students Please test your devices before the meeting.

Before starting your online classes each This is your responsibility.

semester or teaching period, all students (new

and returning) will be required to complete the

Student Handbook 2020-2021 130

Zoom Meeting Room Guidelines Discussion fora and chat sessions provide the
Zoom provides very clear video meetings bases for interaction between student and
directly from your computer or mobile instructor and participation by students in all
device. With these video meetings, you have UCC Online courses. Participation in
a great opportunity to see your fellow discussion fora accounts for 15 percent of
classmates and facilitators/ lecturers. To your course work grade - this may include Chat
ensure that all your meetings are successful Session participation which will account for an
and adhere to good manners and etiquette, we additional 5 percent of the grade. As students,
urge all participants to abide by the following you are required to check the course
guidelines: assessment sheets which outline various grade
ratings that are issued to areas within the
1. To participate in your online class, you course.
will need a USB headset with a
microphone attached. The headset will Students are required to participate in a variety
help to produce the best sound quality and of discussions and activities and chat sessions
reduce unwanted background noise. with their team. A student’s participation will
be evaluated on the extent to which he
2. Remember you are on camera so avoid demonstrates an understanding of the course
eating food; remember too, you may be content and an ability to apply this knowledge
called on to speak using the microphone to the dynamics operating in organisations,
and sound is amplified. Mute your businesses or society.
microphone if your facilitator has not
already muted it and turn your video off if “Attendance” (virtual) and active participation
eating anything. in every discussion and chat session are
required to achieve the maximum participation
3. As tempting as it is to want to dress in your mark.
pajamas for your online class, please
remember you should dress as you would for Guidelines for Attendance for Discussion
a face-to-face meeting with your Fora:
lecturer/facilitator and in clothing that will Students are expected to:
not distract other people involved in the
meeting. Avoid overly bright colours that Submit one posting for each Discussion
will produce a glare. Question as per the grading guidelines
4. Assume your camera is on at all times even Respond to at least one colleague’s
when you are not speaking. So be careful of post for each Discussion Question to
every move you make. Your body language engage in the discussion as it
and facial expressions will say a lot about develops.
Guidelines for Posting to Discussion Fora:
5. Turn off the TV, your music and any other Students will be expected to do the following:
applications that will take your eyes off your
meeting. Pay close attention to the presenter Focus on question(s) posted by the
and the discussion. Instructor.
Include related thoughts and materials or
6. Use appropriate language. other readings applicable to the
7. Avoid personal attacks. Respond to posts within one week of
Grading guidelines for Participation posting.
Submit posts ranging between one to
Grading Guidelines in Chat Sessions & three paragraphs in length.
Discussion Fora Use proper etiquette, and more
specifically, respectful language. (See
Appendix B)

Student Handbook 2020-2021 131

Submit posts that reflect an Disagree
understanding of the material and further In particular, the instructor will look for
the discussion. commentary that:
Include websites and sources to
support arguments and respond indicates critical thinking about the topic
to each other’s messages. at hand
draws from the assigned readings
Some ways to further discussion include: does not place a burden on the rest of the
Offer an opinion group by including unnecessary
Suggest a conclusion information
Be thought provoking Interacts and/or responds to the postings
of other learners.

Pose a question

Type of Face to Work Assessment for Online Courses
Question Face Online Online –Proposed
DQs (1 or Previous
2 5 DQ’s 3 DQs– (5% each)
paragraphs) 5 marks Proposed rubric:

- Use of English – grammar, mechanics,
spelling (1)

- Coherence – organization, ordering of
thoughts (1)

- Strong support, evidence-based discussion

- Application to local or regional context, e.g.
given (1)

- Citation, referencing (1)
Facilitators should enforce peer review in the
instructions given to students for responding to DQs.
should be clearly stated that an informed reply be
posted to the DQ and responses made to at least 2
made by peers.

15 %
Participation 5 % of which:

2 Marks for Zoom interaction
2 Marks for general participation.
1 mark will be for peer response
(adequate peer responses- 1 mark, inadequate
0 marks)


MSA MSA Short To be renamed Mid Semester Assessment –
answers Scenario based questions requiring more that

Student Handbook 2020-2021 132

20 marks and knowledge recall (comprehension, analysis and
multiple application).
choice 20 In the case of quantitative courses Software
marks restrictions will be removed (not limited to Excel or
Word), formulae will accompany questions and
references will be appropriately made.
Assessments must test Course Learning Outcomes


Additional 2 1 or 2 1 assessment (testing comprehension, analysis and
assignment Assessments assessments
(Essay equaling application) Assessments must test Course Learning
Project Type) 35 marks
Essay Outcomes
20 marks
Oral (x2) Project
(Public • Essay
Oral assessment (public speaking)


Online Coursework 15%
3 DQ’s ( 5% each) 5%
Participation 20%
Mid Semester-Assessment

Assessment (Project or Essay type
Total Coursework

All Assessments must test Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) and between Coursework
and end-of-semester-assessment Evaluations ALL CLO’s should be assessed.

Guidelines for Attendance for Chat Assessment
Sessions: Students will be assessed several ways
including (participation in Discussion
A minimum attendance of 75% Questions & Chat Sessions),
attendance is required for participation coursework/assignments, projects, essays,
in Chat Sessions. Students should notify a group work, quizzes, mid-semester-
UCC Online Programme Officer in assessment and end-of-semester-
writing of any predictable or unavoidable assessment examinations. Some courses do
absence. (See not have mid-semester-assessment
Attendance Policy, Undergraduate examinations. All coursework must be
Student Handbook.) attempted and submitted (via the online

Student Handbook 2020-2021 133

BOX) within the time-frame given by the Please note that all students will be
lecturer. If late assignments are submitted required to present at the time of the
by the student and accepted by the lecturer, examination scheduled by UCC, a valid
penalties can be imposed. UCC-issued Student ID and Exam
Permit. ProctorU students will be
Assignments must be submitted using the expected to do their examinations on
Standard Cover Page (sample found on Moodle. Their assigned Proctor will direct
UCC Online home page). If a student provide students access to the exam area
experiences any challenge during the on Moodle.
sitting of a mid-semester-assessment or
end-of-semester-assessment exam, it is the Alternative Exams
student’s responsibility to inform a UCC Alternative exams are allowed ONLY if
Online Programme Officer within 12 a student missed the sitting for a MSA
hours by email of the challenge(s). The or EOSA for Exceptional Extenuating
lecturer must also be copied on the email. Circumstances such as;
If there is a technical challenge, students
must send a screen shot of the “error” • Sickness (doctor’s certificate must be
message. provided)

Proctored Examinations with ProctorU • Death (death certificate or letter from
End-of-Semester-Assessment JP must be submitted)
examinations are administered for UCC
Online students in Jamaica at UCC • Work-related (letter from the
campuses. organisation must be submitted
on company letterhead)
Students outside of Jamaica will register
to complete their End-of-Semester- • Natural disasters,
Assessment examinations via ProctorU. political/social unrest
This proctoring service is available at a
cost of US$36.00 for each course If a student experiences any challenge during
registered. This fee was incorporated in the sitting of a mid-semester assessment or
the fee structure for Overseas UCC end-of-semester-assessment, it is the student’s
Online students, prior to Covid19. If responsibility to inform a UCC Online
proctoring services are required for future Programme Officer within 12 hours by email
exams, students will be notified and the of the challenge(s). The lecturer must also be
fee deducted. copied on this email. If there is a technical
Note: Jamaican students, who may have challenge, students must send a screen shot of
to travel outside of Jamaica during the the “error” message.
period of their end-of-semester-
assessment examinations, must: Location Survey
UCC Online will dispatch an exam location
Advise the UCC Online Programme survey from the beginning of the semester
Officer in writing by the end of the and should be completed by the first week of
ADD/DROP period of the travel Mid-Semester Assessment Exam. This is
arrangements. where you will indicate your intended
Pay the required ProctorU fee for each location at the time of your final exam. It is
course registered. the student’s responsibility to advise UCC
Create a ProctorU account via Online of any change in location for examinations. Changes to the location survey
after the first week of Mid-Semester-
Student Handbook 2020-2021 Assessment will NOT be done. Do not wait
until the day of your exam to advise the
office that you wish to sit your exam in a


new location. A new exam location will not You must devote time every week to
be accommodated if the office is not notified concentrate on your online classes. In
within the period stated. fact, you must be willing to devote at
least 4 hours per week on each 3-
Who to Contact? credit course. In the online classroom,
Students may contact the following persons all of your lectures, classwork and
to address any challenges with their online participation in discussion
studies: boards/sessions happen on your time.
Programme Officers, UCC Online:
a. 2. Be familiar with Moodle.
b. As a student, you will be enrolled into
c. a Resource Centre area on Moodle
d. which provides you with documents or
e. videos on how to use Moodle and be
m an effective online student. You will
Tel: 876-906-3000 ext. 4007/9 be required to familiarize yourself
with the resource centre so that you
External Web Support can efficiently navigate through your
a. online environment.

Student Financial Services 3. Always post on the discussion board.
a. You will be required to ‘post’ a
Tel: 876-906-3000 ext. 3978-80 discussion or your views on a
discussion board at least five times
Aeorion Administrator/UCC Email during your studies. Each post will
Matters count as class participation and is a
significant part of your grade. You not
Library services (past papers, research only need to post your discussion on
assistance etc) the topic the lecturer has posted but
Tel: 876-906-3000 ext. 3978-3989 you must also respond to the posts of
others within the prescribed
Online students can find other resources to timeframe. If you fail to post your
assist them with their online experience at discussion in the required time, you or the may lose points.
University website at .
These sources provide student access to 4. Read the course materials that you
accurate and timely information about the are given.
institution, its programmes, courses, costs Your course page will contain course
and related policies including but not material such as PowerPoint
limited to admission application, presentations, lecture notes, video, audio
registration and pre-registration advising, or e-links. Make sure to read, listen or
information on financial aid, scholarship watch all. Students are responsible for
awards, leave of absence forms, and sourcing and reading the required reading
document request forms. texts.

Tips For Succeeding Online 5. Read the recommended material.
Here are a few tips to help you succeed as a Your lecturers will usually send you
UCC Online student: additional suggested reading material to
help you to better understand the course
1. Devote time to schoolwork.
Student Handbook 2020-2021

you are doing. Make sure to read these course page daily for changes in
other materials to assist you in your schedules, new assignments,
learning. reminders from your lecturers or from
6. Submit assignments early.
Make sure you plan way ahead, get 10. Make sure you have a reliable
started early on your assignments, do computer and internet connection.
your research and submit your As an online student, you must have
assignments early. An unreliable access to a reliable computer and high-
computer or network is no excuse for late speed internet access (with a minimum
submission of assignments. Do your own bandwidth of 2Mbps). We suggest you
assignments unless you are asked to upgrade your internet browser
submit them as group work. (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or
Safari) to the most recent version.
7. Participate in Chat Sessions. Remember, from time to time, you
Where Chat Sessions are scheduled, may be downloading and uploading
make sure to participate. Such schedules large audio, video and text files.
are held in real-time, so you must ensure
that you check the days/times posted on ***Mobile devices may be used as a
your course page on MOODLE for your matter of convenience but are not
Chat Sessions and participate in these. reliable devices and is NOT
recommended for online classroom
8. Keep in touch with your lecturers. use especially examinations or
Your lecturers will provide you with their assignments.
email addresses and/or telephone contacts.
Do not be afraid to ask them questions To access your classes, log on to:
related to your course during their “office
Netiquette Guidelines
8. Keep in touch with a Programme In an online environment, it is not
Officer. possible for others to read your body
UCC Online Programme Officers are language, tone of voice, or facial
responsible for assisting you with your expressions. Therefore, a special set of
online learning experience. Your online rules has emerged for online
programme officer may be reached at 876- communications, called Netiquette.
906-3222 or 876-906-3224 or at Here are some basic Netiquette rules For technical that should be followed during online
related issues, you may email our external discussion board, chat sessions, or e-
Web Administrator at mail:
Never give your user ID or
9. Read your UCC emails and log in to password to another person (Do
the UCC Online portal daily. not share personal data in your
You must read all communiqué from online chats).
your UCC Online Programme Officer Sometimes, a good way to enter a
who may send you any changes in discussion board or chat is by briefly
schedules or other advisories from introducing yourself.
time to time. You must also make sure Before posting to a discussion board,
you check your UCC Online Moodle you should read prior messages to

Student Handbook 2020-2021 136

get a sense of the flow and language that you think would be of interest to
of the discussion. others, summarize it and post it to the
Always title your messages. Be sure
the subject line reflects the topic of Cite all quotes, references and sources
discussion. Do not auto-reply and start and respect copyright and license
a new thread leaving the old subject agreements.
line in the header.
Always check your spelling before If you do post a different view point,
posting a message to a discussion first acknowledge what someone else
board. It will be the first impression has said. If you disagree with
you may make on someone, so it is someone, it is better to start a message
important that your message be free by briefly restating what the other
of spelling errors. However, if you person has said in your own words.
are on a synchronous chat, correct This lets the other person know that
spelling would be nice but not as you are trying to understand him/her.
much expected, as the conversation
goes much faster. When presenting a controversial point
of view, state whose view it is. For
Keep your questions and comments example, if it is your opinion, you can
relevant to the topic of the discussion. begin with “in my experience....” If it
If another person posts a comment or is a view of someone else, you can
question that is off the subject, do begin with “according to NAEYC...”,
NOT reply to the discussion board. If or “the president’s view is....”
you want to reply, do so in private e-
mail directly to the original poster. When you post or e-mail a question,
make it as easy as possible for others
Do not use ALL CAPS. It gives the to understand what you ask. Make
impression that you are shouting. sure your question is clear and
Capitalize words only to highlight an specific and check replies to your
important point or to distinguish a question.
title or heading. *Asterisks*
surrounding a word can also be used Treat the others on the discussion
to make a stronger point. board in a polite and respectful
manner. Never mail or post
Keep paragraphs and messages short anything you wouldn’t say to your
and to the point. reader’s face.

Ensure that your postings contain Try to stay calm and do not get
correct information. Try not to offended easily. If you feel the need
post comments that do not add to send an angry message, take a
meaning to the discussion. break.

Do not be afraid to ask questions Do not “flame” others on the discussion
within the course discussion group, or board. Flaming is the act of responding
to share what you know. It is in a highly critical, sarcastic, or
especially considerate to share the ridiculing manner - especially if done on
answers to your questions with others. a personal level. Remember that these
Also, if you have researched a topic
Student Handbook 2020-2021

discussions are meant for constructive offered through UCC Online use the
exchanges and learning. following models:

When quoting another person, edit  Fully online (except for end-of-module
whatever isn’t directly applicable to examinations for students in Jamaica).
your reply. Take the time to edit any Students in Jamaica sit their end-of-
quotations down to the minimum module exams at their respective UCC
necessary to provide the context for Campus.
your reply.
 Fully Online (including end-of-module
E-mail messages should be considered exams). This option is available to
private and not shared with others or students not resident in Jamaica. Exams
quoted without permission. However, are proctored online by ProtorU.
whatever you post to a newsgroup or
discussion board is public. You never  Hybrid model, that is, students have the
know who might read what you posted. option of selecting to pursue some of their
courses online and other courses in the
Advertisements and spam messages are traditional face-to-face/classroom option.
not permitted on online course The hybrid model is available currently
discussion boards. only to students residing in Jamaica who
can choose to pursue a course at one of
Sometimes emoticons ( ) are used to UCC’s campuses.
express emotion or abbreviations are
sometimes used (FYI, BTW) but these 1. How does the UCC Online mode
must be used sparingly if permitted by of delivery work?
your facilitator.
Students receive their instruction from
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) lecturers via a web-based learning
UCC ONLINE responds to the growing platform known as MOODLE.
number of students who are eager to earn
university degrees but who require more This platform allows students to view
flexibility than the traditional on-campus lecture content/notes, PowerPoint
courses allow. Studying via UCC Online presentations, video and audio
is an attractive alternative because you resources provided by lecturers.
can: Lecture content is available from week
• schedule course work around jobs and one of the semester.
family responsibilities
• work independently Lecturers and students interact in (live)
• acquire new skills and knowledge to chat sessions and discussion fora
compete in the workplace (asynchronous).
• improve your lives through enriched
learning experiences Chat sessions begin in the first week
• complete course work toward of the semester, are conducted via
university degrees. Zoom and run weekly. During the
What is UCC Online? spring and fall semesters chat sessions
UCC Online is a distance learning vehicle are one hour each week and are
which uses technology to deliver UCC’s conducted after work hours between
degree programmes. The programmes Mondays and Thursdays, on Saturday

Student Handbook 2020-2021 138

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