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Published by Grace Lee, 2023-05-18 02:58:31


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Book of Hope eng_AP_TWN_BAFK-BOH_20220624.indd 1 6/24/22 11:06 AM

Bible App for Kids Book of Hope (BAFK BOH), English, ISBN 978-1-64653-879-9 Copyright © 2019 by OneHope, Inc. 台灣希望之書(布可劇團)70167 台南市中華東路三段399巷15號 Scripture quotes in bold. Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. In the Beginning......................................................................1 The First Sin.............................................................................5 The First Christmas Gift......................................................9 The King and the Kingdom..............................................13 Through the Roof................................................................17 It is Finished...........................................................................21 A Happy Sunday................................................................. 25 Into the Clouds....................................................................29 Table of Contents Dear Parents & Children, It is our hope that this book will help you see just how much God loves you and know that He wants to have a relationship with you. These stories and activities will take you on an adventure through God’s Big Story and show you what it means to know and follow Jesus. All the stories you are about to read are part of the Bible App for Kids. In the app, these stories, and many more, are animated with music, narration, and fun activities! To download the free app, go to Now the Bible App for Kids is also a Storybook! This beautiful, hardcover book contains over 400 pages, 28 Bible Stories and engaging story questions. The Bible App for Kids Storybook Bible is great for reading together as a family, and is a perfect companion to the app. Genesis 1:1 – 2:4 eng_AP_TWN_BAFK-BOH_20220624.indd 2 6/24/22 11:06 AM

God gave you special talents and abilities He made you in His image! He created you carefully and uniquely. We can show God’s love by helping others appreciate their value, too. Character Trait: Self-Image 1 Genesis 1:1 – 2:4 We live in a beautiful world! Just look at the amazing things around you. Let’s go back to the beginning and see what the Bible tells us about how it all began. In the beginning, God made the heavens and the earth. God moved over the darkness and said, “Light!” He called the light “Day” and He called the darkness “Night.” Then God made a space to separate the waters above from the waters below. He called the space “Sky.” Day One! Done! Day Two! Done! In the Beginning The Creation of the World eng_AP_TWN_BAFK-BOH_20220624.indd 1 6/24/22 11:06 AM

2 God gathered the waters together, and dry ground appeared. He called the ground “Land” and the waters “Seas.” Then He made plants like grass, grain, and trees. Then God made lights in the sky. He made the sun for the day, the moon for the night, and all the stars. God made fish to swim in the waters and birds to fly in the sky. “Have babies!” He told them. “Fill the world with splashing and singing.” Day Three! Done! Day Four! Done! Day Five! Done! eng_AP_TWN_BAFK-BOH_20220624.indd 2 6/24/22 11:06 AM

3 Next, God made animals. He made farm animals, wild animals, and animals that crawl on the ground. “Just one more thing to make,” God said, “the most special thing of all.” So, in His image, God made man and woman. “Have babies,” He said. “Take charge of the world. Care for the fish, the birds and the animals.” Day Six! Done! Day Seven! Done! Then God looked at everything He had made. “It’s very good!” He said. So on the seventh day He rested and made that day special. eng_AP_TWN_BAFK-BOH_20220624.indd 3 6/24/22 11:06 AM

A B C D E 4 3 2 1 In the beginning, God made everything! He made it perfect. He made us, too, in His image. People are God’s most special creation. That means you! God saved the best for last when He created people. He made them in His image, which means that we are able to think, feel, and make choices. We were made to know and love God. By creating people in this special way, God gave us great value. He loves us and wants us to have a relationship with Him. 4 HINTS: A) Right treetop B) Right tree C) Under lion D) Middle tree E) Left tree Look back at page 3 and see if you can find where these animals are hiding. Learn to Draw Hide and Seek Did you know God created all the animals? What an amazing artist God is! You can be an artist, too! Follow the steps to draw the friendly lion below. Download the free app: Genesis 3:1-24 eng_AP_TWN_BAFK-BOH_20220624.indd 4 6/24/22 11:06 AM

God put in place rules and commandments because He loves us and wants to keep us safe. When we obey Him, it shows God how much we trust Him. Think of the people who love you. What kinds of rules do they have to help keep you safe? Character Trait: Obedience 5 The first man and woman, Adam and Eve, lived in a beautiful garden that God made for them. But Satan came as a crafty serpent and tempted Adam and Eve. “Did God say you must not eat the fruit from these trees?” the serpent asked Eve. “Just the tree in the middle,” Eve replied. “If we eat from it, we’ll die.” “You won’t die!” said the serpent. “There’s a reason why God doesn’t want you to eat from that tree. If you do, you’ll be like Him. You’ll know what He knows!” The First Sin The Fall Genesis 3:1-24 eng_AP_TWN_BAFK-BOH_20220624.indd 5 6/24/22 11:06 AM

6 “We’re hiding,” said Adam. “We’re naked.” “You know that because you ate from the tree,” God sighed. Eve ate the fruit. She gave some to Adam, who was with her. He ate it, too. And at once, they knew things they had never known before. One thing they knew was that they were naked! They sewed leaves together to cover themselves. They’d never felt fear or shame before, so they knew something was wrong. “Adam!” God called. “Eve!” eng_AP_TWN_BAFK-BOH_20220624.indd 6 6/24/22 11:06 AM

7 Then Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent. God said, “Serpent, you must crawl on your belly. A woman’s son will defeat you. Eve, childbirth will be painful. Adam, growing food will be difficult.” Then God made clothes for Adam and Eve and sent them out of the garden. He put an angel with a flaming sword there, so they could not return. eng_AP_TWN_BAFK-BOH_20220624.indd 7 6/24/22 11:06 AM

ANSWER: 1.Missing bird 2.Missing leaves 3.Bunny smiling 4.Flowers moved and are a different color 5.Serpent color 6.Purple berries missing 7.Giraffe’s eyes are closed 8.Adam’s hair color Download the free app: 8 Sadly, Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Going against what pleases God is called ‘sin.’ Sin brought death into the world. It broke their relationship with God and ours, too. It also broke God’s perfect world. Through Adam and Eve sin spread throughout the world. Everyone sins against God. No one is perfect. God is good and must punish sin, but because God loves us, He had a wonderful plan. God promised that one day a child would be born who would defeat Satan (the serpent). He would save all those who trust in Him by taking on the punishment for their sins. As God’s bigger story continued, He proved His promise many times. Then, at just the right time, God kept His promise by sending His only Son, Jesus, to be born. We’ll read more about that in the next story. Find the 8 Differences Between the 2 Pictures! eng_AP_TWN_BAFK-BOH_20220624.indd 8 6/24/22 11:06 AM

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