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Elderbank Early Years - 4th June Newsletter 2020

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Published by b00287482, 2020-06-05 10:25:44

Elderbank Early Years - 4th June Newsletter 2020

Elderbank Early Years - 4th June Newsletter 2020

Elderbank Early Years Newsletter
June 2020

Dear Parent/Carers,

It is hard to believe that we are now in June and have not been
together in the Early Years for more than two months now. I hope
that you and your family are safe and well during these times. We
had lots of special events planned for this month prior to the school
closure, however we are hoping to give the children the opportunity
to experience these events at home.

The first event is our annual potted sports day, this has been set as
our weekly challenge and we are encouraging you as a family to
participate in this together at home. This will be a fun experience for
all involved and an excellent opportunity to develop listening,
attention and turn taking skills as well as incorporating numeracy and
literacy skills. Please share any photographs of your family
participating in this event, the Early Years team would love to see

The Early Years team have had a go at the potted sports events,
luckily there weren’t too many smashed eggs or pulled muscles but
there was lots of fun and laughter!

During Keyworker phone calls parents/carers of children who are
transitioning to Primary 1 are keen to find out where they can
purchase school uniform. Uniforms can be ordered online via the website and then typing Elderbank into the
search box. This will give you the uniform options which you can order
and have delivered to your home. Early Years uniform can also be
ordered in the same way for any children returning next session.

The Best Start application process is now open and can provide a
grant for early years and school age. If you are in receipt of certain
benefits you may be eligible to apply. For further information please
use the link.

Research shows that the most effective way for young children to
learn and develop new skills is through play. Play has a positive
impact on both their mental and physical health and general wellbeing.
Play Scotland have launched a fantastic free resource the ‘Home Play
Pack’ which can be downloaded from their website. The pack has a
wide range of ideas and activities for parent/carers that will
stimulate children’s imagination and creativity. Please find the link
for the resource below:

Please remember if there is anything the Early Years team can
support you with or if you have any questions please do not hesitate
to ask.

Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Carruthers,
Senior Early Years Practitioner

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