January 23, 2022
10:30 a.m. Worship
Inviting all generations into a growing life with Jesus Christ
The Gathering
PRELUDE Sweet Hour of Prayer Setting by William B. Bradbury
Douglas Zimmer, organ
GREETING & GOOD NEWS Pastor Kellen Smith
MINUTE FOR MISSION Outreach Community Ministries
Nate Kaunley, CEO
CALL TO WORSHIP (1 Thessalonians 5:16-21)
Pastor: Rejoice always.
People: Pray continually.
Pastor: Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
People: Don’t suppress the Spirit. Don’t brush off Spirit-inspired messages, but examine
everything carefully and hang on to what is good.
HYMN 265 Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun
The Confession
CALL TO CONFESSION Pastor Greg Anderson
Lord, with you we always have a listening ear, a heart to help us. In you, we can rest
and confide. Yet we do not pray as we ought. We neglect your invitation to communion
with you. Bless us with your mercy and grace. Clean our hearts from sin and clear our
inboxes of anything that distracts us from growing with you. Shape us into being
faithful disciples of Jesus, in whose name we pray.
Please continue in silent prayer for confession of personal matters.
Leader: Friends, believe the good news of the gospel.
People: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.
The Word
WORD IN SONG Come to Me (based on Matt. 11:28-30) by Craig Courtney
Octet from the Westminster Choir
Sharen Sommerville, piano
Dan Sommerville, director
Come to me, all ye heavy laden, come and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
And you shall find rest for your souls.
Come to me, all ye heavy laden, come and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
Come home, for I am gentle and humble in heart. Come home at last.
HYMN 395 Blessed Jesus, At Your Word
MESSAGE Pastor Kellen Smith
“A Big Job”
Mark 1:35-37
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Pastor Greg Anderson
Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Thank you for giving by text, online, or mailing your gifts into the church office.
The Sending Pastor Kellen Smith
HYMN 169 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind Setting by Anna Laura Page
BLESSING Douglas Zimmer, organ
POSTLUDE Trumpet Tune in F
Sermon Notes
Missed a week? Watch past services at firstpreswheaton.org/livestream.
January 23, 2022
“Airplane Mode:
Spiritual Disciplines”
9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
We live in a noisy world. The 24-hour news cycle is relentless. Even when alone, we’re bombarded
with texts, emails, and social media messages. The Lord’s invitation to seek solitude and silence
isn’t only about finding a quiet place, it’s also about discovering the gift of removing ourselves from
the cacophony of messages to find our rest in God. Drawing from the life of Jesus and the Apostle
Paul, this series extends that invitation at four critical life junctures: a big decision, a big loss, a big
job, and a big change. At each point, a time of silence, solitude, and prayer in God’s presence can
heal us of the past and prepare us for our futures.
Today: “A Big Job”
Mark 1:35–37
As Jesus begins his public ministry of preaching, he seeks time apart with God in prayer. We’ll hear
how when faced with any new or significant task, a time spent alone in prayer empowers us for the
work ahead.
Covid-Safe Protocols
In light of current Covid concerns, we are working to keep in-person worship safe and comfortable for all.
• Face coverings must be worn throughout worship
• The sanctuary is sanitized before and after each service
• Please enjoy livestream worship if you are sick
Thank you!
“On Mission Together: An Education
Series on Serving Our Community”
Sundays through January 30 at 10:30 a.m.
In the new year, you’re invited to learn about how
our faith can be applied to helping those in need
around us by hearing directly from several First
Pres mission partners. One of the steps in our
church’s discipleship path is to “serve in a ministry
or with a mission partner.” Discover how serving
others deepens your life with Christ and uplifts our
TODAY – Nate Kaunley, CEO, Outreach Community Ministries
January 30 – Hester Bury, Director of Corporate and Foundation Giving, Northern Illinois Food Bank
Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, January 30
In Person and Livestream
Following 10:30 worship
Each year in January, we gather for the Annual Meeting of the congregation.
Plan to join your church family virtually and in person as we reflect on what God
has done through the ministries of First Pres in the past year. A meeting packet
and annual report will be available ahead of the meeting.
The meeting will be conducted immediately following 10:30 worship at
The Westminster Choir Women’s Ministry Giving Envelopes
will be back to lead and Super Bowl Sunday Are In
minister in music starting Notecard and Bake Sale
If you requested giving
Sunday, January 30 Between services on envelopes for 2022, they are
Sunday, February 13
A brass quintet will enhance our available to pick up at the
worship on that day, as well. Please stop by on Super Bowl Welcome Desk through
Sunday between services to
On February 6, Paul Burgess, support the Women's Ministry's January 30.
pianist, and Douglas Zimmer, annual fundraiser by purchasing
organist, will play portions of the some beautiful notecards or Please contact
magnificent Organ Symphony delicious treats for your Super Beth Spiegel at
by Camille Saint-Saens, as Bowl festivities! Homemade [email protected]
arranged for piano and organ baked goods can be dropped with any questions.
duet. The prelude will be from off at the kitchen on Saturday,
the slow movement, and the February 12 before 1:00 p.m.
postlude from the triumphant
concluding movement.
Come early so you
don’t miss out!
One-to-One Care is a ministry that has been One-to-One Caregivers are lay people who have been
active at First Pres for over 35 years: fully trained in the Stephen Ministry program and are there
Stephen Ministry to help walk alongside of those experiencing a life crisis.
One-to-One Caregivers are trained in active listening,
confidentiality, boundaries, and being a non-anxious
presence for those going through a crisis. They are
there to listen and to walk with you on your journey of
healing, with God at the center.
To receive care from a One-to-One Caregiver,
please contact Pastor Kellen Smith by emailing
[email protected] or by calling the
church office at 630-668-5147. Please note that the
ministry is not available to minors.
Sunday School
Sunday School for preschool through
5th grade is held during the 10:30 a.m. service.
Register at firstpreswheaton.org/SundaySchool.
Valentine’s Day Tea and Party
Friday, February 11 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Register at firstpreswheaton.org/TeaParty.
Register at Join your church friends and make
firstpreswheaton.org/SHINEWinter new ones each week on Wednesday
afternoons. The start date for the
Winter/Spring session has been
delayed due to the surge in COVID.
Be ready to join us in February
for a welcome back night
with games and ice cream.
Bring a friend!
We can’t wait to start up again!
Genesis – Middle School Ministry High School
• We meet on Sundays from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
in Stewart Hall 106. WF – High School Ministry
• The Winter Retreat is from February 11-13 • WF meets on Sundays from 5:30-7:00 p.m.
at Camp Timber-lee. Register at at the church.
firstpreswheaton.org/GenWinter. • Sign up for the Winter Retreat, held from
February 25-27 at Camp Timber-lee.
Register at firstpreswheaton.org/WFWinter.
Church Family,
We are saddened by the passing of two longtime church members
this month, Tad Mallery and David Nyman. We thank God for
their life and entrust them to Jesus’ eternal care.
Check the First Pres calendar regularly for updates
Welcome to this week’s opportunity to pray in community
Prayers for our Church Family
• Comfort for the family of Dave Nyman following his passing and gratitude to God for his life
• Continued recovery for Agnes Kenton’s son Craig following his recent surgery
• Comfort for Alisa Maloney and her family as they mourn the passing of her stepmother Nancy
• Comfort for Dee Hicks and her family as they mourn the passing of her daughter Tracy Allen
• Healing for Chase Woodall, recovering from surgery, and comfort for his parents Kelly and Jeff
Woodall and grandparents Kathy and Brian Elliott
• Impact for the work of our mission partner Outreach Community Ministries
Church Office Hours
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 715 North Carlton Avenue, Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: 630-668-5147
of Wheaton
Email: [email protected]