Promoting professional excellence in veterinary medicine, advancing animal well-being, and protecting public health.
Making Strides May/June 2019
to Stay Digitally Relevant
In This Issue
New MVMA Website and App go live!
Making Strides to Stay
by Megan Nadeau Digitally Relevant ...................... 1
Presidents Message ............... 2-3
The MVMA is focused on leading the Minnesota Veterinary Calendar of Events ................... 3
profession. In an effort to make this easier the MVMA has Capitol Report ....................... 4-5
launched a newly redesigned website and app. The updated Foundation Feature ............... 6-7
MVMA website is now more user and mobile friendly. The new What’s New at the U? .............. 8-9
website offers the same great features in a simplified layout. Have You Registered for the - Senior
The website highlights ways for individuals to “Get Involved” Veterinarian Council Event ......... 10
and has organized its resources for veterinarians, pet owners, In Memoriam .......................... 11
and students. Log in today at www.mvma.org to see all the new Veterinary Technician Programs
updates! Respond to Argosy Closure...12-13
You may remember the 2019 Annual meeting app, but what you Student Spotlight ................... 14
don’t remember are its brand-new features. The MN VMA app MVMA 2019 Summer Seminar ... 15
offers easy access to everything MVMA right at your fingertips Waters Edge Animal Hospital
for both members and nonmembers. If you would like to use and Urgent Care ....................... 16
member specific features, please log into the app. You will Welcome New MVMA Members .. 16
have access to features like our member directory and MVMA 25th Annual MVMA Golf Classic ... 17
newsletters. The MN VMA app is available for Android and MVMA Academy of Veterinary
iPhones. Download the MN VMA app today! Practice .................................. 19
Do You Know Your Member
Benefits .................................. 20
MVMA Member Dues Renewal ..... 20
Brewing4Success was a
Success .................................. 21
Classifieds ......................... 23-29
2019 MN State Fair ................ 30
VetPMP .................................. 30
Visit our website at www.mvma.org
Presidents Message NEWSMinnesota Veterinary
Hi all, Medical Association
Please visit the MVMA website to see the
upcoming MOVE social and networking Board of Directors: JONI SCHEFTEL
events designed for newer graduates, all MATTHEW BOYLE
the CE that is available this year, and to President CONNIE SILLERUD
sign up to volunteer at the state fair. If President-Elect DAVID FELL
you aren’t involved in a committee, please Vice President JIM WINSOR
jump in! If you are interested in current Past President ANN BROWNLEE
issues affecting the profession, join the Secretary/Treasurer ROB MEMMEN
Governmental Affairs Committee, and of course, there are JESSICA KOPPIEN-FOX
many other committees to choose from! Director DAVID LEE
This month’s veterinary public health hero story is about the Director DANIEL TJORNEHOJ
role of the practicing veterinarian in outbreak investigation. Director
In summer 2014, the Minnesota Department of Health Director
(MDH) identified 20 cases of E. coli O157 occurring all over Executive Director
the state. The case E. coli O157 isolates all had the same
genetic fingerprint, indicating that they were likely from Ex-Officio Members: TREVOR AMES
a common source. Attending a community event or fair ERIKA WEHMHOFF
emerged as the only commonality among cases, and most CVM Dean JULIE WILSON
cases reported visiting a petting zoo.
MDH contacted fair board presidents from each county fair SAVMA President BETH THOMPSON
named by the cases: all had hired the same petting zoo.
We called the petting zoo owner and his veterinarians, Drs. MN Board of CHUCK LEMME
John Howe and Bill Treichel from North Country Veterinary Veterinary Medicine
Clinic in Grand Rapids to let them know what was going
on. That evening I drove north, and the two veterinarians MN Board of
accompanied me to the farm, helping to lend credibility, Animal Health
explain the science to their client, and collect animal and
environmental samples. The owner agreed to stay home District VII
from his next two Minnesota fairs that were scheduled for AVMA Board Rep
the next week, until we knew more.
Samples from goats, alpacas, calves, and two samples AVMA Representatives:
from the trailer grew the same strain of E. coli O157 as the
human isolates, further proving that this petting zoo was AVMA Delegate SHARON HURLEY
the source of the outbreak. But now we had a new problem,
as the petting zoo was scheduled to appear at state fairs in AVMA Alt. Delegate MATTHEW BOYLE
two other states in 6 weeks, and these fairs were financially
critical. Other petting zoo outbreaks had occurred at the end MVMA Office Staff: DANIEL TJORNEHOJ
of the season, and by spring whatever outbreak pathogen KELLY ANDREWS
the animals were shedding had moved on. No standards or Executive Director/CEO NICOLE KAST
protocols exist to determine when a petting zoo associated Assistant Director
with an outbreak can be deemed to present no more risk BRITTNEY YOHANNES
than any other petting zoo. (No petting zoo is sterile.) Continuing Education
We consulted with E. coli O157 researchers from Program Manager MEGAN NADEAU
Washington State College of Veterinary Medicine, and Dr.
Howe consulted South Dakota State University. We spoke MVMF Fundraising & MARIA NELLESSEN
with Zoetis technical vets who had safely vaccinated goats Planned Giving Manager
with their Epitox E. coli O157 cattle vaccine. Drs. Howe MANDY RICHTER
and Treichel vaccinated all the ruminant animals every 2 Communications &
weeks, 3 times. Though not an apples to apples comparison, Marketing Coordinator
fewer animals tested positive by half. Test negative animals
were allowed to travel to the state fairs on a Certificate of Certification and System
Veterinary Inspection from Dr. Treichel (now at Mesaba Administrator
Animal Hospital in Hibbing). We were assured that
handwashing stations would be available at the fairs, that Administrative Assistant
continued on page 2 Newsletter Editor DANIEL TJORNEHOJ
Published bi-monthly by the Minnesota Veterinary Medical
Association, it is sent free of charge to all members of MVMA.
The deadline for receipt of all materials is the 7th of the month
prior to publication.
Display advertising is available at the Executive Director’s
discretion. Call 651-645-7533 for details.
Minnesota Veterinary
Medical Association
101 Bridgepoint Way, Suite 100
South Saint Paul, Minnesota 55075
651-645-7533 - phone
651-645-7539 - fax
[email protected]
The Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association assumes no responsibility
for material contained in articles and advertisements published, nor
does publication necessarily constitute endorsement by the MVMA.
Publication is for informational purposes only.
Calendar of Events
FREE Online Lunch ‘n Learn Sessions - 2nd Tuesdays of each month from Noon – 1:00 pm. Open to MVMA
M embers ONLY. Register online at mvma.org/lunch-n-learn. Attendees receive: 1 interactive CE credit.
May 14 – The Longhorned Tick and Other Ticks of Concern in Minnesota: What Veterinarians Need to Know –
Jenna Bjork, DVM, MPH, MN Department of Health and Stacey Schwabenlander, DVM, MPH, MN Board of
Animal Health
June 11 – Retirement Planning and Exit Strategies – Chandler MacLean, Business Banking Officer, Vice
President, Bank of the West
July 9 – The State (of Minnesota) Companion Animal Rescues – Margaret Gordon, VMD, MVMA Chair, Animal
Welfare Committee
August 13 – AVMA Update – Matt Boyle, DVM, AVMA Alt. Delegate and Sharon Hurley, DVM, AVMA Delegate
May 16, 2019
Animal Care Foundation Annual Spring CE Seminar - A Practitioner’s Approach to Renal & Lower
Urinary Tract Disease with Associated Therapies. Minnetonka Community Center, 14600 Minnetonka
Blvd. Visit animalcarefoundation.org for more information.
June 13, 2019
MVMA Council of Senior Veterinarians Bell Museum Tour and Planetarium Show. Tour begins at 10:10
am, Planetarium show at 11:30 am, Lunch at 12:15 pm. $20/per person. To RSVP contact [email protected]
or call 651-645-7533.
June 20, 2019
MVMA Summer Seminar - The Day I Didn’t Use Ultrasound-What Did I Miss? The Power of Global
FAST with Gregory Lisciandro, DVM, DABVP, DACVECC. Continuing Education and Conference Center. St.
Paul, MN. Go to mvma.org for more information.
June 20, 2019
MOVE-Can Can Wonderland. Join MOVE at Can Can Wonderland after the MVMA Summer Seminar. This
event is free of charge and is open to veterinarians and their families. Learn more and register online at
June 27, 2019
MVMF 25th Annual Golf Classic. The Wilds Golf Club in Prior Lake, MN. Register at mvma.memberclicks.
September 13, 2019
MVMA Academy Seminar - Applied Dentistry Skills to Expand Patient Care and Practice Services
with Kevin Stepaniuk, DVM, DAVDC. Arrowwood Lodge at Brainer Lakes. Brainerd, MN. Go to mvma.org for
more information
September 19, 2019
MVMF 10th Shoot for the Future Clay Shoot. Save the Date! Wild March Sporting Clays, Clear Lake, MN.
SAVE THE DATES for October 11th MVMA Women’s Veterinary Leadership Conference in Chaska and the
November 14th MVMA Behavior seminar in St. Paul. Look for more information soon or contact the MVMA
Presidents Message continued from page 2
people would not be allowed in the pens, and there would be no hand feeding of the animals. The trailer
was cleaned and disinfected, and the animals were on their way.
MDH and petting zoo veterinarians worked together to handle an outbreak that occurred during the fair
season, with the goal of keeping visitors safe and the zoo in business. The assistance of the practicing
veterinarians in response to this outbreak was very important, both in building trust with the owner to
get his cooperation, and in devising and carrying out a plan to allow test-negative animals to travel out-of-
By the way, this is the very same Dr. Howe who will become president of AVMA in August!
Have a great summer.
Joni Scheftel
M V M Ainnesota eterinary edical ssociation
Capitol Report
by Thomas Hagerty, DVM
The MVMA has been working on several fronts in keeping members aware
of our activities at the legislature. In addition to our Day at the Capitol
in February, our lobbyists met with our Power of Ten Leadership group in
March. In April, our legislative team held a noon-time lunch webinar to provide
members with an update of legislative issues that the MVMA has been tracking
and that are highlighted below. With just a few weeks remaining in the current
legislative session following their week-long Easter break, expect legislators to be working long days
and nights to meet the May 20th legislative session adjournment deadline. The following are a list of
legislative bills that the MVMA has been monitoring in this session:
Opioid Stewardship Fee: SF751/ HF400
Primarily a funding bill to support opioid crisis related programs. Bill author, Sen. Julie Rosen from
southern Minnesota, has been relentless in her efforts to have the legislature take meaningful steps
in addressing the opioid crisis. Last year, as well as this year, the MVMA worked hard to make sure
veterinarians were treated fairly in this bill. Currently, veterinarians are not required to be state PMP
reporters. However, if the bill does pass veterinarians will be required to view a valid photo ID of the
client receiving the pet controlled drugs before dispensing the drugs, unless the person is known to
the dispenser. The bill is currently in conference committee to work out the differences between the
House and Senate versions.
Another opioid bill that the MVMA has been monitoring is HF1731/SF1943 would codify the
VetPMP bill that the MVMA has already rolled out on a voluntary basis to veterinarians. The idea
behind this bill would be that the state and the MN Board of Veterinary Medicine would assume
the implementation and management of this program. This bill passed out of the House Judiciary
Finance and Civil Law Div. Committee with it being held back for further review by both the MN Board
of Veterinary Medicine and the MVMA Board of Directors. This bill could be resurrected in 2020.
Veterinarian Immunity: HF1530/SF1517
The MVMA crafted this bill to provide immunity from civil and criminal liability for licensed
veterinarians who are acting in good faith and in the normal course of business when reporting
known or suspected animal neglect, cruelty, or abuse. Both bills made it out of the House and
Senate Ag Committees but did not receive a hearing before the Judiciary committees in the House
and Senate. The MVMA is optimistic that this legislation has a good chance of succeeding in 2020.
Dangerous Dog Registry: SF361 /HF297
Again, the MVMA crafted this bill for the 2019 session. This bill directs the commissioner of public
safety to develop and maintain a computerized data system relating to dangerous and potentially
dangerous dogs. The commissioner shall maintain this data in a manner that ensures it is readily
available to law enforcement agencies and animal control authorities and can be searched by the
identification number of the microchip implanted in a dog. This bill has not been heard this year
in either the House or Senate Judiciary Committees and has missed the current deadlines so it will
be offered again in 2020. The Judiciary committee is often a difficult committee to get a hearing
scheduled because of the volume of bills that go through this committee. The MVMA will seek to
have this bill get through committee in 2020.
Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Debt Relief: SF285/HF170
The MVMA did not support this bill because the Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Forgiveness
continued on next page
Program currently has allocated $750,000/biennium in base funding with no sunset. The MVMA
fought off some attempts to modify the base funding level for this important program. The current
program and funding provides five large animal DVM graduates with $15,000 per year for five years
to apply towards their student loan debt.
University of Minnesota Funding Requests: HF984/SF1249
This bill appropriates $1,804,000 in fiscal year 2020 to the University of Minnesota to develop
a diagnostic test for chronic wasting disease (CWD) that uses samples from living deer. This
legislation is currently positioned in the Senate Environment, Natural Resources Policy and Legacy
Finance Omnibus bill and House Ag Finance/Policy Omnibus bill. We are hopeful that with the
widespread concerns about the spread of CWD in MN that legislators will approve this proposal.
HF2554/SF2514 This is another funding bill that appropriates $1.0 million to the Veterinary
Diagnostic Laboratory to expand and enhance the laboratory’s services. The University’s laboratory
is Minnesota’s only full-service lab for animal health diagnosis and is the official lab of the
Minnesota Board of Animal Health. This bill is in the House/Senate Higher Ed Finance bills and
included in the maintenance and operations portion of this larger U of M funding legislation. The
House/Senate Higher Ed Finance bill also includes AGREET research funding that the U of M CVM
has and hopefully will continue to receive research funding.
Gas Chambers Ban in Shelter: HF916/SF960
This bill would make it a misdemeanor crime for an animal shelter, humane society, society for the
prevention of cruelty to animals, animal control facility, or pound to euthanize a pet or companion
animal using carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, or other non-anesthetic gas. The Veterinary Medical
Association is neutral on this bill. There has been no committee action on this bill in 2019.
Board of Pharmacy Bill HF 1718/SF 2169
Pharmacy Practice Act bill that clarifies changes made for veterinary compounding, licensure
modified for wholesale distributors, licensure established for third-party logistics providers, and
fees modified. This bill includes a number of provisions including a couple that effect veterinarians.
The MVMA has worked with the Board of Pharmacy to allow veterinarians to have compounded
drugs available in emergency or urgent situations. Current law prohibits compounding for office
use. However, due to the wide variety of animals that veterinarians treat, they are not always able
to treat an animal who is experiencing an emergency with commercially available products. This
change allows veterinarians to
maintain and provide up to a
10 day supply of compounded
drugs to the patient in these
situations. This bill also
includes a provision that
would allow pharmacies and
veterinarians to enter into Cancer Care at AERC
financial arrangements with
pharmacies as long as the
arrangement is disclosed to the AtAERC,we understand how difficult
client, typically coming from the
pharmacy. Pharmacy services a cancer diagnosis can be for the
provided for livestock, poultry,
and agricultural production owner as wellas the vet team.Our aercmn.com
systems, such client notification new oncology service can help by
would not be required. providing information and options
Please contact the MVMA office
if you have any questions regarding the cancer type,extent,
regarding our legislative
activities. We also encourage treatment,and prognosis.
members to meet with legislators
either at the capitol or at their
office. These visits can be
arranged through the MVMA
Foundation Feature TM
Highlights from the MVM Foundation
by Brittney Yohannes, Planned Giving & Fundraising Manager
Grant Recipient Spotlight – SAVMA Dog Olympics
Nearly 400 humans and their dogs turned out to the State
Fairgrounds on April 13 to enjoy a day of contests, obstacle
courses, and demonstrations for the 2019 Dog Olympics.
From the Tower of Treats competition to doggie dress up
relays, the event boasts unique and engaging activities for
competitors and spectators. The U of MN’s chapter of the
Student American Veterinary Medical Association has been
hosting the Dog Olympics annually since 2013. It is more
than just a day of fun with your best furry friend, it is also a
charitable fundraising event with the proceeds donated to a
different non-profit organization each year. This year’s event
benefitted the rescue Secondhand Hounds, and some adoptable dogs even came out enjoy the day
and try to find their forever homes.
The MVMF has sponsored the SAVMA
Dog Olympics through a grant award
most years since its inception.
MVMF Fundraising Manager Brittney
Yohannes and MVMA Marketing
Coordinator Megan Nadeau attended
the event, chatting with attendees
about the mission of the Foundation.
2019 Grant Recipients
Congratulations to the recipients of 2019 MVMF Grant awards!
4H $3,000
Animal Care Foundation $3,500
Basic Animal Rescue Training $5,800
College of Veterinary Medicine, Dept of Vet. Clinical Science $2,000
FFA $3,000
MVMA CE Committee $3,000
MVMA Miracle of Birth Center $2,500
MVMA Surgery Suite $2,500
SAVMA - Dog Olympics $1,000
SAVMA – Symposium travel grants $5,000
SIRVS $5,500
Veterinary Business Management Association $2,500
VetCamp $5,000
Veterinary Medical Reserve Corps $1,885
VeTouch $4,500
TOTAL $50,685
continued on next page
MVMF Annual Campaign
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Do you remember how you answered that question
as a young person?
“I want to be a veterinarian!” For many young people, becoming a veterinarian is their dream. In
fact, it is the top career choice among kids in the Midwest according to a survey by Fatherly and
New York Life. But when these kids grow up they are faced with the harsh reality that their dream
comes with a median educational debt of $163,299 by the time they finish school (AAVMC Public
Data). Veterinary school tuition has doubled in the past 15 years, yet starting salaries are not
rising proportionally to meet the financial needs of recent grads. Veterinary technicians also face
financial challenges when it comes to their education, especially those affected by school closures
in recent years, and as recently as the Argosy closure in March.
MVMF is doing more than ever before to support the financial and educational needs of students
of veterinary medicine. DVM students were awarded $67,000 in MVMF scholarships this year,
including two brand new scholarship awards. Extra veterinary technician scholarships were also
made available this year to Rochester Community and Technical College, Ridgewater College, and
Dakota County Technical College, with at least one award provided to each school specifically
designated toward transfer students.
The Annual Campaign, which includes contributions made in April through June, is an important
way MVMF is able to keep providing for the future of veterinary medicine, one scholarship, one
student, one dream at a time. All contributions up to $25,000 are being matched by the MVMA for
the Annual Campaign. Double your dollars by supporting the Annual Campaign and make your
contribution today!
What’s New at the U?
News from the University of Minnesota
College of Veterinary Medicine
Commencement set for Sunday, May 5
100 students are preparing to celebrate the completion of their veterinary degree from the
teUhanerinvTiewnrgsinitgyCraoitdfiueMsaitWnenedesestgoBrteaae.nsWTk.hTchehayameDwtcep’iecuslrlesewNmmoaebnolkenwSryau, ca2bnre0dtogas1itsyn7h,stehMaeatUsy1t05ag.aeT.meonf. the Ted Mann Concert Hall on
students will be recognized for
CVM rankings improve
QS World University Rankings recently listed the University of Minnesota College of
oan forVgeitveernineasrsy pMroedgircainmea(CppVlMic)aatsiotnhse d1u3eth-best veterinary medicine program in the world, and the
y 4 is thfiniefttdhhe-eabdewlsiotnrveldeftoerrarinanpkapirnlyigcmaatneioddnicstihntroeetephrseopMgortiasnmnineisntohtteahURe SuUrnaralitnVekdeitnSegrtainstaienrsic.neTL2ho0ea1Cn8V.FMorghiavsenmeossvePdrougpra1m1, spots
edu/DVTMheloteaanmforhgaivsetnheessextopeleratirsnemtoordee.velop a test that can rapidly screen live animals for the
presence of CWD. The team is working closely with staff from the Minnesota Department of
Natural Resources and the Minnesota Board of Animal Health to refine the proposal. Further
hair aplepgoiisnlatetidvetoaclteioand iVseetxepriencateryd.and Clinical Sciences
thy CarSlsoounthhaDs aakccoetpateadppthreovCeosllfeugned’sinogffefor rtoesxepravnedaesdchrauirraolfvtehteeDrienpaarrytmeednutcoaftVioenteprirnoagrryam
al ScienAcepsr,oapnodsewdil2l +fo2rmpraolglyrasmtepbienttwoetehne SrooluetohnDFaekbortuaarSyta6t,e2U01n8iv. eDrsri.tyCanrldsotnhberUinngisvemrsoirtey tohfan
rs of faculty experience to the role, including the last 19 at the College. Her research intecroenstitnsueadroen next page
d on orthopedic diseases in animals and humans.
erdale Equine Center celebrates 10 years of operation
ade ago the first patient arrivVedetaet rthineaLreyatherdale Equine Center. The facility brought together
of the University’s equine prRoegrfaemrrs,ailncluding the Piper Equine Hospital, the Barenscheer Arena,
na Conference Center and thCe Denudtleery Barn.
rants and cSoonuttrhaMctestrsoupport research and education efforts
rol CardonWaei’sreprninowcipmaol rienvceosntivgeantioernotnfoarctohoepSeorauttihveMaegtrreoe!ment sponsored by the U.S. Department
iculture's Animal and Plant Inspection Service for a project entitled "Facilitating Public-Private
rships for tThhee UMniavenrasigtyeomf MeinntneosfotHa ViegtherliynaPryaMtheodigcaelnCiecntAervian Influenza and Other Animal Disease
encies to SaCnuadpretphaoererntpewlCelayosrenedtnitonovuaatinetnydoSuoonfcuetBhouMusreintnreoweAsVsne.imt"earlinEamreyrgency
Referral Center - South Metro in Apple Valley.
s-yineadro, g$s2..7RiAnemdtedsgiiutlrialloittnisooannlmsipngateroycaitanihlntteieftVosoerctDeomrmirnif.naugrLytsuiMozroeenPdwihlcuiautlhhmCaseearanntmtoeltrer’tssiesaesxlttse.cnoFdemudnpdleinmgeanwtaarrydtehdebrayJpeNinenasytCoiohnongalliCobalnacsetor mILnizasLtbaifrtouantiden.
specialty services and advanced capabilities. MS, DVM, ACVIM DVM, ACVS, ACVSMR
Internal Medicine Surgery
thy Carlson of the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine and Dr. Jutta Ellermann from the
al School’s Department of Radiology received a five-year, $v5r0c0.,u0m00n, .gerdanut f|ro9m5t2h-e9N53at-i3o7na3l7
te of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases to research novel MRI methods for juvenile
hondritis dissecans, a joint disorder.
Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine is one step closer to reality. South Dakota governor
Kristi Noem approved the plan in late March. If approved, up to 20 students would enroll
in Fall 2021 for their first two years at SDSU in Brookings, and then relocate to St. Paul
for their final two years at Minnesota. It’s believed the majority of the students will pursue
careers in rural veterinary practice, especially in food animal medicine.
Dairy Education Center re-named for John Fetrow
Professor emeritus John Fetrow, DVM, PhD, was the driving force behind creation of the
Dairy Education Center at Davis Family Dairies near St. Peter, Minn. Therefore, it is only
fitting that the facility be re-named the John Fetrow Dairy Education Center.
Over the past 10 years the center has provided intensive, four-week training sessions to over
120 veterinary students intent on focusing their careers in dairy production medicine. In
2013 the United States Department of Agriculture designated the facility a National Center of
Excellence in Dairy Veterinary Medicine Education—the first of its kind in the country.
Research team tracks moose at Isle Royale National Park
Following the reintroduction of several collared wolves from the Grand Portage Indian
Reservation in Northeastern Minnesota to Isle Royale National Park last fall, a team of
researchers have now collared moose at the park for the first time since 1984. Faculty in the
College are working with multiple partners to assess the impacts of predator restoration to
the ecosystem at the park.
Friday, May 3 Hueston Speaker Series: Andrew Mccabe, 1:30pm-2:30pm, 280 Veterinary
Diagnostic Lab
Friday, May 17 CVM Education Day, 9am-3pm, AS/VM Building
Unconditional love deserves
uncompromised care.
Poynette, WI (608) 635-7270 Anoka, MN (763) 753-5510
www.mcsofwi.com www.mcsofmn.com
of Wisconsin, Inc.
Senior Veterinarian Council event at the
10 Bell Museum on Thursday, June 13, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Have You Registered for the Senior Veterinarian Council event
at the Bell Museum on Thursday, June 13, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm?
The Bell Museum’s brand new
home on the University of
Minnesota’s St. Paul campus
features a digital planetarium,
high-tech exhibits, famous
wildlife dioramas, outdoor
learning experiences and more.
Explore the far reaches of
the universe in the Whitney
and Elizabeth MacMillan
Planetarium, see a glimpse of
the diversity of life on Earth and !
throughout Minnesota, travel
back in time to meet a woolly mamThmeo tBhe, lal nMdulesaerunma’bso burtaUnndi vneerswit yhoofmMein onne stohtea rUenseivaercrhsietrys of Minneso
imagining a better future.
Sign up now aStchhtetpdsu:ea/l xe/dpmioegvfirmtiBaeaeln .lpmclleaeMsmn uaebsnteeadrucr imlmuicmokTsr,e. onh.u eigtr/has-entnedicoLhr_u evnexcthshi_bbietlsl,_ mfaumseouums wildlife dioramas
10:1E0xpalmorTeo tuhre- fGaur irdeeadcfhoer s7 0ofM tihneu tuensiverse in the Whitney and Elizabe
11:3s0e-eP ala gnleimtarpiusem oSfh tohwe fdoriv4e5rsmitiyn uotfe lsife on Earth and throughout Minn
Box lunches (cost mcoeveerte ad )winooevlleyn mt raoommmaofttehr, tahnedp llaenaertna raiubmou sth Uowniversity of Minnesota
beHer fCuotsutre$2. 0/person
Sign up now at hHps://mvma.memberclicks.net/senior_vets_bell_
Schedule of Bell Museum Tour and Lunch
10:10 am Tour - Guided for 70 Minutes
11:30 - Planetarium Show for 45 minutes
Box lunches (cost covered) in event room aUer the planetarium sh
Cost $20/person
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Tel: 952-946-0035 Fax: 952-946-0037
Email: [email protected]
In Memoriam
Dr. Meaghan Elizabeth Swensen, DVM, 46, of Lindstrom, Minnesota and MVMA member
passed away February 27, 2019.
She was raised in Minnetonka, playing softball, dancing, and enjoying musical theater.
Meaghan attended Minnetonka High School and met her eventual husband, Jeremy, in the
spring of 1991 during the musical, Mame. The two were paired as dancing partners, and the
rest is history.
Meaghan pursued a degree in Biology and a minor in Dance from the University of
Minnesota, Duluth and graduated with honors in 1994. Meaghan and Jeremy were married
on July, 27, 1996 in the city of Excelsior, MN. They moved to St. Paul while Meaghan
pursued her Doctorate in Veterinary medicine at the University of Minnesota. During her
time at the University of Minnesota, she met and fell in love with retired racing greyhounds.
Meaghan and Jeremy adopted a pair from a closing track in Hudson, Wisconsin and
continued to adopt-a-care for hounds throughout her life.
Meaghan graduated in 2000 and soon started her career at a small animal practice in Arden
Hills. A few years later she accepted a staff position at Lakes Veterinary and Surgical Center
in Lindstrom, MN where she remained on staff until her death. She is loved and will be
missed by her husband and her three children.
Veterinary Technician Programs Respond to Argosy Closure
by Maria Nellessen, BA, CVT, VTS (dentistry)
The MVMA is actively working with other Veterinary greater Minnesota. The loss of the Argosy program
Technology programs in Minnesota after the recent will further widen that employment gap.
closure of Argosy University in Eagan, MN. We are Although there are four other veterinary technology
very grateful to the work these schools have done programs in Minnesota (Ridgewater College, Dakota
on behalf of the displaced Argosy students. MVMA County Technical College, Rochester Community
will also support future developing partnerships and Technical College, and Vermillion Community
that would be necessary to encourage the College), the total enrollment of all four of these
development of a new program in the area. Here schools is less than the enrollment at the Argosy
are recent updates from veterinary technology VT program. The loss of student opportunities will
schools in MN: be felt for years to come, unless this problem is
Dr. Julie Hansen, DVM, Former Program Chair, resolved soon.
Argosy University (Eagan, MN) stated; The instructor team from Argosy University is
As you are undoubtedly aware, Argosy University one of the most experienced group of veterinary
closed its doors on March 8, 2019, and the technology educators in the state. They are
veterinary technology program closed along with it. motivated to continue to serve our community
First started at the Medical Institute of Minnesota in this capacity, and believe that starting a new
in 1974, the Argosy Veterinary Technology program veterinary technology program in the Twin Cities
was among the strongest in the state of Minnesota, area will help address the loss of the Argosy
consistently graduating 80+ veterinary technicians program. The team is committed to high-quality
per year and also consistently having a Veterinary education of veterinary technicians, and would love
Technician National Exam (VTNE) pass rate well to be able to continue their life’s work as educators
above the national average. At the time of closure, in the field.
nearly 200 students were robbed of their ability to Currently, they are seeking out partners in the
complete their education in the time frame they Twin Cities higher education community that
expected. would be interested in adding veterinary technology
Even more critically, the veterinary community in to their colleges and universities. The mission of
Minnesota has been suffering from a shortage of community and career colleges seems to fit best
Certified Veterinary Technicians. Even with large with our mission to provide excellent education to
graduating classes, there are still numerous open prepare veterinary technology students for careers
positions for CVTs within the Twin Cities and as Certified Veterinary Technicians.
Dr. Allen Balay, DVM, VT Program Chair, Ridgewater Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) and Inver
College (Willmar, MN) is Hills Community College, they are committed to
working with Argosy students quite diligently to helping Argosy students during this uncertain time.
help some of them transfer to Ridgewater College. DCTC is working closely with the Minnesota Office
They have accepted 8 Argosy University students of Higher Education and the federal Department
so far into the second year of their program with of Education to provide options for veterinary
a start in August. Five of this group will be on technology students who have been affected by the
campus for one semester and complete their closure. While many details need to be finalized,
internships in the spring of 2020. Three will be it is DCTC’s goal to provide a bridge for students
at Ridgewater College for the entire academic year to continue their studies in veterinary technology.
starting in August and then complete internship DCTC is now the only veterinary technology
in the summer of 2020. They have about 6 to p rogram in the Twin Cities.
10 additional Argosy students that they are still DCTC vet tech faculty have “crosswalked” the
working with for placement. Argosy curriculum with the DCTC curriculum, with
The max that Ridgewater College can take into their the intention of enrolling Argosy students so they
current 2nd year class is about 10 – 12 students can complete their associate’s degree with DCTC.
at this time or there will not be a good educational Argosy students with hopes of completing their
experience for everyone. Another challenge is final internships are being supported through the
the 75 total credits needed for the program at DCTC program, and will be offered the opportunity
Ridgewater and only 60 credits at Argosy. The to graduate from the DCTC program by the end of
difference in contact hours within the veterinary the 2019 summer session.
technology courses was that Ridgewater students Dr. Kimberly Rowley at Rochester Community
get more than 300 additional hours compared and Technical College (Rochester, MN) stated that
to Argosy students. One additional challenge is RCTC is committed to working with former Argosy
the that the MinnState system expects that every students. Students will submit transcripts and
student that graduates from a MinnState college work with the Veterinary Technology program
will have a minimum of 20 “residential” credits. director in order to make their transition to our
What this means is that each Argosy transfer college as stress free as possible. We plan to look
has to get at least 20 credits at Ridgewater to get at essential skills and fit the students into the
their degree. The policy is intentional to minimize curriculum based on what is required by the AVMA
any appearance of “diploma mills” from the State for completion of their education.
s ystem. Dr. Peter Hughes, DVM, VT Program Chair, Vermilion
Dr. Balay indicated they are on a waiting list Community College (Ely, MN) stated, “while the
for admission starting this August but moving other schools in the state have a waiting list, we
forward to increase their incoming class size from still have seats available!” Vermilion College is a
a maximum of 64 up to 68 students. They are also small, residential college located in Ely, MN. They
having some preliminary discussion about overall offer a Veterinary Technician AAS (75 credit) degree
program capacity increase. It is challenging to and would be able to accommodate new or transfer
expand rapidly within the State system of higher students into current cohorts on their campus.
education considering current budget challenges. Fall 2019 is their next full cohort start date. The
Historically, Ridgewater College has had a total Vermilion Veterinary Technology Department Head
of between 100 – 110 students each fall and they and College Registrar could evaluate Veterinary
anticipate that they will have approximately 120 Technology credits from Argosy immediately in
students this August. order to determine equivalencies and possible
Dr. Balay stated, “we are doing what we can to placement. Vermilion is a Minnesota State College
make sure we do it right so that we continue to and students can complete their FAFSA at fafsa.
produce a quality graduate”. Their most recent gov. Vermilion’s college code is #002350. Their
cohort group of graduates were 13% above the residential college has three separate on-campus
National average on the VTNE; they want to apartment options and full food service plan.
preserve that level of success. Contact: Jeff Nelson, Director of Enrollment
Nicole Nieman, CVT, VT Program Director, Dakota Services, [email protected], 218-235-2193
County Technical College (Lakeville, MN) stated that http://www.vcc.edu/programs-degrees/veterinary-
with the closure of Argosy University in Eagan, science/
Student Spotlight - Erika Wehmhoff
Erika is a second-year student who grew up in the lovely
suburb of Plymouth, MN.
Her undergraduate degree is from NDSU in Fargo, ND. Go
Bison! She is a big fan of BBC procedurals and the Great
British Bake Off.
She has a giant German Shepherd named Odin. Her favorite
thing to do is exploring the wonderful state that is MN
through lots of walking, hiking, and camping.
Erika worked as a bench scientist and scientific recruiter
for three years between graduation and starting veterinary
Her veterinary career interests are in dogs, cats, backyard
poultry, and small ruminants. She would love to go into
small or mixed general practice after graduation.
Best experiences of vet school so far have been being on two
vet check teams for dog races through the Sled Dog Medicine
Club and all the conferences I have had the good fortune of
attending through SAVMA and the AVMA. “I didn’t know
of the incredible benefits of organized medicine prior to
veterinary school, and now I actively take steps to bring
awareness to fellow students of the benefits their local and
national VMAs can bring.
I firmly believe the best part of veterinary medicine are the
people in it, and I’m excited to continue to grow and develop my relationships in this profession.”
2019 Summer Seminar Gregory Lisciandro
Register online at www.mvma.org DVM, DABVP, DACVECC
Consultant, Hill Country
The Day I Didn’t Use Ultrasound: Veterinary Specialists
What Did I Miss?
The Power of Global FAST Dr. Gregory
Lisciandro, DABVP,
Thursday, June 20, 2019 DACVECC,
received his DVM
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM from Cornell
University, completed an internship at The
Continuing Education & Conference Center Animal Medical Center, New York City, and
1890 Buford Avenue emergency and critical care residency at
Room 135AC Emergency Pet Center, San Antonio, TX.
St. Paul, MN 55108 He developed and published the clinical
utility of abdominal FAST (AFAST) and its
Explore the utilizing of the standardized point-of-care fluid scoring system, thoracic FAST (TFAST)
ultrasound approach in using AFAST, TFAST and Vet and Vet BLUE (lung ultrasound). He is an
BLUE combined called Global FAST. Discover how ACVECC At-large Regent on its Board; a
these formats have exact clarity to their acoustic member of ACVECC Education Guidelines
windows and provide rapid patient assessment as a Committee and Scientific Committee; and
first line screening test and detect conditions missed has been practicing for 27-years (~half in
or only suspected on physical exam, blood and urine general practice and ~half in emergency
testing, and radiography. “See" your problem list! and critical care). Most recently he served
Global FAST is your new core skill to improve care and as Chief of Emergency Medicine and
save lives! Critical Care, Emergency Pet Center, San
Antonio. Currently, he is a consultant for Hill
Agenda Country Veterinary Specialists, President of
the International Veterinary Point-of-care
8:00 am – 9:00 am Ultrasound Society (IVPOCUS.org); CEO
Registration & Continental Breakfast of FASTVet.com, specializing in veterinary
9:00 am – 10:30 am ultrasound training; and editor and chapter
Case-Based Applications of AFAST and Its Fluid Scoring author of the textbook Focused Ultrasound
System: Trauma, Triage and Tracking Techniques (Wiley, 2014) translated in 5
10:30 am – 10:45 am - Break languages.
10:45 am – 12:15 pm
Update in Canine Anaphylaxis: Diagnosis, Treatment Additonal Information
and Complications You MUST Know
12:15 pm – 1:15 pm - Lunch • This program has been approved for 7.0 hours of
1:15 pm – 2:45 pm
Vet BLUE Cutting-Edge Case-Based Applications in continuing education credit in jurisdictions which
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm - Break recognize RACE approval.
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
The Tale of Four Felines: Vet BLUE in Cats • Breaks and lunch are provided to onsite attendees.
Email or call (651-645-7533) the MVMA if you have
dietary requests.
• Handouts are provided to all attendees.
• Registration changes (onsite to online) must be
received 72 hours prior to the seminar. Changes are
a $40 administrative fee.
• Registration cancellations must be received 72 hours
prior to the seminar. Cancellation refund less a 10%
administrative fee.
• Webinar option available.
• Event generously sponsored by:
Waters Edge Animal Hospital and Urgent Care
by Brittney Yohannes
Whether they are Duluth residents or visitors to the North Shore,
clients walking into Waters Edge Animal Hospital and Urgent
Care immediately realize they are in a unique environment. From
the verdant lobby to the themed exam rooms to the impressive
organization of supplies in each cabinet, everything Waters Edge does
is intentional. The clinic is filled with paintings and woodworking
(even the pharmacy room), making visitors and their pets feel more
like they are visiting someone’s home rather than the vet. Some of
the art comes from the staff, some from clients, and even what were
previously Post-It notes in the surgery room are now in rustic picture
Dr. Tirzah Pop and practice manager Silviu Pop created a space to
make guests feel welcomed, calm, and cozy. Waters Edge has been
a deeply personal passion project since it opened in Aug 2012.
Before launching their clinic, Silviu visited dozens of clinics across
the country, fine tuning a vision for what their clinic could be. Both
Back: Sam Strand, Dr. Tirzah Pop, Silvipu oPuopr ed sweat and tears into remodeling the old ophthalmology clinic,
and their commitment for continuing to re-create their space for the
benefit of their team and clients continues even seven years later.
BOancke: Smamu Sstrtanodn, lDyr. sTitrezaph Pinops,i Sdileviut hPoep onsite pet funeral home to
understand just how much care has gone into fashioning
intentional space for clients and patients. For the past two
years this detached building beside the clinic has offered a
quiet, homey space away from the hustle and bustle of the
clinic to minister to families needing end of life services for
their pet. Couches and low tables allow clients to snuggle
their pets through the process. Dr. Pop described the
experiences that take place there as “sweet euthanasia.”
Every detail, down to the angel-print blankets, are
specially chosen to provide clients with a beautiful last
memory with their pet.
Dr. Pop says the team of just herself and five techs and
staff have their hands full. Waters Edge is one of the only
options for urgent care in Duluth, in addition to offering boarding, dental services, and full surgery.
They are looking for another doctor to join their “family”.
If you are interested in a clinic visit please let the MVMA know by emailing [email protected] or calling
(651) 645-7533.
Welcome New MVMA Members
Active Members Dr. Marcus Johansen Associate Members
Dr. Jessica Bollinger Dr. Michael Newfield Dr. Kate Brakefield
Dr. Megan Claps Dr. Elizabeth Parks Dr. Kaytee Firnett Devroy
Dr. Ashley Danowski Dr. Sally Ryan Dr. Denise Fortier
Dr. Heidi DeVries-Garms Dr. Kari Searcy
Dr. Melissa DeWoskin Dr. Tracey Thomas
Dr. Erica Dobbs Dr. Kristin Wise
Dr. Judith Feldsien
Dr. Donnell Hansen
Join us for a fun-filled day of amateur golf and tee it up to
support the MVM Foundation. The Golf Classic is for
veterinarians, their family, company representatives, college
faculty, and anyone who supports the future of
the veterinary profession. You don't want to miss our 25th
Anniversary celebration!
TED BEERY CONSULTING We see patients in their homes or in our
behavior-only, pet-friendly clinic.
651-329-6180 Deborah A. Bryant, DVM, DACVB
[email protected] Helen Jurchisin, DVM, ACVB Resident
10029 Minnetonka Boulevard
921 Martha Street North Minnetonka, MN 55305
Stillwater, MN 55082 Office: 612-554-1182 Fax: 612-225-1875
The 3 Top Drivers of Practice Value
As a practice owner, you should always be thinking about your exit strategy and how to maximize
your investment. If you are thinking about selling in the near future, you should understand what
makes your practice valuable to a buyer.
Profit is the #1 driver of practice value. The old myth is still out there that practice value is
determined from gross revenue but this is simply not true. The value of your practice to a
buyer comes from the potential return on investment (cash flow stream) that it generates.
The location of your practice is a large factor in both the value of your practice and how
quickly it will sell. The type of practice (small animal, large animal, mixed animal, specialty,
ER, etc.) is also a large factor as is the modernization of your facility and equipment.
In a financially healthy practice, the majority of the value and sale price is going to be
Goodwill. Goodwill is only valuable to a future owner to the extent that it is passed on to
them. A practice that is heavily reliant on the owner will have more risk to a buyer than a
practice where the owner has removed himself/herself from the daily operations.
The most desirable practices possess the following qualities:
1. Practice type is small animal
2. Location is a populated and growing area
3. Modern facility and equipment
4. Profits at 20% of revenue
5. Minimal need for the owner in day to day operations
Give us a call today if you would like us to determine the current value of your practice and provide
you with guidance on how to improve the value over time.
**Remember to visit our website to view all current listings.**
Nikki Nitz, CPA, CMA
Simmons Midwest * 877-322-6465
[email protected]
MVMA Academy
of Veterinary Practice
Since 1974 the Academy has maintained the
lifelong learing mission for the MVMA.
James O'Hanson Scholars Academy Scholars
(50+ CE credits) (30-49 CE Credits)
Dr. Perry Burros-Lemke Dr. Melissa Weisman
Dr. Christina Larson Dr. Stacy Lewison
Dr. Meg Glattly Dr. Thomas Wetzell
Dr. Kimberly Gallenberg Dr. Charles Schwantes
Dr. Dennis Gallenberg Dr. Thomas Haggart
Dr. Vicki Schulz Dr. Sara Nosbush
Dr. Jenny Aldrich Dr. Alanna Monn
Dr. Nikki Burk Dr. Sarah Carlson
Dr. James Bennett Dr. R.J. Ganz
Dr. Nancy Hansen Dr. Kathryn French
Dr Frances Smith
Dr. David Gilgenbach
Dr. Lisa Carpenter
Dr. Kevin Nigon
Dr. Aleda Tysver
Protect your livelihood with all the right coverage through AVMA PLIT.
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For a coverage comparison of your entire
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call 800-228-PLIT (7548) or visit avmaplit.com.
Do YoCuoKmnmowunYiotyur MNeemtwboerrkBinegnefits?Nearly 20 committees
State Fair Miracle of Birth Center
and Surgery Suite
20Volunteer and leadership
1 in 5 members serve on a committee
Committee activities and involvement
Power of Ten Leadership Program
MVMF, MVMA and MOVE social events
opportunities! Path-to-Practice student job fair
Advocacy Savings
ConEtdinuuciantgion Resou6rcesQuality, RACE approved continuing educationExperienced lobbyists thatLeading Minnesota’sAverage $400 annual savings
monitor legislation Veterinary Profession FREE CE Lunch’N’Learns
Supporting member discounts
Annual Day at the Capitol Classified ad member pricing
Legislative visits Job search resources
Regulatory relationships
Bimonthly newsletter
MN VMA app with member directory
Dedicated MVMA staff
Practice resources
Legal consultation
Annual Meeting and quarterly seminars Relief veterinarian, CVT and referral assistance
Registration discounts Staff clinic visits
FREE - Lunch ‘N Learn webinars Wellness resources
MVMA Member Dues Renewal
The MVMA dues year is coming to an end on July 31, 2019 which means for many it is time
to renew membership for the 2019-2020 dues year. For those needing to renew, notices will
be sent via email in June.
Did you know you can simplify your membership renewal process AND save money?
When you renew using the 2-year membership option, you do not have to worry about
renewing next year and you save 5% on dues.
Thank you for your support over the past year! The MVMA used your dues dollars to
advocate for and protect the veterinary profession at the State Capitol, provide relevant and
quality continuing education programming, support the important work of 18 member-
run committees, fund two popular public education exhibits at the State Fair featuring the
importance of both small and large animal veterinarians, and function as an information hub
through alerts and publications tailored for our members.
Your continued support and engagement as an MVMA member is critical to sustaining our
thriving, effective community within our state Association. If you have any questions about
your membership, please contact the MVMA office at 651-645-7533.
Brewing4Success Was a Success!
MOVE’s First Event Recap by Megan Nadeau
Minnesota Opportunities for Veterinarian Engagement (MOVE) held its pilot event on March 13 at
Summit Brewing Company in St. Paul. The event was focused on discussing health and wellness
and how veterinarians can better maintain a work-life balance. The event featured individuals who
the MOVE task force felt exemplified these qualities. Drs. Donnell Hansen, Teresa Hershey, Erin
Malone, and Scott Madill were all invited to attend and converse with attendees.
Brewing4Success sparked organic conversations between young veterinarians in a fun, laid-back
environment. MOVE was able to provide the event with free beer, a band, prizes, and pizza.
And thanks to Summit, many individuals Maple Grove, MN Ph 763-210-1177 [email protected]
enjoyed a private brewery tour. Overall,
Brewing4Success was a success! Food Allergy Testing
The MOVE Twins event was held on
Wednesday, May 1, where early career • If atopy or allergic skin symptoms continue
veterinarians were encouraged to attend along through the seasons, a food elimination trial
with a handful of financial advisors. MOVE should be performed.
wanted to create easy and open conversations
about student loan debt and practice buying. • A food trial is the only test for a food allergy.
Join MOVE at Can Can Wonderland on • Food trials should be performed with a limited
Thursday, June 20, after the MVMA Summer
Seminar. This event is free of charge and is ingredient home-cooked or prescription limited
open to veterinarians and their families. Learn ingredient or hydrolyzed diet for 6-12 weeks.
more and register online at www.mvma.org/ • Transition to the new diet over 5-7 days.
move-events. • Pet should not get treats, supplements, chews,
or other sources of protein other than the diet.
• We allow rope chew toys, Kong toys, and
marshmallows to give medications or for a treat.
• It is common to have GI health improve when on
a diet trial, and clients continue special diets for
this reason alone, even when they did not
originally feel the pet had GI issues.
• If you are unsure if a diet is helpful, have the
client feed the previous diet as a challenge,
symptoms should worsen within 3-4 days.
• If a diet trial is not helpful, allergen skin testing
will diagnose environmental allergens.
Referrals are easy! Have the client call Pet Dermatology Clinic
at 763-210-1177 and we will do the rest!
MVMA Classified Ad Policy Headwaters Veterinary Center in
Bemidji is seeking a full or part-time
veterinarian for our busy, family-
oriented practice in the heart of the
MVMA News, Bi-monthly Newsletter: north woods. We have wonderful clients
and a pleasant, professional staff.
Schedule: Online classified ads will be processed every Monday. We focus on providing high-quality,
Deadlines for Newsletter Submission: personalized, care-minded medicine in
a small-town, no-pressure atmosphere.
2019: Our clinic offers a new in-house Idexx
July/August issue: Deadline – Wednesday, June 19th, 2019 laboratory, full/dental digital x-ray, and
September/October issue: Deadline – Wednesday, August 21st, 2019
November/December issue: Deadline – Wednesday, October 16th, 2019
Classified Ads will be placed online and included in our MVMA News publication. an array of relationships for referral
Your payment will cover both the online and newsletter listing per ad. To post an ad, in specialized areas of medicine &
fill out the form found at https://mvma.memberclicks.net/classified-ads. Classified surgery. Simply, we care for each other
ads will not be invoiced. Once placed, your ad will remain active online for two and for our clients/patients. If you’re
months and will appear in the MVMA News for one bi-monthly newsletter issue. looking for a relational, professional
work-day, please contact us. Salary
and benefits negotiable depending on
Classified Ad Fees: what is important to you. No weekends.
Please send resume to tom.rietveld1@
MVMA Members $20.00 Non Members $80.00 gmail.com or call 218-333-9010.
First 50 words $1.50 each First 50 words $1.50 each
Bush Lake Pet Hospital is looking
Additional words Additional words for an associate DVM to join our
clinic. We are a long-standing
hospital in West Bloomington. We
Mobile Euthanasia Veterinarian are committed to patient care and
The Minnesota Veterinary Medical MN Pets is adding compassionate client relations. We offer small animal
Foundation (MVMF), a 501 (c) non-
profit charitable arm of the MVMA, will veterinarians to our team of home wellness, medical, surgical and
accept your tax deductible donation of euthanasia providers in the Twin dental care. The ideal candidate will
items over $300 in value, such as used Cities. We’re dedicated to helping have strong communications skills
pets and their families say goodbye and an upbeat personality who can
veterinary equipment. These items in the comfort of home, where clients work independently with the goal of
will be placed in our online classifieds appreciate being in a familiar, relaxed providing the best care for our patients.
advertisements with an acknowledgement setting. Enjoy minimal record- Experience with wellness, general
of your donation and inquiries will be keeping, no financial discussions surgery, and dentistry in a small
handled by the MVMA staff. Please call with clients, and 1-hour visits with animal practice is a must. Please send
Kelly at the MVMA 651-645-7533, to
discuss your donation.
Veterinarian Needed enough time to connect with families. resumes to Bush Lake Pet Hospital:
We provide extensive training and [email protected].
support, share best practices, and
use trusted protocols for a peaceful Spring Valley Veterinary Clinic
experience. This position is part (MN) is looking to add a FT/PT
North Branch Veterinary Hospital time, with shifts available Fri-Mon. Small Animal Veterinarian. We are
located north of Minneapolis, MN is Maximum of 5 visits/day, flexible a privately owned, friendly and fun
seeking an experienced veterinarian schedules, benefits available, and no two Doctor practice 25 miles south
for our busy, rapidly growing practice. on-call or overnight. Each day worked of Rochester. Small town feel with
We offer our clients the best care and per week earns around $20,000 in many opportunities in the area.
take pride in our customer service. annual salary. To learn more, visit Flexible schedule, excellent staff &
We have all the toys, including www.mnpets.com and contact Dr. clients, modern equipment including
digital x-ray, dental digital, complete Erica at [email protected]. Digital Radiology and in-house
IDEXX lab, laser, laparoscope, new lab equipment. No on-call and one
ultrasound, and blood pressure that Saturday morning a month. Benefits
allows us to offer the best to our available. Please send questions and
clients. We have a well-trained and resumes to springvalleyvetclinic@
stable staff. We offer an excellent gmail.com.
compensation and benefits package.
More information athttps://www.
northbranchvet.com/ . Please submit
resumes to [email protected].
Veterinary Dermatology
And Allergy Centre
Andrew C. Mills, DVM, MPH
Practice limited to Veterinary Dermatology
Services offered include: diagnosis and treatment of allergies (including
intradermal skin testing and hyposensitization), autoimmune/immune
mediated diseases, external parasites and cryosurgery
1615 Coon Rapids Blvd • Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Bus: 763.754.5953 • Fax: 763.754.5731
24 FT veterinarian needed to join three River Hills Pet Care Hospital is
person mixed animal practice at searching for a full-time small animal
Classified Ads Waukon Veterinary Service to replace veterinarian to join our team. We
retired doctor. Located in northeastern currently have 3 full-time and 4
Our growing, multi-doctor practice Iowa, our practice is 35% dairy, 35% part-time veterinarians on staff. In
is looking for a part-time or full-time cow-calf, and 30% SA. Idexx LaserCyte addition, we have an excellent support
Veterinarian in the beautiful Chisago and Catalyst analyzers with Digital staff that is dedicated to professional,
Lakes area (about 25 min NE of Mpls). X-Ray. EasiScan ultrasound used compassionate patient care. Mankato
As part of our team, you will have the for bovine reproduction. Spectacular is a beautiful city nestled in the
opportunity to provide technically support team. Area has strong scenic Minnesota River Valley just
advanced compassionate care for dogs, agriculture industry with many 90 miles south of Minneapolis/St.
cats and exotics. You will also have excellent dairy/beef operations. Paul. We have a new constructed,
an opportunity to assist with complex New graduates encouraged to apply. fully-equipped facility. We offer a
oral surgery, orthopedic, soft tissue Supportive mentoring provided. Buy-In competitive salary with excellent
surgery, PRP and Stem Cell therapy. opportunity available to enthusiastic benefits. Benefits include health
Diagnostic capabilities include digital person willing to work hard and have and life insurance, Simple IRA, paid
radiology (including dental radiology), fun. Waukon, Iowa. Dr. Ryan Hammell, vacation, and CE allowance. Please
in-house blood count and serum cell 563-568-7736, Daytime phone submit resume to [email protected].
chemistry capabilities, thermography 563-568-2487, [email protected].
and more. Associate Veterinarian Animal Medical Center on Crow
Requirements: Enjoy variety - North St. Paul Animal Hospital River is seeking 2 FT and 2 PT
pets, people, medical and surgery is seeking a personable part- or DVM’s. Positions available for small
cases, Passion for living in a small full-time veterinarian. Located just animal or mixed animal interest. New
community and developing close client minutes from the Twin Cities, our grads welcome. Highly productive
& patient relationships, Client/team family-owned practice is ideal for practice with full range of services
communication, diagnostic, medical, the busy working professional. We allows you to earn well above average
dental and surgery skills, Interest in support a great working environment with production based salary option.
continuing education and growth for with close-knit staff. Benefits Located one hour west of the Twin
yourself and the business, Passion include guaranteed salary, generous Cities, Hutchinson is a growing city
for the craft and people of Veterinary PTO, paid CE allowance, liability of 15,000 with associated amenities.
medicine, Doctor of Veterinary insurance, licensing/DEA registration, Great parks, trails, schools, lakes,
Medicine (DVM) degree. Benefits: professional dues, pet care discounts, year round indoor/outdoor recreation
Health, Dental, Vision Insurance free boarding, and practice-paid and sports. Established clinic with full
& 401K, Generous Compensation funding to supplement healthcare diagnostic capabilities and an excellent
Package, CE Allowance with Paid expenses. No holidays or emergency support staff. Submit resume to
Time Off, Flexible Schedule, $500 call required! Our facilities include a [email protected] or call Katie at
donated to the charity of your choice, full dental suite with digital x-rays, 320-587-4044.
Location - beautiful Chisago Lakes digital radiology, in-house lab and
recreational area near Wild Mountain, access to specialists that allow our Ham Lake Veterinary Hospital
Taylors Falls State Park, several lakes veterinarians to work to the fullest is a rapidly growing metro area
& hiking trails. Contact: Send resume, scope of practice. Apply to vet@nspvet. practice. Due to the growing demand
wage history and references to: Mgr com. for veterinary care in this area and
(at) lakesvet.net For more information: the retirement of a beloved colleague,
www.lakesvet.net. Marschall Road Animal Hospital we are in need of two full-time
has position available for Full or veterinarians. New graduates are
St. Michael Veterinary Clinic Part time small animal Associate encouraged to apply. There is potential
is looking to hire an associate Veterinarian at our South Metro to buy into the practice as a partner
veterinarian. New graduates welcome location. We are known for our or purchase for complete ownership.
to apply. No ON CALL duty, 4 day work relaxed work environment, flexibility, We offer a competitive salary with
week with every other weekend a 3 and our friendly and compassionate benefits and no on call duty. As far
day weekend. We offer a competitive care. Utilize our Heska in-house as weekends go, our veterinarians
benefits package including; continuing Lab, digital rads, digital dental rads, work every other Saturday morning in
education time and stipend, personal ultrasound, & other essentials to fall, winter and spring and every 3rd
time off, MVMA membership, health practice progressive, quality medicine. Saturday during the summer months.
and liability insurance, employee Mentorship opportunities available. We We are closed all major holidays.
discount and 401K plan. We see our are located within a great community Please contact Paul or Amy via email
clients in 30 minute time slots. Please with wonderful clients. Excellent at [email protected] or by
email resume to kmcalpin@biglakevet. Certified Veterinary Technicians & text at 507-273-7936 to schedule an
com or fax to 763-263-1008. support staff to assist you. Applicants interview.
should have a good sense of humor, be
flexible, fun-loving, yet professional. East Central Veterinarians is
Excellent wages based on experience. seeking a FT or PT veterinarian. ECV
Benefits include Health, Dental, is proud to offer quality medical,
liability coverage, CE allowance, surgical, and preventive care to
paid vacation, uniform allowance, companion animals in Cambridge
employee discount, & more. Visit www. and Mora. The ideal candidate
marschallroadvet.com to learn more enjoys working in a team, has a
about us. We look forward to meeting positive attitude, and has strong
you! Please submit your resume to communication skills. Joining our
marschallroadanimalhospital@yahoo. practice will give you the benefits
com or call Practice Manager Dave at of a large practice but with a small-
952-445-7956 for more information. town feel. Contact Jennifer at
[email protected].
Classified Ads Rice Lake Animal Hospital is 25
seeking a FT/PT veterinarian to
Normandale Veterinary Hospital join our talented and expanding Litke’s Veterinary Service in
is looking for an associate DVM to three doctor team. If you are an Pierz, MN is looking to hire a mixed
join our team. We are a long standing energetic, positive, and compassionate animal veterinarian. We take our
hospital in Edina. We are committed veterinarian who enjoys a fast-paced jobs seriously but have lots of fun
to patient care and client relations. environment filled with variety, then at the same time. Great working
We offer small animal wellness, please come share your knowledge and environment! We are located in
medical, surgical and dental care. experience with clients who appreciate between Brainerd and St. Cloud, MN
We are a fully equipped facility able you! We are a small animal exclusive in the beautiful lakes area. Our clinic
to run most diagnostics in house. practice located in northwest WI, is well staffed with modern equipment
The ideal candidate will have strong not far from the Twin Cities and Eau such as digital x-ray, in house blood
communications skills and an upbeat Claire. We offer full service veterinary machines etc. We provide large animal
personality with the goal of providing care including a newly constructed services for cattle, horses and small
the best care for our patients. facility, complete in-house lab, ruminants. Generous compensation
Experience with wellness, general digital radiography, modern dental package with 401K, membership dues
surgery, and dentistry in a small elaqsueirp,muletnrat,soCuOn2ds,ucrogmicpalleltaesseur,rtghicearal py and CE reimbursement. Please call or
animal practice is beneficial, although services, an excellent support staff email with any questions. 320-630-
new graduates are also encouraged to and much more. New graduates 0151 or [email protected].
apply and mentor with our experienced are encouraged to apply. Benefits
veterinary staff. Please call for more include a competitive base salary Companion Veterinary Hospital
information regarding compensation plus commissions, very flexible in Blaine is searching for a Veterinary
and benefits. Please send resumes scheduling to allow for optimal Partner to join our practice. Looking
to: Normandale Veterinary Hospital work-life balance, retirement options for a part time (potential full time)
Attention: Linda 4000 West 76th with matching 401k, CE allowance, experienced licensed veterinarian
Street Suite 200 Edina, Mn 55435, professional dues, paid time off, and in a small animal practice. We are a
952-831-8272, [email protected]. more. [email protected]. thriving single doctor practice that is
FT or PT DVM. Blaine Central privately owned and operated. Good
Veterinary Clinic has a position Animal Humane Society (AHS) is communication skills are a must.
available immediately. Excellent seeking a full time Veterinarian to join Please send resume to sharylgandara@
communication, medical, surgical our team! If you are passionate about msn.com, or call 763-755-9255 for
skills required. Minimum 3-5 years animal welfare and are excited about info, companionveterinary.net.
experience. Competitive salary, benefits the opportunity to work in diverse
and flexible hours. Excellent work environments, both in a shelter and Prior Lake Pet Hospital is seeking
environment, brand new facility! High a clinic, this may be the perfect fit for an exceptional Veterinarian to join
quality, high touch medicine, excellent you. To apply, please follow the link: our growing team. The hours for this
clientele. Email resume blainevet@ https://bit.ly/2vj9MDG. position are flexible based on the needs
gmail.com or fax to 763-792-2364. of the right candidate. New graduates
Peshtigo Veterinary Clinic in welcome to apply! [email protected].
Cannon Valley Veterinary beautiful northeastern Wisconsin
Clinic, Northfield, MN is seeking is seeking a FT/PT veterinarian for Hopkins Pet Hospital is hiring for
an experienced and professional our growing practice. We are well- a full time Veterinarian. Hopkins Pet
Veterinarian for part-time or full-time established with a new 6500+ square Hospital is a general practice, two
employment to join our dynamic foot facility. There is no on call duty, Veterinarian clinic, providing care for
team. We are an AAHA clinic focused and a Saturday rotation. Contact our local community and surrounding
on small animal care. Cannon Valley [email protected] for a areas since 1950. Hopkins Pet Hospital
Veterinary Clinic has been a pillar of full description of the position. New has an established and growing
the Northfield community for almost 35 graduates are welcome! cliental. We provide general care as
years. [email protected]. well as surgical needs for our patients.
Busy small animal practice in Join our team in providing gentle and
Bradley Animal Hospital in Bradley Forest Lake, looking for hard working excellent care for our small animals
Illinois is seeking a highly motivated and motivated associate veterinarian and pocket pets. Please contact
part or full-time associate for our busy to join our team. We offer quality [email protected] or
small animal practice. We are located medical, surgical and dental care. 952-935-5566.
about 60 miles south of Chicago. This Four day work week with some
five doctor animal practice is ideal for Saturdays. Salary is competitive Small or Mixed Animal Veterinarian
a doctor who is client orientated and is with paid vacation, health, and wanted for growing clinic in NW
dedicated to high quality medicine. We dental insurance, HSA, retirement Wisconsin. Our main office is in
offer a tremendous support staff and account, professional dues and CE Ladysmith, WI, with a satellite facility
a new graduate is welcome. Salary is allowance. [email protected]. to the west in Ridgeland, WI. Check us
negotiable. Paid vacation, continuing out at www.ladysmithveterinaryclinic.
education, health, dental and com. Send resume and cover letter to
malpractice insurance are all paid for Dr. Jacob Smith at smit5502@gmail.
by the animal hospital. Please contact com. Recent graduates welcome.
me if you might be interested in joining
our team. Please contact Dr. Debbie Faribault Veterinary Clinic is
Wagner 815-932-5011 or fax resume looking to hire a FT small animal
to 815-932-1960. veterinarian. We’re a busy, 5 DVM,
AAHA accredited, mixed animal
practice, just 30 minutes south of the
Twin Cities. Potential for partner buy-
Experienced DVM’s as well as new
graduates welcomed. Send resumes to
[email protected].
26 Associate Veterinarian Position Winona Veterinary Hospital in
Progressive, independently owned, Winona, Minnesota seeking a small
Classified Ads AAHA certified pet hospital in Twin animal veterinarian. Enjoy big-city
At the Belle Plaine Animal cities suburb of New Hope is seeking compensation with small-town cost
Hospital, we believe there is a divine a veterinarian to join our friendly of living. Winona Veterinary Hospital
spark in every living thing. Our staff. Full time position with expertise practices state-of-the-art medicine
mission is to welcome and respect (or a desire to become proficient) in with all the bells and whistles. We
all those we serve, and to deliver the medicine, surgery and dentistry. We offer a flexible schedule with ample
best possible care in partnership have a full in house lab, digital x-ray, time off to balance work with the
with our patients and their people. digital dentistry and ultrasound. enjoyment life. Pursue your special
We are looking for a full or part time Excellent compensation with a full interest and grow to be loved by our
veterinarian of any experience level benefits package. Bass Lake Pet community. Please email your resume
who embodies these values. Located Hospital is a great opportunity for to [email protected].
an hour from downtown Minneapolis anyone wishing to develop their skills
in the outer southwestern suburbs, to full potential. If interested please Fargo Moorhead Veterinary
our practice draws a committed email resume to our Practice Manager, Associates Ltd. is seeking a full-
client base from both the cities and Teri Ebert at [email protected]. time veterinarian to join our two
surrounding rural area because of our doctor companion animal, client
commitment to addressing the whole Glencoe Veterinary Clinic is looking focused practice in a thriving and
patient/client relationship, using both for a PT or FT mixed animal or SA growing multi-city community with
holistic healing practices and cutting- practitioner to replace our retiring three universities. Two well equipped
edge Western medicine. Our practice is senior owner. All experience levels hospitals with dental and digital
equipped with all the latest technology. welcome, mentoring provided. We have x-ray equipment and dedicated,
Most of our team members have 3 Veterinarians and 6 Technicians. well-educated support staffs. Local
been with us for 10-15 years; they Rotating work schedule with 3 day emergency clinic means no after-
are passionate about what they do weekends. Visit our website: www. hours emergency duty. Competitive
and make the office a fun place to be glencoevet.com. Send your resume to salary and benefit package. New/
every day. We can offer a competitive [email protected]. recent graduates encouraged to apply.
salary and benefits package with Interested candidates should possess
signing bonus, as well as one-to-one The Dougherty Veterinary Clinic strong work ethics, compassionate
mentoring with our doctor of 30 plus in Duluth, MN is seeking a full time care of patients and care takers
years veterinary experience. Please DVM to join our 3+ doctor, small and have a team approach. Fargo-
email your resume to askdrricci@ animal practice. We are seeking a team Moorhead is a great place to practice
gmail.com. player with excellent communication veterinary medicine with easy access
skills looking for a wide spectrum of to hunting, fishing, outdoor recreation
$1,000.00 sign on bonus. Becker general practice, surgery and dentistry. and lake country life. Please send letter
Veterinary Clinic is seeking a Our practice is open M-F (no nights of interest and resume to Dr. Michael
full time small animal associate or weekends) and is well equipped (in Harvey, 2401 N University Drive,
veterinarian. We are part of a practice house IDEXX lab machines, digital Fargo, ND 58102. E-mail aah2401@
that is comprised of 10 veterinarians general and dental xray, ultrasound, gmail.com or call 701-293-8888.
between our three clinics at Becker, a seasoned and well educated support
Foley and Milaca. Our emphasis staff). Please send resume to 215 Are you an established DVM looking
is to provide an exceptional level E 14th St, Duluth, MN 55811 or to for a change? Are you a new graduate
of veterinary medicine with highly [email protected], attn: Mina looking for mentorship? If you are
skilled support staff and a team- or call 218-722-3963 with questions. outgoing and have an excellent work
based approach. New graduates are ethic, you might be the perfect addition
welcome and we do offer a structured Looking for a better work/life to our busy 1.5 doctor small animal
mentorship program. No emergency balance? How about a 3-day work practice, BestFriends Veterinary
call or evening duties. Located on week, but with FT benefits! Apache Clinic in Albertville. We are looking
highway 10 close to St. Cloud and Animal Hospital is looking for for someone with an interest in well-
with easy access to the Twin Cities. an enthusiastic, compassionate rounded general practice including
Benefits include group medical, life veterinarian to join our team. Hours dentistry and routine soft tissue
ins. 401K, PTO, CE, MVMA and AVMA are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday surgery. Our clients and their pets
dues, MN license, DEA license and 8am – 6pm and every other Saturday are our best asset, so a courteous
liability ins. Apply to email: bservices@ 8am – 1pm. Communication is the person dedicated to clear client
veterinaryha.org. foundation of our practice – both communication is a must. We have a
among the staff and with our clientele. fun easy-going work atmosphere, we
Worthington Veterinary Medical Monthly meetings to discuss new enjoy an ideal work-life balance, and
Center is seeking a Small Animal ideas, implement changes, discuss we believe strongly that family comes
Veterinarian. Our vets are supported trends in vet med and more. Interested first. This position is 3-4 days per
by CVTs, administrative, and candidates must have excellent week (no evenings) and 1 Saturday
sales staff. We offer soft tissue and written, verbal and interpersonal morning per month. Benefits include
orthopedic surgery, dentistry, digital skills along with a passion for PTO, AVMA and MVMA dues, paid
x-ray, laser therapy and the latest providing top-notch veterinary care. CE registration and time off for CE,
in diagnostic technology. Excellent Very competitive wages, paid vacation, liability insurance, state license and
benefits. Located in Southwest MN dues paid, continuing education DEA registration, retirement plan. See
along Lake Okabena, one hour from allowance, health insurance and our website www.bestfriendsvetclinic.
Sioux Falls, SD and three hours from more. [email protected]. com to get an idea of our mission,
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. Enjoy the values, and who we are. Email resume
small town community with the city and cover letter to Dr. Lisa Sell at info@
not far away! Apply online at www. bestfriendsvetclinic.com
Classified Ads Veterinary Technician 27
Shamrock Animal Hospital has Shoreview North Oaks Animal
a full-time associate DVM position The Veterinary Medical Center Hospital is looking for a full time
available at our 3+ doctor small animal (VMC) at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Technician. Duties include:
practice. Our dedicated well-trained is looking for a Veterinary Technician electronic charting, blood draws, lab-
staff values patient care and client Supervisor. This position provides work, radiology, dentistry, pharmacy,
service. We take pride in our integral clear direction, monitors progress and anesthesia monitoring, and client
role in the local community. We mix sets priorities for veterinary technical education. Competitive compensation
fun with work and respect a balance of staff as well as students and interns. based on experience, benefits for full
our professional responsibilities with Our ideal candidate will have a strong time employees, growth opportunities,
life’s other demands. The hospital is background in veterinary care along and generous pet discounts. Send
spacious light and open, well-equipped with skills in supervision, recruitment, resume to [email protected].
with advanced analytical laboratory and developing staff. The University
equipment, CO2 surgical laser, of Minnesota offers: - Competitive Rockford Road Animal Hospital
therapeutic laser, and diagnostically wages, paid holidays, vacation and sick is seeking a positive, enthusiastic,
progressive with leading-edge leave - Low cost medical, dental, and self motivated team player for a FT
digital radiology, digital dental, and pharmacy plans - Excellent retirement or PT veterinary technician position.
abdominal/cardiac ultrasound. We plan with employer match - Wellbeing Busy 5 doctor clinic. Great benefits,
offer comprehensive benefits including program with reduced insurance great medicine, positive and fun team.
health, dental, PTO, CE allowance, premiums - Tuition reimbursement Email cover letter and resume to
401(k), liability insurance, and VIN opportunities covering 75%-100% [email protected] or call Kim
membership. If you love to learn and of eligible tuition - Opportunities at 763-559-7554.
strive to augment your skill sets, for growth and promotion Required
send us your resume. If you want Qualifications: BA/BS plus at least 4 Looking for part-time CVT to work
opportunities to work-up interesting years of experience or a combination afternoons and some Saturdays.
cases, come by for a visit. If you of related education and work We are a 5 doctor AAHA hospital
enjoy working with collaborative and experience to equal seven years. in Apple Valley, MN. Duties
mentoring colleagues who practice top- Technical training (i.e. graduate of would include answering phones
notch medicine and advanced surgery, Veterinary Technician or equivalent and assisting in appointments. If
our hospital will be a good fit for you. program, certified as an MVMA/MAVT interested please send resume to
Contact Dr. Walter and send your technician) – additional supervisory eastvalleyanimalclinic@frontiernet.
resume to [email protected]. education and skills training required. net. Competitive salary based on
A minimum of 3 years experience experience. 19-25 hours per week.
Thriving small animal practice in within a veterinary care or similar
West-Central WI seeks motivated, health care related environment. For Our hospital in Shoreview is looking
collegial associate for PT or FT. more information on the position and for an experienced, reliable, energetic,
Candidate should practice exceptional, to apply: https://hr.myu.umn.edu/ self-motivated & hard working CVT to
efficient medical and surgical care. jobs/ext/329038. work 35-40 hrs per week. Our team is
Attractive, well-equipped facility, committed to excellence in customer
excellent support staff, devoted Life Care Animal Hospital, a well service and client satisfaction. Email
clientele. 20 miles from LaCrosse. established three doctor practice Cover Letter, Resume, including
No after-hours ER. Benefits include in the East Metro is looking for a references, to [email protected].
health, all dues, CE. Option to buy-in. Veterinary Technician who works
Dr. Beth Deppe, Morganside Veterinary well in a fast paced environment, Animal Care Center in Baxter, MN,
Clinic (608)269-2355, or email: values team work, high quality has an immediate opening for a FT
[email protected]. patient care, and using their technical Certified Veterinary Technician. Our
skills as fully as possible. We use progressive 3 Doctor, small animal
digital dental and general radiology, practice is looking for someone who
Idexx lab equipment and Impromed is self-motivated, professional, has
practice software. We provide medical excellent communication skills, strong
and dental coverage, an IRA based technical skills and also embodies a
retirement plan, paid time off, and CE team approach. Please email resumes
tuition. If you really love being a Vet to [email protected].
Tech contact us by phone at 651-
774-6063 or email at pmmanager@ PT/FT CVT at rapidly growing
lifecareanimalhospital.com. clinic near Mankato with quality
care and great staff. You will use all
Self-motivated CVT with great of your skills! We have digital dental
communication skills is sought for & x-ray, ultrasound, laser therapy.
PT/FT employment at a growing, well Excellent benefits: dental, health
established practice in southwest insurance 401-K, vacation/ sick
metro. Chaska Valley Vet Clinic time, paid holidays, clothing & CE
practices high quality, caring medicine allowance. Please send resume to
in a fun work environment and offers [email protected].
competitive pay and a great benefit
package. Email resume & cover letter
to [email protected].
•Competitive Salary with increases INSTRUCTOR Wisconsin Indianhead
Classified Ads Technical College New Richmond
Caravan Vet in Minneapolis seeks based on performance Campus WITC is seeking a learning-
a CVT or experienced veterinary •Flexible schedules to meet your focused, creative and dynamic
assistant! We are the Twin Cities’ individual to teach in the Veterinarian
only full-service veterinary house call individual need Technician program at the New
practice. Our ideal candidate loves •A flexible CE allowance designed to Richmond Campus. An instructor’s
cats and dentistry and is motivated primary purpose is to design
by helping individual patients fit any stage of your career instruction and assessment in an
improve over time. We create a work •Medical, Dental, Vision and HSA engaging environment to foster learner
environment where everyone’s talents success. An instructor continually
can shine. The pay range is $16-19/ Benefits improves the overall quality in the
hour plus benefits including a 4-day •Opportunity for growth into a delivery of learning to support the
work week. Email your resume and achievement of College outcomes and
cover letter to [email protected]. leadership position priorities utilizing evidence to support
Job Requirements: decision-making. For a complete job
Camden Pet Hospital (AAHA •Certified Veterinary Technician. description, list of qualifications, and
accredited) is looking forward to •2+ years of customer service to apply visit our website at: https://
welcoming our new full time veterinary experience. www.witc.edu/about-witc/employment
technician! You are passionate and •Passionate about serving the pets in Deadline to apply: April 8, 2019 WITC
motivated to use and develop your is an Equal Opportunity/Access/
skills. Ideally, you have your CVT our community! Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability
but we can help along the way. We are excited to hear from you! Employer and Educator TTY 711.
Working with dogs, cats, rabbits and Apply below or send your resume to
other exotics make it exciting and Courtney Self, courtney.self@wellhav- St. Francis Veterinary Clinic,
challenging. Benefits include health enpethealth.com to be considered for located in Isanti, Minnesota (20
care, savings plan, paid vacations this position! minutes north of Minneapolis) is
and holidays. Continuing education looking for an Associate Veterinarian.
encouraged. Balancing home and work Position Available We are a busy, progressive 4 doctor
life is important to all of us! Don’t wait! small animal hospital located
Contact [email protected] NEW HIRE BONUS AVAILABLE! northwest of the metro area. Services
with your cover letter and resume. We Come join our team at Oak Knoll include surgery, dentistry, internal
look forward to hearing from you. Animal Hospital. We are a growing, medicine and pocket pet services.
progressive, fast-paced small animal Equipment includes digital dental,
Anderson Lakes Animal Hospital clinic. Our practice is growing, and we digital dental radiography, Indexx
in Eden Prairie is seeking a FT CVT are in search of a Certified Veterinary catalyst, lasercyte and cardiopet ECG.
with a $500 BONUS after 90 days of Technician, Vet Tech Student, or an Our focus is the client-patient bond
employment! Our practice is growing Intern to join our team! Our perfect and preventative medicine. We have
and looking for a candidate who wants candidate will bring a passion for a well-equipped hospital with caring,
to be part of a fun team atmosphere! client education, a “can do” attitude! knowledgeable, and fun staff. More
The candidate must be self-motivated, A familiarity with Cornerstone is information at www.sfvetclinic.com.
have excellent communication skills, preferred but not required. Desired Send resume to [email protected].
able to multitask and values quality Skills: Competent with blood draws,
medicine. We offer excellent pay catheter placement, record keeping, The Meadow View Veterinary
and benefits. All levels of experience basic lab skills, filling medications, Clinic which is comprised of two
are welcome to apply! Please email dental cleanings, assisting in surgeries clinics is currently looking for 1-2
resumes to [email protected]. & more! Top-notch patient care and full time veterinary technicians. The
excellent client service. position would allow the new tech to
We are looking for a motivated work at one or both clinics. One is a
Certified Veterinary Technician to FT or PT DVM. Blaine Central little slower paced with a small town
join our growing team at WellHaven Veterinary Clinic has a position feel while the other is faster paced
Pet Health in Woodbury, MN. We available immediately. Excellent and more progressive. Looking for
are looking for someone who wants to communication, medical, surgical individuals that are motivated with
be part of a great culture and is truly skills required. Minimum 3-5 years a positive attitude. Avimark is the
passionate about helping pets. At experience. Competitive salary, practice software used. Competitive
WellHaven, our mission is to provide benefits and flexible hours. Excellent wages and benefits. Send resume to
outstanding care to our patients and work environment, brand new facility! [email protected].
their owners. We are an exceptional, High quality, high touch medicine,
friendly, and inviting hospital who excellent clientele. Email resume
prides ourselves with our great repu- [email protected] or fax to 763-
tation in the community. In this role 792-2364.
you will be working alongside a team
of professionals who are all work-
ing together to deliver outstanding
care to pets. The Certified Veterinary
Technician is responsible not only for
providing this leading level of care,
but also providing excellent customer
service to the owners and other team
members. We have both full-time and
part-time positions available!
The hospital hours are:
•Monday - Friday: 8:00am – 6:00pm
•Saturday: 8:00am – 3:00pm
•Sunday: Closed
Classified Ads When buying or selling a veterinary 29
practice, rely on the expertise of the
Inver Grove Heights Animal Total Practice Solutions Group. Jennifer Hale Veterinary Services,
Hospital – Associate Veterinarian See our display ad this issue. P.C. ~ Keeping staff, clients and
Busy 10 doctor practice looking to add Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total patients happy while you’re away.
an associate veterinarian to be part of Practice Solutions Group for a free Experienced in Preventive Care,
an amazing hospital and team. Inver consultation - (800) 380-6872, or Emergency & Internal Medicine,
Grove Heights Animal Hospital is a [email protected]. Surgery, Dentistry, Ultrasound. Please
9,000 square foot hospital featuring contact [email protected] or
two fully equipped surgical suites, Relief Veterinarian Available (763) 439-5105. Licensed in MN+WI.
complete in-house laboratory, digital
radiography, ultrasound, tonometry, Victori Ribeiro, DVM – Laurita Halbert, VMD - Experienced
Doppler blood pressure monitoring, Communicative, productive SA small animal veterinarian comfortable
and an AKC-approved canine sperm veterinarian available for relief in with medicine, soft tissue and dental
bank storage facility. Inver Grove the Twin cities, surrounding areas surgery. Available for relief work Twin
Heights Animal Hospital specializes and Western WI. Licensed in MN/ Cities and surrounding suburbs.
in canine reproduction, employs an WI. Experienced in surgery, dentistry, [email protected] or 320-438-
on-site rehabilitation specialist, and internal medicine. Outstanding 3361.
houses several orthopedic specialists customer service, client-building skills.
who work out of our location. Contact me at [email protected] or Ann Burt, DVM - Small animal
Our veterinary team has access to 651-503-0482. relief veterinarian, short or long term,
veterinary specialists in the fields of MN or Wisc. Reliable, Enthusiastic,
surgery, radiology, ophthalmology, Margaret Cory, DVM - Dependable Excellent client communication skills,
and dermatology, making Inver compassionate veterinarian available 30+ years experience. 612-729-6550,
Grove Heights Animal Hospital a true for relief work in the twin cities. Will [email protected].
full-service medical facility for our perform surgery. Please contact
clients. Our team believes in taking Margaret at [email protected] Aleda Tysver, DVM -
a collaborative approach and we are or 612-669-5097. Compassionate, enthusiastic,
looking for someone like-minded. The dependable small animal relief
ideal candidate should be proficient Jean Ihnen, DVM - Small animal veterinarian. Licensed in MN & WI.
if soft tissue surgery, dentistry. relief veterinarian in the St. Cloud and Over 15 years experience in relief
Canine reproduction experience is Twin Cities areas since 2007. Email work. Contact me at 612-991-4730 or
desirable, however we are willing to for further information: jmidvm@ email: [email protected].
train in this area. We offer a generous yahoo.com.
compensation and benefits package Dr. Julia Tomlinson DACVSMR, CVSMT
including health, dental, vision, Carrie Rodman, DVM – Experienced Dr. Amy Whaley CCRP, CVSMT
disability, 401k, and PTO, quarterly small animal veterinarian available (952) 224-9354
bonus potential plus pet benefits. for relief work in the Twin Cities www.tcrehab.com
and surrounding area. Caring, Managing arthritis, injury,
Mixed animal practice looking for compassionate, dependable and post-surgical, and fitness needs
fourth veterinarian in Moose Lake, personable. Contact caron.rodman.
MN. Ideal candidate would be mostly [email protected] or (651) 271-1760. Hydrotherapy, therapeutic & diagnostic
small animal, with some equine and ultrasound, laser, spinal manipulation,
bovine. Amenities include full service Merry Jo Elliott, DVM - Dependable acupuncture, PrP, orthotics, NMES,
small animal hospital and brand new small animal relief services when massage, sports-specific strengthening
equine clinic. For more info please you need a helping hand. 15+ years
contact Dr. Kathleen Skalko at 218- experience in private practice. Serving
485-8274 or [email protected]. the North and NE Twin Cities areas.
Please contact me at (651)226-4679 or
Practice For Sale [email protected].
Retirement age owner of mixed Arlice Olson, DVM - Small animal
practice in Park Rapids Minnesota relief veterinarian working to support
area wants to sell clientele base at 60- your clinic’s assets. 25+ years
70% of present yearly gross (Inventory experience. (612)616-2317 or arliceo@
and equipment included). 70/15/15% hotmail.com.
bovine/equine/SA. Bovine mixture
of dairy and beef with emphasis on
reproduction and herd health. Influx
of small ruminant coming into area.
Great place to raise a family. Owner
willing to help if needed during
transition. Contact Kevin Haroldson
DVM at 218-732-9866 or email at
[email protected].
2019 Minnesota
State Fair
MVMA Volunteers
Thursday, Aug. 22 - Monday, Sept. 2, 2019
(Labor Day)
The MVMA Surgery Suite is celebrating 28 years!! Each spay and neuter
is performed with the intention, not only to benefit the pet population, but
to educate the public of its importance.
The Miracle of Birth Center will be in its 19th year! NEW this year, will be a
special poultry exhibit located in the Nursery of Knowledge area. In addition
to discovering the “Miracle of Birth” in a variety of species, the public is able to
learn about food animal production and the roles veterinarians play in this industry.
This is another great opportunity for veterinarians to educate the public about the
significance of the veterinary profession. Don’t work in large animal medicine? Don’t let
that stop you from engaging in this wonderful, valuable experience!
For more information and to sign up, please visit our website at www.mvma.org/mobc
or www.mvma.org/surgery-suite
Be Part of the Solution
• New user-friendly database accessible to all DVMs and
CVTs and based on patient microchip number
• Designed by veterinarians for veterinarians
• Help us stop veterinarian doctor shopping
Register today!
Your time is valuable. VHA Business Services can manage your
bookkeeping and payroll responsibilities, giving you more time caring
for patients or spending quality time with loved ones.
Learn more by visiting www.veterinaryha.org/bservices or emailing
[email protected] for your complimentary consultation.
370 Bridgepoint Way, South St. Paul, MN 55075
www.veterinaryha.org • Business Services: 651-287-3320 • Main: 651-451-6669
Trusted, Experienced, and Affordable Business Solutions for Your Veterinary Practice
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Anticipating Your Needs, Exceeding Your Expectations
At Sjoberg & Tebelius, Business-focused expertise Available to MVMA members:
we take the time to the attorneys at Sjoberg &
understand your situation, • Sales and purchases of professional Tebelius, P.A., will offer you a
then frame our legal practices free consultation to discuss
recommendations around the purchase or sale of a
what will support both your • Buy/sell agreements veterinary practice, business
immediate and long-term • Employment agreements and succession planning, estate
objectives. Trust our team of planning, employment issues,
experienced attorneys to handbooks veterinary liens, and other
create custom solutions for • Corporations, partnerships & limited legal concerns.
all your legal needs.
liability companies
• Commercial real estate
• Contracts and business agreements
• Business succession planning
• Taxation support
651-738-3433 or
[email protected]