Sam Houston State University Sam Houston State University
Alumni Association Alumni Association
Box 2022
Huntsville, TX 77341-2022
(936) 294-1841 or 800-283-7478 /SHSUAlumniAssociation
A Member of The Texas State University System
Quantity Type Size Engraving Cost
brick 4x8 3 $150
brick 8x8 4 $300
granite 16x16 8 $1,000
granite bench w/back 6 $7,000
granite *bench w/o back 6 $10,000
*located at the Batchley Bell Tower
Garden Brick/Granite Engraving
Bricks and pavers have engraved lettering. Granite Pavers
and benches can be inscribed with company logos and other
Inscription (16 characters per line)
Please fill in the spaces as you want them to appear on your
selection. Only one character (letter, number, period, apostrophe)
per space. Leave a space before and after “&.” Lines will be
automatically centered. Provide one inscription form (below) for
each brick/paver/bench order.
LEAVING YOUR LEGACY IN STONE Name (First, Middle, Last) Email
Primary Phone City/State/Zip
Show your Bearkat pride and leave a lasting legacy by Mailing Address
inscribing your name and class year on a brick, granite
paver or granite bench. You may wish to dedicate one Orders and payment may be made online at:
in honor of a classmate, parent, favorite faculty or staff Method of payment: Check (payable to SHSU) Visa MC Amex Discover
person. They make excellent gifts for special occasions
such as graduation and retirement. Credit card # Expiration date V-code (back of card)
Nestled around the Ruth & Ron Blatchley Alumni
clock in the Lowman Student Center mall, the alumni Signature
garden features engraved bricks, benches and Please return payment to: SHSU Alumni Association, PO Box 2022,
beautiful landscaping. Huntsville, TX 77341-2022
The Alumni Garden provides you with an opportunity to
leave your imprint at SHSU in a unique and charitable
way. In addition to purchasing a paver/bench, your
tax-deductible donation will support SHSU Alumni
Association programs such as alumni scholarships,
alumni publications and many other services.