Kansas Bankers Association
Political Action Committee
2018 Campaign Contributors as of July 27, 2018
SFS = Super Fair Share FS = Fair Share
Bank of Greeley, Greeley SFS Alden State Bank, Sterling SFS
Bank of the Prairie, Olathe Bankers’ Bank of Kansas, Wichita SFS
Community National Bank, Chanute SFS Carson Bank, Mulvane SFS
Country Club Bank, Kansas City, MO FS Centera Bank, Sublette SFS
Farmers & Drovers Bank, Council Grove Central Bank and Trust Co., Hutchinson
First National Bank, Fredonia SFS Chisholm Trail State Bank, Wichita SFS
First National Bank of Kansas, Burlington/Waverly Citizens Bank of Kansas, Kingman SFS
First Security Bank, Overbrook Citizens State Bank, Hugoton SFS
Freedom Bank, Overland Park SFS Equity Bank, Andover
Great Southern Bank, Paola SFS First National Bank, Cimarron SFS
Hillsboro State Bank, Hillsboro SFS First National Bank, Scott City SFS
Home Savings Bank, Chanute SFS First National Bank in Hutchinson, Hutchinson SFS
Kendall State Bank, Valley Falls SFS First National Bank in Pratt, Pratt SFS
Mutual Savings Association, FSA, Leavenworth SFS Heartland Tri‐State Bank, Elkhart SFS
Pony Express Community Bank, Elwood FS Home Bank & Trust Company, Eureka
Professional Bank Consultants, Leawood SFS Impact Bank, Wellington
The First National Bank of Girard, Girard FS INTRUST Bank, N.A., Wichita
The Girard National Bank, Girard SFS KANZA Bank, Kingman
Tri‐Century Bank, DeSoto Legacy Bank, Colwich
FS Peoples Bank, Pratt
REGION 2: SFS Plains State Bank, Plains
Astra Bank, Scandia SFS Prairie Bank of Kansas, Stafford
Bank of Tescott, Tescott SFS SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
Bank of the Flint Hills, Wamego Stockgrowers State Bank, Ashland
Central National Bank, Junction City The Citizens State Bank, Moundridge
Citizens State Bank, Marysville The Community Bank, Liberal
Citizens State Bank & Trust Company, Ellsworth The Halstead Bank, Halstead
Community National Bank, Seneca Union State Bank, Arkansas City
Denison State Bank, Holton Valley State Bank, Syracuse
Elk State Bank, Clyde
Farmers Bank & Trust, Atwood
Farmers State Bank, Westmoreland
First Bank Kansas, Salina
First Heritage Bank, Centralia
First National Bank, Beloit
First National Bank, Goodland
Golden Belt Bank, Hays
Guaranty State Bank & Trust Co., Beloit
Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
KS StateBank, Manhattan
Solomon State Bank, Solomon
State Bank of Downs, Downs
Stockgrowers State Bank, Maple Hill
The Bank, Oberlin
The Bennington State Bank, Salina
The Citizens National Bank, Greenleaf
United Bank & Trust, Marysville
VisionBank, Topeka
Ad Astra Club recognition as of July 27, 2018
$1,000+ – Five Star Members
K. Mike Berkley, The Bennington State Bank, Salina Bruce Morgan, Professional Bank Consultants, Leawood
Kyle Campbell, Astra Bank, Abilene Gary Padgett, The Citizens National Bank, Greenleaf
Frank Carson III, Carson Bank, Mulvane Jeannette Richardson, Prairie Bank of Kansas, Hutchinson
Charlie Chandler, INTRUST Bank, N.A., Wichita R.D. Rucker, Home Bank & Trust Co. of Eureka, Eureka
Bill Docking, Union State Bank, Arkansas City Jay Smith, INTRUST Bank, N.A., Wichita
Chris Donnelly, Bank of the Prairie, Olathe Mike Stevens, Centera Bank, Sublette
Jonathan Johnson, Home Savings Bank, Chanute Chuck Stones, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Ron Johnson, Community National Bank, Seneca Beverly Tipton, First National Bank, Fredonia
Bruce Long, INTRUST Bank, N.A., Wichita Doug Wareham, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Lynn Mayer, Citizens State Bank, Marysville
$500‐$999 – Four Star Members
Jim Birkbeck, Denison State Bank, Holton Robert Leftwich, Impact Bank, Wellington
Joe Butcher, FNB Cimarron/Centera Bank, Sublette Kelly Mason, First National Bank in Pratt, Pratt
Mike Cearley, Centera Bank, Sublette Earl McVicker, Central Bank & Trust Co., Hutchinson
Calvin Coady, Bankers’ Bank of Kansas, N.A., Wichita Craig Meader, First National Bank of Kansas, Waverly
Gary Coleman, Kendall State Bank, Valley Falls Amanda Needham, First Security Bank, Overbrook
Jan Endicott, Stockgrowers State Bank, Ashland Alex Orel, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Deanne Engstrom, Bank of the Prairie, Olathe Kent Owens, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Gene Dikeman, The Plains State Bank, Plains Rod Pitts, INTRUST Bank, N.A., Wichita
Kim Fairbank, FNB Cimarron/Centera Bank, Sublette Kathy Taylor, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
R.L. Gaskill, The Bank, Oberlin Terri Thomas, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Sara Girard, Central National Bank, Topeka Dwane Timm, First National Bank, Goodland
Shan Hanes, First National Bank, Elkhart Becky Tongish, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Travis Hicks, Tri‐Century Bank, DeSoto Gary Walter, The Bank, Oberlin
Herb Iams, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka Gary Watkins, Union State Bank, Arkansas City
Mark Keeny, Citizens Bank of Kansas, Kingman
$250‐$499 – Three Star Members
Tyler Bachman, First Heritage Bank, Overland Park Allison Kernin, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Mike Beck, KS StateBank, Manhattan Robert Lampert, First National Bank, Beloit
Pat Birkbeck, Denison State Bank, Holton Lynne Mills, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
David Brownback, Citizens Bank & Trust, Ellsworth Skip Numrich, First National Bank, Scott City
Kent Buer, First Bank Kansas, Salina Mike Rockers, Bank of Greeley, Greeley
Dawn Byers, KANZA Bank, Kingman Todd Rowland, Alden State Bank, Sterling
Frank Carson IV, Carson Bank, Mulvane Mark Schifferdecker, GN Bank, Girard
Jayne Coleman, Kendall State Bank, Valley Falls Dylan Serrault, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Mike Day, Denison State Bank, Holton John Stewart, Impact Bank, Welllington
Jeff Emmot, INTRUST Bank, N.A., Wichita Eric Stofer, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Patrick Fallon, The Plains State Bank, Hutchinson Julie Taylor, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Nancy George, GN Bank, Girard Mary Taylor, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Ed Griffith, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka Tanna Thompson, Astra Bank, Abilene
Dan Heinz, INTRUST BANK, N.A., Wichita Brenda Unruh, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Becky Iams, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka Julie Voelker, Community National Bank, Chanute
Jennifer Johnson, Equity Bank, Wichita Ron Wente, Golden Belt Bank, Hays
Koren Kabriel, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
$100‐$249 – Two Star Members
Chris Anderson, Central Bank & Trust Co., Hutchinson Becky Milne, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Bill Anton, Centera Bank, Satanta George Morris, Country Club Bank, Kansas City, MO
Tom Ast, First National Bank in Cimarron, Ingalls Scott Nelson, Carson Bank, Mulvane
Anna Baker, INTRUST Bank, N.A., Wichita Steven Niemack, Stockgrowers State Bank, Maple Hill
Greg Binns, First National Bank of Hutchinson, Hutchinson Brandon Nordhus, Community National Bank, Seneca
Sara Blubaugh, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka Mary O’Connor, Country Club Bank, Kansas City, MO
Steve Burns, First National Bank, Cimarron Susan Otterstein, Centera Bank, Dodge City
Richard Campbell, Astra Bank, Abilene Steve Panknin, Country Club Bank, Kansas City, MO
Dennis Cashier, Citizens State Bank, Marysville Shirlene Peitz, KANZA Bank, Kingman
Andrew Chaney, Equity Bank, Wichita Naomi Phillips, Union State Bank, Arkansas City
Dan Eilert, INTRUST Bank, N.A., Wichita Bryce Porter, Citizens State Bank, Marysville
Cynthia Fleming, Hillsboro State Bank, Hillsboro Tami Pruitt, Guaranty State Bank, Beloit
Guy Gaskill, The Bank, Oberlin Travis Ray, Guaranty State Bank, Smith Center
Ken Goering, The Citizens State Bank, Moundridge Jack Rowden, Citizens State Bank, Hugoton
Stephen Hendrickson, Citizens State Bank, Marysville Janiece Rowland, Alden State Bank, Sterling
Everett Hixson, Bank of the Prairie, Olathe Jarrod Rowland, Alden State Bank, Sterling
David Holloway, Centera Bank, Sublette Steve Schell, Valley State Bank, Syracuse
Julie Hower, Farmers & Drovers Bank, Council Grove Brian Schmidtberger, Central Bank & Trust Co., Hutchinson
Les Issac, First National Bank, Scott City Austin Schotte, Citizens State Bank, Marysville
Kendal Kay, Stockgrowers State Bank, Ashland Kathy Schwerdtfager, Bank of Tescott, Lincoln
Stephen Kirk, Centera Bank, Greensburg Frank Shoemaker, Citizens State Bank, Marysville
Tim Kohart, Valley State Bank, Syracuse Rick Smith, Prairie Bank of Kansas, Stafford
Eric Kurtz, Union State Bank, Arkansas City Frank Suellentrop, Legacy Bank, Colwich
Kenton Ladenburger, Peoples Bank, Pratt Montie Taylor, Great Southern Bank, Parsons
Matt Lee, Centera Bank, Satanta Chris Thompson, Country Club Bank, Kansas City, MO
John Lehman, The First National Bank of Girard, Girard Mark Thompson, Country Club Bank, Kansas City, MO
Janet Lowell, Central National Bank, Manhattan Paul Thompson, Country Club Bank, Kansas City, MO
Tami Lutzi, KBA/NBA Schools of Banking, Lincoln Tim Thompson, Country Club Bank, Kansas City, MO
Bill Mahanay, First Bank Kansas, Salina Dean Tuley, Denison State Bank, Holton
Codi Mason, Centera Bank, Sublette Connie VanWinkle, Centera Bank, Minneola
Christine May, Guaranty State Bank & Trust, Beloit Ryan Wieters, Citizens State Bank, Marysville
Mike McGannon, Country Club Bank, Kansas City, MO Alex Williams, The Halstead Bank, Halstead
Robert Means, Pony Express Community Bank, Elwood
$16‐$99 – One Star Members
Brian Armendariz, Astra Bank, Abilene Tony Walenz, Central Bank & Trust Co., Hutchinson
Andrew Baker, The Bank, Oberlin Jessie Weibe, Hillsboro State Bank, Hillsboro
Chris Ballard, SJN Bank of Kansas, Greenburg Chris Wente, Golden Belt Bank FSA, Hays
Neal Barclay, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka David White, INTRUST Bank, Wichita
Jimmy Black, Equity Bank, Wichita Brian Whitesell, Landmark National Bank, Manhattan
Gina Bohme, The Bank, Atwood Brittney Wieland, Astra Bank, Abilene
John Buck, The Bank, Atwood Sarah Will, Astra Bank, Abilene
Debra Budden, Astra Bank, Abilene Doug Wiltfong, Astra Bank, Abilene
Kyle Bunker, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John Leonard Wolfe, United Bank & Trust, Marysville
Kristin Burgan, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John Nick Wolfe, United Bank & Trust, Marysville
Ryan Commerford, First Bank Kansas, Salina Kent Wyatt, Astra Bank, Abilene
Tom Corns, SJN Bank of Kansas, Greensburg
Lisa Ann Cornwell, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
Lynn Dejmal, Astra Bank, Abilene
Kermit Dorf, First Bank Kansas, Salina
Lori Edwards, The Bank, Winona
Chad Fisher, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
Dianna Fisher, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
Donita Fisher, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
Crystal Goff, Union State Bank, Arkansas City
Mikel Hadachek, Astra Bank, Scandia
J.D. Hager, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
Jodi Higgins, Central Bank & Trust Co., Hutchinson
Gwen Hill, Kansas Bankers Association, Topeka
Kendra Hopp, First Bank Kansas, McPherson
Keith Hughes, First National Bank of Hutchinson, Hutchinson
Kim Hullman, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
Kelly Hutchinson, Central Bank & Trust Co., Hutchinson
Kurt Knutson, Freedom Bank, Overland Park
Michael Kohler, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
David Lamb, The Bank, Winona
Duane Lankard, Central Bank & Trust Co., Hutchinson
Katrina Loader, Astra Bank, Abilene
Jenny Locanthi, Community First National Bank, Manhattan
Shellee Maginness, Farmers State Bank, Westmoreland
Jody Metcalf, The Bank, Colby
Shad Metcalf, The Bank, Colby
Darrel Miller, Central Bank & Trust Co., Hutchinson
Lisa Minnis, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
Jill Neidig, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
Christine Niblock, The Bank, Oberlin
Vicki Nothern, Astra Bank, Abilene
Mark Parman, Equity Bank, Overland Park
Laura Polite, Kendall State Bank, Valley Falls
Cindy Rempe, First Bank Kansas, Abilene
Steven Rempel, Central Bank & Trust Co., Hutchinson
Brenda Reno, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
Ryan Rewerts, SJN Bank of Kansas, St. John
Kevin Rippe, The Bank, Oberlin
Leann Robertson, Central Bank & Trust Co., Hutchinson
Robin Rogge, The Bank, Winona
Lucas Sawyer, Prairie Bank of Kansas, Stafford
Regina Stanley, The Bank, Oberlin
Carmelita Taylor, Astra Bank, Abilene
Bryan VonFeldt, Astra Bank, Abilene
2017‐2018 KBA BankPAC Commi ee FREQUENTLY ASK
Gene Dikeman, Chairman, Plains State Bank, Hutchinson Why does the KBA PAC give
Alex Orel, Vice‐Chairman, Kansas Bankers Assn., Topeka poli cal par es? The KBA P
Julie Taylor, Treasurer, Kansas Bankers Associa on, Topeka selec on of candidates to s
considered. KBA PAC focus
Kent Buer, First Bank Kansas, Salina quality candidates who help
Jeff Emmot, INTRUST Bank, N.A., Wichita compe ve banking system
Nancy George, Girard Na onal Bank, Girard
Does any part of my contrib
Travis Hicks, TriCentury Bank, DeSoto administra on of KBA PAC?
Kendal Kay, Stockgrowers State Bank, Ashland percent of your contribu o
John Lehman, The First Na onal Bank of Girard, Girard to poli cal candidates, cam
Mike Stevens, Centera Bank, Suble e Why does BankPAC need m
Nick Wolfe, United Bank & Trust, Marysville It does not ma er whether
director or part‐ me teller—
KBA Officers MAKES a difference. If you
Ron Johnson, Chairman, Community Na onal Bank, Seneca industry in Kansas, you hav
Chris Donnelly, Chairman‐Elect, Bank of the Prairie, Olathe nega ve laws are passed an
posi ve laws are passed. A
Lynn Mayer, Treasurer, Ci zens State Bank, Marysville banking industry helps to m
Jim Hoskins, Past Chairman, Baxter State Bank, Baxter Springs
What ways am I able to con
KBA President contribu ons to PAC can be
Chuck Stones, Kansas Bankers Associa on, Topeka personal check to KBA PAC
enclosed form or through p
KBA EVP‐COO employer.
Doug Wareham, Kansas Bankers Associa on, Topeka
Are poli cal contribu ons t
P.O. Box 4407, Topeka, Kansas 66604-0407 Contribu ons to PAC are no
785/232-3444 phone 785/232-3484 fax federal income tax purpose
If you have additiona
like more informat
Alex Orel or Julie Ta
e to members of both “ $125,000 in 2018”
PAC is nonpar san in its
support. Party label is not From Bank Director to CEO to loan officer to
ses solely on suppor ng teller….EVERY bank employee is needed to help
p promote a strong and
m in Kansas. promote a strong banking system.
bu on go toward the KBA BankPAC is a statewide, non-partisan Political Action
? No. One hundred Committee (PAC) organized by the Kansas Bankers
on to KBA PAC goes directly
mpaigns and ac vi es. Association to benefit the entire banking industry through
political contributions to state and federal candidates.
me, I am only one person?
r you are a senior officer, Through the financial support provided by the KANSAS
—your par cipa on BANKERS ASSOCIATION BankPAC, we are able to support
legislators who support the banking industry and those that
benefit from the banking vote on legislation affecting your financial institution. Without
ve something to lose if a well-funded PAC, our voice in government will be weakened,
nd much to gain when
A strong support from the thus affecting everything that happens in your bank.
make our voices heard.
ntribute to PAC? Individual
e made by wri ng a
and submi ng with the
payroll deduc on by your
tax deduc ble? No.
ot tax deduc ble for
al questions or would
tion, please contact
aylor and the KBA at
The KBA BankPAC is actually two separate accounts. We BANK’S FAIR SHARE/
have a federal account which supports candidates at the CONTRIB
national level and a state account that supports candidates at
the state level. State contributions are raised through “FAIR SHARE” = Number of o
corporate contributions, where federal contributions are _____ x $16.00 = $________
typically raised through personal contributions.
BankPAC employees _____ x $20.00 = $
Federal State Contributions to meet the “Fai
level can be achieved from co
Ad Astra Club state-chartered bank, corpora
Fair Share/Super Fair Share
holding company; or a combina
The KBA Ad Astra Club was formed to recognize individual contrib
contributors who make a personal contribution to BankPAC.
___ Enclosed is our “Fair Share
The “Fair Share” and “Super Fair Share” designation is used to
recognize banks and bank holding companies. ___ Enclosed is our “Super Fair
INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTOR BENEFITS ___ Our bank/holding company
amount $_______
Individuals are recognized throughout the year in
mailings, the Kansas Banker Magazine and at special
KBA events Address_________________
Individuals contributing at the $100, $250, $500 and City____________________
$1,000 levels will receive a special “token” of CEO____________________
appreciation at year-end.
Mail this form and
P.O. Bo
Topeka, Kansa
BUTION Suggested contributions*
officers, directors & employees CEO/PRESIDENT/CHAIRMAN/DIRECTOR… ....$500-$1,000
___ SENIOR OFFICERS………………….…………..…$250-$500
ber of officers, directors & ASST. VICE PRESIDENTS/BRANCH MANAGERS..$100-$250
$__________ JUNIOR OFFICERS…………………..…………..….$25-$100
ir Share” or “Super Fair Share” OTHER EMPLOYEES…………………………………$16-$50
orporate contributions from a
ate contributions from a bank *All contributions are voluntary. A suggested contribution is just
ation of corporate and personal that, a suggestion. No employee shall be favored, disadvantaged, or
butions. retaliated against based on their contribution or their decision not to
e” amount of $_______ contribute.
r Share” amount of $_______
y will contribute the following Enclosed is my personal contribution of $___________
_____________________ AD ASTRA CLUB
__State_____Zip_________ I want to be a member of the Ad Astra Club!!
______________________ ____ Five Stars—$1,000 and over contribution
d your corporate ____ Four Stars—$500-$999 contribution
ution to: ____ Three Stars—$250-$499 contribution
____ Two Stars—$100-$249contribution
ox 4407 ____ One Star—$12-$99 contribution
as 66604-0407
Bank City____________________________________
Home Address________________________________
Mail this form and your personal
contribution to:
P.O. Box 4407
Topeka, Kansas 66604-0407
Kansas Bankers Association BankPAC is the political action committee of the Kansas Bankers Association (KBA). KBA
BankPAC supports candidates for political office who share and support the views of Kansas bankers. KBA has two
accounts – BankPAC Federal and BankPAC State. BankPAC Federal supports candidates for federal offices while
BankPAC State supports candidates for state office. A candidate’s commitment to promoting the interests of KBA
members and a responsive relationship with the banking and financial services industry are primary considerations when
deciding which candidates will receive KBA BankPAC contributions.
Federal BankPAC Contributions require Prior Authorization Form
While KBA's BankPAC State account can receive both corporate and personal contributions at any time, prior written
authorization is required from each corporate member before KBA can solicit or accept personal contributions for KBA's
BankPAC Federal account. If your corporation chooses to authorize KBA's BankPAC Federal then please also consider
giving KBA the authority to solicit for multiple years in advance. Simply complete the form below and provide your
signature authorizing KBA to continue soliciting and receiving contributions from your corporation's officers and
employees in the years to come.
Special Note: Please note that your corporation can only authorize one trade association federal PAC per calendar year
for solicitation of officers and employees for Federal PAC contributions.
Please complete the form, signing for each year for which you are providing authorization, and promptly fax or mail the
completed form to the number/address shown below.
Contact Information (Please PRINT)
KBA BankPAC Federal is authorized as the only federal trade association PAC to solicit contributions from eligible persons of:
Name__________________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________
Bank Name_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Bank Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone____________________________ Fax______________________________ E-mail________________________________
Authorization for the following years (multi-year approval can be given in advance):
2018 Signature Title
2019 Signature Title
2020 Signature Title
2021 Signature Title
2022 Signature Title
Kansas Bankers Association BankPAC, P.O. Box 4407, Topeka, KS 66604-0407 Fax: (785) 232-3484