A newsletter for and about Kansas Electric Cooperatives
VOL. LXVIII, NO. 8 AUGUST 24, 2018
INSIDE Government, leadership featured at KEC Summer Meeting
2 | Calendar Hundreds electric coopera-
3 |Suzanne Lane named of electric co-op tives on the task
trustees, man- force.
as KEPCo’s Executive agers and key “At the end
Vice President and staff attended of the day, we
CEO this year’s KEC worked really
Summer Meeting hard getting the
4 |Kansas electric in Overland Park cooperatives
on Aug. 6. involved with
cooperatives at the KEC’s the task force so
Kansas State Fair Summer Meeting they could help
Please send your program fea- answer the ques-
story ideas to tured LYNNE tions of what
[email protected]. HINRICHSEN, KEC’s Doug Shepherd, Bruce Graham, and Leslie Kaufman presented was needed,” said
Kansas Director Sen. Rob Olson and Rep. Joe Seiwert a token of appreciation for their Rep. Seiwert who
PO Box 4267 for USDA Rural leadership on cooperative issues on behalf of the KEC membership. will co-chair this
Topeka, KS 66604-0267
www.kec.coop Development, who shared the key prosperity group with Sen. Olson. “We want to get high-
factors identified through the recently released speed data to everyone.”
Join Kansas Electric Cooperatives Rural Prosperity Report. “It’s going to take everyone as a team to get
Facebook page “Government is not business as usual,” Hin- broadband to every household in Kansas,” added
richsen stated, and then explained that USDA is Sen. Olson.
now focused on a three-prong business model of DAVID TUDOR, CEO and General Manager
infrastructure, partnership, and innovation. She of Associated Electric, spoke about his experi-
challenged the cooperatives to be creative and ence with retail wheeling when he served as
to consider how different utilities could work President and CEO of Champion Energy Ser-
together to benefit rural Kansas. vices headquartered in Houston, Texas.
“When I took this job, I challenged myself “Once a state deregulates, it’s hard to go
to push Kansas to be more upfront about asking back,” cautioned Tudor, who then explained how
for project funding,” she stated. She reviewed California’s deregulation created an energy crisis.
several USDA programs including investments “Consumers like choice,” he stated. “They
in business, community, and family housing, and like having a choice once, but then it becomes a
promoted the loans and grants available to build, hassle.” He went on to describe the many con-
maintain, upgrade, and modernize electric power sumer complaints that result from poor decisions
systems. “The money is sitting there and we that are often very costly.
pounce on that funding because we know there DIANE DEBACKER, Executive Director of
is a need,” she said. Business and Education Innovation for the
LESLIE KAUFMAN, KEC’s Director of Gov- Kansas Department of Commerce, discussed
ernment Relations and Legal Counsel moderated how to bridge the gap between skills needed
a panel with Kansas Senator ROB OLSON and in the workforce and skills taught through the
State Representative JOE SEIWERT. Panel topics education system. PAUL BRULL, Kansas repre-
included the process and activity surrounding sentative to NRECA Youth Leadership Council,
Substitute SB 323 that relates to service territory shared his experiences on the Electric Coopera-
protection, as well as upcoming legislative chal- tive Youth Tour.
lenges and the newly-created Statewide Broad- Luncheon speaker DAN MEERS, who works
band Expansion Planning Task Force. KEC’s as the mascot for the Kansas City Chiefs, shared
DOUG SHEPHERD was named to represent the how he nearly lost his life while practicing a
continued on p. 4
KEC Member Directory to be co-opcalendar
shipped next month
Printed 3 Labor Day Holiday – KEC Office Closed
copies of the 11-13 KEC Hot Line School, Pratt Vo-Tech, Pratt
2018-2019 18 Budget and Operations Committee Meeting, Location TBD, 1 p.m.
Kansas Elec- 18-20 KEC Hot Line School, Manhattan Vo-Tech, Manhattan
tric Coop- 19-20 KEPCo Board of Trustees Meeting, KEPCo Headquarters, Topeka
eratives, Inc., 20 Tri-County Annual Meeting, Texas County Activity Center, 4th & Sunset Lane, Guymon, OK. Meal starts at
Member 5:30 p.m. Meeting starts at 6:10 p.m.
Directory will 21 Sunflower Board of Directors Meeting, Sunflower Headquarters, Hays
be mailed to 25-27 Region 7-9 Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska
cooperatives, 26-28 KMSDA, Courtyard by Marriott at Old Town, Wichita
advertisers 27 MDM Meeting, KEPCo Headquarters, Topeka
and affiliated
organizations in late September. upcomingtraining
Last chance to register for the High Impact Presentations course
The KEC Directory requires con- KEC is offering the Dale Carnegie optimum use of voice and gesture to
siderable time and effort to prepare course High Impact Presentations. This create a lasting impression as well as a
and we certainly appreciate all the two-day training is scheduled for Aug. variety of presentation styles.
assistance received again this year from 28 and 29 at KEC’s headquarters in Registration is typically $2,000 for
our member co-ops to complete this Topeka. this course, but KEC is able to offer a
task. High Impact Presentations focuses registration fee of $1,100 per attendee.
on structuring effective presenta- To register for this training or for
Members may also download a tions that build credibility, enhance a more information, call Lindsey Solida at
PDF version of the directory on the client relationship, and clearly convey 785-320-2753 or email Lindsey.Solida@
members-only section of the KEC concepts. Attendees will explore the DaleCarnegie.com.
KEC offers 2018 Attorney CLE Materials, refreshments and lunch
For more information about the are included in the $100 registration fee.
directory, contact KEC’s Carrie Kim- KEC’s Continuing Legal Education Registration deadline is Oct. 19. The
berlin at [email protected]. (CLE) program will be held on Friday, Kansas CLE Commission has approved
Oct. 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. at this CLE for 6.5 hours including 1.0
jobmarket the KEPCo headquarters in Topeka. hour of ethics (pending).
KEC helps to promote co-op careers by This day-long series of sessions will An agenda and registration infor-
listing openings on the careers section of the highlight important issues facing today’s mation has been emailed to the coop-
KEC website. electric cooperatives and how the co-op eratives. For more information, email
attorney can help cooperative leaders Leslie Kaufman at [email protected].
Visit https://www.kec.coop/careers to increase regulatory compliance and
learn more about the following positions. reduce potential liability exposure.
Send your open position listings to KMSDA plans writing workshop as part of fall meeting
[email protected]. Positions will be posted The Kansas Member KEPCo, Lyon-Coffey,
on the website for one month, unless Services Directors Associa- Touchstone Energy, Sun-
otherwise directed by the co-op. tion (KMSDA) 2018 Fall flower, and Wolf Creek.
meeting will be held Sept. Attendees will learn
ffFreeState seeks Journeyman Lineman 26 - 28 in Wichita at the about a new program that
(McLouth), Line Superintendent (Topeka), Courtyard by Marriott at provides all-hours social
and Member Services Representative Old Town. media response.
(Topeka) There will be a writing There will also
and grammar workshop. be a KMSDA Bylaws
ffLane-Scott seeks a Manager of Member Presentations will include discussion.
Services NRECA’s Lexicon project; For hotel reservations,
training on making digital call 866-522-8909. Ask for
ffPower System Engineering, Inc. seeks a Rate content both shareable and findable; the “KMSDA block” for the group rate
and Regulatory Consultant a Co-ops Vote and Kansas Legisla- of $144, which includes breakfast and
tive update; and updates from KEC, parking.
ffSumner-Cowley seeks Warehouseman
ffSunflower has openings for a Communi-
cations Specialist, a Financial Analyst, a
Journey Line Technician, an EMS/SCADA
Trainee, and an EMS/SCADA Administrator
Lane named as KEPCo’s Executive Vice President and CEO Kansas Touchstone Energy to
Kansas Electric Power Coopera- team in 2017. Her work responsibilities hold Annual Meeting
tive’s (KEPCo) Board of Trustees has and experiences have included whole-
selected SUZANNE LANE as the new sale power marketing, transmission and The Touchstone Energy Annual Member-
Executive Vice distribution operations and key account ship Meeting will be held at Butler Electric
President and management. Most recently, she has Cooperative on Monday, Oct. 15 from 10 a.m.
Chief Executive served as the Vice President of Member to 1 p.m.
Officer of the Services and Government Affairs for
organization. KEPCo. LYNN MOORE, Touchstone Energy’s
KEPCo’s Executive Director, will report on the national
Board President “KEPCo has a long-standing, strong program activities including the Best in Class,
Kevin Compton presence in Kansas as a not-for-profit, the use of Augmented Reality (AR), the Annual
stated, member-focused organization that Report, Co-op Insights through the National
“Suzanne works hard to provide its members with Survey on the Cooperative Difference, and the
possesses the the most reliable, cost-effective power,” long-range planning committee discussion the
knowledge Lane stated. “I am honored and privi- national dues.
and talent Suzanne Lane leged to have been selected for this role,
and I look forward to working side-by- The Kansas Touchstone Energy Executive
to continue to move the cooperative side with the Board of Trustees and staff Council will discuss statewide activities, set the
forward to meet the energy needs of our to continue that mission.” 2019 dues assessment, and hold elections.
member-owners. We look forward to
working with her in her new position as Lane received her Bachelor of The committee members whose terms
we strive to meet future energy require- Business Administration in Finance expire this year include BRUCE MUELLER
ments in today’s challenging energy from Fort Hays State University and and TRAVIS GRIFFIN. There is also a board
markets.” her Master of Business Administration member vacancy on the council. If interested in
Lane has 20 years of leadership from Washburn University. She and her serving on the council, contact Bruce Mueller
experience in the utility business, husband, Martin, have two daughters at [email protected].
working at Westar Energy for most of and reside in the Topeka area. She will
her career, and then joining the KEPCo assume the duties of the Executive Vice Reserve a room at the Holiday Inn Express
President and CEO on Oct. 1. & Suites in El Dorado for $94.99/night, which
includes breakfast. Reservations can be made
KEC requests co-op photos to display at headquarters by calling the hotel directly at 316-322-7275. Ask
KEC is putting the finishing touches Aid and restoration efforts, and employ- for the “Kansas Electric Cooperatives” rate.
on its headquarters efficiency improve- ees at work.
ment project and wants to showcase the Co-ops are asked to search their Please RSVP your attendance to Shana
talents of its members photo archives or to Read at [email protected] by October 8.
by using original pho- Photos could feature shoot original pho-
tography throughout tography in large-for- KEC’s Bruce Graham meets
the updated building. a variety of themes: mat, high-resolution with Vice President Mike Pence
• co-ops and members, quality. Each submis-
More than mere BRUCE GRAHAM (pictured at left) attend-
pictures hung on a • historical photos, sion should include ed an ACRE sponsored event for Congress-
wall, these photo- • landscapes, a title, the name of man KEVIN YODER on July 11 in Kansas
graphs will play a the photographer (if City which was headlined by Vice President
key role in showcas- • innovative known), the co-op MIKE PENCE. Graham had a chance to
ing each of KEC’s technologies, represented, who is get reacquainted with the former Indiana
member-cooperatives pictured in the photo Congressman and Governor. The two worked
and telling the story of • equipment and plant, (if known or if appli- together on several issues while Graham was
the co-op history and • restoration cable), and the loca- CEO of Indiana Electric Cooperatives.
mission. tion that the photo
Photos could efforts, and was taken.
feature a variety of • employees at work. Digital images can
themes including
cooperatives and their be submitted in the
standard formats, such
members, the history of the rural elec- as PDF, JPG, TIFF, EPS, and NEF, with
tric network, landscapes and geographic a DPI of at least 300.
features from within co-op service ter- For questions about submitting
ritories during different seasons of the photos or for additional information,
year, new and innovative technologies, contact Shana Read at [email protected] or
pictures of equipment and plant, Mutual call 785-478-4554.
Showcasing the Kansas electric cooperatives at the Kansas State Fair
cooperative difference From safety demonstrations to agri- BREEDING, BRIAN DREILING, NATE
at regional meeting culture forums, Kansas’ electric coop- STRYKER, GREG SWOB, and JAMES
eratives are proud sponsors of the 2018 WRIGHT of Midwest Energy, along
Touchstone Energy understands the Kansas State Fair scheduled for Sept. 7 with BRENT UNRUH of Flint Hills,
Cooperative Difference and demonstrates -16 in Hutchinson. KEVIN BRADSTREET and HENRY
it in how we treat our members, how we MORROW of Lane-Scott, TAVIS MAC-
collaborate, and how we build our com- Kansas State Ag Forum DONALD of Pioneer, JACOB LEDFORD
munities, and this year is highlighting all and ROSS ACKERMAN of Victory, and
three characteristics at each of the NRECA KEC is sponsoring the Kansas State CHRIS SHURLE and ADAM PARKER of
Regional Meetings. Ag Forum on Saturday, Sept. 8, from Wheatland will showcase the high-volt-
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The forum will age safety display from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
“Touchstone Energy is celebrating its feature a debate between the candi-
20th anniversary, and we wanted to cele- dates for Governor, moderated by KELLY The live-wire demonstration
brate by giving back with a service opportu- LENZ, WIBW Farm Director. includes a stick man made of wire and
nity at every regional meeting,” said LYNN plastic piping to show the importance of
MOORE, Touchstone Energy’s Executive The Kansas Agriculture Network staying safe around power lines.
Director. “We are leveraging the power of and WIBW 580 are set to broadcast
human connections in our partnerships with the forum. To view the event live, visit This event is part of the State Fair’s
the host statewide organizations and their kansasagnetwork.com or wibwnewsnow. “Kansas Largest Classroom” program,
community partners to bring volunteers com. which invites Kansas teachers to bring
together for unique projects that will leave a
positive impact on the communities we are High-Voltage Safety their students to this event at the fair.
Demonstration Admission Tickets
All regional meeting attendees and
their guests are welcome to attend the From Sept. 10 - 14, Kansas KEC has a limited number
“come-and-go” service project located near electric co-ops and of gate admission
the NRECA Regional Meeting registration Touchstone Energy tickets to the fair. To
area in the conference hotel. Volunteers co-ops of Kansas request tickets,
can stop by the Touchstone Energy engage- celebrate 11 email your
ment station, open on Tuesday, Sept. 25 years of spon- mailing address
from noon to 4 p.m. (or until all projects are soring the to Shana Read
completed). high-voltage at sread@kec.
safety demon- org. Tickets
For the Region 7 & 9 meeting, volun- stration will be dis-
teers will assemble reflective safety kits that in the tributed on
will help illuminate the dark journeys to and Ad Astra a first-come,
from school for thousands of Anchorage ele- Pavilion. first-served
mentary and middle-schoolers. The United
Way of Anchorage will then distribute the ALEX basis.
reflective safety kits to local schools within
its Community PLUS Schools program. KEC’s Summer Meeting, continued from p. 1
stunt and the important lessons that he The KEC Spouses Program featured
Volunteers are welcome for the entire learned during his long recovery. a painting activity by Grapes & Paints,
service project or only for a few minutes, followed by fun, science-based projects
whatever time schedules allow. Photos of BUD BRANHAM, Director of Safety demonstrated by BETSY ZADOROZNY,
the activity will be posted on social media for NRECA, introduced the new tool Caney Valley.
using #CoopsServe to help make a positive kit: Commitment to Zero Contacts
impact in the host community during the and distributed certificates to the In addition, the KEC Auxiliary
regional meeting. co-ops who have already made that hosted a silent auction that raised
commitment. $1,923 for KEC’s youth programs.
For more information about the Touch-
stone Energy community service project at PETER MUHORO, Ph.D., Vice Presi- Prior to convening the summer
the regional meeting, please contact Anne dent, Strategic Industry Research and meeting, BOB PATTON, ROD CRILE, and
Harvey at [email protected]. Analysis at the National Rural Utili- JODY SEVERSON facilitated director
ties Cooperative Finance Corporation training courses. Co-op representatives
4 RURAL POWER AUGUST 24, 2018 (CFC), spoke about the new and emerg- and their families enjoyed a perfor-
ing technologies that are driving inno- mance of “Mamma Mia” at the New
vation within the industry. Theatre Restaurant on Aug. 5.
There were also presentations by KEC held an open house on Friday,
the platinum-level sponsors including Aug. 3, to show the improvements
CFC, Federated Rural Electric Insur- made through the KEC Headquarters
ance Exchange, and NextEra Energy Efficiency Project. Approximately 50
Marketing. members and guests attended.