Saint James School
Parent/Student Handbook
Address: Saint James School, 73 Park Street, Manchester, CT 06040
Office Phone: 860-643-5088
Office Hours: M-F, 7:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Fax Number: 860-649-6462
Pre-K Phone: 860-643-5088
Ext. Day: 860-643-5088
Letter from the Principal
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to Saint James School for the 2018-2019 new school year! We are so honored that you have chosen to educate your child,
academically and spiritually, at our school.
As we begin this year, we pray for our students, parents, and faculty. The students will be accepted into a second home and family.
Parents will find a safe environment that reinforces the Christian values being taught at home. We recognize that parents are the
primary teachers of their children, but we resolve to work with the family to give students role models of moral integrity and a strong
foundation in academic excellence.
A Catholic education is a special gift and privilege. Our graduates have been given the opportunity of a lifetime. They share a common
heritage of tradition, excellence, and commitment with the thousands of Catholic graduates who populate our globe. We at Saint
James School are proud to have contributed our part to the lives of all these young ladies and gentlemen we have taught so far and
those whom we will continue to teach in the future.
The Parent/Student Handbook contains the policies of Saint James School for the 2018-2019 school year. Please carefully read and
review this document with your children. You must read and sign the attached agreement, which states that you and your children
intend to abide by the school policies in the handbook and return it to the school on August 30, 2018.
Together, let us pray that God guides us, protects us, and helps us grow young hearts and minds.
Bridget Zorger
Letter from the Pastor
Dear Saint James School Parents and Guardians,
We welcome your child to another year at Saint James School! I hope that it will be happy and fruitful, and that your child will grow in
wisdom and grace during these next ten months.
We know that Saint James is an outstanding school, and so does the U.S. Department of Education, which named Saint James a Blue
Ribbon School in 2010! That honor, which is accorded to a maximum of 50 private schools nationwide in a given year, recognizes
educational excellence.
Saint James School is dedicated to growing young hearts and minds and to educating the whole child – spiritually, academically and
socially. It offers a welcoming environment to a diverse and growing student population, and our children clearly understand that they
are respected and appreciated.
We constantly see evidence of the value of a Saint James education in the reports we receive from East Catholic High School on the
success of Saint James graduates. Children at Saint James benefit from up-to-date technology; we take pride in the fact that each of
our classrooms from pre-K through Grade 8 is equipped with a Smartboard.
Saint James is marked by a strong Catholic identity; children are nurtured in their faith and they pray in class every day. Their excellent
training and respect for the Blessed Sacrament are evident when they attend Mass during the school day: many adults have
commented to me on the prayerful and attentive manner of youngsters in every grade.
I hope you share my pride in Saint James – and that your child will have an excellent 2018-2019 school year!
Devotedly in Christ,
Father Kevin P. Cavanaugh
Mission Statement
Saint James School provides a quality Catholic education inspired by the Sisters of Mercy and based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
We strive to develop the full potential of every child, to encourage service to others, and to build a foundation for independent life-
long learning.
Vision Statement of the Archdiocese for Catholic Schools
The fundamental purpose of Catholic schools is to advance the educational mission of the Church
Catholic schools educate diverse student bodies to form Catholic, person-centered learning communities; provide quality teaching
through traditional and innovative educational programs infused with Catholic Social Teachings; involve students to serve and support
parish life and the local civic communities; graduate students who are critical thinkers, productive moral citizens, and spiritual leaders;
recognize and appreciate parents as the primary educators of their children.
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History of Saint James School
The cornerstone for Saint James School was laid by the men of Saint James Parish in 1921. The school opened in 1922 and the first
class graduated in 1927, with nine boys and fourteen girls. A pastor/principal and five Sisters of Mercy staffed the school. The
fundamental purpose for establishing Saint James School was to carry out the mission of the Church and to promote the teachings of
Jesus Christ, as well as academic excellence. During the passage of the next years, much was changed: two classes per grade level
were added; a gym-auditorium and cafeteria were built; lay members of the staff increased and the number of Sisters decreased; the
student body included students from many surrounding parishes and towns; building improvement continued with a Science Lab,
Technology Room, Pre-Kindergarten facilities, and update of classrooms; new faculty were hired for Art, Music, Technology, and
Foreign Language; and two Assistant Principals were appointed for grades K-4 and 5-8. The Saint James School community is proud of
its history, as over the years it has become a well-known and respectable Catholic institution of learning, carrying on the mission of
the Sisters of Mercy in Manchester and the surrounding area. Saint James School is a distinguished Blue Ribbon School, an award given
in 2010 by the U.S. Department of Education. This award recognizes schools whose students attain and maintain high academic goals.
Saint James School is proud of this accomplishment, as we are committed to ensuring student success.
Saint James School is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and received a 2010 Blue Ribbon Award from
the U.S. Department of Education.
Curriculum design and development is not merely a course of study or a listing of goals and objectives, but rather it encompasses
all of the learning experiences that students receive under the direction of Saint James School and the Office of Catholic Schools.
In implementing the curriculum, Saint James School considers the needs of the students, the abilities of the staff, and the
requirements of time allotments, according to Archdiocesan and applicable state regulations. The Catholic schools in the
Archdiocese are encouraged to implement and monitor an integrated curriculum infused with Gospel values and a global view,
which recognizes that students learn in different ways. Saint James School maintains a balanced curriculum, including religion,
language arts (English grammar, phonics, writing, reading, vocabulary, spelling, oral language, and handwriting), science,
mathematics, geography, social studies, health/wellness, physical education, the arts, world languages, and service learning.
Technology must be integrated into all curricular areas. Our teachers are viewed as facilitators of learning, demonstrating to
students the importance of lifelong learning, how to learn in various disciplines, and how to solve various problems through
research and analysis.
Admission Requirements & Policy
Students wishing to apply for admission to Saint James School will be given an age-appropriate placement test to evaluate their
readiness and ability to succeed at Saint James School. The parent/guardian must arrange for a copy of the student’s school records
to be provided to the Principal and administration for review, and sign an authorization allowing the Principal or administration of
Saint James School to contact the administrators and faculty of the student’s former school(s). If there is an opening in the grade for
which the student is applying, the decision to accept the student will be based on the results of the placement test, the review of
transferred records, and discussion with the previous school administrator and faculty. The Principal and Pastor have sole discretion
in determining the acceptance of any student into Saint James School. The Principal and Pastor may convene an admissions committee
as necessary for admission recommendation. Admission prior to starting may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Pastor and
Principal. Prior to admission, the parent/guardian must supply a copy of the student’s birth certificate and health records. Note that
in order to be considered for Kindergarten admission, the student must be 5 years of age by December 31st of the current school year.
Students will be admitted on a yearly basis. Each student’s academic and disciplinary record will be reviewed each year to determine
The Saint James School Pre-Kindergarten begins the educational process of a child at Saint James School. Registration will be
announced in January/February to the school community, the parish, and the general public. Enrollment will not be denied because
of gender, race, creed, or ethnicity. Students who register by March 31st for the upcoming school year may be admitted to grades K-8
based on the following priorities:
1. Saint James School Pre-Kindergarten students
2. Siblings of Saint James School students
3. Parishioners of Saint James Parish
4. Registered Catholics from other parishes
5. All others in order of completed registration
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Student Behavior
The purpose of the following code of conduct is to develop sound moral character, responsibility, and citizenship.
All students are expected to behave in a manner that is conducive to learning and that fosters a Christian environment. With
that in mind, students must:
• respect and obey the authority of administrators, teachers, coaches, staff members, chaperones, and volunteers;
• be honest with and courteous to all members of the school community;
• use only appropriate language and actions towards one another;
• walk quietly and in an orderly manner in the building at all times;
• consume food and drinks only at designated times and places;
• follow the school dress code;
• deliver all school-related notices and letters to parents;
• remain on the school property until dismissed or given permission to leave. Following dismissal, students must be
under the supervision of faculty or staff in order to remain on school property.
• be aware that they may be disciplined for conduct off school grounds if such conduct is disruptive of the educational
process, violates a policy of the school, or negatively impacts the school.
In addition, students must not:
• bring white out or any other item that could cause damage to persons or to the school;
• sell items in school, on school grounds, or on the bus - this includes candy, personal item, and fundraisers of any kind;
• use electronic devices (cell phones, MP3 players, portable game systems, etc.) during the school day.
If a student brings any of the above items to school or is selling any items, the items will be taken away and the student’s
parents will be notified.
Disciplinary Measures
All students are responsible for their actions and are expected to control their behavior at all times. This includes while at school,
on school grounds, on school bus or any school sponsored event. When appropriate, disciplinary matters will first be handled
by the respective classroom teacher(s) before the Principal is involved.
Discipline reports will be maintained in the school’s database throughout the duration of the student’s enrollment at Saint
James School.
Detention - Detention is held after school hours for Grades K-8. If a student receives a detention, the teacher who assigned the
detention will contact the student’s parents via the family email address in EduConnect. The student will serve the detention
on the next school day. Students who have transportation issues may go to the Extended Day program following an assigned
detention (a fee may apply). Lack of transportation is not grounds for changing the time to serve a detention. Behaviors that
warrant a detention include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Disrespectfulness • Forgery
• Disruptive behavior • Chewing gum
• Failure to obey school rules • Foul language
• Disregard for dress code • Obscene gestures
• Cheating • Throwing objects
• Plagiarism • Any inappropriate behavior
If a student receives three detentions for behavior (not homework), he/she will be suspended at the next infraction.
Suspension - Any student who is suspended is excluded from classes while serving his/her suspension. Suspension may be “in-
school” or “out-of-school” as defined below:
In-School Suspension: A student serving an in-school suspension will be separated from his/her classes. During the
suspension, the student will be required to complete all school assignments and take any tests scheduled for the day
of the suspension and the days following.
Out-of-School Suspension: A student serving an out-of-school suspension is expected to be at home under adult
supervision. The student is responsible for obtaining missed class work and homework assignments at the end of each
day. All make-up assignments must be completed and handed in on the next school day. All tests missed will be made
up upon the student’s return.
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Both in-school and out-of-school suspensions automatically exclude a student from any and all extracurricular activities (i.e.
sports, clubs, trips, dances, and special activities sponsored by the school or by the Home & School Association) for a minimum
of seven school days beginning with the day the suspension is issued to the student. The Principal has sole discretion on
determining when a student may resume extracurricular activities after those seven days. If a student is suspended; a hearing
with the Pastor, Principal and/or a disciplinary committee may be called to decide if further disciplinary action is warranted. The
school retains the right, in its discretion, to determine what further disciplinary action is appropriate including, but not limited
to, continued suspension, expulsion or non-re-admission.
Expulsion - Expulsion is the immediate, permanent dismissal of a student from Saint James School. If a student is suspended
two times and then commits an infraction that warrants a third suspension, the student will be in jeopardy of being expelled
from Saint James School. Expulsion can also be the result of a single, serious infraction of school policy. The decision to expel a
student is made by the Principal, in conjunction with the Pastor and any staff member involved with the situation. The Principal
and Pastor may also call upon a disciplinary committee to assist in evaluating appropriate disciplinary action. Parents will be
required to attend a meeting to discuss the incident before the Diocesan Superintendent is informed of the expulsion. Full
payment of tuition is expected if a student has been expelled.
Behaviors that Warrant Suspension or Expulsion – Behaviors that indicate willful disobedience, open and persistent defiance
of proper authority, or that are harmful to the welfare, safety or morals of a student(s), whether they occur on or off school
property are cause for suspension or expulsion. Behaviors that may warrant suspension or expulsion include, but are not limited
to, the following:
• Assault; verbal or physical • Cyber bullying
• Fighting • Misuse of computer
• Possession or use of drugs/alcohol/tobacco • Sexual harassment
products • Use of stink bombs
• Possession or use of e-cigarettes, vaping tools and • Physically or verbally threatening, harassing, or
materials abusing students or staff
• Possession of “facsimile drugs”, i.e., materials • Willful destruction or defacing of school property*
which look like controlled substances and are • Willful destruction or defacing of another’s
presented as such by the student property*
• Insubordination (defiance of authority) • Extortion
• Leaving school grounds without permission • Compromise the welfare of a student or potential
• Theft student
• Bullying • Undermine the school’s efforts to prosper
• Possession of a potentially harmful weapon or • Truancy
object that can be construed as a weapon (i.e. • Repeated offenses or infractions that warrant
explosives, knives, blades, laser pointers, and detention
firearms) • Inappropriate use of e-mails, blogs, text messages,
• Being involved in any incidents related to Facebook, Twitter or other website postings
pornography or other inappropriate behavior • Suspension from bus
*If a student defaces or destroys any property, his/her parents/guardians will be required to pay for repairs to, or
replacement of, the property.
Bullying - All students have a right to learn in a safe environment, free from physical, cyber or verbal harassment. Effective July
1, 2002, the Connecticut State Legislature passed Public Act No. 02-119 concerning bullying behavior in schools. Bullying is
prohibited in all Catholic schools of the Archdiocese. It will not be tolerated during the school day nor during any school
sponsored activities on or off the school grounds. Bullying is defined as any overt acts by a student, group of students, or
parent(s) directed against another student with the intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate the other student. It includes
physical intimidation or assault, extortion, oral, written or cyber threats, teasing, putdowns, name-calling, cruel rumors, false
accusations, social isolation, and threatening looks, gestures or actions. This includes students who either directly engage in an
act of bullying or who, by their behavior, support another student’s act of bullying.
Students and parents who are aware of any act of bullying should report it to the school Principal for further investigation.
Reports of such incidents may be written and anonymous. Any student who retaliates against another for reporting bullying will
be subject to disciplinary consequences. Consequences for students who bully others shall depend on the results of the
investigation and the severity of the incident or series of incidents. Consequences may include but are not limited to, detention,
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parent conference, professional counseling, suspension, expulsion or non-re-admission. In addition, the incident may be
reported to law enforcement.
Search - It is the right and responsibility of the administration to conduct a search of a student’s desk, locker, or personal
belongings at any time, at its sole discretion, if there is reasonable cause for such a search.
Parents - Parents are held to the same standards as students with regard to respect for the Principal, Pastor, teachers, coaches
and other parents and students. Enrollment of a student in Saint James School implies a partnership between the school and
the parents. Parents are expected to comply with the school rules and policies and to accept, support and respect the authority
of the Principal, Pastor, teachers and school personnel. Parents are not allowed access to academic, disciplinary, health,
financial, or other records of another child. Just as a parent can withdraw a student from the school if desired, the school has
the right to terminate the enrollment a student if it determines at its discretion that the parent or student partnership with the
school is irretrievably broken.
Bus Transportation Rules
Riding the bus to school is a privilege, and proper behavior on the bus is essential to ensure the safety of students. Students
riding the bus must:
• respect and obey the bus driver;
• find the next available seat without pushing;
• travel only on the assigned bus and get off at the assigned bus stop (Only assigned bus students may ride the bus.);
• remain in the seat, facing forward, and keep feet out of the aisles;
• keep the entire body inside the bus;
• not call out the window or shout to other students on the bus;
• keep all personal belongings inside their backpacks (Backpacks & instruments should remain on laps or under the
• not eat on the van or bus.
If there is a problem with a student, the bus company will notify the school and the school will notify the student and the
student’s parents. If there is a repeated offense, the student will be suspended from the bus for three school days. If there is a
third offense, the student will be suspended from the bus for one month. A record of offenses and disposition of cases is kept
in the school office by the Principal. The bus is an extension of the school and a student’s behavior on the bus may warrant
discipline actions to be taken at the school as well.
Parent Organizations
Home and School Association (HSA) – The Saint James School Home and School Association is a parent organization with by-
laws drawn up according to the policies and procedures of the Archdiocese and approved by the Pastor/Chief Administrator. All
disbursements from income raised by the HSA are approved by the Pastor in collaboration with the Principal and the HSA. The
HSA has the following purposes: to bring into closer relation home and school, whereby parents and teachers may cooperate
as a team in the education of their children; to help raise money through fundraising events that supplement the school budget;
to provide social activities for the enjoyment of our families, school staff, and the public.
School Board – Saint James School has a committee-driven school board (strategic planning, finance, advancement) which has
the following responsibilities: to advance the school’s Catholic mission and catholic identity; to recommend local policies
consistent with Archdiocesan policies and procedures; to develop, implement, and monitor strategic planning; to support school
advancement, public relations, and marketing endeavors; to engage in board development; to recommend adoption of an
annual budget and monitor that budget; to assist in the process of evaluating the Principal; to assist in the search process when
hiring a Principal. The Saint James School Board business, discussion, and decision-making (independent of committee work) is
conducted within the context of regular meetings. Any non-member who wishes to speak at a board meeting must submit a
request in writing to the Chairperson. The request shall be honored only if the business is appropriate to the board’s
responsibilities and agenda.
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Cafeteria Policies
• Proper etiquette should be used at all times in the cafeteria.
• Students have assigned seats in Grades1-4 and assigned tables in Grades 5-8.
• Upon entering the cafeteria, students should go to their seats and wait to be called for the hot lunch line.
• Students buying hot lunch must order a hot lunch item in the morning and can take only what was ordered.
• Parents are not allowed to bring in special meals, such as fast food, for their children.
• Students should walk slowly, keep their hands to themselves, have quiet conversation, and use cafeteria supplies
• A student who needs something should raise his/her hand and wait for assistance from a lunch parent or staff member.
• Students must ask permission to use the restroom and must use the sign out sheet provided. Upon returning, the
student should cross his/her name off the sign-out sheet.
• The peanut-free table is reserved for students with nut allergies. These students may request to have non-allergic
students sit with them if there is space available.
• The cafeteria lights will be turned off five minutes before the end of each lunch period. Students must stop talking at
this time and remain quiet until they are outside for recess.
• Each student is responsible for cleaning up his/her trash.
• Students will be dismissed table by table by the teacher on duty.
Lunch Schedule
• 11:20 AM – 11:40 AM Grades 1,2 & 3 Lunch in cafeteria
• 11:40 AM – 12:00 Noon Grades 1,2 & 3 Recess
• 11:45 AM – 12:05 PM Grades 4 & 5 Lunch in cafeteria
• 12:05 PM – 12:25 PM Grades 4 & 5 Recess
• 12:10 PM – 12:40 PM Grades 6, 7, & 8 Lunch in cafeteria
Recess Policies
• Students must walk to the play area.
• Students should place lunchboxes to the side of the doors of the building, without blocking the doorways.
• Students in Grades 1 through 5 are allowed one ball per class.
• Reckless running is not allowed.
• Students should keep their hands to themselves – no pushing, pulling, shoving, grabbing, etc.
• If a student does not want to participate in an organized game, he/she should stay away from the organized game areas
and stand and talk, read a book, or use a sketch pad.
• Students must stay away from the parked cars and dumpsters.
• Students must not stand in the alley behind the school or near the Kindergarten door.
• Students may not pick flowers or grass or play in the dirt.
• Students should be careful not to ruin their uniforms by falling on the ground on purpose.
• Students must not play in puddles or on ice patches. Students must not pick up or kick ice or snow.
• When playing in the grassy area, students must not touch or hang on the nets or play in or behind the trees.
• Students must not leave the playground for any reason (including to retrieve a ball).
• If a student needs to use the bathroom or see the nurse, he/she must speak to the teacher on duty to be allowed into
the school.
• Students must obtain permission from a lunch parent or teacher on duty in order to retrieve a ball from a stairwell, the
pre-K playground, or near cars.
• Organized ball games must follow rules taught by the Physical Education Teacher.
o Punch ball may be played on the pavement near the grassy area.
o Foursquare may be played on the painted squares on the south end of the playground.
• Jumping rope is allowed as long as students remain in place and out of the way of ball games. Skip-its are not allowed.
• Electronic games and trading cards are not allowed in school or on the playground.
If there is inclement weather, recess will be held in the classrooms and students may engage in quiet classroom games and
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Field Trips
Field trips are planned to support the curriculum. Student attendance is expected as on any other school day.
• A permission slip with information regarding the field trip such as, date, time, and location will be sent home and must
be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the student’s teacher. Only permission slips sent by the school and
completely filled out and signed will be accepted.
• If necessary, teachers will assign a parent chaperone to each group of students. The number of chaperones and size of
each group depends on the age of the students and the nature of the field trip. Chaperones will be given information
regarding their responsibilities on the trip and are accountable to the classroom teacher. In order to be considered as
a chaperone, volunteers must have had a background check and completed Virtus training.
• While on a field trip, students are expected to follow all applicable school rules.
• If a student has any health problems or medical needs that may be an issue during a field trip, the student’s parent
should consult with the School Nurse prior to the field trip.
• A student who has a documented history of behavior problems in class may not be allowed to participate in the field
Extra-Curricular Activities
Director/Coach Responsibilities – While participating in an extra-curricular activity, students are under the direct care of the
adults in charge of the activity. The adult director or coach of an activity is responsible for student supervision while the activity
is in progress.
Student Participant Responsibilities - The responsibilities of students participating in an extra-curricular activity are as follows:
• Once having committed to a program, a student is expected to fulfill that commitment for the entire season or school
• Any student who receives a “D” or lower, or an “Unsatisfactory” on his/her report card or at mid-term progress check,
will be excluded from the activity for three weeks. If the student participates in a sport, he/she will be excluded from
practices as well as games for three weeks. At the end of the three weeks, a re-evaluation will take place and a decision
will be made as to whether or not the student may resume the activity.
• If a student is absent from school, he/she cannot attend any school-related activity (all extra-curricular activities such
as sports games and practices, clubs, dances, and special activities sponsored by HSA) after school that day.
• While participating in an extra-curricular activity, students are expected to follow all applicable school rules and
demonstrate good sportsmanship. Any conduct violating these rules, or demonstrating poor sportsmanship, may be
cause for immediate removal from a sport or extra-curricular activity.
Parent Responsibilities - Parents of students participating in an extra-curricular activity are expected to provide transportation
to and from the activity as needed, ensure that students attend practices and games faithfully, and complete a Sports Form and
submit it to the School Nurse.
Parents are expected to set examples at sporting events or extra-curricular activities. Parents must demonstrate good conduct
or good sportsmanship at all events and games, or there may be cause for immediate removal from a sport or extra-curricular
Parents acknowledge and understand that participation in these sports, activities, or clubs may be inherently dangerous, and
the school cannot ensure the safety of all students involved in its activities and programs. Prior to participation in any sport or
field trip each parent/guardian must complete the necessary release form for sport participation and a physician’s certificate to
the effect that the student is physically fit for participation in the sport. Participation includes pre-season conditioning, open
gym, tryouts, and practice. There will be no participation in any sporting event or attendance at any field trip or other extra-
curricular activity without completion of the appropriate permission slip and/or release form.
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Dress Code
Students must follow the dress code, except on designated dress down days (see below). If a student violates the dress code,
the violation will be recorded in the school’s on-line record for infractions and an email will be sent to the parents. If a student
continues to violate the dress code, a detention will be issued.
Uniform Company Information
Lands’ End:
Phone: 1-800-469-2222, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
School Code: 900117540
Dennis Uniforms:
Store Location: 650 Wolcott St, Waterbury, CT 06705
Phone: (203)597-9246 or 1-800-854-6951
School Code: WB00SJ
Grades K – 5
• Plaid skort - Skort is required for class pictures at the end of Sept. and may be required for Mass. Skorts should be
no more than one inch above the top of the knee cap.
• Navy or yellow polo shirt w/logo – long or short sleeved (shirt must be tucked in)
• Optional navy V-neck sweater w/logo or navy cardigan sweater w/logo
• Navy tights or navy knee socks. Tights or knee socks are required November through April.
• Black, brown, or navy blue (not cobalt or royal navy) leather dress tie shoes or Mary-Jane style strap shoes, tan bucks;
No slip-ons, loafers, topsiders/docksiders (even though they have laces), or leather sneakers.
FALL/SPRING OPTION (Sept., Oct., May, June):
• Khaki shorts w/ brown or black belt (belt is optional for Grades K-2)
• White socks (socks must cover ankles)
WINTER OPTION (Nov. – April):
• Khaki pants w/brown or black belt (belt is optional for Grades K-2)
• Navy or khaki socks (socks must cover ankles)
• Khaki pants w/brown or black belt (belt is optional for Grades K-2) - Long pants are required for class pictures at the
end of Sept.
• Navy or yellow polo shirt w/logo – long or short sleeved (shirt must be tucked in)
• Optional navy V-neck sweater w/logo
• Navy, black, or khaki socks (socks must cover ankles)
• Black or brown leather dress tie shoes or tan bucks; No slip-ons, loafers, topsiders/docksiders (even though they have
laces), or leather sneakers.
FALL/SPRING OPTION (September, October, May, June):
• Khaki shorts w/brown or black belt (belt is optional for Grades K-2)
• White socks (socks must cover ankles)
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Grades 6-8
• Plaid skort - Skort is required for class pictures at the end of Sept. and may be required for Mass. Skorts should be
no more than one inch above the top of the knee cap.
• Blue oxford w/logo – long or short sleeved (shirt must be tucked in)
• Optional navy V-neck sweater w/logo or navy cardigan sweater w/logo
• Navy tights or navy knee socks - tights or knee socks are required November through April
• Black or brown leather dress tie shoes or Mary-Jane style strap shoes, tan bucks; No slip-ons, loafers,
topsiders/docksiders (even though they have laces), or leather sneakers.
FALL/SPRING OPTION (September, October, May, June):
• Khaki shorts w/brown or black belt
• Navy or yellow polo shirt w/logo – short sleeved (tucked in) - may only be worn with shorts, not skorts
• White socks (socks must cover ankles)
WINTER OPTION (November – April):
• Khaki pants w/brown or black belt (khaki Socks are allowed)
• Khaki pants w/brown or black belt - Long pants are required for class pictures at the end of Sept.
• Blue oxford w/logo – long or short sleeved (tucked in)
• Necktie of choice
• Optional navy V-neck sweater w/logo
• Navy, black, or khaki socks (socks must cover ankles)
• Black or brown leather dress tie shoes or tan bucks; No slip-ons, loafers, topsiders/docksiders (even though they have
laces), or leather sneakers.
FALL/SPRING OPTION (September, October, May, June):
• Khaki shorts w/brown or black belt
• Navy or yellow polo shirt w/logo – short sleeved
• White socks (socks must cover ankles)
Gym Uniform Girls & Boys – K-8
Students wear their gym uniform to school on gym days
• Navy shorts (logo optional) – solid, no stripes
• Gray t-shirt w/ SJS logo
• Navy sweatpants – solid, no stripes (worn April - November)
• Sweatshirt (logo optional)
• Sneakers
• White socks (socks must cover ankles)
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Additional Guidelines & Guidelines for Dress Down Days
No make-up, nail polish, or artificial nails are allowed.
• The following jewelry is allowed: one watch, one ring, one thin chain necklace with or without a cross.
• Girls are allowed one pair of post earrings worn in the earlobes.
• Boys are not allowed to wear earrings.
• Other body-piercings are not allowed.
• Hair must be neat, clean, and well cut.
• Boys’ hair must not touch their shirt collar and must not cover their ears or eyebrows. Boys must be clean-shaven.
• Hair must not be dyed, highlighted, or bleached.
• Hairpieces, extensions, weaves, mohawk-style haircuts, designs cut into hair, and outlandish hairstyles are not
• Tattoos, writing on the skin, and carving of the skin are not allowed.
• Hairspray, body spray, make-up, and nail polish are not allowed in school.
• School sweatshirts may be worn in school on gym days only.
• Pants must not sag below the waist.
• Undergarments must not be visible above, below, or through the clothing.
On dress down days, students must dress in appropriate clothing. Guidelines for dress down days are as follows:
• Clothing must not have indecent writing or pictures; inappropriate slogans or advertisements (including, but not
limited to, drug or alcohol advertisements); or sexually suggestive or satanic ornaments/writing.
• Revealing clothing (including short shorts, halter tops, half shirts, tank tops, and see-through tops) is not allowed.
• No shorts when it is winter uniform.
• Waistbands must not sag below the waist. Pants legs must not drag on the floor.
• High heels, platform shoes, flip-flops, open-toe sandals, and shoes with no backs are not allowed.
• Clothing must not be torn, ragged, or have holes.
These are guidelines. Teachers and staff may determine that clothing not addressed above is also inappropriate for school. If a
student comes to school in inappropriate attire, he/she will be required to call a parent to bring a change of clothes to school.
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Arrival - Students must arrive at school between 7:30 AM and 7:50 AM Students should not be in the schoolyard before 7:30
AM because the school does not provide supervision before that time. When students arrive at school, they should enter
through the breezeway between the school and gym. Weather permitting, the students will line up, stand, and wait for the 7:55
AM bell in the inner courtyard, at which time their teacher will lead the class into the school. There should be no running or
game playing before school. Parents must leave their children at the sidewalk to walk into the school on their own. If a student
arrives after 7:55 AM, he/she must report to the office before proceeding to his/her classroom and he/she will be marked late.
If a student is marked “late” with no reasonable excuse, he/she will receive a detention. A detention will be issued to any
student who accumulates 3 unexcused tardies.
If a parent drives his/her children to school in the morning, he/she should follow these guidelines. The area from the corner of
Church Street to the fence near the Pre-K is a “drop off and go” area for morning arrival. Students should have their backpacks
in hand and depart the vehicle on the sidewalk side of the street when the vehicle has stopped at the curb. Once the students
are safely on the sidewalk and the car doors are closed, the parent should pull away from the curb slowly and carefully. If a
parent wishes to assist his/her children with their backpacks, walk them to the breezeway of the school, or park for an extended
period of time, he/she should park in the Church parking lot, on Otis Street, or on Park Street, obeying posted signs. Parents
and students must use the crosswalk to cross the street. Parents should not park on the crosswalk or block any driveways.
Dismissal – Students in full-day Kindergarten through Grade 8 are dismissed at 2:05 PM on regular school days. On 4-hour days,
they are dismissed at 12:05 PM. Bus students are walked to the bus lines by teachers. Walkers (those students who are picked
up by their parents) are dismissed from the gym. Parents can park where it is allowed on Park Street or Otis Street and the Saint
James Church parking lot by 2:10 PM to pick up their children. There is no parking on school property. For the safety of the
students, teachers cannot allow students to be taken from a walker or bus line. Half-day Kindergarten students are dismissed
at 11:00AM from the breezeway. Parents should park their car and wait for their child at the breezeway door. On 4-hour days,
half-day Kindergarten students are dismissed at 10:05 AM. Students who plan to walk home from school without parental
supervision must discuss this arrangement in advance with Principal.
Late Arrival/Early Dismissal for Appointments – If a student has an early morning appointment and will be arriving late for
school, a parent must call the school office in the morning and let the secretary know. Upon arriving at school, a parent must
accompany the student to the School Office to sign him/her in. If a student must be dismissed early from school for an
appointment, a note stating the reason and time for dismissal must be sent with the student on the day of the appointment.
The student will wait in the school office to be signed out by a parent. A student must be dismissed no later than 1:45 from the
Different Plans for Dismissal - If a student will be doing something different than usual at the end of the school day, such as
going home with a friend rather than taking the bus, a dated note should be sent to the teacher on that day stating the change
in plans. These arrangements should be made before school so that phone calls to and from the school office will not be
Additional Parking Notes - Do not park between the “No Parking Anytime” signs on Park Street, in the side lot on Church Street,
or in the teachers’ parking lot in front of the breezeway and gym.
Delayed Openings, Snow Days and Early Dismissals - The Manchester Public School system determines when there will be a
delayed opening, snow day, or early dismissal. The announcement, “Manchester Public Schools”, is made on radio stations
WTIC 1080AM&WTIC 96.5FM, TV stations WVIT (NBC “Channel 30”) and WFSB (CBS “Channel 3”), and websites, and Please sign up for email or text notification at either
or If a delayed opening is announced, continue to check for updates in case a later announcement cancels
school. Early Dismissal notices will also be posted on the school website at
In the event of a 90-minute delayed opening of school, the following schedules will be in effect:
• Half-day K students will attend school from 9:30 AM to 12:00 Noon
• Full-day K-Grade 8 students will attend school from 9:30 AM to 2:05 PM
In the event of an early dismissal, school will dismiss at 12:05. Also, Extended Day will be cancelled, and all students must be
picked up by 1 PM. It is the responsibility of parents to make arrangements for their children and to be sure that the children
are aware of the arrangements. If the weather forecast indicates that an early dismissal is possible, parents should discuss the
plan for an early dismissal in the morning before school. The school is unable to call parents to inform them of an early dismissal.
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The Saint James School curriculum meets the requirements of Connecticut State Law and follows the curriculum guidelines
published by the Office of Catholic Schools.
Homework - Homework is an important supplement to classwork and generally includes completing written assignments,
projects, and book reports, and studying for tests and quizzes. The amount of time a student can expect to spend on homework
per night varies by grade and the average amount for each grade is as follows: ½ hour in Grades 1-3, 1 ½ hours in Grades 4 & 5,
and 2 hours in Grades 6, 7, & 8.
Grades 6-8 Homework Policy: As part of each subject’s grade, it is the student’s responsibility to list homework assignments in
an assignment book daily and to complete all homework assignments on time. Any student handing in a late or incomplete
assignment will have the opportunity to complete the missing assignment(s) at recess, in study hall, or after school. All students
are accountable for completing missing work to get accurate grades that reflect their ability and help them reach a level of
After dismissal at 2:10 PM, students may return for homework up until: 2:40 PM.
Make-up Work – If a student is absent for two consecutive days due to illness, a parent may call the school to ask that the
teacher prepare make-up work to be picked up in the office after 2:10 PM. If a family takes a vacation which does not coincide
with the school calendar, teachers do not have the responsibility of preparing class work ahead of time for the student.
Standardized Tests – In April, Saint James School administers the following standardized tests:
• Grade 3 – Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (Core Battery)
• Grades 4 & 6 – Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (Complete Battery)
• Grades 5& 7 – Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (Core Battery) and Cognitive Abilities Tests
Each student’s standardized test results are sent home to be reviewed by his/her parents.
Progress Reports and Report Cards – Progress reports and grades are available on line for children in grades 4-8. The purpose
of these reports is to inform parents of any difficulties their child is having so that steps can be taken to improve the child’s
performance. Report cards for Grades K through 8 are issued in trimesters in December, March, and June. Parent-Teacher
conferences will be held in November for all parents to discuss each student’s progress. In addition, conferences will be available
in March.
Grading System
Kindergarten Grades 1-3
M Meets grade level expectations 5 Consistently exceeded grade level expectations
4 Consistently achieved grade level expectations
P Progress noted 3 Approaching mastery of grade level expectations
2 Approaching proficiency toward grade level expectations
T Time and experience required for skill to 1 Difficulty meeting grade level expectations
develop I Incomplete work
* Improvement needed in this skill area
ED Experiencing difficulty O Outstanding
S Satisfactory
NI Not introduced at this time U Unsatisfactory
Grades 4 – 8
Letter grades correspond to the following avgs.:
A- 90-93 A 94-97 A+ 98-100
B- 80-82 B 83-86 B+ 87-89
C- 70-72 C 73-76 C+ 77-79
D 65-69
F Below 65, Failing
S Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory
Honor Roll Requirements (Grades 6-8)
• High Honors: All “A’s” in academic subjects, with no “U’s”, and no suspensions for the trimester
• General Honors: “A’s” and “B’s” in academic subjects, with no “U’s”, and no suspensions for the trimester
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Academic Probation – A student will be placed on academic probation upon unsatisfactory completion of grade requirements.
A student may be requested to withdraw from Saint James School if his or her academic performance is seriously deficient, or
if it is determined that the school cannot meet the student’s needs.
Summer School – If a student in Grades 4-8 receives a final grade of “F” in one or two major subjects (Religion, Reading, English,
Science, Social Studies/History, and Mathematics), he/she must attend and pass a summer school course offered by a qualified
and approved school or tutor. If the student passes the summer course(s), he/she will be promoted to the next grade. If the
student does not complete or pass the summer course(s), his/her promotion to the next grade will be re-evaluated by the school
Promotion - If a student in Grades 4-7 receives a final grade of “F” in 3 or more major subjects (Religion, Reading, English,
Science, Social Studies/History, and Mathematics), he/she will not be promoted to the next grade level. If a student in Grade 8
receives a final grade of “F” in 3 or more major subjects (Religion, Reading, English, Science, Social Studies/History, and
Mathematics), the school administration reserves the right to withhold the student’s diploma, and the student will not graduate
from Saint James School. For students in Grades K-3, if it is determined that retention will be recommended, parents will be
notified by their child’s teacher in March.
Sacramental Program - Catholic students shall be encouraged to practice their faith and particularly, to receive the
Sacrament of Penance and Holy Eucharist. These sacraments are first received in second grade, and the Sacrament of
Penance is ordinarily provided to the students twice during the school year. Mass is celebrated on Holy Days of Obligation,
and the school assembles to pray the Rosary monthly.
Service Projects - Students in Grades 6-8 are required to perform 5 hours of service per trimester. The types of service projects
that are acceptable will be discussed in class at the beginning of the school year.
Library - Saint James students have the privilege of using the school library and checking out materials from the library. Students
are responsible for the materials that they borrow and must return them in good condition. If library materials are returned
damaged beyond the usual wear and tear, or if they are not returned by the end of the school year, students are responsible
for paying for the replacement of the damaged or missing library materials.
Extended Day Program
The Saint James School Extended Day Program provides before-school and after-school care for pre-registered students in
Grades K-8. The program operates on all days that school is in session, beginning with the first day of school and ending with
the last day of school. On regular school days, the program will be available from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM. On four-hour days, the
program will be available from 12:00 PM to 5:30 PM. The Extended Day Program is also available before school from 6:15 AM
to 7:30 AM. At 7:30 AM, the students are dismissed to the teachers on duty for morning arrival. If there is an early dismissal due
to inclement weather, the Extended Day Program will be cancelled, and all students must be picked up from extended day no
later than 1:00 PM.
Description of Program - The Extended Day Program will be conducted in the school cafeteria and will include the following:
• Play periods outside or in the gym
• Snack provided by the Extended Day Program
• Activities such as crafts, music, story time, play acting, etc.
• Quiet time for homework
Students attending the Extended Day Program should bring play clothes to be worn after school. According to State law, the
Extended Day Program does not require additional licensing because it is under the direction of the school administration and
constitutes an extension of the regular school day. The Extended Day Program staff consists of a director and as many assistants
as needed. The cost for full-time attendance at Extended Day is $3,600 per student. The cost for part-time attendance is $10.00
per hour per student. Registration forms for the Extended Day Program are available in the school office.
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Communication & Records
Parent-Teacher Conferences – Conferences are required in November and available in March after the distribution of report
cards for the first marking period. Additional conferences can be requested by either the parents or the teacher at any other
time during the year.
Contacting Teachers – Any parent who wishes to contact a teacher must send a note to the teacher requesting a phone call,
use the teacher’s email, or he/she should call the school office and a message will be given to the teacher. Teachers are not
available to talk with parents during school time. Parents should not make any unscheduled visits before or after school hours
or call teachers or other staff at their homes. Classroom problems should be discussed with the teacher first. Only after this
has been done should a parent request an appointment with the Principal.
Contacting Students–Parents should not call the school and request that messages be given to their children during school time
except in the case of emergency. If a student forgets an item that he/she needs for school, parents may bring the item to the
school office. Parents should not bring the item to the student’s classroom.
School Notices – Frequently, notices will be sent home with students, and students are responsible for giving the notices to
their parents. This is an important part of keeping parents informed of school-related issues, and parents should ask their
children for any such notices every school day. All notices will be posted on the school website,
Parents should routinely check the school website for updated notices.
Invitations– Students may not distribute invitations in school unless they are for the entire class.
Office Records – A student’s records may be accessed only by school personnel and by that student’s parents or guardian.
Release of records to non-school personnel will require written permission of the parents or a court subpoena .A permanent
record is maintained for each student enrolled in Saint James School. Permanent record folders include: standardized test
scores; progress reports; attendance records; applicable performance portfolios; other pertinent academic information. If there
are reports from psychological or clinical evaluations pertaining to a student, these reports are maintained in an individual
folder, separate from the permanent record folder. These clinical records are confidential and shall remain in the school and
shall be given to the parent/guardian when the student leaves the school, unless the parent or guardian submits a written
request that the records be transferred to another school. A health record is maintained for each student, with accurate and
current information. Permanent, clinical, and health records are all kept in a fireproof file in a secure location.
Transfers -Parents who want to transfer a student to another school must request a transfer of records in writing. No records
will be forwarded to the new school and no transfer notice will be sent until such a note has been received by the Principal. We
ask that parents extend to us and the new school the courtesy of notifying the Principal of Saint James of such intentions prior
to their application elsewhere. All financial commitments must be paid in full before complete records are forwarded. All
student transfers are permanent once records have been forwarded to another school.
Photographing Students - Over the course of the year, photos of students may be taken for use in school publications or for
distribution to local press. The purpose of these photos is to acknowledge students for honors and awards they may have
received or to highlight school-related activities or projects in which the students have participated. Please fill out the Photo
Permission Form indicating your decision to allow or not to allow images of your child(ren) to be used by Saint James School.
This form also addresses the issue of Saint James School displaying samples of your child’s work on Saint James School’s website
or in print publications.
Asbestos Inspection Report – In compliance with AHERA regulations, we are required to inform all individuals associated with
Saint James School of the Asbestos Inspection Report and Management Plan. This Report/Plan is on file in the school office and
is available for review by any parent, teacher, etc. during normal business hours of the school. Please make your request for
reviewing this file to the Principal.
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Security and Safety
Visitors - Any person visiting the school while classes are in session must enter through the front doors and report to the school
office to sign in and obtain a visitor badge. This includes parents, volunteers, salespersons, workmen, or other visitors that are
in the building during school hours. Alumni/guests who wish to visit the school and/or teachers will not be allowed to visit during
school hours. Alumni may visit after school dismissal.
Volunteers – Every volunteer who may have regular contact with students must undergo a background check, which includes a
check of criminal convictions. Volunteers must also complete a training course, VIRTUS, through the Archdiocese. Those wishing
to volunteer should request the background check paperwork from the office and inquire about the schedule of the VIRTUS
training sessions.
School Grounds – No one is allowed to remain in the school building or on school property after school unless they are
participating in a school sanctioned activity.
Lost & Found – Any item of value a student finds in the building or on the school grounds should be brought to the main
office. Students who have lost anything should report that loss to the main office. Saint James School is not responsible for
lost, damaged, or stolen items.
Divorced Parents - Parents who are divorced must provide the school with a notarized copy of the custody section of the divorce
decree. This information will enable the school to determine when, if ever, a student can be released to a non-custodial parent.
Saint James School abides by the provisions of the Buckley Amendment with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents. In
the absence of a court order to the contrary, the school will provide the non-custodial parent with access to the academic
records and other school-related information regarding the student. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no
information given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with an official copy of the court order.
Fire Drills – Fire drills are practiced monthly. Students are informed of the evacuation procedures for their classroom, and these
procedures are also posted in each classroom. While the responsibility for a smooth evacuation lies with the staff, students are
expected to respond to the alarm quietly and quickly and follow all instructions. If a parent or volunteer is in the building when
an alarm is sounded, he/she should proceed to the nearest exit. During a fire drill, no one should re-enter the building until the
Principal has given permission to do so.
Evacuation - If for any reason, the school has to be evacuated and it has been determined that the building is unsafe for students
to return to it, students will be directed to other designated areas. The classroom teachers will remain with their class until all
students are picked up or the building is declared safe.
Lockdown – Lockdown drills are practiced periodically. The Principal announces the drill, and students proceed to the
designated area of their classroom to sit quietly on the floor out of sight. The classroom teacher remains in that area with the
class until the Principal announces the drill is over.
Emergency Dismissal – If for any reason, it is determined that an Emergency Dismissal is necessary, these guidelines will be
• Students and teachers will remain in, or proceed to, their homerooms and await further instructions.
• Parents will be notified of an Emergency Dismissal by email.
• After consultation with the town emergency services, a decision will be made as to whether or not bus students will be
sent home on their usual bus. If they are, it is the parents’ responsibility to meet their children at their designated bus
stop. Also, students who are usually picked up by their parents will be dismissed from the school gymnasium as usual.
• If town emergency officials determine that the students should remain at school until they are picked up by a parent
(or designated representative as indicated on the Emergency Dismissal Form), these procedures will be followed:
o The school parking lots will be closed to all vehicle traffic, and parents will be required to park on Otis Street,
Park Street, or in the Saint James Church parking lot.
o Parents shall report to the gym and present photo ID to school staff at the gym door in order to pick up their
o Once inside the gym, parents should proceed to the appropriate table based on the student’s last name and
sign out their child(ren).
o Staff will escort students from their classrooms to the gym to be dismissed.
Students will be informed of the details regarding the Emergency Dismissal based on each teacher’s knowledge of their students’
cognitive and emotional levels of understanding.
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Physicals – Every student entering Pre K, Kindergarten and Grade 7 must submit a completed State of Connecticut Department
of Education Health Assessment Record (two-sided blue form) verifying that the student has received a physical within 12
months of the current school year. This form must be mailed to, or given to, the School Nurse prior to the first day of school. In
addition, all health records and documentation of immunization for new students entering grades other than Kindergarten or
Grade 7, must be in the Nurse’s office prior to the student’s first day of school.
Medicine – Should it be necessary for a student to be given medicine during the school day, Connecticut State Law requires
the following:
• A Medication Form, filled out by the student’s physician, must be on file with the School Nurse. Blank forms are
available in the school office.
• An adult must deliver the medication, properly labeled, to the School Nurse.
• The School Nurse (or, in her absence, the Principal or a teacher) will administer the medication according to the
Under no circumstances is a student allowed to transport prescription or over-the counter medication to or from school.
Illness at School - If a student becomes ill at school and the School Nurse decides that the student should be sent home, she
will contact the student’s parent to come and take him/her home. On the first day of school, emergency cards are sent home
to be filled out and returned to the school to be kept on file in the Nurse’s Office. If a parent is not available to pick the student
up, the emergency contact listed on the emergency card will be contacted. A parent or designated representative must sign the
student out in the Main Office.
Absences - If a student is absent from school for any reason, parents must do the following:
• Call the School Office before 9:00 AM on each day of absence and report the reason for the absence.
• When the student returns to school, send a note stating the date(s) of absence and reason for the absence.
If a student is unable to participate in Physical Education for any reason, a written note from the student’s physician must be
submitted to the School Nurse in order for the student to be excused from Physical Education classes. Students excused from
Physical Education class are not allowed to participate in outdoor recess.
Please note: If a student is absent, he/she is not allowed to attend any school-related activity after school that day.
Attendance–Students must satisfactorily complete all work missed during absence. Excused absences are granted only for the
following reasons:
• Medical reasons identified in a written note from either the parent or the student’s physician
• Suspension from school
• Death in the family
• Excessive unexcused absences may keep a student from being promoted to the next grade. The parents of students
with poor attendance or excessive tardiness will be requested to attend a conference with the teacher, the social
worker, administrators, and the Youth Service Department. According to the mandates of Connecticut State Law, a
student may be referred to Juvenile Court if he/she has four unexcused absences within a month or ten unexcused
absences within the school year.
Please note: Students must be in school for the equivalent of a legal school day, which is 4 hours, to receive credit
for attendance on that day.
State Mandated Health Screenings – The following screenings are administered during the school year.
• Hearing Screening: Grades K, 1,3,4,5
• Vision Screening: Grades K,1,3,4,5
• Postural Screening: Girls- grades 5 & 7
Boys- grade 8
Parents will be notified of any screening failures and will be required to follow-up with their child’s physician for
further evaluation.
Health Requirements for Participation in Sports – In order to participate in an extracurricular sport, a Saint James School
Athletic Form, with a physician’s signature stating that a student is able to participate, must be sent to the school office before
practices begin. Athletic Forms are available in the school office or on the school website and must be completed and renewed
every school year.
Child Abuse and Neglect – The identification and prevention of child abuse and neglect is of the utmost priority in our school.
All school personnel will abide by State Law and Archdiocesan policy in regard to this subject.
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Grades K - 8 Pre-Kindergarten
Registered Catholics Non-Registered Catholics Class Tuition
And Non-Catholics 3-Yr-Olds M/W/F, 8 am – 11 am $ 2,890
4-Yr-Olds M/W/F, 11 am – 2 pm $ 2,890
1 Student $ 5,170 1 Student $ 6,070 4-Yr-Olds M-F, 8am – 11 am $ 3,660
4-Yr-Olds M-F, 8 am – 2 pm $ 5,295
2 Students $ 9,790 2 Students $ 11,590
3 or More $ 14,660 3 or More $ 17,360
Half-Day Kindergarten $ 4,120
Payment Options - All families are required to pay their tuition through FACTS Tuition Management. At the time of registration,
a $100 registration fee per family is paid directly to Saint James School. This is a non-refundable fee; however, it will be applied
towards tuition. Upon completion of your Registration and Parish Affiliation Form, you will be enrolled in FACTS Tuition
Management, if you are new to Saint James this year you will receive a letter from FACTS with instructions on how to set up
your Tuition account. If you are a returning Family, you only need to log-in to your account to update your form of payment if
necessary. All tuition balances must be paid directly to FACTS. The three payment schedules are:
• Full tuition payment in August 2018
• Two tuition payments in August 2018 and February 2019
• Ten monthly tuition payments beginning in August 2018 and ending in May 2019
Tuition Obligations
• Families must remain current with their tuition payments. Students may be withdrawn from the school and cannot be
registered for the upcoming school year if tuition payments are not current.
• To receive the Registered Catholic tuition rates, the Parish Affiliation Form must be completed, signed by the Pastor of
the student’s parish and returned to the school. If this form is not received, your child is not eligible for the Registered
Catholic tuition rate.
• ALL tuition must be paid through FACTS Tuition Management. Saint James School will not accept any direct payments.
Please note that if a family anticipates having difficulty in paying tuition, they should request information regarding tuition
• FACTS will charge each family a one-time fee each academic year for the Two Payment and Ten Payment plans.
• In no event can a payment schedule be extended beyond May 2019. If a payment is missed or a payment is not honored
by the financial institution, a replacement payment is due IMMEDIATELY. Missed payments cannot change the payment
• Grade 8 students whose tuition obligations are not satisfied in full will not be permitted to participate in the Grade 8 year-
end activities.
• A family’s tuition obligation includes any fee or charge that Saint James School incurs directly or indirectly as a result of a
payment being late and/or dishonored by a financial institution. A family is required to fully reimburse Saint James School
for any and all such fees or charges regardless of any NSF or service charge that is charged to the family by FACTS.
Early Withdrawal Policy– If a student is withdrawn from Saint James School, the following rules apply:
Withdrawal Date Tuition Obligation
Family Registration Fee
Prior to first day of school Family Registration Fee + 50% of tuition
Prior to January 1st Family Registration Fee + tuition for each quarter attended (full or partial) is due
January 1st – end of School Year Family Registration Fee + full tuition is due
If student is expelled
If a refund is due after a student withdraws, Saint James School will endeavor to remit the refund within 30 days of the
withdrawal date.
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Saint James School Administration, Faculty, and Staff 2018-2019
Principal Mrs. Zorger
Assistant Principal, K-8 Mrs. Anderson
Faculty – Grades K-5 Faculty – Grades 6-8
Pre-K Director Mrs. St. Jean Grade 6 Room B-202 Mrs. Plante
Pre-K Teacher Mrs. Villano Grade 6 Room B-204 Science – Gr. 6, 7, 8
Pre-K Aides Mrs. LaChance Grade 7 Room B-205 Mrs. McQuaid
Mrs. Holmes Math – Gr. 6
Grade 7 Room B-207 English – Gr. 6
Kindergarten B-B01 Mrs. Gangloff Grade 8 Room B-208 Mrs. Wolpert
Kindergarten B-B06 Mrs. Vassallo Grade 8 Room B-206 Reading – Gr. 6
Grade 1 Room B-107 Mrs. Labowski Gr. 7, 8 Math English – Gr. 7
Grade 1 Room B-109 Mrs. Alexander Math – Gr. 6-3, 7-2
Grade 2 Room B-110 Miss Burzynski Ms. Oleasz
Grade 2 Room B-108 Mrs. LaMarche Reading – Gr. 6, 7
Grade 3 Room B-102 Mrs. Phelan Religion – Gr. 6
Grade 3 Room B-B02 Mrs. Moran Mr. Adams
Grade 4 Room B-104 Mrs. Jones Social Studies – Gr. 6
Grade 4 Room B-103 Mrs. Devanney History/Geography – Gr. 7, 8
Grade 5 Room B-203 Mrs. DiBenedetto Mrs. Gordon
Grade 5 Room B-201 Mrs. Piotrowski Religion – Gr. 7, 8
English – Gr. 8
Mrs. Camilleri
Phys. Ed. Instructor Mr. Green Faculty – Specials Mrs. Rafferty
Teachers’ Aides Mrs. Green Art Teacher – Gr. K-5 Mrs. Boutot
Mrs. Downham Art Teacher – Gr. 6-8 Mr. Corcoran
Computer Teacher Mrs. Panciera Band Instructor Mrs. Corcoran
Mrs. O’Neill Music Teacher Señora Nixon
Mr. Viara Spanish Teacher
School Secretary Mrs. Sager Staff Mrs. Richards
School Nurse Mrs. Vignati
Extended Day Director Mrs. Burdick Lunch Monitor Mrs. Guenther
Social Worker Mrs. Jennings Crossing Guard Mrs. O’Neill
Speech Clinician Mrs. Gallo Advancement Director Mrs. Mayo
Librarian Mrs. Carpenter Bookkeeper Mr. Carter
FACTS Tuition Manager
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Saint James School
Parent/Student Handbook
Parent Signature Page
Saint James School reserves the right to amend this handbook at any time. Notices of amendments will be
sent to parents via the students, or through email.
I have read and discussed the Saint James School policy book with my child(ren).We agree to follow the school
policies and procedures as stated.
Student Name: Grade:
Student Name: Grade:
Student Name: Grade:
Student Name: Grade:
Parent’s Signature:
Parent’s Signature: Date:
Please complete and return to the school on August 30, 2018.
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