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Published by mobileupsoftware, 2018-07-26 16:06:23

BVM Student Handbook 2018-2019

BVM Student Handbook 2018-2019


Home of Crusader Pride

650 Otay Lakes Road
Chula Vista, CA 91910-6998
Telephone: (619) 397-2200

2018 – 2019 Student Handbook

Teresa Kramer, Principal
Sergio Quintero, Assistant Principal
Liliana Grossman, Assistant Principal
Laura Hulsey, School Psychologist

Andrea Currier, ASB Advisor
Ivan Quijas, Athletic Director

Sweetwater Union High School District Board of Trustees:
Paula Hall, Kevin Pike, Nicholas Segura,
Arturo Solis, Frank Tarantino
Superintendent: Dr. Karen Janney


Bonita Vista Middle School
Mission Statement

Bonita Vista Middle School values the whole person, and our mission is to prepare
individuals for academic, personal, and professional success. We foster an environment
that supports self-directed lifelong learners who adapt to innovations in society, have a
sense of compassion and empathy, and make a positive contribution to the world.


School Colors School Mascot
Blue & White Crusader

School Theme
Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders



Associated Student Body: (619) 397-2250
The ASB is responsible for establishing the activity program at our school. These
activities are incentives for earning good citizenship, scholarship, academic
improvement, school associated athletic achievement, and promoting positive
school culture. ASB sponsors assemblies, dances, contests, spirit days, and
school-wide trips to Universal Studios and Knott's Berry Farm.

The ASB Student Store is located near the Adaptive Building & between the
Boys' and Girls' P.E. We sell: P.E. clothes, locks, snacks, yearbooks and other
items. Proceeds from Student Store go directly to the students by providing
student awards and activities. Store hours are 11:00AM to 3:00PM daily.

Each student should have a current BVM STUDENT ID card in his/her
possession at all times. This is identification for all activities including purchasing
tickets to dances and field trips. It is also needed to check out books and iPads
from our library. This card may not be given to another person. If you lose your
ID card, you must have it replaced for a small fee at the ASB. ID cards will be
issued upon taking FALL pictures.

Clubs, Organizations, & Events
There are a number of clubs and organizations at BVM that you may wish to join.
Listen to the daily bulletin for information regarding these exciting opportunities.

The ASB sponsors dances during the school year. All dances, with the exception
of the Sweetheart Dance (6:00PM - 8:30PM), are held after school from 4:00PM-
6:00PM. Students must arrive at dances within 15 minutes after the doors are
opened and remain for the entire dance. Dancing must be appropriate! Students
attending the dance agree to abide by all school rules and follow the directions of
dance chaperones. ONLY BVM students in good standing (not on the non-
privileged list) may purchase tickets and attend dances. The student ID must be
presented at the door to enter the dance.

Transportation: It is important that students make transportation arrangements
prior to the dance. Parents are to pick up their children in the front of the
school no later than 15 minutes after the dance or they will not be allowed
to attend the next dance.


Our assemblies are educational and promote school spirit. Assemblies are a
privilege and proper behavior is expected. Students are to proceed to and from
assemblies with their class and in a quiet/orderly manner with the teacher.
Classes are assigned seating areas. When a student or staff member
approaches the microphone, students must stop talking and listen. While in an
assembly, it is proper to show appreciation by applause. Be respectful of others.
No booing will be tolerated.

Daily Bulletin
The bulletin is read on the P.A. during Period 1 each morning. Students must
listen as important information is provided. The bulletin is posted in classrooms,
on campus bulletin boards, and the school’s website.


BVM campus hours are 7:30AM - 4:30PM. All visitors are required by law to
check in with the main office upon entering and leaving the campus. Those
wishing to visit classrooms must have prior approval from the teachers (24hrs)
and obtain a Visitor's Pass from the main office. Only individuals designated on
the emergency card or who have completed OLR may be given access to
students. Please have valid government issued identification. Students from
other schools are not permitted to be on or near our campus. BVM students are
not permitted on or near another school campus without proper authority.

Students must have a pass from a teacher in order to come to the office, except
before/after school or in case of an emergency. Students are to be quiet while
they are in the office and wait patiently until someone can help them. The office
is not a place to stop and visit.

Returned checks for bus ticket purchases are subject to a service charge. Non-
reimbursement can result in a loss of student privileges.

Classroom projects that are forgotten at home can be brought to the main office.
Food items such as lunches and snack/ birthday treats will not be accepted at the
front office. Sports gear will not be accepted in the office for liability

Lost and Found
When lost clothing is found, it is stored in the ASB area. Unclaimed clothing is
donated to charitable organizations several times each semester. Lost textbooks
are turned in to the library. Lost electronic and valuable items are stored in the
main office safe; these items are disposed of at the end of the year.


The use of the office phone is for emergency use only. Students must make their
social or transportation arrangements at home. Students will not be called out of
class to receive telephone calls. Only EMERGENCY phone messages will be
delivered to a student in class. Please refrain from calling your student during school
hours. Students with cell phones must have them turned off while in school.

First Offense:
● Teacher gives a warning

Second Offense:
● Cell phone is confiscated and released only to the parent/guardian
listed on Infinite Campus. Parent can pick up the item at the end of the
day from the main office.

Third Offense:
● Consequences will be issued and an administrator–parent conference
will take place.

Emergency Cards: Each parent must complete three emergency cards. All
requested information must be provided. These cards are used for identification
purposes. Only the parents, guardians, or their designees may be permitted
access to students. Be sure to have both parents/guardians sign the forms.

Notify the office in person of any changes (address, phone number, designated
individuals who may have access to students, etc.) to be made on the card.

Residency: All students must provide proof of residency annually such as a
utility bill and affidavit in order to attend BVM. All changes in address require new
proof of residence. Please see our registrar for details.

Immunizations: Immunizations must be up to date. All students are required to
have a 1 TDAP (administered on or after the 7th birthday), Polio, DtaP, MMR (2
doses given on or after the first birthday) and Varicella (1 dose acceptable if
vaccinated prior to the student’s 13th birthday, otherwise a second dose will be
needed). Please contact our school nurse for any additional questions.

California State Law requires school attendance for students under age 18. In
order to receive a sound, well-rounded education, attendance is very important.

To report student absences, please call the attendance office at 397-2200. If you
have not called the school, a note must be sent. The automated system will call
the home number when one or more period absences occur. If the school’s office
was called that day, please ignore the district call. Students without a note,
unverified absences, or unexcused absences may be assigned Saturday School.
Illness, medical appointments, or a death in the immediate family are considered
excused absences. Excessive absences whether excused or unexcused may
result in the student being referred to the School Attendance Review Board
(Court). Students will be placed on an attendance contract for excessive


absences, excused or unexcused. After an absence, it is the student’s
responsibility to ask each teacher how to make up the work missed. If the
student is absent for three or more days, the school can be called to make
arrangements for assignments to be available 24 hours later for pick up in the
counseling office.

Perfect Attendance
Students who have no tardies or absences will receive a Perfect Attendance
certificate at the end of each semester. Students are able to clear absences and
tardies by attending Saturday School or Saturday Scholars. Each Saturday
(8:00AM – 12:00PM) clears one day of absence or 16 tardies. It is the
responsibility of the students to clear absences and tardies by attending Saturday

Short-term Independent Study Contract
Short-term Independent Study contracts are usually initiated by the parent but
can also be initiated by administration. Independent study contracts are no more
than 15 school days and no less than 5 days.

“On Time” Policy/Tardiness
All students must be in class by 8:05AM. We expect all students to be on time to
all classes. A student must be in his/her seat when the bell rings. Each tardy
also lowers the student’s citizenship grade. Habitually tardy students may
receive lunch detention, trash pick-up, Saturday School, and possibly ARC
placement. We expect all students to start each day by arriving on time. Random
tardy sweeps will be conducted and Saturday School will be assigned to all tardy
students. Promptness Is Your Responsibility.

Excused Tardy: If a student is late to school for any reason, the student must
bring a note from the parent or legal guardian, or they may call the attendance

Unexcused Tardy: If a student is late for school or class for any reason without
a note or call from the parent/guardian, it is recorded as an unexcused tardy.
Students may clear their tardies during after school detention or Saturday school.

Consequences for excessive tardies or unexcused absences each six week
grading period may include:

● Teacher discipline
● Parent contact
● Counselor Referral
● AP Referral
● Lowering of Citizenship Grade
● Placement on Non-Privilege List
● Academic Recovery Center
● Saturday School

Illness cannot be helped, but truancy will not be tolerated as it often results in
falling behind in class work and poor grades. At the teacher’s discretion, students


who are truant may or may not be able to make up class work. A truancy can be
an unexcused absence from school all day, from one or more classes, or being
20 minutes or more late to a class. Truancy will require parent notification,
lowered citizenship grade, attendance at Saturday School and/or suspension.
Excessive tardies may also start the student in the SARB process.

Leaving the School Grounds
BVM is a CLOSED CAMPUS. You are not permitted to leave until the end of the
school day. This policy includes the lunch period. There is no off-campus lunch.

Students who need to leave campus must provide the office with a note
(including student’s full name & parent signature). An OFF-CAMPUS PERMIT
must be picked up before the student leaves the campus including during 7th
period. Off campus passes will not be issued in the last 15 minutes of the
school day.

No student will be issued an off-campus permit without a signed note
from the parent/guardian.

Leaving Campus Without A Proper Permit Is Considered A Truancy!

Crisis & Emergency Situations
BVM has a crisis plan that is communicated to students and staff. We will hold
drills throughout the year. It is important that students follow the instructions of
the staff. During an emergency, phones may not be used by students until
instructed to do so.

If there is a crisis, administration will communicate with parents. If the crisis
requires parents coming to school, phone calls will be made. Please stay calm
and follow the instructions from the staff. Also, do not call the school, as staff will
be assisting outside agencies with the emergency. Your cooperation and
support is required.

It is important that parents discuss this with their students and develop a
“communication plan” or “meeting plan” with or without the use of phones.

Notify your counselor or assistant principal immediately when you hear or see
that a:
• Classmate is in possession of drugs or weapons.
• Classmate wants to injure themselves or others.

You don’t determine whether or not it’s a joke. Allow the adults on campus to
work with the professionals to make that determination. Time is of the essence
and you may be saving someone from getting hurt.

Both scholarship and citizenship grades are recorded as "A", "B", “C", "D", and
"F". An "A" grade represents outstanding achievement, a "C" grade represents
average work, and an "F" grade represents failure. No credit will be issued.


Progress Reports/Report Cards
Bonita Vista Middle’s school year is divided into two semesters. Final semester
grades will be issued in December and June. These grades will go on the
student's permanent record.

Students are issued progress reports every six weeks. These progress reports
are not report cards. They provide an assessment of the student's current

Scholarship Grades: Teachers establish their own standards for grades, based
on district guidelines, in their classes. They explain their system at the start of
each semester and at back-to-school night.

Citizenship Grades: Good citizenship is more than just sitting quietly in class. A
student's citizenship grade also includes:

1. Class participation
2. Turning in assignments complete
3. Meeting all deadlines
4. Bringing necessary materials to class
5. Being on time to class
6. Making proper use of class time
7. General class behavior: being respectful and responsible

Non-Privilege List
The Non-Privileged List will be generated at the end of every six-week grading

Students listed on the Non-Privilege List will not be allowed privileges granted to
students in good standing. Teachers will refer to this list when signing field trip
permission slips, requests to attend school dances, assemblies and other extra-
curricular activities. Teachers will also refer to this list when there are student
requests for a hall pass or to be out of class, i.e. library, computer lab, etc.

A violation of a school rule(s) or a district policy (ies) may result in a student’s
name being placed on the Non-Privileged List by an Assistant Principal for one or
more of the following reasons:

1. Citizenship Grade of 1.99 and below
2. Unpaid Library fines
3. Suspension from school
4. Failure to attend Saturday School when assigned

Homework is an integral part of the school program. It is designed to supplement
class instruction and give students the opportunity to practice the skills learned.
Homework is usually assigned Monday through Friday. The teacher's class
procedures will define their policy.


Each class provides homework assignments. To achieve success, BVM
students should spend a minimum of 30 minutes per academic subject
each night on homework and review. Recreational reading is also an important
part of a student's homework program.

If the student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to check with each
teacher to find out the work that has been missed. Call a “study buddy” or check or Canvas.

Poor attendance is the most common cause for low achievement and failing
grades. Students should contact their classroom buddy for assignments.
Homework requests for absences of 3 or more days may be arranged by calling
the counseling office.

Students are expected to make up all missing assignments.

Advisory is a 30-minute period that all students have in their daily schedule. The
Advisory Period is a very important program that provides valuable time to
students to raise their academic achievement. You will receive a Citizenship
grade for this class and will need to conduct yourself according to school and
classroom rules.

Advisory is for:
● Completing daily assignments
● Participating in recreational reading
● Receiving PEER tutoring
● Receiving Teacher tutoring
● Participating in club or school activity
● Library Research
● Writing Lab activity
● Making up tests/activities

All students must receive a signed pass and sign out with advisory teacher
before leaving Advisory.

Advisory is not for:
● Talking
● Eating
● Socializing
● Sleeping
● Watching TV/Videos
● Disrupting others
● Use of cell phones or other electronic devices


Peer tutoring: Students volunteer to help other students. Peer tutors are
available in as many subject areas as possible. Listen to the Daily Bulletin for
Tutoring: Every Monday through Thursday after school we offer a Homework
Center where students can do research, work in small groups, or be tutored by a
teacher. AEC is open from 3:10PM - 4:15PM. There is no late bus available at
this time, so students will need to provide their own transportation. Other
specialized tutoring programs are also available. Please listen to bulletin

Bonita Vista Middle School wants to provide every opportunity to ensure each
child is ready for a high school diploma and leaves school prepared for success
in college or a career pathway. This preparation begins with us at the middle
school level. Every student—regardless of personal or academic
circumstances—wants to succeed. Every student can and will succeed in school
-- given rigorous classroom instruction and extra academic support that is timely,
targeted and directed. If your child is completing all homework and
demonstrating proficiency in all academic assessments, then the student is well
on track to reaching the immediate goal of a high school diploma.
However, we recognize that all students do not learn at the same pace. Some
need extra support. Below is a list of the successful interventions your
son/daughter may be required to attend this school year to address the need to
demonstrate proficiency in their classes. The benefit to your student is
tremendous! Teachers report homework completion is improving from 50% to
90% on a daily basis.


Intervention Program Descriptions

Academic Enrichment Center (AEC) – Any student is allowed to attend for
extra help in classes and tutoring assistance. Whenever a student does not
complete an assignment the student may attend voluntarily to complete and
turn in work. In AEC tutoring, students receive assistance from a classroom
teacher or instructional assistants as they complete their assignment. If the
student does not complete the designated assignment at the afterschool
session, they are able to show that the assignment was completed to the
Academic Intervention Office, Room 305, by nutrition break the following
day. Phone calls and emails go out daily to parents/students to the primary
phone number and emails on file to inform them when students have been in
attendance. Students with transportation issues may attend Lunch AEC
sessions (equaling an hour) in lieu of the one AEC hour after school session.

Subject Focused Tutoring – Any student is allowed to attend for extra help
in classes and tutoring assistance. A classroom teacher from one of the four
core subject areas will be available Monday through Thursday to assist
students in classroom or homework assignments.

Reteach – Reteach gives students the opportunity to improve a grade
received on a classroom assessment. Students will review the material
covered on the assessment with a classroom teacher and receive another
opportunity to retake the assessment. Students are strongly encouraged to
take advantage of this opportunity and parents are encouraged to make sure
their child attends. Students who do not attend a reteach opportunity risk not
passing the class. Phone calls go out to parents to the primary phone number
on file to inform them when reteach is assigned.

Academic Recovery Center (ARC) – Assigned by assistant principal for
failure to attend scheduled interventions, for disciplinary issues, or to improve
GPA’s below 1.0. Students may volunteer to attend to complete missing

Saturday Scholars – At Saturday Scholars, programs offered may include or
tutoring assistance by certificated classroom teachers. Students are assigned
by their classroom teacher or the Academic Intervention Office based on the
most recent progress report for low grades and/or additional support in
numeracy and literacy. It is also open to any students who would like
additional support. By attending Saturday Scholars, students are also able to
make up an absence or to clear an unexcused absence.

Saturday School – Students are assigned and given the opportunity to make
up an absence or clear an unexcused absence. Students will bring homework
to complete or work on missing/incomplete assignments.


O Room (Opportunity Room): Takes a restorative approach to resolving conflict and
preventing harm. Restorative approaches enable students who have been harmed to convey
the impact of the harm to those responsible, and for those responsible to acknowledge this
impact and take steps to put it right. Students on in-school suspension will also be referred to

We believe by providing timely, and targeted and academic support your student will
understand the expectations needed to be ready for success at the high school level. Please
help us by making sure you child attends school every day and, if assigned, by making sure
they attend the academic support opportunities listed above.

If you do not want academic support for your child, please let us know by calling
and speaking with an administrator at (619) 397-2200.

Transportation: Parents/Students:
Bicycles and skateboards are NOT to be ridden on the school campus at any
time. Campus includes school parking lots. Bicycles should be walked to the bike
rack located at the south end of the campus and be locked to the bike racks. All
bikes must be picked up by 3:20PM. Students must follow traffic and safety
guidelines including wearing helmets. Remember, it’s the law! Skateboards are
not permitted on campus for liability reasons. Leave them at home.

Car Transportation/Traffic: 8:00AM and 3:15PM traffic is heavily congested.
You must follow school personnel instructions and all traffic laws. Please help to
alleviate this situation by: a) Car Pool; b) Early drop off--Late Pick Up; c) Drop Off
and Pick Up at another location; d) Walk to school. The front of the school is the
student drop-off (7:30AM-8:00AM) & pickup (3:10PM – 3:25PM). Do not stop or
park at red curbs, condo driveways, or parking lot of the business adjacent
to the school! If crossing Ridgeback, students are to stay within the crosswalk
area. For student safety Please DO NOT make U-turns in the school’s
parking lot. Daily school traffic is not an excused reason for tardies.

Bus: Students must follow the rules. This may result in a bus citation and
suspension from bus privileges. No bus pass or permit and ticket = no ride. For
questions regarding passes and ticket please call the Transportation
Department: (619) 691-5527.

Textbooks are the responsibility of the students. Fines will be given for damaged

Materials: Expected materials will be brought to class daily. This includes a pen,
pencil, binder, paper.

Financial Assistance: Students needing assistance in purchasing PE outfits,
school supplies or other items see your counselor or assistant principal.

Lost and Found: If a student is missing any item, please call the ASB office at
(619) 397-2250 or the school office at (619) 397-2200.



Counseling Services: (619) 397-2220
All students and parents are encouraged to get to know their counselors. Our
counselors welcome the opportunity to meet with students and parents, and are
available for appointments during the school day. As a parent, it is recommended
you meet with your student’s counselor at least once a year.

The main focus of our counseling program is to help students be successful in
school. This may involve talking about both personal and academic issues that
affect the student’s academic achievement while attending Bonita Vista Middle

If a student has a problem, a question, or just needs to talk, he/she may request
to see a counselor by filling out a Counselor Appointment Request form. These
can be picked up in the office or from a teacher. Students can stop by before and
after school, or during lunch and nutrition break. Remember: If you have a
question or problem, your counselor is there to help!

Health Services: (619) 397-2206
Students must have an emergency card and a health card on file—both for the
Health Office. Parents will be notified of medical situations and are responsible
for transporting students except in cases of extreme emergency. A local
emergency phone number is required to be used in case a parent cannot be

Students who wish to see the nurse must have a pass from the teacher. The
nurse's office is for students who are ill or have been injured. Please do not send
ill students to school. Students are not to use their cell phones to call parents to
be picked up from school prior to checking in with the nurse, they must see the
nurse first to be screened.

A student infected with any contagious disease may not attend school. If the
student has a communicable disease (such as measles, mumps, or pink eye) the
parent must contact the nurse to determine when the student may return.

Students may not be in possession of any medications, including over-the-
counter medications. Under California law, when prescribed medication
(including asthma inhalers) must be given during school hours, proper forms are
to be completed by parents and the doctor. Only U.S. prescriptions by U.S.
doctors may be dispensed at school. Parents must bring the medication to school
in the prescribed container with instructions for dispensing. No medication may
be kept with a student at any time, except asthma inhalers. If you have
questions, call the school nurse.


Food Services: (619) 397-2227

Breakfast: Served from 7:50 am to 8:00 am.

Nutrition Break: This is a ten-minute break which allows students and teachers
a chance to relax and have a snack. Students are to deposit trash in the trash
cans rather than leaving it or throwing it on tables or on the ground.

Lunch: Lunch follows Per. 4. All students must be in the designated lunch areas.
Students may bring their own lunches or food may be purchased at the Cafeteria
or ASB. Students may not eat lunch outside of the designated areas. It is the
student’s responsibility to pick up his/her own trash. BVM is a beautiful school.
Let's all do our part! It's the Crusader Way!

Lunch Application: Free and reduced lunch applications must be returned to
the main office.

PIN #’s: Each student will be issued a PIN number seen on the locator card on
the bottom right, if not, please see the cafeteria manager only. Students may pre-
pay for lunches. We encourage students to take advantage of this program.

Library Media Center (LMC): (619) 397-2230
The LMC operates in order to help students become effective users of
information and avid, capable readers. It is truly a multimedia learning place,
offering a variety of print and electronic resources to help students to succeed in
school. The LMC is open every school day from 8:00 am to 3:30pm.

The library is open to students in order to check out books, conduct research,
read magazines and work on homework. Students can use the library during
nutrition break, lunch and after school. Teachers may also send students to use
the library during class time or Advisory with a pass. There is a copier in the LMC
for student use. The cost is 15 cents a copy.

The library offers six multimedia computers for student use. Students can use
these computers to work on projects or search for information using electronic
research tools. Bonita Vista Middle School subscribes to a set of on-line
databases that
will help our students with their research projects. Are you interested in using
these databases? Ask in the library and they will connect you! Students must
have their student ID card to use a library computer.

Textbooks, iPads, and other instructional materials are checked out from the

For more information about Bonita Vista Middle’s library, visit our website at

• Students must show their student ID card to check out any books. They
should take their ID card with them to school each day.

• Students are responsible for any loss or damage to their books


• Beverages should not be carried in backpacks with books.
• Library books are checked out for a two-week period and can be renewed.
• Fines are charged for overdue books.
• Students can check out up to three library books at a time.
• A $5 fine is charged for missing or damaged barcodes on ALL books.
• If a student has an overdue, lost, or damaged book, library privileges will be

suspended until the debt is cleared. As stated in the Library Agreement sent
home at the start of the school year, "Students must return/pay for all their
textbooks before they are allowed participation in extracurricular
activities including the promotion ceremony."

Student iPad Usage Policies

• The iPad, an educational tool, is the property of the Sweetwater Union High
School District. It may be confiscated and inspected at any time. The student
should have NO expectation of privacy of any materials found on an iPad.

• Sweetwater Union High School District iPads are provided as an educational
tool for school work. While iPads may be used for personal purposes, it is first
and foremost for use with school-related activities and assignments. Students
are encouraged to think of the school-issued iPad like they would any other
school owned instructional device or material and take care accordingly.

• Sweetwater Union High School District encourages students to take their iPad
home daily for class work and to recharge the battery. All iPad rules and
regulations apply at all times, both during the school day and at home.

• Students must bring a fully charged iPad to school every day. Failure to bring
an iPad or any other class material(s) does not release the student from their
responsibility for class work. If a student repeatedly fails to bring materials to
class, including an iPad, the student will be subject to classroom/school

• The district-provided iPad cover must remain on the iPad at all times. Do not
remove it or use a different cover.

• Sweetwater Union High School District makes no guarantee, written or
implied, that materials on the iPad, including student work, will be safe from
deletion or corruption, accidental or otherwise. It is good practice to back up,
duplicate, e-mail, or archive files to Google Drive. All students have a Google
Drive account with 10 GB of storage space.
The iPad comes equipped with both a front and rear-facing camera and video
capacities. Student must request permission before recording an individual or
group. Recording must be used appropriately in an educational manner.
Sweetwater Union High School District reserves all rights concerning any
recording and/or publishing of any student or staff member’s work or image.
Students must obtain school permission to publish a photograph or video of
any school related activity.

• iPads must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels that are not
property of the Sweetwater Union High School District. District affixed labels
and tags shall not be removed from iPads.

• Inappropriate or provocative images including but not limited to: pornographic
images, guns, weapons, inappropriate language, threatening language, drug,
alcohol, or gang related images are not permitted and subject to


classroom/school consequences.
• All students should recognize and guard their personal and private

information. While on the Internet, students shall not reveal personal
information, including a home address or phone number, or the address or
phone numbers of other students.

Student Activities Strictly Prohibited
• Illegal installation or transmission of copyrighted materials
• Any action that violates existing SUHSD Board Policy, or public law
• Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing offensive,

profane, threatening, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials
• Use of sites to sell or buy term papers, book reports and other forms of

student work
• Messaging services and chat rooms (i.e.: Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) without

prior staff permission
• Internet/computer games with inappropriate content (i.e. extreme violence)
• Changing of iPad settings (exceptions include personal settings such as font

size, brightness, etc.)
• Downloading non-school appropriate Apps
• Spamming or sending mass or inappropriate emails
• Gaining access to other student’s accounts, files, and/or data
• Use of the school’s Intranet/E-mail accounts for financial or commercial gain

or for any illegal activity
• Use of anonymous and/or false communications through web apps such as

Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.
• Participation in credit card fraud, electronic forgery or other forms of illegal

• Vandalism (any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, software or

data) of school equipment will not be allowed
• Transmission or accessing materials that are obscene, offensive, threatening

or otherwise intended to harass or demean recipients
• Bypassing the Sweetwater Union High School District’s web filter through a

web proxy or Virtual Private Network (VPN)
• Other activities deemed inappropriate by SUHSD
• “Jail-breaking” of an iPad for any purpose

Student Discipline
If you are not sure about a change to your iPad, please ask a teacher, library

staff, or
IT staff before you make any changes to your iPad.
The following are possible consequences that may apply for not following the

listed above:

 Warning
 A.R.C.
 Saturday School
 Possible loss of iPad and/or network privileges, suspension
The discipline procedure in the SUHSD Student Handbook addresses serious
and major offenses such as stealing and destruction of school or personal


property; cell phone user policy; possession of improper images on any
electronic device; or any other violation of the school discipline policy will apply to
the iPad device. Depending on the seriousness of the offense students may lose
iPad and/or network privileges as well as being held for detention, suspension or
even in extreme cases expulsion.

Physical Education
Girls’ PE: (619) 397-2229; Boys’: (619) 397-2228
Physical Education (P.E.) is a required course in California. Therefore, all
students are required to suit up and participate in physical education daily.

P.E. Outfit: Students must wear exercise clothes (blue shorts, gray t-shirt, lace-
up athletic shoes and white socks). If there is a financial hardship, please see
your P.E. coach or assistant principal. You can purchase the BVM outfit from our
ASB store. All clothing must be appropriately worn and marked with the student’s
name as instructed by the P.E. teachers. During inclement weather students may
wear navy blue or gray sweatpants and sweatshirts. Jewelry posing a safety
hazard should not be worn (i.e., chains, ear rings, rings, etc.) All long hair must
be pulled back, away from the face. P.E. clothes are not permitted to be
dropped off during the regular school day. Clean “loaner” P.E. clothes will be
available in the P.E. Department.

Locks & Lockers: All students must provide a Master combination lock with the
keyhole on back, these locks may be purchased through ASB. The locks will be
engraved by the P.E. Department. Students must keep their clothes and
valuables locked in their lockers at all times and are responsible for their own
locks, gym clothes, and valuables. Students must not share combinations,
lockers, or PE clothes. The P.E. Department and school will not be responsible
for lost articles.

Hygiene: Students must dress for class every day. PE clothes must be taken
home every FRIDAY to be laundered and returned the next school day. A
hygiene kit is also recommended with personal items kept in a small bag.

Grading: Each student will receive a Scholarship and a Citizenship grade in P.E.
Participation, effort, attitude, written tests, aerobics and calisthenics are the major
criteria to determine grades. All absences must be made up as stated by the

P.E. Medical: All students will dress daily for P.E. If injured or ill, students will
participate on a limited basis. Failure to participate because of excessive
excuses may affect grades.

Parental Excuse: A student may be placed on limited activity with a note from
home stating the reason for the excuse and the limitations. This excuse is good
for 1-3 days. The student will suit up but will not be expected to participate fully in
the class activities. Students may be provided an alternative written assignment.
Some reasons for limited activity are: broken fingers, pulled muscles, twisted
ankles, or skin rashes. Menstrual discomfort should not be used as an excuse for



Doctor's Excuse: A written doctor’s statement is required for more than a 3-day
period and must be given to the school nurse who will make a notation in the
health record and issue an excuse to the physical education instructor. All notes
must be from a physician licensed in the United States, should have the student's
name, reason for excuse, acceptable P.E. modifications, effective dates, phone,
including doctor’s and parent’s signature.

After School Sports: Bonita Vista Middle School offers several sports
throughout the school year. BVM sports are divided into three seasons: Fall,
Winter, and Spring.

Fall Season Winter Season Spring Season

Flag Football Girls Girls Volleyball
Girls Softball Boys Volleyball
Boys Baseball Boys Basketball Field Hockey
Cross Country
Field Hockey Girls Soccer

Boys Soccer

All students wishing to participate in BVM sports must try out for the team and
will be chosen at the discretion of the coaches and our athletic director. Students
must try out each year they would like to compete. Participation on a BVM sports
team is not guaranteed to athletes who participated in BVM sports in the previous
school year. Progress reports will be checked regularly – athletes need to
maintain a 2.0 GPA.

Please be aware that BVM can offer the above sports as long as we have
enough interest. Please contact our athletic director should you have any further
questions or concerns.

Disciplinary Policy
All BVM students are expected to be respectful and responsible to all students,
staff, and property. This is the Crusader Way!


The Crusader Way

Students will:
● Be courteous and kind; no bullying, name-calling or harassing.
● Use appropriate language only. No profanity.
● Help keep classrooms clean. No food, drink or gum allowed.
● Wear appropriate clothing and follow school dress guidelines.
● Keep phones turned off and in backpacks during school hours.

Bullying or harassing on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, language, physical
limitations, body type, or other identifiable differences WILL NOT BE TOLERATED at any time. These
include name calling, making threats, physical or verbal harassment, and intimidation. Serious
consequences will occur including possible suspension and transferring to another school.

On School Grounds, students will…

Walk on campus. No running, chasing, teasing, or playing around.
Students are not to sit on any railings or walk on benches.

o Be respectful of others. No displays of affection.
o Remain within the designated areas; do not block hallways

or locker area.
o Walk their bikes on and off campus.
o Place trash in the trash cans and leave the campus clean.
o Not damage/deface school property.

At Nutrition Break and Lunch Time:

Food is eaten in the designated areas only.
• Do not sit on tables, or throw food.
o Eating area must be cleaned and trash placed in the trash cans.
o Saving spaces and taking cuts in line are not permitted.
o Students must have an activity pass to be in classrooms.
o No running at any time.

In the Classroom, students will:
o Respect fellow classmates and teachers.
o Be prepared with pencils, books, and completed assignments.
o Listen to instructions and ask questions for clarification.
o Be in their seats before the bell rings.
o Keep up on all assignments.
o Keep their classrooms clean.
o Not disrupt classroom activities.
o Eat all food in the lunch area only.
o Do their best in all classes.
o No hats or head covering in class or in the office.
o All iPads must be fully charged everyday.


Willful disobedience, defiance, and disrespect towards fellow students and adults
will not be permitted. We have a “hands-off” rule at BVM. This means there is no
fighting, play-fighting, tugging, pushing, PDA, etc. Failure to follow these
guidelines will result in disciplinary action.

Consequences for inappropriate behavior:
Campus Beautification can be used in lieu of detention or as a specific consequence to
produce a positive behavioral change.

Student Referral: The student is referred to the Assistant Principal (AP).
Disciplinary action will be taken by the AP. Consequences may include but are
not limited to, ARC, Saturday School, conflict resolution, teacher/parent
conference, police involvement, suspension, school transfer or expulsion.

Saturday School: For disciplinary reasons, attendance, or truancy problems,
students are assigned Saturday School from 8:00AM to 12:00PM. Students must
bring schoolwork.

Restorative Opportunity Room

Suspension: A student is sent home and cannot return to school for a specified
number of days (usually 1 to 5 days). Parents are required to attend a
conference at school before their student is readmitted. Students are to be in the
home during school hours. Teachers are not required to provide
homework/classwork to students while on suspension.

Expulsion: A student is not permitted to attend BVM or any school in the district.
An alternative educational program is given.

The Education Code §48900 states any offense that occurs on the way to school,
at school, or on the way home from school is subject to school disciplinary action.
The following actions may result in suspension, school transfer or expulsion from
• Damage or theft of personal/school property, arson, graffiti
• Fighting, assault
• Possession, sale, use, or furnishing of weapons, dangerous objects

or explosive devices
• Imitation weapons, drug paraphernalia
• Gang identification or involvement
• Robbery or extortion
• Possession, sale, use, or furnishing of any substance representing

any controlled substance, including alcohol, drugs, or tobacco
• Obscenity, profanity, or vulgarity
• Disruption of school activities or defiance of the authority of school personnel
• Repeated harassment of other students
• Threats or violent acts directed toward students or staff members
• Sexual harassment
▪ Terrorist threat
▪ Hate Crime
▪ Gamblin


Intra-District Transfer: Students who cannot succeed at their resident school
may be transferred to another Sweetwater School with the intent that their
behavior in new surroundings will improve.

Other Serious Offenses
What is a Threat: This includes any statement, whether written or oral, by a
person who willfully threatens to commit a crime, with the specific intent that the
statement is to be taken as a threat, even if there is no intent to actually carrying
it out.

What is a Hate Motivated Crime: This means an act or attempted act, which
constitutes an expression of hostility toward the victim because of his or her
actual or perceived race, religion, disability, gender, nationality or sex orientation.
This includes, but is not limited to threatening telephone calls or hate mail
(including any sent by e-mail, internet, or other forms of electronic

What is Sexual Harassment: Sexual Harassment is defined as unwelcome
sexual advances, verbal, visual, or physical; i.e. sexual comments, comments
about body parts, spreading sexual rumors, put-downs or ridiculing while
mentioning gender, whistling, threats of a sexual nature, sexual gestures, sexual
looks or propositions, unwelcome touches, unwanted sexual pressure from staff
and students, displaying obscene or vulgar objects, pictures, etc. Please ask for
a complete policy in the main office.

Complaint Procedure:
•Tell the harasser to STOP! AND …
•If it does not stop: write down what
happened, include the date & time &
•Talk to a teacher or counselor
•If it’s not resolved: See your Assistant Principal!

Cell Phone Use is not allowed at any time while on campus. Students wishing to
call home may go to the main office and ask to use the office phone. Cell phone
use includes making phone calls, texting, using any phone application. If a
student is caught using their phone, it will be confiscated and returned only to the
parent or guardian.

Hall Passes: are for emergencies only. No student is allowed out of class
without a hall pass. Hall passes are issued by teachers or office staff. Only one
student per hall pass is permitted. No Hall passes will be issued during the
1st and last 10 minutes of each period.

Selling: No items may be sold at school unless it is part of a BVM school
program and has been approved by the ASB. Items are not to be bought or sold
in the classroom.

Internet Usage: Students must have a signed parent consent form on file before


any work on the Internet can be done while at school, in any class or working in
the library. Failure to abide by our site Internet policy will result in the loss of your
internet privileges.

No personal items are to be brought to school unless requested by a
classroom teacher with a note. BVM or Sweetwater District are NOT
responsible for items lost or stolen on the school grounds or at school events.
These items may be confiscated: cell phones, cameras, electronic and laser
devices, skateboards, sneaker skates, water guns, etc. Grooming items such as
combs, makeup, perfume, etc. are not to be used in the classroom. Permanent
markers, whiteout, or spray cans of any kind are not permitted. The general rule
is that: If you don’t need it for a class, don’t bring it to school.

Search and seizure is conducted whenever there is reasonable suspicion of
student involvement with vape/wax pens, alcohol, tobacco, controlled substances
(drugs), theft of school or personal property or in possession of prohibited items
on campus.
Celebrations of any kind are not permitted. Inappropriate celebrations
(including the use of, but not limited to balloons, flowers, cake, ice cream,
confetti, eggs, flour, water, or soda), will cause participants to be subject to
disciplinary action, including possible suspension.
Students Are Required To Follow All School Regulations. Failure to read
these policies is not an excuse.


Students are to dress in a clean, well-groomed manner and are to wear clothing
appropriate to school. Any apparel that may disrupt the school or classroom
environment is prohibited. Dress code violations are at the discretion of

“Spaghetti” straps, backless, strapless, low-cut, halter-type tops and off-the-
shoulder blouses are inappropriate. Clothing must cover the midsection and
posterior areas. No short-shorts. Pants, shorts and skirts must be worn at the
waist and be the appropriate size & length. Undergarments should not be visible.
Pocket chains, hanging belts, studded jewelry and/or belts, initial buckles are not
permitted. Shoes must be worn at all times for safety. No slippers, pajamas, or
blankets are allowed at any time.

Articles of clothing or materials advertising gangs, alcoholic beverages, drugs,
tobacco, obscene, vulgar, suggestive, pornographic, violent language or pictures
are not permitted. This includes items that are generally considered in bad taste.

Consequences for dress guideline violations may result in:
▪ Student warning (dress violation documentation)
▪ Parent contact and change to PE outfit or parent/guardian brings other change of clothing
▪ Parent conference
▪ Non-privilege list placement
▪ ARC Assignment
▪ Suspension

Sun Protective Clothing
Ed. Code section 35183.5, Bonita Vista Middle School has adopted the following
policy: Hats/caps must have a minimum 3-inch brim. They must be worn at a
level to protect the face from the sun and with the brim facing forward at all times.
(This eliminates the use of headwear such as bandanas, do-rags, hairnets,
hoodies, beanies, stocking caps, etc.) Hats/caps may be worn outdoors only and
must be removed and properly stored in the classroom, unless there is a medical
reason approved by the nurse. Sunglasses need to be medically approved as

Portable Speakers
The use of the above-mentioned items while on campus is prohibited. These
items are NOT to be on or visible. Off means OFF; not on vibrate or silent.
Students in violation of this policy will have their item confiscated and returned to
the parent or guardian only. If violations persists, further consequences may

Students must satisfactorily complete required courses (12 classes in grade 7
and 12 classes in grade 8) with a grade of “D” or better. Specifically all Math,
Science, Social Science and English/Language Arts courses in both 7th & 8th


grades must be passed to be eligible to participate in the eighth grade promotion
Successful work in alternative programs and/or Summer School in 7th grade may
make promotion possible.
Eighth grade students who are prepared to enter high school, have met the
academic requirements, have cleared outstanding fines or payments and are in
good standing may participate in promotional events. All students eligible for
promotion must attend the promotion practice without exception.
Promotion Ceremony dress standards:
What should be worn?
- Knee-length dresses
- Slacks, dress shoes with shirts, and jackets or sweaters.
- The dress should be suitable for a semi-formal occasion.
- Shoulders should be covered
- Due to the turf, flat shoes should be worn.
- Ties are optional
- Suits are appropriate
What should NOT be worn?
- mini or floor length dress.
- prom type dresses, formal, or mini dresses
- thin straps or bare shoulders
- heels.
- t-shirts, jeans, or tuxedos
Not following dress code guidelines may result in not being able to participate in
the ceremony.


Doing one’s own work is essential to the academic and personal integrity of each
student. To falsely take credit for work that belongs to another student or source is
not acceptable behavior.
Plagiarism is the copying of another student’s work and/or the copying of material from another
source (i.e., Internet or published) and taking personal credit for it. Cheating is taking an
examination/quiz in a dishonest way (i.e.: having improper access to answers).
Participating in an act of cheating and/or plagiarism is unacceptable and causes a student’s
credibility to be in question. Consequences for cheating and/or plagiarism are as follows:
➢ On the first offense all of the following will occur:

1. A grade of “0” on the assignment or on the test with no make-up opportunity
2. Parent notification by the teacher
3. Possible failing grade in citizenship
4. Referral to counselor for intervention
➢ On subsequent offenses all of the following will occur:
1. A grade of “0” on the assignment or on the test with no make-up opportunity
2. Referral to the assistant principal with disciplinary consequences that may include:

➢ In-school suspension
➢ Out-of-school suspension
3. Parent, student, teacher and assistant principal conference
4. Failing grade in citizenship
Both the student providing the material/test answers and the student receiving the information are
equally guilty and subject to equal consequences.



At BVMS we have a very caring staff who are here to help you. If you have a problem, immediately bring
your concern to the office, a lunch supervisor, teacher, or administrator. BVM’s phone number is (619)


Situation Place To Go Situation Place To Go

Attendance Main Office Leaving School (during the day) Attendance

Bike Problem Main Office Lost & Found Main Office/ASB
Lost PE Items PE Coach’s Office
Bus Tickets or problem Main Office

Crime Report Assistant Principal Lunch Application Cafeteria

Or call 888-580-TIPS (anonymous) Medical Excuse Nurse

Food & Lost Lunch Pin Cafeteria Personal Problem Counseling Center or

Lost Book & Fines Library Assistant Principal

Homework (during illness Counseling Center Class Schedule Counseling Center

Illness at School Nurse Progress Reports Counseling Center

School Transfer Counseling Center

Dates to Remember

July 23, 2018 First Day of School - Regular Day

August 9, 2018 (6:00PM- 8:00PM) Back to School Night
September 3, 2018 Labor Day – School Closed

September 7, 2018/September 10, 2018 Grading Period Ends/Reports sent home with student
September 24 – October 9, 2018 Fall Break – School Closed
November 2, 2018/November 5, 2018
November 12, 2018 Grading Period Ends/Reports sent home with student
November 19-23, 2018 Veterans’ Day – School Closed
December 17 – 19, 2018 Thanksgiving Break – School Closed
December 21, 2018 End of Course Testing – Minimum Days
December 21, 2018 – January 15, 2019
Grading Period Ends/Reports MAILED Home
January 21, 2019 Winter Break – School Closed
February 15 – 28, 2019 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday – School Closed
Lincoln/Washington Holidays – School Closed
March 1, 2019/March 4, 2019
March 25 – April 5, 2019 Grading Period Ends/Reports sent home with student
April 26, 2019/April 29, 2019 Spring Break – School Closed

May 7, 2019 Grading Period Ends/Reports sent home with student

May 27, 2019 Day of the Teacher
May 28 – June 6, 2019 Memorial Day – School Closed
June 7, 2019
End of Course Testing Window-Exact Dates TBD
June 7, 2019
Grading Period Ends/Reports MAILED Home

Last Day of School


Bonita Vista Middle School
Bell Schedules 2018-2019


Period Time Minutes Period Time Minutes
60 32
1 8:05 - 9:05 52 1 8:05 - 8:37 30
10 30
2 9:10 - 10:02 52 2 8:42 - 9:12 8
52 30
Nutrition Break 10:02 - 10:12 30 3 9:17 - 9:47 30
30 30
3 10:17 - 11:09 52 Nutrition Break 9:47 - 9:55 30
52 30
4 11:14 - 12:06 61 4 10:00 - 10:30

Lunch 12:11 - 12:41 5 10:35 - 11:05

Advisory 12:46 - 1:16 Lunch 11:10 - 11:40

5 1:21 - 2:13 Advisory/Assemblies 11:45 - 12:15

6 2:18 -3:10 6 12:20 - 12:50

7 3:15 - 4:16


Period Time Minutes

1/2 8:05 - 10:02 117

MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE Nutrition Break 10:02 - 10:12 10

Period Time Minutes 3/4 10:17 - 12:06 109

1 8:05 - 8:45 40 Lunch 12:11 - 12:41 30

2 8:50 - 9:25 35 Advisory 12:46 - 1:16 30

3 9:30 - 10:05 35 5/6 1:21 - 3:10 109

Nutrition Break 10:05 - 10:15 10 7 3:15-4:15 60

4 10:20 -10:55 35 (Block schedule applied during testing windows)

5 11:00 - 11:35 35

Lunch 11:40 - 12:10 30 FINALS MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE

6 12:15 - 12:50 35 Period Time Minutes

Test Block A 8:05 - 10:05 120

Nutrition Break 10:05 - 10:15 10

Test Block B 10:20 - 12:15 115

Lunch 12:20 - 12:50 30

7 12:55 - 1:55 60



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