November 2019 | New York
Carry over from Munich Meeting - in priority order
1. Shifting archaic insurance policy language into language that is clearly understood
and akin to the buyers (an FI) risks.
2. To what extent are RM members experiencing "silent cyber" reviews of their P/C
policies? Are carrier members undertaking such reviews and if so, with what goal?
3. Renewal season: experiences and lead indicators.
4. Providing risk managers with more meaningful mechanisms to accurately quantify
their risk exposure, purchase the right level of limit, at the right retention.
5. What does the future insurance risk manager/underwriter look like and how are we
succession planning?
6. Would be interested in any updates on user experiences with respect to (a)
implementation of data privacy legislation (e.g. GDPR), and (b) address OECD and
BEPS initiatives with respect to transfer pricing and Economic Substance.
7. Natural Hazard risks - beyond hazard studies, any great learnings coming out on
practical risk management techniques or resources that are supporting their sites?
8. Economic (territory) risk - we use a number of risk radar tools and dashboards to
inform our thinking and provoke planning in the business - How are members going
about engaging their businesses to support identifying and actively adapting to
macro-economic risk?
9. International Trade sanctions: how to manage risk countries in the marine industry.
November 2019 | New York
1. Risk Management involvement in climate related financial disclosures (TCFD), other
ESG and climate related surveys or risk assessments
2. Tripra - outlook RM concerns, contingency planning
3. Sustainability, Risk and Insurance. What is the role of risk management within the
sustainability policy of the company?
4. Class action landscape - how do we solve for litigation funders and other predators who
are simply taking advantage of listing rules and access to side c cover?
5. How to maintain ERM engagement
6. Cyber claims paid - any interesting feedback?
7. For international companies, how many place local policies?
8. Is anyone considering a master cyber program to enable local integrated placements in
jurisdictions where cyber is becoming more well-known and available?
9. Hardening market conditions, cyber and economic outlook.
10.CCPA - California jumps into the GDPR game (If California was a country only U.S.,
China, Japan and Germany, based on GDP, would be bigger) Technology as a
productivity enhancement in Risk Management - not replacing people, just letting us
mechanize manual tasks and give companies scale