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Published by mobileupsoftware, 2019-03-15 11:23:28

2019 Spring BOD Book

2019 Spring BOD Book

GOAL: Jukebox Licensing
Conference Room 1
8:00 AM – 8:30 AM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

To represent members’ interests in obtaining and maintaining an equitable,
economical license for public performance and other rights as may be
required to operate jukeboxes.

Chairman: Gaines Butler

Board Members: Jim Marsh, Michael Martinez, Tim Zahn, Luke Adams,
Scott John

1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Discuss Current/Future status of CD Box License/Agreement
3. Unlicensed Music Play in Commercial Locations

a. Report Form Status
4. New Business
5. Recommendations to the Board
6. Date and Location of Next Meeting: September 2019, Nashville, TN
7. Adjournment

Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Michael Martinez

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

Gaming Committee
Conference Room 2
8:00 AM – 8:30 AM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: “To monitor and discuss the gaming landscape and its effect on AMOA

Chair: Chip O’Hara

Vice Chair: Tom Graham

Board Members: Jim Piontek
Luke Adams
Chuck Brooks
Andy Dunford
Lou Miele
Steve Miller

1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review and approve minutes from September 15, 2018
3. Gaming – VLTs and Other
4. Gaming Info for Website
5. Recommendations to Board
6. New Business
7. Date/Location of Next Meeting – September 2019, Nashville, TN
8. Adjournment

Board member assigned to record the minutes: Steve Miller

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

Gaming Committee Meeting
2:00pm-2:30pm, September 15, 2018

Grand Pacific D
Marriott Seattle Waterfront, Seattle WA

Members Present: Chairman Chip O’Hara, Jim Piontek, Luke Adams, Chuck Brooks, Andy Dunford, Steve

Members Not Present: Tom Graham (excused), Lou Miele (absent)

Also Present: Jordon Barberio, Joe Bundra, Scott John, Jared McElwee, Greg Trent, Yaroslav Sobko,
Maggie Kapinos

The meeting was called to order and roll call taken.

Minutes were reviewed and a motion by Luke Adams and a second by Jim Piontek to approve.

Gaming VLTs: Steve Miller discussed possible VLT and other bills introduced this Fall in Missouri. Scott
John said Maryland had machines for sports betting but shot down. Illinois is business as usual. Nothing
to report in Texas. Michigan moving to legalize sports betting. Wisconsin: Indian casinos want to do
sports betting. Florida is going to legislative but not looking good.

Discussion to recommend to the board to get a gaming panel for the states meeting. Names suggested
were Cardinal Xpress; Banilla Games; Primero games and Paceomatic.

New Business None

Date of next meeting will be March 24-26 2019 Las Vegas.

Meeting Adjourned By Luke Adams And Jim Piontek

Respectfully Submitted By Steve Miller

Membership/Marketing Committee
Conference Room 3

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: To deliver more value to existing members and to attract/recruit new members
to AMOA.

Chairmen: Brian Brotsch, Luke Adams

Board Members: Emily Dunn, Greg Trent, Gaines Butler, Jim Piontek,
Sam Westgate, Tracy Ferris, Tim Zahn, Michael Martinez, Andy Dunford,
Lou Miele, Ron Hunt, Ernie Jolly, Steve Miller, Chip O’Hara, Jordan
Barberio, Joe Bundra, Kirby Cline, Jeff Prescott, Yaroslav Sobko

1. Call to Order/Roll

2. Review/Approve Minutes of September 16, 2018 Meeting

3. Discuss
A. Membership Solicitation/Renewal Update
B. Member Programs
C. Marketing/Promotions
D. FEC Task Force

4. New Program Ideas

5. Old/New Business

6. Recommendations to the Board

7. Date and Location of Next Meeting:
September 2019, Nashville, TN

8. Adjournment

Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Jordan Barberio

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

Membership/Marketing Committee
Grand Pacific D Ballroom

Sunday, September 16, 2018
Marriott Seattle Waterfront, Seattle WA

Members Present: Co-Chairman Brian Brotsch and Luke Adams, Emily Dunn, Greg Trent,
Jim Piontek, Sam Westgate, Tracy Ferris, Tim Zahn, Michael Martinez, Andy Dunford,
Ron Hunt, Steve Miller, Chip O’Hara, Jordan Barberio, Joe Bundra, Kirby Cline, Jeff
Prescott, Yaroslav Sobko

Members Not Present: Gaines Butler (excused), Lou Miele (absent), Ernie Jolly (absent)

Also Present: Marion Paul, Laura Kasch, Maggie Kapinos

Goal is to deliver more value to existing members and attract new members to AMOA.

Call to order/Roll Call

Reviewed and approved Minutes of previous meeting on February 26, 2018

Discussions started with Ron Hunt reviewing status on the Coupon Program. Noted
companies we had signed so far and would like to have wrapped up by October 1st.

Discussions went Mike Martinez reviewing the Marketing/Promotion. Mike indicated to
continue the Save the Rack program. 34 kits have been sold to date. There has been a
price increase since 2014, but now don’t have to carry inventory and we can order as

Discussed Digital Operator Self-Promotion and working with manufacturers. Need to
look into linking images back to, we’ll need to look into if we need
permissions, and what are the link options. Discussed this not to be a self promoting kit
for the manufacturer, just brochures.

Discussions continued to the FEC Market and Future Plans how to target this market:
suggestions surrounded: advertising in BCM Bowling Magazine, writing articles, if they
have a call for speakers tell our story of why to use an operator.
Discussions of an FEC Think Tank to promote to the FEC Market. Note: Bowl Expo is June
23-27, 2019, Las Vegas Convention Center. There is a call for speakers now.

Discussed adding FEC members to increase membership.

Marion Paul suggested talking with FEC operators thru IAAPA.
-Create talking points, policy manuals, possibly work with Pat Stevenson.
-Educate locations with the advantages of joining AMOA. Run 1 ad directed toward
advantages, some suggestions as follows:
1. Legislative Help, ie. Operation Choke Point
2. Networking with other members
3. It’s cost-effectiveness, having AMOA staff doing work
4. AMOA has your Back
5. On the Road Program
6. Discussed a possible FEC promotion to join
7. Possible HR support

Discussed AMOA to exhibit at the Bowl Expo,
Pinball Expo is October 18-19-20
Continue Sponsoring Foundations

Discussions went into New Ideas:
Discussed potential vendors to attract manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, show
Discussed the New Brand – Review & Promote Top 10 Reasons to use an operator,
follow the Es- Engage, Educate, Evolve, Entertain.
Discussed Creating an online Forum directed toward FECs.
Discussed a Rebate Program, an FEC Coupon, run through Distribution, also assists to
get Distributor Support.
Discussed Identifying FECs currently using – Intercard, Embed and Sacoa, and target as
potential new locations, could promote Coupon Book to Save $1000s.

Run Hunt and Mike Martinez to review web-site, Main page to be refreshed Monday,
September 17th. Tracy Ferris pointed out too many steps on web page to get
to the Member Benefits, we need to shorten the process.

Meeting Adjourned: 9:51am

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Joe Bundra.

Continuing Education Committee
Conference Room 4

9:30 AM – 10:00 AM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: To enhance and maintain the continuing education of the AMOA membership
through Notre Dame and other educational programs (excluding Amusement
Expo) as a valued member service.

Chair: Shawn Dean Vice Chair: Jim Piontek

Board Members: Brian Brotsch, Tracy Ferris, Tim Zahn, Luke Adams, Scott John, Tom
Graham, Tommy Hendley, Justin Lawrence, Steve Miller, Chip O’Hara, Angel Portugues,
John Lemieux, Jared McElwee, Jamie Meyer, Jeff Prescott

1. Call to Order/Roll

2. AMOA On Campus Management Program
a. Recruitment/Promotion
b. Curriculum/Presenters

3. AMOA On the Road Program
a. Dates/Location
b. Theme
c. Topics

4. Budget Review

5. New Business

6. Recommendations to Board

7. Date/Location of Next Meeting – September 2019, Nashville, TN

8. Adjournment

Board member assigned to record the minutes: Jeff Prescott

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

Hesch Committee
Conference Room 5
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: To plan and implement Fundraising Efforts for the Wayne E. Hesch
Scholarship Program during the AAMA/AMOA Amusement Expo. The goal is
to raise enough money to cover Annual Academic Scholarship Awards and
Operational Expenses.

Co-Chairmen: Bob Burnham, Tracy Ferris

Board Members: Chi Babich, Jordan Barberio, Chuck Brooks, Brian
Brotsch, Shawn Dean, Bruce Duncan, Andy Dunford,
Justin Lawrence, Jared McElwee, Jamie Meyer,
Yaroslav Sobko, Tim Turnquist

1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review and approve minutes
3. Review Ticket Sales and Ticket Sales Mailing Results
4. Discuss Ticket Sales Drawing
5. Review Hesch Booth Schedule
6. Booth at Expo Education Day
7. Review Prize Solicitation List
8. Recommendations to Board
9. Date/Location of Next Meeting – September 2019, Nashville, TN
10. Adjournment

Assigned to record the minutes: Jared McElwee

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

Hesch Program Committee
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
10:00 to 11:00 am – Conference Call

Present: Co-Chairman Bob Burnham, Co-Chairman Tracy Ferris, Jordan Barberio, Shawn Dean, Andy
Dunford, Tim Turnquist

Not Present: Chi Babich, Chuck Brooks (excused), Bruce Duncan (excused), Jared McElwee, Jamie Meyer,
Yaroslav Sobko (excused)

Also Present: Laura Kasch

Ticket sales
Laura reported that current raffle tickets sales are $9,585. Committee members are reminded to bring
sold tickets and payment to the Board meeting.

Prize Solicitation
The prize list was revisited during the call. In the final weeks before the show the focus should be on
following up with companies that donated last year but have not committed to donating this year. Also
several companies who are listed as “pending” on the prize list should get their pledge forms into AMOA

Work Schedules
Committee members are asked to help staff the Hesch booth during Tuesday education sessions and
during both show days. Fewer members than previous years are available so there may be holes in the
schedule. Board members Gaines B., Bobby H., and Jim P. who are not on the committee have
volunteered to assist as needed.

Availability with other AMOA obligations will be taken into account when creating the schedule. Anyone
with additional schedule restrictions or those who need to fly out on Thursday should contact Laura to
let her know. The schedule will be emailed as soon as it’s ready.

Next Meeting – Monday, March 25, 10:00-10:30 at Westgate Las Vegas


Committee for Committees
Conf. Rm. 6

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: To appoint all Committee Chairs and members except those appointed by
the Board of Directors or Standing Committees whose membership is
determined by position held on the Board of Directors.

Chairman: Rick LaFleur

Board Members: Tim Zahn
Luke Adams
Chip O’Hara
Jamie Meyer
Jim Marsh, Ex Officio

1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review Committee Matrix
3. Committee Leadership – Training/Expectations
4. Recommendations to Board
5. New Business
6. Date and Location of Next Meeting – September 2019, Nashville, TN
7. Adjournment

Board member assigned to record the minutes: Tim Zahn

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

Amusement Expo International Education – AMOA Committee
Conference Room 1

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: To explore ways to promote member value through the creation of new benefit
offerings by teaming up with others: manufacturers, distributors, vendors,
consultants and other product/service providers.

Chairman: Jim Piontek Vice Chairman: Luke Adams

Board Members: Sam Westgate, Tim Zahn, Chuck Brooks, Shawn Dean,
Angel Portugues, Tim Turnquist, Jeff Prescott, Yaroslav Sobko

1. Call to Order/Roll

2. Preview 2019 Seminar Lineup/Schedule
a. AEI2019 App Review
b. Moderators
c. Education Day Ambassadors
d. Evaluations

3. New Business

4. Recommendations to Board

5. Date and Location of Next Meeting - September 2019, Nashville, TN

6. Adjournment

Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Yaroslav Sobko

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

Innovator Awards Committee
Conference Room 2

11:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: To recognize the efforts of Manufacturers and Suppliers in bringing exciting,
new product to market for the coin-op industry with the potential for
profitability. To create and perpetuate a truly elite, coveted honor – as viewed
by industry operators and distributors.

Chair: Scott John Vice Chair: Justin Lawrence

Board Members: Yaroslav Sobko, Bruce Duncan, Kirby Cline, Michael Martinez,
Jordan Barberio, Bob Burnham, Jared McElwee, Jeff Prescott, Joe
Bundra, John Lemieux, Jaime Meyer

1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review 2019 Innovator Award Entries
3. Review Face-to-Face Schedule
4. Review Pre-Screening and Final Judging Form
5. New Business
6. Recommendations to Board
7. Date/Location of Next Meeting – September 2019, Nashville, TN
8. Adjournment

Board member assigned to record the minutes: John Lemieux

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

By-Laws/Policy Review Committee
Conference Room 3

11:00 AM – 11:30AM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: To conduct a review of the association’s written bylaws and policy manual
and submit any recommended changes to the Board at its Mid-Year meeting.

Chairman: Chi Babich

Board Members: Gaines Butler, Jim Piontek, Sam Westgate, Tim Zahn,
Luke Adams, Shawn Dean, Tom Graham

1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes from September 15, 2018 Meeting
3. Bylaws Review & Suggestions
4. Organizational Structure Book Review & Suggestions
5. Recommendations to Board
6. New Business
7. Date and Location of Next Meeting –

September 2019, Nashville, TN
8. Adjournment

Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Shawn Dean

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

By-Laws and Policy Review Committee
Marriott Seattle Waterfront, Seattle WA

11AM Saturday September 15, 2018
Grand Pacific D Room

Members Present: Chi Babich(Chair), Gaines Butler, Jim Piontek, Sam Westgate, Tim Zahn, Luke Adams,
Shawn Dean, Tom Graham
Also Present: Maggie Kapinos, Tim Turnquist, Scott John, Brian Brotsch

Roll Call was taken. Minutes from February meeting in Las Vegas were approved.
Ongoing discussion on the 3 board members from each state rule, no new changes.
The committee discussed dropping Associate C members from Article 3, Section 3. The C members
pertain to record company shops that distribute music. They have not been members for many years.
Their business is almost gone due to the digital music jukeboxes. Motion was made by Luke Adams, 2nd
by Shawn Dean to remove the language regarding the Associate C members.
Committee is looking at allowing “Gaming Members” for the association, no further discussion at this
There was some discussion on increasing the director class size from 8 to 10. Since many of the directors
retread and join a new directors class after 3 years the committee decided to leave the current size of 8
the same.
No more old business or new business was discussed.
Adjournment at 11:25 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted by Tom Graham

AMOA National Dart Association
Conference Room 4

11:30 AM – 12:00 PM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: To oversee the relationship between AMOA and the National Dart
Association; and to explore/develop ways the two groups can work closer

Chairman: Bob Burnham
Vice Chairman: Jim Piontek

Board Members: Sam Westgate, Andy Dunford, Jamie Meyer, Jeff

1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes from September 17, 2018 Meeting
3. AMOA-NDA Update
4. Discuss State of Current Relationship/Joint Programs
5. Recommendations to Board
6. New Business
7. Date and Location of Next Meeting

September 2019, Nashville, TN
8. Adjournment

Board member assigned to record the minutes: Jamie Meyer

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

Financial Services & New Business Development Committee
Conference Room 5

11:30 AM – 12:00 PM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: To identify and develop new, non-traditional programs, alliances and business
opportunities for the betterment of members and the industry.

Chair: Sam Westgate

Vice Chair: Shawn Dean

Board Members: Jim Marsh, Emily Dunn, Greg Trent, Rick LaFleur,
Tim Zahn, Michael Martinez, Tom Graham, Chip O’Hara, Jordan

1. Call to Order/Roll

2. Cashless Program Review

3. Future Programs for Consideration

4. Recommendations to Board

5. New Business

6. Date/Location of Next Meeting – September 2019, Nashville, TN

7. Adjournment

Board member assigned to record the minutes: Jordan Barberio

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

AMOA PAC Fundraising Committee
Conference Room 6

12:00 PM – 12:30 PM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: To raise monies for the AMOA Political Action Committee and to oversee
how funds are directed.

Chairman: Brian Brotsch Vice Chairman: Scott John

Board Members: Angel Portugues, Bob Burnham, Chip O’Hara, Ernie
Jolly, Kirby Cline, Ron Hunt, Steve Miller, Tom Graham, Tommy Hendley,
Tracy Ferris

1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review YTD PAC Fundraising Report
3. Discuss Solicitation Efforts
4. Discuss Future Goals and Objectives
5. Recommendations to Board
6. Date and Location of Next Meeting: September 2019, Nashville, TN
7. Adjournment

Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Kirby Cline

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

State Association Committee
Conference Room 1

12:00 PM – 12:30 PM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: “To create and/or enhance the alliance between AMOA and existing state
associations and promote the development of new state associations.

Chair: Ron Hunt Vice Chair: Sam Westgate

Board Members: Gaines Butler, Tim Zahn, Bob Burnham, Michael Martinez, Chuck
Brooks, Shawn Dean, Scott John, Lou Miele, Bruce Duncan, Tommy Hendley, Ernie Jolly,
Steve Miller, Angel Portugues, Tim Turnquist, Joe Bundra, Kirby Cline, John Lemieux,
Jared McElwee

1. Call to Order/Roll
2. 2019 State Council Meeting Recap
3. Discuss 2020 State Council Meeting Location
4. Discuss Other State Association Programs/Issues
5. Review State Rebates
6. Old/New Business
7. Recommendations to Board
8. Date/Location of Next Meeting – September 2019, Nashville, TN
9. Adjournment

Board member assigned to record the minutes: Tim Turnquist

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

Government Relations Committee
as part of the AMOA Board of Directors Meeting

Pavilion 11
1:00 PM – 1:30 PM, Monday, March 25, 2019

Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

GOAL: To maintain, direct, promote and protect AMOA members’ interests on legislative
issues of national interest.

Chair: Tim Zahn

Committee Members: Jim Marsh, Emily Dunn, Greg Trent, Chi Babich,

Rick LaFleur, Gaines Butler, Jerry Johnston, Bobby Hogin, Jim Piontek, Sam


Jukebox Licensing Gaines Butler, Chair
PAC Fundraising Brian Brotsch, Chair

1. Call to Order/Roll

2. Review/Approve Minutes of September 17, 2018 Meeting

3. Overview by GRC Chair / AMOA Legislative Counsel

4. Sub-Committee Reports

5. Budget Review

6. Old/New Business

7. Recommendations to Board

8. Date and Location of Next Meeting: September 2019, Nashville, TN

9. Adjournment

Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Jim Piontek

AMOA 2019 Spring Committee Meetings

Government Relations Committee
(as part of the AMOA Board of Directors Meeting)

Monday, September 17, 2018 – 1:00 p.m.
Grand Pacific E-F – Seattle Marriott Waterfront

Present: Tim Zahn, chair Rick LaFleur
Jim Marsh Greg Trent
Gaines Butler Jerry Johnston
Bobby Hogin Sam Westgate
Emily Dunn Jim Piontek
Chi Babich

GRC Chair Tim Zahn took roll call and asked for approval of the minutes from February 26, 2018. Emily
Dunn made a motion to approve followed by a second from Rick LaFleur. Minutes approved.

Tim invited AMOA’s legislative counsel John Russell from Dentons to the podium. John provided the
board with an update of where we currently stand in our efforts on the bank account closure issue. He
also provided a glimpse of where the upcoming mid-term elections might take us. One of the changes
we most likely will see is Congresswoman Maxine Waters becoming chair of the House Financial Services

John encouraged board members to consider coming to DC on future AMOA visits and suggested
everyone get to know their members of Congress.

Jukebox Licensing Update – Sub-committee chair Gaines Butler reported that the Jukebox License Office
had extended our agreement another year. He reported in 2018 there were 166 members who licensed
1,223 jukeboxes, down 30 percent from last year. In addition, his committee has been working on a
reporting form for the website with ASCAP.

PAC Update – Sub-committee chair Brian Brotsch reported that so far for 2018, the PAC Committee had
raised $2,800 and the current balance in the PAC account is $122,136. To date we currently have 132
authorizations on file. The PAC fundraiser for the Fall will be sponsoring the On the Road Factory Tour

Chairman Zahn returned to the podium and asked for a motion to accept the Government Relations
report. A motion was made by Jim Marsh followed by a second from Chi Babich. The motion carried
and the Government Relations Committee Meeting adjourned.

AMOA Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, March 25, 2019
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Pavilion 11, Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino
Las Vegas, NV


12:30 p.m. ************LUNCH****************

1:00 p.m. Call to Order Jim Marsh
1:05 p.m. Roll Call Chi Babich
1:10 p.m. Government Relations Committee Tim Zahn
1:20 p.m. Legislative Update Mike Zolandz
1:30 p.m. Jukebox Licensing (GRC Sub-Committee) Gaines Butler
1:35 p.m. PAC Fundraising (GRC Sub-Committee) Brian Brotsch
1:40 p.m. Government Relations Committee (con’t) Tim Zahn
1:45 p.m. President’s Message Jim Marsh
AMOA Coin-Op Cares Education and Jim Marsh
1:50 p.m.
1:55 p.m. Charitable Foundation Greg Trent
Financial Report Rick LaFleur
Committee for Directors Rick LaFleur
Committee for Committees
Service Awards Presentation Brian Glasgow
Jim Piontek
************BREAK**************** Bob Burnham/

2:15 p.m. Amusement Expo Update Tracy Ferris
2:25 p.m. Amusement Expo Education Scott John
2:30 p.m. Show Hesch Promotion Ron Hunt
Brian Brotsch/
2:35 p.m. Innovator Awards Committee
2:40 p.m. State Association Luke Adams
2:45 p.m. Membership Committee Bob Burnham
Sam Westgate
2:50 p.m. AMOA-NDA Shawn Dean
2:55 p.m. Financial Services/New Business Development Chip O’Hara
3:00 p.m. AMOA Continuing Education Chi Babich
3:05 p.m. Gaming
3:10 p.m. Bylaws/Policy Review


3:25 p.m. Open Discussion on AMOA/Industry Issues Jim Marsh
3:40 p.m. Incoming President’s Remarks Emily Dunn
3:45 p.m. Old/New Business Jim Marsh
Good and Welfare Jim Marsh
Date/Location of Next Meeting Jim Marsh


AMOA Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, September 17, 2018

Marriott Seattle Waterfront – Grand Pacific E-F

AMOA President Jim Marsh called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. and called AMOA Secretary Chi
Babich to the podium to take roll. All present except Ernie Jolly, Justin Lawrence, John Lemieux and Lou
Miele. Also present were AMOA Past President Marion Paul, John Russell of Dentons, Brian Glasgow of
W. T. Glasgow and AMOA staff members Lori Schneider, Maggie Kapinos and Laura Kasch.

Chi continued by reading the AMOA Anti-Trust Statement to the Board. He then turned the podium
over to GRC Chair Tim Zahn to begin the GRC update.

(see separate Government Relations Committee minutes)

President Jim Marsh returned to the podium to give his report and began by recognizing the AMOA past
presidents in attendance; guests John Russell and Brian Glasgow; and the AMOA staff. He then
welcomed the new Director class of 2021 to their first AMOA Board meeting. Jim continued by sharing
highlights of his visits to states across the country and some of the legislative challenges they face.

President Marsh then moved on to give the Coin-Op Cares Foundation report. He reported that thirty-
five $1,000 scholarships had been awarded on April 1 of this year. He continued by announcing that the
Foundation Board will move forward in creating other means of raising funds through Facebook
fundraisers and Amazon Smile.

Treasurer Greg Trent reported that last year AMOA had worked to update its investment policy
statement and over the later part of 2017 and early part of 2018 had worked with financial advisor
Morgan Stanley to be sure our investments aligned with our goals and objectives. Our investments
experienced upward growth as a result. Greg also reported that although our membership and show
revenues were down, our revenues remain strong.

Greg continued by reporting that AMOA has $1.5 million available in non-earmarked funds and AMOA’s
reserves stand at nearly $2.84 million, AMOA’s financial position remains strong. He then asked for a
motion to accept his report. Emily Dunn made a motion to accept his report. The motion was seconded
by Rick LaFleur.

Past President Rick LaFleur approached the podium to give his report on the Committee for Officers.
Rick thanked his committee for their hard work. In addition, he thanked everyone who put in to move
up. He went on to announce the principal officers for 2019-2020.

For President – Emily Dunn
For First Vice President – Greg Trent
For Treasurer – Chi Babich

For Secretary – Sam Westgate

LaFleur asked for a motion to approve the 2019-2020 principal officers. A motion was made by Bruce
Duncan with a second from Gaines Butler.

Chairman LaFleur went on to say that there were seven applicants for three positions in the Class of
2022 vice presidents. The 2022 vice president class will include Ron Hunt, Scott John and Jim Piontek.

He then asked for a motion to approve the slate of 2022 vice presidents. A motion was made by Tim
Zahn and a second by Bruce Duncan.

LaFleur congratulated the candidates and continued with his report for Committee for Committees.

He went on to say how the committee had discussed the color-coding system when making committee
assignments and recommends the continued use of that system this next year. He encouraged
everyone to fill out their committee assignment request forms that will be coming out from the office.
Gaines Butler made a motion to accept his report, followed by a second from Tim Zahn.

The board took a 15-minute break.

President Marsh then invited Brian Glasgow to the podium for the Amusement Expo International

Brian took the podium and said that today marks 21 years of working with AMOA after coming to the
association in 1997. He thanked the board, AMOA’s heart and soul.

He began his report by stating that exhibitor rates had increased from $1,995 to $2,095, however,
exhibitors were given the opportunity to lock in the $1,995 rate if they registered before June 1.

-To date 77 companies have taken booths compared to 51 a year ago, up 26 companies
-302 booths have been sold to date compared to 178 a year ago, up 124 booths
-To date there are 5 new exhibitors taking 9 booths
-Laser Tag has 2 exhibitors
-VR has 1 exhibitor
Upgrades are 5 companies with 13 booths
Downgrades are 5 companies with 9 booths

2019 will mark the 10th anniversary of Amusement Expo International. The education day will take place
at the Westgate on Tuesday, March 26 and the trade show will be at the Las Vegas Convention Center,
North Hall 1 on Wednesday, March 27 and Thursday, March 28. The headquarter hotel will be the
Westgate with a $95 room rate.

Brian stated with the budget increasing for education a $99 fee will be charged in 2019 and participants
can pay an additional $50 for a super pass to include Laser Tag sessions.

He went on to say the NBVA is doing well with their sales and Amusement Expo will be assigning booths
soon. Registration will open at the end of October for exhibitors and attendees.
For 2020 we will be heading to New Orleans and there will be a date shift to
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday with education on Monday, March 9 and show Tuesday, March 10 and
Wednesday, March 11. The headquarter hotel will be the New Orleans Hilton and the trade show will
be at the convention center. In 2021, we will be back in Las Vegas March 16-18. The Las Vegas
Convention Center will be expanding so he anticipates staying in Las Vegas moving forward.

Expo Education chair Jim Piontek took the podium to give his Expo Education report. He started out by
thanking his committee for all of their hard work in putting together an excellent lineup for this year’s
education day. He reviewed the topics to be covered and announced there will be two operator round
table sessions providing everyone a chance to take in all topics. Jim then asked for a motion to accept
his report. Chi Babich made a motion followed by a second from Bob Burnham.

Co-chairs Tracy Ferris and Bob Burnham approached the podium to give the Hesch report. Tracy
reviewed the committee’s fundraising efforts and Bob announced the grand prize which will be a
Yamaha X2-R Spec Side-by-Side. Bruce Duncan made a motion to accept the report with a second from
Tim Turnquist.

Chairman Scott John said the Innovator Awards Committee had met and reviewed what it is and how it
works with new members to the committee. In addition to reviewing procedures, they discussed VR
and the time needed to judge that on-site. Bruce Duncan made a motion to accept, Tom Graham

State Association chair Ron Hunt came forward to give the State Association report. This year’s state
meeting will take place in San Antonio to the theme Today’s Vision > Tomorrow’s Reality. The meeting
will take a deeper look at gaming this year with there appearing to be more legislation on the horizon.
The committee’s goal is to have 30 states present and to raise $15-$17K in sponsorships. Ron thanked
his committee for their work. His report was unanimously accepted.

Co-chair Luke Adams approached the podium and thanked his sub-committees for the progress they
have been making on a variety of programs. He reported the committee is currently looking at a robust
coupon book for members providing substantial savings. Another project the committee is working on
is a member self-promotion piece.

Adams announced the Save the Rack kits had been ordered for the Fall and an FEC think tank had been
formed. The committee will look at submitting a seminar presentation to Bowl Expo for consideration
as well. He then asked for a motion to accept his report. Scott John made a motion followed by a
second from Tom Graham.

Sam Westgate New Business Development and Financial Services chair came forward to provide his
committee’s report. Sam began his report by reviewing why AMOA had selected Heartland for a new
member benefit cashless program. Sam shared that they were EMV compliant and were offering new
versus re-worked equipment for members. He stated that he is currently working on an API with
Heartland. In addition, Heartland is currently working on a card kiosk and will have a prototype ready to
show at On the Road in Chicago next month. Sam’s report was accepted after a motion by Angel
Portugues and a second from Bob Burnham.

Chairman Bob Burnham gave his NDA report to the group. He said NDA conducted a successful Team
Dart in Vegas, a Dart Summit in Pittsburgh and regional tournaments will be held in the coming months.
There is good contact between the AMOA-NDA and the AMOA office. Scott John made a motion to
accept Bob’s report followed by a second from Emily Dunn.

AMOA’s Continuing Education chair Shawn Dean approached the podium and provided an update on
AMOA’s upcoming On the Road Program taking place in Chicago next month. He encouraged everyone
to consider attending a great program and the new factory tours being added this year at Stern Pinball
and Arachnid 360. Chairman Dean’s report was unanimously reported.

New Director Task Force chair Michael Martinez reported there are currently 6 applications in house
with another 3 out for signature. Martinez said the committee reviewed the applications currently in

Gaming Committee chairman Chip O’Hara said his committee discussed continuing to have more
discussion moving forward as we look to what’s happening with sports betting and gaming legislation in
several states. Jim Piontek made a motion to accept his report with a second from Chi Babich.

Chip went on to thank the Strategy Committee for the tremendous amount of work put into the rebrand

Bylaws/Policy review chair Chi Babich approached the podium with his committee’s recommendation to
remove One Stops as a member type as it’s been years since having this member type. A motion to
eliminate One Stops was made by Sam Westgate followed by a second from Bruce Duncan.

Old/New Business

President Jim Marsh back at the podium provided the board with an update on the current status of the
joint venture agreement with show partner AAMA.

There was no additional old or new business.

Good and Welfare

Jerry Johnston announced the winners of the previous day’s golf outing. Operator Senior Division
winner, Jerry Johnston; Open Division winner Shawn Dean; Spouse Division winner Ken Wade and
Distributor Division winner, Ron Hunt.

Jerry continued by congratulating the incoming principal officers. He also thanked Jim and Diane Marsh
for a fantastic Mid-Year.

Rick LaFleur recognized AMOA past president Bobby Hogin with this being his last Mid-Year as an active
board member. Rick thanked him for his kindness and for being an amazing human being.

Marion said she was pleased to see the newbie binder was still in use.

Jim Marsh recognized Marion for being the original champion of mentorships.

With no additional good and welfare, Jim Marsh recognized immediate past president Rick LaFleur and
how he had to deal with the challenges of Hurricane Irma disrupting the previous year’s Mid-Year
meeting. Marsh then summoned in the Bud Lights and offered a toast.

The meeting adjourned. The next meeting will take place in Las Vegas on March 25, 2019.

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