New Director Task Force
Gulch Room
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Saturday, September 14, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
GOAL: To present to the Nominating Committee a slate of qualified, as well as
quality, candidates to be considered to serve on the AMOA Board of Directors
and to continue to diligently follow through with a New Directors Training
that will prepare them to be more efficient at their first Mid-Year Board
Chairman: Brian Brotsch Vice Chairman: Tim Turnquist
Board Members: Gaines Butler, Jerry Johnston, Luke Adams, Bob Burnham,
Ron Hunt, Jim Piontek, Tom Graham, Tommy Hendley, Ernie Jolly, Jordan
Barberio, Joe Bundra, Kirby Cline, Jared McElwee, Jamie Meyer, Shawn
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes from the July 16, 2019 Conference Call
3. Review Status of Current Candidates
3. Discuss Possible Candidates/State Availability
4. Assigning Individuals/Deadlines for Submissions
5. New Business
6. Recommendations to the Board
7. Date and Location of Next Meeting:
March 7-8, 2020, New Orleans
8. Adjournment
Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Shawn Dean
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
New Director Task Force Conference Call
July 16, 2019, 10am
Members Present: Brian Brotsch, Jerry Johnston, Gaines Butler, Luke Adams, Bob Burnham, Chuck
Brooks, Ron Hunt, Tommy Hendley, Tom Graham, Joe Bundra, Jared McElwee, Jamie Meyer, Kirby Cline
Members Not in Attendance: Tim Turnquist, Jim Piontek (excused), Ernie Jolly, Jordan Barberio
(excused), John Lemieux
Also attended: Maggie Kapinos
The meeting was called to order at 10:02am. Roll was taken.
The committee reviewed the Master List of Potential Candidates and made changes, additions, updates.
Maggie to make updates and send spreadsheet to committee members once completed.
Maggie updated everyone on the formation of a working committee that was formed from the
Executive Committee to evaluate the way some members are categorized. She should have directives
and clarification from that committee in the next few months.
Luke Adams said the Brights from All American Amusement & Vend in MI should be removed from the
list. They are focused on Subways now.
Troy Mims removed by Chuck.
Brian encouraged all committee members with assignments to make their calls before the next
conference call.
Potential Retreads would include: Tim Turnquist, Tommy Hendley, Tom Graham
With there being no other business, the meeting ended at 10:42am
Jukebox Licensing
Midtown Boardroom
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM, Saturday, September 14, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
GOAL: To represent members’ interests in obtaining and maintaining an equitable,
economical license for public performance and other rights as may be
required to operate jukeboxes.
Chairman: Gaines Butler
Board Members: Jim Marsh, Tim Zahn, Michael Martinez, Luke Adams,
Scott John
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Discuss Current/Future status of CD Box License/Agreement
3. Issue Review: Unlicensed Music Play in Commercial Locations
4. New Business
5. Recommendations to the Board
6. Date and Location of Next Meeting: March 2020, New Orleans, LA
7. Adjournment
Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Luke Adams
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
By-Laws/Policy Review Committee
Gulch Room
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Saturday, September 14, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
GOAL: To conduct a review of the association’s written bylaws and policy manual
and submit any recommended changes to the Board at its Mid-Year meeting.
Chairman: Sam Westgate
Board Members: Greg Trent, Rick LaFleur, Gaines Butler, Tracy Ferris,
Brian Brotsch, Tim Zahn, Luke Adams, Jim Piontek, Tom Graham, Tommy
Hendley, Jordan Barberio, Andy Dunford
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes from March 25, 2019 Meeting
3. Bylaws Review & Suggestions
4. Organizational Structure Book Review & Suggestions
5. Recommendations to Board
6. New Business
7. Date and Location of Next Meeting –
March 7-8, 2020, New Orleans, LA
8. Adjournment
Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Andy Dunford
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
AMOA Bylaws/Policy Review Committee
11:00am – 11:30am, Monday March 25, 2019
Conference Room 3
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Members Present: Chi Babich, Gaines Butler, Jim Piontek, Sam Westgate, Tim Zahn, Luke
Adams, Shawn Dean, Tom Graham
Also Present: Maggie Kapinos, John Pascaretti, Jim Marsh
Roll Call.
The committee reviewed minutes from September 15, 2018 meeting. Luke Adams made a
motion to accept, Shawn Dean seconded.
1. Discussion in rule change for proxy vote.
2. Discussion on article 3, section 10. Bylaws for mergers and the board member participation.
Referenced for purposes of Sam Westgate and Jared McElwee merger.
3. Organization structure book up for review. No pending changes.
4. No recommendations to the board.
5. Date and location of next meeting in Nashville TN
With no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Shawn Dean.
Gaming Committee
Gulch Room
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM, Saturday, September 14, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
GOAL: “To monitor and discuss the gaming landscape and its effect on AMOA
Chair: Tom Graham
Vice Chair: Steve Miller
Board Members: Greg Trent, Bob Burnham, Jim Piontek, Tommy
Hendley, Justin Lawrence, Chip O’Hara, Jamie Meyer, Chuck Brooks
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes from the July 18, 2019 Conference Call
3. Gaming – VLTs, Sports Betting, and Other
4. Gaming – Other
5. Recommendations to Board
6. New Business
7. Date/Location of Next Meeting – March 7-8, 2020, New Orleans, LA
8. Adjournment
Board member assigned to record the minutes: Chuck Brooks
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
Gaming Committee Conference Call
July 18, 2019
Members Present: Chairman Tom Graham, Steve Miller, Bob Burnham, Greg Trent, Jim Piontek, Justin
Lawrence, Tommy Hendley
Also Present: Maggie Kapinos
Members Not Present: Chuck Brooks, Jamie Meyer, Chip O’Hara
Tom welcomed and thanked everyone for joining the call. Most important job of this committee is to
discuss the gaming landscape.
The committee approved the minutes from the March 25, 2019 meeting.
Tom said the biggest thing to watch for was the Sportsbook aspect and how it will affect the operator.
Fifteen (or sixteen) states have legalized since March, including MT, NY, NH, TN, IN, IL, ME.
South Dakota does not have sports talk yet. Old getting rid of, updating to new.
Wyoming working heavily to get skill games.
Florida has no new gaming legislation.
Missouri has VLT built models. Didn’t get far. Maybe next year they’ll try again.
Montana is a state system.
Wisconsin has sports betting in casinos and has gray area games. Some gaming.
North Carolina has five/six bills in the House. Justin reported Primero Games is pushing
sweepstakes/arcade cafes. Only allow four games in locations. Always a bill floating for VLTs. NC will
never actually say it’s legal.
No recommendations to the Board. No new business. Conference Call ended.
Financial Services and New Business Development Committee
Gulch Meeting Room
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM, Saturday, September 14, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
PURPOSE: To identify and develop new, non-traditional programs, alliances and
business opportunities for the betterment of members and the industry.
Chair: Shawn Dean Vice Chair: Tim Zahn
Board Members: Jim Marsh, Sam Westgate, Greg Trent, Rick LaFleur, Luke
Adams, Michael Martinez, Tom Graham, Chip O’Hara, Jordan Barberio, Ryan Harris
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Cashless Program Update
3. New Ideas
4. Recommendations to Board
5. New Business
6. Date/Location of Next Meeting – March 8, 2020, New Orleans, LA
7. Adjournment
Board member assigned to record the minutes: Tom Graham
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
Coin-Op Cares Education & Charitable Foundation
Midtown Boardroom
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM, Saturday, September 14, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
GOAL: To award Wayne E. Hesch scholarships; to review budget; to consider
new ideas for enhancing the Association’s Educational Foundation.
Chairman: Emily Dunn
Board Members: Greg Trent, Chi Babich, Sam Westgate, Jim Marsh
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes from August 6, 2019 meeting
3. Review 2019 Budget
4. Investment Portfolio
5. Review Fundraising Activities/Raffle Program
6. Discuss New Initiatives
7. Recommendations to Board
8. New Business
9. Date & Location of Next Meeting: March 7-8, 2020, New Orleans
10. Adjournment
Individual assigned to record the minutes: Lori Schneider
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
GOAL: Continuing Education Committee
Gulch Room
4:30 PM-5:30 PM, Saturday, September 14, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
To enhance and maintain the continuing education of the AMOA membership
through On Campus, On the Road, and other educational programs
(excluding Amusement Expo) as a valued member service.
Chairperson: Jim Piontek Vice Chair: Steve Miller
Board Members: Tracy Ferris, Brian Brotsch, Tim Zahn, Luke Adams, Bob
Burnham, Ron Hunt, Scott John, Tommy Hendley, Ernie Jolly, Chip O’Hara,
Jordan Barberio, Kirby Cline, Jeff Prescott, Yaroslav Sobko, Shawn Dean,
Andy Dunford, Joe Jacobson
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes from March 25, 2019 meeting
3. On the Road Educational Program – October 25-27
a. Recruitment
b. Promotion
c. Panelists
d. Budget
4. On Campus Class XIX – Session I – October 25-28
a. Recruitment
b. Promotion
c. Budget
5. New Business
6. Recommendations to the Board
7. Date and Location of Next Meeting:
March 7-8, 2020, New Orleans
8. Adjournment
Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Joe Jacobson
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
9:30-10:30AM MONDAY, MARCH 25TH 2019
Lori Schneider took roll:
Present: Angel Portugues, Chip O’Hara, Justin Lawrence, Steve Miller, Shawn Dean, Jim Piontek,
Tommy Hendley, Luke Adams, Tim Zahn, Brian Brotsch, Scott John, Tom Graham, John Pascaretti,
Jaime Meyer, Greg Trent, Jeff Prescott, John Lemieux, Lori Schneider, Anne Chouinard
Shawn Dean started the meeting by discussing the next On the Road Session. Lori mentioned Angel
Portugues has an employee that has signed up for the program. The budget came up and the question
of raising the fee was discussed. An increase of $100 per session or $50 per session was suggested.
Tommy Hendley and Brian Brotsch thought the $100 was ok. The number of people in the classes was
discussed. The attendance is down, but the small groups are solid and still get the value. Food &
beverage adds cost for the budget and the added factory tours were an additional expense this last
session but were well received. John Pascaretti mentioned the program is to add value not to make
money off of the program. Greg Trent added it is a great benefit.
Lori mentioned there is $51,000 in the account. Shawn asked if there were other ways to cut costs. Lori
replied only in the food & beverage. The hotel costs are committed for ND, and the rates are low. Scott
John asked about the number of people attending and if all the board of directors had attended. Shawn
had mentioned the focus is on the owners to attend. Lori added managers and other key employees
should attend. This would also step up the curriculum. Shawn asked if there should be a tech level also
to attract more people to the program. Scott asked to have FEC & NBDA involved to add synergy in
larger classes.
Shawn said recruitment is important. John P. suggested the graduates help recruit and to promote the
program. It was delegated to Shawn to ask the board members to stand up at the board meeting and
then sit down if they attended OTR. Leaving those who need to go through the program. Tim Zahn
asked to keep the prices the same.
Lori said the May session will be at Notre Dame and October will be back in Chicago. Looking for a
different location for October, possibly Schaumburg. Also looking at different factory tours. Raw Thrills
and IT were brought up. She asked for suggestions on topics or themes. Scott had mentioned laser tag.
Shawn added bulk vending and service tech. Chip O’Hara brought up having multiple panels with big
groups. Talk of speakers/round tables and cost came up to be continued with the new committee.
The meeting was adjourned.
Hesch Program Committee
Gulch Room
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM, Sunday, September 15, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
GOAL: To plan and implement fundraising efforts for the Wayne E. Hesch
Scholarship Program during the AAMA/AMOA Amusement Expo, with the
goal to raise enough money to cover the annual academic scholarship awards
and operational expenses.
Co-Chairs: Bob Burnham, Jamie Meyer
Board Members: Luke Adams, Brian Brotsch, Joe Bundra, Kirby Cline,
Andy Dunford, Tracy Ferris, Tom Graham, Ryan Harris, Tommy Hendley,
Scott John, Steve Miller, Angel Portugues Jeff Prescott, Tim Turnquist, Greg
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review & Approve Minutes from the August 20, 2019 Meeting
3. Ticket Sales
4. Grand Prize
5. Prize Solicitation
6. Hesch Raffle Booth
7. Giveaways
8. Recommendations to Board
9. Date/Location of Next Meeting – March 7-8 2020, Las Vegas
10. Adjournment
Board member assigned to record the minutes: Ryan Harris
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
Hesch Program Committee
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
10:00 to 11:00 am – Conference Call
Present: Luke Adams, Brian Brotsch, Joe Bundra, Co-Chairman Bob Burnham, Andy Dunford, Tom
Graham, Ryan Harris, Tommy Hendley, Scott John, Co-Chairman Jamie Meyer, Jeff Prescott, Tim
Turnquist, Greg Young
Not Present: Kirby Cline, Tracy Ferris, Steve Miller, Angel Portugues
Also Present: Laura Kasch
The 2020 program will resume business as usual as it has been determined there will not be a joint
charitable effort with AAMA this year. It is likely the program will change next year, and the goal this
year is to continue to scale back on the costs to run the program so more of the money that we raise can
be used toward scholarships.
Grand Prize
We would like to finalize the grand prize and bring it before the Foundation Board. Previously the
committee discussed two potential options for grand prize: another ATV similar to previous years or a
vacation gift card. The concerns with the vehicle are the new location as we would need to find another
dealer to work with, and the logistics of doing this prize are complicated. Shipping has been expensive
the past few years and last year the prize was shipped disassembled, leaving the winner to put it
together with no instructions provided. We have offset the cost of shipping the past couple years with a
cash donation received from Grand Vision Gaming but without that donation it would be costly to
provide the shipping to the winner. Also, AMOA is required to withhold taxes on the prize which entails
the winner paying 25% of the value of the prize upfront before it can be delivered.
Cash prizes – cash is king and the winner can spend it however they choose, it is much less expensive
and complicated to deliver than a vehicle. If the cash prize is $5000 or under, AMOA would not be
required to withhold taxes. To promote the prize since there would not be flashy vehicle on display at
the booth, we could print oversize checks. Another idea is to print raffle tickets to look like money. The
idea was presented to the committee to split the grand prize into $5000, $4000, $3000, $2000, $1000.
All members on the call were in favor of the idea. It will be presented to the Foundation Board for final
Wind machine idea – this would be a great way to draw attention to the booth. Several committee
members are looking into this, obtaining quotes from a rental company and finding out whether any of
the companies who are exhibiting would be willing to let us use their wind machine. We could
potentially do one or two cash grabs per day at specified times. Each purchase of $100 dollars in raffle
tickets could be one entry into the wind machine drawings. If winner is not present at the drawing we
will try to reach them to have them come later.
Next meeting to be held in Nashville at AMOA Mid-Year Board Meeting
Membership/Marketing Committee
Gulch Room
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM, Sunday, September 15, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
GOAL: To deliver more value to existing members and to attract/recruit new members
to AMOA.
Co-Chairman: Luke Adams and Tim Zahn
Board Members: Gaines Butler, Bob Burnham, Michael Martinez, Ron
Hunt, Jim Piontek, Tom Graham, Ernie Jolly, Chip O’Hara, Jordan Barberio,
Joe Bundra, Jared McElwee, Jamie Meyer, Jeff Prescott, Yaroslav Sobko,
Chuck Brooks, Shawn Dean, Aaron Ramos
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes of the May 7, 2019 Conference Call
3. Discuss
A. Member Programs
B. Marketing/Promotions
C. FEC Sub-Committee
4. New Program Ideas
5. Old/New Business
6. Recommendations to the Board
7. Date and Location of Next Meeting:
March 7-8, 2020 New Orleans, LA
8. Adjournment
Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Aaron Ramos
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
AMOA Membership Committee Conference Call
May 7, 2019, 10am
Members Present: Chairman Luke Adams, Chairman Tim Zahn, Bob Burnham, Mike Martinez, Ron Hunt,
Tom Graham, Ernie Jolly, Chip O’Hara, Jordan Barberio, Joe Bundra, John Lemieux, Jared McElwee, Jamie
Meyer, Jeff Prescott, Chuck Brooks, Aaron Ramos
Members Not Present: Gaines Butler (excused), Jim Piontek, Shawn Dean
Other Present: Maggie Kapinos
Luke Adams and Brian Brotsch called the meeting to order. Roll was taken. Jamie Meyer made a motion
to approve minutes from the March 25, 2019 meeting, Mike Martinez seconded.
Maggie reported sub-committee assignments for the 2019-2020 term.
Member App: After some discussion, the committee agreed that AMOA should expand the association’s
app. Bob Burnham made a motion to request the additional $2,500 from the Executive Committee to
pursue further development of the AMOA app. With a second from Tom Graham, the committee voted
unanimously, and the motion passed.
Expo Education Committee
Gulch Meeting Room
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM, Sunday, September 15, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
GOAL: To plan, direct and implement all elements of the educational program offered as part of
the AAMA-AMOA Amusement Expo International industry event.
Chairman: Ron Hunt
Vice Chairman: Chip O’Hara
Board Members: Tim Zahn, Luke Adams, Bob Burnham, Michael Martinez, Scott
John, Jim Piontek, Tommy Hendley, Tom Graham, Ernie Jolly, Steve Miller, Tim
Turnquist, Jordan Barberio, Joe Bundra, Jamie Meyer, Jeff Prescott, Yaroslav Sobko, Jeff
Douglas, Joe Jacobson, Greg Young
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review 2020 Proposed Breakout Sessions for AMOA
3. Review Call for Speakers Info from Show Management
4. Discuss Keynote Speaker and Closing Speaker
5. Expo Education Budget
6. Timetable for Finalizing Sessions
7. New Business
8. Recommendations to Board
9. Date and Location of Next Meeting –
March 8, 2020, New Orleans, LA
10. Adjournment
Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Jeff Douglas
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
Committee for Committees
Midtown Boardroom
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM, Sunday, September 15, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
GOAL: To appoint all Committee Chairs and members except those appointed by the
Board of Directors or Standing Committees whose membership is determined by position held on
the Board of Directors.
Chairman: Rick LaFleur
Board Members: Bob Burnham
Scott John
Jamie Meyer
Joe Jacobson
Emily Dunn, Ex Officio
• Call to Order/Roll
• Review/Approve Minutes from March 2019 meeting
• Review Committee Structure and Selection Process
• Discuss Conference Call Participation
• Discuss Associate Member Advisory Committee
• Recommendations to Board
• New Business
• Date and Location of Next Meeting –
March 8, 2020, New Orleans, LA
• Adjournment
Board member assigned to record the minutes: Scott John
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
Committee for Committees
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM, Monday, March 25, 2019
Conf. Room 6
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Present: Rick LaFluer, Chair
Tim Zahn
Luke Adams
Chip O’Hara
Jim Marsh
Not Present: Jamie Meyer (Excused)
Also Present: Lori Schneider
After roll call was taken, a motion was made to approve the minutes from the previous
meeting in September 2018 in Seattle, WA. The motion was approved.
The committee reviewed the Committee Assignment Matrix for the upcoming year. It
was agreed that no additional changes needed to be made.
Rick brought up that we needed to find a way to better describe the duties of each
committee to new directors. Lori stated that there is a description in the new director
orientation book. It was also discussed that a conference call will be held with the new
directors shortly after the trade show to go over committee descriptions and assignments.
Lori asked that we have a conference call with all new committee chairs and vice chairs.
The purpose of the call would be to get the committee chairs to identify and mentor
newer board members so that we can continue to have strong leadership as senior board
members move up. Everyone agreed this was a good idea.
Rick inquired about how overall conference call participation has been in the last year.
Lori stated that overall participation has greatly improved. She felt this was in part
because board members are on less committees which allows them to be more focused
and engaged.
No new business was brought before the committee.
The meeting adjourned at 10:25 AM
Submitted by Tim Zahn
Innovator Awards Committee
The Gulch Room
10:00A.M. – 11:00A.M. , Monday, September 16th, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn – Nashville, TN
GOAL: To recognize the efforts of manufacturers and suppliers in bringing exciting,
new products to market for the coin-op and entertainment industry.
Chair: Michael Martinez Vice Chair: Yaroslav Sobko
Board Members: Bob Burnham, Kirby Cline, Scott John, Jim Piontek,
Tommy Hendley, Justin Lawrence, Angel Portugues, Chuck Brooks, Shawn
Dean, Jeff Douglas, Andy Dunford, Joe Jacobson, Ryan Harris, Aaron Ramos,
Greg Young
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes from the August 8, 2019 Call
3. Review New Program Criteria
4. Review New Entry Guidelines
5. Review New Judging Process & Forms
6. Promotion of Program to Amusement Expo Exhibitors
7. New Business
8. Recommendations to Board
9. Date and Location of Next Meeting:
March, 2020 - New Orleans
10. Adjournment
Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Shawn Dean
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
JULY 9, 2019
Present: Yaroslav Sobko, Bob Burnham, Scott John, Tommy Hendley, Chuck Brooks, Shawn Dean,
Jeff Douglas, Andy Dunford, Joe Jacobson, Ryan Harris, Aaron Ramos
Not Present: Mike Martinez (E), Jim Piontek (E), Justin Lawrence, Angel Portugues, Kirby Cline, Greg
Also Present: Lori Schneider, Anne Chouinard
Anne Chouinard took roll. Lori Schneider started with explaining the roll of the Innovator Committee.
She further explained the process with the applications coming in and separating the entries into 2
judging groups. The 10 minute initial judging phone calls with 5 minutes for the applicants to describe
their product and then 5 minutes for the judges to ask questions. The second judging takes place at
Expo with the whole committee and then the finals are judged on the show floor the next day to
determine the winner. The focus is on innovation. She added there seems to be a natural separation of
entries and their scores.
Scott John said at the last Expo not all of the VR entries were set up (including not getting the floor
space to display game) or had limited time to try the game so it was an issue on judging. The question
of using videos to help with the judging came up. In the past we kept videos as an additional
attachment to the application for the judges to review before the calls. Videos were not suppose to
replace the judging process. Tommy Hendley asked if the product was suppose to be at the show to
qualify. The answer is yes, but with the progress in the industry the criteria may need to be updated.
Lori suggested that Anne send the previous criteria and entry form to everyone to look over and we
would to take suggestions to help the process. Yaroslav said the videos could help streamline the
process. The idea of having a separate small group to go over the criteria and process was agreed upon.
Lori said we would address that separately after the call with Michael Martinez.
The conversation switched to talking about if AMOA wanted to add an additional award that would not
be innovation based but more for a great product that deserves recognition. Not necessarily focusing on
another category like VR or Bulk, but something that opens up the opportunity for more people to enter
and get credit for a good product. Yaroslav Sobko mentioned an “Operators Choice” award. There was
a consensus that we need to grow the program appropriately with the growth of the industry. The
additional award to be discussed with the small sub-group.
Call adjourned at 10:35
AMOA National Dart Association
Midtown Room
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM, Monday, September 16, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Nashville, TN
GOAL: To oversee the relationship between AMOA and the National Dart
Association; and to explore/develop ways the two groups can work closer
Chairman: Jeff Prescott
Board Members: Luke Adams
Bob Burnham
Jim Piontek
Tommy Hendley
Aaron Ramos
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes from March 25, 2019 Meeting
3. AMOA-NDA Update
4. Discuss State of Current Relationship/Joint Programs
5. Recommendations to Board
6. New Business
7. Date and Location of Next Meeting
March 7-8, 2020, New Orleans, LA
8. Adjournment
Board member assigned to record the minutes: Tommy Hendley
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
AMOA National Dart Association Committee
11:30am – 12:00pm, Monday March 25, 2019
Conference Room 4
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Members Present: Bob Burnham, Jim Piontek, Andy Dunford, Jamie Meyer
Also Present: Maggie Kapinos, Kirby Cline, Tommy Hendley, Brian Brotsch
Members Not Present: Sam Westgate (conflict) and Jeff Prescott (absent)
Bob Burnham opened the meeting and greeted everyone. Maggie took roll. She also informed
everyone that there were no minutes from the September 17, 2018 meeting because there wasn’t
a quorem.
As current NDA Liaison, Jim Piontek provided an update to the committee on the NDA. He
informed all that Luke Adams was elected to be the next NDA Liaison from AMOA.
The NDA has 254 operator (charterholder) members and just over 46,000 sanctioned players. In
just over two weeks, NDA will be right here at the Westgate for its annual Team Dart event,
which will feature more than 3,000 players competing on nearly 300 dartboards in 11 different
events. Piontek informed the committee of the four 2019 regional tournaments and junior
The current status of AMOA and NDA relations are solid. Kim from NDA and Maggie from
AMOA work closely together to close the gap of non-compliant companies. Currently, AMOA
stands at six non-compliant companies which is the smallest number in the last 10 years.
There were no recommendations to the Board nor was there any new business.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Maggie Kapinos.
State Association Committee
The Gulch Room
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Monday, September 16, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn – Nashville, TN
GOAL: To create and/or enhance the alliance between AMOA and existing affiliated state
associations, and promote the development of new affiliated state
Chair: Sam Westgate Vice Chair: Tommy Hendley
Board Members: Gaines Butler, Tim Zahn, Bob Burnham, Michael
Martinez, Chuck Brooks, Shawn Dean, Scott John, Steve Miller, Angel
Portugues, Tim Turnquist, Joe Bundra, Greg Trent, Luke Adams, Ron Hunt,
Jim Piontek, Justin Lawrence, Chip O’Hara, Jamie Meyer, Yaroslav Sobko,
Jeff Douglas, Andy Dunford, Joe Jacobson, Greg Young
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes from March 25, 2019 Meeting
3. Discuss 2020 AMOA State Council Meeting
a. State Program
b. State Outreach
c. State Sponsorship
4. Discuss Other State Association Programs/Issues
5. State Rebate Program
6. Review Budget
7. Recommendations to the Board
8. Date and Location of Next Meeting:
March 7-8, 2020 - New Orleans, LA
9. Adjournment
Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Greg Young
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
State Association Committee
Conference Room 1
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM Monday, March 25, 2019
Westgate Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Present: Chair Ron Hunt, Vice chair Sam Westgate, Gaines Butler, Tim Zahn, Bob Burnham, Michael
Martinez, Chuck Brooks, Shawn Dean, Bruce Duncan, Tommy Hendley, Angel Portuges, Tim Turnquist,
Joe Bundra, John Lemiuex.
Also present: Anne Chouinard.
Not Present: (excused) Scott John, Ernie Jolly, Steve Miller, Kirby Cline, (absent), Lou Miele, Jared
The meeting was called to order and roll call taken.
A motion was made to approve minutes from 9/17/2018 Mid-Year meeting. The notes were not
available, Anne agreed to forward them to the group.
The committee began discussing the 2020 State Council Meeting:
(A) Location is tentatively Tampa. There are concerns of hotel cost in the area and the goal to
stay under $200 for the hotel room. Group usually targets $179-$189 per night.
(B) Other areas near Tampa were discussed but concerns were brought up concerning travel
cost to remote areas would be greater than higher hotel rates in Tampa
(C) Event would continue to happen the first week of February, the week before the SuperBowl.
Ron reviewed the successes from this year’s event.
(A) Tommy and Christy starting up an Association in N.Carolina.
(B) Bob Burnham working on the starting one in Colorado.
(C) Sam Westgate mentioned he is working with Chris Asher on a Kentucky Association.
Michael Martinez mentioned concerns of gaming focus being too extensive at the last meeting. Chuck
Brooks commented that he felt it brought new people into the meetings and Association.
At 12:15 Angel Portuges phone rang, which he promptly paid Bob Burnham $100 for Hesch Tickets.
Ron Hunt reviewed the budget from the 2019 meeting. Expenses were under the $31k budget and
overall meeting was a success.
Recommendations to the Board included continuation of the State Rebate Program, Bruce Duncan made
a motion to adjourn the meeting and Shawn Dean seconded.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Tim Turnquist
AMOA PAC Fundraising Committee
The Gulch Room
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM, Monday, September 16, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn –Nashville, TN
GOAL: To raise monies for the AMOA Political Action Committee and to oversee
how funds are directed.
Chairman: Scott John Vice Chairman: Angel Portugues
Board Members: Bob Burnham, Tim Zahn, Jim Piontek, Tommy
Hendley, Tim Turnquist, Jordan Barberio, Joe Bundra, Jared McElwee, Jamie
Meyer, Andy Dunford
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes from the July 11, 2019 Call
3. Review YTD PAC Fundraising Report
4. Discuss Solicitation and Distribution Efforts
5. Discuss Future Goals and Objectives
6. Recommendations to Board
7. Date and Location of Next Meeting:
March, 2020 – New Orleans
8. Adjournment
Board Member assigned to record the minutes: Andy Dunford
AMOA 2019 Mid-Year Committee Meetings
PAC Call
July 11, 2019
10:00am Central Time
Present: Scott John, Bob Burnham, Tommy Hendley, Tim Zahn, Tim Turnquist, Jordan Barberio,
Joe Bundra, Andy Dunford
Non-Present: Jim Piontek (E), Jared McElwee (E), Angel Portugues, Jamie Meyer
Also Present: Lori Schneider, Anne Chouinard
Anne took roll. Lori started the call repoting there is just over $115,000 in the PAC account. She then
explained we need to work on getting authorizations. Currently we have 85 that expired in 2018 we
need to get from members. Lori also explained PAC donations can only be made from personal
accounts, not business accounts. The committee usually does a Spring and a Fall fundraiser in
conjunction with the Expo and the On the Road Program.
PAC Chair Scott John asked if there are funds coming from anywhere else. He was concerned with the
amount of PAC donations last year, we could start to fall lower in the funds than we want to if we don’t
raise more money. Lori explained in 2005 when she started working with PAC we only had $30,000. The
committee is doing better, but in 2010 when AMOA and AAMA combined shows, we lost a golf
sponsorship that helped raise the PAC funds.
Scott asked about other fundraisers that had been done in the past. Lori said there was an “in-kind”
IPAD donation used as a drawing to help promote interest. She mentioned it can be tricky when
following the PAC rules. Also, at one board meeting Chi Babich won the donation another member had
donated. Chi started a bidding war for the item which helped raise more money. Scott said he was
interested in the IPAD idea or another item to help get support.
Scott asked about other PAC donations to be made this year from the account. Lori said it is unlikely any
more would be made, but she will have a better idea at a later date.
Scott asked about setting a goal for the fall. $5000 was decided upon. Lori said the authorization
mailings would go out next week.
The meeting adjourned at 10:25
Government Relations Committee
As part of the AMOA Board of Directors Meeting
1 p.m., Monday, September 16, 2019
12 South
Hilton Garden Inn – Nashville, TN
GOAL: To maintain, direct, promote and protect AMOA members’ interests on legislative issues
of national interest.
Chairman: Tim Zahn
Board members: Emily Dunn, Greg Trent, Chi Babich, Sam Westgate, Jim Marsh, Rick
LaFleur, Gaines Butler, Jerry Johnston, Brian Brotsch, Tracy Ferris
Jukebox Licensing: Gaines Butler
PAC Fundraising: Scott John
1. Call to Order/Roll
2. Review/Approve Minutes of March 25, 2019 Meeting
3. Overview by GRC Chairman/AMOA Legislative Counsel
--Pending Issues
--Bank Account Closures
--Visits to Washington, D.C.
4. Sub-Committee Reports
5. Budget Review
6. Old/New Business
7. Recommendations to Board
8. Dates and Location of Next Meeting: March 8, 2020, New Orleans, LA
9. Adjournment
Individual assigned to record the minutes: Brian Brotsch
Government Relations Committee
(as part of the AMOA Board of Directors Meeting)
Monday, March 25, 2019 – 1:00 p.m.
Pavilion 11 – Westgate Las Vegas
Present: Tim Zahn, chair Rick LaFleur
Jim Marsh Greg Trent
Gaines Butler Jerry Johnston
Bobby Hogin Sam Westgate
Emily Dunn Jim Piontek
Chi Babich
GRC Chair Tim Zahn took roll call and asked for approval of the minutes from September 17, 2018. Rick
LaFleur made a motion to approve followed by a second from Jim Marsh. Minutes approved.
Tim invited AMOA’s legislative counsel John Russell from Dentons to the podium. John provided the
board with an update of where we currently stand in our efforts on the bank account closure issue
stating we continue to work the issue from several angles.
John shared that Maxine Waters is now chair of the House Financial Services Committee. In addition,
we recently made a PAC donation to Elijah Cummings who chairs the Oversight Committee. Both
members are obviously occupied with current hearings, however, we will meet with their offices to
address the fact our ATMs are helping to bank communities that otherwise would not have access to
these services.
He continued by reporting that we continue to meet with other key legislators and press them to ask for
relevant information from the American Banking Association and regulators.
John encouraged board members to consider coming to DC on future AMOA visits and suggested
everyone get to know their members of Congress. He also encouraged everyone to fill out their PAC
After fielding a couple of questions from the group, John yielded the podium back to Tim.
Tim reported that the next visit to DC is scheduled for the end of April where we hope to build on the
positive meetings conducted in January specifically with the Senate Banking Committee. He, too,
encouraged the board to find out who your legislators are and engage with them.
Jukebox Licensing Update – Sub-committee chair Gaines Butler reported that the Jukebox License Office
agreement will come up for renewal on July 1, 2019. Currently there are 162 AMOA operators holding
2,700 JLO licenses.
The committee looked at creating a reporting mechanism for the unlicensed play of music in commercial
locations on the AMOA website, however, due to liability will need to look at other alternatives. The
group hopes to setup a meeting with ASCAP/BMI when we are in Nashville this September.
PAC Update – Sub-committee chair Brian Brotsch reported that so far for 2019, the PAC Committee had
raised $3,050 and the current balance in the PAC account is $112,552. To date we currently have 132
authorizations on file. The PAC fundraiser for the Fall will take place at AMOA’s On the Road.
Chairman Zahn returned to the podium and asked for a motion to accept the Government Relations
report. A motion was made by Rick LaFleur followed by a second from Jim Marsh. The motion carried
and the Government Relations Committee Meeting adjourned.
AMOA Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 16, 2019
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Hilton Garden Inn
Nashville, Tennessee
1:00 p.m. Call to Order Emily Dunn
1:05 p.m. Roll Call Sam Westgate
1:10 p.m. Government Relations Committee Tim Zahn
1:15 p.m. Government Relations Update Margeaux Plaisted
1:25 p.m. Jukebox Licensing Update Gaines Butler
1:30 p.m. PAC Committee Update Scott John
1:35 p.m. Government Relations Committee-continued Tim Zahn
1:40 p.m. President’s Message Emily Dunn
1:50 p.m. AMOA Coin-Op Cares Education and Emily Dunn
Charitable Foundation
1:55 p.m. Financial Report Chi Babich
2:05 p.m. Committee for Officers Gaines Butler
2:10 p.m. Committee for Committees Rick LaFleur
2:25 p.m. **** Break****
2:30 p.m.
2:35 p.m. AMOA Expo Committee Reports Brian Glasgow
Amusement Expo Update Ron Hunt
2:40 p.m. Amusement Expo Education Bob Burnham/
2:45 p.m. Hesch Promotion Committee Jamie Meyer
2:50 p.m. Michael Martinez
Innovator Awards Committee Sam Westgate
2:55 p.m. State Association Luke Adams/
3:00 p.m. Membership Committee Tim Zahn
3:05 p.m. Shawn Dean
3:10 p.m. New Business Development Jeff Prescott
3:15 p.m. AMOA-NDA Steve Miller
3:20 p.m. AMOA Continuing Education Brian Brotsch
3:25 p.m. New Directors Task Force Tom Graham
3:55 p.m. Gaming Committee Sam Westgate
4:05 p.m. Bylaws/Policy Review Emily Dunn
Old Business/New Business Emily Dunn
Good and Welfare Emily Dunn
Date/Location of Next Meeting
AMOA Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, March 25, 2019
1:00 to 5:00 pm
Pavilion 11, Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino
Las Vegas, NV
President Jim Marsh called the meeting to order. Jim called AMOA Secretary Chi Babich to the podium.
Chi took roll call and read the anti-trust statement for the Board.
All were present, with the exception of Jared McElwee.
Also present were AMOA Past Presidents Marion Paul, Russ Mawdsley, John Pascaretti and Jim
Stansfield; AMOA Staff Lori Schneider, Maggie Kapinos, Anne Chouinard, Laura Kasch; AEI Show
Manager Brian Glasgow, W. T. Glasgow and AMOA Legislative Counsel Michael Zolandz, Dentons.
Before calling GRC chair Tim Zahn to the podium, Jim introduced the head table, after which Tim Zahn
approached the podium to conduct the Government Relations Committee portion of the meeting.
**Government Relations Committee minutes separate.
After the Government Relations meeting, the Board meeting reconvened with Jim’s President’s Message
to the board. Jim started by referencing his welcome letter and that he was dedicating this board
meeting to the entire board. First, he recognized and acknowledged the Executive Committee for the
vast amount of time each of them spent on conference calls discussing the joint venture issue. He also
acknowledged his wing lady Emily Dunn and AMOA executive VP Lori Schneider for their help and
Jim went on to say that while the executive committee was navigating the joint venture issue, AMOA’s
“A” team of vice presidents and directors didn’t miss a beat in keeping AMOA’s programs and services
progressing and moving forward.
He thanked everyone for the opportunity to represent AMOA for the past year and is most grateful for
everyone’s support.
Before calling Greg Trent forward for the treasurer’s report, Jim gave his Coin-Op Cares Education &
Charitable Foundation report. Jim reported that the Foundation Board will be awarding 34 scholarships
this year in the amount of $1,000 per winner. The list will be finalized and announced by April 15. He
also reported during the 2019 membership renewal cycle, 59% of members made voluntary
contributions that totaled $12,200. With nothing further to report, Bruce Duncan made a motion to
accept Jim’s report, Tim Turnquist seconded.
Financial Report – Treasurer Greg Trent reported that as a result of updating AMOA’s investment policy
this past year, AMOA’s investments remain solid even in recent volatile market conditions. Greg
reported that AMOA’s bank account balances are also solid noting that we recently moved some monies
into laddered CD’s to make our money work better for us. With nothing further to report, Bruce Duncan
made a motion to accept Greg’s report, Tim Zahn seconded.
Committee for Directors – Chairman Rick LaFleur presented the following Slate of Directors 2022:
- Chuck Brooks, All Star Amusement Games, Panama City, FL
- Shawn Dean, Dean Vending, Minneapolis, MN
- Jeff Douglas, Operators Dist., Archdale, NC
- Andy Dunford, Venco Business Solutions, Bland, VA
- Ryan Harris, Ellis Amusements, Meridien, ID
- Joe Jacobson, Amusement Devices, Menasha, WI
- Aaron Ramos, ECS Inc. dba Camden Amusements, Cedar Rapids, IA
- Greg Young, Pinnacle Amusements, Covington, LA
Rick commended the New Director Task Force for presenting the Committee for Directors with a strong
set of candidates. Bruce Duncan made a motion to accept the slate which will be presented to the
membership and Tom Graham seconded the motion.
Rick then went on to present his Committee for Committees report. He referred everyone to the matrix
that had been passed out and asked that everyone review their assignments for 2019-2020 and let him
know if they had any questions or concerns. He said the matrix will be finalized in a few weeks once the
new directors are voted on at the annual meeting and have submitted their committee requests.
Immediate Past President Rick LaFleur then invited Jim Marsh to the podium. LaFleur presented him
with an AMOA presidents ring, a medallion and plaque and recognized him for the outstanding job he
did representing AMOA throughout his term especially with the challenges put before him. Jim thanked
everyone saying it was special serving as president during the 70th anniversary year and the Board
acknowledged him with a standing ovation.
LaFleur then returned to the podium and called Past President Bobby Hogin forward to present him with
a plaque and acknowledged Bobby for his many years of service and dedication to AMOA. The Board
acknowledged Hogin with a standing ovation as well.
AEI Show Manager, Brian Glasgow was invited to report on the Amusement Expo International. Brian
noted that AEI 2019 is the 10th anniversary of combining the two shows and he informed everyone
that AEI 2019 exhibit space is sold out. Brian reported the following numbers:
169 paid exhibitors compared to 158 last year, +11
470 paid booths compared to 430 last year, +40
50 new exhibitors compared to 42 last year, +8
Laser Tag – 14 companies representing 19 booths
VR – 8 companies representing 31 booths
Upgrades = 11 companies for 26 booths
Downgrades = 9 companies for 20 booths
On the attendee side, the buyer count is at 1,341 compared to 1,301 last year, +40
Education Day – we currently have 350-360 registered (280 paid with 61 super passes)
The 2020 Amusement Expo International will be in New Orleans next year. The headquarter hotel will
be the Hilton New Orleans Riverside and the trade show will be at the Ernest N. Morial Convention
Center. Brian told the board to please note a different date pattern, Monday, March 9 will be Expo
Education Day at the Hilton and Tuesday, March 10 and Wednesday, March 11 will be at the convention
center just down the street.
Glasgow thanked everyone and called Jim Piontek to the podium for the Expo Education report. Piontek
provided an overview of the breakout sessions planned by AMOA’s committee. He previewed the
keynote speaker Kindra Hall and closing speaker Tyler Bushnell. With nothing further to report, Bruce
Duncan made a motion to accept his report and Ron Hunt seconded.
Hesch – Bob Burnham, co-chair, reported that $16,390 of Hesch tickets have been sold so far. He
reviewed the grand prize and encouraged everyone to buy and/or help sell tickets on the show
floor. Bob also showed the board the t-shirt as one of the giveaways for buying $100 worth of tickets.
The t-shirt highlights the prominent donators to this year’s Hesch on the back. With nothing further to
report, Bruce Duncan made a motion to accept his report and Tom Graham seconded.
Innovator – Chairman Scott John reported there were a total of 28 entries from 20 companies in this
year’s Innovator awards program. Entries cover everything from VR to laser tag to coin-op. Round two
of judging will take place on tomorrow and final judging will take place on the show floor Wednesday
morning before the show opens.
State Association – Chairman Ron Hunt reported that this year’s State Council had 26 states in
attendance and $16,500 in sponsorships was raised. Ron reported that North Carolina recently met and
are forming a new state association. With nothing further to report, Bruce Duncan made a motion to
accept his report and Chuck Brooks seconded.
Membership – Co-Chairman Brian Brotsch reported that AMOA currently has 846 members which is up
fourteen members from last year on this date. Co-Chairman Luke Adams approached the podium to
report on member programs. He referenced the coupons sent out to the membership worth over $10K
early in the year. The committee is also exploring a membership app similar to what the board is using
for the board meeting. In addition, the committee is working on a new sales/promotional tool for
members. And lastly, Luke said the Save the Rack program will continue for 2019. With nothing further
to report, Bruce Duncan made a motion to accept his report, Tim Zahn seconded.
AMOA-NDA – Chairman Bob Burnham reported that the NDA currently has 254 charter members. He
also reported that Team Dart will be returning to the Westgate here in Las Vegas next month. The NDA
continues to conduct regional tournaments and a junior’s tournament each year. With nothing left to
report, Chip O’Hara made a motion to accept his report, Bruce Duncan seconded.
Financial Services and New Business Development – Chairman Sam Westgate said there wasn’t much
more to report since the last meeting. Sam said it continues to be challenging to get the API working
with Heartland. Michael Martinez made a motion to accept, followed by a second from Chip O’Hara,
motion carried.
Continuing Education – Chairman Shawn Dean reported that the discussion centered around the On
Campus Program (Notre Dame) and whether to raise rates. After some discussion it was decided that
the tuition rates would remain the same and that alumni would be given the opportunity to sign up for a
weekend. The committee discussed the October On the Road Program and decided it will be held in
Chicago again this year. Lori will reach out to both Raw Thrills and Incredible Technologies here in Vegas
about conducting factory tours on the front end of the October session. With nothing further to report,
Shawn asked for a motion to accept his report. A motion was made by Scott John and seconded by
Tracy Ferris, the motion carried.
Gaming – Chairman Chip O’Hara reported his committee reviewed the current gaming landscape across
the country during the meeting and have no recommendations for the board at this time. His reported
was accepted.
Bylaws/Policy Review – Chairman Chi Babich read the proposed change to the By-Laws dropping
Associate C members from Article 3, Section 3 to be put before the membership with a proxy vote on
Thursday morning at the annual meeting. With nothing further to report Chi asked for a motion to
accept his report. Bruce Duncan made a motion which was seconded and unanimously accepted.
Jim Marsh took the podium and the board decided to continue with the meeting rather than taking a
Open Discussion – Jim provided a timeline and status update on the current Joint Venture issue with
AAMA. After answering a few questions from the board, Jim reported that he is hopeful we will be able
to finalize an agreement during the show or soon after.
With no further discussion, Jim invited Emily Dunn to the podium to give her incoming remarks.
First Vice President Emily Dunn approached the podium and said she wanted everyone to know she is
not “quiet” which brought a chuckle from the board. Emily said she is looking forward to the year
ahead, she talked about the strength of our membership and the policies we have in place. She also
talked about the Mid-Year to be held in Nashville this September and looks forward to seeing everyone
Jim re-approached the podium and said what a tremendous help Emily had been as his wing-lady and
looks forward to seeing what she will accomplish as AMOA president.
Old Business/New Business -- None
Good & Welfare –
Jim then started off Good and Welfare by acknowledging Lori Schneider and the hard work and time
spent together on the JVA. He also acknowledged Bobby Hogin and his dedication and many years of
Bobby came forward and gave an inspirational speech on what being on the AMOA board and being an
AMOA past president has meant to him.
Marion Paul walked to the podium and shared about the first time she met Emily when her husband
Tom was on the board and how their stories have paralleled one another. She is so pleased to see Emily
beginning her term as AMOA president and wishes her all the best.
Jim Stansfield stood and stated he is pleased the AMOA is doing well and can see it is in good hands.
Lori came to the podium and shared the story of her first Mid-Year Meeting in 2005 when Jim Stansfield
was going off the board and gave everyone a package of M&M’s reminding them it’s all about
Membership and Money. Lori said it has been her guiding principle since.
Jim Marsh recognized outgoing director Bruce Duncan for his years of service to the board.
With no further good and welfare, Jim announced the date and location of the next Board meeting
would be September 13-17 in Nashville, TN.
Rick LaFleur made a motion to adjourn, followed by second from Bruce Duncan. The meeting adjourned
at 3:45 p.m.