Heroin Georgia homeboy, decreased body symptoms, physical
Ketamine grievous bodily harm temperature, dependence,
LSD H, junk, smack, horse, decreased heart rate, psychological
MDMA skag decreased blood dependence
K, super K, special K Euphoria, flushing of Constipation, loss of
the skin, dry mouth, appetite, lethargy,
Acid, stamps, dots, “heavy” arms and weakening of the
blotter, A-bombs legs, slowed immune system,
breathing, muscular respiratory illness,
Ecstasy, XTC, adam, weakness muscular weakness,
X, rolls, pills partial paralysis,
Dream like states, coma, physical
hallucinations, dependence,
impaired attention psychological
and memory, dependence
delirium, impaired Urinary tract and
motor function, high bladder problems,
blood pressure, abdominal pain,
depression major convulsions,
muscle rigidity,
Dilated pupils, change increased confusion,
in body temperature, increased depression,
blood pressure and physical dependence,
heart rate, sweating, psychological
chills, loss of appetite, dependence.
decreased sleep, May intensify
tremors, changes in existing psychosis,
visual acuity, mood panic reactions, can
changes interfere with
Impaired judgment, adjustment and social
confusion, blurred functioning,
vision, teeth insomnia, physical
clenching, depression, dependence,
anxiety, paranoia, psychological
sleep problems, dependence
muscle tension Same as LSD,
sleepiness, nausea,
confusion, increased
blood pressure,
sweating, depression,
anxiety, memory loss,
kidney failure,
convulsions, death,
physical dependence,
101 Updated April 9, 2018
Marijuana/ Pot, grass, dope, Sensory distortion, psychological
Cannabis weed, joint, bud, poor coordination of dependence
Mescaline reefer, doobie, roach movement, slowed Bronchitis,
Morphine/Opsteiates reaction time, panic, conjunctivas lethargy,
Peyote cactus anxiety shortened attention
PCP span, suppressed
M, morf, duramorph, Nausea, vomiting, immune system,
Psilocybin Miss Emma, monkey, anxiety, delirium, personality changes,
Steroids roxanol, white stuff hallucinations, cancer, psychological
increased heart rate, dependence, physical
Crystal, tea, angel blood pressure and dependence for some
dust, embalming body temperature Lasting physical and
fluid, killer weed, Euphoria, increased mental trauma,
rocket fuel, body temperature, dry intensified existing
supergrass, wack, mouth, “heavy” psychosis,
ozone feelings in arms and psychological
legs dependence
Mushrooms, magic Constipation, loss of
mushrooms, shrooms, Shallow breathing, appetite, collapsed
caps, psilocybin & flushing, profuse veins, heart
psilocin sweating, numbness infections, liver
in arms and legs, disease, depressed
Roids, juice decreased muscular respiration,
coordination, nausea, pneumonia and other
vomiting, blurred pulmonary
vision, delusions, complications,
paranoia, disordered physical dependence,
thinking psychological
Nausea, distorted dependence
perceptions, Memory loss,
nervousness, paranoia difficulties with
speech and thinking,
Increased lean muscle depression, weight
mass, increased loss, psychotic
strength, acne, oily behavior, violent acts,
psychosis, physical
Confusion, memory
loss, shortened
attention span,
flashbacks may
intensify existing
imbalance, anger
102 Updated April 9, 2018
skin, excess hair problems,
growth, high blood masculinization in
pressure women, breast
enlargement in men,
premature fusion of
long bones preventing
attainment of normal
height, atrophy of
reproductive organs,
impotence, reduced
fertility, stroke,
congestive heart
failure, liver damage,
Above Information Found From: Federal Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations
103 Updated April 9, 2018