TELLING IT AS IT IS INSIDE There will be no publication
page Crackdown of theSun on Monday.
3 on cooking Please visit
for the latest news.
oil offenders
No. 8062 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195)
Three visitors taking a wefie
in front of the famous Khoo
Kongsi Chinese clanhouse
in Armenian Street, George
Town yesterday, which was
a public holiday in Penang
in conjunction with Unesco
World Heritage Day.
Don’t overlook M40
[email protected] oSupport needed as their contribution
is critical to restoring country’s financial
PETALING JAYA: Economists fortunes, says academic
have urged the government not
to neglect the M40 group when working-class segment,” she told new assets, investment and consumer
addressing the rising cost of theSun. goods that are needed for economic
essentials just because they earn more “Budget 2023 should have specific recovery.
than those in B40. policies to help the M40 income “So, it’s important to enable the
earners, who have slid to the B40 level M40 to spend instead of locking up
They said the M40 group may need due to the pandemic and its after- their assets in savings.
customised support since their effects. “The digital economy may allow
contribution is critical to restoring the “For example, allocations can be the M40 group to look for a second
country’s financial fortunes. made for childcare, education and income so that they may have
rescheduling of housing payments for extra to spend,” she said.
Former Universiti Malaya economic a certain period so that they adapt to Sunway University Business
professor Dr Fatimah Kari said it is the inflation rate and wage structure.” School economics professor Dr
essential to assist the sizable M40 Fatimah said M40 employees Yeah Kim Leng said it is time for
group, as many in this income bracket should also be allowed to take up a the government to re-examine its
are struggling financially just like those second job so that they can earn budget and include the
in the B40 group under the current more to cover their expenses bottom half of M40
economic situation but do not get the amid the rising cost of living in Turn to income earners for
same welfare benefits as the latter. the country. — cash aid.
“Those in M40 can create
She said for Budget 2023, the domestic consumption page 3
government should consider
developing policies specially for M40 such as
Malaysians who have fallen into the
B40 category due to the pandemic and
its economic impact.
“This group may need customised
support from the government as they
are the only one that represent
s o c i e t y ’s
2 theSUN ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022
PM visits major Mobile app for seniors
Turkish defence, to be launched soon
aerospace firms
█ BY MUHAMMAD YUSRY o Online platform will cater to those above from lifestyle, financial literacy to
ANKARA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri [email protected] 50, provide social engagement and travelling to help seniors keep
Ismail Sabri Yaakob visited two of PETALING JAYA: A mobile app health-related information their minds active.
Turkey’s major defence and dedicated to older people will be
aerospace companies here yesterday launched to encourage social topics to prevent diseases.” and 20% by 2056, resulting in On why the app was targeted at
as Malaysia sought to enhance productivity and promote the She said the app would have a Malaysian society becoming those 50 and above, Penny said it
technology cooperation with the wellbeing of those above 50 years, “super-aged”. is the right age to start preparing
republic. according to Amazing Seniors, an feature whereby users can ask Penny Low, the app’s oneself for old age.
interactive online platform. questions such as where the best co-founder, said the Amazing
The premier, who is here on a four- chiropractors are in a certain area Seniors website She added that the app would
day official visit, visited MKE Corp Its co-founder Jasmin Amirul and get suggestions from others. was be launched in October in
and Turkish Aerospace Industries said the idea of creating the app launched to test user behaviour conjunction with Amazing Seniors
(TAI). came when it was observed that “As we are an ageing society, and engagement by seniors. celebration “Life Begins At 50:
most seniors in Malaysia are on there is a need for every Malaysian “We launched the website in Celebration 2022”, which focuses
Upon arrival at MKE, Ismail social media, especially Facebook, to recognise the importance of its November last year. Our analytics on the importance of ageing well.
Sabri was greeted by National but lacked a consolidated platform older population as a revered part have shown that we have high
Defence Minister Hulusi Akar and for them to interact with one of our society.” engagement from seniors, and this The celebration will be held in
MKE chief executive officer Yasin another. shows they are interested in conjunction with International
Akdere before being briefed on the A World Bank report released in socialising to maintain their Day of Older People, which is
operations of the Turkish defence “As we age, we take care of our 2020 found that 7% of Malaysians wellbeing.” observed on Oct 1 every year. The
sector pioneer. mental and physical health more were aged 65 and above, which The website’s content ranges event will be held from Sept 30 to
seriously. So, this app will cater to classified the country as an “ageing Oct 2 at Atria Shopping Gallery in
MKE, a state-owned company those above 50 years by providing society”. The numbers are Petaling Jaya.
serving the Turkish Armed Forces as social engagement to maintain projected to double to 14% by 2044
its main supplier, has 10 modern cognitive function as well as The three-day event will
factories and a range of over 400 information on health-related celebrate, acknowledge and
products under four categories – appreciate the value of older
explosives and pyrotechnics, adults and their contributions to
ammunition, weapons and rockets. society.
Also present were Science, ‘Accumulated water on Gunung Inas cause of floods’
Technology, and Innovation Minister
Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba, Foreign BALING: Accumulated water on Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor “I had the opportunity to dozens of water routes on
Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Gunung Inas near here, which said the conclusion was made board the police helicopter to Gunung Inas, which flowed down
Abdullah, Air Force Chief Jen Tan Sri flowed down rapidly at the corner based on an aerial survey survey the area and was able to to the corner of a very steep
Mohd Asghar Khan Goriman Khan of a steep slope, is believed to be conducted by police at the see the path of the water flow slope, causing water to gush
and Army Chief Jen Tan Sri Zamrose one of the causes of the floods mountain area on Wednesday. from Gunung Inas to the disaster rapidly at Lata Celak.
Mohd Zain. and water surge phenomenon areas and Pekan Kupang.”
that hit several villages in the He said the survey also found He said the dams built on the
At TAI, he was briefed on district on Monday. that a water reservoir there had He said, from his observation, mountain for a Musang King
operations by its president and chief not burst and triggered the the water must have accumulated orchard project were also still
executive officer Prof Temel Kotil. Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk floods, as was claimed. so much at one time, forming intact.
Also present at TAI were Minister Muhammad Sanusi said large
in the Prime Minister’s Department trees along the watercourse on
(Special Functions) Datuk Dr Abdul the mountain were also still there
Latiff Ahmad and Malaysian Industry as they were not felled for the
-Government Group for High Musang King durian plantation
Technology joint chairman (Industry) project.
Tan Sri Ahmad Tajuddin Ali.
The floods in Baling claimed
An air show demonstration was three lives while more than 1,400
also held for the Malaysian delegation residents had to be evacuated to
showcasing the locally developed three temporary evacuation
T129 ATAK helicopter, Anka centres as seven houses were
unmanned aerial vehicle, Hurkus completely destroyed and about
training aircraft and Gokbey 70 other houses were damaged.
The five water treatment plants
Located in the capital, the TAI that were affected by the floods and
production plant covers an area of water surge phenomenon are back
five million sq m with an industrial in operation.
facility of 150,000sq m. – Bernama
According to the corporate
Terengganu communications division of
offers flood aid Syarikat Air Darul Aman (Sada),
to Kedah as of 9am yesterday, the Sungai
Petani, Pinang Tunggal, Kulim
KUALA TERENGGANU: The Hi-Tech, Kuala Ketil Lama and
Terengganu government is contributing Kuala Ketil Baru water treatment
RM50,000 to the Kedah government for plants were operating at
immediate flood relief and recovery maximum level.
efforts following the floods that hit
several villages in the Baling district on “The operation of all the water
Monday. treatment plants has been
Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad restored, and water supply to
Samsuri Mokhtar said the state affected consumers will resume
government would also send volunteers in stages, depending on the
to help with post-flood clean-up work. distance of the location of their
“The Terengganu government is premises and water pressure of
saddened by the floods in Baling, which the supply distribution system,” it
caused damage to property and loss of said in a statement on its official
lives.” Facebook page yesterday.
He also expressed condolences to the
family members of victims. On Wednesday, a total of
The floods and water surge 280,000 Sada users in three
phenomenon affected 12 villages, A Penang Water Supply Corporation technician showing sediments and organic matter removed from raw water at the districts, namely Baling, Kuala
namely Kampung Iboi, Kampung Lata Sungai Dua water treatment plant in Butterworth. The increase in pollutants was the result of the Baling floods. Muda and Kulim faced water
Celak, Kampung Padang Empang, – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN supply disruption caused by the
Kampung Bukit Iboi, Kampung Masjid high turbidity of raw water
following the floods. – Bernama
Iboi, Kampung Bendang Padang, FT religious council channels RM1mil to affected residents
Kampung Bendang Bechah, Kampung
Tok Saba, Kampung Hangus, Kampung
Bukit Tinggi, Kampung Pisang Clinic and
Kampung Sadik. KUALA LUMPUR: The Federal Daud Bakar said the contribution, amounting to RM270,000, for “It also includes RM70,000 for
Three members of a family, aged Territory Islamic Religious Council which is from tithe collection, three houses that were destroyed repair and replacement of
between 14 and 53, including a pregnant is contributing RM1.062 million to would be channelled through the in the floods, and RM1,000 furniture at Sekolah Menengah
woman, were killed when their house in help victims of the floods in council’s Taqwa Foundation. financial assistance amounting to Agama Yayasan Al-Khairiah, and
Kampung Iboi was swept away. Baling. RM672,000 to 672 heads of RM50,000 for repair of mosques
– Bernama “This contribution covers affected households. and surau.” – Bernama
Its chairman Tan Sri Dr Mohd assistance for house building,
3theSUN ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022
RoS decision Crackdown on fined up to RM1 million or jailed up
soon on Umno cooking oil offenders to three years, or both. Companies
constitution can be fined up to RM3 million.
He added that to make it a more
KUALA LUMPUR: The decision effective deterrent, offenders could
on an application to amend also be charged under the Anti-
Umno’s constitution to enable the also advising retailers to limit the sale Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism
party to postpone its elections o Firms smuggling, misusing subsidised 1kg of 1kg subsidised cooking oil to two Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful
will be known later this month. packs face licence suspension and RM5m fine or three bags per individual, and to Activities Act.
“Please be informed that the while individuals liable to jail terms get supplies directly from
decision will be issued by RoS wholesalers to prevent supply chain “Under this Act, those who are
(Registrar of Societies) on July 16 disruptions. found guilty can be jailed up to 15
at the latest,” RoS said in an email “Our enforcement officers will years and fined 15 times the amount
yesterday. conduct periodic checks on all received from their illegal activities,
The media had previously █ BY MUHAMMAD YUSRY 236 complaints of smuggling and business operators nationwide to or RM5 million, whichever is higher.”
reported Umno deputy president [email protected] misuse of controlled goods during prevent subsidised cooking oil from
Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan as PETALING JAYA: The Domestic the period. ending up in the wrong hands. He also urged consumers who
saying the party had yet to Trade and Consumer Affairs “We will audit every stage of the have information on people involved
receive any response from RoS Ministry will suspend the operating “To curb the issue of cooking oil supply chain and in smuggling or misusing subsidised
since notice of the party’s licences of businesses found guilty entrepreneurs buying subsidised investigate all those suspected of cooking oil to report the matter to
proposed constitutional of smuggling and misusing cooking oil in 1kg polybags for their smuggling and misusing subsidised the ministry through
amendment was submitted on subsidised cooking oil. business, we gazetted the Control of cooking oil, from the manufacturers or email
May 17. Supplies Act. It came into force on to the retailers. This includes [email protected].
Prime Minister Datuk Seri This follows 75 such cases Oct 15 last year and all business gathering intelligence in
Ismail Sabri Yaakob, who is recorded between January and June, operators that use cooking oil need neighbouring countries such as Meanwhile, Federation of
Umno vice-president, was also said its minister Datuk Seri to apply for their own scheduled Thailand.” Malaysian Consumer Associations
reported to have said that RoS Alexander Nanta Linggi. controlled goods permit from the He said individual violators will CEO Saravanan Thambirajah said
had 60 days, with the deadline ministry.” be charged under the Act and can be some business operators have been
being July 16, to make its decision He said the ministry has received sending their workers to retail shops
Alexander said the ministry is to buy subsidised cooking oil.
“Although there is a higher
occurrence of smuggling involving
cooking oil compared with business
purchases, both are wrong. Cooking
oil in polybags are meant for the B40
group, and not for businesses,”
he said.
on the application. Economist:
Umno postponed its party Set up shops
elections for 18 months after the for B40, M40
2018/2021 term ended on June 30 groups
last year. – Bernama
Asean keen to KUALA LUMPUR: The
revive tourism government should establish
in region shops offering daily necessities
VIENTIANE: Asean member at affordable prices to help
states will continue to work address the rising cost of living,
together to attract more visitors to said economic analyst Assoc
the region in efforts to revive the Prof Dr Yusof Saari.
tourism industry. He suggested shops be
Vietnam news agency (VNA) opened near B40 and M40
reported that the matter was communities so that the target
discussed at the 56th Asean Senior group could benefit from such a
Officials Meeting on Tourism from move.
July 5 to 6. “To ensure these benefits
Participating Asean officials reach the target group, the
said they would execute an action government can provide a
plan approved earlier this year, in special card, and only
collaboration with the relevant individuals with this card can
sectors, with the goal of revitalising make purchases at such stores,”
the industry and restoring visitor he said when appearing as a
numbers to guest on a TV programme aired
pre-pandemic levels. on Wednesday.
These include the development Domestic Trade and
of diversified tourism products, Consumer Affairs Ministry
marketing campaigns, deputy secretary-general
improvement of tourism standards (domestic trade development)
and connectivity, and the use of Datuk Roziah Abudin was also a
more digital systems to provide guest on the show.
tourists with easier access to Yusof also suggested the
information, VNA said in a report government conduct a survey on
citing Vientiane Times. subsidies provided, such as for
It added that the meeting also EXTRA CARE ... 1kg packets of cooking oil, to see
discussed the move by many A livestock if the initiatives implemented
member countries to adopt entrepreneur were effective.
policies and measures to facilitate carrying one of his Roziah said the country
travel within the region, such as goats back to its adopted an open market
simplifying procedures for tourist pen while cleaning economic system, in which
arrivals and departures. the enclosures prices were unpredictable,
In addition, authorities in yesterday at his hence the concern over sudden
Asean would work with dialogue farm in Banting, increases in the price of goods.
partners and international Selangor. “This is where the
organisations to strengthen the – AMIRUL SYAFIQ government plays a role ... to
sector and make it easier for /THESUN ensure prices do not rise sharply.
tourists to travel. – Bernama This is what the government is
doing now in ensuring industry
players and traders are protected
‘Give tax exemptions to increase disposable income’ while consumer welfare is
protected as well, thus reaching
a point of balance between the
On the B40 group, Yeah said the providing supplies such as chicken and registration details to disburse funds system, or resuming the Bantuan Sara industry and consumers.”
process of disbursing financial cooking oil directly to rural through online platforms that link to Hidup (BSH) allowances. She said among the efforts
assistance can be done online, communities. the B40 database. made by the government in
with links to their database. But “The government needs to “As for the M40, I think the addressing the cost of living,
the challenge is in the technical From review its budget, particularly its “In this case, the government may government can resume the BSH as were maintaining the cooking oil
difficulties of reaching rural folk front revenues and expenditures for provide supplies of essential items cost of living allowances and increase subsidy as well as not floating
who have no proper internet page the year to analyse how to increase directly to them through their disposable income through the price of chicken and setting
non-governmental organisations,” higher tax relief.
connection. income and allocate cash assistance he said. the retail ceiling price of
However, he said more than 70% of to the B40 and bottom half of the M40. “The government also needs to standard chicken at RM9.40 per
the population live in urban areas, so “The authorities may execute such He also suggested the government evaluate if there is a need to implement kilogramme for the peninsula.
the government may consider a task using the MyKad or B40 help the M40 through tax exemptions, ration cards and food vouchers,” – Bernama
the introduction of a ration card he said.
4 theSUN ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022 Act wisely on MA63,
Sabah leaders urged
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah leaders have been
Staying true to the cause advised not to get emotional over the Malaysia
Agreement 1963 (MA63), but instead to act
o Private organisations dedicated to providing food aid individuals, senior citizens and single parents. wisely to ensure all demands made by Sabah
committed as ever despite lack of funds “We had to take stock in November last can be fulfilled.
█ BY ELLY FAZANIZA meals known as “retort food”, that are ready- year and start to individually meet the Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Bung
[email protected] to-eat and suitable for distribution during recipients to match their needs. Since then, Moktar Radin said although efforts by state
PETALING JAYA: For those who have made it disasters. we have been supporting over 40 families in leaders to restore Sabah’s rights as enshrined in
their mission to feed the poor, their work must Petaling Jaya weekly by providing them basic MA63 have been ongoing for decades, it was
go on despite having to make tough calls on The meals undergo a “retort process”, essentials, including adult diapers that cost disappointing that Sabahans have to wait so
their operations. which is similar to the preparation of canned RM6 each. long and there was still no solution.
food. Instead of cans, the food is packed in
Kembara Soup Kitchen (Kembara) co- soft aluminium pouches, complete with “We also provide them with an essential The Sabah Barisan Nasional chairman said it
founder Chan Yi Lyn said the decision to help disposable cutlery. package weekly, which costs between RM150 was time for Sabah leaders to act wisely by
the needy remains crucial, although they had and RM200 each, containing rice, sugar, tea, formulating a strategy to find a solution to the
to close down their community centre in May Chan said the packs, called “Hero Meal” coffee and other items,” he said. issue rather than making emotional speeches
due to a lack of funds. cost RM6 to RM8 each, adding that a total of with no significant impact on the situation.
15 cartons, containing 300 servings, have Now known as Aspirasi Kitchen, he said he
“We try to provide food to orphanages and been shipped to Baling in Kedah for flood still receives about 20 queries through “Only wise leaders can find a way to see
old folk homes that do not have steady evacuees. WhatsApp or calls daily. Sabah’s demands fulfilled without being too
financial support. We haven’t had any income emotional. Wise leaders will find solutions,
for the past two years, so it was a difficult During the movement control order “However, we are unable to meet all the while the weak ones will continue playing with
decision to make when we were forced to shut period, Kembara distributed an average of requests. So, we refer them to other non- the issue,” he said in a statement yesterday.
down out community centre,” she said. 25,000 packs of groceries a day. governmental organisations, which would
provide the necessary aid.” Bung Moktar also rapped certain leaders
She added that Kembara currently focuses “Each pack cost RM40 to RM50. We were who turned the MA63 into a political game to
on six homes that house orphans or senior lucky that funding was available then, but it Ivan said while there were instances when achieve their own agenda, adding that it should
citizens, and there are plans to expand its base has since slowed down.” he could not help the callers with food aid, he not have happened as MA63 was an issue
in Sabah. has managed to assist some of them find concerning the well-being of the people and
kEATchen chief operating officer Ivan employment through his network. efforts to develop Sabah.
It has also ventured into preparation of Chan, who started a food bank in June last
year in Taman Perindustrian Jaya, Selangor, “We believe that if you are healthy, then “Such leaders only want to gain political
has three focus groups – special needs you can work. mileage, but do not think to find the best
solutions to solve the issue for the sake of the
“Those who wish to learn a new skill such state and well-being of the people,” he added.
as being an air-condition technician can earn – Bernama
a starting salary of RM2,000 a month. They
only need the initiative to do it,” he added. Single mum relieved
to get Socso pension
FESTIVE HARVEST ... Kelantan trader Muhamad Syahidi Izani Mat Yusof loading a cart with coconuts, that will be sold for use in cooking traditional
dishes and desserts for Hari Raya Aidiladha on Sunday. – BERNAMAPIX IPOH: Hasliza Abdul Karim, a single mum of
four who suffers from heart disease, diabetes
Perak setting up land bank for agriculture and hypertension, heaved a sigh of relief after
she received her first pension payment in May
KUALA KANGSAR: The Perak government is increasing yields, including padi for self- production. from the Social Security Organisation (Socso).
in the process of setting up a land bank for sufficiency,” he told a press conference after “We received many applications from
agriculture to enable development of idle officiating at the Kuala Kangsar district-level The 54-year-old from Taman Bertuah,
land to ensure food security in the state. Farm Day event yesterday. entrepreneurs who are looking for land to whose children are aged between 20 and 30,
develop the agricultural sector and we have a receives RM904.85 per month for living
State Plantations, Agriculture and Food On June 28, Prime Minister Datuk Seri lot of such land, like under electrical grids that expenses and medical costs.
Industries Committee chairman Razman Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced the can be used.
Zakaria said a proposal on this was decided at establishment of food security committees at “I stopped my factory job in Jelapang last
a Food Security Committee meeting chaired state and district levels to ensure effective “If there are entrepreneurs who want to year due to my various health conditions. This
by Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Saarani implementation of the National Food Security plant corn, we can show them vacant land pension will help me with my daily expenses,”
Mohammad recently, which was attended by Policy Action Plan 2021-2025. under the ownership of the Agriculture she said at a Skuad Prihatin 2022 programme
agencies under the Agriculture and Food Department, State Agricultural Development yesterday that was attended by state
Industries Ministry. Razman said once the land bank was in Corp, Perak State Development Corp and Education, Higher Education and Human
place, it would make it easier for privately-owned land at locations such as in Resources committee chairman Ahmad Saidi
“This move is to help the food industry in entrepreneurs to apply for land for the Hulu Perak and Larut Matang Selama Mohamad Daud.
the state and develop idle land towards development as well as help increase food districts,” he added. – Bernama
Haliza, who underwent coronary bypass
surgery and lost her left leg due to diabetes,
also received a wheelchair from Socso.
Socso Perak prevention, treatment and
rehabilitation chief Adibah Mohamed Amin
said RM25.94 million in benefits were
remitted for 15,778 cases in the first half of the
She added that RM11.5 million in
temporary disability benefits were paid in
12,309 cases, while RM9.57 million in
permanent disability benefits issued to 596
“Socso allocated RM1.35 million in
disability pension for 485 cases and RM1.01
million in survivor’s pension for 553 cases.
“It also provided RM208,564 in benefits for
dependents involving 74 cases and funeral
benefits totalling RM2 million for 1,126 cases.”
– Bernama
‘Be careful of Covid
spread during Raya’
KUALA LUMPUR: Health Minister Khairy
Jamaluddin has advised the public to be
cautious when celebrating Hari Raya Aidiladha
this week with family members and friends to
curb the spread of Covid-19 cases.
Khairy said on Twitter yesterday yesterday
people must wear a face mask when in enclosed
or crowded areas, apart from practising TRIIS
(test, report, isolate, inform, seek).
“Do a self-test before returning to your
Khairy said during the last Hari Raya
Aidilfitri period, Covid cases rose to 3,410 on
May 12 due to, among others, an increase in
movement and group activities. – Bernama
5theSUN ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022
Blood-soaked bodies of couple found in living room
IPOH: A husband and wife were received on the incident involving when he returned home after revealed that there was a fight in the looking for Chun Hon’s younger
found dead, their bodies covered in housewife Ooi Tin Lu, 59, and her finishing work. house and the two victims are brother, Ng Chun Ming, 61, who
blood, in the living room of their husband Ng Chun Hon, 64, who believed to have died last night. disappeared with the victims’ car
house yesterday. worked as a mechanic, at about “The police and Raja Permaisuri bearing registration number
8.50am from Chun Hon’s elder Bainun Hospital personnel arrived “In fact, the male victim’s mother, PHU 8608.
The pair are believed to have brother. at the scene and found the two who is in her 90s and in a
been killed by a family member in victims, who are believed to have wheelchair, was in the house at the He said the unemployed suspect
Taman Bercham Aman in Ipoh. “The complainant said he found died from head injuries. time of the incident but was not has a criminal record for causing
his brother and sister-in-law harmed.” serious injuriy under Section 325 of
State district police chief ACP unconscious and covered in blood No weapons were found. the Penal Code. – Bernama
Yahaya Hassan said information was “Preliminary investigations Yahaya added that police were
Ahmad Zahid: Prosecution RTDtomonitor
Aidiladha traffic flow
attempting to trap me KUALA LUMPUR: The Road Transport
Department (RTD) has launched the Hari
o Ex-deputyprimeministersaysdonationwasnotmade court that there were three different dates and Raya Aidiladha Special Op, that will run for a
in his name, but to foundation managed by law firm it was impossible for him to remember. week until July 13 to ensure a smooth and
safe journey for road users returning to their
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid credited. Putting this question to me “I was not shown the original cheques, but hometowns in conjunction with the festive
Hamidi, who is defending himself against repeatedly is to trap me.” there was a monthly statement that matched holidays.
corruption charges involving Yayasan the ledger,” he said.
Akalbudi funds, told the High Court yesterday However, Ong told the court that the Deputy director-general (Planning and
that the prosecution was trying to trap him by prosecution was just trying to seek justice and Earlier, Ong asked Ahmad Zahid about 11 Operations) Aedy Fadly Ramli said the
repeating questions on the same issue. the facts needed to be presented so that it cheques amounting to RM3.8 million in operation was focused more on express bus
could be decided by the court. donations to Yayasan Akalbudi from various drivers and enforcement of nine major
Ahmad Zahid, 69, was responding to individuals and corporate bodies, regulations, including for speeding, not
deputy public prosecutor Harris Ong Mohd Lawyer Hisyam Teh Poh Teik, representing Bernama reported. using seat belts and overloading, especially
Jeffery Ong, who kept pushing for details on Ahmad Zahid, was not satisfied with the with hazardous materials.
donations given to the foundation. explanation, saying the prosecution could The money was credited into a customer’s
bring up the matter during submission. account at law firm Messrs Lewis & Co, which “Express bus drivers will be monitored at
“The donation was not made in my name was entrusted with managing Akalbudi funds. 28 main bus terminals nationwide by RTD
but to the foundation, and if the foundation is Judge Datuk Collin Lawrence Sequerah personnel posing as passengers and
managed by a law firm and it is clear that the later asked Ong to continue with his Ahmad Zahid said he did not know who the deployed along the highway,” he said at the
donation had been credited, it is immoral to questions. owners of the cheques were as he had never Sungai Besi toll plaza on Wednesday.
ask who the giver is or if the money has been seen the cheques physically.
When asked a similar question by Ong, the Aedy Fadly said during the operation,
Bagan Datuk member of Parliament told the On Jan 24, the court ordered Ahmad Zahid RTD would also be looking to impound
to enter his defence on 47 charges, 12 for vehicles driven by individuals without a
criminal breach of trust, eight for corruption licence or by those whose licences had
and 27 for money laundering involving funds expired.
belonging to Yayasan Akalbudi.
“Vehicles with expired road tax will be
Aedy Fadly called on the public to report
traffic offences through the RTD
e-ADUAN@JPJ app, which was launched
in April.
He advised road users to be careful and
abide by road rules to ensure they reach
their destination safely.
On the operation at the Sungai Besi toll
plaza, Aedy Fadly said as of 10pm, a total of
330 summonses were issued for various
traffic offences such as not having a valid
driving licence, adding that five motorcycles
and four cars were impounded for not
having valid road tax.
“Two men in their 30s were also arrested
after they tested positive for drugs.”
– Bernama
DEADLY HAUL ... Kuala Lumpur police chief Comm Datuk Azmi Abu Kassim with some of the items confiscated yesterday in three raids around the Malaysian on death
capital, with the arrest of four men for distributing drugs worth RM1.06 million. – BERNAMA PIX row hanged
Minister: Causeway crash will be investigated SINGAPORE: A Malaysian on death row
in Changi Prison here, Kalwant Singh,
KUALA LUMPUR: Transport Minister Datuk which went viral on social media, is in “This includes suspending the lorry driver’s was executed yesterday morning.
Seri Wee Ka Siong said there will be an accordance with the Occupational Safety and Goods Driving Licence, the company’s permit
immediate investigation by the Road Health Industry Code of Practice for Road or other punishment as provided in the Road His execution was confirmed by his
Transport Department (RTD) into a video on a Transport Activities 2010. Transport Act 1987.” counsel Too Xing Ji and his remains will
lorry crashing into several vehicles at the be sent back to his hometown in Pahang.
Causeway leading to Singapore yesterday. He said stern action would be taken against He urged those who witnessed the incident
the lorry driver or the employer if any breach of to submit evidence, such as video recordings, The Court of Appeal in Singapore on
He said an investigation into the video, the rules and regulations is discovered. to facilitate investigations. – Bernama Wednesday dismissed the final appeal
filed by his lawyer.
Kalwant, 32, had been on death row in
Singapore since he was convicted and
handed the mandatory death penalty on
June 1, 2016, for drug trafficking.
His conviction and death sentence
were upheld by the Court of Appeal the
same year.
Too said a wake for Kalwant will be
held at 38, Sin Ming Drive.
Kalwant, who was from Cameron
Highlands, was arrested in the republic
on Oct 24, 2013 and convicted on
charges of possession of 60.15g of
diamorphine and trafficking 120.9g of
the drug.
He had filed a criminal motion to the
Court of Appeal for a stay of his
execution as well as a review of his
conviction and sentence.
His stay application was heard on
Wednesday before Chief Judge
Sundaresh Menon and judges Andrew
Phang Boon Leong and Tay Yong Kwang
via Zoom. – Bernama
BEIJING: Heavy rain battered China’s
northeastern rust belt yesterday, Johnson quits but seeks to
triggering floods that trapped buses, remain as caretaker premier
swamped roads and disrupted
commuters in cities, with more LONDON: Scandal-ridden Boris o Many say he should leave immediately, did not remove Johnson at once.
storms forecast for coming days. In Johnson announced yesterday he Labour Party threatens confidence vote “If they don’t get rid of him, then
Shenyang, capital of Liaoning would quit as British prime minister
province, residents woke up to after he was abandoned by but a handful of allies after the latest Defence Minister Ben Wallace was Labour will step up in the national
public messages on their phones ministers and most of his in a series of scandals broke their the favourite among Conservative interest and bring a vote of no
telling them to delay heading to Conservative lawmakers. willingness to support him. Party members to replace Johnson, confidence because we can’t go on
work and call off any non-essential followed by junior trade minister with this prime minister clinging on
activities because of “extreme Bowing to the inevitable as more “His resignation was inevitable,” Penny Mordaunt and former for months and months to come.”
weather”. Traffic police data showed than 50 ministers quit and tweeted Conservative Party deputy finance minister Rishi Sunak.
52 waterlogged sections of roads lawmakers said he must go, an chairman Justin Tomlinson. The crisis comes as Britons are
yesterday. From the province of isolated and powerless Johnson Many said he should leave facing the tightest squeeze on their
Hebei in the north to Anhui in the spoke outside his Downing Street to “As a party we must quickly unite immediately and hand over to his finances in decades, in the wake of
east, many motorists were trapped in confirm he would resign. and focus on what matters. These deputy, Dominic Raab, as he had the Covid-19 pandemic, with soaring
their cars as engines stalled on are serious times on many fronts.” lost the trust of his party. inflation, and the economy forecast
waterlogged road. – Reuters “The process of choosing that to be the weakest among major
new leader should begin now. And The Conservatives will now have Labour Party leader Keir Starmer nations next year apart from Russia.
TALIBAN EXCAVATE today I have appointed a cabinet to to elect a new leader, a process said he would call a parliamentary
FOUNDER’S CAR serve, as I will until a new leader is which could take weeks or months. confidence vote if the Conservatives It also follows years of internal
in place,” Johnson said. division sparked by the narrow 2016
KABUL: The car used by Taliban A snap YouGov poll found that vote to leave the European Union and
founder Mullah Omar to escape After days of battling for his job, demands for another Scottish
being targeted by US forces after the Johnson had been deserted by all independence referendum. – Reuters
9/11 attacks has been excavated in
eastern Afghanistan, where it lay Hong Kong suspends Covid flight ban ‘Russia plans
buried for more than two decades. to exploit
The white Toyota Corolla was buried HONG KONG: The city’s new will have their itineraries Hong Kong was in danger of shifting opinions
in a village garden in Zabul province government yesterday suspended disrupted due to the mechanism, losing its position as a global on Ukraine’
by former Taliban official Abdul a longstanding flight route ban and as the supply of seats on aviation hub.
Jabbar Omari, who ordered it to be that penalised airlines for planes and quarantine hotel WASHINGTON: Russia’s propaganda
dug up this week. “It is still in good bringing in coronavirus cases and rooms fall short, the social costs So far this year here had been apparatus is preparing to exploit
condition, only its front is a bit severely impeded travel into the generated will be remarkably more than 100 flight route bans, coming divisions in European public
damaged,” said Zabul director of financial hub, saying it was “not high.” even though the coronavirus had opinion as inevitable cracks in the
culture Rahmatullah Hammad. “This very effective”. become endemic within Hong support for the Ukrainian war effort
vehicle was buried as a memorial to Travelling to Hong Kong will Kong after a mass outbreak at the appear, a US intelligence firm said
Mullah Omar in 2001 to avoid it The former British colony has still pose a challenge as the city start of the year. yesterday.
being lost,” he said, adding the become increasingly isolated holds on to its mandatory
Taliban want the car to be displayed under harsh pandemic seven-day hotel quarantine for all Reopening Hong Kong’s The longer the war goes on the
in the national museum. – AFP restrictions as it mirrors a lighter arrivals. border both with mainland China more it will “further strain the
version of China’s strict and the rest of the world was one relationship between Western
ICE CREAM BRAND FACES zero-Covid policy, with the once Rooms at the designated of former top-cop John Lee’s populations and their governments”,
HEAT FROM NETIZENS busy Hong Kong airport now a hotels are booked up for months main campaign objectives before said Recorded Future, a private US
relative aviation graveyard. in advance. being selected to run the city by a threat assessment firm based in
BEIJING: A Chinese brand once small committee of Beijing Massachusetts, in a report.
dubbed the “Hermes of ice cream” Chief executive John Lee’s Previous city leader Carrie loyalists in May.
has come under fire after internet government said yesterday the Lam introduced the rule last April “Over time, this will likely result in a
users said some of its products do “circuit breaker” rule was being which banned airlines bringing in But it is unclear how his natural dwindling of support for the
not melt – even when baked with a suspended to “achieve the most more than a handful of infected administration can achieve both Western coalition resulting from both
blowtorch. Videos showing in fighting the pandemic with the passengers from flying the objectives at the same time. exhaustion with the war and a lack of
Chicecream’s ice creams staying solid minimum cost on the society”. designated route for a fixed appetite for long-term economic pain.
when lighters were held to them period. Lee told the city’s legislature
went viral, revealing they did not “At the current stage, on Wednesday that Hong Kong “Blowback on sanctions” could be a
fully melt when left in a 31°C room continued implementation of the The penalty was reduced from was not ready to abandon its key trigger for shifting views, it said.
for an hour or under a very hot flame. ‘circuit breaker’ mechanism is not two weeks to a shorter five-day zero-Covid policy.
The footage sparked consternation very effective in preventing suspension during its one-year “It is almost certain that Russian
online, prompting users to question imported cases. imposition. Hong Kong is currently facing information operations would further
the company’s high prices and an uptick of Covid-19 cases with attempt to exploit this opportunity to
whether the products were “Large number of passengers It was heavily criticised by numbers at their highest level swing international opinion in their
overloaded with additives. The most industry representatives who said since April. – AFP favour.”
expensive offering of Chicecream
costs 66 yuan (RM44). The company Many observers believe that time is
said on Wednesday that its products on Russia’s side in the conflict, saying
were in line with national food safety Western populations’ current high
regulations. – AFP level of support for Ukraine may not
survive a prolonged conflict.
DOWN Ukrainian President Volodymyr
NOW ... Zelensky appeared to agree with that
Police using assessment when he recently urged an
water cannons end to the fighting before the onset of
to disperse winter.
farmers taking
part in a Recorded Future said Russia was
protest already running operations to
demanding influence public opinion from several
the angles, and concentrating on a small
resignation of number of key countries – notably
President France, Germany, Poland and Turkey.
Rajapaksa over Recorded Future identified as
Sri Lanka’s channels for the attempted influence
ongoing state media such as RT and websites
economic suspected of being run by the state
crisis in the services like Southfront, in addition to
city of well-known propaganda tools
Colombo. including the Telegram troll farm
– AFPPIX Cyber Front Z.
The US firm pointed to five likely
targets for Russian attempts to
influence the narrative: Stirring internal
discontent towards Western leaders,
portraying Ukrainian refugees in a
negative light, reinforcing economic,
energy and food security concerns,
painting Ukraine as a source of Nazism
and fascist movements and inciting
distrust of Western media. – AFP
The significance of Middle Rocks LETTERS
COMMENT Many are unaware how significant the win is in terms of maritime entitlements gained by Malaysia. [email protected]
byTan Sri AB Kadir Mohamad
under the United Nations Convention on the 12 nautical miles. Make reducing food
THE following information is a Law of the Sea. This is the case when the sea boundaries in waste a top priority
contribution to the ongoing debate
surrounding the issue of Batu Puteh. It In terms of international law, the win over the area are equally divided between Malaysia WE’VE been discussing food safety and
relates to some additional facts which Middle Rocks has conferred upon Malaysia and Singapore, northwards, westwards and security for decades.
all Malaysians should be aware of. equal standing vis-à-vis Pedra Branca in that southwards of Pedra Branca.
maritime domain. To address these troubling problems,
The debaters on the issue of Batu Puteh In fact, all Singapore vessels travelling from the Agriculture and Food Industry
failed to mention one important thing when In terms of geography, Middle Rocks has the island of Singapore to Pedra Branca will Ministry committed to both financial
the International Court of Justice (ICJ) handed effectively enclosed Pedra Branca between the have to traverse Malaysian territorial waters resources and personal resources.
down its judgement in the year 2008 Johor coast and Middle Rocks itself. before those vessels can get there.
concerning the case of Pedra Branca/Batu To boost agricultural activities
Puteh between Malaysia and Singapore. As it now stands, after having thus enclosed Tan Sri AB Kadir Mohamad is a former foreign downstream and to add value to upstream
Pedra Branca between itself and the Johor affairs ministry, secretary-general. Comments: activities, there have been several
The ICJ awarded Malaysia sovereign coast, Middle Rocks has thereby reduced Pedra conferences, workshops, programmes,
ownership of Middle Rocks although the ICJ Branca’s share of territorial waters to less than [email protected] talks, seminars and initiatives.
awarded the sovereign ownership of Pedra
Branca to Singapore. People often use the terms “food loss”
and “food waste” interchangeably, but
This means Malaysia won a piece of territory they mean different things about the same
more valuable than Pedra Branca. problem.
Middle Rocks has since been developed into Food loss, which includes both
a modern maritime base, capable of berthing production and post-harvest losses, is
coastal patrol ships of the Malaysian Navy. when the amount or quality of food is
changed by accident before it is eaten.
The size of the Middle Rocks maritime base
is at least three times larger than the size of the Food that is lost because of pests and
Pedra Branca lighthouse. diseases, limited harvesting techniques,
price fluctuations or the lack of
When debating the 2008 ICJ Judgement, the agricultural inputs is also a potential
debates tended to focus only on Batu source of food loss.
Puteh/Pedra Branca.
Food waste, on the other hand, is when
They do not seem to quite appreciate the food that could be eaten by humans is
impact of the big win Malaysia scored over thrown away on purpose.
Middle Rocks, and how significant that win
really is in terms of maritime entitlements The Food and Agriculture
gained by Malaysia as a result. Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)
did an excellent job of addressing this
The win by Malaysia involves not only potentially dangerous problem and came
gaining a larger piece of territory but also gains up with 15 useful hints to cut down on loss
in terms of rights and privileges to be derived and waste.
Good things never cheap, cheap things never good The FAO observed the first
International Day of Awareness of Food
COMMENT not apply to payments to professional footballers was complimentary, and she happily placed it Loss and Waste on Sept 29, 2020.
byYS Chan or singers. Likewise, for tour and transport inside her handbag.
services. Additionally, it arrives amid the global
ALTHOUGH grammatically wrong, the heading But upon leaving the shop, the alarm of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has served as
is crisp, straight to the point and easy to While rates for the same room and night could electronic sensors at the exit gate was triggered by a wake-up call on the necessity of
remember. vary greatly between bookings made directly with the security tag still attached. transforming and rebalancing the method
hotels and online travel agents, the difference is in which our food is produced and eaten.
This is a direct translation of what my mother minimal for sightseeing tours and transfer The woman is brought to a room for
said in Hakka more than six decades ago. services to airports, stations, jetties and other sites. interrogation and can not identify the person who Reducing food waste, improving one’s
gave her the gift and was accused of shoplifting. diet, and leading a more environmentally
But the understanding of this maxim by the Therefore, if one were to come across bargain responsible lifestyle are essential steps in
general public can be shallow, as many purchase offers online, something could be fishy. She was offered a choice to pay an amount achieving the goal of ending world
and payment decisions were not made equivalent to a few thousand ringgit as a private hunger.
judiciously. Last month, several people in Johor paid for a settlement or the shop would make a police
cheap holiday package to Redang Island, off report and she may end up spending several It has piqued my interest to learn about
This is especially true for those that did not Terengganu, only to find a scammer had made nights in a police lockup before being charged in the Malaysian perspective on food waste.
consider the actual costs of goods or services use of the name of a licensed tour company. court. Where do we stand with the wasted food?
against the prices offered.
Dazzled by low prices and excited with the There was also the case of a couple in Sabah When it comes to these problems, are
Inferior goods could be produced at a much prospect of an island getaway, the victims made who won a lucky draw several years ago and the we going to give the government
lower cost and are meant to attract customers payments to a personal bank account number as prize was a seven-day/six-night tour in Beijing for permission to take corrective action?
looking for cheap products. provided through exchanges on Facebook and two persons that included five-star hotel
WhatsApp. But after payment was made, these accommodation, with meals and full-day Are you not in agreement with me that
Goods nearing or have passed expiry dates or social media accounts were deactivated. sightseeing tours provided throughout. if we changed our behaviour on food
shelf life, gone out of fashion or have been waste, it could minimise the anxieties that
replaced by newer models are normally offered Malaysians ought to remember the adage that As the cost of return airfares on a budget airline people have about having enough food?
for sale at knocked-down prices. Prices are lowest “there is no such thing as a free lunch”. between Kota Kinabalu and Beijing was minimal,
at the source, such as at factories where goods are the couple went for the free holiday. According to the United Nations World
made, packed or assembled. There is always a cost for something you want, Food Programme, each year around one-
and someone has got to pay for it. If it is not a Earlier, the event organiser had paid very little third of the food that is produced for
But the public should not be hoodwinked by charity but a business transaction, then for this tour package as it could be used as one of world consumption is either lost or
retailers claiming to sell goods at factory prices as customers will be paying for it in another form. the attractive prizes to draw larger crowds. wasted.
there are costs involved in distribution,
warehousing and transport. The public could be deceived as they are often True enough, the couple got to stay in a five- It is not necessary to produce
lured by offers, discounts and gifts, without star hotel upon arrival and was asked to sign a additional food to alleviate food
A manufacturer or brand may distribute its embracing that one should not expect to get form which they did without hesitation. But they insecurity. Rather, we must maximise the
own products in the market or appoint one or things for free. If they are worth having, they need were not happy with the bus tour later. utilisation of the food that is already
more distributors to do so. to be paid or worked for. available to us.
Instead of sightseeing, it was more like a
The goods may first be sent to wholesalers or Those actively attending public functions and shopping tour as they were brought from one stop One of the most important goals and
directly to retailers. events should not take or accept gifts they do not to another. strategies for securing food should be to
need as these things could clutter the house or reduce food waste.
Some supermarkets and shops also retail office. And worse, they were pressured to buy the
items in bulk at wholesale prices. local tour guide until they could not stomach it I firmly believe that if we handled our
And just as we expect to be paid reasonably for any longer and wished to opt-out of the daily bus shopping in a way that was in line with
While prices at hypermarkets are cheaper than our salaries, we should also pay others reasonably tours. necessities and knew how to handle or
mini markets, some large sundry shops located for services rendered to us. manage our kitchen, there would be no
near wet markets are selling consumables at They made known their decision after they waste.
much lower prices than supermarkets. Therefore, It would be unfair and unkind to expect others were provided with only a three-star hotel for
it is a good practice to compare prices and not to charge the lowest possible rates for their labour accommodation the second night. Each member of the family should be
assume they would be automatically lower. while we demand others to pay us the highest responsible and feel bad when they throw
possible fee for our services. It would be karma That was when the couple was shown the away food because there are people in
It is much easier to compare prices when when selfish individuals are scammed when agreement they signed on the first night, which other parts of the world who are
shopping online, but this comes with inherent shopping for unreasonably cheap services. bound them to join all the daily tours until the end struggling to get a good meal.
risks, such as not getting what you paid for and the or pay a hefty cancellation fee.
item could be stolen if left outside the door, inside And it could be worse when Malaysians are Make a conscious effort to reduce food
the mailbox or somewhere nearby. overseas and not familiar with how the law The couple had to pay several thousand ringgit waste by altering our eating patterns.
operates in foreign countries. Those delighted to as compensation or continue to buy things during
While it is a healthy practice to pay less for receive gifts are particularly vulnerable. the free tour. To combat food waste, we must all work
precisely the same goods, it is not necessarily so together, be it at home, in the classroom, at
when it comes to services as standards vary. For example, a woman might be eyeing a YSChan is AseanTourism MasterTrainer for a university, in a restaurant or a retail
particular item but decided not to buy it. travel agencies, master trainer for Mesra Malaysia store. Small behavioural adjustments in
The difference is stark for professional andTravel &Tours Enhancement Course. He is also food waste reduction can have an
sportsmen and entertainers, as flat rates could Later, while looking at other merchandise, she enormous influence on Zero Hunger.
was handed the same item by someone she a tourism and transport industry consultant and
thought was a shop worker and was told that it writer. Comments: [email protected] Nalini Arumugam
Senior Lecturer/Coordinator of
Agribusiness Programme,
Faculty of Bioresouces and Food
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022
The best chocolate
recipes to try at home
>>> page S4&S5
BUZZ celebrates World Chocolate Day with a yummy Rock you like a Huracan
edition filled with informative treats!
>>> page S6
S2 Buzz
theSun BUZZ ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022
o Could eating chocolate actually be beneficial to our health? We explore the natural goodness within
NEARLY everyone in the
world loves chocolate.
Aeons ago, chocolate was
discovered and became
very popular throughout the entire
Even back in the old days, people
enjoyed eating chocolate, and that
tradition continues still. Due to the
unique, sweet, and sugary flavour
that it possesses, chocolate has since
evolved into a widely consumed food
product that is enjoyed by millions of
people on a daily basis.
Now that we have even more
reasons to want it in all of its
numerous forms, from chocolate
drinks to chocolate flavouring to hard
chocolate candies, our cravings for it
are only going to increase.
But, is chocolate really just a sweet
treat, or is there another side to it? For
instance, is there any nutritional or
health value to chocolate? Well, let’s
take a look at what scientists and
chocolate enthusiasts have
Potential health benefits of Chocolate has also become the universal way of saying ‘I love you’. – FREEPIK
One fact about chocolate is together to reduce inflammation in our cells from free radical damage. Chocolate has long been believed to yield some positive health benefits. – PEXELS
inarguable: the purer and darker the the body’s cells, boost cognitive Boosts mental performance
chocolate, the better its health performance, and strengthen the The flavonols in dark chocolate also neurotransmitters in the brain is one these supplements. Aside from being
benefits. Raw chocolate or dark immune system and cardiovascular have beneficial effects on brain of the ways that chocolate affects the an excellent post-workout snack,
chocolate with minimal processing systems. function, including improved neurological system. protein bars can also be a nutritious
that is high in cocoa solids is healthier Heart health improvements reaction time, visual-spatial lunch alternative.
than milk chocolate and white It has been proven that the awareness and memory. Neurotransmitters play a role in the Reduce diabetes risk
chocolate. antioxidants in dark chocolate lower transmission of information among It has already been discovered that
blood pressure and boost blood Scientists at Harvard Medical neurons. Endorphins, serotonin, and certain forms of flavanols found in
For chocolate to be classified as circulation to the heart, thus School have discovered that drinking other opiates are released in the brain dark chocolate could lessen the risk
“dark chocolate”, it must include at decreasing the risk of stroke, two cups of hot chocolate per day as a result of eating chocolate. factors related to insulin resistance.
least 50% cocoa solids, cocoa butter, coronary heart disease, and mortality may assist maintain brain function These beneficial effects of insulin
and sugar, but no milk, save for trace from heart disease. and prevent memory loss in elderly Chocolate is sometimes referred resistance could, over the course of
amounts that may result from cross- individuals. to as a “comfort food” because of its time, lower the likelihood of
contamination during production. Antioxidants are commonly found ability to arouse positive feelings developing diabetes.
in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, The researchers also discovered while simultaneously reducing
Meanwhile, milk chocolate is as well as cocoa beans, which are that drinking hot chocolate enhanced anxiety and discomfort. Endorphins Once again, epicatechin protects
typically 10% to 30% pure cocoa used to produce chocolate. They help blood flow to necessary brain serve to alleviate depression by cells, makes them stronger, and
butter, and offers you fewer health combat inflammation and protect regions. providing a sense of well-being and supports mechanisms that help the
benefits compared to dark chocolate. enjoyment. body use insulin more effectively, all
Other than that, the release of Enhances athletic performance of which may prevent or fight
This is due to the presence of a When an athlete engages in diabetes.
variety of minerals as well as moderately intense exercise, the Makes food taste better
polyphenolic components such as epicatechin found in dark chocolate Nowadays, whatever foods or
antioxidants and flavonoids in dark stimulates the generation of nitric cuisines are topped with chocolate
chocolate. oxide in the blood. This improves are always featured in the
circulation and lowers the amount of recommended section. There is no
In addition to anthocyanins and oxygen that is used by the athlete doubt that the sweet and savoury
phenolic acids, flavonols like during the workout. flavours of chocolate might enhance
epicatechin and catechin are notably any meal.
prevalent in chocolate. Chocolate Because of this, the athlete is able
also contains a good amount of to keep up the same level of effort Molten Chocolate in Malaysia, for
phenolic acid. throughout the entire session. A example, serves French crepes,
study in the Journal of the Belgian pastries, and waffles, all of
All of these compounds work International Society of Sports which are chocolate lovers’ and
Chemicals in Nutrition stated that a little bit of dark dessert addicts’ nirvana.
chocolate chocolate might enhance oxygen
minimise cell availability. Consequently, not only on the
inflammation, food but also on the beverages, where
increase There is even a chocolate protein chocolate-chip style beverages at big
cognitive bar that is low in calories and high in coffee companies like Starbucks have
performance, protein. Vitamin B, fibre, calcium, long been a popular choice among a
and and iron can also be found in protein large number of people worldwide.
strengthen bars. Muscle building and weight loss
immunological are both possible side effects of using
systems. – THE
@thesundaily theSun BUZZ ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022
Harriston Boutique. – HARRISTON CHOCOLATE
o We take you to some of the most deliciously renowned chocolate museums in the country
D█ BY THASHINE SELVAKUMARAN yourself. Chocolate Museum. – GLITZ BY BEAUTY INSIDER you can learn about cocoa origins, chocolate
ARK chocolate, milk chocolate, Address: Malaysia Tourism Centre, 139, Jalan Beryl’s, a budding chocolatier, offers some of kinds, and chocolate component.
unsweetened chocolate, white Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur the best chocolate varieties in the region. The Address: 2, Jalan Raya 7/1, Kawasan
chocolate ... there are so many Opening hours: 9am-6pm visitors are invited to see the factory at Beryl’s Perindustrian Seri Kembangan, 43300 Seri
different types and so little time to Instagram: @harristonchocolate Chocolate Museum. The industrial tour should Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
taste them all. But don’t worry, if you’re a 0 Benns Ethicoa Bean To Bar Chocolate Factory take around 20 minutes. They also offer you a Opening hours: 10am-5pm
chocolate lover, you can go to a chocolate Asia’s first open-concept chocolate factory is full tour that includes a show on Beryl’s history. Instagram: @berylschocolate
museum and start munching your way to bliss. Benns Ethicoa. Have you ever wondered how a You will also be able to view the chocolate-
chocolate bar is made? Join Benns Ethicoa’s making process and visit Beryl’s Gallery. There,
We recommend visiting these enticing four chocolate factory tour in Selangor to learn
locations to celebrate World Chocolate Day, about the chocolate bar manufacturing process,
which falls today. from bean to bar! You will learn how the staff
painstakingly crafted their chocolate producing
Aside from learning about chocolate, what technique to bring out the inherent flavour
many people enjoy about visiting Chocolate notes of cacao beans. Attend the tour to see,
Museums is undoubtedly the end of the visit: learn, enjoy, and be astonished by this
chocolate sampling or workshops. You may incredible chocolate-making process.
sample a variety of chocolates for free, and learn Address: Lot No. 6, Jalan Cj 1/6c Kawasan
what to look for when you taste them. Perindustrian Cheras Jaya, Batu 11, 43200
0 Chocolate Museum Cheras, Selangor
The Chocolate Museum, located in Kota Opening Hours: 10am-6pm
Damansara, is Southeast Asia’s most interactive Instagram: @bennsethicoa
and one-of-a-kind chocolate museum. Visitors 0 Beryl’s Chocolate Museum
may discover more than 100 chocolate Beryl is a luxury chocolate brand that is largely
companies in six distinct categories, including distributed worldwide, with over 100 chocolate
the Journey of Chocolates, Father of Chocolates, variations to fit your every mood and want.
Health Benefits of Chocolates, Chocolates in
the Industry, Chocolate Kitchen, and Chocolate
Address: 2, Jalan Teknologi 3/5, Kota
Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Opening hours: 10am-4.30pm
Instagram: @chocolate_museum_kd
0 Harriston Boutique Beryl’s Chocolate Museum. – INSPIROCK Benns Ethicoa Bean To Bar Chocolate Factory. – EAT DRINK KL
Harriston is a Malaysian chocolate brand
founded by a family of passionate chocolate
producers that own Harriston Signature,
Harriston Boutique, and Harriston Artisan.
Harriston has a large assortment of chocolates,
with over 150 different varieties. Harriston
Chocolates are crafted from the finest cocoa
beans using time-honored techniques and
patented formulas. This location is a chocolate
factory in Malaysia. When you arrive, you will
be given chocolate samples, such as cocoa
beverages and chocolate-covered almonds.
The tour is free and simple, as much of it
consists of wandering around the displays
S4 Buzz
theSun BUZZ ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022
█ BY THASHINE SELVAKUMARAN Chocolate caramel cookies. – 123RF
I DON’T believe in ‘too much’
chocolate. It’s one of the best
flavours on the planet, and it
always makes people happy.
The proper mouthful of chocolate
may completely transform your
day. When you’re craving
chocolate, these cookies,
brownies, and cakes are sure to
satisfy. There’s no doubt that
chocolate treats are popular.
Chocolate is also quite adaptable,
and there are several ways to use
it. Sweet, rich, bitter, fruity, or even
salty chocolate desserts are all
options. The options are limitless.
Chocolate souffle with whipped cream
Dark and intense, this gluten-free and pleasantly
rich dessert rises up from its ramekin in the oven
and must be brought quickly to the diner before
it begins to shrink back to itself. Making a good
souffle is not as tough as it seems.
Ingredients Choco brownies with marshmallows. – 123RF
0 1 tablespoon butter
0 175g baking chocolate
0 2 eggs
0 2 tablespoon white sugar
0 A hint of vanilla extract
0 1 pinch salt
0 1 pinch cream of tartar
0 Fresh fruits (optional)
Methods o These seven simple chocolate treats will amaze your family and friends
1. Melt the butter and chocolate in a microwave-
Methods 0 3/4 cup milk 0 1 1/4 cups heavy cream
safe bowl. 1. In a mixing bowl, combine 0 3/4 boiling water 0 3 large eggs
2. Using a mixer, blend the egg yolks, vanilla, and condensed milk, cocoa 0 1/4 cornstarch
powder, and vanilla Chocolate ganache 0 3 cup milk
salt with the melted chocolate mixture. essence. 0 1 cup heavy cream
3. Form firm peaks with the egg whites and cream 2. Chill the heavy 0 300g chocolate Methods
cream, ice cream chips 1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the chocolate,
of tartar. bowl, and
4. Fold in the egg whites a bit at a time to the beaters in the Methods butter, and two teaspoons vanilla extract.
refrigerator for Preheat oven to 2. Combine sugar, cocoa powder, salt, and corn
chocolate mixture. at least 24 175 C.
5. Carefully combine them until homogenous, hours. starch in a mixing bowl and whisk until
3. Place the Chocolate cake smooth.
making sure not to deflate the egg whites. cream in a 1. In a large 3. Stir in the egg and milk until thoroughly mixed.
6. The colouring should be a light brown mixture cold bowl. mixing bowl, 4. Place the mixture over medium heat and whisk
4. Whip slowly at whisk together the continually for 1-2 minutes.
that indicates it is ready to be placed in the first, then flour, cocoa 5. Pour the liquid into a strainer set over the
ramekin. gradually at a powder, sugar, salt, chocolate mixture and thoroughly combine
7. Add a few pieces of fresh fruits on top for medium pace. and baking powder. until everything is melted.
toppings and enjoy! 5. Once the cream has 2. Beat in the egg, 6. Evenly pour into pie crust and refrigerate for at
Chocolate caramel cookies thickened, reduce vanilla, milk, and oil least 4-5 hours.
The cocoa-based cookies with crushed the speed to avoid until completely 7. To make the topping, combine the cream,
bittersweet chocolate are the ideal chocolate overwhipping. combined. Mix in sugar, and vanilla in a mixing dish and whisk
treat. The outside is crunchy and chocolaty, with 6. Pour in the chocolate Chocolate the hot water until stiff peaks form.
a sticky-sweet centre. The filling is an important condensed milk. souffle with until smooth. 8. Top with the chocolate cream filling.
aspect of these chocolate caramel biscuits. Some 7. Gently whisk the cream without deflating it. whipped cream. – 3. Place the cake 9. Cut into pieces when ready to
caramels will harden during baking, so eat the ANNA VOCINO batter in a baking serve.
cookies while they are still warm.
Ingredients 8. Cover with lid and freeze for about 12-15 hours. Choco brownies with
0 1 cup butter 9. Ready to serve! dish and bake for 45 marshmallows
0 1 1/2 cup white sugar minutes. These gooey
0 2 eggs Chocolate fudge cake chocolate
0 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Tender, moist, and rich, this high-altitude Chocolate ganache brownies are
0 2 cups all-purpose flour chocolate fudge cake. It is so adaptable that you 4. Heat the cream in a saucepan over low heat, ideal for the
0 2/3 cup cocoa powder may build it for any occasion. It’s quick and holidays, or any
0 3/4 baking soda simple to make, and you can dress it up with then remove the saucepan from the heat after birthday party.
0 1/2 teaspoon salt whipped cream or berries to delight all the the cream is heated. Each layer of
0 1 cup chocolate chips chocolate fans in your life. 5. Stir in the chocolate chips and place a lid on these
0 One pinch of sea salt the pot. marshmallow
0 1 bag caramel bits Ingredients 6. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before stirring brownies is
Methods Chocolate cake slowly at first, then quickly until the ganache is heavenly! The
1. Preheat the oven to 180°F and line a baking 0 1 1/2 cups flour smooth. Refrigerate for 2 hours. brownies are
sheet with parchment paper. 0 1 1/2 white granulated sugar 7. Spread evenly over the cake. fudgy, the
2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the 0 1/2 sweetened cocoa powder 1 1/2 baking 8. Serve! marshmallows are
butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla extract until
frothy. powder Chocolate cream pie mushy, and the
3. Stir the flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt into 0 1/2 teaspoon salt Chocolate cream pie recipe with plenty of ganache-like
the butter mixture until thoroughly combined. 0 1/3 cup vegetable oil whipped cream on top. This dish features a chocolate frosting
4. Stir in the caramel pieces and chocolate chips. 0 1 egg creamy chocolate filling in a flaky crust. This adds an extra layer
5. Form the dough into balls and set them on the 0 1 tablespoon of decadence. Chocolate
prepared baking sheet. delectable dessert is always in great demand These fudgy fudge cake.
6. Slightly flatten each biscuit, then sprinkle with vanilla extract for any occasion. It stores nicely, so you marshmallow – 123RF
a sprinkling of sea salt. may prepare it ahead of time and
7. Top the cookies with chocolate chips serve it the next day. brownies are not only
8. Bake the cookies for 15 minutes at 190 degrees. simple to make, but also
9. Serve hot! Ingredients interesting and highly addicting.
Chocolate ice cream 0 1 baked pie crust
Everyone needs a great ice cream recipe. Here’s a Chocolate ice 0 150g chocolate Ingredients
recipe for creamy, smooth, and delectable cream. – 0 3 tablespoon butter 0 1 cup marshmallow
chocolate ice cream that you can make at home. FREEPIK 0 2 teaspoon vanilla extract 0 1 cup chocolate chips
You may use any type of chocolate you wish. 0 1/4 cocoa powder 0 1/2 teaspoon salt
There is no need for a specific ice cream 0 2/3 granulated sugar 0 1 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch
machine. Simply whip once, freeze, and serve. 0 1/4 teaspoon salt 0 1 cup cocoa powder
0 3 cup heavy cream
0 1 can condensed milk
0 2 cups cocoa powder
0 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Buzz S5
theSun BUZZ ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022
Chocolate smoothie. – 123RF The dried beans
are processed into
cocoa powder
and other
products. –
█ BY MARIETTA MU How chocolate is made
EVERYONE loves chocolate, and humans
Chocolate cream pie. – JESSICA GAVIN have long desired the bittersweet, creamy, beans may be blended with other origins and
melt-in-your-mouth dessert. The Mayans and estates for desired characteristics or kept
0 3/4 flour the Aztecs even believed that chocolate was a separate as single-origin chocolate.
0 1 egg yolk gift from the gods. The Aztecs in particular,
0 3 eggs revered the drink, and even offered it to Beans are cleaned and roasted at low
0 2 cup sugar victorious warriors after battles and used temperatures to develop flavour, while shells
0 1/2 cup oil them during religious rituals. Cacao beans are separated from the nibs by a process
0 2 teaspoon vanilla extract even served as a form of currency. called winnowing.
0 1/2 cup butter
Despite this universal love for chocolate, Nibs are finely ground into cocoa mass,
Methods few of us know how it’s made. The history of The Mayans and the Aztecs even believed that also known as cocoa liquor, which is solid at
1. Preheat the oven to 325°F. chocolate begins in Mesoamerica (now chocolate was a gift from the gods. – 123RF room temperature. When processed under
2. Combine the flour, cocoa powder, salt, and Central America and Mexico), where it is the baba is usually left on to help develop extremely high pressure, this paste turns into
believed the ancient Olmec civilisation first flavour. When exposed to light, the cream- cocoa powder and cocoa butter.
corn starch in a mixing bowl. Place aside. cultivated cacao beans, as early as 1750 BC. coloured beans turn a purplish colour.
3. For around 5 minutes, whisk together the To make chocolate, cocoa mass is
According to legend, Quetzacoatl, the When that happens, they’re ready for combined with more cocoa butter and
sugar, eggs, and egg yolk. Aztec God of Vegetation, came to earth with a fermentation. The beans are heaped in piles sweetener to make chocolate. You get dark
4. Melt the butter and set it aside to cool. cacao tree and taught the mortals how to on the ground or some in a system of chocolate by combining cocoa mass with
5. Stir in the oil, melted butter, and vanilla extract. cultivate cocoa and make a drink out of its cascading boxes before they’re covered with cocoa butter and sugar, and you get milk
6. Combine all of the dry ingredients in a mixing beans. This infuriated the other gods, so they banana leaves. They’re fermented from two to chocolate by adding milk powder.
threw him out of paradise for sharing the nine days and during the fermentation
dish, followed by the chocolate chips. sacred drink with humans. process, beans begin to turn brown and White chocolate, on the other hand, is
7. Pour the brownie batter into the prepared pan. develop the flavours of chocolate that we made with cocoa butter, sugar, and milk
8. Microwave the marshmallow fluff for 20 Mayans used to consume chocolate in know. powder without cocoa mass. Since it contains
liquid form called xocolatl, which means no cocoa mass, some do not consider it true
seconds, then mix. “bitter water”. Indeed, it is a bitter, spicy drink, After the fermentation process, fermented chocolate.
9. Sprinkle the marshmallow fluff over the and was revered by the ancient civilisation. cacao beans are carefully dried on wooden
brownie batter. Swirl the fluff with a boards or bamboo mats for anywhere from After combining the ingredients, they go
fork. Made from crushed cocoa beans, chilli seven to 14 days under the hot sun. During the through a conching process, which is a
10. Bake for 40 minutes. peppers, and water, xocolatl would be poured drying process, they are continually raked and combination of rolling, kneading, heating,
11. Allow it to cool for 15 from one cup to another until a frothy foam turned over for consistent drying. and aeration that stirs and smooths the
minutes before serving. appeared on top (similar to our frothy teh mixture under heat.
tarik). Once dried, the beans are graded, packed
Chocolate smoothie into sacks, bundled, and checked for quality. Conching produces consistent, pure, and
Chocolate smoothie, a Cocoa was highly valued for its healing and Then, they are shipped and traded on the delicious gourmet chocolate. In this final
cold and creamy way medicinal properties, and the demand for the international market. process, the end aroma and flavour of the
to fulfil your cocoa bean and the beverage that it produced chocolate are defined.
chocolate cravings, is brought about a huge network of trade routes After they reach the processing plants,
quick and throughout the region. At this point, soy lecithin and cocoa butter
straightforward to may be added for required fluidity before it is
make and will wow Chocolate processing practices (the refined until smooth.
your taste buds. fermenting, the drying) really haven’t
Although coffee will changed much from the time the Mayans By now, the chocolate is finished and ready
wake you up, cocoa is started making xocolatl, and this carried on for final processing. Before it is delivered to a
more satisfying, sweet, through to when cocoa products were chocolatier, it must first be put into blocks or
and nutritious. brought into Europe. drops and tempering the chocolate, which
means the chocolate is slowly brought to a
Once sugar and honey were added to certain temperature.
chocolate, it became incredibly popular
across the continent. In 1847, chocolate During the tempering process, the cocoa
became mouldable, and the modern butter reaches its most stable form, giving the
chocolate bar was born. well-tempered chocolate its crisp snap when
broken, shiny surface, and smoothness that
Today, chocoholics can enjoy many indicates quality chocolate.
unique and wonderful flavour combinations.
Around the world, chocolatiers, bakers,
The growing popularity and chefs, and pastry experts use this highly
commercialisation of chocolate also saw the versatile, quality chocolate base in all sorts of
growing spread of the cacao tree. Once native different applications.
to lowland rainforests of the Amazon and
Ingredients Orinoco river basins, it can now be found in
0 1 1/4 cup milk New World tropics as well as western Africa
0 1 tablespoon butter and tropical Asia.
0 1/2 tablespoon maple syrup
0 1/2 cup rolled oats The cacao trees bear oval fruits known as
0 2 tablespoon cocoa powder cacao pods, which are about 17cm to 20 cm
0 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract long. A cacao pod has a thick, rough, leathery
0 Chocolate chips for topping rind filled with sweet, gelatinous pulp with a
lemonade-like taste enclosing 30 to 50 large
Methods seeds, or cacao beans. A ripe yellow cacao pod, with the beans within. – FREEPIK
1. Combine all of the ingredients by hand and
When the cacao pods are ripe, they turn a
place in the refrigerator for at least a few hours. vibrant yellow/orange colour and ripening
2. Remove it and blend it until smooth. pods are typically harvested twice per year.
3. Thin the mixture with a little more milk.
4. Top with a handful of chocolate chips. In Latin America, the gelatinous pulp,
5. Ready to serve! called baba, was used to make a fermented
cacao wine as early as 3,000 years ago.
The cacao beans are cleaned by hand and
NOVEMBER 2J3U,L2Y0188, 2022 by
oSuperTrofeo Omologata’s fastest Lamborghini ever
█ KESHY DHILLON @ PISTON.MY around the world. those used in the GT3 race car.
A HURRICANE is one of the most But the problem with the Huracan Since it is a road-going car,
destructive forces of nature on the Lamborghini has included creature
planet. A category one hurricane has GT3 is that it is a proper race car, which comforts such as air-conditioning and
wind speeds of between 119kph and means regular rich folks cannot buy even an audio system.
153kph, while a category five has one to drive on the road. The interior is covered in
sustained wind speeds of above lightweight alcantara leather and
253kph. But Lamborghini is one of the most carbon-fibre adorns everything from
successful supercar companies in the floor to the roof and the door
So when a car maker introduces a automobile history, so it wasn’t about panels. Even the seats are constructed
car called Huracan (Spanish for to sit around and not allow its of lightweight material.
hurricane), you know that it means customers to experience one of the Adding to the race car feel is a
business. best race cars it has ever built. titanium roll cage that protects the
driver and passenger should the worse
The Lamborghini Huracan is Enter the Lamborghini Huracan happen.
already one of the wildest cars on the STO – the fastest street legal Huracan But at the heart of it all is a race-
planet in terms of design and ever made. derived 5.2-litre, V10 naturally-
performance. But it’s not entirely new, aspirated engine. This is the same
in fact the Huracan has been around STO stands for Super Trofeo engine that powers the Lamborghini
since 2014. Omologata, which means it is a road- Huracan race cars.
legal homologated version of the Lamborghini says the engine is
Since then, a number of iterations Huracan Super Trofeo Evo and GT3 Evo nearly identical its race engine and
have been introduced, each promising race cars. offers a direct pedal-to-throttle feel that
to be faster, meaner and more exotic is the same as a race car. Even the
than the last. Simply put, the Huracan STO is a seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox
street legal reimagination of the GT3 offers quicker gear shifts so that there is
But nothing can be better than a race car. Lamborghini’s official website no loss of power during
Huracan that is designed to be raced. says the STO is a super-sports car acceleration.
The Huracan GT3 EVO is one of the created with a singular purpose – to Lamborghini is one Turn to
most successful race cars in the delivers all the feel and technology of a of the few car makers
Lamborghini stable. genuine race car in a street-legal left that has not adopted —
It has won the 24 Hours of page S8
Daytona, 12 Hours of Sebring and The STO delivers a unique driving
even the Blancpain GT Series Asia, experience the moment you sit inside. forced induction.
among many other race series The regular two-point seat belts have
been replaced with motorsport derived
four-point harnesses that are similar to
theSun on friday 7
JULY 8, 2022
New-generation engine assembly at Proton plant
█ KESHY DHILLON @ PISTON.MY started about 10 years ago, follows industry assembly line to advance its human capital
PROTON has long had its own engine factory, trends of downsizing to gain better fuel development goals, with 202 workers
with the first one having been opened in the efficiency and also reduce undesirable exhaust employed directly. With an average age of just
Glenmarie industrial estate of Selangor in the emissions. 24 years, they represent the next generation of
1990s. skilled automotive manpower for the nation.
While downsizing the displacement on its
Over the years, this factory has provided own has meant lower power output, this is not “When the agreement was made to
millions of engines for various Proton models the case with the JLH-3G15TD. In fact, in spite partner with Geely in 2017, one of our
and continues to do so. of its smaller displacement and one cylinder commitments was to invest in Malaysia’s
less, its output is actually comparable to much automotive industry both financially and
Now, with the new generation of engines bigger engines with 130kW and 255Nm. through the introduction of new high
in the carmaker’s latest models, it is time to technology components,” said Roslan
have a new facility to assemble the 1.5-litre This has been possible with advanced Abdullah, deputy CEO of Proton.
TGDI (Turbo Gasoline Direct Injection) JLH- technologies, 4 valves per cylinder, dual
3G15TD 3-cylinder engine used in the X50 and variable valve timing, optimised thermal and “The new assembly line does this while also
X70 models. lubrication systems, a low inertia turbocharger, giving Proton an avenue to attract and
and homogenised 200-bar direct fuel injection develop young talents who will help drive the
This is the first time the engine is being system. It is also capable of meeting Euro 6 automotive industry and the company into
assembled outside China in one of the most requirements. the future.”
advanced automotive engine assembly lines
in the country at the Proton Tanjung Malim As a Malaysian carmaker, Proton has always Internet of Things (IOT) technology is
manufacturing complex in Perak. prioritised localisation and where possible, it deployed in the form of intensive data capture
has sourced parts from Malaysian suppliers, and analytical tools to ensure that the quality
The award-winning JLH-3G15TD engine is although in the era of globalisation, there are meets the standards required and are
used not only by Proton but also by other also some suppliers from other countries in maintained.
brands in the diverse Geely Group. When the the region.
other models are included, over 750,000 “Quality is the main priority at our new
vehicles sold globally are now powered by this For this new engine, there are currently 72 engine assembly line. We know we need to
engine. parts supplied by 19 Malaysian and four Asean show Malaysians that Proton is capable of
vendors. building reliable high-quality products, so we
The engine, the result of a project which have left nothing to chance,” added Roslan.
The company is also using the new
ATLAS infotainment SKY’s the limit Mazda e-SKYACTIV-D
system gets Spotify diesel engine
oMazda to launch new 3-litre
█ KESHY DHILLON @ PISTON.MY 6-cylinder turbodiesel engine
ACO TECH has formed a new partnership with
Spotify to make the popular audio streaming █ KESHY DHILLON @ PISTON.MY Mazda believes that a multi-solution The engine uses a new 48V Mazda M
subscription service available in the mass market approach is more suitable in the quest to Hybrid Boost system to combine high output
car segment. CONTRARY to whatever you make reducing emissions to address climate with excellent fuel economy. Together with
think, the internal combustion change. the DCPCI technology, engine efficiency,
This is achieved through the integration with engine that Rudolf Diesel invented emissions and fuel economy are improved.
ATLAS (ACO Tech Local Automotive Services), in the late 19th century is not ready Not all countries will be able to switch to These contribute significantly to greater
the in-vehicle infotainment operating system to go into the history books just yet. electric vehicles at the same pace and some driving range, better performance and yet
developed by ACO Tech. may still require combustion engines or lower fuel consumption and low emissions.
The engine named after him that has hybrids, at least.
With this collaboration, motorists with the powered millions of vehicles – and not just Six-cylinder engines are inherently
ATLAS system in their infotainment systems will motor vehicles – for more than 100 years may It has therefore not given up further smooth due to their “perfect balance”, which
be able to enjoy personalised audio experiences have gained a bad reputation at various development on combustion engines, will contribute to drive enjoyment. The
from Spotify, both free and premium. times in its existance, but its robustness and pushing the envelope to achieve lower engine’s high torque delivery gives strong
fuel efficiency have made it the preferred emissions and better performance. pulling power, even with a 2,500kg trailer.
This means they have access to over 82 choice for commercial vehicles.
million audio tracks and more than four million It has now revealed an all-new e- Though it has a larger displacement and
podcast titles. The content can be easily cast The introduction of the commonrail high- SKYACTIV-D diesel engine which will be more cylinder, the e-SKYACTIV-D’s
from a mobilephone via Spotify Connect to the pressure fuel delivery system 20 years ago added to the Mazda CX-60 line-up in 2023. lightweight construction makes it weigh not
infotainment system, or directly from the head made it more popular for passenger vehicles more than the 2.2-litre Mazda SKYACTIV-D
unit. because of it’s enhanced performance and The new diesel engine is a Mazda first – a 4-cylinder turbodiesel engine used in the
various solutions found to reduce its “dirty” 3.3-litre unit that features Distribution- CX-5.
“I’m incredibly proud of the steady progress image. Controlled Partially Premixed Compression
the team has achieved in introducing the Ignition (DCPCI) Technology. In total, Mazda is launching five new
capabilities of a humanised connected lifestyle Diesel engines today, mostly with electrified products in the next three years
to a wider public in Malaysia through turbochargers boosting output, are still This highly innovative advanced that feature its multi-solution platform
meaningful brand collaborations,” said Li Pu, CEO popular powerplants for vehicles like pick-up combustion technology makes the new e- architecture. These will include an in-line
of ACO Tech Sdn Bhd. trucks and SUVs in the passenger-carrying SKYACTIV-D one of the cleanest diesel straight-six 3-litre e-SKYACTIV petrol engine
category. engines in the world, achieving a thermal and an e-Skyactiv PHEV.
“Working together with Spotify is an efficiency of over 40%.
important milestone for ACO Tech as the Mazda began developing its SKYACTIV For the European market, the launch of
partnership not only helps us to stay technology over 10 years ago to raise fuel Developed using the “right sizing” the new CX-60 will take Mazda further
competitive in the smart mobility industry, it is efficiency and engine output and it has been concept which optimises displacement to forward in its fleet’s emission reduction to
also instrumental in easing Malaysians into the constantly upgrading the technologies which improve both fuel and power efficiency, the become entirely carbon-neutral by 2050.
possibilities of smart and connected car apply to both petrol and diesel powerplants. 3283cc longitudinally installed commonrail
technologies.” electric direct injection 6-cylinder engine After 2025, the company will launch its
Mazda has been one of the diesel will have two power output levels: 200ps and brand new SKYACTIV EV Scalable
The ATLAS Infotainment head unit that runs “loyalists” and used its long engineering 254ps. Architecture which will allow Mazda to
on Android 8.0 and above, pre-loaded with expertise to develop powerful, clean and efficiently build electric cars of all sizes using
Spotify, will make its debut in Malaysia in Proton efficient engines as part of the SKYACTIV Depending on the model variant, there one common platform.
vehicles. powertrain family. will be either 2-wheel drive or all-wheel
Wholly developed by the Malaysian team, Like some other Japanese carmakers,
the ATLAS operating system is supported by a
complimentary mobile application named
ATLAS Auto with features that prioritise mobility,
convenience, and control.
Built with an AI-powered speech solution
that has the enhanced capabilities to recognize
Malaysian English at varying tones and speed,
ATLAS is able to respond positively to various
commands. This is not always the case with
voice command systems that may not take into
account how Malaysians speak.
ACO Tech is a joint-venture company
between Proton Edar, Altel Communications and
ECARX Hubei Technology and has been involved
in the GKUI software in the latest Proton models.
8 theSun on friday
JULY 8, 2022
Taming the wild Huracan
jump from page S6 the discontinued Ferrari 488 STO offers is higher thermal earlier. But because the brakes on
Naturally-aspirated engines rely generate more power than the STO. phenomenal braking performance. conductivity and 60% higher stress the STO have effectively solved this
The Huracan boasts a new braking resistance. What this ultimately issue, this means you can drive on a
on big cylinders or ultra high revs to But the STO is not about pure technology called CCM-R. results in is strong braking knife’s edge of performance every
create power, but these engines are power alone. It is about quick lap performance that does not fade single time and get the same
also among the most responsive times and driving pleasure. For The system is provided by even after many laps. braking performance.
and provide the best engine note. instance, Lamborghini pitted the renowned braking experts Brembo One of the things that supercars
STO against the Huracan GT3 EVO using materials that is used in tend to suffer from is brake fade, The sound it creates is one of
As for power, the STO puts out race car around a race track in Formula One. The discs on the STO and that ultimately slows lap times pure emotion. You don’t only hear
640PS at 8,000rpm and 565Nm of America and found that the STO are said to provide four times because drivers have to brake but feel it in your heart. And that’s
torque at 6,500rpm. But because was just under two seconds slower what the STO is about, a pure
75% of its body is made up of light than the race-only GT3 which was unadulterated driving experience
weight carbonfibre, the STO is on race tyres while the STO was on that overloads your senses and
capable of some astonishing road tyres. That is the ultimate leaves you wanting more each time
performance figures, such as a zero proof of performance. you drive it. There are very few cars
to 200km/h acceleration time of left these days that are able to do
just nine seconds flat! Top speed is It partly achieves this by using that.
rated at 310kph. rear-wheel-steering. This turns the
rear wheels in the same direction as The Lamborghini Huracan STO
Those in the know will probably the front wheels, giving it incredibly is now available in Malaysia for
think these figures are not all that agility in slow and fast corners. RM1.48 million before taxes and
great. The Porsche GT2RS and even customisation.
Part of the race experience the
Five stars Ferrari to go electric
oC40 Recharge continuesVolvo’s tradition in safety or hybrid by 2030
THE fully electric Volvo C40 one of the industry’s most ambitious establishing Volvo Car Malaysia in 1999. FERRARI unveiled plans to turn 80% of its production into
Recharge has been awarded a five- electrification plans. Since then, Volvo has gone from strength to all-electric or hybrid cars by 2030 in a major shift for an iconic
star safety rating in the 2022 Euro strength and built a network of 14 dealers brand renowned for its powerful combustion engines.
NCAP tests, joining its siblings in Volvo was the first established car across the country.
the as one of the safest cars on the road maker to commit to all-out electrification “Electrification is a way to improve performance,“ new chief
today. and aims to sell only pure electric cars by Its popularity and demand for locally executive Benedetto Vigna said as he unveiled a four-year stra-
2030. led to the establishment of the Volvo Car tegic plan at the brand’s historic Maranello site in northern Italy.
The rating continues Volvo cars’ five- Manufacturing Malaysia in 1967, which is
star streak in Euro NCAP testing, as all Already by 2025, it aims for half of its now Malaysia’s oldest and longest-running The 2022-2026 plan will be driven by the launch of new
tested models on sale today received five global volume to consist of pure electric vehicle assembly plant. products – including Ferrari’s first 100% electric car, set to be
stars in their respective Euro NCAP cars. presented in 2025.
assessments. In 2016, it was the first market to locally
Reflecting its ambition to be an industry assemble the XC90 PHEV outside of “Ferrari’s first all-electric car will be 100% a sports car,“ com-
The C40 Recharge scored especially leader in safety, the upcoming generation Sweden, paving the way for the assembly of mercial director Enrico Galliera told AFP.
well on occupant safety and driver assist of Volvo models also aim to set new other Volvo PHEVs whilst continuously
systems, helped by one of the most standards in safety. providing a sustainable and safe driving “We will develop an electric car that will deliver the same
extensive standard safety offers in its emotions as when you drive a (traditional) Ferrari,“ he pledged,
segment. Volvo established its presence in experience. without revealing any technical details.
Malaysia in the early
Among many other scenarios, these 1960s before The Italian luxury carmaker plans to expand the Maranello
safety technologies help drivers detect and formally plant and create a third production line for hybrid and electric
avoid collisions, remain in their lane and vehicles.
reduce the impact of accidentally running
off the road. Under the plan, some 60 percent of its production would be
all-electric or hybrid models by 2026, rising to 80 percent by
“We always aim to be a leader in 2030.
safety,” said Malin Ekholm, head of
the Volvo cars safety centre. Other upcoming new products include Ferrari’s first SUV,
“Purosangue”(Thoroughbred), which will be unveiled in
“That means we adhere to September, with deliveries from 2023.
strict safety standards in all of our
cars, many of which we helped Including the all-electric offer, another 15 new launches are
establish over time. No matter expected between 2023 and 2026, Vigna said.
which Volvo you choose, you
and your loved ones will drive Ferrari, which celebrates its 75th anniversary this year, broke
one of the safest cars on the results records in 2021, delivering 11,155 cars – up 22.3% – and
market.” generating revenue of €4.3 billion (RM19.5b) – up 23.4%.
Launched in 2021, the C40 It said it was setting an ambitious target for revenues.The
Recharge is Volvo’s second fully €6.7b (RM30b) goal for 2026 is well above this year’s estimated
electric model. In coming years, revenue of around €4.8b (RM21.7b).
Volvo plans to roll out a whole
new family of pure electric cars, Vigna did not give many details of the new Purosangue,
other than that it will be a sports car and will have a V12 engine,
a trademark of the mythical brand.
But he said:“I am confident it will exceed all expectations.”
He emphasised its exclusivity, saying it would make up on
average fewer than 20 percent of total deliveries.
Under the previous strategic plan unveiled in 2018, Ferrari
had also promised the launch of 15 cars – a target Vigna said
had been reached.
How electric vehicles are inspiring a new generation of tyres
MORE and more carmakers – who will no longer The research program will focus on technology, which involves equipping the tyre weather, except in extreme conditions.
be able to sell new combustion-engine vehicles developing eco-friendly tyres – i.e., using more with a sensor that provides the driver with a The idea of developing tyres specifically for
in Europe from 2035 – are working with tyre sustainable materials than is currently the case – whole range of practical information on its
manufacturers to develop more long-lasting, without losing performance. temperature and wear in real time. electric cars has already resulted in a first model,
eco-friendly and even connected tyres the ElectricDrive GT from Goodyear.
specifically for electric cars. The idea is to achieve 50% of the total weight Plus, in order to reduce the overall production
of a new tyre in recycled materials. of tyres, the aim is to develop “all-season” tyres. An all-season tyre, this model is particularly
The latest example of this is a partnership well suited to the requirements and
between Hyundai and Michelin to develop and These tyres are expected to be equipped with Volvo has already announced that all of its performance of the models produced by Tesla,
produce next-generation tyres specifically for the a real-time monitoring system to help advance 100% electric vehicles will be equipped with this the first manufacturer to officially adopt it. It is
South Korean manufacturer’s future electric autonomous driving technology. type of tyre. also designed to help reduce road noise.
Michelin, like its American counterpart As the name suggests, these tyres no longer The tyre of tomorrow will be durable,
Goodyear, has already done a lot of work on this need to be changed according to seasonal connected and usable in all seasons.
JULY 8, 2022
197201001092 (12738-U)
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RM m
% RM m RM m
44.9 Institutions 651.1 650.5 0.6
24.6 Retail 357.7 353.3 4.4
30.5 Foreign 438.6 443.6 -5.0 2.16
100.0 1447.4 1447.4 0 1,418.69 25.74 56.92 9.05 382.88 350.76 42.26 53.50
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 3,364.40 26,490.53 14,336.27 2,334.27
Source: Bursa Malaysia 3,129.40 21,643.58 6,648.00
KL MARKET SUMMARY Budget 2023 to prioritise
July 7, 2022
INDICES 10,092.13 CHANGE -12.42 structural reforms, resilience
FBMKLCI 1,418.69 -2.16
CONSTRUCTION 152.91 +0.96
FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,997.25 -68.51
ENERGY 632.37 -10.54
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 549.17 +0.23 2022, more than 150,000 people
HEALTH CARE 1,640.90 +25.99 oTengku Zafrul says focus is to ensure had obtained jobs through the
TRANSPORTATION 791.96 -0.54 well-being of the people, businesses and economy Malaysian Family Job Guarantee
PROPERTY 619.22 +1.05 Initiative.
PLANTATION 6,588.47 +116.68 The initiative provides
FBMSHA 10,152.57 +3.86 600,000 job opportunities with
FBMACE 4,604.00 -22.72 KUALA LUMPUR: Budget 2023 preparation of the budget and the preparation of Budget 2023. an allocation of RM4.8 billion.
TECHNOLOGY 59.38 -0.15 will continue the current encourage the participation of Like last year, the MoF “Among the benchmark of
recovery momentum and focus the public,” he said in the 102nd issued the Public Consultation this initiative is the national
TURNOVER VALUE on structural reforms and Laporan Kewangan Rakyat via Paper on the planned Budget unemployment rate, whereby
1.944 BIL RM1.447 BIL strengthen the country’s Facebook Livestream 2023 policy during the Covid-19 pandemic,
economic resilience, said yesterday. measures to the unemployment rate rose to
Finance Minister Tengku Datuk He said the gather feedback 5.3% in May 2020, but during
5 MOST ACTIVES Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz Budget 2023 from the public. the transition phase to
July 7, 2022 (pix). process began with “Subsequently, endemicity, the rate fell to 3.9%
the issue of a pre- I and my deputies in April 2022.
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) He said with the theme of Budget statement will go to all states “The government’s
SENFONG 97,593,500 67.5 -7.5 the budget to strengthen on June 3, 2022. for dialogues and unemployment rate target for
MYEG-C2D 86,999,200 1.0 UNCH recovery and facilitate reforms The pre-Budget see for ourselves this year is 4.0%, but it fell to
REACH 70,624,500 4.0 -0.005 towards sustainability of statement was the condition and 3.9%,” he said.
TOPGLOV 68,505,200 101.0 +7.0 economic resilience and well- aimed at ensuring needs of the Meanwhile, he said the
HSI-CJB 50,580,600 70.5 +4.5 being of Keluarga Malaysia, the that the people people to get government will launch 25
government’s focus is still on
the people, businesses and were informed of feedback directly, strategic initiatives under
economy. the government’s for instance, like Budget 2022 in the second half
5 TOP GAINERS priorities for next in the previous of this year.
July 7, 2022 “Even though Budget 2023 year’s budget. The year, the Finance Overall, up to April 2022, a
will only be tabled in the fourth Ministry of Finance (MoF) had Ministry will hold Budget Tour total of 257 out of 282 strategic
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM quarter of thIs year, we have also asked industry associations, Programme to meet the initiatives monitored by the
NESTLE 39,700 133.00 0.90 already started the engagement business chambers and various people,” he added. Budget 2022 Monitoring
KLK 888,700 20.68 0.66 process to collate feedback from non-governmental organisations Commenting on the Committee had started to be
PPB 244,600 15.52 0.24 the people. The government is to make proposals for the Laporan Kewangan Rakyat, implemented, added Tengku
SIMEPLT 5,114,000 4.05 0.22 always committed to continuing government’s consideration in Tengku Zafrul said up to June Zafrul. – Bernama
HARTA 6,320,200 2.80 0.14 to increase transparency in the
5 TOP LOSERS Infineon to invest RM8b to Banks increase
July 7, 2022 build wafer fab module in Kulim rates in wake
of OPR hike
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM KUALA LUMPUR: Semiconductor solutions third facility today to increase the wafer
CARLSBG 38,900 21.82 0.34 provider Infineon will invest more than RM8 fabrication of wide bandgap semiconductors, PETALING JAYA: Public Bank and
PCHEM 11,181,000 8.34 0.31 billion to build a wafer fab module in Kulim, I am pleased to note that Infineon Kulim’s Public Islamic Bank will increase
PMETAL 10,235,200 4.27 0.24 Kedah, adding a significant manufacturing third module will be instrumental in their base rate, base lending
VITROX 511,000 6.74 0.23 capacity in power semiconductors. increasing Malaysia’s position in the global rate/base financing rate by 0.25%
BJFOOD 1,603,700 3.79 0.21 semiconductor supply chain. effective today, in line with Bank
Construction of the module is expected to Negara Malaysia’s Overnight Policy
EXCHANGE RATES JULY 7, 2022 be completed by the third quarter of 2024. “Our collective aim is to establish Malaysia Rate (OPR) hike by 25 basis points
as one of the key partners in global to 2.25%.
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy Infineon Technologies AG COO Dr Rutger semiconductor supply chains,” she said.
Wijburg said Malaysia is an important hub for The banks’ base rate will increase
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD Infineon due to economies of scale already Lim noted that having like-minded global to 2.77% from 2.52% and the base
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.4905 4.3575 4.3475 present in its front-end wafer fab partners like Infineon will strengthen lending rate and base financing rate
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.0610 2.9400 2.9240 manufacturing in Kulim, and back- will go up to 5.97% from 5.72%.
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1950 3.1030 3.0950 end chip manufacturing in Malaysia’s position in global Public Bank’s fixed deposit rates will
1 EURO 3.4400 3.3490 3.3370 Malacca. value chains and its goal be increased by 0.25% across all
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.5780 4.4310 4.4110 to be an advanced tenures, effective the same date.
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.7720 2.6710 2.6550 “When fully manufacturing
1 STERLING POUND 3.1950 3.1030 3.0950 equipped, base in the CIMB Bank Bhd and CIMB
1 SWISS FRANC 5.3600 5.1910 5.1710 products from region, Islamic Bank Bhd will increase their
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.6120 4.5070 4.4920 the new module driven by base rate and fixed deposit/fixed
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 123.6800 117.3000 117.1000 will generate innovation. return income account-i board
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 4.8920 4.5840 4.3840 additional €2 “We are rates. All financing facilities based
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 67.0000 64.5000 billion (RM9 committed to on the base lending rate and base
100 INDIAN RUPEE 57.8300 54.9700 N/A billion) in annual supporting financing rate will be up by 0.25%.
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.7800 5.4200 54.7700 revenue. industry leaders like All changes take effect on July 13.
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0310 0.0281 5.2200
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.3080 3.2050 “As decarbonisation efforts Infineon and we Alliance Bank Malaysia Bhd will
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.1000 0.0231 gain momentum globally, demand from appreciate the trust and commitment you raise its base rate, base lending
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.2000 N/A 3.1950 electric vehicles, charging and storage have shown throughout your valued rate, and base financing rate by 25
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.1600 2.0600 infrastructures, and renewable energy for presence in Malaysia.” she added. basis points effective July 13, 2022
100 SAUDI RIYAL 124.1400 7.6900 N/A wide band gap power semiconductors is The electrical and electronics (E&E) as well. The bank’s base rate will be
100THAI BAHT 120.9500 117.8500 1.8600 growing and we are prepared to support the industry contributes significantly to adjusted from 2.82% to 3.07% per
12.9400 114.8200 7.4900 demand,” he said. Malaysia’s GDP growth, export earnings, annum, and base lending rate and
11.4800 117.6500 investment and employment, and plays a base financing rate from 5.67% to
114.6200 Meanwhile, Malaysian Investment vital role in the country’s industrial 5.92%. The bank will also adjust its
11.0800 Development Authority deputy CEO development. fixed deposit rates upwards on the
(investment development) Lim Bee Vian said In the first quarter of 2022 alone, Malaysia same effective date. Interest rates
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama Malaysia is fortunate to have long-term and attracted RM18.6 billion (US$4.4 billion) in for basic savings account, children
committed industry partners, including approved investments for the E&E industry, savings account and senior savers
Infineon, which have been instrumental in among the top performing industries in the account, and Alliance Saveplus
bringing growth to Malaysia’s semiconductor period of January to March 2022 for the account will also be raised.
industry. manufacturing sector. – Bernama
“As we revel in the announcement for the
PETALING JAYA: Bursa Malaysia Bhd has
appointed Tan Sri Abdul Farid Alias as an
independent non-executive director to its
board of directors line-up, effective today.
Prior to his appointment, Farid was the
executive director/group president and
CEO of Malayan Banking Bhd from August
2013 to April 2022. A seasoned chartered
banker, Farid brings to the board over 30
years of investment banking and capital
markets credentials.
From left: HLIB head of equity markets Phang Siew Loong, co-head of corporate finance Shim Choon Lim, Seng Fong directors Lim See Tow, Jimmy Er SIAB SECURES RM89.5M
Tzer Nam and E Tak Bin, managing director Er Hock Lai, Kok Yee, HLIB group managing director and CEO Lee Jim Leng, Seng Fong directors Lim May BUILDING JOB IN KLANG
Wan and Chong Yeaw Kiong at the listing ceremony.
PETALING JAYA: Siab Holdings Bhd wholly
Seng Fong makes flat owned subsidiary Siab (M) Sdn Bhd has
debut on Main Market secured an RM89.57 million contract from
SDM Assets I Sdn Bhd to construct an
o Rubber processor and trader plans to distribute at least system units and RM4.2 million for listing industrial building located in Klang,
50% of annual net profit as dividend to shareholders, says expenses. Selangor. Siab is contracted to build a two-
chairman storey warehouse with office space on the
Additionally, the installation of the solar mezzanine level, an electrical substation,
KUALA LUMPUR: Rubber processor and “Building a sustainable business also system is estimated to achieve cost-savings of guard house, common facilities (including
trader Seng Fong Holdings Bhd made a flat requires the support of our shareholders. about RM2.6 million per annum from prayer rooms, dining area and waste
debut on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Thus, we intend to distribute at least 50% of electricity costs and a further RM3.5 million chamber), tank house and pump, and M&E
Securities Bhd yesterday, opening at 75 sen, our annual net profit as dividend to per annum from diesel costs through the area. The project is expected to be
the same as its initial public offering (IPO) shareholders, subject to the approval of the installation of the biomass system. completed within 12 months from the
price. board of directors and shareholders,” Ng said commencement date. Siab group
in a statement. For the financial year ended June 30 2021, managing director Ng Wai Hoe said: “We
The stock closed at 67.5 sen. It was the the company’s export market share of block remain optimistic of our outlook given our
most active stock with a total of 97.59 million The demand for block rubber is driven by rubber stood at 11.8% based on its export strategic approach on expanding our
shares changing hands. the automotive industry with about 70% of output of 121,404 metric tonnes (MTS) order book and improving our operational
global natural rubber being used for tyre against the country’s total export volume for efficiency through utilisation of the
Its chairman Ng Ah Bah @ Kok Yee manufacturing. Going forward, the global block rubber of 1.03 million MTS in 2021. Its proceeds raised from the IPO. Coupled
highlighted that the listing provides the vehicle sector is anticipated to grow at a five- revenue is almost entirely derived from with the recovery of the Malaysian
company the opportunity to realise its year (2021 to 2025) compound annual growth exports, with the primary markets being economy and pent-up demand for
immediate objectives as well as investing in rate (CAGR) of 7.03% to 105 million units. China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. properties, we should be able to secure
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) more contracts this year. Siab will continue
initiatives. Seng Fong is raising RM68.1 million from The company said the block rubber which to actively partake in project tendering to
the IPO. From the proceeds, RM19.7 million it produces, are sold directly to end-user ensure that we seize the opportunity
“Going forward, we will be well-positioned has been allocated for working capital customers where the majority are tyre arising from the recovery of the
to capture opportunities arising from the requirements including purchase of raw manufacturers and it is also sold to pandemic.”
increasing demand from our existing materials and the hiring of additional international rubber traders. Meanwhile, the
customers as well as from new customers as workers; RM37.9 million for the repayment of block rubbers which are sourced from MIFB 2022 EXPECTS TO BRING
we ramp up production through the hiring of bank borrowings that include the partial international rubber traders or natural rubber IN US$250M TRADE DEALS
more people for a second shift and funding for the solar system units, RM6.3 processors for trading purposes are sold to
implementing ESG initiatives to make our million to fund the installation of the biomass tyre manufacturers. KUALA LUMPUR: T he ongoing Malaysian
business more sustainable. International Food and Beverages Trade
Upon listing, the company’s has a market Fair 2022 (MIFB 2022) from July 6-8 expects
capitalisation of RM389.22 million. to attract 10,000 visitors and generate total
trade deals of US$250 million (RM1.1
Hong Leong Investment Bank Bhd (HLIB) billion). Organised by Constellar Exhibition
is the principal adviser, underwriter and Malaysia Sdn Bhd, this year’s MIFB is
placement agent for the IPO exercise. themed “Future of Food Business” and
features solutions, technologies and
Raya Airways to lease 4 aircraft from ST Engineering discussions focusing on the current
challenges in the global food supply chain,
KUALA LUMPUR: Raya Airways Sdn Bhd will part of the global supply chain, is expected to Engineering and Airbus. Conversion for the from labour shortages in production and
lease four Airbus narrowbody passenger-to- grow in tandem with the global economy. The first aircraft, an A321, has started at ST services to disruption of global logistics
freighter (P2F) aircraft consisting of two recent industry outlook by the International Engineering’s facility in Singapore with and rise in transportation costs. Speaking
A320P2F and two A321P2F from ST Air Transport Association states that cargo expected delivery in the fourth quarter of 2022. to reporters after the MIFB launch
Engineering’s aviation asset management volumes are expected to set a record high of ceremony, event director Henri Tan said
business. 68.4 million tonnes in 2022 with cargo Raya Airways chief commercial officer MD MIFB has played a significant role in
revenues expected to account for US$191 Hidayat Rahim said the added payload shaping the future of the food and
Raya Airways group managing director billion (RM845 billion) of industry revenues,” capacity will enable the company to add major agriculture industry in the region for over
Mohamad Najib Ishak said with the he said. routes and expand its footprint in the region. 20 years. The three-day fair which is
introduction of the A320P2Fs and A321P2Fs supported by the Malaysia Convention &
into its fleet, the company is able to scale up The four freighter aircraft for Raya Airways “Once converted, each A321P2F will offer Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), is participated
operational capacity to meet the growing will be converted under the A320/A321P2F 27 tonnes while each A320P2F will offer 21 by over 200 exhibitors from 22 countries
demand. programme of Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW), tonnes, effectively increasing Raya Airways and regions including South Korea, Turkiye,
which is the joint venture between ST combined payload by up to 96 tonnes,” he Peru, Sri Lanka, Poland, and India. –
“The air cargo industry, being an integral added. Bernama
PETALING JAYA: Manulife Malaysia has
launched two new plans, Elite Income 88
and Elite Max 88 under the Elite 88 series
which offer customers opportunities to
grow their savings, while providing
protection and insurance coverage for
death, total and permanent disability,
and accidental death. The Elite 88 series
is underwritten by Manulife Insurance
Malaysia, Turkey to expedite completion of talks on MFTA expansion Bhd and distributed by its bancassurance
partner, Alliance Bank Malaysia Bhd.
Manulife Malaysia group CEO Vibha
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia and Turkey have statement yesterday. Miti said both countries had also agreed Coburn said the Elite 88 series is
committed to continue to work expeditiously In committing to fast-track the completion that they should optimise and utilise the tariff intended to support Malaysians in
to accelerate the completion of negotiations concessions made available under the growing their savings. The Elite Income
on the expansion of the Malaysia-Turkey Free of negotiations, Miti said both countries MTFTA. 88 and Elite Max 88 come with benefits
Trade Agreement (MTFTA) as soon as acknowledged that such an expansion offers and features that meet the needs of, our
possible, says the Ministry of International immense opportunities for Malaysia and “Malaysia, through Malaysia External customers, particularly those in their 40s,
Trade And Industry (Miti). Turkey to enjoy and optimise their respective Trade Development Corporation, has offered 50s, and 60s. Elite Income 88 provides
trade balance. to embark on technical cooperation and annual Guaranteed Cash Payment during
Miti said that included the commitment capacity-building activities with the relevant the first 15 policy years, while Elite Max
for concessions in respect of trade in services, As such, it said Turkey is welcomed to use trade authorities in Turkey to further enhance 88 provides a total return proposition.
e-commerce, and investment. Malaysia as a hub for greater market access trade performance,” it said. Both plans come with easy enrolment
penetration into the world’s largest FTA, such with no medical and financial
“This was the highlight of the outcomes of as the Regional Comprehensive Economic It added that the expanded MTFTA underwriting requirement for
the bilateral meeting between Senior Miti Partnership (RCEP) with the member package would also facilitate the movement application up to a face amount of
Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali and countries accounting for a third of the world’s of professionals and skilled workers to supply RM800,000 per life.
Turkish Trade Minister Mehmet Mus in population and global gross domestic their services in both Turkish and Malaysian
Istanbul on Wednesday,” Miti said in a product (GDP). markets. – Bernama
/thesundaily 11theSUN ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022
M’sian aviation industry CIMB Bank to
continues steady recovery streamline
oPassenger traffic in Q1 rises to 8.7 million, up in December 2021 that passenger traffic will structure
fivefold from year ago on low base effect: Mavcom increase between 200% and 350% y-o-y,
representing an estimated 32.6 million to 49.0 PETALING JAYA: CIMB Bank Bhd plans to
PETALING JAYA: The local aviation industry is public remains cautious in the face of global million passengers, whereas air cargo traffic is streamline its shareholding structure, which
showing a steady recovery with total conflicts and existing economic uncertainties, expected to rise between 3.9% and 6.7% y-o-y, will result in CIMB Group Sdn Bhd
passenger traffic for the first three months of the commission remains positive that the translating to 21.5 billion to 22.0 billion FTK, as (CIMBG), a wholly owned subsidiary of
the year (Q1,22) increasing fivefold year-on- aviation sector will continue to recover in 2022 both air passenger traffic and air cargo have CIMB Group Holdings Bhd (CIMBGH),
year (y-o-y) to 8.7 million compared with 1.7 with the right measures in place,” he said in a performed within expectations. acquiring all the remaining shares of
million in the same quarter last year on the statement following the release of its bi- 0.0008% in CIMB Bank that it does not
back of low base effect, according to the annual ndustry report, Waypoint. Meanwhile, the commission highlighted a already own for RM1.4 million.
Malaysian Aviation Commission divergence in domestic and international
(Mavcom). The commission reported that total cargo airfare trends since the beginning of the The exercise involves a members’
volume recorded a 5.9% y-o-y increase in Covid-19 pandemic. On average, domestic scheme of arrangement that will be
The passenger segment accounted Q1’22, driven by the return of belly cargo airfares for the economy class in Asean, undertaken with its ordinary shareholders
for 88.8% of total air traffic, driven capacity following the gradual resumption of pursuant to the Malaysian Companies Act
significantly by domestic travellers. As international flights. This translated into a Australia, and China have mostly 2016, and does not involve any arrangement
of May 2022, Malaysia’s year-to-date growth in cargo volume to 5.1 billion in terms been below pre-pandemic levels, with any creditor of CIMB Bank. The scheme
air passenger traffic stood at 16.3 of freight tonne kilometres (FTK), up from 4.8 while international airfares for the is subject to the approval of the ordinary
million, a 574.6% growth compared billion FTK during Q1’21. Further supporting same countries recorded a significant shareholders of CIMB Bank at a court-
with the same period in 2021. this expansion was the solid growth seen hike and have remained above 2019 convened meeting and sanction of the
International air passenger traffic within the e-commerce industry and the levels. scheme by the High Court of Malaya. The
reached 1.0 million in May 2022, the first time electrical and electronics (E&E) sector. scheme provides an opportunity to the
since March 2020. Additionally, as at March 31, 2022, remaining small number of existing non-
On the 2022 air passenger traffic and cargo Mavcom received a total of 22 Air CIMBGH ordinary shareholders of CIMB
Mavcom executive chairman Datuk Seri outlook, Mavcom has maintained its forecast Traffic Right (ATR) applications, of Bank (minority shareholders) to realise their
Saripuddin Kassim said the aviation industry which 21 were approved, representing investment in CIMB Bank at an attractive
has made further progress in recovering from a 95.5% approval rate. Of that, 13 ATR were premium and valuation.
the Covid-19 pandemic following the easing of allocated for international routes, and the
travel restrictions in Malaysia, as indicated by remaining eight ATR for domestic routes, half “CIMB Bank has appointed an
the increase in total passenger traffic in early of which were awarded to SKS Airways, one of independent valuer to opine on the offer
2022. the newest airlines in Malaysia. price to ensure the fairness of the offer price
AirAsia, Malaysia Airlines, M Jets to the minority shareholders. The scheme,
“With the country’s international borders International, and MyJet Xpress received three including the offer price, was arrived at after
having reopened since April 2022, we have ATR each, while both MAB Kargo and taking into consideration the interests and
continued to see an uptick driven by pent-up MASwings received two ATR, followed by needs of CIMB Bank, the minority
demand for travel. While we understand the AirAsia X which was accorded one ATR. shareholders and CIMBGH. Minority
This signifies an encouraging development shareholders who wish to remain indirectly
in the continual recovery of Malaysia’s aviation invested in CIMB Bank may use the cash
industry, Mavcom said. proceeds to acquire the listed shares of
CIMBGH, which are more liquid,” CIMB said
Rising to meet challenges to internal control within organisations in a statement.
PETALING JAYA: The purpose and and preventing fraud (86% locally, 84% The scheme is expected to lead to cost
effectiveness of internal control are being globally) are its top two functions. savings and, in turn, improved earnings for
tested like never before by myriad external CIMB Bank, by way of improving certain
pressures, reveals a survey results report from The poll also shows that most respondents administrative procedures, such as those
ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified – 76% locally, 80% globally - say they agree or relating to maintaining and updating the
Accountants), the Internal Audit Foundation, and strongly agree that they need to apply their records of information on, holding of
IMA (Institute of Management Accountants). internal control framework to non-financial physical shareholders’ meetings with, and
and ESG reporting. dispatching notices and issuance of
Among Malaysian respondents, 62% dividend payments to the minority
highlighted the lack of appropriately skilled In internal control and the transformation of shareholders, as well as dealing with
staff as a significant challenge, compared with entities, the three professional bodies joined unclaimed monies belonging to
50% from global respondents. forces to poll some 2,000 of their global uncontactable minority shareholders and
members to better understand what lies ahead attending to minority shareholders’ queries.
On other touchpoints, perspectives were for internal control. This core part of business
similar to global results, as 42% said operational management achieves important Further, it is expected to improve
technological advances are compromising objectives, improves performance, and builds operational and administrative efficiencies
existing internal controls and 37% said a lack reputation, especially in disruptive and for CIMB Bank. Upon completion of the
of executive emphasis on internal controls uncertain times as entities continue to scheme, certain transactions of the requisite
was also impacting the management of transform using data and technology as drivers. value (being 5% or more based on the
internal control, compared to global findings prescribed percentage ratios under the Main
at 41% and 32% respectively. The findings show that the continued Market Listing Requirements of Bursa
effects of the pandemic, turbulent economic Malaysia Securities Berhad) between CIMB
Respondents were also asked the purpose climate, evolving regulation, and increasing Bank and CIMBG or connected persons to
of internal control in an entity, and both adoption of data and technology are all CIMBG, can be completed in a more efficient
Malaysian and global respondents agreed that presenting organisations with unique manner as they would only require the
minimising risks (87% locally, 88% globally) challenges for their internal control activities. approval of the sole shareholder of CIMB
Bank, which is CIMBG.
The scheme will not have any material
impact to operations and financial standing
of CIMB Bank and the CIMB group of
Petronas Dagangan plans to open 50 Cafe Mesra by year-end
SUBANG JAYA: Petronas Dagangan Bhd launching Makan@Mesra in 2020 which received part of our business and generate a significant a joint venture arrangement with us and they
(PetDag) is planning to expand its non-fuel encouraging response from the people. amount of income, but I cannot put an exact are in about 160 of our stores now, but we do
portfolio in the food and beverage (F&B) number on it at this moment. not see them as mutually exclusive, they have
business, aiming to open 50 Cafe Mesra at “Now that we are transitioning to the got very different positioning of their brands.
Petronas stations nationwide by year-end. endemic phase, we are ready to take this “We expect a large outlet to contribute about
venture to the next level by introducing Cafe a third of the total stores’ sales and it varies “We are trying to find the middle ground by
PetDag’s vice-president and managing Mesra, our very own cafe that further significantly,” he said. focusing on Malaysian food and cuisines,” he
director/CEO, Azrul Osman Rani, said the complements our customers’ lifestyle,” he said said.
opening of Cafe Mesra marked another in his welcome remarks at the launch of Cafe Cruddas shared that the group aspires to
milestone for the group in the retail space, Mesra here yesterday. open up at least 500 cafes at Petronas stations For Cafe Mesra, Cruddas said, the company
adding that, currently, the cafes are located at nationwide over the next three to four years. decided to take a distinctive approach by
12 Petronas stations around the Klang Valley Mesra Retail and Cafe Sdn Bhd (Mesra) CEO focusing on ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook
and Bandar Baru Nilai, Negri Sembilan. Ian Malcolm Cruddas told Bernama the group He said, currently, all Cafe Mesra are food, as well as offering Cafe Mesra’s unique
has allocated capital expenditure of between company-owned and operated, and the teams blend of barista coffee.
He noted that in the last two years, the retail RM70,000 and RM100,000 for each Cafe Mesra, are recruited under Mesra. However, the
oil and gas sector experienced several depending on the concept and the size of the cafe. company may consider franchising the “We have got a very clear objective for Cafe
disruptions, and the company had not been business to some of its dealers. Mesra, as we want to be one of the market
spared from being affected by the challenges. The allocation for each cafe depends on leaders in the coffee business. Over time, we
whether it is a drive-through, a kiosk or a On Mesra’s partnership with other franchise will expand our food variety, so that will
Nonetheless, the company continued to seize customised store, with sizes ranging from 300 cafes such as Starbuck and Tealive, he said both become the place to get your meals, whether for
new opportunities to grow its business in the F&B sq ft to 1,500 sq ft. are very important partners for the company. lunch or a takeaway for dinner,” he added. –
space, innovating its offerings and consequently Bernama
“We expect the cafes to be a considerable “Starbucks is a good important partner and
they are now in over 20 of our stores. Tealive has
BRIEFS12 theSUN ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022 China IPO applications
SUNBIZ jump as Covid curbs ease
CHANGI AIRPORT RECEIVES SHANGHAI: A spike in listing o Massive demand makes the country a the total number of IPO hopefuls in the
SUSTAINABLE AVIATION applications from Chinese companies bright spot for bankers as equity offerings pipeline to 933, according to official
FUEL FROM EXXON in June has nearly doubled China’s IPO slow in other markets data.
candidates to almost 1,000, the highest
SINGAPORE: ExxonMobil Corp said in at least three years, potentially In Hong Kong, the US$1.71 billion STAR Market by year end, raising an STAR Market, Shenzhen’s ChiNext
yesterday it has delivered the first making the country a bright spot for (RM7.6 billion) listing next week of estimated US$10 billion in what could and the Beijing Stock Exchange –
sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) cargo bankers as equity offerings slow in Tianqi Lithium is a welcome boost for be China’s biggest float this year. China’s three market places that have
to Changi Airport, as part of a one- other markets. the city’s flagging capital markets but is adopted the US-style registration IPO
year pilot programme to test the new not expected to be a trigger for more Others include Shanghai United system – witnessed a 31% jump in
fuel for planes. The cargo is a blend of The rush was partly due to China’s deals as global financial markets Imaging Healthcare Co’s planned combined listing applications
fossil-based refined jet fuel from easing of Covid curbs last month, remain volatile. US$1.9 billion share sale, and an compared with the same period last
ExxonMobil’s Singapore integrated bankers say. The IPO hopefuls also estimated US$1 billion listing by US- year.
refining and petrochemical complex scrambled to submit their applications The strong pipeline in China blacklisted artificial intelligence (AI)
and SAF supplied by Neste Oil, by June 30 to avoid having to refresh means the country’s IPO market, the company Megvii, according to With Shanghai and Beijing easing
ExxonMobil said in a statement. The them with first-half results and further world’s biggest by fundraising in the exchange filings. Covid restrictions, and the central
oil major was selected in February as delay the process. first half, will keep humming in the government rolling out economic
the fuel supplier for the pilot second half. Shanghai’s STAR Market Investors are also monitoring a stimulus, “I expect China’s economy to
programme launched by the Civil In IPO applications, “financial data was the top bourse in terms of IPO potential IPO revival by Jack Ma’s Ant rebound in the second half, giving a
Aviation Authority of Singapore, has a life of six months, which is why volume globally in the first half of this Group, which sources told Reuters has boost to the IPO market,“ said Felix Fei,
Singapore Airlines and Temasek. The you typically see a rush ahead of June year. received tentative green light from partner at accountancy EY.
fuel was to be delivered to Singapore 30, and Dec 31,“ said a Chinese banker, China’s central leadership.
Airlines and Scoot flights from Changi who declined to be identified as he was Among large upcoming IPOs in In the first half, IPO volume in
Airport starting this month. – Reuters not authorised to talk to the media. China, Swiss agrochemicals group Chinese regulators and stock Shanghai and Shenzhen totalled
Syngenta is widely expected to list on exchanges accepted 444 listing US$46.3 billion, accounting for
XIAOMI SMARTPHONES “In addition, many projects were applications in June alone, bringing roughly half of global IPO proceeds,
THAT ARE MADE IN VIETNAM hampered by the Covid outbreaks with Covid, economic uncertainty,
previously,“ he added, referring to the and rising geopolitical tensions
HANOI: China’s Xiaomi Corp has two-month Covid-19 lockdown of impacting equity deals, according to
produced its first batch of Shanghai that ended on June 1. KPMG. – Reuters
smartphones inVietnam, the company
said yesterday, as it seeks to expand its Shell boosts oil and gas asset value as refining soars
foothold in Southeast Asia.The devices
were produced at a factory in the LONDON: Shell said yesterday said be strong in the quarter but lower macroeconomic environment as US$8.5 billion share buyback
province of Thai Nguyen, north of the it would reverse up to US$4.5 billion than the first quarter of 2022, Shell well as updated energy market programme during the second
capital Hanoi, the company said in an (RM19.9 billion) in writedowns on said. demand and supply fundamentals,“ quarter.
emailed statement. The plant is oil and gas assets after it raised its it said.
operated by Xiaomi’s partner, DBG energy prices outlook following Shell’s indicative refining margin The company said in May it
Technology. Xiaomi said the first batch Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. rose in the second quarter to Shell increased its assumed expects to increase returns to
of its smartphones made in Vietnam US$28.04 per barrel from US$10.23 price for Brent to US$80 a barrel in shareholders in the form of
had been sent to a local distributor, In an update before second a barrel in the first quarter and 2023, up from US$60 in its 2021 dividend and share buybacks in the
adding it would soon export smartphones quarter results on July 28, Shell said US$4.17 a year earlier. annual report. For 2024 and 2025, second “in excess” of its current
to other Southeast Asian markets, its refining margins almost tripled the Brent price was increased to target of 30% of cash from
including Malaysia andThailand. – Reuters over the period, boosted by Oil and gas prices remained US$70 a barrel compared with operations.
recovering global demand from the elevated in the quarter, with US$60. The long-term price was
CHINA, US TRADE TEAMS pandemic, a lack of refining benchmark Brent crude averaging US$65, compared with US$63. Shell’s oil and gas production
AGREE TO MAINTAIN capacity and lower fuel exports about US$114 a barrel. was expected to be up to 2.93
CLOSE COMMUNICATION from Russia. The upgrade will result in post- million barrels of oil equivalent per
“In the second quarter 2022, tax impairment reversals of US$3.5 day in the quarter, its lowest in at
BEIJING: The trade and economic teams Earnings from oil and refined Shell has revised its mid and long- to US$4.5 billion. least seven years, as a result of high
of China and the US agreed to maintain products trading were expected to term oil and gas commodity prices field maintenance. – Reuters
close communication following virtual reflecting the current Shell said it completed its
talks between Chinese Vice-Premier Liu
He and US Treasury Secretary Janet
Yellen, China’s commerce ministry said
yesterday. “China always opposes the
trade protectionism such as the Section
301 investigation and urges the US to
stop introducing new trade sanction
measures,“ the ministry’s spokesman
Shu Jueting told a press conference.
Both teams will strengthen their
communication about macro economic
polices, Shu said. – Reuters
Sri Lanka hikes rates in face of record inflation, despite economic meltdown
COLOMBO: Sri Lankan interest rates food, medicine and fuel, with foreign US$3 billion (RM13.3 billion) extended record in June, with food prices rising similarly raised to 14.5%, the highest
hit their highest level in two decades exchange reserves at a record low. financing programme from the by 80.1%, prompting the central bank to since August, 2001.
yesterday, despite a devastating Meanwhile the economy contracted by International Monetary Fund (IMF) raise rates to address the rise in prices.
economic crisis, as the central bank an annual 1.6% in the first quarter and which would help it unlock other “The Board was of the view that a
sought to dampen record inflation of is forecast to have shrunk more in the bridge financing options to pay for The Sri Lankan central bank further monetary policy tightening
54.6%. second. essential imports. increased its standing lending facility would be necessary to contain any
rate by 100 basis points to 15.5% while build-up of adverse inflation
The country is struggling to pay for Sri Lanka is pushing for a possible Inflation touched a year-on-year the standing deposit facility rate was expectations,“ the CBSL said. – Reuters
13theSUN ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022
COMPANIES ACT 2016 AND COMPANIES ACT 2016 AND THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 2016 Smith unfazed by‘Bazball’ despite their team’s Covid
(Pursuant to Section 439) AND outbreak on the eve of the
IN THE MATTER OF IN THE MATTER OF AUSTRALIA’S Steve Smith said second Test against Australia.
LOGISTICS SDN BHD IN THE MATTER OF SEDIMAS SENDIRIAN BERHAD attacking “Bazball” approach One-day heroes Maheesh
(Co Reg No. 491949-W) SDN BHD GOLDEN SUPPORT SDN. BHD. (In Member’s Voluntary Winding Up) entertaining to watch, but Theekshana and Dunith
(In Members’ Voluntary (Co Reg No. 685490-H) [Registration No. [Registration No.: 198701001439 questioned whether it was Wellalage could be handed Test
(In Members’ Voluntary 199301030015 (284754-K)] sustainable. caps as the hosts bid for a
Liquidation) (IN MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY (160107-T)] comeback in the final Test
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Liquidation) (Incorporated in Malaysia) England have won all four Tests starting Friday on an expected
pursuant to Section 459 of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, WINDING UP) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to under new coach Brendon “Baz” turner at Galle.
the Companies Act 2016, that pursuant to Section 459 of At a Meeting of Members of the Section 439(2) of the Companies Act 2016, McCullum and skipper Ben Stokes
a Final Meeting of the above the Companies Act 2016, that above-named Company duly the special resolution set out below was with a fearless new mentality, Batting all-rounder
named Company will be a Final Meeting of the above convened and held at 50-1, 52-1 duly passed by the Member of SEDIMAS including thrashing India on Dhananjaya de Silva, leg-spinner
held at Falcon Management named Company will be & 54-1, Jalan BPM 2, Taman Bukit SENDIRIAN BERHAD [Registration No.: Tuesday. Jeffrey Vandersay and fast bowler
Services Sdn. Bhd., B-5-4, held at Falcon Management Piatu Mutiara, 75150 Melaka on 7 198701001439 (160107-T)] on the 1st day Asitha Fernando were the latest
Block B, Megan Avenue 1, Services Sdn. Bhd., B-5-4, July 2022, the special resolution of July, 2022:- “I’ve watched a little bit of it, it’s to get the virus after left-arm
189, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Block B, Megan Avenue 1, set out below was duly passed: SPECIAL RESOLUTION certainly been entertaining, they’re spinner Praveen Jayawickrama
Kuala Lumpur on 10 August 189, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 “Resolved that the Company be MEMBER’S VOLUNTARY WINDING UP coming out playing their shots,” was ruled out on Tuesday.
2022 at 10.00 a.m. for the Kuala Lumpur on 10 August wound up voluntarily and that Miss AND APPOINTMENT OF LIQUIDATOR Smith said ahead of Australia’s
purpose of having an account 2022 at 10.00 a.m. for the Lim Li Fang (MAICSA 7012923) That the Company be wound up voluntarily second Test against Sri Lanka “That’s really tough,”
laid before the members, purpose of having an account (SSM Practicing Certificate and that Mr. Christopher Chong Lye Sun starting today (12.30pm in Karunaratne told reporters. “We
showing the manner, in laid before the members, No. 201908001228), Chartered [NRIC No.: 670302-07-5327] of service Malaysia). were planning for the match two
which the winding up has showing the manner, in Secretary of KLCA Corporate address at 17.01, Menara Boustead days earlier but it’s not easy
been conducted and the which the winding up has Services Sdn. Bhd., 50-1, 52-1 & Penang, 39, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, “Even someone like Alex Lees when you are not able to finalise
property of the company been conducted and the 54-1, Jalan BPM 2, Taman Bukit 10050 George Town, Pulau Pinang be started to come down the wicket a proper XI, it’s not easy as
disposed of, and of hearing property of the company Piatu Mutiara, 75150 Melaka and is hereby appointed as Liquidator when he was on nothing really to captain.”
any explanation that may be disposed of, and of hearing be and is hereby appointed as of the Company for the purpose of such play the way he played (against
given by the liquidators. any explanation that may be liquidator for the purpose of such winding up and that pursuant to Section India),” he told reporters. The team will undergo
A member entitled to attend given by the liquidators. winding up.” 456 and 457 of the Companies Act 2016, another round of testing before
and vote at the above A member entitled to attend Date: 7 July 2022 the Liquidator may exercise all his powers Having tongue-in-cheek Karunaratne gets down to
meeting may appoint a proxy and vote at the above CHIONG MOI and duties. shouted “Bazball” before whacking finalise the XI but the captain
to attend and vote instead meeting may appoint a proxy CHAIRMAN That the Liquidator be and is hereby a shot in an earlier net session, believes Theekshana could
of him. A proxy need not be to attend and vote instead authorised to distribute either in Smith said he was “intrigued to see replace de Silva.
a member of the Company. of him. A proxy need not be IN THE MATTER OF cash, specie or in kind amongst the how long it lasts, if it’s sustainable.
Proxies to be used at the a member of the Company. THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 contributories, the assets of the Company Mo hints at retirement
meeting must be lodged not Proxies to be used at the in accordance with their respective rights “If you come on a wicket that’s
later than 48 hours before the meeting must be lodged not AND and interests therein. got some grass and Josh Mo Farah. – REUTERSPIX
date of the meeting. later than 48 hours before the IN THE MATTER OF That the Liquidator, his employees, Hazlewood, (Pat) Cummins and SIR MO FARAH has cast doubt
Lee Chee Hong date of the meeting. GOLDEN SUPPORT SDN. BHD. servants and/or agents be hereby (Mitchell) Starc are rolling in at you. over his long-term racing future
Liquidators Lee Chee Hong [Registration No. indemnified by the Company against any Is it going to be the same? We’ll see and insisted he will know when
Dated this 08 July 2022 Liquidators 199301030015 (284754-K)] actions, proceedings, liabilities, claims, what happens.” to quit.
Dated this 08 July 2022 (IN MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY demands, losses, damages, charges, costs
IN THE MATTER OF and expenses of whatever nature, including Dhawan named The four-time Olympic
THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET DI Star Wood Furniture Sdn. Bhd. WINDING UP) legal fees incurred in or sustained by them India captain champion will run the London
(Pursuant to Section 439) KUALA KUBU BHARU 201001019256 (902965-V) - Notice is hereby given that the directly or indirectly in the execution and Marathon in October, a month
In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation creditors of the above-named discharge of the duty as Liquidator and in OPENER Shikhar Dhawan will lead after competing in the Big Half
AND DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Special Company, which is being wound relation thereto. India in three one-day in the capital.
IN THE MATTER OF EHSAN, MALAYSIA Resolution set out below was duly passed by up voluntarily are required on or Dated this 8th day of July, 2022 internationals in West Indies later
SRIKOTA AWANA SDN. BHD. GUAMAN SIVIL NO: the members of the Company on 1 July 2022: before the 10 August 2022 to send Lim Beng Tiat this month with Ravindra Jadeja They are his only races left
[Registration No. The Company be wound up voluntarily in their names and addresses with Director named deputy in the squad this year after he was beaten by
200201022512 (590175-U)] BF-A72NCvC-28-04/2022 pursuant to Section 439(1)(b) of the particulars of their debts or claims IN THE MATTER OF COMPANIES ACT announced yesterday. shop assistant Ellis Cross at the
(IN MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY Companies Act 2016 (the “Act”) and that and the names and addresses Vitality 10k in London in May.
Antara Teoh Lye Huat of Sirius Corporate Services of their solicitors (if any) to the 2016 Top names including all-format
WINDING UP) MAJLIS PERBANDARAN HULU SELANGOR 199303033572 (JM0192213-D), 28A Jalan undersigned, and if so required are AND captain Rohit Sharma, star batsman Farah insists he still has the
At a Meeting of Members of the (dahulunya dikenali sebagai MAJLIS Serampang, 80050 Johor Bahru, Johor be to come in and prove their debts or IN THE MATTER OF Virat Kohli and fast bowler Jasprit desire to compete but conceded
above-named Company duly DAERAH HULU SELANGOR) appointed as Liquidator of the Company for claims as shall be specified or in SEDIMAS SENDIRIAN BERHAD Bumrah have been rested and are he will only know if he can still
convened and held at 50-1, 52-1 the purpose of the Winding Up with such default will be excluded from the (In Member’s Voluntary Winding Up) not part of the 16-member touring match the best after London.
& 54-1, Jalan BPM 2, Taman Bukit ...PLAINTIF powers as are conferred by Section 456 of benefit of any distribution made [Registration No.: 198701001439 group.
Piatu Mutiara, 75150 Melaka on 7 Dan the Act before such proof. (160107-T)] He said: “When I line up I
July 2022, the special resolution Dated this 8 July 2022 Date: 7 July 2022 (Incorporated in Malaysia) The three matches will be always want to do my best, no
set out below was duly passed: JAMIYAH BINTI ITAM Shaji George, Chairperson of proceedings LIM LI FANG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the played at Port of Spain on July 22, matter what kind of race it is.
“Resolved that the Company be (NO. K/P: 670616-08-5456) Star Wood Furniture Sdn. Bhd. LIQUIDATOR Creditors of SEDIMAS SENDIRIAN BERHAD 24 and 27, followed by five Sometimes your body doesn’t
wound up voluntarily and that Miss 201001019256 (902965-V) - 50-1, 52-1 & 54-1, Jalan BPM 2, [Registration No.: 198701001439 (160107- Twenty20 internationals. allow you, I am getting on a bit.
Lim Li Fang (MAICSA 7012923) …DEFENDAN In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation Taman Bukit Piatu Mutiara, T)] which is being wound-up voluntarily, are Do I still have the hunger, am I
(SSM Practicing Certificate NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the creditors of 75150 Melaka. required on or before the 8th day of August, The left-handed Dhawan, 36, willing to put in the work and
No. 201908001228), Chartered NOTIS PENYAMPAIAN SECARA the above Company, which is being wound up 2022 to send their names and addresses has previously led the team in ODI the miles?
Secretary of KLCA Corporate PENGIKLANAN voluntarily, are required on or before 8 August IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT and particulars of their debts or claims and and T20 matches in Sri Lanka last
Services Sdn. Bhd., 50-1, 52-1 & 2022 to submit particulars of their debts or KUALA LUMPUR the names and addresses of their solicitors year. “Yes. I’ve been putting in
54-1, Jalan BPM 2, Taman Bukit Kepada, claims in prescribed forms to the Liquidator (if any) to the undersigned Liquidator at consistent mileage and I still
Piatu Mutiara, 75150 Melaka at the above registered address for due IN WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN 17.01, Menara Boustead Penang, 39, Jalan During that tour he became the have that fight in me. Until you
be and is hereby appointed as JAMIYAH BINTI ITAM process and adjudication or in default thereof, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA Sultan Ahmad Shah, 10050 George Town, oldest person to captain India in lose it I don’t think I should
liquidator for the purpose of such NO. K/P: 670616-08-5456 their rights to any claims on its assets will be COMPANIES (WINDING-UP) Pulau Pinang, and if so required in writing the 50-over format at the age of 35. think about retiring, but being
winding up.” No. 3 Jalan P14C 2/7, Presint 14 expunged. NO.: WA-28NCC-492-06/2022 from the Liquidator are by their solicitors realistic, can your body do this?
Date: 7 July 2022 62050 Putrajaya Dated this 8 July 2022 In the matter of Seindah Gerimis Sdn. or personally to come in and prove their India will play three T20
CHEN JOON ONN Wilayah Persekutuan Teoh Lye Huat, Liquidator Bhd. (Formerly known as Naza Chery debts or claims at such time and place matches and three ODI games in “I’ve watched tennis and
CHAIRMAN Sdn. Bhd) [Company No.: 200401010728 as shall be specified in such notice or in England before touring the West Andy Murray, the guy still has
JAMIYAH BINTI ITAM IN THE MATTER OF THE (649231-A)]; default thereof they will be excluded from Indies. that fight in him but his body
IN THE MATTER OF NO. K/P: 670616-08-5456 COMPANIES ACT, 2016 the benefit or any distribution made before doesn’t allow him. I’m not
THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 No. D2-21, Jalan Telipot 4, Pangsapuri AND such debts are proved. Australia consider planning four or five races, I’m
Seri Teratai, Bukit Sentosa AND In the matter of Section 465(1)(c) of the Dated this 8th day of July, 2022 Maxwell for second Test planning two races at the
AND 48300 Rawang, Selangor IN THE MATTER OF Companies Act 2016 Christopher Chong Lye Sun minute, then go back and see
SRIKOTA AWANA SDN. BHD. AMBIL PERHATIAN bahawa suatu [199501030089 (359295-A)] BETWEEN remains in Australia’s plans for the
[Registration No. tindakan telah dimulakan terhadap (In Members’ Voluntary SHEIKH MOHD NASARUDIN 322 Notices second Test against Covid-hit Sri “Can my body compete with
200201022512 (590175-U)] kamu di Mahkamah Majistret Kuala [NRIC No.: 830809-14-6307] Lanka on an expected turner at these guys at this level? That’s
(IN MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY Kubu Bharu dalam Guaman Sivil No. Winding UP) DALAM PERKARA AKTA SYARIKAT 2016 Galle, skipper Pat Cummins said the question which will come
BF-A72NCVC-28-04/2022 oleh MAJLIS At a General Meeting of Members of …Petitioner DAN yesterday. afterwards.”
WINDING UP) PERBANDARAN HULU SELANGOR the Company duly convened and held AND
Notice is hereby given that the (dahulunya dikenali sebagai MAJLIS at E10-25, Menara Melawangi, Pusat SEINDAH GERIMIS SDN. BHD. DALAM PERKARA Maxwell, a batsman who bowls
creditors of the above-named DAERAH HULU SELANGOR) yang Perdagangan Amcorp, No. 18, Jalan (Formerly known as Naza Chery SEDIMAS SENDIRIAN BERHAD off-spin, will fight for a place in the
Company, which is being wound beralamat di Jalan Bukit Kerajaan, Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Sdn. Bhd) [Company No.: 200401010728 (Dalam Penggulungan Sukarela team with fast bowler Mitchell
up voluntarily are required on or 44000 Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor Darul Selangor on the 4th day of July, 2022 (649231-A)] Starc as the tourists look to clinch
before the 10 August 2022 to send Ehsan dan Mahkamah ini telah memberi at 11.00a.m. the following Special Anggota) the series in the final match
in their names and addresses with perintah bahawa Writ Saman bertarikh Resolution was duly passed: …Respondent [Nombor Pendaftaran: 198701001439 starting today.
particulars of their debts or claims 21.4.2022 hendaklah dilaksanakan “MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION
and the names and addresses secara penyampaian ganti kepada WINDING-UP OF THE COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that a petition (160107-T)] Cummins said he will announce
of their solicitors (if any) to the Defendan dengan menampalkan That, the Company be wound up for the winding-up of the above-named (Diperbadankan di Malaysia) the XI at the toss.
undersigned, and if so required are satu salinan perintah ini pada papan voluntarily pursuant to Section 439(1) company by the High Court of Kuala Notis dengan ini diberikan bahawa menurut
to come in and prove their debts or kenyataan di Mahkamah Majistret, of the Companies Act, 2016 and that Lumpur was, on the 17th day of June Seksyen 439(2) Akta Syarikat 2016, “Same 12 (as in the last match),
claims as shall be specified or in Kuala Kubu Bharu, menampalkan satu Ms. Tang Yin Kham (NRIC No. 510610- 2022, presented by the said individual, ketetapan khas berikut telah diluluskan we are going to have a look at the
default will be excluded from the salinan perintah ini pada alamat terakhir 07-5414) be appointed as Liquidator Sheikh Mohd Nasarudin and that the oleh anggota SEDIMAS SENDIRIAN BERHAD wicket today, maybe in the
benefit of any distribution made Defendan yang diketahui dan juga secara for the purpose of such winding up.” said petition is directed to be heard [Nombor Pendaftaran: 198701001439 morning as well and see what they
before such proof. menyiarkan sesalinan Notis Periklanan LIM CHIN KEONG before the Court sitting at the High (160107-T)] pada 1hb Julai 2022: end up doing with it,” Cummins
Date: 7 July 2022 untuk sekali sahaja di suratkhabar Director Court of Kuala Lumpur, Insolvency Court, Bahawa syarikat digulung secara sukarela told reporters.
LIM LI FANG tempatan dan bahawa penyampaian Dated this 8th day of July, 2022 Level 5, Left Wing at 9.00 o’clock on dan bahawa Encik Christopher Chong
LIQUIDATOR sedemikian hendaklah menjadi satu NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Wednesday, the 8th day of February, Lye Sun [NRIC No.: 670302-07-5327] “The wicket may be different to
50-1, 52-1 & 54-1, Jalan BPM 2, penyampaian yang sempurna dan cukup Creditors of the Company which 2023; and any creditor or contributory yang beralamat servis di 17.01, Menara last week,” he said. “Last week we
Taman Bukit Piatu Mutiara, dalam tempoh empat belas (14) hari is being voluntarily wound up, are of the said company desiring to support Boustead Penang, 39, Jalan Sultan Ahmad probably didn’t need two quicks
75150 Melaka. dari tarikh akhir penampalan dokumen required on or before 8th day of or oppose the making of an order on the Shah, 10050 George Town, Pulau Pinang but we know Mitchell Starc’s class,
tersebut dan pengiklanan notis tersebut August, 2022 to send their names and said petition may appear at the time of dengan ini dilantik sebagai pelikuidasi so wait and see.”
CALL mengikut yang mana lebih lewat. addresses and the particulars of their hearing by himself or his counsel for that syarikat bagi tujuan penggulungan
TO PLACE debts or claims and the names and purpose and a copy of the petition will be yang sedemikian dan bahawa menurut Theekshana in line
CLASSIFIED ADS Jika kamu berhasrat untuk membela addresses of their solicitors (if any) furnished to any creditor or contributory Seksyen 456 dan 457 Akta Syarikat 2016, for Test debut
dalam tindakan tersebut kamu mestilah to the undersigned, the Liquidator of the said company requiring the same pelikuidasi boleh melaksanakan semua
MS. SHOBA dalam masa empat belas (14) hari dari of the Company, and, if so required by the undersigned on payment of the kuasa dan tanggungjawab beliau. DIMUTH KARUNARATNE said
penampalan dan penyiaran pengiklanan in writing from the Liquidator, are, by regulated charge for the same. Bahawa pelikuidasi dengan ini diberi kuasa yesterday he hopes Sri Lanka’s
T 03 7784 8888 ini, memfailkan Memorandum their solicitors or personally, to come in The Petitioner’s address is at No. untuk mengagihkan aset-aset syarikat
F 03 7784 4424 Kehadiran. Kegagalan kamu untuk and prove their debts or claims at the 2A, Lorong Tinggian Tunku, Bukit sama ada dalam bentuk wang tunai atau
berbuat demikian boleh menyebabkan Liquidator’s office of 184A, Jalan Raja Tunku, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah berupa barangan kepada penyumbang
Penghakiman Ingkar boleh diberikan Uda, 12300 Butterworth, Penang, or in Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. mengikut hak dan kepentingan syarikat
terhadap kamu. default thereof they will be excluded The Petitioner’s solicitors is Messrs yang berkaitan di sini.
from the benefits of any distribution Eunice Derek & Co., with an address Bahawa pelikuidasi, kakitangan, pekerja
Bertarikh pada 8 haribulan Julai 2022. made before such debts and claims for service at Suite B-06-02, 6th Floor, dan/atau ejen-ejennya dengan ini
are proved. Gateway Corporate Suites, No.1 Jalan ditanggung rugi sepenuhnya oleh syarikat
t.t. TANG YIN KHAM Desa Kiara, 50480 Mont Kiara, Kuala daripada sebarang tindakan, prosiding,
…………………………… Liquidator Lumpur. liabiliti, tuntutan, permintaan, kerugian,
Peguamcara bagi pihak Plaintif Dated this 8th day of July, 2022 Dated this 30th day of June, 2022. kemusnahan, caj, kos dan perbelanjaan
Law Practice of K.A. Ramu dalam sebarang bentuk, termasuklah fi
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Bertarikh 8hb Julai 2022
Christopher Chong Lye Sun
Pelikuidasi Syarikat
14 theSUN ON FRIDAY | JULY 8, 2022 Nadal defies injury
mesmerising five-set recovery from a Spaniard to face Kyrgios as
SHORTS potentially tournament-ending injury Halep, Rybakina make semis
McIlroy calls for peace talks yesterday to reach an eighth
Wimbledon semifinal, where he will take on The world No. 4 was seen with tape on his
RORY MCILROY said the PGA Tour and DP Australian firebrand Nick Kyrgios.
World Tour should hold talks with the Saudi- Second seed Nadal, the 2008 and 2010 abdomen in his previous match against Botic van de
funded LIV Golf series as the escalating champion, defeated Taylor Fritz of the United Zandschulp but brushed off questions about the
tension between the circuits is “splitting the States, 3-6, 7-5, 3-6, 7-5, 7-6 (10-4) in a match strapping as he said he was “tired” of always having
game”. lasting four hours and 21 minutes. to discuss a new injury.
LEE WESTWOOD, Ian Poulter, Phil Kyrgios reached his first Grand Slam Asked whether he’d be able to compete in
Mickelson and Dustin Johnson are among a semifinal by racing to a 6-4, 6-3, 7-6 (7- the next round, the Spaniard said: “I can’t
number of top players who have joined the 5) win over Cristian Garin of Chile. give you a clear answer because if I give
lucrative series, which brought suspensions Nadal, a 22-time Grand you a clear answer and another thing
and fines from the US-based and European Slam champion, suffered tomorrow happens, I will be a liar.”
tours. from an abdominal There wasn’t much the physio
problem that forced had been able to do in his off-court
Four-times major winner McIlroy has him to take a medical timeout, reiterating that he
been one of the most outspoken critics of medical timeout in was unsure on his future at the
the breakaway circuit but said now was the the middle of the tournament.
time to find common ground. second set. “They can’t do much, honestly, no.
He looked in Doctor came, give me some
“That needs to happen,” McIlroy told BBC discomfort for significant antiinflammatories. Well,
Sport when asked whether peace talks parts of the match but came out antiinflammatories and analgesic, no? And
should take place. “I wish it hadn’t got that on top as he kept his bid alive for the first that’s it,” he said.
messy… In hindsight there were probably men’s calendar Grand Slam since 1969. “The physio just tried to relax a little bit the
steps that were missed that wouldn’t have “For a lot of moments I was thinking muscle there. But it’s difficult. Nothing can be fixed
made it as messy. I would not be able to finish the match when you have a thing like this.”
but the crowd, the energy, thanks Kyrgios earlier said he had given his “best
“Everyone has to pivot and change and for that,” said the Spaniard. performance”, shrugging off an impending court
try to be better and hopefully get to that “I honestly enjoy a lot case, in which he faces an allegation of assault.
stage but… all the narrative isn’t good. It’s playing these kind of “It didn’t really affect my preparation at all,” said
splitting the game instead of everyone matches in front of you the 27-year-old of his Canberra court date next
coming together.” guys. I can’t thank you month.
enough for the support.” “I knew I stayed true to myself and gave my best
McIlroy highlighted the increased prize He has now refused to performance today.”
money on offer on the Ladies European Tour commit to playing his next Kyrgios, who shot to fame when he defeated
thanks to sponsorship from the Saudi state- match as he awaits further tests Nadal at the tournament as a 144th-ranked wild
owned energy giant Aramco, which is also a and scans. “I had these feelings card eight years ago, is the first Australian man into
global partner of Formula One. for a couple of days but the semifinals since Lleyton Hewitt in 2005.
without a doubt today was He last made a Slam quarterfinal seven years ago
“There’s so much chat about where the the worst day,” he said of in Australia. He admitted yesterday that he thought
money is coming from, Saudi and his injury in his his chance had gone.
everything else. They sponsor so many other abdomen. “There was a point where I was almost done with
things. They are all over sport,” he said. “Have been an the sport. I thought my ship had sailed,” he said.
important increase “But I’m sitting here, a semifinalist at
“I understand people’s reservations with of pain and Wimbledon. It’s a special accomplishment. I feel
things but at the same time, if these people Simona Halep in action limitation. I like I don’t want to stop here.”
are serious about investing billions of dollars during her quarterfinal managed to win that Defending champion Novak Djokovic and
into golf, I think ultimately that’s a good match against Amanda match but we’ll see what’s Britain’s Cameron Norrie will meet in the other
thing but it has to be done the right way.” Anisimova. – REUTERSPIX going on tomorrow.” men’s semifinal. – AFP/The Independent
Shanghai tournaments Max aims to hit back with home win for Red Bull
cancelled again
FORMULA ONE championship He has won four times in Verstappen won the our cars ready for the challenge
THE World Golf Championships-HSBC leader Max Verstappen will be Austria – three in the only other Sprint so far this and present ourselves as a strong
Champions event and the LPGA chasing his fourth Austrian Grand Austrian Grand Prix and the year, at Italy’s Imola in April. team and a strong unit.”
tournament in Shanghai, both scheduled Prix victory in five years on Sunday fourth in last year’s Styrian
for October, have been cancelled for a third as Red Bull seek to return to the Grand Prix at the same Leclerc, fuming after Mercedes have won at the Red
consecutive year because of Covid-19 top of the podium at their home track. Ferrari kept him out on old Bull Ring five times since the venue
restrictions in China, officials said yesterday. race. tyres behind the safety car returned to the calendar in 2014.
Verstappen is 34 points at Silverstone in a move
The WGC event was due to be played The team, belonging to the clear of Mexican teammate that dropped him from first At Silverstone, they appeared to
from Oct 27-30 at Sheshan International Austrian energy drinks Sergio Perez and 43 ahead to fourth, will be especially have made a big improvement to
while the LPGA event was scheduled for manufacturer that also owns the of Ferrari rival Charles fired up to beat Verstappen. their difficult 2022 car, with Lewis
Oct 13-16 at the Qizhong Garden Golf Club. Red Bull Ring, had a run of six Leclerc, with Austria the Hamilton hunting down the
consecutive wins ended by Ferrari’s halfway point of the 22-race He lost a wheel-banging Ferraris in pursuit of a record-
“We have worked with all Tours, as well Carlos Sainz at last weekend’s season. battle for the lead against extending 104th win.
as the China Golf Association, on the British Grand Prix. the Dutchman in the
viability of hosting the WGC-HSBC Buoyed up by his army closing stages of the race in The Briton finished third and,
Champions this fall, but unfortunately the It was a first win for the of orange-clad fans, the 24-year-old 2019 and needs a win to rein in his while Red Bull and Ferrari still hold
logistical implications forced the difficult Spaniard, with Verstappen only will be favourite to win again rival. the edge on outright pace,
decision to cancel the event,” said PGA Tour seventh after his car was damaged around the undulating layout, with “There are three more Mercedes will once again be
Senior Vice President, International, by debris from sister team the weekend running to the Sprint challenging races coming up hoping to put their cars in the fight.
Christian Hardy. AlphaTauri. format. before the summer break and, as
Silverstone showed again, each “Overall it was a pleasing result
As a result, the Bermuda Championship That cost the Dutch driver, who That means a race tomorrow to race this year is absolutely for us,” said the team’s trackside
in the same week at Port Royal Golf Course had led early on, what would have set the starting grid and a unpredictable,” said Ferrari team engineering director Andrew
in Southampton will be played as a stand- been a seventh win of the year but maximum of 34 points available boss Mattia Binotto. Shovlin. “But we need to build on
alone event with full FedExCup points and Spielberg is the ideal place to over the weekend instead of the “We will make sure that we have this performance because we
an elevated purse. bounce back. usual 26. know that we’re not quite quick
enough just yet.” – Reuters
The LPGA said China’s Covid-related
restrictions also meant that their event, Hamilton vows Mercedes ‘back in the fight’
would not go ahead.
FORMULA 1 icon Lewis Hamilton took to However, Mercedes opted to bring behind Red Bull star Sergio Perez.
LIV Golf players branded social media to declare Mercedes are ‘back in Hamilton in on lap 33 and placed him on the Despite his frustrations, he took to Instagram
‘hypocrites and liars’ this fight’ after he finished on the podium at safer harder compound rather than the faster,
the British Grand Prix. less durable soft compound. to thank his fans – and send a classy
SCOTTISH OPEN hopeful Billy Horschel has congratulatory message to Sainz. The Mercedes
lashed out at LIV Golf rebels and insisted they The seven-time world champion also took It appeared Mercedes made an error star said: “P3 in front of the home crowd.
shouldn’t be able to compete on PGA Tour or time to congratulate Carlos Sainz on the win regarding the 37-year-old’s strategy as he
DP World Tour events. after the Ferrari star took the chequered flag failed to nail the undercut in an attempt to “I was chasing that win and came close, it
for the first time in his F1 career. pass Ferrari’s pair of Sainz and Charles Leclerc feels good to be back in this fight. What a
With the Scottish Open getting underway thanks to a poor pit stop. With 19 laps drive for @carlossainz55, congrats on that first
at the Renaissance Club in East Lothian Hamilton was in the lead of the race at remaining, Hamilton would later pit again due win. Only happens once, enjoy it.
yesterday – 15 LIV players had been banned Silverstone after he didn’t pit following the to a late Safety Car.
including Ian Poulter – but the Englishman will opening lap restart, and he appeared “Thank you to my team and thank you
now compete after winning the first stage of a comfortable on medium tyres as a potential In the end, Sainz went on to secure his ALWAYS to the fans. You keep me motivated.
legal battle. victory loomed. maiden win while Hamilton secured P3 There’s really NO place like home.” – Express
Horschel has made his stance clear over the
defectors who are being paid a fortune by
Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund.
Horschel said: “They decided to go play on
that tour and they should go play there. They
shouldn’t be coming back over to the DP
World Tour or the PGA Tour.
“To say that they wanted to also support
the DP World or PGA Tour going forward, while
playing the LIV Tour, is completely asinine in
my opinion.
“It’s unfortunate that those guys made their
bed and that’s what they want to do. Leave us
alone, honestly.”
TOUCHLINES ‘It’s coming home’ as Lionesses make perfect start to Euros
ARSENAL are confident of beating JUBILANT England supporters are convinced that Someone gushed: “Not at our sparking generated, as the tournament kicked off with
Manchester United to the £30m signing the side will ‘bring home’ the Euro 2022 trophy. best but 3 points and we’re off an running. more of a whimper than a bang.
of Leicester City’s 25-year-old Belgium Huge crowd, Millie Bright superb, lovely assist
midfielder Youri Tielemans. Three Lions fans roared on the Lionesses from Fran for Beth’s goal. Well played And if England are to go on to be crowned
MANCHESTER UNITED have made a during their win over Austria in the opening everyone.” champions for the first time, Wiegman knows
£51m bid for Ajax’s 22-year-old Brazil match of Group D at Old Trafford. Beth Mead her nervous side will have to produce much
forward Antony, but the Dutch club scored the only goal of the game on 16 minutes A last one wrote: “Sarina Wiegman remains more than this if and when the bigger
are holding out for a fee of £68m. as England got the job done. undefeated leading England, who open the challenges come along.
CHELSEA are preparing a £38m bid for home tournament with a win. With a new
Sporting Lisbon’s 23-year-old Portugal Online, one wrote: “It’s coming home, it’s competition attendance record, what a way The Lionesses had come into this opening
midfielder Matheus Nunes, who is also a coming home…” to set the tone and get a month of women’s Group B clash riding a huge wave of
target for Wolves. football underway!” confidence following the perfect build-up.
BARCELONA are considering Another chimed: “The thing I’m enjoying most
Argentina leftback Nicolas Tagliafico, about this match? Seeing so many children and Indeed, Sarina Wiegman managed to The hosts might have never won a major
29, again in case they cannot sign young people enjoying watching #Lionesses . secure the win despite the game not going as tournament before, but they took on Austria
Spain defender Marcos Alonso, 31, Nobody seems bothered about the gender of the smoothly as some hoped. It’s now a run of 15 on the back of a 14-match unbeaten run since
from Chelsea. players. They’re here to support their country. games that the national side have not lost Wiegman became boss.
EVERTON are set to offer England Something special.” since she took charge in September 2021. The
Under-21 winger Anthony Gordon, 21, a three points puts England top of Group A. It made them one of the favourites to go
new contract to ward off interest from A third said: Lionesses can definitely play on and land the big prize – and not least
Newcastle United. better. Seemed a bit nervy tonight But the performance failed to match the because Wiegman knew what this took,
THE Toffees also have no intention of understandably, but a win is all that matters. More expectation and excitement 68,871 fans had having led Holland to Euros glory five years
selling England striker Dominic to come. ago. – Daily Star
Calvert-Lewin and may offer the 25-
year-old a new deal too. Chelsea set to sign Sterling
ARSENAL are looking to sell seven play-
ers – including Ivory Coast winger and The Blues are keen on De Ligt and preparing low first offer for Ronaldo
club-record signing Nicolas Pepe, 27, CHELSEA are down to the
and German goalkeeper Bernd Leno – final details of a £45 £60m (RM318m) or saw them turn to set for Paris Saint-Germain.
in order to fund spending on further million (RM238,5) move even get close to it. De Ligt in the The club do need to reshuffle
new signings. for Raheem Sterling with Chelsea have first place. the squad, and would listen to
FULHAM are in talks with the a potential of £10m in add-ons. been preparing Nathan offers for Timo Werner, Hakim
Gunners over a deal for the 30-year- alternative Ake is also an Ziyech and Callum Hudson-
old Leno. The attacker expected to go on options, and the option, and Odoi.
LEEDS UNITED have urged Barcelona the pre-season tour to the United signing of Chelsea have Milan’s interest in Ziyech is
to make a final offer for Raphinha this States, but are facing up to Sterling will see previously known, but there is currently a
week as they want the 25-year-old Brazil frustration in a race with Bayern them make a looked at huge gap between the two clubs’
forward’s future resolved as soon as pos- Munich on Juventus’ Matthijs de centre-half the Alessandro valuations.
sible. Ligt. priority. Bastoni and Chelsea are preparing to offer
CRYSTAL PALACE are hopeful of beat- Thomas Milan Skriniar, £14m (RM74m) for Manchester
ing Everton and Nottingham Forest While Sterling has agreed Tuchel has been although the United star Cristiano Ronaldo, it
to the signing of Wolves’22-year-old personal terms and is excited left short by the has been claimed.
English midfielder Morgan Gibbs- about a move back to London departures of former is unlikely That offer is only slightly more
White. with the club, De Ligt is Antonio Rudiger and to leave Inter than what United paid for
PALACE are in talks to sign Swansea’s understood to currently prefer a Andreas Milan, and the Ronaldo a year ago.
English midfielder Flynn Downes, 23, for move to Germany with the Christensen, The Portugal international’s
£8m. Bundesliga champions. latter looks
BUT West Ham are also discussing a
deal for Downes, who was a boyhood Bayern have in the last week which future at Old Trafford is
Hammers fan. stepped up efforts to sign the 22- currently up in the air
TOTTENHAM are closing in on the year-old centre-half, having been amid his desire to play
£15m signing of 21-year-old England given encouragement by his in the Champions
Under-21 fullback Djed Spence from camp. League next term.
Middlesbrough. And a blockbuster
NOTTINGHAM FOREST are hoping to There is a belief that move to Stamford
complete deals for Bayern Munich’s German football may Bridge could be on
English leftback Omar Richards, 24, suit his style more at the cards as a result.
and Liverpool’s 21-year-old Wales this point in his United are
rightback Neco Williams by the week- c a r e e r, waiting to see
end. although they whether he agrees
SOUTHAMPTON are also interested in are naturally to go on the pre-
Williams and hope to beat Forest to the open to Chelsea’s season trip to
defender’s signature. offer. Thailand today, as
CLUB BRUGGE have rejected a bid his absence would
from Leeds for 21-year-old Belgium The London represent the start
midfielder Charles de Ketelaere, who club may be let of an attempt to
would prefer a move to AC Milan. back in, however, strong-arm a
ENGLAND midfielder Jesse Lingard, 29, since Bayern are move. – The
is set to fly to the United States to hold currently Independent
talks with two Major League Soccer reluctant to pay /Express
sides following his release by Juve’s Sterling Newspapers
Manchester United last month. required
ENGLAND’S players will receive a fee of over
£55,000 bonus per player if they win
the Women’s European Sancho’s feelings on No.7 shirt as Ron faces exit
SWEDEN striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic has MANCHESTER UNITED could lose departure of David Beckham to the impression he’d get given the “You do not want an unhappy
taken a wage cut to sign a new one-year Cristiano Ronaldo this summer. Real Madrid. No. 7. player – especially a player of that
deal with Italian champions AC Milan. And, if that happens, then it’s calibre,” he said.
possible Jadon Sancho will end up But, at the time of his return, Sancho had been promised it
£1 = RM5.30 getting the No. 7 jersey. the number was occupied by in 2020 and thought United chiefs “You want him to be happy. If
Edinson Cavani. were still prepared to give him the you are going to work with
With that being the case, it’s jersey they craved most. Ronaldo you know that you are
now time to look back at how the Cavani had donned the jersey going to build your team around
England international feels about during the 2020/2021 season, Except that didn’t happen. him.
the jersey at a time where it could scoring 17 goals across all A year on, it’s now possible
soon be available, once again. competitions and shining as the Sancho will end up getting the No. “But if he is not happy, on the
club reached the final of the 7 in the event that Ronaldo is amount of money that you pay,
Manchester United re-signed Europa League. shown the door. maybe use that for some other
Ronaldo last August, with the Sancho would be the number players and use it within the
forward returning to Old Trafford That summer, Sancho was one contender to take the No. 7 squad.
having previously looked set to actually United’s top transfer shirt at United, something that
join Manchester City. target. could even help get the former “You are not going to be able
Manchester City star back to his to replace him but you can make
Immediately after it was Ole Gunnar Solskjaer had best. the team better in different places.
confirmed the Portugal wanted the England international Yet what ultimately happens
international would be coming in 2020, only for the club to fail to with the jersey, and Ronaldo, is “I think if Ronaldo wants to go,
back for a second crack in agree a fee with Borussia something only time will tell. then you let him go. He is at an
Manchester, speculation over his Dortmund. Regarding Ronaldo, Jimmy- age where maybe he can play one
shirt number arose. Floyd Hasslebaink recently urged more year in the Champions
Sancho did end up moving last United to get rid of the forward – League.
Ronaldo had worn the No. 7 summer instead, for the despite a lack of ready-made
during his first spell at United, discounted fee of £73m. replacements. “So try and get as much money
where he arrived from Sporting for him, sell him and try to build a
Lisbon in 2002 shortly after the And The Athletic said earlier in squad and make the team
the campaign that the England stronger.” – Express Newspapers
international was initially under
There are three more challenging
races coming up before the summer
break and each race this year is absolutely
unpredictable. We will make sure that we have
our cars ready for the challenge and present
ourselves as a strong team and a strong unit.”
Mattia Binotto
LISANDRO MARTINEZ has followed in the footsteps of At the age of 24, Martinez feels ready to make the next step
his teammate Antony by asking Ajax to reduce their in his career and he wants to test himself in the Premier
asking price so he can secure a transfer switch to the League.
Premier League, according to reports in Holland.
The Argentine international is now fearful of being priced But much like Antony, he feels he could be denied the
out of a move to England after the Amsterdam giants chance to fulfil his dream due to Ajax’s steep asking price.
rejected bids from both Manchester United and
Arsenal. Antony has reportedly been the subject of a £51m
Heading into the summer, Martinez was (RM270m) offer from United, although the Dutch media claim
attracting interest from Barcelona and was valued talk of a bid is ‘fake news.’
at close to £25 million (RM132.5m).
But his value has seemingly skyrocketed in Nonetheless, Ajax are keen to demand upwards of £60m
recent weeks, sparking a potential bidding war (RM318m) for the Brazilian, who is itching for a Premier
between the two Premier League clubs. League move to Old Trafford.
United have already been in direct contact with his
representatives but discussions are yet to reach a positive
Copycat Ajax
following the
Martinez footstepsof
his teammate
Antony with
transfer plea
Martinez Ajax feel under no pressure to sell Ajax do not want to entertain a fire sale this summer having
though and feel they have the power to already lost Sebastien Haller to Borussia Dortmund plus Ryan
resist any offers that do not match their Gravenberch and Noussair Mazraoui to Bayern Munich.
valuation – believed to be worth £45m
(RM238.5m). The Dutch champions are also reluctant to lose a crux of
their key players to United and former boss Ten Hag, who is
However, De Telegraaf in Holland now looking to raid his old employers of their most-prized assets.
claim Martinez himself is growing
frustrated with the lack of movement Meanwhile, Barcelona president Joan Laporta insists they
and he has therefore asked Ajax to do not want to sell midfielder Frenkie de Jong despite
Manchester United being poised to clinch a £56m (RM297m)
reduce their asking price. deal.
To date, Ajax have rejected two
United are keen to reunite the 25-year-old with his former
offers from Arsenal with the latest Ajax manager Erik ten Hag following his arrival at Old Trafford
worth an estimated £35m this summer and positive progress has been made in talks with
(RM185.5m). the Catalan club.
United have also seen their However, Laporta insists a player who moved to the Nou
opening proposal worth £40m Camp in 2019 on a five-year contract is not for the sale but the
(RM212m) turned away as they club’s much-publicised financial difficulties mean the
ponder a second offer. possibility still remains.
Martinez is said to favour “He’s a Barcelona player and, unless we are interested in
joining United, where he would selling him in the future, he’s a Barcelona player. We don’t want
reunite with former Ajax boss Erik to sell him,” Laporta said at a press conference to introduce
ten Hag. new signing Franck Kessie.
The pair are already understood to have spoken about
the possibility of linking up once again at Old Trafford. “We know he has offers. We don’t want to sell right now, but
it could interest us.” – Express Newspapers/The Indepepdent
Five Man Utd stars set to profit from Ronaldo’s transfer
CRISTIANO RONALDO’S Manchester Ronaldo’s arrival and the instability it best position. contract and more Bruno Fernandes
United exit could become even more brought upon his authority as Ronaldo’s exit would lead opportunities in the
of a possibility if he doesn’t join Erik captain. It’s quite a bombshell but Bruno
ten Hag’s squad today. to Martial and Marcus first team under Fernandes may be one to benefit.
If the club icon departs, Maguire Rashford playing more Ten Hag.
United fly out to Thailand for the can re-establish himself as the games centrally, helping Fernandes’ effective partnership
start of their pre-season tour in two dressing room leader and become a Sancho nail down a spot on He would for their native Portugal shone
days, and Ronaldo is yet to return crucial figure in Ten Hag’s rebuild. either wing. automatically move brightly at United last season,
amid his desire to leave the club this up the striker particularly in the Champions League.
summer. Anthony Martial Alejandro Garnacho pecking order if
Ronaldo leaves, But with Ronaldo as the leading
The 37-year-old striker netted 24 Anthony Martial looks set to After breaking onto the likely prompting man, Fernandes, while still recording
goals in his first season back at Old receive the chance to impress scene last season as United’s more game time in respectable contributions, suffered a
Trafford, but it wasn’t enough to United’s new manager during pre- Jimmy Murphy Young Player of the Europa League drop in numbers from his
rescue a nightmare campaign. season after initially looking certain the Year, Alejandro Garnacho and cup competitions outstanding record across the
to leave this summer. could be in for a when Martial or previous season-and-a-half.
A sixth-place finish saw the Red bumper Rashford are afforded
Devils miss out on Champions Without Ronaldo, he would new There are significant concerns over
League football, seemingly a deal- suddenly pose as a potential first- rests. whether Ronaldo would adapt to Ten
breaker in Ronaldo’s stance on his choice option if the Red Devils don’t Hag’s fluid attacking system.
future. replace him. Sancho
But with him out of the picture, it
Express Sport pinpoints five United Jadon Sancho would be easier for the Dutchman to
players who could actually profit instil that style – a style that
from Ronaldo’s summer exit, Jadon Sancho’s struggles in his Fernandes would thrive in as the
including one name that may first season came from both most attacking midfielder.
surprise you… United’s direness as a team
and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer If he reclaims his place as United’s
Harry Maguire and Ralf Rangnick’s focal point, he could showcase his
indecisiveness over his very best form in the final third once
Harry Maguire’s troublesome more.
21/22 season partly stemmed from
Express Newspapers
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