Рад ученице Анђеле Марковић 8-3 Што тражите живога међу мртвима? Није овде, него устаде (Лк 24, 5-6)
САДРЖАЈ - ПРАШТАЛНО САБРАЊЕ У НАШОЈ ШКОЛИ .................................................... 3 - ТЕМАТСКИ ДАН У ИО ЗАЈАЧА .............................................................................. 5 РАДИОНИАРСКА НАСТАВА ....................................................................... 5 ИНТЕГРАТИВНА ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЈА HOLY WEEK ................................ 7 АМБИЈЕНТАЛНА НАСТАВА У ХРАМУ СВЕТОГ ГЕОРГИЈА .......... 62 -НАУЧИМО СЕ ОД ДЕЦЕ .......................................................................................... 64 - ТЕМАТСКИ ДАН У МАТИЧНОЈ ШКОЛИ ......................................................... 79 - ВАСКРШЊА РАДИОНИЦА .................................................................................... 84 - ВАСКРШЊИ БАЗАР И УЧЕШЋЕ У БОГОСЛУЖЕЊИМА ............................. 142 - ДАН БЛАГОДАРНОСТИ У НАШОЈ ШКОЛИ ..................................................... 145
У четвртак 02.03.2023 године у холу ОШ Вук Караџић у Лозници, на предлог нашег дивног вероучитеља о.Јована Секулића, просветни радници и ученици школе затражили су једни од других опроштај. Овај чин је отворио двери Великом, Часном или Васкршњем посту. Смисао поста, остварује се превасходно у покајању и праштању, као једином путу ка очишћењу срца, примању Св. Тајне Причешћа и сједињењу са Господом. Ово није формални чин, већ истинско отварање срца за Господа и ближње, а речи “опрости” и “праштај” су тајанствена пројава љубави, смирења и очишћења. Данашњи дан праштања по речима Св. Теофана Затворника је “велик небески дан Божији”, који хришћанске заједнице чини рајским и слива земљу са небом. У Цркви је сваки дан – Дан Љубави, и то Дан Љубави Божије, дан љубави Бога и човека. Верујући човек зна колико истинске, вечне и свеобухватне љубави носе наши празници. Ученици и наставници нису крили радост, што се види на снимку. Слава и хвала Богу на свему и за све! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3KXe51PtQ4
У понедељак 3.04.2023. реализовали смо тематски дан посвећен Васкрсу у ИО Зајача https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOuH-BtiFLY Активности које смо реализовали су следеће: I Радионичарска настава хемије и фарбање јаја природним бојама Наставница хемије Бојана Ковач реализовала је са ученицима виших разреда радионицу фарбања јаја за Васкрс природним бојама. Захваљујући нашим дивним ученицама седмог разреда матичне школе Марти Ђуричић и Ђурђини Ђурић, чланицама Тима за пројекте у настави, имамо веома леп видео-прилог о томе https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oYvBKDLAyI Продукте можете погледати овде https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oYvBKDLAyI
II Интегративна настава на тему Васкрс у нижим разредима и у вишим на енглеском језику Учитељице Миланка Васиљевић и Светлана Ђурић реализовале су интегративну наставу кроз различите предмете на тему Васкрс са ученицима нижих разреда. Наставница енглеског језика и педагошки саветник Сања Симић де Граф и наставник енглеског језика и помоћник директора Петар Косовац реализовали су интегративну наставу на енглеском језику посвећену Страдалној седмици а материјал је прослеђен ученицима. Реч је о интегративној презентацији Сање Симић де Граф о Страдалној седмици и додатном прилогу повезивања са другим предметима, Кроз Страдалну седмицу на енглеском језику, ученици су упознати са вокабуларом, али имају и одређене граматичке задатке као што је употреба времена као и питања везана за сам текст, асоцијације, преметаљке али и после сваког дана у седмици граматичку укрштеницу где је вертикално решење тај дан у седмици. Интегративну презентацију можете прелистати овде Holy Week https://anyflip.com/scxpd/ehhy/ а на наредним слајдовима можете погледати целу презентацију
by Sanja Simic de Graaf
Lazarus Saturday "Let us go into Judea that I might awake My friend who sleepeth." Jesus consoled Martha and Mary the sisters of Lazarus, who was already four days dead. Jesus groaned in spirit and was troubled at the death of His beloved friend. He asked "Where have ye laid his body?" and He wept over him. When He drew nigh to the tomb , He commanded that they remove the stone , and He lifted up His eyes , and giving thanks to God the Father , He cried out with a loud voice "Lazarus, come forth."
Unscramble A Z L R A S U Y D A S T A R U
Fill in the blanks: Saturday "Let us go into Judea that I might awake my friend who sleepeth." consoled and the sisters of Lazarus, who was already days dead. Jesus groaned in spirit and was troubled at the of His beloved He asked "Where have ye laid his body?" and He over him. When He drew nigh to the tomb, He commanded that they remove the stone, and He lifted up His eyes, and giving thanks to , He cried out with a loud voice "Lazarus, come "
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the synonym for death? 2. Why did Jesus console Martha and Mary? 3. How long was Lazarus dead? 4. Why did Jesus weep over Lazarus? 5. What did you learn from this Gospel story?
Palm Sunday Jesus Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!" On Palm Sunday, Jesus and his disciples spent the night in Bethany, a town about two miles east of Jerusalem
Unscramble A M A L P D S U A N Y
Fill in the blanks Sunday Jesus Christ's triumphal entry into “ to the Son of ! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the ! Hosanna in the !" On Palm , Jesus and his disciples spent the night in , a town about two miles east of Jerusalem
Answer the questions: 1. Why is it called Palm Sunday? 2. Who was David? 3. Think about Jesus Christ’s humble entry into Jerusalem.
Holy Monday Jesus clears the Temple of money changers "The Scriptures declare, 'My Temple will be a house of prayer,' but you have turned it into a den of thieves." (Luke19:46)
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ACROSS 1. The comparative of much 2. The superlative of bad 3. The comparative of interesting 4. The superlative of difficult 5. The comparative of happy 6. The comparative of shy DOWN 1. THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK
Unscramble L Y H O Y M D O N A
Fill in the blanks Monday Jesus clears the of money ,' "The declare, 'My Temple will be a house of but you have turned it into a of ." (Luke19:46)
Answer the questions 1. Why was Jesus angry with the people in the Temple? 2. Did those people feel any shame?
Holy Tuesday On Tuesday morning, Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem. They passed the withered fig tree on their way , and Jesus taught them about faith. Later that afternoon, Jesus left the city and went with his disciples to the Mount of Olives, which overlooks Jerusalem due east of the Temple. Here Jesus gave the Olivet Discourse, an elaborate prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the age. He taught in parables using symbolic language about end times events, including his Second Coming and the final judgment.
1 1 2 3 45 6 7 THE PAST PARTICIPLE FORMS ACROSS 1. understand 2. study 3. hear 4. see 5. drink 6. eat 7. Stay DOWN 1. THE SECOND DAY OF THE WEEK
Unscramble H Y L O A D T U Y S E
Fill in the blanks Tuesday On morning, Jesus and his returned to Jerusalem. They passed the withered tree on their way , and Jesus taught them about . Later that afternoon, Jesus left the city and went with his disciples to the Mount of , which overlooks due east of the Temple. Here Jesus gave the Olivet , an elaborate about the of Jerusalem and the end of the age. He taught in using symbolic language about end times events, including his Coming and the final .
Answer the questions: 1. Think about withered fig tree. 2. What is the Olivet Discourse?
Silent Wednesday Jesus and his disciples spent this day resting in Bethany in anticipation of the Passover. Jesus spent this final quiet day with his dearest friends and followers.
1 12 34 56 7 8 9 THE PRESENT PARTICIPLE FORM ACROSS 1. Swim 2. Read 3. Send 4. Plan 5. Eat 6. Skate 7. Study 8. Play 9. Lie DOWN 1. THE THIRD DAY OF THE WEEK
Unscramble N T I S L E D E N W E D S Y A
Fill in the blanks Wednesday Jesus and his disciples spent this day in in of the . Jesus spent this final quiet day with his dearest and .
Answer the question 1. Why is it called Silent Wednesday? 2. How did Jesus and his disciples spend this day?
Maundy Thursday The Last Supper That evening after sunset, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as they prepared to share in the Passover. By performing this humble act of service, Jesus demonstrated by example how believers are to love one another. During this Last Supper, Jesus established the Lord's Supper, or Communion, instructing his followers to continually remember his sacrifice by sharing in the elements of bread (his body) and wine (his blood).Late that evening in Gethsemane, Jesus was betrayed with a kiss by Judas Iscariot and arrested by the Sanhedrin. He was taken to the home of Caiaphas, the High Priest, where the whole council had gathered to begin making their case against Jesus. Meanwhile, in the early morning hours, as Jesus' trial was getting underway, Peter denied knowing his Master three times before the rooster crowed.
1 123 45 6 7 8 PLURAL OF NOUNS ACROSS 1. Studio 2. Shelf 3. Bush 4. Roof 5. Sheep 6. Lady 7. Tomato 8. Boy DOWN 1. THE FOURTH DAY OF THE WEEK
Unscramble U A M D Y N H T R U S Y D A
Fill in the blanks: Thursday The Supper That evening after sunset, Jesus washed the of his as they prepared to share in the . By performing this act of service, Jesus demonstrated by example how are to one another. During this Last Supper, Jesus established the Supper, or ,instructing his to continually remember his by sharing in the elements of (his body) and (his blood). Late that evening in , Jesus was with a kiss by Judas and arrested by the .He was taken to the home of ,the High , where the whole council had gathered to begin making their against Jesus. Meanwhile, in the early morning hours, as Jesus' trial was getting underway, denied knowing his Master three times before the crowed.
Answer the questions 1. What did Jesus demonstrate by performing the humble act of washing the feet of his disciples? 2. What did Jesus establish on Maundy Thursday?
Good Friday Crucifixion Jesus endured the shame of false accusations, condemnation, mockery, beatings, and abandonment. After multiple unlawful trials, he was sentenced to death by crucifixion. Before Christ was led away, soldiers spit on him, tormented and mocked him, and pierced him with a crown of torns. Then Jesus carried his own cross to Calvary where, again, he was mocked and insulted as Roman soldiers nailed him to the wooden cross. "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
1 12 3 4 5 6 THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE FORMS ACROSS 1. Fly 2. Run 3. Hit 4. Say 5. Sing 6. Lie DOWN 1. THE FIFTH DAY OF THE WEEK
Unscramble O O D G I Y A R D F
Fill in the blanks Friday Jesus endured the shame of false ,condemnation, mockery, beatings, and abandonment. After multiple trials, he was sentenced to by crucifixion. Before Christ was led away, spit on him, tormented and mocked him, and pierced him with a crown of . Then Jesus carried his own to Calvary where, again,he was mocked and insulted as soldiers him to the wooden cross. “ , them, for they do not what they are doing."
Answer the questions: 1. How was Jesus sentenced to death? 2. What was the cross symbol of before Jesus Christ’s crucifixion?
Saturday in the Tomb While his physical body lay in the tomb, Jesus Christ paid the penalty for sin by offering the perfect, spotless sacrifice. He conquered death, both spiritually and physically, securing our eternal salvation: "For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God." (1 Peter 1:18-19,)
1 2 THE 1 THE 3 THE 4 THE 5 THE 6 THE 7 THE 8 THE ORDINAL NUMBERS ACROSS 1. 1st 2. 1000th 3. 9th 4. 4th 5. 40th 6. 3rd 7. 121th 8. 22nd DOWN 1. THE SIXTH DAY OF THE WEEK
Unscramble S T A R U Y D A N I H E T M B O T
Fill in the blanks Saturday in the While his physical body in the tomb, Jesus Christ paid the for by offering the perfect, spotless . He death, both spiritually and physically, securing our eternal : "For you know that God paid a to save you from the life you inherited from your . And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of , the sinless, spotless of ." (1 Peter 1:18-19,)
Answer the questions: 1. What did Jesus conquer? 2. Why is Jesus called the Lamb of God?
Easter Sunday Easter is the celebration of Christ's resurrection from the dead. His resurrection marks the triumph of good over evil, sin and death. It is the singular event which proves that those who trust in God and accept Christ will be raised from the dead. Since Easter represents the fulfillment of God's promises to mankind, it is the most important holiday on the Christian calendar. Apostle Paul firmly interprets the Resurrection of Christ: "If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain." (1 Cor. 15:14) The Paschal troparion: Christ is risen from the dead, Trampling down death by death, And upon those in the tombs Bestowing life!
The Paschal troparion: Christ is risen from the dead, Trampling down death by death, And upon those in the tombs Bestowing life!
Unscramble T. A S E E R U. Y N D S A