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Published by sanja.simicdegraf, 2021-09-19 13:44:24

Presveta Bogorodica

Presveta Bogorodica

Рождество Пресвете

Рождество твоје
Богородице Дјево,
радост возвјести всеј
из тебе бо возсија
солнце правди
Христос Бог наш,
и разруши кљатву
даде благословеније и
упразднив смерт,
дарова нам живот

Рождество Пресвете Богородице
из ,,Охридског пролога”

Света Дева Марија роди се од старих родитеља својих, Јоакима и Ане. Отац јој беше из племена
Давидова, а матер од рода Аронова. И тако она беше по оцу од рода царска, а по мајци од рода

архијерејска, и тиме већ предображаваше Онога, који ће се из ње родити, као Цара и

Њени родитељи беху већ остарели, а немаху деце. И зато беху постидни пред људима и скрушени
пред Богом. И у скрушености својој мољаху се Богу с плачем, да обрадује старост њихову

даровањем једнога чеда, као што је некад обрадовао старца Аврама и старицу Сару даровавши им
сина Исака. И Бог свемогући и свевидећи обрадова их радошћу, која је превазилазила далеко сва
њихова очекивања и све најлепше снове. Јер им дарова не само ћерку но и Богомајку; озари их не
само радошћу временом него и вечном. Даде им Бог само једну ћерку, која им доцније роди само
једног унука, – али какву ћерку и каквог унука! Благодатна Марија, благословена међу женама,

храм Духа Светога. олтар Бога Живога, трапеза хлеба небеснога, кивот светиње Божје, дрво
најслађега плода, слава рода људског, похвала рода женског, источник девства и чистоте – то беше

Богом дарована ћерка Јоакима и Ане. Рођена у Назарету, а после 3 године одведена у храм
Јерусалимски, одакле се вратила опет у Назарет, да ускоро чује благовест св. архангела Гаврила о

рођењу Сина Божјег, Спаситеља света, из њенога пречистога и девичанскога тела.
Тропар (глас 4):

Рождество твоје Богородице Дјево, радост возвјести всеј всељењеј из тебе бо возсија солнце
правди Христос Бог наш, и разруши кљатву даде благословеније и упразднив смерт, дарова нам

живот вјечниј.

Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God
Task 1: underline family members

• The holy Virgin Mary was born of her aged parents, Joachim and Anna. Her father
was of the tribe of David and her mother of the tribe of Aaron, and so she was of
royal blood from her father and priestly blood from her mother. By this, she
foreshadowed Him who would be born of her as King and High Priest. Her parents
were already old and had no children, and, because of this, were ashamed before
men and humble before God. In their humility, they prayed with tears that God
would bring joy to their old age with the gift of a child, as He had once given joy to
the aged Abraham and Sarah, giving them their son Isaac. God, almighty and all-
seeing, gave them a joy far exceeding all their expectations and their wildest
dreams, for He gave them not just a daughter, but the Mother of God; He
illumined them not only with temporal joy but with eternal. God gave them just
one daughter, who later gave them just one grandson - but what a daughter and
what a grandson! Mary full of grace, blessed among women, the temple of the
Holy Spirit, altar of the living God, table of living bread, ark of God"s holy things,
tree of the most delicious fruits, glory of the human race, praise of womanhood,
fount of virginity and purity - this was the daughter given by God to Joachim and
Anna. Born in Nazareth, she was after three years taken to the Temple in
Jerusalem, whence she returned again to Nazareth and shortly afterwards heard
the tidings of the holy Archangel Gabriel concerning the birth of the Son of God,
the Saviour of the world, from her most pure and virginal body.

Nativity means?

1. Birth
2. Nature
3. Native
4. Naive

Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God
Task : underline The Simple Past Tense of the verb

‘to be’

• The holy Virgin Mary was born of her aged parents, Joachim and Anna. Her father
was of the tribe of David and her mother of the tribe of Aaron, and so she was of
royal blood from her father and priestly blood from her mother. By this, she
foreshadowed Him who would be born of her as King and High Priest. Her parents
were already old and had no children, and, because of this, were ashamed before
men and humble before God. In their humility, they prayed with tears that God
would bring joy to their old age with the gift of a child, as He had once given joy to
the aged Abraham and Sarah, giving them their son Isaac. God, almighty and all-
seeing, gave them a joy far exceeding all their expectations and their wildest
dreams, for He gave them not just a daughter, but the Mother of God; He
illumined them not only with temporal joy but with eternal. God gave them just
one daughter, who later gave them just one grandson - but what a daughter and
what a grandson! Mary full of grace, blessed among women, the temple of the
Holy Spirit, altar of the living God, table of living bread, ark of God"s holy things,
tree of the most delicious fruits, glory of the human race, praise of womanhood,
fount of virginity and purity - this was the daughter given by God to Joachim and
Anna. Born in Nazareth, she was after three years taken to the Temple in
Jerusalem, whence she returned again to Nazareth and shortly afterwards heard
the tidings of the holy Archangel Gabriel concerning the birth of the Son of God,
the Saviour of the world, from her most pure and virginal body.

What does word ‘Holy’ mean?

1. Whole
2. Hole
3. Sacred
4. Hope

Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God
Task:What’s the singular of the underlined noun

• The holy Virgin Mary was born of her aged parents, Joachim and Anna. Her father
was of the tribe of David and her mother of the tribe of Aaron, and so she was of
royal blood from her father and priestly blood from her mother. By this, she
foreshadowed Him who would be born of her as King and High Priest. Her parents
were already old and had no children, and, because of this, were ashamed before
men and humble before God. In their humility, they prayed with tears that God
would bring joy to their old age with the gift of a child, as He had once given joy to
the aged Abraham and Sarah, giving them their son Isaac. God, almighty and all-
seeing, gave them a joy far exceeding all their expectations and their wildest
dreams, for He gave them not just a daughter, but the Mother of God; He
illumined them not only with temporal joy but with eternal. God gave them just
one daughter, who later gave them just one grandson - but what a daughter and
what a grandson! Mary full of grace, blessed among women, the temple of the
Holy Spirit, altar of the living God, table of living bread, ark of God"s holy things,
tree of the most delicious fruits, glory of the human race, praise of womanhood,
fount of virginity and purity - this was the daughter given by God to Joachim and
Anna. Born in Nazareth, she was after three years taken to the Temple in
Jerusalem, whence she returned again to Nazareth and shortly afterwards heard
the tidings of the holy Archangel Gabriel concerning the birth of the Son of God,
the Saviour of the world, from her most pure and virginal body.

Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God
Task:What’s the infinitive of the underlined irregular


• The holy Virgin Mary was born of her aged parents, Joachim and Anna. Her father
was of the tribe of David and her mother of the tribe of Aaron, and so she was of
royal blood from her father and priestly blood from her mother. By this, she
foreshadowed Him who would be born of her as King and High Priest. Her parents
were already old and had no children, and, because of this, were ashamed before
men and humble before God. In their humility, they prayed with tears that God
would bring joy to their old age with the gift of a child, as He had once given joy to
the aged Abraham and Sarah, giving them their son Isaac. God, almighty and all-
seeing, gave them a joy far exceeding all their expectations and their wildest
dreams, for He gave them not just a daughter, but the Mother of God; He
illumined them not only with temporal joy but with eternal. God gave them just
one daughter, who later gave them just one grandson - but what a daughter and
what a grandson! Mary full of grace, blessed among women, the temple of the
Holy Spirit, altar of the living God, table of living bread, ark of God"s holy things,
tree of the most delicious fruits, glory of the human race, praise of womanhood,
fount of virginity and purity - this was the daughter given by God to Joachim and
Anna. Born in Nazareth, she was after three years taken to the Temple in
Jerusalem, whence she returned again to Nazareth and shortly afterwards heard
the tidings of the holy Archangel Gabriel concerning the birth of the Son of God,
the Saviour of the world, from her most pure and virginal body.

Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God
Task:What does the underlined words mean?

• The holy Virgin Mary was born of her aged parents, Joachim and Anna. Her father
was of the tribe of David and her mother of the tribe of Aaron, and so she was of
royal blood from her father and priestly blood from her mother. By this, she
foreshadowed Him who would be born of her as King and High Priest. Her parents
were already old and had no children, and, because of this, were ashamed before
men and humble before God. In their humility, they prayed with tears that God
would bring joy to their old age with the gift of a child, as He had once given joy to
the aged Abraham and Sarah, giving them their son Isaac. God, almighty and all-
seeing, gave them a joy far exceeding all their expectations and their wildest
dreams, for He gave them not just a daughter, but the Mother of God; He
illumined them not only with temporal joy but with eternal. God gave them just
one daughter, who later gave them just one grandson - but what a daughter and
what a grandson! Mary full of grace, blessed among women, the temple of the
Holy Spirit, altar of the living God, table of living bread, ark of God"s holy things,
tree of the most delicious fruits, glory of the human race, praise of womanhood,
fount of virginity and purity - this was the daughter given by God to Joachim and
Anna. Born in Nazareth, she was after three years taken to the Temple in
Jerusalem, whence she returned again to Nazareth and shortly afterwards heard
the tidings of the holy Archangel Gabriel concerning the birth of the Son of God,
the Saviour of the world, from her most pure and virginal body.

Како су се звали родитељи
Пресвете Богородице?

1. Јоаким и Ана
2. Аврам и Сара
3. Захарије и Јелисавета
4. Воз и Рута

Где се родила Богородица?

1. У Јерусалиму
2. У Москви
3. У Назарету
4. У Београду

Свети Јоаким био је из племена

1. Из племена Давидова, рода архијерејског
2. Из племена Аронова, рода царског
3. Из племена Давидова, рода царског
4. Из племена Аронова, рода архијерејског

Света Ана била је из племена

1. Из племена Давидова, рода архијерејског
2. Из племена Аронова, рода царског
3. Из племена Давидова, рода царског
4. Из племена Аронова, рода архијерејског

Света Ана била је из племена

1. Из племена Давидова, рода архијерејског
2. Из племена Аронова, рода царског
3. Из племена Давидова, рода царског
4. Из племена Аронова, рода архијерејског

Ког датума прослављамо рођење Пресвете
Богородице и како се тај празник назива?

1. 21. септембра, Велика Госпојина
2. 21. септембра, Мала Госпојина
3. 20. септембра, Мала Госпојина
4. 20. септембра, Велика Госпојина

Које је име добила Богородица по рођењу?

1. Јелисавета
2. Марина
3. Марија
4. Дјева

Колико година је имала
Богородица кад је одведена у храм


1. 5
2. 15
3. 12
4. 3

Како се зове архангел који је благовестио
Богородици о рођењу Господа Исуса Христа из

њеног пречистог тела

1. Михаило
2. Гаврило
3. Рафаил
4. Урил

Како се називају празници посвећени

1. Господњи
2. Божићни
3. Богородичини
4. Васкршњи

ПреAсв1ета МушБко1дете
Једно лиБц2е Тројице
ПреблаAго3словена ББож3ји

БогAом4ати ЈединБо4родни
БогорAодица СИБН

Господ наш ?Исус Христос

РВеч БлагоГвести
Део рВече4нице ДеветБможеГси4ећцаи пре
ЛВо2гос праГз3ник


Пресвета Мушко дете
Једно лице Тројице

Преблагословена Божји

Богомати Јединородни

Богородица СИН

Господ наш Исус Христос

Реч Благовести
Део реченице Девет месеци пре
Логос Божића
Слово празник



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