Follow MeIfIdont,whowill?
For Young Women
If I don’t... who will?
Vocational Newsletter of the Daughters of St Paul
If I dont, who will?
Dearest friends,
Greetings, and lots of love from the Daughters of St Paul.
I congratulate each one of you for taking great care of yourselves and your
families in 2020 during the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic. We continue
to thank God for protecting us and keeping us safe until now.
In our effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19 let us keep the safety mea-
sures outlined in our localities such as respecting curfew, keeping social
distance, wearing face masks. Covid-19 is real and still spreading, so take
care of yourselves and the people around you.
“Come and see: Communicating, encountering people as they are and
where they are” is the theme that Pope Francis has chosen for the 55th
World Day of Social Communication which will be celebrated on 16th May
2021. Quoting the words of Saint Augustine, Pope Francis reminds us, “We
have books in our hands, but the facts before our eyes,” in speaking of fulfil-
ment of the prophecies found in sacred Scripture. So too, the Gospel comes
alive in our own day, whenever we accept the compelling witness of people
whose lives have been changed by their encounter with Jesus.
For two millennia, a chain of such encounters has communicated the attrac-
tiveness of the Christian adventure.
If I dont, who will?
We are invited to communicate by encountering people, where they are and
as they are. This year as the Pauline Family, we celebrate the “Year of the
Word of God” which began on 26th November 2020, the feast day of Blessed
James Alberione, the founder of the great Pauline Family. The theme is,
“That the Lord’s Message May Spread Quickly” (2 Thes 3:1) and with the
common objective, “Walking with the Church, we renew ourselves through
familiarity, study and prayerful reading of the Sacred Scriptures, in order
to live the Word of God so that it reaches everyone, especially those on the
existential peripheries.” As a family, we welcome this invitation for renew-
ing the centrality of the Word of God in our life and in our mission, accord-
ing to the inheritance received from our Founder, Blessed James Alberione.
We invite you as well to join us in the celebration of the Biblical year by
making the Word of God the centre of your life.
Let us always remain spiritually united.
Love and prayers
Vocation Directress - Daughters of St Paul
If I dont, who will?
The Biblical Apostolate in the
Thought of Blessed James Alberione
1. The Inspiration, Teaching for consecrated men and women and
and Actions of Blessed James the laity were founded. Very often,
Alberione he encouraged the first generations of
the Pauline Family saying: “The Bi-
Blessed James Alberione was 30 years ble is everyone’s book, let it become
old when in Alba, Italy, he founded our daily bread” so let us “make the
the 1st congregation of the Pauline Gospel penetrate in the masses.” His
Family in 1914 (107 years ago) – the constant concern was:
Society of Saint Paul (priests and
brothers). This congregation was “How can we bring the Bible closer
followed by that of the Daughters of to the people? How can we help our
Saint Paul in 1915 and then in differ- people understand the centrality of
ent years 8 other religious institutes the Word of God in their life?”
The influence of Blessed James Al-
berione’s thought was deeply marked
by the teachings of the Popes Leo
If I dont, who will?
XIII, Pius X, Benedict XV and Pius XII.
2. The night of prayer
To make the Gospel penetrate among the people was the fruit of prayer. The
adolescent Alberione, during the night that divided the 19th century and the
20th century (31 December 1900 to 1 January 1901), spent four hours of
adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. The young James Alberione was
enlightened ,as he was prayed in front of the Blessed Sacrament, that he
must do something for God and for the people with whom he would live
in the new century. After 4 hours of Adoration, he was convinced that he
must prepare himself in order to use the same means that the enemies of the
Church were using at that time: the press. He saw that the mass media was
very powerful and was used to cheat people, taking them away from the
Church by sowing erroneous ideas and confusion among them. Besides,
many people had ceased to go to the Church, due to the modern influence.
That is why he gave priority to the formation of the mind and of the human
conscience so as to judge all issues in the light of the Gospel values.
He said that if the people did not go to the church, the Church had to go to
the people using the same means as her ‘modern’ enemies: the Press. To
form a Christian mentality through the press since this means can silently
enter every home even where the priest could not
3. Preparation for the Apostolate of
the Bible
Alberione as a seminarian reflected on
the words of Pope Leo XIII: “We must use
every endeavour that the Word of God
may dwell in us abundantly.” In those
years, the Bible was not given so much
During the school year 1906-1907,
If I dont, who will?
he received further enlightenment about a great treasure that the Lord
willed to grant to the Pauline Family – the distribution of the Gospel.
At that time, he had the opportunity to organise some Gospel Days in
his pastoral activities in the parish where the Bishop had sent him as a
seminarian just before his ordination. We can say he gave primacy to the
Biblical Apostolate as a result of the experience he lived in contact with
the people just before his ordination.
From 1920 onwards, he launched in a systematic way Bible Days, Gospel
weeks, Gospel Festivals and all biblical initiatives related to the Word of
God that aimed to take the Gospel to every family and let it be the centre
and inspiration of their life. At that time, he had founded the Society of
St Paul (1914), Daughters of St Paul (1915) and the Association of Pau-
line Cooperators (1917). Father Alberione liked to stress the apostolic
dimension of Evangelisation united to the spiritual one as one and same
reality by saying: “If the Bible is a divine book, then let us make sure it
remains such. Let us not simply place the Word of God on a bookshelf, as
if it were just any other book. Instead, let us give it the place of honour in
our house, alongside the crucifix, where everyone can see it, read it and
kiss it. How wonderful it is to see the Book of the Gospel on the altar!”
(Compiled by Sr Olga Massango fsp)
If I dont, who will?
Theme: God’s Love
Scripture Reading John 13:9-17
• Prepare a place for prayer.
• Gather in a circle if possible
• Enthrone the bible in a central or elevated place. You may
also place a lit candle next to it.
• Take a posture that allows you to pray peacefully.
• Recollect yourself and allow your prayer to flow at a slow and
reflective pace. You could also use background instrumental
music to help create a reflective and a prayerful atmosphere.
Reflection If I dont, who will?
Do you know the love that produc- joy and contentment of a life fully
es immeasurable joy? Jesus speaks surrendered to God and consumed
of the love which he has for those with his love?
who belong to him. We can nev-
er out-give God in love, because Do you know the friendship of
he has loved us without measure. God? One of the special marks of
Our love for him is a response to favor shown in the scriptures is to
his exceeding mercy and kindness be called the friend of God. Abra-
towards us. Paul the Apostle tells ham is called the friend of God
us that we can abound in joy and (Isaiah 41:8). God speaks with
hope because God has poured out Abraham as a man speaks with his
his love into our hearts by the Holy friend (Exodus 33:11). Jesus, the
Spirit, whom he has given us (Ro- Lord and Master, in turn, calls the
mans 5:5). In God’s love we find disciples his friends rather than his
the fullness of grace, life, peace, servants. What does it mean to be
and joy. a friend of God? Friendship with
God certainly entails a loving rela-
Jesus gives his disciples a new tionship which goes beyond mere
commandment – a new way of duty and obedience. Jesus’ dis-
love. We are to love others as Je- course on friendship and brotherly
sus has loved us. What is the es- love echoes the words of Proverbs:
sence of this new commandment? A friend loves at all times; and a
True love is sacrificial. It gives brother is born for adversity (Prov-
all to the beloved. And there is no erbs 17:17). The distinctive feature
greater proof in love than the sac- of Jesus’ relationship with his dis-
rifice of one’s life for the sake of ciples was his personal love for
another. Jesus proved his love for them. He loved his own to the end
his disciples by giving his life for (John 13:1). His love was uncon-
them, even to death on the cross. ditional and wholly directed to the
We prove our love for God and for good of others. His love was also
one another when we embrace the sacrificial. He gave the best he had
way of the cross. What is the cross and all that he had. He gave his
in my life? When my will crosses very life for those he loved in order
with God’s will, do I allow God’s to secure for them everlasting life
will to be done? Do you know the with the Father.
True love is costly. Those who tru-
If I dont, who will?
ly love give the best they can offer to his love and obey his command
and are willing to sacrifice every- to love our neighbor, then we will
thing they have for the beloved. bear much fruit in our lives, fruit
God willingly paid the price for that will last for eternity. Do you
our redemption – the sacrifice of wish to be fruitful and to abound in
his only begotten Son. That’s the the love of God?
nature of true friendship and love “Teach us, good Lord, to serve you
– the willingness to give all for as you deserve, to give and not to
the beloved. True friends will lay count the cost, to fight and not to
down their lives for each other. heed the wounds, to toil and not to
Jesus tells us that he is our friend seek for rest, to labor and not to ask
and he loves us whole-heartedly for any reward, save that of know-
and unconditionally. He wants us ing that we do your will; through
to love one another just as he loves Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Prayer of
us, whole-heartedly and without Ignatius Loyola)
reserve. His love fills our hearts
and transforms our minds and frees
us to give ourselves in loving ser-
vice to others. If we open our hearts
Question for sharing and reflection
Jesus’ love was unconditional and wholly directed to the good of oth-
ers. How do I share my love with others?
- NB. Please send us your reflections on this question as soon as possi-
ble. They will be published in the next issue of follow me.
If I dont, who will?
Dear Friends,
The issue under discussion this time is;
Am I grateful to God and to the people who have helped me in life? How?
Yes, I am grateful. My only way I have to thank God my Lord
to express my gratitude and for whatever He is doing for
thanksgiving to God is by serv- me, though I cannot thank Him
ing Him; doing His Will. Serving enough for the great things He has
others is my way of expressing done in my life and for my voca-
my gratitude even towards those tion. I thank Him through serving
who helped me in life without others and being charitable- Con-
forgetting the most important gift- solata Paul Mhavile (Tanzania)
of Prayer, even praying for them.
- Elizabeth Amani, Brenda Apio Am grateful to God because He
(Uganda) is the fountain of life and grace.
He is the source of my everything
I am grateful to God because he through the many people who help
created me, I also appreciate the me in my life.
gift of love that God has bestowed Am so grateful to the Catholic
on mankind through salvation.I Family especially the priests and
appreciate God through thanks- religious who have helped me to
giving and adoration recognizing grow spiritually. - Penina Cecilia
God’s presence in the Holy Eu- Luhyolo (Uganda), Tracey Ma-
charist. I also appreciate the ten kokha Anyango (Kenya)
commandments that God granted
to us to guide our relationship Yes, I have always said “THANK
with Him and others. However, YOU” to God the Father, Son
I am very grateful to my family and Holy Spirit (the Holy Trinity),
members, my parish priest and all Blessed Mother Mary, my family
the clergy who have helped me to (parents, siblings and relatives),
discover the voice of God and in friends and benefactors for being
my discernment journey. - part of my life. This is majorly
Maureen Nechesa Makokha through loving them. - Monica
(Kenya) Nyakato (Uganda)
If I dont, who will?
Apostolic and Communitarian experience
in Juba, South Sudan
As the sniffing dog approached the books in the Bookshop and
my suitcase, I began to the store so as to be of
get scared, then I was better service to the
kindly requested people visiting
to step aside so us. A challenge
that my suitcase arose whereby
could be prop- I had to be-
erly inspect- gin learning
ed. Sister ap- Arabic so as
proached and to commu-
clarified what nicate well
it was that I was with children,
carrying and thus who both on
began my journey their way to and
from Entebbe to Juba. from school would
pass by the Bookshop to
I departed Uganda in a sweater due
to the cold weather which we were have a look at the Children’s sec-
experiencing and was welcomed tion, ask some questions and buy
by the scorching sun of Juba, and some books too, and all other peo-
on top of that to a birthday cele- ple who frequented the Bookshop.
bration of our Superior, it was 20th In the beginning it was not easy,
January 2019. After registration so I began practicing the greet-
and orientation, I began my ex- ings and the names of the different
perience in my new community. items like pen, pencil, books, ruler,
There were three Sisters at that and the like. With time I enjoyed
time and since our house was close practicing and speaking the little
to the Bookshop, it was quite easy Arabic which I had learnt and was
for us to do our apostolate there. still learning.
The Bookshop was always busy, Even if there was a fear of the
and I had to get acquainted with heat before my arrival, I got to ap-
preciate the fact that I needed to
drink more water, appreciate the If I dont, who will?
uniqueness of each country and
its climate, the beauty of having mission in the Church.
new experiences and knowing how
to live through them, learning to I thank God for the beautiful ex-
adapt to different situations and perience and opportunities I had in
surroundings. All this was possible Juba. The people I met from differ-
because of the support I received ent countries working and living in
from my Sisters and God’s grace. Juba, for the friends I made and the
Prayer kept us united, it sustained love I received from people who
our joyous presence and sharing, accepted and appreciated me as
it nourished us in our little adven- part of their community and fam-
tures together, and it deepened our ily. My immense gratitude goes
communion with the local Church to the Sisters of the community of
and all the people we encountered. Juba who from the very first day
made me feel at home until the
Apart from working with the Sis- last day. Though my stay in Juba
ters and our Staff in the Bookshop, was only for a few months, the
we also went out for Book displays treasure gathered was tremendous.
to schools, parishes and also the Missionary life is a privileged and
University (of Juba). When we beautiful moment to rediscover and
visited parishes, often times were appreciate the gift that I am to oth-
given an opportunity to present our ers and that others are to me, and
books and speak about our Con- so become a better person, making
gregation after the announcements, visible the loving face of God the
but this special Sunday I was Father to all humanity through the
called to present our Congregation power of the Holy spirit always at
and apostolate just after homily. It work within us.
was such a beautiful experience
and adding on to that, the presiding Novice Deborah Lupenga
Priest connected the Homily to our
If I dont, who will?
Is the Lord calling me?
There are many questions that keep nagging us as young people. One of
such questions is “Is it really necessary for us to discern our call or vo-
cation? Why should we do so?” this is a deep and valid question. There
could be a thousand answers to it, but I think the most beautiful and
meaningful answer to it is the fact that God loves us. This may sound
strange to most of us. But in our life and throughout the history of human
kind God has always loved us and has done much for us, to show us how
much he loves us and how special we are to him.
Sometimes we are so used to hearing that we are bad, not pretty, not
intelligent and so we easily forget that we are loved by God, and hence
he has a plan for us in our life, even in the way we are. I always like to
think of God as someone who loves adventure and therefore, he does not
reveal everything to us instantly. Instead, he reveals it to us gradually and
lets us have the fun of discovering how great we are. Being adventurous
is one of the signs of being young.
It is here that the going gets a little tricky because often we are not so
much aware or attentive to his communication with us. But like in every
game there are rules and ways of going about it. We too need to under-
stand the rules of the Divine game. Now you may say to me, ‘Oh how I
hate rules.’ I invite you to think of the game you like playing, how much
joy and thrill you derive from it when you are able to follow the rules of
playing it. Think of football, athletics, basketball, volleyball, netball or
any other game. The game is enjoyable and makes sense only when we
obey the rules. If the rules are ignored then it is no more enjoyable but
confusing. Likewise understanding the call or vocation that God has for
us, we need to know the key or the rules of unfolding it.
Here is a list of a few rules for you. However, remember that this list
could be endless because God speaks to us as individuals, for when there
is love between two persons, at times they have a language understand-
able only to them.
If I dont, who will?
Listening: This can be identified as the first rule in understanding God’s
call which is always out of his love. Silence here does not mean not
talking. Sometimes our mouths are shut but we are very noisy inside or
our minds are far off. Silence here means leaving space for God to speak
to us. It is that little voice that speaks to you when you want to be mean,
selfish when you could have been kind. It is that voice that tells you to
respect others even though they are not gifted as you may be or they may
not be kind to you. It is above all those moments you keep aside from
other activities to speak to the Lord, even though sometimes you feel that
God is silent. It also means being attentive to the events that take place
in your life and your surroundings because God is saying something to
you through them.
Meditating on the scriptures; The scriptures are God’s letter to us and
they help us to enter into the adventure of the divine. We meet people
who have encountered God in a special way and this gives us insight on
how we too can encounter him. We also see how his love transforms us.
Try taking some time every day to meditate on the scriptures. Start with
one book of the Bible especially of the New Testament and try to read it
Faith and Desire; It is important to desire with all your heart and the
Lord makes you able to be aware of his love and call to you. Just think
of the person you love most; how you miss that person and how much
effort you make to have time together with that person. But to desire the
presence of the person is not enough. You need to have faith that that
person really loves you in return. You cannot often measure this love;
you only put faith that your parents, brothers and sisters, friends love
you. We need to have faith in God in the same way. The only difference
is that God loves us always and he puts no demands on us, he only leaves
us free to accept this gift or not to.
These are just few of the rules, you can add your own. We need them for
our journey towards God’s call for us. Remember that God calls us out of
his great love for us. Your vocation is a vocation of love. As you continue
to discern your vocation let love be If I dont, who will?
your guiding point. 24th January: Sunday of the
Word of God.
Calendar News The Pauline Biblical Year be in-
and Events! tensely lived everywhere that “the
Lord’s message may spread quick-
1st January: Solemnity of Mary ly and be received with honour”
the Mother of God now and forever (2Thes 3:1).
A virgin became the Mother of 25th January: The Feast of the
God in order to reconcile people Conversion of St Paul
with God, to give peace to the
world and salvation to all. On this On his way to Damascus, Paul had
day of peace, let us pray for peace a powerful experience of Jesus that
in our hearts, in our families, in changed his life forever. Let us im-
our society, in our Church and the itate St Paul in his love for Christ
whole world. and in his apostolic zeal.
16th January: Begin the Novena 5th February: Death Anniversary
to St Paul of Sr Thecla, Co-foundress of the
Daughters of St Paul.
St Paul is one of the greatest saints
of all times. He had a sincere love The Lord does not ask impossible
for Christ. If he were alive today when there is humility and trust in
he would still be burning with that God.
dual flame that springs from one
and the same zeal for God and for 17th February: Beginning of the
the people of every nation. Lenten Season - Ash Wednesday
The season of Lent is meant to be a
journey to freedom for each of us.
Let us reflect on the great love of
Jesus who died for us. What more If I dont, who will?
could he have done? May this sea- our because she accepted to be
son of repentance bring us God’s the mother of Jesus. What we can
forgiveness and the gift of his light. learn from her is her disposition
and openness to God’s will.
19th March Feast of St Joseph 4th April: Easter Sunday
husband of the Blessed Virgin
Mary Let our souls be immersed in the
intimate joy and grandeur, a per-
petual praise to the savior who
overcoming death, redeemed us
and reconciled us with God.
4th April: Birthday of Blessed Fr.
James Alberione
St Joseph, most docile to the will Little James, the fourth child of the
of God, we ask you for a generous family, felt the call of God early in
and constant correspondence to the life. When questioned by his first-
precious gift of God’s call. (From grade teacher as to what he wanted
the writings of Fr James Alberi- to be when he grew up, he replied,
one) “I want to be a priest!” His child-
hood years were directed to this
25th March: The Annunciation of goal.
the Lord
27th April – Beatification of Bless-
We hold Mary with great hon- ed James Alberione
Fr. Alberione has given the Church
new instruments with which to ex-
press herself, new means to give If I dont, who will?
vigour and breadth to her apos- 15th June Foundation the Daugh-
tolate, new capacities and a new ters of St Paul
awareness of the validity and pos-
sibilities of his mission in the mod- Give wings and feet to the Gos-
ern world with modern means. pel, that it may travel far and wide,
(Thecla Merlo). Ever onward
25th May Good Shepherd Sun- Daughters of St Paul.
day (Vocation Sunday)
29th June Saints Peter and Paul
“I am the good shepherd, and I
know mine and mine know me” Peter was chosen to be the leader
(Jn. 10:14). of the Church and Paul became
the chosen instrument of God to
bring the Good News to the world.
From them we see that leadership
is about love and service.
Is God calling Me? Remember that God wants a clear “Yes” from
you. Half measures are not enough, to delay or compromise is to
hinder his action in your life especially when he wants to act in you.
If I dont, who will?
Footprints in the Sand,
a beautiful poem!
One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.
After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.
This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.
“Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You’d walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most trouble-
some times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don’t understand why, when I needed You the most,
You would leave me.”
He whispered, “My precious child, I love you and will nev-
er leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you.”
If I dont, who will?