For concerns that you may have that do not require immediate attention, or general observations that
51 you have, we encourage you to use our ‘Suggestion Box’ in reception. All suggestions put in that jar
must be addressed by the leadership team in their weekly sessions and are then also discussed with
the entire team at our team sessions. Outcomes are generally straightforward and are briefed in our
It may be that you consider your complaint to be more serious. If this is the case and you would like to
discuss it with one of the leadership team you are more than welcome to. You can contact the lead-
ership team by phone, email, post or in person. Their contact details are:
Karen Shaw, Registered Lead/ Proprietor
01253 811957
[email protected]
Adam Purnell, Care and Quality Lead, Domiciliary Lead
01253 811957 (Option 3)
[email protected]
Lilia Higginson, Care Home Lead
01253 811957 (Option 4)
[email protected]
Pauline Howarth, Administration Lead
01253 811957 (Option 1)
[email protected]
Alternatively, you can send your complaint or concern by post marked for the attention of the member of
the leadership team you wish to make your complaint. The address to do so is;
Kepplegate Residential Home
Sandy Lane
Approachable | Passionate | Adaptive & Progressive
Community Driven | Trustworthy
Kepplegate House, Sandy Lane, Preesall, FY6 0EJ
Any concerns or complaints received in writing or in person (or by any other required communication needs/
52 means) that require an investigation will receive a response with an action plan. The action plan will be
developed to show clearly;
• What the complaint/concern is
• How we will investigate
• What our findings were
• What our actions will be
• The timeframe for implementing said actions
• Record of discussion with the complainant
• Mutual agreement of any outcomes
Before an action plan is completed we will ensure that the complainant(s) are satisfied with all efforts
taken to resolve the issue, if concerns remain we will continue to work with the complainant(s) until
the issue is resolved.
All complaints received will be (if not made directly to) made known to the leadership team/ registered
lead/proprietor. All complaints will receive the appropriate level of response within 28 days, howev-
er we aim to resolve issues where possible in a much shorter period of time.
Again, our whistleblowing policy ensures that all complaints/ concerns are made with the strictest confi-
dence and no discrimination to the complainant(s) or people associated to them will occur.
Still not happy with the outcome from your complaint?
If in the unlikely event you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint or actions taken to re-
solve your complaint, you are able to discuss your complaint with the Ombudsman at.
Beverly House
17 Shipton Road
Y03 6FZ
Tel: 01904 630151
Is your complaint about a safeguarding concern?
Safeguarding is the process of protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and/or neglect from
others. A safeguarding concern would be when you have a very real concern that a child or vulnera-
ble adult is at risk of harm or abuse.
Approachable | Passionate | Adaptive & Progressive
Community Driven | Trustworthy
Kepplegate House, Sandy Lane, Preesall, FY6 0EJ
Not all safeguarding events are abuse in the common definition of the term. Safeguarding concerns could
53 include:
Unexplained bruising
Witnessed physical abuse from a team member to a service user
Frequent falling
Pressure ulcers/ sores
Unexplained loss of finances or other signs of financial abuse
Maladministration of medication
Rough treatment, being rushed, shouted at, or ignored
Poor nutritional care
Lack of social inclusion
Institutionalised care
Physical abuse between residents
Financial abuse
Who do we safeguard?
Children under 18 years old and vulnerable adults aged 18 and over. Concerns about young people aged
16 or 17 years are dealt with by Children's Services. At Kepplegate, although we generally have more
contact with vulnerable adults over the age of 65, we have a duty to safeguard any child or vulnera-
ble adult whom we come in contact with through the provision of our services.
What should you do if you have safeguarding concerns?
If you have a safeguarding concern or complaint about the services, we provide then we hope you would
feel confident in coming to discuss these issues with us in the ways outlined in the above complaints
procedure. All safeguarding concerns are responded to immediately. We would encourage you to
raise the safeguarding concern with the local safeguarding adults board, or work with us to log the
safeguarding with the local adults safeguarding board.
All safeguarding events notified to the local adults safeguarding board are then, by ourselves, notified to
the Care Quality Commission (CQC). We then aim to resolve all safeguarding concerns as quickly and
safely as possible with the guidance and advice of the local adults safeguarding team and the CQC.
If you don’t feel that you can raise the safeguarding with us here at Kepplegate or your safeguarding con-
cern is in relation to a member of the team you can to your support worker or your service provider
if you are worried that you or someone you know is being abused and/or neglected.
Approachable | Passionate | Adaptive & Progressive
Community Driven | Trustworthy
Kepplegate House, Sandy Lane, Preesall, FY6 0EJ
If you are not able to speak to your support worker about your concerns, or if you have a safeguarding
54 concern about a member of staff from your service provider, you can contact:
Adult Social Care Services
Telephone 0300 123 6721
Lancashire Police
Telephone 0845 1 25 35 45
The Care Quality Commission is responsible for registering the Agency and for inspecting regularly to
make sure that required standards are maintained. Everyone has an absolute right to express con-
cerns or complaints directly to the Care Quality Commission, without talking to the Agency first, if
they wish. Of course, we hope that you will feel able to come to us first, and give us the opportunity
of resolving any matter, but we respect your right to contact the Care Quality Commission, either
before and/or after you have spoken/written to us.
If you wish to express concern or complaint to the Care Quality Commission, this should be done by tele-
phone or in writing to:
CQC National Customer Service Centre
Newcastle upon Tyne
Or for complaints about the use of the Mental Health Act contact:
CQC Mental Health Act
Newcastle upon Tyne
Approachable | Passionate | Adaptive & Progressive
Community Driven | Trustworthy
Kepplegate House, Sandy Lane, Preesall, FY6 0EJ
Appendix 1
Approachable | Passionate | Adaptive & Progressive
Community Driven | Trustworthy
Kepplegate House, Sandy Lane, Preesall, FY6 0EJ
Approachable | Passionate | Adaptive & Progressive
Community Driven | Trustworthy