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Second Monthly Test 2023 S3 UEC ENGLISH Paper 2

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Second Monthly Test 2023 S3 UEC ENGLISH Paper 2

Second Monthly Test 2023 S3 UEC ENGLISH Paper 2

1 霹雳怡保培南独立中学 SM POI LAM (SUWA) IPOH SECOND MONTHLY TEST 2023 ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER 2 READING AND LANGUAGE USE DATE: 15 AUGUST 2023 TIME : 1415 - 1535 ( 1 hr 20 mins ) NAME:______________________ REG.NO : ___________ CLASS:S3REN, S3ZHO READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Paper 2 consists of two sections : Section A : Reading (20%) There are three parts in this section : Part I : Critical Reading (10%) Part II: Vocabulary (5%) Part III : Comprehension Passage (5%) Section B : Language Use (20%) There are two parts in this section : Part I : Error Identification (10%) Part II : Word Forms (10%) Do Not Turn Over This Page Until You Are Told To Do So Paper 2 consists of eight printed pages including this sheet. Prepared by : Checked by: ……………………………. ……………………. (Ms Survinderjeet Kaur) (Ms Ling Soon Ching)

2 SECTION A READING (20%) Part 1 Critical Reading (10%) Read each extract and choose the best sentence that summarises the extract. 1. Ecotourism refers to the act of observing and protecting the flora and fauna on the natural environment and at the same time contributing to the welfare of society. The rise of interest in ecotourism is directly related to the prospects of high chances in getting local participation and the spirit of togetherness to preserve the surrounding environment, cultural heritage and the community’s way of life. Alongside the sudden growth and boost of ecotourism in Malaysia, the commitment of the people to develop this field of hospitality has led to the draft of the National Ecotourism Master Plan in 2010 by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) for nature. A. Ecotourism protects the environment from destruction. B. Ecotourism will probably not last long in the tourist industry. C. Ecotourism has been regarded as being a key player in the tourist industry. D. Ecotourism encourages responsible tourism and contributes to the welfare of the locals. 2. Enzyme cleaners are chemical-free, biodegradable and gentle on hands and the environment. The cleaners are also natural insect repellents which keep ants cockroaches at bay without harming them directly. And the best part is, after mopping your floor, you can even use the leftovers to water your plants! Actually, enzyme cleaners don’t just clean. They can be used to stimulate plant hormones to improve the quality of fruits and vegetables and to increase crop yield. They are needed to be fermented for at least 100 days. A. Enzyme cleaners are harmful to the environment. B. The benefits of enzyme cleaners vary considerably. C. The fermentation period for enzyme cleaners is no longer than 100 days. D. Enzyme cleaners can be used for clearing, gardening, farming and scrubbing. 3. Freedom of speech and the press is a problematic concept for most systems of governments. In the modern age, the access of information should be limited to the general public in order not to leak certain aspects of the government acts, policies and social problems to the outside world. In desperation to have this done, many times these publishers are held down with force through the use of the military, the police force or even the National Court. Individual journalists who attempt to slander the government will be put in their rightful place by the agents of the state. A. Journalists are reproached if they go against government policies. B. Journalists are subdued and stamped out in many democratic countries. C. The press helps to indoctrinate people in non-democratic governments.

3 D. In non-democratic countries around the world, the press is under subjugation. 4. At around 1 a.m. in a Paris suburb, a burglar alarm was set off. Police arrived in time to arrest a thief with stolen jewels in his pocket - but his accomplice managed to escape. Looking for clues in the house, the police found a mobile phone that didn’t belong to the homeowners. They look it to the station. A few days later, the phone rang. It was the burglar on the line. He thought someone had just found his phone and turned it in to police. He was encouraged to come and pick it up - which he did, and was promptly arrested. A. The burglar called the homeowners. B. The police arrested a total of two thieves. C. The homeowners asked the burglar to collect his mobile phone. D. The thief was arrested before the mobile phone had been found. 5. The Chinese population is expected to drop by 2% to 2.5% every decade for the next 30 to 40 years. According to the Department of Statics, the Chinese population has dropped to less than 25% in recent years. In order to meet the population replacement rate, it is estimated that a Chinese family must at least three children. There were several reasons for declining Chinese population ratio in Malaysia, including the declining Chinese birth rate and the fact that the Chinese tend to marry late and have fewer children. Apart from that, there were also Chinese people who had migrated in the past 30 years. A. The Chinese population drops due to poverty. B. The Chinese population has increased 75% so far. C. A Chinese family must have less than three children. D. The Chinese birth rate is decreasing in every 10 years. Part II Vocabulary (5%) Read the following passage carefully and choose the most appropriate meaning of each word or phrase printed in bold as used in the passage. Passage1 Jealousy is a very strong emotion that can grip a person, causing much unpleasantness and distress. It can spawn lifelong resentments, deep-seated anger and even hatred. However, every now and then, it is acceptable in mild amounts because we are after all, humans and thus less than perfect. Jealousy can often make people think, say or do ridiculous things because it shoves aside people’s rational, bare minds and thereby bringing out the worst in them. If left uncontrolled, it controls instead. The basic causes of jealousy are a sense of insecurity and low sense of self-esteem. Passage 2 During the reign of Emperor Xuandi (74 – 49 BC), the power of the Huns had declined drastically. At that time, two men contended for the little of Khan, or

4 paramount chief, of the Huns. One of them, Huhanye by name, sought the help of the Han Dynasty. Huhanye visited Chang’an twice, and pledged his allegiance to the Emperor. In 36BC, Emperor Yuandi, emperor Xuandi’s successor, dispatched troops, which ensured Huhanye’s victory. In 33BC, Huhanye went to Chang’an for the third time and offered to restore the heqin system by marrying a Han princess. 1. .... and distress. (line 2). This phrase can be replaced by _____. A. Euphoria B. Misfortune C. Trouble D. Unhappiness 2. .... lifelong resentments, ...(line 2). This phrase can be replaced by ____? A. Bitterness B. Glee C. Pallet D. Peached 3. .... in mild amounts ... (line 3). This phrase can be replaced by _____? A. Abundant B. Coarse C. Easy D. Moderate 4. ..... do ridiculous things .... (line 5). This phrase can be replaced by _____? A. Absurd B. Impossible C. Serious D. Unnecessary 5. .... sense of self-esteem. (line 8). This phrase can be replaced by _____? A. Dignity B. Moral C. Principle D. Unworthiness Part III Comprehension (5%) Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions. For each question, select the best answer from the options A,B,C and D. The animal world is filled with danger from predators but there are many amazing ways animals protect themselves from such danger. The natural instinct for many insects in particular, is to simply squirm out of their predator’s grip or just quickly fly away. The best protection against an enemy, however is to avoid being seen by it. Many creatures rest or sleep in a safe hiding place. Caterpillars normally stay undercover during the day by rolling, folding or joining leaves and securing their homes with silk.

5 But small caterpillars may tunnel into fruits of a plant they are on while some larger ones may burrow into roots or wood. Many ants, bees and wasps deliver venom to their enemies by a formidable stringer which not only induces intense pain but may also trigger an allergic reaction in the victim. Many species, such as rabbits only emerge into the open at night when it is harder for enemies to spot them. Some animals are active for just short periods so they are not exposed to predators that easily. These are animals which blend with their surroundings and while remaining almost motionless. They are difficult to spot because they resemble the surroundings where they laze such as the chameleon or tree climbing lizard. It is unique as it can change its skin colours to green or brown or yellow to effectively camouflage itself with its surroundings. The ptarmigan, an arctic bird, on the other hand, is brown in summer and white in the winter months, when snow covers the ground. The gray bark crypsis is typical of many moths whose colouring makes them seem to disappear when they rest on certain trees. Mimicry helps some animals escape from their predators. These animals mimic or resemble other objects around their environment. For instance, some caterpillars look like lizards or bird droppings. Anglerfish look exactly like rocks on the seabed. Batesian mimicry is mimicry where totally harmless creature strongly mimics an offensive animal. The English naturalist, Henry W. Bates studies this form of strategic defence mechanism in the 1800’s and observed that some harmless species may have colouring and behaviour that make them look like a dangerous or bad-tasting animals. The viceroy butterflies, which are actually tasty food to birds, are rarely attacked as they resemble the foul-tasting monarch butterflies. Other unusual and fascinating ways of animals protecting themselves include the hagfish which gives off large quantities of slime when disturbed. The bombardier beetle squirts irritating chemicals while the skunk sprays foul-smelling fluids when they are attacked. The deadly cobras, of course, spit blinding venom at the eyes of their attackers. However, the hognose snake, flips over, lies on its back and plays dead when a predator approaches. This is very different from the house lizard which drops its expendable tail when alarmed to fool its predator. While the wriggling tail attracts the attention of its enemy, the lizard quickly escapes. The lizard grows a new tail later. Many animals possess inborn weapons to fight their attackers. The sharp claws of an ostrich or the large hooves of a big moose, which is the largest of all the deer species, can rip open an enemy. Porcupines, the prickliest of rodents, have long, sharp quills on their back, sides and tail. When a porcupine is threatened, it assumes a defensive posture, with its quills erect like stiff spines, his the predator with them. The quills become embedded in the predator’s body causing it great pain and as a result the predator backs away. Porcupines grow new quills to replace the ones they have lost. Bees and wasps deliver venom to their enemies by a formidable stinger which not only induce pain, but also may trigger an allergic reaction in the victim. There are also animals that have natural armours. Some have hard shells or coverings that protect them. Turtles for example, pull in their head, legs and tail when then sense danger while the anteaters or pangolins rill into a tight ball that is almost impossible for enemies to penetrate as hey are covered by hard, bony plates.

6 6. The writer uses the word ‘amazing’ to describe the ways animals protect themselves to indicate that he ____ . A. Loves animals B. Finds animals fascinating C. Admires the animals’ strange behaviour D. Hopes to adopt and adapt these defence strategies 7. Based on information from paragraph 2, small caterpillars tunnel into a fruit because ____ . A. It is the safest hiding place B. It provides food for the caterpillars C. It is soft and easily penetrated D. It is an amazing way to survive 8. Based on information from paragraph 3, moths can become invisible to their enemies by _____ . A. Remaining still B. Changing its colour C. Disappearing into the trees D. Using camouflage to remain unseen 9. The significance of Henry W. Bates’ study can be observed when ______. A. A small fly looks so much like bumble bee that enemies avoid it B. A brown deer blends in with the surrounding woodland and cannot be seen C. An owl uses its sharp claws or talons to defend its nest from intruders D. A walking-stick insect is mistaken for a twig due to its shape and colour 10. All the following are ways animals use chemicals and fluid for defence except ____. A. Discharging slime B. Shooting out poison C. Spraying around blood D. Squirting noxious liquids Section B Language Use (20%) Answer all parts in this section. Part I Error Identification (10%) Each sentence below contains an error. Identify the error. 11. Alice is one of those people who is always helping those in need. A B C D 12. Although John and James were always arguing over trivial matters, they got A B C along well as blood is more thicker than water. D

7 13. Edmund was given a chance to further his studies at a prestigious university A B C abroad. D 14. The tycoon’s vast property was divided equitable between his many children A B and so everyone was satisfied and there were no disputes. C D 15. The growth of plants varies from place to place according to the whether A B C D conditions of the place. 16. I can hear someone cry, perhaps they have hurt themselves. A B C D 17. At 10, James was one of the young climbers ever to reach the summit of A B C D Kilimanjaro. 18. The farmers, a Mr Hanay, was given us permission to cross his fields to get to A B C the hill beyond. D 19. Lucy had just discovered that she was pregnant, and both she and Mark were A B delighted about them. C D 20. As the driver of the speeding van apply his brakes the van came to a A B C screeching halt. D

8 Part II Word Form (10%) Fill in the correct the word form for each word in brackets. 21. The surgeon has to perform a surgery to clear a __________ (block) of the patient’s artery. 22. An ________ (exhaust) report on this matter has to be submitted to the authorities. 23. It is ________ (hazard) to smoke inside a coal mine as an explosion may occur. 24. Mrs Lee turned ________ (hysteria) when she received news that her husband had met with a car accident. 25. Your password has to be ________ (valid) before you are allowed to enter this website. 26. In humans and other mammals, the ________ (respire) system includes the lungs, the diaphragm and the windpipe. 27. After receiving the bad news, Emilee was in a complete state of ________ (bewilder) and did not know what to do. 28. Brooke begins to doubt the ________ (truth) of her boyfriend’s words as she has been duped by him too many times. 29. The remarkable results the professor had eventually achieved was _________ (attribute) to the hard work he had put into the research for years. 30. The world of cyberspace is a _________ (border) one where people from around the globe can communicate almost instantaneously with one another.

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