vwobtthhytfosvettIhrImkftSeilts1rah.estm-ointtloetsorafsncnt\0halvdafelyTlnaythtgtctnethit-mntsttedtmghmtgehtatatrietthC-tta..ghCrfLtGtS|.»[tymturahUacnté»n(ltthtrrshtLsrle:huICIgyrIleklohtcd1hrh<(grUld\le'1\gr{J1samg5kgtlg1thCo:ar[t}tnnrlarlt1,ltmlt1hfgt\sa.trt'setck*ltg},hitll.btoeatydrcldetast caolonntmg tchteGDrzalrtkkhlsllkuefi.hwIhniloethxrvr, 1e)r2zfltrl(s‘,£o\r\‘ltLhrens and paaaagrfi
Ullflerdiirk to
facihlzuc rra\'C1uttdtrude.
Howmer. tht= ad\ Pnturrrs wt}! quickly rralizc that (he: The churat'tr‘rsl12tw a chzmrc m \.\’iIl'I€:S and
pama[thhnonaeBrwdtd~uDDcn=trlaep.cttttostr-tws'pfktFlkt(tuhoathaihltfn1strietegnhdrrtewG:tghnAilrtewtitahbmec“nrkrp(fiohlsxs1fsie1rlpc5ttloothll‘osgncffhttithtmA.sliurTsLdue|he[Uertthhge‘srnruptCI~drt0i.v‘-tv,ay0asrat|pt1dhhec1txaa-nrorcn|sekfuI'staLwSlnh‘.O1hdeamocuIm.plnhep\nn\1o''aC0eh.~30t:t|tlk1ti0ttonIah[‘fg0Cte sCh1a‘&p!e('kc1v§r[nugls1)i[naLtihEes~t~(Id‘thhnavt».p\o1ntnprtE1tt)w)artea‘r,dd (hr danger
(hr: (‘.1()‘LS[0r
tt. But WBiltahdeesa‘chthemyornuwnn(thtth: erisCk11U2IrHR\Ca(\L'I‘n!'s;1spt-nd't\|)iCn(‘t1hlheE‘
CH}. 0!
ctmw only 10 hr en<ILt\ed 1:3 (ht thtetgat.
Gmcklslugh tunes hate a few thtttgs
Despite HS (lL\ngL‘r>, that": what some of the characters’
to offer
. or at [mast
fellcm escapees mu them.
Bttpptdn (sec L’1I:\pU‘r 1) and Hclneth (~56 r‘hL\pU':V‘
3 i3)art: 1thsttttmgtlt.‘1'N‘hPetCksnwowhothaarltivttettlty-tsguagtghtmés.l gotttg [0 rat
J10 tow
' -
lhr‘ drowx tttttt their d\‘2|L‘0]1i:Jl\ lzms k(‘CpL\1l(U\'€l,Ql'|t‘I'S
buy more useful equipment. Additionally. the iluergar Gtuctttsruc Gsnztut FEAYURESelsewhere in the Urtderd:lrk—or perhaps cvcn to the
trade actively with other subterrancan and surl'art>— Sweltering heat and eloying smoke cling to every cornersurface wtlrld.
dwelling races. Gracklstuglfs Blaclc Bazaar might be ofthe duergar city, spewing from smeltets housed irlslde
the ideal place to find traders in explorers heading in RANDOM ENCOQNTERSstalagmites and stalactites. These protrude
the surface world. massivewith routine patrols of heavi armed gray rlwarvescaverns floor and ceiling like the teeth of some
from the
If Buopido or l-lemeth isn‘t with the party. others who can turn invisible. Gracklstugh is a relatively safe
cpalannpsrtoovtirdaevtehltttn£1tlh)Ue\/Eciitnyfaotrmfirastti,ocno.nSsacriiothusreosfitshtes low great for those who know where they belong and stay
regard the oluergar have for drow. He changes his mind Light.|'l'sglowing rcrges and srvllthles operatethere. However. tensions are rising because of the
quickly. however, as Zuggtmoy's spores drive him to influence of Demogorgoni and tlte characters have many
seek a densely populated area where he can Spl‘(‘£l(i his continuously. Most etthe city IS dimly lit by a hellish redopportunities to participate in events unfolding in the
contagion. glow, with patches etdaitness here and there.
4city. .-\t the end of each long rest. roll a C1202 on a roll of
it's also possible the party arrives at Gracklstugh Noise. The clarlglrlg and (lacking ofhammets and
involuntarily. Duergar slaw; . . ur the Llnderrlark ttl machinery echoes constantly throughout the city. Wisdom
search of new "merchandl . and they might deceive or (Perception) checks made to listen in Gracltlstugh have
outright capture the chara . ers and bring them to their disadvantage.
c’ ‘s slave markets. The random encounters in chapters Smnk: and Haze. Despite vents dug into the walls and
2 and 3 can easily set up this scenario.
ceiling prthe city‘; great cavern, tuines treni srnsltets and
Forges linger Zl ground level (as does the gas lapped in
Laduguer's Furrow). Visitors might contract the illness
lmawrl as gr.-tetitelung (see the Grackle-Iurlg sidebar).
gnécxcsruqn AND DROW Pultsuir
Taking refugc in Gracklstugh has its advantages. Each
day they spend in the duergar capital. the characters cart
a DC l6 group Dexterity (Stealth) check to move
attempt cautiously, with success indicating that they
avoid drawing attention to themselves. The characters
can also attempt a DC 13 group wisdom (insight) check
to assess the mood in the city. with success allowing
them to avoid trouble before it starts. Characters who he
low for thu tlzty have advantage 0!! this Wisdom check.
Success with either check reduces the party's pursuit 17—20. an encounter takes pla . Roll another t.l20 and
level by 1 (see "Draw Pursuit" in chapter 2). consult the Random Encounte ti Grncklstugh table:
it the characters are outside the Darklalte District. treat
any entry marked with an - risk as a "nilfirgar Patrol"
cncountcr instead.
The Darklake Distrit is a likely entry point [D the city
iorthe charactcrs. whether they arrive via the water or RANDOM ENCOUNTERS IN CRACKLSTUGH
travel one of thc many tunnels lcading to the districts
gates. Non—duCrgar arriving from tuttnels that lead to dzo Encounter
stopped and escorted to the Darklakc l—Z Abusive duergar guards
other districts are vy guard. as every other district is
District under he’ 34 Deep gnome merchants
normally offlimils to outsiders. and trespassers risk s—7 Derro timers’
being confronted by an invisible patrol or four duergar. 1H042 Drow errllSSary*
The party's fellow escapees know that trying to Duergar patrol
enter through the main entrances is a sure way to get l3—l4 Mad duergar
enslaved, unless one of the characters is an epic liar
who can convince the guards the party is a legitimate ‘lS—l6 Ore rnercenariess
diplomaticor trade delegation Anyone with a merchant
or Criminal hackgrclundhas heard rumors that the 'l7—l8 Slave caravan
19 Steeder handlers
Zhentarin-i trade in thc Unrlerdarlt. hut ptlslhg as 20 Thembetcllaud
Zhentarim has its own risks. as such claims are bound ABUSIVE DUERGAR GUARDS
an be t:1uesti<tued.Acharztrter who is actually a member Ta hdeuetzrgltaarramctecrrcshcaonmt eanudposnhotwutoindguaecrcguasragtiuoanrsdsofbhcearteinsyg.
oithc Zl-tcntarim can buy the adventurers a couple of Any Llnderdarlt native accompanying the party urges
dots inside the city before the dttcrg.-tr slavers start the characters nnt to intervene (tn the merchant's llehalf.
taking their measttrc.
Arriving by way of the Dztrklakc Dorks is easier and telling therri this isn't their busl and warning them
mBuoprpeiddoisccraenetg. uIifdtehethcehmaratoctaerdsesaerretetdravpeielirnwghbeyrebothaet.y that any inrcrterenee might get them arrested or killed.
can dock quietly. He warns them that they have to Bystandcrs limit a little surprised or concerned but don't
lteep a low profile and head tlir ty to the only inn intcrvcne, nul even to aid the unconscious merchant
in once the guards leave.
if the characters invcsttgute the circumstances
{hi city devoted ti) outsiders. The Gholllbrorns Lair
is frequented by merchants, mercenaries. and other
roretgners who can offer information about traveling leading to the assault. bystanders tell them that one
of the guards noticed El golden pin the merrhanl was
l lli:—~ll I». 4 lvlifi lt\LS‘l'\lK}H
wearing inside his collar. Though adornment for made to interact with any duergar in the city until such
adornment’s sake is something duergar society frowns time as the benefit no longer seems appropriate.
upon, the guards’ violent response was unnatural a
hint of the growing madness festering inside the City DROW EMISSARY
of Blades.
A drow proudly wearing the insignia ofa drow house
DEEP GNOME MERCHANT travels with an entourage of M4 + l quaggoth slaves.
A female deep gnome named Ariana and her earth The tlrow is in Gracklstugh to retrieve a cargo of
elemental bodyguard approach the party. Ariana aims duergar metalwork and knows nothing about the recent
to deliver a cargo of gemstones, but she cairt find the events in Velkynvelve. Roll 3 d6 and consult the Draw
duergar merchant she's supposed to meet. she assumes House Loy.-illy table to tleteriniiie the house to which the
the characters are smugglers and tries to unload her draw is affiliated.
goods: ten sparkly garnets worth lD0 gp each. Ariana
keeps the gems in a bag onrolding, which isn't lor sale. DROVI Hous: LOVALTV
The merchant whom Ariana is looking for was 416 House
recently arrested and executed for selling stolen 1-2 House Baenre
jewelry. You can decide whether Ariana's interest in the 3-4 House Faen Tlabbar
characters attracts the attention of a duergar patrol. S-6 House Xorlarrirl
Subsequent occurrences of this encounter are with House Farm Tlabbar and House Mizzrym are bitter
other dcep gnome merchants who ignore the characters rivals. ll the drow emissary belongs to House Fael]
unless approached. They carry nothing of value. Tlabbar and the characters divulge that they are
enemies or former prisoners of House Mizzrym, the
DERRO RIOTERS drow warns the party about xalith (see “Signs or
A mob ofderro (see appendix c) rampages through the Pursuit" later in the chapter).
streets. Five of them detach from the mob to attack the
characters. Four duergar patrols (see “Duergar Patrol") House Baenre and House Xorlarrin are current allies
arrive when the characters kill the last derro. but they of House Mizzrym. A drow emissary allied with House
simply nod at the Characters before repressing the rest Mizzrymwho knows that the characters are escaped
of the mob. Word quickly spreads that the characters prisoners from Velkynvelve seeks out Xalith and warns
helped the city guard control the iinruly derro scum. At her that the characters are in Gracklstugh.
your discretion, give the characters advantage on checks
ROLEPLAVINC THE Duzlrclut AND DERRO A patrol consists of 1d4 + 2 duergar, all but two of
The gray dwarves are dour. joyless. and all business. They whom are invisible. Invisible duergar can sneak up on
live by a simple but exacting code oflaw. honor, hard work. a character by making a Dexterity (Stealth) check with
and seeing all nonducrgar as lesser creatures. Duergar
are ruthless but not unnecessarilycruel. and pragmatlsm advantage, contested by the characters passive wisdom
drives their every decision. Though they treat the (Perception) score.
adventurers with contempt, their first thought is to enslave
them or use them rather than kill them. M A D D u ERGAR
The characters encounter a duergar afiflicred with a
The ducrgar orcraclrlstugh are beginning to stirrer the form of indefinite madness. Roll a d10 and consult
effects ofthe arrival oithe demon lords—arid specifically the Mad Duergar table to determine what the party
the influence of Dsmogorgon. Many are developingtics, encounters.
habits. and behaviors that fly against their core beliefs.
includingguards flauntingtheir corrupt behavior. the MAD DUERGAII
use ofadornrnerit for adornment‘: sake. and disloyalty to d1o NPC
their clans. Oflate, the folk ofmacklstugh have become 1—z A merchant desperate to sell his wares, convinced
increasingly more violent, abandoning their characterrstic that his lite depends on it.
cunning and stoic pragmatism tor wanton malice and
petty displays otselrcntitlemcnt. 34 A street sweeper who hounds the characters while
Unlike the discrplined duergar. the derro are sloppy. accusing them ofbeirlg spies working for the drow.
erratic, and utterly insane. Thelrtemperament is fickle.
and their speech hard to follow, The one guaranteed so A cloaked guard who thinks he's Deepking i-lergar
emotion they have when interacting with others is seething Steelshadow v drafts the party to help him slay
hatred, and they make no short to hide it. Their eyes are Themberchaud. convinced that the dragon is
shifty. their teeth grind. and they look as though they possessed by a demon lord.
would rather be somewhere else. They hate everyone and
everything. but surfacedwellers are particular targets of 74 A merchant who accuses the characters oftheft and
their loathing.
calls out for a duergar patrol to arrest them.
Their inherent insanity means that the dcrro suffer no ill
enact from the demon lords‘ presence. their minds already 940 Aweaponsmith convinced that one ofthe
too volatile and mercurial.
characters is a long-lost member of herclan and
who insists on giving the party food and shelter.
t.llAPl'L|l >1 GRACRLh‘lU(.rll
cn .o
These ld-4 + 1 ores have come to Gl'a('rki$lL|gh as The adult red dragon is out on his regular rounrls.
bccahurlalaryvasacontemrgseuaisnrudtrosf’.strcnikidliwnsegeeltliterhrsest.,cTthhhaeernaocqrtuceisrcsktlryaystsoatacgnhodaadndcotehwetno. lteeping the city's forges atldine. Themberchaud has
knowing that a patrol (see "Ducrgar Patrol") will al‘T|V( long been keeping his cye out for merccnar _ in
ld6 rounds after combat starts. the city that could be bent to his service. lf he spots
the characters. he might take an interest in them.
SLAVE CARAVAN See “Thr:ml.iercllaud's Lair for information on the
Wyrmsmllh's motivatio ' and possible setups for an
The characters come across a group of ldzs + 1 duergar additional encounter with the red dragon.
slavers herding unarmed slaves (rtill consult
the Slaves table). The slaves wear iron collars and
inanacles similar to the ones worn by the characters in The characters might encounter one cir more of the
Vclltynvelvc ts : "Restraints" in chapter 1). tollowing NPCs during their stay in Graclilstugh.
SLAVES GiuclttsrucH NPCs
Ccrglak Corrupt male duergar on duty at
d11 Slaves
the gate where the characters lirst
l~2 2:14 human commoners
N4 shield dwsrtcommoners Xalith arrive in Gracklstugh
34 2d4 strongheart hzlllirig commoners Female diow scout charged with
End: Blackskull recapturing the characters For llvara
5—6 we goblins Female duergzr captain orthe
7-3 2d6 gvimlnclts Stone Guard with a side quest
ads kobulds tortlie party
ll—'l2 The city's wyrrnsrnith, an adult
red dragon with a possible mission
A group of1d4 + 1 duergar teamsters herd a clutch GzrtnkkavXundnm tor the party
of M6 male steeders (see appendix C). There is 50 Male duergar Keeper ctthc Flame
percent chance that M4 at the stc ile s attack nearby
characters or bystanders. The duergar keep the rest of with a side questfor the party
the clutch in check. but they clamor tor the chara , ' Vlsa Henstak Female duergzr merchant with a
arrest lleven one or the arachnid_ killed. A ncnrhy Drolti side quest forthe party
patrol (see “Duergar Patrol") hears the teamstcrs' Male derro courier in the einotoy
of both the Gray Ghosts and the
clamor and arrives ldo rounds later.
Council oisavarits, and the subiect
aseificlerlcy, stoicism,and hard work, and these values are
SECRETS or Gtuclttsrucrt Wen Saltbaron ofdifferent possible side quests
Male dueirgar merchant with a
wary outsiders visiting Cracklstugh quickly learn the most
important details oilite in the city.
Unsun srntiries. The duergar power otinvisibilityplays mission forthe party
a significant role in their society. The potential presence of stanespeaker Hgraam Male stone giant leader with a side
unseen spies everywhere enforces honesty among duergar.
Slaves rarely, ifever, talk or act against their masters, never Nanak questforthe party
Male derro Savant, iunior member
lmowlrlg who might be watching. oftlie Council ofsavartts and leader
A City Divided. Not only is the layout ofcracklstugh
divided, so are its people. Nearly five hundred years ofa cult dedicated to Demogorgnn
ago, the derro launched a Uniting war against the orFACTIONS GRAC_I_(LSTUGI_jI
Deepklngdum, but were swiftly rrushed, arid the survivors
brought boot to Cracklstugli in chains Though their The Deeiiltingdoni is a feudal slate wiih the Deeplting
status as slaves was eventually set aside, the derro have
always been secorldcclass citizens, living in squalor and as the absolute monarv . who passesl mwn to
scvounging food and resources, even as their leaders on deer endants or relatives in his Steclshztdow clan.
the Council ofsavarits live in secret opulence. Each clan is led by a laird, who rules over his or her
own holdings and directs the clan in dedicating its
Frugal and Monolithic. The gray dwatves value cfftzrts toward a particular trade or craft. A caste of
exemplified in their capital, Everything the duergar make priests called rhuldar olliciate all rituals and record the
a purpose and function:the only aesthetic Deepltingdonrs lore. However. ultimate political and
or build has architecture is imposing vastness, and even religious power is held by the Deepking and the lairds.
they value in
that is secondary to 3 building‘: structural function, The
only ornarrieritatioris found in Gracklstugh are iconic DEEPKING HORGAR STEELSHADOW V
representations otrank and function within duergar
society. and the only music is the ceaseless rhythmic Dccpking Horgar V ascended to the throne in 1372
hammering lrl the torges The duergar consider art a DR. He is a ruthless and canny ruler who engages in
frivolous pursuit, and only rarely appreciate or {mate it. secret meetings with all the city's councils anti clans
to keep their members guessing what he's up to. hands
iiut lavors out of the blue. and lets it be known that
t:ii,ii-rsir l l‘.R\FKLSTUGll
he‘ll use any trick to maintain his hold on power. This CoUNclL or SAVANTS circlc of dr‘,r‘l'() savants who
includes hiring assassins through third parties to take Sav-ants IS a
care of potential troublemakers (sec “Empty—Scahbard The Council of
enjoy all the privileges and trappings of a governing
Killers," below). This strategy ltecps all the ci gs body while the rest otiheir people live In squalor. Only
factions at cl.l(*l'l other‘s throats and out or Horgar‘s way, the best thir IX savants arc aclniitted into the council.
and SIICC inn almost always includes an incumbent
CThOisUaNdCviIsLoryorboLdAyIrRepDrSesents the interests otthe membc ‘s demise. The savants nrintrol members or
some tluergar clans through magic and guile. and
different claiis that have pledged allegiance to the always looking for ways to expaiitl their influellcr‘. are
Deepking. The lairds hold Council to Ft‘, nlve disputes MERCHANT COUNCIL
and di future plans. Each clan has its own holdings The lzltrtls and merchants who sit at this council make
in Cvracklstugh and spccialires in a certain cratt sure that trade and commerce flow smoothly. They
DI‘ service. employ slave labor to niatntain trade routes in the
dangerous Underdark, and are always open to hiring
DLIERGAR CLANS txxplorers to check out leads on potential new routes,
Expenrlalileoutsiders hired Caravan guards always
srnithing clan Steelshadow (weaponsmitlls), Clan take point and receive littlt: iiitl or support from the
caravan masters. Despite these unfair assignments,
Irorlhead (weaponsmtths), Clan Thrazgad the duergar always live up to their bargains. paying
survivors as promised.
(armorsrnitlis),Clan Firehand (smelters), Clan
Anvilthew (tpolrnakers)
Mercantile Clan Thuldarlt (metalivorksand lewels), Clan
Henstak (food), Clan Muzgardt (brewers)
Mining Clarl Cozlhewer (coal miners), clan Xzrdelvar GRACKLSTUGH MXLITARY
In atlditioii to the clans‘ regiilar armies. Gracklsttigh
other (gas miners), clan Saltbaron (salt miners) tr ‘ specialized warriors whose oaths of service
Clan Parlynsurk (clothing manufacturers),
always supersede their original loyalties. see appendix
Clan Hamnnercane (construction engineers). C for more information,
Clan Xurldom (steeder breeders), clan
Stone Guard. This Torre of five hundred veteran
Burzkrlnwuln (dock operators), clan Xornbane warriors serves the Deepking as bodyguards. elite
(scouts and prospectors), clan Elackskull troops, and secret pollt‘ _
(stanernasons), Clan Bukbukken (tanning),
Darkhafts. Mcrnlieis til the Deepkintfs secret corps
Clan Thorderlsorlrl (lewelers) of psioiiic agents, the tlarkhatts often travel with duergar
merchants as overseers and spies.
Kavalrachni. The vicious kavalrachni ride giant
tarantttlas known as eeders (see appendix C). Most
kavalracllni come front Clan Xundom.
Xanorn. The A speria s train with deadly llama
lanees forgttcl in Gmoklstugh. Most xnrmrn come lrom
Clan Xardelvar.
The constant smog in Gracklstugh causes graclttelung
(l-lr\FTTR| ulut tsl~l‘ui,H in living, breathing creatures, resulting in persistent,
wracklng coughs and the spewing otthict, hlact phlegm.
whenever a ll)/mg, breathing creature finishes a long rest
in Cracklstuglri, it must make a DC ll Constitution saving
throw. Ort each failed save, the creature gains one level of
exllaustlavl as its airways tieeorne increasingly clogged A
creature that reaches level 6 exhaustion dies, as normal.
A creature with one or more levels ofexhaustion brought
on by graetlelung must succeed on a constitution check
to take the Dash action. Ifthe check falls, the action
cannot be attempted. lithe creature attempts to cast
a spell with a verbal component, it must succeed on a
Constitution check or be unable to complete the spell,
causlng the spell to tail wlth no eiteot. Tlte DC for each
check is l0 + the creature's current exhaustion level.
lfz creature's exhaustion level draps below 1, it no
longer sufi"ers the eileets otgiactlelung and becomes
immune to it for the next week Duergar and derro are
lnured to grackle-lung, making Constitution checks against
it with advantage.Any spell or efiecl that cures disease
also cures gracl<le—lung, effectively removingall levels of
exhaustion brought on hytlie afflictlori.
Despite reports that the darlthafts and the Stone Tl-la DOWNVIAND Smut
Guards have received about the growing crisis outside
the city‘s walls, hubris and the onset of madness The madness ofthe demon lords has not reached
prevents them front mounting any sort of response Crzcklstugh in Full, but it already has a foothold through
or campaign, blind to the corruption that testers the work ofthe derro and their savznts,
around them.
A splinter group otthe Council of savarits began
CLAN CAIRNGORM worshipingDemogorgon even before the current crisis,
and thelrfoul rituals accelerated the spread of madness
The stone giants orclan Cairngorni load quiet lives
of art and contemplation in Gracklstugh. Although 4_ the city. To make things worse, the divided nature ofthe
reclusiveand averse to eonllict. the giants have worn city, both geographically and socially, resonates strongly
an ancient oath of loyalty to the Deeplting, and have with the dual aspect of Demogorgorr. The derro cultists
been serving his line tor as long as any can remember. plan to offer the entire city to their newly arrlved master.
This oath, however. was given only to the Steelshadow Many duergar Nl=cs the characters interact with are
clan. If the throne passes to another dynasty, the stone showing the nrst signs ofirlfectiotl.Thol.lghtheir madness
giants will cease to be the city's allies. has not yet overwhelmed them, It manifests in behavior
The leader of the stone giants is Stonespeaker such as Errde Blacl<sltull's conspiracytheories, Gorglaks
llgraam. a priest of Skoraeus Stonebones. the god of corruption, and Gartol<l<ar Xurldom's paranoia.
his people. Hgmatn is wise and knowledgeable. lie
has sensed that some great evil has broken into the weeGRAY GHOSTS
Unilerdark. but isn‘t aware ofthc threat's danger or
extent. The giants will rise to defend Gracklstugh if The Gray Ghosts are the only true thieves’ guild in
any demons dare to invade, but they are unaware of the C-racklstugh and the Deepkingdam. Its members are
danger creeping into the city from within. duergar and derro outcasts. plus the odd escaped slave.
KEEPERS or THE FLAME to Tllelnbercllauds The Keepers of the Flame caught and executed the
clerics tcnds Gray Ghosts‘ previous leader. who stole their red dragon
This order of psiotlic egg but never revealed its whereabouts. The relentless
needs. enjoying great influence and helping llorgar vendctttt forced the thieves into hiding and restricted
\' stay ahead of the machinations of the Council their activities. but they persevere thanks to the three
renegade derro savants who are their current leaders:
Uskvil and the twin sisters Aliinka and Zubriska.
The Keepers olthe Flame are currently distracted The Furalt-EracIl—Naek("Enlpty—St‘.al’1hartl Killers" in
by their ongoing vendetta against the Gray Ghosts. Common) are a lolktale irl Gracklstugli. their name
who re ently stole a valuable dragon egg that would derived from an ancient. obscure Dwztrvish dialect.
have hat hed Themberchauds eventual successor. They are all order of psionic EISSASSI s practicing
Complicating matters, Thernberchaud himself is ill ciplines unknown to even the savviest derro or the
growing stronger and more resistant to the clerics’
coaxing. appeasement, and psiotiic manipulation. st priest. More than rl myth, these killers have been
plying their trade for centuries, their motives unknown
Tl-IEMBERCHAU D THE WYRMSMITH and their methods inscrutable.
This adult red dragon keeps the city's smelters and
forges ablaze, receiving treasure. tree meals, and The Ernptysrahbard Killers are ttuergar soulblades
constant pampering in exchange. Themberchaud (see appendix C) who roztln tlle streets of Gracklstugh
doesn't know that, like other Wyrmsiniths before him. searching for psionically giiierl children to abduct anti
he is doomed to be slain before he grows too strong, train. They also kccp an eye out for worthy calassabrak
replaced by a new red hatchling. However. the line of (see below), offeringthem a cllztnce to join a new
succession was interrupted when the Gray Ghosts stole community from which they can strike back at those
a red dragon egg troni tlle Keepers oftlie Flame. who cast them otit.
The Wyrmsmith is beginning [0 chafc under the l._1l7E IN THE CITY 05 BLl§.DEs
Keepers’ control. He now wonders why he is content
with a mere trickle orgold and a paltry handtul or The tluergar are called gray (lwarves not only because of
slaves. when he CUul(l simply force the entire city to the color of their skin. but also because of their drab and
bend knee to him and give him everything he desires. yoyless lifestyle, whilr tht-.y make no time for rnerrinieni,
For now, his actions are limited by how little he cares the duergar have a Culture as rich and complex as any
about the duergar and how much the Keepers speak other. and nowhere is this so evident as in Gracltlstugh.
‘on his behalf." But he has begun taking an interest in
the affairs of Gracklstugli and the opportunity to recruit Worlt never stops in the t ty of Blades. and the gray
new servants from outside the Keepers of the Flame. dwarves take pridl: in efficiency and perfrt-titin even as
using his outings to rekindle fnrges and srnelters as a they ahhor waste and carelessness. they are merciless
means to keep an eye out for promising subjects. masters to the derro aiitl slaves who toil anti suffer
under them.
By appearance and hearing, all ducrgar know their
place and where they belong. whether as individuals.
families, or entire clans. duergar below other duergar
in the social order don't seek to bring their rivals down
tll\i‘lElZ l lt.1K-\Ll~.l>tt\l(‘.H
through intrigue and deceit. Rather, they roll up their access the Knowledgeand Life domains. Stnnespeaker
sleeves and work harder to increase their prestige Hgraarn. a powerful spellcaster, ls sttoraeus-'s only
through the fruits of their labor. priest in Gracklstugh.
All the honor and honesty the duergar apply among LAW AND ORDER
themselves doesn't apply to outsiders. The gray dwarves Minor crime is relatively rare in Grucklstugh. The
constantly try to manipulate contracts to take advantage rlnergar live by a strict code othnnor, and their laws
of foreign merchants, looking for any excuse to enslave are few, simple, and practical. Both guards and regular
random visitors who appear weak or vulnerahle— citizen. n ht 'nvisible and watching, which keeps
including adventurers. any potenti , minals and dissenters uncertain and
fearful. A laird may punish any member othis or her
Though they aren't moved by vanity duergar are clan who commits a crime, but ofienses helween clans
extremely proud of their work. and praising the quality are immediately brought before the Council nf Lairtls,
of duergar crafting can sometimes help outsiders in which resolves matters swiftly and harshly. The code
their dealings with the gray rlwarvcs. otpunishment is simple. Because dishonor, mutilation
and impr‘ onme t are (I waste of resources and create
Duergar clans use caverns under Gracklstuglt and , a duergar who intentionally
choice outlying caves to farm a Variety of plants and commits any crime receives a death sentence.
rungi. These crops are complemented by meat from Accidental crime by a rluergar is compensated by goods
Underdark beasts and fish from the Darklake. Not even or work equivalent to the damages. Derro, slaves or
the duergar risk drinking water from the Darklakc, outsiders caught committing any crime can be executed
on the spot by any duergar present.
however. and with clean streams in short supply. the
people of Gracklstugh cover this scarcity with Darklake GRACKLSTUGH
Stout. the signature ale brewed by the Muzgardt clan.
Population: l0,000 duergar. 2,000 tlerro. 50 stone
OUTCASTS giants, and an unknown number of slaves (quaggoths,
The bottom rung in Grzicklstugh society is mostly grimlocks, ortzs. shield dwarves, svirfneblin, and a few
occupied by the underclass of the derro. Enslaved by kobolds anti gohlinoids)
the duergar centuries ago. then freed, the derro aren't
allowed to hold honest jobs, and their rights are hardly Government: Absolute monarchy
ever recognized by the duergar. Even slaves are held Defense: Larg standing army with specialized corps;
in higher regard. Derro scuttle about like vermin and
are mostly confined to hovels built along the walls of every duergar is trained for battle, and the citizens of
Laduguer’s Furrow in the West Cleft District and East the city create a formidable militia
Cleft District. commerce: weapons and armor ofhigh quality: various
fungi. molds. and exotic creaturesfor food: trade from
Another kind of outcasts are those duergar who across the Ulldertlark {Anti the surface world
dishonor their clans so grievously they are stripped Organizations:The C()|lI’IL‘Jl of Lairds. the Council of
of all but their lives: the calassabrak. meaning "the Savants, the Merchant Council. the Keepers of the
flawed who aren't to be trusted“ ill Dwzlrvish. They are Flame. Clan Cairngonn, the Gray Ghosts. and others
shunned by other ducrgar, many eventually taking their
lives rather than face an existence apart from family and The cavern housing Gracklstugh is split in two by a
clan. Those who live on become bitter and tough, with ritt called Laduguers Furrow, after the duergar patron
many leaving Gracklstugh as hermits or adventurers. or god. The north half comprises Nnrthfurrow District,
turning to crime and 2| life in the shadows. Members of where ommon workers and the clans devoted to minor
both the Gray Ghosts and the Empty—Scabbarri Killers crafts make their home, and Dztrklaktfi District. open
include a significant number of calassahrak. no longer to lcreigners and where the cit_v's merchants engage
bound hy oath. honor. and duty. in trade with visitors, As befits a mayor settlement in a
dangerous realm, Gracklstugh places no restrictions on
R E LIGION the weapons or gear characters can carry or trade.
ouergar don't pray, but their religion is tightly Twelve stone bridges lead to Soutllfurrow District.
woven into their everyday lite. Deities worshiped in and then farther south to Flowstone District. These
Gracklstugh include the following. boroughs are reserved for the more prestigious clans
Laduguer. The patron of the duergar is a god of self- and the largest smelters and forges Themb rchautl
reliance. defense. and survival. His clerics have access ignites during hi. nights. The wyrntstnitlr lair and the
to the War domain. cavern complex the stone giants otcairngorrn clan call
home both connect to these districts.
Deep Duerra. Laduguer‘s mortal daughter who then
ascended. Deep Duerra is the goddess of Cctclueration
and dominance. War is her domain as well.
Diir-inks. The patron of the tlerro betrayed his twin
brother Diinkarazan to escape with the secrets of
magic. He embodies cruelty. insanity. and cleverness.
His clerics have access to the Trickery domain.
skm-aeus Stonebones. Stone giants revcrc the King
ct the Rock, god of buried things, whose clerics can
(‘ll AFTER 4 CR,tCKLS'l'l‘(‘ll
WELCOME TO THE CITY or BLADES “State your names and businessi" the verse orders
In Dwarvtsh. other stmtiar slrts open, reveahrrg the
V -erang the my L he rtrst major hurtne the characters Ups or"a dozen crossbow bolts. Behind you. a metaihc
tsurrnuunl In (xrackistugh. Unicss they head
am armountes a group oisxx heavtiy armored dwarves
~ pit:1u's athtt-e to arrive by way orthe Darklake (or appearmg outarthrr. arr, therr swords ieveied at you from
.= up \’H(i1 the idea on their on fl)‘ the t|mmctet's behind sturdy metal shteids.
n one of [he gates. (SCC "A rm lug In (}rack1stugh"
er In this chapter.) “hi the characters firs! rravhvd Ihe road. six ducrgar
TY GATES wu|t'hing invisibly started ftulttwurg them at a sat:
(i|>td\'|\‘E. Twelve more duergar soldiers are statinned
— pragmattr nature at the dllcrgar n1t‘,;In.~. that all In gunrdhoustrs won’ iett wnhm the rocky V\'£I|i.~ ur the
tstughx entrance gatcs art‘ lT1|iJ1l'llIli€‘,§igfl.i0I' - vem, all ofthcm turning heavy crossbows at the party.
or maintenance and the training ofguards. folTlohwe sdunperognarcvavrrryhuasn-stt\I\e.e,trmthr1e the guard who spoke
characters ghe. One
2 ground at yourfeet has been gettmg smootherarid charactcr ran Iukr‘ the lead in the inrcrrngzmun by
r. a wetcorrre resprte from the uneven passages to speaking for th:- [)url_\ and maktng 21 DL‘. 15 Charisma
t‘heck(1)crcptinn and Pet-suastouapply: Intimidation
ch you have grown weaniy accustomed, Eventuaiiy, or i"Crfnrmt)nt'<' are met with scorn). Derteuthng on
how bcllc able the part) ‘s Stu’ .s and how the uther
awe tiies become more nottceabie, turrung the path advCnrurr,r.~ heh-the during the might
allow the (‘i\£I(‘tICl€5I' [O makc thc thettk with advantage or
.3 a proper road. You can see Spots afhght rrt the impose Llisadvantatzc‘
The guard £{I'\1dgll1gi_Vi(‘lSti1r,‘ characters pass ifthe
: stance, b|ue~wh'tte and too regulariy pieced to be chuck SuCL‘,E‘CdS. and refusrs them entrance if il fails. if
: csphorescent mushrooms tht‘ rheck fails by 5 or morn‘. the guard gives (hr rtrder
to arrest the C|1ara<‘1t‘r<r announcing that they are now
The hghts are proper lamps flankmgtwo massive stone slaves of the dlI(‘l‘gt’Ir (s retting Captured‘ i)(‘iUvv).
biockmgthe tunnel Before you get a thence to
me the mtncate tarvings an the gates‘ surface, a
'a*sh V0159 hrsses from a siiton the cavern waii that was
- : there before
~H“i'tlt'4 xrtit‘ tstsn uh
mu \\ t
Hll pmxl -Md not-ks
51 l»\TTl R[h—,, . ntstiisissh
l*ll<r -
RA‘ AR .
The firs!lune(l’\L1(‘ll2li'{\C[&TSHl‘L‘£Ill(‘I\rVEdinSiElE:IhC weapons or rnagit weapons they might have). anti that
city or turned away tnnn a gate. a st-t:rel door on the there} something odd about l’H5 behavior. The madness
wall opens. t-twculirtg Cvorglak. ti duergar Stone Guard ere ling into Cn‘at‘klslugh has made Gorglak obsessed
(sric appendix C). with rare weapons. He's willing it: go to great extents to
ut-quire new Wt-‘,upm\S otexqtiisite design for his growing
‘‘Well.'' The duergav removes his helmet, veveallng the Collection.
gray Skm onus kind He rnusses his white beard as he Offering Gorglak a worthy weapon tor his tztlllecticln
walks closer. switching to Ccmmon as he lowers his gets the chrclructers through the gate. Any other bribe
voice. There is a dlscomfitmg glint in his eyes and his requires one of the t‘l1ai'actt'rstn succeed on 3 DC 13
Charisma (Pcrsu 101]) chcrk. or Gorglzlk is insulted
smile. “You ave clearly lying. I oughttoiust send you to and has the party arrested. if the cltarztctersare [00
Open about the negotiation. Gurglak has them arrested
the slave pens, but . . you amuse me. What do you have and prctentls he tiitin't say anything.
that is wovth your Freedom?" it‘ Corglzik rtnds the characters‘ ht-the appealing. he
refuses tn areept it then and there. insteatl directing
The duergar waits tor your answer, his gaze touching them to find one Wer7 Sztltbaron in the Darklakt; Docks
on each ntynu in turn as he smiles m anticipation. and hand the bribe to him. Gorglak tells the characters
If they are with the party. Topsy and Turvy. Sztrith that he will check with VVerz at [l1(‘ cnd of his shift. and
Kueltnrit. Jimjar. and Bu[)pI(lt) can whisper to the will find the cllaractcrs and arrest them If they have not
paid by then.
characters that tew ducrgar are so blatantly Corrupt ClI2Il'iiI'lfil’S ailowctl through the guts are escorted to
as Ctorglak seems to lit. sucressfttl DC l2 VVisdom tht: Dzlrklake District tn four duergar guards, two nr
(Insight) Check lets a eltttrncter n0tit‘(‘ that Gorglak is whom are invisib Once the purty reaches the t-tige of
the district. [l](‘ guards leave and return to the pusl.-.
eying the ndrentttrcrs-' neapons (espcriully any drow
tlzwitst l ‘IE«\_l»l\l'
DARKLAKE Docxs duergar who ply their trades here are Wary of all the
foreigners ctiiifiiicd by law to this part of the city.
Arriving at the Darklake Dorks requires a cclmblnalicm
A wave of heat slams against you as an acnd smog rises
als ill, ingcnuity, and luck. Vigilance is a little more to choke the air out afyour lungs. The Darklake spreads
out beyond a jumble nfhuildlngs and streets, reflecting
relaxed hurt: because the guards at Overlake Hold can the lights oitountles; fires burning across the city within
spot any obvious threat coming from the waters. hollowed—out columns and stalagrnrtes.
After hours oftense navigation, you glimpse an orange Though the streets are crowded, you move easlly
glow in the distance. Soon you hear faint metallic echoes, within the surglng throng of buyers, merchants, and
growing louder as you come closer. slaves. You aren't the only outsiders here. as you spy
drow, svirfneblin, derro, ores, and other races in the
Fllelight lllumlnates masslve columns with slmcmres crowds. The shouting of people blends with the sound of
built around their bases. The cold air ofthe Urlderdarkis distant ilzmmerlng to create a constant, dlstractirig dln.
becoming warmer even atthis distance. and you can now
see a variety or ptevs made from zurkhwood, stone, and Behind the forbidding walls scparzlltng lhe Darklake
plain rock pitting out along the edge ofn huge cavern. District from the rest of the city stand the docks,
markets. and shops where Gracklstugl-rscommerce and
As the characters draw closer, they can see: that the trade are conducted. The many duergar merchants—
caslern docks are the least crowded. ll Buppitln is with along with drow. svirinelilln. arc and othere—paylittle
them, he guides them to a natutnl rock pier on the attention to the characters uI1l< they are looking to
eastern edge ofthe cavcrn. Olherwise, the characters do business.
must make a successful DC 14 group Dexterity (Stealth)
check or a DC 15 group Wisdom (Su|‘Vi\’3l) t‘,l\eCk to Guards posted at the gates make it clear to the
guide their boat safely nntl inmnt.picuously to an empty characters that non-duergar are restricted to the
dock. lfthc group check rails, nearby guards notice the Darklake District. and the characters have better luck
characters but don't immediately identity them as El asking other outsiders for directions rather than trying
threat. However. you can choose to impose disadvantage to cng-age the duergar locals. They are directed to the
on any checks the vhziracters make to remain Blade Bazaar if they wish to sell anything they might
inconspictlous during their lirst day in cracltlstugh. be carrying with them. For gossip and a mo.-il. the
Shattered Spire tavern is recoinmcndcd, while lodging
GETTING CAPTURED for nonrduergar can be had at the Ghohlbrurns Lair inn.
Even after making it inside the city. the characters must
tread carefully, as the duergar use the slightest pretext At any point during which the characters move from
in arrest them. Even trying to liaggle with a duergar point to point in the Darklake District. they ran Witness
merchant might inspire a call lot the guards to take the one or more of the followingevents.
characters away. Getting caught stealing is punishable
b_\ death on the spot. but guards or the offended party lgtMl>AG1N_G GIANT
might see some value in enslaving the culprits instead.
so the characters can be shackled and shipped beyond This encounter triggers possible side quests through
me Darklakt‘ District. Resisting arrest is a truly bad which the characters can learn about the influence of
idea: every duergar around is reinforcement. Demogorgon in Gracklstugli. You can use this cvcnt any
time during the party's stay in the city. Holding it for
lfthc characters get arrested. you can interrupt their later use gives characters a chance to notice the little
transfer with a random encounter or l(‘éld them in other things wrong among the duergar. while u. ig it right
planned encounters. The "Rampaging Giant" encounter away can help characters avoid being enslaved if they
ivrhirh takes place in the Darklake District) is the most are arrested at any point during their Vlsll.
likely event to interrupt a prisoner transfer. Alternatively.
an agent at the Keepers ofthc Flame can stop the guards The rhythmic hernrnerlng otthe city's forges is drowned
before they take the characlers to Overlake Hold (see for a secund by e thunderlng roar and the sound of
'Themberchaucl's Lai for informationregarding the crurnbllng vock. Duergar and visitors alike turn to look as
keepers’ interest in foreign merretiaries). a twdheaded, gray-skinned giant bursts through a gate.
howling madly arid lashing out left and right. littering
Possible offers ofernployrnetitin the Blade Bazaar can the plaza with rock and stone debris. As he bellows, one
also be turned into timcly rescues for the adventurers. ofhis swings connects with a duergar soldier, whose
Otherwise. they end up in overtake llold. interrogated by broken body the: through the air and crashes near you
Errtle Blackskull. with a sickening crunch.
DARKLAKE DISTRICT tHAi"lElQ 4 bl{\( i\lSl‘Ll(.H
The Dzirklake District gives an illusion of openness.
The streets are relativelywide to allow for merchant
carts and wagons to pass. and the hulltlings aren't as
Crowded around stalagmitrs as in the southern districts.
Openness doesn‘t mean welcoming. however. The
tA(doiinssastfioidggneuhemrt)egodcinahsinecetcccfkoruonrremdsveheCteahaalasidrtt.nhhAgaaostsrutmchcaecuCesgsaeisvadfneurhtlniiDmshCcatrsoa1zsg2uerWdcocwaiusnmaddobmed oitoetonhfsflfecdvltoyhoietrscrhamidttleoSiitCnnnchtoggh'eatniaahtrperhniaasldegepcrettoteShyertatarhmokaslecnebiCrkrerlonoadGmswovsiuscee,pktaarahnlnreeedgdsbasrcesaRtihufottoyieafrlefrmtttuehotlauhitsthDmde.deuoeTSyonerthihltocneeuwonganinveimsteshoaGcp.stiuhhkooaeisrumtrsatdch,nisitetncyhwmes.otieullagdh
terrified. Use the stone giant stat block with the
followingmodifications: XP AWARDS characters if they
Divide 1,740 XP equally among the the two-headed
Tcchhhaeercmgkiseadann,t ddheaosanfaesdnavevadinn, tgfartgihgerhootewnnsWedai,gssdatiounmnstn(ebPdee,irncogerpbktlniionondc)ekde.d cooperate with the guards to defeat
uTttwanhrcogeoeugntn)isa.acnOriotmnuiessad.uhnsitat,rrimtkheeesdg.(i+aA9nsttaodnehaailtcs,tri1eo3anc.(h2itd1c60a+nft6.m.)oabnkleuede stone giant.
geoning damage.
plxrataaatriahalhnrdaarsTeTcfeeBerncrdhlniehhralginweydtruaotteeyegseisutedtro.atrogelonaioainaldnTrtnfinunmaaagytg(sdhtdrtlnlsa.popateteetocroaahTiarjeofmngtcojaesgwtmueealciaieoaoodntdtpmcapvnfuhpkadoktdletapeaheetsreusanirpxnetgitmgedohinchpidnnafirtpeoeeaiydogirxgpvtngf.oerhddathoeseeBnCheriutrtnsfdho)eritgifaecnoinceetrtunnohghhiertaaftgotraeuhsashtrrtnnbpabehrdheatiactrroheenscegdocescsnetget.siatameoideanbecdinrmtrnfaesnoioutdsatntpo‘lcbntiiehltelaotdaaddtaeweatathtutizioultacranorvpenaaenheotdc,ect,cdtgruerokbssrotgtaruniinohoiur,aonantdetudetoanndartg.rnehstiotggmTcorndsasefmuaiuhn.rraatartaroeimedonv, orGUESTS THE STONE GUARD
fight until they drop to 0 hit points.
DEVELOPMENT what happens next:
ccptiooemOmmrfenebeccasaetstltyhtiahsrsesooaquvncugerearah..dzHetohdcfertghseiharaeacnethtteeidssrueptdehuretggdafataorelw,lSebnntou. gtanniteahonGitsthuaeoatrnrtesdhtlesoon(soseakemgseieant CwKaTnihretdaheerptmcToehrkehasekertaaomwcrfbXttiehetuhrresncCFhdcaolaaaurpnmndtaceii(on,nsntweeEterihnrv"iruecTdnehehetecsoBmaonlOabnclveebkreacesrdhlkhaauatkoulleflda(Ho'ssfmeotLelhedaeeitri"n)g.
appendix C). “TmcnaBOlcehaaitgsevziemtoaerrdstaeriirlrnsaoaa"stgwkni,soedtelhsnHlctcevsatooaikcwlourdheanti"at))Xth(r.h.saTaetechlmehtieete“hrtdSsoSariotpgaOowpnsnvr.seeoeAosraGclftcaaPuhtkphaeueeirsrsddHstuspohpiolaetrdi"or,nSrpitpetn,eoestrnnhttthyedetehyioGne“afguBclhsahleoararddres-,
teTttSghooxihtTeaptoSehnhlcntaetgeoh'eisinnangsarenepnutaswhataccpmerlaiteydnekesarstaiekrstiorw’fuesrsdraaihRvuatcolipeict-ohideplfonguosrn,grueuanshindga.aeit,hmnmTiiacttthhnse.aweeHedslolr.htcentiRdhhalgreoaasieshwrtvtiDauhdhencueeoeatpdreldtlwshhrawusuteyaehnasicrcans,gaahtgaa“nnatpnrcohrpsooacteprhcrmoeefteneenaamrfxlrtkelsiaouerc.lnfnetilinhngeg mDrenekt iC(asepeta“iDn rEokrrid" einBtlhaeck"sBklualdl.e Bazaar"
dentally bumps into the patrol, creating a section) acci-
wmpqauiaItrefdhtsit,cthtishioeppenrapoistaneturogttinyenbedwy"thasaietnssaefnCnicdgoaohetintrr,psdn,rtghehwoveerhiamoSodut,oesCanvlyaneevdnaGertsrurutneaoaslwrrllmedyhcspeelodnsaitnnhaodturettod.wuidet nntht'te distraction
characters as new arrivals to the city.
tAhastucaclleoswsfsutlhDe Cch1a5raCchtearrsistmo aes(cPaepres.uasion) check cone
their promise to visit Overlake Hold.
__:?_______._BLADE BAZAAR
cmshhCiaigenhhlcdatersbateccoatcenSarlrsibpreycaiapwnnugar.uycNnhflraooosnamemdd psaiogunmirctshaeueleowrBfset.lhaaedpeotnrBesaa, zsaauramrre,osrt,haenyd
CHAPTER 4 extcklxrucn
haracters who look around the hazzmr notice a number
tat" odd things:
. A duergat merchant cant stop insulting cttstomers
whert they are trying to sell something. but becotnes a
picture of politeness when they want to buy.
-\ number of duergar merchants give tlttierettt prices
to huy or sell every time they are asked ahout the
same items, and insist that the characters dealing
\\lIl1 them are the ones changing their terms.
A rluergar merchant surldettly turns invts hie in the
mttlttle ofa transaction. but keeps -peakittg as it noth—
trig has happened.
A duergar merchant il1l'li3|BlI§ to kill the characters as
a haggling teehntttue. then denies ever saying so.
A duergar mcrchanl constantly asks the opinion of a
nonexistent twin hrothe mlaiming that he is invisible.
Yrs.-x's DEAL for more information on what Urokl i. .,trrying ifrhe
tzharaclerscatch him.
\ lE£| Henstak is a tcmalc ducrgar lllFlIll)E:\' of the
,\lerl'hant Council. shes .1 canny raravan master and
gentle-s herself on always at-riving at tter destination
ahead of schedule. If the characters ask around for
exert-hants who know how to reach the surlace, they are
itrected to Ylsa. Though she has no caravans scheduled
an_\ time soon. she doe make the characters an oficr.
\'lsa invites the (‘l'l£|l'}.lt:lcfS into her well—guarclEcl
cfice. when e shows them a pile of coins and t wclry
from all over the ' lriuce world. The hoard consists of
50 Up in mixed oinage three gold rings worth 25 gp
each. and two gettnittlatri necklaces worth 250 go each.
She has the pieces to derro. whn use them to
aalsarmtorarfro:ogde.ttIttntgltesucrhl-aarcaectceurrsrecnacnyfiagnudrejeowuetlhryo.wVtlhsue will
pr-)\‘|Clr‘ the adventurers with directions for ill least the
rest stage or their journey. including valuable -.ttlvir,e
:-u routes to Blingdenstonc ‘cc chapter 6) and the
\\ ormwtithings (see chapter 12).
DROKI SIGNS or PURSUIT in Gracklstugh with tlrow
~‘.rtentiv<- charat-to can spot a curious figure darting ll the characters arrive at
ween the alls and shops of the Blade Bazaar. E\'r‘,
pursuit level of 3 or higher (see "Drow Pursuit" in
,_mc they roam the market. they havt‘ a 20 pt-.t-rettt t'l’t2|[)t(:r 2), llvara has already sent a party ahead of
ncc tn see a dorm dressed in rags tylt-tl a ztn them. guessing correctly that the cs apetl prisoners
might seek refuge with the illlfirgilr.
mitattnn of a fancyjacket. wearing -.t wttlehrimmerl hat Characters with a passive VVlsdr>m (Perception) score
‘nth two tentacles from a (llsplzlrer beta. t . wn into the of 15 or higher spot six drow watching them in the
’:at's crown. A large satchrl hangs from ht shoulder. Blade Bazaar. One of them is Xalltll Masq ‘yr. a female
and he's always muttering to hitnsetf. drow allied with House Mlzzrym.Any oi the party's
NFC companions Vtltt) know the duergar well can guess
Dttergar merchants glare t-ornlully at this rlerro. and that these drow won't want to attract the ducrgars
:=>nt* will discuss him with the t: aractet . Ila character
about him in the Cthohlbrorn'sLair. a successful
gas harisma (Per ztsioll) check _tieltJs up the name “lost propert Doing so would likely
involve having to pay the gray dwarves a reward for
hr: wtly rlerrn as a courier and the adventure s‘ rapture. This gives the characters zt
s—..-ppher or goods who works rnr disreputable employers.
catrlting Droki (s A 2l[)p€nLll>. C) is the objective or chance to evatle their pursuers. but they need to slay
qgrsls from Errrle Bla ’l»(SkLlll (sec "Ovcrlakc Hold") and nut of sight.
xahth speaks to the duergar only iftht: characters
Crartokkar Xuntlorn K . are arrested. Othcrvttsc. shc sends a tnessenger to
' rte characters pursue the courier openly he fir: llvara and makes sure the charzltitrrs don't go anywhere
without her knowing. If the characters fail to lose
west Cleft Dtstrtet. Pursuing Characters ttutckly lnse themselves in the city (see “Grur.ktstughand Drow
sgnt Dfthe ttem: as he vanishes into the rrowtl. See
riding Drokt" in the "Vl/horlstonc Tunnels SE‘Cl|0l'l
iFl\l‘lLl<l «,'ktstt-all ht
BUPP|D0'S ESCAPE The characters have 1 minute to search the assassins
Euppldc has a secret agenda in Cracklstugh. line is still before a patrol of four duergar arrives. The glowing
with the party, the derro looks for the fivst opportunityto weapons wielded by the assassins are nowhere to he
slip away and return to his hidden lair and “shvine" in the found. but one of the assassins has a piece of fish-skin
Wharlstone tunnels (see “WhorlstoneTunnels"). parchment bearing Werz's likeness drawn in charcoal.
Pursuit" earlier in this chapter). their pursuit level ACCESS TO THEWHORLSTONE TUNNELS
increases by 1 every 1d4 days until llvara arrives. Hidden next to the easternmost pier. a disabled drainage
pipe is the Gray Ghosts‘ access point to 2! secret
Alternatively. the adventurers might decide to turn the cavern system beneath Gracklstugll (sec “Whorlslone
tables on the draw. Characters mirzht Figure out a way to Tunnels"). It takes a successful DC 15 Wisdom
quietly neutralize xalith and her squad. perhaps tricking (Perception) check to notice the pipe beneath piles of
them into damaging a dticrgar merchant's property refuse. within. loose bars block the 5-foot-wide passage,
or forcing them outside Darklake District, where but removing them activates an alarm that warns the
even drow are forbidden to go. Doing so decreases Gray Ghosts inside the ems. A chzlractercan notice
the pursuit level by 2. However. if combat evcr breaks the alarms trigger—a thin wire connected to the top
out between the characters and the drow. a squad of of one of the bars with 2| su ssful DC 14 Wisdom
five duel-gar Stone Guards (see appendix C) and five (Perception) check. and can disable it with a successful
duergar warriors arrive within lcl4 rounds and arrest DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves‘ tools.
the lot of them (see “Getting Czlpturt-‘(l").
Nearly 100 feet into the pipe. a hatch on the floor
DARKLAKE BREWERY opens into a roughrhewn well. A ladder extends down 80
feet to another hatch on the floor. which leads to area 8
w_This huge. ramshackle brewery is built of stone blocks in the Whorlstone Tunnels.
stacked to make walls between the petrified stems of OVERLAKE HOLD
a small forest of gigantic mushrooms. Big copper vats
stealn within. filling the air with a heavy. yeasty stink. Dunglorrin Torune. which translates as Overlake Hold.
Dozens of copper kegs stand nearby. and burly gray is a fortress and temple dedicated to Ladtlguer carved
dwarves swarm over the place. mashing fungus. mixing into the heart oia massive stalaginlte an the shore (tithe
fermenting masses. and filling casks with freshly Darklake. it is also the home of the Deepkillg and the
brewed ale. This complex is the workplace and home of center of government. Dunglnrrin Torune bristles with
Clan Muzgardt. the duergar clan in charge of brewing iorge chimneys from which smoke billows and ledges
Darklake Stout and in control of the brewing and from which catapults can hurl stones at waterborne
importation of other spirits. Nonrduergar aren't welcome invaders. (If necessary. use the mallgonel statistics in
in. e the brewery. chapter 8 of the Dungeon Masters Guide.)
If the rharaitters are arrested. th v are taken to the
These busy docks are used primarily by l'lat—hottomed hold's dungeons, where they r eive a chance to earn
rafts made of zurkhwood and lacquered puffloall floats. their treedrnn by serving the _ tone Guard.
Some of these ramshackle barges come with oars or
paddle wheels. The rafts look ungainly. but each can Afterwaiting a long while in a dungeon cell carved out
carry tons of trade goods. ofimpressively thick stone. you are taken to a dark office
and met by an ‘imposing reinale gray dwarr. She is iuily
The characters land at the easternmost inlct if they armored and bears an insignia you have not seen on any
arrive at Gracklstugh by way of the Darklake. near the otherduergar. She is flanked by two stone Guards who
Ghohlbrorn's Lair inn. if they instead arrived through a remain by the door.
gate and suncessfiillybribed Gorglak. they might come
here looking for his contact. Werz Saltbaron. “I am Captain Errde Blaclrskull, commander ofthe
ASSASSINS INTERRUPTED Stone cuard," she says. giving each otyou a calculating
The characters spot a male dtlcrgar merchant at the look. “Let me start by saying you are worth nothing
end oia pier. Slldrlenly. two invisible durrgar appear here in Gracklstugh. Most ofthase in my command
next to him and stab hirn viciously with glowing swords. would sell you offtn a heartbeat as the cheapest manual
The assassins‘ faces are masked and hooded. The labor. However. I've learned to make much better use of
characters have 2 rounds to distract the two duergar adventurers like you."
saulhladcs (see appendix C) before they finish on
the men ant.
The merrzhant is Werz Saltbarorl. if the characters
save him. he is grurlgingly grateful and says he has no
idea why the assassins targeted him. A successful DC
12 Wisdom (Insight) check suggests he's lying. He sees
the scene. but not before telling the characters to meet
him at the Shattered Spire the following day so he can
reward them properly.
l,ZHAPTEP. t l t.iut.i<l_sriic.H
Sarah for Droki. Errdc explains that her guards Fusntm: BADGES
have been tracking the movements of a dcrru narncd Working for elther the Stone Guard or the Keepers of
Drolti. Despite his presence in the Darklzlke District, the the Flame grants characters a degree offreedom in
derro has managed to avoid capture, as if he somehow Cracklstugh, as they ran show the insignia given to
knows in advance where the (luergar patrols will be them by each faction itthey are detained. At least one
invisible or otherwise. All the Stone Guards know is rharacter in the party must succeed on a DC l4 Charisma
Lbat Drcki lives in the West Cleft District. a place the (Persuasion) check to convince duergar not to detain the
rluergar enter only in force and where their presence party any longer, but characters who show the insignia
would likely provoke a ollaotic uprising. Errde wants the have advantage on the cheek.
characters to follow Drnki. see what he does and where
he goes. and report hack. Or iithey see an opportunity, THE SHATTERED SP1lz_E
seize him and either bring him in for questioning, or kill
him and bring back evidence of his activities. A broken stalagmitejuts out from the Darklaltc about
forty feet from the shore. forming the foundation of a
Errde's tone turns dark as she voices her suspicions tavern built with fungi stalks in a manner similar to a
that Droki is linked to a conspiracy involving the log cabin. A bridge woven of rothé wool allows patrons
Council of Savants. and maybe even elements among to cross the water to visit.
the clan lairds. She describes in detail how discovering M EETI NG WE RZ
the conspiracy and purging the corrupt will earn hcr
g-eat favor with the Deepking. Errdc swears (truthfully) lithe characters rescued Werz Saltharon from tho
that she will arrange for the characters to get safe assassins (see “Darltlake Docks"). he meets them at
gnssage out of Gracklstugh if they do as she asks.
the Shattered Spire at the designated date and time. As
Search for Corruption. Errdc's suspicions of modest thanks for saving him. he gives each character
conspiracy have her looking for signs of corruption an obsidian gemstone worth 10 go. He then offers them
creeping among the people of Gracklstugh. She rewards a job. delivering a sack full of raw gemstones (worth 100
she characters if they bring her evidence of such gp total) to a svirfneblin namcd Kazook Pickshine in
ct:-rruption that has escaped the eyes of her warriors. Blingdenstone, no questions asked.
The characters can build ti case if they witness odd
zwents throughout Granklsttigh, ut:li as some oi the jimjar. Topsy, and Turvy know of Kazook Fickshine
random encounters and the hehavior of merchants in and can provide basic information about the gnome
the Blade Bazaar. For every three such events they
report, the charactcrs can attempt a DC 15 group 4alchemist (see chapter 6). The deep gnomes also
Charisma (Pcrsuasion) check. but they only need to
succeed once to convince Errde and complete this recognize that Wcrz's gems resemble empty spell gems.
giest. Errde then prom s to outfit the characters with similar to those u *d in the defense of Elingclenstone.
stpplies and gear when they lenve Gracklstugh, from The gems, mundzine in their current form. are actually
we Stone Guards" own armory. Each character can raw stones used in the crafting of speu gems. Werz
claim a total of 350 gp worth of equipment. including mct Kazook in Mantol—Derith (see chapter 9), and the
-moons, armor, and common potions and scrolls. two have been trading recently behind their supcriors‘
backs. He declines to mention this. though, deflecting
Deva LOPMENT any questions by mentioning that Blingdenstono is a
Edie characters refuse Err<le's nffer after being good place to find a way out of the Undcrdark.
at-rested, they spend a few days imprisoned and then
at sold back to the (lrow. Xalith and her squad meet BAR FIGHT
cqh:awraicthteIrlsvacraana'tnmd athneangeretotuernscatopVe eflrkoymnvtehlevier. if the W'hilE:thct:l1£trac[(:rs are in the tavern. two duergar
captors. who had been just talking business suddenly fly into a
lithe characters accept Errde's offer. she gives rage and start brawling. It the characters don't intervene
lflaadnugipuscigrsniF-ausrarollwowwinitghotuhtembetiongmaocvceoasstcfdarbsyoguutahradss. The to stop the right. other patrons do. No guards appear
atttenturers need only to show the insignias discreetly unless weapons or spells come out. and the fight stops
I1-men confronted, and should keep them htddcn otherwise.
‘hey are then releasedwithout fanfare. Errdc knows about soon as any or the brawlers is restrained or knocked
unconscious. Neither otthe ducrgar remember why they
in Stone giants’ invitation it‘ the characters spared the two- started fighting.
Iaded giant's life. and advises the characters to heed it THE G1-toHLBiz0RN‘s LAIR
lane looking for Droki.
characters’ pursuit level is rcduced to 0 and Thi nn is the only establishment in Gracklstugh that
‘me accepts nonaduergar guests. "Ghchlbrorn" means
luzuains so while they are in Errdes employ inside “bt.tlette" ll'| Dwarvish. and the inn is built inside 3
Cuacklstugh. if they end their employment. the Stone small cavern complex beneath the Blade Bazaar at the
Guards stop covering for them anti their pursuit level northern end of the Darklake District. Its halls are cold
‘-3-eases as normal if Xalith is in town (see "Signs of and damp. A central chamber serves as a dining room,
Pursuit" in the “Bladc Bazaar" section). Otherwise, it branching out into dirterent small, twisting halls along
which the rooms arc cxcavated. it's dark. cramped, and
uncomfortable. but safe and defensible.
Imtains at 0 until some other action raises it again.
The inn’s dining hall gives characters a chance to EAST CLEFT DISTRICTS
mingle with norrduergar who are visiting Gracklstugh.
Characters seeking information can, with a successful East and west of Laduguer's Furrow gates are areas
DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) or Intelligence that serve as home to Graeklstughs unwanted derro
(Investigation) check, find out the iollowing iniormation, population, The West Cleft District was the original
or you can simply roleplay their interactions with abode for the city's derro slaves and remains a dark
random patrons. and dangerous ghetto. The East Cleft District was more
recently settled after the derro earned their freedom.
The general gist of the information is that trade though it is only slightly less rough than West Cleft.
routes out of Ctracklstughhave become more dangerous The homes of the derro are mostly burrows carved
recently. The fauna and more primitive denizens of the into the walls and simple structures piled atop one
tUalnedsetrodladrkbyartheealtlrarvileelderusp. saebcoountds-ohmanedthsitnogr.ieAsmaboonugtthe another. The dirty and cluttered streets of both districts
demons attacking isolated settlements are common. gafosreramatpeerdroaadsnudctltvtovhfeeliplrilnatgunsnnnsinepglrse. aTedxhteaenndddercmraoumpcehoptfouagrlaethttiheoernrt,hiasanmnduncoht
LADUGUER’s FURROW the duergar believe. The derro are close to mounting
Long ago, an earthquake split the cavern tltat houses oanrgiannsiuzrarteioctnioann,dhboyldthbeaicrkleoandlyerbsyitnhtehier own lack of
Gracklstugb, leaving a rift nearly two hundred feet deep Council of
and five hundred feet wide. Laclugucr'sFurrow has a
packed—gravelfloor and extends roughly a quarter mile Savants having grown too used to their privileges to
foment rebellion.
beyond the natural walls of the city in both directions.
Each end of the rift has a steeply sloping floor. carved
with a set of stairs and awide ramp for both pedestrians ENTERING DERRO TERRITORY
and wagons. Vents along the walls release potent
gases that sappers o[Clan xartlelvar tap for industrial The derro are automatically hostile toward anyone
applications. including the crafting oithe magical [lame entering their warrens, cspecially surfacers.
lances used by xarmrn warriors. As you pass through the gates, the stench in the air
The ehasm is Gracklstugh's main residential zone. changes rrorn acrid and metallic to retid and repugnant.
with homes built on the top part ofits north anti south the fires ofindustry replaced by squalor. The homes in
sides. Outsiders are normally forbidden from this area.
this part oftiracltlstugh are crudely carved from the rock
ABANDONED GUARDHOUSES or are iust holes in the walls, arranged in no apparent
order. The chatter ‘in the air is unnerving, with hundreds
Near the western gate of Ladugtier Furrow, the
dttergar built a series of guardhouses to keep an eye of derro muttering. screaming at each other, and
on derro slaves living in the West Cleft. These were
abandoned when Deepking Tarngartlt, grandfather of otherwise reveling in their Insanity. Those who spot you
the current monarch, liberated the derro, allowing them
to spread from the West Cleft District into the East Cleft look at you with a burning hatred.
District. The guardhouses now stand empty. providing
an ideal place to lie low and keep an eye on trartic in and At the end of each hour the adventurers stay inside
out of the eastern derro boroughs. either derro area, there is a 25 percent chance that 2214
derro (see appendix C) attack without warning. It the
GREAT GATES characters kill any derro, the chance of another attack
H hecnmes 50 percent every halt hour.
The openings that Laduguer’s Ftirrow creates in the Sneaking through the senseless arrangement of the
walls of Gracklstughs cavern are blocked by massive burrows is relatively easy. as the tlerm are normally too
structures of bars and scaffolding,each set with several preoecupictl with their own ma heming to notice a
gates. Gates are guarded by two visible duergar soldiers group trying not to attract attention. The charat ers can
and 1d4 + 3 invisible ones. attempt a DC 10 group Dexterity (Stealth) check, with
success negating the need to roll for a possible attack at
Cmtsmc DROKI the end of each hour or half hour.
lfthe characters decide to wait (or Droki to enter the west Other means of subterfuge such as illusions, climbing
CieFt or somehow follow him here, use the chase rules along the walls, or using flying or levttation magic
in chapter 3 of the Dungeon Ml15t2r'§ Guidz, adapting the automatically avoid detection. hut invisibility olany
results for urban complications to a cave full ofhateful kind activates magical wards placed by derro savants to
derro. If Droki loses them, the characters must resort to guard against duergar intrusion. When a ward activates
less convenient means offindirlg the Whorlstorletunnels ninearerbspyodnesrerotoflythientporeasfernecnezyo, fcarenaitninvigsiablcehcaroetaictumreo,b
mcttnt to drive away invisible duergar patrols. Derro
Ifthe characters do manage to catch Drcki in the West make active Wisdom (Perception) checks contested by
Cleft, he drops limp and babbles, but is suspiciously
the characters‘ Dexterity (Stealth) checks ila ward is
mmamenable and shows the characters the entrance to the
tunnels. See the “WhorlstoneTunnels" section for how to
roleplay Drokl.
activated. Characters using detect magic actively can Aofllgncla WITH '_l'E'E>_SrTC)rNESP1j2VAI‘("l‘1R
spot the invisible sensor of a ward before it activates.
Otherwise, invisible characters encounter a ward every lf the adventurt-rs holpcd stop the rampaging giant in
15 minutes they move through derro territory. the Darklake District (and especially ifthey didn't kill
him), Hgraam is expecting them by the entrance to the
ACCESS TO THE WHORLSTDN E To N NELS Cairngorm Caverns. Though the stone giant is short on
Between a clttster of hovels in West Cleft lies the most pleasantries, he gives the char’ ters what information
is-ell—uscd entrance to the Whorlstone Tunnels (see he can in response to their que. ions, including ways to
‘Whorlstone Tunnels"). A narrow fissure in the chasm return to the “dreamland. ‘as the stone giants call the
rnsll is hidden by scraps of cloth. gray sheets of canvas, surface World. Because he has never left the Underdark.
and moldy boxes. The fissure is tall and wide enough for the paths he knows have come to him only as whispers
1 Medium creature to squeeze through the first 10 feet, through the stone. As such, you can easily shape his
and then continues for 50 feet at an average 5 feet in advice to your playe plans.
width. with 2: gentle downward slope.
Additionally. Hgraam gives the characters a warning:
Ever since the foul irruption of the demon lords
into thtt Underdarlt. the Ft sure casier to find. as it “Something evil stirs in the Underdarlt. The rock itself
sometimes leaks wisps of c ric fog created by faerzress. cries in pain and horror, and a madness Creeps from
Otherwise. finding it rrquircs careful scarching and the blackest depths. Pay heed to the signs surrounding
a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Peru ption) check. Each you. A cave with two faces. Rock devoured, and the land
character can make this check at the end of each hour overgrown. The pebble belleves itselmesh. The earth
the party spends in the West Cleft warrens looking for rejects its wards, and the tunnels shake in fury. By these
the Vihorlstone Tunnels’ entrance. portents, you shall know ofevil's presence and ofevil's
face. This is what the stones tell me."
.-\ny attempt to question the locals without an
effective means nftlisguise or rrnrnipnlation, such Tins cryptic rnessnge refers to the demon lords and the
as encllantment or illusion magic. is doomed to fail. inadnes their presence is spreading. but Hgraam has
as the derro are more likely to attack the characters not de Jpliererl it yet.
than answer their questions. Even then. the derro
are often incoherent. and a successful DC 15 TREASURE
Charisma (Persuasion) check is needed to obtain A ‘ the characters prepare to leave. Hgraam calls for
useful information. A successful DC 15 Charisma his apprentice Dorhun, who arrives hearing a polished
ttnrintirlation)cheek also works. but has a 50 percent
dianee otinspiringthe derro to flee or attack. crystal the length ofa human forearm. l-igraatn offers
the crystal to the charac rs as a token of his gratitude,
HALLS OF SACRED SPELLS telling them it might he helpful in the future.
The Halls of Sat‘ at] Spells ttomprisc a temple of
Diirinlta carved into a stzllagmite in Northfurrow The stonespeaker crystal (see appendix B) resonates
fistrict. Here, the derro Council of Savants meets strongly with conjuration and divination magic. it
and plots, living in luxurious quarters and hiding such the characters keep the crystal after escaping the
qmlence from their fellow tlerro. All areas ofthe Halls Underdark, it will be of use if they return to deal with
ufsacrerl spells except the central worship chamber the demonic incursion. as it is linked to the mysterious
m3-t:efrotrhbiisddpelancteo, derm who aren‘t savants. Duergar don't lihrary of Crravenhollow and has additional properties
whose main doors are false and carved when used there (see chapter 11).
him the West Cleft. THEMBERCHAUD’s LAIR
CAIRNGORM CAVERN At the far southeast corner of Grat:ltlstugh's cavern,
the entrance to Tlielnberehauds lair is guarded by the
Along tunnel opens in Southfurrow Distrirt, extending Keepers of the Flame. Not that rttlyone would be foolish
enough to trespass into the Wyrtnstnitlfs home. but ever
xreral hundred feet and into the home of the stone since the Gray Ghosts stole a red dragon egg meant to
hatch Thernherchaurls successor. the Keepers aren't
of Clan Cairngorm. The tribe is named after taking any chances.
jntsancient oath of fealty their ancestors swore to For some time now. the Keepers have been actively
& bearers olthe Cairngorm Crown, the traditional seeking capable mercenaries in Gracl-tlstngh and taking
inngalin of Deepkingtloln tnonnrchs. The giants lead any opportunity to pre - - thcm into servi If an agent
ofthe order intervened in thc eharnctc rrcst (see
ample. uncomplicated lives. and their dwellings "Getting Captured"). the leaner ofthe Keepers otthe
Ieflect this. Flame—Gartoltkar Xundtirn s notified by magical
messaging. He waits for the uraeters as they are
The stone giants value their privacy. and ducrgar are brought to the dragons c,avern—but Themherchautl is
nrmally not allowed inside Cairngorm Cavern. An watching too.
aseptionis made for the Decpking. who holds meetings iH\l'lt|< l t:.l:tr.hls'ler.H
be with the giants’ lcadcr. Stoncspcaker Hgrnam,
Iben necessary.
Twwstaemiuti choice but to acquiesce. When they , COT! the t'harat'iers
into the dragons lair. ‘l hemberchaud is resting on a
The tlragon speaks Dwarvisll to its servants as the mountain of gold Ht‘ tells the keepers to leave him alone
characters approach. Rtatl the following: \\'l(l’\ the advcnttlrcrs. hissing that ally invisible lurkers
wlll be turned to ash, Oncc alone. he asks the characters
As the duevgar pvlests lead you to a building earved their numrs. backgrounds. how they found themselves
from the stone lust outstde a huge (ave e(ttr2rl(E, the in the Underdark. and the events that led them to
gvourld trembies slightly, and a thunderous voice echoes Gracklslugh.
against every wall.
Tltembercltautl makes the tharactcrs an ofler: become
“Cartokkar,"the voice calls as a reptlllan behemoth his agents in Graeltlstugli, and gain his protection. Their
comes into view, it seales the color orlava, its bright first missiun is to tlti whatever the Keepers ofthe Flame
yellow eyes glowing in the shadows oithe cave hetore ask them to—hut to report to Thembt-rchattd before
coming into the light. "You dtdrrt say l was having reporting to them.
surt.-ieeis (or dinner today“
The dragon tltit-,sn't wall for the characters to respond,
The dragon chuckles at his own wit, His massive body since his ego can't accept the notion that anyone
gives the distinct impression that he lS overweight,
indicating eating hahits that don't bode well would refuse him. ll: 3 glls Gartokkar to be their
“Foretghers," the duergar priest says with great liaison, orders badges or gold be given to them. and
reverence, “meet the F2therat'Flame. the tyerhuming, sends them otf.
and the Found!‘/S i-te.-irt—Themlierchaud, the
wyimsmlth ofcracklstugl-l." TREASURE
The characters might be leltlptfll In in -pr
AGEI:ITS or THE WYRMSMI1Ii_ Themberchautfs heard from where they *iand. as the
dragon doesn't allow them I0 get closer than 60 it-ct in
Like most of his kind, Thembercllaud is vain and proud. front othim. The hoard culls . ts of 3,000 pp. 20.000 gp.
He's pampered. but also restless. The adult red dragon 45.000 sp. 150.000 cp, six 1,000 gp fir:-. opals, ten 500
has been aware for several years that his handlers are go pcridots. thirty 100 go garnets, a gtiurtl containing oil
withholding things from him. but rather than demand of sharpness, a potion 01' fig/mg. a politirl aflongevily, and
disclosure. he has waited and observed, He wants a potion ofsitpre-nie1iea1i‘ng. The magic items are liurirtl
agents of his own. and s es the intcrcst oithe Keepers
in (l'lC adventurers as an opporltlrlity. undt-.r COlI1S and not visible at ct glance. one must dig
tlirtiugh the coins to find them.
The dragon demands to speak will! the characters in
private, with his nervous duergar ltaiidlers having no A r,harat'ter who tries to get closer receives .3 friendly
warning in the form of a growl. a stare. and claws
clicking tln the floor. Thcmbcrchaud uses his breath
weapon on any character who tries again, or who
attempts to sneak past him and tails. Then he calmly
carries on as iinothing happened.
When the t'haractt'rs are done with Thembertthautl. they
exit the lair to where Cvartokkar waits to take them to
the guard house where the Keepers or the Flame keep
Watch. He (larkly asks \vhat business the dragon had
with them. hut what the characters choose ta tell him
(and wlietlier tlie_v intend to follow up on the dragon's
orders) is up to them.
The power of the Keepers of the Flame derives
in equal measure from their psionic abilities. the
leadership Ofthr: Deepking. and their inl-ltieiiee over
’l'hembercllautl.They lost face when the Gray Gho. s
stole the valuable red dragon egg that would hatch
Thcmbcrchaucfs replattelnent, and they have been
waging war on the thieves‘ gulltl ever since. But with
the egg still lost and their control over Thembcrchaud
waning. the Keepers are explorlng all options in their
war against the Gray Ghosts-
The psiornc Keepers have ensetl a great thsltirbancc
in the Undt'rdark—aphenomenon that Garttlkkar
mrnpart-s to El hole having been torn through tht: world.
The Keepers have no idea about the tlettlontu incursion.
however. and t-Vt if the characters tell Gztrtukkarwhat
they know he is fixated on the idea that the Gray Ghosts
are behind [he disturbance, dismissing anything else as mushrooms lose their properties iftllcy are taken
dtlusions, ignorance, or outright lies. outside the Whorlstone Tunnels for I hour or more.
In his paranoia. Gartoltltar wants the characters to BIGWIG
confirm the Gray Ghosts‘ involvementand to bring back A bigwlg is a four-inch-tallmushroom with a thin . rm
whatever powerful magic the thieves used to cause the and a wide purple Cup. A creature that eats one can
disturbance. The Keepers have identified a Gray Ghost choose to make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw to
zgenl—a derro called nrolu. who carries lTl ages and not be artected by the musht'clom'smagic. Iflht: creature
supplies for the thieves‘ guild (see "Dtoki" in the "Blade fails or forgoes the saving throw, it grows in size as
Bazaar" section). Droki uses the West Cleft to contact though under the enlarge etlect of an enlarge/reduce
his employers. and Gurtoltl-tar wants the party to follow spell. The effect lasts for 1 hour. Ten minutes before
this derro and locate the Gray Ghosts. the effect ends, the creature feels a tingling sensation.
at which point it can sustain its current size by eating
If the characters accept his offer, G-artoltltar gives another wurple. The effect ends it the creature eats a
them a holy symbol of Lacluguer after an acolyte arrives pygrnywort mushroom or is magically reduced to its
with gold pins featuring Tl'lcmberchaud's profile. The normal size (using the reduce effect of an enlarge/rt-ducc
sjlnhol and the hatlgrs grunt aractcrs the right to spell, for example).
navel beyond the Darltlulte Distric . though they are
still limited from moving freely in the city (sec thc PYGMYWORT
‘Flashing Badges" sidebar). lfthey rcfusc. they are A pygrnywort is a mushroom with a one—inch—longstem
In-ncd over to the Stone Guards for arrest and delivery and u stubby blue cap with white dots. A creature that
eats one can choose to make a DC 12 Constitution
n Overlalte Hold. saving throw to not be affected by the mushroom‘:
magic. If the creature Fails or forgocs tht‘ saving throw.
WHORLSTONE TUNNELS it shrinks in size as though undcr the reduce effect
or an enlarge/reduce spell. The circct lasts for 1 hour.
The Whorlstone Tunnels are a cavern system extending Ten minules before the efierl tends. the t '
panially underneath Gracklstugh. away from the mines a tingling sensation. at which point it can
and passages the city’s inhabitants use regularly. The current size by eating another pygmywort. The elleci
krm savants who first found the tunnels didn't reveal
aicmiorndgisthcoevCeoryuntocialnoyfoSnaev. -zalnntds to this day only a handful ends iithe creature eats a bigwig mushroom or is
and the Gray Ghosts magically enlarged to its normal size (using the enlarge
how about them. efiect ct an enlarge/reduce spell, for exntnple).
The long. gcntly curving tunnels have relatively RANl3glLE3Iootg_N'rt-:R_s
regular dimensions. They are known for their unusual
trek formations anti abundant patches of fungi. and for As the characters explore the Whorlstonc Tunnels. they
king suffused with faerzress (see chapter 2). can run into various rreatures or hazards. Check for an
There are currently two factions using the tunnels for encounter whenever the characters are moving along it
fiir own ends. The Gray Ghosts have an alchemical stretch of tunnel or at the and old long rest. Roll u d20
and consult the Wltorlstone Tunnels Encounters table to
'H)oratory and a fungal garden supplying them with detennine what. it anything, they encounter.
pisons. and the leaders of the guild conc .al a secret
guielshreme(sdfeoeerimnacrneoafwa1om6r)s.yhTsitpheeerrioos utlhseedbr lbgayrcoknuorpebnieseligasakbduiendrdtnhienergnfacbruetlhrtoeosfft
he Council of Savants. Sensing thal the demon lords
mandisioemsse.htohwe using Iaerzress to spread chaos and WHORLSTONE TUNNELS EMt:ouM1'Elts
demon worshipers have begun conducting
{goals to infect Gracklstugh. lntent on weakening d20 Encounter
hSne-eclistyhaadnodwbVre.atkhiencgutlhtiestpsopwlaenr of King Horgar
to inflict a curse on l—lO No enmuntev
instant: giants of Clan Cairngorm that causes them to l carrian crawler
yaw second heads. driving them insanc. ll—l2 Demon pzzk
1: 1 flumph
15 l gray ooze
bewhorlstorie Tunnels are home lo two unique 1414 moldy quaggoth spore servants
5 of raerzresssurtusedmushrooms: bigwigs is M4 two-headed grirrllocks
pygmyworts.Any character who studies these 17 l swarm ofinsects (ceritlpedes)
rooms can identify their magical ellects with 1 xorn
snccessful DC 15 intelligence (Nature) checlt. an ls Yellow mold
‘fvspell, or by trial and error. A single nibble ola
room alters a character's size by a few inches (or 5 19
-‘routes. so characters foraging for food might discover
mushrooms‘ magic by accident. The sizealtcring 20
uiects of eating multiple bigwigs or pygmyworts
‘i cumulative, although thcir durations arc. Thesc CARRION CRAWLER
There’ ' a 50 ])E|'(1t"Ill Chance that the Carrion orawlnr
is teasiing un the putrid flesh of a dead grimlock and
ignores the party unless tlisturbetl. otherwise. it is
scouring tunnels for food and attacks the party on sight.
it preters to attack while clinging to the ceiling.
l‘H-\l‘TFR i i(rR'\t xls'rtir.l-i
This pack consists of a quasi: leading 1d4 + 2 dretchcs. This creature has been woritiiig its way through the
The quasit turns invisible and tries to escape when only rock of the Whorlstonr Tunnels. consuming Vast
two dretches remain: it it siieeeeds. the. cultists in area amounts oflae-rzress»inl'ust-rd stone. The change in the
14 are alerted. Replace any siitisequent demon pack Iaerzress brought on by the arrival of the demon lnrtls
random encounter with 1d4 dcrro (see appendix C). has left the xorn confilsetl and easily angered. It tries to
bargain for metal or gems to eat. and attacks ii rrfiised.
FLU M P n If the adventurers feed the xorn and can communicate
with it, the creature (‘an tell them that it sensed a great
This Creature tcleptitliieallyasks the characters to rid planar upht-,ziv-atrecently, though it knows nothing about
the cave complex of the rlt-rm cultists (see area 14) the demons ur their spreading madness.
because it knows what they're trying to do and wants to
stop them. lithe cliaracters agree and seem friendly, the YELLOW Mom
tlumph offers to al7(‘.(lmpany them indefinitely. it will not
willinglyleave the Underdark. however. The characters notice 3 patch or yellow mold (see
"Dungeon Hazards" in chapter 5 oithe Dungeon
GRAY Ooza Master's Giride) growing on something of interest.
determined hy rolling a d4 and consulting the Beneath
There's a 50 percent cllantte that this ooze has psionic the Yellow Mold table. Tampering with the mold
abilities (ust: the psychic variant of the gray ooze, as encrusted object causing the yellow mold to release its
described in the Mnnsler Manual). deadly spores.
A patch ofyellow moltl (see "Dungeon Hazards" in dd Encounter
chapter 5 titthe Dungeon Master's Guide) COVCFS each 1 A humanoid skeleton wearing a ring ofwutrrwullring
spore servant. Each time a spore servant is touched or on one bony finger (no ring is found on subsequent
takes damage. it releases a cloud of yellow mold spores occurrences oithis encounter)
until the mold patch is destroyed. 2 A closed zurkhwood chest containing ‘ldé X 100 gp
and H6 so go gems
TWO-HEADED GRIM LOCKS 3 A humanoid skeleton in tattered leather armor
The grimlocks living in the Wliorlstone Tunnels keep carryinga rusted shortsword and one oflhe
to themselves, feetling on fungi and vermin. Th derro tollowing: a rotted quiver holding ld2O +1 arrows, a
have tried to e slave them, without much siit leather pouch containing idlo +2:/irlg stones. or a
a weird example of détente. members at the two races zurkhwood case containing ld4 +3 crossbow bolts
have learned to avoid one another. Each grimlock has 4 A +7 shield (on subsequent occurrences otthis
sprouted a screaming second head. which has no effect encounter, the shield is rustcd and nonrrlagical)
on its statistics.
The rollowing reatures are prevalentthroughoutths If the characters are on a quest to find Droki. read the
whorlstorie Tunnels. following boxed text when his path ems .s with theirs.
Ceilings and Floors. The average ceiling height is 50 feet, The dirty derro is easy to recognize: a pale rscc under
dropping to 25 feet in narrow tunnels. 2 floppy hat fitted with two tentacle-like things that
bob up and down in time with his brisk pace. He keeps
Nnrmw Turrnzls. The narrowest tunnels are barely 2 muttering a repetitive series of phrases to himself at
feet wide at their widest points. A Tiny creature can move diitsrciit volumes, tailingto notice you. “Drokl is late!
through these tunnels unimpeded. while a Small creature They will be so angry! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Delays,
must squeeze to pass through them. Medium and larger blocks, procrastination, opstructions, pfah! No time, no
creatures can't fit through these narrow passageways. rhyme, not mine! No! Time!"
Fnzrzress. The Whorlstorla Tunnels are suffused with Droki (see appendix C) has errands to pertorm. The
fazrzress (see “Facrzr:ss" in chapter 2 (or effects). rizerzrcss characters can atlow him or chase him down. but both
has also altered the physical appearance oithe complex, the Dnrklake District and the derro territories provide
creating spiral patterns on the walls and ceilings. These him with abundant places to hide and paths down which
spirals are what give the complex its name. Because at’ he can lose pursuers, and he knows them all Inside the
these weird spiraling patterns, saving throws to resist Whorlstone Tunnels, however. the dcrro is th.
faerzrzss-Induced madness are made with disadvantage ever—present threats. giving the party the he. .
to catch him. The characters can tight Droki by the
Foul Water. Water from the Darklake drips from
staiactites and trickles through cracks in the walls,
torming narrow streams and shallow pools throughout
the WhorlstoneTunnels Any creature that drinks the foul
water must succeed on a DC 12 constitution saving throw
or become poisoned. The poisoned creature can repeat the
savirigthrow at the end ofeach hour to end the eilect.
Edible Fungi. Edible tungi (including pygrnywort
and bigwig) are abundant in the WhorlstoneTunnels.
characters can attempt DC lo wisdom (Survival) checks
to forage here.
ll-l.\PTl>'lt I GR-\l i;t.~T\:t.ti
tunnels‘ entrance or follow him farther in, depending - l gp and 10 sp
on their end goals. It they follow Droki, he goes to area . Aspell srrnll ofs invisibility
11 eats a pygmywortmushroom. and disappears into a
narrow tunnel (see the "Whurlstone Tunnels: General Two potions o/he ling
Features" sidebar), A worthless collection ofdead vermin (spiders, eenti—
pedes. and the like) in various states of decomposition
Droki’s route takes him all around the Whorlstone Pages oflizard—skin parchment held together between
Tunnels, and hes too scatterbrained to notice anyone two leather covers from two different books. The
fillowing him. Droki's route is marked with red arrows pages are full of mad scribbles and arcane formulas,
an the map of the Whorlstone Tunnels. He cats A hut a oharaoter proficient irt Intelligence (Arcana) can
pggmywnrtmushroom whenever he needs to navigate a study them for 1 hour to discover that they constitute
narrow tunnel, As he approaches ar as 7 and 8. he eats a spellbook containing the Tense-,r’s floating disk and
ahigwig mushroom. reverts to normal size, delivers feign death spells.
the Gray Ghost parcel (see "Tre-asure"), and collects his A strange lump of black metal, which Droki intends to
payment from Lorthio the duergar alchemist (see area deliver to the Gray Ghosts (see below)
31. Droid then heads north to area 9, where he sneaks A scroll in a copper tube and four small pouches
miietly around ihe central pool so as not to disturb its containing stone giant toenail clippings and skin
occupant. Upon reaching area 11. he greets the derro flecks, which Droki intends to deliver to lhe cultists
there before eating another pygmywortmushroom and (see below). Each pouch is tagged with a different
rmvelirlg through the narrow tunnel leading to area name, and the scroll contains.a list of names match-
12. He eats another bigwig and reverts to normal size ing those on the tags. together with descriptions.
before making his delivery to the cultisrs in that area. One of the names is “Dnrhun." with a description
After visiting the cultists, Droki makes his way out of corresponding to Stonespeaker Hgraam's apprentice.
$2 Whorlstone Tunnels. The rest of the names belong to other stone giants of
Clan cairngorrn.
If the characters hinder or attack Droki, he screams in The derro might have other item. depending on
night and knock hi. feet together, ' tivating his boots whether he is allowed to make his deliveries and collect
dspeed. If a chase suns, rrrsnlvt: the outcome using his payments. as follows.
the chase rules in chapter 8 ofthe Dungeon Master's Delivery to the Gray Ghosts. Droki intends to deliver
Guide. Droki has advantage in his Dexterity (Stealth) the strange lump of black metal to the Gray Ghosts,
fit-cks. as he knows the Whorlstone Tunnels well. If receiving payment from Lorthio the alchemist (see
area 8) in the form ofa mithral medallion worth 125
&loses the characters. he resumes his errands as if gp. The medallion is a holy symbol of Laduguer. set
tithing had happened. with a carving depicting an arrow breaking on a shield.
Characters not sanctioned by the Keepers of the Flame
l.fDroki manages to escape, characters can pick to carry the symbol will be arrested by the guards
(see “Getting Captured") ifthcy are caught with it in
..phis trail by sear ring any area through which the Gracklstugh.
«taro pa ed and su eding on a DC 15 Wisdom Delivery to the Cultists. Droki intends to deliver the
sun-ival)i eck. scroll and the pouches of stone giant toenail clippings
and skin flecks (ritual components) to the derro cultists
IOLEPLAYINC. DROKI (s . . area 12). Droki is paid for this deliverywith a potion
Duki hates everyone in general and surfacers in ofinvisibility and an hourglass worth 50 gp.
'ctrlar. He gnashes his teeth if he has to address the XP AWARDS
Capturing the dcrro and taking him to Errde Blaekskull
&meters, taking every opportunity to be insulting and earns the characters 150 XF each.
'-isleading. Ifthe characters look through his satchel 1. ENTRANCE
jhile he's still con ious. he throws an epic tantrum
The narrow corridor from the West Cleft opens into
:ii5 becomes intractable until knocked unconscious. a long cavern lined with stalactiles and stalagmites.
Droki is also ohsessed with things happening where Whatcr drips from the stalacrites, tor-mlng small pools
when they should. Ifhe is captured before he runs on the Hour.
errands in the Whorlstone Tunnels. he constantly
lains about the characters altering fate hy delaying The glow offamress casts an eerie soft light across this
. and a good tactic to pressure him is to threaten to cavern. swirling into spiral patterns and casting dancing
him indetinitely. lie prefers to escape than to fight. shadows from the jagged pillars lining the walls. The air
t if the characters take his satchel. smells and tastes slightly metallic, and the sound around
you is strangely muted. The dripping ofwater makes no
ASURE echo, as ifyou stood in open air.
'ng or incapacitating Droki gives the characters the
e In rummage through his belongings. He wears
ofspeed and a hat that is one ofa kind. He sewed
stuffed displacer beast tentacles to the hat in the
of them attacking his enemies on their own, a
ion he volunteers it‘ the characters question him.
hat might be worth something to a collector of
' es. but is otherwise worthless.
Droki's satchel is made of stitched darkmantle hide
contains the following items:
iuirwt .I l !‘r|>.~\(‘KLSTLlGH 59
lTahyisinpalamcbeuosfihc. rFsameraz1nty:sh.sidpirnegvepnlatscessoufonrdcshoaircaocmtehrsatto As you venture trite the cavern. a stench oiictting meat
from being heard outside in the West Cleft or further rises. The floor is carpeted with humanoid remains tn
into the tunnels. varying stages oirierernpesitren. arranged in a spiral
If the characters wait here tor Drtlki, he appears after pattern around the cave's center An eintey humming
2dl2 hours. In the middle oltliat wait. each character comes rrorn a hunched figure working husiiy at
must make 3 DC 14 Wisdom saving throw On a something on the floor.
scuhcacraecsste, rthwehcohraorellitsitaernfaeteulrsalon2l0y 2: mild disromlort. /\
flashes or the future gaining the on the save recei “oh. there you are!" The figure is auppido. He wipes
benefit of the Lucky his hands on his vest and smiles viciously. “I didn't
teat (see chapter o. Customization Options," in the
l"l:lycr's Handbook) until the start of his or her next lung expect you to find me here, with my shrine nearly
sssreahhvsietme.g, mIaafientchrshienaargcnahc[eaatxreeatrrrtza-streee3ersslsauldclrikeigsahtpdutoyraibnnhitndasgshtotaihmssepadeLginsieriacisd.kwvyOailntnehtnaiatng,iaethihieoeernoir finishedl And power! My taithtui are finally honoring nrel
Are you ...?Yes ves, t sense that you are ready to receive
my truth into your hearts!"
ahiiity cheeks and saving throws until he or she finishes The humanoid remains on the floor make the entire
2| short rest outside this area. tzavern ditfitxult terrain. Characters can identify the
If the characters caught Droki in Gracklsttigh and arenmBd uagpionpbsildianoss,ihs aeaslotwynpgeliilcnaaglsIdnaesnce-ovoueparlaneldgdareitrttnmaclo, gnomes.
brought him here, they must make the saving throw characters
regardle of their intentions. On his first turn, he uses
raabisoinnugssaixctsikonelteotorhnasniiniealidthhe impo.wTehreouf nthdiesad"sahsrsineme,"ble
from the remains the floor to form shambling,
‘ ‘inding Drolzi" cction. mismatched bodi on Each skeleton has two skulls.
DEVELOPMENT although this has no effect on its abilities.
If Buppidu is with the party, he takes advantage of any Buppitlo lights with insane continence and seems
distraction to slip away, raking reluge in area lb. surprised ifthe parry defeats him. serc ming incoherent
last words about the end of the world. The skeletons
tight until destroyed even if Buppido is rletearecl first.
1.». PooL BYPASS If Buppido was killed in Velkynvclvc or at some
point in the characters’ travels through the Undcrdark.
A relatively small cave branches off the main tunnel. if replace him with a Carrion crawler feeding on the
the characters are sharlowlng Druki. read the following dead remains.
boxed text aloud to thL- players.
Dmki stands before a tall yet narrow crack in the wall. DEVELOPMENT
He stares at the crack for a moment, then leans down bWglnihonemknse,thanenadmmetohdnesnPteeeirmeskearprgoeelrrselcstuteiialtysie.hTeahtdeheguphgohosout tsistoofftrfhiaecnddgelryeopund,
and tells the zitlventurcrsthat Buppido killed him not
arid rummages among the fungi. cackiingwith glee as too long ago, then chopped him into pieces to join the
he plucks a short mushroom and eats it whole. As he other body parts in the shrine. Pelck explains how he
finishes the last bite, you see him shrink down to a doll’s wBuapsptirdaov,eHlinegktnroonwisBliltitnlegdaebnosutot nthcewWhehnorhlestfoenllt:iTn uwninthels.
size, then run into the crack.
The far side til the small cavern has it narrow crark hut he has observed a shrunken dcrro with a funny hat
in the wall surrounded by patches of pygmywortand (Droki) entering and leaving the narrow tunnels. Pelek
bigwig rnushroonis (1dl0 + 10 of each). The crack forms doesn't know about the pygmywortrnushrooms.
the entrance of a narrow. natItrally—i<)rmed tunnel. Felek asks the characters to take one or more parts
ofhim to Blinlzdcnsmne and bury his remains there,
la. BUl>1=1Do‘s LAIR
The derro Buppido discovered the whorlstone Tunnels sbtaoosdktyhtaphtaahrtitssspsaepraeikrihsticsle,aunarnirldyestltoo.oiBktstitnpigmpiaptrloonsussnmidbaleidsntaoestgesrl.ul ePwseohlemickhe
months ago but never dared to explore beyond the first
couple DfCl1al't|l)€I’S.l‘l(’ settled in this area and cretttetl recalls that the strange magic that pervades the tunncls
animated one ofhis severed hariils. and it scuttled away
a grisly altar to himself. to Support the delusion that through one of the narrow tunnels. (Characters might
he is a god.
it Buppitlo rtehteurtinrssitoopGproarctkulnsittuygahn. dhemaabkaensdhoinsswtahye encounter it in area 13.) Pelek points out that characters
can recognize the hand because it was wearing an
characters at to obsidian ring. if the characters need more reasons to gt:
this place. ll he is here when the characters arrive, read
the following boxed text aloud to the players. Modify the to Blingdenstone, Pelek adds that the svirtneblin who
live there know many ways to the surface.
text as appropriate if Buppirlo isn't present.
Cit-\WTl i< + . tiitat i\iiT"i‘ill
_swimming it, by using magic or climbingalong theTREASURE rnyconid adults fight fiercely while the sprouts run and
hide. The spore servanrsyoin the tray ireithcr they or
Scattered around the floor are 10 gp, 11 sp. and a damp the rnyconids are threatened. Otherwise, they remain
piece of lizard—skinparchment with the words “ Worship
Buppido" written in shaky Dwarvish. motionless.
if the characters try to communicate with the
2. D1s3s.sED_PooL myconids, they release rapport spores so that everyone
ocisaf nathnsepaoedatuhklet rtnsea.lemSpheadathrViincogaolsltybhu.oTru.hgwehhtlseoawsdpietehraoktthstehsoen rnyconids
This pool is led by a river that flows from the Darklake. behalf
The river carries many things from the subterranean . ntient
tloakuel.inignctlhuedpinogolth(seeceatrhcea"sWsehsoorflcstoounnetlTesusnncerelsa:tuGreens.eral mushrooms is an odd and strangely intoxicating
Features" sidebar). experience (and feels quite different than the rapport
the characters might have shared with Stool). Vooshur
happily tells the party how its "troupe" was attracted
by the special mushrooms in these tunnels. and it tells
The tunnel slopes down to the edge ota large pool that the characters about the magical properties of tilt)
fills the cavern ahead. The opposite shore is nearly one epxypglmaiynws othrtaatntthl ehmigywciognmidussdhirdono'tmws.aVndoeorsibnutroftuhritsher
hundred feet away, but nothing can be seen beneath the area, hut arrived here hy traveling “through the Lady's
dream.“ voosbur dc ibes "the Lady" as a powerlul
surface of the black water.
The water is heated by a thermal spring and pleasantly heing that loves and guides all myconids. He otlers to
share "the Lady’: gilt" with tile characters, allowing
warm. However. the pool is discaseriddcxn. Any creature them to travel "through the Lady's dream" as the
that starts its turn in the water must make a DC 13 myconids do. Characters who accept the offer gain
Con. itution saving throw. On (I failed ve. the creature Zuggtmoy’s gift (see. the sidehar).
is infected with cacklr: lever (sec: “Disc . s" in chapter 8
of the Dungeuxl Master's Guide). Gnomes are immune. whllapt rVesoeonsth,uSrtios otal ltkelilnsgthaebocuhta.rAacdtdeirtisonitalhlya.s no idea
The characters can try to get around the pool without Sarith
walls. Climbing the slippery walls ofthe cavcrn requires Kzekarit starts to act erratically. trying to warn to shake
cohtfatrhacctienrflsuaewncaeyofrfoZmugtghtemionyy‘csosnpidosre, bs.ut unable
a successful DC 13 Athlctics check. On a failed check. at The myconid sprout standing by itselfis named
character falls into the water. sends a suhtle warning as a feeling of
3 PARADE or FooLs vdoisotrseosusrtshorottuerg,hsaitysinowg ntharatpthpeorotthspeor rmeysoionnridesspaornesne't to
Myconidsiourneying through the Undertlark wcre behaving right.
attracted to the enriched fungal life in the Whorlstone
Tunnels and made a stop here. They are friendly. but ROLEPLAYING RUMPADUMP
there is something seriously wrong with them.
Rumpadump is as introverted as Stool is outgoing.
preferring to hang hack and not ust: its rapport spores
The tunnel opens into a natural cave. wherein you see out of the Undcril-ark. However. the mycunid
several fungal creatures dancing to a silent tune. Three worried that Vooshiir's “strange spores" might
ofthem stand five feet tall, while the others are half as of a way
tall. one ofthe small ones stands apart from the rest, sprout is
its movements not nearly as frantic. Hunched nearby have infected the rest of the myctmids back home.
are two larger creatures that resemble apes covered with DEVELOPMENT the characters refuse
to travel "the Lady's
mushroom growths and yellow mold. Voosbur takes no offense if
Characters who know anything ahout myoonids know his offer to teach them how
that inyconids don’t dance. If Stool is with the party. drearn," simply bidding them tarowell as the rnyconirls
it points this out. This group is composed of three tRroeusjoumimnpeatdhtuehmepiparrdatyna.nyecksinpingedc.nilafelstlhsy.eiitctShatasorkoascl ttiehsrepsirrehpsaeevrnemt.sihAsostiwothnne
same time. Sarith breaks away front the party to join
myconid adults and live myconid sprouts. Stool the myconids. The drow turns one last time to give the
raa(aespsnecedh—eoige"slinaDkbciezuuhcednsordgenyeoa,eontRnuiesurHoecmfaostzpvahaaereredrdesutsdpwm"rwoopinuiqt(thscusehaaeagpptg‘h'atDoeettcerhovh5nesoleooprrpnyotmoerhteleelcnosDltwae’'nur)mc.vniagonTnlgedh—otesn. lcohsaersacatlelresxpa rleososkioonf.teHreroarnadntdhededsapnaciirnbgemfoyrecohnisidfsatcheen
Masters Guide). Whenever a quaggoth spore servant is enter a mushroom patch and ii. the tree stride ahiliiy
granted by Zuggtmoy's blessing to vanish from sight.
mttooouTnlcdhohetesicmpdeooyrtrcheosetanuckihndeatssiraldaricaetstmetmorasogo.elsd1,wfipttehapretetclahuedapivssieendsnettahsutercreiolrorysuseidadlet.otnattycrkcel,vltoehwlery XP AWARDS
Award 50 XP to each character if the party parlaycd
with the myconids.
t-li write 4 l t,r<it.msTtlt~.ll
-_§._FI[NGI THIgKgT Zucnmoifls GIFT
This tunnel juncture is blocked by a thicket of fungi. A rriyconid with zuggtnioys gift can. as an action once
The thicket is an ecosystem unto itself. with its own per day, release a 20-Foowadtus cloud oldemorvtainted
rhalieiiges inr those who wish to cross it. spores. Any other creature within the area that isn't already
"blessed" with Zuggtmoys gift must make a Constitution
A dense tungi torest blocks your way, its tallest
saving throw, with a save DC ofs + the niyconids
specimens growing sorne five teet high. Even as you
assess the best way to pass through it, a hissing sound constitution modifier + the mycuriid'5 proficiency bonus.
starts to rise—lilte uncourited tiny voices whispering in A creature that fclgoes or tails the saving throw becomes
infected. while infected with Zuggtrnoys gift, the creature
tongues you dori‘t understand. gains the ability to cast a special version ofthe tree
stride spell that has no components. This spell allows
-Uthough creepy. tiie hissing sound is harmless, caused the infected creature to move through patches ornnotd
3 air whisllmg through pcrioratcd nitishroorns in the and fungi instead ottrees Once it casts this spell, the
._fi|(‘k{‘| Ol iungi. The characters can cross this aroti by infected creature can‘t cast the spell again until it finishes
forcing their way through it, oi- by eating pygrnywuri a long rest.
ruushrtititns i‘trst to move through without disturbing the
wzhr-r iuiigi present. If the characters are chasing Dmki. Any creature infected with Zuggirnoy'sgift has
uses the thicitet to his advantage. cnttng il pygrrlywtirt disadvantage on attack rolls against plant creatures.
, enk his way across. Al rcdticcd size. he ienv no In addition, whenever an infected creature finishes a
mil that iiormal—sized pursuttrs can i't;llriw. short or long rest, it must make a DC is wisdom saving
Tiny creatures can mtivc through the thicker at In’)
penalty. For Small and Mcrlium ~ tures. the thicket throw. On a failed save, the creature lapses into a state of
5 diffitult terrain, While in Iliee lli ,kc Tiny and Small euphoric tiliss. While in this state, the creature can't take
have half:-tnt,-r iigzitiist Metliuiii creatures actions, bonus actions, or reactions, and must use all 0!
:cc:iiures its movement to dance and twirl about. Al. the end ofits
and can hide. turn. the creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the
Creatures can ncgait: ilie, tiiovenietit penalty by euphoric hliss ertect on a success,
g troying [l'If’ fungi before crossing the thicket. Each
A remove Ewsz orgreutzr rzstamtlzm spell rtds a creature
:~iDot—sqt|rirc £ll'E‘&l tif fungi has AF 10 and 10 hit points.
A.-ii attack that dctils fire damage has a 50 percent 4of zuggtrrioys gift
chance or igniting u mrchslalk tnushrooni (see "Fungi of Rt/Mr!/tnum:=
=9 tndt-rtii.irk" in chapter 2).
The first lime a Small or larger character rczichcs lhc
t;:].nE:l inters On. tvio swarms ofinsects (ccntlpcdcs)
ea-nergc from nests under the thicket and attack, Twri
3 rt‘ swarms ofinsecks(spiders) c'1l'l'l\'C tin (ht: sccoiitl
.-mind of combat, plus another swarm uf insects
'3,‘n(l[)<‘(il€§) on the third round.
Tine abundant’:-‘ iii tungi in the thicket makes it easy
_ zuragc here. Aiiiting the COn'llT1Dn.il1€Clll)lf.‘f\1l'lgl£ll'l3
lie ioiiriwiiig edible and exotic fungi, most or which are in chapter 2:
M6 bar , talks
M6 bluci: [is
idt} patch:-‘.:s of fire lichen
Ida nigiiilights
ld6 Niihnggts noses
I-16 shecis of ripplebark
M6 limmasks
Edf; larrlistalks
Idfi tongues oi madness
'id6 trillimacs
2d6 bigwigs (sac "/-at-rzrr-ss uiiuseri Fungi")
2d6 pygiiiyviiorts (SCC "Fc'ierzress— utiused Fungi")
il|\l’ll vi 4.l(\i'kl~'1l‘4,ll
5. RAUCOUS MESA sat[aoasAkiulrisnnnLdntg‘hcshel7atbrsaudaatcdavtnmtsi‘tn)raugcgpsaettsnhymorruonhaswtkeaccbsat2yrnl!tttrD5naetcCtoatsgriaolem2tnnooWltnoroeiafnsogedtna.aoitiAmnslescdosohnasnavasreviapnelcegr.tcvcotinhrfirlrcwuhowafhloif
This chamlter was sculpted by Iacrzress with the side
effect oilrtipping sound.
The glow offzerzress shifts across this zhambev as if rnndness (see "Madncs. n rhztptcr 2) as his or her
pushed by an unseen Wmd. lt flows toward and around mind is overwhelmed lly what is heard.
a large mesa and continues to spiral upward, but the A cltnrtteter who Cxtzeerls the saving throw DC by 5 or
ceiling of the cavern IS too dark and high to see You hear
murmurs and whispers coming from atop the mesa, hmineoctarhuenersrcwViannVegrhaewosdrkiltsblotlytin)nnoeev(lq’Tc|li’riu,hepnserntaeierovilnnsio.gauTbashontiyucsntcstGoalanuryanicidnnkclntlshurteudcgeuchnittlvyltsehacrabostoavctvclteitrn).inlolrg
which grow louder as you approach. lts stacked levels Druki current location by tollowtng his insane
resernlile steps ln a staircase, but a ramp running from mntrunuAmitntcboihnerairrnrnaogtcnfst.ttli.)m. cAeasfntecqrfoutchaual sti.notnhheitshceohrashroaeucln'tWedrlisnndotuhlneo1ncmgheaormdhibafieserrtahe
top to bottom provides an easy way up.
Climbing the mesa reveals that its steps art:n'l from ahility to tell sounds apart.
C0fl(‘€l1[l‘l(7l‘iI'(‘l(*r5 but the bands of a spiral. rising
tnesa's top.
the cavern floor to thv notlreablc crack le-ading (0 a 6. DIRE DEN
The west wall has a
nt7haeirfr"tohWwe hrtthulnarlnrsaetocl.ntewerhTsiuacnhrenecslasmn: abGlleeenunesoeruadlgahFse[a0atsfiuhtroethsrt“rcousuitdgtehobiaatrre()sz.ele Tllis small network or tiny grottos leads into one
DK)rfClol]hkEai't"rula’sIcaelt"sel1rtlsh}Pia,slt'ITnth|aOerIr'Fot,owcpleotaufrnltyhn.eealmnodcnschaainshetrratatrtvttnehglesn.lmzru‘ ritlntlr orTreefhsateihcdhecehndtahcerienasscoEtfolerftnrfistawh(emaserGupcsretaldhytrecaGvr"cheWalotslutihtorsre.rolbsucutagntlhnlieetndiTastruhrthnoeenwsecpltusiud:rnrGeenrneeKtnlseinriangl.
aaTnshddemirsopbaaerrraocthfezGlsuroaducsnkddlsistupTglehfiaessyufhroeer.gartehste,htemherahdlyotwslncnrreuirar:nmltllilnaengokof f Features" sidebar).
tlerro. and even hints and snatt-hes of ronvorsations. The glow orfrermsr in these tunnels reveals sticky white
The faerzrcss in this place echoes Illt‘ sotintls produced strands (linglrlgto tnevralls The strands become more
dense as you move farther lrl.
in Gracklstugh above. t-rearing a storm of noise.
The northczislern cave is the lair oi‘ the Spi .t- King —a
lw0—hé:aclccl giant spider warned dcrnonic inhucnces
into rt vagnt-ly htirnanotd shaprt. This horrint» rreature
uses the giant spider stat block with the following
. T(ifiPhctc-rr, hianigtWpsiosaidvnoitmns,ga(thPpreaorswcseivpbetoinowunis)sedmsoo:dm—
Constitutlml +3. \Visdorn +2.
BCCEUSC oiits two heads. ll1L‘ Spidrr King has advan—
wtsdont (Per ,eptton) , erks and on saving
tage on against being hltndcd, charmed. d tenetl.
friglttenerl. stunned. and knocked nrtcons us.
tKwinognworamitasligniaamntlisupsihd.eItrsm(oitvseasttteontdhaenetsn)t.rlal'In<c: eSpolfdcitls’
ucflahnpod.aomwrc. hbeTiiehllrieenitgnSh.epagin[edWteatrit0nteKggmiiainnpngtttoatsonppdoikdseteihetripesontaghpiaeapbncrotohvsaaepcriahcdcreaetrelasortsunrrigbgehtoshttetotlonewdttahhleels
death. but they don't follow prey that flees.
sounds of t-oitrbtit he-re alert the‘ rluergar in area 7.
The Gray Ghosts use this chambcr to grow a variety nf
tungi for use in alchemical experiments.
Double doors blocks thc western tunnel. The doors
are made of thick zurkhwood and rcinlurcetl witlt
erurlely lorged steel. The sturdy lock can he opened
with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves‘
mols. A successful DC 20 Strength check will break the
doors down.
The smell of rot {S strong in this room, eorningtrorn a
large depression at the center, where dazerls ottungt of
many spades grow. A barre|—shaped Copper tank sits at
the edge oftlle pit. Attached to the tank is a tall coppev
pipe that arcs ovev the pit. Crates line one wall.
Three due;-gar work here. They are members of
the Gray Ghosts who have been assigned gardening
duty. They attack as soon as they e intruders. If the
characters arrive through the crack in the east wall (see SPRINKLER TANK
‘Fungi Pit"). they can hid mnng the fungi and try to The copper tank ts El sprinkler used by the cluergttr
catch the rluergar by surprise. It the characters make to fertilize the fungi in the pit. The copper pipe that
a lnt ofnoise in area 6 or torce their way through thc extends from the tank is 10 feet long and can be turned
doors to the west. the rluergar turn invisible and attack so that its nwzlr: points in any direction. The nozzle is
as llll: churztctersarrive. pointcd toward the pit by default.
as soon start nfeombat. two duergar use their Enlarge
At the Any creature can use an action to open or close a
action while the third npens the valve on the copper valve an the tank, releasing a cloud of pungent fertilizer
unit and aims its nozzle at the characters. During the that fills 3 304001 rube. The cloud grows l0 {eel per side
second round nf combat on the same initiative count as each round the valve remains open. The cloud has the
the dtiergar. the duergar alchemist from area Sjoins same. etffetit as a stirtktng cloud spcll (suvc DC 12). but
the fight. lfthe other duergar fall‘ the alchemist turns thr‘ (‘,iT€‘(1I&l!(.lS 1d4 +1 rounds after the: valve is closed or
ln\‘isiblI: and tries to escape. the tank runs out of fertilizer. The tank contains enough
fertilizer to spray for 10 rounds.
Ftxct PIT
As an action or a bonus action. a creature can turn the
The pit is 5 feet deep and filled with various kintls pipe 90 degrees in any dirt lion.
iifungi. It is difficult terrain for Small and Medium
creatures. and Tiny creatures have l1alf(‘0\'cr while
amid the fungi.
Attack in the east wall forms the mouth uf a narrow
munel that leads from the l'loor ofthc pix to area 6: see
the "whorlstonc Tunnels: Ctcncrnl Feature sidebar for
Imre information on narrow tunnels.
The abundance of fungi in the thicket makes it easy
17 forage here. Among tht t,tintrn0n. inedible fungi art‘
the following edible and exotic fungi. most of which arc
éescrtbed in chapter 2:
- ld6 barrelslalks
- 3:16 blllecaps
- [d6 Nilhugg‘s noses
2:16 sheets of ripplebark
[d6 timmasks
[db mrchstalks
2d6 trillimacs
2d6 bigwigs (soc "Faerzres Suffused Fungi")
- Zd6 pygmyworts(sec "Faerzresssuffused Fungi")
Acharacterprortciertt and equipped with a poisoners
Ix can also collect 1d6 doscs oras. in's blood poison
chapter 8 of the
such the fungi pit (sec "Poisons In
Dctngeon Masters Gttidc).
CRATES The lower level is 10 feet bclow the laboratory and
The cratcs along the north wall are made of zurkhwnod contains two bunk beds and two small chests. all made
and stacked 5 reet high, and climbing on top of them of zttrkhwoud (See "Trcastlre" below for information on
costs 5 feet of movement. Most of the crates are empty. the rtmtents ol the chests). The door is barred on this
bttt fclttr of them contain harvested. cdiblt: fungi. Each side and has closed pcopholes at tlwarrseye height.
crate of fungi weighs 50 pounds. contains the equivalent Opening the peepholes allows one to see into the room
of 20 days of rations, and can be sold in Gratzklstugh or beyond. The bar is casily lifted from this side. but
another Underdark settlement for 25 gp. breaking down the door requires a successful DC 20
DEVELOPMENT Strength check.
lithe characters keep any dIltTg'sIr alive tor questioning.
it takes a successful DC 16 Charisma (Intimidation) The room east of the door is empty except for an iron
check to gain an answer to a single question. The ladder that climbs 60 let-t to a stone trapdoor enibedtled
characters can ask only three questions total before in the ceiling. The trapdoor is unlocked, and above it él
the surviving duergar become incoherent and start narrow. spiraling tunnel leads to the Darklake Dot.
lrothing at the mouthwa form otinadness brought on by
demontaintetl faerzress. Any spell or effect that curcs DEVELOPMENT
indefinite madness also restores a duergai-‘s sanity (soc Sounds of combat here alert the duergar in arc’ 7, They
“Madness" in rhapter 8 of the Dungeon Masters Guide). use their Enlarge actions before heading this way.
The tluergar stationed here are tasked with pr0tr:<'ting TREASURE
the fungi garden and helping the alchemist in his
work. They use a trapdoor in area 8 to move between If the characters spend 1 hour ransacking the lab, they
the Whorlstnne Tunnels and ll1(‘ Darklakc Docks in can assemble t\vo herhalism kits. one p0isont:r'okit, and
Gracklstugh. They have been ordered not to explore ten healcr’s kits. In the (unlocked) Z1Irl(llW00d ch srs,
the rest of the Whclrlstonc Tunnclss though their they find l(l6 via ‘of acid. 1d6 flasks of alchcm s fire,
leaders sometimes go farther into the tunnels on two potions ofhealtng, one potion ofgrcatcr hea/trig,
unknown business. one potion offire breath, and one patron ofpsychic
8. GRAYA HEMIST Depending on whether or not Droki delivered his
parcel and ttiolt his payment. the desk contains either a
Tho Gray Ghosts have claimed this cave as both E! ale‘ lump of black metal or a holy symbol of Laduguer made
house tinrl a laboratory. where their alehomists can work of mithral (see "Finging Droki"). The tleslt also holds
in relative peace and isolation. alchemical recipes scrawlcd in Dwarv _ on torn strips
of parchment. A character who studies these scraps for
This area is surprisinglyclean and orderly, split into an hour and succeeds on a DC 15 intelligence (Arcana)
check can piece together the formulas tor cralting vials
two levels connected by: ramp rnaderrorn zurlthwuod of acid and flasks of alt~hi:mist’s lire. The character can
gather enough ingredients in the laboratory to craft ldzl
planks. The upper level contains a fully furnished of each. The Charactcr who knows the recipe and has
laboratory. while the lower level has two bunk beds. The the proper ingrcclicnts can craft a vial of acid or flask ct
wall ofthe lower level is set with a closed door. alchemisfs fire in l hour.
A character who searches the desk and succeeds on
Unless he is drawn [0 sounds of combat in area 7‘ a a DC 12 Intrlligenre (Investigation) check also finds
due-rgar alchemist (see the sidebar) named Lorthio a letter hinidDdwenztirnviash. cret compartment. The letter is
Bukbukken works on the upper level of this area. written on a patch oflizard hidc:
Lorthlos laboratory contains a work table. 21 cl
case of shelves lined with vials. and a dam . taped I don't need your poison anymore. I'll deal with Werz
oven. All furnishings are made of zurkhwoocl except the Saltbzrorl tnyseli. Bring me an elfblade. one with tho
oven. which is made of stone. swirlies carved on the steel, and VI! Forget you failed
DUERGAR me. And I don't want to see any ofyour goons near my
A duergar alchemist carries two vials of acid and two flasks post. The captain is poking around, and I could use a
ofalchemlsfs fire. lt uses the normal duergav stat block
but replaces the lavelin attack option with the following scapegoat.
attack options:
Acid Vial. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit. range 20 ft,
one target Hit: 7 (zdol acid damage. If the characters capture Lortllio and question hitn
about the letter. he reveals one or the following bits of
Alchemist’: Fire. Ranged Weapon Attack" +4 to hit, range information each timr Ll rllzlra er Su(‘.F<’€!(lS on a DC 13
20 ft., one target. H :2 (M4) fire damage at the start of Charisma (Intimidation) clieck.
each otthe target’s turns A creature can end this damage - Gorglalt is a warrior of the Stone Guard stationed at
by using its action to make a successful DC 10 Dexterity
check to extinguishthe flames. one of the outer gates near the Darltlnke District.
. Gcrglak is an avid collector olweirtl weaiioiis.
rllitritlz >1 lal(i\Ci\i§lL‘tiH - Gorglak is easily bribed.
Presenting Gorglak's letter to Captain Errtle Blackskull The insane derm cultists have been buying cave bears
cams each nharnctor 50 XP for retrieving evidence or
corruption within the ranks oi the Stone Guard. from Unrlerdark hunters and snittggling them through
Grat-klstugh. For what purpose is anyune's guess.
1 orFQUNTAIN Evil.
A large gate made of iron bars blocks the northwest
Foul water from the Darklakc spills into this ave. entrance and is usually locked. One‘ of the derro
forming a pool. See (ht: “Whorlslonc Tunnels: General cultists carries the key. The lock can be opened with a
Features" sidebar for the cffccts of drinking loul water. successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
The ceiling in this care is 80 feet high. A creature with a Strength uf 20 or higher can force the
gate open with a successful DC 25 strength check.
The chamber splits into two paths surrounding a large
The firstthirig you notice as you enterthe room is a
pool, filled by water trickling from stalactites along the heavy, unpleasant musk tn the air, coming from cages
assembled from scrap iron on both sides ofthe chamber.
ceiling. The western path torriis ti ramp above the pool’; A spiral path circles into the center oithe room, marked
surface, while the eastern path runs level with the water off by small stone pylons.
and continues ‘into a tunnel opening. The watertums
darker toward the center ofthe pool, where it transforms Two derro stand by a large cauldron ‘in front ofa tent
near the caves center. Both are talking while apparently
from a gentle swirl into a churning vortex. ignoring each other. In the Cages, three hulking brown
bears appear to be resting.
Awaterweird bound to the pool years has bccn
corrupted by the demonic influence infecting thcse The two derro (see appendix C) are cultists. one of
rttnnels. turning it evil and giving it a dark hunger. them is complaining about “the maswr" while the
The western path slopes upward to a maximum ht-ighl other talks about something he once fished out of
c:l60 {col above the pools surface. If the characters take thr: Darklake.
this upper path. the water weird attacks them when
they are 30 feet above the surfact: of the pool. as it was The three cave bears (use the polar bear statistics)
bound here to protect the path leading to area 15. The are alert, despite appearances to the contrary.
water weird can command the pool's water to erupt Characters hoping to sneak past them must succeed
like a geyser. effectively lifting the water weird up to on Dexterity (Stealth) checks contcstntl hy the bears'
iherharncters‘ level and putting them within its reach. passive wisdom (Perception) score or 13. on their first
character the water wcird succes-stuliy grapples turn. the cultists move to free the bears. Each cage is
Sdropped in the pool. taking no damage from the fall. closed with a simple bolt that can be unlatched with an
The pool is 30 teet deep in the iriirltlle and 5 teet deep action. Once the first two bears are set free. the third
near the shore. hear breaks out of its cage on its own.
Ifthe characters follow Dmki into this chamber. they
A crack in the south wall leads to a narrow tunnel that
see hitn sneaking carefully along the eastern path. wands toward area 12. Medium and larger crtzaturcs
They can attempt to follow him with a group Dexterity are too big to ht through this narrow ttinnel (see the
(Stealth) check contested hy the water weird's passive "Whorlstonc Tunnels: General Features" sidebar).
Wisdom (Perception) score. it more than halt the
characters fail the check. the water weird notices them SPIRAL PATH
and attacks, if the haracters are attacked by the water This path helps to channel the ritual magic the ctiltists
Itird while following Droki. the wily derro realizes h<:'s use to tame the nave bears. Though the ritual is
currcntly inactive, the area radiates a faint aura of
tietng shadowed and makes a run for it. cnchantmcnt under the scrutiny of a dcrcct magic spell.
Inside the tent art’, two fit-,;i-riddenbedrcills. a zurkhwootl
buckct containing etlihle tungi (the equivalent oftwn
days of rations). and a wiiieskin tull of Darklaltc Stout.
Some of the cult's morc powcrful derro savants keep
quasits as familiars. and the wee demons discovered
this tunnel network. They use the tunnels as shortcuts
to delivcr messages ucmss the areas of the Whorlstone
Tunnels controlled by the cultists. or simply to hidr: from
their duties. Shrinking down allows the characters to
more easily navigate this area.
l.l-i arrest 4 i cit/u'i<l STUGH
The narrow tunnel IS lit by the same dim, ambient light The smell of brlmstone and foul chemicals emanates
found throughout this complex. Ahead, you hear the from this large chamber. The light orearnphres shows
high-pitched tackling orseveral creatures. a natural plarfurm where five rierro are droning a
caccphonous tharit. A twarheaded dog stirs lnside a
Four quasits are wrestling each other rartlier along in cage, while another derro nearby plays with a crossbow
the tunnel. ll’ they notice the character they attatzk. and watches the dog nervously.
When two qiiasits are reduced to 0 hit points, the two A green glow rises suddenly from a magic orcle at the
remaining 0I1E‘Sl\lr‘l’Il|'IVlSll)l(‘and flee. However. they (enter ofthe platform. where a small humanoid statue
make cnoutzh noise in doing so for the characters to )5 the focus oitlie chanting rttual. As you watch, a lump
follow them by sound. If any quasit escapes. the cultists sprouts from the stitue's neck, erllargmg and reshapmg
in area 12 t:;in'r he stlrprlsnd and prepare an ambush. ttselfwith each unholy verse to take the farm ofa
DEVELOPMENT second head.
If the characters manage to capture and interrogate
n quasit. the or dluri‘ readily surrenders the name of Narrrztk. a derro Savant. belongs to a iringe group within
N.’ll‘l‘r’ll(—ll‘lI‘,rlt-rro savrini leading the ctiltists in the the Council of Savants using dcmonologyas a path
Wl'lt)rlStnnt‘ Tunnels (. nrczl lz). In exchange t'or to power. Sinrt: the arrival eithe dernon lords. he has
its life. the quasit reveal. tliattlie cult plans to curse gathered anrl hullieri several apprenriees to parrieipate
Cirat‘klstugh' stone giants with rl'lHLlII(‘SS as ti means to in rituals aimed to snwt zit) in Grzlcklsttlgh. Nzlrrak
sowing chaos in the city. knows the stone giants are a pillar ofthv Dt-cpking's
power, and that eureing thorn Wllll Dernogorgons
XP AWARDS madness will he an appropriate tirs - Up toward
Each chitrzlcler earns a special award of 50 XF‘ if the delivering the entire rity to the rlernen lord.
party learns olNarrak's plans from a qttasit.
The cage by the tunnel llultls a death dog, warehetl
12. CULTIST HIDEOUT over by a nervous den-n cultist. Atop the platform.
Narrak and tour more derro cult" is are performing
Droki enters this cavern from the east. via a narrow a ritual around the statue at its .iiter. (Statisl ,s for
tunnel that comes up through a crack in the cavern floor Narrak and the derm can he round in oppenrlix C.) The
(see the "Narrow Tunnels" section olthe "Whorlstone eultists' chanting is punctuated with Narrak calling out
Tunnels: General Features" sidebar). the name “Demogorgon!“ Also atop the platform, resting
cornfortably in an t'ungi—filled alcove (and initially out of
West of the cavern is a shrickcr that serves as an the party's view). is Narrak's bod_vguard—a leinale etttri
alarm §y~:tt'rn (sre “Fungi Patches") and a pit trap named Gl"ularMunga.
(see --Trap").
Whcn intruders appear the cultis. ,.ase lhrlr TRAP
chanting and take up positions along the edge ofthe The tunnel west of this caverii contains a hidden pit (see
platform as Grula-Munga ris s to her feet and picks up "Sample Traps in chapter 5 ofthe Dungeon Masters
her weapons. At the same titne. the culiist standing next Guide‘). Debris conceals the lid. which is made of thin
to the cage releases the death dog. Nanak continues his zurkhwtmd that breaks when a creature weighing 50
part in the ritual until the characters kill the death dog pnuntls or more steps on it. (A character of reduced
or one of the cullisls, at which point he joins the battle. size might not weigh enough to break the lid.) The pit
The door to the death dog‘s cage is held shot with a is 10 rest tleep. and its floor is covcrett by a patch or
simple clasp and requires an action to open. green slime (see “Dungeon Hazards" in chapter 5 of the
Dungeon Master's Ctuidc). Any creature that talls into
If any of the quasits escaped from area 11, they warn the pit takes ldb bludgconing damage and automatically
the cultists that intruders are near. Otherwise, the fails its Dexterity saving throw to avoid the slime.
characters might catch the cultists by surprise. The
quasits remain invisible and stay closc to Narrak. TREASURE
FUNoi PATCHES lfthe characters return thc brokcn statue (or, at the
Fungi is rampant throughout this area. growing in large very least. its second head) to Stunespeaker Hgraam,
patches on the floors and walls. he gives thcm an cmcrald worth 500 gp as a reward, as
well as his promise to vouch for them in anything they
Two thick fungi patches grow by each wall in the seek to accomplish in Gracklstugh.
western tunnel. Clinging to thc north wall is a shrieker
that party members can recognize with a sitcccssful Narrak has ti kcy around his neck that opens the lock
DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check. The shrickcr starts on the iron chcst. which can also be picketl with thieves‘
screaming as soon as anyonc comcs within 30 feet oftt. tools and ii SUCC ssfill DC 17 D xlerily check. The
chest contains a _|aI' or Keoghtoms uimnlelll and a small
The crack in the floor by thr‘ cast wall is surroilnrletl lcathrr bag containing 45 gp and 15 sp.
by a thick fungus patch that is difficult terrain for Small
and Medium characters. and provides halftxover for Tiny The books have pages made from lrillimac caps (sec
creature Growing among the com mon lungi are ztlc “Fungi of the Underdark" in chapter 2). They Contain
bigwigs and Zdfi pygmywcrls. the mad scribbliiigs of Narrak and his fellow dcrro
savanls. A character proficient in Arcana. Investigation,
PLATFORM or Religion can spend 8 hours poring through them:
suhtracl 1d4 hours if the character reads Tlwarvlsh.
The cavern floor rises to form a natural 5»i'oot-high At the end oithis time. the character knows that thc
platform. A glowing ritual circlc dominat - the top of hooks outline two rituals: one that causes a one-headed
the platform. Any non—dcrrti that cn or touches the creature to sprout a second head. and another that
circle must succeed on a DC 13 Wistlom saving throw allows the grafting ofa severed hcad onto a living
or gain one level of madnc_ (sec "Madness" in chapter creature. The notes tail to mctttion that the rituals
2). Whether the s e or fails, the creature can't caster must be suffering from some form citnadttess to
be atiecterl by the ttirclc in this way again. In addition. perform either ritual suct -fully.
non—evil crcaturcs within the circle have disadvantage
an attack rolls and saving throws. Tuckcd in one book are two scrolls: one that bears
The statue within the ritual circle is 2 feet tall. weighs a list of 51X stone giant names (including Rihuul:l's and
100 pounds. and looks vaguely like a crouching stone l)orhun's) and another that is actually a letter written in
giant with a lump on its neck where a second hcad is broken Dwarvlsh:
beginning to form. The statue is engraved with profane
sv mbols, with the name "Dorhuii" scribed in Dwarvish Narrak—
into its hack. A successful DC l6 Intelligence (Arcana Need more scrolls! Storiespeaker Hgvaam has traps traps
or Religion) check allows a character to recognize the traps. But Dtolti is wily too and very small} I (an hearlallr,
profane symbols as being related to Dcrnugorgon. and in talk they say names, and I hear names and write
names and give you names so you give me time. But you
A search of the platform uncovers a similar but broken have to give me more scrolls. Maglcky spslly scrolls!
statue near a locked iron (‘host and r’! pile ntliooiis
(see “Treasure" for more information on the chest and —Drokl
books). The broken statue is similar to tile statue in
the circle. except it has thc name “Rihuutl" carved iiilo XP AWARDS
its back and its second hciid is fully formed. If Rihuud Award 100 XP to each character for tliscovering
is dead, the broken statitc turns to dust when the l)emogorgon's intlticnce on the tzultisls.
characters touch it. ll" the charatzters spared Rihuucl‘s
life. a successful DC 12 intelligence (Arcana or Religion) Thc characters can complete a quest by turning over
check reveals that the secmitl head is a conduit for the the books, scrolls, and letter to Errde Blackskull. Award
curse's magic. and that relnoving it and returning it to l50 XP to each character when they deliver thc itnms.
Stonespeaker Hgraam in Cairngorm Cavern will allow H" the characters ask Errde about Narrak. she tells them
Lhe elder giant mend Rihuutfs curse. that he was ajunior member olthe Council of Savanis.
t liirlilt 4 lift \(‘Kl srisnii
13 DUMPING PIT and they are intent on rebuilding il. The obelisk was
broken long ago. However. shards at the obelisk that
victims omarru experiments are dumped hero. appear throughout the Undcrdark are magically
Exposure to the /aerzrcss has begun to animate: absorbed into it as soon as they touch its metal surface.
the corpses.
The leaders of the Gray Ghosts are obs cd with
rinding missing shards and completing th s monolith.
This cavern is one enormous pit that reeks of death and but not even they know what will happen when the
decomposed flesh. The glow nffazrzless is everywhere, obelisk s made whole again.
seeming to flaw like log around dark shapes shambling After a steady upward climb, the tunnel opens into
a huge, welllit chamber The glow offazrzressand
across the pit door. A single derro watches from atop il
l5—fcotrhigl'l ledge. A crack in the southeast wall ofthe biolurrilrieseerit fungi compete with shafts ofwhite light
pit leads to a narrow tunnel and is flanked by mounds of that fall upon naturally lorri-ted shelves alorigthe walls as
fungi and orral. well as a rocky mesa at the center ofthe cavern. crudely
formed ramps connect the different levels ofthe mesa
The pit is 15 feet tlcep. and the ledge that overlooks up to the height otits two topmost tiers, which are linked
ictliims lbininegdawttictthnppot ipnetryilboiutss.oAf sccrreaapltmireettarlytiongmtaokreeaanchy by a sturdy bridge. Atop one ofthose tiers sits a large red
the top ofthe ledge must succeed on a DC 12 Strength egg. Atop the other stands a 50—foot—tall obelisk made of
(Athletic check. On a failed check. in creature takes smooth black metal with a few noticeable imperfections.
(lilo) slashing damage and rcmains in the pit. The pit as though small parts oflt were somehow chipped away.
floor is tlifficult terrain title to the maity corpses and s
A female derro stands close to the obelisk, gently
body parts strcwn around.
A single derro stands on the ledge overlooking the pitting and stroking its siirlace. The obelisk flashes
pit, which contains seven shambling zomhies—three
duct-gar and tour grirnlock. The griinltick zombies once. the glow offizerzress around the cavern flaring in
are drawn to nois while the duergar zombies attack response. The derro squeals with glee as she snatches an
any living creattircs they se in the pit. Meanwhile. object up from the ground, then writes something down
the derto us its crossbow to take shots at any living
in a small notebook.
crAeactruarwesliintgsecl.a.w wearing an obsidian ring on one The chamber is brightly lit, as ilby sunlight. The
lurks amid the sunlight isjust a natural trick caused by crystal growths
stubby finger (see “Trcasure“) olT;ll
mounds. These mounds are dilfitzult terrain to Small rcltccting and amplifying the liglii otthe bioluiiiinesccnt
and Medium creatures, and the tungi growing atop
them provide cover to Tiny creatures. The shrivelcd hingi growing on thc walls. The characters realize this
if they climb near the ceiling of the cavern, where the
gray hand once belonged to Pelek rhc svirfnt-hlin (see optical trick i sy to discern.
The different levels ofthe me art -cparated by
The track in the scluthrtast wall between the mounds 10—lot)t—high cliffs. Climbing a cliff requires at succ
leads to a narrow, meandering tunnel, the floor orwhich DC lZ Strength (Athletics) check. Pliinkii a mad
is sunk below a foot of foul water. See the “Whorlstone
Tunnels: General Features" sidebar for rules derro savaut (see appendix C), stands atop of the
tunnels and foul water. on narrow mesa. Hidden on a shelf above the cnvcrn’s entrance.
a spectator tasked wilh guarding this area SCC5 the
characters as soon as they walk 15 feet into the cavern.
TREASURE The spectator st-reeche an alarm aittl attacks. killing
Faerzress has translnrltlcd Felek's obsidian ring into a non—derro with glee. As it fights. it projects telepathic
single use magic item. when a living creature puts it on. ramblings into the cliarat:ters' minds, mostly dealing with
the ring disappears, and the creature's skin becomes
as hard as obsidian for the next hour. For as long how exciting it is to have iriirtidcrs to kill and how even
the effect lasts. the creaturl: gains the benefit of a as more exciting things will be when the obelisk is complete.
stoneskin spell. Pliinki shouts rass obscenitics at the chztrnctcrs in a of
ruspy voice while commanding thc spectator to dispose
them. Both she and the spectator light to the death.
If the characters capture and interrogate the derro, he OEELISK
talks willingly iithey agree him. He knows Made from .1 black metal of alien origin, this monolith is
much as the quasits in area to spare as perfectly smooth except for the cracks and chippedorr
edges where it was splintered by some unknown lorce.
11. The obelisk is 15 feet per side at its base, stands 50 feet
tall, and tapers slowly to a pyramidal cap.
Killing the crawling claw and burying its remai sin
Blingdenstone lays Pelek's spirit to rest (sec area Any character proficient in Arcana can tell that the
lb). t>l)elisk‘s fractures are leaking quasvmagical energy.
The character lurthcr understands that feeding magical
1.4‘ -(3_5E£K..
The Gray Ghosts believe that the mysterious obelisk in
this cavern is an important source ofmagical power,
(If-lll‘lLR 4 l GR'\L'rKl )lLtl!l
energy into the obelisk might activate its latent magic. delivers the red dragon egg to either the Keepers or to
Spending a spell slot of any level while touching [l’lC Th:-tnberchaud.
obelisk activates it and releports everyone on the mesa 14-A. FUNG1~CovERED DOORS
to a location in the Undcrdnrkjust outside the northwest
gate of Gracklstugh. A set nl double tlrlors aarntdhtiidledepnybgymaywpaotrrths.tclfhfaunragci ttehrast
Tht: rhnracterwho expended the spell slot knows the includes ztls higwitzs
Itoeanleleyrpztoreermst sepftofherrcaotruycgahnaobufletukrtheeepdeUuaetnedtdoe. rtbdhuaetrkrteh. raBetnottthhdistihspreouwppoteitoreninscoyf west nfthe donrs must succeed on a DC I5 Wisdom
(Perception) check in nnlice the doors b(‘lIll\(l the fungi.
and the nature of the effect could change within a week t
or two. and this teleport effect likely hears rm relation to t-heck allows a charnrler to brrttk through the doors, but ‘
Llzle ohetislts actual purpose. this alerts the derro snvant and the spectator in area 14.
If the characters took the lump of metal from Droki or
the Gray Ghosts. they llutice the tlllelisk is made from LEAVING GRACKLSTUGH
same material. If the lump is touched tn the obelisk.
Lhe instantly ahsorht-ti.repairing a crack on its surface. The can gain tthheemmeoannsthteoirlej0atvternteh_ev—citfyr—0m
and ihtot-matinn tcl gttttte
it is
Rm DRAGON EGG a number of different sources. depending on the NPCS
they interact with and the quests they undertake.
cTthghegeFtehlgaagmt taeht.oeTpGhthreae4y—nGofohrototh—settaaslsls,tt3ot—lnefeosforat—nmidsl2atthnmeEuteKnrheaeegtprgehrewsdeoidfgrhasgon Errdc Blnrkskttll is true to her word. and she lets the
150 pounds. and without lire to keep it warm. the egg characters leave the rity freely ifthey fulfilled the tasks
cant hatch. If and when the egg does hatch. a red she set for them. Working for Tllemberchuutl or the
dragon wyrmling emerges and builds with the first Keepers of the Flame leaves the rharacters in a position
Gcalure it 5665.
where they can at least avoid arrest in th city. on
Deciding the next step for the t-haracte s depends
the characters picked up in
TREASURE what information nr quests merlight Grove (see chapter
cfTmhhamerctltoerairllrl.oimasna;dvaa(nsbteaectat“"asisnmticcahkdaeopfter Gracklstngh. Heading for obvious next
wa2m) Tlaoehnreg. nalnoistteanbotfoilroracknllcdlogoonmltdaiictneosminDs.twrmaadorvesditslyh Blingdenstune (see (‘hunter 6) are the route to the
atchopepine“samarinirndatJt:leuiwlloleeulrrsey"n.atTphphaeenarderwaanrrcieteinnogor.dtThaheteegsl.oalbsdut cteosniotnrm.yeEelcnstrrriiebses 5) or s both places hold the promise of a can try their
surface world. Alternativt-,ly. the characters
For example, attling Errtlr Blackskull and the Stone
Guards might grant thr‘ t-haractt-rsthe privilege of an
audience with King Horgnr Stet-lshadow v at some
slatntetrtetsipmeea.ltIefrthlelgcrhaanrmactteorrsaprrnecsrstiEngrrdwei.thGtahretoDkekeaprk, iot-rlg,
Ifthe characters capture and interrogate Pliinki. use the followingsection to run an encounter in the
\bsdNhee'relhfit<e’l))avrulegsgtsoohdtnh,st:eaantTodbtuhentehlniiasretklfsuiwtlalcaryoesannhstaoisdiwhndeshenet"eruehllnesnirmetehaabergymtihnDteahibisarlutienrtfpkhaoaecw,ete.hrS.e"he Deepkings palace.
Fliinki and her fellow savants hope to harness the
obr,lisk's power and use it to conquer Cvracklstugh.
If the characters take the dragon egg to
Thembcrchaud, he destroys it and rewards the party
with a magical potion or tlil plucked irom his hoard.
If the (ihaI’aCtCr.~‘ return the egg to the Keepers of the
Flame, Gartokkar Xundurn promises them sale passage
through Gracklstugh if they mention nothing about the
egg to Themberchnud.
Taking the coin and the notebook to Ylsa Hcnstak in the
Blade Bazaar fulfills her quest and earns the Characters
100 XP each.
lithe characters desrrihe the uhelisk to Gartokkar
xundnrn, he assumes that is what the Gray Ghost. are
using ln wreak havoc in Gauntlgrym and dispatches
fcohratrhaecmterbeyathrne sK1e0e0pXerPs. for
a force to study it. Each
completing the task set
Award each character an additional 150 XP if the party
The Hold oi the Deepklllg stands south oiLaLlugut>r's Characters who befrlrml Smnrsprakcr Hizraam or
Furrow and north at Themiterchamis lair. When the conwlete quests fur Errde Blaclwkull or Garwkkar
characters first lay eyes on it, rcurl the following boxed Xnndorn can use their newiuuntl influence to gain an
text nloutl to the players. illldicnce with the Deepking. Charzirtcri escorted to the
palace by Hgraam. Errtle. or Cw rtokkar are admitted
The Hold ofthe Deepking is a dark and foreboding insidti and led past rows or mttsthia <ill(‘l'gar guards to
edifice lodged between two great columns that rise
me Dfl_,p,mg-S throne mm
"9 ‘"‘° '""“ °‘°”d‘ °(‘’"°’‘’“““‘°°"‘e“‘ ‘"5 “""""
Lava pours down troughs cut lntothe hlatt basalt walls
“‘''"g “'~a”‘b““”"“'e- " filledw“it '“°"”"” b3‘ h“ ofthls vasthall The heat iscppressti/e,andthe air reeks
oisnlrttr. Thick black columns support the heavy ceiling,
the palace facade in 2 hellish glow. and the thirk stone and at the tar end otthe hail stands an iron throne atop
walls bristle with iron turrets and battlements. a polished obsidian dais A crowned duergar encased
There appears I0 he no um‘ guarding the palate. hut in armor sits on the throne. Next to him stands a royal
this is an illusion. All of tht' palttcn guards are invisible‘. consort wearing a gown made ofgold cams.
and cl'iar;ictCl's who observe the pzilzict‘ for some time
can liezir clticrgar guards in l1?2l\4_V£Il'l'l'l0l'marching /\n invisible walIul'fun:rrstands bctween the Deepkings
to and fm. dais and the character. Whether the Deepking is of a
mind to fight the (lemon lords is up to you. rilllinugli like
Two hundred invisible duergar Stone Guards (see many other Lluergar In the ty. Horgar Steelsliadnw V
appendix C) protect the palace and its king, Fifty stand has been touched hy the demon lords" madness. Roll
at attention in [)t'i‘fCct rows heinre the p;tlat~o. rcacly on th(‘ Indefinite Mzizlness triblc in Chapter 8 ofthe
to Cut down anyone who approzirlies tht' [,\Ell£‘l(‘E gates Dirngtton Master’: Guide to li(*N‘,I‘lTlil'IC Horgar's flaw.
unescorted. Annthcr fifty watch [mm the turrcts and
battleinents. Onr: hundred more stand guard in the lithe characters attack the Dccpkiiig. use the knight
palace and comprise the L)cepking's honor gtmrci. statistics in the ll/lunszer Manual to rcprcscnt him, with
the: following modificatiniis:
DEW ~’- “Prim
5’“~W“"* V Horgar is lawful evil.
Ho speaks Drnt;nnn-,.Ginnt. and Dwarvish.
He has AC 20 and wears tlwarvcn plate.
Hr has advantage on saving throws against poi
ion. spells. and illusions, its wcll as to resist being
charmed or paralyml.
VVhllC in sunlight. he has rllsadvantage on attack
rolls. as well as on Wistlmn (Pt-rroption) checks that
rely on sight.
He has the Enlarge and liivisihilixy iiction options oi a
duet-gar (arc the Monster Manual).
He wears gatmrlcts ofogre power, giving him ;i
Strength score of 19 (+4).
lie wieltls 2| +2 vmrhanlmerinsteatl oia grcatsword:
'8 to hit. reach 5 ft.. one target. Hit: 10 (ld8 l 6)
bludgeoning damage, or 11 (M10 + 6) bludgconing
damage iiliscd with two hands. While Hurgar is
enlarged, the tinmage increases to 15 tztis 1' 5) or 17
(2d10 + 5) blurlgconingdamage. respectively.
The Deepkings royal consort is a succubus in the
guise nishai, a female dtiergar. The sutztiubus is a loyal
servant ufilie demon lord Ctrazit (see appttrltlix D>4
Her only task’ to make sure no one tric to rid Horgar
oi’ his niadn The gown she wears vi. . (1 gift from
Hurgzir. It weighs 75 pounds anti is worth 750 gp.
it the rhzlrartcrs expose the suttizubus as It iiendish spy
nnti help restore liorgars sanity. the Dctipliirig becomes
friendly toward them and tries to set them against the
draw. whom he blames for the spreading madness.
82 ill\l'Tlli1 i.lZ\t.E\l~ll lihg
Cornmunitles of lI1_V(‘UnldS can bl“ found lhroughollr rm- Fungi. wlm wasted no Ilme llulllllllfl herself a monglmld
L ndeenlark Those lnlel1i,<1el1t.Vrlgm'|y humanoid lungl in a call sal n1usI'll'rmrnl'a]Ied yggnmrgus. The-rc.
luzlll Ilves of vlork and isharfd conlenlplzuiou. providing .5116 works lm a nlalmollull <<‘hl=n1Cmclaim all (I'll?
Shvller and =al‘.- passage [0 any who approach llu-m Llndrrzlzlrk as hC'l'd(7Fl'|2l|l’L Nlure and more ln_\'Conld~' llrr
<lm.v1_y becomlng llnu llllng thralls |l|1(l('Y her conlml.
- full)‘ and l:hau’aC(el‘5 who lmger m Ncvnrllghl Grow‘ mlgm
The l'Cl?L(iH‘ lmlauon of Nrwrllgllt Curovc. i(S find lhenlsclvcs In great pm-ll.
Jblllldancc of {null and walcrl and the \ve1con'llrlg lmlure
Of|t>in11abiliInl\ nlight brlng the clmracmrs hrné lo GOING TO
ranmmos‘acirobenlccusuplc!rzwl5ullhtlllacJmkued[0croe{lsohunrp}Sp. lllyrl-.LmNWg‘?rilowl]n?oirdilnds,othwvechrlgelnrlogmwnsl.aaHybmwoyugt
.1 much—n filled respite rmm llle brutal .-lml harrowlng Btffiluafi‘ so few Ullllrtfilflfk ll':l\'r:Ic‘r~ haw PVFI‘ slumbled
lmdltions of the Undcrllllrk. llpnn Neverliglll Gm\l=. it rarr'l_\' appears on £lll_\ umpa.
N(’.lF1_\’111lI11!‘l‘O|llP§lPZldinQ[0HzH’F‘dangrrollx mm
Howvwrl lhl: p:lr(i('u].lr myccmid hawn lalfl as sail‘ dllficull (O navlgalr. although man) ~:lreams flow inln
_|>l(l11lghlzlppeal‘. om» <ll'lhc:ir sovcrr‘ign.~; has tallen and through lhr grow. Ifthc rhzlrllrlers clllrrthv
undcr (hr sway of [\|ggYl'I1()_V. the Demon Queen of grnera] an-,a nflhe grove and <l l (|O.sL‘ m ul'lr.i\/6'1
:l1ung—rhcsc vmlerwa_x 5, (hey emually Hm! lhfll‘ way
here. Alternatively, three of the party's companions can FUNGI PATCH DISCOVERIES
guide them to Nevcrlight Grove.
dzo Fungi or creatures
Stool, the characters’ fellow prisoner front chapter ldé barrelstalksA>U-79-4
1, is a myconitl sprout from the grove. captured by the
draw before zuggtmdy began exerting her influence zda hluecaps
over the flI_yC(llIl(lS here. Although not ktlowletlgenlile lds carvinn crawlers
about the Underdark, Stool has an innate sense of ldzt drow spore servants* (see appendix cl and
where its home lies and can guide the party toward M4 quaggnlll spore servantse
it. Upon its return, Stool is greatly disturbed by E;\nD0\A¢tv! Fire lichen gmwing near a thermal vent
the changes it encounters in the grove. lt isn't well 3d6 giant tire heetlcs
acquainted with either sovereign, but finds itself drawn ld4 rnveottid adu|ts*
toward Basidia. ld6 mghtlights
l otyugh hidden under a mound ofofial
The former drow prisoner sarith Kzckarit might Patch othrown rnold (see “Dungeon Hazards" lrl
also hecnrne the party's guide, owing to his extensive chapter 5 oftlle Durlgzarl Mastzfls Guide)
knowledge of the Underdark. Though the party doesn‘t ‘ll lda awakened xurlthwuods‘ (see apperldlx C)
realize it, Sarith is infected with Zuggllnoys spores. 12 zdt sheets ofripplebark growing on the walls
which now control his mind. He tries to steer the party
toward Neverlight Grove. citing it as a place of safety in 13 1414 sllrie|ters“~“
which the adventurers can decide their next move. In
reality. he unknowingly leads the characters to l)€Cm'I'l(: 16 2d4ttmmasks
slaves of the Demon Queen of Fungi. 15 his tongues of madness
l6 2d5 torchstalks
If the characters already v itcd Gracklstugh, Saritln 17 Zdé trillimacs
might have gone with the infected myeonids in the l8 ld4 violet fungi
whoristone Tunnels. leaving Rumpaduntp with the 19 M4 watererbs growing near a freshwater spring
party. A myconid sprout traveling with a troupe of 20 ldd zuvkhwoodsi
infected rnyccnids, Rumpisclump has avoided infection
and can also lead characters to the grove. He also Drawand Quaggatll Spore Servants. These spore:
expresses concern that the corrupted spores of servants tend the fungi patch on behalf of the myeonids
its previous traveling companions might have also and ignore the party uttle. s attacked or interfered with,
infected its home. in which case they defend themselves.
EAF ,Characters traveling to and from Neverl.ig.htGrove MyconidAduIrs. Tltese gentle creaturestend to the
fungi patch and mind their own business, attacking
encounter evidence of zuggtmoys growing itttluencc only in selfidefense. Ifthe characters establish
in the region. whenever the party is within four days of communication with the fungus folk and ask for
NeverlightGrove, use the Encounters around Ncverlight directions to Neverlight Grove, the myeonids offer to
Grove table instead of the random encounter tables in es ort them to the grove and irttrodttec them to their
chapter 2 to determine wltat. if anything, they erteounter. exalted leader. Sovereign Phyln.
ENCOUNTERS AROUND NEVERLICHT GROVE SentinelMushrooms.These giant animated
mushrooms guard the fungi patch, attacking lfthey
dzo Encounter are harmed or ifthc characters try to harvest any of
the tungi.
l—8 No encounter
Fungi patch (see helcwl Shriekers. The shrieking of these fungi has a 50
945 percent otattracting a nearby ehusme or vi-eck demon
ld4 nothics (your choice), which arrives ld6 + 4 rounrls later and
17-la lchasme demon crawling on the celllng or fights until killed.
1 vrock dernon perched on a ledge (your choice)
l9—2D Zurkhwnods.There is a 50 percent chance that one
of the zurkhwaods has ld4 + 4 stirges nesting in its cap.
FUNGI PATCH The stirges are drawn to light sources.
If the characters are camped or resting. treat this
encounter as “no encounter." Otherwise, the characters ARRIVING AT THE GROVE
stumble upon a large fungi patch growing in a damp
cave or tunnel. The fungi patch is diflicult terrain While many passages lead to NeverlightGrove, most
and c nsists of many comn-lr>n but inedible species are little more than narrow fissures riven by trickles
of giant fungi. Roll a all!) and consult the Fungi Patch of water. Only one natural tunttel is lit for relatively
Discoveries table to determine what else the char easy travel by Mcdiutn creatures, formed by a drying
find here. underground stream and dimly lit by glowing lichen.
See "Fungi of the Underdark" in ehapter 2 for more Upon entering the cavern of the grove, characters
information an edible and exotic species of fungi. leave the horrors of the Underdark behind. They find
Entries marked with an asterisk are further described themselves in -.t hidden enchanted place, strangely
after the table. alien but serenely beautiful. The access tunnel
opens above the groves main floor. providing the
<.li.\l=' s NE\ERl.ltrHT f;R0\ t
characters a panoramic view ora mushroom forest and their hehaiiinr is rnuse tor conrern among the
that covers every surface— including the ceiling and untirrected. irlcltltling sniereign Basitlia and its allies.
illuminates the darkn so with brilliantly colorful
bioluminescent patterns. "_[‘wo S0VEru2tGNs
On the other side of this exotic forest. the l‘,3\i'El‘n Myconld ttnmmttn‘ ' ~: normally haw‘ ttnly II single
narrttws into a ravine. lit a cavern heyontl the ravine. sovr-,rt:igii—the largest EIIHOIIE them. who stands
a glimpse of a rnai r mushroom ttiwer can be seen. alone and outside oran_i circle (see below). Two years
altlluugh the poor light and a rising mist makes it agn. siwereign Basittia arrived in the gtoie with its
impossible to dtscerti its details. two circles. and Sovereign F'h_Vl() welrnmed the nt-wvv
DROW PURSUIT IN Nrv ERLIGHT GROV E ttlds t_1,' Basitlii < offer to share
the burdens ot leatiirig all the cirt"lt':. iii the grove. The
Though the cliaractcrs don't know it yot, a tltow scout two sovereigns have. been (‘low fl‘|(‘,l'lKlSever since.
patrol arrived in Ncycrliglit Grove alk” tl Ul tliem. sharing authority and resnnnsihilities with no conflict.
anticipating that the e tzaped adventurers might sock Each ltntwis that an iiidirittiial myroiiid has only so
slit-lter among tht: |y(‘ClnlElS. Unfortunately for the tlruw much time in the cycle oiliie. and that when both have
scouts, an encounter with one of Zuggtnioy's servants passed. ingle 50Vl=l‘P,lL{nwill talte their tilare at'ter
led them to a grisly late. See area "The Garden of their l)0tl , are returned to nourish the soil.
welr,onie." for more information.
50vERE|fiN aritieri
while the characters remain in NeverlightGrnie.
their pursuit level remains lIl’It'l1Z|llgFd. as llvara waits to l‘.\‘t‘l.)< l ‘[\ll4ll ,lti titzirii
hear from the iriissiiig patrol. The rlrow pursuit resumes
itheii the party leaves the grove. . ee chapter 2 lot more
Th adventurers rniglit interact Will’! the rollowing
chzlrztclers and Creatures in Ncvcrltghl Grove.
Sovereign Fhylo one orthe two rulers of Neverlight
Sovereign Basidia Grove, in thrall to Zuggtmoy
The other ruler orhleirerhght Grove,
tree oFZuggtmoy‘sintluenre and
Loabamuh susoitious oi Phylo
Rashama Leader oftrle Circle ofHurtters, loyal
to aasidta, with tasks tor the party
Leader oflhe Ctrcle of Explorers arid
loyal to Basidia: knows of routes to the
surface world
Yestabrod Mutated leader ofthe Circle
otrvtasters and Zugg!moy'S
Xinaya monstrous servant
orow sroot trapped in a horrihle fate
Afilgfiv IN N1:VE_RLtGH'r Gltoyla
The myconirt way otlire is simplu. eoiiteniplaiire. and
; cal. Myrtrnids woi-it tor right hours tarming their
rt ntlrces, and rnainmitiing
fungi fields. stzttutitig for
their defon. es. After their labors-. they spentl eight hours
in telepathic Cllllllllllnlon with each other in what they
roll "molding." They then rest for eight hours herore
starting the le anew.
Many of the niyconids in the grove are more
t=\u'0VCri<'(l than might bl) expected tirtheir iiorinalty
sl '<pr‘t'iE‘S characters who conirniinit-ate with flu‘,
l'nyCOI1lClS by way of their rapport spores note that the
creatures seem to he preparing for a celebration of sortie
sort, ptoelainiing "The day ofjoy is nigh!" and exhuttiiig
others In "Rejoice in the true union that will meld us
all!" These are the rriyeoiiids after-ted by zuggtmtiy.
QIRCLES days now. instead sending a repre. ritative (see “The
circle otMasters" in area 5). Times In Neverliglit
The circles in Neverlight Grove are divided by Grove are strange and worrisome indeed.
lnyconids—tlle Circle of Hunters, the Circle of MELDII:IG
Explorers, the Circle of Sewers, the Circle of Buildcrs. Myconid. share everything through melding. Rapport
the Circle of Growers, plus the recently formed Inner spores carry a tiny bit of all mycanirls to the other
Circle and Circle of Masters. Each circle gathers around myconids in their circle. to bc absorbed and resltle
amThocelidrcm, lleyicemhooenunind.dsa—nodiaampriiulreschloeroirgooamnthksesararaenrdoeunsncodoiluturhapegoierndowwthonicghrow. within them. and creating a telepathic. familial bond.
mound to meld and sleep. When the myconids oia circle gather to meld. they share
Alter becoming enthralled by zuggtinoy. Phylo their individual insights. fears, hopes, and dreams.
Through the melding. all myconidsjoin together to form
the heart and soul of a colony.
decided the myconids would meld exclusively withirl ZUGcrMov's INFLUENCE
their own circle. and only the circle leaders would
meld with thn other circle leaders and the sovereigns. wInrietniaelhleycwl ehaekrefnreodmbtyhethAebsyusms,mZoungigntgmroiytufaulunthrlather
way to Neverlight Grove. drawn by the strength of its
Phylo asserted that this would make all the circles' tfhuengsaitluvaittiaolinty, .reUapliozninhgetrhaerrsihvoarlt.esshtepqauthicktolygaaisnsecson,t(rlol
meldings iar more eflicient, thereby making the tending
oi the grove that much easier. Most of the groves
myeonids have gone along with this new and unusual of the grove would be to sway and corrupt its original
cclnltcpt, swayed by Phylos claims that a higher level sovereign to serve her until she recovered her strength.
communal harmony will he achieved. of Aiter being welcomed to the grove by Phylo. zuggtmoy
Basidia believes that Phylo's separation of the circles melded with the sovereign in secret. seducing it with
is contrary to the unity and harmony of the myconid the promise ofa paradise ior the mushroom folk ii
Phylo would lead them to become her followers on
way oflifc, and that this segregation isolates individuals the Material Plane. Its mind completely lost inside
from the experiences of others outside their circle. the
Basidia has likewise demon queens insidiously marl vision. Phylo became
unnaturalness of the expressed concern about the enthralled by the promise of plentiful soil and moisture,
lnller Circle and the Circle of perpetual rot, and beautiful transcendent dreams to
Masters. However, B ia's views are either dismissed
or ignored by Phyln and its allies, who zealously claim be shared in a neverending communal melding—all
offered to the grove‘s folk as generous and
that exciting changes are coming for the grove. gifts from the Lady of Decay. wondrous
A more recent development has Basiclia even more Evoryday melding has now become a subtle
disturbed when the adventurers arrive in Ncverlight ideological war between supporters of the two
Grove. Yestabrod, the leader oi the Circle of Masters, myconid
sovereigns. Phylo is slowly convincing the mushroom
has not attended an inner Circle molding for several folk to follow the new path. Basirlia and its dwindling
ROLEPLAVINC YHE MVCONIDS4?capsorortvrhuledpiertsi.fnugnBigenacfllaunueasnetucoerreot,hftezhiuergygnaatrrievneoeyxat.nredmsehlayrlvrluglnwearyasb,leastowtehlelsupporters argue against thenew way. even as they lose
ground (and allies) each time the circles of the grove
Myroriids lead llves completely unlike the experlerlces or share consciousness.
any surraee dweller. The only things they have
with humanoid: are the need for sustenance, in common As more and more mycnnitls unwittingly become
the desire vessels for Zugglrnoys spares. Neverligllt Grove
to live, and the loy ofsocialization, although they practice becomes a more extravagantly festive place. The
each ofthese things in different ways than hurnanoids. quiet.
Truly alien creatures, myronids have diliiculty telling flesh- contemplativejoy of the mushroom Iolk’s way ollire
is being inexorablyreplaced by decadent, enraptured
and-blood hurnanoids apart.
Myconlds are innocent about matters ofethics and euphoria and the madness that euphoria hides.
morality, their lives centered on llving tully each day and
worrying little about the future and nothing at all about NEVERLIGHT GROVE
the past Despite the communal nature ofthelr existence, GPoopvuerlnamtioennt::15O0rgmayncizoendidrsiracnledssrpuolreedsbeyrvlaarngtser
they are individuals with their own unique interests and specimens called circle leaders: even larger
distinct personalities. They gravitate toward simple, shared specimens called sovereigns rule the entire colony
ioys, living oy the wisdom and Irlslgllt thelr melding Defense: Spore servants and awakened zurkhwoods
Commerce: None
wfroeTmlhceothmmeiynLcgoahdrlyeldrosmfooatedlionleaevysess.rliwingflhhuilteeGnocretoh,veewrsaitrhberambveaegnllyyrlntorlylnlgstsorturolelsyreisetl Organizations:Seven myconid circles;
it. Myconids affected by Zuggtrrioy abandon the growth of
life as the core cfthelr being in favor ofdecay and death, Zuggtmoy‘s servants
aMrenvdoerlejionyhg,orulrnniratybhilenegctoo15rrgtuhrpaatstlpothntehyoefdaeovllilslotlfheewywitlhhthacvhaellsdeelmnlksbeeraioncfnewdoo.cnednecre, Myronids have lived in Neverlight Grove ior untold
gliveneseruantitoilnrse,ceexnptleyr.ieNnocwintghleiitrtlwe oorrldnoiscbheainnggeailntetrheedir
taster than many oftlle rungus folk can keep up
<.l+tl>'rl.h >7 l .\t'lrlitlt;lll mtiiil
witl'l—as is their world ViCW. twisted by the chaotic and water tricklingfrom the walls ofthis vast cavern are
corrupting influcncc of the Demon Queen at Fungi. channeled into a crude but effective terraced irrigation
system. A thick, sweet smell fills the an item the
Upon her arrival in the Underdarlt. zuggtnioy found thousands ottungi otrll colors and sizes, many glowing
Nevetlight Grove and I()(!k up residence there. The
myeonids wt-lcumetl her. sealing their fate. Through with a strange, irlvitlng light.
telepathically shared rlreatns, corruption has taltcn root
deep within the colony, warping the rnyconlds ritlrmally TChIRisCcLirEcleoirs BUILDERS middle terrace. but its
placid and peaceful nature into something r lVl‘. and found in the
rapturous. A few realize what is happening and try to members travel to the top and the edges nf tht‘ cave to
resist, but internal strife is alien to tho inyconitls they harvest the r nt fungi used in their craft.
will not prcviiil without outside aid to save them. Gasbide. The builders circle leader is a pioneeriiig
WOul(l—l')l: architect and of Soverei Phylo.
l_._Ft]NcAL Wiuzg a supporter 7 n
The myconlds cultivate this stretch of wildcriinss as Already driven mad by zuggtmoy's spores. Gasbirle
their tirst lino oidcicuse, creating a living palisadc. dreams of bizarre, elaborate strurtiires no inyconicls
Fungal creatures and wild Underdark beasts form :1 l‘ICl'I would ever need, inspired by visions of Abyssal palaces.
erosystem hcrc.
Pale cream and beige stalks grow thick and tall,
resembling a suriaco world rarest. Fungi grow in Visitors encounter the following ieztutes throughout
profusion everywhere. and it's hard to lind anything Neverlight Grove.
resembling a path between them. The giant caps of
zurkhwocd mushrooms obscure your VlEW ofthe uriduground Marsh. water trickles into the large cavern
(averrfs ceiling, but luminescent fungi there give otia irom many places. tarming terraces, pools. and streams.
shimmering aura. With each step taken on the soggy Thts creates an underground marsh Ideal it)! the growth of
ground, a rank scent nfdecay rises around you. fungi and the myconlds,
ACcilizrcclue .moorunHdUsiNtsTaEt RthSe edge of the wilds but still Abundant Fungi. Mushrooms, molds, and fungi grow
in abundance in Neverlight crove, creating a bizarre yet
inside them. It belongs to the Circle of Huuters— beautiful tapestry of color
myconlds that pursue creatures in the wilds. ln spite of
their name. the hunters don't kill their prey, but merely Quiet Cnmphany. Myconlds dont speak They
track down creatures that have died tiear the grove. The communicate telepathlcally by emitting their rapport
hunters bring the remains of surh creatures back to be spores. As a result, they live quiet lives strange music and
reanimated by their sovereigns. until they are eventually singing echoes tram the large cavern behind the grove,
allowed to rot andjuin the t:avern's detritus bed. just loud enough to be noticeable
Ltmbamub. The nircle leader of the hunters. this Otherworldly Light. Luminescent lichen grows across
tall and lean myconid shares Basidia's concerns about the cavern and spreads to the larger mushrooms, bathing
Phylrfs new way, though it is still capable of resisting the grave in soft hues of yellow, blue, and violet. Dim
Phylo's corrupted rneldings when itjoins with the inner light sutfuses the entire grove and lends the grove a
Circle. Loobamub keeps its opinions to itself. but its dreamlikequality.
waririess spreads to the other hunters when they meld,
cementing their loyalty to Basidia. Loohamuh redirects Sentinel Mushrooms. To defend themselves, myconlds
the spore servants and awakened zurkhwoods Phylo have cultivated and guided the growth afawakerled
creates away from its citcle's territory. zurihweods (see appendix C) to serve as a kind or
pallsade around the grove.
Loohnrnuli |S happy to enlist the party's aid in dealing
with a few LllIWF.lC0n)E monsters that have found their Zuggtmoyls Spares. This malevolent disease is spread uy
way Into the fungal wilds. In particular. the circle leader mycanids transtormed by zuggtmoys demonic influence
asks the adventurers to kill a grick alpha and then take (see “My(onlds“ in appendix C).
its carcass to Basiclia for reanimation. A sharnbling
mound is also exhausting Iht‘. soil in the grove and A transtormed myeonid can release the spores in a cloud
needs to be put down for the good of the colony. Thcst: that fills a l0—t'cot—radlus sphere centered on it. and the
encounters can occur wherever you wish. cloud lingers iorl mlrlute. Arty flesharldrbload creature
in the cloud when it appears, or that enters it later, must
2. NORTHERN Tggnnccs make a Constitution saving throw. The save DC IS 8 +
the myconids Constitution modifier + the rnyconid‘s
The terraces lining the northern walls are suliused with proficiency bonus. on a successful save. the creature can't
berzress, and the inycotiidsreserve these areas for be infected by these spores for 24 hours. on a tailed save,
cultivating certain fungi. the creature is infected with a disease called the spores
otzuggtmey and also gains a random term orindennite
madness (determined by rolling on the Madness or
Zuggtrnoy table in appendix D) that lasts until the creature
is cured oithe disease or dies, While infected in this way,
the creature can't be reiriiected, and it must repeat the
saving throw at the end ofevery 24 hours, ending the
infection on a success. on a Failure, the infected creatures
body l5 slowly taken over hy fungal growth. and after three
such Failed saves, the creature dies and is reariimatedas a
spare servant it it's a type ofcreature that can be (see the
“My(0rIlds" entry in the Monster Manual). \t'li~( 5 .\tirt:t_i.,.il'r LiRll\k m at
If Gasbide interacts with the characters using rapport “You are safe. friendly softers. You arrive at a wondrous
spores. it demands descriptions of surl'ace—world time, for Neverlrght Grove is on the verge ofsotnething
structures, bristling with an excitement seldom seen great, something marvelous! Celebrate, as the day of
in myoonirls. It asks ior exasperatingly minor details toy IS rnghl
such as the precise dimensions of bricks or the density
of lumber. Gasbide reveals through the rapport that it Phylo invites the eharactcrs to stay long as they wish,
dreams of building a fungal tower "even greater than inviting them to explore and enjoy the tnany delights
Yggmorgus." lt hopes to break through the Underrlark to of Ncvcrlight Grove. He politely asks that they avoid
the surface world. possibly “with the aid of Araumy<'.os." the eastern plateau b ise the Circle of Masters is
Ctasbide has no conscious knowledge of what preparing "a wondrous and glorious surprise" in the
Araumyeos is onsing only that it . part or the great Garden ofwelcome. Phylo offers to give them a peek the
celebration to come. See “Yggmorgus (at the end of this next day tfthey want. If Sarith is with the characters.
chapter) and chapter 16. "The Fetitl Wedding," ior more he suggests they accept this offer. saying that keeping
information. on the sovereigns good side will help the party in the
long term. in truth, he is attempting to deliver the
CIRCLE OF GROWERS adventurers to Zuggtmoy.
The circle mound of the growers is on the top terrace.
near the cavern wall. The growers are the colony's Phylo goes on about how "the Great Seeder" who lives
farmers. ensuring lh . soil beneath the pools remains heymirl the garden can answer any questions they have.
fertile and tending the fungi there. The sovereign describes this entity in favorable terms,
using "she" and "her" as it does 50. Because Yl'ly(‘.()l'll(ls
Hebnpbe. The leader ofthe growers doesn't care have no concept oi gender. this unusual speech is
much for Phyllis new ideas. But though it misses mass further indication of Phylcfs madness. However, the
moldings, l-lehopbe doesnt see Basidia’: protests as sovereign dodges any question about who the Great
worthy of concern. Hebopbe is infected by Zuggtmoys Seeder actually is, saying it is important fnr the
spores, but isn‘l yet under her control. characters to experience her first hand.
3. CE_NTRAL BASIN Sovereign Basidia. A SIICL . ful DC 12 Wisdom
(insight) cheek reveals that sovereign Basidia is
This depression in the cavern floor is the main part uncomfortable with Phylo’s behavior. Stool and
of the mycoilid colony. The central circle mound was Rumpadttmp can easily discern that the harmony
only recently created. and is now a kind of"town between Phylo and Basidia is off. At the earliest
square" where all the groves myconids gather ior mass opportunity, Basidia volunteers to show the characters
meldings. These have become rare, however. reserved around. or finds another opportunity to rapport with
for when Phylo wants to stoke the myconids‘ Cnthusiasm them privately.
for the celebration that only those infected by Zttggrmoy
know about. This leaves the uninfected confused but When alone with the characters, Basidia Warns them
happy that somethingjoyous is about to happen. about staying in Neverliglit Grove too long. It tells them
another group or --soiters" (the name myeonids use for
Beyond the mud and mushrooms that spread across the fleshy creatures) arrived not too many cycles ago and
cavern, a large, clearpool sits in the midst ofthe fungal a - ytetl Phylo‘s offer. They were taken to the Garden
grove. A central mound seems to be the only dry spot in of Welcome and Basidia hasn't seen them since, nor
sight, though a small clitrrlsesabove the cavern flourfar has Phylo made any further mention of them (see
across the clearing, with giant mushrooms visible in the "Questions for the Sovereigns"). Basidia also tells the
distance. Blolurriinescent fungi trace strange constellations characters that the Circle of Masters is taking most of
along the caverri’s ceiling and walls, showing the darknessof stheendcianrgcagsrsoeusptshoefCmiryceleenoifdsHouunttseirdsebtrhienggrionv. eanwditahroeut
the ravine and a rnlstshrouocd smaller cavern beyond. telling anybody.
I NN ER C 1 RC LE liBasidia rapports with Sarith or any other non»
The central mound is the base of the eol0ny's two myconid infected with Zitggtmoys spores, it senses
myeonid sovereigns. Phylo and Basidia. They hold the alien nature ofthc demon lorrl's corruption. It
court together with three myeonid adult couneilors can't identify Zuggtmuvs spores, but knows only that
named Brelup. Fosbara. and Breheril. Ten awakened it has not encountered them before. This ’s unusual.
zurkhwoods(see appendix C) protect the mound and Basidia tells the party. since most tnyeonid sovereigns
obey either of the sovereigns. recognize all spores pmtlucerl by myeouids throughout
the Underdark.
Sovereign Phylo. The sovereign towers above the
other myconids. its multiple caps swaying with the Questionsfor the sovereigns. If the characters
sinuous shifting of its thick stalk as it moves. Onet‘ ask the sovereigns to help them return to the surface
it spreads its rapport spores. Phylo welcomes the world. both are apologetic that they know of no
characters with honest enlliusiasiri doubly so if they route However, Basidia notes that during its colony‘s
have returned stool and Rumpadump to their home. migration. the many travelers from the surface
world they encountered were mostly merchants on
.\Pl‘l-.\l 5 ’~«‘i\Eltl l(rlll oitritt
their way to or from Biitigdetistuno.Grzirklstugh, or Garden of Welcome un ils lmlialf. Basidia can also
brew potions out ofthn tliiferent molds and fungi in the
\’ieflZ0bCYT?.\l'IZ€Ill. gr0ve.sloi'iiig1; tlicrn II1 l‘it>l1uwgourd—like mushrooms.
Basidia can craft a cnrnmtin nr uncommon potion in
lithe tidvcriturers ask the sovereigns about any drew eight hours. or a ralrr‘ pniimt in two days.
tinhatthjeuastrerac.ttcBnullsyithaarrtievlelds .thHeomweavbeor.utPaindtroawimpmaterdoilately
iitternipts, telling the characters that the draw were TREASURE
here a few (lays ago. hut icit shortly arier Pliylo shciwixl
them the Garden oi Wslcomc‘. A successful DC 12 ll the characters rornpit-re Basitiias quest. the myronid
Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that Basidia sccms sntet-sign digs up a small box buried in thc czirth and
puzzled by Piiylds answer, it pressed. Basidia sirnph gives it to thuni, The box cniitains (‘U\"lO5l|ir‘,S Basidia
saQysuietsdt:idInn'ttoknthoewGthat‘rdderonw. Bhaasdidailareoafdfyerlseftot. give the has collrictccl from (lead travelers ovcr lhe years. The
party a guided tour oruii the circles in ar 7 l through lmx is unlocked. mzitle of line wood inlttiti vtilli silver.
4. where it introdiircsthem to the respccti tzircle and Worth 25 git h_i itself. It contains three atiiethysts
leaders. pointing out which leaders support it. and (100 gp oat-iii. rnur small diamonds (50 gp each). and
which ones support sovereign Phylo. Busitiia uses this one lzirgv diurlimid (500 ED).
time away from Phyio to express its fear that Pltylct lfthc chiirat-lets kill the grick alpha. the |.lI‘l]lJE‘T hulk.
has trtmlracted some‘ sort of "diseascd spore." Basidia
thinks that a clue to the spores nature might be found tochhrcathrcaeacrtstehrusrwsieiilstihlitio3igpBmoatsoiioutnlnlado.ti'tnghreteh.-sctoieFvreurhneegiagallninVrg\e"wisldtaosrrdaensddtitbnnrrahing
in the Garden ()l\V€:lC(1l]]C. B£lSidlEi asks the characters hollow gourcl—likc mtishrootn.
It.) itivestigtitc the garden. tearing it) do so itself in Cast‘
it also falls v - ‘iii to Pliylo's dis e CIRCLE or SPQRERS to sparing new myeonitis.
As a Sign oiirieiitiship. Basitllzl gives the Chartirtcrs Thi :ircle mound is citwntoti
a moldy scrull case containing 2: scrull ofprurcction Freshly spared myt-unids are only a few inches tall
against fiends. Basidia promises ziri additional reward and have no awareness. but they grow quickly into
isee "Tretisure") it the charar . investigate the myccinid sprouts.
4l!\l'll)7 s l ‘Hi! ttiit Hi’-;l’U\l~
The terrarcs along the SOL|[l‘lFl’ll rim nftht‘ cavern are
narrower and not as fertile as the northern ones.
These terrates are quiet and calm. The only sounds
here are soft, “plaopy" splashes as water drips from
stalactlles above onto the caps oraversizetl mushrooms
Sprouting from mushy earth.
TChIRisCrLirEcleolrs EXPLORERS N:‘verligl1tGl't:\*e. slnc
merely the temporary homc for restless in onids that
brave the Llndertltirk as scouts. patrols, and
Rasharoo. This circle litnder is loyal to Bnsldla.
Frequent trips l)|lISldE the grove have allow tt Raslitiroo
to notice the chailgrs in Phylo and the entire tolony
more shti rply. and it now trusts nothing anti no
except Basldia. lts paranoia isnt the product of one
Ziiggtinoys corruption. however, but of the r i rig
lrlzldness gripping the uiidertlarlt lrnin the lnlrilsion
of the demon lords. ll" the clttlrncters IlEl'llOl]Sll'£l(C
return to a nomadir lifestyle.
Cltztracters can Cllllll) the ea
top terrace to rrzicli area 5, and rn corner of the
helps them if Rt-isharoo gladly
they head to the Garden of Welcome
Basldizfls request. at
Yrberop. The circle lszldel‘ is infected by 7,uggltn0y'5 DEVELOPMENTS
rnacln: 5. tt i. always swaying
in music only it can Among the niyconkls. Rzisllaruo and its eirele arc the
heat-. lnit those in rapport with Yrberop ran hear {I fzilnt back in thc
echo of its interiitil campliony. Yrbt-rop is CI‘ltlluSlzl5llC .'hcst llnpt‘ othiirling a way
about Phylde plan to Spread the iittppiiiess brought by t1.Rztx'haroo knows in-at ‘promising paths. but
the Crrettt Seeder to CVefy(lnC in the Undertlztrk and since myccinl 4 have no intere. in the sunlit world. it
beyond. For that to ltappfll, thc calmly needs many has never followed them all the I way tltere. The (‘,lI’l‘ll’
niortz sprouts
leader helps the chararters only after they complete
If the Cliaractens confer with Basltlla. Basith quest, 2 'gnirig one of its eXpl(lI’l'l‘S guide
Ru mpadump. these niyconids tell them Stool, or the Cllflracters ln their destination. to
this pueh
expand the populalloll is unusilal. given the balance
llllll thc inytwuriids hate CI‘ld€;|\’0f9d L0 maintain in 5. GARDEN or WELCOME
l\'evt-rlight Grove for so long.
Yrlmrop lU>(’.S track of any l',t)llV(‘l"S£|llUl'I after 2| ‘hurl Pltylo has mnverteri this unu. Cl terrat for the exciting
while and hegins talking to the newly sporecl myvonids new ideas that Zuggtmoy ha insplretl in il—ldea5 that
instead. Cl"lZll’£lL‘lCl”S who are "too lnt‘.rt'clib1e" for the rt‘ ‘t ofthfi colony lti absorb
rapport and suit ced on acoDnClli1l3unWiciastdeowmit(hInYsirgbhetr)ucphienck at tlncc. Thie so—Callr,L| garden ‘just a ~‘r|n]pl€ nrthe
nnilte out stilllc oi‘ the words and inipr horrors that Zuggtmuy, the Demon Quet-n of Fungi.
can clrt, t: lcacleris lullaby. It 'ings of the Cirtztlt ‘ intends to bring to the Underdztrk.
and --he vcdding to the Great Body, and how every
lnyconitl IS inritetl. brlngitlgjoy in all in the world below This plateau rises higher than the other terraces.
screened by a natural tenee ofsoatirig zuvkliwood stalks.
and allmtt. Mufned muvrnuririg can be heard from atop the plateau.
gruunds Spore Servants. Bch ind the myconltl hreetl i ng
El narrow path leading up to a plzitttau (Ind
the (int-rlen of welctnne (area 5). Two chuul spore
e appentlix this path. they don't
servants (. cl guard
allow eiiiyinie to p[caandewt ittlohCousnt'lVgrbraenrot.lfesvepner-aitn
Wlllfh the cl on.
Basitlitrs t-eqiiest.
‘}l\l‘ll1" \ltlltl"‘iil«:
TChIRe CneLwEeostrciMrcAleSTinEtRhSe colony, the Circle of Masters is The means ofthe gardens victims suddenlytake on at new
tone oitear as something moves across the foul ground. A
formed exclusively by mycotiidstouched by Zuggtmoy. disgusting larval creature rises up before you, showing only
These myctinids share Phylo’s vision oihappiness
spread through Zuggtmoy's spores, experimenting vestigial fungal growths that hint that it might once have
on the carcass s brought to them by the liunters—or
on live prlsone s they hunt in their own expeditions been a myeontd.
outside the grove. Their mound lies at the center otan
obscene garden. “Welcome, travelers." The aberrant myconid's voice
Yestabmd. Mutated by Zuggttnoy's spores, the gurgles and spits as it speaks both aloud and in your
circle lender has become an abomination. No longer minds at once. “Are you here for the wedding rehearsal?
recognizable as a myconid. it looks like a fungal larva Friends ctthe bride or her intended? No matter! Let the
slirhcring along the ground. Mold and lichen grow in love ofthe Great Seeder embrace you as you become one
hypnotic patterns along its ringed Stalk. and it puffs with her chosen. the Great Bodyl"
clouds of spores from a slit resembling a mouth. It can
use this orifice to actually speak, rather than depending As the garden comes ' 've with screams from its buried
on rapport spores. it no longer attends mcltls with the victims, Yestabrod raises two d.I'0W spore servants (see
other leaders. instead sending its reproseitiative. appendix C). At the same time. two myeonid adults
from the Circle of Masters emerge from the surrounding
GAsAtRheDcEhNaroacrteHrsOeRnRteOr Rthe garden, they make a growth. all of the creatures following the circle leader as
he attacks.
frightening discovery.
It Sarith Kzekarit (see chapter 1) is still with the
The low muttering grows louder as you reach the top, party, he screams in agony as Yestzlbrutl attacks. The
turning into a symphony of rnoaris, cries, and hisses. characters can only watch as the drow’s head splits
The only light comes from a raw glowing mushrooms open. releasing a cloud of infecting spores and turning
alongthe edge, but even in the gloom, you can't miss the him into another drow spore servant that joins
source ofthe sounds. The heads ofcreatures ofz dozen the tight.
humanoid Underdark races peek from the ground, mold
and tungi growing around them. lfYest-abrod is slain and there are still drow spore
servants active, they go limp and stop attacking, at
one volce calls out loudly in Undercommon—a which point the myconids from the Circle of Masters
iamale drow fightirlgto speak. “Please for your gods attempt to flee.
orlight ,l<l|| me!" She manages to stir within her living
grave, raising a spider medallion half-embedded in the TREASURE
bloated growth that was once her hand. Hall her face Is
rotten and pustulate, a bed for the sprouting ofscores of xinaytrs equipment is pllcd in a heap not far from where
tiny mushrooms. “The Great Seeder .. trap she's here she wofa+s 2bsutruidedd.edChleaartahceter rasrmseoarr,cha i+n2g the pile find a
.,.tha Lady omecay . . zuggtmoy suit sltortsword, and
a bag oniolding containing two speuserolls (remove
The drow is Xinaya. a young acolyte or Lolth. she vias curse and spider climb), 40 days or rations. and 320 sp.
leading a routine scouting patrol out oi velkynvelve The draw spore servants wear chain shirts afnoudncdahrreyre
before llvara contacted her with at sending spell. The sltortswords.Al1 ofthe armor and weapons
patrol was ordered to search near the grove, for the are of dt-ow construction (see the "Drowcrait Items"
charac rs. anticipating that the escapees might seek sidebar in appendix B).
shelter among the peaceful mushroom rolk.
Upon her arrival, xlnaya made the mistake or
accepting Fhylo's invitation to visit the Garden of in addition to the normal creature XP for this encounter,
welcome, where she and her patrol quickly liecatne (thdievicdheadraecqtuearsllyeaarmnoangspaelclipaal ratwy amrdemofbLer0s0) 0foXr dPefeating
victims of the myconids’ madness, She begs the Yestabrod and its minions.
adventurers to end her suffering and warn her people
about the presence ottlte Demon Queen orrungi WEDplNG REHEARSAL
in the Underdark, unaware otthc madness that has _
already erupted in Menzobetranzan and throughout the
Underdark (see: chapter 15). Xinaya ‘ too far gone to he After the confrontation with Yestabrod. the characters
saved. and any amount ofdamage kills her. can hear sound and movement from ll1C cavern to
the northeast. Read thv fulluwing boxed text if the
After the characters speak with Xinztyti. Yestabrod characters investigate,
appears (see appendix C). The master of the foul garden
takes delight in toying with trespassers.
vllwlta =~ : \[\l.Rl l4_.lll t.|?\l\'[ in
Echoes spill from the rnisty cavern beyond, a cacophony The tableau orthe muck wedding is replaced by a
ofwheezirig voices that wrap together like some kind of vision ofthe inside ofa great tower. spiraling stairs and
discordant music. The remaining heads planted in the balconies are carved into its walls, with the interior lit by
Garden ofwelcome begin to rraak and groan, joining the phosphorescent patrhes ofmold growing in whorls. In
the center ofthe open space floats a humanoid figure,
horrible song. womanllke in ioirn, but rnade entirely orrungi and
Through the mist that shrouds the smaller cavern, you mold. she is easily three times the height ofthe fungal
bridesmaids that move up and down the spiraling stairs,
see the parade oiereatures responsible (or the melody. tending to their giant mistress. They Cloon a strange,
Their bodies are only vaguely humanoid, with ehisters soothing song as they weave the substance ofthe giant
oflumlrlescent lichen and tumescent growths forming figure into delicate lichen veils and a long, myeeliiirn train
chaotic patterns on their decaying flesh, their voices
stabbing into your minds, bozh insane and gleeful in like a bridal gown.
equal parts: The vision ends when the ceremony dnesi after
From rocky ind the toizdstool rose, wCthhheaicarhaccctthueelr.lslcprwaenaiyttnuinersegssvinifsgiileotnhsoemlweumsetdndslyuinrhcgaecreekdhteooanYrsngagll)mCaonr1dg0us.
Fmm chaas dark, her love Sh: shows. wisdom s ing throw or gain one level oiinatlness (see
Wish! Yum’ Laugh! -tNh-MeeIvfasetuohrlrveiigeerlrihel aigGrinari occlvteheeaardpsbstescthfrhoaer2re)et.witthoiesci[ri0rce0lxelpastrerloi.eyAnalrltret:ornwiatittiohvuetBlyoa.fstihdeia.
caanndfwolliotnwestshethweefdudritnhgerphroocrreosrssiown aiinttiong
The lady will be wed! characters for
Cltzl/e'Hl1vlg:r’Dlzrl:t! the Underdark it ziiggtrnoy rises in power.
Her joyous spores will spreiiiil
Youth is gone, lieauty rats,
Araumyeos and Ziiggzmoyl
joined together, heart to heart,
Becoming one ‘til death do part!
To(sfheZeeueagnpgtpotemunrodayigxcacnisdfcosori mbx ocpthho)as.emdalbloeofritlwwaiehnlivcselo,ibfarZriedugelogssmttmianoiydthseir XP AWARDS
In addition to the XP gained for defeating Zuggunciy's
b1r0i0deXsmP atoidrswuitrncehssaitnngbetrhlealwnse.dsduicnhg characters gains
oawn nobrsecveenriee.riTtuhaelyoafrseoimn ethseormt—idlsiktentaoopnairloudeytionfga
wedding eereninny. YGGMORGUS
Zuggtmoy's thi-alls
make their way to vestabrods When Zuggtmoy arrived in the Underdark, she was
garden, attacking only it‘ the cliaractet-sstand in irnriiediarely drawn to Neverliglit Grove and its fungal
rii-hes. she cultivated Yggrnorgus. a mushroom oi titanic
their way. rcduced to 0 hit points in this encounter prCopoonrvtieotinise,mfrlyosmectlhuedreidchfr,ormotttihneg soil.
Any charartet rest Undertlnrlt.
is knocked unconscious l‘LIll1€l" than killed. if all of the
wtfhroaemkcehsNarueapvctcitnr-:lriasghfuatnrGegir—<vk:ttelietdhavuootlrclvti:mll6ttshcisoi4ouulnstthi.lcethziire party Yggntorgusis a perfect base of operations for the
away Demon Queen otriiiig she has rninpletely enthralled
NPC Phylo. and the hapless sovereign is growing a myconid
cZleouvmeglgpdtalenncioorven'asssse(pastobyreyosu1r(.sCaolncifidtthteretattci"ohNllt)t‘t.,vl1Tearlhl'aioCgi\htr‘l.rl’lCriovswruinvpfceu: srGtseuednitewriatlh abfrneirdcino—smpieairnaedwspaeorrevsasoinfbtAlyarrtamhuemylyfaotrtrogseh.setrt.hoZereulaagtrgugtremestaoyrfuahnnaygsakalilnlsidfo—e
Features’ idebar). iatAtnhhsreataihtnuUetgt:nonlwednyteomcrrrto>dlidslzn.tidroskA,fswiriotanhwuiiancmonhtueyalrficdwrolelgsosarvitasthehnaneet wvcZsaaiiustzvghteegfr(touhnmftns)ttgihayfueanbsdnlrcleiitocagulrolnollnyfnFyteuholnwserleiiowtsmhfto.irtledd
DEVELOPMENT pmsCoohTauwaihnnreodarcusciatgntvehhrehesYrernwergonghcfemaowNnoaesrbhvgkoeeumrtdlshielcges.alttmtnte'tryCncbieruettnwlsiaeedn,esdtnhaesbcooluemunaterhiltotyimlrfyerecolsiemgiehvvttehesnmeanifxedlet.d
Iflofl alone. the thttxlls rnlnct ti mock wedding, with rsagifctriavsiettpenewm'wtoatsafssureniyrstee.paanarSwrsobhawvldaieetsirrlesiew.ei.gsPShnbehoPenyvyhletodyhrnesleoiydgsaetnshcnpreBdeetaart-ahksyvlotaimslnbieaeeo.laauonntydsYaltgihttgsoamtfiotttihlerlgenouytwse,reraass
onlookers experience -a vision.
(‘ll-\FfFRS \‘l\lRlllilll lil7.Lv\l
The eavrrn r'.lrnIinL| vgurnorgus is hugr. and the giant
I‘fll1Si'IY‘UUII'|IIt‘,ZAI’iy fills it ti-om floor re t;t-thug.
You have no dear reterertee to judge the lowering
mushrooms size at this d>S(aVlCl5 Thousands ofsmaiier
fungi cling to the mam staik, wlneh itselfspllts into
several lesser stalks, each iong enough with a cap big
enough to be the top ofa great tower. The cavern floor
surrounding the stalk is covered by a carpet errungr.
An eerie luminescence pours through sltued WlndOwS
carved into the trunk, with the same cacophonyafatortal
music heard eariler echoing within. A stench ohm
and decay wraps around you. seemingly chreatentng to
penetrate your flesh and pervade your soul.
\'estabrod'sGzlrtiell of Welcomr is zl pair reflection of
the true horror. surrounding Yggrnnrgus. A ZU—It)otr
high ort-set-nt haped ledge hugs tht: tatern vial] and
Qradu:i1iVs1tl[)E‘,< tlnwn [0 the i0V\JL‘I' hosnt. The ledge
is cov red with Li carpet of mo ant] fungi, scores of
sly sized lumps. and pnt, tuarlts where pools or
suppumte and unz tune ti ginp out and
zlbhlng tlver. The (‘I1Iil‘t"i(‘(‘ig(‘ is diflicult terrain.
L, httrttt-lrrs venturing th . lose to Yggmorgtts must
stlccerltl ml at DC 11 Wisdom 'illg throw or gain om‘
ielr l or madness (see --Mrttiness in chapter 2).
(‘haraoters can disccrn the shapes otwrithing
cnlatures inside each lump. Vitlst of 11165!‘ art:
htlmalioids. though él ten of the lumps art‘ I’lt",('l1[li(*(iil_\.'
nhot appear to he grtoits. llothics. anti giant spulers.
This is the Gl‘(‘£t\' Gzlrrieen tlfRot. I]Oul‘iSi’ICd both i)
ihr creatures SUi)\|Hllr‘(i within it and the filer/rr. .5
pervading this rziwrll.
—\s it" on CUC. one tafthe lumps ciosttst tn the:
characters huhhles up and bursts. A (‘it‘n>€ citlud of
spores and dark, recckillg fluid cxplrld ulltward. even
as the CiL1i‘Zl'I<*l',~‘i)r‘2I|' a piercing S('r‘< Am of agony and
. rror. [nsid ,thcp0Ckll1ai‘k1(‘f[bvhintiin the burst
2 one of Xlnayas clrow scouts or at least What's
3 it of him. Other than a factx long white hair. and
3 hrctlstplate. it is lfl]DOS5ibi(‘ to distinguish whrrr
C tlrtm ends. and the mt illlil fungi consuming him
Jfigins. The (lrow fet>b|_l' throsltes. his screams rtstrtg
r higher in pitch. until he ltyttks eyes wtrh tlnt‘ or
the (’hZIrat‘lEl‘5 and ahrtunt stuns screaming. ’\ hrtet
moment otluctdityrt-pl. s hi. terror even as his eye
'oli hack into his i'I(‘£I(i lrl line kind of bi7£tH't‘ t‘H])hf)I’la
as he goes limp and Sin“ iy sinks back dovlrl min the
fungal muck. Ci'lfll'7lt‘,H‘l"s witnessing (i’IiS must sllrt-t=t=,d
(4 DC 13 \'Vi'sd0m silvlllg tllrow or gain one Ieml
.tt lnudness.
Throughout the entire cavern. loud lmlalls and cries
rt agony answer the tlrovl/'s screams in n terrifying
jiid dezlfcrllng nhnrus. drowning mil zt1luLhel'soiind.<
until eventually wintltng down into .. iUV\ susttrt-anon
’ll groans anti hnrhles. The entire stnllt til the [giant
mushroom st-mils to shudder. rtirrltl~t ‘AS ifin delight.
Characters who descend to the caVCrn's lowcr basin LEAVING
witness the next spectacle of unspeakable horror NEVERLIGHT GROVE
spawned by the Lady of Decay.
Leaving the mycnnid enclave is easier than tinding i
MAD DANCE Wllether they pnlitely avoid l=hylo's invitation or flee tor
Scnr s of deformed creatures dance around the base their liv and sanity iron! the Demon Queen of Fungi.
of the giant tiingal tower. The revelers are a motley the adventurers can easily receive the aid otsovereign
collection of humanoids and various other creatures. Basidia and the circles still loyal to it. Where tht‘
all sporting tun10rS,(‘.Einl(( s. and putrid patches characters go next is up to thcl'n—a decision dependent
oftlesh allover their hntlie . They arejtwined by upon where they have been. the pursuing drow. and
dancing fungi vaguely shzlped and twisted into forms whatever they have acquired (food. potions. treasure
resembling humanoi .Some of these creatures are trom the doomed drow patrol. and so on) during their
visit to the grovc.
' thralletl to the Demon Que n of
Fiing . Other. Lire my. inltis and other fungal life fnrtns Depending on how the characters interacted with
infested with Zuggtnmj spores. the myeonids and what tasks they z compltshecl for
their hosts. they might depart in th ompany ofzt
The dancing creatures pay no attention in myconicl guide. or even two whole c roles of myconids
lit -ers unle. s they are all‘ . etl. In that event. fleeing the grove before Zuggtttloys madness takes
them. Sovereign Phylo doesn't stop the characters
ltl6 clrpw spore servants and M6 hook horror spore or Sovereign Basitlia from leaving. still convinced
servants (see appendix c tor both) stop dancing and the cause it enil)t'aCeS is one of joy and prosperity tor
turn on their attackers. its people.
Voices can be heard cackling and chatting amiably In all probability. the characters leave the tungal grove
about Sovereign Phylds success at "bringing so many with dire and horrilic news. They have witnessed the
new guests to attend the part_ he characters sec effect a single demon lord can have on the Material
drow dancing as itthcir boncs wcrc niclting. diici-gar F'lane—and they realize far more and worse things
roaring with mock merriment and vomiting shrne. and are coming.
even nothics laughing madly as they leap and capci:
Regardless of how many battles the characters might
lfthc charac ' 5 observe the mad dance for a few have had inside lveverlightGrove. discovering that a
rotlnds. th .y. form rising up out ofthe fungal demon lord is on the loose on the Material Plant: is a
mitelt. It is the drow scout whoso tCI'rll’JlC end thcyjust major revelation. Moreover. if they were in Sloobludop
witnessed, wading nut mjnin tlte other revelers itt their to witness the rise of Demogorgon. they now know that
marl danttr‘. A i-tiarai-ter who witne this grotesque more than one demon lortl is at large. hinting at the
moment must succeed on a DC 15 VVis(lnn\ saving magnitude of the threat.
throw or gain one level at iiintliiess.
If the adventurers imply passed through the grow:
GREAT PALACE and enjoyed the hospt ality of the doomed myconttls.
Yggmorgus is the home that Zllggimo) he Demon thcy Icavc with only suspitions about their orld behavior.
Queen of Fungi, ht rvcd for in If IflSl(i(‘ the great whit- can help them later in piecing together the greater
mushroom. The general layout is simple enough. with mystery in the Urirlt-rdarlt.
the hallnwt-,rl Stalk of the mushroom making a towering
t:e.ntr2tl hall in which zuggirnny floats surrounded lithe adventurers leartletl nothing about the
b pirating balttnlll — where her growing riunihcr at presen * of Zuggtnttiyor her plat - on might pa - the
hrittesiitaids attend he inging as they weave lter hridal intnrmatinii an to them hy having a friendly ntycmiitl
gown to prepare for the fateful wedding day. such as Stool or Rumpatlump come to them just as
they are leaving. The inycbnid enters rapport and
lithe adventurers enter Yggniorgus. they come face shows them a vision of the Garden of Welcome and
to face with Zuggtmoy (see appendix D). attended by Yggmorgus. saying these images come from the minds
twelve bridesmaids orzuggtrnuy(see appendix c). of other myconids in the grove. and asking what these
Fortunately for them. Zuggtmoy is deep in meditation as "strange dreams" mean.
her gown and yell are being prepared. She doesn't move.
although she can speak and use her other abilities. Her
bridesmaids attempt to Chase offintruders. wailing
and scolding them about how it is unlucky for them to
see the bride before it is time. lfthe characters don't
withdrawitnn1r‘d' in y. Zitggtmoyawakt-ns and uses her
Mind Control Spo - ability to send them away. using
her Infestation Spores only if the characters insist on
engaging the demon lord her and now.
Dozens of spore servants and mytionicls rt-sptmd to
Zuggtmoys telepallllt‘ tall if their ml. rc in danger.
attat-ltingthe lleedie of their own safety.
Atly r'.lltat'k that spot essfully dens tlarttzige to zuggtinny
damages her gown. driving the demon queen into a rage
to attack the intruders.
tittttt:n~ lLrHit\[<t.
Siingdrnsmnz-.un:'«- vuIlr«llh«:L1t_\ u1E-pr: mm; ught
,1 dccp gr\0lII<'\<=Il1r1nrn1fnululrnlnurrr‘lhanl\\«: Muhral 11.11
'm1I¢'nniu ngn Tn» (1:-1-}. glmxnes. in.\uL«r and smeuve Clmxns [D \1lZnZD1JV:H"8flZ£\l1 A: slam:
nature, I are liule about In-:~lDrie anrJ1e,_1 :i(-5 and \\l[11inlhI? pas! dru‘3dr- or in. Y1]! dv: p fl1'I\I)TVl‘< mm-
s\nm.~tu1t|1: r V ‘ past [0 mm . 1‘ ’ and r<‘hmlr1th:‘|r<'iA_ Thr-
Furrenlurn Blmgd Ont r mam d hidd n and ulnn ‘Hr ~;Ul‘Lr‘\\ nfrh-=xrr~(1'urr, In-\w\<— ham 1
'~-vluledlnom [l1r:‘rt’>lA:>flhE Und:’:rd:«xrk,(h.1nk>' Io’ S14‘I'V(1l‘l'l1¥|'('11(1.114105!01.1119rum:-(1 ml) 1,~ 14 L .mm'-mus
ufmi,'»rn11»in_«Liv,u1 ,clmn; Ld I’ aglc. |t\V.1Sn'!unri1 plunnand r:n1.'J{nsz'1u\v(I:> .\.\Ir1I(uIuwl.~ and
11‘ m a draw m nnrnmi Urwrr rh ml»--r,~1mrr' ;n1r‘d\\'nh 5 lr‘>!)r(1P‘1I1\r‘rulE1_\ r,1«u~ d
3 pru\ gm§111Dfl1I,> hr tn kw :5 mnrv vr |n~. The ~\'1rfnr~|:1in mu.~l wunlrnd xulh imur iun.
:‘ul11’de:~n thai th d r|)_\. \\rrrI’.1[>qu2|llP ms_me elrmental
4 me ll][€F€SI in (ha: vurld on 51:14‘ Ihmr : .1\¢-rn,~.
1.: rm thrvat «hr drmv |‘rpr«‘s\'nn‘d m (111 aw :1plngurufil1\:1(1ix|gnuzr'>:InLr:'>|1rdl'_ I11el’udding
mm L»n,xcrdar .m.- r‘1r:[1gnnm<-s ;.r...nm.m| Kmg .Hl1aL1(1r‘r'p,_;‘xI<'IxnP umlrrllxrmlluen ofth
_ amv u. Lhv L1('l'(-ns:- ..r 111: <1:-mun Iurdjuibl \. Br: 11 m:,vI1'1'111e:—parr a
arve ota\1i(hraI 1n1n\.;u1|ng(1ru\\ Imp. Ln» (1 ep gm,vx1’Ie§111v=v ner:(_1 soxne m.:m~: -lvcs.
A,'t‘1ll:I1“ 1\1-*n7nhnrrnnz.:n.
Tlni alliance. 1Iu\vr\e=r, \\uu1:l .~pe1| Bliugxlenzton
m, Th:-\ ngr~m1zlruw1»u'l ’11hHrun rs uiltlheu‘
:1nd.~.:-nl xhmr rmirs Jul 10 SU'l1\& 1ZYAC1(11al‘C1» ..~ 1... U1V\iU|.I\L1(‘>.1iIlL|114,II] 11
seeking rrfugr mm mm druw pur~ue 5 and a \u
Jmst «hr <\'\r1m'h1nI. mummg in great 11.1- myInflhr17l1L1r‘rL1.|r1\.-1.11:‘ gI|UIllP‘>L()XL11HlXl:'KL)1IJ\L
5.» n.»;.,~unm‘. The (1991) 1
—hr mm ulnm arxu}. nu, 1aI'dealn1g, mm me ,
Among the party's fellow escapees, the deep The characters must prove their goodwill to the
gnumejimjar is the most enthusiastic about visiting dcheeapragctneorsrnwesinliethioeregnthoemyesa‘retraulslot,wtheedyinasriedew. eOlcnocme ethde
Bllngdenstonez, and he can lead the adventurers into Inner Blingdenstone, and to what food and comfort
there. Topsy and Turvy also ltriow the way, but they the locals can readily provide.
are noticeably less willing to go lo the settlcmeut
because oftht‘. tear and shame they reel rcgrirrliitg their
lycallthropir affliction. Tl1f‘ shield dwarf scout Eldeth CHANGING SVIRFNEBLINATTITUDES
Feldrun i n't sure how to reach the gnome settlement, The general attitude of deep gnomes toward strangers is
but is in favor otgoing there iiit offers a route to the l|ostile—notnecessarily opposed. but decply suspicious.
sGulrafbabceagourotlo(tChieausenntltgireynnti.geIflatthienocuhsarcaucbteerfsroamllo"wThe This attitude can be shifted to indifferent and then
Oozing Temple“ in chapter 2) to accurripzuly them. it t(rsieeen"dSlyocaisatlhIentcehraarcaticotenr"sinheclhpatphteers8viorffnthobelDinuonpgeenolyn
feels 2| Certain pull toward Bllngdensttlne, and is curious Masters Guide).
enough to guide the characters tht-re.
some deeds in Blingdenstone reward the characters
with an automatic attitude shift, while others require at
DROW PURSUERS DC 15 group Charisma (Persuasion) checlt. If the group
cohnee.cklftstuhtareaecdtesr.sthaereatrtuitduedeoroafctht einsaviwrfanyehtolinmsahttiefttshbey
The svirfnebliri settlcment is a haven for the tillaracters. deep gnomes more suspicious toward them, they must
. For good reason. the deep grinines rarely allow tlruw also make another group check. If this group chetik rails,
into Blirigtlenstone.and only then with a heavily the deep gnomes‘ attitude worsens by one.
armed escort. A tlrow character rnust succeed on a
DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to enter escorted.
However, it any deep gnomes are traveling with the RANDOM ENCOUNTERS IN
party, having them vouch for thc drow allows the CSCOFI
to be waived at your discretion. ]_3LtNGDEl~_IsToNla
The party's drow pursuers won't attempt to follow the once per day while the characters are exploring the
characters into Blingrlenstonc.The party‘s pursuit level deep gnornc settlement, roll a d2D and consult the
(see "Drow Piirsui " in chapter 2) rloesnt change while BlingderistoneEncounters table to determine what, if
they are in the svirineblln settlentent. anything, they encounter.
lithe party's pursuit level is 3 or higher when they
arrive at Blingdeiistone, llvara and her party are BLINCDENSTONE ENCOUNTERS
l watching the tulinels leaving the settlement. The d1o Encounter
pursuit level increases to 5 when the characters leave
Blingdcnstone. possibly I atling to a chase or straight H0 No encounter
into chapter 7, "Escap ruin the Underdark."
ll ld4 + l animated drpw statues
\2 M4 + 1 cave badgers
ARRIVIN_('}_AT BLII~_I_>GVDENSTONE 13 Dungeon hazard
i Blingdenstonc ha. a reputation for being a dangerous l4 Elementalvagahonds
ruin inhahitcd only by monsters and other undesirnbles. 15 M14 + 2 fiendish giant spiders
Others think olit as a budding settlement well on S ‘I6 l ghost
way to recovery. Once the Charldvttersreach the gates,
i7 Mephit gang
they can sce that the truth lies somewhere in between. 18 Roamingooze
19 ldil +l svirrnebliri wererats
Deep gnomes are a dour lot, reserved and careful in their 20 1 xorn
dealings with outsiders They mate the assumption that
every nonsvlrfneblin means to do them liarm—wliich ANIMATED DROW STATU ES
is understandable given their history. They speak sottly Once part of a expedition from Metuoberranzan, these
in caves and tunnels where sound carries, eyes darting bdyto0wgrwe’emreopceht'sriBfiaendeb(yseacm“cSdeuttslaerasn, dsqlautaetrtearnsi,maantded
lnvaders" later in this chapter). They have the
‘seedriirtively, looking for signs ordanger. of animated armor. except they are elemental.
Despite their harsh outlook, sirirtnetilin are still gnomes. of constructs.
and many are as benevolent arid ioyiul as their surface
(0LlSlnS. Tl-iey reveal these aspects most easily among their
own kind, and to those they come to trust. CAVE BADGERS
The svirrneolin assign defined roles to each gender but
The svirfncblin use these beasts as part oftheir digging
hold ismales and males in equal standing. it is ancient workforce. Cave badgcrs are giant badgers with AC 12
custom forthere to be both a king and a queen with equal (natural arlnnr), tremorsense out to a range of 60 feet,
responsibilities. Svlvfneblin males are hunters, explorers, and a burrowing speed of 15 feet. When they burrow,
laborers, and warriors, while Females are managers,
judges, politicians, and caretakers Deep gnomes arid they leave tunnels behind them.
sometimes forget this is not the (tahsosuwghitth)uostthears as
that males are capable orcarsiul races, DUNGEON HAZARD
females can fight. The chtlrziclers approach a section of Blingdenstmie
in horrible disrepair. Ifthey explore the area, roll a do
and consult the Dungeon Hazards table to determine SVIRFNEBLIN WERERATS
what the characters encounter. See "Dungeon Hazards" These wererats belong to Clan Goldwhisker and are
in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for more searching for new places to settle within the ruins
information on each hazard. ot the former city. They're always hostile and attack
the party if they can't flee. Use the weret-at stat block
DUNCEON HAZARDS in the Monster Manual with a few tnodllications:
svlrfneblirl wcrcrats are Small and have the following
d6 Hazard additional features.
14 Patch prhrown mold ciiiimc cunning. The werevat has advantage on intelligence.
Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
4—5 Patch otgreen slime
is Patch oryellow inpid liiiiutt Spflllcailing. The wererat's innate spcllcasting ability is
intelligence (spell save DC ll) it can innately cast the (allowing
ELEMENTA1. VAGABONDS spells, requiring no material components
A dust rriephit guiili-s tin earth elemental through the At will: ntindcimiiin iseltpniy)
‘l/day each; bilndnzss/deafness. lilur, disguise say
taverns and passages of Blingdettstone. lf approached
peacefully, they can point the way to Enténiocl-l's Boon Stlme Camouflage.The wererat has advantage on Dexterity
tsee "Blingdensioiie Outsltirts" later in this chapter). (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain
Former servants of the tlrow, these spiders burn with This creature leaves the characters alone it they feed
haleful energy. Treat them as giant wolfspiders with a it as least 50 gp worth of gems clr precious metals.
challenge rating or 1,1 (100 XP). resistance to cold. tire. Otherwise. it follows them around Blingdenstone,
and lightning damage, and immunity to poison damage. hoping that they leave behind something it can eat. The
They are also immune to the poisoned condition. xorn is antisocial and doesn't help the party in anyway.
GHOST IMl>olm§_N_'r_NPCs
Some ofthe svirfnehlin who perished during the drow
invasion didn't go easily. and their ghosts linger. when When the characters visit Blingdcnstonc. they can meet
the characters encounter one of these ghosts. roll a d20 one or more of the fullowingsvirfnehlin.
and consult the Ghosts Attitude table to determine the
attitude ofthe ghost.
dzo Attitude Dorbd Diggermattoclt Leader ofthe mining expeditions
1—6 indifferent and unaware ofthe characters until it is senni Diggermattack Leader otthe settlers
attacked by them
742 lndifierent but aware ofthe characters Nomi Pzthshuttier Earth elemental wrangler with a task
Friendly for the party
Hostile cunilk Tapfingev Priest oicallarduran srnoothhands
with a task for the party
Kazook Plckshine Aichernistand are specialist who
receives and gives quests
A mcphit gang consists ol1d4 dust mephits and l(l4 cliipgrsn Galdwhisker Leader erthc wererat colony
mud iinephits. ll encountered in Inner Blingdenstone
or Rtlckbliglll. they are insane and immediately. Burrow Warden ladgci Undead leader orthe
Otherwise. they mock the party but don't fight except in
selfrdelellse. burraw wardens
ROAMING Ooze The Pudding King Insane deep gnome enthralled liy
the demon lord lulblex
The presence ofthc Pudding King (see “The Pudding
Court" later in this chapter) is drawing oozes to CORNERED RAYS
Blingdenstone. Roll a d4 and consult the Roaming Ooze lFtliey are with the party, Topsy and Turvy do their best
table to determine what appears. to conceal and resist their lycanthropic curse ilthe
Roawllm: ooze adventurers have not already learned etit, in the time
since they were imprisoned in velkyrivelve, the two have
d4 Encounter likely undergone their wererat transiormatinn at least
l 1 black pudding once. when the decision is made to go to l-zllingdenstone,
2 l gelatinous cube the twins might tome (lean about leaving home because
3 ld-i +1 gray oozes, one ntwhich is a psychic gray oftllell curse, or they could abandon the adventurers and
strike out on their own in any event, they might (all in with
ooze valiant (as described in the Monster Miiniiali the Coldwhlskerclan ofwelerats. either on their own or
4 ldz ochrciellies with the adventurers help,
l‘ll tiiirii ll htt~ii,lit.\:ittixt
SETTLERS, SQUATTERS, everybody treats them as the de facto rulers of the
gun INVADERS mCinheise.iaDnodrboorgoanviezrisnegesparetrboulisldtoinegxipnldourestprya.rotspoefntihneg
ruined city that remain uninhabited by the svirfneblin.
The current citizens of Blingdenstone are a different He is also responsible for rebuilding and commanding
breed than their forebears. They aren't simply hard the new settlements defenses. Like most svirfneblin.
workers and resourceful miners. but also settlers, Dorbo is serious and aggressive when dealing with
explorers, and—above all—survivors.
LBEyAdDeeEpRgSnoomreBtrLaIdNitGioDn,EBNliSnTgOdeNnEstone is governed outsiders: for all of that, however, he is also a loving and
caring husband and a thoughtful leader oihis people,
jointly by a king and queen, but the svirfneblin have devoted to the vision that he and his wife share oia
had no true sovereigns while living as refugees tor the Blingdenstone rebuilt and reborn.
good part bra century. Dorbo and Senni Diggermattock Quartermaster Senni takes the count and lneasure
acraepatablleenatesdcomminmeursn,itbyultetahdeeyrsh.aTvehebyecsopmenet of everything. ensuring her husbands efforts are
even more well supported and efiicient. She oversees the trade
years efforts and caravans to Mithral Hall, Gauntlgrym, and
planning an expedition to Blingdenstonc. paying Mantol-Derith.She manages and helps to maintain
adventurers to scout and keep an eye on the territory l3lingdenstone’smagical infrastructure, and is
while they organized their people across the dwarven
holds and surfaceaworldcities that had received them. intimately familiar with security conditions across the
After a decade of careful and determined planning, settlement. As quartermaster, she assigns homes to
the Diggermattocks led a toree back to Blingdenstone the everincreasing numbers of svirfneblin returning to
to reclaim it. While they have not yet been crowned, Blingdenstone.
svnrmsstm MINERS’ GUILD
The svirfnehlin base most of their economic subsistence
GHCISVS on their ability to mine ores and gems. The settlement is
largely self—su('ficient, but it still relies on the duergar of
Mantol—Derithfor tools, weapons. and supplies.
Because the Blingdenstone economy depends on
mining, the Miners‘ Guild holds a lot of power in
Blingdenstone. Led by the Pickshine lamily. the Miners‘
Guild oversees all of Bllngdenstones mines, as well as
the mining, cutting, and enchanting of spell gems (see
appendix E), both for the settlement‘: defense and for
trade export.
This group of svirfnehlin spellcasters once trained
under the Emerald Enclave but eventually splintered
off, choosing to focus solely on earth elemental magic.
After doing so, they absorbed the surviving priesthood
serving the deep gnome deities Segojan Earthoaller
(the god of deep earth and nature) and Callarduran
Srnoothhands (the god of stone and mining).
The Stoneheart Enclave is in charge of summoning
earth elemenlals to help defend Blingdcnstone, They
also use their magic to aid in various engineering
tomarseckassst,uasrbeulsics.hhWianshgwesnipdneeelnleigdneegmdb, uethrmreopswlpasce,ellcmclaoessntietnsrgsaonotdfrttduhenelneenlssi,ve
Stoneheart Enclave serve as extraplanar diplomats,
forging occasional agreements with item and galeh duhr
to aid Blingdenstone.
The ellclave's leader is Yantha Coaxrock, a young
female mage who splits her time and energy between
conducting magical research in Blingdenstone, aiding
the svirfneblin enclave in Manlol—Dcrith (see chapter 9),
and working with the rest of the Stoneheart Enclave.
Most of the honored protectors of tho svirfneblin
died during the drow invasion. and the rest perished
while protecting their people during their flight from
(‘i-I.-\l’I'l‘ti a i HI l\u.tlr\<mw.
Blingdanstone to Mithral Hall. Only the memory of their THE PUDDING KING'S “CotlttT"
valiant ctfort remains tuday—and even that is fading The so—called Pudding King holds court In the deepest
due to the deep gnomes‘ penchant for forgetting their sections of Blingdenstone. He was part oi the first
own history. settler mi sion led by the Diggerniattoeks, but the other
ahsvnaidbriftsnste.ubtallmyinionsngogootnohzesemhsu, nhanniseddphrihesoimpccefunopcrhahtaiinostnmfwoarnitsyhtedcaiaslpitnutugrbraiinnnggd
in the last year. a handful of svirfneblin youths have hoarding food until it rotted and then talking to it.
been training in secret under the rather terrifying rare The shunned deep gnome eventually struck out on
of the veteran Burrow Warden jadger. who lingers his own. He spent years living among the oozes of the
loUingnhadtsetrhatelgalnhrk.olsaitne.dlinsitlgsilremo,_oalmnadyigndegernhwiizsaebsnrsai.gnahestxewspteelrslttuaindsehtnhotew, Ttroisk region, eventually suhjugaring a black pudding he calls
Adamantelpiece. to command the new burrow wardens. “Princess Ebonmire" and a gray ooze he calls “Prince
wDhigogaerrempartetopcakrisnagndtodaenmnoanudncreectohgeinriteixoinstaesnctheetonethwe Lheivfi ol.loWwehdenthteheoodzeems odnralworndsbayr]ruiivle:ldexin's the Underdark,
Burrow Wardens of Blingdcnstone. presence,
immediately throwing himself down before the Faceless
Gl-tosTs or BLINGDENSTONE Lord and pledging his ctcrnal loyalty, His previous name
truly organized, the ghosts of the and existence ended in that moment. and now there is
Although not
svirfncblin killed during the drow attack are an only the Pudding King.
undeniable presence. The settlers have been wise juiblex granted the Pudding King the power to
enough to mark haunted burrows off from their and command oozes, then ordered him to
reclamation plans. But as new svirlneblin arrive and summon Blingdenstone and claim it as part of thc
need accommodation. space is starting to become return to
bauFnpaacdcckeorleiuennsrttsdo,eLstrhuoienmrgdcm'lspoosonenredti—winogondfisoalmaul rlmaetihanaesn. nToreufhriBenolePifdnuogdcoddizteiyennsugstanoKlinoniennhggaabntshidltieapsbwpelteeady
a problem. There are far more ghosts in the ruined
settlement than aarneyohnaremexlepsesc, taepdp. aenardinegacohnlgyhaossteicshoes
ditrercnt. Some
ofthe event that led to their deaths. Others are fully
and dangerous to outsiders.
aware—and often hostile and dangerous. Utterly insane and channeling a terrible power, the
with his “ehildren"
Oclzlélvlool-t's BANE Pudding King sits upon his throne loyal subjects with
at his side. summoning ever more
ugremochs Bane is a drifting cloud ottransparcnt. each passing day. When he is ready, he will send them
magical dust that first appeared in Blingdenstone over a Bfolritnhgtdoencostvoenrcanandddietvsopueroepvleeriyntthoinogn,etgraiannsftomrmouinngd of
century ago. Believed to be sentient. it is found roaming slime and goo formed in the image of his master. the
the Rockblight section of the settlement. Elemental
creatures touched by the cloud fall under its control.
The cloud's origin remains a mystery. but it is known Faceless Lord,
to have something to do with Ogrémoch, Prince of Evil BLINGDENSTONE
Earth. A medusa named Neheedra serves Ogrémochs
Bane and leads some of the elemental creatures OUTSKIRTS
that have become enslaved by the evil cloud (set: the
‘Ro<:kl:llight"section and urea 19 in particular), The quarries. mines, mushroom fields. and forges
of Blingdenstone are located outside the settlement,
CLAN GOLDWHISKER accessible by tunnels and passages beyond the main
egiatthe.erTrreardoeuctaerdavtoantshehoeuadtleydintgowmainrdesB, lfianrgmdse.nasntodnfeoargrees,
After Elingdenstones fall. a gang of wererats tried
make a home in the ruined cl _ . Thc last handful
to svirlneblin hiding in Bllngtlenstonc after the draw or stehaerychareed.stuonplpoeaddeadt.thanedcidtyisgtraitbeu. twedhebrye their cargo
of is agents of
armies abandoned the city managed to kill or drive oil
the wererats, but many of the deep gnomes became Quartermaster Senni. This keeps unwanted riffraff out
infected with lycanthropy.
Today. deep gnome wererats claims a large chunk of
the ruins under the name of Clan Goldwhisker. holding
territory against tnheewm.seTthtleerpsacakndleadgear gisintgheincuurnbnainng the leisure and company nithcir kin and tricnds
warfare against back home. The rising madness of the demon lords
affects these brave pioneers more than thosc who live
and charismatic Chipgrin, whose concern for his packs within the rclativc security of the reclaimed parts of
saiety has him hoping to negotiate a truce with the
Diggermattocks and stop his svirfneblin cousins from Blingdenstone.
seeing his people as dangerous monsters fit only for Svlrrneblin in the outskirts are more curt with
extermination. Chipgrin is all too aware of the threat strangers. and a few might even try to steal from
posed by 0gre'mor,h's Bane and the oozes plaguing the them. Taskmasters at each location are now feeling
themselves driven to the point of near tyranny.
settlement, and he hopes that making common cause demanding that their workers toil ever harder. Some
against those threats will force the other svirineblin miners pockct gemstones they dig out. while others are
to recognize Clan Goldwhisker's right to remain in
Blingdenstone. drawn to possess things the adventurers are carrying.
VHAP1 I it rt EU.\ll.l)(-\'STONl'