The Capitol, Room S–317, 224–6548
Superintendent.—Maurie Johnson.
Assistant Superintendent.—Jeff Kent.
Staff Assistant.—Kim M. Magruder.
Tim Dillon, Chairman
Dennis Brack, Secretary-Treasurer
Steve Crowley
Charles W. Harrity
Joe Marquette
Win McNamee
1. (a) Administration of the Press Photographers’ Gallery is vested in a Standing Committee
of Press Photographers consisting of six persons elected by accredited members of the Gallery.
The Committee shall be composed of one member each from Associated Press Photos, maga-
zine media, and local newspapers and three at-large members. At large members may be,
but need not be, selected from a media otherwise represented on the Committee.
(b) The term of office of a member of the Committee elected as the Associated Press
Photos member, the local newspapers member and one of the at large members shall expire
on the day of the election held in the first odd-numbered year following the year in which
the member was elected, and the term of office of a member of the Committee elected
as the magazine media member and the remaining two at large members shall expire on
the day of the election held in the first even-numbered year following the year in which
the member was elected. Whenever two at large seats are up for election the two candidates
with the highest number of votes in that category shall be elected. A member elected to
fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of a term shall serve for only the unexpired
portion of such term.
(c) Elections shall be held as early as practicable in each year, and in no case later
than March 31. A vacancy in the membership of the Committee occurring prior to the
expiration of a term shall be filled by a special election called for that purpose by the
(d) The Standing Committee of the Press Photographers’ Gallery shall propose no change
or changes in these rules except upon petition in writing signed by not less than 25 accredited
members of the gallery.
2. Persons desiring admission to the Press Photographers’ Gallery of the Senate shall
make application in accordance with Rule 33 of the Senate, which rule shall be interpreted
and administered by the Standing Committee of Press Photographers subject to the review
andapproval of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
3. The Standing Committee of Press photographers shall limit membership in the photog-
raphers’ gallery to bona fide news photographers of repute in their profession and Headsof
Photographic Bureaus under such rules as the Standing Committee of Press Photographers
shall prescribe.
4. Provided, however, that the Standing Committee of Press Photographers shall admit
to the gallery no person who does not establish to the satisfaction of the Committee all
of thefollowing:
(a) That any member is not engaged in paid publicity or promotion work or in prosecuting
any claim before Congress or before any department of the Government, and will not become
so engaged while a member of the gallery.
(b) That he or she is not engaged in any lobbying activity and will not become so
engaged while a member of the gallery.
The above rules have been approved by the Committee on Rules and Administration.
Speaker, House of Representatives
Chairman, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
Abraham, Mark: Freelance Cohen, Marshall: Jennings Publications
Ach, Michael: Newsday Colburn, James: Photoreporters, Inc.
Ake, J. David: Reuters News Pictures Cook, Dennis: Associated Press Photos
Alers, Paul: Freelance Cooke, Ken: Freelance
Allen, John: Washington Post Cooper, Karin: Associated Press
Alpert, Brian: Keystone Press Agency Cornell, John: Newsday
Andrews, Nancy: Washington Post Cox, Ernest: Chicago Tribune
Applewhite, J. Scott: Associated Press Photos Craig, Cameron: Freelance
Arbogast, Charles: Associated Press Photos Crandall, Rob: Freelance
Archambault, Charles: U.S. News & World Report Crowley, Stephen: New York Times
Arias, Juana: Washington Post Curtiss, Cathaleen: Washington Times
Ashe, James: Time Magazine Cutts, Peter: Freelance
Ashley, Douglas: Suburban Communications Corp. Daugherty, Robert: Associated Press Photos
Atlan, Jean-Louis: Freelance Davidson, Barbara: Washington Times
Attlee, Tracey: Freelance Davies, Phillip: Newsday
Aubry, Timothy: Reuters News Pictures Davis, Bill: Newsday
Ballard, Karen: Washington Times DeLort, Jean Guy: Fairchild Publications
Barouh, Stan: Freelance Deslich, Steve: Thomson Newspapers
Barrett, Stephen: Freelance Deutsch, Robert: USA/Today
Beals, Herman: Reuters News Pictures Devadas, Rajan: Front Line
Beiser, H. Darr: USA/Today Diggs, Brian: Associated Press
Bentley, PF: Time Magazine Dillon, Timothy: USA/Today
Bereswill, Paul: Newsday Dodge, Thomas: Farm Journal Publishing, Inc.
Berg, Lisa: Freelance Dombroski, Joe: Newsday
Biber, Mehmet: Hurriyet Dooley, James: Newsday
Biddle, Susan: Washington Post Downing, Lawrence: Newsweek
Binks, Porter: USA/Today Durand, Enrique: Reuters News Pictures
Blass, Eileen: USA/Today Edmonds, Ronald: Associated Press Photos
Bloom, Richard: National Journal Eisele, John: National Journal
Bochatey, Terry: Reuters News Pictures Elfers, Steve: Army Times
Borea, Roberto: Associated Press Photos Ellis, Richard: Sygma
Borst, Charles: Knight-Ridder Tribune News Service Faram, Mark: Army Times
Boston, Bernard: Freelance Ferrell, Scott: Congressional Quarterly
Bouchard, Renee: Freelance Fetters, Paul: Matrix International
Bowe, Christy: McClendon News Service Ficara, John: Newsweek
Bower, Carl: Freelance Fiedler, James: U.S. News & World Report
Brack, William: Black Star Florescu, Viorel: Newsday
Branch-Price, Brian: Wilmington News Journal Fournier, Frank: Contact Press Images
Brantley, James: Washington Times Foy, Mary Lou: Washington Post
Brown, Robert: Richmond Times Dispatch Franklin, Ross: Washington Times
Brown, Stephen: Freelance Frazza, Luke: Agence France-Presse
Burgess, Bob: Associated Press Freed, Leonard: Magnum Photos
Burke, William: Impact Visuals Freeland, Erik: Freelance
Burnett, David: Contact Press Images Freeman, Melanie: Christian Science Monitor
Burns, David: Photo Trends, Inc. Fremson, Ruth: Associated Press Photos
Cameron, Gary: Reuters News Pictures Friar, Jerome: Impact Visuals
Cedeno, Ken: Freelance Fusco, Paul: Magnum Photos
Clark, Carlton: Legal Times Gainer, Dennis: USA/Today
Clement, Richard: Reuters News Pictures Gaines, Julia: Newsday
Cobb, Jodi: National Geographic Garcia, Mannie: Freelance
Press Photographers’ Gallery 961
Garofalo, John Cleveland: Freelance Kleponis, Christopher: Newsweek
Geissinger, Michael A.: Freelance Kossoff, Leslie: Freelance
Gibson, J. Greg: Associated Press Photos Krafft, Louise: San Juan Star
Gilbert, Bruce: Newsday Kraus, Richard: Newsday
Gilbert, Kevin: Washington Times LaVor, Martin: Lavor Group
Gilbert, Patrice: Legal Times Laffont, Jean Pierre: Sygma
Giroux, Robert: Freelance Lambert, Kenneth: Washington Times
Glinn, Burton: Magnum Photos Lee, Wilfredo: Associated Press Photos
Godfrey, Mark: Freelance Lipski, Richard: Washington Post
Golon, Maryanne: US News & World Report Lloyd, Michael: Oregonian
Goodrich, Daniel: Newsday LoScalzo, Jim: U.S. News & World Report
Goulait, Bert: Washington Times Lopez, Jose: New York Times
Graham, Douglas: Congressional Quarterly Lustig, Raymond: Washington Post
Grieser, Robert: Los Angeles Times Lynch, M. Patricia: Frontiers News Magazine
Griffiths, Philip: Magnum Photos MacMillan, Jeffrey: U.S. News & World Report
Guzy, Carol: Washington Post Madrid, Michael: USA/Today
Halasy, Don: New York Post Mallin, Jay: Impact Visuals
Halstead, Dirck: Time Magazine Mallory, Tyler: Freelance
Hamburg, Harry: New York Daily News Mark, Leighton: Freelance
Hanes, Frank: Chicago Tribune Markel, Brad: Capri/ Gamma-Liaison
Harari, Nathaniel: Scripps Howard News Service Maroon, Fred: Freelance
Harbison, Robert: Christian Science Monitor Marquette, Joseph: Associated Press Photos
Harrington, John: World & I Martineau, Gerald: Washington Post
Harrity, Charles: U.S. News & World Report Matheny, R. Norman: Christian Science Monitor
Hartmann, Erich: Magnum Photos Mathieson, Greg: MAI Photo Agency
Harvey, David: Magnum Photos McCurry, Steven: Magnum Photos
Hazen, Pam: Hill, The McDonnell, John: Washington Post
Heikes, Darryl: Freelance McKay, Richard: Cox Newspapers
Heimsath, Peter: Photo Associate News Service McNamee, Wallace: Newsweek
Heinen, Kenneth: Freelance McNamee, Win: Reuters News Pictures
Helber, Stephen: Associated Press Photos Medina, Vidal: Reuters News Pictures
Herndon, Craig: Washington Post Meiselas, Susan: Magnum Photos
Hershorn, Gary: Reuters News Pictures Mendelsohn, Matthew: Freelance
Holden, Peter: World & I Miller, Ingeborg: Magnum Photos
Horan, Tom: Sygma Mills, Douglas: Associated Press Photos
Hosefros, Paul: New York Times Mintz, Ari: Newsday
Housewerth, Jan: Washington Times Mohin, Andrea: New York Times
Iuvone, Mary: Asbury Park Press Montgomery, Darrow: City Paper
Jacobsen, Don: Newsday More, Jose: Chicago Tribune
Jaffe, Stephen: Agence France-Presse Morello, Debbi: Freelance
Jenkins, Keith: Washington Post Morris, Larry: Washington Post
Jennings, Stan: Jennings Publications Mosley, Leigh: Off Our Backs
Johns, Christopher: National Geographic Murphy, Timothy: Freelance
Johnson, Cynthia: Time Magazine Nachtwey, James: Magnum Photos
Johnston, Frank: Washington Post Naltchayan, Joyce: Agence France-Presse
Kanthal, Jack: Newark Star Ledger Naltchayan, Neshan: Freelance
Katz, Martin: Chesapeake News Service Natoli, Sharon: Washington Times
Keating, John: Newsday Norcia, Michael: New York Post
Keating, Maureen: Roll Call Novovitch, Luc: Freelance
Keeton, Jeffrey: Scripps Howard News Service Nozzoli, Akram: Saudi Press Agency
Kelly, James: Freelance Owen, Clifford: Washington Times
Kennedy, Charles: Freelance Paganelli, Manuello: Freelance
Kennerly, David: Newsweek Panagos, Dimitrios: Greek American News Agency
Kent, Dazine: Afro-American Newspaper Pangraze, Jennifer: Freelance
Kieffer, Gary: Foto Consortium Paraskevas, John: Newsday
Kim, Yunghi: Freelance Parcell, James: Washington Post
Kittner, Sam: Freelance Parsons, Nathan: Scripps Howard News Service
962 Congressional Directory
Patterson, Kathryn: Army Times Smith, Benjamin: Education Week
Patterson, Laura: Roll Call Smith, Dayna: Washington Post
Pearman, Reginald: Associated Press Souza, Peter: Freelance
Pearson, Robert: Agence France-Presse Spencer, Ken: Newsday
Pensinger, Douglas: Freelance Spilotro, Michael: World & I
Peppler, James: Newsday Stabile, Karen: Newsday
Peress, Gilles: Magnum Photos Stanfield, James: National Geographic
Perkins, Lucien: Washington Post Steib, Clint: Washington Blade
Perry, William: Gannett News Service Stenzel, Maria: National Geographic
Pokress, David: Newsday Stephenson, Richard: Freelance
Pokress, Jackson: Observer Newspapers Stubbe, Glen: Washington Times
Poleski, David: Freelance Sykes, Jack: Professional Pilot Magazine
Powers, Carol: Dallas Morning News Takeda, Yasushi: Focus Magazine
Raia, Alexander: Newsday Tama, Mario: Prince George’s Journal
Rasmussen, Randy: Oregonian Tannenbaum, Allan: Sygma
Reed, Ellis: Magnum Photos Theiler, Michael: Freelance
Reeder, Robert: Washington Post Thomas, Margaret: Washington Post
Reinhard, Rick: Impact Visuals Thresher, James: Washington Post
Remsberg, Edwin: Freelance Tiernan, Audrey: Newsday
Rentas, David: New York Post Traver, Joseph: Freelance
Ricardel, Vincent: Freelance Trippett, Robert: Sipa Press
Richards, Paul: Agence France-Presse Udesen, Betty: Seattle Times
Richards, Roger: Washington Times Usher, Chris: Freelance
Richardson, Joel: Washington Post Van Riper, Frank: Freelance
Ries, Barbara: Freelance Varias, Stelios: Reuters News Pictures
Roberts, Joshua: Freelance Vathis, Paul: Associated Press Photos
Robinson, Scott: Freelance Villafuerte, Mario: Army Times
Ronay, Vivian: Freelance Visser, Robert: Photopress Washington
Rosenbaum, Daniel: Washington Times Walker, Diana: Time Magazine
Rosenberg, Micheal: Blender Magazine Walsh, Susan: Associated Press
Roth, Rebecca: Freelance Ward, Fred: Black Star
Rutz, Dean: Seattle Times Watkins, Jr., Frederick: Johnson Publishing Co.
Sachs, Arnold: Consolidated News Pictures Watson, Ricardo: United Press International
Sachs, Howard: Consolidated News Pictures Wilking, Rick: Reuters News Pictures
Sachs, Ronald: Consolidated News Pictures Williams, John: Newsday
Salhani, Claude: United Press International Williamson, Michael: Washington Post
Sargent, Michael: Agence France-Presse Wilson, Jym: Gannett News Service
Savoia, Stephan: Associated Press Photos Wilson, Mark: Freelance
Sawchuk, Ken: Newsday Wolfson, Stanley: Newsday
Schlein, Lonnie: New York Times Wood, William: Army Times
Schroeder, Bjorn: German Newspaper Group Woods, Douglas: Freelance
Schumacher, Karl: Freelance Woodward, Tracy: Washington Times
Schwarz, Ira: Freelance Wyman, Ira: Newsweek
Sell, Blake: Reuters News Pictures Yarwood, Richard: Newsday
Sherbell, Shepard: Saba Press Photos, Inc. Yim, Heesoon: HANA
Sherbow, Robert: People Magazine Young, Bruce: Freelance
Silverman, Joseph: Washington Times Young, Jennifer: Freelance
Simon, Martin: Saba Press Photos, Inc. Yu, Liu: Xinhua News Agency
Sloan, Timothy: Agence France-Presse Ziffer, Steve: Freelance
AFRO–AMERICAN NEWSPAPER—332–0080; 1612 14th St., NW, Washington, DC 20009: Kent, Dazine
AGENCE FRANCE–PRESSE—414–0551; 1015 15th St., NW, 5th floor, Washington, DC 20005: Frazza,
Jaffe, Stephen; Naltchayan, Joyce; Pearson, Robert; Richards, Paul; Sargent, Michael; Sloan, Timothy
ARMY TIMES—703–750–8170; 6883 Commercial Drive, Springfield, VA 22159–0150: Elfers, Steve; Faram,
Mark; Patterson, Kathryn; Villafuerte, Mario; Wood, William
ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOS—828–9650; 2021 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: Applewhite,
J. Scott; Arbogast, Charles; Borea, Roberto; Burgess, Bob; Cook, Dennis; Cooper, Karin;
Daugherty,Robert; Diggs, Brian; Edmonds, Ronald; Fremson, Ruth; Gibson, J. Greg; Helber, Stephen;
Lee, Wilfredo; Marquette, Joseph; Mills, Douglas; Pearman, Reginald; Savoia, Stephan; Vathis, Paul;
Walsh, Susan
BLACK STAR—547–1176; 7704 Tauxemont Rd., Alexandria, VA 22308: Brack, William; Ward, Fred
BLENDER MAGAZINE—737–7370; 806 15th St., NW Ste. 210, Washington, DC 20005: Rosenberg,
CHESAPEAKE NEWS SERVICE—338–8550; 1346 Connecticut Ave., Suite 714, Washington, DC 20036:
Katz, Martin;
CHICAGO TRIBUNE—824–8221; 1325 G St., NW Ste. 200, Washington, DC 20005: Cox, Ernest; Hanes,
Frank; More, Jose;
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR—617–262–2300; One Norway Street, Boston, MA 02115–3195: Freeman,
Melanie; Harbison, Robert; Matheny, R. Norman
CITY PAPER—347–7534; Suite 202, 724 9th St., Washington, DC 20001: Montgomery, Darrow;
CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY—887–8500; 1414 22nd St., Washington, DC 20037: Ferrell, Scott;
Graham, Douglas
CONSOLIDATED NEWS PICTURES—543–3203; 10305 Leslie St., Silver Spring, MD 20902: Sachs,
Arnold; Sachs, Howard; Sachs, Ronald
CONTACT PRESS IMAGES—212–496–5300; 116 East 27th St. 8th Floor, New York, NY 10016: Burnett,
David; Fournier, Frank
COX NEWSPAPERS—887–8348; 2000 Pennsylvannia Ave., Washington, DC 20006: McKay, Richard
DALLAS MORNING NEWS—214–977–8222; PO BOX 655237, Dallas, TX 75265: Powers, Carol
EDUCATION WEEK—364–1039; 4301 Connecticut Ave., Washington, DC 20008: Smith, Benjamin
FAIRCHILD PUBLICATIONS—682–3200; 1333 H St., Washington, DC 20005: DeLort, Jean Guy
FARM JOURNAL PUBLISHING—215–829–4865; 230 W. Square, Philadelphia, PA 19106: Dodge, Thomas
FOCUS MAGAZINE—703–243–1569; 1020 North Quincy St. No. 808, Arlington, VA 22201: Takeda,
FOTO CONSORTIUM—703–486–0305; South Oxford St., Arlington, VA 22206–2326: Kieffer, Gary
FRONT LINE—301–340–3338; 214 Hardy Place, Rockville, MD 20852: Devadas, Rajan
FRONTIERS NEWS MAGAZINE—301–229–0635; P.O. Box 634, Glen Echo, MD 20812: Lynch, M.
GAMMA-LIAISON—212–888–7272; 150 East 58th St., New York, NY 10155: Markel, Brad
GANNETT NEWS SERVICE—703–276–5256; 1000 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209: Perry, William;
Wilson, Jym;
GERMAN NEWSPAPER GROUP—202–244–6736; 4100 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016:
Schroeder, Bjorn
GREEK AMERICAN NEWS AGENCY—917–879–0749; 111 Broadway Rt.107, Hicksville, NY 11801:
Panagos, Dimitrios
HANA—393–1166; 1111 National Press Building, Washington, DC 20045: Yim, Heesoon
HILL, THE—628–8502; 733 15th St., NW Ste. 1140, Washington, DC 20005: Hazen, Pam
HURRIYET—703–978–8073; 8910 Moreland Lane, Annadale, VA 22033: Biber, Mehmet
IMPACT VISUALS—212–683–9688; Suite 901, 28 West 27th St., New York, NY 10001: Burke, William;
Friar, Jerome; Mallin, Jay; Reinhard, Rick
JENNINGS PUBLICATIONS—946–5538; 2600 Pyers Mill Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20902: Cohen, Marshall;
Jennings, Stan
JOHNSON PUBLISHING CO.—393–5860; 1750 Pennsylvannia Ave., Washington, DC 20005: Watkins,
Jr., Frederick
KEYSTONE PRESS AGENCY—212–924–8123; 202 East 42nd St., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10017:
Alpert, Brian
964 Congressional Directory
KNIGHT–RIDDER TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE—383–6099; Suite 776, 529 14th St., Washington, DC
20045: Borst, Charles;
LAVOR GROUP—703–765–7187; 7710 Lookout Ct., Alexandria, VA 22306: LaVor, Martin LEGAL
TIMES—457–0686; 1730 M St., NW, Suite 802, Washington, DC 20036: Clark, Carlton; Gilbert,Patrice;
LOS ANGELES TIMES—293–4650; 1875 I St., Washington, DC 20006: Grieser, Robert
MAGNUM PHOTOS, INC.—212–541–7570; 251 Park Ave., So., New York, NY 10010: Freed, Leonard;
Fusco, Paul; Glinn, Burton; Griffiths, Philip; Hartmann, Erich; Harvey, David; McCurry, Steven;Meiselas,
Susan; Miller, Ingeborg; Nachtwey, James; Peress, Gilles; Reed, Ellis
MAI PHOTO NEWS AGENCY—703–968–0330; 6601 Ashmere Lane, Centreville, VA 22020: Mathieson,
MATRIX INTERNATIONAL, Inc.—212–362–2393; Suite 2R, 468 West 23rd St., New York, NY 10011:
Fetters, Paul
McCLENDON NEWS SERVICE—483–3791; 3133 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20008: Bowe,
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC—857–7477; 17th & M Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20036: Cobb, Jodi;
Johns, Christopher; Stanfield, James; Stenzel, Maria
NATIONAL JOURNAL—857–1414; 1730 M St., NW, Washington, DC 20036: Bloom, Richard; Eisele,
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS—212–949–3691; 220 East 42nd St., New York, NY 10017: Hamburg, Harry
NEW YORK POST—212–815–8550; 210 South Street, New York, NY 10002: Halasy, Don; Norcia,
Michael; Rentas, David
NEW YORK TIMES—867–0383; 1627 Eye St., NW 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20036: Crowley, Stephen
Hosefros, Paul; Lopez, Jose; Mohin, Andrea; Schlein, Lonnie
NEWARK STAR LEDGER—201–877–4141; One Star Ledger Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102: Kanthal,Jack
NEWSDAY—516–454–2832; 235 Pinelawn Dr., Melville, NY 11747: Ach, Michael; Bereswill, Paul; Cornell,
John; Davies, Phillip; Davis, Bill; Dombroski, Joe; Dooley, James; Florescu, Viorel; Gaines,Julia;
Gilbert, Bruce; Goodrich, Daniel; Jacobsen, Don; Keating, John; Kraus, Richard; Mintz, Ari; Paraskevas,
John; Peppler,James; Pokress, David; Raia, Alexander; Sawchuk, Ken; Spencer, Ken; Stabile, Karen;
Tiernan, Audrey; Williams, John; Wolfson, Stanley; Yarwood, Richard
NEWSWEEK—626–2060; 1750 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20006: Downing, Lawrence;
Ficara, John; Kennerly, David; Kleponis, Christopher; McNamee, Wallace; Wyman, Ira
OBSERVER NEWSPAPERS—516–679–9888; 2262 Centre Avenue, Bellmore, NY 11710: Pokress, Jackson;
OFF OUR BACKS—234–8072; 2423 18th St., Washington, DC 20009: Mosley, Leigh
OREGONIAN—503–221–8075; 1320 Southwest Broadway, Portland, OR 97201: Lloyd, Michael; Rasmussen,
PEOPLE MAGAZINE—293–4300; 888 16th St., Washington, DC 20006: Sherbow, Robert
PHOTO ASSOCIATES NEWS SERVICE—965–4428; 3421 M St., NW Ste 1636, Washington, DC 20007:
Heimsath, Peter
PHOTO TRENDS, INC.—212–613–3295; Suite 702, 260 West 35th St., New York, NY 10001: Burns,
PHOTOPRESS WASHINGTON—234–8787; 120 S. Spring St., Falls Church, VA 22046: Visser, Robert
PRINCE GEORGE’S JOURNAL—301–459–3131; 9410 Annapolis Road, Lanham, MD 20706: Tama, Mario
REUTERS NEWS PICTURES—898–8333; 1333 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005: Ake, J. David;
Aubry, Timothy; Beals, Herman; Bochatey, Terry; Cameron, Gary; Clement, Richard; Durand,
Enrique;Hershorn, Gary; McNamee, Win; Medina, Vidal; Sell, Blake; Varias, Stelios; Wilking, Rick
RICHMOND TIMES–DISPATCH—804–649–6486; 333 East Grace St., Ricmond, VA 23229: Brown, Robert
ROLL CALL—289–4900; 900 2nd St., NW, Suite 107, Washington, DC 20002: Keating, Maureen; Patterson,
SABA PRESS PHOTOS—212–679–5454; 159 East 30th St., New York, NY 10116: Sherbell, Shepard;
Simon, Martin
SAUDI PRESS AGENCEY—861–0324; 1155 15th St., NW Suite 1111, Washington, DC 20005: Nozzoli,
SCRIPPS HOWARD NEWS SERVICE—480–2723; 1090 Vermont Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20005:
Harari, Nathaniel; Keeton, Jeffrey; Parsons, Nathan
SEATTLE TIMES—206–464–2203; 1120 John St., Seattle, WA 98111: Rutz, Dean; Udesen, Betty
SIPA—212–463–0150; 30 West 21st St., New York, NY 10010: Trippett, Robert
SUBURBAN COMMUNICATIONS CORP.—810–645–5164; 805 E. Maple Rd., Birmingham, MI 48009:
Ashley, Douglas
SYGMA—212–675–7900; 322 8th Ave., 11th Fl., New York, NY 10001: Ellis, Richard; Horan, Tom;
Laffont, Jean Pierre; Tannenbaum, Allan
THOMSON NEWSPAPERS—628–2157; 1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW #524, Washington, DC 20004: Deslich,
TIME MAGAZINE—861–4062; 1050 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036: Ashe, James; Bentley,
PF; Colburn, James; Halstead, Dirck; Johnson, Cynthia; Walker, Diana
Press Photographers’ Gallery 965
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT—955–2000; 2400 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037: Archambault,
Charles; Fiedler, James; Golon, Maryanne; Harrity, Charles; LoScalzo, Jim; MacMillan, Jeffrey
UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL—898–8071; 1400 Eye Street, Washington, DC 20005: Salhani, Claude;
Watson, Ricardo
USA/TODAY—703–276–3400; 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22208: Beiser, H. Darr; Binks,
Porter; Blass, Eileen; Deutsch, Robert; Dillon, Timothy; Gainer, Dennis; Madrid, Michael
WASHINGTON BLADE—347–2038; Suite 315, 930 F St., Washington, DC 20017: Steib, Clint
WASHINGTON POST—334–7377; 1150 15th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20071: Allen, John; Andrews,
Nancy; Arias, Juana ; Biddle, Susan ; Foy, Mary Lou; Guzy, Carol; Herndon, Craig; Jenkins, Keith;
Johnston,Frank; Lipski, Richard; Lustig, Raymond; Martineau, Gerald; McDonnell, John; Morris,
Larry;Parcell, James; Perkins, Lucien; Reeder, Robert; Richardson, Joel; Smith, Dayna; Thomas, Margaret;
Thresher,James; Williamson, Michael
WASHINGTON TIMES—636–3000; 3600 New York Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20002: Ballard, Karen;
Brantley, James; Curtiss, Cathaleen; Davidson, Barbara; Franklin, Ross; Gilbert, Kevin;Goulait, Bert;
Housewerth, Jan;Lambert, Kenneth; Natoli, Sharon; Owen, Clifford; Richards, Roger; Rosenbaum, Daniel;
Silverman, Joseph; Stubbe, Glen; Woodward, Tracy
WILMINGTON NEWS JOURNAL—302–324–2821; 950 W. Basin Rd., Newcastle, DE 19805: Branch-
Price, Brian
WORLD & I—635–4020; 2850 New York Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20002: Harrington, John; Holden,
Peter; Spilotro, Michael
XINHUA --703–875–0082; 1740 N. 14 St., Arlington, VA 22209: Yu, Liu
Abraham, Mark; Alers, Paul; Atlan, Jean-Louis; Attlee, Tracey; Barouh, Stan; Barrett, Stephen; Berg,
Lisa; Boston, Bernard; Bouchard, Renee; Bower, Carl; Brown, Stephen; Cedeno, Ken; Cooke, Ken;
Craig,Cameron; Crandall, Rob; Cutts, Peter; Freeland, Erik; Garcia, Mannie; Garofalo, John Cleveland;
Geissinger, Michael A.; Giroux, Robert; Godfrey, Mark; Heikes, Darryl; Heinen, Kenneth; Kelly,
James;Kennedy, Charles; Kim, Yunghi; Kittner, Sam; Kossoff, Leslie; Mallory, Tyler; Mark, Leighton;
Maroon, Fred; Mendelsohn, Matthew; Morello, Debbi; Murphy, Timothy; Naltchayan, Neshan; Novovitch,
Luc; Paganelli,Manuello; Pangraze, Jennifer; Pensinger, Douglas; Poleski, David; Remsberg, Edwin;
Ricardel, Vincent; Ries, Barbara; Roberts, Joshua; Robinson, Scott; Ronay, Vivian; Roth, Rebecca;
Schumacher, Karl; Schwarz, Ira; Souza, Peter; Stephenson, Richard; Theiler, Michael; Traver, Joseph;
Usher, Chris; Van Riper, Frank; Wilson, Mark; Woods,Douglas; Young, Bruce; Young, Jennifer;
Ziffer, Steve