JULY 26, 2017
"The word of God, spoken by Christ in the Old and New
Testaments, is the bread from heaven; but much that
is called science is as dishes of human invention,
adulterated food; it is not the true manna.To many
the treasures of the word remain hidden, because
they have not been searched for with earnest
perseverance until the golden precepts were
understood. The word must be searched in order to
purify and prepare those who receive it to become
members of the royal family, children of the heavenly
{Testimonies for the Church, Volume 6, page 132}
OF DISEASE If my parents have heart problems
does that also mean I will have heart
BY JOSE & SHEREECE SANCHEZ anemia. “Whether, when and to what
extent a person with the genetic defect
Have you considered how Genetics have a role in what or abnormality will actually suffer from
your inheritance of your happens to you, but so does the disease is almost always affected by
genes affects your health? the environment and the environmental factors and events in
Your great grandparents, modifiable lifestyle factors. the person's development”[1].
grandparents and parents Genetic disorders are
all suffer from the same caused by one or more Though an individual may be genetically
disease; will you also face abnormalities in the predisposed to certain issues or
the same fate? A genetic genome. These disorders ailments, they can create an
disease is like a loaded gun, may be hereditary, passed environment or maintain a certain
it will not cause any damage down from the parents’ healthy lifestyle, which may stop this
until you pull the trigger. genes. There are a number predisposition from becoming a reality.
Unhealthy lifestyle habits of different types of genetic Being able to identify lifestyle habits of
make genetic disease a inheritance that range from the parents that led to the disease can
reality in the life. high blood pressure to provide a good idea to make some
changes accordingly.
“Many are suffering in As diseases are said to become more
consequence of the transgression prevalent it can be determined that
of their parents. They cannot be the heredity of disease would also
censured for their parents’ sin; but increase, “Previously, scientists
it is nevertheless their duty to believed genetic disorders were
ascertain wherein their parents present in only a small fraction of
violated the laws of their being, the human population, 5 percent or
which has entailed upon their less...However, the present study
offspring so miserable an puts the fraction of people with
inheritance; and wherein their mutations linked to genetic diseases
parents’ habits were wrong, they at something closer to 20
should change their course, and percent.”[4] This however should
place themselves by correct habits lead us to have more faith in the
in a better relation to health.”[2] Lord for He told us this would
In current news there is a young
child with a rare genetic disorder The Lord not only told us that there
that has made a ripple effect in the would be diseases in the last days
media. Charlie Gard, 11 months old, but gave us the solution for it. By
has a rare and debilitating genetic choosing to live according to the
condition that has no cure, and the laws that govern our health, you do
hospital had initially said that not have to be sick if your parents
letting him die was the only were sick. Ascertain where your
humane option to end his potential parents have violated the laws of
pain and suffering. However it health, which resulted in them being
seems that shortly after the Pope sick, and make the necessary
and Trump got involved that the changes to your diet and lifestyle.
hospital may reconsider its decision
to cut the baby off life support, this 1.
is in light of “fresh evidence” about
potential treatment. [3]
2. {HR August 1, 1866, par. 2}
Fighting Disease with Disease,
Meeting Evil with Evil, Antidoting “Why Europe’s Measles Crisis is a Political Failure…
Poisoning with Poison Another hot topic for politicians is deciding whether
to make certain vaccines mandatory, including the
While the promulgation of mandatory vaccinations is MMR;”3 “No vaccines, no public school: is it time for
nothing new, in recent months however, this Canada to emulate France?”4 “Why America Needs
proposition is being more widely agitated across the To Follow In France's Footsteps And Make
globe, with several countries not only proposing, but Vaccinations Mandatory.”5
implementing mandatory vaccination policies for
children. The question we must ask is why the aggressive push
for mandatory vaccinations; should not this be a
Consider the following recent headlines that attest to matter of personal conscience? While seemingly a
the reality of countries implementing obligatory measure to promote public health and safety, is it
immunizations. “France Makes Vaccinations possible that there is a hidden, sinister agenda
Mandatory For All Children As Of 2018;”1 “Amid behind the global push for mandatory vaccinations?
Measles Outbreak, Italy Makes Childhood
Vaccinations Mandatory;”2
vaccinations? Perhaps no one is Less than a month ago I found
better qualified to answer that some statistical evidence in one
question than world-renown of our scientific journals stating
philanthropist, business mogul that at the present time there is in
and founder of the Bill and the United States one idiot for
Melinda Gates Foundation, whose every five hundred persons, and
stated purposes are to enhance other statistics I have gathered
healthcare, reduce extreme show that there are now, in every
poverty and to expand million of people, 3,400 idiots,
educational opportunities. lunatics, and imbeciles; and that
Regarding vaccinations Bill Gates this number has increased three
said the following hundred percent in fifty years.
Thirty years ago the proportion in
“The world today has 6.8 billion “Upon the conference England was just what it is in this
people... that's headed up to reassembling, Dr. J. H. Kellogg, of country at the present time. At this
about 9 billion. Now if we do a the Battle Creek Sanitarium, was rate we can look ahead, and
really great job on new vaccines, asked to address the delegates easily tell what it will be in fifty
health care, reproductive health on medical missionary work, years more. Fifty years ago there
services, we could lower that by which he did as follows: were about one thousand idiots,
perhaps 10 or 15 percent."6 In There is a class of people in the lunatics, and imbeciles to the
other words, Bill Gates is world who try to make us believe million. At the present time we
proposing that in order to sustain that we are getting healthier; that have 3,400 to the million. That is
and preserve the planet between human life is getting longer; that over three times as many. In fifty
700,000,000 and 1,050,000,000 we are making such wonderful years more, increasing at the
people would have to die. discoveries of how to prevent same rate, we would have ten
disease, and how to antagonize thousand to the million, or three
Now that the purpose for the plagues, etc.; and that we are times 3,400.
thrust favoring mandatory gradually getting the victory over
vaccinations has been these evils, and by and by, if we Then fifty years further on, there
uncovered, we will better can not exterminate smallpox, we would be ten thousand to the
appreciate the research of Dr. shall be able, at any rate, to million, or one per cent. of all. Fifty
John Harvey Kellogg on deprive it of its power by years more, we would have three
vaccinations and whether or not vaccination, and in other ways. per hundred, or three per cent. In
they provide the solution for Now we have to look this matter fifty years more, there would be
warding off potentially deadly squarely in the face. nine to the hundred; and in
diseases. another fifty years, twenty-seven
to the hundred. In another fifty
JOHN years we would have eighty-one
to the hundred; and in fifty years
HARVEY more, two hundred and forty-
three to the hundred. But the
KELLOGG world could not go so far as that,
even though it be but three
hundred years.
Two hundred and sixty-five years He would not even feed his dog It is thought by some scientists
would be the farthest point that the same. A woman eats, and that the time will soon come when
could be reached, before the feeds things to her child, that she vaccination will be employed for
whole world would be made up of would not give her bird; she takes all maladies in the earth. It has
lunatics, imbeciles, and idiots. But better care of her cat than of been said by Dr. Lancaster, of
society could not hold together, herself, or her child. The world is London, that the time will come
even to that point, judging of its coming to see that there is a when a young man taking a
condition at the present time. tremendous catastrophe before course in a medical school would,
the race if something is not done. before he finished, be vaccinated
for all diseases that were
Let some political question come The hearts of the people, the GLOBAL MANDATORY VACCINES prevalent in the country.
up, and it seems to seize half the world over, are wonderfully open
population with some phase of to receive these principles. Two I do not think there would be very
lunacy. It is the same in many social things are a constant wonder to much left of that man after he had
reforms. People in the world get an me. The first is the beauty of these gone through all that. It has been
idea, and it carries them away off. principles, and the other thing is proved that when a man has had
So we have anarchists, socialists, that we do not appreciate them small-pox, he is more subject to
and various classes of people who more. How can it be? Just see consumption than before.
are insane in various ways. what these principles can do for
this people! Let me call your The Chair: Has that been proved,
This is likely to keep going on until attention to what the world is doctor?
we have so many imbeciles that it trying to do.
will be impossible for society to Just as soon as small-pox gets J. H. Kellogg: Yes, it has been
hold together. When we get to into a community, what do the proved within the last three
going down, our speed will be doctors do? They say everybody months by statistics that have
accelerated, as when you start a has to be vaccinated. Over in been collected that a man is not
ball rolling down hill. That will go India they vaccinate from arm to so good after he has had smallpox
faster and faster, until it gets to the arm, and people get leprosy and as he was before. That is also true
bottom, when it is dashed to consumption through it. In this of typhoid fever. Very often
pieces. country that method is not consumption is fastened upon
tolerated. the victim of typhoid fever.
Mrs. S. M. I. Henry: Is not that a very You would not allow your
strong demonstration of the fact children to be vaccinated from As I said before, this method of
that the Lord is soon to come? Dr. your neighbor's child's arm; but obtaining immunity against
Kellogg: That is the very thing I you allow them to be vaccinated disease is the method of fighting
wanted to bring to your minds. We from a calf, because you know the disease with disease, meeting evil
have statistical proof of the fact calf has a great deal better blood with evil, antidoting poison with
that this world is soon coming to an than your neighbor's child has. poison. It is wonderful to see to
end. The Lord is not coming to You are afraid of your neighbor, what an extent this can be carried.
destroy the world, but to save it; he and you have reason to be afraid
is coming to save the world from of him. In India not long ago there In Chicago a few weeks ago a
what would come to it if it went on. was a case where one hundred woman appeared before our
and sixty students in a school medical class; and she had with
We are coming down to a time of were vaccinated from arm to arm, her a rattlesnake, which she took
absolute confusion and and sixty of those boys and girls out of its cage. She held him in
destruction. Men are getting more came down with leprosy in three her hand and irritated him.
and more subject to disease all the years.
time. There are fewer old people Think of that. You see vaccination She beat him, and stirred him up
than formerly. The last fifty years is not a thing that is entirely safe; until he became angry, and then
the bottom seems to have dropped but there is some reason in it. But as she bared her arm, the reptile
out of the constitution of the if you are vaccinated from a calf struck it time and again, and
human race. The Lord made man that has tuberculosis, then you fastened his fangs into her arm,
the toughest animal on the face of get consumption. So you see that until the flesh was all covered
the earth. Even to-day you take a is not altogether safe. with the virus. Then she said,
man who is in good training, and I believe there is something better "Take that virus, and inject it into a
there is not another beast that can on principle than that, and I am mouse, and see how quickly it will
compete with him. going to try to show you some die." But yet it did not affect her in
disease with disease, and the man the least. The fact is, she has
A man can travel farther in six days who is vaccinated is a little lower become so accustomed to the
than a horse. A well-trained man in vitality after he has been virus of the snake's bite that her
can tire out two or three horses in vaccinated than before. It is like a body is perfectly immune to it,
the course of a week. There is no boy who becomes immune to the and it apparently does her no
question about it. Man, however, use of tobacco. harm whatever. I remember a
has greatly deteriorated, but no At first it makes him sick, but woman at the sanitarium, who in
other animal would stand the afterward he becomes used to it, one day took eight hundred full
abuse that he endures, even now. and it does not affect him; yet it is doses of morphia, - enough to kill
How long could a horse or a cow doing the boy harm all the time. forty men. Apparently it did not
endure such treatment as human hurt her, though in fact it was all
beings give themselves? A man the time undermining her
would not dare feed his horse what constitution.
he himself eats, or his cow either.
This method of fighting disease - a power wherever we are, and
with disease is the human way of an example to all the world. The
meeting disease, just as we fight time will come when there will be
fire with fire. But God has given us some people on this earth whom
a truth that has in it power to lift a nothing can kill, not even
man above the power of disease. cyclones nor earthquakes nor
He has given us principles which, disease of any kind, - men whom
if we obey and follow, will change the plagues can not kill, who can
our bodies so that we shall not stand anything. God has given us
have to be vaccinated; that will lift a chance to be some of these
the body above the power of men; and why can we not lay hold
disease, and above the power of of the principles that will enable
sin; for sin and disease go along us to be this? It seems to me as if
together. Disease is the we, of all people, ought hardly to
consequence of sin, and sin be able to contain ourselves
induces a moral disease. when we have such an
opportunity presented before us.
Did you ever hear of such a thing
as, when there was to be a fight A. F. Ballenger: Could Corbett,
between pugilists like with all his training and careful
Fitzsimmons and Corbett the work, be kept from these things
battle was called off because one without faith?
of the men had a cold, or was
down with the grip, or fever, Dr. Kellogg: No; because he is not
smallpox, or anything of the kind? absolutely obedient. I was
- Why, nobody ever heard of such speaking of what exists at the
a thing. The reason for it is that present time. This man is only
these men have followed the laws measurably obedient; but there
of health so rigorously that they will come a time when these
are proof against any disease. diseases will come with such
When Fitzsimmons met Corbett, power and intensity that they will
he was just as ready to meet strike down everybody that has
smallpox or any other condition not yielded to God. There is a
that could come to him. He was point here. It is not faith alone that
just as ready to fight germs as he avails the man, but that which
was to fight Corbett, and that fact faith leads the man to do. It is not
is worth considering. I met a the holding of faith but the
gentleman the other day who told obedience that comes from faith.
me that he was sick; that because The man who has complete faith
he had to do a little extra work, he in God believes everything that
had broken down. I said: God says; and when God tells him
to do a thing, he will implicitly
"That is not what broke you down; obey him.”7
you are like a man who had a hole
in his boot. As long as he went on 1
dry land, he was all right; but as
soon as he stepped his foot into vaccinations-
water, it got wet. You have been
making holes in your constitution mandatory_us_595d114de4b02734df3579c6
by bad habits, and these habits
have let you down; then when a 2
little strain like this came, you
broke down altogether. But it is makes-childhood-vaccinations-mandatory
not this little work you have just
done that did the mischief; it was 3
your tobacco-smoking and
gormandizing at the dinner-table, measles-crisis-is-a-political-failure-07-18-2017
that did the work." Thirty years
ago God gave us principles 4
which, if they had been followed,
might have made us the vaccines-no-public-school-is-it-time-for-canada-to-
healthiest people in the world,
7 General Conference Daily Bulletin, February 21, 1899,
page 44
1 cup almond or coconut milk
1(ampperdoixuimmaAtleoleyV1/e2raculepa) f, filleted
1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1/2 cup fresh or frozen mango
1/2 tablespoon coconut oil
1 handful of fresh basil
A little honey, maple syrup to sweeten
1 tablespoon coconut flakes or shreds
1 tablespoon flax or chia seeds
Place all of the ingredients into your blender
and blend on high until nice and smooth. Top
with Coconut flakes, flax or chia seeds.
The new techniques to
modify the genetics of
seed. Splicing DNA!
By Jose & Shereece Sanchez
With new advances in SHOULD WE CRISPR/Cas, the third
genome technology there is a generation of the technology,
new method used to modify CHANGE THE was developed in 2012. This
the genes of plants, it is method cuts DNA by
genome editing. What is GENETICS OF targeting nucleic acids, which
genome editing? are polymers attached to
CREATED DNA. Because this requires
Genome editing alters only changing the sequence
genetic information by using THINGS SUCH of nucleic acids, a common
an enzyme like a pair of enzyme can be used to cut
scissors to cut DNA strands. AS PLANTS? different genes, making
The first generation of the editing much simpler.
technology appeared in If God has made the whole of creation and
1996, but both it and the pronounced it good can we reason the conditions GMO has been known in the
improved second generation in which we can then pronounce it not so good and past to combine the genes of
required different enzymes change it? The bible teaches the principal that we unrelated species such as
for each targeted gene. should not take apart that which the Lord has fish and plant genes.
brought together such as His creation. (Matthew Genome editing uses the
As a result, only a small 19:6) same DNA by splicing or
number of research sectioning the same strand
laboratories were able to As humans meddle with the DNA of God’s creation of DNA.
successfully employ these they are changing the make up of how He put it
methods. Is there an ethical together so the question now becomes ethical. This Genome editing changes
question that is being however has not deterred scientist from continuing how genes work by removing
overlooked in the the work of genetically modifying the genes of and altering targeted pieces
experiments on the genome plants. of the genome. Like
of plants? conventional cross-breeding,
genome editing uses genes
Genome technology is most from within a single species.
advanced in the agricultural This is different from genetic
department because more recombination, which
experiments have been done introduces genes from other
using plants. species.
Should we change the These new types of GMO do
genetics of created things not have to be approved by
such as plants? the USDA they can be used
without any regulation.
In the U.S., researchers at the The advancing in technology of
Pennsylvania State University genome alterations still does not
developed mushrooms that are respond to the unethical view of
slow to discolor. The Department changing the origin of creation. It
of Agriculture decided that these is an irresponsible approach at
mushrooms do not require USDA science ignoring the origin of its
approval because they do not intent in the creation of plants
contain any foreign DNA. and even animal life.
Professor Masashi Tachikawa of The alterations are affecting the
Nagoya University, a close health of the animals eating
observer of global trends in these types of foods. The side
genome editing, points out, "The effects are still to be seen if
U.S. Food and Drug testing is being conducted
Administration has not made a without bias, otherwise the truth
decision on the product's safety of how genome editing will affect
as a food, and there are moves to us will not come to light in the
review the regulations." It is a scientific field of research.
wonder if the safety of the
genome editing will be fairly 1.
considered. Science/Genome-edited-rice-gets-a-step-closer-to-the-
The purpose of this section of the newsletter is to turn
the hearts of children to the parents and the hearts of
parents to their children.
“It is our own character AM I A BIBLICAL In love, faith, and prayer let parents
and experience that PARENT? work for their households, until with
determine our influence joy they can come to God saying,
upon others. In order to Today, the standard of child care has Behold, I and the children whom the
convince others of the been lowered and more children are Lord hath given me.” AH 159.2
power of Christ’s grace we bearing the role of parents which
must know its power in results in broken and unhealthy “WHAT A MAN IS HAS
our own hearts and lives. families. We need to raise the MORE INFLUENCE THAN
The gospel we present for standard and get back to God's ideal. WHAT HE SAYS.” - HELP
the saving of souls must To the parent, Proverbs 22: 6 states IN DAILY LIVING, PAGE 7
be the gospel by which “Train up a child in the way he should
our own souls are saved. go: and when he is old, he will not OUR FIRST WORK
Our feet must be firmly depart from it.”
set upon the Rock, Christ In Deuteronomy 6:4-8 the word of
Jesus.” - Ministry of To children the Bible says in Exodus the Lord admonishes parents to
Healing, page 469 20: 12 “Honor thy father and thy teach their children to love the Lord
mother: that thy days may be long “...with all thine heart, and with all
upon the land which the Lord thy thy soul, and with all thy might,” in
God giveth thee.” the morning, all through the day, and
even at night. How often we wake
There are three ways the Lord up, avoid our Lord and quickly go
communicates to his children which through our day.
can be clearly understood and these
are a. through His Holy word… the Not considering that it is a gift of
Bible (John 1:1-4), b. through nature God to wake up to see a new day.
(1 Corinthians. 11: 13-15), and c. the This neglect of duty soon develops in
Holy Spirit speaking to the heart our children. "What a man is has
(John 16:13). more influence than what he says.”
Help in Daily Living, page 7.
The bible provides parents with
specific guidelines on how to raise Therefore, we should not wonder
children to be good representatives why our children are indifferent with
for Christ in a sinful world as well as regards to the Word of God and
how to have develop a Christlike spiritual things. We need to spend
character to fit them for the world to time in the word with our children
come. “Children are the heritage of leading them in the way of Christ.
the Lord, and we are answerable to
Him for our management of His
time with your
child(ren) this If parents don't lead their children in
week beholding the way of the Lord, then Satan will
together lead them in his way; whose end is
Christ's love in destruction. Take advantage of the
His word. precious opportunities to raise your
children aright. An account is to be
given for wayward children. Parents,
do not neglect the responsibility God
has given you to care for the precious
fruits in your home garden.
Let us not leave it up to the media or to
the school system to do the work in
our home that God has called us to do
as parents. It should be our life’s work
to attain the ideal God has set in order
that we may be fit for the citizenship of
heaven. Let this be said of us “For I
know him, that he will command his
children and his household after him,
and they shall keep the way of the
LORD, to do justice and judgment.”
Genesis 18:19
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and
hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16
The Schools of the Prophets
The chief subjects of study in these schools were the law of God, with the instruction given
to Moses, sacred history, sacred music, and poetry.
{Education, page 47}
The Heavenly Sanctuary
There is a house in heaven built,
The temple of the living God,
The tabernacle true, where guilt
Is washed away by precious blood.
Long since, our High Priest entered there,
Who knows the frailties of our frame,
Who loves, to hear his people's prayer,
And offer to our God the same.
The daily ministry he bore,
Till ended the prophetic days;
He opened then the inner door,
To justify the sacred place.
Before the ark of ten commands,
On which the mercy-seat is placed,
Presenting his own blood, he stands,
Till Israel's sins are all erased.”
R. F. Cottrell