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Ben&Ben Langyang Pag-Ibig Inspired Powerpoint by jmn

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Published by bstullao3189, 2022-07-14 06:34:01

Ben&Ben Langyang Pag-Ibig Inspired Powerpoint by jmn

Ben&Ben Langyang Pag-Ibig Inspired Powerpoint by jmn

Final Requirement

Understanding The Self


Brandon Shane D. Tullao
BS Geodetic Engineering


1 Establish world peace. I used to think 3 She is a real person and doesn't pretend to be anyone
2 this was a pointless statement when I else, so first, be modest. Second, despite her
was younger, but the longer I live, the shortcomings and failures, she retains an optimistic
more I see how vital it is. outlook. She stands out because she is still working
hard, achieving amazing things, and inspiring others.
First, nobody will have believe in you if 4 Finally, she is able to handle situations calmly, be
you don't. Therefore, think well of composed, be patient, and conquer.
yourself, have confidence in your abilities,
and speak up for yourself even if no one I make a commitment to always doing my best in
else. Second, give yourself some time. Life the aspects that matter. I am aware that I could
moves at the pace that is right for each fail, but I can take these opportunities to think
individual. And last, nothing in life is about how I might do better. I now base my
everlasting. In our life, there will always be actions on principles. Simply doing the task and
happy and unhappy moments, but the making adjustments along the way allows me to
best part is that neither of them last for perform at my best.

Even if nobody else does, have 6 First, courage, as it takes guts for me to stand
out for something other than my own
5faith in yourself. interests. Living out my ideals requires
courage, and doing so fosters courage.
I believe I already have the peace of mind Second, giving back to others since doing so
that I sought. Although the circumstances makes me happy. Thirdly, humility since ego
devalues other people and amplifies our own
7 didn't change, I was free to walk in the feeling of self-worth. Every day, we must
peace of God since my faith was now in remind ourselves to be considerate, courteous,
Him. There have been many instances in my and respectful. Fourthly, wisdom is the key to
life—including recently—when I haven't everything; it provides us with insight and
trusted God; I have been anxious about my direction in everything that we are and all that
life so much because I don't know how we do. Last but not least, I always treat people
things will turn out, how they will conclude, with kindness. It strikes me as the most self-
or how they will begin. But once I stopped sacrificing action I can take.
worrying about the things I couldn't control
and turned to the All-Knowing God, I felt at I think, the simplest answer is eating. In 8
peace. addition to the fact that I am already full,
they will compensate me.

9 If I could only pursue one thing in life, it would be to do If this success is all about my career, I 11
something worthwhile that I enjoy. I have a genuine would look out for any possibilities that
passion to help others. I've always been someone who would compromise the other matters of
put other people first and preferred to help others above my life. Also, I would be looking out for
oneself. I engage in community of volunteers and any opportunity to share this success to
volunteer for numerous advocacy organizations. my colleagues and build a company that
would sustain our gains through the
10 I'll make decisions that will primarily benefit the population as a years.
whole. I would develop community initiatives to provide street
dwellers with food, clothing, and education. With the intention of
their eventually moving out to start their own lives, I would provide
housing that was accessible to individuals who were working hard to
build a better life. Additionally, if I had infinite resources like time
and money, I would start researching to come up with new and
beneficial inventions that would transform and enhance everyone's
quality of life.

12 ✓ To make my parents proud and provide them all they deserve,

I want to do everything in my capacity.

✓ As a victim of injustice, I want to understand how the legal

process works so that I may take measures to rectify the
issue. I seen and experienced the numerous ways in which
individuals who are struggling to make ends meet are
excluded, degraded, and rendered inaccessible.

✓ I desire to become an adept at reading people. Rarely do I

fully comprehend people's motives or sentiments.

✓ It would be 50,000 each month to ensure that all of my

necessities are fulfilled.

✓ The capacity to accept unfavorable influences and work to

make them beneficial. I've dealt with problems all my life,
therefore I want to do everything I can to change them.

✓ To live the greatest life I could. Finding the good and fulfilling

things in life, as well as the bad, is what life is all about. Being
your true self is what it means to give back; it is not about
being altruistic because that is all the world needs. Everything
else will come effortlessly after that. Consequently, I ought to
start with myself if I wish to improve the world.

13 - 15

I can see myself proud and thankful to those who kept
pushing me to reach my goals and to our God. I can hear
my parents cheering me out and having all these people
congratulating me and asking for some 'balato'. I will be
very happy and grateful at that moment with the
celebration I can taste the victory as they serve the food I
can smell such fragrance of spiceness and sweetness.

17 In all honesty, I’ve always been realistic when it comes to 4. Give back to my family. Part of my second goal is to
setting my goals in life. These goals serve as my motivation in give back to my family most especially to my
doing my best in everything so I can live the rest of my life with parents. I want them to live the rest of their lives to
fulfillment and satisfaction. I have seven goals in life: the fullest without having to stress about their
finances. – within a year
1. Have a deeper connection with God. I believe that if I keep
my faith and relationship with God, I can do everything 5. Investments. I believe that investments ensure
regardless of how hard it may be. – within a month present and future financial security. For me,
investing is one of the keys to having a stable life
2. Keep my healthy relationship with my family. My family has especially when retirement has come. By investing,
been my support system ever since I was born. They are my money grows in value. – after 30 years-
always there for me in every challenge that I go through. –
within a month 6. Retirement in Siargao. Moving to Siargao to settle
down is probably my last major goal in life. – after
3. Finish my program. Aside from God and my family, my 20 years
main focus right now is also finishing my program which is
BS in Geodetic Engineering. - after 5 years I guess my assurance that I’m on my way to living my
dream, is that I’m genuinely happy with where I am
4. Find a stable job. I want to have a stable job that is in line and what I’m doing to achieve my goals. But you know
with my program in the future. – after 5 years what, I’m in no position to tell what could happen
tomorrow or the next days or even years. I may or may
not be on the right path in achieving my goals right
now but the important is, I know that I’m giving my
best in everything that I do. One thing’s for sure,
everything happens for a reason.

✓ When I reflect about my dream, it seems 16

vague. I believe that my emotional range is
constrained. However, I think I'm headed
in the right direction. It seems to be both
my dream and someone else's dream for
me. They don't give up easily, they don't
lose hope, and they don't give up
completely, in my perspective.


• The most important things in the world to • Key Goals & Timeline • Key Goals & Timeline
me are:
✓I want to have a deeper connection with God as ✓ Of course, who wouldn’t want a degree? But
1. Health
2. Family I achieve every milestone in my life. – within a for me, it is not only about having a degree but
3. Peace month pursuing my passion in engineering. – after 5
4. Friends years – after five years
5. Purpose ✓ My family supports me in anything I’m
✓ I want my family to feel that they deserve the
✓ If I could be, do and have anything in passionate about. Whatever happens, they will
always be my family, that’s why as much as I world for all the sacrifices and hard work they’ve
the world, I would … I think instead of can, I won’t let the negativity and toxicity ruin done for us. – within a year
doing everything I can do, I would limit my relationship with my family. So, I want keep
myself to sustain the balance. Also, if I that healthy relationship. – within a month ✓There is a ton of reasons why I want to settle
would be having everything that I want
and need I will share it to others and ✓I want to be the type of person who enjoys down in Siargao that if I enumerate them here,
invest it to have assets that would it will take so much time. All I can say is, that
increase my net worth. working and is genuinely happy with what he Siargao is a dream for me. – after 20 years
does in his work field. – after five years
✓ I will know when I am succeeding when

my success in career would be a long
journey as I have high dreams. I think it
would take me more than 5 years.

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