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Published by pimpika_t, 2020-06-30 11:52:18

Chapter 4 English for Tourist Guides

Dr. Pimpika Thongrom

Keywords: Attraction in Bangkok

บทที่ 4

การบรรยายแหลง) ทอ) งเทยี่ วในกรงุ เทพมหานคร


บทที่ 4 การบรรยายแหลง. ทอ. งเท่ยี วในกรงุ เทพมหานคร

หวั ข%อเน้อื หาประจำบท
1. พระบรมมหาราชวงั และวดั พระศรีรตั นศาสดาราม

1.1 วดั พระศรรี ตั นศาสดาราม
1.2 พระบรมมหาราชวัง
2. วดั พระเชตุพนวิมลมังคลาราม
3. วัดอรณุ ราชวราราม
4. วัดเบญจมบพติ รดุสิตวนาราม

จดุ ประสงค9
1. บอกคำศพั ทEที่ใชHในการบรรยายแหลงJ ทอJ งเทยี่ ว
2. รูปแบบการใชHคณุ ศพั ทEขั้นสูงสดุ Superlative degree
3. บรรยายประวตั ิ ท่ตี ัง้ จุดทีน่ าJ สนใจในแหลงJ ทอJ งเที่ยว
4. ขHอปฏบิ ตั ิและขอH หาH ม


บทท่ี 4

การบรรยายแหลง. ท.องเท่ยี วในกรุงเทพมหานคร

ในบทน้เี ปน\ การบรรยายแหลงJ ทJองเที่ยวในกรุงเทพมหานคร แบงJ ออกเปน\

พระบรมมหาราชวังและวดั พระศรีรตั นศาสดาราม

และวดั ในกรุงเทพมหานครซงึ่ เป\นทนี่ ยิ มในกลุมJ นกั ทJองเทย่ี ว การเตรยี มพรHอมกJอนพูดบรรยาย

มัคคุเทศกEควรเรม่ิ ตนH ประโยคดHวยการทกั ทายและพูดสง่ิ ที่กระตนHุ ความสนใจ เกย่ี วกบั สถานที่

โดยใชHคำคุณศพั ททE ่ีมีความหมายวาJ สวยงาม สำคัญ ตระการตา นาJ อัศจรรยEใจ หรอื แสดงความเป\นทสี่ ดุ เชJน

สำคญั ทส่ี ุด งดงามทส่ี ุด ใหญทJ ีส่ ดุ เกJาทีส่ ดุ สูงทีส่ ุด เป\นตHน

1. พระบรมมหาราชวงั และวัดพระศรีรัตนศาสดาราม The Grand Palace and the temple of
the Emerald Buddha

พระบรมมหาราชวงั และวดั พระศรีรตั นศาสดาราม
เปน\ แหลงJ ทJองเท่ียวทสี่ ำคัญท่สี ุดแหงJ หนึง่ ของประเทศไทย
และมีนกั ทอJ งเท่ยี วเขาH มาเท่ียวชมมากมายในแตJละวันเน่ืองจากความสวยงามของศิลปะและสถาปตc ยกรรม
และยงั ถูกจัดอนั ดับใหเH ปน\ พระราชวังที่สวยท่ีสดุ แหJงหน่งึ ของโลก

ในการเท่ยี วชมมคั คุเทศกEควรบรรยายประวตั ิความเปน\ มา ทต่ี ้งั และจดุ ท่ีนJาสนใจภายใน

โดยเรยี งลำดบั ตามเสนH ทางการเขHาชม ท่เี ริม่ ตนH จากวัดพระศรีรตั นศาสดาราม

แลวH จงึ เขHาชมในเขตพระราชฐานชัน้ กลางของพระบรมมหาราชวงั ตามเสHนทางในภาพที่ 6



ภาพที่ 10 The plan of the Grand Palace
ท่ีมา: decor.mthai (2561)

คำอธบิ ายเกีย่ วกบั การพดู ถึงเหตุการณใX นอนาคต

การชีแ้ จงเสนH ทาง มัคคุเทศกตE HองแจHงนกั ทJองเทย่ี วกJอนเรมิ่ การนำชม

กาลที่ใชอH ธบิ ายจงึ ตอH งเป\นอนาคต Future Simple ซง่ึ ใชคH ำวาJ will เป\นคำกรยิ าชJวย หมายถึง จะ

ตำแหนJงในประโยคใชHตามหลงั ประธานและอยูหJ นาH กรยิ าแทHทไ่ี มผJ ันรปู

I will go to the temple tomorrow.

We visit the Bang Pa-In Palace this afternoon.


ตัวอยาJ งประโยค
The tourists will go to the city shrine.
We will go to the Grand Palace.
We visit the Ayutthaya historical park.
We will have lunch at 12.00.

การพูดถึงเหตกุ ารณใE นอนาคตสามารถใชใH นรปู แบบอื่นไดอH กี เมอื่ ตHองการพูดถงึ เหตุการณE
ทก่ี ำลงั จะเกิดขน้ึ ในอนาคตอนั ใกลH ดงั น้ี

Verb to be + going to + Verb base form

กริยา to be ทำหนาH ทเ่ี ปน\ กริยาชวJ ยจงึ ตHองผนั ตามประธานเอกพจนหE รอื พหพู จนE ดงั นี้

I am going to visit the temple this morning.

We are go to Bang Pa-In Palace this afternoon.

she is have lunch now.

The show start in 5 minutes.

การช้ีแจงเสHนทางควรใชคH ำเช่ือมบJงบอกลำดับ เหตกุ ารณEเริ่มตนH ลำดับตอJ มา และเหตุการณสE ุดทาH ย
การชีแ้ จงเสนH ทางและลำดับการเขHาชมใชคH ำเช่อื มประโยค ไดHแกJ first, later, after that, next,
then, finally คำเหลาJ นบี้ งJ บอกลำดับดังนี้


เรมิ่ ตนH First
ลำดับตอJ มา First of all

สดุ ทาH ย Later
After that


ตวั อยาJ งประโยคช้แี จงลำดบั เสHนทางการนำชม
First, we are going to visit the National Museum. Then we are going to visit Tha Phra Chan
First, we are going to visit Wat Pho. Later, we are going to across the river. After that we will
visit Wat Arun. Finally, we will have a wonderful diner on the Chao Phra Cruise.
กจิ กรรมเร่ืองการใชกH าลอนาคตและการใชHคำเชอ่ื มเพ่อื บอกลำดบั ขดี เสHนใตH _ กริยากาลอนาคต
และวงกลมคำเชอ่ื มเพ่ือบอกลำดับ
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I would like to tell you the itinerary of Grand Palace
and temples in Bangkok. First we are going to visit the Grand Palace. Then we are going to
have lunch at Tha Tien Pier. After that we will across the river and visit Wat Arun or the
temple of Dawn. Lastly, we will come back to this side and visit Wat Pho.


แบบฝก= หดั ท่ี 23 เตมิ คำตอF ไปนใ้ี ห%ถกู ต%อง
1. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today we are going to visit the temples in Bangkok

along the Chao Phraya River. ………………, we are going to start from the flower market Pak
Klong. ………………. we will travel by boat and arrive at Tha Tien Pier. ………….., we will visit
Wat Pho and ………………..we will across the river to Wat Arun. …………………, we will have
lunch at Yod Phiman Pier.

2. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I would like to tell you the itinerary of the Grand
Palace tour. First of all, we …….. going to visit the temple of the Emerald Buddha. We are
……………… see the best example of Thai architecture, the ordination hall. ……………. we are
going to see the impressive buildings on the elevated platform in various styles. …………………
we are going to worship the Emerald Buddha in the ordination hall. ………………., we are going
to see the beautiful mural paintings of Ramakien. ……………….. we will continue our tour in
the palace to visit three main throne halls. …………………, we will go inside the museum of
the Emerald Buddha.

คำอธิบายเกยี่ วกับการเปรยี บเทียบคณุ ศัพทXขั้นสูงสุด Superlative degree

การบรรยายแหลJงทอJ งเท่ียวใหฟH งc นJาสนใจ มัคคเุ ทศกEควรใชHคำคุณศพั ทEบJงบอกลกั ษณะพเิ ศษของ
แหลJงทอJ งเท่ียว คำคณุ ศพั ททE ใ่ี ชHขยายความสถานทใ่ี หดH นู Jาสนใจ แบงJ เป\นกลุJมท่ีมคี วามหมายคลาH ยกันหรอื
ประเภทเดยี วกนั ไดHแกJ


สวยงาม ตระการตา สงJางาม ตะลงึ : beautiful, magnificent, splendid, elegant, exquisite, stunning,

breathtaking, marvelous, fine

สำคัญ: significant, important, remarkable

วิเศษ: wonderful, fantastic

ขนาด: big, large, huge, great, small, long

อายเุ กJาและใหม:J old, early, new, late

ตำแหนงJ : high, low, near

การบรรยายฟงc นาJ สนใจมากข้ึนโดยการใชใH นรปู แบบประโยคที่แสดงข้นั สงู สุด Superlative
หากแหลงJ ทJองเทย่ี วนน้ั มีสิง่ ที่เป\นทสี่ ุด เชนJ เกาJ ทีส่ ดุ สำคัญท่สี ุด ถาH คำคุณศพั ทEเป\นคำท่ีมพี ยางคEเดียวใหเH ตมิ -

est หลงั คำคุณศัพทE เชนJ big -- the biggest และ great -- the greatest
และคำคณุ ศพั ททE ี่ยกเวนH ตHองเปล่ียนรูป คือ good -- the best

It is the ……(adj)+est ………(n)........ in …………. .

It is the biggest temple in Thailand.

the largest Buddha image in Ayutthay period.

the greatest architecture in Rattanakosin arts.

ถHาคำคุณศัพทเE ปน\ คำท่มี ีหลายพยางคEใหHตามหลงั the most ……
It is the most …(adj)... ………(n)........ in …………. .

It is the most important temple in Thailand.

beautiful Buddha image in Ayutthay period.

significant architecture in Rattanakosin arts.




ตวั อยาJ งประโยค
We are now standing in front of the Grand Palace. It is one the most beautiful palaces in the
Thonburi is the shortest kingdom in Thailand.
Dusit Maha Prasat Throne Hall is the finest example of traditional Thai architecture.
The Emerald Buddha image is the most significant image in Thailand.
กิจกรรมเรื่องคำคณุ ศัพท9ข้ันสูงสดุ นำคำคณุ ศัพท9ทใ่ี หม% าทำเปนN รูปขนั้ สูงสุด

superlative adj. superlative adj.

fine the finest remarkable the most remarkable


แบบฝก= หดั ที่ 24 เตมิ คำในชอF งวFางตอF ไปใหถ% กู ต%องโดยเลอื กใช%คำท่ใี ห%มา

beautiful highest biggest valuable powerful

oldest lowest best important longest

1. The temple of the Emerald Buddha is the (most) ………………. temple in Thailand.

2. The Reclining Buddha image in Wat Pho is the (most) …………………. reclining image in Bangkok.

3. The ubosoth is the (most) ………………….. building within the temple of the Emerald Buddha

4. The Grand Palace is one of the (most)……………...………..palaces in the world.

5. Tosakanth is the (most) …………………… among the demons.

6. The multi-pronged is at the (most)................. of the Royal Pantheon.

7. Phra Maha Monthien group is the (most).............. hall among the three throne halls.

8. The Emerald Buddha image is the (most).......................... image in the country.

9. The monkey and giant base is at the (most)................. of the Golden Chedi.

10. Chakri Maha Prasat is the (most).................combination of Thai and Western architecture.

การลำดบั ขอH มลู ในการบรรยายแนะนำพระบรมมหาราชวงั และวัดพระศรรี ัตนศาสดาราม
ควรเริ่มตนH จากขอH มูลสำคญั ที่นาJ สนใจ ไดแH กJ เปน\ แหลงJ ทอJ งเท่ียวทสี่ ำคญั ของประเทศ
จากนั้นจึงแนะนำขอH ปฏบิ ัตแิ ละขอH หาH ม แลHวจึงเกริน่ ประวัตกิ ารสรHาง ทีต่ ัง้ การแบJงเขตภายในสถานที่
และการใชHงาน ตามตารางดาH นลาJ ง


When 1782
Where King Rama I
How many parts
On the east bank of Chao Phraya River
What for
4 parts: the Outer Court, the Central Court, the Inner Court,
and the compound of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha

the Outer Court- the Royal offices
the Central Court – the Throne halls
the Inner Court – the kings’ residence
the Temple of the Emerald Buddha – the Buddhist ceremonies
for the kings and the royal members

ภายในพระบรมมหาราชวงั แบJงสJวนตJาง ๆ ออกเป\นเขตพระราชฐานชน้ั นอก เขตพระราชฐานชน้ั กลาง
เขตพระราชฐานชั้นใน และเขตวดั พระศรรี ตั นศาสดาราม เขตพระราชฐานช้ันนอกเป\นทต่ี ง้ั ของ กรมกองตาJ ง ๆ
เขตพระราชฐานชน้ั กลางเปน\ ท่ตี ้ังของพระท่นี ั่งตาJ ง ๆ เขตพระราชฐานชน้ั ในเป\นทต่ี ัง้ ของพระตำหนกั ท่ปี ระทับ
และวัดพระศรีรตั นศาสดารามใชHเป\นทป่ี ระกอบพระราชพธิ ีทางศาสนาของพระกษตั รยิ Eและพระบรมวงศานวุ งศE

การอธิบายสวJ นตาJ ง ๆ ของพระบรมมหาราชวัง ใชHกรยิ า to divide หมายถงึ ถกู แบงJ ออกเป\น ในรูป
passive voice ดงั น้ี
Within the Grand Palace compound is divided into the Outer Court, the Central Court, the
Inner Court, and the temple of the Emerald Buddha.


การอธบิ ายแตJละสวJ นของพระราชฐานวาJ เป\นท่ีตง้ั ของอาคารตาJ ง ๆ ใชHกรยิ า to locate หมายถึง
เป\นทต่ี ้งั กรณีท่เี คยเปน\ ทตี่ ั้งผันรูปเปน\ Past simple ดงั นี้

The Outer Court locates the royal offices.
The Central Court three main Throne Halls.
The Inner Court located the royal residences.

ตัวอยJางบทบรรยายเกรนิ่ นำพระบรมมหาราชวัง
The Grand Palace

Now we are standing in front of the Grand Palace, Bangkok. It is one of the most magnificent
palaces in the world. Over 15,000 tourists visit the Grand Palace daily. Before we go inside,
please check if you dress properly. No shorts, no sleeveless shirt, no vest allow to enter. You
can rent the clothes at the front gate.

The Grand Palace was built in 1782 by the order of King Rama I. It is located on the east bank
of the Chao Phraya River. To follow that of the royal palace of Ayutthaya, the temple of the
Emerald Buddha was built inside the palace as the royal chapel.

The compound of the Grand Palace was divided into four parts: the Outer Court, the Central
Court, the Inner Court, and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha.

The Outer Court locates the royal offices. The Central Court locates three main throne halls.
The Inner Court, behind the massive wall, located the royal residences. It is not opened for


the public. The temple of the Emerald Buddha enshrines the Emerald Buddha image and is
used for the Buddhist ceremonies for the kings and the royal members.

วัดพระศรีรตั นศาสดาราม The temple of the Emerald Buddha

การนำชมพระบรมมหาราชวัง เรมิ่ ตนH จากวัดพระศรีรตั นศาสดาราม หรือวัดพระแกHว

ภายในวัดพระศรีรตั นศาสดารามมีอาคารทสี่ ำคัญและจุดที่นาJ สนใจหลายหลัง มคั คุเทศกEควรจดั เสHนทางนำชม

ดังนี้ •ษี ปราสาทพระเทพบิดร พระมณฑป พระศรรี ัตนเจดยี E ยกั ษEทวารบาล พระอุโบสถ

พระพทุ ธมหามณรี ัตนปฏิมากร และภาพจติ รกรรมภายในพระระเบยี ง

ภาพที่ 11 The temple of the Emerald Buddha
ทม่ี า: พิมพกิ า ทองรมยE (2556)
คำศัพทEทเ่ี ก่ยี วขอH งในการบรรยาย

the royal chapel (n) พระวหิ ารหลวง mythical animal (n) สตั วใE นตำนาน
install (v) ประดิษฐาน
skillful (n) มที กั ษะ accommodate (v) จัดท่ีพำนัก

platform (n) ยกพน้ื


unique (adj) เฉพาะตวั celestial (n) เทวดา
replica (n) ส่งิ เลยี นแบบ heighten (v) ยกสูงขนึ้
bearer (n) ผHูแบก cliam (v) ปนป¡าย
royal ceremony (n) พระราชพิธี cruciform (n) กางเขน
miniature (n) จำลอง synopsis (n) บทยอJ
regalia (n) เครือ่ งทรง mythical animals (n) สัตวEในเทพนยิ าย

The temple is a royal chapel where has no monks’ living quarter, as same as Wat Mahathat
in Sukhothai and Wat Phra Sri Sanphet in Ayutthaya.

There are many buildings in different styles reflecting the changing architecture styles of the
various reigns. In front of you is a statue of a bronze hermit, installed by King Rama III. He
was considered very skillful in traditional medicine.

On your left hand, there are three buildings on the same elevated platform signifying the
heaven. This area was a pond until in reign of King Rama III. The platform was then constructed.

From here we are walking along the platform to see the first building Prasat Prathepbidon
or the Royal Pantheon. The design of the building is unique of the four sided gable roof
topped with the Thai prang. On the pediments show the emblem of King Rama I to King Rama
IV: a symbol shaped like the Thai numeral one in the northern. The southern shows a garuda
and a naga. The western shows a tripartite pavilion. The eastern shows the crown.


The Royal Pantheon was constructed by King Rama IV, intended to house the Emerald
Buddha. However, the building was too small to accommodate enough people when the
royal ceremonies were conducted. Now it houses statues of the Chakri kings from the First to
the Eighth Reigns.

At the front, there are two Golden chedis or Suwanchedi. They were built by King Rama I to
dedicate to his father on the south, and his mother on the north. These square added corner
chedis are supported by the 4 monkeys and 16 giant bearers representing characters in the
Ramakien. Also you can see the golden statues of the mythical beings around the platform
for example Thepnorasi-half lion half male angel, Kinnon-half bird half man, and Theppaksi-a
bird with a human head. These half animal half celestial beings believed to inhabit in the
Hamavamsa Forest around the base of Mount Meru.

Next, behind the Royal Pantheon is Phra Mondop. It was built to replace Phra Montien Tham,
a wooden building in the middle of the pond which was burnt down. The square base building
with the 6 tiered superimposed roof topped with a chedi representing Mount Meru. The
exterior walls are covered with green-colored glass mosaic in lotus bud design. The unique
feature of this building is the steps with a human-faced naga balustrade. The door panels are
mother-of-pearl inlaid with a design of eight circles enclosing the main characters from the
Ramakien. On the corner of the base are four sandstone Buddha images in Borobudur style.
Those are replicas the originals are kept in the Museum of the Emerald Buddha. Inside houses


the 84,000 chapters of the Tripitaka revised at Wat Mahathat in 1788 in a large mother-of-
pearl inlaid bookcase.

Before we proceed further, please look inside the small construction or in Thai ‘busabok’.
You will see the royal insignias of the kings in Chakri dynasty. There are four busabok around
Phra Mondop contain the royal insignia of King Rama I to King Rama IX.

The last building on the platform, Phra Sri Rattana Chedi. King Rama IV ordered its
construction in order to house a Buddha relic. This a bell shaped chedi with four protruding
porches topped with miniature chedis. The design was copied from the chedis at Wat Phra Sri
Sanphet in Ayutthaya. The gold mosaic outside was added by King Rama V ordered from Italy,
and replaced in the reign of King Rama IX. Inside keeps the Buddha relics in a miniature chedi
in black lacquer covered with canopy.

From here you can see the statues of two pairs of giant guarding the western side gates. The
pair in cockerel tail crowns are Virunchuambang in navy and Mayarap in pale purple.

Another pair with multi-headed crowned, the one in green is the demon king named
Tosakanth and the one in white his companion named Sahasadeja. By walking around the
cloister, you will see another 4 pairs of giant guardians who have different colors and
accessories based on the characters from Ramakien. All 6 pairs were built in the reign of King
Rama III.


ภาพที่ 12 The giant guardian on the western side
ท่มี า: พิมพิกา ทองรมยE (2556)

Next, we are going to the ordination hall, a principal building of the temple enclosed by the
boundary wall topped by double marker stones. The chaple was built in 1783 in order to
move the Emerald Buddha image from Wat Arun. The image was moved into the ordination
hall in Wat Phra Sri Rattana Sasdaram in 1784. This building is richly decorated. On the wooden
gable-end shows Vishnu mounted on garuda holding nagas, against the Thai foliate
background. The base of the exterior wall surrounded by 112 richly-ornamented gold leaf
garudas holding nagas. Around the building, there are 48 outer pillars supporting the roof. On
the pillars and the exterior wall are decorated with colored glass mosaic in the form of
geometric and lotus bud form.

There are six doors, 3 on the eastern and another 3 on the western. On both side, the central
doors are slightly larger, is used only by the king. The exterior door panels are mother-of-pearl


inlay in various mythical animals in Himvamsa forest. The interior panels are gold lacquer with
lotus bud designs.
On the wide inner doorframes of each door are Chinese guardians with pikes in stucco covered
with gold leaf and glass mosaic created by King Rama III and gilded by King Rama IV. The base
of the steps leading in the ordination hall has 12 bronze-lion guardians in style of Bayon
Before you are going inside, please let me tell you about the Emerald Buddha image here.

ภาพท่ี 13 The Emerald Buddha image in three season attires
ท่ีมา: mgronline (2557)
The Emerald Buddha image is carved from one piece of green jade. It is measured 66
centimeters high and 48.3 centimeters at the knee span. Referring to the iconography, the
image is supposedly in the late Chieng Sean style. According to the chronicle, the image was
found in the small chedi in Chiang Rai Province. In 1434 lightning struck the chedi caused the


ship at the nose reveal the green jade under the plaster cover. The plaster was all removed
and discover the emerald green Buddha image. King of Lanna, King Sam Fang Gan ordered to
move the image to the capital, Chiang Mai. However, the elephant carried the image turned
towards Lampang. The image then remained in Lampang untiel 1468. King Tilokaraj ordered
to move the image to Chiang Mai and enshrined at Wat Chedi Luang. In 1551, Prince Chaicheta
who was the son of King of Lao ascended the throne as King Chaichetta requested the image
to Laos and remained there for 214 years. In 1778, Phraya Chakri, later King Rama I brought
the image back to Thailand and housed at Wat Arun. After establishment of Rattanakosin, the
image was moved to the ordination hall in 1784. The Emerald Buddha image is placed on a
carved gilded wooden throne, busabok, dates from the first reign. The base was heightened
during the reign of King Rama III.

Behind the high altar is the mural painting showing the Triphum, the Buddhist cosmology.
Other walls were painted the celestial and the life of the Buddha.

Please take off your shoes, hat, and sunglasses before enter the ordination hall. You cannot
take photo inside.

On the way to the exit, please have a look at the mural painting. Along the cloisters contain
178 scenes from the Ramakien, the Thai version of the Indian epic, Ramayana. Below each
panel is an abbreviated synopsis of the scene in Thai. Although you cannot read Thai, I will
tell you the synopsis and then you can understand the paintings better.


ภาพท่ี 14 The Ramakien mural painting: Hunuman protecting the pavilion
ทมี่ า: mgronline (2557)

It is the story of the war between Tosakanth, king of the demon and Prince Ram and his
monkey troop. Prince Ram is exceled from his city and lives in the forest with his consort,
Princess Sita and his brother, Prince Laksaman. One day, Tosakanth kidnaps Princess Sita, in
fact his daughter, to his city Lonka. Prince Ram and Prince Lakman together with monkey
troop search for her. At the end, Prince Ram kills Tosakanth with help from his general
Hanuman and eventually rescues Princess Sita. After that Princess Sita has to prove her faithful
to her husband by walking through fire. In the end, they reunite and return to Ayotthaya
(สโุ ขทัยธรรมาธิราช, 2557ข).


Now I hope you can understand the Ramakien paintings and the story is told following
clockwise direction. The main characters has significant features for example Hanuman the
white monkey, Tosakanth the ten-headed and twenty-armed demon and Prince Ram the
green body male human (Naengnoi Suksri, 2000; สำนกั พระราชวัง, 2547).

I give you 15 minutes for photo taking. Please be aware not to touch the paintings, and do
not climb on the statues. After that please meet me here and we will visit the central court
of the Grand Palace.

1.2 พระบรมมหาราชวงั The Grand Palace

เมอื่ ออกจากพระระเบยี งวัดพระศรรี ัตนศาสดารามเขHาเขตพระบรมมหาราชวงั

ในพระราชฐานชัน้ กลาง อาคารแรกทีพ่ บคือ หมูพJ ระมหามณเฑยี ร ที่ประกอบไปดวH ย พระทน่ี งั่ หลกั 3 องคE

และพระทนี่ ัง่ โถงองคEเล็กอกี 1 องคE ไดแH กJ พระท่นี ่งั จกั รพรรดิพมิ าน พระทีน่ ่ังไพศาลทกั ษิณ

และพระทน่ี ่งั อมรินทรวนิ ิจฉัยมไหสูรยิ พิมาน จากนนั้ เปน\ พระทนี่ ั่งจักรีมหาปราสาท

พระท่นี ง่ั อาภรณEพิโมขปราสาท และองคสE ุดทHายคือพระทน่ี งั่ ดสุ ติ มหาปราสาท

การบรรยายเร่ิมตนH จากการบอกลำดับการนำชมโดยใชHคำเช่อื มบงJ บอกลำดบั เสHนทางนำชม

และควรแนะนำขอH ปฏบิ ัติกบั นักทJองเทีย่ ว

คำศัพททE ี่เก่ยี วขอH งในการบรรยาย

the royal chapel (n) พระวิหารหลวง court (n) เขตพระราชฐาน
properly (adv)
massive (adj) ใหญ4โต อยาJ งเหมาะสม


skillful (n) มที กั ษะ install (v) ประดิษฐาน
platform (n) ยกพ้ืน accommodate (v) เฉพาะตวั
consort (n) พระสนม unique (adj) ยกสงู ขน้ึ
ปนปา¡ ย
mythical animal (n) สตั วใE นตำนาน celestial (n) กางเขน
บรรพบรุ ุษ
replica (n) ส่ิงเลยี นแบบ heighten (v) คลมุ
สตั วใE นเทพนิยาย
bearer (n) ผูHแบก cliam (v)

royal ceremony (n) พระราชพิธี cruciform (n)

miniature (n) จำลอง ancestor (n)

regalia (n) เครอ่ื งทรง shelter (n,v)

synopsis (n) บทยอJ mythical animals (n)

the Coronation (n) พระราชพิธรี าชาภเิ ษก

the Assumption of the Palace (n) พระราชพธิ เี ฉลิมพระราชมณเฑยี ร

nine-tiered white conopy (n) นพปฎลมหาเศวตฉตั ร

We are now in the Central Court of the Grand Palace. It locates the group of throne halls
where used for the state and royal ceremonies. First of all, the Maha Monthien group consists
of three throne halls. They were built in traditional Thai architecture in the early Rattanakosin
period. Next, we are going to see the mixtuer Thai and Western architecture Chakri Maha
Prasat Throne Hall. Then, as we proceed further to the west. You will see a small opened
pavilion, Apornpimok Prasat. Finally, the elegant traditional Thai four-sided gable roof building,
Dusit Maha Prasat Throne Hall.


Please be aware that the sun is very strong now. Prepare your hat, umbrella and sunglasses.
Also often sip water during the tour will help. Please follow me this way.

การบรรยายหมJพู ระมหามณเฑียร มัคคเุ ทศกEควรเรยี งลำดบั ขHอมลู โดยเรมิ่ จากประวตั ิ ผสูH ราH ง
ตำแหนJงทตี่ ้ังอาคาร การใชงH าน และลักษณะของอาคาร แลHวใชวH ธิ กี ารเดยี วกนั เรยี งตามลำดบั การบรรยาย

Phra Maha Monthien group was built by the order of King Rama I. He ordered the
construction of the throne hall at the same time as the Grand Palace in 1782. This group of
buildings is composed of three important halls: the Phra Thinang Chakraphat Piman, Phra
Thinang Phaisan Thaksin and Phra Thinang Amarin Vinichai. Two-third of the group is in the
Inner Court, only Amarin Vinichai is in the Central Court. These buildings were the royal
residence for the first four Chakri kings. Today the Phra Maha Monthien group is still used for
important royal ceremonies for instance the Coronation and the Assumption of the Palace
Ceremony at the beginning of each reign.

ภาพที่ 15 Phra Maha Monthien group
ที่มา: matichon (2557)


Phra Thinang Chakraphat Phiman was the residence of the all Chakri kings. At the beginning
of the reign, the king has to spend at least one night which is The Assumption of the Palace
Ceremony as the kings proclaim that residence in the palace of their ancestors. Next, Phra
Thinang Phaisan Thaksin is directly behind and connected with Phra Thinang Amarin
Winichai. It was built during the First Reign and was used for dining, relaxation and making
merit by King Rama I. After King Rama I passed away, it has become a tradition that the new
king receives the invitation to rule over the kingdom in this hall. In the middle of this hall is
the altar or Phra Sayam Devadhiraj, the symbolic guardian of the country, installed by King
Rama IV. It also houses two important objects Atthatit Utumponraja-art Throne, an octagonal
throne sheltered by seven-tiered white canopy, and Pattarabit sheltered by nine-tiered white
canopy both used in the Coronation ceremony.

ภาพท่ี 16 Atthatit Utumponraja-art Throne and Pattarabit Throne
ที่มา: matichon (2561)


The last building of the group, Phra Thinang Amarin Winichai is the most important throne
hall in the Phra Maha Monthien complex because it is the formal audience hall where every
Chakri king has performed important state ceremonies, such as making his appearance before
his subjects during the coronation ceremony, conducting audiences with ministers of state,
performing rites on his birthday, and receiving the foreign ambassadors.

ภาพท่ี 17 Amarin Vinichai Throne Hall
ท่มี า: พมิ พกิ า ทองรมยE (2561)
Inside the audience hall stands the two magnificent thrones which are Phuttan
Kanchanasinghat Throne, and Busabok Maha Mala Throne. The two intricately carved wooden
thrones date from the reign of King Rama I. The lower, square throne in front is the Phra Racha
Bunlang which has gilded garudas and devas surrounding the base. It is sheltered with a nine-
tiered white canopy. The boat-shaped throne is Busabok Maha Mala Chakraphat Phiman
throne. It is richly gilded and decorated with glass mosaic, stands on a gilded stonework


platform surrounded by wooden deva figures. The superstructure of the throne is supported
by four pillars. The high platform, which was constructed by King Rama III, represents Mount
Meru. The top level is decorated with garuda holding naga.

ภาพท่ี 18 Phuttan Kanchanasinghat Throne and Busabok Maha Mala Throne
ทมี่ า: th.wikipedia (2557)
We are now standing in front of Phra Thinang Chakri Maha Prasat, the three-storied
building Thai and Western style of architecture. After King Rama V has returned from
Singapore, he ordered the construction of the throne hall. The construction took six years
from 1876 to 1882 to complete. Originally, the throne hall was designed in Western style.
However, it would have been incomparable to the other two main throne hall. The throne
hall design has been changed into Western building topped with Thai multi-tiered roof.


ภาพท่ี 19 Chakri Maha Rasat Throne Hall
ที่มา: mgronline (2557)

The throne hall is composed of three sections connected with passage ways. The top floor
of the central throne hall houses the crematory relics of King Rama IV to IX and the queens
from the Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh Reigns. The eastern wing houses important Buddha
images and ceremonial offerings used by the king, while the western wing contains the
crematory relics of other royal consorts and certain members of the royal family including
the King Rama IX’s father and mother. In addition, on this floor at the front is a special
window where the previous king has occasionally appeared to his subjects.


The first floor is the most important. Western Gallery is functioned as reception halls during
royal banquets. Eastern Gallery serves as a reception hall for ambassadors before they present
their credentials to the king.

The Central is where the king receives ambassadors, gives audiences on his birthday and holds
state banquets for visiting kings and presidents. At the rear of the throne hall stands
Phuttanthom throne meaning a niello ware throne on a multi-tiered marble base sheltered
by a nine-tiered white canopy. The long side walls are hung with paintings of past diplomatic
missions, for instance Louis XIV’s reception of the mission sent by King Narai the Great of
Ayutthaya, the reception by Queen Victoria of King Rama IV’s ambassador, the reception at
Fontainbleau of a Siamese mission to Emperor Napolean III, and King Rama IV’s reception of
the French Envoy at the Aphinaoniwet Group.

To your right is a small opened pavilion built to glorify King Rama IV, Phra Thinang Aporn
Phimok Prasat. It was constructed on the eastern part of the wall surrounding Phra Thinang
Dusit Maha Prasat and was used as a disrobing pavilion by the king when procession on
palanquin or during the tonsure ceremony. The pavilion has four porches topped with a five-
tiered spire. Instead of garuda holding nagas, the roof is supported by swans. The eastern
pediment is carved with Shiva standing on a base, one foot raised, holding a sword in his left
hand and his right hand raised in blessing. The columns are decorated with gold and silver
glass mosaic in a delicate flower pattern and topped with long-petalled lotus capitals. This
was the prototype of the Aisawan Thipaya Art pavilion in Bang Pa-In Palace.


After we walk through the gate, the stunning Dusit Maha Prasat Throne Hall is right in front
of you. This is an archetype of traditional Thai architecture within the Grand Palace, filled with
symbolic elements based on Brahmanic and Mahayana Buddhism ideas. The spire represents
Mount Meru the center of the universe. The throne hall was built by King Rama I to replace
the wooden throne hall Amarindrapisek Maha Prasat which was burnt down in 1790.

The superstructure can be divided into three sections: the lower section is seven
superimposed tiers representing the heaven in Buddhist cosmology. The middle section is in
the form of a square and added corner bell representing the stupa containing the Buddha’s
ashes. The spire is supported by garudas holding nagas on all four signifying the mythical
animals in the Himavamsa forest surrounding Mouth Meru. The pediments are decorated with
Vishnu on garuda representing the king’s association with Vishnu God, perceived as the avatar
of Vishnu God.

Within the throne hall installs importance objects which are the mother-of-pearl inlaid throne
and the mother-of-pearl inlaid bed. The throne dates from the beginning of the First Reign. It
was saved from Phra Thinang Indra Phisek when it was burnt down in 1789. The throne is
sheltered by a nine-tiered white canopy that symbolizes the king’s power and his
responsibility to his country. The bed was the bed of King Rama I. Originally, it stood in Phra
Thinang Phiman Rattaya, but once it was no longer used it was moved to this location. This
throne hall is used for the Lying in State Ceremony for the Chakri kings and the high ranking


royal members. The latest occasion was in 2016 for King Rama IX. (Naengnoi Suksri, 2000;
สำนักพระราชวงั , 2547)
On the way out, you will find the Phra Kaew museum. Inside displays ancient objects moved
from the temple of the Emerald Buddha and the Grand Palace. It also has the model of the
entire compound comparing the past and the present. It is worth to visit. At 11.45, I will meet
you in front of the museum and then we are going to have lunch. In the afternoon, we will
visit the temple of the Reclining Buddha or Wat Pho. Thank you.

คำอธบิ ายเร่ืองการใช> Passive voice

การบรรยายเรื่องการใชงH านของอาคารแตJละหลงั ใชเH ปน\ ท่ีประดษิ ฐานสง่ิ สำคัญไวภH ายใน ใชHกริยา to house
กริยา to contain กรยิ า to enshrine กรยิ า to keep และ กริยา to place

The image hall enshrines the Buddha.
The scripture hall contains the Buddhist scpripture.
The Chedi houses the Buddha relics.
The crypt under the prand keeps the Buddha.


รปู ประโยคใชHในรปู แบบ Passive voice เมื่อตอH งการเนHนวตั ถุมากกวาJ สถานท่ีเกบ็ รูปประโยคดังนี้

The Buddha relics are contained in the golden urns.

The Buddha image is kept in the ubosoth




แบบฝ=กหัดท่ี 25 เติมคำตอF ไปนใ้ี ห%ถูกต%องในรูปแบบ Active voice หรอื Passive voice

1. The ordination hall ...................(place) the Emerald Buddha image on the high altar.
2. Phra Mondop or the scripture hall ................(contain) the Buddhist scpripture in book

3. The Royal Pantheon or Prasat Phra Thepbidon ...................... (house) the statues of deceased

kings from Chakri dynasty.
4. Sri Ratana Chedi ....................(keep) the Buddha relics in the miniature chedi inside the chedi.
5. Ho Phra Nak……………………..(contain) the ancient objects together with ancient Buddha

6. Amarin Vinichai Throne hall……………………(house) two thrones.
7. Paisan Taksin Throne hall…………………..(place) the symbolic guardian deity, Phra Siam

8. Atathit throne……………………………….(keep) in Paisan Taksin Throne.


9. The bed of King Rama I ………………………………(house) in Dusit Maha Prasat Throne hall.
10. The statues of the King of Chakri dynasty ……………………………..(house) in the Royal Pantheon.
แบบฝก= หัดท่ี 25 ตอบคำถามขอ% ตFอไปนใ้ี หถ% กู ต%อง
1. How many giants around the cloisters?
2. What is painted on the interior wall behind the Emerald Buddha image?
3. What are three buildings on the elevated platform?
4. What is Theppaksri?

5. Where is Himavamsa forest?
6. Where has been used for every Chakri king’s residence?


7. What was the original design of the Chakri Maha Prasat Throne Hall?
8. What ceremony take place in Dusit Maha Prasat Throne Hall?
9. Where is kept the Emerald Buddha image?
10. How many scenes of Ramakien mural paintings along the cloister?
11. Which building was designed in Greek cross?
1. What are the royal emblem of King Rama I?
2. What are housed in the Royal Pantheon?


14.Why the replica of Angkor Wat was built within the temple compound?
15. What is contained inside Phra Mondop?

แบบฝก= หดั ท่ี 27 บรรยายเร่อื งรามเกยี รต์ดิ ว% ยรปู กริยาป{จจุบันกาล โดยใช%คำท่ใี หม% าตFอไปน้เี รียงตามลำดับ
เรื่องราวแลว% จงึ บรรยาย

The avatar Vishnu God the demon king immortal
arrow heart box kidnap rescue
Ayotthaya Hanuman Prince Ram Princess Sita
monkey troop war Nantok incarnation
Tosakanth Prince Ram consort kill

Ramakien was the Thai version of Ramayana, the great Indian epic. It is the story about



2 วดั พระเชตุพนวิมลมังคลาราม Wat Pho or the temple of the Reclining Buddha

วดั พระเชตุพนวมิ ลมังคลาราม เป\นวัดทส่ี ำคัญในสมยั รตั นโกสินทรE
และเปน\ แหลงJ ทJองเทย่ี วท่สี ำคัญแหJงหน่ึงในกรุงเทพมหานคร ภายในวัดมสี ่ิงทีน่ Jาสนใจท่ีมัคคุเทศกตE Hองนำชม
มัคคุเทศกEควรเริ่มบรรยายเสนH ทางนำชมตามลำดับ ดังนี้ วิหารพระพุทธไสยาสนE เจดียสE ีร่ ชั กาล พระอุโบสถ
ตก«ุ ตาจนี เขามอ จารกึ แผนJ หนิ ทไ่ี ดHรบั การจดทะเบยี นเป\นมรดกความทรงจำแหJงโลกโดยยเู นสโก
และศาลานวด คำศัพทEทเี่ กี่ยวขHองในการบรรยาย

impressive (adj) นาJ ประทบั ใจ pay homage (v) กราบไหว9
renovation (n) การปฎิสงั ขรณE register (v)
sole (n) ฝา¡ เทHา commemorate (v) ข้ึนทะเบียน
randomly (adv) อยาJ งสมJุ supervision (n) เป\นอนุสรณE
ballast (n) วัตถุถวJ งนำ้ หนัก prescription (n) การควบคมุ ดแู ล
particularly (adv) อยาJ งเฉพาะเจาะจง well-known (adj) ใบส่ังยา
เป\นทีร่ Hูจัก


The temple of the Reclining Buddha is the important temple in Rattanakosin period. It is one
of the most visited temple in Bangkok for its impressive architectures and famous Thai
cultures. First, we are going to pay homage the largest Reclining Buddha in Bangkok. Then
we are going to see the splendid 4 great stupas, and the ubosoth. Next we are going to see
the Memory of the World, registered by UNESCO in 2011. Finally, we are going to the
traditional Thai massage center.

ภาพที่ 20 The Four Great Stupa, Wat Pho
ทม่ี า: watpho (2557)

การบรรยายนำชมภายในวัดโพธิ์ มัคคุเทศกEควรเรียงลำดบั ขอH มูลโดยเรม่ิ จากประวตั ิ ท่ตี ้ัง
การซJอมแซม และบรรยายสิ่งที่นาJ สนใจ

Wat Phra Chetupon commonly known as Wat Pho or the temple of the Reclining Buddha. It
is located to the south of the Grand Palace. It covers the area of over 20 acres. The origin of


the temple is unknown but supposedly built in the late Ayutthaya period. This temple was
recognized during Thonburi kingdom known as Wat Potaram. Later, in the reign of King Rama
I the temple was completely rebuilt in 1793. Then the new name was given as Wat Phra
Chetupon Vimonmangalawat in 1801. The major renovation was started in 1839 by the order
of King Rama III. It took 7 years to complete. The name was again changed to Wat Phra
Chetupon Vimonmangalaram by King Rama IV.

First we are going to pay homage to the Reclining Buddha in the vihan. This building was
built in the reign of King Rama II. The decoration reflects the style of arts in King Rama III reign
for example the square outer pillars without the lotus capital. The gable roof is decorated
with Chofa, Bai Raka, and Hang Hong representing garuda holding nagas. The gable-ends show
the Thai floral design.

Inside the vihan enshrines the largest reclining Buddha image in Bangkok. The image is
measured 15 meters in height and 46 meters in length. The image was made of brick and
stucco then covered with gilt and black lacquer. The most magnificent of the image is the
mother-of-pearl inlaid on the soles of the feet displaying the 108 auspicious symbols in
Buddhist belief. The size of the soles is 5 meters long and 1.5 meters wide.

You can take picture but please do not touch the image. I will wait outside and we are going
to see the beautiful Four Great Stupa.


In front of you is The Four Great Stupa. Each measures 41 meters high. These are located to
the west of the ubosoth. The three stupas, in the early Ratanakosin style, lie in a row from
the north to the south, while the fourth one, in the late Ayutthaya style, stands further west.

The first one in green was built by King Rama I to contain the core of the Buddha Sri Sanphet
brought from Ayutthaya. After the fall of Ayutthaya, the standing Buddha image was found
badly damaged. King Rama I ordered the construction of the square added corner for keeping
the image namely Chedi Sri Sanphetdayan. The second one in white and the third one in
yellow were built in the reign of King Rama III. These two stupas stood each side of the first
one. The white chedi in the north was dedicated to King Rama II containing Buddha images
and the offerings namely Phra Chedi Dilok Thammakarakanitan. The yellow chedi in the
south was built for King Rama III containing Buddha images and the offerings namely Phra
Chedi Muneebut Borikarn. The fourth one was built by King Rama IV. The style of the chedi
was copied from Chedi Srisuriyothai in Ayutthaya to commemorate his own reign namely Phra
Chedi Song Phra Sri Suriyothai.

From here we are going the walk through the cloister to visit the ubosoth or the ordination

The ubosoth was built by King Rama I and enlarged by King Rama III. The ubosoth is enclosed
by a boundary wall marked by 8 double marker stones in the pavilion. It signifies the holy
area where use for the ordination ceremony. Along the boundary walls are decorated with


154 bas-relief marble slabs depicting the scenes from Ramakien. However, the scenes were
randomly selected.

The building was the fine example of the common architecture often found in the reign of
King Rama III. The gable-ends display floral motifs decorated with glass mosaic and broken
Chinese porcelain. The square pillars without lotus capital. At the entrance, there are 8
mother-of-pearl inlaid door panels depicting the scenes from Ramakien. They were made
under the supervision of Krom Muen Matyapitak, the son of King Rama III. They are considered
as the best examples of the art in the early Rattnakosin period.

Please take off your hat, sunglasses and shoes. We are going inside the ordination hall. Please
follow me.

Inside the ubosoth enshrines the principal Buddha image named Phra Buddha
Devapatimakon. The image is in the attitude of meditation made in Ayutthaya period. It was
found at Wat Sala Si Na or Wat Kuhasawan in Thonburi. Later, it was moved by the order of
King Rama I. It is placed on the three-tiered base sheltered by a canopy. At the front are two
major disciples Phra Mokalana on the right and Phra Saleebutr on the left. Behind the principal
image is the mural paintings depicting scenes of heaven. The north and the south walls were
painted various themes for instance the 41 excellent disciples of the Buddha, the jataka stories
and floklores.


As we walk around the temple, I assume that you see the stone figures. These stone figures
were imported from China during the reign of King Rama III. They were used to ballast the
ships back from China. Some were used as the door guardians, some were used for
decorations. They were grouped in as people, animals and objects. Those look Westerner are
called Marco Polo. There are also rockeries adorned with stone figures which were moved
from the gardens in the Grand Palace. These stand figures of rishi or hermit in the postures of
yoga. Most of the figures were disappeared, only twenty of them still remained.

Next I am going to show you some inscribed stone slabs contained texts of knowledge. King
Rama III intended Wat Pho to be the center of learning and considered the first Open
University in Thailand. The stone slabs were 8 clusters: the history of the temple, Buddhism,
medical prescriptions, health, wise saying, literature, register of tributary state of the kingdom,
and public customs. Particularly, the medical prescription and health clusters made the
temple well-known for the traditional Thai massage school. In 2011, UNESCO registered the
1,431 stone inscriptions collection of a wide range of knowledge made in 1831-1841 as the
Memory of the World.

We still have 45 minutes before lunch. You have enough time to try the traditional Thai
massage. I will show you the place and I will meet you again at 11.45. After that, I will take
you to the restaurant nearby. The tables are booked at the certain time, so please do not be
late otherwise the restaurant will not keep the seat for us.


4.3 วัดอรุณราชวราราม Wat Arun or the temple of Dawn

วดั อรณุ ราชวราราม เป\นวัดสำคญั ของกรุงเทพมหานครเป\นทรี่ Hจู กั เนื่องจากพระปรางคEประธานของวัด
ท่ีไดรH ับการยกยอJ งวJาเปน\ พระปรางคEทีส่ วยที่สุดของไทย มคั คเุ ทศกEแจงH เสนH ทางนำชมเร่มิ จากประตทู างเขHา

พระปรางคE พระอโุ บสถ และอาคารดHานหนHาของวดั
ภาพท่ี 21 The main prang, Wat Arun
ท่ีมา: blog.traveloka (2557)
คำศัพททE ีเ่ กย่ี วขHองในการบรรยาย

landmark (n) เคร่ืองชี้บJง restoration (n) การปฏิสังขรณ@
withdraw (v) borrow (v)
across (prep) ถอน be wiped out (v) ยมื
receding (adj) partially (adv) ถกู กวาดออก
surface (n) ขา9 ม jataka (n) เพยี งบางสJวน
ลด ถอย


Wat Arun or the temple of Dawn is famous for its most beautiful Prang in Thailand. It is used
as the landmark of Bangkok for its magnificent feature by Chao Phraya River. It is also one of
the most visited sites in Thailand. First, we are going to visit the two Giants at the front gate.
Then we are going to see the main prang. Later, we are going to the ubosoth. Finally, we
will visit the two small building by the river.

การบรรยายนำชมภายในวัดอรณุ ราชวราราม มัคคุเทศกEควรเรยี งลำดบั ขHอมลู โดยเร่มิ จากประวัติ ท่ีต้ัง
การซอJ มแซม และบรรยายสิ่งทีน่ Jาสนใจ

The temple was the old temple since the late Ayutthaya kingdom. The original name was Wat
Makok Nok as the area was full of olive trees. The name of the temple was mentioned in the
late Ayutthaya literature, Nirat Phetburi as Wat Jeng. After the fall of Ayutthaya, King Tak Sin
together with people migrated from the old capital. They arrived to this temple at dawn. Later
in 1768, King Tak Sin made this temple the royal chapel in Thonburi kingdom by withdrawing
monks’ living quarter. It used to house the Emerald Buddha image for 5 years before moved
to the temple of the Emerald Buddha, Bangkok.

Later in the Rattanakosin kingdom, the restoration has begun in the reign of King Rama I. The
restoration was continued and completed in the reign of King Rama III. King Rama II intended
to heightened the main prang but he passed away before the project started. Thus it was
begun and completed in the reign of King Rama III. Later in the reign of King Rama IV, he


ordered to enshrine the ashes of King Rama II beneath the principal Buddha image’s base in
the ordination hall.

Before we go inside the temple. I would like you to meet the famous Wat Jeng Giants. It is
a legend of giants here and the ones at Wat Pho. They used to be good friends. One day Wat
Pho Giants borrowed the money from Wat Jeng Giants. Wat Jeng Giants try to get the money
back. They ask for it many time. Later, Wat Jeng Giants walk across the river to fight with Wat
Pho Giants. The fight destroys the whole area next to Wat Pho. This is why that area is called
Tha Tien. Tha means pier and Tien means to be wiped out. Nowadays, the giants stand
guarding the entrance gate used to be for the king only. Let’s go inside.

In front of you is the main prang. It measures 81.85 meters high and 234 meters in diameter.
Its restoration was between 1824 and 1851. The prang is on the receding three-tiered base
decorated with niches and filled with mythical animals supported by monkey and giant
bearers. Above are Indra riding on the three-headed elephant in the four side niches. The top
is a pinnacle surmounted by a crown. The crown was intended to make for Wat Nang Nong
but King Rama III offered to shelter over the top of the prang instead. Surrounding are 4
smaller prangs on the corners and 4 mondops in cardinal directions. Inside the mondops
contain the Buddha image in 4 postures. The whole construction reflects the Buddhist
cosmology having Mount Meru as the center of the universe surrounded by 7 ring-shaped
smaller mounts. The main prang and the edifices were decorated with broken Chinese


The ordination hall is located on the north of the temple. It is the finest architecture in the
reign of King Rama II. The building was partially burnt down and restored in the reign of King
Rama V. The rectangular building is topped with the gable roof decorated with Chaofa, Bai
Raka, and Hang Kong. The eastern and western gable-ends display the standing angel holding
a sword in the pavilion. The outer pillars are added corner and topped with long petal lotus
capital. On the surface is decorated with Chinese porcelain. The building is enclosed by
boundary wall made of Chinese carved stone blocks topped with Pugs. The 8 double marker
stones were placed in the pavilions around the ordination hall signifying the holy area. At the
entrance is a standing crowned Buddha image cast by King Rama IV to dedicate to King Rama
II, namely Phra Buddha Naruemitr.
Inside the ubosoth enshrined the principal Buddha image called Phra Buddha Thammitsarat
Lokathatdilok. The image is the attitude of Subduing Mara on the high altar. At the front are
two major disciples Phra Mokalana and Phra Saleebutr. The face of the Buddha image was
sculpted by King Rama II. Beneath the base of the image contained the ashes of King Rama II
kept by King Rama IV.
The interior walls are mural paintings depicting the Buddha’s life. Between the windows were
painted the Jataka stories.


I hope that you enjoy the tour. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions. I will try my best
to answer. We have 30 minutes for walking around and taking photo. Please meet me at the
pavilion by the entrance.

4.4 วดั เบญจมบพติ รดสุ ติ วนาราม Wat Benchamabopitr Dusitvanaram or the Marbel

วดั เบญจมบพิตรดสุ ติ วนาราม เป\นวดั ประจำรชั กาลท่ี 5

เป\นวัดทีม่ ชี อื่ เสียงเร่อื งความงามของพระอโุ บสถหนิ อJอนที่แตกตาJ งจากสถาปตc ยกรรมทวั่ ไปของไทย

เป\นแหลJงทอJ งเที่ยวที่มนี กั ทJองเท่ียวเขHาชมเปน\ จำนวนมากในแตJละวัน เสHนทางเร่ิมจากพระอุโบสถ

พระระเบียง ตนH พระศรมี หาโพธิ์

คำศพั ทEที่เก่ยี วขอH งในการบรรยาย

commonly (n) โดยทวั่ ไป collection (n) การรวบรวม
offspring (n) unknown (adj)
separate (v) ลูกหลาน headquarter (n) ไมJปรากฎ
rebellion (n) rename (v) กองบญั ชาการ
stretch (v) แบง4 clever (adj) ตง้ั ช่ือใหมJ
combination (n) be recognized (v) ฉลาด
appearance (n) กบฎ plant (v) ไดรH ับอยJางยอมรบั
shoot (n) ยดื ออก present (v) ปลกู
การผสมผสาน นำเสนอ
ส่งิ ที่ปรากฎ


We are now standing at Wat Benchamabopitr one of the most visited temples in Bangkok.
Wat Benchamabopitr is commonly known as the Marble Temple. It is well-known for its
magnificent ordination hall built from marble which made it unique. First, I am going to take
you to the marble ordination hall. Next, I am going to show you the cloister and the collection
of the Buddha images. Then we are going to pay homage to the principal Buddha image and
see the mural paintings in the ordination hall. Lastly, I will show you the Bodhi tree offspring
of the one in Buddha Gaya, India.

The temple was called Wat Laem or Wat Saithong. However, the origin of the temple was
unknown. It covers the area of 12 acres. The temple compound was separated into Buddhavas
and the monks’ living quarter by a small canal. The areas was linked by splendid bridges.

In the reign of King Rama III, the temple was used as the headquarter of the chief commander
during the Lao rebellion led by Prince Anuvong of Vientianne. After the war, Prince Bididh
Bhogabhubendra, the commander of the campaign, with his four brothers and sisters restored
the temple. Later, King Rama IV renamed Wat Benchabopitr meaning the temple of five royal

King Rama V ordered the construction of the royal garden ‘Dusit Garden’ in 1898 and
completed in 1900. During the construction, King Rama V restored the temple and renamed
it Wat Benchamabopitr meaning the temple of the Fifth reign.


The most significant architecture in the temple is the ordination hall. It was designed by
Prince Naris who was the greatest architect in the Rattnakosin peroid. It is a four-sided gable
roof with the north and the south wings stretching out to connect with the cloister. This style
reflects the Khmer influence. In front of the entrance stands a pair of Khmer Bayon lion
statues. The roof was covered with Chinese tiles imported from China. The gable roof was
decorated with Chaofa, Bai Raka, and Hang Hong in traditional Thai style. The whole building
was built by the fine quality white marble from Carrara, Italy. The windows were stained glass
brought from Germany. These features are the fine design of the building and the clever
combinations of various materials. The easterm gable-end shows Vishnu riding on garuda. The
2 marker stones were placed at the front, while the others were carved on the marble floor.

ภาพท่ี 22 The marble ordination hall, Wat Benchamabopitr


ท่มี า: watbenchama (2557)

Inside the ordination hall enshrines the principal Buddha image ‘Phra Buddha Chinarat,
Bangkok’. King Rama V intended to move the original image Phra Buddha Chinarat from
Phitsanulok. However, the king ordered the replica cast at Phitsanulok instead. Inside the base
of the image kept the ashes of King Rama V conducted by King Rama VI following his father’s

On the interior walls are eight niches painted the 8 great stupas in Thailand recognized by
Prince Damrong. They are Phra Pathom Chedi in Nokhon Pathom, Phra Mahathat Lopburi, Phra
That Panom, Phra Mahathat Haripunchai in Lampoon, Phra Sri Mahathat Nakhon Sri
Thammarat, Phra Mahathat Sukhothai, Phra Sri Ratana Mahathat Chalieng, and Phra Chedi
Chaiyamongkol in Ayutthaya.

The cloister enshrines 52 Buddha images collected by Prince Damrong from many places.
One image in the attitude of suffering was brought from India. The appearance shows the
Indian Arts. Let’s walk along the cloister and then we are going to see the Bodhi Tree at the
back of the ubosoth.

The principal monument of the temple is the Bodhi tree. In 1891, Prince Damrong visited
Buddha Gaya district. The mayor gave Prince Damrong 3 shoots of the Bodhi tree to present
to King Rama V. King Rama V planted one at Si Chang Island. Another 2 shoots planted at the


Si Chang Palace. In 1899, during the restoration of Benchamabopitr King Rama V visited the
Island and brought to plant in the temple in 1900.

We are now at the end of our tour. I hope you enjoy today and hope that we will return to
Bangkok again. Please contact me or the company if you have any further enquiries. Before
we leave the temple, please check all your belongings. Have a good evening. Thank you.

คำอธิบายการใชร> ูปกริยา Present perfect เพ่อื อธบิ ายเหตกุ ารณทh ่ีเกดิ ขึน้ ในอดีต

การบรรยายเหตกุ ารณEในอดีตดHวยรปู แบบ Present perfect

เนHนการเกิดข้นึ อยJางสมบูรณใE นอดตี โดยไมบJ อกชดั เจนวาJ เกดิ ขนึ้ เมอ่ื ใด และยงั สJงผลใหเH หน็ ในปจc จบุ ัน

แตกตJางจากการใชรH ูปแบบ Past Simple ท่มี กั ระบุเวลาที่เกิดเหตกุ ารณขE ึ้น รูปแบบประโยคมกี ริยา to have

เปน\ กรยิ าชวJ ยอยใูJ นรูป Present กาลปจc จบุ นั ซ่ึงผันตามประธานเอกพจนEและพหูพจนE

และตามดวH ยกรยิ าแทHในรูป Past participle หรือกรยิ าชอJ งท่ี 3

Verb to have + V.3

King Rama V has visited Bang Pa-In during summer season.

King Rama V and the royal members have

ตวั อยาJ งประโยค
King Ramathibodi II has ordered the construction of the chedi for keeping the ashed of his
father, King Borommatrilokanot.


Queen Sunanta and her unborn child have drown in the accident in the Chao Phraya River.
King Rama V has overcome from his grief, then built the memorial of Queen Sunanta.

แบบฝ=กหัดท่ี 28 เติมคำศัพท9และความหมายตอF ไปน้ใี หถ% กู ตอ% ง

1. impressive ____________________

2. ____________________ สกั การะ

3. ballast ____________________

4. commemorate ____________________

5. ____________________ ต้งั ช่อื ใหมJ

6. ____________________ ยืดออก

7. combination ____________________

8. shoot ____________________

9. ____________________ การรวบรวม

10. restoration ____________________


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