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Published by Orbit International, 2018-05-15 08:53:36

Yellowstone Catalogue 2018

New Product Development Range

2018YellowstNoenw PerodCucat Dteavleolopgmuenet Range

live to explore

The Yellowstone brand has been at the forefront of providing innovative products for the outdoor La marque Yellowstone est à la pointe pour proposer des produits innovants à tous ceux qui
enthusiast. Building a comprehensive product range that is of the highest quality, and at the most aiment les activités d’extérieur. Créer une gamme de produits complète, de la meilleure qualité
competitive cost. possible et au coût le plus compétitif.

We are now proud to present the new Yellowstone range for 2018, confident that with the Nous sommes aujourd’hui fiers de présenter la nouvelle gamme Yellowstone pour 2018,
Yellowstone brand your customers will enjoy the rewarding and fulfilling experience of outdoor life. confiants qu’avec cette marque, vos clients vivront une vraie expérience complète et réussie
en extérieur, encore et toujours.
So whether your customers are experienced or novice outdoor enthusiast, festival goers or just
buying for the kid’s pitching up in the back garden we hope you enjoy the new 2018 Yellowstone Que vos clients soient expérimentés ou que leur enthousiasme pour les activités extérieures
ranges. soit récent, qu’il s’agisse de festivaliers en quête de matériel ou d’acheteurs à la recherche
d’une activité extérieure pour leurs enfants, nous espérons que vous apprécierez les gammes
Het Yellowstone merk is toonaangevend wat het leveren van innovatieve producten voor de 2018 de Yellowstone.
liefhebber van het buitenleven betreft. Het merk stelt eenuitgebreid productaanbod samen, van de
hoogste kwaliteit en tegen de voordeligste prijs. Il marchio Yellowstone è sempre stato all’avanguardia per offrire prodotti innovativi agli
entusiasti della vita all’aria aperta. Proponendo una gamma comprensiva di prodotti della
We stellen nu met trots het nieuwe Yellowstone-aanbod voor 2018 voor, in de zekerheid dat uw miglior qualità al prezzo più conveniente.
klanten met het Yellowstone merk telkens opnieuw zullen genieten van de lonende ervaring van het
echte buitenleven. Siamo orgogliosi di presentarvi la nuova collezione per il 2018, sicuri che, grazie al marchio
Yellowstone i vostri clienti godranno molte volte l’appagante e gratificante esperienza del
Dus of uw klanten nu doorwinterde of prille liefhebbers van het buitenleven zijn, of festivalgangers of vivere all’aria aperta.
gewoon een tent komen voor de kinderen om in de achtertuin op te zetten, we hopen dat u geniet
van het nieuwe 2018 Yellowstone aanbod Pertanto, sia che i vostri clienti siano appassionati della vita all’aria aperta, esperti o
principianti, o cerchino solo qualcosa per i bambini da montare in giardino, speriamo che le
nuove gamme Yellowstone 2018 vi piacciano.

Seit vielen Jahren bietet die Marke Yellowstone innovative Produkte für den Outdoor-Fan. Dabei Yellowstone es una marca líder en productos innovadores para los amantes de la naturaleza
bemühen wir uns, ein umfassendes Produktsortiment vonhöchster Qualität zum günstigsten Preis que se esfuerza al máximo por ofrecer una gama de productos completa y que combine la
zusammenzustellen. mejor calidad con los precios más competitivos.

Heute freuen wir uns, das neue Yellowstone-Produktsortiment für 2018 vorstellen zu können,und Por este motivo, nos enorgullece presentar la nueva gama Yellowstone para 2018, totalmente
sind überzeugt davon, dass Ihre Kunden mit der Marke Yellowstoneimmer wieder ein erfüllendes convencidos de que los clientes de nuestra marca disfrutarán de los placeres y la satisfacción
und spannendes Outdoor-Erlebnis genießen können. que proporciona disfrutar de la naturaleza una y otra vez.

Ob es sich bei Ihren Kunden nun um langjährige und erfahrene Outdoor-Fans oder um ‘Neulinge’ Así que, tanto si sus clientes son aventureros experimentados o noveles, amantes de los
handelt, ob sie gern auf Festivals gehen oder nur für festivales o pequeños que se divierten en el jardín, esperamos que disfruten al máximo de las
die Gartenparty ihres Kindes einkaufen, wir hoffen, dass Ihnen das 2018 Produktsortiment von nuevas gamas de Yellowstone para 2018.
Yellowstone gefällt.

Brand by

Yellowstone @YellowstoneCam1


live to explore

Contents 1-5
6 - 31
Point of Sale Units 32 - 39
Tents 40 - 57
Camping Accessories 58 - 77
Sleeping 78 - 113
Furniture 114 - 125
Gas, BBQ’s & Cookware 126 - 136
Rucksacks 137 - 146
Walking & Travel 147 - 150
Lighting 151 - 154
Outdoor Toys & Games
Men's Clothing Range 155 - 158

Ladies Clothing Range

3 3

point of sale / promotional display units Point of Sale /
Promotional Display Units

The new range of Yellowstone display units are the perfect way to display the great Yellowstone products
we have on offer. The promotional displays maximise the available space In store to drive increased revenue
as well as drive incremental sales for additional buys.

These sturdy and eye catching designs engage customer in store, assisting in up sell and repeat purchase,
while increasing customer choice and satisfaction.

Het Yellowstone merk is toonaangevend wat het leveren van innovatieve producten voor de liefhebber
van het buitenleven betreft. Het merk stelt eenuitgebreid productaanbod samen, van de hoogste kwaliteit en
tegen de voordeligste prijs.

We stellen nu met trots het nieuwe Yellowstone-aanbod voor 2018 voor, in de zekerheid dat uw klanten met
het Yellowstone merk telkens opnieuw zullen genieten van de lonende ervaring van het echte buitenleven.

Dus of uw klanten nu doorwinterde of prille liefhebbers van het buitenleven zijn, of festivalgangers of
gewoon een tent komen voor de kinderen om in de achtertuin op te zetten, we hopen dat u geniet van het
nieuwe 2015 Yellowstone aanbod.

Die neuen Yellowstone-Werbeaufsteller sind die perfekte Möglichkeit, die großartigen Produkte von
Yellowstone aus unserem Angebot zu präsentieren. Die Werbeaufsteller nutzen den in Ihrem Ladenlokal
verfügbaren Platz optimal aus, um eine Umsatzsteigerung zu erzielen sowie Zusatzkäufe zu steigern.

Diese robusten und auffälligen Designs werden Ihren Kunden sofort ins Auge fallen und helfen Ihnen, mehr
Umsätze durch Upsell und wiederholte Einkäufe zu erzielen. Zudem kann dadurch die Auswahl für Ihre
Kunden gesteigert werden, sodass die Kundenzufriedenheit sich ebenfalls verbessert.

La nouvelle gamme d’unités d’affichage Yellowtsone représente la manière parfaite de présenter les
produits exceptionnels Yellowstone qui font partie de notre offre. Les affiches promotionnelles maximisent
l’espace disponible en magasin afin de développer le chiffre d’affaires tout en favorisant le segment des
achats additionnels.

Ces éléments solides qui savent attirer les regards engagent le client dans le magasin, participent aux
ventes et aux achats d’appoints tout en renforçant le choix et la satisfaction de vos clients.

La nuova gamma di espositori Yellowstone costituisce il modo migliore per mostrare i grandiosi prodotti
Yellowstone in offerta. Gli espositori promozionali massimizzano lo spazio disponibile in negozio per
incentivare l’aumento dei ricavi oltre che il più frequente acquisto di ulteriori prodotti.

Questi prodotti altamente visibili e robusti attraggono il cliente nel negozio, incoraggiando l’upsell e gli
acquisti ripetuti, aumentando al tempo stesso la scelta e la soddisfazione del cliente.

Los nuevos artículos de exposición Yellowstone son el método perfecto para presentar nuestros
fantásticos productos. Los expositores promocionales permiten aprovechar al máximo el espacio de la
tienda y generan tanto compras nuevas como complementarias.

Su diseño, robusto y atractivo, llama la atención del cliente, animándole a llevarse algo más o a quedarse
con un producto mejor, al mismo tiempo que mejora su libertad de elección y nivel de satisfacción.


Free Standing Display Unit Cut Out Display Bin Hexagonal Display Bin point of sale / promotional display units
Our Cut Out display bins are made specifically for our Fast Pitch tent. The
Our FSDU is a very durable and flexible way of displaying the great Yellowstone products display unit is a great to display Yellowstone Fast Pitch Pop Up Tents however Our Hexagonal display bins are a great way to display Yellowstone Tents,
we sell. Easy to assemble in minutes these FSDU’s are the perfect way to present they are also suitable for many of our other great Yellowstone products. Beach Shelters, Camping Chairs as well as many of our other great
themed Yellowstone ranges or a combination of different lines from our catalogue. With Yellowstone lines.
4 height adjustable shelves each shelf is capable of holding 35kg. While the large base Voorgevormde displaybakken
display tray protects the goods closest to the floor while still promoting them. Onze voorgevormde displaybakken zijn specifiek gemaakt voor onze Fast Hexagonale displaybak
Pitch tent. Deze display is fantastisch voor het tentoonstellen van de
Losstaande display Yellowstone Fast Pitch Pop Up Tenten, maar ze zijn ook geschikt voor onze Onze hexagonale displaybakken zijn een fantastische manier om
vele andere fantastische Yellowstone producten. Yellowstone tenten, strandschermen, kampeerstoelen en ook veel van
Onze FSDU (losstaande display) is een uitermate duurzame en flexibele manier onze andere fantastische Yellowstone-lijnen tentoon te stellen.
om de fantastische Yellowstone-producten tentoon te stellen die we verkopen. Vorgestanzter Präsentationskorb
Deze FSDU’s, die in enkele minuten kunnen worden opgesteld, vormen de Unsere vorgestanzten Präsentationskörbe wurden speziell für unser Fast Sechseckiger Präsentationskorb
perfecte manier om thematische Yellowstone-productreeksen of een combinatie Pitch-Zelt angefertigt. Dieser Aufsteller eignet sich hervorragend zur
van verschillende lijnen uit onze catalogus te presenteren Met 4 in de hoogte Präsentation der Yellowstone Fast Pitch Popup-Zelte, kann jedoch auch für Unsere sechseckigen Präsentationskörbe eignen sich wunderbar zur
verstelbare legplanken, kan elke legplank 35 kg dragen. Terwijl de grote andere Yellowstone-Produkte genutzt werden. Präsentation von Yellowstone-Zelten, Strandmuscheln, Campingstühlen
displaylade onderaan de producten beschermt die het dichtst bij de vloer liggen, und vieler weiterer Yellowstone-Produkte.
maar deze nog steeds promoot. Bacs de présentation prédécoupés
Nos bacs de présentation prédécoupés ont été spécialement conçus pour Bac de présentation hexagonal
Freistehende Präsentationsaufsteller notre tente Fast Pitch. L’unité de présentation est idéale pour la mise
en valeur des tentes Fast Pitch Pop Up Yellowstone, mais est également Nos bacs de présentation hexagonaux sont un excellent moyen de
Unsere freistehenden Präsentationsaufsteller bieten eine robuste und flexible parfaitement adaptée à un grand nombre d’autres produits Yellowstone. mettre en valeur les tentes, protections pour plages, chaises de camping
Möglichkeit, die großartigen Produkte von Yellowstone zu präsentieren, die wir anbieten. Yellowstone ainsi que beaucoup d’autres lignes de produits Yellowstone.
Diese freistehenden Präsentationsaufsteller sind in wenigen Minuten aufgebaut und Cesto espositore sagomato
eignen sich hervorragend zur Präsentation von Yellowstone-Produktreihen unter dem I nostri cesti espositori sagomati sono stati creati appositamente per le Cesto espositore esagonale
selben Thema oder einer Kombination unterschiedlicher Sortimente aus unserem nostre tende Fast Pitch. L’espositore è l’ideale per esporre le tende Pop Up
Katalog. Jeder der 4 höhenverstellbaren Regalböden kann mit bis zu 35 kg belastet Fast Pitch, ma è anche adatto per molti altri grandiosi prodotti Yellowstone. I nostri cesti espositori esagonali sono ottimi per esporre Tende
werden. Der breite, unterste Regalboden schützt nicht nur die Waren, die ganz unten Yellowstone, Protezioni per la spiaggia, Sedie da campeggio e molte altre
liegen, sondern sorgt gleichzeitig dafür, dass sie gut sichtbar präsentiert werden. Caja expositor abierta collezioni Yellowstone.
Las cajas expositor abiertas están diseñadas específicamente para la
Unité de présentation en colonne tienda Fast Pitch. Aunque este artículo de exposición está pensado y resulta Caja expositor hexagonal
ideal para las tiendas instantáneas Fast Pitch de Yellowstone, también es
Notre colonne de présentation est un moyen durable et polyvalent de mettre compatible con muchos otros fantásticos productos de la marca Yellowstone. Las cajas expositor hexagonales van muy bien para presentar las tiendas
en valeur les produits Yellowstone que nous vendons. Les colonnes de Yellowstone, los refugios de playa, las sillas de camping y muchas otras
présentation faciles à assembler - en quelques minutes - sont la solution fantásticas gamas de productos de Yellowstone.
idéale pour présenter des gammes Yellowstone classées par thèmes, ou une
combinaison de différentes lignes de notre catalogue.Avec 4 tablettes réglables
en hauteur pouvant chacune soutenir 35
kg. Son large plateau de présentation
situé à la base protège les articles les
plus proches du sol tout en continuant à
assurer leur promotion.

Espositori indipendenti

I nostri espositori FSDU sono una
soluzione durevole e flessibile
per esporre i grandiosi prodotti
Yellowstone in vendita. Facili da
montare in pochi minuti questi
FSDU sono perfetti per presentare
gamme Yellowstone a tema o una
combinazione di diverse linee dal
nostro catalogo. Sono forniti di 4
scaffali ad altezza variabile, con ogni
scaffale in grado di reggere 35 kg. Lo
scaffale inferiore con base più ampia
protegge i prodotti più vicini al terreno
pur continuando a promuoverli.

Estantería de exposición

Nuestra estantería de exposición ofrece
un método resistente y flexible de
exponer los fantásticos productos de la
marca Yellowstone. Estas estanterías,
que se pueden montar en cuestión
de minutos, resultan ideales para
organizar presentaciones temáticas
o para combinar distintas gamas de
productos del catálogo de Yellowstone.
Cada uno de los 4 estantes de altura
regulable tiene 35 kg de capacidad,
mientras que la base de gran tamaño
mejora la protección de los artículos que
se encuentran más cerca del suelo sin
reducir su visibilidad.


tents Tents

For our new 2018 tent range we have developed a broader range of tents that caters for
the backpacker, family or weekend camper on a budget.

Our ranges of tents are fun, versatile and great value. Pitching and packing away in
easily, Yellowstone tents are ideal for festivals, weekends away, overnight getaways or
just pitching in the garden.

Voor ons nieuwe tentenaanbod ontwikkelden we een breder aanbod van tenten dat geschikt is voor de prijsbewuste rugzaktoerist of de
gezins- of weekendkampeerder.

Ons tentenaanbod is leuk, veelzijdig en biedt een goede prijs-kwaliteitverhouding. Yellowstone-tenten zijn eenvoudig op te zetten en op
te bergen en ideaal voor festivals, weekenduitstapjes, overnachtingen en of gewoon om op te zetten in de tuin.

Für unsere neue Zelt-Produktreihe haben wir ein größeres Angebot an Zelten entwickelt, die sich an preisbewusste Rucksack-Touristen,
Familien- oder Wochenend-Camper richten.

Unsere Zeltsortimente bieten viel Spaß, sind vielseitig und bieten ein gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Yellowstone-Zelte sind leicht
aufzubauen und wieder zu verstauen und sind deshalb für Festivals, Wochenendausflüge, Kurzausflüge mit Übernachtungen oder
einfach fürs Campen im heimischen Garten geeignet.

Pour notre nouvelle gamme de tentes, nous avons élargi l’offre aux routards, aux familles ou à ceux qui campent sur un weekend avec un
budget limité.

Nos gammes de tentes présentent des produits plein de style, polyvalents et d’une grande qualité. Faciles à monter comme à démonter,
les tentes Yellowstone sont idéales pour les festivals, les escapades d’un weekend ou tout simplement installées dans le jardin.

La nostra nuova gamma di tende ora comprende una scelta più ampia, con tende per escursionisti, famiglie o campeggiatori del fine
settimana con un budget limitato.

Le nostre tende sono divertenti, versatili e molto economiche. Facili da montare e da riporre, le tende Yellowstone sono l’ideale per i
festival, per i fine settimana, per brevi scampagnate o anche solo da montare in giardino.

Tiendas de campaña
Nuestra nueva gama de tiendas de campaña incluye una mayor variedad de opciones para excursionistas, familias y campistas
ocasionales a muy buen precio.

Nuestras tiendas son divertidas, versátiles y de gran calidad. Gracias a su facilidad de montaje y desmontaje, las tiendas Yellowstone
resultan ideales tanto para festivales, salidas de fin de semana o excursiones de una noche, como para acampadas en el jardín.



TT016 Lunar 4 TT016 Lunar 4 280cm 68 x 30
300cm x 30cm
Specification & Features: terproof level: 3000 16.3kg tents
• Large side windows 1918c9m8cm 16.3kg 68 x 30
• Brow pole for extra protection over side door Wa x 30cm
• Electric cable zip access point 188cm
• 2 mesh side doors and 1 end entrance 210cm
• Front and rear ventilation
• 2 Bedrooms with divider
• Darkened bedrooms for a better nights sleep
• Pre-attached guy lines
• Taped seams

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 280cm
Inner - 190T breathable Polyester 300cm
Dimensions Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 560cm
(L x W x H) Outer - 560 x 300 x 198cm
Pack Size: Inner - 540 x 280 x 188cm 210cm 280cm
Poles: Bedroom – 210 x 280 x 188cm 300cm
Colours: 68 x 30 x 30cm 560cm
Weight: 4 x 12.7mm & 2 x 9.5mm Fibreglass
HH: Green / Charcoal 188cm
FR: 16.3kg

Packaging Type: Swing Tag 560cm 210cm 210cm 210cm
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A 560cm
Carton Quantity: 1






tents TT017 Lunar 6 TT017 Lunar 6 6 terproof level: 3000
6 terproof level: 3000 HH
Specification & Features:
• Large side windows 240cm 220cm 16.9kg 68 x 31
• Electric cable zip access point 220cm 68 x 31 240cm x 31cm
• 2 mesh side doors and 1 end entrance x 31cm
• Front and rear ventilation Wa 16.9kg Wa
• 2 Bedroom with divider
• Darkened bedrooms for a better nights sleep
• Pre-attached guy lines
• Taped seams

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 210cm 210cm
Inner - 190T breathable Polyester
Dimensions Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 240cm 680cm 220cm
(L x W x H) Outer - 680 x 240 x 195cm 220cm 240cm
Pack Size: IInner – 680 x 220 x 170cm
Poles: Bedroom – 210 x 220 x 170cm 210cm 170cm 210cm 195cm 240cm 220cm
Colours: 68 x 31 x 31cm 220cm 240cm
Weight: 5 x 11mm Fibreglass
HH: Green / Charcoal 680cm
FR: 16.9kg
Packaging Type: 3000 210cm 170cm 195cm 210cm 210cm
CDU Quantity: Yes
Inner Box Quantity: Swing Tag 210cm 680cm 680cm
Carton Quantity: N/A
N/A 680cm

170cm 195cm




TT022 Orbit 400 TT022 Orbit 4 210cm 195cm
Specification & Features: TT022 Orbit 4
• Dark bedrooms for better nights sleep terproof level: 4000 terproof level: 4000
• Electric cable zip access point 22.9kg
• Large windows with privacy curtains Wa HH 87 x 30
• 2 Full size mesh doors x 30cm
• Handy hanging storage Wa HH
• Front and rear ventilation 22.9kg
• 2 bedrooms with divider 87 x 30 100cm 210cm
• Living area and front porch x 30cm
• Taped seams

Fabric: Outer - 190T Embossed Polyester with PU coating 210cm 195cm 205cm
Inner - 190T breathable Polyester
Dimensions Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 100cm 210cm 205cm 290cm
(L x W x H) Outer – 540 + 100 x 310 x 205cm 310cm
Pack Size: Inner - 540 x 290 x 220cm 210cm 540cm 195cm 220cm
Poles: Bedroom - 210 x 290 x 195cm
Colours: 68 x 30 x 30cm 310cm 100cm 290cm 210cm
Weight: 4 x 12.7mm & 2 x 9.5mm Fibreglass 220cm
HH: Green / Charcoal 330cm
FR: 22.9kg 540cm 330cm 210cm
Packaging Type: 4000
CDU Quantity: Yes 210cm
Inner Box Quantity: Swing Tag
Carton Quantity: N/A

310cm 290cm

330cm 210cm



TT023 Obrit 600 H210cm205cm
Specification & Features: HH
tents 100cm 210cm
• Dark bedrooms for better nights sleep
• Electric cable zip access point 550cm
• Large windows with privacy curtains
• 2 Full size mesh doors 140cm
• Handy hanging storage
• Front and rear ventilation
• 2 bedrooms with divider
• Living area and front porch
• Taped seams

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating
Inner - 190T breathable Polyester
Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 440cm 210cm 205cm
Dimensions Outer - 550 + 100 x 440 x 215cm 320cm 215cm

(L x W x H) Inner – 540 x 415 x 205cm 275cm
Bedroom – 210 x 415 x 205cm
Pack Size: 91x 36 x 37cm
Poles: 4 x 12.7mm fibreglass / 1 x 11mm fibreglass & 8 x 19mm Steel Pole
CWToeliogTuhrt0s: :23 Orbit2G66re.8ekng/ Charcoal
100cm 210cm

HH: 4000 330cm 210cm 550cm
FR: Yees

Packaging Type: Swing Tag 140cm

CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 1


6 terproof l vel: 4000

100cm 210cm 26.8kg 91 x 36 440cm
x 37cm 320cm

140cm 275cm



330cm 210cm 330cm 210cm


TT031 4 Person Air Beam Tent a

Specification & Features: tents

Accessories: air pump, tent ropes, tent pegs and carry bag etc. 3/4 person air beam tent.

Technical Spec Flysheet: 190T, PU3000mm polyester with heated seams terproof level: 1000 HH
Material: Inner: 190T breathable polyester
Mesh: B3 mesh
Size: Groundsheet: 150D oxford polyester or 120g/㎡ polyethene ( PU3000mm )
Poles: Double floor layers
Weight: Outer Size: 480 x 220 x 180cm
Colour: Inner tent Size: 210 x 185 x 160cm
Packaging Type: Diameter 11cm air beams, 16mm iron tubes
CDU Quantity: 8kg
Inner Box Quantity: Blue and Grey
Carton Quantity: Carry bag


tents TT027 Horizon 4 Family Tent TTT0T2072H7oriHzoonr4izFoamnil4y TFenatmily Tent 140cm
Specification & Features: terproof level: 2000 160cm

• Easy to pitch Wa terproof level: 2000HH HH 6x420xc2m06x 420xc2m0
• Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines
• Pegs included Wa
• Integral groundsheet
• Taped seams 6k6gkg 220cm 220cm
• Easy access door
• Two access doors 140cm 155cm 160cm

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 220cm 220cm 160cm
Dimensions: Inner - 170T breathable polyester 280cm
(L x W x H) Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 280cm 140cm 155cm 270cm
Pack Size: Outer - 220 x 220 x 280 x 160/140cm
Poles: Inner – 220 x 270 x 155/135cm 270cm
Colours: 64 x 20 x 20cm
Weight: 3 x 9.5mm Fibreglass 220cm 220cm
HH: Blue / Black
FR: 6.0kg 220cm

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket 220cm 220cm
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A 220cm
Carton Quantity: 1

220cm 220cm


TT030 Jungle Animal Camping PTlTa0y3T0eJunntgle Animal Camping Play Tent tents

Specification & Features:

• Easy to pitch
• Integral groundsheet
• Easy access door
• Fun and vibrant animal designs.

Fabric: Outer – 170T Polyester
Dimensions: Sewn in 110gm² Polyethylene groundsheet
(L x W x H) 115 x 115 x 84cm
Pack Size:
Poles: 52 x 6 x 6cm Wa terproof level: 300 H
Colours: 2 x 6.9mm Fibreglass
Weight: Animal Design H
HH: 0.68kg
FR: 400 0.68kg 52 x 6
Yes x 6cm

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6

Crocodile Giraffe

Elephant Tiger


FV002 Festival Tipi FV002 Festival Tipi

FV002 Festival 4 Tipi Tentterproof level: 1500 FV002 Festival Tipi terproof level: 1500 Blue

Specification & Features: HH
• Large sleeping area
• Top vent for increased ventilation HH
• Pre-attached guy lines
• Integral groundsheet
• Taped seams
4.7kg 6x 617xc1m7terproof level: 1500 4.7kg 66 x 17
x 17cm

4.7kg 66 x 17
x 17cm

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating
Dimensions: Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet
(L x W x H) Outer – 260 x 300 x 350cm
Pack Size:
Poles: 2665mxm172S6xt0ec1em7l cm 260cm
Colours: Red / Charcoal
Weight: Blue / Charcoal 260cm
HH: 4.7kg
FR: 346cm1500 346cm
Yes 260cm

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket 260cm
CDU Quantity: N/A 350cm
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 2 346cm


300cm 300cm 300cm 300cm
Plum NEW NEW 300cm
Top vent for increased ventilation



TT029 Easy Pitch Dome Tent
H195cm 66 x
TT010 Fast Pitch 2 135c1.7kg4cm
Specification & Features: 195cm terproof level: 1500 tents195cm
135cm Wa
• Quick pitching in a few seconds 1.7kg 66 x
• Hi Vis guy lines 4cm
• Pegs included
• Compact pack size
• Integral groundsheet
• Taped seams.

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 135cm
Dimensions: Sewn in Polyethylene groundsheet
(L x W x H) Outer - 120 x 220 x 95cm 195cm 195cm 195cm
Pack Size: 66 x 4cm 195cm 195cm
Poles: 1 x 6mm Fibreglass 195cm
Colours: Red / Charcoal
Hawaiian Blue / Charcoal
Weight: Lime / Charcoal
HH: Vibrant Pink / Charcoal
FR: 1.5kg

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 8






TT029 Easy Pitch Dome Tent

TT029 Easy Pitch Dome Tent TT029 Easy Pitch Dome Tent

tents Specification & Features: terprtoeorfplervoeol: 1f50l0evel: 1500
• Quick pitching in a few seconds 135cm HH 66 x135cm66 x
• Hi Vis guy lines 4cm 4cm
• Pegs included 135cm HH
• Compact pack size 1.7kg
• Integral groundsheet WaWa
• Taped seams 195cm

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 195cm 195cm
Dimensions: Sewn in Polyethylene groundsheet
(L x W x H) 95 x 195 x 135cm
Pack Size: 66 x 4cm
Poles: 2 x 5.9mm Fibreglass
Colours: Green / Grey
Weight: 1.7kg
HH: 1500
FR: Yes

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket 195cm
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A 195cm 195cm
Carton Quantity: 8




TT024 Peak 2 Dome Tent with Porch TT024 Peak 2 terproof level: 1500
Wa 58 x 11
HH x 11cm
Specification & Features: 95cm terproof level: 1500 1.75kg tents
Wa 58 x 11
• Easy to pitch 200cm x 11cm
• Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines 1.75kg
• Pegs included 90cm
• Integral groundsheet
• Taped seams
• Easy access door

Fabric: Sewn in 110gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 120cm 200cm 90cm 95cm
Dimensions: 200+90 x 120 x 95cm
(L x W x H) 58 x 11 x 11cm 95cm 200cm 90cm
Pack Size: 3 x 7mm Fibreglass
Poles: Blue / Black 120cm 200cm 90cm
Colours: Red / Black
Weight: 1.75kg
HH: 1500
FR: Yes

Packaging Type: Swing Tag 200cm 90cm
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6


200cm 90cm



tents TTTT002525PePaeka3k 3 120cm
TT025 Peak 3 Dome Tent with Porch

Specification & Features: terpterroporofolfelveevel:l:22000000HHHH
• Easy to pitch Wa 6x 213xc6x1m3213xc1m3
• Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines 210cm
• Pegs included 3.53k.5gkg 110cm
• Integral groundsheet
• Taped seams
• Easy access door

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 120cm 110cm 205cm 195cm
Inner - 170T breathable Polyester
Dimensions: Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 120cm 110cm
(L x W x H) Outer - 210+110 x 205 x 120cm
Pack Size: Inner – 210 x 195 x 110cm 110cm
Poles: 62 x 13 x 13cm 210cm
Colours: 3 x 7mm Fibreglass
Weight: Blue / Black
HH: Red / Black
FR: 3.50kg

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket 205cm 205cm 210cm 110cm 210cm 110cm
CDU Quantity: N/A 195cm
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 4

210cm 110cm195cm

210cm 110cm



TT026 Peak 4 Dome Tent with Porch TTTT002266PPeeakak4 4

Specification & Features: 4 4terproof level: tents
Wa 2000
• Easy to pitch Wa terproof level: 2000
• Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines
• Pegs included 140cm
• Integral groundsheet 137cm
• Taped seams HH 64 x 14
• Easy access door HH x 14cm
• Two access door 4.7kg 64 x 14
4.7kg x 14cm

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 140cm 250cm 240cm
Inner - 170T breathable Polyester
Dimensions: Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 140cm210cm 130cm
(L x W x H) Outer - 210+130 x 250 x 140cm
Pack Size: Inner – 210 x 240 x 137cm 137cm
Poles: 64 x 14 x 14cm
Colours: 2 x 9.5mm / 1 x 8.5mm Fibreglass 137cm
Weight: Blue / Black
HH: Red / Black
FR: 4.70kg

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket 250cm 210cm 130cm 210cm 130cm
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A 240cm
Carton Quantity: 4

Blue 250cm 240cm Red

210cm 130cm

210cm 130cm


tents TT014 Ascent 2 105cm
Specification & Features:
• Easy to pitch with easy access door
• Porch groundsheet attached to bedroom
• Pre-attached guy lines
• Integral groundsheet
• Taped seams

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 210cm 100cm
Dimensions: Inner - 170T breathable Polyester
(L x W x H) Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 150cm
Pack Size: Outer - 310 x 150 x 105cm 150cm
Poles: Inner - 210 x 150 x 103cm
Colours: 58 x 11 x 11cm
Weight: 3 x 7.9mm Fibreglass
HH: Blue / Charcoal
FR: Red / Charcoal
Orange / Charcoal

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket
TT014 Ascent 2CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6 310cm

terproof level: 3000 HH
150cm Wa
3kg 62 x 13
x 13cm

105cm 103cm Blue

210cm 100cm




TT001 Ascent 3 TT001 Ascent 3

Specification & Features: TT001 Ascent 3

• Easy to pitch with easy access door terproof level: 3000
• Porch groundsheet attached to bedroom 3000
• Pre-attached guy lines terproof level: HH tents
• Integral groundsheet HH
• Taped seams Wa 66 x 15
Wa x 15cm

66 x 15
x 15cm

210cm 100cm

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 1301c30mcm
Inner - 170T breathable Polyester 1251c25mcm
Dimensions: Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet
(L x W x H) Outer - 310 x 220 x 130cm 220cm
Pack Size: Inner - 210 x 220 x 125cm 220cm
Poles: 66 x 15 x 15cm
Colours: 3 x 7.9mm Fibreglass 210cm 100cm 310cm
Weight: Blue / Charcoal 210cm 100cm
HH: Red / Charcoal
FR: 3.7kg

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket 220cm
CDU Quantity: N/A 220cm
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 4 220cm
Red Blue



4.1 x 15cm

tents TT015 Ascent 4 Red

Specification & Features: 130cm
• Easy to pitch with easy access door
• Porch groundsheet attached to bedroom
• Pre-attached guy lines
• Integral groundsheet
• Taped seams

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 230cm 100cm
Dimensions: Inner - 170T breathable Polyester
(L x W x H) Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 240cm
Pack Size: Outer - 330 x 240 x 130cm 240cm
Poles: Inner - 230 x 240 x 125cm
Colours: 67 x 15 x 15cm
Weight: 3 x 7.9mm Fibreglass
HH: Blue / Charcoal
FR: Red / Charcoal
Green / Charcoal

TT015 Ascent 4Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 4 330cm

terproof level: 3000 HH
240cm Wa 4.1 67 x 15
x 15cm

130cm 230cm 100cm Blue




TT008 Rapid 2 TT008 Rapid 2 tents

Specification & Features: TT008 Rapid 2

• Quick pitching umbrella action pulls up in one motion terproof level: 2000terproof level: 2000
• Easy push down and fold away
• Integral groundsheet 2.16kg
• Taped seams Wa HH 90cm 86 x 13
x 13cm

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 8x 6132xc.1m136kg210cm
Dimensions: Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet
(L x W x H) Outer - 130 x 210 x 90cm 130cm 210cm 130cm
Pack Size: 86 x 13 x 13cm
Poles: 2 x 7.9mm Fibreglass 90cm 90cm210cm
Colours: Green / Charcoal
Weight: 2.16kg 210cm
HH: 2000
FR: Yes

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket 210cm
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6




tents TT009 Rapid 4 TTTT000099RRapaidp4id 4Wa HH 111 x 15
3.08kg x 15cm
Specification & Features: terproof level: 2000WaHH

• Quick pitching umbrella action pulls up in one motion terproof level: 2000
• Easy push down and fold away
• Integral groundsheet
• Taped seams

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 111 x 15
Dimensions: Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 3.08kg 240cmx 15cm
(L x W x H) Outer - 210 x 240 x 120cm TT009 RapidT4T009 Rapid 4
Pack Size: 111 x 13 x 13cm 120cm 210cm 210cm
Poles: 2 x 7.9mm Fibreglass
Colours: Green / Charcoal 210cm 120cm
Weight: 3.08kg 120cm
HH: 2000
FR: Yes

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket 120cm Waterproof level: 2000
CDU Quantity: N/A Wa
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6

240cm 210cm 240cm

210cm 210cm 210cm HH
240cm 3.08kg terproof level: 2000

210cm 111 x 15
x 15cm3.08kg

111 x 15
x 15cm


TTT0T0040D4omDeo2me 2 1.45kg x 10cm

TT004 2 Person Dome Tent 62 x 10 tents
x 10cm
Specification & Features: terproof level: 1000 terproof level: 1000

• Easy to pitch 1.45kg
• Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines Wa HH 62 x 10105cm
• Pegs included x 10cm
• Integral groundsheet WaHH
• Taped seams 1.45kg
• Easy access door
Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 105cm
Dimensions: Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet
(L x W x H) Outer - 130 x 210 x 90cm 200cm
Pack Size: 62 x 10 x 10cm
Poles: 2 x 6.5mm Fibreglass 150cm 150cm
Colours: Blue / Charcoal
Weight: 1.45kg 105cm
HH: 1000
FR: Yes

Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket 2002c0m0cm 200cm
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6




TT005 4 Person Dome Tent

Specification & Features:

• Easy to pitch
• Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines
• Pegs included
• Integral groundsheet
• Taped seams
• Easy access door
tents terproof level: 1000 HH

130cm 60 x 12
Wa2kg x 12cm

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating
Dimensions: Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet
(L x W x H) Outer - 210 x 240 x 130cm
Pack Size: 60 x 12 x 12cm
Poles: 2 x 6.5mm Fibreglass
Colours: Blue / Charcoal
Weight: 2kg
HH: 2000
FR: Yes
Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 4

210cm 210cm


TT007 Matterhorn 1 tents

Specification & Features: 35cm 90cm

• Ideal for hiking and backpacking
• Pitches inner first
• Pre-attached guy lines
• Integral groundsheet
• Taped seams

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 120cm 220cm 175cm
Dimensions: Inner - 170T breathable Polyester 270cm
(L x W x H) Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet
Pack Size: Outer - 270 x 175 x 90cm
Poles: Inner - 245 x 95 x 70cm
Colours: 50 x 14 x 14cm
Weight: 1 x 7.9mm Fibreglass
HH: Green / Charcoal
FR: 1.5kg

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket
Packaging Type:

TT007 Matterhorn 1CDU Quantity:
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 4

Wa terproof level: 2000 HH

1.5kg 50 x 14
x 14cm

35cm 90cm

120cm 220cm 175cm


tents TT006 Alpine 2

Specification & Features: 40cm 95cm
• Ideal for hiking and backpacking
• Pitches inner first
• Pre-attached guy lines
• Integral groundsheet
• Taped seams

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 50cm 317cm 90cm
Dimensions: Inner - 170T breathable Polyester 257cm 140cm
(L x W x H) Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 240cm
Pack Size: Outer - 317 x 240 x 100cm
Poles: Inner - 257 x 140 x 95cm
Colours: 50 x 14 x 14cm
Weight: 1 x 7.9mm Fibreglass
HH: Green / Charcoal
FR: 1.9kg

TT006 Alpine 2Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 4

95cm terproof level: 2000 HH
90cm Wa
1.9kg 50 x 14
x 14cm

40cm 100cm


50cm 140cm



TT028 Backpack Tent tents

TT028 Backpack Tent
terproof level: 1000
TT028 Yellowstone Backpack Tent Wa 35 x 20
Wa x 15cm

35cm 220cm
Specification & Features: terproof level: 1000 1.343k5gx 20 90cm

• Ideal for hiking and backpacking 1.34kg x 15cm
• The zippable lower section stores a one man
• Easy-to-assemble tent, which folds neatly back into its compartment after use
• Pre-attached guy lines
• Integral groundsheet.

Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating 35cm 90cm
Dimensions: Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet
(L x W x H) 220 x 120 x 90cm 35cm 220cm 90cm
Pack Size: 35 x 20 x 15cm 120cm
Poles: 1 x 7mm Fibreglass 220cm
Colours: Blue / Black
Weight: 1.34kg 220cm
HH: 1000
FR: Yes 220cm

Packaging Type: Swing Tag 120cm 120cm 220cm
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 4




TT012 Beach Shelter TT013 Beach Shelter with Closure

tents Specification & Features: Specification & Features:

UV40 Sun Protection. Ideal for the beach or fishing. Compact pack size for easy transport and storage. UV40 Sun Protection. Front closure for added security. Ideal for the beach or fishing. Compact pack size for easy transport and storage

Fabric: Outer - 170T Polyester with PU coating Fabric: Outer - 170T Polyester with PU coating
Dimensions: Sewn in Polyethylene groundsheet Dimensions: Sewn in Polyethylene groundsheet
(L x W x H) Outer - 115 x 210 x 110cm (L x W x H) Outer – 118 x 110 x 220 x 115cm
Poles: 3 x 7mm Fibreglass Poles: 3 x 7mm Fibreglass
Colours: Blue / Green Colours: Blue / Black
Weight: 820g Weight: 1.3kg
HH: 400 HH: 400
FR: Yes FR: Yes

Packaging Type: Swing Tag Packaging Type: Paper Insert in PVC Pocket
CDU Quantity: N/A CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 12 Carton Quantity: 6

terproof level: 400 terproof level: 400
63 x Wa
820g 1.3kg 66 x


WaTT018 Midi Wind Block
Specification & Features:
Quick and Easy to set up. Gives privacy & increased weather protection. Steel
poles and ground spikes provide increased stability. Compact pack size for easy
transportation. Supplied with handy carry bag.

Fabric: 190T Polyester with PU coating
Dimensions: 300 x 130cm
(L x W x H) 53 x 11 x 11cm
Pack Size: 3 x 16mm Steel
Poles: Red / Charcoal
Colours: 1.5kg
Weight: 1000

Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6

terproof level: 1000
HH 1.5kg 53 x 11
x 11cm

TT019 Large Wind Block terproof level: 1000

Specification & Features: 3.3kg 58 x 10
x 10cm
Quick and Easy to set up. Gives privacy & increased weather protection. PVC windows allowing great visibility. Steel poles and
ground spikes provide increased stability. Compact pack size for easy transportation. Supplied with handy carry bag.

Fabric: 190T Polyester with PU coating
Dimensions: 300 x 130cm
(L x W x H) 58 x 10 x 10cm
Pack Size: 4 x 16mm Steel
Poles: Green / Charcoal
Colours: 3.3kg
Weight: 1000

Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 4


camping accessories Camping Accessories

Our outdoor accessories range is a comprehensive range of essential camping accessories
to meet all your camping and outdoor needs.

Ons aanbod van kampeeraccessoires is een uitgebreid assortiment kampeeraccessoires die voldoen aan al uw kampeer- en

Unser Produktsortiment mit Camping-Zubehör bietet ein umfassendes Angebot an unentbehrlichem Campingzubehör, das Ihre
Ansprüche fürs Camping und Freizeitaktivitäten im Freien vollends erfüllen wird.

Accessoires de camping
Notre gamme d’accessoires de camping est complète et propose tous les éléments essentiels qui répondront à l’ensemble de vos
besoins de camping et de plein air.

Accessori per campeggio
La nostra gamma completa di accessori per campeggio comprende tutti gli accessori essenziali per soddisfare le nostre esigenze per il
campeggio e la vita all’aria aperta.

Accesorios de camping
Nuestra completa gama de accesorios fundamentales satisfará todas sus necesidades, tanto para ir de camping como de excursión.


CA001 7” Steel Roundwire Peg CA002 9” Steel Roundwire CA003 7” Steel Skewer Peg CA004 9” Steel Skewer Peg camping accessories
- 10pk Peg - 10pk - 10pk - 10pk

Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features:

7” / 18cm steel pegs. Includes convenient 9” / 23cm steel pegs. Includes convenient 7” / 18cm steel pegs. Includes convenient 9” / 23cm steel pegs. Includes convenient
carry bag to keep pegs together. carry bag to keep pegs together. carry bag to keep pegs together. carry bag to keep pegs together.

Packaging Type: Swing Tag & CDU Packaging Type: Swing Tag & CDU Packaging Type: Swing Tag & CDU Packaging Type: Swing Tag & CDU
CDU Quantity: 12 CDU Quantity: 12 CDU Quantity: 12 CDU Quantity: 12
Inner Box Quantity: 12 Inner Box Quantity: 12 Inner Box Quantity: 12 Inner Box Quantity: 12
Carton Quantity: 48 Carton Quantity: 48 Carton Quantity: 48 Carton Quantity: 48

CA051 7” Steel Roundwire Peg CA052 9” Steel Roundwire CA053 7” Steel Skewer Peg CA054 9” Steel Skewer Peg
- 100pk Peg - 100pk - 100pk - 100pk

Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features:

7” / 18cm steel pegs. 100 per pack, 9” / 23cm steel pegs. 100 per pack, 7” / 18cm steel pegs.100 per pack, 9” / 23cm steel pegs. 100 per pack,
convenient to be sold as single pegs. convenient to be sold as single pegs. convenient to be sold as single pegs. convenient to be sold as single pegs.

Packaging Type: Barcode Sticker Packaging Type: Barcode Sticker Packaging Type: Barcode Sticker Packaging Type: Barcode Sticker
CDU Quantity: N/A CDU Quantity: N/A CDU Quantity: N/A CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 100 Carton Quantity: 100 Carton Quantity: 100 Carton Quantity: 100

CA005 7” Steel Ripple Peg CA006 9” Steel Groundhog CA034 9” Steel Groundhog Peg CA007 6” Bio-degradable Peg
Peg Glow in Dark Head Glow in Dark Head - 25pk - 10pk
Specification & Features:
Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features:
7” / 18cm. 10 per pack steel pegs.
Includes convenient carry bag to 9” / 23cm. 5 per pack. Glow in the dark 9” / 23cm. 25 per pack. Glow in the dark 6” / 15cm. 10 per pack. Environmentally
keep pegs together. head. Steel pegs.Includes convenient carry head. Steel pegs. friendly alternative to standard pegs.
bag to keep pegs together. Includes convenient carry bag to keep
Packaging Type: Swing Tag & CDU pegs together.
CDU Quantity: 12 Packaging Type: Swing Tag & CDU Packaging Type: Colour Box
Inner Box Quantity: 12 CDU Quantity: 12 CDU Quantity: N/A Packaging Type: Swing Tag & CDU
Carton Quantity: 48 Inner Box Quantity: 12 Inner Box Quantity: 25 CDU Quantity: 12
Carton Quantity: 48 Carton Quantity: 150 Inner Box Quantity: 12
Carton Quantity: 48


CA010 Peg Extractor CA012 Rubber Mallet with Peg CA011 Rubber Mallet with CA017 Camping Accessory Kit
Extract Steel Shaft
camping accessories Specification & Features: Specification & Features:
Specification & Features: Specification & Features:
Length approx 17cm. Wide grip handle. A handy storage pouch that allows you to keep all of your camping
24cm handle with 6cm diameter rubber 24cm handle with 5cm diameter rubber essentials in one kit. Handy carry bag with individual pockets.
Packaging Type: Swing Tag & CDU head. 12oz head weight. head. 12oz head weight. Plastic Mallet / Peg Extractor / Spare Guy lines x 3 (8m) / Plastic
CDU Quantity: 16 Guy Runners x 10 / Flat Pegs x 6 / Roundwire Pegs x 6 / Peg
Inner Box Quantity: 16 Elastics x 6.
Carton Quantity: 64 Packaging Type: Header Card & CDU Packaging Type: Header Card & CDU
CDU Quantity: 6 CDU Quantity: 6
Inner Box Quantity: 6 Inner Box Quantity: 6 Packaging Type: Colour Box
CDU Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 24 Carton Quantity: 24 Inner Box Quantity: N/A

Carton Quantity: 24

CA015 Dog Tether CA014 4 Pack Hi Vis Guy Lines CA013 Shock Cord Kit CA050 Universal Water
& Runners Proofer 500ml
Specification & Features: Specification & Features:
Specification & Features: Specification & Features:
Simply twist the peg into the ground for Kit for repairing shock corded tent poles. 45’ / 13.7m Elastic Shock
a secure anchor. For small to medium 4 per pack. Easily visible guy lines. Includes 4 durable runners. Cording. 30” / 76.2cm wire for shock cord installation. 6 washers for Yellowstone Water Proofer is a ready
size dogs. Length approximately 20cm. 3.8m length. securing shock cord. to use clear spray water proofer for
all types of footwear, clothing and
Packaging Type: Swing Tag & CDU Packaging Type: Header Card with Poly Bag & CDU Packaging Type: Header Card with Poly Bag & CDU fabric. It restores the waterproof
CDU Quantity: 10 membrane whilst maintaining and
Inner Box Quantity: 10 CDU Quantity: 12 CDU Quantity: 6 prolonging the life of the fabric or
Inner Box Quantity: 6 leather. Available in trigger bottle.
Carton Quantity: 40 Inner Box Quantity: 12 Carton Quantity: 24
Carton Quantity: 48

Packaging Type: Pinted Label
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6


CA055 24” Bungee Cord CA056 36” Bungee Cord CA038 Tension Hooks - 5 Piece CA018 Glow in the Dark Rope

Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features: camping accessories

For those camping emergencies these tension hooks with steel For those camping emergencies these tension hooks with steel For those camping emergencies these tension hooks with steel 3/16” 15m/50ft. Polypropylene. Can be charged with natural or
hooks are an ideal piece of kit. Made up with heat resistant latex hooks are an ideal piece of kit. Made up with heat resistant latex hooks and elasticated loops are an ideal piece of kit. artificial light. When charged, rope will glow for up to 5 hours.
rubber elastic thread as inner core and covered by a braided outer rubber elastic thread as inner core and covered by a braided outer
cover of polyester. cover of polyester. Colours: Black Packaging Type: Paper wrap with Shrink Wrap & CDU
Colours: Assorted Colours: Assorted Packaging Type: Paper wrap with Shrink Wrap & CDU CDU Quantity:
Inner Box Quantity: 24
CDU Quantity: 24 Carton Quantity: 96
Packaging Type: Barcode & Plastic Cases Packaging Type: Barcode & Plastic Cases Inner Box Quantity: 24
CDU Quantity: N/A CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: 24 Inner Box Quantity: 24 Carton Quantity: 96

Carton Quantity: 96 Carton Quantity: 96

CA039 Self Adhesive Nylon CA040 Pack 10 Emergency CA016-8x6 Ripstop Groundsheet CA016-12x8 Ripstop Groundsheet
Repair Kit Eyelets 8' x 6' (2.44 x 1.82cm) 12' x 8' (3.65 x 2.44cm)

Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features:

The Nylon Repair tape kit is ideal for emergency repairs to tents, Emergency Eyelet set. These simple to use self-sealing eyelets snap Ideal as a base for under your tent. Metal eyelets. 8’ x 6’ (2.44 x 1.82m). Ideal as a base for under your tent. Metal eyelets. 8’ x 6’ (2.44 x 1.82m).
sleeping bags, rucksacks or jackets. together then to secure in place just tap.
Ideal to use on groundsheets, tents, awnings, car and roof rack Packaging Type: Paper Insert with Poly Bag & CDU Packaging Type: Paper Insert with Poly Bag & CDU
Contains 4 pieces of self-adhesive 7.5cm strips of ripstop nylon. covers, boat covers and other similar items. CDU Quantity: 10 CDU Quantity: 10

Packaging Type: Header Card with Polybag & CDU Inner Box Quantity: 10 Inner Box Quantity: 10
CDU Quantity: 12
Inner Box Quantity: 12 Packaging Type: Blister Card& CDU Carton Quantity: 10 Carton Quantity: 10

Carton Quantity: 48 CDU Quantity: 12
Inner Box Quantity: 12
Carton Quantity: 48


CA035 Tent Dustpan & Brush Set CA036 Yellowstone Tent Organiser CA037 Yellowstone Tent Tidy

camping accessories Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features:

Shape of the brush is ideal for corners. Hanging hole for convenient storage. A handy multi-pocketed hanging tent tidy. Multiple storage pockets varying in size. Ideal for A handy multi-pocketed hanging tent tidy. Multiple storage pockets varying in size. Ideal for
tents, awnings and caravans. Very useful in the home, in cupboards or on the back of doors. tents, awnings and caravans. Very useful in the home, in cupboards or on the back of doors.
Material: Plastic Integrated sleeve for hanging from pole or two hanging hooks. Integrated sleeve for hanging from pole or two hanging hooks.

Dimensions (L x H): 9.5 x 13 x 3cm Fabric: 600D Oxford Polyester Fabric: 600D Oxford Polyester
Weight: 43g Dimensions (L x H): 40 x 100cm
Colours: Grey Dimensions (L x H): 40 x 65cm Colours: Black
Colours: Black

Packaging Type: Swing Tag a and CDU Packaging Type: Poly Bag with Header Card Packaging Type: Poly Bag with Header Card
CDU Quantity: 6 CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: 6 CDU Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A Carton Quantity: 15
Carton Quantity: 24 Carton Quantity: 20

CA024 Telescopic Aluminium Shovel CA022 Mini Folding Shovel with Pouch CA023 Folding Shovel with Pick

Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features:

Lightweight and unbelievably strong. Self contained as handle collapses into the blade. Ideal Heavy duty steel construction. Easy grip rubber handle. Collar lock for extra stability. Handle Heavy duty steel construction. Large easy grip handle. Collar lock for extra stability. Serrated
for keeping in the boot of the car. extension edge for sawing. Can be used as a pick or a shovel. Supplied with a handy carry pouch.
Can be used as a pick or a shovel. Supplied with a handy carry pouch.
Packaging Type: Swing Tag Packaging Type: Colour Box
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A Packaging Type: Colour Box CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 12 CDU Quantity: N/A Carton Quantity: 12
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 24


CA043 Folding Festival Trolley with Seat CA041 Folding Camping Cart

Specification & Features: Specification & Features: camping accessories

Handy Festival trolley to help move your camping gear from the car to the campsite, the trolley not only helps carry Handy camping cart to help move your camping gear from the car to the campsite, ideal for family camping, festivals or for general use.
your equipment but if you feel tired it doubles up as a seat. Ideal for family camping, festivals or for general use.
Maximum suggested load 25kg. Extra-large wheels to aid movement. Tough metal construction, folds flat for easy Fabric: Cover - PVC (4mm thickness)
storage. 2 x bungee straps included. Dimensions: Folded size - 750 x 520 x 300mm
Colours: Product size - 900 x 525 x
Packaging Type: Colour Card Sleeve Weight: 1160mm (with handle)
CDU Quantity: N/A Wheel size - 8" x 1.75"
Inner Box Quantity: N/A Steel tubes - 15 x 15mm
Carton Quantity: 12
10 x 18mm
10 x 10mm

Packaging Type: Colour Label
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 1

Handle clips in place when upright

CA042 Folding Festival Trolley

Specification & Features:

Handy Festival trolley to help move your camping gear from the car to the campsite, ideal for family camping,
festivals or for general use.
Maximum suggested load 25kg. Extra-large wheels to aid movement. Tough metal construction, folds flat for
easy storage. 2 x bungee straps included.

Packaging Type: Colour Card Sleeve
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 12


CA044 Flush Pink 500ml CA046 Flush Pink 1 Litre CA048 Toilet Green Waste Tank 1 Litre

camping accessories Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features:

Yellowstone Flush Pink is a market Yellowstone ready to use Flush Pink is a Yellowstone Green waste ready to use is a totally
leading product, revolutionary for market leading product, revolutionary for being green biological version of our concentrated
being concentrate and going 3 times concentrate and going 3 times further than other formaldehyde-free, PH Neutral & biodegradable
further than other manufacturers. manufacturers. Developed for flush systems our formulae is for both flush and waste use in all
Developed for flush systems our formaldehyde-free, PH Neutral & biodegradable leisure portable toilets and cassette toilets.
formaldehyde-free, PH Neutral formulae is for general use in all leisure portable
& biodegradable formulae is for toilets and cassette toilets. Packaging Type: Printed Label
general use in all leisure portable CDU Quantity: N/A
toilets and cassette toilets. Packaging Type: Printed Label Inner Box Quantity: N/A
CDU Quantity: N/A Carton Quantity: 6
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Packaging Type: Printed Label Carton Quantity: 6
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6

CA045 Toilet Blue 500ml CA047 Toilet Blue 1 Litre CA049 Grey Water 1 Litre

Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features:

Yellowstone Toilet Blue is a market Yellowstone ready to use Toilet Blue is a Yellowstone Grey Water ready to use is a concentrated
leading product, revolutionary for market leading product, revolutionary for being formulae that sanitises and deodorises grey water
being concentrate and going 3 times concentrate and going 3 times further than other tanks in caravans, motorhomes and boats. One 50ml
further than other manufacturers. manufacturers. Developed for waste systems our dose per usage.
Developed for waste systems our formaldehyde-free, PH Neutral & biodegradable
formaldehyde-free, PH Neutral & formulae is for general use in all leisure portable Packaging Type: Printed Label
biodegradable formulae is for general toilets and cassette toilets. CDU Quantity: N/A
use in all leisure portable toilets and Inner Box Quantity: N/A
cassette toilets. Packaging Type: Printed Label Carton Quantity: 6
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Packaging Type: Printed Label Carton Quantity: 6
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6


CA025 Tornado 1 Electric Airbed Pump CA026 Tornado 2 Electric Airbed Pump CA027 Tornado Compact Electric Pump

Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features: camping accessories

Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact high Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact high
volume pump. Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle.Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. high volume pump. Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve volume pump. Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle.Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors.
Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 130 Watts / 450 litre per min adaptors. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 40 Watts / 230 Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 44 Watts / 300 litre per min
air flow / 0.60 PSI. Works off a mains plug. litre per min air flow / 0.31 PSI. Comes with 12V Car charger and 12V wall charger. air flow / 0.45 PSI. Comes with 12V Car charger.

Packaging Type: Colour Box Packaging Type: Colour Box Packaging Type: Colour Box
CDU Quantity: N/A CDU Quantity: N/A
CDU Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 12 Carton Quantity: 12 Carton Quantity: 12

CA028 Tornado Battery Power Pump CA032 Tornado 1 Electric Airbed Pump CA033 Tornado 2 Electric Airbed Pump
with EU Plug with EU Plug
Specification & Features:
Specification & Features: Specification & Features:
Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact
high volume pump. Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact high
adaptors. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 35 Watts / 250 high volume pump. Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve volume pump. Inlate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors.
litre per min air flow / 0.40 PSI. Requires 4 x D batteries (not included). adaptors. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 130 Watts / 450 Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 40 Watts / 230 litre per min
litre per min air flow / 0.60 PSI. Works off a mains plug. air flow / 0.31 PSI. Comes with 12V Car charger and 12V wall charger.
Packaging Type: Colour Box
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A Packaging Type: Colour Box Packaging Type: Colour Box
CDU Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 24 CDU Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 12 Carton Quantity: 12

CA029 3 Litre Footpump CA030 5 Litre Footpump CA031 Double Action 2 Litre Pump

Specification & Features: Specification & Features: Specification & Features:

Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. A ribbed foot Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. A ribbed foot Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile
plate for ultimate grip. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s plate for ultimate grip. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s pump with 3 valve adaptors. Robust pump with sturdy
foot grip and hand pump. Great for use on airbeds,
Packaging Type: Paper Insert with Shrink Wrap & CDU Packaging Type: Colour box inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s
CDU Quantity: 4 CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A Packaging Type: Colour Box
CDU Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 4 Carton Quantity: 12 Inner Box Quantity: N/A

Carton Quantity: 6


Sleeping sleeping

The Yellowstone sleeping range has been carefully designed and produced to range
products that provide luxury, comfort and unbeatable performance within their category all
at affordable prices.
Tested to BS EN 13537:2012, you can have the confidence that all of our sleeping bags
perform to their true merits.

Het Yellowstone-slaapaanbod werd zorgvuldig ontwikkeld en geproduceerd, zodat producten worden aangeboden die luxe, comfort en een
ongeëvenaarde prestatie aanbieden binnen hun categorie en dit alles tegen betaalbare prijzen.
Getest volgens BS EN 13537:2012, u kunt erop vertrouwen dat al onze slaapzakken naar beste vermogen presteren.

Das Schlafsack-Sortiment von Yellowstone wurde sorgfältig entworfen und hergestellt und bietet luxuriöse und komfortable Produkte, die in
ihrer Kategorie unschlagbare Leistung zu erschwinglichen Preisen bieten.

Unsere Schlafsäcke wurden gemäß der Norm BS EN 13537:2012 geprüft und Sie können sicher sein, dass jeder einzelne seine hervorragenden
Leistungen stets erfüllt.

La gamme de couchage Yellowstone a été soigneusement pensée et réalisée pour proposer des produits qui offrent luxe, confort et
performance imbattables, tout en restant abordables.

Testés pour la norme BS EN 13537:2012, vous pouvez avoir la certitude que tous nos sacs de couchage tiennent leurs promesses en termes
de performances.

Zona notte
La gamma di prodotti per la notte di Yellowstone è stata attentamente progettata e prodotta in modo da includere prodotti che offrono lusso,
comodità e prestazioni imbattibili nella loro categoria, sempre a un prezzo accessibile.
Testati in conformità con BS EN 13537:2012, vi danno la sicurezza che tutti i nostri sacchi a pelo offrono ottime prestazioni.

Dormir al aire libre
La gama de accesorios para dormir de Yellowstone se ha diseñado y elaborado cuidadosamente para aunar lujo, comodidad y un rendimiento
inigualable dentro de su categoría a un precio muy asequible.
Además, la certificación BS EN 13537:2012 es garantía de que todos nuestros sacos de dormir cumplen lo que prometen.


SB042 Stretch Sleeping Bag

sleeping Specification & Features:

• Extra stretch for a more comfortable nights sleep.
• Zip guard to reduce risk of catching.
• Water repellent outer shell.
• Internal security pocket.

Fabric: Outer - 240T Rip Stop Polyester
Liner - 260T Soft Micro Polyester
Filling: 300gm² Duralite Down like 3D Micro Fibre
Dimensions: 220 x 90 x 60cm (L x W)
Pack size: 40 x 23cm
Colours: Orange
Weight: 1.7kg
Temperature Rating: 2 season

Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6

kg 20°C | 32°F 40 x 2°C | 36°F 40 x
lower limit23cm lower limit 23cm

5°C | 41°F 7°C | 45°F
comfort comfort

-15°C | 5°F -12°C | 10°F
extreme extreme

2 2°C | 36°F 40 x2°C | 36°F 40 x
lower limit 23cm
lower limit
7°C | 45°F
comfort 7°C2| 345c°Fm

-12°C | 10°F comfort
-12°C | 10°F





SB038 Adventurer 400

Specification & Features: sleeping

• Ridge hood with extra 50gm baffle around hood
• Zip guard to reduce risk of catching
• Zip & shoulder baffle
• Water repellent outer shell
• Internal security pocket

Fabric: Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester
Liner - Soft Touch Polyester
Filling: 300gm² Double Layer Hollow Fibre
Dimensions: 210 x 100cm (L x W)
Pack size: 40 x 23cm
Colours: Blue
Weight: 1.7kg
Temperature Rating: 2 season

Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 4

3 1.9kg -5°C | 23°F 343 x 1.9kg -5°C | 23
3 lower limit lower lim
1°C | 34°F 1°C | 34
comfort comfor

-21°C | -6°F -21°C | -6
extreme extrem

31.9kg -5°C | 23°F 43 x-5°C | 23°F 43 x
lower limit 26cm
lower limit
1.9kg1°C | 34°F
comfort 1°C2| 634c°Fm

-21°C | -6°F comfort
-21°C | -6°F

Blue Red


SB001 Trek Lite Classic 300

sleeping Specification & Features:

• Ridge hood with extra 50gm baffle around hood.
• Zip guard to reduce risk of catching.
• Zip baffle.
• Water repellent outer shell.
• Internal security pocket.

Fabric: Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester
Liner - Poly Cotton
Filling: 300gm² Double Layer Hollow Fibre
Dimensions: 230 x 80 x 55cm (L x W)
Pack size: 38 x 23cm
Colours: Green / Charcoal
Red / Charcoal
Blue / Charcoal
Weight: 1.7kg
Temperature Rating: 2 season

Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6

7kg 1°C | 34°F 238 x 1.7kg 1°C | 34°F 38 x
lower limit lower limit 23cm
6°C | 43°F 6°C | 43°F
comfort comfort

-14°C | 7°F -14°C | 7°F
extreme extreme

21.7kg 1°C | 34°F 38 x1°C | 34°F 38 x
lower limit 23cm
lower limit
1.7kg6°C | 43°F
comfort 6°C2| 343c°Fm

-14°C | 7°F comfort
-14°C | 7°F





SB002 Trail Lite Classic 300

Specification & Features: sleeping

• Ridge hood with extra 50gm baffle around hood
• Zip guard to reduce risk of catching
• Zip & shoulder baffle
• Water repellent outer shell
• Internal security pocket

Fabric: Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester
Liner - Poly Cotton
Filling: 300gm² Double Layer Hollow Fibre
Dimensions: 210 x 80cm (L x W)
Pack size: 38 x 23cm
Colours: Red / Charcoal
Blue / Charcoal
Weight: 1.7kg
Temperature Rating: 2 season

Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6

2 1.7kg 1°C | 34°F 238 x 1.7kg 1°C | 34°F
2 lower limit lower limit
6°C | 43°F 6°C | 43°F
comfort comfort

-14°C | 7°F -14°C | 7°F
extreme extreme

21.7kg 1°C | 34°F 38 x1°C | 34°F 38 x
lower limit 23cm
lower limit
1.7kg6°C | 43°F
comfort 6°C2|343c°Fm

-14°C | 7°F comfort
-14°C | 7°F

Blue Red


sleeping SB024 Sleepwell 300

Specification & Features:

• Oversized sleeping bag for a more comfortable nights sleep
• Stretch out and move without discomfort
• Ridge hood
• Zip guard to reduce risk of catching
• Zip & shoulder baffle
• Water repellent outer shell
• Internal security pocket

Fabric: Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester
Liner - Soft Touch Polyester
Filling: 300gm² Double Layer Hollow Fibre
Dimensions: 210 x 100cm (L x W)
Pack size: 40 x 23cm
Colours: Blue
Weight: 1.7kg
Temperature Rating: 2 season

Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6

2°C | 36°F 240 x 2°C | 36°F 40 x
lower limit lower limit 23cm
7°C | 45°F 7°C | 45°F
comfort comfort

-12°C | 10°F -12°C | 10°F
extreme extreme

2 2°C | 36°F 40 x2°C | 36°F 40 x
lower limit 23cm
lower limit
7°C | 45°F
comfort 7°C2| 345c°Fm

-12°C | 10°F comfort
-12°C | 10°F





SB003 Ultra Lite 100 SB004 Ultra Lite 150 SB032 Ultra Lite 175 sleeping

Specification & Features: Specification & Features Specification & Features:

• Ideal for backpacking and hiking with compact pack size • Ideal for backpacking and hiking with compact pack size • Ideal for backpacking and hiking with compact pack size
• Zip guard to reduce risk of catching • Zip guard to reduce risk of catching • Zip guard to reduce risk of catching
• Zip & shoulder baffle • Zip & shoulder baffle • Zip & shoulder baffle
• Water repellent outer shell • Water repellent outer shell • Water repellent outer shell
• Internal security pocket • Internal security pocket • Internal security pocket

Fabric: Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester Fabric: Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester Fabric: Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester
Liner - Soft Touch Polyester
Liner - Soft Touch Polyester Liner - Soft Touch Polyester 175gm² Duralite Down like 3D Micro Fibre
Filling: 100gm² Duralite Down like 3D Micro Fibre Filling:
Dimensions: 220 x 80 x 50cm Filling: 150gm² Duralite Down like 3D Micro Fibre Dimensions: 220 x 80 x 50cm (L x W)
Dimensions: 220 x 80 x 50cm
Pack size: 26 x 15cm Pack size: 26 x 17cm Pack size: 32 x 19cm
Orange / Black
Colours: Red / Black Colours: Blue / Black Colours: 950g
Weight: 750g Weight:
Temperature Rating: 1 season Weight: 750g Temperature Rating: 1 season
Temperature Rating: 1 season

Packaging Type: Swing Tag Packaging Type: Swing Tag Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A CDU Quantity: N/A CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 10 Carton Quantity: 10 Carton Quantity: 10

1 750g 9°C | 48°F 26 x 1 850g 6°C | 43°F 26 x 1 950g 5°C | 41°F 32 x
lower limit 15cm lower limit 17cm lower limit 19cm

13°C | 55°F 11°C | 52°F 9°C | 48°F
comfort comfort comfort

-2°C | 28°F -6°C | 21°F -9°C | 16°F
extreme extreme extreme

9°C | 48°F 26 x 1 6°C | 43°F 26 x 1 5°C | 41°F 32 x
lower limit lower limit 17cm lower limit 19cm
11°C | 52°F 26 x 9°C | 48°F
g 13°C | 55°F 15cm 850g 6°C | 43°F 17cm 950g 5°C | 41°F
comfort comfort lower limit comfort lower limit
1 -6°C | 21°F 11°C | 52°F 950g 1 -9°C | 16°F 9°C | 48°F
-2°C | 28°F extreme
extreme 6°C | 43°F comfort 5°C | 41°F extreme comfort
lower limit 850g -6°C | 21°F lower limit -9°C | 16°F
750g 9°C | 48°F 26 x 11°C | 52°F extreme 9°C | 48°F 950g 32 x
lower limit 15cm 26 x extreme 19cm
comfort 17cm 1 comfort 32 x
13°C | 55°F -6°C | 21°F -9°C | 16°F 19cm
comfort extreme
-2°C | 28°F

8°F 26 x 1

5°F 15cm 850g




SB006 Essential Mummy Sleeping SB005 Essential Envelope Sleeping SB009 Slumber 200
Bag Bag
sleeping Specification & Features:
Specification & Features: Specification & Features: • Oversized 2 person sleeping bag 1 10°C | 50°F 145 x
• Water repellent outer shell 1.8kg lower limit 1.8k
• Lightweight sleeping bag • Lightweight sleeping bag • Internal security pocket 14°C | 57°F 25cm
• Ideal for sleepovers • Ideal for sleepovers • Opens up fully 45
comfort 45 x10°C | 50°F 25c
Fabric: Outer - 170T Polyester Fabric: Outer - 170T Polyester Fabric: Outer - 170T Polyester -1°C | 30°F
Filling: Liner - 170T Polyester Filling: Liner - 170T Polyester Liner - Soft Touch Polyester extreme lower limit
Dimensions: 150gm² Polyester Dimensions: 150gm² Polyester Filling: 1200gm² Hollow Fibre Polyester
Pack size: 210 x 75 x 50cm (L x W) Pack size: 180 x 75cm (L x W) Dimensions: 11.8kg 10°C | 50°F 142°C5|c57m°F
Colours: 35 x 18cm Colours: 35 x 18cm Pack size: 190 x 140cm (L x W) lower limit comfort
Weight: Black Weight: Black 45 x 25cm -1°C | 30°F
800g 700g Colours: Black 1.8kg14°C | 57°F
Weight: 1.8kg comfort extreme
Tempreature rating: 1 season -1°C | 30°F


Packaging Type: Swing Tag Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 10 Carton Quantity: 10 Inner Box Quantity: N/A

Carton Quantity: 6

2 800g 1°C | 34°F 35 x 2 700g 1°C | 34°F 35 x
lower limit 18cm lower limit 18cm

6°C | 43°F 6°C | 43°F
comfort comfort

-14°C | 7°F -14°C | 7°F
extreme extreme

°C | 34°F 35 x 2 700g 1°C | 34°F 35 x
ower limit 18cm lower limit 18cm

°C | 43°F 6°C | 43°F
comfort comfort

14°C | 7°F -14°C | 7°F
extreme extreme


SB046 Ashford Double 300

Specification & Features: Fabric: Outer - 190T Polyester Packaging Type: Swing Tag Blue 2 2.5kg 1°C | 34°F
Liner – Poly Cotton Liner CDU Quantity: N/A Green lower limit
• Oversized 2 person sleeping bag Filling: 300gm² Hollow Fibre Polyester Inner Box Quantity: N/A 1°C | 34°F 47 x
• Water repellent outer shell Dimensions: 230 x 150cm Carton Quantity: 4 sleepinglower limit29cm6°C | 43°F
• Internal security pocket 6°C | 43°F comfort
• Opens up fully. 2 way Zip
• 2 layer construction comfort -13°C | 9°F
• Hooded -13°C | 9°F extreme
Pack size: 47 x 29cm
Colours: Blue / Grey
Green / Light Green
Weight: 2.5kg
Tempreature rating: 2 seasons 2



SB007 Comfort 200

sleeping Specification & Features:

• Lightweight sleeping bag ideal for sleepovers
• Water repellent outer shell.
• Internal security pocket

Fabric: Outer - 170T Polyester
Liner - Soft Touch Polyester
Filling: 200gm² Hollow Fibre Polyester
Dimensions: 190 x 80cm
Pack size: 38 x 20cm
Colours: Blue
Weight: 800g
Tempreature rating; 1 season

Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 10

1 11kg 1kg10°C | 50°F 38 x10°C | 50°F 38 x
lower limit 20cm
lower limit
14°C | 57°F
comfort 14°C2|057c°Fm

-1°C | 30°F -1°C | 30°F

extreme extreme

11kg 10°C | 50°F 38 x10°C | 50°F 38 x
lower limit 20cm
lower limit
1kg14°C | 57°F
comfort 14°C2|057c°mF
-1°C | 30°F
extreme -1°C | 30°F

Blue Red


SB031 Ashford Junior 300

Specification & Features: sleeping

• Perfect for both camping and sleepovers
• Light weight and warm
• Zip guard to reduce risk of catching
• Water repellent outer shell
• Internal security pocket
• Bright eye catching colours

Fabric: Outer - 170T /70D Polyester
Liner - Soft Touch Polyester
Filling: 300gm² Hollow Fibre Polyester
Dimensions: 170 x 70 x 55cm (L x W)
Pack size: 37 x 21cm
Colours: Blue/ Green
Red / Green
Weight: 850g
Tempreature rating; 1 season

Packaging Type: Swing Tag
CDU Quantity: N/A
Inner Box Quantity: N/A
Carton Quantity: 6

1 850g 10°C | 50°F 137 x 850g 10°C | 50°F
1 lower limit lower limit
13°C | 55°F 13°C | 55°F
comfort comfort

-1°C | 30°F -1°C | 30°F
extreme extreme

1850g 10°C | 50°F 37 x10°C | 50°F 37 x
lower limit 21cm
lower limit
850g13°C | 55°F
comfort 13°C2|15c5°mF
-1°C | 30°F
extreme -1°C | 30°F

Red Blue


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