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(3-part cards activities)
The 3-part cards include 3 activities:
1- Land and water bodies pictures clipart that match the
colors of the
Montessori 3D models.
2- Real land and water bodies pictures matching.
3- Coloring pages for the land and water bodies.
Print the 3-part cards activities. Then, cut and laminate the label
and picture separately for one set. Laminate the control of error
cards set which should have the label and picture in one card.
Invite the children to match each land and water body label to
its picture and definition. Once they finish matching the cards,
they can check their own work with the control of error cards
independently. The definitions are considered a (4th part) for
elementary students who have developed good reading level.
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land & Water Forms Nomenclature Cards
lake island
bay cape
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land & Water Forms Nomenclature Cards
lake island
bay cape
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land & Water Forms Nomenclature Cards
peninsula gulf
isthmus strait
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land & Water Forms Nomenclature Cards
peninsula gulf
isthmus strait
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land & Water Forms Nomenclature Cards
system of lakes archipelago
system of lakes archipelago
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land & Water Forms coloring Cards
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land & Water Forms coloring Cards
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land & Water Forms coloring Cards
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Real photos
Lake Island
Bay Cape
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Real photos
Lake Island
Bay Cape
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Real photos
Peninsula Gulf
Isthmus Strait
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Real photos
Peninsula Gulf
Isthmus Strait
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Real photos
System of lakes Archipelago
System of lakes Archipelago
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Definition
A lake is a body of
water surrounded by
An island is a body of
land surrounded by
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Definition
A cape is land partly
surrounded by sea.
A bay is sea partly
surrounded by land.
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Definition
A peninsula is land
that juts out into the
A gulf is water that
penetrates into the
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Definition
An isthmus is a narrow
piece of land that
connects two larger
bodies of land.
A strait is a narrow
body of water that
connects two larger
bodies of water.
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Definition
An archipelago is a
group of islands that
are close together.
A system of lakes is a
group of lakes that
are close together.
(Command Cards)
Enhance your shelf with command cards and let the children unleash their creativity.
Print the cards and laminate them. Make sure you have all
the materials the children will need in a tray placed on the
shelf next to the command cards. You will need paper,
scissors, glue stick, water, clay or playdough, ruler, colored
pencils, blue food coloring, globe, and world Atlas.
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Command Cards
Create a boat from paper or playdough and sail it in
the lake waterbody model on the Geography shelf.
Create your 3 favorite landforms or waterbodies from
brown clay and blue playdough, or green and blue
Locate a system of lakes on the globe or in Atlas.
Write its name and research some information about
Imagine a month that you would spend on an
island. Write list of activities you would do and with
whom you would like to spend this month.
Draw as many waterbodies and landforms as you
can. Punch a hole with a hole puncher on each
drawing. Create a necklace by threading all the
pictures on a string.
©MontessoriTubeAcademy Land and Water Forms—Command Cards
Create from any recycled items, a 3D model of
isthmus, strait, and archipelago.
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