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Published by , 2015-11-15 06:10:29

IDES_Quickguide (1)

IDES_Quickguide (1)

CTK-900 l WK-3200 l WK-3700

IDES – Internet Data Expansion System

Short Description and Instruction



Hungry for variety?
Feed your keyboard!

More Sounds, more effects, more functions – thanks to IDES, every
high performance keyboard by CASIO offers more creative possibili-
ties. IDES is the abbreviation of Data Expansion System and pre-
sents an easy approach to arranging, programming, editing and con-
verting. With IDES, your individual Sound becomes reality!

Besides you will find data galore on the CASIO Music Site: Tones, tones
with Wave data, drawbar settings, drum sets with Wave data, rhythms,
DSP adjustments, registrations, melodies, standard MIDI data and data
packages sorted according to genres. Using the IDES Software, all
these keyboard data can be downloaded for free*; simply transfer to
your PC and apply them comfortably. That promises variety without end.

Effects, tones, rhythms, Wave files,
DSP presets, registration data and
much more.

Large Flash ROM memory PC (Windows®
MIDI line/MIDI interface 98/Me/2000/XP)
with installed IDES

* For using the free-of-charge offer an Internet connection is required, which can cause
further costs.



Seeking variety?
Create your own sound!

The innovative Internet Expanding feature offers great possibilities
for extending and upgrading your keyboard free of charge. Features
and functions for genuine studio technology one otherwise will only
find in expensive synthesizers:

• Data Manager – manage data intelligently

New sounds, rhythms, effects, registrations ... With the data mana-
ger a simple data transfer between a PC and the keyboard is achie-
ved. Also storage media such as floppy disks or SmartMediaTM are
administrated using the data manager.

• Parameter Editor – modify keyboard functions directly

Using the parameter editor numerous keyboard functions are acces-
sed, modified and stored comfortably and in real time via the PC
screen; mixer, sound and effect settings, for instance.

• Rhythm Converter – create your own patterns

Using the rhythm converter, MIDI files can easily be transformed into
rhythms by dividing them into bar sections. In this manner, own pat-
terns with intro, variation, fill and ending are created.

• Wave Converter – create individual
sound images

Simply convert Wave files into tones and
play them – the Wave converter trans-
forms your keyboard into a sample player.



– the download worlds on the CASIO Music Site

German collection

20 rhythms from the world of kraut pop and folk music.
For party fun no end! Be it current top hits or popular
evergreens – everyone will find something suitable here.
Simply wunderbar!

Arabic Mood

Orient meets Occident! The 5 IDES rhythms „Arabic Mood“
conveys the real groove of 1001 nights. Oriental rhythms
for sonorous sound mixes with a hint of exoticism.

CZ Synthesizer-Sounds

The 80s are back – and with them the good old synth
sound. The 100 tones in CASIO keyboards CZ-1, CZ-101
and CZ-1000 are absolutely cult.

European Pop Collection

The best the 70s, 80s, 90s have to offer ... – 75 up-
tempo rhythms for you to render international chart
busters. Popular accompaniment patterns for free!



IDES – how it works

The following short instruction assumes an existing MIDI connection between the keyboard
and the computer and installed IDES software. Information regarding the connection of appa-
ratus and detailed IDES instructions are to be found under

Basic settings before starting off

In order to start the individual applications,
some basic settings must be made:

• Open IDES 3.0 click „preference“ in the file-
menu. A window with four flaps will open

• MIDI: Select the required MIDI interface -
input and output device. Confirm your choi-
ce with „OK“.

• Directory: Define the folder in which your • Card: Select your SmartMediaTM drive.
user files and downloads are to be stored. • Disk: Select your floppy disc drive.
Use the „Browse“ feature to create your own
folders or to choose an existing folder.

Tip: Create only one folder for all file types,
as the IDES program recognises and
assigns all data automatically.



Application 1: Data Manager be converted into a format, which can be read
by the keyboard. First of all, though, you must
Employing the data manager you can easily remove the user data, which are still stored in
share data between your PC and the keyboard. your keyboard. For this, click „Refresh“. ( 11 )
By transferring the download files from the PC
onto the keyboard the data will automatically

2 4 8
3 79
1 11 12

6 13


Das Fenster des Data Managers ist wie folgt aufgebaut:

1 Parameter Editor button 10 Refresh button for updating the file list on
2 Rhythm Converter button the PC
3 Wave Converter button
4 File Type check box 11 Refresh button for updating the file list on
5 Keyboard Memory Capacity check box the keyboard
6 PC Selection (file types)
7 Keyboard Selection (file types) 12 Delete button
8 Select SmartMediaTM as your storage medium 13 Copy from computer to keyboard or stora-
9 Select floppy disc as your storage medium
ge medium (presently selected file type)
14 Copy from keyboard to storage medium or

PC (specific user data)



• In order to transfer files to the keyboard, • Now click the file of the PC list (left) you
first select a file type ( 4 ) – User Rhythm, for wish to transfer and choose a storage loca-
example – and then click the refresh button tion in the keyboard list (right). By pressing
( 10 ). All corresponding files in the IDES user the red arrow ( 13 ), the new file is copied to
folder will be listed. the storage location on the keyboard.

• Now use the refresh button on the key- Note: If the selected storage location is not
board ( 11 ). All user rhythms in the keyboard empty, the original file will be overwritten in the
memory will be detected and listed. In our process. If you wish to keep it, you must save
example (user rhythm), 16 storage banks are it to your hard disk from the keyboard.
at your disposal on the keyboard.



Application 2: Parameter Editor With „Drawbar
Edit“ the drawbar
Using the Parameter Editor, many functi- function is laun-
ons of the keyboards can be edited via the ched. Nine draw-
user interface of the PC. The entry via the bars and further
menu and the multifunctional keys og the functions can now
keyboard are replaced by comfortable and be adjusted indivi-
direct real time access. The great number dually.
of possible settings can be found in the
instructions; here we wish to present For rotary sound
some selected highlights: start „Speaker
Rotate“ with „On“
Organ drawbars and control the
The virtual drawbars remodel a „real“ tone frequency of the
wheel organ and also the famous rotor effect with „Fast“
cabinet can be controlled incredibly close or „Slow“.
to the real thing through IDES. First select
the drawbar function on the keyboard. 09


Synthesizer Editor

Using the synth window, diverse synthesizer
parameters can be controlled. Through this,
tones can be edited individually and combined
with numerous DSP effects. All in all a versati-
le tool for creative sound design.

In the menu bar the synth and other para-
meter windows can be activated under



Application 3: Rhythm Converter

Using the rhythm converter, every MIDI file can
be converted to an own rhythm. For this, the
desired tune (MIDI file) must simply be transfer-
red to the rhythm converter in IDES. The MIDI
channels (10 to 14) are represented graphically
and can be divided in rhythm sections. In this
manner, selected bars are converted into own
patterns with an intro, variation and ending.
The finished rhythm can be used on the key-
board as usual.

Using „File“ and „Open SMF“ a file window
will be opened, where the MIDI file is chosen
and loaded into the Rhythm Converter.



You can completely arrange your rhythm and select the
corresponding bar sections for every one of the 5 tracks.
The detailed application instructions are to be found in the
IDES instructions. Tip: Take care the selected elements are to

assigned to MIDI tracks 10 to 14.
Select „Convert to Pattern“ under „File“ to convert the edited

parameters and OTP settings (One Touch Presets)* into a
rhythm. A storage window appears; now the rhythm file can
be stored on your hard disk as usual. Afterwards, the file can

be transferred to the keyboard using the Data Manager.

*Please refer to the instructions of your keyboard.



Apllication 4: Wave Converter the first zone. As soon as the key is touched,
the Wave file will be played. On the neighbou-
All Wave files in a 8/16-Bit format can be con- ring key, the guitar solo will be played a note
verted to sounds using the Wave Converter and deeper, so inside a zone different variations are
can be played directly from the keyboard. possible. The user file can have a size of up to
Up to 16 Waves can be assigned to the key- 1,2 MB.
board in this manner. For this purpose the key-
board is divided in zones on the computer (61 Tip: In the case of Wave files it is useful to set
or 76 keys divided through 16) and individual the original frequency so that it corresponds
Wave Sounds are then assigned to every zone. to the keyboard later on.
A guitar solo comprising 20 notes, for instance,
can completely be assigned to one key within

The number of splits required depends upon how many Waves you wish to apply. In order
to create a split, click „Edit“ and choose „Add Split“. Under „Keyboard Range“ you can set
the number of keys on your instrument to 61 or 75.



In order to load the Waves into the respective split
range, simply click the „Open Wav File“ button and
select the Wave file using the Windows window.
The name of the Wave file appears in the name line
of the respective Wave panel. The detailed application
instructions are to be found in the user manual.

With „Convert“ you can store your Wave file on the
hard disk and afterwards transfer it to the keyboard with
the Data Manager.

Any questions? perfectly at home in CASIO’s Internet forum. The
moderated forum is open to all those interested
If you still are in need of answers to your ques- and can be contacted directly through the CASIO
tions or simply wish to talk shop with other Music Site or under
IDES keyboard players – all the way to swap-
ping self-created IDES sounds – you will feel



„We want more!“
– the IDES-Boards by CASIO

Time Machine – WK-3700 convinces in the studio and on stage

Top features in short:
• 76 keys with touch response
• 600 tones (+224 user tones)
• 160 rhythms (+16 user rhythms)
• Modulation-/Pitch Bend Wheel
• SmartMediaTM-Slot
• Hard disk drive
• Line ut

Wunderwerk – WK-3200 entertains through functional variety

Top features in short:
• 76 keys with touch response
• 600 tones (+224 user tones)
• 160 rhythms (+16 user rhythms)
• Pitch bend wheel
• SmartMediaTM-Slot

Sound factory – CTK-900 defines variety anew

Top features in short:
• 61 keys with touch response
• 600 tones (+224 user tones)
• 160 rhythms (+16 user rhythms)
• 242 digital effects

Also the respective predecessor models – WK-3500, WK-3000 und CTK-691 – are perfectly equip-
ped for Internet expanding through IDES.



Bornbarch 10 • 22848 Norderstedt • Germany
Phone 0049 40/528 65-0
Fax 0049 40/528 65-100

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