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KCR Social Media & Electronic Communications Policy

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Published by Kitsap Community Resources, 2019-07-30 16:59:26

KCR Social Media & Electronic Communications Policy

KCR Social Media & Electronic Communications Policy

Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy

Every employee of Kitsap Community Resources (KCR) shall understand and observe the policies and
procedures about the use of electronic communication and social media. The use of electronic
communications and social media also presents certain risks to KCR, including unauthorized disclosure of
confidential information, exposure to discrimination and harassment claims, and activity detrimental to KCR's
mission and functions. To assist in making responsible decisions about the use of electronic communications
and social media, KCR has established these guidelines. This policy applies to all KCR employees, KCR Board
members, volunteers, and program participants assigned to KCR (i.e., AmeriCorps Members, Community Jobs

1. Definitions

(a) Social Media

Social media are technologies that enable online users to interact and share information publicly or privately
with one another. Social media include a variety of internet-based communication tools, such as, but not
limited to, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, blogs, and wikis. Social media also includes your own or
someone else's web log or blog, journal or diary, personal web site, social networking or affinity web site, web
bulletin board or a chat room, whether or not associated or affiliated with KCR.

(b) Electronic Communications

Electronic Communications consists of communication of data, regardless of format or type (i.e., video, audio,
picture, text), via electronic means including via phone/smartphone, tablet, desktop computer, laptop
computer or similar electronic device. Other examples, but not limited to include instant messaging, email,
and video conferencing.

2. Compliance with KCR Policy

Employees are required to comply with all KCR policies and rules that might apply to the use of social media
and electronic communications, both on and off duty. Please be reminded of personnel policies that pertain
to your off-work conduct as a KCR employee. In particular, the following policies:

• Personnel Policy 4.2 (Whistle Blower Protection)
• Personnel Policy 12.1 (Public Statements)
• Personnel Policy 12.6 (Conflicts of Interest in Employment)
• Personnel Policy 12.8 (Anti-Harassment Policy)
• Personnel Policy 12.13 (Prevention of Workplace Violence)
• Personnel Policy 13.1 (General Rules of Conduct)
• KCR Information Technology Policy
• KCR Code of Ethics
• KCR Employee Handbook

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3. Rules

Electronic communication and social media use that adversely affects an employee's job performance, the
performance of other KCR employees, or that otherwise negatively affects KCR's mission, values, image or
reputation may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. KCR commits that no disciplinary
action will not violate the rights of its employee's freedom of speech or relevant state employment laws.

(a) These additional rules also apply:

Social media content that relates to KCR business may be a public record and subject to retention and
disclosure under state, federal law, or grant funder requirements. For that reason, except when
assigned as a part of official duties, employees are prohibited from using social media to conduct KCR

Establishing any social media or electronic communication platform that represents KCR, its programs,
or its services requires authorization prior to establishing. Submit such request in writing to KCR IT for
approval and account establishment.

1. Employees are required to protect and maintain the confidentiality of all private and
confidential KCR information.

2. Employees may not create a link from their blog, website or any other social networking
site to a KCR website if such a link causes the viewer to reasonably believe that the KCR
endorses the contents of the employee's social media site.

3. Employees may not use their KCR email address or the KCR's official logo for personal
online communications or activities. Although employees may identify themselves as
employees of KCR, employees shall not identify themselves in a manner that suggests or implies
they are speaking as a representative for KCR. As a reminder, "No Employee should presume to
speak for or on behalf of KCR regarding agency matters without the specific prior approval of
the Executive Director" (KCR Public Statements, 12.1.a.1).

4. Use at Work

KCR allows employees the privilege of using KCR computer systems for limited non-business reasons during
breaks and lunch periods. On such breaks, employees can use the internet to access personal email accounts,
private social media sites, and other publicly available websites. Additionally, the use of KCR computer
resources is subject to the following rules:

1. Social media or Electronic Communication should not be used to harass unlawfully,
discriminate against, or retaliate against another employee. Social media should not be used to
communicate threats in violation of KCR's no violence policy.

2. Employees shall not post, upload, or create any social media or electronic communication
content that is known to be false, misleading, or fraudulent, or that involves pornographic,
sexually explicit, or obscene materials (Personnel Manual, Section 12: Employee Conduct).

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5. Using Off-Duty
Please be reminded that KCR rules and policies apply to social media and electronic communication conduct to
the same extent as other off-duty conduct, including the terms of this policy.
Employees engaging in social media for political purposes must use care and discretion to avoid giving the
impression that their efforts in any way are reflective of KCR support. Such engagement must convey that the
employee is acting as a private citizen and not in their role as a KCR employee (Personnel Manual 12.4).

6. No Expectation of Privacy
Employees accessing the internet using the KCR's computer resources should be aware that all contents of the
KCR's computer resources and communications systems are KCR property. Employees should have no
expectation of privacy in any message, file, data, document, facsimile, social media post, conversation or
message, or any other kind of information or communications transmitted to, received or printed from, or
stored or recorded on the KCR's electronic information and communications system. Further, KCR reserves the
right to access, audit, monitor, or disclose any component of the use of its computer systems. Per the KCR
Employee Handbook, this may include monitoring - or obtaining -all communications, including but not limited
to email, internet usage, and voice-mail messages.

7. Retaliation Prohibited
KCR prohibits retaliation against an employee for reporting violations of this policy or for cooperating in an
investigation. Any employee who retaliates against another employee will be subject to disciplinary action, up
to and including termination.

8. Signature/Acknowledgement
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the KCR Electronic Communications & Social Media Policy and
that any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Signature Date

KCR Personnel Manual, Section 12.15 Page 3 Created: 07/15/2019

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