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Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 1 System Requirements To successfully run Monarch, we suggest that your system meet or exceed the

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Monarch v11 InstallGuide -

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 1 System Requirements To successfully run Monarch, we suggest that your system meet or exceed the

Monarch 11

Install and Activation Guide

Datawatch Corporation makes no representation or warranties with respect to the
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permission of Datawatch Corporation.

Monarch Install and Activation Guide
July 2011
Copyright © 2011 by Datawatch Corporation
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Unpublished - Rights reserved under the copyright law of the United States.

Monarch is a trademark of Datawatch Corporation. Other products mentioned herein
may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners in the United
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Table of Contents

System Requirements.......................................................................... 1 
Minimum Requirements............................................................... 2 
Recommended Requirements ....................................................... 2 

Running the Setup Program................................................................. 3 
Activating Monarch .............................................................................. 5 

Which Activation Process Is Best For You ....................................... 5 
Important Keys and Codes .......................................................... 6 
Configuring Proxy Server Settings ................................................ 8 
Activating Monarch using Direct Activation ..................................... 9 
Activating Monarch over the Web ................................................12 
Activating Monarch via e-Mail or Phone Support.............................16 
De-Activating Monarch ...................................................................... 17 
De-Activating Monarch via Direct Activation ..................................17 
De-Activating Monarch Over the Web ...........................................18 
De-activating Monarch via e-Mail or Phone Support ........................22 
Post-Installation Notes...................................................................... 23 
Learning Monarch......................................................................23 
Monarch Training ......................................................................23 
Monarch Model Building Service ..................................................24 

System Requirements

To successfully run Monarch, we suggest that your system meet or exceed the
recommended requirements.


Monarch is now available as a 32-bit or 64-bit application. The Monarch 32-bit
edition will run on 64-bit Windows operating systems.

However, due to the requirement for an Access Database Engine, you must
ensure that the Monarch Edition you install is compatible with your Microsoft
Office Installation:

‰ If you are running Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit edition, you MUST install
the 32-bit edition of Monarch

‰ If you are running Microsoft Office 2010 64-bit edition, you MUST install
the 64-bit edition of Monarch

Use the following table to guide you on which Monarch edition and/or Access
Database Engine to install, based on the Microsoft Office edition you are
currently using:

32-bit Monarch 64-bit Monarch

No Office Installation Office 2007 System Driver Access Database Engine
2010, 64-bit edition

  Office 2003 and below Office 2007 System Driver Access Database Engine
2010, 64-bit edition
  Office 2007 No Additional Software
Required Access Database Engine
  No Additional Software 2010, 64-bit edition
Office 2010 32-bit NOT POSSIBLE*


  Office 2010 64-bit NOT POSSIBLE* No Additional Software

* Office 2010 does not allow the installation of both the 32-bit and 64-bit Access

components concurrently. If you have the 32-bit version of Office 2010 installed and
wish to use the 64-bit version of Monarch, you must uninstall the 32-bit version of Office
2010 and install the 64-bit version of Office 2010. Alternatively, it is also possible to
uninstall the 32-bit version of Office 2010 and install Office 2007 and the Access
Database Engine 2010, 64-bit edition in order to run Monarch 11, 64-bit edition.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 1

Minimum Requirements

‰ Windows XP Home/Professional SP3, Windows 2003 Server SP2, Windows
Vista SP1 or later, Windows 7, Windows 2008 Server R2

‰ 1 GB RAM
‰ 200 MB disk space for installation
‰ Pentium 4 CPU
‰ Internet Explorer 6
‰ .NET Framework 4.0 (Full Installation)

Recommended Requirements

Windows XP Home/Professional SP3, Windows 2003 Server SP2, Windows
Vista SP1 or later, Windows 7, Windows 2008 Server R2
‰ 4 GB RAM
‰ 200 MB Disk Space for installation
‰ Sufficient disk space for temporary workspace if dealing with large reports
‰ Pentium 4 or higher CPU
‰ Internet Explorer 7
‰ .NET Framework 4.0 (Full Installation)

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 2

Running the Setup Program

You may run Setup via the Installation browser or the Install menu, or you
may do the following:
1. Insert the Monarch CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Select Start>Run to open the Run dialog. The Run dialog is displayed.

The Run dialog.

3. Assuming the letter of your CD-ROM drive is D:
‰ Type D:\setup32, then press Enter if you wish to install Monarch 32-
bit edition.
‰ Type D:\Monarch64\setup64, then press Enter if you wish to install
Monarch 64-bit edition.

4. A series of prompts will lead you through the installation process.


The installer will check if your machine has all the prerequisites to install
Monarch. If some prerequisites are not available, the installer will attempt
to install these. You will need to confirm the installation.


The installer will check if you have MS Office installed and will check if the
Monarch edition you are installing is compatible, i.e.:
‰ If you have MS Office 64-bit edition installed, you are installing

Monarch 64-bit edition
‰ If you have MS Office 32-bit edition installed, you are installing

Monarch 32-bit edition
If your Monarch and MS Office editions are not compatible, the installer
will display the following error message and then exit:
Setup has detected a bitness incompatibility between Microsoft Office and
Monarch 11. Please ensure if installing Monarch 11 32 bit, Microsoft Office

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 3

is also 32 bit, or if installing Monarch 11 64 bit, Microsoft Office is also 64


The installer will prompt you if you wish to include sample files (reports,
models, and projects), in the same dialog box that prompts for the
destination folder:

By default, the sample files will be installed.
Click on the Install Sample Files checkbox to remove the check if you do
not wish the sample files to be installed.
If you do not install the sample files, you may still retrieve these from the
install CD at a later time from the folder:
[CD Drive]:\Samplefiles
5. After a successful installation, you will need to activate your copy of
The first time you run Monarch, a dialog box will display asking you if you
wish to activate Monarch:

Click Yes. The next sections describe the activation steps.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 4

Activating Monarch

After installing Monarch, you will need to activate it. Without activation
Monarch will give an error message that the application needs to be unlocked
before use.


Once you have activated Monarch, you can only use it on the machine on
which you have activated it. You will need to de-activate Monarch if you wish
to use it on another machine.

Which Activation Process Is Best For You

There are three ways you can activate your copy of Monarch:
‰ Use the built-in activation application that is installed together with

‰ Register over the website
‰ Phone or E-mail Datawatch Monarch Support

Your Scenario Activation Method

You have installed on a computer that has Built-in Activation.
direct connection to the Internet.
This is the recommended activation method.
It is also the easiest and fastest method.

You have installed on a computer that has Register over the website. Or, activate by

no direct connection to the Internet. contactingDatawatch Monarch Support.

You have installed on a computer that has Register over the website. Or, activate by
direct connection to the Internet, but some contacting Datawatch Monarch Support.
settings prevent you from connecting to
the Monarch Activation Server.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 5

Important Keys and Codes

Before you begin activation, take note of the following keys that you need to
be familiar with, and which you need to send Datawatch Monarch Support if
you have any installation or activation issues.


Also referred to as: Serial Number
This is a 24-character alphanumeric key that you need to enter to install

Enter your

Key here.

Example: D32119-MJX141-458168042775
Where to find it:
‰ This key can be located on the packaging of your Monarch Install CD.
‰ If you bought an electronic copy of Monarch, this key should have been e-

mailed to you upon confirmation.


Also referred to as: License Code or License Key
This is an 18-digit code that you need to enter to activate Monarch.
Example: 287000-000147-588655
Where to find it:
‰ This key can be located on the packaging of your Monarch Install CD.
‰ If you bought an electronic copy of Monarch this key should have been e-

mailed to you.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 6

Enter your
Code here.


This is a 32-digit identifier that is generated prior to activating Monarch.
You will only need this ID when you:
‰ Select to activate or de-activate Monarch over the web.
‰ Select to activate or de-activate via phone or e-mail to Monarch Support.

Your Installation
ID is displayed
here. To copy

this number, use
the Copy tool at

the left of the

Example: 4451-3365-4610-5282-3239-4950-5465-3230
Where to find it:
You will find this number in the Import Activation Certificate or Export De-
Activation Certificate dialog boxes of the Monarch Activation application.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 7

Configuring Proxy Server Settings

If you are using a proxy server to connect to the Internet, you will first need
to set up the Activation Application to use the correct proxy server. Otherwise,
skip this step.
1. If the Monarch Activation dialog is not yet up, go to Programs > Datawatch

Corporation >Monarch> Activation.
The Monarch Activation screen displays:

2. Click the ? at the top-right corner of the Monarch Activation dialog:
The Control Activation Status dialog displays:

3. Click Use a proxy server to activate and deactivate, then enter the
required Proxy Settings.

4. Close the dialog box and proceed to the next steps.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 8

Activating Monarch using Direct Activation

1. If the Monarch Activation dialog is not yet up, go to Programs > Datawatch

Corporation >Monarch> Activation.
The Monarch Activation screen displays:

2. Select Activate Monarch, then Continue.
The Activate Monarch dialog box displays:

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 9

3. Enter your 18-digit license code (this can be found inside the software
case), and then select Activate.
Note: The License code referred to is also known as the 18-digit Activation
Code. Refer to Important Keys and Codes for a detailed description of the
License Code/Activation Code.
You will be asked to register:

Click Yes if you wish to Register, or No if you do not want to register at
this time.
Registration is not required to activate Monarch but we highly recommend
that you do so, as this will allow you to receive Technical Support and
updates to Monarch.
4. If you click Yes, the Registration dialog box displays:

5. Click the Register Now button.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 10

The Registration dialog box displays:

6. Enter your registration information and select Continue.
A final dialog box will display to tell you that the activation is successful:

You may now run and use Monarch.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 11

Activating Monarch over the Web

In cases where direct activation is not possible, you may need to activate
using a web browser. Using this method, you will need to copy/paste
information to and from the Activation dialog boxes and Trusted Activation
Center on the web.
1. If the Monarch Activation dialog is not yet up, go to Programs > Datawatch

Corporation >Monarch> Activation.
2. The Monarch Activation screen displays:

3. Select Activate Monarch, then Continue.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 12

The Activate Monarch dialog box displays:

4. Enter your 18-digit license code (this can be found inside your software
case), then select the Import Activation Certificate link.
The Import Activation Certificate dialog box displays, displaying an
Installation ID and your License Number:

Note: The License code referred to is also known as the 18-digit Activation
Code. Refer to Important Keys and Codes for a detailed description of the
License Code/Activation Code.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 13

5. Click the link Use the browser to get an Activation Certificate.
You are brought to the Trusted Activation center:

6. Enter the Installation ID and License Number from the Import Activation
Dialog to the Activation Center.
Note: You can cut-the information and paste to the browser using the copy
button beside the Installation ID and License Number:

7. Click the I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions checkbox,
then click Generate Unlock Code/Certificate. An unlocking certificate is

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 14

Unlock Code This is a 188-digit code that you need to cut and paste into your
(Also referred to Import Activation Certificate or Import De-Activation Certificate
as Unlock dialog box, if you select to activate or de-activate over the
Certificate) web.



Where to find it:

This code is generated when you click Generate Unlock
Code/Certificate while activating or de-activating over the web.
You will need to cut-paste this certificate from your web browser
into the Activation/De-Activation dialog box.

8. Cut-paste the Unlocking Certificate from the browser to the Import
Activation Certificate dialog:

Paste your


9. Click Activate.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 15

A final dialog box will display to tell you that the activation is successful:

Activating Monarch via e-Mail or Phone Support

To activate Monarch via e-mail or phone, note your Product Key and License
code, then contact support via the following:
Phone: +1 978 441 2200
Europe, Middle East
Phone: +44 (0) 2081 232995
Asia Pacific
Phone: +61 2 8920 3244
[email protected]
If you contact support via e-mail, ensure that you include your Product Key
and License Code. If you have previously registered, include your registration
information as well.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 16

De-Activating Monarch

If you wish to use Monarch on a different machine, you will need to de-
activate first on the current machine, and then re-activate on the new
There are three ways you can de-activate your copy of Monarch:
‰ Use the built-in de-activation application that is installed together with

‰ De-activate over the website
‰ Phone or E-mail to Monarch Support

De-Activating Monarch via Direct Activation

1. If the Monarch Activation dialog is not yet up, go to Programs > Datawatch

Corporation >Monarch> Activation.
The De-Activate Monarch screen displays:

2. Select the Yes button.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 17

A dialog box will inform you that the License has been successfully

De-Activating Monarch Over the Web

1. If the Monarch Activation dialog is not yet up, go to Programs > Datawatch

Corporation >Monarch> Activation.
The De-Activate Monarch screen displays:

2. Click Manual de-activation.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 18

The Export De-Activation Certificate dialog box displays:

3. Click Export.
A dialog box will inform you that the License has been successfully

4. Click OK.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 19

The De-Activation Certificate code is also displayed on the Export De-
Activation Certificate dialog box:

De-activation This is a 188-digit code that you need to cut and paste into your
Code (Also Import Activation Certificate or Import De-Activation Certificate
referred to as dialog box, if you select to activate or de-activate over the web.
Certificate) Example:


Where to find it:

This code is generated when you click Export while activating or
de-activating over the web. You will need to cut-paste this
certificate from your web browser into the Activation/De-Activation
dialog box.

5. Copy the De-Activation Certificate.

Note: You can copy the information and paste to the browser using the
copy button beside the De-Activation Certificate:

6. Click Use the browser to return the De-Activation Certificate.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 20

You are brought to Software Activation Center:

Paste your de-

7. Paste the De-activation certificate from the De-Activation Certificate dialog
(in Step 5) to the Activation Center. Check the Terms and Conditions box,
and then click De-Activate License.

8. The Software Activation Center will inform you that the de-activation is

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 21

De-activating Monarch via e-Mail or Phone Support

To activate Monarch via e-mail or phone, note your Product Key and License
code, then contact support via the following:
Phone: +1 978 441 2200
Europe, Middle East
Phone: +44 (0) 2081 232995
Asia Pacific
Phone: +61 2 8920 3244
[email protected]
If you contact support via e-mail, ensure that you include your Product Key
and License Code. If you have previously registered, include your registration
information as well.

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 22

Post-Installation Notes

Learning Monarch

The Monarch documentation consists of a printed Learning Guide and the
Monarch help file.


The Monarch Learning Guide contains a short introduction to Monarch along
with a series of lessons designed to quickly acquaint you with the program.
The lessons are divided into several sections: The Report Window, The Table
Window, The Summary Window, and Advanced Topics.

Each of the first three sections describes a major area of Monarch. First-time
users will be well-rewarded for the time they spend working through these
sections. The Advanced Topics section should be tackled after you become
familiar with the basic concepts of Monarch, as this section will leverage what
you learned in the previous sections. Each lesson should take from 20 to 30
minutes to complete.


The Monarch Help file provides detailed information and step-by-step
instructions for performing numerous tasks in Monarch. It also includes
information on automating Monarch operations, preparing files for input to
Monarch, and technical specifications. To access the file while within Monarch,

select File, click on the drop-down button of the Help menu, and then
select Help Topics from the options that display.

Note For information on features not covered in the Monarch
Learning Guide, consult the Monarch Help file.

Monarch Training

Datawatch provides Monarch training courses to help anyone in your
organization rapidly improve his or her Monarch proficiency skills. Available in
locations around the country, these training classes are designed for all levels
of expertise. Whether you are just getting started and need the basics, or you
would like to hone your skills and learn new ways to use Monarch, Datawatch
is ready to help you reach new levels of Monarch proficiency. Our objective is
to help Monarch users succeed as quickly as possible.

Taught by Datawatch’s seasoned staff of Monarch experts, the training courses
guide you through all aspects of Monarch’s features and capabilities, including
tips and techniques on effective, time-saving shortcuts. There is also a lab
session at the end of class where you can bring in your own files and receive

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 23

individual instruction and suggestions for using Monarch to meet your specific
Monarch onsite training and personal web-based training courses are also
For additional information on Monarch training, go to the Datawatch website at, point to the Services link at the top of the page, and
then select Product Training from the drop-down menu that displays.
In North America, you may contact the Training Department directly:
‰ Phone: +1-800-445-3311
‰ E-mail: [email protected]

Monarch Model Building Service

Datawatch provides a model building service for its Monarch customers. Free
up your time and let the Monarch experts create your models for you.
Datawatch’s highly trained team of Monarch experts will work with you one on
one to create a model that meets your specifications and satisfaction.
To learn more about the Monarch Model Building Service, including pricing,
you can go to the Datawatch website at Point to
Services, then select Monarch Model Building.
In North America, you may contact the Model Building Services directly:
‰ Phone: +1-978-441-2200
‰ E-mail: [email protected]

Monarch Installation and Activation Guide Page: 24

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