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Nomads Eastern Cape October 2019 Magazine

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Published by iandavidgooden, 2019-10-31 11:01:25

Nomads Eastern Cape October 2019 Magazine

Nomads Eastern Cape October 2019 Magazine




Founded 1972

Edition 6

Score to be entered at club after Nomads round

Please putt out per the new SAGA Handicap rules system!
Nomads handicap ceiling in relation to club handicap is as follows.

A = 0-8 : No Change (0)
B = 9 - 14 : Minus One (1)
C = 15 and up - Minus Two (2)

SAMSON system

Cut one shot for every two over window...
It is not limited to 4 anymore

Important Notes

- Members to update Martin Kunhardt on any change of
personal details for our Database purpose.

- Only ten (10) tickets will be allowed to be sold per person
per game for the “Pick 3"

- Chino trousers are not allowed to be worn during play and
visitors to wear a jacket and tie for prize giving.

- We are playing “Ready Golf” not “Speedy Golf”
- Please adhere to Nomads Dress Code - only recognised

Nomads kit is allowed to be worn at a Nomads game!

Prospective Nomads in the October Publication

Tim Smuts Proposer: Shaun Ryan Seconder: Kenneth Snape

Mike Duff Proposer: David Koen Seconder: Marc Fresco

Jurgens van Onselen Proposer: Paul Hand Seconder: Kenneth Snape

David Wiblin Proposer: Brendon McNeill Seconder: David Gooden

Wayne Durant Proposer: Bruce Watson Seconder: David Koen

For sponsorship in the monthly magazine...

Contact: Ian Gooden (082) 458-6706


Support our National Sponsors

Captains News

Fellow Nomads,
The October game at Port Elizabeth Golf Club was
played on Sunday the 13th was played in good
weather. I played with Bruce Watson, Sean
McQuaide and Patrick Gumunyu.
My thanks to all members and guests that travelled on Sunday.
The course was in good condition with the greens being a little
different fairway were in good condition.
Thanks to Belmont Golf Club and all the staff for that was done for
We had 2 inductions on the day which were Jandre Lessing and
Hendrikus Muller.
Congratulation to the divisional winners and runners up, and all the
winners on the day.

Captain to Captain

Welcome to
Eastern Cape Nomads!

Jandre Hendrikus
Lessing Muller

Captains News

I would like to thank the ladies for assisting with
registration and prize sheet and hope to see them
at the table the rest of the year.

The Swaziland 7th Nationals took place from the
18th- 20th October 2019, well done to all who attended, South Africa
came in second to Swaziland.

I did play a little better than Bots, with 60 points achieved for the 2
days. Once again thanks to the Swazi contingent and sponsor's for
looking after us for the weekend. The cowboy bar was well
supported and thanks to their sponsors.

I must apologies for not attending the final night evenings
prizegiving due to the fact I had to leave in a hurry as mom was
rushed to hospital, good news she is recovering and still in hospital.

Our next game being on the 10th November at St Francis Bay Golf
Club which also coincides with the South Easter challenge to be
played the Saturday the 9th against Southern Cape. WE will be
having a shotgun start on the Saturday 12.30pm. Please enter as the
percentage of players at our monthly games gives us a better chance
to have higher numbers at Nationals next year.

The same weekend we are hosting our National Chairman Neels
Bezuidenhout, so please chaps best behaviour, and still have fun.

John Nel

Club Captain

Your Nomads Eastern Cape
monthly magazine is
proudly brought
to you by:

A big thank you to
Andre Weitz

Divisional Winners

Apologies: Juan Muller Sean Patrick
McQuaide Gumunyu

Divisional Runners Up

Cobus Kobus Karl
van Biljon Delport Rohroff

Vice Captain Update

Greetings fellow Nomads.

I hope you all enjoyed your round at the Belmont as
much as the group that travelled in the bus did. A very big thank you
to Wayne du Randt for so generously and safely getting us to and
from the course.
Gents if something happens on the course during play, regarding a
rule or scoring that you can't sort out during the round, please bring
it to the captains or committee members attention before you sign
the cards. If any rulings need to be applied, it has to be done prior to
this. Don't come after the game and complain about something that
you are not happy with.
I will hopefully have more feedback with regards to the AMT golf in
the next few weeks, but it will definitely be next year, probably March
or April.

Paul Hand
Your VC in golfing

Drawn 4-Ball

Cobus Bruce Jason
van Biljon Watson Aitken

JVC News

Good day Fellow Nomads,

Well what can be said about The Belmont, I don't
remember much... The overall experience was a
pleasure and they can welcome me back when I
force myself into the free four ball that they
sponsored for a lucky prize that my brother from another mother
(Shaun Ryan) won. The starter on the first tee was awesome(
Please fill his name in here) I can remember that only one of us
finished the hole but the banter was great. Being selected to do
fines was not received well by myself on the day, we had a bit to
much of a party from the long weekend in Bushman's River but I am
sure paying R 100 by myself a little justice.

Next month see's the South Easter being played at St Francis
Links and our monthly game at St Francis Bay course, IT IS ALSO
OUR NASH visit so please get your entries in as soon as possible!!!


Sober Snapper
Junior Vice Captain


Vodacom Origins of Golf
held at Humewood

September 26-28, 2019


Best Playing 4 Ball

Cobus Jandre Chris Ghost
van Biljon Lessing Lessing

Altar Bunnies

Mike Dave Rob Steve
Duff Koen
Griffiths Pritchard

Over 55’s


Pick Three Winner


Short Hole Aggretate


Nearest for 2


Nearest The Pin “Stella Artois” Winners

Whisky Winners

Fines Master




Best Playing Pair

Sean Bruce
McQuaide Watson

Not the “Best Playing Pair”

David Rob
Koen Griffiths

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all your old paper or records?

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office become a problem?

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(0861) 466-336

Teddy Winner


We Are Back In Town...
Bigger & Better

With More Offering
Than Ever Before

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Orion’s Pro Shop

Playing Shirts R 180.00

Contact Orion Meyer Caps R 75.00
Tel: (041) 581-3459
Cell: (084) 293-0493 Beanie R 50.00
178 Church Rd,
Walmer Floppy hats - White R 80.00

(between 11th and 12th) Trousers - Long & Short R 200.00

Waterproof top - L/S White R 120.00

Windbreaker - L/S Maroon R 180.00

Windbreaker - L/S White R 180.00

Belt - Leather R 125.00

Belt - Fabric R 150.00

Travelling Shirts R 150.00

Socks R 40.00

Hat Clips - Ball Marker R 40.00

Hold-All (Aubergine) R 450.00

Longest Drive

van der Putte


October November

Member Birth Date Member Birth Date

Gumunyu, Patrick 01/10/1969 Heunis, Andre 01/11/1955
Pritchard, Shaakira 05/10/1970 Fresco, Marc 14/11/1976
Koen, David 08/10/1967 Lansdell, Rob 17/11/1966
Ward-Able, Gavin 08/10/1981 Morrick, Alan 18/11/1966
Orchard, Alan 14/10/1949
Botha, Burt 19/10/1966
Russell, Ken 21/10/1946
Rusteberg, Robert 24/10/1970

Captains Folly

Jandre Paul
Lessing Hand


Position Player Points

1st Place Tyrell Polglase 258

2nd Place Chris Lessing 256

3rd Place Mark Verwey 254

4th Place Cobus van Biljon 251

5th Place Rob Lansdell 251

6th Place Pat Phillips 250

Results after October monthly game 2019

Eastern Cape Nomads Golf Club

October 2019 - Belmont
Monthly Game

A Division

Kahn Properties - Nick Kahn Winner Juan Muller (10) Pts 36
Pts 35
King Recruitment Solutions - Martin King Runner-up Cobus van Biljon (8)
Pts 35
B Division Pts 32

Kahn Properties - Nick Kahn Winner Patrick Gumunyu (14) Pts 36
Filtertech - Gary Sampson Pts 35
Runner-up Kobus Delport (14) Pts 130

C Division Pts 126

Kahn Properties - Nick Kahn Winner Sean McQuaide (16) Pts 93

Yonke Installation - Andre Weitz Runner-up Karl Rohroff (15) Pts 67

Best Playing Fourball Cobus van Biljon; Chris Lessing Pts 42
Jandre Lessing; Ghost
The Duck - Bryan McArthur

Best Drawn Fourball Cobus van Biljon; Jason Aitken
Bruce Watson; Michael Smith
Steve Nix - Steve Pritchard

Worst Playing Fourball David Koen; Rob Griffiths
Steve Pritchard; Mike Duff
EC Nomads
Sean McQuaide
Best Playing Pair Bruce Watson

Delport Tax - Kobus Delport

Worst Playing Pair Dave Koen
Rob Griffiths
Walmer Woods Driving Range
Paul Hand
Captain’s Folly - Hole 14 Jandre Lessing

Preston Liquors - Peter Pitsiladi

Eastern Cape Nomads Golf Club

October 2019 - Belmont
Monthly Game

Eagle’s Nest (No Winner)

PDP - Dennis Jones

Wununda (No Winner)


Nearest The Pins

South African Breweries Hole 5 Mark Verwey
- Riaan van Jaarsveld Hole 8 Sean McQuaide
Hole 11 Near Kunhardt (½ inch away)
Hole 16 Mark Verwey

Nearest for 2 - Hole 9 Patrick Gumunyu Pts 17
Andre van der Putte Pts 51
Elbo Room Shaun Ryan (13) Pts 36

Longest Drive - Hole 13

Elbo Room

Most Golf (Teddy Winner)

EC Nomads

Short Hole Aggregate - Hole 13

Sunset Body Works - Gerrie Fourie Neale Kunhardt

Over 55's Sean McQuaide (16)

Christell van Biljon

Eastern Cape Nomads Golf Club

October 2019 - Belmont
Monthly Game

Glenbrynth Whisky Winners

1 Bottle Ian Gooden; Christell van Biljon; Stuart McIver
2 Bottles Michael Smith
3 Bottles Rob Griffiths

Two Clubs Sean McQuaide; Paul Hand; Dennis Jones
Neale Kunhardt; Jason Saunders
CMS - Your Logistical Partner - Eben Naidoo Hughy Victor; Andrew Taylor
Cobus van Biljon; Jandre Lessing

Dave’s Harem 1st Prize Ian McTiffin R 175.00
2nd Prize Andre van der Putte R 105.00
3rd Prize David Gooden R 70.00

Andrew Mentis Draw 1st Prize Ian O’Connor R 340.00
Jason Saunders R 170.00
2nd Prize Sean McQuaide R 85.00
3rd Prize Rob Lansdell R 1,225.00

Pick “3” (No Draw) R 2,600.00
(No Winner)
A Div - 31; B Div - 34; C Div - 33

Joker Draw

Amazing Hair Design

Anetje le Roux

Our Next Monthly Game

St Francis Bay Golf Club
Sunday 10th November 2019

Find the draw at:

Please report to the starter at least 30 minutes before your Tee Off Time
Please be on the tee 15 minutes before your Tee Off Time...
and please remember our Dress Code!

Nomad’s Notebook

A reminder to members of important information and upcoming events

Late withdrawal from Monthly and Special Games
-members are requested to notify Jean of their intended withdrawal before 17h00 on a Friday
before a game or be liable for the green fees. NO MEMBERS may enter or withdraw on behalf
of other members!

-Would all Nomads doing EFT or bank deposits please use your name as a reference.
Cheques to be made out to: Nomads Golf Club Eastern Cape

Divisional Trophies
-Those members who have been victorious at a monthly game are urged to return their divisional
trophies to the Equipment Officer before the next game or incur a R200.00 fine

Tee-Off Times
-the Starter is struggling to ensure that the field gets off the tee box on time at our various games
-we urge you to arrive in due time at the respective courses, bearing in mind all that must be done
before even teeing up your ball on the 1st

Early Leavers (You will be fined!!)
You will be charged R20.00 for apologies at Registration -
R40 for apologies after the game and R100 for not apologising at all.
“Note that prize giving is part of the day and we owe it to our sponsors to attend.”

Dress Code
-Regulation dress is required at all times. The correct attire can be obtained from Orion Meyer.
(See magazine for Orion's details and stock)

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