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Nomads Eastern Cape October 2018 Newsletter

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Published by iandavidgooden, 2018-11-05 01:16:55

Nomads Eastern Cape October 2018 Newsletter

Nomads Eastern Cape October 2018 Newsletter




Founded 1972

Edition 6

Divisional Winners

Steve Roger Ian
Pritchard Smith Gooden

Score to be entered at club after Nomads round

Please putt out per the new SAGA Handicap rules system!
Nomads handicap ceiling in relation to club handicap is as follows.

A = 0-8 : No Change (0)
B = 9 - 14 : Minus One (1)
C = 15 and up - Minus Two (2)

SAMSON system

Cut one shot for every two over window...
It is not limited to 4 anymore

Important Notes

Ÿ Members to update Jeanne on any change of contact

numbers for diary purpose.

Ÿ Only ten (10) tickets will be allowed to be sold per

person per game for the “Pick 3"

Ÿ Chino trousers are not allowed to be worn during play and

visitors to wear a jacket and tie for prize giving.

Ÿ We are playing “Ready Golf” not “Speedy Golf”
Ÿ Please adhere to Nomads Dress Code - only recognised

Nomads kit is allowed to be worn at a Nomads game!

Prospective Nomads in the October Publication

Kelvin Hooke Proposer: Martin Kunhardt Seconder: Kenneth Snape

For sponsorship in the monthly magazine...
Contact: Ian Gooden (082) 458-6706

Support our National Sponsors


100 Games


Captains News

Good day fellow Nomads,

I cannot believe that 6 months have
already passed and my year as Captain is
nearing its end?

Congratulations to all the winners yesterday at PEGC.

Firstly I must apologise to all members about my remark
about the Goat track. It is a personal joke between me and
Ian and I understand “some people” were offended by my
remark. It was not intended as such!

Secondly I would like to request from all our EC Nomads to
talk to me if you have a problem with any of my actions. It
doesn`t help you talk to other Nomads hoping that they will
influence me to change my mind on the matter in question.

We will order new shirts for our club within the next 2 weeks.

I would like to thank all Nomads who participated in this
month's Month Game. Behaviour was great on the course
and at prize giving. Thanks for that.

Our National Chairperson will be visiting us in November for
our South Easter competition and Monthly Game at St
Francis. A good turnout would be appreciated.

Cobus van Biljon

Club Captain

Altar Bunnies

Paul Nico Dave
Bester Bester Pearson


Engineering Services cc

General Precision Engineering Fabrication in all Steels

Bruce Watson
082 557 8659

COMSEC Centre Old Grahamstown Road Sydenham
PO Box 3989 North End Port Elizabeth 6056

Tel/Fax: (041) 484-1003 Email: [email protected]

Best Drawn 4-Ball

Gavin Tim Colin
Ward-Able Mason Broadley

Embroiderite Your Logistical Partner
47 7th Ave, Newton Park
Eben Naidoo
Stuart McLeod (082) 770-1772
Work: (041) 365-2633 [email protected]
Cell: (072) 615-2020
Email: [email protected]

Fines Master


JVC News

Good day Fellow Nomads,

It was refreshing to not have any complaints about the prize giving.
Prize giving started a half hour after the last card was handed in.
The implementation of the four ball captains sheet, for handing the
score cards in worked well. There are one or two things that we will
iron out, but it did speed up the process. I did see first hand that
some guys need a calculator when adding up your scores. The
good news is with this method, the four ball's captain was on hand
to sort it out and did not delay the ladies too much.

To my four ball, Ken Russell, Rob Griffiths and Steve Pritchard,
thanks for day. Rob & Stevie, you were worthy winners and gave
Ken & I, a lesson on how to play a GPKO semi-final. We wish you
both, all the best for your Final.

The Alter Bunnies for the day were Paul Bester, Nico Bester, Dave
Pearson and Denis Byron, thanks guys for assisting with the
packing up of the Alter. Much Appreciated.

Thanks to Tyrell, Jason for your contribution with packing up of the
Alter over the last 3 monthly games. You may now take a break,
unless you happen to win the “Teddy”. Hughy, your presence
when packing up the Alter for the next 2 monthly games, will still be

Congratulations to all the lucky winners. Thanks to Jeanne,
Christelle and Bev for your time and hard work that you both put in
for us, as usual on the day.

Paul Hand

Junior Vice Captain

Over 55’s



Ian Gooden


Ian O’Connor

Tel: (041) 581-2604
Cell: (082) 458-6706
Cell: (082) 895-5454

Glassware Cutlery Bar

Crockery Kitchen Uniforms

Nearest The Pin “Stella Artois” Winners

Whisky Winners

Divisional Winners

Steve Roger Ian
Pritchard Smith Gooden


Best Playing Pair

Cobus Ian
van Biljon Gooden

We Are Back In Town...
Bigger & Better

With More Offering
Than Ever Before

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(0861) 466-336

Teddy Winner


Orion’s Pro Shop

Playing Shirts R 180.00

Contact Orion Meyer Caps R 75.00
Tel: (041) 581-3459
Cell: (084) 293-0493 Beanie R 50.00
178 Church Rd,
Walmer Floppy hats - White R 80.00

(between 11th and 12th) Trousers - Long & Short R 200.00

Waterproof top - L/S White R 120.00

Windbreaker - L/S Maroon R 180.00

Windbreaker - L/S White R 180.00

Belt - Leather R 125.00

Belt - Fabric R 150.00

Travelling Shirts R 150.00

Socks R 40.00

Hat Clips - Ball Marker R 40.00

Hold-All (Aubergine) R 450.00


October November

Member Birth Date Member Birth Date

Gumunyu, Patrick 01/10/1969 Heunis, Andre 01/11/1955
Pritchard, Shaakira 05/10/1970 Lansdell, Rob 17/11/1966
Koen, David 08/10/1967 Morrick, Alan 18/11/1966
Ward-Able, Gavin 08/10/1981
Orchard, Alan 14/10/1949
Botha, Burt 19/10/1966
Russell, Ken 21/10/1946
Rusteberg, Robert 24/10/1970


Position Player Points
1st Place Paul Hand 252
2nd Place Stuart McIver 250
3rd Place Steve Pritchard 250
4th Place Rob Griffiths 249
5th Place Ian Gooden 248
6th Place Kobus Delport 246

as at October 2018 Monthly Game

Eastern Cape Nomads Golf Club

Oct 2018 - P.E. Golf Club
Monthly Game

A Division

Kahn Properties - Nick Kahn Winner Steve Pritchard (11) Pts 37
Pts 32
King Recruitment Solutions - Martin King Runner-up Stuart McIver (9)
Pts 38
B Division Pts 34

Kahn Properties - Nick Kahn Winner Ian Gooden (13) Pts 35
Filtertech - Gary Sampson Pts 35
Runner-up Andre Weitz (15) Pts 126

C Division Pts 134

Kahn Properties - Nick Kahn Winner Roger Smith (18) Pts 99

Yonke Installation - Andre Weitz Runner-up George Saffy (21) Pts 69

Best Playing Fourball Tim Mason; Colin Broadley Pts 48
Gavin Ward-Able; Ghost
Keg & Swan - Russell Liebold
Bruce Watson; Colin Broadley
Best Drawn Fourball Steve Pritchard; Cobus van Biljon

Keg & Swan - Russel Liebold

Worst Playing Fourball Paul Bester: Nico Bester
Dennis Byron; Dave Pearson
Imvusa Inks - Mike Lourens
Ian Gooden
Best Playing Pair Cobus van Biljon

EC Nomads

Worst Playing Pair Pual Bester
Nico Bester
Walmer Woods Driving Range
(No Winner)
Captain’s Folly

Preston Liquors - Peter Pitsiladi

Eastern Cape Nomads Golf Club

Oct 2018 - P.E. Golf Club
Monthly Game

Eagle’s Nest (No Winner)

Sampson’s Group Of Companies - Dennis Jones

Wununda Steve Pritchard

Barclays Insurance Brokers - Larry Kozak

Nearest The Pins

South African Breweries Hole 2 Mark Grimsell
- Riaan van Jaarsveld Hole 5 Steve Pritchard
Hole 14 Kenneth Snape
Hole 17 Pat Phillips

Nearest for “Attooh” - Hole 11 Alan Morrick Pts 21
Allan Bird Pts 67
Kerry Bosch Chris Lessing (7) Pts 35

Longest Drive - Hole 2 (No Winner)
George Saffy (21)
Knorkhoek Wines

Most Golf (Teddy Winner)

Core Catering - Ian Gooden & Ian O’Connor,
Orion Meyer

Short Hole Aggregate - Hole 3

Fish River Sun - Stefan Ferreira

Over 55's

Ibhayi Fencing - Steve Pritchard

Eastern Cape Nomads Golf Club

Oct 2018 - P.E. Golf Club
Monthly Game

Glenbrynth Whisky Winners

1 Bottle Ryan Truelove; John Nell; Howard Lipman
2 Bottles David Koen
3 Bottles Stuart McIver

Two Clubs Ian Gooden
Steve Pritchard
CMS - Your Logistical Partner - Eben Naidoo Pat Phillips
David Koen
Dave’s Harem 1st Prize R 235.00
2nd Prize Nico Bester R 185.00
3rd Prize Neale Kunhardt R 105.00
Kenneth Snape

Andrew Mentis Draw 1st Prize Howard Lipman R 400.00
Chris Louw R 200.00
2nd Prize John Skinner R 100.00
3rd Prize
(No Winner) R 1,845.00
Pick “3”
Glen Blom (drawn but no Joker)
A Div - 38B Div - 38; C Div - 38

Joker Draw

Our Next Monthly Game

St Francis Bay Golf Club
Sunday 18th November 2018

Find the draw at:

Please report to the starter at least 30 minutes before your Tee Off Time
Please be on the tee 15 minutes before your Tee Off Time...
and please remember our Dress Code!

Nomad’s Notebook

A reminder to members of important information and upcoming events

Late withdrawal from Monthly and Special Games
-members are requested to notify Jean of their intended withdrawal before 17h00 on a Friday
before a game or be liable for the green fees. NO MEMBERS may enter or withdraw on behalf
of other members!

-Would all Nomads doing EFT or bank deposits please use your name as a reference.
Cheques to be made out to: Nomads Golf Club Eastern Cape

Divisional Trophies
-Those members who have been victorious at a monthly game are urged to return their divisional
trophies to the Equipment Officer before the next game or incur a R200.00 fine

Tee-Off Times
-the Starter is struggling to ensure that the field gets off the tee box on time at our various games
-we urge you to arrive in due time at the respective courses, bearing in mind all that must be done
before even teeing up your ball on the 1st

Early Leavers (You will be fined!!)
You will be charged R20.00 for apologies at Registration -
R40 for apologies after the game and R100 for not apologising at all.
“Note that prize giving is part of the day and we owe it to our sponsors to attend.”

Dress Code
-Regulation dress is required at all times. The correct attire can be obtained from Orion Meyer.
(See magazine for Orion's details and stock)

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