Municipal Directory MAYORfrom the
Mayor I have enjoyed the opportunity to serve the residents of Daphne over
the last year as your Mayor. During this time, I have gained great insight about
Dane Haygood • 621-9000 various aspects of the City. I have had the opportunity to explore the City of
Daphne from various vantage points by visiting with city employees, engaging
City Clerk with citizens, conducting meetings with business owners, attending civic
events and working daily at City Hall. This process has reaffirmed and furthered
Rebecca Hayes • 621-9000 my belief in the uniqueness, the character and the quality of life in Daphne.
Finance Director The City of Daphne has a bright future – one I am humbled and proud to
be a part of. Our rich history, location along I-10 and Mobile Bay, award winning
Mike Hinson • 621-9000 schools, diverse recreational opportunities, numerous shopping and dining
venues combined with our greatest asset – the people in Daphne – create a
Chief of Police foundation for success. It is the collection of individuals in our city and the
inter- action with one another that ultimately forms our sense of community.
David Carpenter • 621-9100 We are a community that is strongly family-oriented and one with a citizenry
that is highly engaged.
Fire Chief
In the coming months, we will continue to improve upon the
James White • 621-2836 operational side of our municipal government by leveraging technology and
process improvements to create better operational efficiency and ultimately
Community better accountability for taxpayer dollars. Secondly, we plan to improve upon
Development Director the communication between the City of Daphne and our residents. Timely
commu- nication is necessary to create better public awareness of events,
Adrienne Jones • 621-3184 issues and challenges facing our city. Lastly, with the help of the Daphne
Beautification Committee and the Public Works Department, I hope to improve
Public Works Director the aesthetics and curb appeal within the City of Daphne and to create points
of interest along our roads and public places by incorporating flowers and
Richard Johnson • 621-3182 color in our landscap- ing around the city.
Human Resource Director I appreciate the opportunity to serve the residents of Daphne. Please
contact my office if there is any way we can assist you.
Vickie Hinman • 621-3075
Library Director
The Jubilee Breeze 1 January - May 2014
Tonja Young • 621-2818
Recreation Director
David McKelroy • 621-3703
Civic Center/Bayfront Park
Margaret Thigpen • 626-5300
Building Inspection/Official
Richard Merchant • 621-3080
Revenue Officer
Angie Phillips • 621-6631
Code Enforcement Officer
Lonnie Jones • 621-2824
Court Magistrate
Leah Fort • 621-2824
Animal Control Supervisor
Lt. Alaric Yeilding • 621-2838
Daphne Utilities
COVER PHOTO by Kathy Hicks
Northern Cardinal found near the
Weeks Bay Reserve, which is down
Hwy 98 at the Fish River Bridge.
Alabama Water Watch is a citizen volunteer water
monitoring program that covers all the major river basins
in the state of Alabama. Since their establishment in 1992,
the mission of Alabama Water Watch is to improve both
water quality and water policy through citizen monitoring
and action. Through the use of EPA-approved monitoring
plans and a community approach, Water Watch trains
citizens throughout the State to monitor the conditions of
their local water bodies.
The Mobile Bay National Estuary program offers
Alabama Water Watch certification training for residents
interested in learning how to monitor and report local
water quality conditions. If you are interested in the free
training please contact Ashley Campbell, Environmental
Protection Manager, at 251-621-3080.
The Jubilee Breeze 2 January - May 2014
Jane Ellis
1 Municipal Directory
Executive Board 1 Letter from Mayor Haygood
Mayor Dane Haygood 2 City Council
2 Alabama Water Watch
Council President 7 D’Olive Watershed Restoration
Randy Fry 13 Mardi Gras Safety Tips
22 Lock It Or Lose It
Council President Pro-Tem 28 Clean Water
Pat Rudicell 29 The Exceptional Foundation
BACK 2014 Garbage Schedule
Art Director EVENTS 20 & 21 31
IFC Sunday Sunset Series 8&9
Editorial Assistant 5 Easter Egg Hunt
Adrienne Jones 23 Arbor Day Tree Give-Away
27 Art In The Park
Contributing Writers 30 Wet n’ Wild Wednesdays
Tracy Bishop 31 Wedding Expo
32 Public Events
Tomasina Werner 33 Brown Bag By The Bay
Tonja Young BACK Relay For Life
4 Fire Department
6 Police Department
8 & 9 Public Works
10 & 11 Community Development
14 - 17 Recreation Department
18 Athletic Department
19 Senior Center
20 & 21 Beautification Commmittee
& Public Works Department
24 - 26 Public Library
The Jubilee Breeze 3 January - May 2014
Fire Dept. DAPHNE
Photo: Joanne Costrillo,
Lamar Green, Fire Chief
James White
March 6, 1970 – December 5, 2012
The Daphne Fire Department chose to
honor Fireman Dan Costrillo by naming
the training room at the new fire station
after him. This is recognition of his love
for teaching and training not only citizens
in Daphne but in the entire county. He
was passionate about informing and
teaching others and it showed in his
instruction. On the anniversary of his
passing a plaque was presented to his
wife and family at the training center.
The Jubilee Breeze 4 January - May 2014
... Selects Officer & Civilian
of the Quarter
Jeff was selected by the department Peggy is a Communications Officer
as Officer of the Quarter June and was selected as Civilian of the
– September 2013. He is the Quarter for the same time period.
department’s canine officer, Maze started with the department
DOT inspector, and also works in December 2012. She is one of the
interdiction. Jeff always has a smile best dispatchers this department
on his face, fills in on shifts when has and is a quick learner. Peggy
needed and works hard. He started never complains, and helps out
with Daphne PD in July 1998. wherever needed.
Both of these officers are well
Good Job!rounded excellent employees.
The Jubilee Breeze 6 January - May 2014
The Jubilee Breeze 7 January - May 2014
National Public Works Week (NPWW) celebrates the
tens of thousands of men and women in North America
who provide and maintain the infrastructure and services
collectively known as public works.
Come out to Lott Park from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and see
all the equipment and vehicles that work in your city!
In the spotlight...
Belrose Park
Belrose Park is a small and
quiet park located at the
end of Belrose Avenue. It’s
a great place to watch the
sun set or maybe “catch”
a Jubilee.
The City of Daphne offers a
parade viewing section that is
open to anyone who is physically or
mentally challenged. It is located on the
Southwest Driveway at City Hall. If you
are bringing a large group (20 or more),
please contact Public Works at 251-621-3182.
Come out and join the fun!!
WHAT’S NEW? We take pride in our role in the process
of transforming visions into reality. Surely, everyone has seen
the three new kids on the block, all recently approved projects,
Popeye’s Chicken, Dunkin Donuts and Firestone Tires and
Service Center.
Daphne Planning Commission approved the
Dunkin Donuts site development plan on June
27th. The business opened on November 7th.
WHO’S WHO? Did you know that, with the exception
of ex-officio members (mayor’s appointee, council member, and
city administrator) the members of the Planning Commission
and the Board of Zoning Adjustment are all volunteers? That’s
why we really appreciate the time, effort and dedication of
each member of the BZA, the Sign Committee and Planning
or the “BZA” is an independent, decision making body
empowered to grant variances, approve special exceptions and
hear appeals of actions taken by zoning administrators. Each
member is appointed by the City Council for a three year term.
Current members are as follows: Willie Robison, Franklin Lamb,
Billy Mayhand, Larry Cooke and Philip Durant. Alternates for
the BZA are William Scully and Thomas Warner, III. The BZA
meets when petitions are submitted for review.
Picture taken at the November 7th BZA meeting.
Shown: William Scully, Franklin Lamb, Willie
Robison, Philip Durant and Larry Cooke.
Community Development Web Address:
The Jubilee Breeze 10 January - May 2014
views digital sign demonstration
at Daphne City Hall. Shown
from left to right: Adrienne Jones,
Councilman Joe Davis, Bill Burdick,
Shawn Klinger, Victor LeJeune,
Councilman Pat Rudicell, Frieda
Romanchuk, Toni Fassbender,
Elnora Jackson and Steve Robinson.
In an effort to improve the City’s UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES
sign regulations our City Council FOR VOLUNTEERS
established a committee to assist in
the process. Each Councilman appointed a citizen from his/ Updating the City of Daphne Comprehensive Plan is one of
her respective district: District 1, Elnora Jackson, District my goals. The ‘comp plan’ or master plan as it is often called is
2, Steve Robinson, District 3, Bill Burdick, District 4, Toni a multi-faceted tool which can be used to manage growth and
Fassbender, District 4, John Peterson, District 6, Victor Le change. Ideally, a comprehensive plan update can be achieved
Jeune, and District 7, Frieda Romanchuk. over a two to three year timeframe. Participation by citizens
After 13 weekly meetings, with the assistance of Mayor who live, work and/or play in Daphne is essential in the
Haygood, Adrienne Jones, Community Development planning process. The first step in the process of becoming a
Director, Patricia Johnson, Administrative Secretary, and volunteer is for you to sign up for the “notify me” feature on
Lonnie Jones, Code Enforcement Officer, the committee the City of Daphne website.
successfully submitted its recommendations to Council.
THE PLANNING COMMISSION Our team is happy to serve the citizens of Daphne
including residents, business owners and developers.
In addition to the Planning Commission’s role in sub- Shown above, Director reviews project options with
dividing land and site plan review/approval for new William Hunt and Jeff Daniell.
establishments and/or major renovations to existing
establishments, the Commission makes recommendations
about land development policies. On November 21st, the
Planning Commission held a public hearing to gather citizen
input on the Sign Committee’s recommendation.
Current members of the Planning Commission are Ed Kirby,
Larry Chason, Don Terry, Charles Smith, Monty Montgomery.
The three ex-officio members are Councilman Ron Scott,
Fire Chief, James “Bo” White, and appointed to serve as the
mayor’s designee, Hudson Sandefur.
The Planning Commission typically meets monthly on the
fourth Thursday at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 5:00
pm. There are some exceptions to the meeting days. See the
City calendar for actual meeting schedule.
Adrienne Jones, Director/Zoning Administrator
Pat (Houston) Johnson, Administrative Secretary
Jan (Dickson) Vallecillo, Planning Coordinator
Sarah Hill, GIS Technician
1705 Main Street • P.O. Box 400 • 251-621-3184 • Fax: 251-621-3185 Development
The Jubilee Breeze 11 January - May 2014
The Jubilee Breeze 12 January - May 2014
The Daphne Police Department wants everyone
in Daphne to have a safe and fun Mardi Gras
Season. The following are a few simple safety
tips to help residents and visitors get the most
out of their carnival experience.
• Plan your route, leave early, and be sure to include alternate routes
• Be careful driving or walking near parades and parade routes
• Be watchful of drunk drivers
• All normal parking regulations apply
• Observe Special Event & No Parking signs along parade route
• When parking your vehicle, take extra measures to secure
personal property
• Place any items of value in your trunk
• Lock all doors
2/21/2014 • Open glass containers not permitted
Mystic Ladies • Do not cross barricades once the parade has started
Mardi Gras Parade • Children are to be accompanied by an adult at all times
Downtown Daphne
Shadow Baron’s
Mardi Gras Parade • Do not throw anything at floats or riders
Downtown Daphne • Obey all laws pertaining to indecent exposure
Loyal Order of the LOST & FOUND
Fire Truck Parade
Downtown Daphne • Do not leave children unattended
• Decide in advance on a meeting place in case you get separated
• Contact police for directions to lost child stations
If you have any questions about Daphne laws pertaining to Mardi Gras,
please do not hesitate to contact us at 251.621-9100.
Daphne Recreation Department
Kula Yoga so make plans now to attend a Kula Yoga
class today!
Pay What You Can Yoga Classes provided
by Kula Yoga Community at Daphne
Recreation Department!
Tuesday 6:30 p.m. – Basic Yoga with Many people feel that yoga is an Hard Body Exercise
Kenny. Step-by-step instruction through unapproachable discipline, and only for
the physical poses with an emphasis on obviously flexible and athletic body types. Days: Monday & Wednesday
standing poses. Simple breathing practices One of the main goals of Kula is to remove Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m.
and philosophy introduced. Appropriate many of the common obstacles people face Location: Recreation Department
for beginners with no extreme physical when considering starting a yoga practice. Cost: $20 per month
limitations. Yoga can be beneficial to those with a all Contact: Marilyn Wimpee
body types and is highly adaptable on an (251) 988-8089
Thursday 6 p.m. – All Levels Flow Yoga individual level. Students are encouraged
with Wendy. See Wednesday class for to discover their personal edge- an Hard Body Exercise is a full body workout,
description. experience within the practice where they which includes step, weights, ball and floor
feel challenged, yet fully capable. exercises plus lots of fun and laughter.
“Kula” is the Sanskrit word for community, To register or for more information, call
and community sets Kula apart from To further remove barriers, all Kula Marilyn Wimpee at (251) 988-8089.
other yoga businesses. Inherent in the classes are “Pay What You Can,” which
word “kula” is the concept of a family that means that each student decides what to Belly Dance
you choose, and it represents a group of contribute per class. forFun,Fitness&Friendships!
like-minded people coming together to
form an intentional community. Each Kula also offers an All Levels Flow class on Women & Teens Welcomed:
class is conducted with the desire to create Saturday at 9:30 at Eastern Shore Dance All Shapes & Sizes
a comfortable yoga-centered environment Academy (Merrit Lane & Hwy 13 across *Dance Away Calories: Tone Abs,
where everyone feels included and from Daphne High School). Arms, Legs, & Glutes
respected, no matter their level of practice. *Embrace Your Body Type: Build
Students learn the mechanics of the poses, For more information, contact Confidence & Self Esteem
but more importantly, they become part Kula by calling Amanda Brenner No Dance Experience Necessary!
of a group of students at various stages 251.202.9642. Visit the website at www.
along the same path. At Kula classes, the for a full class Want a Hobby or Girl Time? Belly Dance
power of community works together with schedule, teacher bios, special events is Right for You! Belly Dance classes are
the intention of each individual student to listings, and much more. Connect with held on Monday nights from 6-7pm at the
create a holistic, healthy environment! Kula on Facebook at Daphne Recreation Center. Tuition is $25
kulayogacommunity. Yoga is for everyone, per month. Drop-ins are $8. Students are
welcomed to start class at anytime (the
tuition will be pro-rated for the remaining
classes). Normal workout clothes are fine.
Please bring water & towel (if needed).
The Jubilee Breeze 14 January - May 2014
ISKF South Shotokan Karate organization currently tasked with the character of its participants.
inclusion of Karate as an Olympic sport. You are welcome to watch or
Shotokan Karate is the direct descendant His martial arts background includes participate in a class at no charge. We
of the original Japanese school and style several ISKF regional and national encourage you to come and see if our
brought to mainland Japan in 1922 by individual and team championships, school will help meet your personal goals.
Okinawan Master Gichin Funakoshi. an Armed Forces Karate Association We look forward to seeing you in class.
ISKF South is a family oriented training championship, two 1st place finishes in the Contact Leon Sill at (251) 626-5943 or
center that welcomes men, women, and American Continental Championships [email protected].
children to train in a safe and encouraging in Mexico City, and two top-10 finishes
environment. It is the U. S. Southern in the World Karate Championships in Sotokan Karate (Ages 8 & up)
Tokyo, Japan.
Region Headquarters of the Sensei Sill is assisted by Sensei Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Barry Rotch, 3rd degree black belt, and Time: 6:00-7:00 (New beginners with no
INTERNATIONAL SHOTOKAN Sensei Randy Payne, 3rd degree black belt. prior experience will attend class from
Both are currently enrolled in the ISKF 5:00 P. M. – 5:45 P.M. until they are at a
KARATE FEDERATION (ISKF), one of Instructor Training Institute and teach level enabling them to join the regular
at ISKF South as part of their formalized 6:00 P.M. class. They will gradually be
the largest Shotokan Karate organizations training. incorporated into the regular class based
on their rate of progress. The 5:00 P.M.
in the world, with clubs in over 40 ISKF Shotokan Karate is a very effective class is by prior appointment only, made
way for you to learn self defense while at the time of registration.)
countries. The club is continuing the getting in great physical shape and Location: Daphne Recreation Department
increasing your strength and flexibility, Cost: Registration Fee $45.00, includes
program which is in its fourteenth year at as Karate conditions and uses the muscles a free uniform and membership in the
of the body in a very comprehensive, International Shotokan Karate Federation;
the Daphne Recreation Center. The coming efficient way. It has also been proven that $65.00 per month Students begin by
a person’s discipline and self-confidence practicing Kihon (basic techniques ),
year will see interested students preparing increases with the practice of the martial Kata (formal exercise) and Beginner’s
arts. Classes are held at the Daphne Kumite (sparring). Through this training,
for competition in the ISKF National Recreation Center. We offer classes for the student’s self discipline, focus, and
children and adult beginners, as well self-esteem gradually increase. Students
Championships and for attendance at ISKF as intermediate and advanced classes. are given a goal and are able to achieve
Classes are divided by age group but still that goal by following the direction of
Master Camp in Greenlane, Pennsylvania, allow parents to participate with their the Sensei (teacher). Through this art
children. We have several parents doing the student learns defensive and counter
outside Philadelphia. so. It is a valuable activity whether you are attack measures using blocking, striking
interested in sport competition, discipline and kicking techniques. Students who
The chief instructor, Leon Sill, is a 7th and concentration, or just good exercise. desire to compete in tournaments are
Master Gichin Funakoshi’s ultimate aim also trained to compete at both local and
degree black belt with over 50 years of in karate was the development of the national tournaments. Contact Leon Sill at
(251) 626-5943 or [email protected].
teaching and competition experience and The Jubilee Breeze 15 January - May 2014
is the ISKF Southern Region Director
and Chief Instructor. He is a graduate of
the ISKF Instructor Training Institute,
is ranked as an international (“A” level)
instructor, examiner, and judge, and is a
member of the ISKF Technical Committee,
which is charged with researching and
maintaining ISKF’s instructional and
technical standards as well as the rules for
competition. In addition, he is an advisor
to the ISKF National Collegiate Karate
Association. He is also former Shotokan
consultant on the U.S.A. National Karate
Federation technical committee, the
Discover Dance Modeling
Affordable dance classes for ages 2 & up. A professional learning session for both
They include Ballet, Tap & Jazz. male and female students, 12-18 years
Cost: $25 per month old. In the professional modeling course,
Contacts: Darra Riley at (251) 554-6486 you will learn the following disciplines:
or (251) 929-7829 • Personality development
BreAna Riley at (251) 635-4634 or email • Visual poise and modeling
at [email protected] • Runway or informal modeling
• Hair care and styling
• Professional make-up for teens
• Impact of physical fitness
• Wardrobe coordination
• Photo posing techniques
Contact Paula Perri: 251.625.3137
for scheduling and fees.
Fridays 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Graduation, Fashion Show & Certificate
Classes held at Daphne Recreation Dept.
Spring Schedule PROTOCOL
Tuesdays A Social Etiquette
& Table Manners Course
Ages Times
A learning session for both male and
2-4 3:00 - 4:00 female students, 6-16 years old. Course
will provide both group and individual
2-4 4:00 - 5:00 training in basic social etiquette with
emphasis on:
5-8 5:00 - 6:00 • Proper Introductions
• Table Setting
9-12 6:00 - 7:00 • Proper Use of Silverware
• Correct Posture for Standing & Sitting
12 + 7:00 - 8:00 • Making a Toast
• Dinner Conversation
Thursdays • Thank You Notes
Ages Times • Proper Way to Give & Receive Gifts
2-4 3:30 - 4:30 • Proper Phone Manners
5 + 4:30 - 5:30 4 week course for boys & girls ages 7-17
5+ 6:30 - 7:30 AVAILABLE
Class size is limited! Call now to register
We will have the same schedule for the Paula Perri, Director: 251.625.3137
summer with a $25 registration fee in Classes held at Daphne Recreation
addition to the monthly fee of $25. Sign Dept. “GOOD MANNERS NEVER GO
up now for summer classes. OUT OF STYLE” Course concludes
with a Special Graduation Ceremony &
The Jubilee Breeze 16 January - May 2014 Certificate.
The Art of Professional Make “World Tour” Culture
- Up Application Course Enrichment/Language Registration for Arabic Summer Day Camp is
Instruction open now. Camp is available to children ages
Method of Maintaining and keeping 7-14. Registration and more information are
healthy glowing skin. Make-up Ages: Completed Kindergarten through available online at
techniques used in film and television completed 5th grade
studios. Learn to camouflage, contour, Cost: $125.00 per person Classes will be held at the Daphne Rec
and highlight. Shadow and sculpture Contact: April Bradley at 251-610-7968 Center. Ages 6-11 Wednesdays from 3:30-
cheekbones, creating shape. Accent eyes or [email protected] to enroll. 4:30 - Instruction will be presented with the
with layering colors. Create depth and Registration forms are also available at use of interactive lessons, DVD’s, songs, and
define eyes with liner. Shape brows for Daphne Recreation Department. games. The focus will be completely on oral
balance. Cheek and lip coloring with communication. Ages 12 - adult Wednesdays
gleam. Shimmer with powder and blush Little Language, LLC is proud to offer from 5:00-6:00 – Instruction will be presented
for the glamour look to compliment their 2014 Summer “World Tour” camp. using a variety of methods. In addition to
your life with style. This program is designed to teach speaking, instruction may include reading
children grades K5 – 5th about the and writing.
3 week session: $65.00 cultures, customs, and languages of the
Wednesdays 6:00 PM – 7:00 pm countries along our tour. Corporate, military, and custom classes are
Classes held at Daphne Recreation Dept. available by request. Contact Jennifer for
more information by email at Jennifer@
Register now with Paula Perri or 251-751-7235. Website:
at 251-625-3137
The Jubilee Breeze 17 January - May 2014
Athletic Department
The Daphne Recreation Department’s Athletic League Softball, Open Coed League Softball, coaches. The volunteers are what make the
Division strives to provide quality athletic Men’s Open League Softball and Adult Soccer programs successful. Coaching can be a
programs for adults and children alike. Our Leagues. If you would like information on any very rewarding experience and can provide
main objective is to provide programs, in of our programs, please contact the Daphne memories that will last a lifetime. We try to
which everyone can participate, have fun, Recreation Department. support our coaches in any way possible.
learn new skills and reap the benefits of The Daphne Recreation Department’s Athletic Please consider volunteering to coach your
exercising and living a healthy lifestyle. Programs depend heavily on volunteer child in the sport of their choice.
Adult sports programs include Men’s Church
CAhthalertliiceCMoocrdDinaavtoidr ParksCDherpiasrtBmreantdSfuopredrvisor Weather Pagers
568-1613 or 568-0472
621-3703 ext. 211 621-3703 (Call after 4:00 pm on game days to
[email protected] check for cancellations)
Ages: 4 -14 We will have several adult soccer leagues running
Online Registration: Jan. 2 - Jan. 31 throughout the year. Please visit
Registration Fee: $95 per participant or contact Steven Hazelwood at Hazelwood.steven@
For more info on DDYB, visit
Rookie & Peanut: Feb. 3 & 5, 6P - 8P, Lott Park
Minor & Ozone: Feb. 4 & 6, 6P - 8P, Lott Park Daphne Strike Developmental Soccer League
Dixie Boys - Age 14: Feb. 10, 6P - 8P, Trione Park (Recreational): $75 - Ages 5-14 (Age as of August 1, 2013)
Dixie Boys - Age 13: Feb. 11, 6P - 8P, Trione Park Online registration begins Jan. 10, 2014 at
DDYB will be providing the following leagues this spring: Introducing Tiny Tots: For ages 3 & 4 year old Boys & Girls
T-Ball (4-5), Rookie (6), Peanut (7-8), Minor (9-10), (Age as of August 1, 2013)
Ozone (11-12), Dixie Boys (13-14) * Please see our Late Registration: Begins Feb. 7 & ends Feb. 14, 2014- $85
website for info on family discounts & scholarships. Most games will take place Saturdays at Trione Park in
Daphne. Some of the older age groups may also play
ADULT SOFTBALL some games in Fairhope. Practices are usually twice a
week prior to the games beginning but could vary from
Men’s Church League Softball team to team.
Team Registration: January 15 - February 15 Point of Contact: [email protected]
Games will be played on Monday nights All Participants will receive a uniform, insurance, and
a medal.
Summer Open Coed Softball League Daphne Strike Club Team Try Outs: January 10 & 11, 2014
Team Registration: in May Boys & Girls U9 and U10: 5:30-6:30 pm, Check in at 5:00 pm
Games will be played on Thursday nights Boys and Girls U11 - U14: 6:30-8:00, Check in at 6:00
Pre Registration: at
Summer Men’s Open League Softball Opening: 1/1/2014
Team Registration: in May
Games will be played on Monday nights
DAPHNE GIRLS SOFTBALL The athletic department manages a website to help provide
ASSOCIATION updated information in a timely manner to our citizens. This
website has registration information, including registration forms
Saturday, Jan. 11, 9 am to 12:00 that can be downloaded and printed so you can fill them out
Saturday, Jan. 18, 9 am to 12:00 before you get to registration. It will also have game schedules
Tuesday, Jan. 21, 6 pm to 8 pm Last Day for all of the sports offered by the recreation department. The
At Recreation Department adult softball leagues will have their standings updated weekly so
Online Registration: that anyone on your team can view them. Take a moment and
Ages: 5 to 6, 6U - 8U - 10U - 12U - 16U check it out so that you will know what activities are available.
Contact Person: Paul Strasser (251) 370-0492
The Jubilee Breeze 18 January - May 2014
Daphne Senior Center Seniors
Enjoying New Friendships & New Experiences
Check the Monthly Calendar for Day Trips & New Activities
Club Monthly Meeting -
Meet the first Tuesday of each month at
10:00 am This Club is open to all adults
55 years and older. Come and enjoy the
educational programming, trips, games
and arts and crafts. Covered Dish Luncheon
and Bingo is held the third Thursday of
each month. For additional information
call (251) 621-3703, ext 219. The meetings
are held at the Daphne Senior Center, 2605
Hwy 98, Daphne, Alabama. Come and
enjoy a social atmosphere and learn new
Lunch - Movie Fridays - Tai Chi -
1st Friday of the month @ 9:00 - check Tuesday & Fridays @ 7:00 pm
Monday-Friday at 11:30 am - The only monthly newsletter for title Cards & Games -
qualification is that you have to be 60 years Wednesday-
old. This program is not about the meals Blood Pressure Check - • 9:30 am - Bocce games @
it is about people over 60 years of age First Monday @ 10:00 am Lott Park. Call Al Guarisco
coming in and sharing a meal with other (251) 626-2729 for more
people and socializing. Meals are limited Monthly Birthday Party - information.
to 50 servings a day and $1.50 donation is 3rd Wednesday of the month • 1:00 pm Cards
accepted. at 2:00 pm
Senior Exercise - Potluck & Bingo - ART/CRAFTS
8:30 am Tuesday & Thursday - 3rd Thursday of the month at Art Class – Beginners Mondays
Stretching & Exercising. 12:15 pm bring your covered dish, we 9:00 am – 11:00 am
8:30 am M-W-F Weight Training provide the main course and bingo cards Instructor Mary Ann Lee
1:00 pm Tuesday & Thursday- are $3.00. YOGA
Arthritis Foundation Exercise Tuesday & Friday @ 9:00 am
For additional information on these or any other
Senior Citizen issues call Mary Jensen at 621-3703.
The Jubilee Breeze 19 January - May 2014
The volunteers of the “Daphne Beautification Committee” Submitted by:Tomasina Werner
(DBC) and “Daphne Public Works” team; along with the Mayor, Being supernatural possibility thinkers; their ideas,
City Council and dedicated employees, are daily dreams & plans continue unfolding the intrinsic beauty of the
city’s natural beauty as they work down their “Top Ten” list to
“Revealing Treasures of Daphne!” combine the city’s natural beauty with enhanced amenities --
making it phenomenal.
October’s meeting at “Market by the Bay, Fairhope, included
a tour of the greenhouse and the city. Thank you to Councilman,
Robin & Holly LeJeune, who hosted a Continental breakfast to
the group and also our special thanks to guest speaker, Fairhope
Mayor, Tim Kant for a great presentation on the history of their
beautiful landscapes. Public Works Dir., Jennifer Fidler did an
outstanding job explaining the progression in selection, growth &
planting of the landscapes. Thank you for an educational meeting!
L. to R.: Denise Penry; Councilman, Pat Rudicell; Debbie Strahley;
Councilman, Joe Davis; Tomasina Werner; Mayor, Dane Haygood;
Richard Johnson; Rebecca Trosclair; David Dueitt; Dorothy
Morrison; Councilman, Robin LeJeune & Holly LeJeune
The Christmas spirit began mid-November with
“Fluffing” the recycled wreathes and decorating the city
streets. November 20th was City Hall Foyer Christmas Tree
Decoration time to place handmade ornaments by Daphne
school’s on the tree. “Santa’s Helper Award” was presented to
Marjorie Bellue. November 22, was fun & exciting -- “Open
House” and “Tree Lighting” that transformed the front lawn
into a breath-taking wonderland as everyone gathered around
the tree for the countdown.
Rebecca Trosclair & Selena Vaughn
What a surprise! Lighted ornaments placed in the
branches of the Giant Oak by Chris Stanton of Public Works
and wired by Public Works Plant Coordinator, Marjorie Mayor, Dane Haygood
Bellue, and DBC members, Selena Vaughn & Rebecca decorating the foyer tree
Trosclair. Spectacular!
“Santa’s Helper Award” L. to R.
DBC President, Dorothy Morrison
presenting award to Marjorie
Bellue, P.W. Plant Coordinator
“Open House”
“Open House” – L. to R. Dorothy Chris Stanton in bucket putting
Morrison; Councilman, John Lake ornaments on Giant Oak
with Elaine Maxime
Councilman, Pat Rudicell; Another “Top Ten” Hallmark David Dueitt, Selena Vaughn, Elaine Maxime,
Councilman Pres. Ron Scott; event July 10, “Gator Alley Ribbon Rebecca Trosclair, Valery Wiseman DeLaney,
Councilwoman, Tommie Conaway; Cutting Ceremony” for boardwalk
Councilman, John Lake & Dir. of extension near Hampton Inn which Tomasina Werner & Dorothy Morrison
Sales, Hampton Inn, Carrie Friduss included a new sidewalk in front of
businesses along the west side of Hwy
98. Thanks to Hampton Inn’s, Director
of Sales, Carrie Friduss, who hosted a
Continental Breakfast for DBC meeting
following the event.
Beautification Awards are Dane Haygood to Gloria Donworth,
presented to selected businesses Alabama Operations Manager.
quarterly for their special efforts made McDonalds, located at the
in landscaping their surroundings. corner of Woodrow Lane/Sawwood
DBC Award signs are also posted at St., was recipient of the 4th Quarter
the business. The “Navigator Credit Award and presented the “Certificate
Union,” at 28520 Hwy 98, received the of Appreciation” at the Oct. 21, City
3rd Quarter Award and was presented Council meeting, by Mayor Dane
a “Certificate of Appreciation” at the Haygood to Carolyn Watson, General
July 15, City Council meeting by Mayor Manager.
Dorothy Morrison, Rebecca Trosclair, John McDonald Award:
Lake, Richard Johnson, Gloria Donworth, L. to R. Dorothy Morrison,
Mayor Dane Haygood & Elaine Maxime Rebecca Trosclair, Joe Davis,
Cherri Stanton, Gen. Mgr.
Carolyn Watson, Mayor Dane
Haygood, Elaine Maxime &
Richard Johnson
November 11, was a The “Veteran’s Day
beautiful Veteran’sDayCelebration, Program,” a masterpiece/keepsake,
at Patriot’s Point Memorial for the logged the event with information
dedication of the new “Battlefield and accolades to city employee
Cross,” (symbolizing a fallen veterans, participants in the program
soldier) and the heart-warming and others who were instrumental
tribute to our “Veterans & Military in making the event possible. Special
Branches” presented by speaker, thanks to the Public Works Dept.,
Col. William Callender. The day Fire Dept., Daphne Utilities, Dr.
ended with a magnificent sunset Barry Booth and many others.
over Mobile Bay.
Sunset at Bayfront Park Veteran’s Day Mayor Dane Haygood, Rebecca Trosclair,
Dorothy Morrison, Dr. Barry Booth, Elaine
Maxime, Tomasina Werner, Richard Johnson
& Debbie Strahley
The Daphne Beautification Committee
meets the first Wednesday of each Month.
Visitors, or new members, are welcome. For
information, call Public Works 621-3182.
The Jubilee Breeze 23 January - May 2014
The Jubilee Breeze 24 January - May 2014
The Jubilee Breeze 26 January - May 2014
The Jubilee Breeze 27 January - May 2014
The Exceptional Foundation is a non-profit organization
which strives to meet the social and recreational needs of the
developmentally and/or physically challenged population
of the greater Baldwin/Mobile area. We offer a variety of
programs that improve the quality of life for exceptional
people and their families.
• To provide daily programs for our exceptional
participants which include team sports, exercise classes,
social events, music, arts and crafts and field trips.
• To provide a place for support programs for families
that include exceptional members.
• To provide hands-on opportunities for pre-service
teachers, social workers and others who are involved with
exceptional citizens.
• To provide a quality platform for social interaction
to transform lives for those adults over the age of (18).
Please call 251.625.8955 with any questions or to set up an
applicant interview.
Volunteering at The Exceptional Foundation positively
impacts the lives of all that participate. Volunteers must be at
least 16 years of age. A volunteer will have the chance to be a
friend to those who participate and also assist in any chosen
activities, including sports, arts and crafts, music or games.
If you are interested in volunteering, Volunteer Orientation
is held at The Exceptional Foundation. Potential volunteers
must complete the volunteer orientation. Please call
251.625.8955 for more information.
CONTACT: January - May 2014
Jennifer Flad, Executive Director
The Exceptional Foundation
28788 North Main St. • Daphne, AL 36526
Phone (251) 625-8955/(251) 509-4913
Fax (251) 625-8957
Email: [email protected]
The Jubilee Breeze 29
The Jubilee Breeze 30 January - May 2014
Public Events
January March continued...
January 21-February 11 March 18-22, 2014
January 21, 2014 WEBSITE:
January 28, 2014 CONTACT: Jennifer Hammond
February 4, 2014
February 11, 2014 April
TIME: 10:00am
April 4 & 5, 2014
February TIME: TBD
TICKETS: Open to Public
80+ of the Finest Wedding Vendors the Gulf Coast May
has to offer!
TIME: 1:00-4:00pm SPRING BALLROOM DANCE: May 2014
TICKETS: $7.00 Online or $10.00 at the door TIME: Doors open at 6:00; Starts at 7:00pm
WEBSITE: TICKETS: $20.00 Per Person. $200 per table
CONTACT: Ann Myer (904) 551-2713 CONTACT: Daphne Civic Center 251-626-5300
February 10-15, 2014
CONTACT: Andy Tilman June 2, 2014
WEBSITE: TIME: 10:00am
March June 23, 2014
TIME: 10:00am
HOME & PRODUCT SHOW: March 8 & 9, 2014
TIME: March 8th 10:00am-5:00pm and
March 9th 12:00pm-4:00pm
TICKETS: $5.00
CONTACT: BCHBA 251-928-9927
The Jubilee Breeze 32 January - May 2014
251-625-2004 There will be NO make up days for trash/yard debris.
NEW YEAR’S DAY IfSYeoruvricSecDheadyuIlse:d STherevnicYeouDraAylWteirlnl Batee:
MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Wednesday, January 1, 2014 Thursday, January 3, 2014
MEMORIAL DAY Monday, January 20 Wednesday, January 22
INDEPENDENCE DAY Tuesday, March 4 Wednesday, March 5
VETERAN’S DAY Monday, May 26 Wednesday, May 28
DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING Friday, July 4 Wednesday, July 2
CHRISTMAS Monday, September 1 Wednesday, September 3 Cut Along Line To Save Schedule
Tuesday, November 11 Wednesday, November 12
Thursday, November 27 Wednesday, November 26
Friday, November 28 Wednesday, November 26
Wednesday, December 24 Tuesday, December 23
Thursday, December 25 Friday, December 26
Thursday, January 1, 2015 Wednesday, December 31
- Save the date -
Date: May 2, 2014
Starting at 6 pm
Location: Daphne High School
Last year’s team raised over $6,000.
Like us on Facebook:
Relay for Life - City of Daphne
Employee’s Team