Cape Gazette’s
Visitors’ Guide to the
Cape Region
Outdoor concerts,
movies and more!
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Creative Market
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2 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
Lewes beaches will be
guarded this summer
Strohm Edwards longtime Rehoboth Beach process. The city is hoping AARON MUSHRUSH PHOTO
named captain Patrol captain, whose passion to have 10 to 12 guards hired
for water safety fueled his by June 15, which it believes LEWES PUBLIC BEACHES will be patrolled by a lifeguard force led by
By Aaron R. Mushrush need to assist Lewes in find- is achievable. But, there are Capt. Strohm Edwards. ing guards for its beaches. retention measures that can
During the mayor and city be put in place. ing the support of a medical current and future lifeguards.
Visitors to Lewes Beach council meeting May 23, professional on the scene Buckson will continue
will see a familiar sight this City Manager Anne Marie Buckson said Lewes has could go a long way in help-
Memorial Day weekend, but Townshend said she tried to never had a junior lifeguard ing to ease stress on young to work with Edwards and
it’s one they were not expect- reach out to Buckson earlier, program, something he has lifeguards. Lewes to fill the patrol for
ing to see just days ago. but once news the broke, it established at North Shores the summer and has plans
was Buckson who contacted and which works as an effec- Developing the patrol in for the resurrected patrol as
Lewes has hired Strohm her about helping. tive feeder program when a healthy manner is another well. Wanting to build excite-
Edwards, head coach of the the guards come of age. key component to retention ment around guarding the
Makos Swim Club, to be its Buckson said he felt confi- Establishing such a program and recruitment, Buckson Lewes beaches, Buckson is
new lifeguard captain. The dent he could work quickly in Lewes can also help to get said. Offering a flexible planning to hold a lifeguard
city will now be able to em- and effectively within his legacies involved in creating schedule, paid time off, competition at Savannah
ploy a full force of lifeguards network to find the right a system of siblings recruit- incentives for working out, Beach sometime this sum-
for the holiday weekend, and person for the job. The vet- ing siblings. Edwards’ role and a fun work environment mer with patrols from all
should be able to recruit the eran lifeguard with decades as a swim coach is also seen are helpful in making sure around the area.
10 to 12 guards necessary for of experience knew Edwards as beneficial in not just the lifeguards stay in peak physi-
a full patrol. That seemed im- would be the right man for recruitment of established cal and mental shape. The “It’s a matter of getting the
possible just a few weeks ago. Lewes Beach Patrol. Citing swimmers, but also tapping demands of the job can be word out now. They have
The situation became so dire Edwards’ years of experi- into sibling recruitment. offset by thoughtful manage- a captain in place, which
that the decision was made ence as a lifeguard with the Buckson said the junior ment practices fostering a is huge because he can get
to leave beaches unguarded Rehoboth Beach Patrol and patrol program is something culture that is attractive to that train on the right track,”
this summer, rather than risk connections as a youth swim Lewes is missing. Buckson said.
guarding the beaches with a instructor, Buckson said he
skeleton patrol. feels the new captain under- Lewes also does not cur-
stands what needs to be done rently employ an off-duty
Members of the public, in to build an effective patrol paramedic or EMS personnel
particular the water safety program. at the beaches, which Buck-
community, felt it was unac- son said is another step other
ceptable for a coastal town While they are still vet- coastal towns have taken.
and something needed to ting applicants to fill the While lifeguards are very
be done. Leading the charge spots needed for a full force, well versed in water safety,
was North Shores Capt. Buckson said building the first aid and CPR, there are
Kent Buckson, the former patrol to avoid any slips in times when major medical
recruiting will be an ongoing emergencies can occur. Hav-
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Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 3
©2022 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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4 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
Oceans Calling Festival to Cape Gazette’s ON THE COVER: Seaglass is a
debut Sept. 30-Oct. 2 Visitors’ Guide to the natural wonder found, if you’re
lucky, on our beautiful shorelines.
Cape Region See some handmade seaglass
creations at the Mid-Atlantic
Outdoor concerts, Sea Glass & Coastal Arts Festival
movies and more! on Saturday, June 4-5, at Lewes
Historical Society campus.
Page 10 Cover design
Check out the all new by Teresa Rodriguez
Creative Market For more local happenings,
Page 17 go to
Ocean City, Md. event to feature Dave Matthews & Web Manager
Tim Reynolds, Lumineers, Alanis Morissette Kristin Sinnott
About us
Live music fans reveled Tim Reynolds, lead guitarist for Dave Matthews Band, will join Dave THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2022 » FREE Cape Gazette launched its
in the May 23 unveiling of Matthews to headline the Oceans Calling Festival on Friday, Sept. 30 in free visitors’ guide in 2000.
the Oceans Calling Festival, Ocean City, Md. Publisher The publication is locally
slated for Sept. 30 to Oct. Chris Rausch owned and operated at
2 in Ocean City, Md. The 17585 Nassau Commons
three-day event will feature Production Manager Blvd. in Lewes.
headliners Dave Matthews & Tara Marks
Tim Reynolds, The Lum-
ineers and Alanis Morissette. Editorial Coordinator
Other acts set for the fest are Mallery Galaska
Dirty Heads, O.A.R., Cage the
Elephant, Logic, Cyndi Lau- Copy Editor
per and Sublime with Rome. Bernadette Hearn
See the full lineup at oceans- IT Manager/Photo Editor
Christopher D. Foster
Concerts will take place at
Ocean City Inlet Beach, 809
South Atlantic Ave., Ocean
City, Md.
Tickets went on sale May
25 at oceanscallingfestival.
com. One-day, general admis-
sion tickets start at $99.
Kathy McGinty
Lauren Zaniewski
Abby Workman
Teresa Rodriguez
Kathy Singel
Alanis Morissette The Lumineers
Let’s make this the best summer yet!
SEPT. 1 AT THESE GREAT LOCATIONS next issue in person?
REHOBOTH Bell Moore Inn Beacon Motel WEEKLY Go to
The Point City Hall Lewes Realty to subscribe to the
Lemon Tree free weekly email.
Long & Foster Royal Farms
Berkshire & Hathway Realty Reho/Dewey Visitor’s Bakery
Crystal Restaurant Center Remax Coast and Country Ball of Sunshine
Rise Up Sandy Beach Store
LEWES Lewes Beach Box
Dogfish Head Shell we bounce
Crosswinds Motel Cape May/Lewes Ferry
Lingo Realty Arenas State Park Office
Summer House Napa Lewes Chamber of Com-
Rehoboth Public Library Cape Pharmacy merce
Atlantis Inn CVS Lewes Library
Critter Beach Capriotti’s Coldwell Banker
Purple Parrot Waves Car Wash Hing Wang
Candy Kitchen Roadsters Jack Lingo
Cooter Brown Full Belly The Moorings
Kaisey’s Delight Active Adult Realty Berkshire Hathway Realty
Louies pizza Lewes Diner Beach Plum Dune Apartme-
RB Convenience Lloyd’s IGA nts
Browseabout books Rite Aid
Arena’s Beebe Hospital VIEW MORE
Post Office Zwaanendael Museum LOCATIONS
Sandcastle Motel Long and Foster Realty
Aladdin Market Box Aqua Marine
Cape Suites Deanna’s
Camp Rehoboth Piccolino
Admiral Hotel Citizens Bank Cheers!Thanks to everyone who has supported
Boardwalk Plaza Twila Farrel Cape Gazette’s Visitors’ Guide for its first 21 years.
Dinah Lingo’s Grocery Kids Ketch
First Street/near Nicola’s Hotel Rodney
Wilmington Ave/1st St. Kings Ice Cream
Dave & Skippy’s Rose & Crown
Beachview Motel Inn at Canal Square
Green Man Juice Bar Virden Center
Body Shop Fitness Dogfish Motel
Twist Juice Bar Irish Eyes
Brighton Suites Lewes Harbor Marina
To advertise, call 302-645-7700 or email
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 5
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6 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
OUTDOOR CONCERTS • Rehoboth Beach Bandstand: Ghost Light Radio Show will be performing June 3 at Bethany Blues.
• Bethany Beach Bandstand: Concerts Concerts start at 8 p.m. Friday, June 10 -
start at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 9 - Mike Hines & the Look; Saturday, June 11 Sundays - Sam, 11 a.m., Laura Lea, noon, Stoner, 2 to 5 p.m.; Sunday, June 5 - Don • Paradise Pub: 34814 Long Neck Road.
Soul Crackers; Thursday, June 16 - Dan - Soul Crackers; Sunday, June 12 - Guys Jenni, 1 p.m. and Jefe, 3 p.m. 302-226- Schlater, 6 to 9 p.m.; Friday, June 10 - Mondays - Mingo, 6 to 8 p.m.; Friday,
& Dan Band; Thursday, June 23 - USAF in Thin Ties; Friday, June 17 - Six Pack 8673. Anthony Sophy, 6 to 9 p.m. 302-291- June 3 - Brian McConnell, 3 to 7 p.m.,
Max Impact; Thursday, June 30 - Air Rodeo; Saturday, June 18 - Frontiers-The • Rusty Rudder: Dickinson Avenue and 3900. and DJ Pat, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturday,
National Guard Band of the Northeast/ Ultimate Journey Tribute Band; Sunday, the bay. Mondays - Chasing Straights, 3 • Greene Turtle: 17388 N. Village Main June 4 - Brian & Mindy Duo, 9 p.m. to
Christopher Westfall. townofbethany- June 19 - Tim Laushey Orchestra; p.m.; Tuesdays - Stealing Savannah Duo, Blvd. Fridays - live music. 302-644- 1 a.m.; Friday, June 10 - Dueling Pianos, Friday, June 24 - U.S. Air Force Band 4 p.m.; Wednesdays - Laura Lea & Tripp 6840. 3 to 7 p.m., and DJ Pat, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
• Freeman Arts Pavilion: Thursday, Max Impact; Saturday, June 25 - Tupelo Fabulous, 8 p.m.; Thursdays - Filo Betto, • Harvest Tide: 410 E. Savannah Rd. 302-945-0500.
June 2 - The Great DuBois, 7 p.m.; Honey-A Van Morrison Celebration; 5 p.m., and Love Seed Mama Jump, 9 Fridays - live music, 5 to 8 p.m. 302-
Friday, June 3 - KC and the Sunshine Sunday, June 26 - Vinyl Shockley. p.m.; Fridays - Rick & Mike, 2 p.m., and 644-2600. • Seaside Fish House: 32368 Long
Band, 7 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - Mid- Chris Diller Duo, 5 p.m.; Friday, June 3 - • Irish Eyes at Anglers: Anglers Rd. Neck Rd. Fridays & Saturdays - Karaoke
Atlantic Symphony Orchestra, 7 p.m.; Rehoboth Beach Public Libary ter- Split Decision, 9 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - Wednesdays - Jake & Elwood, 7:30 to 10 Night presented by Ice Productions, 7:30
Friday, June 10 - The Wood Brothers & race: 226 Rehoboth Ave. Concerts start Uncle Jesse, 2 p.m., Nearly York, 5 p.m., p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - Electric Smoke, to 10:30 p.m. 302-945-3800
Guster, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, June 11 - at 7 p.m. Friday, June 10 - Bettenroo; and Fish Out of Waer, 9 p.m.; Sunday, 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.302-645-6888.
The Fab Four: The Ultimate Tribute, 7 Friday, July 15 - International violinist June 5 - The Everafter, 2 p.m., and JJ • Lefty’s Alley & Eats: 36450 Plaza MILLSBORO
p.m.; Thursday, June 16 - Choir! Choir! Somer Jordan; Friday, Aug. 19 - Christine Rupp Duo, 5 & 8 p.m.; Wednesday, June Dr. Thursdays - Karaoke Night, 7 p.m.; • American Legion Post 28: 31768
Choir!, 7 p.m.; Friday, June 17 - Bruce Havrilla; Friday, Sept. 16 - Natalie Darkes 8 - Ginger Trio, 4 p.m.; Friday, June 10 - Friday, June 3 - Ian Bryant, 5 p.m.; Legion Road. Smoke-free environment.
in the USA, 7 p.m.; Saturday, June Band; Friday, Oct. 16 - Mary Roth. JJ Rupp Band, 9 p.m. 302-227-4600. Saturday, June 4 - Catch the Drift, 7 Daily - Pool, darts, shuffleboard, 10
18 - David Darwin, 10 a.m., and Cole • Starboard: 2009 Highway One. p.m.; Friday, June 10 - Steve Boucher, 5 a.m. to close; Fridays & Saturdays - live
Swindell, 7 p.m.; Tuesday, June 21 - Lake • Salted Vines Vineyard & Winery: Wednesdays - Lost in Paris Duo, 10 p.m. 302-864-6000. music, 7 to 10 p.m. 302-945-1673.
Street Drive, 7 p.m.; Wednesday, June 32512 Rd. 374, Frankford. Concerts start p.m.; Thursdays - Bingo, 8:30 to 11 p.m.; • Nassau Valley Vineyards: 32165
22 - Patti LaBelle, 7 p.m.; Thursday, at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 9 - Lower Case Sundays - Sunday Funday Breakfast with Winery Way. Sundays - live music at MILTON
June 23 - Resistance Revival Chorus, 7 Blues; Thursday, June 30 - Tranzfusion; DJ John Hardy, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and JJ the farmers market, noon to 3 p.m.; • Beaches Seafood: 200 Broadkill Rd.
p.m.; Friday, June 24 - Boonie Raitt Just Friday, July 15 - Love Seed Mama Jump; Rupp Duo, 4 p.m.; Sunday, June 5 - The Saturday, June 4 - An Evening of Opera Saturday, June 4 - Lawryn Downes, 7 to
Like That Tour 2022 with special guest Thursday, July 28 - The Funsters; Pips, 2:30 p.m., and Kristen & The Noise, & Pops with The New Bel Canto Trio, 7 9 p.m. 302-643-0196.
Lucinda Williams, 7 p.m.; Saturday, June Sunday, Aug. 7 - Dustin Showers 9:30 p.m.; Friday, June 10 - Kristen & p.m., (tickets, $40-$55). 302-645-9463.
25 - Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra Band; Thursday, Aug. 25 - Homestead The Noise, 10 p.m. 302-227-4600. • The Wheelhouse: 7 Anglers Rd. • Brimming Horn Meadery: 28615
with Wynton Marsalis, 7 p.m.; Sunday, Bluegrass Band. LEWES Mondays - Trivia, 7 to 9 p.m.; Thursdays Lewes Georgetown Hwy. Friday, June 3 -
June 26 - Rebelution: Good Vibes • Schellville: behind Tanger Outlets • Bethany Blues: 18385 Coastal Hwy. - Mingo, 7 to 9 p.m.; Friday, June 3 - Al Frantic, 6 to 9 p.m. 302-664-1188.
Summer Tour 2022 with special guest Seaside, Rehoboth. Friday, June 3 - live Friday, June 3 - Ghost Light Radio Show, Sidney Joseph, 6 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 -
Steel Pulse, DENM, and DJ Mackle, music, 5 to 9 p.m. 8:30 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - The Bills, Keith White Duo, 6 p.m.; Friday, June 10 • Frantic Frets Music Store & Antique
7 p.m.; Thursday, June 30 - Stories & first-friday-fun-nights-at-schellville-tick- 8:30 p.m.; Wednesday, June 8 - Richard - Blind Wind, 6 p.m. 302-291-2163. Shop: 26374 Broadkill Rd. Saturday,
Songs in the Oral Tradition, 10 a.m., and ets-310073547327. Walton, 6 p.m.; Friday, June 10 - Dustin LONG NECK June 11 - Music & Mutts Jamboree, 2 to
Fiddlin’ with Stories, 7 p.m. freeman- DEWEY BEACH Showers Band, 8:30 p.m. 302-644- • Amvets Post 22: 32369 Long 5 p.m. Go to Frantic Frets on Facebook. • Bottle & Cork: 18047 Highway One. 2500. Neck Road, Palmer Shopping Center.
• Grain on the Rocks Rocking the Thursday, June 2 - Eli Young Band, 8 • Big Oyster Brewery: 1007 Kings Hwy. Saturdays - Terminator, 3 p.m. 302-945- • Irish Eyes: 105 Union St. Fridays -
Docks Summer Concert Series: Cape p.m.; Wednesday, June 3 - Saved By Sundays - Ginger Duo, noon to 3 p.m.; 2599. Guess What Trivia, 8:30 p.m.; Saturday,
May-Lewes Ferry Terminal, 43 Cape The ‘90s, 8 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - Jam Thursday, June 2 - Chet Poslusny, 4 to 7 • Paradise Grill: 27344 Bay Road. June 4 - Hallelujah Jones, 9 p.m. to mid-
Henlopen Dr. Concerts start at 6 p.m. Session with JJ Rupp Band, Radio Tokyo, p.m.; Friday, June 3 - PosiStevity, noon to Thursdays - Captain Mike, 5 to 9 p.m.; night. 302-684-8889.
Thursday, July 14 - Southern Avenue Shake The Room, & DJ Knappy, 5 p.m.; 3 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - Pat O’Brennan, Friday, June 3 - Frazzlefit, 6 to 10 p.m.,
with local opener Lower Case Blues; Friday, June 10 - Mars Junction featur- noon to 3 p.m., and Otto Grundman, 4 to Kagan Nuss, 6 to 10 p.m., and Amish • Milton Theatre: 110 Union St.
Thursday, July 21 - Yarn with local open- ing Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, 8:30 7 p.m.; Sunday, June 5 - Sam Capolongo Outlaws, 7 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, June Thursday, June 2 - Quayside @ Nite fea-
er Homestead Bluegrass Band; Thursday, p.m. 302-227-7272. Duo, 4 to 7 p.m.; Wednesday, June 8 - 4 - Cocktails @ 3, 2 to 6 p.m., Electric turing Hot Sauce, 7 p.m.; Friday, June
July 28 - Jocelyn & Chris with local • Jimmy’s Grille: Bellevue Street and Bryan Scar, 4 to 7 p.m.; Thursday, June Beach, 2 to 6 p.m., Joe Daphne, 7 to 11 3 - The Golden Gays NYC: The Golden
opener Chasing Straights; Thursday, Highway One. Mondays - Stealing 9 - Pat O’Brennan, 4 to 7 p.m. 302-644- p.m., Lima Bean Riot, 7 to 11 p.m., and Games Off-Broadway, 8 p.m.; Saturday,
Aug. 4 - Jukebox the Ghost with local Savannah, 6 to 9 p.m.; Tuesdays - 2621. Chris Sacks Duo, 7 to 11 p.m.; Sunday, June 4 - PRIDE Kids & Youth Cabaret,
opener Marielle Kraft; Thursday, Aug. 11 Chris Diller, 6 to 9 p.m.; Wednesdays • Bushels Crab House & Seafood: June 5 - Jim Long, 3 to 7 p.m., Low 2 p.m., and Branden & James “Disney
- Amish Outlaws. - Benderz Duo, 6 to 9 p.m.; Thursdays 18289 Coastal Hwy. Mondays - Low Country, 3 to 7 p.m., and Musician & Divos, 8 p.m.; Sunday, June 5 - Parrot
esrockingthedocks. - Rick Arzt, 6 to 9 p.m., and Chasing Country, 6 to 9 p.m.; Tuesdays - Mingo, Impossible, 4 to 8 p.m.; Monday, June 6 Beach: Jimmy Buffet Tribute Band,
• Hudson Fields: 30045 Eagles Crest Straights, 9 to 11:45 p.m.; Fridays - The 7 p.m. 302-645-5115. - Nick Kashmanian, 5 to 9 p.m.; Tuesday, 8 p.m.; Wednesday, June 8 - Milton
Rd., Milton. Saturday, Aug. 13 - Bettie Everafter, 9 to 11:45 p.m.; Friday, June • Crooked Hammock Brewery: 36707 June 7 - Jumper Duo, 5 to 9 p.m.; PRIDE Pre-Party Art Show, 6 to 9 p.m.;
James Fest featuring Jimmie Allen, doors 3 - Chris Steele, 6 to 9 p.m.; Saturday, Crooked Hammock Way. Sunday, June Wednesday, June 8 - Brian McConnell, Thursday, June 9 - Quayside @ Nite fea-
open at 4 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 20 - June 4 - Abby Lee Duo, noon to 3 p.m., 5 - Coastal Envy, noon to 3 p.m. 302- 5 to 9 p.m.; Thursday, June 8 - Land of turing Bettenroo, 7 p.m.; Friday, June 10
Cody Johnson & friends featuring Randy and Uncle Jesse, 9 to 11:45 p.m.; Sunday, 644-7837. Oz, 7 to 9:30 p.m.; Friday, June 10 - Jim - Born This Way Pride Drag Show fea-
Houser and Drew Parker, 5:30 p.m. hud- June 5 - Shake The Room, noon to 3 • Grain on the Rocks: Lewes Ferry Long, 6 to 10 p.m., Brian McConnell, 6 to turing Magnolia Applebottom, Kali p.m., and Nearly York, 3 to 6 p.m., and Terminal, 43 Cape Henlopen Dr. 10 p.m., and Triple Rail Turn, 7 to 11 p.m. Courtour & Katrina Colby, 8 p.m. 302-
• Lewes Canalfront Park: Thursday, The Everafter, 6 to 9 p.m.; Friday, June 10 Thursday, June 2 - Chris Diller, 6 to 9 302-945-4500. 684-3038.
June 9 - Mike Hines & The Look, 7 p.m.; - Jexxa, 6 to 9 p.m.302-227-4333. p.m., Friday, June 3 - Nate McCormick,
Thursday, June 23 - Stone Mountain • Lighthouse: 124 Dickinson Ave. 6 to 9 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - Pat • Revelation Beer Garden at Hudson
Road, 7 p.m.; Thursday, July 14 - The Tuesdays - The Leftovers, 8 to 11 p.m.; Fields: 29763 Eagle Crest Rd. Friday,
19th Street Band, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Thursdays - Tommy Edwards, 8 to 11 June 3 - Sandy & Stevie D, 5:30 to 8:30
Aug. 11 - Rehoboth Summer Children’s p.m.; Fridays - Wes Davis, 8 to 11 p.m.; p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - Ryan Bacher,
Theatre presents “Puss in Boots,” 6:30 Saturday, June 4 - Whiskey Graves; 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Sunday, June, 5 -
p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 18 - Comfort Zone, Wednesday, June 8 - Dustin Showers. Teenage Satellites, noon to 5 p.m.;
7 p.m.; Thursday, Sept. 1 - The Funsters, 302-227-4333. Friday, June 10 - Madison Metcalfe, 5:30
6:30 p.m. • Nalu Surf Bar & Grille: 1308 Coastal to 8:30 p.m. 302-562-5412.
events. Hwy. Mondays - Hot Sauce, 9 to 11 p.m.,
• Lewes Summer Concert Series: and DJ JY 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Tuesdays - Continued on page 12
Concerts start at 7 p.m. in Stango Bryen O’Boyle, 9 to 11 p.m., and DJ JY,
Park. Tuesday, June 7 - Rehoboth 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Wednesdays - Bryan
Concert Band; Tuesday, June 14 - 33 Clark, 5 to 8 p.m.; Thursday, June 2 &
& 1/3; Tuesday, June 21 - U.S. Navy Friday, June 3 - Nalu Palooza featur-
Commodores; Tuesday, June 28 - ing Joal Rush, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Nick
Delaware Army National Guard 287th Norman & Lewis Brice, 8 to 10 p.m., and
Army Band; Tuesday, July 5 - Vinyl Matty Q, 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturday,
Shockley; Tuesday, July 12 - Tydewater June 4 - Nalu Palooza featuring Joal
Band; Tuesday, July 19 - Matthew Street Rush, 1 to 3 p.m.; Jesse Rice, 4 to 6 p.m.,
Band; Tuesday, July 26 - Panama Rex; Nick Norman & Lewis Brice, 7 to 9 p.m.,
Tuesday, Aug. 2 - Brothers Stonesifer; and Matty Q, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Sunday,
Tuesday, Aug. 9 - Leroy Hawkes and June 5 - Nalu Palooza featuring Jesse
The Highjackers; Tuesday, Aug. 16 - The Rice, 5 to 7 p.m., and Matty Q, 8 p.m. to
Christopher Dean Band; Tuesday, Aug. midnight. 302-227-1449.
23 - U.S. Navy Sea Chanters. ci.lewes. • Northbeach: 125 McKinley Ave. Tuesdays - M80, 8 to 11:30 p.m.;
• Milton Concerts in the Park: Thursdays - Jenni Schick, 6 to 10 p.m.;
Concerts start at 7 p.m. in Memorial Saturdays - DJ Hugh’s Yacht Rockin’ Pool
Park. Wednesday, June 8 - Tydewater; Party, noon, Sunsets with DJ Always
Wednesday, June 15 - Reunion Band; Sunny, 5 p.m, and DJ Scooter, 9 p.m.
Wednesday, June 22 - Al Frantic Band;
Wednesday, June 29 - Matthew Street
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 7
The Rehoboth Beach - Dewey Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center
in partnership with The Cape Gazette presents
Restaurant Week Supports
the Red, White, & Blue on the Culinary Coast™
June 5-10, 2022 ( Sunday thru (
Diners can enjoy either menu discounts or prix-fixe menus at restaurants
in Rehoboth Beach, Dewey Beach, Lewes and Coastal Delaware.
Visit for a list of participating restaurants!
Portion of proceeds to benefit the Military & First Responders including the
City of Rehoboth Beach & Town of Dewey Beach Police Departments,
Rehoboth Beach Fire Company, the Home of the Brave and Tunnel to Towers
For more information, contact the
Rehoboth Beach-Dewey Beach Chamber
of Commerce & Visitors Center at 302-227-6446
or scan the QR Code to visit
8 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
What popular treat comes
with built-in handles?
STEPPIN’ UP beach and hankerin’ for the nent residence at Big Chill SUBMITTED PHOTO
TO THE PLATE burger experience? Who do Surf Cantina on the highway
ya call? across from Giant Food. The PAT'S FAMILY PIZZERIA in Lewes isn't just about pizza. The bacon
REHOBOTH FOODIE signature burger sports a pair gorgonzola burger sporting a crunchy onion ring on a soft, eggy roll is a
Not to worry. In fact, it just of the obligatory beef patties definite sleeper at that friendly little spot in Mariner Plaza. You can get
The hamburger, of so happens that Hammy’s along with a nice thick slice the pizza next time.
course! I don’t think Burgers & Shakes (of St. of Taylor Ham topped with
I know anybody (or, Michaels, Md. fame) opens a jaunty sunny egg chapeau. After researching this only bad burger is the one
better yet, anybody I’d care to today, Thursday, June 2, in the You won’t eat for a while I realized I would need you didn’t eat.
know) who doesn’t like some- Safeway center on Coastal after this one. several editions of Beach
thing savory tucked securely Highway. They’re giving the Paper (served with napkins The Rehoboth Foodie also writes The
inside a soft, fresh roll. Note term “burgers & dogs” a If you’re in Milford or and mustard) to cover all Business of Eating column every Friday in
the word, “soft” – I’ve been whole new meaning: Every Millsboro, don’t forget Jake’s the burgers around here, but the Cape Gazette under the pseudonym
read the riot act by at least new customer who brings in Wayback Burgers (juicy slow- these should keep you busy “Bob Yesbek.” The two of them have
one local restaurateur when a photo of his or her dog will cooked patties nestled in an for a while. Remember: The never been seen in the same place at the
I criticized his burger rolls! I be treated to a free order of impossibly fresh bun washed same time. Just sayin’.
considered it a compliment. tater tots. down with very good milk-
Oh, and after he yelled at me, shakes). Of course, back in
he started buying better rolls. In addition, Hammy’s will downtown Rehoboth there’s
So there. donate $5 to the Delaware Five Guys where they don’t
Humane Association. And even form the never-frozen
Add bacon (it’ll make your your dog’s photo will become patty until you order it. It
pelt shiny), a slice of cheese permanent decor there at the marches out of the kitchen
(dairy is healthy), perhaps restaurant. wrapped in foil and buried in
some lettuce & tomato hot fries.
(makes it a salad!) and there’s Pointing ourselves back
nothing better. So what hap- downtown, Blackwall at In Dewey, both the Star-
pens if you’re here at the the Beach puts out a fully- board and Woody’s Dewey
stuffed burger with all sorts Beach Bar & Grill dish up a
of options. I like to ask for very good burger. Again – the
the crispy onion frizzles on key is freshly made, with just
top. The sleeper at Big Fish seconds between the fire and
Grill (ask any local) is the your table.
Old Fashioned Chop House
Burger. The Angus beef is MILTON RIVERVIEW DINING & BAR | 105 Union St. | 302.684.8889
freshly ground by neighbor-
ing Diamond State Meats, THURSDAYS
known for quality steaks,
pork and the like. If you like 9PM • KARAOKE WITH
your burgers on wheels, don’t DJ JERRY B FROM A.W.E.
miss the Smashmouth Burger
Bus that has taken up perma- FRIDAYS
Crooked Hammock 6-9PM PATIO
to host dad jokes 6/3 THE LEFTOVERS
open mic June 16 6/10 MATT LAFFERTY
Brewery announces Dadventure 8:30PM INSIDE • GUESS WHAT TRIVIA?!
hazy IPA release
Crooked Hammock Brew- dad jokes to anyone within
ery recently announced the earshot. 6-9PM PATIO
debut of Dadventure, a hazy 6/4 SCOTT DINOLFI
IPA designed for dads and Crooked Hammock will cel-
meant to be sipped in the sun- ebrate those punny one-liners 6/11 BEN DAVIS
shine at an easygoing pace. by inviting dads – and anyone 6/18 JEFF EVANS
else so inclined – to test out
The beer clocks in at 7% their best dad jokes during 9PM-12AM INSIDE
ABV yet drinks super smooth an open mic night set for 6 6/4 HALLELUJAH JONES
thanks to the addition of pil- to 9 p.m., Thursday, June 16, 6/11 BOG BOTTOM OUTLAWS
lowy oats along with Sabro at all three locations, includ-
hops in the whirlpool before ing 36707 Crooked Hammock 6/18 TBD
getting dry-hopped with Way, Lewes.
Idaho 7 and Galaxy. Dadven- BOTH LOCATIONS
ture is the first new beer for “Dadventure was brewed OPEN 11am DAILY
2022 in Crooked Hammock’s with a simple premise in HAPPY HOUR 3-7pm
limited-edition Seeker Series, mind: let’s make Father’s
which tugs at the outer Day weekend fun,” said Rich LEWES WATERFRONT DINING & BAR | 213 Angler’s Rd. | 302.645.6888
reaches of fans’ taste buds. Garrahan, Crooked Ham-
mock owner. “Dad jokes are WEDNESDAYS
These “yonder beers” in, right? And family vacations 7:30-10PM
challenge both brewer and are back. So, tear a page out of JAKE & ELWOOD & KB
drinker to test their comfort Clark Griswold’s book and go
zone: sometimes stronger, al- all in on family fun and hijinks. THURSDAYS
ways bolder and prone to cult If you’re going to do that, 8-11PM
followings. Dadventure will you’re going to need a beer to 6/9 & 6/16 FUN SIZE
be released Thursday, June 16, take with you, too. This is it.”
in honor of Father’s Day. Dadventure marks the latest in FRIDAYS
Crooked Hammock’s ongoing
Like anybody, dads can get Seeker Series of adventur- 5-8PM
a much-needed break from ous beers, following previous 6/10 BRYAN CLARK
reality: getting out on the releases such as Banana Ham- 9PM EVERY FRIDAY DJ SURF
trail with their fellow fathers, mock and the upcoming July
unwinding with their favorite drop of Shark Party. SATURDAYS
beverage and telling corny
Visit for Restaurant Updates
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 9
IfitWa’ncrsncodehonaesemaostntasthidwltuleiaelnroerlsaesnyDno,sdotfgeoesuoclpr’aaorrwppngeaoeesdastroorkllteupioiunm!slwneemsi-tflctyooieanvrxnfgeofe,lurirlsvniywuvi,nriianqnfigtunge,tahgrlioisnenopvtrscoiunobprngtaeasadawstccdoahhtlliigenvDtrroigaetew,,aWusalrtriewavibtleawhoDraihdosere-udlerwareaowismrnyaynokrilieauienny’solgalfokfef. rs
©2022 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved.
All information and pricing is subject to change without notice.
10 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
Movie Nights
Enjoy free screenings under the stars.
• Bethany Beach: Movies on the beach through August. Admission is free. For Outdoor Concerts Grab a lawn chair or a park bench
off Greenfield Parkway, Monday nights more information, go to www.beach-fun. and soak up the sounds of summer!
at dusk, June through August. For more com/dewey-beach-info.
information go to www.townofbethany- June 20 - Sing 2 • Bethany Beach 2022 Concert Lewes Stango Park Concert Series: Enjoy food trucks, lawn games, and June 27 - Jungle Cruise Series: Bethany Beach Bandstand, Stango Park, 114 3rd St, Lewes (next live music. Free for members. Non-
June 6 - Deep July 11 - Encanto May through October. Concerts begin to Lewes History Museum). Tuesday member admission $10 for adults, $5
June 13 - Clifford the Big Red Dog July 18 - Clifford the Big Red Dog at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise not- events from 7 to 8:30 p.m., July for kids. For more information go to
June 20 - Puss in Boots July 25 - ELF ed on the website. For more informa- through August. For more information
June 27 - Encanto • Cinema by the Canal: Lewes tion go to www.townofbethanybeach. go to ities/events/music-at-the-mill-sum-
July 11 - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Canalfront Park, 211 Front St, Lewes. com/261/Bandstand. June 7 - Rehoboth Concert Band mer-concert-series.
The Long Hall Movies start at dusk (approximately June 9 - Soul Crackers June 14 - 33 1/3 June 9 - Hot Sauce Band. Food truck
July 18 - Luca 8:30 p.m.). For more information go to June 16 - Dan & Dan Band June 21 - Navy Commodores Taco Reho.
• Dewey Beach: On the beach at June 23 - USAF Max Impact June 28 - Delaware Army National July 14 - Blues Reincarnation Project.
Dagsworthy Avenue in Dewey. Mondays July 7 - National Treasure June 30 - ANG Band of the Northeast Guard 287th Army Band Food truck Grandpa Mac.
at approximately 8:30 p.m., June Aug. 4 - Bad News Bears / Christopher Westfall July 5 - Vinyl Shockley • Rehoboth Beach Bandstand:
• Freeman Arts Pavilion: July 12 - Tydewater Band Rehoboth Beach Bandstand, Friday
Farmers Markets (Free Events) Freeman Arts Pavilion, through Sunday, May 27 through
31806 Lake View Dr, Selbyville. For Lewes Canalfront Park Concerts in Sept. 3. All performances begin at 8
Bursting with the flavors of the season! more information go to www.freeman- the Park: Lewes Canalfront Park, 211 p.m. unless otherwise noted on the Front St, Lewes. From 7 to 9 p.m. For website. Sponsored by the City of
Tuesdays Sundays Note: Freeman Arts Pavilion also has more information go to www.lewes- Rehoboth Beach. For more information
events and concerts that require paid go to
Rehoboth Beach Farmers Market, Bethany Beach Farmers Market, admission. See their website for a full June 9 - Mike Hines and The Look June 10 - Mike Hines & the Look, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 8 a.m. list of events. June 23 - Stone Mountain Road June 11 - Soul Crackers
through October, Grove Park, Rehoboth. to noon starting June 5, Garfield Pkwy. & June 2, 7 p.m. - The Great DuBois • Milton Concerts in the Park: June 12 - Guys in Thin Ties
Market bags and produce bags available Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany. June 16, 7 p.m. - Choir! Choir! Choir! Milton Memorial Park, 113 Union St, June 17 - Six Pack Rodeo
for purchase at entrance. June 23, 7 p.m. - Resistance Revival Milton. Wednesdays at 7 p.m., June June 18 - Frontiers
Frederica Farmers Market, Chorus through August. In case of rain, con- June 19 - Tim Laushey Orchestra
Wednesdays 302-335-5417, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., June 30, 10 a.m. - Stories and Songs in certs will be held in the Milton Fire June 24 - US Air Force Band Max
1456 Frederica Rd., Frederica, May 29 - the Oral Tradition Hall. For more information go to www. Impact
Historic Lewes Farmers Market, Sept. 25. June 30, 7 p.m. - Fiddlin’ with Stories June 25 - Tupelo Honey, 8 July 2, 7 p.m. - 287th Army Band: “The June 8 - Tydewater June 26 - Vinyl Shockley
to 11 a.m. through Sept. 29, Crooked Nassau Valley Vineyards Farmers Governor’s Own” June 15 - Reunion Band July 1 - Central City Orchestra
Hammock, 36707 Crooked Market, Holts Landing State Park: June 22 - Al Frantic Band July 2 - United States Navy Concert
Hammock Way, Lewes. market or Rd. 346, Millville. June 29 - Matthew Street Band Band
summerfarmersmarket, noon to 3 p.m. June 21 at 6 p.m. - De Tierra Caliente July 6 - Funsters July 3 - The Funsters
Market at Sea Colony, seacolony- through mid-October, 32165 Winery Solo (Latin) July 13 - Charlie and the Cool Tones July 4 - US Army Jazz Ambassadors 8 a.m. Way, Lewes. June 28 at 6 p.m. - Flatland Drive Music at the Mill Concert Series: • Salted Vines Vineyard & Winery:
to noon through Aug. 31, (Bluegrass) Abbots Mill Nature Center, 15411 32512 Rd. 374, Frankford.
Marketplace at Sea Colony July 5 at 6 p.m. - Fitzkee Brothers & Abbotts Pond Rd, Milford. Second June 9 - 7 p.m. - Lower Case Blues
Shopping Center, Rt. 1 Cal (Acoustic Folk Rock) Thursdays in the summer, 6 to 8 p.m. June 30 - 7 p.m. - Tranzfusion
South, Bethany Beach.
Broadkill Farmers Market, 4 to 6:30
p.m. through Sept. 24, Riverbank Side,
116 Front St., Milton.
Riverwalk Farmers Market, or,
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. through October, S.
Walnut St. & Mispillion Riverwalk,
Milford. Credit cards preferred, if using
cash exact change appreciated.
Historic Lewes Farmers Market,, 8 a.m.
to noon, George H.P. Smith Park, Lewes.
Market moves to Shields parking lot
from Oct. 1 through Nov. 19, 9 a.m. to
noon, and if there’s inclement weather.
For more fun things to do, follow
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 11
Arena’s Pub now
open off Route 1
near Route 24
Located in former Pickled Pig Pub
location near Grandpa Mac’s
By Chris Flood under the Arena’s website, CHRIS FLOOD PHOTOS the hours of operation for
the new restaurant are 11 a.m. ARENA’S HAS OPENED a new location off Route 1, outside of Rehoboth – Arena’s Pub.
Just in time for the start to 10 p.m., Sunday through
of the summer season, the Thursday, and 11 a.m. to 11
family of Arena’s restaurants p.m., Friday and Saturday.
has expanded with its newest
member – Arena’s Pub. For more information on
Arena’s Pub, 18756 Coastal
Found off the southbound Highway, Unit 3, Rehoboth, go
side of Route 1 in the Harbor to or
Square shopping center near call 302-313-5687.
the intersection of Route 24,
the new restaurant is located More information:
in the space that used to be
Pickled Pig Pub.
The new pub makes six restau-
The opening of the pub rants for the company.
makes six locations for Are-
na’s. The other five include
downtown Rehoboth Beach, a
second Route 1 location near
the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal
bridge outside Rehoboth,
Five Points outside Lewes,
Milford, and in Georgetown
at Delaware Coastal Airport.
The company had a location
in Long Neck, but that has
According to signage on the
door and the restaurant’s link
Fins Ale House and Raw Bar opens in West Fenwick
Hospitality group now has 5 after 30 years in business. Fins West Fenwick, 37234 information about Fins Hos-
restaurants throughout resort area The latest Fins restaurant Lighthouse Road in Sel- pitality Group restaurants, go
byville, is open from 3 to to
Just in time for the sum- Fenwick in the former loca- joins Fins Ale House loca- 9 p.m., Monday through
mer season, Fins Hospitality tion of Smitty McGee’s on tions in Rehoboth Beach and Wednesday; 11:30 a.m. to 9
Group has opened Fins Ale Route 54. Bethany Beach as well as Fins p.m., Thursday and Sunday; More information:
House and Raw Bar in West Fish House and Claws Sea- and 11:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Fri-
Smitty McGee’s closed Feb. food in Rehoboth Beach, and day and Saturday. For more
Big Oyster Brewing in Lewes.
FINS HOSPITALITY GROUP has updated the former Smitty McGee’s restaurant for its latest Fins Ale House
and Raw Bar in West Fenwick. No Fins restaurant would be complete without Big Oyster brews on tap.
12 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
Nightlife RoastJohn, 9 p.m.; Thursday, June 9 - Julia Sugarbaker II, 7 p.m.; Friday, June Kelly, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Blaqueout June 5 - 302 Band, 5 p.m.; Wednesday,
Chris Steele, 9 p.m.; Friday, June 10 - 3 - Dale Teat, 7 p.m; Friday, June 10 - Trivia with Rebecca Blaqueout & Jerry June 8 - Taylor Knox, 5 p.m.; Friday, June
Continued from page 6 Soul Chase, 9 p.m. 302-645-9911. Minus 2 Plus 1, 7 p.m. 302-313-5124. B, 6 to 8 p.m.; Friday, June 3 - Varla 10 - Mama’s Black Sheep, 5 p.m., and
• Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats: Jean Merman, 6 & 9 p.m.; Friday, June Three Question Marks, 9:30 p.m. 302-
• Sydney’s Restaurant & Lounge: 320 Rehoboth Ave. Friday, June 3 - • The Hideout Arcade Bar & Grille: 10 - Whitney: The music of Whitney 227-2234.
16388 Samuel Paynter Blvd. Saturday, Crosstown Walkers, 6 to 8 p.m.; Friday, 18693 Coastal Hwy. Wednesdays - Houston, 8 p.m. For tickets go to • Thompson Island: 30133 Veterans
June 4 - GirlsRoom, 7 p.m.; Friday, June June 10 - Beka Jones, 6 to 9 p.m. 302- Karaoke with DJ Wood, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; or call 302-567- Way. Thursday, June 2 - Robin & The
10 - 2nd Time Around, 7 to 10 p.m. 302- 226-BREW. Thursdays - Trivia, 7 p.m., and DJ Wood, 2726. Hoods, 7:30 to 10 p.m.; Friday, June
313-4770. • Hammerheads Dockside: 39415 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Fridays - Karaoke with 3 - Seth Reynolds, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.;
REHOBOTH BEACH Inlet Road. Mondays - Blind Wind, DJ Wood, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturdays - • The Pond: 19266 Coastal Hwy., Unit Saturday, June 4 - Ron “Stretch”
• Arena’s Deli & Bar: 149 Rehoboth 3 to 6 p.m.; Tuesdays - Lower Case DJ Wood, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Sundays - DJ 1. Mondays - Bobby Lee Jones, 5 to 8 Thompson, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Sunday,
Ave., in the Village by the Sea Mall. Blues, 4 to 7 p.m.; Wednesdays - Chris Wood, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. 302-645-1985. p.m.; Tuesdays - Survey Sez, 6:30 p.m.; June 5 - Rick Arzt, 2 to 5 p.m.; Thursday,
Mondays - Open Mic Night, 8 p.m.; Steele; Thursday, June 2 - Steve Kuhn; Wednesdays - B.J.’s Dam Jam Crew, June 9 - Tim Jaudon, 7:30 to 10 p.m.;
Tuesdays - Let’s Do Trivia, 7 p.m.; Friday, June 3 - Adwela & the Uprising; • The Pines Rehoboth Beach: 56 9:30 p.m.; Thursdays - Spring Trivia Friday, June 10 - Keith Mack, 4:30 to
Thursday, June 2 - Sidney Joseph, 8 Saturday, June 4 - Ghost Light Radio Baltimore Ave. Mondays - Flaming Tournament, 7 p.m., and Lower Case 7:30 p.m. 302-226-4677.
p.m.; Friday, June 3 - Ken Riggione, Show; Sunday, June 5 - Hot Sauce; Pianos featuring John Flynn & Matthew Blues, 9 p.m. to midnight; Sundays • Zogg’s: 1 Wilmington Ave. Fridays &
8 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - Freshly Thursday, June 9 - Rogue Citizens; Kenworthy, 6 to 9 p.m.; Saturdays - A - Tyler Greene & Friends, 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays - live music. 302-227-7660.
Squeezed, 9 p.m.; Sunday, June 5 - Sam Friday, June 10 - Wharf Rat Dog. 302- Night of Diva’s hosted by Mona Lotts Friday, June 3 - Tim Cooney, 5 p.m., and
Seider Duo, 5 to 8 p.m., and Karaoke, 9 752-8010. & Kristina Kelly, 9 to 11 p.m.; Sundays - Chris Timbers, 9 p.m.; Saturday, June
p.m.; Thursday, June 9 - Fitzki Brothers, • Port 251: 251 Rehoboth Ave. Mondays Drag Brunch with Mona Lotts & Kristina 4 - Divas of One Love, 9 p.m.; Sunday,
8 p.m.; Friday, June 10 - Ron Thompson, - David Zipse & Ken Schleifer Duo,
8 p.m. 302-227-1272. 7 p.m.; Fridays - Drag Extravaganza, Brewery & 6 Cannery Village Center, Milton, DE
• Atlantic Social: 19340 Lighthouse 9 p.m.; Sundays - Drag Brunch with Tasting Room
Plaza Blvd. Saturday, June 4 - 2nd Time Diamond Doll, noon, and Viki Dee, • Experience the Tasting Room, Production Facility & Distillery
Around, 5 to 8 p.m. 302-212-5319. 6 p.m.; Thursday, June 2 - Christine + • Daily tours • Merch & beer shop • Beer-centric food
• Big Chill Surf Cantina: 19406 Coastal Havrilla, 7 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - Justin • Dog friendly outdoor seating • Plenty of free parking
Hwy. Tuesdays - Bettenroom, 5 to 8 Jewell of Family Jewells, 8 p.m.; Tuesday,
p.m.; Sundays - Lower Case Blues, 4 June 7 - Karaoke, 9 p.m.; Wednesday, Dogfish 105 Savannah Road, Lewes, DE
to 7 p.m.; Wednesdays - Trivia Night, June 8 - Karen Murdock, 7 p.m. 302-
7 to 9 p.m.; Thursday, June 2 - Step 278-7069. Dogfish INN: The Mother Nature • 16 Modern Style Rooms + Cottage Sweet • Outdoor fire pit
Brothers, 7 to 10 p.m.; Friday, June 3 - • Purple Parrot: 134 Rehoboth Ave. Basecamp for Coastal Delaware™ • Complimentary bike & beach chair rentals
Sandy & Stevie D, 7 to 10 p.m.; Saturday, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays - Karaoke, • Local beaches, kayaking, biking & boating • Dog-friendly
June 4 - Repeat Offenders, 8 to 11 p.m.; 9 p.m. 302-226-1139.
Tuesday, June 7 - Bettenroo, 5 to 8 p.m.; • Rehoboth Ale House: 15 Wilmington
Thursday, June 9 - Step Brothers, 7 to 10 Ave. Thursday, June 2 - The
p.m.; Friday, June 10 - 2 Sheets, 7 to 10 Dunehounds, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, June
p.m. 302-227-5568. 3 - Gage Rhodes, 8 to 11 p.m.; Saturday,
• Blackwall Hitch: 52 Rehoboth Ave. June 4 - Cecilia Grace, 8 to 11 p.m.;
Sunday, June 5 - Jazz Brunch with Sunday, June 5 - Ben Davis, 7 to 10 p.m.;
Hammond Hot, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 302- Thursday, June 9 - Devin Canfield, 8 to
226-0550. 11 p.m.; Friday, June 10 - Kyle Offidani, 8
• Bluecoast Seafood Grill & Raw Bar: to 11 p.m. 302-278-7433.
30115 Veterans Way. Friday, June 3 - • Rehoboth Ale House On the Mile:
Bettenroo, 5 to 8 p.m.; Thursday, June 20859 Coastal Hwy. Thursday, June 2
9 - Mama’s Black Sheep, 5 to 8 p.m.; - Keith White Duo, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday,
Friday, June 10 - Keith White Duo, 5 to 8 June 3 - Kavoossi, 8 to 11 p.m.; Saturday,
p.m. 302-278-7395. June 4 - Slim and the Perkolators, 8 to 11
• Blue Moon: 35 Baltimore Ave. p.m.; Sunday, June 5 - Casey Walton, 8
Tuesdays - Bingo, 8 to 10 p.m.; to 11 p.m.; Thursday, June 9 - The Bills, 8
Wednesdays - Games with Ivy, 9 to to 11 p.m.; Friday, June 10 - The Stims, 8
10:30 p.m.; Thursdays - A Night with to 11 p.m. 302-567-2921.
Roxy, 9 to 10:30 p.m.; Fridays - Spotlight • Revelation Craft Brewing Company:
Show, 7 & 9 p.m.; Saturdays - Legends 19841 Central St. Friday, June 3 - Kyle
Show, 7 & 9 p.m. 302-227-6515. Offidani, 5 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, June 4
• Café Azafran: 18 Baltimore Ave. - Sandy & Stevie D, 5 to 8 p.m.; Friday,
Thursdays - Holly Lane & John Flynn, June 10 - Devin Canfield, 5 to 8 p.m.
6:30 to 9:30 p.m. 302-227-8100. 302-212-5674
• Coastal Taproom: 18766 John J. • Shrimpy’s Bar & Grill: 18585
Williams Hwy. Thursday, June 2 - Keri Coastal Hwy., Midway Shopping
Filasky, 5 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - Center. Mondays - Survey Sez, 6 p.m.;
Wednesdays - John Flynn, 5:30 p.m.;
Thursdays - Matthew Kenworthy, 5:30
p.m.; Sundays - Drag Show hosted by
First brewpub in the first state 320 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE
• Original food. Original music. Original beer. Original spirits.
• Dog-friendly outdoor seating • Merch & beer shop
• Live music on Fridays & Saturdays
Seafood & Cocktails 316 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE
• Fresh seafood from the Chesapeake & Maine regions
• Off-centered ales + scratch-made & keg-conditioned cocktails
made with Dogfish Head Distilling Co. spirits
©2022 Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Milton, DE
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 13
Oryopeueannrd D4
PthaerkCianngaoln books • cards • gifts • art C4
International Specialty D4Jigsaws, Brainteasers Open Daily music • clothes • stuff we like A3 17314 N. Village Blvd.
Foods, Table-Top & Kitchen Wares 302-644-0370
and Games for All Ages Second & Market Streets, Lewes 205 Second St., Lewes
(302) 645-1661 (302) 645-8013 302.644.2210 in the basement | entrance in back of building behind biblion
110 Front Street
108 Front Street
213 Anglers Rd., Lewes (302) 645-6888 VILLAGES OF
Wescoats Rd. Park Ave Shipcarpenter St. A4 INFO
D3 Ready to be a LEE ANN Mulberry St. KING’S Canalfront
Local? WILKINSON ICE CREAM Park 110 Shipcarpenter St.
Start your R&L LIQUORS hHiIsStTorOiRclIeCwLeEsW.oErgS
today! ACTIVE IRISH 302.645.7670110 Shipcarpenter St, lewes l 302.645.7670 l
Celebrating 50 years!
C Market LHS C
Lewes-Rehoboth CanalGeorge HPPKIDS’ Lewes Milton
Smith Park KETCH
Savannah Road 201 2nd St. 302 Union St.
Kings Highway Bank 302-645-9425 302-684-8900
Third Street
HONEY’S P.U.P.S. Front Street POST D2
Neils Alley
2 Lewes Locations: D JACK LINGO ADULTS D
Breakfast & Lunch · 8am - 3pm
1504 Savannah Rd P Open 7 Days
(302) 424-1890 329 Savannah Rd., Lewes
Kings Highway PUZZLES 302.644.8400
302.644.1747 MUSEUM BEACH JewelersE Full Service Jeweler
210 Savannah Road DEPT. GRAIN ON P Jewelry Repairs
TOP 100 PLACES TO EAT LIBRARY Cape Henlopen Watch Batteries
Theodore E Freeman Hwy Five Points Weis Ctre, Lewes
A Lewes Neighborhood P D1
Wine and
Beverage F
List with Lingo
Wine Over 60 years F Map is for general reference and is LEWESVisitor’s Map to the Best of 1240 Kings Highway
Tasting of continuous not intended to be drawn to scale. THE
service to the The grid can be used to guide you CITY OF 302-645-2207
Every to businesses and other points of
Saturday community reference located on this map. Enjoy!
BEER STORE selling
SERIOUS BEER in Delaware
1 23 4 5 6
Rated 100% by
“Pawsitively” Unique Pet Shop C4 E4
C1Superior Service, Outstanding Results in Real Estate We have“Pcaowllasirtsi,vteolyy”s, treats, 132 2nd St, Lewes
giftUs1,n1&iq7suSoeemcPoeuntcdShhSmto.pore! HistPco3raro0itcsv2iD.&d6io4ntw5hg.en9fto0hor1uwdm0noagLnses,wes 302.645.8448
16698 Kings Hwy. who love them
302-645-6664 117 Second Street
Historic Downtown Lewes
A4 C3
rerehhoobbootthhaarrttlleeaguuee..oorrgg EILEEN FISHER C3
Kinross Cashmere
20312 Highway One 2 317 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach DE
302-226-CAFE (2233) Rachel Comey Main 302. 227. 4800 Frank and Eileen Direct 302.227.3818
B6 247 REHOBOTH AVENUE 4 handmade soa5
C8 1 3
A HeAnclroepsen REHOBOTH ART
Henlopen Ave.
D8 Lewes-Rehoboth Canal
The “very finest” at B Henlopen Ave. 3rd St. Lake Ave.
below online prices! 4th St.
Visit us
26 Wilmington Ave.
featuring C4 Route 1 TOWN P REHOBOTH
237 C
302.227.2520 DEBBIE COMFORT
CHAMBER OF Rehoboth Ave.
Rehoboth Ave.
42 Rehoboth Avenue
& Access From Wilmington Scarborough Ave. P
Avenue Across From Mariachi
D Christian St.
VRisitEorB’Hs MEOapAtBoCtOhHe TBesHt of
E Map is for general reference and is Silver
not intended to be drawn to scale. Lake
C3 The grid can be used to guide you
to businesses and other points of
reference located on this map. Enjoy!
12 3 4 55
C9 Unique,
Many USA-Made Gifts...
Inspired By The Sea!
C4 AA CCooaassttaallAAmmeerirciacnanGGrilrl.ill. List with Lingo C3
HHapapppyyHHoouurr SSttaarrttss aatt44PPMMDDaialyily 246 Rehoboth Avenue 43 Rehoboth Ave D9
222288RReehhoobothh AAvveennuuee 302-227-3883 484-667-7122 Located in Penny Lane
330022..2227.33889955 @SaltyPawsRB on FB (off of Wilmington Ave.)
susummmmeerrhhoouusseessaalloooonn.c.coomm 302-379-4695
Handmade C3
Clothing • Accessories B6
Jewelry • Home • Baby
VersaSpa Spray Tan 39 Baltimore Ave.
127 C REHOBOTH AVE, REHOBOTH 125 Rehoboth Ave. 302-226-3066
LEHSOAP.COM | 302.260.9813
C6 302.567.5614 C6
a5ps & skincare si6nce 1997
7 88 9 B8
LakeCAapvSeet.aHteenPloaprken Grenoble Pl. Atlantic
Lake Gerar
Virginia Ave. REHOBOTH 25 Baltimore Ave.
TOY & KITE 302-227-8331
Olive Ave.
Maryland Ave. B7
Baltimore Ave. Baltimore Ave. B
HITCH Rehoboth 70 Rehoboth Virginia Ave &
BOMSHELL ROLLS Bandstand Avenue The Boardwalk
Village By JOLLY C 302-227-6996 302-226-5483
Rehoboth Ave.
6(23A0R2e) h7o2b7o-t5h6A0v9e
First Street Penny SEA ™
Station Lane FINDS
Second St. Wilmington Ave.
OCEAN (302) 644-0400
Delaware Ave. C3 Check Out The
BDeeacwhey Philadelphia St. E
Brooklyn Ave.
Stop by the Visitors Center at
501 Rehoboth Avenue, Downtown
56 7 8 9 Rehoboth-Dewey Beach Chamber of Commerce
D7 · 302-227-6446
D8 C3
D650 WILMINGTON AVE. 302 - 278 - 7433
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16 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
Celebrating 50 years! TOP QUALITY SHEDS
B2105 Union St., Milton (302) 684-8889 GARAGES 16394 Samuel Paynter’s
B3 213 Anglers Rd., Lewes (302) 645-6888 Blvd, Milton, DE
PRODUCTS (302) 291-2857 C5
30511 Cave Neck Road Finch Poly Furniture
Milton Lewes LIVE D4 626 Mulberry St., Milton Milton, DE 19968 + Mon-Thur 8-8, Fri-Sun 7-8,
Tues - closed
302 Union St. 201 2nd St. ENTERTAINMENT (Corner of Cave Neck Rd & Rt 1) King Casual Furniture
302-684-8900 302-645-9425 302-994-1896 Authorized Dealer
BANQUET FACILITY 302.684.1522 Serving Breakfast All Day Long!
A2 12 3 4
Rd 240 Route 16
A PUTTIN’ ON THE Saw Mill Rd. Visitor’s Map to the Best of A
13482 Spicer Road, RITZ SALON To RBoruotaed1kill Rd B
Ellendale, DE 19941 BELLA MILTON C
302-422-9000 FARMS GOLF
Monday - Saturday: 8am - 5pm COURSE
Sundays: 10am - 3pm (seasonal)
D4 Route 16 (Milton Ellendale Highway) SOCIETY
POST Union Street SHED Route 1
OFFICE Mulberry Street CRAZY
Pizza Place · Comfort Food KING’S ICE
109 Union Street CREAM
Milton, DE 19968
B Cave Neck Road
7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
(302) 386-7432
D2 HO BRITTINGHAM Broad Street MILTON Paynter’s
ELEMENTARY Magnolia Street PUBLIC Mill
18864 Coolspring Rd., C Broadkill River
Milton, DE
D3 Union Street IRISH
JUNE Quayside @ Nite with Hot Sauce Route 5 (Harbeson Road) Hudson
Thursday, June 2 - 7pm Mulberry Street Front Street
The Golden Gays NYC D Route 9 Cool Spring Route 9 D
LAVENDERFisher Rd To Route 1 E
The Golden Games Off-Broadway
Friday, June 3 - 8pm Martin’s Farm RoaFdIELDS Front Street
PRIDE Kids & Youth Cabaret Road
Saturday, June 4 - 2pm
Branden & James “Disney & Divos” MILTON OFFICE
Saturday, June 4 - 8pm
P Federal Street Atlantic Street
Parrot Beach: Jimmy Buffet Tribute Band Chestnut Street
Sunday, June 5 - 8pm Map is for general reference and is DOGFISH HEAD
not intended to be drawn to scale. BREWERY
Milton PRIDE Pre-Party & Art Show The grid can be used to guide you
Located at Inn the Doghouse! to businesses and other points of
Wednesday, June 8 - 6-9pm reference located on this map. Enjoy!
Quayside @ Nite with Bettenroo
Thursday, June 9 - 7pm
110 UNION ST. | 684-3038
B4 E
22222 Saw Mill Road 1234
Milton, Delaware
302.684.1808 C3 D4
“Hip & Histor
210 Union Street 113 Union St, Milton, DE (302) 745-8338 Milton, DE
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 17
Creative Market
opens with new look
Community leaders, DAC beginning
work on West Rehoboth Legacy Mural
By Chris Flood middle. All liquor sales will CHRIS FLOOD PHOTOS be donation-based, said
Beach. THE DEVELOPING ARTISTS COLLABORATION opened its West Side Creative Market for the season
After a successful inaugural Memorial Day Monday.
summer in 2021, Developing There will be all types of
Artist Collaboration’s West creatives at the market. There The market will have a new look this summer, including a grassed middle area and a stable of artists looking to
Side Creative Market opened- were 100 artists that applied sell handmade goods.
for a second year May 30. and the only real rule, Beach
said, is that things are hand-
It’s at the corner of Central made.
Street and Canal Crossing
Road in West Rehoboth, and “We’ve got some fun ones
DAC founder Leah Beach coming this year,” she said.
said she’s excited to bring
back the outdoor marketplace In addition to being open
for another summer. There on Mondays like last summer,
have been some significant the market will also open
improvements to the layout every other Wednesday for
of the market, she said. Sound Bite Wednesdays and
every other Friday for Fine
“Last year, when it rained Art Fridays.
or there was any wind, we
had to cancel,” said Beach, It’s about creating expe-
who doesn’t expect that to be riences that will bring in
the case this year. different groups of people,
Beach said.
DAC has invested $80,000
in the open-air market to “We’re going to get really
improve the experience of funky with it, and there’s
vendors and customers. The always going to be something
primary improvement is a for the kids,” said Beach.
permanent stable-like struc-
ture so artists don’t have to Hours of operation for all
worry about tents. three market nights are 5 to
9 p.m. For more information,
“It’s basically like little go to, call
individual shops,” said Beach. 302-604-2351 or email hello@
“Artists will be able to come
in and set up their area the West Rehoboth Legacy Mural
way they want.”
DAC announced almost a
Other improvements to year ago that it was under-
the market include a larger taking a mural project on a
footprint to hold more artists, long, 8-foot-tall cinderblock
a grassy area in the center wall near its home base on
to improve the overall vibe the corner of Central and
and a full-service bar in the
Continued on page 18
Rehoboth Beach Jewish Film ous scheme, Plan A. family’s story intersects with
Festival to take place June 1-3 “Tiger Within” is set for 4 the resurgence of anti-Sem-
itism that runs throughout
The Rehoboth Beach Film awareness of Jewish cultures online at p.m. Thursday, June 2, with American history. Director
Society will partner with and experiences, and to If seats are available, admis- host Fran Saltzman. “Tiger Steve Pressman, author and
Seaside Jewish Community explore community differ- sion can be purchased at the Within” is a compassionate director of “50 Children: The
in presenting the seventh ences and commonalities theater 30 minutes before drama featuring an unlikely Rescue Mission of Mr. and
anniversary of the Rehoboth through the art of film. screening time. friendship between a home- Mrs. Krauss” and director of
Beach Jewish Film Festival Special thanks go to Jewish less anti-Semitic teen in Los “Holy Silence,” will facilitate
from Wednesday to Friday, Federation of Delaware, the “Plan A” will be screened Angeles and a Holocaust a post-screening audience
June 1 to 3. premier sponsor. Admission at 7 p.m., Wednesday, June survivor. The film sparks discussion.
is $10 and can be purchased 1, hosted by Marty Rosens- larger questions about fear,
The mission is to deepen weig. “Plan A” is a thrilling forgiveness, healing and “Latter Day Jew” will be
drama based on a true story world peace. screened at 1 p.m., Friday,
SUBMITTED PHOTO about Max, a Jewish Ho- June 3, hosted by Steve and
locaust survivor in 1945 “The Levys of Monticello” Sue Schaffer. This award-
AN UNLIKELY FRIENDSHIP between a homeless anti-Semitic teen in Germany who meets a will be screened at 7 p.m., wining documentary feature
Los Angeles and a Holocaust survivor is featured in “Tiger Within.” radical group of Jewish re- Thursday, June 2, hosted film follows H. Alan Scott,
sistance fighters. They have by Sara and Jeffrey Rosen. a gay former Mormon,
lost all hope for the future When Thomas Jefferson cancer survivor and writer-
after they were robbed of died in 1826, he left behind a comedian who converted
their existence, and their mountain of personal debt, to Judaism at age 31, as he
entire families were killed which forced his heirs to finds his spiritual path and
by the Nazis. They dream of sell his beloved Monticello prepares for his bar mitzvah
retaliation on an epic scale and all of its contents. This at age 35.
for the Jewish people, and compelling documentary
Max starts identifying with tells the little-known story “Latter Day Jew” chroni-
the group's bold but danger- of the Levy family, which cles his hilarious and often
owned and preserved Mon- moving journey, and shows
ticello for nearly a century, that spiritual and cultural
far longer than Jefferson or identity is deeper than birth-
his descendants. The Levy right or family teaching.
18 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
Market Vann is creating the mural. wall, said Terrance. Terrance said he hopes the tions of the mural, which
Beach has been work- The wall will be separated mural serves as a launch- will provide a more detailed
Continued from page 17 ing point for the long-time verbal history of the images
ing with Vann, Vann’s dad into three segments and will residents of West Rehoboth on the wall.
Malloy streets. The mural, Antoine Vann, Vann’s grand- include images of long-for- to share their stories so the
according to an August mother Lucille Hood, West gotten buildings and people community can truly be The expectation is to have
2021 press release, will be Side New Beginnings’ Brenda who were important to the recognized. This could serve the mural completed in time
“an innovative educational Melbournce and Diaz Bon- history of the community; as a great launching point, for a Juneteenth celebration
mural experience to illustrate ville, and lifelong resident areas of town where only he said. in June, said Beach.
history and create a public Waynne Paskins. people of color were allowed
understanding of the impor- to go; and of people who are Beach said once the mural
tance of West Rehoboth.” The collaborative group helping shape the community is complete, QR codes will More information:
Multigenerational West Re- was wrapping up details of into the future. be added to different sec-
hoboth native and nationally the mural during a recent
renowned artist Terrance meeting at West Side New Author luncheon with Emily Giffin
Beginnings. The goal is to set June 7 at Rehoboth country club
bring something vibrant,
something that pops off the
Leah Beach shows off a computer image of what the mural’s three sec- Event includes “Meant to Be” is a charm- other books will be available
tions are expected to look like when artist Terrance Vann is done. book signing, meet ing American love story to purchase before and after
and greet, Q&A that follows two dynamic the luncheon.
characters from completely
Browseabout Books will different worlds as they fight There are no indoor mask
host a meet-and-greet lun- to be together against the mandates currently in place,
cheon with New York Times odds. but guests will be notified if
bestselling author Emily Gif- that changes.
fin from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., When Joe and Cate un-
Tuesday, June 7, at Rehoboth expectedly cross paths one The Rehoboth Beach
Beach Country Club, 221 afternoon, their connection is Country Club asks that
West Side Drive, Rehoboth instant and intense. But can guests not wear jeans.
Beach. their relationship survive the
glare of the spotlight and the To purchase tickets, go
Tickets are $60 and include so-called Kingsley curse? In a to
an autographed copy of beautifully written novel that event/author-luncheon-
“Meant to Be,” a delicious captures a gilded moment emily-giffin-meant-be or visit
buffet lunch, a nonalcoholic in American history, Emily and search
beverage and gratuity. Giffin tells the story of two Emily Giffin.
people searching for belong-
Giffin will mingle and take ing and identity, as well as the Browseabout Books is an
photos with attendees, speak answer to the question: Are independent bookstore at
about her new book, answer certain love stories meant to 133 Rehoboth Ave., Rehoboth
questions from the audience be? Beach known not only for
and personalize books. books, but also a fantastic
Extra copies of “Meant selection of toys, stationery
to Be” and many of Giffin's and unique gifts.
For details, visit browsea-
Proceeds will be reinvested in the market and used to fund the Devel- DART TO THE
oping Artists Collaboration’s West Rehoboth Legacy Mural project. The Boardwalk
mural is being done with help from West Side New Beginnings. Shown
are (l-r) Keyanna Vann, 7-month-old Savannah Vann, mural artist Ter-
rance Vann, West Side New Beginnings co-founder Brenda Milbourne,
Antoine Vann, Lucille Hood, West Side New Beginnings co-founder Diaz
Bonville and Developing Artist Collaboration founder Leah Beach.
Then DART to the shops,
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Sitting around a table at West Side New Beginnings talking about what
will be in the mural are (l-r) Terrance Vann, Lucille Hood, Keyanna Vann,
7-month-old Savannah Vann, Antoine Vann and Diaz Bonville.
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Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 19
Opera and Pops Concert set June Yeend and bass-baritone the concert.” Partial proceeds
4 at Nassau Valley Vineyards George London, The New Bel from the concert will benefit
Canto Trio offers arias, duets the True Blue Jazz Youth
Nassau Valley Vineyards, $55 for VIP seating and an and audiences in concert and trios from the opera Scholarship Program.
Delaware’s premier, award- after-concert meet-the-artists halls and on operatic stages world along with exciting and
winning winery, will bring a reception. Tickets are on sale around the globe. The artists beloved melodies from the Their individual and col-
world-class Opera and Pops at join forces with acclaimed Broadway stage, American lective experiences onstage
concert to the Cape Region pianist Jon Klibonoff in per- spirituals and treasured arts and as cultural ambassadors
Saturday, June 4, as it pres- The New Bel Canto Trio formance of master works by songs. to governments and premier
ents The New Bel Canto Trio comprises three award- Verdi, Puccini, Bizet, Mozart, institutions on six continents
in the winery’s Grand Cru winning voices of exceptional Mascagni, Rossini, Leonca- Nassau Valley Vineyards have credentialed The New
Hall. Doors open at 6 p.m. for brilliance, warmth and power. vallo and Gounod. co-founder and co-owner Bel Canto Trio as uniquely
seating and pre-show bar ser- The trio features tenor Paul Peggy Raley-Ward said, “This gifted innovators in their
vice; the concert runs from Spencer Adkins, soprano Taking their inspiration concert has been over 20 field. Classically trained and
7 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $40 Lisa Daltirus and baritone from the original Bel Canto years in the making. I first currently affiliated with top
for general admission and John Cimino, each of whom Trio of 1948 with tenor Mario met Paul Spencer Adkins and American universities and
has won raves from critics Lanza, soprano Frances his wife Mary as customers conservatories, they have
at the winery years ago. Paul won dozens of international
Shown (l-r) are Jon Klibonoff, Paul Spencer Adkins, John Cimino and Lisa Daltirus. was touring the world then, awards and prizes, includ-
so our mutual desire to bring ing the International Verdi
a performance to the beach Competition and the Lu-
was repeatedly put on the ciano Pavarotti International
back burner. Over the last Singing Competition. For
year we rekindled the friend- complete details, go to new-
ship, and Paul was excited to
hear about True Blue Jazz, the
independent straight-ahead This concert marks the
jazz festival produced by kickoff for several music
Eddie Sherman and myself, events of multiple genres
but most especially about our to be held at Nassau Valley
work with young musicians Vineyards this summer and
throughout the county and fall. Nassau Valley Vineyards
across the state. It was the is located at 32165 Winery
driver to bring these excep- Way Lewes. For more infor-
tional artists to Lewes. I’m mation, call 302-645-9463 and
thrilled to report that Paul visit
will be conducting a classi-
cal master class and clinic at More information:
Cape Henlopen High School
during the week preceding
Running of the Bull revelry and a variety of Elvis imper- McDonnell.
sonators have shown up. What might be in store for
returns to Dewey Beach June 25 “We now have kids who the 25th anniversary of this
were 2 years old when their iconic local event? Montgom-
parents were forming the ery and McDonnell like to
culture around the Running pull out surprises and keep
Some 25 years ago, Michael the math caught up to me lebrities, brew masters and of the Bull, who are in at- the crowds guessing.
McDonnell was in his mid- the other day, and it’s been politicians have served as tendance at the event. That
20s and feeling frisky when so many years. In October I matadors to fight the bull, always blows my mind,” said For more, go to therunnin-
he and a beach house full of turn 52, and I’ve now been
his cohorts decided to enact doing this half my life,” said
their own wacky version of McDonnell. He said as the
Pamplona, Spain’s Running Running of the Bull grew
of the Bulls in an unassuming from that first year, there
bar in Dewey Beach. were a couple of tipping
None of them could have points that really kept the
anticipated how that inau- momentum going. The first
gural run down the beach was when Steve “Monty”
with a costumed bull would Montgomery took over
ultimately become Dewey ownership of the Starboard.
Beach’s own “drunk uncle” The event turned from a
version of Pamplona’s long- beach house tradition into
held tradition. being managed by the es-
The 25th Annual Running tablishment, and it became
of the Bull will take place Sat- exponentially bigger. Then,
urday, June 25. Bull runners in advance of the event’s 10th
meet at the Starboard where anniversary, the Washington
they enjoy beverages, loud Post ran a story in its style
music and general pre-run section.
festivities. At 2 p.m., the run Since its inception, the
officially begins. The kids’ Running of the Bull has
portion of the event starts at grown to include a flyover,
10:30 a.m., on the beach be- and it has raised a ton of
tween Dagsworthy and New money for charity over the
Orleans streets. years. It has even become a
“It’s crazy to me, because multigenerational affair. Ce- Partiers chase the costumed critter along the shore in Dewey Beach during the 2021 Running of the Bull.
Calligraphy workshop set at Rehoboth Art League June 18-19
Rehoboth Art League will tering style. letters. Participants will The cost of the workshop located at 12 Dodds Lane,
present Bookhand Callig- Students will learn to use get through the lowercase is $165 for members and Henlopen Acres.
raphy 1 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 letters combining them into nonmembers.
p.m., Saturday and Sunday, liquid ink with a Speedball words. There is a $10 supply The Rehoboth Art League
June 18 and 1. This work- C-type nib in a straight fee to be paid to the instruc- To register, go to re- is offering a “Bookhand
shop is an introduction to pen holder. The class will tor for a calligraphy supply or Calligraphy I” workshop on
Bookhand calligraphy, a practice basic strokes, basic kit that can be taken home call 302-227-8408, Ext. 112. Saturday and Sunday, June 18
versatile and easily read let- lowercase letter forms, and at the end of the workshop. All workshops are held at and 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30
combining basic forms into the Rehoboth Art League, p.m. each day.
20 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
Millville Boardwalk
expands space, activities,
events for 2022 season
Grand opening velopment. “The Millville dor markets, craft fairs, ping SUBMITTED PHOTOS
weekend a success Boardwalk has always been pong and golf leagues, craft
fun for the whole family, and paint nights, specialty MORE THAN 5,000 BEACH BALLS of all sizes greet kids and adults
The Millville Boardwalk, and now with our expanded outdoor dining events, and who brave the World’s Biggest Beach Ball Pit in a 60-by-50-foot enclo-
a Delaware beach entertain- offerings and endless lineup branded family and kids’ at- sure at the Millville Boardwalk.
ment destination for all ages, of events and activities, there tractions and events.
recently announced its 2022 truly is something for every- off a little energy. Millville Boardwalk activities
expansion, rebranding and one to enjoy. Visitors will The weekends will feature The Millville Boardwalk and events, go to millville-
#AlwaysEndless lineup of take a walk down memory Under a Summer Sky every or follow on
events with a grand-opening lane when they enter The Friday and Saturday from is open year-round, and Facebook at
weekend May 20-22. Owners Millville Boardwalk.” 6 to 9 p.m. with live enter- parking is always free. For MillvilleBoardwalk.
enlarged the boardwalk foot- tainment and roving street more information on The
print by 10,000 square feet The new branding evokes a performers.
and added seating areas, a nostalgic coastal vibe, taking
new live entertainment stage, guests back to summer days A special, one-of-a-kind
the Horseshoe Hut snack bar of long ago. Families can immersive experience at
stocked with specialty treats stroll down the boardwalk, the Millville Boardwalk is
from First State Charcuterie enjoy elevated local board- the World’s Biggest Beach
and vendor kiosks. These walk concessions, explore Ball Pit, where kids and
additions and improvements the myriad of activities and adults can gallop around the
join the already established events, and create memo- largest pit of beach balls ever
Agape Creamery, Light- ries and traditions that will seen.
house Beach Mini Golf and last a lifetime. The lineup
Captain’s Quarters Arcade of events presented under This 60-by-50-foot beach
operating at the venue. the new #AlwaysEndless ball pit is overflowing with
tagline include weekly Yoga more than 5,000 beach balls
“We are thrilled to kick on the Boards in partnership of all sizes.
off the 2022 season and with Mudra Yoga, Wellness
showcase our immersive Wednesdays in partnership The space also includes
rebrand, new website, venue with Beebe Healthcare and Ball Pit Beach where adults
expansion and full lineup of Custom Fit 360, cooking and parents can kick back,
events,” said Roger Marin, demonstrations in partner- relax and watch the kids burn
director of business de- ship with Common Ground
Hospitality, Nite Bazaar ven-
A new live entertainment stage at the Millville Boardwalk is part of this season’s expansion and rebranding
project, which held its grand opening May 20-22.
The World’s Biggest Beach Ball Pit will delight kids of all ages at the Mill-
ville Boardwalk.
Jewelry by
Local Artist
Live music, roving street performers and more are part of the Under a 17522 Ward Avenue, Lewes 302.227.9203
Summer Sky weekend entertainment for Millville Boardwalk visitors. Weekly Summer Classes
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 21
Peninsula Gallery to has loved boats and water Delaware By Hand Masters umber and rust set off by
open View from the all his life, centering his art Exhibition. shadows in cool blues and
Water exhibit June 4 career around them. He stark blacks. His lighthouses
works in acrylics to paint Rogers’ boats are not glow with an ethereal aura,
Returning this June to the Hickman was born in traditional working boats pampered fiberglass yachts, beckoning the shipmen back
Peninsula Gallery after their Milford and grew up in in precise realism. He is a but rather hard-bitten, over- to shore.
nearly-sold out partner show Bethany Beach. She was nationally recognized ship worked oystermen, crabbers
in 2020, pastel artist Laura profoundly influenced by model builder, winning a and menhaden steamers. View from the Water is
Hickman and acrylic art- her life at the beach, which is certificate of commendation on display from June 4 to 28.
ist Steve Rogers focus their evident in her artwork. She at the Modelbuilders Compe- His paintings capture the Works from the show can
talents on original paint- earned a bachelor’s degree tition in 2000, and a signature toughness and durability be previewed at peninsula-
ings of beautiful Delmarva in art from Hood College in member of the American of everyday working boats, and are available
waterways. Their new show, Frederick, Md., and received Society of Marine Artists. and the beauty and terror of for presale.
View from the Water, gives an MFA from the University Rogers received a 2005 the weather in which they
Hickman and Rogers the op- of Delaware in printmaking, Established Artist Fellowship work. Rogers’ depictions are The gallery is open from
portunity to depict everyday and painting and drawing. from the Delaware Division incredibly accurate, down to 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday to
area landscapes through their She taught for several years of the Arts and was honored the materials and construc- Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
own unique style. at the University of Maryland by being selected for the 2015 tion of each particular type Sunday, in the Village Shop-
Eastern Shore and then at of vessel. His palette is rich pes at the Beacon Inn, 520
An opening reception will The Savannah College of Art with natural tones of ochre, East Savannah Road, Lewes.
be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m., and Design. She returned to
Saturday, June 4, and attend- her hometown in 1988 to real-
ees will have the opportunity ize her dream of becoming a
to talk with Hickman and full-time artist.
Rogers about their works.
Call 302-645-0551 or email Her current paintings are
peninsulagallery1@gmail. inspired by a trip down the
com for details. canal from Rehoboth Bay
to Roosevelt Inlet in late
“Laura and Steve are October. Hickman’s images
probably two of the most capture vibrant shades of
well-known artists in south- cyan, turquoise, ultramarine,
ern Delaware. Their styles cobalt and midnight blue,
are wonderfully compatible imitating the lush hues found
together, making them a great in the Delmarva region. Her
pair to share our exhibi- pristine pastel paintings
tion space. We’re delighted embody the quietude and
that they are working to- tranquility one finds while
gether again,” said Tony perched by the water on a
Boyd-Heron, Peninsula sunny day.
Gallery co-owner and exhibi-
tions director. Rogers, a Lewes resident,
“Harbor of Refuge,” by Steve Rogers, Peninsula Gallery exhibitor.
“The Conversation,” by Laura Hickman, Peninsula Gallery exhibitor.
22 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
Fun By The Numbers
Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending
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Here’s How It Works:
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down
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number can appear only once in each row, column and
box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers
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the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets
to solve the puzzle.
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 HOROSCOPES SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
It is time to slow down a little, Aries. Even A big idea is blooming, but you need to
you cannot keep up a hectic pace for very LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 get a handle on how you can finance this
long. Invest time in relaxing pursuits like Someone from the past comes back into endeavor, Sagittarius. It may be worth
yoga or reading to unwind your brain. your life and you will not know how to seeking investors.
react, Leo. First assess what this person
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 wants and how you left off years ago. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
Taurus, you may feel it necessary to prove VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 It is time to mend fences that were broken
your point at all costs. Stubbornness will Virgo, it might be time to accept the help a few years ago, Capricorn. Holding on to
get you nowhere right now. Listen to what or advice that someone is offering to you. past issues will not prove fruitful. Sit down
others have to say. You don’t always have to forge new paths and work through your issues.
to prove your worth.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
There are two sides to every story, Gemini. Libra, if you are thinking about making a You certainly catch more flies with honey
It is best not to attach yourself to one major lifestyle change in the near future, than vinegar, Aquarius. Focus on being
version of the tale just yet. Hear every- start fleshing out the plans this week. warm and welcoming in conversation and
one out and then come to an informed Gather feedback from the ones you love. your points will be well-received.
conclusion. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22
Scorpio, past mistakes provide opportu- PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 nities to learn. Continue to forge a new Something regarding your health may be
There is no time like the present to turn path. Recognize that others have made on your mind, Pisces. Schedule an annual
over a new leaf, Cancer. Think about the mistakes and can provide support. physical and discuss your concerns. Reach
areas of your life that can use some out to a trusted professional.
improvement and focus on the steps to
get there this week.
Answers on page 27
Memorable web or mobile experiences that turn visitors into customers
302.291.7702 W W W. N E E DA H I G H F I V E . C O M
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 23
Five GameCube
Games That Made My
Childhood Awesome
PLAY 3. Tony Hawk’s Underground SUBMITTED PHOTO
Years ago I wrote about my
CASSIE GOTTO-WHITE HEIDI LOWE GALLERY’S June 11 class participants will learn how to make a ring and set a piece of beach glass
favorite N64 games and Tony in silver.
In 2001, after I had spent Hawk’s Pro Skater was on
so much time playing that list. Naturally when Tony Beach glass ring-making work-
consoles like the Ninten- Hawk’s Underground was an- shop registration due June 7
do Entertainment System and nounced for the GameCube,
the Nintendo 64 (N64), I was I was ecstatic. I drooled over Heidi Lowe Gallery will The gallery will provide a is necessary. Participants
so ready for Nintendo’s new- the idea of being able to get offer a five-hour jewelry- selection of beach glass for must be at least 13 years old.
est console: The GameCube. I off your board and explore, making class from 10 a.m. to 3 attendees to choose from,
got it for Christmas and I was and I couldn’t wait to see p.m., Saturday, June 11, on how but if they want to bring a For more information or to
absolutely fascinated by the what new songs were on the to make a silver ring with a few favorite pieces to class, register, go to heidilowegal-
controller and the amazing soundtrack. I played through beach glass setting. The same instructors can figure out or call 302-227-9203.
new graphics. At that time, I the whole story mode, and class will be offered from 10 which one will work best for
couldn’t believe how realistic if I’m being honest, I believe a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, July 9, this project. Heidi Lowe Gallery can
everything looked. Looking that was the second game I and Saturday, Aug. 13. also teach a private class for
back, while the graphics still ever beat. I still adore this Participants can wear their a family or a small group of
look good in some games, it’s game even though I’m abso- This is the perfect class for own handmade jewelry out kids or adults.
so funny to see how outdated lutely terrible at it now. any beach lover. Participants the door.
it all looks now. will learn how to make a ring For details and scheduling,
4. Mario Kart: Double Dash and set a piece of beach glass The class is $245 including email hello@heidlowegallery.
I have so many fond Pretty much everyone has in silver. the materials fee. Registra- com.
memories related to the tion for the June 11 session
GameCube. Here are five of played a Mario Kart game They will learn tech- closes Tuesday, June 7. The gallery is open for
the games that helped define at some point in their lives. niques such as sawing, filing, shopping by appointment
my childhood. Double Dash was revolution- soldering and bezel setting. There will be a 30-minute and curbside pickup, and for
ary at the time; not only were lunch break. No experience private and group classes at
1. Mario Power Tennis there more characters, new 17522 Ward Ave. No. 2, Lewes.
After spending hours tracks, and new multiplayer
modes, but you could choose
playing Mario Tennis on TWO characters to play at
the N64, I obviously had to once! One character would
have the next game in the drive, and the other would
series: Mario Power Tennis. throw the items - and you
The graphics were better, could switch who did what
there was a larger roster of with the tap of a button. This
characters, and it came with is probably my favorite Mario
the addition of power shots, Kart game ever and it holds
which were special types of up to this day.
shots unique to each charac-
ter. I probably clocked more 5. SpongeBob SquarePants:
than 1,000 hours in the game Battle for Bikini Bottom
over my lifetime. It is still one
of my favorite tennis video When you Google the title
games to this day. of this game, you will see that
you can buy it for current
2. Donkey Konga consoles and PC, but did you
While most game-loving know it’s a remake of the
2003 GameCube classic of
kids had a PS2 or Xbox with the same name? This game
Rock Band or Guitar Hero, I absolutely blew my mind as
had Donkey Konga - a rhythm a kid. Like most other kids in
game where you used a set of the early 2000s, SpongeBob
bongos to drum along to vari- had become my entire life; I
ous songs. At the time, this had the bedspread, toys, you
was my favorite game ever. name it. Prior to this game’s
Being a band geek, I always release, I had a SpongeBob
had pretty good rhythm and game called Revenge of the
coordination, so I was great Flying Dutchman; it wasn’t
at the game. One of my fa- very good. Battle for Bi-
vorite things to do was invite kini Bottom, however, blew
friends over and play it with everyone’s minds at the time.
them so I could show off my It was so true to the TV
awesome skills. To this day, I show and being able to walk
adore this game. Sure, it’s just around and interact with the
a watered down Taiko game characters and environments
(made by the same devel- you knew so well was simply
oper), but it has charm. magical. I remember calling
my mom into the room to
show her how amazing the
graphics were.
The joy the GameCube
brought me as a childhood
was immeasurable. I am so
grateful that my parents got
me one because of the amaz-
ing memories it brought me.
And I still have it hooked
up in the living room as an
almost 30-year-old.
What games are you looking forward to? Let me know on Twitter: @gottosaurus.
24 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
the memories
THE Heritage Classic, Hale Ir-
19TH win shanked an iron into a Play The Rookery South is located at Rt. 1 Milton. Call 302-684-3000 for a tee time. Hole number two is a
HOLE greenside gallery but the ball par 3, which plays 178 yards from the blue tees, down to 140 yards from the gold tees.
disappeared into the crowd.
GENE BLEILE Irwin was about to declare a Hole number six is a par 5, which plays 500 yards from the blue tees, down to 436 yards from the gold
lost ball when an embarrassed tees.
Out of the clear blue spectator told the officials
it happens, without the ball was lodged in her Hole number nine is a par 3, which plays 123 yards from the blue tees, down to 95 yards from the gold tees.
warning, like a bee bra. The ball had bounced off
sting when you are working someone near her and went
in the yard – the dreaded down the front of her dress,
“shanks” have crept into but she was too embarrassed,
your game. Somehow, your at first, to speak up. She
swing deserts you and a 10- retrieved the ball, and he was
yard chip goes 30 yards on a awarded a free drop.
90-degree angle to the rough.
Another pro golfer, Curtis
If you saw the movie “Tin Stifford, was playing in the
Cup,” then you remember Quad City Open when he
when Roy McAvoy (Kevin shanked an iron into the gal-
Costner) came down with a lery and his ball ended up on
bad case of the shanks and a spectator’s hot dog that had
it almost scuttled his game. been dropped in the rough. The
(Thanks to psychologist officials gave Stifford a free drop
Renee Russo, he recovered to after he cleaned the mustard
play in the U.S. Open.) and ketchup off his ball.
The shanks will drive any The legendary Sam Snead
golfer to stop the cart girl once hit a wayward shot over
numerous times but related to the green in the Cleveland
that disease is the “yips.” The Open, which went through an
yips crawl into your head, as open locker room door, rolled
we all know, when you line into the men’s bathroom and
up a two- to five-foot putt. came to rest under a toilet
Somehow your body begins in the last stall. Snead was
to slowly turn to marble and penalized two strokes and
your arms weigh 100 pounds eventually lost the tournament
each. You stand over the putt by one stroke.
for what seems an eternity,
then back off the ball and Pro golfer Brian Barnes
notice the cart girl looking at takes the medal for the worst
her watch as she waits to sell case of the yips during the
you a beverage to stop the 1968 French Open. It took him
shanks. Nine times out of 10, 12 strokes to hole out, while
your ball comes up short, or putting from only three feet
worse, goes two feet beyond away from the cup. On a par-3
the hole. Then the torture hole, Barnes was on the green
starts all over again. in two with a long putt for
par. After his first putt came
There’s a mathematical up short to three feet, Barnes
formula few amateur golfers stood over his next putt, fum-
know or understand which ing about his upcoming bogey
relates to distance and time and after what seemed an
standing over a putt. The eternity, he putted, and his ball
formula is TOP+D=Y+18 TB, lipped out of the cup. Now
which means time over putt + suffering from anger and tem-
distance = yips + 18 triple bo- porary insanity, he began to I know why I took rake the ball back towards the
algebra in high school. hole and missed again. While
the gallery stood in amaze-
To put this in perspective, ment, Barnes then hit his next
your golf game is 90 percent putt while it was still moving,
“mental” and 10 percent hockey style. When that didn’t
“mental,” but there will be work, he tried a croquet-style
days when your driver is on putt, adding another penalty
fire, but your putter is ice- stroke. When all the regular
cold; your irons will be crisp, and penalty shots were as-
but you top your woods, and sessed, his final score on the
if you keep your arm straight par-3 was 15.
in the takeaway, your head
comes up. Nineteenth hole trivia:
Now that I’ve given you a • Arnold Palmer once
free diagnosis of your mental carded a 12 on a 568-yard, par-
state and what can go wrong 5 during play in the 1961 Los
with your swing at any given Angeles Open. He hit four tee
moment, take heart – it hap- shots out of bounds. The club
pens to the best of them. members of the Rancho Park
Golf Course later erected a
In the 1973 Sea Pines bronze plaque to commemo-
rate the Roy MacAvoy (“Tin
Cup”) moment.
Follow Bleile’s column at
and visit
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 25
Rehoboth Beach Patrol water, it’s important to have all of them were found and
rings in new season someone there with you.” reunited with their families.
Over the past 100 years, the are being created along the when beaches are guarded, Over the course of the In July, two lifeguard
Rehoboth Beach Patrol has beach. Two of the city's 38 families need to be sure to summer season, the beach competitions will be held in
stood guard over Rehoboth’s dune crossings are currently keep an eye on one another, patrol deals with marine Rehoboth Beach. The United
sands and waters, providing closed for safety reasons, especially children. Anyone life and rough water condi- States Lifesaving Association
a sense of security as well as one at Maryland Avenue and planning to brave the chilly tions, and responds to minor will hold its Mid-Atlantic
assistance when a relaxing one at Surf Avenue, at the water temps should be sure and major medical issues as Regional Championship
day at the shore doesn’t go northern end of the beach. to swim with a buddy. well as lost children. Last Wednesday, July 13, and the
quite as planned. Mayor Stan Some beach crossings are year, nearly 400 children annual Lifeguard Olympics
Mills helped the beach patrol steeper and contain looser The Laurel Avenue pedes- were “lost” on Rehoboth competition will take place
ring in its 101st year during a sand than usual, so beachgo- trian crossing is wheelchair Beach. Giles reported that Saturday, July 30.
bell-ringing ceremony May ers should walk carefully. accessible, and extra mats
28, on the Boardwalk at Balti- have been installed on the CHRIS FLOOD PHOTOS
more Avenue. The City of Rehoboth beach there to provide
Beach and the Rehoboth easier wheelchair access. THE REHOBOTH BEACH PATROL is fully staffed and ready for the
The Rehoboth Beach Beach Patrol offer the fol- summer season. However, as the tide line in this picture shows, beach-
Patrol is fully staffed with a lowing tips to help make “We know that guarded goers should be aware that at high tide there’s little beach left.
complement of 65 personnel everyone’s beach experience beaches help our visitors
this year, including about 50 enjoyable as the city, Depart- feel safe,” said Giles. “But
lifeguards, seven emergency ment of Natural Resources our lifeguards can’t keep
medical technicians and ad- and Environmental Control, their eyes on everyone con-
ministrative team. With a full and Mother Nature work to stantly. It’s important that
staff, said Capt. Jeff Giles, the repair the beach. families take responsibility
patrol will be able to provide to look out for one another,
complete coverage of the Spread out from the center especially young children.
beach this year, something and consider claiming a spot
that was impossible last year at the south or north end of “And if you’re going in the
due to staffing challenges. Rehoboth Beach. Deauville
The beach patrol team this Beach is open and acces-
year includes 19 rookies. sible on the north end, and
the south end is a bit wider,
During Memorial Day less steep, and has less dune
weekend, the beach patrol damage. Consider timing
watched over a healing visits to coincide with low
Rehoboth Beach. As a result tide and avoid high-tide
of the lingering nor’easter peak time. Travel light and
the area experienced earlier compact to the beach in an
this month, the beach is effort to share space with
temporarily narrower, espe- other sun-seekers.
cially at high tide; the good
news is that it’s also wider Rehoboth Beach Patrol
than normal at low tide. As lifeguards will be on duty
Mother Nature is return- from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
ing some of the washed-out on weekends and 10 a.m.
sand to the shore, tidal pools to 5 p.m. on weekdays
throughout the season. Even
Pop-up art and gift shop coming Small areas of sand had to be removed to accommodate the placement
to Selbyville June 15-18 of the umbrella and chair shacks in Rehoboth Beach.
A group of eight local art- Whitman-Pitzer, Moon Shell Bramble on Jewelry; and breathtaking. beautiful. brilliant.
ists and artisans will offer Paper Co. - watercolors and Cathay Cranfield - Beach
their creations to the public cards; Craig Stewart, CRS Rocks! All will be on hand BAYWOOD GREENS.
from Wednesday to Saturday, Glass - stained glass; and to greet shoppers, discuss
June 15 to 18, in a special pop- jewelry to suit any style from their artistic processes and Described as one of America’s truly great golf courses, Baywood Greens
up shopping venue at 14 W. Gail Gingrich, Beach Stone creations, and help everyone is a public 18-hole championship course. Manicured greens, flawless
Church St., Selbyville. Hours Jewelry; Lois Porterfield, find the perfect items to keep
will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Flablingos; Nancy Bramble, or give as gifts. fairways, man-made ponds, timber bridges, tunnels and over 200,000
Wednesday to Friday, and 9 flowers, plants, shrubs and trees don’t begin to describe its beauty.
a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday.
Known as the “Augusta of the North,” Baywood Greens is by far the most
The storefront is being visually spectacular golf course in Delaware and is consistently
offered for weekly rentals by ranked #1 by Golf Digest’s Best in State.
owner Leigh Scott, who also
owns Synergy Cafe next door. A COASTAL GOLF COMMUNITY
Local artist Carol Gentes de-
cided to rent the building the BAYWOODGREENS.COM | CALL (888) 844-2254 FOR TEE TIMES
week leading up to the an-
nual Old Timer’s Day Classic DIRECTIONS: From Route 1 in Lewes or Rehoboth Beach DEVELOPED BY
Car Show and Family Festival take Route 24 West for approximately 8 miles. The TUNNELL COMPANIES, L.P.
on Saturday, June 18. The entrance to Baywood Greens will be on your left.
festival, in its 65th year, draws
a large crowd to Church
Street, which is closed for
the day and lined with classic
cars and trucks. There will be
music, food vendors, a beer
garden, children’s activities,
and now an art and gift shop.
Participating artisans and
their wares are: Carol Gentes,
Pigment of the Imagina-
tion - dotted and mixed
media acrylics and painted
rocks; Angela Pierce, Ange-
las Art - oil paintings; Beth
26 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
Target everything this time of year
The beaches are re- RICH WARWICK caught this 39-inch striped bass at the Indian River inlet on a Hopkins. Old school lures always work.
building and the sand
bars are moving back Sheepshead caught at Assateague Island by Pat Townstead
into the surf zone. There are
still many nice large drains to or the period from July 1 Eagle sitting on the Firewatch tower in Cape Henlopen State Park on Gordons Pond beach
fish, from Assateague to Cape through Aug. 31, when the
Henlopen. The surf fish- allowable slot limit size is 20
ing has gotten better on the through 25 inches in the Dela-
weekdays, but the weekends ware Bay, Delaware River and
have been ridiculous. If you their tributaries.
want to fish weekends at the
beach, go early or late. Flounder action has been
okay for keepers but a little
Surf anglers are targeting slow, however the season
the smaller fish with DS Cus- is just getting warmed up.
tom Tackle top and bottom There has been decent action
rigs, mostly using Fishbites at the Cape Henlopen fishing
for bait, bloodworm and crab pier. Spot and croaker are
formulas. Real bloodworms in and that will help get the
are pricey this year. Sand flounder more active.
fleas are easy to dig.
Continued on page 27
The large fish - striped
bass, black drum and blue
fish - will hit a variety of
baits. Anglers are mostly us-
ing mullet to target bluefish,
bunker chunks for striped
bass and clam for drum.
Sand fleas work well for black
drum and striped bass and
avoid the scavengers that cut
bait attracts.
This week’s weirdest catch
was a sheepshead at As-
sateague. These are way too
early, but one was also caught
up near Brigantine Beach in
Jersey. Stranger things have
happened. They either blew
up with the storm or were
here on a warm water outlet
and were pushed out.
Offshore anglers have
been targeting sea bass.
Some charters are going for
black drum in the Delaware
Bay. It all depends on what
your catch flavor is for the
trip. Call ahead as some of
these are booking up real
fast. Again, fish weekdays
for more selection and less
The best bet is to just
get out and fish and target
everything this time of year.
In a couple of weeks, the runs
will be ending or over. Then
we wait for the pompano and
other weird summer Gulf
Stream fish.
Remember, bluefish is a
three-per angler creel limit,
with no size limit. Striped
bass is a slot limit, 28 to 35
inches. Retaining a fish out
of the slot for any purpose is
We do still have the sum-
mer striped bass slot season,
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 27
Continued from page 26
Kelly Poper picked up this gator bluefish at Fenwick Island State Park using mullet for bait.
Hog chokers are small flatfish found around our inland bays and the East
Coast. They only grow to about six inches long.
28 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 Beach Paper
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