Cape Gazette’s
Visitors’ Guide to
the Cape Region
Comedy improv on stage
in Milton Aug. 29
Page 4
Tribute honors
a surf-fishing legend
Page 26
2 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
Annual Sea Witch Roll on the Boardwalk, trick or treat- Sally, was retired in 2019 after nearly
Festival kicks o Oct. 29 ing in Dewey Beach and Rehoboth two decades of service.
Beach, a haunted bonfire in Dewey
Many popular events returning; new witch Beach, an indoor artisan and vendor The chamber has commissioned the
balloon to make debut at costume parade show at the Rehoboth Beach Conven- making of a new witch, and if every-
tion Center, old-fashioned kids’ games thing goes as planned, that balloon will
By Chris Flood weekend of Friday, Oct. 29. It will be on the beach, a dog costume parade make its debut in this year’s parade.
[email protected] the 31st year for the festival, with the on the Boardwalk and, of course, the
spooky theme being Lobster Monster. famous costume parade that takes over Some of the events are weather de-
The Rehoboth Beach-Dewey Beach Rehoboth Avenue. pendent.
Chamber of Commerce’s annual Sea This year’s weekend-long schedule
Witch Festival is slated to return the of events is expected to include many The chamber is always coming up For the most up-to-date listing of
fan favorites, such as the Tyke Bike with new events and promotions, and events and details, go to the Rehoboth
this year will be no different. The most Beach-Dewey Beach Chamber of Com-
notable new attraction this year will be merce website at
a new Sea Witch parade balloon. The
festival’s original balloon, nicknamed More information on Sea Witch fest:
The Rehoboth Beach-Dewey Beach Chamber of Commerce’s annual Sea Witch Festival is slated to kick off Friday, Oct. 29.
CAPE Visit any
CUISINE of our
Available at 6 locations
Lewes • Canalside
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food specials & live entertainment!
Over the years, Jerry’s has carved out a niche with a huge
19724 Coastal Hwy., selection of fresh fish and popular dishes. And it all starts with
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ounces, lightly seasoned with Old Bay and baked to a golden
101 2nd Street, Lewes perfection!
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Authentic Italian cooking carefully prepared with the finest 302-645-9355
ingredients. Delicious appetizers, salads, savory pastas, and
other Italian specialties like Nonna’s Meatballs and Italian
Sausage. A full Italian deli and market onsite offering ready 1776 Steakhouse is the ideal setting for great food &
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selections. Extensive beer & wine lists with signature cocktails.
Classic, warm, inviting and comfortable atmosphere.
Please confirm current hours & availablity by calling ahead or checking the restaurant’s website /social media.
Beach Paper THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 3
Local band Speed
Limit 18 releases
second album
Sussex Academy juniors unveil
mature sound in ‘Welcome Home’
By Chris Flood When the band couldn’t ELLEN DRISCOLL PHOTO
[email protected] workshop songs together
because of pandemic pre- Speed Limit 18 band members (l-r) Alex Boswell, Oliver Sachs and Zach Yenovkian are set to debut a mature,
When asked about the cautions, Oliver would send complex new sound with the release of sophomore album “Welcome Home.”
sound of Speed Limit 18’s demos to Zach and Alex for
sophomore album “Welcome feedback.
Home,” guitarist Zach Ye-
novkian had a simple answer. Since they became vac-
cinated, it’s easier to jam
“It’s fire,” he smiled. in person, bandmates said.
Friends since Rehoboth Classmate and fellow musi-
Elementary, bandmates Oli- cian Dylan Thomas helps
ver Sachs, Alex Boswell and with writing and production.
Zach are now rising juniors at
Sussex Academy. And just as Motivated by the de-
the trio has aged, so has their sire to outgrow the band’s
music matured since the 2019 younger themes, Oliver said
debut album “Stoopid,” which he exerted about 300 times
featured quirky songs “Herb more effort in writing. As he
the Turtle,” “Shared Custody wrote each new song, he was
Duck,” and “Cat Goes Splat.” sure he developed the next
“‘Stoopid’ was just writ- album’s new single - until
ing silly songs with friends,” he found every new one he
said Oliver, band producer created was even better than
who also plays drums, guitar, the last.
piano and ukulele; all mem-
bers sing. “By the time I finished
writing, the first three songs
THIS ALBUM IS MORE OF A I thought would be on the
NARRATIVE, BANDMATES album didn’t even make the
SAID, THAT FOLLOWS A cut,” he said.
TO FIND HIMSELF BY LIVING This album is more of a
ALONE IN A CABIN IN THE narrative, bandmates said,
WOODS. WHILE THERE, that follows a young man
HE REALIZES HOW MUCH on a mission to find himself
HE VALUES FAMILY AND by living alone in a cabin in
FRIENDS AND LEAVES THE the woods. While there, he
CABIN FOR HOME, WHERE realizes how much he values
HE REALIZES HE BELONGS. family and friends, and leaves
the cabin for home, where he
“Returning listeners will realizes he belongs.
be in for a big surprise,” said
bassist/drummer Alex. “‘Wel- Bandmates say they hope
come Home’ is a cohesive, people listen to all of the
indie pop record.” album songs, as the last one
offers a satisfying conclusion.
Oliver said he began writ- The band looks forward to
ing new songs immediately playing before a live audience
after the release of “Stoopid.” again.
“It’s been pretty much my “We would love to return
life the last two years,” he to the Milton Theatre and
said. play the show we’ve always
wanted to play,” Oliver said.
First single “Massachu-
setts” dropped Aug. 13, and
the album launched Aug. 17
on iTunes, Spotify, Apple Mu-
sic and all major streaming
Go to
Rehoboth Beach Jazz
Festival adds two shows
Rehoboth Beach Jazz Open brunch seating in the
Festival announced two restaurant will be first-come,
new shows for Sunday, Oct. first-served. Ticket price for
17. Elan Trotman and Paul the morning show includes
Jackson Jr. will play at 11 a.m. the brunch buffet from 9:30
during brunch at the Rusty to 11:30 a.m. No food will be
Rudder in Dewey Beach, permitted in the theater. The
and JJ Sansavera and Jeff festival recommends vaccina-
Kashiwa will play at 4:30 tion for all guests in order to
p.m. on the Rudder deck. As make their show experience
with all festival brunch and more enjoyable.
dinner shows at the Rudder,
tables are only reserved in For more information and
the Rusty Rudder bar theater. to purchase tickets, go to
4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
Delaware Comedy Theatre improv ON THE COVER: Sam McCoy
show at Milton Theatre Aug. 29 grabs a rail in the 39th Annual
Zap Pro/Am World Championship
The Delaware Comedy formed in spring 2005, is a Comprising mostly local of Skimboarding, which took
Theatre will perform its ir- nonprofit theatre company schoolteachers and profes- place Aug. 13-15 on Bellevue St. in
reverent adult improv show bringing professional comedy sionals, the theatre’s signa- Dewey Beach. See more photos
at 8 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 29, at improvisation training and ture sketches involve improv, and results at
Milton Theatre. performance to the Lewes, music and theater acting. Cover design
Rehoboth and Dewey Beach This is one show you’ll surely by Teresa Rodriguez
Audience members should areas. have a laughter hangover
come with the spirit of spon- from for weeks! DAN COOK PHOTO
taneity as they might just find It has since been filling up
themselves on stage with the venues with its quick wit and For tickets, go to Milton-
cast. unique brand of comedy that or call 302-684-
leaves audiences in stitches! 3038 for assistance.
Delaware Comedy Theatre,
Beach Paper Editor For more local happenings,
Jen Ellingsworth go to
Copy Editor
Bernadette Hearn
IT Manager/Photo Editor
Christopher D. Foster
General Manager
Chris Rausch
Advertising About us
Andrew Thomas Cape Gazette launched its
Kathy McGinty free visitors’ guide in 2000.
Lauren Zaniewski The publication is locally
owned and operated at
SUBMITTED PHOTO Production 17585 Nassau Commons
Abby Workman Blvd. in Lewes.
Delaware Theatre Comedy’s improv shows are based on audience suggestion in the style of “Whose Line Is It Edwin Krumm
Anyway?” Mallery Galaska Web Manager
Tara Arjona Kristin Sinnott
Teresa Rodriguez
Let’s make this the best summer yet!
next issue in person?
OCEAN VIEW Homestead Campground Best’s Ace Hardware Go to
Indian River Inlet to subscribe to the
Marina Store Rite Aid Bodie’s free weekly email.
Hocker’s G&E Kemp’s Liquors
Hocker’s Super Center LEWES Milton Theatre Ball of Sunshine
Old Inlet Bait and Tackle Best’s Ace Miltonian Pizza
Post Offices (Bethany Hardware Store Oak Creek Wine &
and Ocean View) Cape Gazette Office
Cape May / Lewes Ferry Spirits
Rite Aid Cape Pharmacy Ogre’s Grove
Shore Stop Cape Wine and Spirits Po’ Boys Creole
Capriotti’s Restaurant
Super G Citizens Bank Post Office
Broadkill Store
Kids’ Ketch Atlantic Liquors
DEWEY BEACH / Lemon Tree Body Shop Fitness
FORGOTTEN MILE Lewes Chamber of Boxes at First St.,
All Wheels Bike Shop Commerce Wilmington Ave.
Lewes Transit Center Browseabout Books
Bin 66 Lloyd’s Market CAMP Rehoboth
Dewey Beach Market Casapulla’s Sub Shop
Rite Aid
Little Store Roadsters Concord Pet
Mama Maria’s Surf Bagel Exxon - Jerry’s Subs
Wine & Spirits Outlet The Moorings at Lewes Hi Way Convenience
Waves Car Wash
Starboard Louie’s Pizza
Vavala’s Nicola Pizza
Wings to Go LONG NECK Outlet Liquors
Bayside Bait and Tackle
FENWICK ISLAND Pacific Wines & Spirits
Discount Cigarettes Harris Teeter
Love Creek Citgo Cheers!PostOffice
Fenwick Island Neighborhood Store
Info Center Palmer’s Uncle Willies RB Convenience
Food Lion Short’s Marine Rehoboth Beach City Hall
Harris Teeter Rehoboth Beach-Dewey
Super G
Lighthouse Liquors Beach Chamber of
Shore Stop MILLSBORO Commerce, Visitor’s
Caruso’s Pizza Dunkin Donuts Royal Farms
Georgetown Circle Uncle Willie’s
Wawa on Rt. 113 Super G
Surf Bagel AM
The Point
Thanks to everyone who has supported
Cape Gazette’s Visitors’ Guide for its first 21 years.
Valero To advertise, call 302-645-7700 or email [email protected].
Beach Paper THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 5
Wine and food lovers to gather at SoDel Fest Sept. 18
More than 50 restaurants, the annual festival. the two nonprofits chosen FILE PHOTO
bars, wine and liquor dis- The sixth annual festi- for this year’s festival. In the
tributors, breweries and five years since the event was Food and wine lovers take a moment to browse silent auction items at a
musicians are preparing to val has already attracted a founded, local-area charities previous SoDel Fest.
participate in the 2021 South- number of local sponsors have reaped over $130,000
ern Delaware Wine, Food & including the title sponsor, from generous sponsors and
Music Festival set for 12 to Sussex County Association festival attendees.
3:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 18, at of Realtors, Tunnell and Ray-
Independence Clubhouse in sor, P.A., Faw Casson, Sysco The last festival in 2019
Long Neck. More are signing Foods, Chesapeake Wealth hosted over 600 attendees,
up every day. Management, Highway One, but this year's festival is
Fins Restaurant Group, Com- capped at only 500 partici-
Wine and food lovers will munity Bank, and Elite PT. pants, so buying tickets early
gather to taste delicious More sponsorship opportu- is recommended.
offerings from Southern nities are available to local
Delaware’s finest purveyors - businesses that want to make To buy tickets, volunteer or
and be entertained with great a mark on a lively, diverse learn more about the spon-
music as they bid on the si- crowd. All proceeds benefit sorship benefits and how a
lent auction, make purchases the Delaware Restaurant business can participate, go
at an extensive wine wall and Association’s employee as- to or contact
watch the annual chef throw- sistance fund and the Devel- festival Executive Director
down, always a highlight of oping Artist Collaboration, Stacy LaMotta at stacy@
Heidi Lowe rings classes It’s been a rough day.
registration due Aug. 28
Heidi Lowe Gallery is will design and create three
offering two different 2.5- sterling silver rings that can
hour jewelry making classes be stacked together. Then
Tuesday, Aug. 31. Each class is they will make three differ-
designed for fun, success and ent rings using techniques
safety! Students will learn including texturing, forming
how to make a piece of jew- and soldering. Cost is $130.
elry from start to finish and
wear their own handmade Registration closes Satur-
jewelry out the door! Check day, Aug. 28. No experience is
out their full class schedule necessary. Participants must
on the website. be at least 13 years old.
Rings of intention class Studio instructors also
is set for 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 teach private classes for
p.m. Each student will come groups of 4-6 adults or kids.
up with a word of intention, It's a fun way to celebrate a
a word that embodies what birthday, bond with family,
each person wants to attract, and learn something new
cultivate or focus on in life. with friends. To request more
Students will learn basic information, email hello@
metalworking techniques
to make a silver ring with
their word stamped into it. Heidi Lowe Gallery is open
Everyone will leave with a for shopping by appointment,
wearable reminder of their curbside pickup, and for
intention. Cost is $120. private and group classes at
17522 Ward Ave. #2, Lewes.
In the afternoon class
from 2 to 4:30 p.m., students For more information, go to or call
208 Rehoboth Avenue
Rehoboth Beach
Sun - Thr: 11:30am - 9pm
Fri & Sat: 11:30am - 10pm
ORDER ONLINE 18766 John J Williams Hwy
Rehoboth Beach Sun - Thr: 11:30am - 9pm
Fri & Sat: 11:30am - 10pm
SUBMITTED PHOTO Happy Hour 11:30am till 5pm Sunday-Friday
Liquid Lunch Saturday 11:30am to 5pm
Rings of intention class participants at Heidi Lowe Gallery will learn ba-
sic metalworking techniques.
6 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
Bethany boardwalk arts fest to return Sept. 11
The Bethany-Fenwick Bethany Beach Boardwalk Arts Festival attendees peruse ceramic pieces handcrafted by Linda Sikora. SUBMITTED PHOTO
Area Chamber of Commerce
will present the 43rd Annual artists and local businesses. the Quiet Resorts Region. School of the Arts, John M. School.
Bethany Beach Boardwalk All proceeds from the silent The schools which benefit Clayton Elementary School, For information, go to
Arts Festival from 10 a.m. to auction will support the arts are Lord Baltimore Elementa- Phillip C. Showell Elementary
5 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 11, in programs of five schools in ry School, Southern Delaware School and Selbyville Middle BethanyBeachArtsFestival.
downtown Bethany Beach. com or call 302-539-2100.
This annual event hosts
more than 100 juried artists
to showcase and sell their
The featured artists bring
unique creations represent-
ing a variety of different
mediums including paintings,
photography, woodwork,
metalwork, clay and jewelry.
“Events are back! 2020 was
hard on just about everyone.
We are so excited to welcome
back the artists and guests,
to support the arts and lo-
cal businesses, and to raise
money for the local school art
“You never know the
magnitude an event can have
until it cannot be held. We
are grateful for vaccines, our
doctors and nurses, and the
resiliency of the community,”
said Lauren Weaver, execu-
tive director of the Bethany-
Fenwick Area Chamber of
The Bethany Beach
Boardwalk Arts Festival will
also include a silent auction
sponsored by Jayne’s Reliable,
featuring works of art gener-
ously donated by festival
Peninsula Gallery featuring
pop artist Daniel Garrow
The Peninsula Gallery recently
introduced Daniel Garrow as its fea-
tured artist for August.
Featured Artist of the Month is a
new initiative on the part of Peninsula
Gallery to highlight the works created
by different artists.
The lineup includes some of the
gallery’s resident artists, repeat
exhibitors, and artists entirely new to
the space.
GARROW IS AN ARTIST, “Sgt. Pepper” reimagined by Daniel Garrow, featured artist, Peninsula Gallery.
HAS WORKED IN COMMERCIAL “American Gothic” reimagined by Daniel being recognized 12 times by Gannett Garrow has illustrated three books:
ILLUSTRATION FOR OVER 40 YEARS. Garrow, featured artist, Peninsula Gallery. while working as art director at the “AlphaSillyMals,” “AlphaSearch” and
clients, such as the Washington Post, Wilmington News Journal. His work “Fine Art with Fish.” For more infor-
To see featured artists’ special col- the New York Times, USA Today, is on display throughout Delaware, mation or to view the works online,
lections, visit the gallery each month, Hewlett-Packard, Boating Magazine from Delaware Seashore State Park to go to
and follow its Facebook and Insta- and BusinessWeek. the Wilmington and Western Rail-
gram pages to find behind-the-scenes road. The gallery is located in the Shops
information about each one’s back- He has been honored five times as at the Beacon, 520 East Savannah
ground and creative process. the nation’s top graphic artist at the His illustrations have been shown Road, Lewes.
National Headliner Awards, as well as at the Society of Illustrators in New
Garrow is an artist, illustrator and York, Society for News Design, and More information:
designer who has worked in com- the Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press
mercial illustration for over 40 years. Association’s annual show.
His whimsical designs reimagine
classical art and popular cultural
images as digital paintings of cartoon
fish. Before starting his fish collec-
tion, Garrow worked with various
Beach Paper THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 7
Watercolor florals class to start at art guild Aug. 23
Milton Arts Guild’s new part class costs $70. “Dogwoods” by Anne Buck, watercolor florals instructor, Milton Arts League.
class, Floral Watercolors with Anne Buck is an award-
Anne Buck, will be held in
two parts from 10 a.m. to 12 winning watercolorist with
p.m., Mondays, Aug. 23 and membership in the Interna-
30. tional Watercolor Society,
Delaware Watercolor Society
This class will be held both and Rehoboth Art League.
in person at the guild’s Wal- She is education director for
nut Street studio and virtually Milton Arts Guild as well as
via Zoom. its past president. Her works
are on display throughout the
The instructor will walk region. To see her art, go to
students through the process-
es of creating a value study,
mixing colors and negative To register and for a com-
painting to create a finished plete list of supplies, go to
watercolor painting. The two-
Delaware Botanic Gardens offers Butterfly Thursdays
Delaware Botanic Gardens bees. SUBMITTED PHOTO
announced its new Butterfly The butterfly program is
Thursdays program will run A butterfly alights on a blossom at Delaware Botanic Gardens.
weekly at 11 a.m. through Aug. free for members; advance
26. sign-up is required. Admis-
sion for nonmembers is $12
“Two of our most knowl- per person. Youth ages 16 and
edgeable volunteer lead- under receive free admission
ers, retired science teacher and must be accompanied
Margaret Kimmel, and Craig at all times by a parent or
Haggerty, a retired math guardian.
teacher, will be giving a short
lecture followed by a tour of To sign up, go to delaware-
the Piet Oudolf Meadow Gar-
den, where the butterflies and
other pollinators abound. All Located at 30220 Piney
are welcome,” said Carol Mc- Neck Road, Dagsboro,
Cloud, DBG vice president Delaware Botanic Gardens
and volunteer tour director. is open to the public from 9
In this program, participants a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursdays to
will also get to see lots of Sundays. Reservations are
recommended, but walk-ins
are welcome.
SoDel Concepts showcases local Delaware Beach Corn with a
smoky barbecue sauce, aged
corn, tomatoes and watermelon cheddar and Old Bay spice.
Over at NorthEast Sea-
food Kitchen in Ocean View,
guests have dined on flash-
Any savvy chef knows that food Kitchen + Raw Bar com- fried whole red snapper with
carrots, onions and celery bines all the star elements to local heirloom tomatoes, cu-
are the foundations for many produce a zesty watermelon
stellar dishes. gazpacho with tomatoes, red cumbers, radishes, red onion InFICrseWroshmohomeFrtoueeonddIty
In August, however, SoDel onion and corn. and a smoked vinaigrette.
Pair any dish with a re- At the Historic Lewes Farmers Market you’ll find
Concepts’ chefs are embrac- Lupo Italian Kitchen has heirloom tomatoes, lavender honey,
ing a distinctly southern used Baywater Farms’ Green freshing Watermelon Fresca,
Delaware trinity: corn, toma- Bee tomatoes to make a Po- made with Absolut Water- freshly-laid eggs, lots of lettuces, juicy peaches,
toes and watermelon. modoro for saffron spaghet- melon, SoDel Concepts’
toni, which also includes house sour mix, club soda hand best of all – community.
The hospitality company’s burst heirloom tomatoes and and fresh watermelon puree. Join us at market
12 coastal Delaware res-
taurants are creating daily benne seeds. Specials will change Saturday Market at George H. P. Smith Park
throughout the month.
specials with one - and often In Bethany Beach, Matt’s All SoDel Concepts restau- May 1–September 25, 2021 • 8am –12pm
more - of these seasonal in- Fish Camp has served rants are open for dining and Johnson & Dupont Aves., Lewes, DE
gredients for Sussex County More information: carryout.
Bounty Month, which runs Wednesday Market at Crooked Hammock
through August. To learn more, go to sodel- June 2– September 29, 2021• 8am –11am
“While we feature fresh, Crooked Hammock Way and Kings Highway, Lewes, DE
local produce all summer, we
decided to put a laser focus
on Sussex County’s signature 302.644.1436
crops: tomatoes, watermelon info@
and corn,” said Doug Ruley,
vice president of culinary
“Our chefs have been
extremely creative with this
theme, and guests are in for
a treat.”
Thompson Island Brewing
Company in Rehoboth Beach,
for instance, has featured
Taki Fuegos corn-on-the-cob.
Roasted sweet corn is coated
with spicy mayonnaise, pick-
led onion, lime juice, queso
fresco and spicy chili-lime SUBMITTED PHOTO
tortilla chips.
For Sussex County Bounty Month, all SoDel Concepts restaurants are
Next door, Bluecoast Sea- featuring local corn, tomatoes and watermelon. The gazpacho at Blue-
coast Seafood Grill + Raw Bar in Rehoboth boasts all three.
8 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
Select subcommittee submits
substantial sub strategies
STEPPIN’ UP Let’s get the bun thing ized onions. It couldn’t be REHOBOTHFOODIE PHOTO
TO THE PLATE straightened out right now: any fresher if it had been
The soft, elongated roll, made right in front of you At Gary's Dewey Beach Grill, the Turkey Cheesesteak is king. Don't
REHOBOTH FOODIE similar to those cranked out (which it is). A block north knock it 'til you've tried it! (Hint: It's all about the spices!) OK, I ordered
at Philly’s Amoroso Baking and about 75 feet west, the extra pickles and they got a little carried away....
Just minutes ago, the Company is, for some, the Gouvas brothers at Louie’s
International Commission preferred vehicle for the build grinders. Don’t panic: rant; the happily overstuffed, bayside at 28th Street. They
for Cheesesteak Over- meaty treasure that rests The New England term refers nicely spiced and well-done share the same ownership
sight, aka ICCO, released within. You’ll find nice buns to the fact that the sandwich cheesesteak from The Star- and the same kitchen, and
new guidelines governing the at Casapulla’s Subs (formerly is crisped under a broiler. board; the overflowing ‘steak the cheesesteak is presented
hallowed cheesesteak. At this Casapulla’s South) in Light- Exhaustive (and rather fat- from Fat Vinny’s; and the piping-hot and properly
very moment, opponents and house Plaza near Rehoboth tening) studies have shown less beefy yet surprisingly chopped with grilled onions
allies alike are picketing the and also at Capriotti’s that both Gus’ and Louie’s delicious turkey cheesesteak and peppers. It is very, very
opulent skyscraper offices in Sandwich Shop across from creations easily survive the from Gary’s Dewey Beach good.
Flekkefjord, Norway, bran- the Villages of Five Points in trip down to your blanket and Grill. I’ve worn a trough
dishing signs like “Hands Off Lewes. Both of these Wilm- umbrella. across Coastal Highway, wad- I’ve used up my allotted
My Buns!” and “I’ll Whiz If ington-born submongers dling back and forth in my ink for this week, but the
It I Want To!” Even the PGA make a good cheesesteak, and SEE THE LIVE STEAK-CAM never-ending quest to decide ICCO (I hope you know that I
has been dragged into the the tiny differences vary with AT WWW.GIVEMEEXTRA which one’s the best. I do it made all that up) urges you to
controversy as munching the alignment of the planets PICKLES&HOTPEPPERSOR all for you. embark on your own research
protestors ponder the age-old – and who’s running the grill. I’LLSMACKYOU.ORG. to explore this beachy and
question: To chip or to slice? At Capriotti’s, the largest will I do have to shout out to delectable SUB-ject.
And the controversy rages feed the Mormon Tabernacle Don’t forget Pete’s Steak one exceptional cheesesteak
on. See the live Steak-Cam at Choir. Though Casapulla’s Shop in the Marketplace that dwells in the southern The Rehoboth Foodie also writes The
www.GiveMeExtraPickles& Italian sub is quite possibly shopping center near Weis. hinterlands (well, Ocean Business of Eating column every Friday in
HotPeppersOrI’llSmackYou. the best at the beach (another Their slightly firmer rolls are City): Check out Buxy’s Salty the Cape Gazette under the pseudonym
org. column), their cheesesteaks quite good, and the contro- Dog Saloon and Drydock 28, “Bob Yesbek.” The two of them have
are great with a bit of mayo, versial “Whiz” - the bright- tandem restaurants on the never been seen in the same place at the
tomato, lettuce, pickles and orange, slippery Philly must- same time. Just sayin’.
hot pepper spread. Both are have – is available if you ask.
fully packed and reliably Order a large from boss Petru
scrumptious – not unlike the Cornescu and you won’t be
Rehoboth Foodie, in fact. hungry again until October.
Cheesesteaks are the There are four ‘steak spots
sleeper at Gus & Gus’ Place virtually across the street
on the Rehoboth Boardwalk. from one another in Dewey
Like the Dog House version Beach: The lunchtime offer-
in New Castle, it’s stuffed ing from the unassuming yet
to bursting with chipped always busy Sunrise restau-
beef frizzled with caramel-
Tanger to host back-to-school bash Aug. 19 Fresh Produce
Tanger Outlets Rehoboth Beach invites shoppers to kick Enjoy our delicious, fresh produce which is grown on-site.
off the upcoming school year in style with its back-to-school The variety changes as the garden produces. Available on
bash from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 19, at 36470 Seaside the front porch of our Cottage Store. The Cottage Store
Outlet Drive, Rehoboth Beach.
also carries soaps, lotions, and other lavender products;
Families can celebrate their scholars with an array of fun- great for gifts for yourself or that someone special.
filled activities including a DJ, professional photographer,
bouncy house and the Delaware State Police Mounted Unit.
The event is free and open to the public.
Guests can also find fashionable Tanger style savings
on must-haves from their favorite outlet brand names and
designer stores, including Banana Republic, Tommy Hilfiger,
Vineyard Vines, Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works, and
Vera Bradley. For a complete list of sale offerings, go to tanger-
Enjoy the arts
in Sussex County
OPEN DAILY 10am – 4pm
18864 Cool Spring Rd Milton, DE
Beach Paper THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 9
Powwow moves to new venue Sept. 10-12
The 43rd Annual Nanticoke A kids’ corner will have face FILE PHOTO
Indian Powwow will be held painting and make-and-take
Friday to Sunday, Sept. 10 to crafts. Host drums will be DANCERS OF ALL AGES process at the 2019 Nanticoke Indian Powwow.
12, at a new location, Hudson from Red Blanket of New
Fields, 30045 Eagle Crest Jersey and Stoney Creek of chairs. meaning the tidewater people trace their heritage back to
Road, Milton. North Carolina. No alcohol, no smoking or people of the tidewaters. the tribe. For more informa-
First contact with the Nan- tion about the Nanticoke, go
“It is exciting,” said Chief There will be several new and no drugs are permitted. ticoke Tribe was recorded to
Natosha Norwood Carmine. features to the powwow this Pets are prohibited except for by Capt. John Smith in 1608
“There are so many people year, said Avery Johnson, a service animals displaying when he was exploring the Hudson Fields is an out-
looking forward to this.” tribal council member and proper credentials. Chesapeake Bay and sailed door venue featuring sports
powwow coordinator. Those up what is known today as activities, concerts, food and
Hudson Fields had planned additions include a car show The Nanticoke Indians are the Nanticoke River. festivals.
to host the powwow in 2020, organized through Delaware the native people of lower
before it was canceled due Street Rod Association; Delaware. In Algonquian, the Today there are about 700 For more information, call
to COVID-19 restrictions. expanded dancing to include common Indian language members of the Nanticoke the Nanticoke Indian Asso-
Carmine said she is enthu- Aztec dancers; an interactive of Northeastern tribes, the Indian Association and more ciation at 302-945-3400, email
siastic about the large space exhibition of birds with the word Nanticoke is translated than 2,000 people who can [email protected] or
the fields provide so people Delaware Museum of Natural from the original Nantaquak, go to
can spread out for a day of History and Animal Behavior
safe fun. Tribe members are & Conservation Connections;
also hoping the new location, a tribute to 9/11 with native
next to Route 1, will open the flute; and a children’s area
powwow and its traditions being presented through the
to a whole new audience, she Brandywine Zoo.
A vendor preview and pig
“We want to share our roast will be held from 4 to 8
voice and share our cus- p.m., Sept. 10. The event con-
toms and traditions,” she tinues from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.,
said. While members of the Saturday and Sunday. Grand
tribe request that people ask entry will be held at noon
permission before taking both days.
photos of individuals, they
very much encourage people A church service is set for
to ask questions. “This is the 8:30 to 10 a.m., Sunday.
time people can hear it from
our mouths,” said Carmine. The lineup includes emcee
Keith Colston, Arena Direc-
She said children of the tor Urie Ridgeway, head
tribe have been practicing dancers Keith Anderson and
for months to present native Adrienne Harmon, and host
dance in conjunction with drums Red Blanket of New
professional Native Ameri- Jersey and Stoney Creek of
can dancers from around the North Carolina.
Entrance fees are $8 for
Vendors for food, music, adults, $5 for ages 11 to 17,
jewelry, souvenirs, arts and and free for children ages 10
crafts, beadwork, leather and and younger. Attendees are
regalia supplies are expected. asked to bring their own lawn
Art inspired by endangered animals
Guillermo Silveira will offer an encore virtual presentation
from 6 to 8 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 26, in collaboration with the
Rehoboth Beach Public Library. The program will feature a
collection of music videos and poetry inspired by endangered
animals, including the Sumatran tiger, Burmese turtle, North-
ern sportive lemur, Java rhino, Eastern black-crested gibbon,
pygmy sloth and Sumatran elephant. This program will be
conducted via MaX UC, an online meeting platform. Registra-
tion is required with an email address. For more information,
go to or email [email protected].
Downtown · Rehoboth Beach Lewes
Sun. - Thur. 11:30 - 9 Sun. - Thur. 11 - 9
Fri. & Sat. 11:30 - 10 Fri. & Sat. 11 - 10
302.226.1044 302.644.2250
10 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
Movie Nights
Enjoy free screenings under the stars.
• Cinema by the Canal: Lewes • Bethany Beach: Movies on the beach
Canalfront Park. Movies start at dusk, are shown Mondays at dusk through
Thursdays. Go to lewescanalfrontpark. August. Movies on the Bandstand are
org for more information. shown Fridays at dusk in September. Go
Sept. 2, “Racing Stripes” to
Aug. 23, “Wonder Park”
Sept. 3, “What About Bob?”
Sept. 17, “Mamma Mia! Here We
Go Again”
Sept. 24, “Dolittle”
“Wonder Woman 1984” will screen at • Lewes Public Library: 111 Adams Ave.
Lewes Public Library Monday, Aug. 23. Superhero-themed films will be pre-
sented on a large outdoor screen on the
library’s back lawn starting around sun-
set, approximately 8:15 p.m., every other
Monday. Guests are encouraged to bring
their own blankets, chairs and refresh-
ments, and to prepare for an evening of
action and adventure. Go to lewes.lib. for more information.
Aug. 23, “Wonder Woman 1984”
Farmers Markets
Bursting with the flavors of the season!
Rehoboth Beach Farmers Market, Milton Theatre will welcome the Fort Dixieland Brass Band from the 78th Army Band Aug. 25., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
through October, Grove Park, Rehoboth. Historic Lewes Farmers Market, 78th Army Band to perform
Face masks required to enter, market, 8 a.m. free concert Aug. 25 in Milton
bags and produce bags available for to noon, George H.P. Smith Park, Lewes.
purchase at entrance. Market moves to Shields parking lot The Fort Dixieland Brass required. Nicholas Greeson, and the
from Oct. 2 through Nov. 20, 9 a.m. to Band, a music performance Established in 2011, the 78th Army Band is under the
Wednesdays noon, and if there’s inclement weather. team from the 78th Army command of CW3 Luis San-
Band, will perform at 7 p.m., group performs in the New tiago. For more information
Historic Lewes Farmers Market, Sundays Wednesday, Aug. 25, at Orleans-style brass band and to reserve free tickets, go, 8 Milton Theatre. This is a tradition, using rock, rhythm to or call
to 11 a.m. through Sept. 29, Crooked Bethany Beach Farmers Market, free concert but tickets are and blues, and pop music. 302-684-3038.
Hammock, 36707 Crooked Hammock, 8 a.m. The team is directed by SFC
Way, Lewes. to noon through Sept. 5, Garfield Pkwy.
& Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany.
Market at Sea Colony, seacolonyfarm- 8 a.m. to noon through Frederica Farmers Market,
Sept. 1, Marketplace at Sea Colony 302-335-5417, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
Shopping Center, Rt. 1 South, Bethany 1456 Frederica Rd., Frederica.
Nassau Valley Vineyards Farmers
Fridays Market,
market or
Broadkill Farmers Market, summerfarmersmarket, noon to 3 p.m.
4 to 6:30 p.m. through Sept. 24, through mid-October, 32165 Winery
Riverbank Side, 116 Front St., Milton. Way, Lewes. Face masks required to
enter, maximum of 2 people per
Saturdays household.
Riverwalk Farmers Market, or,
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. through October, S.
Walnut St. & Mispillion Riverwalk,
Milford. Face masks required to enter,
maximum of 2 people per household,
credit cards preferred, if using cash exact
change appreciated.
Local Favorites Too!!!
302-227-3100 Rehoboth Beach, DE
Beach Paper THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 11
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12 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
The hidden resource of the dunes dunestoremainintact.
Along the water’s edge, for-
aging sandpipers scurry back
and forth. They hadn’t been
BEACH WALK there.” She looks worried. The primary dunes serve ble closer to the surface. That around a week earlier, so I
“There’s a margin of safety to buffer the plants behind makes for patches of wetland, ask what’s going on. “They’re
after they bite you.” She them, minimizing the impact prime habitat for this invasive migrating south from the
scurries to the ocean to wash of salt and sand spray. reed that requires constant tundra.”
them off. environmental stewardship
Cape Henlopen is located lest it drive out native plants As we end our walk, I ask
“We’ve got lots of them,” at an ecological axis, the and the food chains that Richard what he as a natural-
he continues, talking about northernmost point of the depend on them. ist ponders these days. The
ticks. “They’re vectors for southern range, the southern- unexpected question makes
transmitting disease, injecting most point of the northern The entire coastal ecologi- him pause a moment, then
fluids into prey to suck out range. Which means that cal system, ending with the say, “Given sea-level concerns
mammal blood that fertilizes growing in the park are both towering pines of the in- and the dunes being blown
their eggs.” Worst may be the northern bayberry (as in the land maritime forest, pivots west, I’d have to say the im-
painless bite of the Lone Star colonists’ bayberry candles) around the dunes. That’s pact climate change is going
tick that can produce a life- that extends into Greenland, why their protection is so to have on the park.”
threatening allergic reaction and wax myrtle, native to vital. People walking on them
NEIL SHISTER – airways constrict, blood the Caribbean and a favorite compress the sand underfoot. Neil Shister, a lifelong journalist who has
pressure drops - when you winter food of the myrtle
“Beach grasses won’t grow in reported for national publications, has
eat meat. warbler. compacted soil; it’s kryp- lived part time in Lewes since 2009. He is
I’m walking from the “Weeping lovegrass isn’t Ditto the southern loblolly tonite to them.” And these the author of “Living Lewes,” “Revealing
Hawk Watch at the edge grasses provide the architec- Rehoboth” and most recently, “Radical
of Cape Henlopen State native,” he explains. It was in- pine (after the red maple, tural scaffolding that enables Ritual: How Burning Man Changed the
troduced in World War II for the most common tree in the World.”
Park’s public beach parking stabilization and concealment United States) and the north-
lot with Richard Julian. His when this was Fort Miles, a ern pitch pine found in the
official title is interpretive gunnery base to defend the forests of Maine and Quebec.
program manager, “connect- Delaware Bay from German What the flora of Cape
ing people to resources.” A battleships. Henlopen have in common is
Connecticut native with a Heading along the path, the ability to thrive in sandy,
BS in ecology and a master’s we pause at a kind of shallow alkaline soil with few nutri-
in conservation biology, he’s vale, primary dunes along the ents, and subject to ocean
worked at the park for 16 ocean ahead of us, a ridge of spray and salt. They also have
years. “I love the cool habitat: secondary dunes several hun- to withstand powerful wind
the ocean, the marsh, the dred yards behind, on which events, so they’ve evolved
maritime forest.” sit the concrete remains of to be flexible, to bend rather
“There’s 8,000 feet of sand Battery Hunter and its six- than break.
underneath us,” he observes. inch guns. The pines closest to the CELEBRATING COASTAL DELAWARE CUISINE
Delaware’s coastal plain is He surveys the landscape, shore have been sculpted into presents
wash-off from mountains off limits to pedestrians, that distorted shapes, what Rich-
surrounding what is now the straddles the narrow path. ard calls “nature’s topiary,”
Delaware Water Gap that To my uneducated eye, it all abraded by wind-driven sand
were once higher than the appears to be undifferenti- blasting their trunks.
Himalayas. “Archeologists ated pine scrub. I ask what he Richard points out an area
have found pre-European sees. “A hidden resource most that looks greyish-green.
artifacts here.” people overlook. They don’t “The lighter color of the
As we chat, his colleague realize how important it is to plants dissipates heat.” CELEBRATING COASTAL DELAWARE CUISINE
accompanying us spots tiny their beach experience. Then we see a low-lying
dots like freckles that have “It’s the dunes that hold splotch of bright green in the
suddenly appeared on her this whole coastline to- middle distance. Phragmites
arm. “Ticks,” says Julian, gether,” said Richard. “Shrubs grass. The clawing surf of big
pointing to the weeping need the dunes.” First come nor’easters carves out swales
lovegrass where she had been grasses, spreading wide and in the sand, broad troughs
standing. “They like to live stabilizing the shifting sand. that bring the freshwater ta-
Here’s a group shot of most
of our team, they ALL deserve
a shout out for being amazing
humans inside and out. We are
so grateful to work alongside
Dana, Kristin & Maggie are part of
the management team at Irish Eyes
Pub in Lewes. (Not pictured: John and
Amanda). The entire team has done
an amazing job at adapting, learning,
relearning and innovating to deal with
the ever changing challenges of the
past 17 months! They are our rudder!
If you are interested in joining one of our fine
Culinary Coast™ locations, many are hiring.
to see local job opportunities.
Brought to you by:
“Beach grasses won’t grow in compacted soil; it’s kryptonite to them,” said Richard Julian, Delaware State Parks
interpretive program manager.
Beach Paper THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 13
Want to see C4
your business
books • cards • gifts • art music • clothes • stuff we like
Open Daily 17314 N. Village Blvd.
CALL US TODAY! 302-644-0370
C4Second & Market Streets, Lewes 205 Second St., Lewes A3
645-7700 302.644.2210 in the basement | entrance in back of building behind biblion A4 E2
C4 B4
C5 1 2 345 6
OPEN YEAR ’ROUND Shipcarpenter Street Campus
213 Anglers Rd., Lewes A CONVERSATION Museums, Events & Tours
PEACE JEWELERS Maritime Museum at Cannonball House
(302) 645-6888 Experience Our Seafaring Past
Historic Milton, 105 Union St. ARENA’S Delaware LHS Ryves Holt House
DELI Bay LHS Museum Store &
(302) 684-8889 Information Center UNIVERSITY OF LHS Lewes History Museum
DELAWARE at Margaret H. Rollins Comm Ctr.
F6 New Rd. LHS Antique Shop Opening Fall 2021
P LEWES B Lewes Life Saving Station
HISTORICAL Visit us online for Events schedule
CAR WASH SAVING 302.645.7670
LHS RYVES STATION 110 Shipcarpenter St. • Lewes
Wescoats Rd. Park Ave Shipcarpenter St.
LEE ANN Mulberry St. KING’S
on Lewes-Rehoboth Canal Milton Lewes
Savannah RoadGeorge HPP Bank 302 Union St. 201 2nd St.
Kings Highway Smith Park 302-684-8900 302-645-9425
Second Street
Front Street
D REALTOR Neils Alley Breakfast & Lunch · 8am - 3pm
2021 MUSEUM 329 Savannah Rd., Lewes
Kings Highway B2
Stango LEWES Cape Henlopen Dr. P Conversation Peace
Park PUBLIC Jewelers
E Gills Neck Road LHS LEWES CITY DOGFISH Full Service Jeweler
MUSEUM THE ROCKS Watch Batteries
DEPT. Cape Henlopen
LEWES PUBLIC State Park Five Points Weis Ctre, Lewes
Theodore E Freeman Hwy
For all your local P D1
news and events
F Map is for general reference and is LEWESVisitor’s Map to the Best of F
1 not intended to be drawn to scale. THE
The grid can be used to guide you CITY OF List with Lingo
C1 to businesses and other points of
reference located on this map. Enjoy!
1240 Kings Highway
2345 6 302-645-2207
B1 D6
Superior Service, Outstanding Results in Real Estate FULL SERVICE • SOFT CLOTH Sales · Rentals
16698 Kings Hwy. 17246 Five Points Sq. 418 E.
302-645-6664 Savannah Rd.
302-200-9007 Lewes Beach 302-645-1955
B7 C4 5
17314 N. Village Blvd. 32 LAKE AVENUE 4 REHOBOTH ART
302-644-0370 LEAGUE
302.226.1160 HeAnclroepsen
C6 Henlopen Ave.
Lewes-Rehoboth Canal 3rd St.
Henlopen Ave.
B Lake Ave.
302-569-9080 Grove
146 Rehoboth Ave Route 1 TOWN P REHOBOTH
C3 C
Rehoboth Ave.
B3 Scarborough Ave. P
59 Lake Avenue D Christian St.
302.227.6476 Visitor’s Map to the Best of REHOBOTH
E 1 P 3 Silver 5
Map is for general reference and is C3 not intended to be drawn to scale. 4
The grid can be used to guide you
302-212-5107 to businesses and other points of C9
C4Online Ordering & reference located on this map. Enjoy!
Reservations Accepted 2
Get found!
C4 AA CCooaassttaall AAmmeerriiccaannGGrrilill.l. List with Lingo
HHaappppyyHHoour Starts at 44PPMMDDaaiillyy 246 Rehoboth Avenue 43 Rehoboth Ave
Call 302-645-7700 to advertise on the map. 222288 RRehoboth Avveennuuee 302-227-3883 484-667-7122
3302.227.38955 @SaltyPawsRehoboth on FB
Taste of the First State ®
C6 Olive Ave & The Boardwalk
On The Avenue
133 Rehoboth Avenue 302.227.6261
56 7 8 9 B8
Lake Gerar LakeCAapvSeet.aHteenPloaprken Grenoble Pl. Atlantic
Virginia Ave. 25 Baltimore Ave.
Olive Ave. A 302-227-8331
Maryland Ave.
Baltimore Ave. Baltimore Ave. B rerehhoobbootthhaarrttlleeaguuee..oorrgg
Village By JOLLY Rehoboth
The Sea TROLLEY Bandstand
Rehoboth Ave. BLACKWALL C
PET First Street Penny
WANTS Station Lane
50 D C7
Second St. Wilmington Ave. ™
REHOBOTH 227-1197
Delaware Ave.
BDeeacwhey Philadelphia St. E
Brooklyn Ave. 149 Rehoboth Ave.
in Village by the Sea
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
B6 302-227-1707
5 6 7 8 9
D8 C3
D650 WILMINGTON AVE. 302 - 278 - 7433
GALLERY50ART.COM follow us on
16 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
COMIC BOOKS ARE A HIT HERE! Home | Auto | Boat 4
PLUS NEW TOYS FOR 2021: Legos, L.O.L. Dolls & More
129 Union St. Workers’ Comp
(historic home
next to library) B3 Business | Farm A4
C4 @OGRESGROVE: 626 Mulberry St., Milton Randy Brown
Account Executive [email protected]
103 Broadkill Road | Milton, DE | 302.684.3413
C4 1 2 3
Milton Lewes A To Ellendale AVERY CHEER
302 Union St. 201 2nd St.
302-684-8900 302-645-9425 Rd 240 Broadkill Rd
13482 Spicer Road, To Route 1
Ellendale, DE 19941
PUTTIN’ ON THE Union Street
A1302-422-9000 RITZ SALON
Monday - Saturday: 8am - 5pm FARMS GOLF Highway) HISTORICAL
Sundays: 10am - 3pm (seasonal)
Route 16 (Milton LIBRARY
Ellendale KING’S ICE
To Ellendale Mulberry Street Broad Street
Milton, Delaware To Cave Neck Rd.
302.684.1808 Route 5 (Harbeson Road) Hudson
B1 Route 9 Route 9
Martin’s Farm Road Cool Spring RoadTo Route 1 Wagamons Pond
E2 Fisher Rd
18864 Coolspring Rd.,
Milton, DE 12 3 4
E8 210 Union Street
Beach Paper Please review the proof thoroughly THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 17
and submit all corrections together.
Any requests after 2 revisions may incur
additional design fees.
OpePrnes7endtas yousr/ week 11am - 5pm
WEEKLY SweetheartC6
Ball of Sunshine CD5inner Menu
Inaugural Opening Feb. 13
Get entertainment email every Thursday 26370 Broadkill Rd.
by subscribing for free at! 302-402-3055 Please choose 1
from each section
of oEunrjomye!n5u.0 + Dealers
Broadkill Rd (Rt 16)
Call for hours! 109 UNION STREET
FRANTIC Love at10FI2RFSeTdseirgahltSt, Milton, DE 19S9EC6O8ND time around •Lo C(vi3enn0tah2mao)tnL6A6ST4s-f1or8e4ve0r
FRETS A6 • C(h3i0po2tl)e4C9ae3s-a6r290 • Open Thurs -•S uTwnin4P-1e0tite Filet Oscar
7 • Spinach Salad jumbo lump crab & asparagus & bernaise Crème Brûlée
Broadkill River egg, onion, bacon, goat cheese with sun with lemon dill potatoes
• Chocolate Dipping Fondue
8dried tomato vinaigrette • Roasted Eggplant Stack
tomato & basil pesto & grilled sweet onions • Heart-shaped
• Lightly Smoked Salmon Dip & fresh mozzarella over polenta Berry Tart
• Buffalo Brussels Sprouts
• Scallops Risotto
• Stuffed Mushrooms leek pesto & oven dried tomatoes &
truffled salami & gouda stuffed mushrooms kalamata olives & crisp prosciutto over
with cider reduction C5risotto
• Little Neck Clams
roasted shallots & IPA butter with garlic • Blackened Chicken Pasta
asparagus & tomato & spinach & srirach
P crustini
boursin cream with angel hair pasta
Prix Fixe Dinner - $45/person
Includes 1 of each section above and your choice Christine Havrilla
Aug 19 - 7PM (Quayside)
Aof prosecco or sweet table wine. • (302) 493-6290 • “Small” Town, “Big” Laughs
Stand-Up Comedy Special
Walk-Ins welcome. Open Thurs -ASuung4-2100 - 8PM
MaRpeisserfvoartigonesneenrcaolurreagfeedre. nce and is
Aunt Mary Pat DiSabatino
not intended to be drawn to scale.
The grid can1b0e2 FuesdeedratloStg, uMiidlteony, oDuE 19968
to businesses and other points of
reference located on this map. Enjoy! Aug 21 - 8PM
Beginnings: A Celebration of
the Music of Chicago
Aug 22 - 3PM & 8PM
78th Army Dixieland Brass Band
Aug 25 - 7PM
Visitor’s Map to the Best of Lower Case Blues
Aug 26 - 7PM (Quayside)
MILTON 110 UNION ST. | 684-3038
Route 1 16394 Samuel Paynter’s
Blvd, Milton, DE
Serving Breakfast All Day Long!
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Union Street
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Mulberry Street TOWN OF
nd Federal StreetINN THE Carlton Drive C5
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MILTON Federal Street
ELEMENTARY Chestnut Street
Carlton Drive
EBrick Lane
5 6 7 8
Reel in A4 D7 Adelaide Drive
302-684-4819 113 Union St, Milton, DE
Call 24855 Broadkill Road (302) 745-8338
645-7700 Milton, DE 19968
to get on
Pizza Place · Comfort Food
105 Union St. 109 Union Street
Historic Milton Milton, DE 19968
(302) 684-8889 Tasting Room, Distillery, Outdoor
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Historic Lewes, 213 Anglers Rd. (302) 386-7432
(302) 645-6888
18 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
OUTDOOR CONCERTS 537-1330. Crosstown Walkers, led by lead songwriter, producer, guitarist, and singer Devin Canfield, will take the stage
• Bethany Beach Bandstand: Concerts DEWEY BEACH Saturday, Aug. 21 at Bethany Blues in Lewes.
start at 7:30 p.m. in Aug., 6:30 p.m. • Bottle & Cork: 1807 Highway One.
in Sept. & Oct. Thursday, Aug. 19 - Thursday, Aug. 19 - Almost Queen, 8 p.m.; Wednesdays - live music, 6 to 9 Shop: 26374 Broadkill Rd. Fridays - open p.m. 302-227-5568.
High Noon; Thursday, Aug. 26 - Jesse p.m., (tickets, $30); Friday, Aug. 20 - p.m.; Thursdays - Let’s Do Trivia, 7 p.m.; mic night, 5 p.m. Go to Frantic Frets on • Blackwall Hitch: 52 Rehoboth Ave.
Garron’s Elvis; Saturday, Sept. 4 - Folsom The Legwarmers, 8:30 p.m., (tickets, Friday, Aug. 20 - Judi Sings The Blues, Facebook. Sunday, Sept. 5 - Jazz Brunch featuring
Prison Revival; Saturday, Sept. 18 - Over $30); Saturday, Aug. 21 - Jam Session 8:30 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Crosstown • Irish Eyes: 105 Union St. Fridays - Hammond Hot, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 302-
Time; Saturday, Sept. 25 - Ronstadt featuring JJ Rupp, Split Decision, Laura Walkers, 8:30 p.m.; Wednesday, Aug. Guess What Trivia, 8:30 p.m. 302-684- 226-0550.
Revue; Saturday, Oct. 2 - The Fabulous Lea & Tripp Fabulous & DJ Knappy, 5 25 - Ben Davis, 6 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 27 - 8889. • Bluecoast Seafood Grill & Raw Bar:
Dialtones; Saturday, Oct. 9 - Lower Case p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 22 - Citizen Cope, 8 Girls Room, 8:30 p.m. 302-644-2500. • Milton Fox Hole: 102 Federal St. 30115 Veterans Way. Thursday, Aug. 19 -
Blues; Saturday, Oct. 16 - The Jimmies; p.m., (tickets, $36); Wednesday, Aug. • Big Oyster Brewery: 1007 Kings Thursdays - Matt Lafferty, 6 to 8 p.m.; Lower Case Blues, 5 to 8 p.m.; Saturday,
Saturday, Oct. 23 - Mathew Street 25 - Badfish, 8 p.m., (tickets, $20); Hwy. Sundays - Rick Arzt, 4 to 7 p.m.; Fridays - Al Frantic, 6 p.m. 302-493- Aug. 21 - Hot Sauce; Sunday, Aug. 22 -
Band; Saturday, Oct. 30 - Deaf Dog & Thursday, Aug. 26 - Matt Stell, 8 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 19 - Sidney Joseph, 4 to 6290. Filo Betto Acoustic; Thursday, Aug. 26
Indictments. Go to townofbethany- (tickets, $30); Friday, Aug. 27 - White 7 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 20 - The Leftovers, • Milton Theatre: 110 Union St. - Taylor Knox; Friday, Aug. 27 - Roberts Ford Bronco, 8:30 p.m., (tickets, $20). 4 to 7 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Stayin Thursday, Aug. 19 - Quayside @ Nite Brothers. 302-278-7395.
• Freeman Arts Pavilion: Thursday, 302-227-7272. Frosty, 4 to 7 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 26 featuring Christine Havrilla, 7 p.m.; • Blue Moon: 35 Baltimore Ave.
Aug. 19 - Tower of Power, 7 p.m.; Friday, • Jimmy’s Grille: Bellevue Street and - The Leftovers, 4 to 7 p.m. 302-644- Friday, Aug. 20 - Small Town Big Monday-Thursday - Nate Buccieri
Aug. 20 - Trombone Shorty & Orleans Highway One. Mondays - Stealing 2621. Laughs Stand-Up Comedy Special, 8 with Laura Pavles & Tommy Dose, 6 to
Avenue, 7 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Savannah Duo, 6 p.m.; Tuesdays - • Bushels Crab House & Seafood: p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Aunt Mary Pat 8:30 p.m.; Tuesdays - Bingo with Miss
Groovy Nate, 10 a.m., and Foreigner, 7 Chris Diller, 6 p.m.; Thursdays - Rick 18289 Coastal Hwy. Tuesdays - Mingo, DiSabatino, 8 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 22 - Margaret & Sister Dorothy, 9:30 to
p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 22 - Harry Connick Arzt, 5 p.m., and Sam Capolongo, 9 7 p.m.; Wednesdays - Trivia Night, 7 to Beginnings: A Celebration of the Music 10:30 p.m.; Wednesdays - Games with
Jr. & Time To Play, 7 p.m.; Wednesday, p.m.; Fridays - JJ Rupp, 6 p.m., and The 9 p.m.; Saturdays - Karaoke, 8:30 to 11 of Chicago, 3 & 8 p.m.; Wednesday, Aug. Magnolia, 9:30 p.m.; Fridays - Spotlight
Aug. 25 - The Beach Boys, 7 p.m.; Everafter, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. 302-260-9914. p.m. 302-645-5115. 25 - 78th Army Dixieland Brass Band, 7 Show, 7 & 9 p.m.; Saturdays - Legends
Thursday, Aug. 26 - Steve Earle & The • Lighthouse: 124 Dickinson Ave. • Crooked Hammock: 16989 Kings p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 26 - Quayside @ Show, 7 & 9 p.m.; Thursdays - A Night
Dukes and Los Lobos; Friday, Aug. 27 Tuesdays - The Leftovers, 7 to 10 p.m.; Hwy. Friday, Aug. 20 - Keri & Jason, 4 Nite featuring Lower Case Blues, 7 p.m.; with Roxy, 9:30 p.m.; Sundays - Climax
- The Commodores, 7 p.m.; Saturday, Wednesdays - Captain Mike, 7 to 10 to 7 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Kris V & Friday, Aug. 27 - Magnolia Applebottom with Magnolia, 8 to 9 p.m. 302-227-
Aug. 28 - Cascading Carlos The Juggler, p.m.; Thursdays - Cherry Crush Duo, 7 to Richie D, 8 to 11 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 22 - Kooky Cabaret with special guest Nate 6515.
10 a.m., and Melissa Etheridge, 7 p.m.; 10 p.m.; Fridays - DJ Gregg Breeding, 10 The Stims, 4 to 7 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 27 - Buccieri, 8 p.m. 302-684-3038.
Thursday, Sept. 2 - Brown Box Theatre p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturdays - DJ Manny, 10 Tyler Greene, 4 to 7 p.m. 302-644-7837. • Revelation Beer Garden at Hudson • Chesapeake & Maine: 316 Rehoboth
presents “Much Ado About Nothing,” p.m. to 1 a.m.; Friday, Aug. 20 - Overtime • Grain on the Rocks: Lewes Ferry Fields: 29763 Eagle Crest Rd. Friday, Ave. Saturday, Aug. 21 - Kyle Offidani, 5
7 p.m.; Friday, Sept. 3 - Gov’t Mule, 7 Band, 7 to 10 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 27 - The Terminal, 43 Cape Henlopen Drive. Aug. 20 - Hit & Run, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.; to 8 p.m.302-226-3600.
p.m.; Saturday, Sept. 4 - Island Time Leftovers,7 to 10 p.m. 302-227-4333. Sundays - Steel Band Sundays featur- Saturday, Aug. 21 - Madison Metcalfe,
with Guava Jelly, 10 a.m., and The Bronx • Nalu Surf Bar & Grille: 1308 Coastal ing Slap & Bob Calypso, 2 to 5 p.m.; 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. 302-562-5412. • Coastal Taproom: 18766 John J.
Wanderers, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Sept. 9 - Hwy. Mondays - Hot Sauce Band, 9 Thursday, Aug. 19 - The Stims, 6 to 9 Williams Hwy. Thursday, Aug. 19 - Chris
First State Ballet, 7 p.m.; Friday, Sept. 10 to 11 p.m., and DJ JY 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.; p.m.; Friday, Aug. 20 - Jon Zorn, 6 to 9 • Sydney’s Restaurant & Lounge: Steele, 9 p.m. to midnight; Friday, Aug.
- Blackberry Smoke: You Hear Georgia Tuesdays - Bryen O’Boyle, 9 to 11 p.m.; p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Bryan Scar, 3 to 16388 Samuel Paynter Blvd. 20 - Freshly Squeezed, 9 p.m. to mid-
Tour, 7 p.m. Call 302-436-3015 or go to Wednesdays - Bryan Clark, 6 to 9 p.m.; 6 p.m., and Adam Yarger, 7 to 10 p.m.; Wednesdays - Lisa Miller, 5:30 to 8:30 night; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Stepbrothers, Fridays - Matty Q, 8 to 11 p.m., and DJ Thursday, Aug. 26 - The Stims, 6 to 9 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 20 - Rythm Tech, 7 9 p.m. to midnight; Thursday, Aug. 26 -
• Grain on the Rocks Rocking the JY 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturdays - Matty p.m.; Friday, Aug. 27 - Anthony Sophy, 6 to 10 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Christy Keri Anthony, 5 to 8 p.m.; Friday, Aug.
Docks Summer Concert Series: Lewes Q, 8 to 11 p.m., and DJ JY 11 p.m. to 1 to 9 p.m. 302-291-3900. Taylor & young artists, 1 to 3 p.m., and 27 - Manny, 9 p.m. to midnight. 302-
Ferry Terminal, 43 Cape Henlopen a.m.; Sundays - Matty Q’s Super Sunday • Greene Turtle: 17388 N. Village Main Girls Room, 7 p.m.; Tuesday, Aug. 24 - 645-9911.
Dr., Lewes. Concerts start at 5 p.m. Aloha Spectacular, 3 to 9 p.m. 302-227- Blvd. Thursdays - Team Trivia, 6:30 p.m. Karaoke with The Shermanater, 5:30 to
Thursday, Aug. 19 - Amish Outlaws; 1449. 302-644-6840. 8:30 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 26 - Christy • Conch Island Key West Bar & Grill:
Thursday, Aug. 26 - Skribe; Hero The • Northbeach: 125 McKinley Ave. • Irish Eyes at Anglers: Anglers Rd. Taylor & young artists, 5:30 to 8:30 207 Rehoboth Ave. Mondays - Decade
Band, Chuck Wicks and Chase Martin, Tuesdays - M80, 8 to 11:30 p.m.; Wednesdays - Jake & Elwood, 7 to 10 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 27 - Shades of Blue 80, 8 p.m. to midnight; Wednesdays -
4 to 11:30 p.m.; Thursday, Sept. 9 - Joey Wednesdays - Wenzday Drag Show, 9 to p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 19 - Al Frantic Collective, 7 to 10 p.m. 302-313-4770. Electric Velvet, 8:30 p.m. to midnight;
Harkum. Go to 11 p.m.; Thursdays - Jenni Schick, 6 to 10 Band, 8 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Thursday, Aug. 19 - John Solinksi, 8:30
• Lewes Canalfront Park: Thursday, p.m.; Fridays - Stealing Savannah & DJ Trent & the Trainwreck, 9 p.m. to 12:30 REHOBOTH BEACH p.m. to midnight; Friday, Aug. 20 - John
Aug. 19 - Comfort Zone, 7 p.m.; Sunday, Hugh, 5 p.m. to midnight; Saturdays - DJ a.m. 302-645-6888. • Arena’s Deli & Bar: 149 Rehoboth Solinski, 5 to 8 p.m., and Radio Neon,
Aug. 29 - 19th Street Band, 6:30 p.m. For Hugh’s Yacht Rockin’ Pool Party, noon to • JD Shuckers: 20750 John J. Williams Ave., in the Village by the Sea Mall. 9 p.m. to midnight; Saturday, Aug. 21 -
more information go to lewescanalfront- 5 p.m., Sunsets with DJ Always Sunny, 5 Hwy. Thursdays - Sol Knopf, 5 p.m. 302- Mondays - Open mic night with Tyler John Solinski, 5 to 8 p.m., and Electric p.m., and DJ Scooter, 9 p.m. to midnight; 945-8850. Green, 9 p.m.; Tuesdays - Let’s Do Trivia, Velvet, 8:30 p.m. to midnight; Sunday,
• Lewes Summer Concert Series: Sundays - Sammy, Laura Lea, Jenni & • Lefty’s Alley & Eats: 36450 Plaza Dr. 7:30 p.m.; Sundays, Marty & Friends, 3 Aug. 22 - John Solinski, 5 to 8 p.m., and
Concerts start at 7 p.m. in Stango Park. Jefe, 11 a.m. 302-226-8673. Thursdays - Karaoke, 7 to 10 p.m. 302- p.m. 302-227-1272. Uncle Ward, 8:30 p.m. to midnight;
Tuesday, Aug. 24 - Navy Commodores; • Rusty Rudder: Dickinson Ave. and 864-6000. • Big Chill Surf Cantina: 19406 Coastal Tuesday, Aug. 24 - Jexxa & Christian,
Tuesday, Aug. 31 - British Invasion the bay. Mondays - M80 Trio, 3 p.m., • The Wheelhouse: 7 Anglers Rd. Hwy. Sundays - Lower Case Blues, 4 to 8:30 p.m. to midnight; Friday, Aug. 27 -
Experience. Go to and Fantastic Four, 7 p.m.; Tuesdays - Mondays - Trivia, 7 p.m.; Thursdays - 7 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 19 - Tim Cooney, Rob Benton, 5 to 8 p.m. 302-227-9378.
Summer-Concert-Series. Stealing Savanah, 4 p.m.; Wednesdays Mingo, 7 to 9 p.m. 302-291-2163. 6 to 9 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 20 - Sam • Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats: 320
• Milton Concerts in the Park: - Ginger Trio, 4 p.m., and Laura Lea & MILTON Capolongo, 7 to 10 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. Rehoboth Ave. Friday, Aug. 20 - Juliana
Concerts start at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Tripp Fabulous, 9 p.m.; Thursdays - Filo • Frantic Frets Music Store & Antique 21 - Keri Anthony, 7 to 10 p.m.; Tuesday, MacDowell, 9 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, Aug.
Aug. 25 - U.S. Navy Cruisers; Betto, 5 p.m., and Love Seed Mama Aug. 24 - Angela Natrin, 6 to 9 p.m.; 21 - Alex Cano, 9 to 11 p.m. 302-226-
Wednesday, Sept. 1 - Big Hat No Cattle; Jump, 9 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 20 - 42nd Thursday, Aug. 26 - Chris Steele, 6 to 9 BREW.
Saturday, Sept. 4 - Broadkill Music Anniversary Party featuring Laura Lea & p.m.; Friday, Aug. 27 - The Stims, 7 to 10
Festival featuring Tydewater, 11 a.m., Tripp Fabulous, Love Seed Mama Jump, Continued on page 20
Mason Dixon Band, 12:30 p.m., Lower JJ Rupp, Blue Label and Gogo Retro,
Slower Delaware, 2 p.m., Cathy Gorman, 7 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Stealing
3:30 p.m., Sweetwater, 5 p.m., and U.S. Savannah, 2 p.m., Tyler Kingsley, 5 p.m.,
Navy Band Country Current, 6:30 p.m. and Split Decision, 9 p.m.; Monday, Aug.
Call 302-684-4110. 23 - Chris Bandi, 8:30 p.m., (tickets,
• Rehoboth Beach Bandstand: $20). 302-227-3888.
Concerts start at 8 p.m. unless not- • Starboard: 2009 Highway One.
ed. Friday, Aug. 20 - U.S. Navy Cruisers; Mondays - DJ Woody B, 9 p.m.;
Saturday, Aug. 21 - Best of the Eagles; Tuesdays - Free Comedy Club, 9 to 11
Sunday, Aug. 22 - The Heat with Cold p.m., & DJ Manny Man; Wednesdays
Sweat Horns; Friday, Aug. 27 - The - Lost In Paris, 10 p.m.; Thursdays - DJ
Jimmies 80’s Flashback Band; Saturday, Woody B, 9 p.m.; Fridays - Happy Hour
Aug. 28 - U.S. Army Jazz Ambassadors; with DJ Manny Mann, 4 to 9 p.m., and
Sunday, Aug. 29 - The Jimi Smooth DJ Smoky, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturdays -
Band; Friday, Sept. 3 - The Fabulous DJ Manny Man, 10 a.m., DJ Woody B, 2
Hubcaps; Saturday, Sept. 4 - Still Surfin’; p.m., live music on outside deck, 2:30 to
Saturday, Oct. 30 - The Jimmies 80’s 6 p.m., and DJ Smoky, 8 p.m.; Sundays
Flashback Band, 5:30 p.m. Call 302- - DJ John Hardy, 10 a.m., DJ Smoky, 1
644-2288. p.m., live music on outside deck, 2:30
BETHANY BEACH to 6 p.m., DJ Manny Mann, 8 p.m., and
Big Chill Beach Club: 27099 Coastal Kristen & The Noise Acoustic, 9:30 p.m.;
Hwy. Thursday, Aug. 19 - Steve Bowers, Saturday, Aug. 21 - Running of the Bull;
4 to 7 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 20 - Daddy Sunday, Aug. 22 - Amish Outlaws, 9
Band, 5 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Jeff p.m.; Friday, Aug. 27 - Bruce in the USA,
Giza, 4 to 7 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 27 - Keri 8 p.m. 302-227-4600.
Anthony, 4 to 7 p.m. 302-402-5300. LEWES
• Ropewalk: 107 Garfield Pkwy. • Bethany Blues: 18385 Coastal
Thursdays - Let’s Do Trivia, 7 p.m. 302- Highway. Mondays - Mingo, 6 to 8
Beach Paper THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 19
Running of the Bull ready for revelry Aug. 21
The Starboard’s famous bringing his lively personality SUBMITTED PHOTO
bull is vaxxed and ready to into the ring this year, but it
make his comeback at the remains to be seen whether Proceeds from Running of the Bull festivities go to the Rehoboth Beach Volunteer Fire Company.
24th Annual Running of the his special brand of quick wit
Bull, Saturday, Aug. 21. Dewey and physical deftness will
Beach’s premier holiday be enough to run up against
weekend that paints the town the likes of the bull, who has
Pamplona is ready for its been in respite all year, and
24th year and a celebratory training for the fight of his
weekend that is sure to end life.
the summer on a high note.
Also back in action this
Michael McDonnell, one of year by popular demand,
the founders of the original McDonnell will formalize
Bull Run, said he couldn’t the tradition of the Ernest
be more excited to see his Hemingway Lookalike Con-
favorite sight in Dewey Beach test, for which he will person-
again. ally be judging and handing
out prizes. To be the best-
“One of the more hilarious looking Ernest in the crowd,
parts of the Bull Run is see- start the beard growth now!
ing the traditional Pamplona McDonnell will announce
attire for the event. When I the winner and give away a
look out over the crowd and Starboard gift certificate to
see a sea of white shirts and the best-looking Hemingway
red bandanas, it is just such in attendance.
a highlight for me! I feel like
I’m right back in Spain,” he Music will start at 11 a.m.;
said. the big bull run will begin
at 2 p.m.; and the matador
This year’s matador is local and bull will enter the ring
celebrity and beer brewer ex- thereafter.
traordinaire Sam Calagione,
founder of Dogfish Head For more information, go to
Craft Brewery. He will be
Rehoboth Reflections photo contest entries due Sept. 14 Coan, communications spe-
cialist. Only digital photos in
The City of Rehoboth photographers, Rehoboth Re- in all seasons. tion would be a fun way to high-resolution JPEG format
Beach is hosting a photo flections provides an oppor- "We see so many great pho- further share and celebrate will be accepted. Submissions
competition, and the winning tunity to share images that some of those photos, and the are limited to three entries
submissions will be featured demonstrate the diversity, tos of our community being places, events and people that per photographer. For infor-
in its 2022 calendar. Open beauty and vibrancy of the shared across social media make Rehoboth such a vi- mation and to submit photos,
to amateur and professional Rehoboth Beach community platforms, and we thought brant community," said Lynne go to
that hosting a photo competi-
(302)-856-6993 •
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NEW LOCATION: 227 Milton Ellendale Hwy Milton, DE 19968
20 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
Eagles tribute band to perform Timothy B. Schmit, Richie
at Milton Theatre Sept. 4 Scholl as the eccentric and
unpredictable Joe Walsh,
Milton Theatre will host 7 Using no backing tracks or ing incredible musicianship, Brian Franklin as guitar 7 Bridges shows feature hit singles
Bridges: The Ultimate Eagles harmonizers, 7 Bridges faith- vocal precision and a stage wizard Don Felder, and Ver- with some mighty Don Henley, Joe
Experience for two shows at 3 fully re-creates the experi- presence that has garnered non Roop as Joe Vitale, the Walsh and Glenn Frey solo sur-
and 8 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 4. ence of an Eagles concert nationwide acclaim. The often-unsung hero of many prises sprinkled into the mix.
from the band’s most prolific band features Jay Sweet as Eagles studio albums and live
More information: period. Glenn Frey, Keith Thoma performances. as Don Henley, Brandon
7 Bridges comprises a tour Roberts as Randy Meisner/ For more information and
de force of talent, combin- to purchase tickets, go to or call
Nightlife • Summer House: 228 Rehoboth Ave. • Tasting Room, Production Facility & Distillery
Saturdays - live music, 10 p.m. to 12:30 • Merchandise shop & Beer-centric food
Continued from page 18 a.m. 302-278-7433. • Beers, Cocktails & Distillery exclusives
• Hammerheads Dockside: 39415 • Sussex Public House: 234 Rehoboth • 16 Modern Style Rooms & Rental Cottage
Inlet Rd. Tuesdays - Lower Case Blues, Ave. Thursday, Aug. 19 - Al Frantic, 7 • Nightly bonfires, complimentary bike & beach chair rentals
4 to 7 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 19 - Brian to 10 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 22 - Double • Local beaches, kayaking, biking & boating • Dog-friendly
McConnell & Dalton Elliott, 3 to 6 p.m.; Nickels, 5 to 8 p.m. 302-212-5107.
Friday, Aug. 20 - Mystery Machine, • Original food • Original music • Original Beer • Original spirits
3 to 6 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 22 - Hot • The Hideout Arcade Bar & Grille: • Live music on Fridays & Saturdays • Merchandise Shop
Sauce; Monday, Aug. 23 - 2nd Time 18693 Coastal Hwy. Wednesdays - • Brewpub & Distillery exclusives • Dog-friendly outdoor seating
Around, 3 to 6 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 26 Karaoke Night, 9 p.m.; Thursdays - Trivia
- Brad Radish; Friday, Aug. 27 - Brian Night, 7 p.m., and DJ Wood, 9 p.m. to
McConnell. 302-752-8010. 1 a.m.; Fridays - Karaoke Night, 9 p.m.
to midnight; Saturdays - DJ Wood, 8
• Ocn Blu Beach Bar & Grille: 37169 p.m. to midnight; Sundays - DJ Wood, 9
Rehoboth Ave. Ext. Fridays - Karaoke, 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Shots
to 10 p.m. 302-212-5355. Fired, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Tuesday, Aug. 24 -
• Purple Parrot: 134 Rehoboth Ave. Uncle Ward, 8 to 11 p.m. 302-645-1985.
Fridays & Saturdays - Karaoke with DJ
Spigone, 9 p.m.; Sundays - The Birdcage • The Pines Rehoboth Beach: 56
Bad Girls Drag Show featuring Julia Baltimore Ave. Mondays - Fueling
Sugarbaker II, 10 p.m. 302-226-1139. Pianos featuring John Flynn & Matthew
• Rehoboth Ale House: 15 Wilmington Kenworthy, 6 to 9 p.m.; Saturdays -
Ave. Thursday, Aug. 19 - Kyle Offidani, 8 Mona Lotts & Kristina Kelly, 8:30 to 9
to 11 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 20 - Funk Shue, p.m.; Sundays - Drag Brunch with Mona
8 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - Scott Lotts & Kristina Kelly, 11:30 a.m. to 2
DiNolfi, 8 to 11 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 22 - p.m. and Pamala Stanley, 6 to 9 p.m.;
Angela Natrin, 7 to 10 p.m.; Thursday, Thursday, Aug. 19 - Debra & Patrick, 7
Aug. 26 - Sidney Joseph, 8 to 11 p.m.; to 10 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 20 - Debra &
Friday, Aug. 27 - Bond & Bentley, 8 to 11 Patrick, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 27 -
p.m. 302-278-7433. The Pamala Stanley Dance Party, 8:30 to
11:30 p.m. For tickets go to thepinesrb.
• Rehoboth Ale House On the Mile: com/events or call 302-567-2726.
20859 Coastal Hwy. Thursday, Aug. 19
- Daddy Band, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, Aug. • The Pond: 19266 Coastal Hwy.,
20 - Kavoossi, 8 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, Unit 1. Mondays - Survey Sez, 6:30
Aug. 21 - The Dunehounds, 8 to 11 p.m.; p.m.; Tuesdays - Let’s Do Speed Bingo,
Sunday, Aug. 22 - Spencer Joyce, 7 to 10 6:30 p.m., and Cooney Tunes, 9 p.m.;
p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 26 - Devin Canfield, Wednesdays - BJ’s Damn Jam Crew,
8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 27 - Lower Case 9 p.m.; Thursdays - Trivia Challenge,
Blues, 8 to 11 p.m. 302-567-2921 7 p.m.; Sundays - Lower Case Blues, 9
p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 19 - Keri Anthony,
• 1776: Midway Shopping Center. 9 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 20 - Mathew Street
Wednesdays - Nick Wayne, 6 to 9 p.m.; Band, 9 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21 - 2nd
Thursdays - Bernard Sweetney, 7 to 10 Time Around, 5 to 8 p.m., and The
p.m. 302-645-9355. Jimmies, 9 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 22 - 302
Band, 5 p.m.; Monday, Aug. 23 - Comedy
• Shrimpy’s Bar & Grill: 18585 Coastal Open Mic Night, 9 p.m.; Wednesday,
Hwy., Midway Shopping Center. Sundays Aug. 25 - Taylor Knox, 5 p.m.; Thursday,
- Drag Show, 7 p.m.; Thursdays - Aug. 26 - Taylor Knox, 9 p.m.; Friday,
Matthew Kenworthy, 6 p.m.; Friday, Aug. Aug. 27 - Freshly Squeezed, 9 p.m. 302-
20 - Girls Room, 6 p.m. 302-313-5124. 227-2234.
• Zogg’s: 1 Wilmington Ave. Fridays &
Saturdays - live music; Sunday, Aug. 22 -
Bryan Scar, 6 to 9 p.m. 302-227-7660.
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Beach Paper THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 21
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22 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
Fun By The Numbers
Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending
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ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 HOROSCOPES SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
You may need to dim your lights so you Are you spreading yourself too thin,
do not outshine others, Aries. You can be LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Sagittarius? Instead of dabbling in five or
a force and it pays to let others share a Leo, if personal growth or a change has six plans, stick to one or two. By so doing,
bit of the spotlight. This will garner some been on your mind, why not get started you’ll be able to focus your energy that
goodwill. this week? You may benefit from a minor much better.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 makeover or a change of scenery. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
Taurus, settle into your comfort zone at VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Don’t be too hasty to accept things at
home and take on all of the domestic tasks Virgo, don’t be afraid to unload some face value, Capricorn. Investigate a little
that have fallen by the wayside. You are clutter in the weeks ahead. Inventory all further before you invest any of your time.
very happy in your personal haven, Taurus. of your belongings and see what can be And especially before you hand over any
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 donated or removed. Enjoy the feelings of money.
Gemini, you may need to sort out a com- freedom this inspires. AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
plicated relationship that has you trying LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 It’s time to get off the fence, Aquarius.
to figure out who is friend who, if anyone, Libra, your social schedule in the coming You have to make a decision even if the
is foe. Play it carefully until you have all days is as busy as ever, but you don’t know answer you are leaning toward is painful
of the facts. how you will find the time. Make a list of or complicated. Once you move on you’ll
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 your biggest priorities. be content.
Sift through all of your financial matters SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
and start to get your ducks in a row, Scorpio, it’s best to check your sense of Now is the time to wrap up a few loose
Cancer. This is a prime time to take an direction from time to time to make sure ends, Pisces. You know what areas of life
assessment of your income and spending you are not going the wrong way at full need a little touching up. Get started as
habits. speed. Use a friend as your personal GPS. soon as you can.
Answers on page 27
Memorable web or mobile experiences that turn visitors into customers
302.645.7700 W W W. N E E DA H I G H F I V E . C O M
Beach Paper THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 23
Remasters are long
overdue, will sell well
PLAY chise, has sold over 145 mil- Despite much controversy from outsiders, the GTA series is beloved by millions of gamers around the world.
lion copies. The games from
CASSIE GOTTO-WHITE the PS2/Xbox/GameCube era ing to Kotaku’s source, the seems pretty credible. Take games, this is the perfect
are beloved by so many, and Remastered Trilogy will be this with a grain of salt. How- opportunity to jump in with
Whether you are a people have been begging for released this fall for PlaySta- ever, I would not be surprised more modern graphics and
gamer or not, you a remake, or at least a remas- tion 4 and 5, Xbox One, Xbox at all to find out this is true. trophies/achievements.
have undoubtedly ter, for a long time. Series S/X, Nintendo Switch, I think remasters of these
heard of the Grand Theft PC, Stadia, and mobile. games are long overdue and If this rumor is true, will
Auto series. Despite much According to Kotaku, fans they will sell extremely well. you be picking up the GTA
controversy from outsiders, of the highly controversial While Rockstar has not For someone like me who Remastered Trilogy? I know
the GTA series is beloved by but esteemed series might confirmed or denied these didn’t grow up playing these I certainly will. Let’s talk on
millions of gamers around have something to look for- rumors, Kotaku’s source Twitter: @pixelsnplanners.
the world. GTA V, the most ward to this fall.
recent release in the fran-
Kotaku claims to have a
source that says all three
games are being remastered
with the Unreal Engine and
will visually appear like a
mix of modern and classic
“While Kotaku can’t con-
firm what all of those teased
remastered titles specifically
are, we can confirm via cor-
roborating details from three
sources that GTA remasters
are currently in the final stag-
es of development.” Accord-
New feel-good poetry collection features work of two Delawareans site, which delivers a daily
poem via email to subscribers
“Poems to Lift You Up and poets across the U.S., Canada, sin is a retired horse breeder on the site four times; 12 of all over the world. “Select-
Make You Smile” has just England and Ireland. and teacher, and the author of Goodman’s poems have been ing only a hundred from the
been published. three books. “Poems to Lift featured. The goal of the thousands of wonderful po-
Two featured poets are You Up and Make You Smile” site is to show the diversity ems on YDP was a challenge,
A collection of 100 classic from Delaware. Gail Braune is an anthology of work fea- and appeal of poetry and, but given the last year and a
and contemporary poems Comorat of Lewes is the tured on the website Your- most of all, dispel the notion half we’ve all been through,
especially selected for their author of two books and a, founded in that poetry is boring. Nearly creating a book that could
upbeat perspectives, feel- founding member of the Re- 2009 by Jayne Jaudon Ferrer. 4,000 poems by more than lift people’s spirits and put a
good scenarios, and humor, hoboth Beach Writers’ Guild. Comorat’s work has appeared 700 poets are archived on the smile on their face seemed
the book features the work of Patricia Goodman of Hockes- important,” said Ferrer.
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24 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
THE Going into the last hole GENE BLEILE PHOTOS
19TH of regulation play, Vardon
HOLE missed a 10-foot putt, which The Rookery South is located at 27052 Broadkill Road in Milton. Call 302-684-3000 for a tee time. Hole
forced an 18-hole playoff the No. 9 is a par three which plays 123 yards from the blue tees, down to 105 from the red tees.
GENE BLEILE next day on the Brookline
Country Club Golf Course Hole No. 10 is a par five which plays 601 yards from the blue tees, down to 565 from the red tees.
Over the years, I have near Boston, Mass. The golf
read many stories of world was astounded when Hole No. 18 is a par five which plays 618 yards from the blue tees, down to 507 from the red tees.
future hall of fam- Ouimet, a 20-year-old caddie
ers who had to drop out of (and son of a poor immigrant
school at a young age to find family) shot a 72 to beat
work and help support their Vardon by five strokes.
family, but this icon’s story
goes a step further. In 1920, Vardon played in
his last U.S. Open and again
Harry not only came from finished second, this time to
a poor family in England’s his good friend and fellow
Channel Islands, but from Jersey native Ted Ray in
a family that couldn’t sup- another 18-hole playoff.
port keeping him at home as
a young boy. To make ends During the peak of his
meet, Harry’s family “gave” career, Vardon was known for
him (the older of two broth- his exceptional ball control
ers) to a local doctor, who in off the tee and accuracy with
turn cared for him and made his irons, to go along with
him a house servant until age deadly putting skills. During
17. He won his first British his lifetime he won 62 tourna-
Open eight years later. ments worldwide, and he still
holds the consecutive wins
Henry William “Harry” record at 14.
Vardon was born in Grou-
ville, Jersey, in 1870 to a dirt- DURING THE PEAK OF
poor farm family, but no one HIS CAREER, VARDON
could have ever guessed that WAS KNOWN FOR HIS
by the time he died in 1931, EXCEPTIONAL BALL
he would be a millionaire CONTROL OFF THE TEE
and one of the most talented AND ACCURACY WITH HIS
and respected golfers in the IRONS, TO GO ALONG WITH
At age 17, his tenure as a WON 62 TOURNAMENTS
house servant ended, and he WORLDWIDE, AND HE STILL
moved to England to be near HOLDS THE CONSECUTIVE
his brother Tom. He found WINS RECORD AT 14.
work as a greenskeeper at a
local golf course in Yorkshire. He is best known, however,
During his off hours at the for popularizing the Vardon
course, he taught himself the grip, which is used today by
game of golf, often practicing over 80 percent of all golfers
long into the dusk hours to worldwide. It is a simple but
perfect the game he loved. effective method of gripping
the club by interlocking your
In 1896, he won his first of pinky finger of the top hand
six British Open Champion- on the club with the middle
ships, at the tender age of 26. and forefinger of the bottom
He had to overcome a four- hand on the club to give you
shot deficit in the final round a tight and stable grip at ad-
to tie John Henry Taylor, then dress to the ball.
defeated him in an 18-hole
playoff. Vardon died in 1937 at the
age of 66 in Totteridge, Eng-
In 1898 and 1899, he won land, and soon after his death,
back-to-back Open Cham- the PGA of America created
pionships, and in the 1903 the Vardon Trophy, which is
Open, he defeated his own awarded to a PGA player on
brother, Tom, by six strokes an annual basis for the lowest
to win for the fourth time. adjusted scoring average.
His last two wins were in 1911
and 1914. 19th Hole Trivia
• Harry Vardon was in-
In 1900, he won his only
U.S. Open Championship ducted into the World Golf
by defeating fellow English- Hall of Fame in 1974.
man John Henry Taylor by
two strokes, but his astound- • Vardon popularized the
ing loss (and second-place grip named for him, but ama-
finish) in the 1913 U.S. Open teur Scottish golf champion
to amateur Francis Ouimet John Laidlay invented the
was immortalized in the 2005 grip and showed it to Vardon.
Disney film, “The Greatest
Game Ever Played.” Continued on page 25
Beach Paper THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 25
Inland Bays Clean-Up seeks volunteers with boats Aug. 28
Volunteers with boats are harmful to bay users and a conditions on the water, and Each volunteer must sign a Wildlife, DNREC Division
needed to help the Delaware variety of coastal and aquatic should dress for wet and waiver that day to participate. of Parks and Recreation,
Center for the Inland Bays life including birds, fish and dirty work. Work gloves are This event is not recom- Dewey Beach Lions Club,
remove debris from the bays mammals such as dolphins. recommended and closed-toe mended for children under GFL Environmental/Waste
during the Annual Inland shoes are required. Those 12, and participants under 18 Industries of Delaware, Sen.
Bays Clean-Up from 9 a.m. to The center is in need of who have access to lifejackets must be accompanied by a Ernie Lopez, R-Lewes, and
1 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 28. boat captains with power should bring one, as they are parent or guardian. the Delaware Solid Waste Au-
boats to collect and transport required onboard any boat thority’s Community Cleanup
The effort will focus on the debris. used during the cleanup. The center will be follow- Initiative.
shores along Rehoboth Bay Lifejackets will be provided ing current CDC and state
and Indian River Bay by boat, Non-boat owners will also as needed. Volunteers also guidelines regarding COV- Boat captains and non-boat
while the Delaware Depart- be needed to help with trash should plan to bring their ID-19. DNREC is once again owners interested in vol-
ment of Transportation’s collection on the water, as own water and snacks or lending support through its unteering should contact Pro-
Adopt-A-Highway groups well as unloading what's lunch, as refreshments will Delaware Natural Resources gram Manager Bob Collins
will be coordinating cleanups collected into a dumpster on not be provided. Police. Sponsors include the at 302-226-8105, Ext. 711, or
on land. The water-based land. Volunteers must contact DNREC Division of Fish and [email protected].
cleanup, which has been the the center to register on-
organized by the center since line in advance so adequate
the early 2000s, is supported space on the boats can be
by the Delaware Department reserved.
of Natural Resources and
Environmental Control. Volunteers will be assigned
to specific cleanup locations
Previous cleanup efforts on the day of the event at the
have netted thousands of launch point, Massey’s Land-
pounds of trash, including ing Public Boat Ramp at the
plastic bottles and bags, end of Long Neck Road near
tires, cans, wrappers, fishing Millsboro.
gear and dock lumber. Trash
in local waterways can be Volunteers should be
prepared for the weather
including cooler, breezy
Golf lives, but little to back up the HEARTBURN OR
notion that he was booked HEART ATTACK?
Continued from page 24 and missed the boat only
because of a long bout with
• Vardon’s nickname is “Mr. tuberculosis in 1911.
• Eddie Lowery, Francis
• Vardon wrote a golf Ouimet’s caddie, moved to
instruction book called “The California in 1937 and became
Gist of Golf.” a multimillionaire. He joined
the management team of Van
• In 2000, Golf Digest Etta motors, which bought
ranked Vardon the 13th best and built the largest Lincoln-
golfer to ever play the game. Mercury dealership in
America. He later owned two
• There is evidence that dealerships of his own.
Vardon contemplated sailing
on the Titanic, which struck Follow Bleile’s column at
an iceberg on its maiden voy- and visit
age and sank on April 15, 1912,
with a loss of more than 1,500
breathtaking. beautiful. brilliant.
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take Route 24 West for approximately 8 miles. The
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26 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper
Tribute honors Aiken, a surf-fishing legend
FISHING Now, instead of a long- SUBMITTED PHOTOS
REPORT drawn-out, boring fishing
report, I want to tell you This bench overlooking the Indian River Inlet was one of Harry's favorite
RICH KING about a friend of mine, a liv- spots to fish if he wasn't on the beach. It was recently dedicated to Har-
ing legend. ry and Dottie Aiken.
The summer heat
comes in waves. With The Indian River Inlet Harry Aiken casts in a tourna- The County Casters Club includes (not in order) Harry Aiken, Dottie Aik-
hotter temperatures, has a new addition. On the ment. en, John Bister, Elaine Bister, Leon Johnson, George Brown, and Jim West.
the fish will shut down and southside facing the inlet is my surf fishing? Sal Muley is handing Buddy Aiken the trophy.
the catch frequency de- a bench with a sign, titled
creases. Fishing early morn- Catching Waves. The history Harry is that guy who pulls the GOAT - Greatest Of All cast cleanup. When Sal
ing predawn or later evening of Delaware's surf fishing is up on a beach, grabs a rod Time – by many surf casters showed him Yankee Stadium,
into dark is the best bet explained on the sign with and starts yanking in fish one up and down the East Coast he asked Harry if he could
for hotter days. The recent a timeline and a QR code after another, usually in front for his performances during cast a home run. Harry, being
cool-off turned the spot and to get more info on your of people who have been these tournaments. Harry Harry, said, "No problem;
croaker bite back on at the smartphone. Next to it is an fishing all day and catching broke his own world record give me a couple of weeks
Cape Henlopen Fishing Pier. unassuming bench, just like the skunk. When asked how three times. Finally, with a and I will cast it out of the
Flounder fishing there went any normal park bench. Soon he did it he would tell them, perfect score of 100 out of stadium.”
dry for a while with the heat, it will have a plaque installed, "You’re fishing in the wrong 100, there was no way to beat
then picked back up as things because the two people it spot,” and then show them it. His wife Dottie held the Harry noticed that most
cooled off. There are more honors, Harry and Dottie where they went wrong. state championship for a year balls would just shudder and
consistent flounder around Aiken, are legends in Dela- and was the highest-scoring drop at about 320 feet. He
the Inland Bays, the surf, and ware's surf-fishing commu- One day years ago, I met female caster. In fact, when figured out that if he could
offshore; however, anglers nity. I want to thank Delaware Harry at his house in George- some of these folks showed make the ball spin, it would
will find fewer keepers from State Parks Director Ray town, sitting around the up at the tournaments, people travel farther; little did he
inland waters. Jigging has Bivens and Rep. Steve Smyk, kitchen table with Bait and already knew who would be know just how far. A few
been best with Gulp, but R-Milton, for making this Tackle, his two Bombay cats placing and winning. weeks later, after practic-
drifting minnows abides. bench dedication happen. from his shop Ole Salt Bait & ing at home, he was ready. It
Long story short, because the Tackle, which he used to op- Back then, hitting a 450- was not required for a home
The tautog action is fast how is a very long one, they erate on New Road in Lewes. foot cast was a long distance, run, but Harry, being Harry,
for short fish at Indian River called me and asked, what but Harry's longest was 605 wanted to go for the fence.
Inlet with some keepers. could we do for Harry Aiken. So what is the first thing I feet in a tournament. What
Sheepshead are being caught ask the grandmaster of the kind of gear do you use to get At the very first Cast A Ball
mostly on sand fleas. It’s SEVERAL YEARS AGO, I HAD Delaware surf? “Harry,” I that kind of distance? I mean, demonstration, on his first
easy to go grab a bucket of THE OPPORTUNITY TO SIT said, "tell me about the base- look at the gear now com- cast Harry Aiken cranked
those at the beach. Christina DOWN WITH HARRY AIKEN ball.” He just smiled. pared to those days. I wanted that surf rod, but his foot
Puglisi said to me recently AND TALK SURF FISHING. to know. slipped and the ball went into
while catching tautog at the HE WILL TELL YOU, “I DON’T On June 8, 1968, Harry the stadium’s second-level
inlet with Laura Foerster, TELL FISHING STORIES, I Aiken cast a baseball out of During the American 12th row – impressive, but not
"We picked a bunch of fresh TELL TRUTHS,” WHICH HE Yankee Stadium, over right Casting Association tourna- for Harry.
sand fleas today.” Me: "You DOES AS WELL AS ANY field, in between games dur- ments, Harry met Sal Muley,
mean like off a tree?” She just ANGLER. ing a doubleheader with the a promoter for Ballantine While the crowd was still
laughed, “OK, maybe pick Yankees and the Orioles. No Beer-Garcia Tackle, who bewildered, Harry looked at
wasn't the best word.” I said the best thing would one then or now has ever hit wanted to take casting tour- Sal Mulney and said, "This
be to name the unnamed a baseball out of Yankee Sta- naments on the road. He was next one is going some-
The ladies have been surf-fishing crossings (middle dium, but Harry Aiken cast looking for an event to fill in where.”
pulling fishing trip trifectas and south) at Fenwick Island one out of the park, twice, the dead time between and
– morning surf fishing, then State Park after Harry and his with a surf rod. before baseball games, and he Harry dragged the ball
boat fishing, and then to the wife Dottie. They eventually came up with the Cast A Ball along the ground, got the spin
inlet to catch tautog to finish opted for this bench and the I have heard the story from events. he wanted and put everything
off the day. sign Catching Waves with many an angler here, but he had into that cast. The
a history of Delaware's surf always wanted to hear the Teams of surfcasters or baseball cleared the stadium
Use Fishbites and squid for fishing. Thank you, gentle- entire tale. I was just dying to baseball players would cast and was still climbing when
spot and croaker. Change up men, I know you made my hear about the cast that made for base hits and Harry would
baits when fish aren't biting friend Harry Aiken, the Harry Aiken a living legend. Continued on page 27
on hotter days, and fish in GOAT of surfcasting, very
deeper water. Delaware Bay happy. The story behind the In the 1960s, the American
striped bass summer slot sea- GOAT moniker involves a Casting Association held
son ends Aug. 31; remember small, leather-stitched ball casting and accuracy tourna-
it’s only one fish per angler and a stadium. ments up and down the East
per day. Coast on the town beaches,
Several years ago, I had the sponsored by The Ballantine
Offshore anglers are doing opportunity to sit down with Beer–Garcia Tackle. Harry
well on the usual suspects Harry Aiken and talk surf entered a Rehoboth Beach
– the big fish way out front fishing. He will tell you, “I casting contest in 1964 and
and the sea bass, etc., inshore. don’t tell fishing stories, I tell found out he could cast very
Triggers are still a by-catch truths,” which he does as well accurately; he came in fourth
of sorts. Call your favorite as any angler. that day. He went home and
charters for a trip. The off- set up a practice field in
shore flounder has been good Harry has been fishing the Georgetown, and formed up
fishing. Delaware beaches for over a team, the County Casters
75 years, before parks even Club, with his wife Dottie Ai-
We are into full-on, end-of- existed. I was so excited I was ken, John Bister, Elaine Bister,
summer fishing – surf, pond, going to talk to the man who Leon Johnson, George Brown,
bay, offshore and inshore. knew every nook and cranny and Jim West.
Not much changes this time of the beaches and Indian
of year except the frequency, River Inlet. What sort of He was and still is called
and we hope for storms to secrets would he divulge to
cool off us and the water. me? What knowledge could
I extract from his lifetime of
memories to help improve
Beach Paper THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 27
Fishing All Your Bait & Tackle Needs
Continued from page 26 LEWES ICEHOUSE
it went over the wall at 344 The Catching Waves sign includes this QR code with a link to more in- Offering a large
feet out and 120 feet up. The formation. variety of fishing
crowd was now stunned into supplies for all
silence. By the time Harry 18388 Coastal Hwy. types of fishing as
rounded second base, the Unit #6 well as truck racks,
stadium of 43,000 people outerwear, rain gear,
went wild realizing what just (look for Go Brit) sunglasses, boating
happened. supplies and more!
No human has ever sent a See current shing reports
ball over the wall at Yankee and hours on our Facebook page.
Stadium, but this guy just did
it with a fishing rod. No one LEWES ICE HOUSE BAIT & TACKLE
ever found the ball, so they
don't know how far it actually (302) 645-0600 |
traveled. Harry will tell you it
probably landed in a passing Surfcasters back in the day get ready for a tournament.
coal car on the train nearby
and went even farther. he built, but that is for anoth- GAME SOLUTIONS FROM PAGE 22
er day. I think the only cast
From that point on, Harry that would top Harry's feat CROSSWORD SUDOKU WORD
was known as the man who today is to send a baseball out SEARCH
cast a baseball out of Yankee of a football stadium, the long
Stadium. way. In one day, Harry Aiken
opened and closed a chapter
Harry cast two balls out in the story of baseball as a
of Yankee Stadium, four out surfcasting legend. To me,
of Shea, two out of Kennedy, that’s just my buddy Harry,
and one that hit the rim of the being Harry.
Astrodome. To this day, no
one else has ever done this,
nor do I believe anyone ever
will. Long casting nowadays
hits distances over 900 feet,
with modified equipment.
Harry did it with a basic surf
rod from the 1970s. He may
have told me about that rod
Can you dig it?
Follow for gardening tips.
Delaware’s Cape Region Forecast and Tides
Today Tonight Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Humid with clouds Humid; a t‑storm A thunderstorm in A t‑storm around in Partly sunny, a Partly sunny and Partly sunny and Humid with clouds
and sun around early spots the p.m. shower; humid
humid humid and sun
81-85 / 71-75
High 86-90 Low 74-78 80-84 / 70-74 80-84 / 72-76 UV Index: 6 85-89 / 70-74 85-89 / 72-76 82-86 / 71-75
UV Index: 8 UV Index: 4 UV Index: 4 UV Index: 8 UV Index: 8 UV Index: 7
The higher the UV Index™ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021
Delaware Cape Region Tides Boating Forecast
Broadkill Beach Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Today: Wind SSW 7‑14 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet.
First high 6:57 a.m. 7:57 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 9:39 a.m. 10:24 a.m. 11:07 a.m. 11:48 a.m. Visibility generally unrestricted.
First low 1:18 a.m. 2:16 a.m. 3:08 a.m. 3:56 a.m. 4:40 a.m. 5:22 a.m. 6:02 a.m. Friday: Wind S 4‑8 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet. Visibility
Second high 8:24 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 10:02 p.m. 10:45 p.m. 11:26 p.m. less than 2 miles in a thunderstorm.
Second low 1:11 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 3:05 p.m. 3:56 p.m. 4:44 p.m. 5:30 p.m. ‑‑‑ Saturday: Wind E 4‑8 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet. Visibility
6:15 p.m. less than 2 miles in an afternoon thunderstorm.
Cape Henlopen Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Sunday: Wind N 6‑12 knots becoming ESE. Seas 1‑3
First high 6:35 a.m. 7:35 a.m. 8:28 a.m. 9:17 a.m. 10:02 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Aug. 25 feet. Visibility under 2 miles in an afternoon shower.
First low 12:28 a.m. 1:26 a.m. 2:18 a.m. 3:06 a.m. 3:50 a.m. 4:32 a.m. 11:26 a.m. Monday: Wind E 4‑8 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet. Visibility
Second high 7:07 p.m. 8:02 p.m. 8:53 p.m. 9:40 p.m. 10:23 p.m. 11:04 p.m. 5:12 a.m. generally unrestricted.
Second low 12:21 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 3:06 p.m. 3:54 p.m. 4:40 p.m. 11:44 p.m. Tuesday: Wind NNW 4‑8 knots. Seas 2 feet or less.
5:25 p.m. Visibility generally clear.
Rehoboth Beach Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Wednesday: Wind SSW 6‑12 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet. Visibility gener‑
First high 5:31 a.m. 6:28 a.m. 7:21 a.m. 8:11 a.m. 8:58 a.m. 9:43 a.m. Aug. 25 ally unrestricted.
First low 11:29 a.m. 12:40 a.m. 1:31 a.m. 2:17 a.m. 2:59 a.m. 3:39 a.m. 10:27 a.m.
Second high 6:11 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 7:55 p.m. 8:42 p.m. 9:26 p.m. 10:08 p.m. 4:18 a.m. Regional Summary Weather History
Second low 12:29 p.m. 1:23 p.m. 2:13 p.m. 3:01 p.m. 3:46 p.m. 10:49 p.m.
‑‑‑ 4:32 p.m. Humid today with clouds and sun; After dumping 2.6
Indian River Inlet Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 watch for rip currents. High 88. A inches of rain on
First high Aug. 19 7:30 a.m. 8:24 a.m. 9:13 a.m. 9:59 a.m. 10:42 a.m. Aug. 25 thunderstorm in spots tonight. Low Cape Hatteras,
First low 6:30 a.m. 1:15 a.m. 2:06 a.m. 2:52 a.m. 3:36 a.m. 4:17 a.m. 11:24 a.m. 76. A stray thunderstorm tomorrow N.C., the day before,
Second high 12:19 a.m. 8:13 p.m. 9:01 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 10:25 p.m. 11:04 p.m. 4:57 a.m. and Saturday. High tomorrow and Hurricane Bob ripped
Second low 7:19 p.m. 1:01 p.m. 1:55 p.m. 2:46 p.m. 3:35 p.m. 4:22 p.m. 11:41 p.m. Saturday 82. A passing shower through eastern New England during
12:02 p.m. 5:09 p.m. Sunday. High 83. Monday: sunshine the afternoon of Aug. 19, 1991.
Oak Orchard Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 and some clouds.
First high Aug. 19 9:19 a.m. 10:12 a.m. 11:02 a.m. 11:49 a.m. 12:17 a.m. Aug. 25
First low 8:22 a.m. 4:11 a.m. 5:02 a.m. 5:48 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 7:10 a.m. 12:59 a.m. Sun and Moon
Second high 3:12 a.m. 9:56 p.m. 10:46 p.m. 11:33 p.m. 12:34 p.m. 7:49 a.m.
Second low 9:02 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:54 p.m. 5:44 p.m. ‑‑‑ 7:17 p.m. 1:18 p.m.
3:00 p.m. 6:32 p.m. 8:03 p.m.
Aug. 24
Fenwick Island Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 9:36 a.m. Aug. 25 Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset
First high 5:24 a.m. 6:21 a.m. 7:14 a.m. 8:04 a.m. 8:51 a.m. 3:38 a.m. 10:20 a.m. 7:49 p.m.
First low 11:28 a.m. 12:39 a.m. 1:30 a.m. 2:16 a.m. 2:58 a.m. 10:01 p.m. 4:17 a.m. Today 6:18 a.m. 7:48 p.m. Today 6:19 p.m. 2:41 a.m.
Second high 6:04 p.m. 6:58 p.m. 7:48 p.m. 8:35 p.m. 9:19 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 10:42 p.m. Friday 6:19 a.m. 7:46 p.m. Friday 7:07 p.m. 3:48 a.m.
Second low 12:28 p.m. 1:22 p.m. 2:12 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:31 p.m. Saturday 6:20 a.m. 7:45 p.m. Saturday 7:47 p.m. 4:59 a.m.
‑‑‑ Aug. 24 Sunday 6:21 a.m. 7:44 p.m. Sunday 8:20 p.m. 6:09 a.m.
Ocean City Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 9:28 a.m. Aug. 25 Monday 6:21 a.m. 7:42 p.m. Monday 8:49 p.m. 7:17 a.m.
First high Aug. 19 6:13 a.m. 7:06 a.m. 7:56 a.m. 8:43 a.m. 3:31 a.m. 10:12 a.m. Tuesday 6:22 a.m. 7:41 p.m. Tuesday 9:15 p.m. 8:23 a.m.
First low 5:16 a.m. 12:32 a.m. 1:23 a.m. 2:09 a.m. 2:51 a.m. 9:53 p.m. 4:10 a.m. Wed. 6:23 a.m. Wed. 9:39 p.m. 9:26 a.m.
Second high 11:21 a.m. 6:50 p.m. 7:40 p.m. 8:27 p.m. 9:11 p.m. 3:38 p.m. 10:34 p.m.
Second low 5:56 p.m. 12:21 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 2:53 p.m. 4:24 p.m.
28 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021 Beach Paper