Grass Roots Rescue
saves over 1,000 lives
Nonprofit group thrives in Cape Region
By Haley Myles
Special to the Cape Gazette
Pets hold a special place in our hearts. SUBMITTED PHOTO DENY HOWETH PHOTO
They become more than just a living,
breathing creature that we assume the Grass Roots Rescue founders Brittani Clegg, OSLO THE BULLDOG, a good-luck charm, healed nicely. He had surgery on his legs, costing nearly
responsibility to feed and water. Our left, with Oslo, and Karli Crenshaw holds Ivar $12,000. This is an example of somehing Grass Roots Rescue does as its mission.
pets become our snuggle buddies, our (aka Scooty) during a recent fundraising event.
protectors, our door greeters, our hiking it’s like to rescue an animal from neglect continue to stay local. There are tons of
partners and most importantly, they Grass Roots was founded.”As of March or abandonment, a sad but frequent rescue groups here in Delaware that get
become four-legged family members that 31, 2018, Grass Roots had rescued more occurrence at the rescue. Grass Roots their animals from other states but we
give us unconditional love. than 1,000 animals. The group has more operates as pet matchmakers to appro- want to help animals locally and Brandy-
than 60 animals up for adoption. priately pair dogs and cats with the right wine can serve as a platform for that.”
According to the ASPCA, 6.5 million home.“We are more concerned about an
companion animals enter animal shelters The rescue’s primary objectives animal working out in a home than we Not only is the rescue working with
in the U.S every year. An estimated 1.5 are to improve the lives of animals in are concerned with just placing them in other rescue organization, Grass Roots
million of the 6.5 million shelter animals Delaware through rescue, outreach and a home,” said Jon.“We want it to be the also has a partnerships with stores such
are euthanized each year. Most of these education.“Our overall goal is to improve right fit so we don’t have to adopt an as Petco.
animals have lived in homes but were the lives of animals in the area,” she animal out four or five times.”
either abandoned or surrendered due to said. “We want to help wherever we can. Cat overpopulation is a big problem
circumstances. There are some people out there who Schell Brothers recently donated a in Delaware. “On average we have 6 to 7
need to be educated on why their cat or parcel of land and money for a build- requests to take in kittens or cats every
Grass Roots Rescue is a nonprofit dog needs to be fixed. There are own- ing in Lewes. The rescue hopes to day,” she said. “If you call animal control
group that rescues cats and dogs from ers, especially seniors, who need help utilize the space to expand the rescue’s about a stray dog they have to come.
the area and from at-risk shelters. providing basic resources for their pets resources.“It’s a still a work in progress There is no law governing for roaming
so they can keep them.” but we are excited,” said Karli “We’re not cats in Delaware. Sometimes they will
Karli Crenshaw and Brittani Clegg, sure exactly what the space will turn out come if the cat is injured but that is rare.”
Grass Roots Rescue co-founders, have to be yet, but the plan is to have an adop-
been leading the group since August tion side to give our animals exposure. The rescue wouldn’t be able to rescue
of 2013. “I started in the rescue world We want it to also be a socializing place as many animals as they do without the
with Safe Haven animal rescue,” said where people can bring their dogs in to help of volunteers, who are needed to
Crenshaw.“I started volunteering with work on training and maybe a doggy day help transport animals to vet appoint-
them when I was teaching at Milford care.” ments or adoption events.
School District. The kids I was teaching
had behavioral needs and did not know The rescue is working to establish con- In addition, volunteer foster homes
what empathy and compassion were. I nections with other local animal rescues play a valuable role in the success of the
to expand their platform. rescue.
GREETERS, OUR HIKING PARTNERS AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, THEY BECOME “We just started working on building “We always need new foster homes,”
FOUR-LEGGED FAMILY MEMBERS THAT GIVE US UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. a partnership with Brandywine SPCA,” said Karli. “Especially homes that are
said Karli “We’re hoping this helps us willing to foster pitbull breeds and
started taking the students twice a week Clegg never imagined Grass Roots mixes.” she said.
to volunteer by walking the dogs. I saw a would grow to what it is today. “We are
difference with the kids’ behavior.”While constantly blown away by the way our For more information go to
volunteering at Safe Haven, Karli met Grass Roots family comes through for us
Clegg. and the animals we take in.” said Clegg.
“We work really well together,” said Grass Roots Rescue vows to remain
Karli. She was just one of those people foster-based because of its benefits.
that I clicked with right away. There’s no
one else I’d rather do this with.” she said. “You have a better idea of what you’re
Once Safe Haven closed its doors, Karli getting into when you adopt from a
said she knew she wanted to continue foster-based rescue. We test these dogs
rescuing animals in need.“We were with cats, kids and other dogs. We learn
heartbroken when Safe Haven closed. how they are going to react in situations
We knew we wanted to continue to res- and we can take the time to correct any
cue. We wanted to create a rescue with unwanted behavior.” said Karli.
the animals’ best interest in mind. So
Jon Crenshaw, Karli’s husband and a
foster, has experienced firsthand what
70 FRIDAY, JULY 20 - MONDAY, JULY 23, 2018 Cape Gazette
Don’t Bully My Breed
You might have heard this phrase
before. You’ve possibly seen it on publicized incidence of a dog biting or
a tee shirt, or on a sticker in a shop injuring someone — especially by pit
window. Or perhaps you are the owner bull-type breeds.
of a bully-breed dog and are an active
participant in raising awareness on the There has been much dispute, how-
destructive nature of breed-specific ever, over the effectiveness of this type
legislation. of legislation in preventing or reducing
attacks by dogs.
It is important to understand the im-
pact and history of breed-specific legisla- Point of View #1
tion and its impact on pet health. This type of legislation is necessary
because certain dog breeds are a public
What is Breed-Specific Legislation? safety issue and should be addressed
Breed-specific legislation is a law that through cities banning the breed, manda-
bans or restricts certain types of dogs tory spaying or neutering, mandatory
based on their appearance and perceived microchip implants or prohibiting con-
threat to a community. This legislation victed felons from owning them.
often is created in response to a well-
Point of View #2
Breed-specific legislation does not ef-
fectively address the issue it’s aiming
for, and is harmful to innocent dogs and
owners. There should be more compre-
hensive and specific “dog-bite” legisla-
tion — outside of breed — working
along side consumer education initia-
tives and legal mandating of responsible
pet ownership.
The Experts
According to a 2000 report released by
the United States Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, fatal attacks on
humans appear to be a breed-specific
However, breeds often not banned
(rather than pit bulls and other bully
breeds) bite at higher rates, and since
fatal attacks represent a very small por-
tion of dog bite injuries, there are better
alternatives to breed-specific legislation
to address the issue.
Give a dog
a bone
Treating pets — through food or new
toys or gear — is one of the ways pet
owners love to show their affection for
their animals. This is only natural, given
they are full-fledged members of our
families and love us unconditionally.
But it is important to be conscious
of how we treat them. Just like with
children, just because they may enjoy
something does not necessarily mean it
is in their best interest.
Purchase New Toys
Staying engaged is an important aspect
of pet health. Toys are not a luxury but a
You pet should have several items to
play with. Without proper toys, pets
can become bored, which can lead to
destructive or lethargic behavior. When
purchasing new toys, keep in mind:
• Be sure that the toys are size appro-
priate; too big and your pet will become
disinterested. Too small, and you risk a
swallowing hazard.
• Hard rubber toys are great for dogs
because they can be chewed on and car-
ried around with ease.
• Cats are pickier about their toys, so
be sure to choose items that suit your
cat’s personality.
Continued on page 76
The truth about
animal cruelty
An animal is being abused, neglect- dogs and 21,000 cats are subjected to Come see us at the Rehoboth Farmers Market
ed or forced to fight every minute testing every year. TUESDAYS 11 AM - 3 PM IN GROVE PARK
— even as you read this.
One of the first steps in creating posi- • In addition, 100 million animals — 302.381.5997 |
tive change for these animals is under- including mice, rats, dogs, cats, rabbits,
standing and recognizing the cruelty monkeys and others — are killed in U.S. K-10 DOG TRAINING
they face on a daily basis. laboratories each year.
Nothing improves a
The American Society for the Preven- THE MOST COMMON TYPES OF home more than a
tion of Cruelty to Animals has made REPORTED ANIMAL ABUSE INVOLVE well-behaved pooch!
this its mission and works tirelessly to NEGLECT, SHOOTING AND POISONING.
rescue animals, pass humane laws, share Group or Private Lessons · Reserve Now!
resources and raise awareness across • According to the ASPCA, more than
the nation. Here are just a few relevant 250,000 animals fall victim to hoarding Licensed & Insured 302.236.2497
statistics on animal cruelty. each year. This is when there are too
many animals in unsanitary conditions.
Stay Informed
• On average, there are 2,000 cases of • Florida is the worst offending state
for animal cruelty, according to Pet
animal abuse or cruelty reported in the Abuse’s 2008 report. The state ranks the
media each year. highest for the number of dog fighting
cases under investigation, highest for
• 60 percent of these cases involve the number of dog beatings, highest for
dogs. the number of cases involving neglect or
abandonment of animals, and highest for
• These numbers are considered very animal drowning, choking and suffoca-
low and inaccurate, because many states tion.
do not include livestock in their cruelty
laws. • The connection between animal and
human violence is well documented. A
• The most common types of reported survey of the 50 largest shelters for bat-
animal abuse involve neglect, shooting tered women in the United States found
and poisoning. that 85 percent of women and 63 percent
of children entering shelters discussed
• Dog fighting, cockfighting and other incidences of pet abuse in the family.
forms of organized animal cruelty are
closely tied to other violent crimes
across the United States.
• According to Canine Journal, 66,000
It’s calm. It’s comfy. CKomimheebrebrynlyeawnWdaddivgeiss!iitn
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The first step in creating positive change for these animals is understanding and recognizing the Bring this ad
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Keep Fido
feeling safe
You can never be too diligent in
prioritizing your pet’s safety. Stay
aware of the most common safety
concerns for pets year round, and it is
less likely you will find your pet in need
of emergency care.
Heat Safety
Pets are exposed to many of the same
safety concerns in the heat as their own-
ers. They are prone to heat exhaustion as
well as heat stroke.
It is important to keep your pet cool
and hydrated. Make sure your pet always
has access to plenty of fresh, cool water
and an area where it can rest in the
shade (or in air-conditioning).
Warmer weather is also the time to
take precautionary measures against
fleas and ticks. Be sure to stay up to
date with your pet’s monthly flea and
tick preventive, as well as heartworm
Cold-Weather Safety cold. Cats and many short-haired dogs to place a tight skirt around its base to • Tweezers;
Pets face just as many safety concerns need time to acclimate to colder weather, prevent your pet from drinking the tree • Sterile gauze;
and don’t need to be outside for extend- water. Also be mindful of strings of lights • Grease-cutting dish soap;
in cold temperatures as they do in hot ed periods of time. by tucking cords out of reach and using • Hydrocortisone cream;
temperatures. Ice and snow — even outlet surge protectors. • Rubbing alcohol;
freezing pavement — can be very painful Holiday Safety • Benadryl;
to your cat or dog’s paws. The holidays come with their own Preparing a Pet First-Aid Kit • Blanket; and
It is important to be ready when your • Copy of vaccinations and medical
It is important to dry your pet’s paws safety hazards for pets. Decor such as records (particularly useful if you are
after any time outside, and look for any tinsel and ornaments can be danger- pet needs you. Keep the following items away from your home or you are putting
cracks or dry patches. Purchasing boots ous and should be hung out of reach. If together in a tackle box or cosmetic case: together a kit for your vehicle).
for your dog is always an option, but you keep a live Christmas tree, be sure
applying petroleum jelly is another great • Cotton rounds;
and inexpensive alternative.
Also be mindful of your pet feeling
Waterproof. Kidproof. Petproof.
Carpet • Vinyl • LVT • Laminates • Wood Locally owned
& operated
33506 Crossing Ave., Lewes (behind Walgreens)
Nothing But
Make us your pup’s vacation
home away from home for
fun-filled day care and cozy
overnight stays.
e Good Dog Inn
Have Pets, Will Travel 28313 Johnson Rd • Georgetown, DE 19947
We all love a good vacation, from L ove is as close
a quick weekend getaway to as your local Shelter
a long family holiday. If you
are a pet owner, however, travel can feel
stressful — especially if you are not com-
fortable boarding your animal.
If taking Fluffy with you is of utmost
importance, fear not. Here is a checklist
of travel musts to keep both you and
your furry friend comfortable and at
ease the whole trip.
• Before you set off on any long sojourn,
do a test run.
• Secure your animal safely. Pets who
are free to roam around in vehicles not
only provide a distraction to the driver
but are also more likely to be injured
in the event of an accident.
• Plan several stops. The American Vet-
erinary Medical Association recom-
mends drivers stop every two or three
hours to allow your pet to stretch its
legs and relieve itself.
• Never leave your pet alone. On an
85-degree day, temperatures can get
as high at 110 degrees Fahrenheit in
10 minutes in a car with the windows
• Documentation. It is always a good
idea to carry a copy of your pet’s medi-
cal and vaccination records with you
when you travel.
• In addition, attach ID tags both to your
pet and its carrier.
• If your pet hasn’t traveled in a carrier
much, spend some time letting it get
used to the carrier before you leave.
Airlines have different requirements
for kennel size, and the USDA requires
animals have food, water and bedding.
• Be sure your pet gets plenty of exer-
cise before a flight. Engage in some
intense play or go for a long walk. If
you’re pet is tired, it is more likely to
rest or sleep during the flight.
GENERAL TRAVEL TIPS Adopt Donate Volunteer
• Take a familiar object — a toy or blan-
Georgetown Campus
ket. Familiar smells provide comfort in
new environments. 22918 Dupont Blvd | Georgetown | DE 19947
• There are things that are essential 302.856.6361|
to bring, no matter how you travel,
including leash, collar and ID tags.
• If you have an anxious pet, consider a
Thundershirt. These are tight-fitting
shirts that hug your pet and target
pressure points, helping pets relax.
After a few billion years of evolution, from prokaryotes to IRS George Talley walks along Second Street in Lewes with miniature gold- Brandy is a one-year-old pureb
auditors, it turns out that the complex creatures we are were endoodle Higgins . “His name is Higgins, like after Steve Higgins, Jimmy Adams, says, “It doesn’t matt
developed just to goof off with our best buddies. Here’s evidence Fallon’s announcer on The Tonight Show,” Cindy Talley noted. big my house is, or how much
to back up that super-scientific claim. is always there.”
Photos by Tacy Cresson
Bob and Cooper enjoy a morning walk with family. “Lewes is the perfect place to walk Steven and Ziggy O’Neill sit outside King’s Homemade Ice Cream in Flopsy Sue runs to her owne
Cooper. This area is so dog friendly everywhere,” Bob said. Lewes. Steven said, “This area is so dog friendly, there is nowhere else with her four-legged, furry frie
like it. Ziggy goes everywhere with me.” rescued Flopsy Sue when she
McKenty said.
Mary D’s Dog Training Classes Available
CALL: 484.574.3200 for more information •Group Classes (Puppy, Adolescent,
Email: [email protected] or visit Adult, Heeling & more)
Facebook: Mary D’s Dog Training •Private Training (In-store or In-home)
Personal; Info: B.A. Psychobiology, Retired zoo •CGC Examiner
animal trainer, Dog trainer for 11 years •Advanced Classes (Canine Good Citizen,
Rally, Therapy)
•Fun Classes for the advanced canine
including Parkour, Rally, Freestyle, Utility
•Day and evening classes available
bred beagle whose owner, Lindsay
ter how much money I have, how
h my life feels like a mess. Brandy
Dana Pearson throws a tennis ball for her 2-year-old corgi, Charlie, at Lewes Unleashed Dog Park. “We used to come here every single day. Charlie’s favorite thing to do is play
catch. He can do it for hours and still have energy when we get home” Pearson said.
er Lisa McKenty after reuniting Jessy Chisenhall and purebred miniature schnauzer, Halli - “No matter what kind of As a new pet owner, Corey brings Louie to Lewes Beach during sunset. “I absolutely love
ends at the park. “We realized we day I’m having, Halli is excited to see me walk through the door and is there to love the experience of being a pet owner, and getting to see Louie grow up so far has been
e ran into my wife’s arms,” David me unconditionally,”Chisenhall said. amazing,” Corey said.
0 YEAR of serving people
Thank you for 3 S through their pets.
Treats read the labels to avoid unwanted ingre-
Continued from page 70
• There also are great alternatives
Healthy Snacks to commercially sold treats. Fruits and
Giving treats is a preferred method vegetables are a great option, and pets
often like hard produce, such as apples,
of showing love for many pet owners. carrots. Green beans are a great source
However, with so many varieties to of fiber.
choose from, you must be careful about
what you give. Snacks should be healthy Just be sure to consult a vet before
and low in sugars, salt and artificial fla- giving anything to your pet; some items,
vorings and preservatives. such as onions and grapes, are toxic to
Here are a few things you should look
for when choosing snacks for your pet: Avoid the Excess
While your pet might enjoy them, it
• Look for treats that are meat-based
with no artificial ingredients. is important not to feed your pet table
scraps. Too many table scraps and not
• Look for treats that also serve to enough exercise can lead to obesity —
maintain your pet’s health. Dental treats one of the largest threats to your pet’s
are a great example — but continue to health.
WANDA’S Pooches in the Park returns
PET SERVICE to Lewes Canalfront Park
One of the most unique events in
Pet Sitting and the Cape Region, Pooches in the The nationally-recognized, crowd-
Cageless Park, returns to Lewes Canalfront pleasing Delmarva Dock Dogs will be
Kennel Park on Saturday, Sept 9 from 1 to 3 p.m. launching off the floating docks at the
for its sixth year of fun. The park is lo- park. Law enforcement K-9 units from
We handle cated at 211 Front St., on the banks of the across Delaware return to showcase the
Domestic, Exotic Lewes-Rehoboth Canal in Lewes. skills of both handlers and their canine
& Farm Animals partners in awe-inspiring maneuvers.
This free, festive event caters to both
Licensed & Bonded two- and four-legged family members, Pooches should be on max. 6- to 8-foot
and features fun, creative and informative nonretractable leash. One dog per han- · 302.339.0376 activities for dogs and those who love dler is requested. This fetching event is
them. Attractions include interactive free thanks to the support of Savannah
training, obedience and agility demon- Animal Hospital, The Cape Gazette, Jack
strations that attendees may observe or Lingo Realtor, PetSmart, Only Natural
participate in with experts in their field. Pet, PUPS Pet Shop of Lewes, the Issel
Other fun offerings include pet portraits, family, the Tugend/Fischbach family and
CPR and first-aid instruction, games and Friends of Lewes Canalfront Park.
prizes and visiting over 20 specialized
exhibitors. And pups receive goodies to For information go to lewescanalfront-
take home to enjoy with their humans!, the Park’s Facebook page or by
calling the information hotline at 645-
A large crowd congregated along the canal to watch a water retrieving demonstration by
Delmarva Dock Dogs at the annual Pooches in the Park event in 2016.
Treat your dog
“A Day at the Spa!”
CALL DENISE “Sandy Paws is not your average
Dog Grooming salon. It is a calm, relaxed
302-684-8576 shop, perfect for the older or timid dog. I
groom a very limited number of dogs a day.”
Located on Rt. 9
3.5 miles west of Rt. 1 “In addition to my regular grooming
services, there are several Spa Packages for
your dog to enjoy.”
~ Denise Irwin
32 years of grooming experience
formerly owner of Home Away From Home Kennel
As our pets age breeds of dogs do tend to have shorter • Make sure your pet has a private
life-spans, however, and might be consid- space in your home. This is especially
Thanks to advances in care, pets are When is a Pet Senior? ered by your vet as senior at five or six. important for dogs. Older animals can
living longer than they ever have While it varies, cats and dogs are feel the need to be by themselves, or es-
before. But as our pets age, they Changes in Behavior cape loud areas — especially if you have
require extra care and oversight. (Extra generally considered senior when they’ve Changes is your pet’s behavior might young children.
cuddles don’t hurt, either.) reached seven years of age. Larger
be your first sign that your pet isn’t feel- • Don’t pass on physical activity. You
ing as young as it once did. Common might feel the urge to limit your pet’s
behavioral changes include: exercise, but don’t reduce it drastically.
Physical play is good for both the body
• Skittishness around loud noises; and mind. Remember, just because Fido
• Increased anxiety or nervousness; might not be as fast as he once was
• Unexplained or unusual aggressive doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy playtime;
behavior you just might consider trading in the
• Acting confused or disoriented; Frisbee for a long walk in the park.
• Having “accidents” in the house;
• Not responding to commands, and Did you know?
• Increased irritability.
According to the American Lung
Changes in Activity Association, pet dander is composed
Your pet also will begin to change the of tiny flecks of skin shed by cats, dogs,
rodents, birds and other animals with
way it plays, eats and sleeps. Arthritis is fur or feathers. While pet dander is so
a common problem as animals age. You small it's sometimes microscopic, it can
might notice: still cause reactions in people who are
allergic to pet dander. But skin is not
• Irritation when being petted the only potential allergen associated
• Taking additional time or being re- with pets. Pets may cause allergic reac-
luctant to sit or lay down tions in some people thanks to various
• Eating slower proteins found in the saliva, urine and
• Avoidance of jumping up on things feces from cats, dogs and other pets.
— such as furniture or the bed. Dried saliva containing allergens may
flake off from animal fur and enter the
Caring for Your Senior Pet air, where it can be inhaled by people
There are things you can do to help and trigger an allergic reaction. That
might be one reason why, according to
your senior pet stay healthy and happy. the ALA, nearly twice as many people
Consider the following: report allergies to cats compared to
dogs. Cats often clean themselves by
• Raise your pet’s food and water licking their own fur.
bowls, so it doesn’t need to kneel or bend
over quite as far. This can be
especially useful for larger dogs.
• Purchase an orthopedic bed or pad
for your pet to lay on. This is easier on
the joints and helps ease inflammation
caused by arthritis.
The dog park will be 2 years old
in human years in August!
Thank you to all of our members and supporters!
Visit us at
Contact us at [email protected]
The Lewes Unleashed Dog Park is a place where
dogs and their humans can meet, greet, and play!
Located on 5 fenced acres in the Great Marsh
Park (near the wind turbine), the Dog Park
provides designated areas where dogs,
large and small, can come together and
romp off-leash, plus a large area
for special events.
thSeeeDyogouPaatrk! Directions:
Take New Road to
Park Road. Turn on
Park Road and take
the rst right on Great
Marsh Circle. e Dog
Park is on the le .
Bad breath in pets could be a sign of poor health
If you’ve ever experienced dry mouth, is far-reaching. Medications for allergies, Oral Care for pets, an easy-to-use oral due to dry mouth, and will benefit any
you know how uncomfortable it can anxiety, urinary incontinence, osteo-ar- care product line that doesn’t require age dog or cat, especially those on medi-
be. Unfortunately, your pet can get thritis pain, heart conditions, high blood brushing. Whether it’s‚ the water addi- cations, aging pets, or those pet parents
dry mouth too, and it can lead to more pressure and more can all contribute to tive, breath-freshening spray or brush- averse to brushing.
serious issues down the line and can also dry mouth. less toothpaste gel, the enzymes in its
be a sign of more serious current health formula work to replenish what is miss- Oral health is crucial to a pet’s overall
issues. While most pet parents are not aware ing in order to help restore healthy oral health. Be sure to pay special attention
their furry friends have dry mouth be- flora, as well as destroy odor-causing to the state of affairs in your pet’s mouth
Dry mouth is a condition where saliva cause they may still drool even with the bacteria and remove plaque biofilm. The by taking steps to prevent dry mouth, a
loses its protective benefits and leads to condition, watching out for bad breath products can help prevent complications condition that can lead to serious health
an overgrowth of odor-causing bacteria can help, as it is often a red flag that issues when left untreated.
and plaque accumulation, as well as in- something is wrong.
creases the risk of periodontal disease.
Experts say that you don’t need to wait
While such diseases as diabetes can until this becomes an issue to protect
contribute to dry mouth in pets, the most your pet’s‚ health.
common cause is medication. It is also
believed that medications increase the Prevention is always the best medi-
risk of developing complications due to cine, says Pamela K. Bosco, president of
dry mouth by 40 percent. This side effect Pet King Brands.
Bosco recommends Oratene Brushless
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Cutting ears cleaned and teeth checked, all at
the Cost rates much lower than normal. Look for
of Care pet fair advertisements and call ahead.
Proper healthcare is one of the larg- Procedures typically must be per-
est expenses in owning and caring formed on fair days, so if you are looking
for an animal. While certain treat- to get your pet spayed or neutered, there
ments and vaccines are essential, there will be limited space.
are steps you can take as a responsible • Engage in Regular Exercise: Obesity is
pet owner to save on your pet’s health the biggest threat to your pet’s health.
expenses in the long run. In fact, according to the State of Pet
Health report released by Banfield
• Keep Up With Regular Care: Staying Pet Hospital, over the last 10 years
on top of regular checkups is one of the the number of overweight cats has
best methods of preventative care. increased 169 percent and the number
of overweight dogs has increased 158
Not only do current vaccinations help percent.
protect your pet from communicable dis-
eases, but having a trained professional Engaging in regular play and exercise
look over your pet can alert you to more is essential to maintaining your pet’s
serious issues — such as gum disease, health, which can prevent a multitude of
wax buildup in their ears, any abnormal harmful (and expensive) problems down
growths and any abnormalities that may the road.
show up in routine blood work.
You will always treasure the time
This can save you major bucks down you and your pet spent together.
the road for issues that went unnoticed
until it was too late.
• Take Advantage of Pet Fairs: Pet fairs
are a fun and productive way to help
manage the cost of pet healthcare. Pet
fairs are often hosted by veterinary
clinics or multiple clinics working in
conjunction with one another, and
provide regular services at discounted
You also can get your pet spayed or
neutered, or have its toenails clipped,
Pets in the U.S. Ask your veterinarian to honor those irreplaceable memories by trusting
Parsell Pet Crematorium
to certify that your pet’s cherished remains
•There are about 13,600 com- are those of your pet and your pet only.
munity animal shelters nationwide
that are independent; there is no PARSELL PET
national organization monitoring C R E M AT O R I U M
these shelters. The terms “humane 302-645-7445
society” and “SPCA” are generic; LEWES, DE
shelters using those names are not
Society of the United States. Cur-
rently, no government institution or
animal organization is responsible for
tabulating national statistics for the
animal protection movement.
• Approximately 7.6 million com-
panion animals enter animal shelters
nationwide every year. Of those, ap-
proximately 3.9 million are dogs and
3.4 million are cats
• It's estimated that 70-80 million
dogs and 74-96 million cats are
owned in the United States. Approxi-
mately 37-47% of all households in
the United States have a dog, and 30-
37% have a cat. (Source: APPA)
• The majority of pets are obtained
from acquaintances and family mem-
bers. 28% of dogs are purchased
from breeders, and 29% of cats and
dogs are adopted from shelters and
• More than 35% of cats are ac-
quired as strays. (Source: APPA)
Keep Rabies prevention
rabies Vaccinations can protect domestic
on your
radar pets against rabies. In fact, rabies shots
are required by law in many areas.
The World Health Organization
says rabies causes thousands of People should steer clear of wild
deaths every year, despite readily animals to avoid rabies. Never walk up to
available tools to manage the disease. a wild animal and be careful of pets that
are unfamiliar.
Humans and animals can get rabies
any time of year, though humans and Animals afflicted with rabies may ex-
household pets may be at greater risk in hibit peculiar behavior or act out of char-
warm weather because that's when they acter (i.e., nocturnal animals roaming
tend to spend the most time outdoors. during the day). Anyone who suspects
Children who spend time outside playing a sick animal should promptly call the
may be especially susceptible because local animal control center and have an
they may not recognize rabies warn- officer come and check it out.
ing signs in animals afflicted with the
disease. Treated food is sometimes used to
prevent the spread of rabies among wild
animals. The animals eat the medicated
food, which immunizes them.
What is rabies? Rehoboth Beach
Considered a zoonotic disease, rabies
is transmitted from animals to humans
and vice versa. With the exception HOSPITAL
of Antarctica, rabies is present on all
continents. In the United States, rabies 302-227-2009
has been reported in every state except
Hawaii. Doctors’ Hours
Monday –Thursday 9:00am-12:40pm and 2:40pm-6:15pm
The WHO reports that most cases of
rabies in humans occur in rural areas Friday 9:00am-5:00pm Saturday 8:40am-3:00pm
where effective treatments are not read-
ily accessible. The Centers for Disease 20259 Coastal Hwy
Control and Prevention says half of the Rehoboth DE, 19971
people who die from rabies are under Fax: 302-227-0745
the age of 15.
Rabies was named for the Latin word
"to rage." That's because animals that are
affected by rabies can sometimes act as if
they're angry. Pets may act strangely and
become unapproachable.
Rabies attacks the brain and spinal
cord. As the disease progresses, animals
can develop hypersensitivity to light and
sound as well as paralysis of the nerves
that control the head and throat.
How is rabies contracted?
Rabies is a virus that is spread through
contact with saliva from an infected
animal. This occurs when an infected
animal bites another animal or person,
but it also can be contracted if that ani-
mal licks a scratch or open wound.
Being bitten or licked may not imme-
diately cause rabies symptoms, however.
WHO says thorough cleansing and
immunization within a few hours after
contact with a suspected rabid animal
can prevent the onset of the disease.
Once symptoms appear, such as fever
and pain, rabies can be fatal.
Which animals get rabies?
Rabies only affects mammals natu-
rally. These can include dogs, cats, cows,
horses, foxes, and skunks.
The CDC has indicated that raccoons
are the most common wild animal with
rabies. In the United States alone, about
93 of every 100 reported cases of rabies
are in wild animals.