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A guide for homeowners to create a home they love.

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Published by Cape Gazette, 2021-09-17 08:47:55

2021 Fall Home & Garden Guide

A guide for homeowners to create a home they love.

Keywords: home,garden

Local Gardening
Home DIY Tips
Gardening Advice

1 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

16698 Kings Highway, Suite A Lewes, DE | 302.645.6664 (Office) |

Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 3

MILTON GARDEN CLUB Being Creative With Pallets
Get inspired with these fun ideas 24

Autumn Veggies

Fresh veggies aren’t just for the hot months



Choosing Your Interior Colors
Make your home YOURS through color! 36

8 Cover Design by Christopher Foster

Improve Your Pantry

Simple ways to organize and store

your kitchen essentials 12

Hardwood Floors Upkeep

Daily and long-term maintenance advice


Value of Mulched Leaves
Improve your lawn’s health 16

Saving Your


4 | Fall Home & Garden 2021



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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 5

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of this publication


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DIY Electric Work Roberta Surra
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6 | Fall Home & Garden 2021
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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 7

Tour preparations, fall planning keep kale and cabbage, pansies,
Milton Garden Club members active mums and ornamental

peppers. Gourds and pumpkins,
hay bales and scarecrows will

The Milton Garden Club has about 35 planters and eight appear. This is also the time
been busy for months preparing gardens. Many of these areas to plant daffodils, tulips and
for its 20th annual garden tour, are irrigated, but some planters hyacinths. Over 1,000 of these
set for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, aren’t, and in midsummer they bulbs will be planted in various
Sept. 19. It will feature six diverse must be hand-watered every gardens so their magnificent
sites including a pool garden, day. colors can be enjoyed in the
a hidden garden, a spacious spring.
layout with multiple sculpted Summer plantings are
beds, and gardens with water coming to the end of their cycle. When someone new joins
features, raised veggie beds, Soon, flowering vinca, sweet the club, one of the points
native plants for pollinators, potato vines, wave petunias, fan seasoned members try to stress
and specialized outdoor rooms. flowers, mini-petunias, dragon- is that this is a working club.
wing begonias, angelonia, wax New members are assigned
The tour will also feature artists begonias and other summer to one of the teams that takes
painting, musicians performing, annuals will be removed and care of a specific garden – for
and sales of crafts, plants and replaced with fall bloomers. example, the area in front of the
baked goods. Sales of 50/50 building that houses the train
tickets for the club’s ongoing The club’s lead gardeners – or a small group of planters.
raffle will be offered in one of will call their team members An experienced member
the gardens. Day-of- together to plant ornamental
tour tickets are $20 leads each group,
and will be available sets up the planting
at the garden tour tent and maintenance
in front of the Milton schedule, and
Historical Society at purchases the
210 Union St. The club necessary plants.
will still be accepting
silent auction bids for “Over the last year
the painting of the or so, we lost some
town center clock, very hardworking
created and donated members who
by local artist Jean moved out of the
Bowers. The bidding area, and some of
will end at 3 p.m. on us were very worried
tour day. about how to replace
them,” said longtime
All of these efforts member Kathryn
help raise funds to Greig. “Fortunately,
purchase plants and we have had eight or
flowers for the Milton 10 new members join
downtown gardens since the beginning
and containers, of January, and they
where the club does are very keen on
spring, summer, fall volunteering.”
and holiday plantings.
The last fundraising
event for the year

Currently, there are PAINTING BY JEAN BOWERS Continued on page 10

8 | Fall Home & Garden 2021



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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 9

Continued from page 8

for the garden club will be
their annual wreath and fresh
greens sale during Hollyfest on
Saturday, Dec. 11.

If you are interested in buying
one of the club’s signature
boxwood/magnolia or
boxwood-only wreaths please
remember that these need
to be preordered. For more
information about the club
or about their participation
at Hollyfest, call Kathryn
at 302-684-3804.

The Milton Garden Club
is always open to citizens
who would like to help
with its projects. Anyone
interested can go to www. or
call Club President Mary Ellen
King at 302-329-9878.

10 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 11



People spent more time at • Consider your needs. baking supplies, to storage
home in 2020 than in years past, Figure out which items you containers for uniformity.
and certain projects around the would like to store in the
house have become a priority. pantry and then shop for • Store bulk items
One home improvement idea corresponding storage elsewhere. Bulk shopping
that serves the double benefit systems. For example, storage can be cost-efficient, but
of creating organization and solutions may feature wine bulk items can quickly eat
making cooking at home more bottle racks, baskets for up real estate in the pantry.
efficient is to reimagine the potatoes and other produce, Designate another area for
kitchen pantry. shelving for small appliances, nonperishable bulk products
and even pull-out racks for like paper goods or canned
A pantry is a room or closet baking pans or cutting boards. items, such as in a garage or
where food, beverages and utility room.
linens or dishes are stored. • Use clear storage.
Pantries can be highly useful Put ingredients in clear, • Pull-out drawers are
spaces that provide ancillary airtight containers of similar convenient. Pull-out drawers
storage in kitchens. Many dimensions so you can easily can reduce the need to seek
modern homes are equipped find items you need. Transfer and reach for items. These
with pantries, but older homes bulky items, like cereals and drawers conveniently roll out
may require some modification
to create more useful so items in the back can
pantries. Whether starting be accessed without
from scratch or modifying disturbing others in the
an existing pantry, these front. Drawers can be
tips can help projects go custom built for any
more smoothly. pantry space.

• Maximize vertical • Make it accessible.
Think about who will be
storage. Utilizing vertical taking items from the
areas can help increase pantry. Put children’s
storage capacity. snacks on the bottom
Build in extra nooks by pantry shelf where they
investing in undershelf can reach them, and
storage baskets. These then organize other
baskets can instantly shelves for adults in the
create designated home.
areas for different
types of ingredients. A pantry remodel can
Homeowners also can add valuable storage
look for ways to use the space and make one
inside of cabinet doors, of the busiest rooms in
or add extra shelves on the house operate more
walls or in eaves. efficiently.

12 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

How to maintain
hardwood floors

Hardwood floors have long been What finish is on the floor? floor has been treated with a
sought after by home buyers. The Hardwood Distributor’s penetrating seal. The HDA also
In its 2019 Remodeling Impact notes that recently installed wood
Report, the National Association Association recommends a simple floors are likely surface sealed.
of Realtors revealed that new way for homeowners to determine
wood flooring was the fourth most which type of finish is on their To polish or not to polish?
popular project to attract buyers. hardwood floors. Homeowners Polishing floors is an inexpensive
are advised to rub a finger across
Of course, hardwood floors the floor. If no smudge appears, way to keep them looking good.
aren’t just for buyers. Homeowners then the floor is surface sealed. The home improvement experts at
who already have hardwood If a smudge is created, then the note that not all floors
floors know just how impressive
these floors can be, especially Continued on page 14
when they’re well maintained.
Maintaining wood floors is not
necessarily as straightforward as
it may seem, and homeowners
may benefit from a tutorial on how
too keep the floors under their feet
looking good.

Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 13

Continued from page 13 • Utilize floor mats. The HDA Sweeping with a high-quality
notes that floor mats near broom or microfiber cloth is
can be polished, and determining entryways can reduce the time another way to pick up dirt
which ones can depends on it takes to clean hardwood floors without damaging floors.
the finish. Floors with waterproof and reduce the wear and tear
barriers such as urethane will they endure. For example, tiny • Use manufacturer-
benefit from routine polishing. particles like dirt can scratch recommended cleaning
However, floors with penetrating the floor and contribute to the products. Local home
finishes like tung oil will need to be kind of minor damage that adds improvement stores sell a host
waxed rather than polished. up to significant scarring over of hardwood floor cleaning
time. Floor mats near entryways products, but the HDA notes that
How often should floors be ensures that most of that dirt many flooring manufacturers
polished or waxed? never makes it to the wood floors. now sell their own hardwood floor
cleaners designed specifically
Wood flooring professionals • Vacuum without a beater for their floors. These products
recommend polishing floors that bar. Some vacuums contain are likely homeowners’ best bets.
can be polished once every few beater bars, which are designed Homeowners who can’t find them
months. Waxing wood floors does to pick up human hair, dog can seek recommendations from
not need to be done as frequently, hair and other things that a local flooring retailer.
and most can benefit from a fresh conventional vacuums may
coat of wax every 12 to 18 months. not be able to pick up. The HDA Hardwood floors are attractive
advises vacuuming without the for many reasons. And they look
What can I do on a daily basis? beater bar, as it can contribute even more stunning, and last
Some simple tricks and daily to small scratches in the floor. much longer, when homeowners
make an effort to maintain them.
maintenance can help wood floors
maintain their impressive look.

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14 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 15


Homeowners who don’t Researchers found that tiny three years could produce a
look forward to dusting off pieces of mulched leaves nearly 100 percent decrease
their rakes each fall might be eventually sifted down through in dandelion and crabgrass
happy to learn that mulching the turf and provided the growth.
fallen leaves with a mower lawn with essential nutrients.
may be a healthier and less Mulched leaves also served Homeowners with mulching
labor-intensive way to confront to control future weed growth mowers that also have bags
a yard covered in leaves. For by covering up bare spots can even help their gardens by
20 years, turfgrass specialists between turf plants. Such spots alternating using the mower
at Michigan State University typically provided openings with and without the bag
studied how lawns reacted to for weed seeds to germinate on once leaves begin to fall.
having ground-up leaves left and ultimately infect lawns. When mowing with the bag on,
on top, and the results were In fact, researchers found mulched leaves can then be
overwhelmingly positive. that mulching leaves for just used as mulch in landscape
beds and vegetable gardens.


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16 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 17



for annuals seeds worth saving

GARDEN JOURNAL When your annual flowers possible. This
fade and turn shabby, you means we gardeners
by Paul Barbano don’t have to cut them or can usually collect enormous
plow them under. Just like amounts of seed from annual
In the 1980s, when British recycling tossed-out furniture flowers.
designer Rachel Ashwell wanted for shabby chic decorations,
a home style that was easy, you can recycle dead flowers The secret to successfully
inexpensive and practical, she as cut flowers or weeds to put saving seeds from annual
developed a thrown-together single stems in vases. Better yet, flowers is to let the flowers
look that used old, often worn save the flower seeds. Saving completely mature and dry out
items such as painted flea- your own flower seeds is very while they are still on the plant.
market furniture and pastel, economical, since a single
mint-green and pink fabrics. flower can often have dozens, The longer you let them
“Shabby chic” soon dominated hundreds or even thousands develop and dry on the mother
casual living, especially in dens of seeds. plant, the better. Fresh-cut
and vacation homes. flowers are not good for seed-
Because of their short life of saving.
Shabby originally came from just one year, annual flowers
the word scab or scabby, an produce as much seed as When a flower is cut, it is
unsightly disease in sheep. young and in peak bloom, and
it often has not been pollinated

18 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

yet. Pollination is needed to remember which flowers to seeds to dry on the plant as
produce living, viable seeds. use for seeds, because the long as possible. Easy seeds
Seeds do not continue to blossoms will have faded by to save include marigolds,
develop when flowers are cut the time you harvest the seeds. zinnias, four o’clocks, cosmos,
and dried off the plant. Even
if your flowers are just half- Watch for seed formation. Continued on page 22
dead-looking, they will need Most flower seeds are
more time on the plant to fully borne in seed pods or
mature. capsules. The best
time for gathering
Like father, like son is true in seeds varies from
the garden, so choose your flower to flower,
best plants to get your seeds. but generally
you want
You will often notice some to leave
variability in a group of flowers of the
the same variety. Some of your
plants will grow stronger and

healthier; others might have
brighter colors or
deeper fragrance.
Use plant markers
such as pieces of
yarn tied around

the stems so you can


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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 19

20 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 21

Continued from page 19 save space. means the garden might look
Seeds from your own seedy.
calendula and runner beans.
Use plain, unwaxed paper homegrown flowers make nice Paul Barbano writes about gardening
gifts. You can include a photo from his home in Rehoboth Beach.
bags to collect seeds. Shake of the flower along with details Contact him by writing to P. O. Box 213,
the seed heads into the paper on how to plant the seeds. Be Lewes, DE 19958.
bag to collect the seeds. Always sure to include information on
write the name, date and color how high the flowers
of the flower right on the bag. will grow and if they
prefer full sunlight
Separate the seeds from the or shade.
chaff. Chaff is broken stems,
pieces of dried leaves and the Turn your
hulls of seeds that you do not faded flowers
need to keep. Many seeds fall into shabby
freely from their seed heads, chic gifts,
while other seeds need to be even if it
rubbed to loosen them.

Store your seeds in a tightly
sealed container, such as small
glass jars. Keep your seeds in a
cool, dark place. If you prefer,
you can store several different
types of seeds in individual
envelopes in the same jar to

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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 23

can be a HANDY HOBBY

In recent years, the trend yourselfers. This rustic wood • Swing chair: A pallet, a
of upcycling, or transforming already has an aged look and supportive back and some
unneeded or unwanted decorative appeal. Pallets cushions can be used to
materials into new items or are often made from leftover make a swing that is fastened
products, has become more wood, and using them anew is to the ceiling of a porch or
popular. Unlike recycling, an eco-friendly endeavor that even a tree.
which is taking consumer can add flair to any project.
materials like plastic, paper, The following are just a • Wine rack: Turn pallet
metal, and glass and breaking handful of pallet project ideas. wood into a wine rack that
them down so base materials also has a space to store wine
can be remade into new, • Christmas trees: Start glasses below it.
lower-quality consumer thinking ahead to the holiday
products, upcycling produces season. Cut pallet planks into • Outdoor table: Top a
items of a higher quality than sizes that incrementally get disused table with pallet
the original materials. larger and attach to form boards nailed or screwed to
a triangular Christmas tree the top. Stain or clear coat
Wood pallet projects are shape. Decorate with paint them, and the result is a brand-
an excellent example of or other accents, and don’t new table for gardening use
upcycling. Such projects forget to place a star on top. or outdoor entertaining.
involve taking wood pallets,
which tend to be used • Pallet planter: Make a • Platform bed: Pallets
to stack, move and store planter box as big or as small can be sanded, painted and
stock, and turning them into as you like to grow flowers, placed to form the base
amazing wood products. vegetables or herbs. A narrow of a platform bed. Utilize
Often free for the taking, pallet planter also can be hung on more pallets to serve as a
wood has become a popular a wall to add flair to spaces headboard attached to the
building material for do-it- indoors or outside. wall or bed frame.

24 | Fall Home & Garden 2021 Continued on page 26

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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 25

Continued from page 24 garbage pails, make a pallet the wood raw or seal it for
kitchen garbage container protection against moisture.
• Bench: Make a pallet that has rustic appeal.
bench that can be crafted Pallet wood can be
child- or adult-sized. Use it • Backsplash: Give a transformed through many
inside the house or outdoors kitchen some rustic appeal different projects, helping
on a patio. with a pallet backsplash. Cut do-it-yourselfers stay busy
boards into desired lengths at minimal cost. Go online to
• Garbage container: and stagger on the wall. Leave search for plans for building
Instead of generic plastic an array of pallet projects.

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26 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 27


Spring and summer may be the Growing vegetables in winter Though it’s up to gardeners what
seasons most often associated requires a different approach from they want to plant, the following are
with gardening. But people who growing in spring and summer, some popular winter vegetables
love to grow their own vegetables as gardeners must be ready that can make for wonderful, fresh
can do so even when the weather to prevent damage from frost additions to any dinner table even
outside is frightful. if temperatures get especially after the traditional gardening
chilly. For example, the experts at season has come and gone.
Various vegetables thrive in Michigan State University Extension
cool temperatures. The home and note that gardeners may need • Arugula
garden experts at HGTV note that to utilize floating row covers to • Broccoli
some winter vegetables are hardy. protect sensitive crops from frost. • Brussels Sprouts
That means they can handle Gardeners interested in planting • Cabbage
frosts in temperatures as low as winter vegetables can speak with • Carrots
25 F without being damaged. a local garden center professional • Collard Greens
Others are even sturdier in the about which crops to plant and • Endive
face of all that winter can throw what to do if temperatures push • Parsley
at them, capable of tolerating winter vegetable gardens to the • Parsnips
temperatures that dip into the high brink. • Kale
teens. • Radishes

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28 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 29


It was 20 years ago this enjoy. in the downtown area as
September when a seed was In early 2002, Warren well as on the bay side of the
planted that became Lewes canal bridge. After obtaining
in Bloom. Unable to return to attended a horticultural trade city approval for the plan as
the United States as planned, show in Ohio and stopped at a well as some seed money,
Warren Golde decided to travel booth sponsored by America in Lewes entered the America
to Lewes (pronounced Loos), Bloom, a fledgling organization in Bloom competition. While
England. He was impressed encouraging cities and towns not winning that first year, this
by the planters full of flowers around the United States to early band of volunteers was
in the public areas and how compete. He realized this would not discouraged, and other
they complemented the city’s be a great way for Lewes to gardening enthusiasts soon
old buildings. At the time, gain recognition and generate joined in.
Delaware’s Lewes (Loo-is) tourism in the area.
was offering tours of its hidden It was tough going in the
gardens, but as the name Upon his return, an ad early years. Warren was still
implies, they were not easily was placed in the paper for working full time, but he would
seen from the street. Warren volunteers interested in lay out the plants, and the
imagined setting out planters gardening. Warren and a small women would do the planting
in the commercial areas of group of women attended that and weeding. There was no
his hometown for everyone to first meeting, and thus Lewes in irrigation, so all watering had
Bloom was born.
Continued on page 32
Their idea was to put planters

30 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 31

Continued from page 30 maintains 18 gardens, along Learning Garden in Stango Park,
with pots and planters all over and Art in Bloom.
to be done with gallon jugs the the Lewes area. Most sites are
women brought from home. now irrigated or watered by The Children’s Learning
(That’s how they earned their the city. Lewes in Bloom also Garden hosts story time and
nickname - ladies with the tends the herb garden next activity programs during the
big jugs.) They soon gained to the Fisher-Martin House. It summer. Fruits, vegetables,
support from local merchants; contains plants used by early and herbs planted in the spring
several offered to let volunteers Lewes residents for medicinal are harvested by children who
bring hoses and hook them up purposes, bug control, and/or participate throughout the
to outside spigots. What bliss! air freshening. growing season.

Little did Warren know how Over the years, Lewes in Art in Bloom has been
much joy his vision would Bloom has created two other involved in bringing several
bring to Lewes. Today, Lewes in major projects, the Children’s outdoor art pieces to Lewes. The
Bloom with its 300+ volunteers first installation was the Silent
Sentinels at the trailhead near
the Lewes Public Library. A mural
on the side of the Beacon Motel
portrays fishermen catching
menhaden, a major Lewes
industry into the mid-20th
century. The latest project was
the mosaics on the Savannah
Road canal bridge, created by

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32 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

Lewes in Bloom members and annuals are planted in gardens, If you would like more
depicting various creatures pots, and planters around information or are interested
found in Lewes-area waters. Lewes, delighting folks strolling in joining this fun group, go to
the streets or visiting the parks.
Two decades after its
founding, Lewes in Bloom Lewes in Bloom has come a
has earned four awards from long way. At a recent luncheon
America in Bloom, including held to honor volunteers and
overall champion. In 2018, LIB organizers, a toast was given,
entered the Communities part of which is quoted below:
in Bloom international
competition and came away To old friends and new
with the first-place award in its in their LIB shirts
Down on their knees,
The volunteers will agree, hands in the dirt
though, that their greatest
reward is hearing how much To the founding members
Lewes residents and visitors who led the way
enjoy the flowers. Each fall, more The reason we all
than 20,000 bulbs are planted are here today…
to provide stunning displays of
tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths Here’s to the joy that is
during the spring Tulip Festival. Lewes in Bloom!
Each spring, thousands of

Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 33


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34 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 35


Many components combine Paint is Though paint may seem simple
to define a home’s interior. Some to novices, homeowners who have
homeowners may be partial to an inexpensive way painted home interiors in the past
certain styles, such as ultra modern recognize how complicated the
or farmhouse, while others may to transform a room process of picking paint can be.
opt for a more traditional look that Paint retailers have a seemingly
cannot necessarily be categorized Color can be a part of every endless swatch of paint colors
as one style or another. Though homeowner’s design arsenal. Bold to choose from, and before long,
many homeowners may spend colors can be used to create a homeowners heads may be
considerable time and devote stunning accent wall, while homes spinning as they try to narrow
a lot of energy to making their with open concepts often utilize down their options. The following
home embody a certain style, color to define rooms. Homeowners tips can help homeowners pick
those who aren’t willing to commit who want to revitalize their home the perfect paint for their home
to a particular look can lean on interiors can do so with paint, interiors.
one component to make a stylish and this approach doesn’t require
statement all their own: paint. homeowners to commit to a whole Continued on page 40
new design style.

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36 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

DSWA Southern Recycling Center
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Household Batteries
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First Monday of each month from 10 am – 2 pm

Document Shredding Event
Bring up to 2 file boxes for shredding

Last Monday of each month from 10 am – 2 pm

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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 37

This Fall...

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38 | Fall Home & Garden 2021


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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 39

Continued from page 36 the look of the great outdoors, color that can up the energy ante
where the ground tends to be in any room, which can make it
• Take stock, and photographs, darker than the trees, and the trees an option for homeowners who
of your current furnishings. Many are darker than the blue sky. want to spark debate around their
interior designers rely on a simple dinner tables.
technique when recommending • Utilize paint to create the vibe
color schemes to their clients. you want. The home renovation • Give personal preference
Choose a standout color from experts at This Old House note its place at the table. Though
existing furnishings, such as the that colors evoke an emotional interior designers may have years
dominant color from a patterned response. Cool colors like blue and of experience picking paint colors
decorative pillow or piece of green give off a relaxing vibe, which for a home and researchers may
furniture, and then look for the makes them ideal for bedrooms have determined how certain
same shade to paint the and bathrooms. Red is an intense colors can be utilized to create a
walls. A photograph of the
item can be handy when desired ambiance in a given
visiting the paint store. room, ultimately, homeowners
are the ones who will be living
• Lighten colors as you go in the home. So it’s important
up. The home renovation that homeowners pick colors
and design experts at HGTV they like for their home interiors.
recommend picking darker
color values for the floor, Homeowners can rely
medium color values for the on a combination of color
walls and light values for the strategies and their personal
ceiling. This approach mimics preferences as they try to
decide which colors they want
on their interior walls.

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40 | Fall Home & Garden 2021


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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 41



That first morning when you with flowers that work in this Tree Steward team.
walk outside and the air is fresh environment, especially where Rehoboth in Bloom workers
and cool with no humidity … there is a dreaded awning.
aah, it’s fall. Some of the most Plants under awnings get no will be busy at the end of
enjoyable gardening is done rain or sun, which can really be October transitioning planters
in fall. The plants are mature a challenge. Keep these things for the off-season. Pansies and
and don’t need to be watered in mind when you do your own kale will replace the summer
daily, and the flowers are at container planting. annuals, and holiday-themed
their peak. decorations will be placed in
The Bloom Crew attended the containers.
Even in our third year, a 2021-22 planning meeting
Rehoboth in Bloom members Aug. 11. Lots was on the agenda, The pedestrian-area planters
and volunteers continue to including finances, projects, will be removed and relocated.
learn about gardening in new planter locations and Business hosts need to be
EarthPlanters. Shade, sun, wind, flower selections for the 2022 identified for placement of
rain, it all has to be factored season. There was a good those planters, and approvals
into placement of planters and amount of input from the from various city departments
choice of flowers! In the first teams, and discussion was must be completed. We are so
year, we had no idea that south lively. We set up a new structure grateful to the City of Rehoboth
Rehoboth Avenue was in almost of committees which will guide for offering to store the planters
full shade and north Rehoboth the organization into the future we can’t use for 2022.
Avenue in full sun, except where and the next level. For 2021, our
awnings overhang storefronts. team of 60 volunteers is tending A lot of details go into
We are still experimenting 98 planters, two gardens and a placement of planters. Approval
from the host business is the

Continued on page 44

42 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

Creative Designs Stunning Homes

97 Tulip Drive 31874 Roxana Rd

Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 43

Continued from page 42 Hours: AUTUMN IS HERE!
Mon-Sat: 9am-5pm
first step, since we can’t block Sun: 10am-3pm INLAND BAYS GARDEN CENTER
the store’s windows with the Mums • Asters • Pansies
planter or the growing flowers. 38320 Muddy Neck Road,
There can’t be an overhang Frankford, DE Largest Selection of Native Plants
which will allow water to crash in Southern Delaware
into the container when it rains, (2 miles west of Bethany Beach)
as this will destroy the plants. 6TH ANNUAL ARTS IN THE GARDEN
And then, is there any water October 10th from 10am - 3pm
available for the volunteers to Rain Date October 11th
access? More volunteers will Art • Plants • Food • Music
be needed to tend the newly
relocated planters, so come 302-539-1839
and join us!
[email protected]
Rehoboth in Bloom is self-
funded, and organizers are Celebrating 12 years of being 1 BETTER!
grateful that its insurance and
501c3 status are provided by K-10
Rehoboth Beach Main Street.
A planned Oldies Dance DOG TRAINING
fundraiser was scheduled
for May 2020 but had to be Nothing improves a home more than a well-behaved pooch!
canceled due to COVID. We
don’t give up easily, so it is now 302.236.2497
rescheduled for 7 p.m., Friday,
Nov. 19, at Rehoboth Beach K-10 Dog Training is licensed & insured.
Convention Center. Supporters ABC Certified Dog Trainer, ABC Mentor,
can dine downtown, then come
and dance to the oldies! Tickets CGC & Therapy Dog Evaluator
will be $25 per person. Beer,
wine and soft drinks will be Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
provided along with desserts
and coffee. DJ Sky Brady has OHpenolHidoauyse
been hanging in with us and
is ready to spin the oldies. Let’s FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26
hope we can pull it off this year! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28

Thank you to Rehoboth Beach 10am-4pm
Main Street (the Mother Ship)
for all its support; we couldn’t ALL THINGS LAVENDER,
do it without you! Check out our ARTISANS and REFRESHMENTS
Facebook page at Rehoboth in
Bloom and Main Street on social Great time to shop for Holiday Gifts!
media or www.downtownrb.
com. Open every day 10am - 4pm
18864 Coolspring Rd., Milton, DE
If you would like to join the
Rehoboth in Bloom Crew,
contact Cindy at info@pdlovett.
com. 302.684.1514

44 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 45

THE art OF

Creating beautiful outdoor living spaces is
our passion. Backyard Works, Inc. designs
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46 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

It is so nice to be able to refer

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went above and beyond to install
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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 47


Sussex County’s


In All Seasons


Snow-dusted branches environmental education and Farm Preserve. Hundreds of
and beaches in the winter. recreation. locals and visitors have gotten
Young oak buds leafing out in up close and personal with
the spring. Monarchs flitting It’s been 23 years since the nature while learning about
among the milkweed in the Delaware Center for the Inland native plants and landscaping,
summer. And the colors of Bays was asked to manage the shorebirds, aquatic life
autumn covering the forest property under that mission, and more during free tours
canopies during the fall. Walk so tens of thousands of people and programs hosted by
along the trails at the James can explore the outdoors each experienced environmental
Farm Ecological Preserve any year. No matter the season, educators.
time of year, and you’ll be fully the preserve’s 150 acres of
immersed in Delmarva’s most maritime forest and wetlands “Providing individuals of all
stunning coastal ecosystems. nestled along a sandy shoreline ages the opportunity to get
can help everyone learn how their feet wet – literally and
But fall is one of the most to sustainably live among the figuratively – while building
beautiful times to soak up the natural resources that make meaningful connections with
natural sights and sounds of this Delaware’s Inland Bays so nature is without a doubt
Sussex County oasis, where the special. It’s one of the few wild one of the most rewarding
soft scent of fallen leaves and stretches of land left in eastern aspects of our job,” said Lisa
the brilliant colors of changing Sussex County, and it becomes Swanger, CIB outreach and
trees become mesmerizing in more valuable and treasured education coordinator. “The
the quiet of the woods. Located with each passing year. center’s public programs are
near Ocean View, the preserve designed to spark curiosity and
was once farmland, gifted This year, the Delaware appreciation for the bays, all
by Mary Lighthipe to Sussex Center for the Inland Bays while having a lot of fun.”
County on the condition it be has expanded its public
open to the public, and used for programming and volunteering The center is now a local
opportunities at the James organizing partner of the

48 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

Master Naturalists Program, tree measures about 4.5 feet that support native wildlife,
which offers science-based in diameter! For years, the from pollinators to migratory
natural resources training to center has been working to songbirds. But with more than
individuals. The preserve has restore native species like the 83 percent of the United States’
offered a unique opportunity for southern red oak and others land being privately owned,
local naturalists to
learn about coastal it’s critically important
environments, and that we all consider how
the partnership interconnected we are
recently led to the to each other and the
discovery of two ecosystems around us.
gems growing in According to Dr. Douglas
the preserve’s Tallamy’s latest book
hardwood forest. “Nature’s Best Hope:
Two large, southern A New Approach to
red oaks, located Conservation That Starts
in different areas, in Your Yard,” native
are estimated to plants, in particular,
be over 200 years “form the backbone
old, predating of local ecosystems,”
most of the and without them, food
existing preserve webs can fail. Harmful
forest, according invasive species such as
to Delaware Japanese honeysuckle,
State Botanist Bill and others that do not
McAvoy. The larger belong on the Delmarva

Continued on page 52


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Fall Home & Garden 2021 | 49

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50 | Fall Home & Garden 2021

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