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Thursday, July 29, 2021

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Published by Cape Gazette, 2021-07-28 14:51:24

Beach Paper

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Keywords: beach,water sports,delaware

Cape Gazette’s
Visitors’ Guide to
the Cape Region

Dewey Beach movies,
bonfires a success

Page 4

Local maps highlight
best of Cape Region

Pages 13-17


2 THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 Beach Paper

Lewes Historical Society Antique
Shop to open in September

The Lewes Historical Soci- of interesting items and became a store selling mil- SUBMITTED PHOTO
ety announced it will open an antiques,” said Furnari. linery and notions, a meeting
antique shop this September “Sometimes we receive a place for Girl Scouts and The Lewes Historical Society plans to open its antique shop at 302 Sa-
on the corner of Savannah generous donation of an religious organizations, and a vannah Road in September.
Road and 3rd Street in Lewes. article that does not necessar- visitor center.
ily prove in keeping with the
“All profit will go towards LHS’s collection or mission. The GFWC Zwaanendael
the society’s preservation and Women's Club used the
restoration efforts and its col- We are excited to now be building as its meeting place
lections,” said James Abbott, able to use these pieces to from 1929 until the club sold
executive director, Lewes support the long-term objec- it in 2016 to the Lewes His-
Historical Society. tives of the Lewes Historical torical Society.
Society,” he said.
Local resident Mike Fur- “WE WOULD LOVE The idea of turning the
nari will manage the antique CONTRIBUTIONS OF PIECES Zwaanendael Club building
shop. Furnari, who recently WITH A HISTORICAL VALUE, into an antique shop came
joined the society staff, said AS WELL AS OBJECTS THAT about following the reloca-
he anticipates the shop hours MAY NOT HAVE SUCH tion of the society’s museum
will reflect those of other SIGNIFICANCE. WE’D LIKE shop and information center
society buildings and muse- TO OFFER THE COMMUNITY to the Ryves Holt House on
ums which operate from 10 A COMPREHENSIVE Second Street.
a.m. and 4 p.m., Tuesday to COLLECTION OF
Saturday. Appointments may INTERESTING ITEMS AND “Many people are down-
be scheduled outside of these ANTIQUES.” sizing,” said Abbott. “The
hours. opportunity to offer the LHS
- MIKE FURNARI as a responsible entity to
The Lewes Historical So- receive donations and, at the
ciety is seeking donations of The Zwaanendael Club same time help to fund our
well-cared-for items from the building will house the new programs, restoration efforts
public and its membership. antique shop at 302 Savannah and public education, seemed
Donations such as furniture, Road. like a good fit.”
lamps, pictures, paintings,
rugs, watches and jewelry It was constructed and Donations to the society’s
will be appreciated and will opened in 1898 by the Sussex antique shop are welcomed.
allow the donor a charitable Trust Title and Safe Deposit However, they must be vetted
tax deduction. Company. by the shop manager Mike
“We would love contri- Following the bank’s de-
butions of pieces with a parture in 1911, the building To make an appointment
historical value, as well as contact the Lewes Histori-
objects that may not have cal Society at 302-645-7670
such significance. We’d like or email michaelfurnari@
to offer the community a
comprehensive collection
For more information, go to

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Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 3

Relax. We’re doing
the best we can.

STEPPIN’ UP outrage. As if restauranting
TO THE PLATE isn’t hard enough without
these laptop warriors attack-
REHOBOTH FOODIE ing local businesses from
the anonymity of their living
For the last 10 summers, rooms.
we here at Steppin’ Up
To The Plate’s sprawl- The issues here are real,
ing high-rise office complex and every day I learn more
(and mall) have looked about how our restaurants
forward to providing for your are coping with this problem.
dining, sipping and even Owners are running deliv-
dancing pleasure. But this eries. Executive chefs are
season is somewhat bitter- bringing takeout to waiting
sweet. Yes, our restaurants cars. Servers, bartenders,
have been graciously permit- managers and kitchen staff
ted to open at full capacity, are working double – even
but recent unemployment triple – shifts. Keep in mind
policies are keeping many they might actually make a
potential employees at home. few more bucks collecting
It’s no secret that in some unemployment from their
cases they’re actually being couches, but instead they
given more taxpayer money come to work. Why? Because
to NOT work than they could food service has always had a
ever make by going to work. certain magnetism for people
So the lifting of restrictions who like to see their guests
is a double-edged sword: our enjoying themselves.
eateries can be open, but
many are still forced to re- IF MY 16 YEARS FOLLOWING,
strict their hours and/or days WRITING AND TALKING
open simply because quali- ABOUT OUR RESTAURANTS
fied employees are, at least HAS TAUGHT ME
temporarily, almost impos- ANYTHING, IT’S THAT A
The silver lining around HERE AT THE BEACH HAVE
this otherwise dark cloud is AN EXCEPTIONAL WORK
that our locals and vacation- ETHIC.
ers have … well, stepped up
the plate … to support our This season’s record
eateries here at the beach. crowds on Coastal Highway,
While the vast majority of in the downtown areas and
restaurant patrons under- in the majority of our restau-
stand that short-staffing natu- rants are testament to how
rally leads to longer waits and much people still like going
occasionally limited seating, out to eat, drink and enjoy
there is an entitled element themselves. Keep doing that!
out there that has no patience But with one caveat: plan
for what they (incorrectly) your visit to allow a few more
perceive to be a personal minutes for your beleaguered
attack on them. For whatever servers, bussers, food run-
reasons, they are incapable ners, managers and kitchen
of understanding that, in staff to make sure you have
many cases, the people about the best dining experience
whom they are complaining possible.
actually “chose” to come to
work. A recently discovered
silver lining (around the
If my 16 years following, aforementioned dark cloud)
writing and talking about our is that many states through-
restaurants has taught me out the country are wisely
anything, it’s that a surpris- choosing to end the addition-
ing number of food-service al unemployment earlier than
people here at the beach have planned. They’ve seen the
an exceptional work ethic. hardships it has caused, and
as a result, business is boom-
Probably the most frustrat- ing there. We can only hope
ing part of this false entitle- that other states follow suit.
ment is that some of these
malcontents take to the in- Restaurants are run by hu-
ternet – particularly Yelp - to mans. And humans, by defini-
vent their issues. And hard- tion, aren’t perfect. But one of
working restaurant owners the very first things I wrote
and employees become the 16 years ago when I started
victims of their self-righteous still ap-
plies today: “Only the strong
survive.” Never has that been
truer than now.

The Rehoboth Foodie also writes The
Business of Eating every Friday in the
Cape Gazette under the pseudonym “Bob
Yesbek.” The two of them have never
been seen in the same place at the same
time. Just sayin’.

4 THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 Beach Paper

Beach movies, bonfires a

continued success in Dewey ON THE COVER: Colby
Chambers of Seaford rides a wave
The movies and bonfires mately 8:30 p.m., Mondays dependent. In the event of RON MACARTHUR PHOTO on his boogie board, a popular
in Dewey Beach, provided by on the beach at Dagsworthy inclement weather, cancella- way to spend the day at the
the Rehoboth Beach-Dewey Avenue in Dewey Beach. tions will be determined no Beach Paper Editor beach.
Beach Chamber of Com- Movie admission is donation- later than 7 p.m. on movie Jen Ellingsworth Cover design
merce, have been a major based. Attendees can bring dates and 6 p.m. on bonfire by Teresa Rodriguez
success this summer. their own beach chairs. dates. Copy Editor
Nathalie Willard For more local happenings,
Crowds of 200-300 people Aug. 2, “Tom and Jerry” Notice of cancellation will go to
are enjoying the evening (2021) be posted to the Rehoboth IT Manager/Photo Editor
events on the beach. The Beach-Dewey Beach Cham- Christopher D. Foster
chamber thanks Weis Mar- Aug. 9, “Finding Nemo” ber of Commerce Instagram
kets, movies and bonfires Aug. 16, “Raya and the Last and Facebook pages. For an
sponsor, for supporting these Dragon” after-hours recording, call the
weekly events and allowing Bonfires on the beach chamber at 302-227-2233.
the movies to keep rolling are held from 7 to 9 p.m.,
and the bonfires to keep Wednesdays at Dagsworthy Staff will notify Dewey
burning. Avenue. A donation of $1 gets accommodations of cancella-
roasters a marshmallow, and tions made prior to the start
Parking is free in Dewey sticks can be borrowed for of an event. If weather is
Beach from 5 to 11 p.m., Mon- roasting. Upcoming bonfire clear, events will take place as
day to Wednesday. dates are Aug. 4 and Aug. 11. scheduled but may end early
These events are weather- due to weather conditions.
Movies start at approxi-

General Manager
Chris Rausch

Advertising About us
Andrew Thomas Cape Gazette launched its
Kathy McGinty free visitors’ guide in 2000.
Lauren Zaniewski The publication is locally
owned and operated at
SUBMITTED PHOTO Production 17585 Nassau Commons
Abby Workman Blvd. in Lewes.
Monday movies and Wednesday evening bonfires on the beach in Dewey are donation-based. Edwin Krumm
Mallery Galaska Web Manager
Tara Arjona Kristin Sinnott
Teresa Rodriguez

Let’s make this the best summer yet!


next issue in person?
OCEAN VIEW Homestead Campground Best’s Ace Hardware Go to
Indian River Inlet to subscribe to the
Marina Store Rite Aid Bodie’s free weekly email.
Hocker’s G&E Kemp’s Liquors
Hocker’s Super Center LEWES Milton Theatre Ball of Sunshine
Old Inlet Bait and Tackle Best’s Ace Miltonian Pizza
Post Offices (Bethany Hardware Store Oak Creek Wine &
and Ocean View) Cape Gazette Office
Cape May / Lewes Ferry Spirits
Rite Aid Cape Pharmacy Ogre’s Grove
Shore Stop Cape Wine and Spirits Po’ Boys Creole
Capriotti’s Restaurant
Super G Citizens Bank Post Office
Broadkill Store
Kids’ Ketch Atlantic Liquors
DEWEY BEACH / Lemon Tree Body Shop Fitness
FORGOTTEN MILE Lewes Chamber of Boxes at First St.,
All Wheels Bike Shop Commerce Wilmington Ave.
Lewes Transit Center Browseabout Books
Bin 66 Lloyd’s Market CAMP Rehoboth
Dewey Beach Market Casapulla’s Sub Shop
Rite Aid
Little Store Roadsters Concord Pet
Mama Maria’s Surf Bagel Exxon - Jerry’s Subs
Wine & Spirits Outlet The Moorings at Lewes Hi Way Convenience
Waves Car Wash
Starboard Louie’s Pizza
Vavala’s Nicola Pizza

Wings to Go LONG NECK Outlet Liquors
Bayside Bait and Tackle
FENWICK ISLAND Pacific Wines & Spirits
Discount Cigarettes Harris Teeter
Love Creek Citgo Cheers!PostOffice
Fenwick Island Neighborhood Store
Info Center Palmer’s Uncle Willies RB Convenience
Food Lion Short’s Marine Rehoboth Beach City Hall
Harris Teeter Rehoboth Beach-Dewey
Super G
Lighthouse Liquors Beach Chamber of
Shore Stop MILLSBORO Commerce, Visitor’s
Caruso’s Pizza Dunkin Donuts Royal Farms
Georgetown Circle Uncle Willie’s
Wawa on Rt. 113 Super G
Surf Bagel AM

The Point
Thanks to everyone who has supported
Cape Gazette’s Visitors’ Guide for its first 21 years.

Valero To advertise, call 302-645-7700 or email

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 5

Dead Space full remake announced they changed it for technical
constraints or [some other
PLAY cally made up for the fact new audiences. previously cut from the reason].”
that they weren’t present I played (or, tried to play) original may now be feasible
CASSIE GOTTO-WHITE at E3/Summer Games Fest. in the remake. “We started This is exciting news for
Perhaps the biggest an- Dead Space when I got my with the original level design anyone who is fond of hor-
EA held an event last nouncement was one that has PS3 in 2010, and I got so of the original Dead Space,” ror games, but we are going
week called EA Play been rumored for some time, scared I removed the disc Campos-Oriola said. to have to wait a while - no
Live, where they basi- and that is that Dead Space is and never played it again. release date or even release
getting the full remake treat- Now that I’m much older and “What’s funny is that you year was announced, but at
ment. wiser, I’d like to try the re- can see some of the itera- least we have something to
make and step into the shoes tions that were made prior to look forward to!
Dead Space originally of Isaac Clarke again. ship by the team. In the first
released back in 2008 on the chapter, you can see some What are your thoughts?
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Creative Director Ro- corridors that they wanted to Are you excited for the Dead
PC. It is regarded as one of man Campos-Oriola spoke do first in a certain way, and Space remake? Let me know
the best horror games of that to gaming news outlet IGN then you can understand why on Twitter: @pixelsnplanners.
generation, and perhaps of all about how content that was

The original game still
holds up pretty well graphi-
cally and gameplay-wise, but
the remake treatment will
serve it well and bring it to

Dead Space is regarded as one of the best horror games of that genera-
tion, and perhaps of all time.

Individual tickets now available
for Freeman Arts Pavilion shows

Freeman Arts Pavilion is sale protocols mean for Free-
now offering single-ticket man Arts Pavilion patrons?
sales for all performances The pod system is still in
scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 15, place, seating four patrons
and beyond. per pod. Patrons can pur-
chase a single and up to four
The fundraising arts non- tickets per pod. Patrons can
profit located in Selbyville purchase up to two pods, or
has a large, open-air venue eight tickets per event.
that features pod seating.
Now through Saturday, Aug. Since pods can accom-
14, patrons can purchase modate up to four patrons
single, two, three or four - patrons buying fewer than
seats within a pod instead of the total amount of seats
purchasing the whole pod. available may be sharing a
The latest changes are in light pod with other patrons. All
of the restrictions Gov. John performances will continue
Carney lifted July 13. Ahead to be bring-your-own-chair
of this new development, the events.
staff added two-person pods
to a select number of shows “We have a spectacular two
before Aug. 14. months ahead of us - some
of the best performances are
“There have been a lot of scheduled for August and
firsts this year for our team,” September, so we are very
said Patti Grimes, executive excited to be able to intro-
director. “A new name, a new duce this revised ticket sales
venue and a new ticketing opportunity,” said Grimes. “It
system. We wanted to ensure has been a challenge staying
we can successfully offer new aligned with all the health
opportunities for our patrons regulations.
while still maintaining their
safety, health or otherwise.” “All we want to do is con-
tinue to deliver simple joy to
“We heard patrons when our patrons, safely.”
they asked about seating
options for two or three Freeman Arts is not adding
people,” she said. additional capacity to this
season’s layout. Performances
“We couldn’t safely offer that are already sold out will
that while still adhering to not have more seats added.
the public health guidelines, Additionally, the new seat-
but when the lifting of the ing will not be retroactive for
State of Emergency Order prior purchases. Events and
was announced earlier this policies are subject to change
month, our team started without notice.
brainstorming once again.”
For more information, go to
What do these new ticket

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 11

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Visit to learn more.

© 2021 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information
is subject to change without notice.

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 21

Watercolor show reception at
Nassau Valley Vineyards Aug. 5

Nassau Valley Vineyards- visual connection to an idea on watercolor. She likes to “Loving the Lavender,” watercolor by Anne Crown-Cyr.
Winery will host a summer or emotion and am especially emphasize color and detail
watercolor show and sale drawn to the color and shape in her work, and particularly “Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse,” “Three Old Ladies,” watercolor by
from Tuesday, Aug. 3 to Tues- of the everyday place or ob- enjoys painting local scenes watercolor by Joan Fabbri. Nancy Orme Mysak.
day, Aug. 31. ject,” said Crown-Cyr. and shorebirds. material for her representa- shows.
tional watercolors.
Award-winning artists She has received awards in Fabbri is a member of the “I had worked for years
Anne Crown-Cyr, Joan Fab- national, regional and local Miniature Painters, Sculptors “The vibrancy of color and painting in oils and acrylics
bri and Nancy Orme Mysak shows. She also is a member & Gravers Society of Wash- the way light affects color and doing printmaking, but
will display their work. All of the Rehoboth Art League, ington D.C., Cape Artists and as it falls on an object are when I found watercolor, I
three painters are signature the Ocean City Art League, the Rehoboth Art League. usually what attract me to a fell in love,” she said. To see
members of the Baltimore Art League of Virginia, the She has received numerous subject,” said Mysak. She is Mysak’s range of paintings, go
Watercolor Society and National Watercolor Society, awards in juried interna- a founding member of the to
Delaware Watercolor Society. and the American Watercolor tional, regional and local Artists’ Co-op in Salisbury,
Signature artist membership Society, and is a copyist at exhibitions. She has par- Md., and a member of the Art For more information, call
is juried recognition of an the National Gallery of Art ticipated in the Lewes Artist League of Ocean City and the 302-645-9463 or go to nassau-
artist’s body of work as high in Washington, D.C. Her Studio Tour and sells her Rehoboth Art League. She
in originality, creativity, ap- paintings are in Gallery 75 at work at the Shore Market- has won numerous awards
plied theoretical knowledge, the Torpedo Factory in Al- place on Route 1. and has had her work juried
compositional skills, and exandria, Va., and in private into many local and regional
technical competency. collections throughout the Fabbri said she wants exhibitions as well as par-
United States. To see more of her art to convey a strong ticipating in solo and group
An opening reception her art, go to annecrownstu- thought, feeling or emotion
will be held from 5 to 7 p.m., that others can relate to and
Thursday, Aug. 5, at the win- understand her vision of the
ery’s gallery, 32165 Winery Joan Fabbri of Lewes has subject matter.
Way, Lewes. Visitors must always loved art, but began
be fully vaccinated or wear painting seriously after a Maryland artist Nancy
masks to attend. career in nursing and raising Orme Mysak has had a
a family. A dedicated artist, diverse career not only as
These artists have been Fabbri said, “While work- an artist, but also as an art
making art since childhood ing, I used to paint at night educator. She received the
and bring unique points of after my kids were asleep.” Outstanding Arts Educator
view to myriad subject mat- Her paintings focused on Award from the Maryland
ter. precision and meticulous Alliance for Arts Education
representation, often taking in 1992. She has studied with
Anne Crown-Cyr of a year to complete. Also a many nationally known art-
Rehoboth Beach is the found- talented cartoonist, Fab- ists and has been painting full
ing member and former bri began painting full time time for 30 years. She loves
president of the Delaware after she moved to Delaware the Eastern Shore of Mary-
Watercolor Society. She likes eight years ago, where she land, and has chosen to live
to travel and paint en plein continues to study and focus and paint in this rural area
air in watercolor and oil. which continually provides
“When I paint, I look for a

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22 THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 Beach Paper

Outdoor fine art and fine craft show to open Aug. 7 at RAL

The Rehoboth Art League’s many people who work with SUBMITTED PHOTOS
Annual Outdoor Fine Art and us all have a strong passion
Fine Craft Show, the organi- for the arts and for giving Rehoboth Art League’s outdoor show returns to campus with more than 100 juried artists Aug. 7-8 and Aug.
zation’s signature event, will back to the community. This 14-15.
return to the Henlopen Acres aligns with our overall goal
campus for the first two and mission to Give Where Damon Pla has donated two
weekends in August. You Live.” framed reproductions, includ-
ing “Remaining Silent,” for a raf-
After going virtual in 2020, This year’s event will fle drawing Aug. 15, to benefit Re-
this year’s outdoor show will continue some long-time tra- hoboth Art League education and
bring artists back to coastal ditions, including its strong exhibition programs.
Delaware to showcase and level of volunteer involve-
sell their artwork. Now ment, utilizing the efforts of for his surreal acrylic paint- Many artists work in their booths during the two-weekend event.
in its 48th year, the event, more than 100 volunteers ings. The full-time artist has
underwritten by Jack Lingo, to pull off the two-weekend donated two canvas repro- at $750 and on display in the winning tickets will be drawn
Realtor, will be held Saturday event. And beyond the in- ductions of his oil paintings Corkran Gallery. Raffle tick- at 4 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 15.
and Sunday, Aug. 7-8, and novative artwork that the to the Rehoboth Art League ets are $5 per ticket or five for
Aug. 14-15. Hours are 10 a.m. event brings to Rehoboth to help raise funds to support $20 and may be purchased at For more information, go to
to 5 p.m., Saturdays, and 10 Beach, the Art League offers its education and exhibi- Rehoboth Art League. The or call
a.m. to 4 p.m., Sundays. attendees live music, artwork tion programs. Pla’s pieces, 302-227-8408.
demos, children’s activities “Remaining Silent,” a 36” x
With the exception of and delicious food by the 36” framed reproduction, and
last year’s virtual event, the Point Coffee Shop and Bak- “The Memory of Leaving
outdoor show has been held ery and Chesapeake & Maine, Home,” a 28” x 38” framed
yearly on the art league’s with craft-brewed beer from reproduction, are each valued
historic grounds since 1973. It Dogfish Head.
started simply, with many art-
ists showcasing their work on The art league also will
snow fences around the prop- have on display its 83rd
erty. Many of the art league’s annual members’ fine art
most noted artists, includ- exhibition, as well as solo
ing Jack Lewis and Howard shows including John
Schroeder, were annual par- Clendening’s Experiencing
ticipants. The distinguished America’s Great Outdoors
show now draws artists from in the Ventures Gallery and
across the country and some Melissa May’s re-Interpreted
of this year’s juried artists in the Homestead.
come from as far away as
Florida and Vermont. As always, the Homestead
docents will be holding an
As always, many local and online auction of artwork
regional artists will be on donated by the outdoor show
campus with their artwork artists as a fundraiser for
and display in a variety of preservation projects in the
mediums including oil and art league’s historic buildings.
acrylic painting, pastel paint-
ing, fine jewelry, wood, metal, The art league provides
photography, ceramics, mixed complimentary transporta-
media and more. tion to the event with Jolly
Trolley shuttles, which stop
“We are pleased to be the at Rehoboth Elementary
event underwriter for the Re- School, 500 Stockley St., Re-
hoboth Art League’s Annual hoboth Beach.
Outdoor Fine Art and Fine
Craft Show,” said Bryce Lingo Patrons at this year’s
of Jack Lingo, Realtor. “It’s outdoor fine art and fine
a unique opportunity to see craft show will have an op-
neighbors and visitors to the portunity to win a piece of
coastal Delaware region join artwork by longtime outdoor
through art and culture. show artist Damon Pla, who
owns his namesake gallery
The Lingo family and the in Ocean View and is known

Delaware Botanic Gardens inspires Gallery One exhibit

On display through Tues- than 1,000 feet of waterfront experience at the gardens. “Yellow in the Fields,” acrylic by Lesley McCaskill.
day, Aug. 31, Gallery One’s along the navigable tidal “Bunny Tree” is resplendent
current exhibit pays tribute to creek. in bright yellows and comple-
Delaware Botanic Gardens. mentary blues and lavenders.
Visiting gives one a glimpse
This little-known trea- into almost every ecosystem Artists Lesley McCaskill,
sure located in Dagsboro in the beautiful and unique Joyce Condry, Dale Sheldon
has a mission to create a local area; it provided Gallery and Laura Hickman took a
world-class, inspirational, One artists with abundant more traditional, but no less
educational public botanic inspiration. exciting, approach to their
garden in Southern Delaware visits.
for the benefit and enjoyment “After spending a delightful
of all. Situated on 37 acres morning at the Botanic Gar- McCaskill’s acrylic paint-
along Pepper Creek, which dens, I came home with my ing, “Yellow in the Fields,”
flows into the Indian River brain saturated with colors focuses on the vibrant golds
Bay, the site comprises gently and ideas,” said artist Eileen and blues nearby; while Con-
rolling, verdant, sandy coastal Olson. She began her piece as dry’s painting, “The Pond,”
plain, but also features a a demo and finished it in her celebrates the lush greens
12-acre hardwood forest and backyard among the chirping complementing saffron
a wetland marsh with more of birds and garden breezes
reminiscent of the outdoor Continued on page 23

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 23

Inland Bays Garden Center
introduces August exhibitors

Those long, lazy days of Experimenting with new clay tech- Sungmin Bobyak loves to create Meghan McCalley’s wooden creations are inspired by the ocean.
summer come alive in the niques and glazes keeps Susan H. commissioned pet portraits. leave his job and become a
artistic and functional art on Gladstone’s creativity flowing. is never too old to learn new full-time artist. Living near
display in the Little Gallery at Milton workshop, where they ideas. She is the past presi- the beach has influenced his
Inland Bays Garden Center. are cut out with a scroll saw, dent of the Baltimore Potters most recent works, “resin
Visitors can find something painted in ocean colors and Guild, a member of the waves,” which he combines
made by the center’s four sanded to a distressed fin- Baltimore Clay Works Board with wood and transforms
artists working in clay, wood, ish. Popular shapes include and a Rehoboth Art League into charcuterie boards, cut-
resin, and oils to enhance sand dollars, starfish and her member. ting boards, frames, vases and
their beach house or decorate favorite, whales! Pieces from jewelry.
a table for summer family her collection are great for George Todd is a profes-
gatherings. decorating any home or giv- sional artist from Selbyville Inland Bays Garden Center
ing as gifts. whose love of art began at a is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Sungmin Bobyak graduated very young age. As his talent Monday to Saturday, and 10
from Dickinson College with Susan H. Gladstone’s happy grew, what was once a hobby a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday. For
a double major in sociology place is having her hands in began to take over his life and more information, contact
and fine arts. Art has always clay, which she has done for regular job. In 2002, he made Sandy Daniels at 302-539-1839
been a happy place for her over 50 years. Over the years, a life-changing decision to or email info@inlandbaysgar-
to escape from reality into she has taken workshops
a world filled with joy. She and classes from others who
works exclusively with oil have inspired her to experi- More information: George Todd combines resin
paints and uses vibrant colors ment with new techniques waves with wood to create items
to create paintings that are and glazes. She believes one including this unique vase.
hopeful and elicit a smile. As
an animal lover, her favorite
subjects are adorable crit-
ters, and she especially loves
painting commissioned pup

Artist Meghan McCal-
ley creates handmade items
inspired by the ocean. Her
creations emerge from new
or repurposed wood in her

Gallery One and greens of the tidal marsh Always staffed by an artist, Atlantic Ave., Route 26, in call 302-537-5055, email art@
in all her glory. Gallery One is open from 10 Ocean View. or go to
Continued from page 22 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day at 32
grasses. Hickman’s pastel, Mary Bode Byrd’s acrylic For more information,
“Delaware Botanic Garden” mixed media “Botanical
celebrated her experience Garden Visitor,” delights
of the charming small pond, in the abundant waterfowl
teeming with life and color. in the gardens; while W.
Scott Broadfoot’s oil paint-
Sheldon’s acrylic “Gar- ing, “Floor of the Woods,”
den Path,” leads the viewer presents a very up-close-
through the lavender and and-personal experience of
yellow, along one of the the many wildlife varieties in
garden’s many meandering the gardens. Bluebirds, a full
paths to the welcome center nest, snails, frogs and flowers
with the woods beckoning beckon the viewer to explore
beyond. the hidden world underfoot.

Michelle Marshall’s acrylic Delaware Botanic Garden
“Marsh in Morning” is an ex- is located at, 30220 Piney
plosion of color over the bay, Neck Road, Dagsboro.
illuminating the vibrant blues
To learn more, go to dela-

Don’t Miss the French Lavender Bloom!

Discover Every year in late May to early July, the French lavender plants
bloom and you can see it right here in Milton, Delaware!
arts &
cultural events Enjoy the gardens and pick up a lavender plant for your home
for $8 a plant. Our Cottage Store carries soaps, lotions, and
in Sussex County
other lavender products made on-site.


18864 Cool Spring Road Milton, DE

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24 THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 Beach Paper

This shark is a PLAY BEAR TRAP DUNES
hall of famer!

19TH In 1981, the stage was set
HOLE BEAR TRAP DUNES is located at 7 Clubhouse Drive in Ocean View. Call 302-537-5600 for tee time. Black
for his first Masters tourna- Bear hole number eight is a par four which plays 434 from the championship tees, down to 296 yards from
GENE BLEILE ment, and people around the the forward tees.
world watched Greg (John)
In 1975, there were two Norman finish in a tie for Grizzly hole number two is a par five which plays 541 yards from the championship tees, down to 432
different shark stories third place, three strokes yards from the forward tees.
developing – one shark behind the winner, Tom
was feeding off the shore of Watson. Kodiak hole number nine is a par four which plays 427 yards from the championship tees, down to 310
Amity Island, while another yards from the forward tees.
was about to launch a golf ca- After the tournament,
reer which would make him someone, probably a sports-
a World Golf Hall of Famer writer, gave him the nick-
in 2001. name, “The Great White
Shark,” due to his build, blond
Now, if you are over 60 hair, white teeth and aggres-
years of age, you will remem- sive play. That name is now
ber going to the theater to see his trademark for marketing
the smash hit, “Jaws,” written his merchandise.
by Peter Benchley and di-
rected by Stephen Spielberg. But believe it or not, during
his hall of fame career, he
This simple story, 46 never won the Master’s title
years later, still makes many – he finished in second place
beachgoers have a twinge of four times, and either tied
apprehension about dipping for or finished alone in third
a toe in the surf and wading place three times.
out into deeper water. The
haunting theme music still I still remember his melt-
plays somewhere in the back down in the 1996 Masters,
of your mind and alerts your when on the last day of the
subconscious to pending tournament he lost a five-
danger, but let’s move on to stroke lead to finish second
the other, friendlier shark. to Nick Faldo.

On Feb. 10, 1955, John was His day started out badly
born in Queensland, Aus- with a drive into the trees off
tralia, and was the pride and the first tee and didn’t get
joy of his parents, Merv and any better, by the 11th hole, he
Toini. His dad was an electri- missed a two-foot par putt;
cal engineer and his mother, on the 15th, missed an eagle
a stay-at-home mom, enjoyed putt and off the 16th tee, he
a round of golf whenever put his drive into the water.
Faldo came from five
Toini worked hard on her strokes back to shoot a 67 and
game and had a single-digit win by five strokes. Norman’s
handicap and when John was tragedy is still regarded as
15, she taught him the game one of the biggest meltdowns
which changed his life for- in professional sports history.
ever. He loved to play cricket
and rugby, but golf and fame But The Shark never gave
were his destiny. Under his up and went on to finish his
mom’s tutelage, his handicap career with some impressive
went from 27 to scratch in stats:
under 18 months.
He had 20 PGA Tour wins,
In 1975, at age 20, he got 14 European Tour wins, 31
his first professional job as Australia Tour wins and two
an assistant golf pro at the wins in Japan.
Beverly Park Golf Course in
Sydney, Australia, and a year The crown jewels of his ca-
later, John became a touring reer were: two British Open
pro and won his first tourna- Titles (1986 and 1993), two
ment in the West Lakes Clas- U.S. Open Titles (1984 and
sic in Adelaide, in Southern 1995) and two PGA Champi-
Australia. onship Titles (1986 and1993).
He was inducted into the
In 1977, he joined the World Golf Hall of Fame in
European Tour and recorded 2001.
his first win in a Scottish
Classic event, but in 1980, 19th Hole Trivia:
he began his journey to the • Norman, who turned 66
Hall of Fame when he won
the French Open, the Swed- this past February, estimates
ish Open and the Australian he has hit over 4 million golf
balls in his career since the
age of 14. He attributes his
bad knees and back to com-
plete wear and tear on those
areas over the years.

• Norman is the founder
of Great White Shark Enter-
prises, which deals in golf
merchandise, real estate,

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 25

Run for the Paws 5K to benefit
Brandywine Valley SPCA Aug. 7

The 13th Annual Run for Club, where an after-party will To sign up as a volunteer, SUBMITTED PHOTO
the Paws 5K will be back at follow, free for all participants. contact Cheryl Crowe at 302-
7:30 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 7, in There is also a virtual option. 745-9915 or cherylcrowe@ A water-loving lab cools off after the pet-friendly Run for the Paws 5K.
Dewey Beach, to benefit the
Brandywine Valley SPCA. All proceeds go directly to
help local shelter animals in After a year away, organiz-
The 5K run and one-mile need. ers are looking forward to a
pet-friendly walk will start on tremendous comeback.
Dagsworthy Street and finish For more information, and
near the Dewey Beach Lions to register or make a donation, Come run for rover and
go to party with the pets!

Slaughter Beach 5K and family fun day set Sept. 19

The Town of Slaughter Firehouse. Terry Jester who has been and adult beverages from the we go to great lengths to in-
Beach, a quiet community All runners and walkers to named Firefighter of the Year Mispillion River Brewing. clude kids of all ages when we
referred to as the Jewel of the five times, most recently in celebrate our volunteers,” said
Delaware Bay invites everyone sign up and pre-register online 2017. Planned activities include Kathy Lock, Mayor of Slaugh-
to participate in the third an- at a bounce house, tug of war, ter Beach.
nual 5K Run/Walk from the The Reunion Band will en- donut eating contest, family
Greenheads and Family Fun Participants will receive a tertain with rock and blues scavenger hunt organized by For more information about
Day starting at 9 a.m., Sunday, snack box, goodie bag and music from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. the DuPont Nature Center the fun event, contact Ju-
Sept. 19, starting at 357 Bay T-shirt. The event continues with a and more. lia Geha at townmanager@
Ave., Station 89 Memorial 50/50, food cooked and served or 302-
The race will benefit the by the fire company’s auxiliary “This is a fun-filled day out 424-7659.
town’s volunteer Memorial for the entire community and
Fire Company led by Chief

Photo entries
due Sept. 15

Delaware Beach Life mag- SUBMITTED PHOTOS 1st Place, Scenic 2020 by Matthew Trucks at the University of Dela-
azine invites amateur photog- ware’s Lewes Dock.
raphers to enter its 15th annual 1st Place, Wildlife 2020 by Jerry AmEnde at Bombay Hook National
photography contest. Photo- Wildlife Refuge. breathtaking. beautiful. brilliant.
graphs must focus on life in
coastal Delaware. eight inches or larger than 14 the Rehoboth Beach Museum. BAYWOOD GREENS.
inches will not be accepted. There is no fee to enter the
Categories are: Described as one of America’s truly great golf courses, Baywood Greens
• Wildlife (wild animals in Judges will evaluate entries contest. A completed entry is a public 18-hole championship course. Manicured greens, flawless
their natural habitat) based on creativity, original- form must accompany each
• Scenic (images may in- ity and technical proficiency. entry. All submissions must fairways, man-made ponds, timber bridges, tunnels and over 200,000
clude people or pets) Winners will be announced in be mailed to Delaware Beach flowers, plants, shrubs and trees don’t begin to describe its beauty.
• Black & White (images the winter issue of Delaware Life, ATTN: Photo Contest,
may include any coastal sub- Beach Life. The winning pho- P.O. Box 417, Rehoboth Beach, Known as the “Augusta of the North,” Baywood Greens is by far the most
ject) tographs will also be displayed DE 19971. For complete rules visually spectacular golf course in Delaware and is consistently
Entries must be postmarked on the Delaware Beach Life and entry information, visit ranked #1 by Golf Digest’s Best in State.
by Sept. 15. Photographers may website and social media pag-
submit up to three entries per es, as well as in an exhibit at tocontest.
category. Only photographic
prints - no smaller than eight
inches and no larger than 14
inches in either dimension -
may be submitted. No digital
entries will be accepted. Prints
with a dimension smaller than

“magical clubs” on
Continued from page 24 the golf course, BAYWOODGREENS.COM | CALL (888) 844-2254 FOR TEE TIMES
where he learns
steak and other beef prod- DIRECTIONS: From Route 1 in Lewes or Rehoboth Beach DEVELOPED BY
ucts, sunglasses, golf course not only how take Route 24 West for approximately 8 miles. The TUNNELL COMPANIES, L.P.
design and Shark Wake Parks to play golf, entrance to Baywood Greens will be on your left.
for water sports.
but more
• The Shark’s second wife importantly,
was tennis star Chris Evert.
to believe
• Norman was hired as a in himself,
golf commentator by Fox never give up
News in April 2014, but lost and just have fun!
his job a year later. Fox was
said to be critical of his cov- Now available for purchase at
erage of the 2015 U.S. Open. Browseabout Books, Rehoboth Beach
Author Ed Delgado is a husband, father,
• The budget for the movie grandfather, surgeon, former NFL kicker,
“Jaws” was $9 million and it and golf lover currently living in Vienna, VA.
grossed $470 million.

Follow my column at and
go to for fine
art images for office or home.

26 THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 Beach Paper

Sea bass action is hot with flounder in the mix



Been a wild week Flounder caught in the surf with a mullet rig by Timm Badd Sonn. Pompano caught in the surf by Cameron Maas.
along the beaches
and waterways. Fish Everyone said they hated can catch with bait. Just not but it works. are the preferred rig used
being caught, parks catching bluefish, but they ate it and like you would think. When we announced that by serious anglers and only
fire and the beach surf fishing loved it. Then we told them available at the best local
parking lots being checked it was bluefish, now they all Anglers using mullet rigs a few years ago, a friend of shops locally. Cut bait for the
for rule compliance. like bluefish. Prepared cor- catch flounder, but that is mine called and asked why scavengers and predators.
If you want to see some rectly and out of the water not the targeted species. On everyone was buying up DS Custom Tackle Modified
craziness, go hang out at the only a couple of hours, most the retrieve to check baits Twizzlers for bait. He jigs Mullet rigs are recommended
Indian River Inlet on a Satur- fish are good to eat. Learn or reset lines from current, with pieces offshore. It’s just for random bluefish action.
day or Sunday and just watch to bleed your catch immedi- flounder will hammer a mul- like using a red tube on a jig! I These rigs catch more fish
boats head in and out of the ately and keep it cool on ice. let rig right at the surf edge. mean, who doesn’t like Twiz- and use up less bait.
inlet. We saw a few full sends Also bleeding your catch is The rig gets to the ledge zlers? This was discovered
that probably shouldn’t have the humane way to kill your under the breaking wave when they ran out of bait and This time of year, not much
been done in a creek much catch instead of just letting it and if a flounder is sitting the catching slowed down. changes in the surf fishing
less that inlet. I wouldn’t take suffocate on ice. there, and it usually hits the Jeff Weaver said well let’s arena.
a pontoon boat out there, but bait. Flounder always lie in try this for grins and giggles.
here we are watching it and Flounder fishing is picking wait along the ledge and in He landed a couple keep- Pompano are here in larger
cringing a little. back up, with cooler water cuts hunting for baitfish and ers in under an hour. Just to numbers and some are pretty
Offshore charters are temperatures along the coast crabs. I have another trick for make sure this wasn’t a fluke, big. Still random catches,
starting to bring in lots of and deeper water. There is catching flounder in the surf. he did it the next day, too. but the usual suspects a bit
yellowfin and other varieties an upwelling occurring that We’ll cover that next week. Now, Twizzlers are added to works just fine for them as
of tuna. They’re also seeing helps a lot. The inland bays the boat bait list, not just as well. Fishbites is preferred
tilefish for trip fillers, and the have been slow with keep- Drifting for flounder with required snacks. or seems to work the best,
usual sharks and such. Hit ers but a lot of throwbacks. mummichog minnows (kil- bloodworm formula, crab or
up the local charters or try Offshore has better sizes and lifish) and or gulp is the pre- Surf fishing is all the usual sand flea.
Ocean City, Md., too. quantities. Surf fishing will ferred method. I have a friend summer suspects. Use blood-
Sea bass action is hot, with produce flounder. Jigging for that uses Twizzlers, the red worms, Fishbites, sand fleas Spanish mackerel have
flounder in the mix. Inshore them is preferred, but you ones. There is a myriad theo- and squid pieces. DS Custom been showing up near the
wreck and reef anglers are ries we came up with why Tackle top and Bottom rigs
catching a lot of ribbon fish. Continued on page 27
Some anglers have discov-
ered they are good eating
and are now targeting them.
Trash fish, as many of the
unwanted catches are called,
are actually good to eat. Try a
sea robin sometime.
I once fed an entire res-
taurant those giant gator
bluefish, about 40 pounds.

Lion’s Mane Jellyfish shot underwater by Delaware’s Aquaman Merton Briggs. He usually jumps in while fish- Truck stuck to the frame at the beach. Never power through sand, air
ing to get fish pictures being reeled in; he uses a selfie stick with the Go Pro for the Jellies. down. DSF flag display for the foreground win.

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 27

Basic boating class tion will follow CDC and bring a bagged lunch. All Your Bait & Tackle Needs
set Aug. 28 state guidelines for COVID. Mandatory boating educa-
Class registration at the door LEWES ICEHOUSE
The U.S. Coast Guard begins at 8 a.m. Class starts tion is required for persons
Auxiliary Flotilla 12-02 will at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at born on or after Jan. 1, 1978 to Offering a large
conduct a Delaware Basic about 4:30 p.m. operate a motorized boat or variety of fishing
Boating Course Saturday, personal watercraft/jet ski on supplies for all
Aug. 28, at the Lewes Public Upon successful comple- Delaware waters. types of fishing as
Library, 111 Adams Ave. Cost tion, participants will receive well as truck racks,
for the eight-hour course is a Safe Boating Certificate. Interested participants outerwear, rain gear,
$15 per person. should preregister by email sunglasses, boating
All materials for the class to or supplies and more!
In-person class participa- will be provided. call Norman Stein at 302-966-
Participants are asked to

Fishing some meat tenderizer with officer or a park ranger? Use 18388 Coastal Hwy.
you in case of a jellyfish sting. the tip app by DNREC. This Unit #6
Continued from page 26 Their venom is protein-based, actually will get you more of
the papain enzyme in meat response than phone calls. (look for Go Brit)
bunker and bluefish schools. tenderizer breaks down those
They are best caught on proteins. You can pee on the The app is available for See current shing reports
spoons and other metals. sting, but that really doesn’t free download by searching and hours on our Facebook page.
Large shad, aka Jersey Tarpon, work and the lifeguards get DENRP via the Google Play
are hitting in the surf as well. a little excited when you do Store or the iTunes App Store. LEWES ICE HOUSE BAIT & TACKLE
that on a crowded beach. The app can be used with 100
Lots of big jellyfish are What are friends for, if not to percent anonymity, as tip411’s (302) 645-0600 |
washing up and in the waves. help? technology removes all iden-
Lion’s Mane mostly, and they tifying information before
do sting. Always good to have Need a fish and wildlife NRP officers see the tips.



There was a fire at the ramp at Gordons Pond last Saturday.

Delaware’s Cape Region Forecast and Tides

Today Tonight Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

A heavy t‑storm in A t‑storm early, then Sunshine and Mostly sunny and A t‑storm in the Partial sunshine Cloudy Windy; a p.m. t‑storm
the p.m. a shower patchy clouds pleasant afternoon
81-85 / 66-70
High 80-84 Low 74-78 83-87 / 68-72 78-82 / 67-71 UV Index: 7 82-86 / 65-69 83-87 / 65-69 82-86 / 67-71

UV Index: 6 UV Index: 10 UV Index: 10 UV Index: 10 UV Index: 4 UV Index: 5

The higher the UV Index™ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021

Delaware Cape Region Tides Boating Forecast

Broadkill Beach Jul. 29 Jul. 30 Jul. 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Today: Wind S 7‑14 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet.
First high 1:24 a.m. 2:10 a.m. 2:57 a.m. 3:49 a.m. 4:44 a.m. 5:42 a.m. 6:37 a.m. Visibility under a mile in a p.m. t‑storm.
First low 8:05 a.m. 8:49 a.m. 9:35 a.m. 10:22 a.m. 11:11 a.m. 12:20 a.m. 1:15 a.m. Friday: Wind NW 7‑14 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet.
Second high 2:43 p.m. 3:34 p.m. 4:26 p.m. 5:20 p.m. 6:13 p.m. 7:04 p.m. Visibility generally clear.
Second low 8:24 p.m. 9:20 p.m. 10:19 p.m. 11:20 p.m. 12:02 p.m. 12:52 p.m. Saturday: Wind NNE 6‑12 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet.
‑‑‑ Visibility clear to the horizon.
Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Sunday: Wind S 7‑14 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet. Visibility
Cape Henlopen Jul. 29 Jul. 30 Jul. 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 5:20 a.m. 6:15 a.m. less than 2 miles in a p.m. t‑storm.
First high 1:02 a.m. 1:48 a.m. 2:35 a.m. 3:27 a.m. 4:22 a.m. 11:12 a.m. 12:25 a.m. Monday: Wind NW 6‑12 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet.
First low 7:15 a.m. 7:59 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:32 a.m. 10:21 a.m. 5:51 p.m. 6:42 p.m. Visibility may be less than 2 miles in t‑storms.
Second high 1:33 p.m. 2:21 p.m. 3:12 p.m. 4:04 p.m. 4:58 p.m. 12:02 p.m. Tuesday: Wind NE 6‑12 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet.
Second low 7:34 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:29 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. ‑‑‑ Visibility clear to the horizon.
Aug. 4 Wednesday: Wind ENE 15‑25 knots. Seas 6‑10 feet. Visibility
Rehoboth Beach Jul. 29 Jul. 30 Jul. 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 5:14 a.m. under 2 miles in a p.m. t‑storm.
First high 12:05 a.m. 12:50 a.m. 1:38 a.m. 2:30 a.m. 3:25 a.m. 4:21 a.m. 11:06 a.m.
First low 6:23 a.m. 7:07 a.m. 7:51 a.m. 8:36 a.m. 9:24 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 5:49 p.m.
Second high 12:32 p.m. 1:22 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 3:10 p.m. 4:06 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Second low 6:43 p.m. 7:37 p.m. 8:33 p.m. 9:31 p.m. 10:29 p.m. 11:24 p.m. ‑‑‑

Indian River Inlet Jul. 29 Jul. 30 Jul. 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Regional Summary Weather History
First high 1:00 a.m. 1:43 a.m. 2:29 a.m. 3:19 a.m. 4:14 a.m. 5:10 a.m. 6:05 a.m.
First low 7:02 a.m. 7:47 a.m. 8:33 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 10:59 a.m. 12:22 a.m. Humid today with clouds and sun; a July 29 is known for
Second high 1:32 p.m. 2:23 p.m. 3:17 p.m. 4:13 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 6:04 p.m. 6:54 p.m. heavy thunderstorm in the afternoon. rain in Waynesburg,
Second low 7:21 p.m. 8:22 p.m. 9:26 p.m. 10:31 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 11:47 a.m. Storms can bring flooding and dam‑ Pa. By 1990, it had
‑‑‑ aging winds. High 82. A thunderstorm reportedly rained on
Oak Orchard Jul. 29 Jul. 30 Jul. 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 4 early tonight, then a shower. Low 76. this date in 92 of the
First high 2:56 a.m. 3:41 a.m. 4:29 a.m. 5:21 a.m. 6:16 a.m. Aug. 3 8:05 a.m. Sunshine and patchy clouds tomor‑ previous 113 years; however, no rain
First low 9:54 a.m. 10:38 a.m. 11:22 a.m. 12:04 a.m. 1:02 a.m. 7:12 a.m. 2:55 a.m. row. High 85. fell from 1987 through 1990.
Second high 3:23 p.m. 4:13 p.m. 5:06 p.m. 6:01 p.m. 6:57 p.m. 2:00 a.m. 8:40 p.m.
Second low 10:14 p.m. 11:08 p.m. 12:07 p.m. 12:55 p.m. 7:51 p.m. 2:37 p.m. Sun and Moon
‑‑‑ 1:46 p.m.
Aug. 4
Fenwick Island Jul. 29 Jul. 30 Jul. 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 5:07 a.m. Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset
First high 12:25 p.m. 12:43 a.m. 1:31 a.m. 2:23 a.m. 3:18 a.m. 4:14 a.m. 11:05 a.m. 8:14 p.m.
First low 6:22 a.m. 7:06 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 8:35 a.m. 9:23 a.m. 10:14 a.m. 5:42 p.m. Today 5:59 a.m. 8:13 p.m. Today 11:38 p.m. 11:41 a.m.
Second high 1:15 p.m. 2:08 p.m. 3:03 p.m. 3:59 p.m. 4:53 p.m. Friday 6:00 a.m. 8:12 p.m. Friday none 12:40 p.m.
Second low ‑‑‑ 7:36 p.m. 8:32 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:28 p.m. 11:23 p.m. ‑‑‑ 8:11 p.m.
6:42 p.m. 8:10 p.m.
Aug. 3 Aug. 4 8:09 p.m.
Ocean City Jul. 29 Jul. 30 Jul. 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 4:06 a.m. 4:59 a.m. Saturday 6:01 a.m. 8:08 p.m. Saturday 12:03 a.m. 1:40 p.m.
First high 12:17 p.m. 12:35 a.m. 1:23 a.m. 2:15 a.m. 3:10 a.m. 10:07 a.m. 10:58 a.m. Sunday 6:02 a.m. Sunday 12:29 a.m. 2:39 p.m.
First low 6:15 a.m. 6:59 a.m. 7:43 a.m. 8:28 a.m. 9:16 a.m. 4:45 p.m. 5:34 p.m. Monday 6:03 a.m. Monday 12:57 a.m. 3:38 p.m.
Second high 1:07 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:55 p.m. 3:51 p.m. 11:16 p.m. Tuesday 6:04 a.m. Tuesday 1:31 a.m. 4:37 p.m.
Second low ‑‑‑ 7:29 p.m. 8:25 p.m. 9:23 p.m. 10:21 p.m. ‑‑‑ Wed. 6:04 a.m. Wed. 2:10 a.m. 5:34 p.m.
6:35 p.m.

28 THURSDAY, JULY 29 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 Beach Paper



The Coffee House, powered by Schell Brothers is officially
open for business and brewing up happiness one cup at
a time! Stop by for a coffee, pastry, smoothie or an all day
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18 Rehoboth Ave.
Open 7 days a week from 7am - 8pm

Follow us on Instagram at @schellcoffeehouse or like us on
Facebook at The Coffee House Powered by Schell Brothers.

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