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Thursday, July 7, 2022

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Published by Cape Gazette, 2022-07-06 16:08:52

Beach Paper

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Cape Gazette’s
Visitors’ Guide to the

Cape Region

Dolle’s sign gets
a new home

Page 2

The future of surf-fishing

Page 25


2 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper

Hello (again), Dolle’s sign

After 60 years as Boardwalk beacon, landmark overlooks canal

The Rogers Sign Company slowly moves the sign into place the morn-
ing of June 29.

CHRIS FLOOD PHOTO requests from the museum to holding the sign together.
exceed the allowable square After about an hour of adjust-
A SMALL GROUP OF PEOPLE begins to gather June 29 for a brief ceremony celebrating the installation of footage for a sign and to al- ing a little here and a little
the sign. low a wall-mounted sign to more there, all the poles lined
extend beyond the limits of right up.
By Chris Flood sign on the museum was 18 installed in the early 1960s. the wall. months in the making. Dolle’s The one removed in Decem- Rogers Sign Co. owner
Candyland owner Tom ber was installed in the 1980s. More than 250 donors Lynn Rogers said the poles
It may not have an ocean Ibach announced in Decem- contributed in excess of weren’t necessarily straight
view, but it still has a view of ber 2020 that he would be In the time between the $35,000 to bring the sign to after years of wear and tear.
the water. moving his store from its announced move and the the museum. To ensure the poles and
Boardwalk location by the be- removal, the Rehoboth Beach brackets fit snuggly together,
After spending 60 years ginning of the 2021 summer Museum expressed interest The crew from Milton- he said, all the premeasuring
perched on the corner of season, and the sign would in taking ownership of the based Rogers Sign Co. was done with a scale ruler.
Rehoboth Avenue and the be taken down by the end sign. Ultimately, Ibach agreed prepared the sign for the
Boardwalk, the iconic Dolle’s of 2021. It was. The sign was to give the museum the sign move June 28. Similar to Once the sign was in the
sign in Rehoboth Beach removed Dec. 15. after first offering it to the when they took the sign place where museum officials
was installed June 29 on the city. down in December, the crew wanted it, crew members
Rehoboth Beach Museum. The candy shop had been from Rogers Sign Co. was bolted the poles to the
It now overlooks the Lewes- at the northeast end of A couple weeks after the methodical in the installa- brackets, then welded them
Rehoboth Canal. Rehoboth Avenue since 1927. sign was removed, the city’s tion and got it done right the in place.
The original Dolle’s sign was board of adjustment unani- first time. They arrived with
The installation of the mously approved variance two bucket trucks, a crane Rogers said the sign weighs
and a flatbed trailer holding roughly 3,700 pounds, but the
the sign. The brackets were bracket system is designed to
installed on the side of the hold three or four times that
wall at distances to match weight. Those brackets are
the width of the metal poles attached all the way through

Continued on page 9

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Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 3



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4 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper

Lewes Canalfront Park Cape Gazette’s ON THE COVER: The Lewes
courts to close July 5 Visitors’ Guide to the Harbor docks along the Lewes-
Rehoboth Canal are filled with
Cape Region boats this time of year.
Cover design
Dolle’s sign gets by Teresa Rodriguez
a new home
Page 2 For more local happenings,
go to
The future of surf-fishing
Page 25 Web Manager
Kristin Sinnott
By Aaron R. Mushrush cause that’s when we would Normally, Lewes does not THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2022 » FREE About us probably have the most permit work on Sundays, but Cape Gazette launched its
vacationers here to use the because the contractor is RON MACARTHUR free visitors’ guide in 2000.
Those looking to play courts,” said resident Gene limited by outside tempera- The publication is locally
basketball, tennis or pickle- Weiermiller. ture requirements, the city Publisher owned and operated at
ball at Lewes Canalfront Park will allow construction to Chris Rausch 17585 Nassau Commons
this summer will have to wait Keegan Pando, who plays take place seven days a week. Blvd. in Lewes.
until August. basketball at Canalfront Park, The project is expected to be Production Manager
says that while this changes completed in August, with Tara Marks
The City of Lewes will be his routine for the summer a the expectation that visitors
repaving the courts with a bit, he can still use the court and residents will be able to Editorial Coordinator
new material that officials at Shields Elementary and enjoy the new courts before Mallery Galaska
say is vastly superior to the believes the changes will be the season’s end.
current surface. Lines for bas- good in the long term. Copy Editor
ketball, tennis and pickleball Janet Andrelczk
will also be painted, upgrad- AARON MUSHRUSH PHOTO
ing the cosmetics and quality IT Manager/Photo Editor
of both arenas. Unfortunately CITY OFFICIALS SAY repaving is a better solution overall for repairing Christopher D. Foster
for those utilizing the courts, the cracks that have emerged on both courts at Lewes Canalfront Park.
the contractor performing Advertising
the work requires the tem- Kathy McGinty
perature to be 80 degrees and Lauren Zaniewski
rising in order to lay out the
new surface.  Production
Abby Workman
Rehabilitation was con- Teresa Rodriguez
sidered, but replacement Kathy Singel
emerged as the best option.
It was believed that if they
continued to fill in the cracks
without replacing the surface,
problems would continue
and eventually replacement
would be necessary. Officials
say the new surface lessens
the physical wear and tear on
athletes’ joints.

“July 5 through the next 30
days is probably the worst
time to close the courts be-

Let’s make this the best summer yet!

SEPT. 1 AT THESE GREAT LOCATIONS next issue in person?

REHOBOTH Bell Moore Inn Beacon Motel WEEKLY Go to
The Point City Hall Lewes Realty to subscribe to the
Lemon Tree free weekly email.
Long & Foster Royal Farms
Berkshire & Hathway Realty Reho/Dewey Visitor’s Bakery

Crystal Restaurant Center Remax Coast and Country Ball of Sunshine
Rise Up Sandy Beach Store
LEWES Lewes Beach Box
Dogfish Head Shell we bounce
Crosswinds Motel Cape May/Lewes Ferry

Lingo Realty Arenas State Park Office

Summer House Napa Lewes Chamber of Com-

Rehoboth Public Library Cape Pharmacy merce
Atlantis Inn CVS Lewes Library

Critter Beach Capriotti’s Coldwell Banker

Purple Parrot Waves Car Wash Hing Wang

Candy Kitchen Roadsters Jack Lingo

Cooter Brown Full Belly The Moorings

Kaisey’s Delight Active Adult Realty Berkshire Hathway Realty

Louies pizza Lewes Diner Beach Plum Dune Apartme-

RB Convenience Lloyd’s IGA nts

Browseabout books Rite Aid

Arena’s Beebe Hospital VIEW MORE
Post Office Zwaanendael Museum LOCATIONS
Sandcastle Motel Long and Foster Realty

Aladdin Market Box Aqua Marine

Cape Suites Deanna’s

Camp Rehoboth Piccolino

Admiral Hotel Citizens Bank Cheers!Thanks to everyone who has supported
Boardwalk Plaza Twila Farrel Cape Gazette’s Visitors’ Guide for its first 22 years.
Dinah Lingo’s Grocery Kids Ketch
First Street/near Nicola’s Hotel Rodney
Wilmington Ave/1st St. Kings Ice Cream
Dave & Skippy’s Rose & Crown
Beachview Motel Inn at Canal Square
Green Man Juice Bar Virden Center
Body Shop Fitness Dogfish Motel
Twist Juice Bar Irish Eyes
Brighton Suites Lewes Harbor Marina

To advertise, call 302-645-7700 or email

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 5


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6 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper

Gallery One exhibit celebrates
summer through Aug. 2

Gallery One in Ocean View ment an exquisitely curled “Too Cool for Summer,” uses “Too Cool for Summer,” acrylic by Michelle Marshall.
announced its exhibit titled wave breaks. a contemporary approach “OLD BAY,” acrylic by Dale Sheldon, Gallery One artist.
Ah, Summer, will be on dis- with a limited palette to
play through Tuesday, Aug. 2. W. Scott Broadfoot’s oil depict a glamorous woman
painting, “Sail Away – Com- lounging poolside.
Henry James said, “Sum- ing About,” depicts, in his
mer afternoon, summer classical style, sailors and Always staffed by an artist,
afternoon. To me those have spectators enjoying a sailboat Gallery One is open from 10
always been the two most regatta on the Delaware Bay. a.m. to 5 p.m. every day at at
beautiful words in the Eng- 32 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View.
lish language.” He captures the ephemeral
quality of light that defines For more information,
In wholehearted agree- summer. call 302-537-5055, email art@
ment, the artists of Gallery or go
One this month portray the MaryBeth Paterson’s to
joys of summer on canvas “Summer on Tilghman
and paper. Island” depicts a peaceful More information:
fishing spot in the heart of
“There is nothing better on the Eastern Shore on the
a summer day than taking a Chesapeake Bay.
nap by the pool, falling asleep
to the sounds of water, song- Michelle Marshall’s acrylic,
birds, and the gentle wind in
the trees,” said Laura Hick- “Summer on Tilghman Island,” oil by Marybeth Paterson.
man of her pastel painting,
“Ahhh, Summer.”

For artist Dale Sheldon,
summer does not begin until
the first crab feast has been
served, as she depicts in her
acrylic painting, “Old Bay.”

In Mary Bode Byrd’s acryl-
ic diptych “Two’s Company,”
she colorfully and delight-
fully captures a summer day
at the beach with kite flying
and cloud gazing.

In “Summer Read,” Lesley
McCaskill reminisces about
being a beach bookworm us-
ing peaceful, complementary
tones of blue and peach.

Also on the beach is
Cindy Beyer with her pastel,
“Glistening Shore Break.”
In a cacophony of blues and
greens, she captures the mo-

“Sail Away – Coming About,” oil by W. Scott Broadfoot.

“Glistening Shore Break,” pastel by Cindy Beyer. “Summer Read,” acrylic by Lesley McCaskill.

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 7

Milton Arts Guild sets
watercolor classes

Milton Arts Guild instruc- including materials. “Sunday Sun” by Keith Warren, Milton Arts Guild instructor.
tor Keith Warren, a retired To register, go to milton-
middle school art teacher,
will host and coach two
beginning watercolor classes ‘Palm Tree” by Keith Warren, Mil-
this summer for fun and ton Arts Guild instructor.

Sessions are set for 6 to
8:30 p.m., Monday, July 11, and
Monday, Aug. 8, at Studios
on Walnut, 310 Walnut St.,

Students should come
prepared to enjoy an eve-
ning of relaxing instruction,
watercolor painting and
laughter in a low-stress
environment. All materials
will be provided. No prior
experience is necessary.

The classes cost $67 each,

Rehoboth Beach Historical Society seeking
needlework submissions for October exhibit

Rehoboth Beach Historical given in 10 categories plus a also available at the museum’s teers who made this possible,”
Society will open its Annual Best in Show. The public is in- front desk. The exhibit runs said Nancy Alexander, mu-
Needlework Exhibition Sat- vited to vote for the People’s through Sunday, Nov. 6. “This seum director.
urday, Oct. 1, at the Rehoboth Choice award winner. is one of my favorite annual “BEACHCOMBER'S BOOTY”
Beach Museum. More than 80 events, and we hope to ex- needlework, at right, designed by
regional needle artists partici- Needle workers of all ages pand each year. Both men and Ann Strite-Kurz and stitched by
pate by submitting nearly 100 are encouraged to enter their women enter their beautiful Brenda M. Côté.
entries each year. The works work. There is a nominal handwork, and I am grateful
are judged by a National entry fee. For a copy of the they have shared these works More information:
Academy of Needlearts certi- application form, go to re- of needle art with us. I am
fied judge, and awards are or also grateful for the volun-
call 302-227-7310. Copies are

VIA book boxes feed Boardwalk bookworms

The Village Improvement book boxes stocked year- the built in 2017 through the a true community effort. Beach is a unique women’s
Association book boxes are round with the help of local generosity of D.F. Quillen and Both boxes are full of fic- civic and charitable organiza-
stocked and ready for the thrift shops and community Sons. The children’s box was tion comprising members
summer. members. In an average high- donated by a local resident tion and nonfiction books of all ages and backgrounds.
season week, more than 150 in 2019. ready to be adopted. The Founded in 1909, VIA mem-
Located just off the Re- gently used beach reads go VIA encourages everyone to bers work to make enduring
hoboth Beach Boardwalk to passersby. Since they were Most recently, Dry-Tek and take or borrow books, and contributions to the town of
at Grenoble Place next to first established, the boxes representative Trent Ireland replace books, if possible, so Rehoboth Beach and sur-
the VIA clubhouse, the two have provided readers with salvaged the worn-out roof of everyone can enjoy summer rounding communities.
small boxes provide free thousands of free books. the adult box with the instal- reading.
books for adults and children. lation of Dry-Tek vapor lock For more information, go to
VIA volunteers keep the The adult reading box was material. The book boxes are The Village Improvement
Association of Rehoboth

Jewelry by
Local Artist

ONE OF THE VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION book boxes re- 17522 Ward Avenue, Lewes 302.227.9203
cently underwent a roof repair with the installation of Dry-Tek vapor lock Weekly Summer Classes
material. Shown are (l-r) Kathy Osterholm, VIA book club chair; Trent
Ireland of Dry-Tek; and VIA President Kate McKenzie.

8 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper

Spicy is good for you - and tasty too!

STEPPIN’ UP taco rut and tried the Burrito REHOBOTHFOODIE.COM PHOTO
TO THE PLATE Azteca. It’s now my favorite.
Steak strips, grilled chicken Speaking of Salvadorean, don't miss the extremely informal but delightfully authentic Cabanas Salvadorean
REHOBOTH FOODIE or carnitas (you choose) eatery across from Bethany Blues in the Go Brit! strip center. Aficionados love the Huevos con Chorizo, Sopa
join tomatoes, onions, bell de Mariscos, Carne Guisada, Yuca Frita, Mojarra Frita, and Pastel 3 Leches. Value added: Their tamales come
Some guy who writes peppers, mushrooms and gift-wrapped in a banana leaf!
a column called “The zucchini wrapped in a warm
Business of Eating” in tortilla drizzled with green MILTON RIVERVIEW DINING & BAR | 105 Union St. | 302.684.8889
Cape Gazette rambles on sauce, creamy white queso
about hot sauce, and who gets and pico de gallo. The place TUESDAYS
all the emails? I do! Am I des- is a madhouse in-season, so
tined to do all this character’s bring wiffle bats and a piñata 6-8:30PM BANDS ON THE BROADKILL
heavy lifting? to keep the kids busy. 7/12 ELECTRIC SMOKE

Like that Gazette chilihead, Gladys Fernandez’ Cilantro THURSDAYS
I love spicy food. Of course, on Rehoboth Avenue serves
there’s hot stuff out there that up an appetizer called Taqui- 9PM KARAOKE WITH DJ JERRY B FROM A.W.E.
isn’t necessarily Mexican, but tos Dorados. Think tradition-
I’ve only got a few hundred al taquito, but on steroids. It’s FRIDAYS
words, so Mexican’s where loaded with all sorts of fresh
we’re going. goodies and is sure to please. 6-9PM PATIO
And it’s fun to people-watch 7/8 KATHLEEN CARTER
Yolanda Pineda at Maria- from her sidewalk patio. 7/15 MATT LAFFERTY
chi on Wilmington Avenue 8:30PM INSIDE • GUESS WHAT TRIVIA?!
dishes up a tasty combination Dos Locos is a mainstay
of Mexican and Salvadorean in Rehoboth (and by Coastal SATURDAYS
goodies. Rehoboth Foodie Taproom at Rts. 1 and 24). We
pick hits include the pupu- love the DIY tacos and the 6-9PM PATIO
sas – lovingly handmade and Stonegrill selection (cook it 7/9 NATE MCCORMICK
stuffed with pork and cheese. at your table!). The large mar-
The curtido topping (a spicy garita should come with an 7/16 JEFF EVANS
non-mayo slaw) is delicious. Uber coupon – plan to stay a
On the Carne Asada entrée, while if you order that one. 9PM-12AM INSIDE
charcoal-grilled flank steak is 7/9 CAPTAIN BLUE’S GRASS BAND
the star of the show. Tamales The newest kid in town
are hard to find in restaurants (Rehoboth, that is) is the 7/16 AL FRANTIC BAND
because they are so labor-in- huge Agave on Coastal High-
tensive. But fear not! Maria- way. Dubbed the “Margarita BOTH LOCATIONS
chi has them, and the creamy Promised Land,” the margs OPEN 11am DAILY
masa is a stunner. (and the containers in which HAPPY HOUR 3-7pm
they are presented) are cer-
(Very) loosely translated, tainly the stars of the show.
“La Tonalteca” means “every- Be prepared to wait. They’re
where in Delaware.” And the still pretty new and everyone
Rehoboth La Tonalteca car- wants to get in on the act.
ries on their tradition of good
chicken mole (a peanut/chili/ On the Forgotten Mile is
chocolate sauce) and par- El Azteca next to Delaware
ticularly tasty salsa. I finally PC Services. Like their two
broke out of my enchilada/ Dover counterparts, the guac
is certainly one of the stars,
along with the colorful selec-
tion of frozen margs. And lots
of parking to boot!

Celebrate the peak of the
season with a hot tamale and
a cold margarita. Salud!

The Rehoboth Foodie also writes The
Business of Eating column every Friday in
the Cape Gazette under the pseudonym
“Bob Yesbek.” The two of them have
never been seen in the same place at the
same time. Just sayin’.

Visit us for indoor dining or order online at Feataunry ing LEWES WATERFRONT DINING & BAR | 213 Angler’s Rd. | 302.645.6888
lobster roll WEDNESDAYS
for P I C K U P or D E L I V E R Y ! choice of soup or side 7:30-10PM
& ANY beverage
67 Rehoboth Avenue
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 8-11PM
7/21 TBD





Visit for Restaurant Updates

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 9

Dolle’s sign iconic sign and why it was CHRIS FLOOD PHOTOS
important for the museum to
Continued from page 2 preserve it.  AFTER 60 YEARS overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and the Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk, the Dolle’s sign is now
to the other side of the wall, on the Rehoboth Beach Museum overlooking the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal.
he said. The City of Rehoboth
Beach actually owns the The metal poles and stringers
“The wall will fall down museum building. Mayor used to keep the sign together for
before the sign does,” said Stan Mills said the side of the decades.
Rogers. museum was a fitting loca-
tion for the 30-foot orange
Joe Falk was one of the friend. It will continue to
hundreds of people who rode greet visitors as it’s done for
his bike past the installation. years, he said.
He didn’t know it was hap-
pening, and while he said he Museum Executive Direc-
didn’t care too much about it, tor Nancy Alexander said the
his wife did. She’ll be happy, museum has a tradition of
he said, as he pulled out his preservation and the Dolle’s
phone and took a picture. sign was no different. The
museum’s collection includes
Local photographer Kevin all kinds of signs and old
Lynam, who co-owns Gal- restaurant signs.
lery on Savannah in Lewes,
said he was on hand taking Museum board President
pictures for his own personal David Mann said getting the
collection. He said he might sign installed on the museum
give one to the museum or to was a long process, but he
Ibach, but otherwise they’re was also blown away that 250
for him. people donated to make the
installation happen. It’s been
This is about sitting on the left as it was taken down to
Boardwalk under the sign, let people see it, but even-
eating caramel popcorn with tually the plan is to have a
his pop-pop, said Lynam. restoration project, he said.

Later on the day of instal- The sign is beginning to
lation, there was a brief show its age, just like he is,
ceremony recognizing the said Mann.

Rogers Sign owner Lynn Rogers directs traffic as the sign is backed up The view from across the canal as Joe Falk didn’t know what was going on, but he said his wife likes the sign,
from Canal Street to behind the museum. the sign is lifted off the trailer. so he took a picture.

10 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper


Movie Nights

Enjoy free screenings under the stars.

• Bethany Beach: Movies on the beach more information, go to www.beach-fun. Encanto will show on the big screen on the beach in Dewey on July 11.
off Greenfield Parkway, Monday nights com/dewey-beach-info.
at dusk, June through August. For more July 11 - Encanto
information go to www.townofbethany- July 18 - Clifford the Big Red Dog July 25 - ELF
July 11 - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: August 1 - A Dog’s Journey
The Long Hall • Cinema by the Canal: Lewes
July 18 - Luca Canalfront Park, 211 Front St, Lewes.
August 1 - Ferdinand Movies start at dusk (approximately
• Dewey Beach: On the beach at 8:30 p.m.). For more information go to
Dagsworthy Avenue in Dewey. Mondays
at approximately 8:30 p.m., June July 7 - National Treasure
through August. Admission is free. For Aug. 4 - Bad News Bears

Farmers Markets

Bursting with the flavors of the season!


Rehoboth Beach Farmers Market, THE SOUTHERN DELAWARE ORCHESTRA takes directions during practice from music director and conduc-, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. tor James Allen Anderson.
through October, Grove Park, Rehoboth.
Market bags and produce bags available Southern Delaware Orchestra
for purchase at entrance. stringing together rehearsals

Wednesdays Sundays First concert set cal musicians searching for their vision, right?” Anderson
for July 16 something similar can be a said. “They saw a need and
Historic Lewes Farmers Market, Bethany Beach Farmers Market, part of.  an opportunity, which led to, 8, 8 a.m. By Aaron R. Mushrush the formation of this group.
to 11 a.m. through Sept. 29, Crooked to noon starting June 5, Garfield Pkwy. & The duo was able to secure So it's a great thrill for us, for
Hammock, 36707 Crooked Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany. the Harbor Lights CHEER me, in particular, to be able to
Hammock Way, Lewes. White space can be a Center as a practice venue make music with them.”
Frederica Farmers Market, puzzling proposition in the and obtained the services
Market at Sea Colony, seacolony- 302-335-5417, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., creative world. There are of University of Delaware’s At the practice, Anderson 8 a.m. 1456 Frederica Rd., Frederica, May 29 - some who are haunted by its Director of Orchestral Activi- had members play notes
to noon through Aug. 31, Sept. 25. seemingly taunting exis- ties James Allen Anderson at different time measures
Marketplace at Sea Colony tence while others fill with as the music director and and went into detail about
Shopping Center, Rt. 1 Nassau Valley Vineyards Farmers excitement at the prospects conductor.  why a specific note should
South, Bethany Beach. Market, of a new creation. Eva be played in a desired style.
market or DelGallo and Steve Greifer, “[Eva, Jim and I] have the Isolated, these sounds were
Fridays summerfarmersmarket, noon to 3 p.m. both lifelong musicians, fall same attitude toward the so fragmented that it was
through mid-October, 32165 Winery into the latter category and orchestra. There's a lot of difficult to identify the spe-
Broadkill Farmers Market, 4 to 6:30 Way, Lewes. have recruited more than 40 different ways to approach cific composition attempting
p.m. through Sept. 24, Riverbank Side, like-minded players to join music; we've got high-quality to be achieved, but when the
116 Front St., Milton. them in animating their new music, but we've got a sense various sections returned as
concept – Southern Dela- of inclusiveness and commu- a whole, Anderson’s vision
Saturdays ware Orchestra. SODELO nity,” Greifer said. came to fruition. The theme
is a string ensemble of local of the July 16 concert will
Riverwalk Farmers Market, musicians possessing varying More than 30 people be one of celebration, birth or levels of experience but equal showed up for the group’s and an ardent hope for the, levels of enthusiasm for clas- first rehearsal May 3, and flowering of a new organi-
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. through October, S. sical music. Their inaugural participation has remained zation. Anderson said he
Walnut St. & Mispillion Riverwalk, performance is set for 7:30 high in subsequent practices, believes Leonard Bernstein’s
Milford. Credit cards preferred, if using p.m., Saturday, July 16, in the despite the uptick in sea- “Make Our Garden Grow”
cash exact change appreciated. Fellowship Hall at Bethel sonal activities. With the first will be the selection that
United Methodist Church in show rapidly approaching, best embodies the spirit of
Historic Lewes Farmers Market, Lewes. Anderson’s leadership skills the evening., 8 a.m. were on full display during
to noon, George H.P. Smith Park, Lewes. DelGallo, a public school SODELO’s June 7 practice. More information about
Market moves to Shields parking lot and private studio teacher The former president of the the orchestra, including
from Oct. 1 through Nov. 19, 9 a.m. to for violin and cello for many International Conductors locations of the upcoming
noon, and if there’s inclement weather.  years, says the new group is Guild showcased the wealth concerts, is available on its
perfect for someone like her of musical knowledge at his Facebook page, SODELO. To
Tweet, Tweet! because it allows her to be disposal with effective guid- learn more about SODELO
in an orchestra while main- ance and coaching through rehearsal times and require-
For more fun things to do, follow taining a flexible schedule. what appeared to be unre- ments, email delgalloviolin@ She credits Greifer for lated exercises. or sgreifer@gmail.
manifesting her desires into com. The first concert venue,
something tangible that lo- “I've had some experience Bethel United Methodist
starting new groups, and this Church, is located at 128 W.
is a passion of mine to work Fourth St., Lewes.
at community ensembles,
and really it's a testament to

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 11

Milton hosts Wings of Hope

By Ryan Mavity helps raise funds for cancer patients, caregivers and their
families to have emotional
Cancer Support Commu- and financial support. The
nity Delaware hosted the 12th highlight of the event was
annual Wings of Hope event the release of Painted Lady
in Milton Memorial Park June butterflies meant to symbol-
25, as people young and old ize rebirth of those who have
helped raise money for those survived cancer. For $25, any
affected by cancer. person in attendance could
get two butterflies for release.
Specifically, the event

Cynthia Martin and her Irish wolf- RYAN MAVITY PHOTOS
hound Battle attend the Wings of
Hope event June 25. THE WINGS OF HOPE event saw music, vendors and artists, including
Patricia Truitt, left, and Pat Riordan of Cape Artists Gallery, who donned
butterfly wings for the occasion.

Nicole Pickles, executive director of Cancer Support Community Dela- Kate Sumstine of Milton Theatre’s Among the vendors on hand were
ware, poses in front of one of the giant butterflies on the grounds of Mil- Student Arts Council performs Shauna Thompson of Totem Farms
ton Memorial Park June 25. Sarah Freih, age 15, performs. her version of The Beatles’ “Here in Milton.
Comes the Sun.”

Beebe Healthcare’s SUSSEX
Rehoboth Walk-In Care
Center has moved! COUNTY

Now located in the Specialty is Our Specialty
Surgical Hospital on the Rehoboth
Health Campus, the Walk-In Care
Center features the same great team
providing the same great care!

19161 Healthy Way, Rehoboth Beach

The new Walk-In Care entrance is located on
the east side of the building facing the Tunnell
Cancer Center and Medical Arts Building.

Scan the code to reserve
your spot.
No emergency services
available at this location.


12 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper

Raleigh Ringers concert handbell choir show set July 10

Special event to take place at mixing the sounds of these
Rehoboth Beach Convention Center instruments, members of
the Raleigh Ringers are able
Renowned handbell en- noted for, along with original to create contrasting moods SUBMITTED PHOTO
semble the Raleigh Ringers compositions written just for and highlight melodic lines,
will perform at 7 p.m., Sun- the Raleigh Ringers. bringing richness and depth THE RALEIGH RINGERS, an acclaimed concert handbell choir, will per-
day, July 10, at the Rehoboth to the music they perform. form July 10 at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center.
Beach Convention Center.  The Raleigh Ringers mem-
bers perform on one of the This performance is
Based in Raleigh, N.C., the most extensive collections sponsored by Capital Ring-
internationally acclaimed of bells and bell-like instru- ers, southern Delaware's own
concert handbell choir has ments owned by any handbell handbell ensemble. Admis-
been dazzling audiences for ensemble in the world. The sion is $22 for adults and $10
years with unique interpreta- current grand total is 35 for children. For tickets, go
tions of sacred, secular and octaves comprising 377 indi- to or
popular music. Programs vidual pieces of equipment. events/concerts.
include rock 'n' roll tunes Each individual handbell set
that the group has become has its own unique sound. By Tickets, information:

Second Street Players musical Brownlow takes him in. tickets or learn more, go to
‘Oliver!’ to open July 8 Fearing for the safety of
Patrons who need assistance
Second Street Players will Picture and is widely hailed The streets of Victo- his hideout, Fagin employs with the ticketing website
present “Oliver!” on stage at as a true theatrical master- rian England come to life the sinister Bill Sikes and the or with other questions
the Riverfront Theater dur- piece by actors and audience as Oliver, a malnourished sympathetic Nancy to kid- may email info@second-
ing three weekends in July. members alike. workhouse orphan, becomes nap him back, threatening, or leave a
the neglected apprentice Oliver’s chances of discover- message at 302-422-0220.
Based on the Charles The Second Street Players of an undertaker. Oliver ing the true love of a family.
Dickens novel, “Oliver production is directed by escapes to London and Second Street Players val-
Twist,” performances of Lio- Melissa Brenner and Steven finds acceptance among The Riverfront Theater ues diversity and inclusion
nel Bart's classic musical are Haber, who are delighted to a group of petty thieves is at 2 South Walnut St. in in casting, and in all other
set for Friday to Sunday, July bring this musical theatre and pickpockets led by the Milford. Friday and Saturday areas of production.
8 to 10, 15 to 17, and 22 to 24. masterpiece to the Milford elderly Fagin. When Oliver shows begin at 7 p.m., and
stage with assistance and is captured and accused of Sunday shows begin at 2 Tickets, information:
The Tony and Olivier amazing vision from Chris a theft he did not commit, p.m. Seats are $25 with a $1
award-winning show is one Myers, musical director, and the benevolent victim Mr. discount available to seniors,
of the few musicals to win Maria Bagley, choreographer. military, students and the-
an Academy Award for Best ater members. To purchase



May 7– September 24, 2022 • 8am–12pm
Johnson & Dupont Aves., Lewes, DE


June 1– September 28, 2022 • 8am–11am
36707 Crooked Hammock Way, Lewes, DE
302.644.1436 •

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 13

Oryopeueannrd D4

PthaerkCianngaoln books • cards • gifts • art C4

International Specialty D4Jigsaws, Brainteasers Open Daily music • clothes • stuff we like A3 17314 N. Village Blvd.
Foods, Table-Top & Kitchen Wares 302-644-0370
and Games for All Ages Second & Market Streets, Lewes 205 Second St., Lewes
(302) 645-1661 (302) 645-8013 302.644.2210 in the basement | entrance in back of building behind biblion
110 Front Street
108 Front Street

213 Anglers Rd., Lewes (302) 645-6888 VILLAGES OF

Wescoats Rd. Park Ave Shipcarpenter St. A4 INFO
D3 Ready to be a LEE ANN Mulberry St. KING’S Canalfront
Local? WILKINSON ICE CREAM Park 110 Shipcarpenter St.
Start your R&L LIQUORS hHiIsStTorOiRclIeCwLeEsW.oErgS
today! ACTIVE IRISH 302.645.7670110 Shipcarpenter St, lewes l 302.645.7670 l
Celebrating 50 years!


C Market LHS C

Lewes-Rehoboth CanalGeorge HPPKIDS’ Lewes Milton
Smith Park KETCH
Savannah Road 201 2nd St. 302 Union St.
Kings Highway Bank 302-645-9425 302-684-8900
Third Street

HONEY’S P.U.P.S. Front Street POST D2
Neils Alley
2 Lewes Locations: D JACK LINGO ADULTS D
Breakfast & Lunch · 8am - 3pm
1504 Savannah Rd P Open 7 Days
(302) 424-1890 329 Savannah Rd., Lewes

Kings Highway PUZZLES 302.644.8400

302.644.1747 MUSEUM BEACH JewelersE Full Service Jeweler
210 Savannah Road DEPT. GRAIN ON P Jewelry Repairs
TOP 100 PLACES TO EAT LIBRARY Cape Henlopen Watch Batteries
Theodore E Freeman Hwy Five Points Weis Ctre, Lewes

A Lewes Neighborhood P D1
Wine and
Beverage F
List with Lingo
Wine Over 60 years F Map is for general reference and is LEWESVisitor’s Map to the Best of 1240 Kings Highway
Tasting of continuous not intended to be drawn to scale. THE
service to the The grid can be used to guide you CITY OF 302-645-2207
Every to businesses and other points of
Saturday community reference located on this map. Enjoy!


BEER STORE selling
SERIOUS BEER in Delaware
1 23 4 5 6
Rated 100% by
“Pawsitively” Unique Pet Shop C4 E4


C1Superior Service, Outstanding Results in Real Estate We have“Pcaowllasirtsi,vteolyy”s, treats, 132 2nd St, Lewes
giftUs1,n1&iq7suSoeemcPoeuntcdShhSmto.pore! HistPco3raro0itcsv2iD.&d6io4ntw5hg.en9fto0hor1uwdm0noagLnses,wes 302.645.8448
16698 Kings Hwy. who love them

302-645-6664 117 Second Street
Historic Downtown Lewes

14 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach


Kinross Cashmere
20312 Highway One rerehhoobbootthhaarrttlleeaguuee..oorrgg 317 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach DE
302-226-CAFE (2233) Rachel Comey Main 302. 227. 4800 2 Frank and Eileen Direct 302.227.3818


B6 247 REHOBOTH AVENUE 4 handmade soa5


C8 1 3

A HeAnclroepsen REHOBOTH ART
D8 Henlopen Ave.

The “very finest” at B Lewes-Rehoboth Canal 3rd St. Lake Ave.
below online prices! 4th St.
Henlopen Ave. CONVENTION
Visit us
26 Wilmington Ave.



featuring C4 Route 1 TOWN P REHOBOTH
237 C
302.227.2520 DEBBIE COMFORT

CHAMBER OF Rehoboth Ave.
Rehoboth Ave.

42 Rehoboth Avenue
& Access From Wilmington Scarborough Ave. P
Avenue Across From Mariachi

D Christian St.

VRisitEorB’Hs MEOapAtBoCtOhHe TBesHt of


E Map is for general reference and is Silver
not intended to be drawn to scale. Lake
C3 The grid can be used to guide you
to businesses and other points of
reference located on this map. Enjoy!

12 3 4 55

C9 Unique,
Many USA-Made Gifts...
Inspired By The Sea!

C4 AA CCooaassttaallAAmmeerirciacnanGGrilrl.ill. List with Lingo C3

HHapapppyyHHoouurr SSttaarrttss aatt44PPMMDDaialyily 246 Rehoboth Avenue 43 Rehoboth Ave D9

222288RReehhoobothh AAvveennuuee 302-227-3883 484-667-7122 Located in Penny Lane

302.227 3895302.2 .3895 @SaltyPawsRB on FB (off of Wilmington Ave.)

susummmmeerrhhoouusseessaalloooonn.c.coomm 302-379-4695

Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 15

Handmade C3
C6 Rehoboth

Clothing • Accessories B6
Jewelry • Home • Baby

VersaSpa Spray Tan 39 Baltimore Ave.

127 C REHOBOTH AVE, REHOBOTH 125 Rehoboth Ave. 302-226-3066
LEHSOAP.COM | 302.260.9813
C6 302.567.5614 C6
a5ps & skincare si6nce 1997
7 88 9 B8

LakeCAapvSeet.aHteenPloaprken Grenoble Pl. Atlantic
Lake Gerar

Virginia Ave. REHOBOTH 25 Baltimore Ave.
TOY & KITE 302-227-8331

Olive Ave.


Maryland Ave. B7


Baltimore Ave. Baltimore Ave. B


HITCH Rehoboth 70 Rehoboth Virginia Ave &
BOMSHELL ROLLS Bandstand Avenue The Boardwalk
Village By JOLLY C 302-227-6996 302-226-5483

Rehoboth Ave.

6(23A0R2e) h7o2b7o-t5h6A0v9e

First Street Penny SEA ™
Station Lane FINDS

Second St. Wilmington Ave.


OCEAN (302) 644-0400

Delaware Ave. C3 Check Out The
BDeeacwhey Philadelphia St. E

Brooklyn Ave.

Stop by the Visitors Center at
501 Rehoboth Avenue, Downtown

56 7 8 9 Rehoboth-Dewey Beach Chamber of Commerce

D7 · 302-227-6446

D8 C3


D650 WILMINGTON AVE. 302 - 278 - 7433
GALLERY50ART.COM follow us on

16 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper

Celebrating 50 years! TOP QUALITY SHEDS

B2105 Union St., Milton (302) 684-8889 GARAGES 16394 Samuel Paynter’s
B3 213 Anglers Rd., Lewes (302) 645-6888 Blvd, Milton, DE
PRODUCTS (302) 291-2857 C5
30511 Cave Neck Road Finch Poly Furniture
Milton Lewes LIVE D4 626 Mulberry St., Milton Milton, DE 19968 + Mon-Thur 8-8, Fri-Sun 7-8,
Tues - closed
302 Union St. 201 2nd St. ENTERTAINMENT (Corner of Cave Neck Rd & Rt 1) King Casual Furniture
302-684-8900 302-645-9425 302-994-1896 Authorized Dealer
BANQUET FACILITY 302.684.1522 Serving Breakfast All Day Long!

A2 12 3 4

Rd 240 Route 16
A PUTTIN’ ON THE Saw Mill Rd. Visitor’s Map to the Best of A
13482 Spicer Road, RITZ SALON To RBoruotaed1kill Rd B
Ellendale, DE 19941 BELLA MILTON C
302-422-9000 FARMS GOLF

Monday - Saturday: 8am - 5pm COURSE
Sundays: 10am - 3pm (seasonal)

D4 Route 16 (Milton Ellendale Highway) SOCIETY

POST Union Street SHED Route 1
OFFICE Mulberry Street CRAZY

Pizza Place · Comfort Food KING’S ICE
109 Union Street CREAM
Milton, DE 19968
B Cave Neck Road
7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

(302) 386-7432

D2 HO BRITTINGHAM Broad Street MILTON Paynter’s
ELEMENTARY Magnolia Street PUBLIC Mill

18864 Coolspring Rd., C Broadkill River
Milton, DE

D3 Union Street IRISH


Magnolia Applebottom Drag Show Route 5 (Harbeson Road) Hudson
Thursday, July 7 - 7pm Mulberry Street Front Street
D Route 9 Cool Spring Route 9 D
Jingo: The Santana Tribute LAVENDERFisher Rd To Route 1 E
Friday, July 8 - 8pm
Martin’s Farm RoaFdIELDS Front Street
Psychic Medium Deanna Fitzpatrick
Saturday, July 9 - 8pm Road

Quayside @ Nite with Black Dog Alley TOWN OF
Sunday, July 10 - 7:30pm MILTON OFFICE

Lion King Jr Kids Summer Camp P Federal Street Atlantic Street
Live Show Chestnut Street
Map is for general reference and is DOGFISH HEAD
Thursday, July 14 - 7pm not intended to be drawn to scale. BREWERY
The grid can be used to guide you
SPRING AWAKENING to businesses and other points of
In-House Milton Theatre reference located on this map. Enjoy!
Mainstage Production!
Thursday, July 15 - 12pm & 2pm

and Saturday 16 - 8pm

110 UNION ST. | 684-3038

B4 E

22222 Saw Mill Road 1 2 3 4
Milton, Delaware
302.684.1808 C3 D4



“Hip & Histor
210 Union Street 113 Union St, Milton, DE (302) 745-8338 Milton, DE

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 17

OUTDOOR CONCERTS - Soultown to Motown; Saturday, July the bay. Mondays - Chasing Straights, PHOTO: FACEBOOK
• Bethany Beach Bandstand: Concerts 9 - Jesse Garron; Sunday, July 10 - The 3 p.m.; Tuesdays - Stealing Savannah
start at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 7 Texas Chainsaw Horns; Friday, July 15 - Duo, 4 p.m.; Wednesdays - Laura Lea The 19th Stree Band will take the stage for a free concert at Lewes
- The Flying Ivories; Thursday, July The Best of Janis Joplin; Saturday, July & Tripp Fabulous, 8 p.m.; Thursdays - Canalfront Park on July 14.
14 - ALO; Thursday, July 21 - USN 16 - The Jersey Tenors; Sunday, July 17 - Filo Betto, 5 p.m., and Love Seed Mama
Cruisers; Thursday, July 28 - Good Shot Ultimate Diamond; Friday, July 22 - U.S. Jump, 9 p.m.; Fridays - Rick & Mike, 2 • JD Shuckers Seafood Grill & Raw Rd. Saturday, July 9 - Junior Wilson &
Judy. Navy Cruisers; Saturday, July 23 - High p.m., and Chris Diller, 5 p.m.; Thursday, Bar: 20750 John J. Williams Hwy. Chatty, 7 to 9 p.m. 302-643-0196.
Bandstand. Noon; Sunday, July 24 - The Fabulous July 7 - Teenage Satellite, 8 p.m.; Friday, Thursdays - Sol Knopf, 5 p.m. 302-945-
Greaseband; Friday, July 29 - Good Shot July 8 - Blue Label, 9 p.m.; Saturday, July 8850. • Brimming Horn Meadery: 28615
• Freeman Arts Pavilion: Thursday, Judy; Saturday, July 30 - Best of the 9 - Abby Lee Duo, 2 p.m., Nearly York, 5 Lewes Georgetown Hwy. Sunday, July
July 7 - “9 to 5” presented by Clear Eagles; Sunday, July 31 - M80. rehoboth- p.m., and Go Go Retro, 9 p.m.; Sunday, • Lefty’s Alley & Eats: 36450 Plaza 10 - Al Frantic Solo, 1 to 4 p.m. 302-
Space Theatre Company, 7 p.m.; Friday, July 10 - The Everafter, 2 p.m., and JJ Dr. Thursdays - Karaoke Night, 7 p.m.; 684-1188.
July 8 - Summer of Love Experience, Rupp Duo, 9 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - JJ Saturday, July 9 - Movin’ & Groovin’, 7
7 p.m.; Saturday, July 9 - World Drum Rehoboth Beach Public Libary ter- Rupp Band, 9 p.m. 302-227-4600. p.m. 302-864-6000. • Irish Eyes: 105 Union St. Fridays -
Experience, 10 a.m., and Yacht Rock race: 226 Rehoboth Ave. Concerts start • Starboard: 2009 Highway One. Guess What Trivia, 8:30 p.m.; Saturday,
Revue 2022 Tour, 7 p.m.; Sunday, July at 7 p.m. Friday, July 15 - International Mondays - DJ Woody B, 9 p.m.; • Nassau Valley Vineyards: 32165 July 9 - Captain Blue’s Grass Band, 9
10 - Umphrey’s McGee, 6:30 p.m.; violinist Somer Jordan; Friday, Aug. 19 Wednesdays - Lost in Paris Duo, 10 Winery Way. Sundays - live music at p.m. to midnight; Tuesday, July 12 -
Wednesday, July 13 - Killer Queen: A - Christine Havrilla; Friday, Sept. 16 - p.m.; Thursdays - DJ Woody B, 9 p.m..; the farmers market, noon to 3 p.m.; Electric Smoke on the Broakill, 6 to 8:30
Tribute to Queen, 7 p.m.; Thursday, July Natalie Darkes Band; Friday, Oct. 21 - Fridays - DJ Manny Mann 5 to 9 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 3 - Eric Byrd Trio, p.m. 302-684-8889.
14 - Chris Young, 7 p.m.; Friday, July Mary Roth. and DJ Smoky 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturdays doors open at 5:30 p.m., show 7 to 8:30
15 - Tusk: The World’s #1 Tribute to - DJs all day, and live bands on deck, p.m. (tickets, $25, • Milton Theatre: 110 Union St.
Fleetwood Mac, 7 p.m.; Saturday, July 16 • Salted Vines Vineyard & Winery: 2 to 6 p.m.; Sundays - DJs all day, live 302-645-9463. Thursday, July 7 - Quayside @ Nite fea-
- Eric Dittelman: Comedy Mind Reader, 32512 Rd. 374, Frankford. Concerts bands on deck, 2 to 6 p.m., and Kristen turing Lower Case Blues, 7 p.m.; Friday,
10 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Sunday, July 17 - Sheryl start at 7 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Love & The Noise, 10 p.m.; Friday, July 8 - • The Wheelhouse: 7 Anglers Rd. July 8 - Magnolia Applebottom Drag
Crow featuring special gust Keb’ Mo’, Seed Mama Jump; Thursday, July 28 - Lost in Paris, 10 p.m.; Saturday, July 9 Thursdays - Mingo, 7 to 9 p.m.; Friday, Show, 8 p.m.; Saturday, July 9 - Jingo:
7 p.m.; Thursday, July 21 - T.3., 7 p.m.; The Funsters; Sunday, Aug. 7 - Dustin - Stache Crawl through Dewey Beach July 8 - Devin Canfield, 6 p.m.; Saturday, The Santana Tribute, 8 p.m.; Sunday, July
Friday, July 22 - Little River Band, 7 p.m.; Showers Band; Thursday, Aug. 25 - with Bryen O’Boyle, 2 to 6 p.m.; Sunday, July 9 - Keith White Duo, 6 p.m.; Friday, 10 - Psychic Medium Deanna Fitzpatrick,
Saturday, July 23 - Jungle John’s Jurassic Homestead Bluegrass Band. saltedvines. July 10 - Brandi Sanders Trio, 2 to 6 p.m.; July 15 - Rob Barbarita, 6 p.m. 302-291- 7:30 p.m.; Thursday, July 14 - Quayside
Journey Dinosaur Show, 10 a.m., and An com. Tuesday, July 12 - Comedy Night featur- 2163. @ Nite featuring Black Dog Alley, 7
Evening with Jackson Browne, 7:30 p.m.; ing Harry Terjanian & Dante Nero, 9 p.m. p.m.; Friday, July 15 - “Lion King” Kids
Thursday, July 28 - Locals Under the • Schellville: behind Tanger Outlets 302-227-4600. LONG NECK Camp Show, noon & 2 p.m., and Spring
Lights, 7 p.m.; Friday, July 29 - The Doo Seaside, Rehoboth. Friday, Aug. 6 - live LEWES • Amvets Post 22: 32369 Long Awakening: Live Production, 8 p.m. 302-
Wop Project, 7 p.m.; Saturday, July 30 - music, 5 to 9 p.m. • Bethany Blues: 18385 Coastal Hwy. Neck Road, Palmer Shopping Center. 684-3038.
Creating Whimsical Masterpieces with first-friday-fun-nights-at-schellville-tick- Friday, July 8 - Roger Girke and the Saturdays - Terminator, 3 p.m. 302-945-
John Donato, 10 a.m. ets-310073547327. Wandering Souls, 8:30 to 11:30 p.m.; 2599. • Revelation Beer Garden at Hudson
Saturday, July 9 - The GirlsRoom, 8:30 Fields: 29763 Eagle Crest Rd. Friday,
• Grain on the Rocks Rocking the DEWEY BEACH p.m.; Tuesday, July 12 - Youth Band Night • Paradise Grill: 27344 Bay Road. July 8 - Scattered, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.;
Docks Summer Concert Series: Cape • Bottle & Cork: 18047 Highway One. featuring Scattered Electric, 7 to 10 p.m.; Thursdays - Captain Mike, 5 to 9 p.m.; Saturday, July 9 - Sandy & Stevie D, 5:30
May-Lewes Ferry Terminal, 43 Cape Thursday, July 7 - Kix, 8 p.m.; Friday, Wednesday, July 13 - Dustin Showers, 6 Thursday, July 7 - Damn the Torpedoes, to 8:30 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Sip & Shop
Henlopen Dr. Concerts start at 6 p.m. July 8 - The Legwarmers, 8:30 p.m.; to 8:30 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Judy Sings 7 to 9:30 p.m.; Friday, July 8 - Jim Long, with Mike Weyrauch, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, July 14 - Southern Avenue Saturday, July 9 - Jam Session with the Blues, 9:30 p.m 302-644-2500. 6 to 10 p.m., Captain Mike, 6 to 10 302-562-5412.
with local opener Lower Case Blues; Crash The Party, Stealing Savannah, • Big Oyster Brewery: 1007 Kings p.m., and Drop Dead Sexy, 7 to 11 p.m.;
Thursday, July 21 - Yarn with local open- Shake Shake Shake & DJ Knappy, 5 p.m.; Hwy. Thursday, July 7 - Sidney Joseph, Saturday, July 9 - Lima Bean Riot, 2 to • Sydney’s Restaurant & Lounge:
er Homestead Bluegrass Band; Thursday, Tuesday, July 12 - Yacht Rock Revue 4 to 7 p.m.; Friday, July 8 - Hot Sauce 6 p.m., Joe Daphne, 2 to 6 p.m., Johnny 16388 Samuel Paynter Blvd. Thursday,
July 28 - Jocelyn & Chris with local Pop-Up Show, 8 p.m.; Thursday, July 14 Band, noon to 3 p.m.; Saturday, July 9 Phatt, 7 to 11 p.m., Mike Hines, 7 to 11 July 7 - Christy Taylor and Friends, 6 to 9
opener Chasing Straights; Thursday, - Chuck Wicks, 8 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - - Keith Mack, noon to 3 p.m., and Dave p.m., and Brian McConnell, 7 to 11 p.m.; p.m.; Friday, July 8 - Greg Taylor, 6 p.m.;
Aug. 4 - Jukebox the Ghost with local Niko Moon with Dylan Schneider, 8 p.m. Grundman, 4 to 7 p.m.; Sunday, July 10 - Sunday, July 10 - Electric Beach, 1 to 5 Saturday, July 9 - Jimi Smooth & Hit
opener Marielle Kraft; Thursday, Aug. 11 302-227-7272. Ginger Duo, noon to 3 p.m.; Wednesday, p.m., Gypsy Wisdom, 6 to 10 p.m., and Time, 7 p.m. (tickets, $12); Wednesday,
- Amish Outlaws. July 13 - Rick Arzt, 4 to 7 p.m.; Thursday, Jim Long, 3 to 7 p.m.; Monday, July 11 July 13 - Classic Car Show with Lisa
esrockingthedocks. • Jimmy’s Grille: Bellevue Street and July 14 - PosiStevity, 4 to 7 p.m.; Friday, - The Leftovers, 5 to 9 p.m.; Tuesday, Miller, 5 to 8 p.m.; Thursday, July 14 -
Highway One. Mondays - Stealing July 15 - Jason Wilcox, 4 to 7 p.m. 302- July 12 - Magan Nuss, 5 to 9 p.m.; Bandoake - The Usual Suspects, 6 to 9
• Hudson Fields: 30045 Eagles Crest Savannah, 6 to 9 p.m.; Tuesdays - 644-2621. Wednesday, July 13 - Vinny & JD 5 to p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Christy Taylor &
Rd., Milton. Saturday, Aug. 13 - Bettie Chris Diller, 6 to 9 p.m.; Wednesdays • Bushels Crab House & Seafood: 9 p.m.; Thursday, July 14 - Van Halen Friends, 7 to 10 p.m. 302-313-4770.
James Fest featuring Jimmie Allen, doors - Benderz Duo, 6 to 9 p.m.; Thursdays 18289 Coastal Hwy. Mondays - Low Nation, 7 to 9:30 p.m.; Friday, July 15 -
open at 4 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 20 - - Rick Arzt, 6 to 9 p.m., and Chasing Country, 6 to 9 p.m.; Tuesdays - Mingo, Dueling Pianos, 6 to 10 p.m., Brian Scar, REHOBOTH BEACH
Cody Johnson & friends featuring Randy Straights, 9 to 11:45 p.m.; Fridays - The 7 to 9 p.m.; Thursdays, Fridays & 7 to 10 p.m., and Evolution X, 7 to 11 p.m. • Arena’s Deli & Bar: 149 Rehoboth
Houser and Drew Parker, 5:30 p.m. hud- Everafter, 9 to 11:45 p.m.; Friday, July 8 Saturdays - live music. 302-645-5115. 302-945-4500. Ave., in the Village by the Sea Mall. - Rick Arzt, 6 to 9 p.m.; Saturday, July 9 • Crooked Hammock Brewery: 36707 Mondays - Open Mic Night with Tyler
- Rick Arzt, noon to 3 p.m., Chris Steele, Crooked Hammock Way. Saturday, July • Paradise Pub: 34814 Long Neck Road. Greene, 8 p.m.; Tuesdays - Let’s Do
• Lewes Canalfront Park: Thursday, 5 to 8 p.m., and Kris V & Richie D, 9 to 9 - Sydney Smith, 4 to 7 p.m.; Sunday, Mondays - Mingo, 6 to 8 p.m.; Friday, Trivia, 7 p.m.; Sundays - Samantha
July 14 - The 19th Street Band, 7 p.m.; 11:45 p.m.; Sunday, July 10 - Rick Arzt, July 10 - Daddy, noon to 3 p.m.; Tuesday, July 8 - Dueling Pianos, 3 to 7 p.m., and Seider Duo, 5 to 8 p.m.; Thursday, July 7
Thursday, Aug. 11 - Rehoboth Summer noon to 3 p.m.; Nearly York, 3 to 6 p.m.; July 12 - The Stims, 6 to 9 p.m. 302- DJ Pat, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturday, July 9 - Fitzkee Brothers & Cal, 8 p.m.; Friday,
Children’s Theatre presents “Puss in and The Everafter, 6 to 9 p.m. 302-227- 644-7837. - JD Willis Duo, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Friday, July 8 - Ken Riggione, 8 p.m.; Saturday,
Boots,” 6:30 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 18 - 4333. • Grain on the Rocks: Lewes Ferry July 15 - Low Country, 3 to 7 p.m., and DJ July 9 - Benson Brothers, 9 p.m.;
Comfort Zone, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Sept. 1 - Terminal, 43 Cape Henlopen Dr. Pat, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. 302-945-0500. Thursday, July 14 - Scott Erickson, 8
The Funsters, 6:30 p.m. lewescanalfront- • Lighthouse: 124 Dickinson Ave. Thursday, July 7 - GirlsRoom, 6 to 9 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Ron Stretch, 8 p.m. Tuesdays - The Leftovers, 8 to 11 p.m.; p.m.; Friday, July 8 - Nick Moccia, 6 to • Seaside Fish House: 32368 Long 302-227-1272.
Thursdays - Tommy Edwards, 8 to 11 9 p.m.; Saturday, July 9 - Sidney Joseph, Neck Rd. Fridays & Saturdays - Karaoke
• Lewes Summer Concert Series: p.m.; Fridays - Wes Davis, 8 to 11 p.m.; 1 to 4 p.m., and Chris Diller, 6 to 9 p.m.; Night presented by Ice Productions, 7:30 • Atlantic Social: 19340 Lighthouse
Concerts start at 7 p.m. in Stango Park. Saturday, July 9 - Whiskey Graves; Sunday, July 10 - Eliot Reisz, 2 to 5 p.m.; to 10:30 p.m. 302-945-3800 Plaza Blvd. Saturday, July 9 - Anna
Tuesday, July 12 - Tydewater Band; Wednesday, July 13 - Taylor Knox. 302- Thursday, July 14 - Keith White Duo, Burgess, 5 to 8 p.m. 302-212-5319.
Tuesday, July 19 - Matthew Street 227-4333. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. 302-291-3900. MILLSBORO
Band; Tuesday, July 26 - Panama Rex; • Greene Turtle: 17388 N. Village Main • American Legion Post 28: 31768 • Big Chill Surf Cantina: 19406 Coastal
Tuesday, Aug. 2 - Brothers Stonesifer; • Nalu Surf Bar & Grille: 1308 Coastal Blvd. Friday, July 8 - The Leftovers, 6 Legion Road. Smoke-free environment. Hwy. Sundays - Lower Case Blues, 4 to
Tuesday, Aug. 9 - Leroy Hawkes and Hwy. Mondays - Hot Sauce, 9 to 11 p.m., to 9 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Low Country, Daily - Pool, darts, shuffleboard, 10 7 p.m.; Wednesdays - Trivia Night, 7 to 9
The Highjackers; Tuesday, Aug. 16 - The and DJ JY 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Tuesdays - 8:30 p.m. 302-644-6840. a.m. to close; Fridays & Saturdays - live p.m.; Thursdays - Step Brothers, 7 to 10
Christopher Dean Band; Tuesday, Aug. Bryen O’Boyle, 9 to 11 p.m., and DJ JY, • Harvest Tide: 410 E. Savannah Rd. music, 7 to 10 p.m. 302-945-1673. p.m.; Friday, July 8 - Sandy & Stevie D,
23 - U.S. Navy Sea Chanters. ci.lewes. 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Wednesdays - Bryan Friday, July 8 - Cecilia Grace, 5 to 8 p.m.; 7 to 10 p.m.; Saturday, July 9 - Daddy, 8 Clark, 5 to 8 p.m.; Thursdays - Matty Q, Friday, July 15 - Elwood Bishop, 5 to 8 MILTON to 11 p.m.; Tuesday, July 12 - Frazzle Fit,
8 p.m. to midnight, and DJ JY, midnight p.m. 302-644-2600. • Beaches Seafood: 200 Broadkill
• Milton Concerts in the Park: to 1 a.m.; Fridays - Matty Q, 8 p.m. to • Irish Eyes at Anglers: Anglers Rd. Continued on page 18
Concerts start at 7 p.m. in Memorial midnight, and DJ JY, midnight to 1 a.m.; Wednesdays - Jake & Elwood, 7:30 to
Park. Wednesday, July 13 - Charlie & The Saturdays - Matty Q, 8 p.m. to midnight, 10 p.m.; Fridays - DJ Surf, 9 p.m. to 12:30
Cool Tones; Wednesday, July 20 - No and DJ JY, midnight to 1 a.m.; Sundays - a.m.; Thursday, July 7 - 33 & 1/3, 8 to
Spare Time; Wednesday, July 27 - The Matty Q, 8 p.m. to midnight, and DJ JY, 11 p.m.; Saturday, July 9 - Kaotik, 9 p.m.
Pros From Dover; Wednesday, Aug. 3 - midnight to 1 a.m. 302-227-1449. to 12:30 a.m.; Thursday, July 14 - Ed
Hot Sauce; Wednesday, Aug. 10 - Patsy Shockley & Fun Size, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday,
Cline & Friends; Wednesday, Aug. 17 - • Northbeach: 125 McKinley Ave. July 15 - Bryan Clark, 5 to 8 p.m. 302-
U.S. Navy Country Current; Wednesday, Tuesdays - M80, 8 to 11:30 p.m.; 645-6888.
Aug. 24 - Over Time; Wednesday, Aug. Thursdays - Jenni Schick, 6 to 10 p.m.;
31 - Big Hat No Cattle; Saturday, Sept. 10 Saturdays - DJ Hugh’s Yacht Rockin’ Pool
- Broadkill Music Festival featuring Cathy Party, noon, Sunsets with DJ Always
Gorman, 11 a.m., Delmarva Ramblers, Sunny, 5 p.m, and DJ Scooter, 9 p.m.
12:30 p.m., LSD, 2 p.m., Tydewater, 3:30 Sundays - Sam, 11 a.m., Laura Lea, noon,
p.m., and U.S. Navy Commodores, 5 p.m. Jenni, 1 p.m. and Jefe, 3 p.m. 302-226- 8673.

• Rehoboth Beach Bandstand: • Rusty Rudder: Dickinson Avenue and
Concerts start at 8 p.m. Friday, July 8

18 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper

Nightlife • Rehoboth Ale House: 15 Wilmington DART TO THE
Ave. Thursday, July 7 - The Bills, 8 to 11 nightlife
Continued from page 17 p.m.; Friday, July 8 - Kyle Offidani, 8 to 11
p.m.; Saturday, July 9 - Christine Havrilla, With frequent daily bus service,
6 to 9 p.m.; Wednesday, July 13 - Shane 8 to 11 p.m.; Thursday, July 14 - Bryan from early morning to late night.
Gamble, 7 to 10 p.m.; Thursday, July 14 Scar, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Devin
- Step Brothers, 7 to 10 p.m. 302-227- Canfield, 8 to 11 p.m. 302-278-7433. It’s easy to DART everywhere
5568. you want this summer!
• Blackwall Hitch: 52 Rehoboth Ave. • Rehoboth Ale House On the Mile:
Sunday, Aug. 7 - Jazz Brunch with 20859 Coastal Hwy. Thursday, July 7 Download the DART apps today!
Hammond Hot, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 302- - The Dunehounds, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday,
226-0550. July 8 - Kavoossi, 8 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, Quick & contactless mobile Real-�me bus informa�on,
• Bluecoast Seafood Grill & Raw Bar: July 9 - Ian Lander Trio, 8 to 11 p.m.; fare payment, DART Pass DART Transit
30115 Veterans Way. Thursday, July 7 Sunday, July 10 - Ben Davis, 7 to 10 p.m.;
- Raymond Charles, 5 to 8 p.m.; Friday, Thursday, July 14 - Casey Walton, 8 to 11
July 8 - G Men, 5 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Gage Rhodes, 8 to 1-800-652-DART
July 9 - 2nd Time Around, 5 to 8 p.m.; 11 p.m. 302-567-2921.
Sunday, July 10 - Notes on the Beach,
5 to 8 p.m.; Thursday, July 14 - Taylor • Revelation Craft Brewing Company:
Knox, 5 to 8 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Nature 19841 Central St. Thursday, July 7 -
& Nurture, 5 to 8 p.m. 302-278-7395. Mingo, 6 p.m.; Friday, July 8 - DJ45, 5 to
• Blue Moon: 35 Baltimore Ave. 8 p.m.; Saturday, July 9 - Devin Canfield,
Mondays - Nate Buccieri on the keys 4 to 7 p.m.; Sunday, July 10 - Scott
with Laura Pavles, 6 to 8:30 p.m.; Dinolfi, 3 to 6 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Kyle
Tuesdays - Nate Buccieri with Laura Offidani, 5 to 8 p.m. 302-212-5674
Pavles, 6 to 8:30 p.m, and Bingo, 9 to 11
p.m.; Wednesdays - Nate Buccieri on the • Shrimpy’s Bar & Grill: 18585
keys with Laura Pavles, 6 to 8:30 p.m., Coastal Hwy., Midway Shopping
and Games with Ivy, 9 to 10:30 p.m.; Center. Mondays - Survey Sez, 6 p.m.;
Thursdays - Nate Buccieri on the keys Wednesdays - John Flynn, 5:30 p.m.;
with Laura Pavles, 6 to 8:30 p.m., and A Thursdays - Matthew Kenworthy, 5:30
Night with Roxy, 9 to 10:30 p.m.; Fridays p.m.; Sundays - Drag Show hosted by
- Spotlight Show, 7 & 9 p.m.; Saturdays - Julia Sugarbaker II, 7 p.m.; Friday, July 8
Legends Show, 7 & 9 p.m. 302-227-6515. - Minus 2 Plus 1 Jukebox Show, 7 p.m.;
• Café Azafran: 18 Baltimore Ave. Friday, July 15 - GirlsRoom, 7 p.m. 302-
Thursdays - Holly Lane & John Flynn, 313-5124.
6:30 to 9:30 p.m. 302-227-8100.
• Casa DiLeo: 37169 Rehoboth Ave. • The Hideout Arcade Bar & Grille:
Thursdays - Music Audition Night, 6 to 18693 Coastal Hwy. Wednesdays -
9 p.m. 302-226-8660. Karaoke with DJ Wood, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.;
• Coastal Taproom: 18766 John J. Thursdays - Trivia, 7 p.m., and DJ Wood,
Williams Hwy. Thursday, July 7 - Chris 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Fridays - Karaoke with
Steele, 9 p.m.; Friday, July 9 - RoastJohn, DJ Wood, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturdays -
9 p.m.; Saturday, July 10 - Cecilia Grace, DJ Wood, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Sundays - DJ
9 p.m.; Thursday, July 14 - Keri Filasky, Wood, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. 302-645-1985.
5 to 8 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Brews
Brothers, 9 p.m. 302-645-9911. • The Pines Rehoboth Beach: 56
• Conch Island: 37169 Rehoboth Ave. Baltimore Ave. Mondays - Flaming
Tuesdays - Nick Kashmanian, 8:30 p.m. Pianos featuring John Flynn & Matthew
to midnight; Wednesdays - Electric Kenworthy, 6 to 9 p.m.; Saturdays - A
Velvet, 8 to 11 p.m.; Sundays - Uncle Night of Diva’s hosted by Mona Lotts
Ward, 8:30 p.m. to midnight; Thursday, & Kristina Kelly, 9 to 11 p.m.; Sundays -
July 7 - Matt Avery, 8:30 p.m. to mid- Drag Brunch with Mona Lotts & Kristina
night; Friday, July 8 - Matt Avery, 8:30 Kelly, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Blaqueout
p.m. to midnight; Saturday, July 9 - Trivia with Rebecca Blaqueout & Jerry B,
Brunch with Anthony Carmen, noon to 2 6 to 8 p.m.; Thursday, July 7 - Marcella
p.m., James West, 5 to 8 p.m., and Matt Peters: The Live Vocal Experience, 6
Avery, 8:30 p.m. to midnight; Sunday, p.m.; Friday, July 8 - Friday Fever Show;
July 10 - Brunch with Nick Kashmanian, The Boys of Summer, 8 to 11 p.m.;
noon to 2 p.m., and Louis Wright, 5 to 8 Thursday, July 14 - Marcella Peters: The
p.m.; Monday, July 11 - Freshly Squeezed, Live Vocal Experience, 6 p.m.; Friday,
8 to 11:30 p.m.; Thursday, July 14 - Jeff July 15 - I Love the 80s Drag, Show, 9
Harris, 8:30 p.m. to midnight; Friday, p.m. For tickets go to
July 15 - Jeff Harris, 5 to 8 p.m., and Nick events or call 302-567-2726.
Kashmanian, 8:30 p.m. to midnight.
302-212-5936. • The Pond: 19266 Coastal Hwy., Unit 1.
• Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats: 320 Mondays - Bobby Lee Jones, 6 to 9 p.m.;
Rehoboth Ave. Friday, July 8 - Emma Tuesdays - Survey Sez, 6:30 p.m., and
White, 6 to 8 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Karaoke, 9:30 p.m.; Wednesdays - B.J.’s
Wildermiss, 9 to 11 p.m. 302-226-BREW. Dam Jam Crew, 9:30 p.m.; Thursdays
• Hammerheads Dockside: 39415 - Summer Trivia Tournament, 7 p.m.,
Inlet Road. Mondays - Blind Wind, 3 to and Lower Case Blues, 9 p.m. to mid-
6 p.m.; Tuesdays - Lower Case Blues, 4 night; Sundays - Tyler Greene & Friends,
to 7 p.m.; Thursday, July 7 - RoastJohn, 9:30 p.m.; Thursday, July 7 - Tyler
3 to 6 p.m.; Friday, July 8 - Daniel Greene & The Friends, 9:30 p.m.; Friday,
Mensh Trio, 3 to 6 p.m.; Saturday, July July 8 - 302 Band, 5 p.m., and Daddy
9 - Mathew Street Band, 3 to 6 p.m.; Band, 9 p.m.; Saturday, July 9 - Divas
Sunday, July 10 - Mega Maid, 3 to 6 of One Love, 8 p.m.; Sunday, July 10 -
p.m.; Thursday, July 14 - Rogue Citizens, GirlsRoom, 5 p.m.; Wednesday, July 13
3 to 6 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Feel Free, 3 - Richard Walton, 5 p.m.; Friday, July 15
to 6 p.m. 302-752-8010. - Mathew Street Band, 8 p.m. 302-227-
• Port 251: 251 Rehoboth Ave. Mondays 2234.
- David Zipse & Ken Schleifer Duo, 7
p.m.; Tuesdays - Karaoke, 9 p.m.; Fridays • Thompson Island: 30133 Veterans
- Drag Extravaganza, 9 p.m.; Sundays - Way. Thursday, July 7 - The Back Bay
Drag Brunch with Diamond Doll, noon, Trio, 7:30 to 10 p.m.; Friday, July 8 - Hot
and Viki Dee, 6 to 9 p.m.; Thursday, Sauce Band, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Saturday,
July 7 - Christine Havrilla, 7 p.m.; July 9 - Filo Betto, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.;
Wednesday, July 13 - Karen Murdock, 7 Sunday, July 10 - Williams Brothers,
p.m. 302-278-7069. 2 to 5 p.m.; Thursday, July 14 - Jimmy
• Purple Parrot: 134 Rehoboth Ave. Prichard & Roger Girke, 7:30 to 10 p.m.;
Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays - Karaoke, Friday, July 15 - Keith White Duo, 4:30 to
9 p.m. 302-226-1139. 7:30 p.m. 302-226-4677.

• Zogg’s: 1 Wilmington Ave. Thursday,
July 7 - Michael Waskey, 6 p.m.; Friday,
July 8 - Keri Filaski, 6 p.m.; Saturday, July
9 - Steve Bowes, 6 p.m.; Sunday, July 10
- Nate McCormick Solo, 6 p.m.; Monday,
July 11 - Nate McCormick Solo, 6 p.m.;
Thursday, July 14 - Sydney Joesph Solo,
6 p.m.; Friday, July 15 - Kenny Riggs Solo,
6 p.m. 302-227-7660.

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 19



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20 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper

Taco Reho approved
for patio service,
outdoor music

Neighboring Hassett said there are 178 FILE PHOTO
residents oppose homeowners in Maplewood,
outside speakers and that they were happy DELAWARE’S ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL COMMISSIONER approved a request by Taco Reho near
when Taco Reho opened, Rehoboth Beach to operate a wet bar on its outdoor patio and to have live music four times per year. Residents
By Ryan Mavity but the music and the noise of the nearby Maplewood development protested having outdoor speakers on the patio. that would come with it is a
bridge too far. Hassett said Brewery & 6 Cannery Village Center, Milton, DE
Taco Reho is permitted to Taco Reho previously had Tasting Room
sell alcohol on an outdoor pa- plans for outdoor music that • Experience the Tasting Room, Production Facility & Distillery
tio at its restaurant on Route Maplewood residents were + • Daily tours • Merch & beer shop • Beer-centric food
1 in Rehoboth Beach. It is also prepared to protest, but • Dog friendly outdoor seating • Plenty of free parking
allowed to have live music those plans were dropped in
both on the patio and inside order to open the restaurant. Dogfish 105 Savannah Road, Lewes, DE
the restaurant. She said she believes Taco
Reho’s customer experience Dogfish INN: The Mother Nature • 16 Modern Style Rooms + Cottage Sweet • Outdoor fire pit
Delaware Alcoholic Bever- will be enhanced by its menu Basecamp for Coastal Delaware™ • Complimentary bike & beach chair rentals
age Control Commissioner and service, not through live • Local beaches, kayaking, biking & boating • Dog-friendly
Jacqueline Mette granted music.
the requests after a June 15 First brewpub in the first state 320 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE
public hearing where Taco “We wish Taco Reho the
Reho faced opposition from best as a business, but not • Original food. Original music. Original beer. Original spirits.
neighbors in the adjacent as a concert venue,” Hassett • Dog-friendly outdoor seating • Merch & beer shop
Maplewood development. said. She said Taco Reho • Live music on Fridays & Saturdays
should have live music only
Taco Reho founder Billy inside or erect a fence or bar-
Lucas said the intention is to rier to drown out the sound
have a wet bar with five seats from the speakers.
facing Route 1.
Kerrigan said the noise
The outdoor bar area from the music, which would
would have four external be enhanced with amplifica-
speakers to allow for live tion by the musicians, would
music performances on the ruin the peace and quiet of
patio; the speakers would be Maplewood. Lucas said live
built to withstand weather. music would end at 9 p.m.,
Taco Reho also revised its but Kerrigan said she hoped
floor plan to allow for live Lucas would not pursue out-
music inside the restaurant. door live music at all. 
Lucas said live music fits in
with the restaurant’s overall Hayes said residents had
music-centric concept, which tried to reach out to Lucas to
includes concert posters on meet about the speakers, but
the walls, and the exterior is they did not get a response.
painted to look like a Mar- Lucas said the speakers
shall amplifier. Lucas said he would be angled down and
intended to only have live attempts would be made to
music outside four times mitigate the sound, but the
per year. He said he was not speakers were necessary in
intending to have a bar scene, order to hear the music with
but the wet bar and live mu- the highway nearby. He said
sic would enhance the dining the intention is to only have
experience.  acoustic acts, not bands.

Taco Reho’s application In her decision, Mette
was protested by 29 people said the protestors' con-
in Maplewood, which backs cerns were hypothetical
up to the restaurant. Those and did not rise to the level
protesting did not object to of a substantial objection.
indoor music or alcoholic She said Taco Reho has met
beverage service on the state statute requirements to
patio, but did object to the operate a wet bar and have
outdoor speakers. Speak- live music. However, she
ing for the protestors were also said Lucas should meet
Maplewood residents Mary with his neighbors to assure
Ellen Hassett, Michael them the speakers and music
Hayes and Angel Kerrigan.  would not affect their peace
and welfare. 

Seafood & Cocktails 316 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE
• Fresh seafood from the Chesapeake & Maine regions
• Off-centered ales + scratch-made & keg-conditioned cocktails
made with Dogfish Head Distilling Co. spirits


©2022 Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Milton, DE

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 21

Bethany Blues to take over original Nicola location

Downtown Blues restaurant is
expected to open by Easter 2023

By Chris Flood

After more than 50 years in SUBMITTED IMAGE CHRIS FLOOD PHOTO
downtown Rehoboth Beach,
Nicola Pizza will close up Bethany Blues announced June 28 AFTER MORE THAN 50 YEARS, the original Nicola Pizza will be closing soon after Labor Day.
shop and head to its new it will be taking over the original
Lewes home at the end of the Nicola Pizza space after the piz- Montgomery said one of BBQ restaurants while raising There will be a cozy bar area
summer. The restaurant team zeria closes its doors at the end of the keys to expanding was to their own children here in the added to the back corner fea-
that owns Bethany Blues and this summer. The new restaurant make longtime operators of community, he said.  turing Bethany Blues’ famous
The Starboard will take over will be called Downtown Blues. the original locations, Jessica bourbon collection.
the original Nicola’s loca- Nathan and Zac Warner, into The Bethany Blues team
tion on North First Street, nel Cake Factory, Zogg's Raw equity partners and part of plans to keep some of the The plan is to be a year-
planning to open Downtown Bar & Grill, Dave & Skippy's, the ownership team. They iconic feel with the front-win- round venue open for both
Blues by Easter 2023. the Hotel Carlton building will continue to run these dow booths and semi-open lunch and dinner, said the
(current home to The Shirt kitchen, said the release. release.
In a press release June 28, Factory), Royal Market and
Steve “Monty” Montgomery Blackwall Hitch. Need more sunshine in your life?
said Downtown Blues will be
designed to fit the historic According to the press re- Subscribe to weekly entertainment email at
space that is special to so lease, the Bethany Blues team
many. It’s very exciting to will take over the Nicola
move into a space where he spot about Oct. 1, and begin
grew up eating Nic-o-bolis, remodeling. The hope is to be
pizza and pasta, he said. open at the new location by
Easter 2023, said the release.
Nick Caggiano Sr. and his
late wife Joan founded Nicola “While we were not
Pizza in 1971. The original planning to expand, when
restaurant operated on North approached about this loca-
First Street, with a second lo- tion, it just made too much
cation opening on Rehoboth sense,” said Montgomery.
Avenue in 2010. In August “Our original Blues location
2020, the Caggiano family in downtown Bethany is very
announced the restaurant popular for both dine-in and
was leaving Rehoboth for a carryout. While we have our
new site on Route 1 outside newly renovated location in
Lewes on property adjacent Lewes, we feel downtown Re-
to Ocean One Plaza. The hoboth is a different market
original restaurant had its last where so many can walk or
day of in-person dining June bike to dine with us.”
12, but remains open for take-
out. The Rehoboth Avenue There will be an emphasis
location has in-person dining on takeout, with a carryout
through the summer. Both lo- counter near the front of the
cations are expected to close restaurant, said the release.
soon after Labor Day. With a mix of booths and
tables, there will be approxi-
Both Nicola locations mately the same amount of
were sold to Trahos Capital seating as Nicola Pizza.
Investments LLC in April
2021. In addition to the Nicola
properties, Trahos family also
owns several other properties
in Rehoboth – including Gus
& Gus, Starkey's Ice Cream,
Tidal Rave's 5 &10, The Fun-

Summer Sale






22 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper


Fun By The Numbers
Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending
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Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down
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the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets
to solve the puzzle.


ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 HOROSCOPES SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
Aries, an exciting relationship may soon Sagittarius, are you feeling adventurous
develop after you socialize with friends. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 lately? Now may be a good time to enter a
If you already are involved romantically, An unexpected phone call or text from race or try something daring, like sky div-
someone you meet could be an important someone in your past could come your ing. Let your instincts guide your decision.
ally. way soon, Leo. Whatever the news, don’t
let it scare you. You’ll do fine. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Your mind is attuned to learning new
Unexpected changes are the name of the A significant sum of money could be lessons. If time permits, enroll in some
game this week, Taurus. This could mean coming your way shortly, Virgo. It may college courses or explore trade school
anything from learning a new skill to hav- be a bonus or some sort of repayment. offerings. This will enable you to expand
ing to train a new coworker. Be pleased at the windfall and utilize it your mind.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
Gemini, there’s potential to meet someone Libra, an exciting group activity involving This is a good week to travel or to make
interesting on a trip you will be taking a number of your friends is on the horizon. the arrangements for it, Aquarius. The
shortly. Strike up conversations with those You may be wondering whether to go. journey promises to be an exciting time
around you, as you never know what will Don’t pass up the opportunity. that you will remember for a while.
happen. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22
Exciting prospects and fortunate events PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 seem to be in your orbit. Enjoy this bit Pisces, bizarre dreams may invade your
Cancer, do not be discouraged when of good luck that garners much of your comfort levels. Don’t try to analyze their
something seems like an insurmountable attention and could have further benefits. meaning too much, but be aware of sym-
task. You just have to find the right help bolism. Talking them over with someone
and then you’ll quickly master the job. can help.

Answers on page 27


Memorable web or mobile experiences that turn visitors into customers

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Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 23

Help: I Can’t Stop Playing Karaoke in Yakuza

PLAY simple; a song plays, and you The Yakuza games have really in-depth storylines with characters you can’t help but fall in love with.
match the notes by pressing
CASSIE GOTTO-WHITE the corresponding buttons ematic starts up, that’s when mini game. Once I beat the Start with Yakuza 0, as that
in time with the song. If things get really exciting; dur- main storylines in Yakuza is where the whole storyline
The first Yakuza game you’ve ever played any kind ing the cinematic, we get a games, I don’t really go back begins.
I played was Yakuza 3 of rhythm video game, this flashback of Kiryu in prison, and replay them or do side
on the PlayStation 3. won’t be a foreign concept. and he pulls two GIANT car- quests simply because of Plus, you will also get a
Since I was a newbie to the I grew up playing Donkey rots out of the dirt at the end. time. But I’ve always got time chance to play as Goro Ma-
series, I just played the main Konga, which I wrote about As I said, bizarre. for karaoke. jima, and karaoke with him
story and did a few of the a few weeks back, and that’s is a hilarious experience. If
amazingly bizarre side quests. where my love of rhythm I’m going to go ahead and If you like rhythm games you’re more of a turn-based
The Yakuza games have re- games began. What makes manifest a standalone Yakuza and Japanese culture, you RPG fan, play Yakuza: Like a
ally in-depth storylines with the Yakuza minigames so karaoke series akin to the owe it to yourself to play Dragon (Yakuza 7). You can
characters you can’t help but great is honestly what makes Persona Dancing series. I Yakuza. If you also enjoy thank me later.
fall in love with, but what the Yakuza series so great - it can’t count the number of a great story and fighting
they also have is addictive is so weird. times I’ve reinstalled these games, you’ll probably fall What games are you looking forward to?
minigames, like using the games simply for the karaoke head over heels for the series. Let me know on Twitter: @cgottowhite.
crane machines in the Sega Weird in what way, you
Arcade, batting cages, and - ask? Well, there’s a song
my personal favorite - kara- in which Kazuma Kiryu,
oke. I didn’t even know that the main character in the
the karaoke minigame existed series, sings/growls, “fly like
until I played Yakuza 0 (my a beautiful butterfly.” The
favorite in the series)! juxtaposition of Kiryu - a
big, tough gang member - in
The actual gameplay of the a tiny karaoke bar clapping
karaoke mini game, which his hands and singing his
is available in every Yakuza heart out never fails to make
game since Yakuza 3, is pretty me laugh.

Not to mention the songs
are incredibly catchy, and the
cinematics that play during
some of them are random
and weird and embody
everything I love about these
games. One of my personal
favorites is Iji Sakura 2000,
which is featured in Yakuza
Kiwami (a remake of the
game that started the series).
The guitars and Kiryu’s
intense vocals already make
it a banger, but when that cin-




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24 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper


will kill you! GENE BLEILE PHOTOS

THE who avoids skin cancer? Baywood Greens is located in Longneck. Call 302-947-9800 for a tee time. Hole number six is a par 3,
19TH If you already use sun- which plays 223 yards from the gold tees, down to 147 yards from the white tees. It is the number 13 hand-
screen on the course or like Hole number 13 is a par 5, which plays 534 yards from the gold tees, down to 265 yards from the white
GENE BLEILE the thrill of reaching into an tees. It is the number 8 handicap hole on the course.
alligator-infested pond to Hole number 18 is a par 4, which plays 425 yards from the gold tees, down to 203 yards from the white
Over the past 25 years, retrieve your ball, then stop tees. It is the number 6 handicap hole on the course.
in my golfing career reading and enjoy the rest of
(if you can call an your vacation.
ongoing 18 handicap a career),
I have encountered a few The worst hazard on any
dangerous situations playing golf course is the sun. Let me
golf, but there is one continu- repeat that, the sun - not sand,
ous life threatening hazard on water, trees, rocks or the cart
every course. So be careful. girl running out of your favor-
ite “beverage.”
On a South Carolina course,
I saw numerous signs near Unless you were born un-
water hazards, which read, der a rock, you already know
“Beware of alligators, do not the value of sunscreen but
retrieve your ball from the now the question is asked, “do
water!” Dangerous, yes, but you use it consistently, when
only an idiot would reach into you play golf, even on cloudy
murky water with a sign in days?” Five years ago, on a
bold, red letters, warning you whim, I went to a dermatolo-
of the local, hungry reptiles (I gist and was surprised; no -
pride myself for not being an stunned is a better word, to be
idiot, but sometimes my wife diagnosed with pre-cancerous
disagrees). lesions on my face. What I
thought were old age spots
On a Georgia course a were potentially, deadly mela-
few years ago, I stepped into noma, if left untreated.
a large bunker and a rabid
fox came out of a burrow Years of lifeguarding at a
and showed me the error of pool was a part of the prob-
my ways. The ball, my sand lem, but in the past 25 years,
wedge and I all made a hasty since I took up golf, and
retreat to safety. Dangerous being macho, did not put on
yes, but I played it safe and let sunscreen or wear a wide-
him have his front yard (I also brimmed hat with any consis-
alerted the local ranger). tency. I caught my potential
problem early and a three-
On two different western week facial cream therapy
Maryland courses, I had a run treatment gave me a clean bill
in with a six-foot black snake of health. But don’t take my
on the first course, while look- word for it; you don’t know
ing for my ball in a wooded me and I can relate to your
area and on the second, a reluctance to “lotion up,” or to
wonderful surprise, when wear a wide-brimmed hat.
hornets did not like me look-
ing for my ball near their nest. I know all the excuses: I
Dangerous, yes, but not life don’t need it; I just tan. I don’t
threatening. Throw in a snap- have time before the round
ping turtle, poison ivy, chig- to put on lotion or wearing
gers and avoiding deer ticks, a wide-brim med hat looks
and you would obviously dorky. And one of my all-time
conclude the safest place to be favorites, sunscreen will make
was on the fairway. Well, what my hands slippery when I
if I told you that was wrong, hold a club.
and in some cases, dead
wrong. If you have followed I want you to read a partial
my columns over the past 11 list of professionals who
years in the Beach Paper, you learned the hard way: Fred
know by now I do not want to Couples, Roy Sabbatini,
bore you writing about skills Brian Price, Aron Price and
and drills, but try and rely Adam Scott all had surgery to
on humor to keep your mind remove potential cancerous
stress-free on vacation. cells.

But for the next few min- • See a dermatologist once
utes, as a retired physical a year
education, health teacher and
guidance counselor, I need to • The American Cancer So-
have a teachable moment with ciety data shows more than 2
you. If only one person learns million people are diagnosed
from my soap box infomercial, with skin cancer each year
then I have done my job, so and on average 10,000 die
why not be that one person, from the exposure.

• Australia is the skin can-
cer capital of the world.

• If you insist on reaching
into an alligator invested wa-
ter hazard, at least put lotion
on both arms, one cancer free
arm is better than none.

Follow Bleile’s column at
and visit

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 25

Survey offers insight into surf-fishing program

State to use results to guide decisions

By Nick Roth “The survey results will be NICK ROTH PHOTO used internally by the stake-
holder group to determine DELAWARE STATE PARKS recently sent a survey to people who obtained a surf-fishing permit in the last
Delaware State Parks offi- the best path forward and as a three years to learn more about how and when people use the drive-on beaches.
cials are reviewing the results foundation for future survey
of a survey recently sent to results to measure effective-
everyone who obtained a ness,” McVey said in an email.
surf-fishing permit in the last
three years. The survey comprised 32
questions. Delaware State
The goal is to use responses Parks was seeking informa-
to find a better way to man- tion on how often permit
age the surf-fishing program, holders drive on the beach
while also developing a base- each season, what time they
line measure to compare with usually arrive, the duration of
future surveys. their typical stay, what beach
they use most frequently and
Shauna McVey, commu- their top activities when us-
nity relations manager with ing the beach.
Delaware State Parks, said
about 7,000 people responded Also sought was the size
to the survey, which was sent of a typical group and the
to everyone who provided an average number of children
email address when obtaining tagging along.
a permit.
The final questions gauged
A hard copy of the sur- the permit holders’ satisfac-
vey was also sent to 1,000 tion with the surf-fishing
randomly selected permit process and the surf-fishing
holders who did not provide program as a whole. Each sur-
an email address. Responses vey offered an opportunity at
were anonymous. the end to share suggestions
to improve the surf-fishing
McVey said the results will program.
not be released to the public.

Commercial marina proposed for agriculture; golf course opera- or if a written meritorious
Rehoboth Bay’s Arnell Creek tions took place on the site objection to the application is
from about 1968 until 2017. received within 20 days from
25 slips, kayak launch would be part mooring pilings. The con- the notice, which is Tuesday,
of Osprey Point off Old Landing Road struction of the kayak facility NV Homes did not respond July 12. For more information,
would comprise a 4-foot-wide- to a request for comment. contact Catherine Bron-
By Chris Flood the name Osprey Point by-50-foot-long pier, a son, DNREC Wetlands and Preserve LLC, has proposed 4-foot-wide-by-20-foot-long A public hearing on the Subaqueous Lands Section, at
to construct the marina and gangway, a 6-foot-wide-by-4- above applications will not be Catherine.Bronson@dela-
The developer of Osprey kayak launch dock on the foot-long platform connected held unless DNREC Secretary or 302-739-9943.
Point, a 217-lot subdivision eastern shore of Arnell Creek. to an 8-foot-wide-by-24-foot- Shawn Garvin determines
along Old Landing Road near According to the notice, the long floating dock and a one is in the public’s interest
Rehoboth Beach, has submit- construction of the marina 4-foot-wide-by-5-foot-long
ted an application to the state would comprise a 3-foot- kayak launch. breathtaking. beautiful. brilliant.
to build a 25-slip commercial wide-by-42-foot-long walkway
marina that would be open to crossing state-regulated There is also a request BAYWOOD GREENS.
the public and future resi- tidal wetlands to connect to to place 16 cubic yards of
dents of the development. a 4-foot-wide-by-31-foot-long fill – rip-rap – in wetlands as- Described as one of America’s truly great golf courses, Baywood Greens
pier, a 4-foot-wide-by-128- sociated with the stormwater is a public 18-hole championship course. Manicured greens, flawless
According to a June 22 foot-long horizontal pier, two management basin. The pro-
public notice issued by Dela- 4-foot-wide-by-84-foot-long posed construction is located fairways, man-made ponds, timber bridges, tunnels and over 200,000
ware Department of Natural piers, 10 3-foot-wide-by-12- in Arnell Creek adjacent to flowers, plants, shrubs and trees don’t begin to describe its beauty.
Resources and Environmen- foot-long finger piers, two Rehoboth Bay at what will be
tal Control’s Wetlands and 6-foot-wide-by-54-foot-long the corner of Ethan and Paul Known as the “Augusta of the North,” Baywood Greens is by far the most
Subaqueous Lands Section, “T” docks and 37 free-standing Revere drives, said the notice. visually spectacular golf course in Delaware and is consistently
developer NV Homes, under ranked #1 by Golf Digest’s Best in State.
The notice says the con-
struction of this marina A COASTAL GOLF COMMUNITY
requires a subaqueous lands
lease, a wetlands permit, a BAYWOODGREENS.COM | CALL (888) 844-2254 FOR TEE TIMES
marina permit, operations and
CHRIS FLOOD PHOTO management applications, DIRECTIONS: From Route 1 in Lewes or Rehoboth Beach DEVELOPED BY
and water quality certification take Route 24 West for approximately 8 miles. The TUNNELL COMPANIES, L.P.
THE DEVELOPERS of Osprey Point off Old Landing Road outside of Re- request. entrance to Baywood Greens will be on your left.
hoboth Beach have proposed to build a 25-slip marina that could be open
for public use. Located on what used to be
Old Landing Golf Course, the
development of the Osprey
Point community has been on
the books for nearly a decade.
Public hearings on the ap-
plication took place in January
and February of 2015. The de-
veloper originally submitted
a preliminary site plan that
had 3.2 units per acre with 339
mixed-use lots. Ultimately, af-
ter removing 180 townhouses,
a site plan was approved for
217 single-family units with
two units per acre. Prior to
1968, the site was used for

26 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper


fishing is fine

FISHING fun to fish but you just never SUBMITTED PHOTOS
REPORT know what you’ll get. The
fly fishing is great around ROBIN ACKERMAN LANDED THIS WEAKFISH (state unicorn) up at Bowers Beach fishing from the jetty.  She
RICH KING the flats in the evenings on also picked up a nice keeper flounder that day too.
an incoming tide.  You can’t
Summer fishing is in full always choose your tides, but to catch at night, including all
swing. I’m just waiting you can choose your condi- the small summer suspects.
for pompano to show up tions, and one of my favorites We usually have a croaker
and the other summer freaks is night surf fishing.  and kingfish contest. Top
and we should be good to go and bottom rigs with squid
into the fall. Now we avoid The cool nights and hot pieces will tear up small fish
the hotter days to fish the days are perfect for overnight at night.  So will Fishbites and
cool nights and mornings.   surf fishing trips.  That time bloodworms. There are so
of year is here.  Fishing is many baby dogfish - the par-
Cobia catches are picking tougher in the summer, the ents pup at night in the surf;
up, but a large one was lost crowds being the main issue.  the babies are hungry. The
at the Cape Henlopen fishing At night though, there is big sharks like hammerhead
pier.  You should never fish hardly a soul on the beaches.  pup in the surf too at night
a pier or bridge without ta You drive out, set up, and fish as do other sharks.  So yeah,
proper net. If you don’t have until the sun comes up, or the there are a lot of sharks
one, make friends with the morning crowds appear. So near the beach at night, a
guy who does. It’s actually long as you are actively fish-
better to have your own net; ing you can drive out and surf Continued on page 27
now you are the guy every- fish all night long. You can’t
one wants to be friends with. set up a tent or camp out; you
have to actively fish. 
Tautog season started, and
the walls and breakers are The crowds are less of an
producing in the Delaware issue on the weekdays, but in
Bay.  Sheepshead are hit- the late summer even some
ting and triggers are around.  of the weekdays get real
There’s a lot of variety to busy. Just like the weekends,
target or at least fill the the best times during late
box.  The inlets are slow for summer weekdays are morn-
keepers but are holding some ings and late evening.  At
fish. Slot striped bass season this time of year, stretching
is producing some quality that late evening into an all-
fish in the Delaware Bay and nighter into an early morning
tributaries.  They are thick trip is perfect. The weather
with good meat for the table.  is usually dead calm, with
You can sandflea for them a little breeze.  If there is a
or use small swim shads and full moon you can see your
bucktails.  shadow all night.  On a new
moon it is pitch dark out.   
Charters and head boats
are going out for a variety of     There are plenty of fish
catches - you can pick and
choose.  Weekdays are much Quinn with a 14 lb., 9 oz. Sheepshead. Photo courtesy of Icehouse Bait
better if you can manage and Tackle.
those days because the week-
ends are very crowded, even Alex from Icehouse Bait and Tackle with a slot striped bass. Juvenile dogfish and all the smaller fish will feed heavy at night.
on the water. 

There are some nice state
unicorns around too; the
weakfish catches are larger
when you find them. That is a
hard target. There are a lot of
the “spike” trout (little ones)
in the surf and waterways.  

Flounder anglers offshore
are catching a lot of ribbon-
fish for the box. Those are
good fish to eat, just annoy-
ing to clean.  I’m terrible at
fileting fish so I just pay the
guys at the tables.  Otherwise,
I lop off the head, clean them
out and bake, which we love
doing with pompano at the

The Cape Henlopen fish-
ing pier has been off and on
heavy for spot action and
decent flounder. That area is

Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 27


Continued from page 26 Night surf fishing is a whole different experience.  
lot.  Don’t swim, it’s not like
“Jaws,” but it’s kind of like Ghost crabbing at night on the beach. fires in a metal container.  We to jam onto a hook.  
“Jaws.” cook food and eat all night This is a fun family trip
if you just stare at the sky.  If to the sand spike that shoots long.  Cook what you catch for sure.  One thing you will
  If you get into a school of you get really lucky, you will light right up the rod, you can and eat fish while you fish.   need to keep in mind.  The
fish, you are bailing them one see one that lights up the see the tip as plain as day.  The kids love the over- dew at night and ocean mist
after another.  We usually use entire beach; that was a wild The excess light also il- nighters. They can chase settles on everything.  Keep
short rods with a one- or two- sight many years ago.  luminates your fishing area.  ghost crabs with flashlights, your vehicle closed and cover
ounce weight on the rigs.  Tending a surf rod at night, One small solar light can and much like sand fleas, anything you don’t want wet. 
The smaller fish are right in if you are not holding onto it illuminate the entire bait and ghost crabs supply you with a We have learned to use as
the back edge of the waves, to feel a strike, is tricky.  It is cooler area.  For most of the great bait source.  All fish will little as possible on overnight
feeding, especially on those hard to watch your rod tip in night you will keep these off eat a ghost crab. Just make trips.  It can get pretty wet
dead calm nights.  Yes, they the dark but there are a few and let nature be your light. sure little Timmy didn’t name by dawn.  Then the sun dries
too are avoiding the sharks tricks. Bells on the rod tips  Fires are allowed as cook that ghost crab you are about you out and you go home. 
and larger predators.  This is are an original trick, but they
why we put out large baits for make a lot of noise with wave
big fish at night.  action and annoy you eventu- GAME SOLUTIONS FROM PAGE 22
ally. There are these little
 Do not shine your head- clip-on glow lights but they CROSSWORD SUDOKU WORD
lamp on the water. That are a one-time use product I SEARCH
will scare off the fish you
are targeting. Yes, light will dislike. 
also attract fish, but in an It’s fine for offshore, but
area usually devoid of light, on land you have plenty
sudden illumination scares of options.  The solar yard
them off.  We take the solar spotlights are perfect. Put one
yard spot lights and shine in front of your surf rod set
them on the surf “upstream” up and point it up at the tip
from us on night trips.  Light of the rod. This illuminates
does attract fish, but better to the entire set up without
do it farther away from your shining light on the water or
current fishing area.  Now your eyes. I have one I mount
you have two alternatives for
fishing, and one is attracting
fish, and sharks. 

    One of the bonuses of
night surf fishing is the scen-
ery.  The summer night sky
has a few different meteor
showers occurring and you
will see at least one during
the entire night, even more

28 THURSDAY, JULY 7 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 Beach Paper



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