Cape Gazette’s
Visitors’ Guide to
the Cape Region
Independence weekend
events abound July 3-4
Page 2
Local nightlife in
full swing of summer
Page 6
2 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
Independence weekend events abound July 3-4
REHOBOTH BEACH p.m. to midnight; beginning The fixed route will be from FILE PHOTO
Fireworks to shine in at 6 p.m., only bus traffic and the Bandstand to Dickinson
Rehoboth residents will be permitted on Avenue in Dewey Beach, with A NUMBER OF FIREWORKS DISPLAYS will illuminate the Cape Region
Henlopen and Surf avenues; Dewey Beach stops along the skies July 3-4.
Rehoboth Beach’s fireworks vehicles will not be able to ocean side of Route 1. During
display will launch at roughly cross Rehoboth Avenue at and after the fireworks, the
9:30 p.m., Saturday, July the traffic circle beginning trolley stops at the conven-
3. Fireworks festivities include at 7 p.m.; Rehoboth Avenue tion center, Village by the Sea
musical sets performed by eastbound and Church Street and uptown Christian Street
The Funsters at the Bandstand from Route 1 will be closed will be closed. Traffic delays
beginning at 8 p.m., and again to vehicular traffic beginning are expected. For more route
after the fireworks conclude. at 8:30 p.m. At that point, all information, visit jollytrolley.
vehicles entering the city will com or call 302-644-0400.
Additional Rehoboth info: have to do so using State Road
• COVID preparations and or Bayard Avenue; residents • Parking: There are approx-
precautions – Vaccinated on Henlopen Avenue, in Hen- imately 2,200 metered parking
individuals are not required to lopen Acres and North Shores spaces and additional permit-
wear masks, but may choose must access their residences required spaces throughout
to do so because of the large using First Street beginning town. Metered parking is in
crowd that is anticipated. at 8:30 p.m. To exit Rehoboth effect 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Park-
Individuals who are not vac- Avenue after the fireworks, ing permits are enforced from
cinated should wear a mask vehicles north of Rehoboth 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fireworks
when attending this event. Avenue will be directed to use parking will be available for
The city will provide several Rehoboth and Columbia av- $5 at the Deauville Beach lot
hand-sanitizing stations along enues. Vehicles on the south beginning at 5 p.m.
the beach and Boardwalk. side of Rehoboth Avenue will
• Additional restrooms – use Bayard Avenue to Route LEWES
The city will have portable 1 or Hickman and Munson St. Peter’s Art Show set July 3
restrooms placed at various streets to State Road.
street ends the morning of The St. Peter’s Art Show
Saturday, July 3, to augment • Transportation alterna- will be held from 9 a.m. to
public facilities at the Balti- tives – The city strongly 3 p.m., Saturday, July 3, at
more and Delaware Avenue encourages visitors to utilize Second and Market streets in
comfort stations. Portable the DART Park & Ride Ser- Lewes.
bathrooms at street ends will vice to travel into downtown.
be removed the morning of Visit the DART website or call Celebration, classic car show
Sunday, July 4; those at com- 302-226-2001 for more infor-
fort stations will be removed mation. The Jolly Trolley will Trinity Faith Christian Cen-
Monday, July 5. operate its Rehoboth Beach ter in Lewes will host the 25th
• Road closures – Vehicu- and Dewey Beach shuttle Annual 4th of July Celebration
lar traffic in the Bandstand services on its full schedule and Classic Car Show from
area will be closed from 6 from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m., July 3. 12 to 4 p.m., Saturday, July 3,
Continued on page 3
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Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 3
Events • Viewing options – Go FILE PHOTO
Fourth Lewes, the non-
Continued from page 2 profit group that funds the The Doo-Dah Parade is an Independence Day tradiation in Lewes. This year’s parade will step off around 5 p.m.,
at 15516 New Road, one mile fireworks, is encouraging Sunday, July 4.
from the beach. Car show people to view the show
registration begins at 10 a.m. throughout town. Pictured Below is Tiffany’s Venetian Box Bracelet
Christy Taylor Music will pro- It is priced very reasonably at $285.
vide live jazz entertainment. Debra Evalds, communica-
The kid- and senior-friendly tions chair, says the fireworks Shore Silver’s 4mm Box Bracelet
event will include free bar- will be shot higher this year, Sells for $85!
becue, fun and games. All are making them visible from
welcome. For information, call most areas in town. Need we say more!
Besides the beach, common (obviously we aren’t selling Tiffany bracelets,
Boat parade in Lewes July 4 viewing locations include but they are so close you can’t tell the difference in the picture)
Canalfront Park, the Savannah Open
The Lewes Boat Parade Road drawbridge and Pilot- Every Day
will start at approximately town Road. Drone photos at 10am
1:30 p.m., Sunday, July 4, in were taken from the approxi-
the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal. It mate location of where the
will end around 3:30 p.m. with fireworks will explode.
presentation of a trophy and
citations for first, second and They are posted at www.
third place at the Lightship
Evalds said if you can see
Doo-Dah Parade is July 4 your intended viewing loca-
tion in the photo, you will
The annual Doo-Dah Pa- have no problem viewing the
rade will step off about 5 p.m., show.
Sunday, July 4. The informal
parade will travel through the “For those who decide to
streets of downtown Lewes venture down to the beach,
and is open to anyone who be mindful and use a lot of
wishes to join. patience,” she said. “Get there
early, bring in what you need,
Lewes fireworks at dusk July 4 carry out your trash, and plan
to stay late.”
Go Fourth Lewes will pres-
ent fireworks at dusk, Sunday, The grassy area at the Cape
July 4, from a barge off Lewes May-Lewes Ferry terminal
Beach. In case of inclement will be open to all at 3:30 p.m.
weather, the show will be Grain on the Rocks will be
moved to Monday, July 5. holding a ticketed pig roast on
the dock.
• Road closures/parking
– As in 2019, Savannah Road • Fundraising – Go Fourth
will be closed to vehicular Lewes did not run a fundrais-
traffic at 7 p.m. ing campaign this year due
to COVID. Anyone wishing
Freeman Highway will be to donate may do so at www.
closed at Monroe Avenue at
8 p.m.
Only residents with valid ID Dewey fireworks set for July 4
will be permitted through the
checkpoints. Cape Henlopen The Dewey Beach fireworks
State Park campers will also display will be set off from a
be permitted through the barge in Rehoboth Bay about
Freeman checkpoint. 9:30 p.m., Sunday, July 4.
No parking will be allowed MILLSBORO
on Savannah Road or Cape Millsboro to host children’s
Henlopen Drive. celebration and parade July 4
• Post-fireworks – Following Millsboro’s 15th Annual
the fireworks, there will be no Children’s Celebration and
movement of any vehicular Parade will be held at 11:30
traffic on the beach side of the a.m., Sunday, July 4, at the
Lewes-Rehoboth Canal until labyrinth of St. Mark’s Epis-
all pedestrians and bicyclists copal Church on the corner
are back over the canal draw- of State and Ellis streets.
bridge. Following a brief patriotic
ceremony, children dressed in
Chief Tom Spell anticipates patriotic colors and costumes
it will be 30 to 45 minutes be- will parade on the church
fore vehicles will be allowed grounds to the parish hall. A
to leave. free lunch will be provided.
In case of rain, the celebration
All traffic from Beach 1, and parade will be held in St.
Beach 2, and points east Mark’s parish hall.
toward the state park will exit
via Freeman Highway. Once BETHANY BEACH
Savannah Road is clear of Bethany fireworks planned
pedestrians and bicyclists, it July 5
will reopen to traffic.
In Bethany Beach, there
“We’re trying to get people will be no parade this year,
to understand that this is the but there are two nights of
plan and they shouldn’t plan events planned, highlighted by
to go anywhere,” Spell said. fireworks at 9:15 p.m., Monday,
July 5.
Assisting Lewes Police in
the effort are Sussex Emer- Prior to the fireworks, Love
gency Operations Center, Seed Mama Jump will per-
Sussex EMS, DelDOT, Dela- form on the Bethany Beach
ware River and Bay Authority, Bandstand at 7:30 p.m.
Delaware State Parks rangers,
DNREC Fish & Wildlife, U.S. The 287th Army Band will
Coast Guard, and the Slaugh- present a show at 7:30 p.m.,
ter Beach and Lewes Fire Sunday, July 4, on the Bethany
Departments. Beach Bandstand.
4 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
Lightship Overfalls boat Why Knot, set for 9:30 a.m. ON THE COVER: Fireworks soar
parade awards July 4 to 12 p.m., Wednesday, July high in Rehoboth Beach in 2019.
21, and Stars and Navigation, Last year’s event was sidelined by
The Lightship Overfalls in Health-approved COVID set for 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., DAN COOK PHOTO the COVID-19 pandemic, but this
Lewes has opened its gang- safety protocol is in place to Wednesday, Aug. 18. Cost year’s celebration will blast off
way for tours of the light- keep both visitors and vol- for the family programs is $5 Beach Paper Editor Saturday, July 3.
ship, the American Lightship unteer staff comfortably safe. per child and accompanying Jen Ellingsworth Cover design
Museum, and the Monomoy Tours are conducted on a adult. by Teresa Rodriguez
Lifeboat. first-come, first-served basis. Copy Editor
To arrange private tours, go For details or to register, Bernadette Hearn For more local happenings,
One of the last remaining to contact Sue Tolbert at 302- go to
lightships from a fleet of over 947-2269 or go to overfalls. IT Manager/Photo Editor
100 such vessels in use from Tours during July will be org. Christopher D. Foster
the mid-19th century until the free to students and their
1970s, the Lightship Overfalls families who can show proof The ship deck is the perfect CoPublisher/
is now a designated National of college acceptance/atten- viewing spot for the Lewes General Manager
Historic Landmark, one of dance. Independence Day Boat Pa- Chris Rausch
only a few in Delaware. rade, leaving Roosevelt Inlet
As the summer season at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, July 4.
Following an opening gets into full swing, there are Following the parade, awards
ceremony and the induc- many special events planned will be presented to the win-
tion of five new members to at the ship site on the canal- ning crews on the deck of the
the Delaware Maritime Hall front in downtown Lewes. Overfalls.
of Fame May 21, the ship
welcomed its first visitors on During Fun with Flags June There are volunteer oppor-
Maritime Day May 22. 23, a fun family program for tunities for any level of inter-
children and accompanying est or skill, from teenagers to
The ship and its associ- adults, attendees toured the seniors. An easy way to learn
ated museum facilities are ship, participated in games more about these opportuni-
open for tours from 10:30 and created their own signal ties is to visit the ship during
a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Thursday to flag plaque. operating hours Thursday
Sunday. A Delaware Public through Sunday. Interested
Future family programs are volunteers can also call Dave
Beck at 302-827-4973.
Advertising About us
Andrew Thomas Cape Gazette launched its
Kathy McGinty free visitors’ guide in 2000.
Lauren Zaniewski The publication is locally
owned and operated at
SUBMITTED PHOTO Production 17585 Nassau Commons
Edwin Krumm Blvd. in Lewes.
Lightship Overfalls volunteer opportunities are available for any level of interest or skill, from teenagers to se- Mallery Galaska
niors. Tara Arjona Web Manager
Teresa Rodriguez Kristin Sinnott
Cheers to all our readers!
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Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 5
Mindi Abair & Wild Hearts • Joey Alexander • Marcus Anderson • Marc Antoine
• Blood, Sweat & Tears • Alex Bugnon • Club Phred • Nick Colionne • Eric Darius
• Damien Escobar • Euge Groove • Everette Harp • Vincent Ingala • Paul Jackson
Jr. • Boney James • Jackeim Joyner • Jeff Kashiwa • Bobby Lyle • Maysa • Najee
• Carol Riddick • JJ Sansaverino • Art Sherrod Jr. • Brian Simpson • The Royal
Scam • Elan Troutman • Gerald Veasley • Peter White • and more!
Visit the beach this fall!
Come for the music; enjoy the boardwalk, the ocean and the
tax-free shopping!
Music For Information & Tickets
for the
This organization is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National
Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on
6 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
OUTDOOR CONCERTS - Big Hat No Cattle; Saturday, Sept. 4 - The Yacht Rock Revue, the self-proclaimed “greatest show on surf and the finest tribute to ‘70s light rock,”
• American Legion Post 28: 31768 Broadkill Music Festival, 11 a.m. to 8:30 will return to rock the Bottle & Cork Friday, July 2. Tickets are on sale at
Legion Rd. Saturday, July 17 - The p.m. Call 302-684-4110. cork/542283.
Fabulous Hubcaps, 6 to 9 p.m. 302-947- • Rehoboth Beach Bandstand:
0581. Concerts start at 8 p.m. unless noted. with DJ Manny Mann, 4 to 9 p.m., and Hwy. Thursdays - Sol Knopf, 5 p.m. 302- Comedy Show, 8 p.m.; Saturday, July
• Bethany Beach Bandstand: Concerts Friday, July 2 - Frontiers: The Ultimate DJ Smoky, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturdays - 945-8850. 3 - Independence Day Picnic & Dance
start at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 1 - Journey Tribute Band; Saturday, July DJ Manny Man, 10 a.m., DJ Woody B, 2 • Lefty’s Alley & Eats: 36450 Plaza Dr. Party with DJ Jamie Fox, 7 p.m.; Sunday,
Kategory 5; Sunday, July 4 - 287th 3 - The Funsters; Sunday, July 4 - U.S. p.m., live music on outside deck, 2:30 to Thursdays - Karaoke, 7 to 10 p.m. 302- July 4 - Tribute to Reba McEntire star-
Army Band; Monday, July 5 - Love Navy Concert Band; Friday, July 9 - 6 p.m., and DJ Smoky, 8 p.m.; Sundays 864-6000. ring Corrie Sachs, 7:30 p.m.; Thursday,
Seed Mama Jump; Wednesday, July 7 Good Shot Judy; Saturday, July 10 - - DJ John Hardy, 10 a.m., DJ Smoky, 1 • The Wheelhouse: 7 Anglers Rd. July 8 - Quayside @ Nite featuring
- Carnival Night featuring Andrew’s Big Jesse Garron; Sunday, July 11 - Tim p.m., live music on outside deck, 2:30 Mondays - Trivia, 7 p.m.; Thursdays - Mama’s Blacksheep, 7 p.m.; Friday, July
Show & Mr. Jon, 6 to 9 p.m.; Thursday, Laushey Orchestra; Friday, July 16 - The to 6 p.m., DJ Manny Mann, 8 p.m., and Mingo, 7 to 9 p.m.; Saturday, July 3 - 9 - Disney Divas Drag Show, 8 p.m. 302-
July 8 - Separate Way; Friday, July 9 - Fabulous Greaseband; Saturday, July 17 - Kristen & The Noise Acoustic, 9:30 p.m. Matt Lafferty with Andy Maher, 6 to 9 684-3038.
Josh Christina; Thursday, July 15 - Real Yellow Brick Road; Sunday, July 18 - Soul 302-227-4600. p.m. 302-291-2163. • Revelation Beer Garden at Hudson
Diamond; Thursday, July 22 - Still Surfin’; Crackers; Friday, July 23 - Satisfaction: LEWES LONG NECK Fields: 29763 Eagle Crest Rd. Saturday,
Thursday, July 29 - Christopher Westfall. The International Rolling Stones Shows; • Bethany Blues: 18385 Coastal • Amvets Post 2: 32592 Long Neck Rd. July 3 - Hope For Success; Friday, July 9
Go to Saturday, July 24 - 70’s Flashback: The Highway. Mondays - Mingo, 6 to 8 Mondays - Terminator, 5 p.m.; Saturdays - Hope For Success. 302-562-5412.
• Freeman Arts Pavilion: Thursday, Soundtrack of a Generation; Sunday, July p.m.; Wednesdays - live music, 6 to 9 - Terminator, 4:30 p.m. and DJ Mark, 7 • Sydney’s Restaurant & Lounge:
July 1 - Yacht Rock Revue: The Hot 25 - Legacy; Friday, July 30 - Lower Case p.m.; Thursdays - Let’s Do Trivia, 7 p.m.; p.m. 302-945-2599. 16388 Samuel Paynter Blvd.
Dads in Tight Jeans Tour, 7 p.m.; Friday, Blues; Saturday, July 31 - High Noon. Call Friday, July 2 - Dustin Showers Band, • Crab Barn: 32600 Long Neck Rd. Wednesdays - Car Cruising Night and
July 2 - Clint Black, 7 p.m.; Saturday, 302-644-2288. 8:30 p.m.; Saturday, July 3 - Stone Jack Wednesdays - Karaoke with DJ Cherry music by David Aman, 5 to 8 p.m.;
July 3 - Mike Rose Magic, 10 a.m., and BETHANY BEACH Ballers, 8:30 p.m.; Wednesday, July 7 - Hosting, 7 to 10 p.m. 302-945-5555. Friday, July 9 - Hot Sauce Band, 7 p.m.
Don McLean, 7 p.m.; Wednesday, July • Ropewalk: 107 Garfield Pkwy. Dustin Showers, 6 p.m.; Friday, July 9 - • Paradise Grill: 27344 Bay Rd. 302-313-4770.
7 - Locals Under the Lights, 7 p.m.; Thursdays - Let’s Do Trivia, 7 p.m. 302- Lower Case Blues, 7:30 p.m. 302-644- Wednesdays - Dale Teat, 6 to 10 REHOBOTH BEACH
Thursday, July 8 - The Reagan Years, 537-1330. 2500. p.m.; Thursdays - Capt. Mike, 6 p.m.; • Arena’s Deli & Bar: 149 Rehoboth
7 p.m.; Friday, July 9 - Gabby Barrett, DEWEY BEACH • Big Oyster Brewery: 1007 Kings Hwy. Thursday, July 1 - Kagan Nuss, 6 to 10 Ave., in the Village by the Sea Mall.
7 p.m.; Saturday, July 10 - Jungle John • Bottle & Cork: 1807 Highway One. Sundays - Ginger Duo, noon to 3 p.m., p.m., and Amish Outlaws, 8 to 11 p.m.; Mondays - Open mic night with Tyler
Reptile Show, 10 a.m., and Fitz & The Thursday, July 1 - Reggae Night with and Rick Arzt, 4 to 7 p.m.; Thursday, July Friday, July 2 - Vinny & JD Duo, 6 p.m., Green, 9 p.m.; Tuesdays - Let’s Do Trivia,
Tantrums, 7 p.m.; Saturday, July 10 - Spokey Speaky, 8 p.m., (tickets, $10); 1 - PosiSteviety, 4 to 7 p.m.; Friday, July 2 Richard Walton, 6 p.m., Lower Case 7:30 p.m.; Sundays, Marty & Friends,
Grace Potter, 7 p.m.; Thursday, July 15 Friday, July 2 - Yacht Rock Revue: The - Left Overs, 4 to 7 p.m.; Saturday, July 3 Blues, 6 p.m., and EVO X, 7 to 11 p.m.; 3 p.m.; Saturday, July 3 - Lower Case
- Mike Super Magic & Illusion, 7 p.m.; Hotter Dads in Tighter Jeans Tour, 7 - Stayin Frosty, 4 to 7 p.m.; Sunday, July Saturday, July 3 - Jay D Clark, 2 to 6 Blues, 10 p.m. 302-227-1272.
Friday, July 16 - Southside Johnny and p.m., (tickets, $30-$32); Saturday, July 3 4 - Keith Mack, noon to 3 p.m., and Rick p.m., Electric Beach, 7 to 11 p.m., and • Big Chill Surf Cantina: 19406 Coastal
the Asbury Jukes, 7 p.m.; Saturday, July - Jam Session with JJ Rupp, Blue Label, Arzt, 4 to 7 p.m.; Friday, July 9 - Trent & Party Fowl Trio, 7 to 11 p.m.; Sunday, July Hwy. Sundays - Lower Case Blues, 4
17 - Silly Joe Sings, 10 a.m.; Thursday, Laura Lea & Tripp Fabulous & DJ Knappy, the Train Wreck, 4 to 7 p.m. 302-644- 4 - Lima Bean Riot, 2 to 6 p.m., Jim Long, to 7 p.m.; Thursday, July 1 - Repeat
July 22 - EaglesMania: The World’s 5 p.m.; Sunday, July 4 - Jam Session with 2621. 3 to 7 p.m., and Musicians Impossible, Offenders, 6 to 9 p.m.; Friday, July
Greatest Eagles Tribute, 7 p.m.; Friday, Kona Nation, Split Decision, Hott Toddys • Bushels Crab House & Seafood: 7 to 11 p.m.; Wednesday, July 7 - Vinny 2 - Stepbrothers Band, 7 to 10 p.m.;
July 23 - Amos Lee, 7 p.m.; Saturday, & DJ Knappy, 5 p.m.; Thursday, July 8 - 18289 Coastal Hwy. Wednesdays - Trivia & JD Duo, 6 to 10 p.m.; Friday, July 9 - Saturday, July 3 - Christine Havrilla, 7 to
July 24 - Salisbury Dance Academy, 10 Kix, 8 p.m., (tickets, $25-$28); Friday, Night, 7 to 9 p.m.; Saturdays - Karaoke Some Guy Mike Duo, 6 to 10 p.m. 302- 10 p.m.; Tuesday, July 6 - Mathew Davey
a.m., and Kathleen Madigan: Do You July 9 - White Ford Bronco, 8:30 p.m., Night, 8:30 to 11 p.m.; Thursday, July 1 - 945-4500. Band, 6 to 9 p.m.; Thursday, July 8 -
Have Any Ranch?, 7 p.m.; Tuesday, (tickets, $20). 302-227-7272. Keith White Duo, 6 p.m.; Friday, July 2 - Beach Jawn, 6 to 9 p.m.; Friday, July 9 -
July 27 - REO Speedwagon, 7 p.m.; • Jimmy’s Grille: Bellevue Street and Matt Lafferty, 6 to 9 p.m. 302-645-5115. • Paradise Pub: 34814 Long Neck Two Sheets, 7 to 10 p.m. 302-227-5568.
Wednesday, July 28 - Dark Star Highway One. Mondays - Stealing • Crooked Hammock: 16989 Kings Road. Mondays - Mingo, 6 to 8 p.m.; • Blackwall Hitch: 52 Rehoboth Ave.
Orchestra, 7 p.m.; Thursday, July 29 Savannah Duo, 6 p.m.; Tuesdays - Chris Hwy. Saturday, July 3 - Keri & Jason, 4 Friday, July 2 - Nick Kashmanian, 6 p.m.; Sunday, July 4 - Jazz Brunch featuring
- Jamey Johnson, 7 p.m.; Friday, July Diller, 6 p.m.; Thursdays - Rick Arzt, to 7 p.m., and Freshly Squeezed, 9 to 11 Saturday, July 3 - Vinny Solo, 9 p.m.; Hammond Hot, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 302-
30 - Hollywood Nights: A Bob Seger 5 p.m., and Sam Capolongo, 9 p.m.; p.m. 302-644-7837. Sunday, July 4 - Dylan Bryan, 2 p.m. 226-0550.
Experience, 7 p.m.; Saturday, July Fridays - JJ Rupp, 6 p.m., and The • Grain on the Rocks: Lewes Ferry 302-945-0500. • Bluecoast Seafood Grill & Raw Bar:
31 - “Hansel & Gretel” presented by Everafter, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; 302-260- Terminal, 43 Cape Henlopen Drive. MILTON 30115 Veterans Way. Thursday, July 1
Rehoboth Summer Children’s Theatre, 9914. Sundays - Steel Band Sundays featur- • Frantic Frets Music Store & Antique - Bryan & The Barn Owl, 5 to 8 p.m.;
10 a.m., and Straight No Chaser, 7 p.m. • Nalu Surf Bar & Grille: 1308 Coastal ing Slap & Bob Calypso, 2 to 5 p.m.; Shop, 26374 Broadkill Rd. Fridays - open Friday, July 2 - The G Men, 5 to 8 p.m.;
Call 302-436-3015 or go to freeman- Hwy. Mondays - Hot Sauce Band, 9 Thursday, July 1 - AJ Jesson, 6 to 9 mic night, 5 p.m. Go to Frantic Frets on Saturday, July 3 - Keith White Duo, 5 to to 11 p.m., and DJ JY 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.; p.m.; Friday, July 2 - Keri Anthony, 6 to Facebook. 8 p.m.; Thursday, July 8 - Lower Case
• Grain on the Rocks Rocking the Tuesdays - Bryen O’Boyle, 9 to 11 p.m.; 9 p.m.; Saturday, July 3 - Jon Zorn, 4 • Irish Eyes: 105 Union St. Fridays - Blues, 5 to 8 p.m.; Friday, July 9 - Vince
Docks Summer Concert Series: Lewes Wednesdays - Bryan Clark, 6 to 9 p.m.; to 7 p.m., and Tim Jaudon, 8 to 11 p.m.; Guess What Trivia, 8:30 p.m.; Friday, Varrassi, 5 to 8 p.m. 302-278-7395.
Ferry Terminal, 43 Cape Henlopen Fridays - Matty Q, 8 to 11 p.m., and DJ Sunday, July 4 - Acoustic Keys, 6 to 9 July 2 - Arbor Town Band, 6 to 9 p.m.; • Blue Moon: 35 Baltimore Ave.
Dr., Lewes. Concerts start at 5 p.m. JY 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturdays - Matty p.m.; Thursday, July 8 - L & G Live, 6 to Tuesday, July 6 - Al Frantic, 6 to 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday - Nate Buccieri
Thursday, July 1 - Higher Education; Q, 8 to 11 p.m., and DJ JY 11 p.m. to 1 9 p.m.; Friday, July 9 - Rick Arzt, 6 to 9 302-684-8889. with Laura Pavles & Tommy Dose, 6 to
Thursday, July 8 - Pressing Strings; a.m.; Sundays - Matty Q’s Super Sunday p.m. 302-291-3900. 8:30 p.m.; Tuesdays - Bingo with Miss
Thursday, July 15 - Dry Reef opening for Aloha Spectacular, 3 to 9 p.m. 302-227- • Greene Turtle: 17388 N. Village Main • Milton Fox Hole: 102 Federal St. Margaret & Sister Dorothy, 9:30 to
Little Stranger; Thursday, July 22 - Melt; 1449. Blvd. Thursdays - Team Trivia, 6:30 p.m. Thursdays - Matt Lafferty, 6 to 8 p.m.; 10:30 p.m.; Wednesdays - Games with
Thursday, July 29 - Jocelyn & Chris; • Northbeach: 125 McKinley Ave. 302-644-6840. Fridays - Al Frantic, 6 p.m. 302-493- Magnolia, 9:30 p.m.; Fridays - Spotlight
Thursday, Aug. 5 - Sammy Rae & the Tuesdays - M80, 8 to 11:30 p.m.; • Irish Eyes at Anglers: Anglers Rd. 6290. Show, 7 & 9 p.m.; Saturdays - Legends
Friends; Thursday, Aug. 12 - Joe Hertler Wednesdays - Wenzday Drag Show, 9 to Wednesdays - Jake & Elwood, 7 to • Milton Theatre: 110 Union St. Show, 7 & 9 p.m.; Thursdays - A Night
and the Rainbow Seekers; Thursday, 11 p.m.; Thursdays - Jenni Schick, 6 to 10 10 p.m.; Fridays - Bryan Clark, 6 to 9 Thursday, July 1 - Quayside @ Nite fea- with Roxy, 9:30 p.m.; Sundays - Climax
Aug. 19 - Amish Outlaws; Thursday, p.m.; Fridays - Stealing Savannah & DJ p.m., and DJ Surf, 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.; turing Hoochi Coochi, 7 p.m.; Friday, with Magnolia, 8 to 9 p.m. 302-227-
Aug. 26 - Skribe; Thursday, Sept. 9 - Hugh, 5 p.m. to midnight; Saturdays - DJ Thursday, July 1 - 33 & 1/3, 8 to 11 p.m. July 2 - The Latin Explosion Stand-Up 6515.
Joey Harkum. Go to Hugh’s Yacht Rockin’ Pool Party, noon to 302-645-6888.
• Hudson Fields: 30045 Eagle Crest 5 p.m., Sunsets with DJ Always Sunny, 5 • JD Shuckers: 20750 John J. Williams Continued on page 7
Rd., Milton. Saturday, Aug. 7 - Bettie p.m., and DJ Scooter, 9 p.m. to midnight;
James Fest featuring Jimmie Allen, DJ Sundays - Sammy, Laura Lea, Jenni &
Jazzy Jeff, Neon Union, Hero The Band, Jefe, 11 a.m. 302-226-8673.
Chuck Wicks and Chase Martin, 4 to • Rusty Rudder: Dickinson Ave. and
11:30 p.m. Go to the bay. Mondays - M80 Trio, 3 p.m.,
• Lewes Summer Concert Series: and Fantastic Four, 7 p.m.; Tuesdays -
Concerts start at 7 p.m. in Stango Stealing Savannah, 4 p.m.; Wednesdays
Park. Tuesday, July 6 - The Funsters; - Ginger Trio, 4 p.m., and Laura Lea
Tuesday, July 13 - Authentic Caribbean; & Tripp Fabulous, 9 p.m.; Friday, July
Tuesday, July 20 - Mike Hines & The 2 - Rick & Mike, 2 p.m., Chris Diller
Look; Tuesday, July 27 - Matt Lafferty Duo, 5 p.m., and Split Decision, 9 p.m.;
& The Pros From Dover; Tuesday, Aug. Saturday, July 3 - Crosstown Walkers
3 - British Invasion; Tuesday, Aug. 10 - Duo, 2 p.m., Filo Betto, 5 p.m., and Laura
Milford Community Band; Tuesday, Aug. Lea & Tripp Fabulous, 9 p.m.; Sunday,
17 - Zydeco-A-Go-Go; Tuesday, Aug. 24 July 4 - The Everafter, 2 p.m., Spokey
- Navy Commodores. Go to ci.lewes. Speaky Trio, 5 p.m., and JJ Rupp & My Hero Zero, 9 p.m.; Friday, July 9 - Rick
• Milton Concerts in the Park: & Mike, 2 p.m., Chris Diller Duo, 5 p.m.,
Concerts start at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July and Go Go Retro, 9 p.m. 302-227-3888.
7 - Smooth Sound; Wednesday, July 14 • Starboard: 2009 Highway One.
- Over Time; Wednesday, July 21 - No Mondays - DJ Woody B, 9 p.m.;
Spare Time; Wednesday, July 28 - The Tuesdays - Free Comedy Club, 9 to 11
Funsters; Wednesday, Aug. 4 - Al Frantic p.m., & DJ Manny Man; Wednesdays
Band; Wednesday, Aug. 11 - The Pros - Lost In Paris, 10 p.m.; Thursdays - DJ
From Dover; Wednesday, Aug. 18 - Patsy Woody B, 9 p.m.; Fridays - Happy Hour
Cline & Friends; Wednesday, Aug. 25 -
U.S. Navy Cruisers; Wednesday, Sept. 1
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 7
Nightlife p.m. 302-752-8010. 313-5124. InFICrseWroshmohomeFrtoueeonddIty
Continued from page 6 • Ocn Blu Beach Bar & Grille: 37169 • Summer House: 228 Rehoboth Ave. At the Historic Lewes Farmers Market you’ll find
REHOBOTH BEACH Rehoboth Ave. Ext. Fridays - Karaoke, 7 Saturday, July 3 - Chris Steele, 10 p.m. to heirloom tomatoes, lavender honey,
to 10 p.m. 302-212-5355. 12:30 a.m. 302-227-3895.
• Café Azafran: 18 Baltimore Ave. freshly-laid eggs, lots of lettuces, juicy peaches,
Thursdays - Holly Lane & John Flynn, • Purple Parrot: 134 Rehoboth Ave. • The Hideout Arcade Bar & Grille:
6:30 to 9:30 p.m. 302-227-8100. Fridays & Saturdays - DJ Spigone, 9 p.m. 18693 Coastal Hwy. Wednesdays - hand best of all – community.
• Casa DiLeo: 37169 Rehoboth Ave. 302-226-1139. Karaoke Night, 9 p.m.; Thursdays - Trivia Join us at market
Thursday, July 1 - Matt Lafferty, 6 to 9 Night, 7 p.m., and DJ Wood, 9 p.m. to 1
p.m. 302-226-8660. • Rehoboth Ale House: 15 Wilmington a.m.; Fridays - Karaoke Night, 9 p.m. to Saturday Market at George H. P. Smith Park
• Chesapeake & Maine: 316 Rehoboth Ave. Thursday, July 1 - Lower Case midnight; Saturdays - DJ Wood, 8 p.m.
Ave. Friday, July 2 - Bruce Anthony, 5 Blues, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, July 2 - Honey to midnight; Sundays - DJ Wood, 9 p.m. May 1–September 25, 2021 • 8am –12pm
to 8 p.m.; Saturday, July 3 - Nature & Shine, 8 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, July 3 - Troll to 1 a.m. 302-645-1985. Johnson & Dupont Aves., Lewes, DE
Nurture, 5 to 8 p.m. 302-226-3600. Tribe, 8 to 11 p.m.; Sunday, July 4 - Kyle • The Pines Rehoboth Beach: 56
• Coastal Taproom: 18766 John J. Offidani, 4 to 7 p.m.; Thursday, July 8 - Baltimore Ave. Mondays - Fueling Wednesday Market at Crooked Hammock
Williams Hwy. Thursday, July 1- Keri Sidney Joseph, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, July 9 Pianos featuring John Flynn & Matthew
Anthony, 5 to 8 p.m.; Friday, July 2 - - Tim Cooney, 8 to 11 p.m. 302-278-7433. Kenworthy, 6 to 9 p.m.; Saturdays - June 2– September 29, 2021• 8am –11am
Alicia Maxwell Project, 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Mona Lotts & Kristina Kelly, 8:30 to 9 Crooked Hammock Way and Kings Highway, Lewes, DE
Saturday, July 3 - RoastJohn, 10 p.m. to • Rehoboth Ale House On the Mile: p.m.; Sundays - Drag Brunch with Mona
1 a.m.; Thursday, July 8 - Chris Steele, 20859 Coastal Hwy. Thursday, July 1 Lotts & Kristina Kelly, 11:30 a.m. to 2 302.644.1436
9 p.m. to midnight; Friday, July 9 - Air - Kavoosii, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, July 2 - p.m. and Pamala Stanley, 6 to 9 p.m.; info@
Forst, 2, 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. 302-645-9911. Bryan Scar, 4 to 7 p.m.; Saturday, July 3 Thursday, July 1 - Debra & Patrick, 7 to
• Conch Island Key West Bar & Grill: - Higher Education, 8 to 11 p.m.; Sunday, 10 p.m.; Friday, July 2 - Debra & Patrick,
207 Rehoboth Ave. Mondays - Decade July 4 - Brendan & the Sugar Packets, 7 8 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, July 3 - Intimate
80, 8 p.m. to midnight; Wednesdays - to 10 p.m.; Thursday, July 8 - Funk Shue, Evening with Pamala Stanley, 6:30 to
Electric Velvet, 8:30 p.m. to midnight; 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, July 9 - Bryan Scar, 4 8:30 p.m.; Monday, July 5 - Drag Brunch
Thursday, July 1 - Matt Avery, 8:30 to 7 p.m. 302-278-7433. with Mona Lotts & Kristina Kelley, 11
p.m. to midnight; Friday, July 2 - Matt a.m. to 2 p.m.; Wednesday, July 7 - Joe
Avery, 8:30 p.m. to midnight; Saturday, • 1776: Midway Shopping Center. Baione Quartet, 7 to 10 p.m.; Friday, July
July 3 - Matt Avery, 8:30 p.m. to mid- Wednesdays - Nick Wayne, 6 to 9 p.m.; 9 - Michelle Dowdy & Jordan Wolfe
night; Sunday, July 4 - Electric Velvet, Thursdays - Bernard Sweetney, 7 to 10 Back to Broadway Show, 6:30 to 8:30
8:30 p.m. to midnight; Tuesday, July 6 p.m. 302-645-9355. p.m. For tickets go to
- Endless Ember; Wednesday, July 7 - events or call 302-567-2726.
Electric Velvet, 8:30 p.m. to midnight; • Shrimpy’s Bar & Grill: 18585 Coastal • The Pond: 19266 Coastal Hwy.,
Thursday, July 8 - Matt Avery, 8:30 p.m. Hwy., Midway Shopping Center. Unit 1. Mondays - Survey Sez, 6:30
to midnight; Friday, July 9 - Matt Avery, Saturdays - Bryan Clark 6:30 p.m.; p.m.; Tuesdays - Let’s Do Speed Bingo,
8:30 p.m. to midnight. 302-227-9378. Friday, July 9 - 302 Band, 6 p.m. 302- 6:30 p.m., and Cooney Tunes, 9 p.m.;
• Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats: 313-5124. Wednesdays - BJ’s Damn Jam Crew,
320 Rehoboth Ave. Friday, July 2 - 9 p.m.; Thursdays - Trivia Challenge,
Homestead Bluegrass, 8 to 10 p.m.; • Summer House: 228 Rehoboth Ave. 7 p.m.; Sundays - Lower Case Blues, 9
Saturday, July 3 - Pawnshop Roses Thursday, July 1 - Kavoosii, 8 to 11 p.m.; p.m.; Thursday, July 1 - Richard Walton,
Acoustic Duo, 8 to 10 p.m. 302-226- Friday, July 2 - Bryan Scar, 4 to 7 p.m. 9 p.m.; Friday, July 2 - Slide Winder
BREW. 302-278-7433. Blues Band, 9 p.m.; Saturday, July 3 -
• Hammerheads Dockside: 39415 Inlet Petting Hendrix, 9 p.m.; Wednesday, July
Rd. Tuesdays - Lower Case Blues, 4 to 7 • 1776: Midway Shopping Center. 7 - Taylor Knox, 5 p.m.; Thursday, July
Wednesdays - Nick Wayne, 6 to 9 p.m.; 8 - Keri Anthony, 9 p.m.; Friday, July 9
Thursdays - Bernard Sweetney, 7 to 10 - Mama’s Black Sheep, 5 p.m., and Ian
p.m. 302-645-9355. Lander Trio, 9 p.m. 302-227-2234.
• Zogg’s: 1 Wilmington Ave. Fridays &
• Shrimpy’s Bar & Grill: 18585 Coastal Saturdays - live music. 302-227-7660.
Hwy., Midway Shopping Center.
Saturdays - Bryan Clark 6:30 p.m. 302-
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8 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
Pop-up toy shop open in outlets three more weekends
Locally sourced, eco- cape, shield and eye mask, into a perfectly kid-sized SUBMITTED PHOTO
friendly toys for creative and or zoom around with one of indoor playground.
open-ended play are now the highly-detailed wooden At their pop-up toy shop in Tanger Outlets, Creative Play with 2 Paper
available at Creative Play trucks. Store hours are 3 to 7 p.m., Sisters proprietors Susan Harrison, left, and Beth Frankenfield offer toys
with 2 Paper Sisters, a pop-up Fridays and Saturdays and 11 to spark kids’ imaginations.
shop at Tanger Outlets Sea- Sensory play is so impor- a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays. Re-
side, next to Rue 21. tant for all kids; it helps with maining weekends are Friday
anxiety and is a perfect way to Sunday, July 2 to 4, July 9
Customers can re-create for kids to decompress after to 11 and July 16 to 18.
the perfect play spaces in an emotional outburst. Shop-
their own homes using toys pers can browse the sensory These toys are perfect for
that rely on kids’ imagination bar to create a personalized birthday gifts, summer play
and creativity instead of bat- kit or purchase a pre-made dates, mementos from the
teries and Wi-Fi. one. beach, or just because. A 5
percent portion of all pur-
The arts section is outfitted The adorable book nook chases supports an Ameri-
with organic play dough, spe- includes a variety of books can-based charity.
cialty crayons and sidewalk to choose from and a linen
chalk, and eco-friendly finger canopy that is perfect for The 2 Paper Sisters pro-
paints. snuggling. And, for those prietors are passionate about
times that kids need to burn encouraging kids’ imagina-
In the creative play sec- off some energy, the Pikler tions and helping others.
tion, a child can dress up as furniture turns any play space
a super hero complete with For more information, go to
‘Summer of Soul’ to open at Cinema Art Theater July 2
Starting Friday, July 2, the talent that performed at the Mahalia Jackson, B.B. King, “Summer of Soul” examines the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival with nev-
Rehoboth Beach Film Soci- festival, the concert went The 5th Dimension and more. er-before-seen concert performances by Stevie Wonder, Nina Simone,
ety’s Cinema Art Theater will largely unremembered. Ac- “Summer of Soul” is a 2021 Sly & the Family Stone, Gladys Knight & the Pips, Mahalia Jackson, B.B.
present “Summer of Soul,” an cording to the opening title of Sundance Audience Award King, The 5th Dimension and more.
acclaimed documentary that the film, the footage sat in a and Grand Jury Prize winner.
examines the 1969 Harlem basement for 50 years. It has
Cultural Festival. never been seen. Screening times are 3:30
p.m., Friday, July 2; 3:30 and
In his acclaimed debut as Thompson and his team of 6:30 p.m., Saturday, July 3; 3:30
a filmmaker, Ahmir “Quest- producers unearthed more p.m., Sunday, July 4; 6:30 p.m.,
love” Thompson presents a than 45 hours of footage to Wednesday, July 7; and 6:30
powerful and transporting bring the film to life. The fea- p.m., Thursday, July 8.
film - part music, part histori- ture includes never-before-
cal record - created around seen concert performances Admission is $8 for mem-
an epic event that celebrated by Stevie Wonder, Nina Sim- bers and $11 for nonmembers.
Black history, culture and one, Sly & the Family Stone,
fashion. Despite the top-level Gladys Knight & the Pips, Customers are encouraged
to purchase tickets online at
Free technology assistance sessions at library
The Lewes Public Library offers free technology assistance
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the first and third Friday of each month on
a drop-in basis. A staff member will be available to assist with a
variety of common technology questions.
Topics include but are not limited to digital books, email,
internet, Microsoft Word and Excel, texting, and digital photos.
Guests may bring their own devices such as e-readers, tablets,
phones and computers, or utilize the library’s PC computers.
“This service is great because it is personalized to each guest’s
individual needs and questions,” said Beth Law, library tech spe-
cialist. “We look forward to working with community members
to troubleshoot and offer training on a variety of topics.”
All ages are welcome. For more information, call 302-645-2733
or go to
C U I S I N E.
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#1 Locally Owned Real Estate Company
in Sussex County for 2020*
Premier Style, innovative design, and cutting-edge features Beautiful & solidly built 5 BR, 3 BA home featuring HW flooring Beautiful 5 BR, 4.5 BA home in the heart of downtown Lewes, just steps Bay Views! Water Access! Custom 6 BR, 4 BA, 4,400 SF,
throughout this ocean front condominium in Rehoboth Beach! & walls, stone FP, sunroom, renovated kitchen, FF BA, and to shops & restaurants w/ crown molding, ceiling medallions, wainscoting, energy efficient home situated on 1.25 acres featuring
a finished basement with kitchenette, bathroom & separate double hung windows, HW & tile, elevator, gourmet kitchen, all season sun high end upgrades, wonderful outdoor living,
Two levels, 2,200 SF and shows like new! entrance. This home, offering 3571 SF, exceeds current zon- porch, finished basement w/bar, beautiful gardens, & more! $1,795,000 and a beautiful, serene area. $969,000
$1,995,000 ing! $1,625,000 Call Chelsea of the Carrie Lingo Team
Call Sherri Martin 302-245-3260 (Cell) #3726F Call Nick Carter 302-228-6425 (Cell) #3329AL 302-382-6090 (Cell) #3738UL
Call Tracy Kelley 302-542-9610 (Cell) #3301E
Spectacular 5 BR, 3 BA home situated along the water’s edge of This oceanfront property, on one of Coastal Delaware’s Tastefully appointed custom home offering 5,200 +/-SF, 3-level floor This like-new, luxury home features over 5,000 SF, 9’ ceilings on FF,
Lake Comegys, & just 2 blocks to the beach. This home features most unique lots, is one of the most highly coveted addresses plan w/elevator, 6 BR, 7 full & 2 half baths, gourmet kitchen, spacious solid oak HW flooring, gourmet kitchen w/granite countertops & glass
an open floor plan, 1st floor bedroom, screened porch, oversized along the East Coast! No dunes to block ocean views, walk out
your front door onto private N. Indian Beach. Multiple outdoor owner’s bedroom opening to the screened porch, & more! Take in tile backsplash, beautiful landscaping, & much more.
owner’s suite w/private deck, and no ground rent! $2,195,000 ocean views & phenomenal sunsets from the rooftop deck. $3,995,000 $759,000
Call Bryce Lingo or Shaun Tull 302-226-6417 (Direct) #3793G decks & 2 new rooftop decks. $4,399,000
Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-562-7954 (Cell) #3442IL Call Bryce Lingo or Shaun Tull 302-226-6417 (Direct) #3763I Call Shawn of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-542-8591 (Cell) #3760BL
Overlooks Lewes Beach! Recently renovated, rare-to-market 2 BR, The ideal location for your next commercial venture! Approx. 2 5 BR, 3.5 BA townhome offering majestic views of Johnson 5 BR, 3.5 BA home w/finished walkout basement, fenced back
1 BA condo w/private balcony has brand new porcelain tile floors, miles from Route 1, downtown Milford, and Bayhealth Hospital, Branch. 3 BR on FF, rear patio, garage, 2nd FL open living yard w/paver patio, landscaped & irrigated yard, kitchen w/granite,
space, HW floors, FP, balcony screened patio, kitchen w/ss sunroom, & located in an amenity rich community w/golf course,
enlarged kitchen w/granite countertops, insulated sliding this 10.35-acre site includes two restaurant pad sites and pools, fitness Ctr, club house & located less than 20 miles to the
glass doors, & more. $525,000 multiple retail buildings of varying size. $3,000,000 appliances, crown molding, & more! $629,000
Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #3639JL DE & MD beaches. $479,900
Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #3844SL Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #3839QM
302-562-7954 (Cell) #3733AL
Peaceful secluded area between Georgetown & Bridgeville. Private ocean side in the Chancellery! Grand second level entry, 2 BR, 1 BA home in Possum Point, where you own the land Light filled 3 BR, 2 BA Custom Built Mid Century Modern Ranch.
3 BR, 2 BA ranch style home, open floor plan, floored attic, & great room with FP, chef’s kitchen, 5 BR, 5 BA, home, oak staircas- & no HOA fees! A large deck and dock with boat lift sits right The open floor plan surrounds atrium, spacious kitchen, FP, HW,
400’ of road frontage – potential for additional building lots! En- es, oak HW floors, private beach access via secluded boardwalk, outside your back door. Great opportunity to live the dream! Deck, Patio, & 2 Car Garage. Community boat ramp on Red Mill
joy fishing in the 2 ponds; 30 minutes to resort areas. $489,000 Pond & access to bike trail to Lewes, Rehoboth & beach. $399,995
and much more. Room for a private swimming pool. $2,650,000 $424,900
Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #3853O Call Tracy Kelley 302-542-9610 (Cell) #3349I Call Terry Millman 302-236-6943 (Cell) #3747V Call Lucius Webb 302-258-4690 (Cell) #3849R
Location, Space, and Style! A five-bedroom townhouse in GRANDE AT CANAL POINTE Open floor plan, screened rear porch, kitchen w/granite coun- Custom-built contemporary features abundant space,
Canal Corkran, and pond front! Short stroll to downtown ters, gas FP, 2nd floor family room w/full wall projector screen, 5 BR, 3 BA, 2 car sideload garage, and situated on a
Come & see this luxurious townhome in an amenity-rich & per-
Rehoboth, beautiful setting, and community pool. fectly located community located less than two miles to the beach new roof 2015, new furnace 2016, new hot water heater & beautiful partially wooded 3/4 of an acre lot.
$693,000 & situated east of Rte. One. Enjoy one of the largest models, with propane tank 2020, new water filtration Close to downtown Millsboro area attractions with
system, & more. $499,900 convenient access to Routes 113 & 24. $499,900
Call Tracy Kelley 302-542-9610 (Cell) #3855B 3 levels, almost 3000 SF, 2 BR, 2 BA & garage. $599,000 Call Molly Bayard 302-381-0839 (Cell) #3863QR
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Beautiful 3 BR, 3 BA condo in gated community. Open floor plan 2 BR, 1 BA beach condo, decorated w/coastal colors & tasteful Beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA home featuring open floor plan with HW Freshly painted 3 BR townhouse w/combined kitchen/dining
w/upgrades including crown molding, surround sound, granite décor located just steps to the beach. Spacious front patio & floors, granite countertops, high ceilings, ceiling fans and space, full unfinished basement, and easy access to Route
screened porch offer complete relaxation & recent updates in- lot of windows for bright natural light! Minutes to beaches, 1 shops and restaurants. Condo fees cover water, trash, all-
countertops, FP, & built-in bookshelves. Amenity rich community; clude roof, HVAC, plumbing, electric, flooring, & more. $424,000 restaurants, and outlet shopping! $409,000
enjoy views of the Jack Nicklaus golf course & new clubhouse from Call Bryce Lingo or Shaun Tull 302-226-6417 (Direct) #3674H Call Camilla Conlon 302-542-9601 (Cell) #3838R exterior maintenance. $319,000
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1-800-345-3469 1-888-934-3970 1-800-331-4241
10 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
Lewes Historical Society Movie Nights
walking tours step out
Enjoy free screenings under the stars.
The Lewes Historical Soci- disclose which pirates sailed troduce attendees to Lewes’ • Dewey Beach: The beach at • Bethany Beach: Movies on the beach
ety celebrates over 50 years of local waters and talk about the historic district within a three- Dagsworthy Avenue. Movies start at are shown at dusk through August.
embracing Lewes history by brave United States Life-Sav- block radius downtown. The approximately 8:30 p.m., Mondays. Movies on the Bandstand are shown
continuing to offer outdoor ing Service men who rescued trained tour guide will focus Movie admission is donation-based. Friday nights at dusk in September. Go
tour options to the public. victims from shipwrecks. This on various elements of the ar- Attendees can bring their own beach to
60-minute venture also in- chitectural styles throughout chairs. Call 302-227-2233. July 12, “Aladdin”
The society’s weekly mari- cludes a visit to the society’s several eras and highlight the July 5, “Trolls World Tour” July 19, “Toy Story 4”
time tours, An Introduction 1884 U.S. Life-Saving Station homes of historic families and July 12, “Lilo and Stitch” July 26, “Ralph Breaks the Internet”
to Lewes, a Maritime Des- building. notable people from the past July 19, “Hotel Transylvania 3: Aug. 2, “Deep”
tination, step out at 10 a.m., three centuries. Summer Vacation” Aug. 9, “POKÉMON Detective Pikachu”
Saturdays, through Oct. 23. The Historic Architecture July 26, “Onward” Aug. 16, “Abominable”
Participants will be taken on a Tour: A View into the Past will Tour tickets are $10 per Aug. 2, “Tom and Jerry” (2021) Aug. 23, “Wonder Park”
journey through Lewes’ salty be offered at 4 p.m., Sundays adult; tickets for children and Aug. 9, “Finding Nemo” Sept. 3, “What About Bob?”
past and learn about the ex- through Oct. 24, and Thurs- student tickets are $5. To make Aug. 16, “Raya and the Last Dragon” Sept. 17, “Mamma Mia! Here We
plorers who first put the town days, July 15 to Oct. 28. This advance reservations, go to • Cinema by the Canal: Lewes Go Again”
on the map. The tour will also one-hour excursion will in- Canalfront Park. Movies start at dusk, Sept. 24, “Dolittle”
Thursdays. Go to lewescanalfrontpark.
org for more information.
July 22, “Fly Away Home”
Aug. 5, “Shrek”
Sept. 2, “Racing Stripes”
• Lewes Public Library: 111 Adams Ave. “Trolls World Tour” will rock the screen
Superhero-themed films will be pre- at Dewey Beach Monday, July 5.
sented on a large outdoor screen on the
library’s back lawn starting around sun-
set, approximately 8:15 p.m., every other
Monday. Guests are encouraged to bring
their own blankets, chairs and refresh-
ments, and to prepare for an evening of
action and adventure. Go to lewes.lib. for more information.
July 12, “Aquaman”
July 26, Shazam!”
Aug. 9, “Justice League”
Aug. 23, “Wonder Woman 1984”
Farmers Markets
Bursting with the flavors of the season!
A previous iteration of the Ocean House on Lewes Beach is shown in this Lewes Historical Society photo Rehoboth Beach Farmers Market,, 10 a.m. to 2
New birding boat trips set for summer p.m. through October, Grove Park, Historic Lewes Farmers Market,
Rehoboth. Face masks required to, 8 a.m.
Delmarva Birding Week- field for Smith Island where Run Cruises in Denton, Md. enter, market bags and produce bags to noon, George H.P. Smith Park, Lewes.
ends has joined Lower Shore skiff captains embark with From there, participants will available for purchase at entrance. Market moves to Shields parking lot
tourism offices and seasoned participants on short jaunts explore the upper reaches from Oct. 2 through Nov. 20, 9 a.m. to
boat captains in the coastal to nearby bay islands to see of the Choptank River dur- Wednesdays noon, and if there’s inclement weather.
bays, Chesapeake Bay and on the northernmost breeding ing a two-hour cruise aboard
the Choptank River to offer a colony of brown pelicans on a pontoon boat. Downriver, Historic Lewes Farmers Market, Sundays
new slate of birding boat trips the East Coast. In addition landings and points along the, 8
this summer. to a tour of the Smith Island Choptank served as sites for to 11 a.m. through Sept. 29, Crooked Bethany Beach Farmers Market,
Cultural Center and Martin perilous escapes by boat. The Hammock, 36707 Crooked Hammock, 8 a.m.
Sunset Seabird Safaris will National Wildlife Refuge, this shallow waters of the Upper Way, Lewes. to noon through Sept. 5, Garfield Pkwy.
traverse the bays behind trip includes a crab cake lunch Choptank provided crossings & Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany.
Ocean City down to Chincote- and locally made Smith Island for freedom seekers heading Market at Sea Colony, seacolonyfarm-
ague Bay until Saturday, Oct. cake at Drum Point Market in north toward Sandtown. 8 a.m. to noon, June 9 Frederica Farmers Market,
2. Departing from the West the village of Tylerton. to Sept. 1, Marketplace at Sea Colony 302-335-5417, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
Ocean City Harbor, the three- All tours are professionally Shopping Center, Rt. 1 South, Bethany 1456 Frederica Rd., Frederica.
hour evening tours begin with Delmarva Birding Weekends guided. They do not enter the Beach.
the northern bays, rife with and Harriet Tubman Tours breeding islands, as this would Nassau Valley Vineyards Farmers
shorebirds, American oyster- will lead birding excursions greatly disturb the birds and Fridays Market,
catchers, skimmers and terns. along the Harriet Tubman Un- jeopardize breeding success. market or
derground Railroad Byway in Guests can also schedule per- Broadkill Farmers summerfarmersmarket, noon to 3 p.m.
After cruising south past Caroline County, Md. During sonalized private group tours. Market, 4 to 7 through mid-October, 32165 Winery
the gauntlet of nesting os- the first two hours of the guid- p.m. through Sept. Way, Lewes. Face masks required to
preys, Capt. Ricky will pause ed, self-driven tour, attendees Guides Dave Wilson and 24, Riverbank Side, enter, maximum of 2 people per
at a remote Sinepuxent is- will learn about the many dar- Jim Rapp have been engaging 116 Front St., Milton. household.
land to look for nesting brown ing escapes led by the famed in bird conservation in the
pelicans. The sojourn ends at freedom seeker and human coastal bays for more than 26 Saturdays
sunset at South Point Spoils rights activist known as The years including working with
where participants can wit- Moses of Her People, Harriet the Maryland Coastal Bays Riverwalk Farmers Market, down-
ness the feathered embrace Tubman. In Caroline County, Program, Audubon Maryland- or
of the full complement of co- Harriet Tubman found shelter DC, Maryland Department of RiverwalkFarmersMarket,
lonial nesting birds including and assistance as she traveled Natural Resources and U.S. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. through October, S.
cattle egrets, glossy ibis, and along the Underground Rail- Army Corps of Engineers. Walnut St. & Mispillion Riverwalk,
tri-colored, little blue, and road to Delaware. Milford. Face masks required to enter,
black-crowned night herons. To register or for field maximum of 2 people per household,
The driving route courses trip descriptions and other credit cards preferred, if using cash exact
The boating bonanza is through the farms, forests and resources, go to delmarvabird- change appreciated.
consummated with baby peli- significant Underground Rail- To become a sponsor
cans near Smith Island. The road sites of Caroline County or for more information, call Tweet, Tweet!
full-day Smith Island Pelican until the group arrives at River 443-614-0261 or email dmv-
Tours depart the dock at Cris- [email protected]. For more fun things to do, follow
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 11
Battery Herring, one of 16 bunkers built at Fort
Miles, was once covered with 10 feet of sand.
Although it’s not open to the public, over the years, RON MACARTHUR PHOTOS
people have managed to leave their mark on the Battery Herring in Fort Miles was used in World War II as an artillery bunker and during the Cold War by the U.S. Navy as a top-se-
walls of Battery Herring. cret Russian submarine listening post.
Underground history at Fort Miles
Battery Herring’s military service extends into Cold War era
By Ron MacArthur The battery was placed into to house a generator to oper- The light from an open entrance illuminates the main hallway and rooms
[email protected] action on Aug. 31, 1943, after ate the terminal equipment in Battery Herring.
a year of construction. When building. The Navy added a ceiling and painted the walls inside the bunker in the
While there is plen- Fort Miles was closed after 1960s.
ty to see at the Fort Miles the war, in December 1945, the The Navy placed a cable 104
Historical Area in Cape Hen- military used the area around miles out to sea equipped with
lopen State Park, the most Battery Herring as a top-secret 40 hydrophones, or under-
fascinating history of the fort Bumblebee missile testing water microphones, to detect
is hidden underground in a se- site. For two years, dozens and determine the positions
ries of bunkers built as part of of missiles were fired over of Russian submarines.
a massive effort to protect the the Atlantic Ocean from atop
coastline during World War II. Herring Point. Testing was Today, the concrete bases
moved in March 1947 to a of the gun emplacements and
At its peak, Fort Miles be- more remote location in North the footprint of the equipment
came a military city serving Carolina. building can still be seen.
as home to more than 2,200 BATTERY 519 IS NOW A
soldiers and 250 buildings. MUSEUM, BUT THE OTHER Battery Smith and Battery
THREE BUNKERS ARE NOT Hunter were also used by the
Four of the bunkers – Bat- OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Navy. In addition, the Navy
tery 519, Battery Smith, Battery constructed a two-story head-
Herring and Battery Hunter The bunker was vacant un- quarters facility, which is now
– served as artillery emplace- til 1962, when the U.S. Navy the Biden Center.
ments. Battery 519 is now a purchased 626 acres of the
museum, but the other three fort to construct a top-secret The battery was abandoned
bunkers are not open to the Cold War facility to spy on again in 1981. Although it was
public. Russian submarines. As one closed to the public, trespass-
of several Sound Surveillance ers have managed to sneak in
Battery Herring is the most System (SOSUS) facilities, Na- over the years and leave be-
visible of all the bunkers, yet val Facility (NAVFAC) Lewes hind evidence of their visits by
its long history of military started operations in 1961. spray-painting the walls. Over
service is mostly unknown. It's the past 15 years, state park
served as a gun emplacement, The sand was removed from staff have made the bunker
a top-secret missile testing atop Battery Herring, and a more secure.
site and a Russian submarine terminal equipment building
listening post. was constructed in front of the Battery Herring may see
battery, which served as the action once again in its long
During World War II, the terminus for the underwater history. State park staff and
battery overlooking the Atlan- cable placed along the coast to the Fort Miles Historical As-
tic Ocean was buried under 10 aid in surveillance of Russian sociation Bunker Busters
feet of sand with two 6-inch subs. The battery site was used volunteers are working inside
guns on either side. Located the battery to make it acces-
adjacent to the Herring Point sible to the public.
parking lot, it looks nothing
like it did more than 75 years Upcoming: Inside Battery
ago. Smith, the largest Fort Miles
FOR MORE INFORMATION An original blueprint shows the layout of Battery Herring when it was
used by the Army during World War II.
12 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
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© 2021 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information
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Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 15
30233-3060042224---6-67447404-0-777770000001867511C88o6168a77s655t7aC5Cl oHoCaiaogsshattawsatlalaHyHl,iHgiUgiHhnghowihtwuwa6raysay|,:y,RUM,UeUn-HhnFHniotoioi8tbt6uu-6o65rr|tss|h|R::RRMMBeCleeohe--shhFFaeodoocb8S8hbbao-t-,ou5o5tDrtdhthaehylBsBaBuewneteaiaalacOrcecchhth2,1,9D,D9Dee7ell1aalwwawaarraeere119919997791171
FIREWORKS GUIDE Tri-State Cleaning, L.L.C.
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16 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
A Lewes Neighborhood Wine & Beverage Shop REHOBOTH | SATURDAY, JULY 3RD
Celebrate Independence Day in Rehoboth Beach Saturday, July 3. Festivities
STORE begin at 8 p.m. with a performance by The Funsters at the Bandstand. The
Funsters also will perform after the fireworks.
A spectacular display created by Zambelli Fireworks will launch at
SERIOUS BEER approximately 9:30 p.m., but depending on weather conditions, fireworks
in Delaware could launch anytime after 8 p.m.
Rated 100% by The fireworks are launched from
south of Rehoboth Avenue and
OPEN DAILY are visible up and down the beach
207 Second St. and Boardwalk.
Lewes, DE There will be COVID-19 safety
302-645-9183 precautions in place, as approved
the Division of Public Health,
Over 60 years of including providing hand sanitizing-
continuous service stations, mandating masks for those
to the community who are unvaccinated, and social
of July!
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COMMITTED TO HELPING YOU>> 24/7 Account Access>> 24/7 Account Access SALES
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>> —Theodore Roosevelt
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Visit your local Tidemark FCU branch:
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Next Year, 2022, Pricing is going up. 16698 Kings Highway, Suite A, Lewes, DE
stsotroere55445566@@tthheeuupspsstsorteo.rceo.mcom Call The Cardaneo Crew Today
Bob & Cathy Cardaneo
TEL: 302-945-4620
Cruise With Bob, LLC
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Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 17
COVID preparations and precautions: Road closures: Vehicular tra c in the use Bayard Avenue to Route 1 or Hickman
Vaccinated individuals are not required Bandstand area will be closed from 6 p.m. and Munson streets to State Road.
to wear masks, but may choose to do to midnight; beginning at 6 p.m., only bus Transportation alternatives: The city
so because of the large crowd that is tra c and residents will be permitted on strongly encourages visitors to utilize the
anticipated. Individuals who are not Henlopen and Surf avenues; vehicles will DART Park & Ride Service to travel into
vaccinated should wear a mask when not be able to cross Rehoboth Avenue downtown. Visit the DART website or call
attending this event. The city will provide at the tra c circle beginning at 7 p.m.; 302-226-2001 for more information. The
several hand-sanitizing stations along the Rehoboth Avenue eastbound and Church Jolly Trolley will operate its Rehoboth
beach and Boardwalk. Street from Route 1 will be closed to Beach and Dewey Beach shuttle services
vehicular tra c beginning at 8:30 p.m. At on its full schedule from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m.,
Additional restrooms: The city will have that point, all vehicles entering the city will July 3. The fixed route will be from the
portable restrooms placed at various have to do so using State Road or Bayard Bandstand to Dickinson Avenue in Dewey
street ends the morning of Saturday, Avenue; residents on Henlopen Avenue, Beach, with Dewey Beach stops along the
July 3, to augment public facilities at in Henlopen Acres and North Shores must ocean side of Route 1. During and after
the Baltimore and Delaware Avenue access their residences using First Street the fireworks, the trolley stops at the
comfort stations. Portable bathrooms at beginning at 8:30 p.m. To exit Rehoboth convention center, Village by the Sea and
street ends will be removed the morning Avenue after the fireworks, vehicles north uptown Christian Street will be closed.
of Sunday, July 4; those at the comfort of Rehoboth Avenue will be directed to use Tra c delays are expected. For more
stations will be removed Monday, July 5. Rehoboth and Columbia avenues. Vehicles route information, visit or
on the south side of Rehoboth Avenue will call 302-644-0400.
LUXURY REALTOR® Parking: There are approximately 2,200
metered parking spaces and additional
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– permit-required spaces throughout town.
Metered parking is in e ect 10 a.m. to 10
SUSSEX COUNTY p.m. Parking permits are enforced from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fireworks parking will be
Serving Milton, Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, available for $5 at the Deauville Beach lot
Dewey Beach, Bethany Beach, beginning at 5 p.m.
Fenwick Island & Communities West! VISIT CITYOFREHOBOTH.COM
Call or Text Direct: (302) 841-7147
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18 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
BOAT PARADE before vehicles will be allowed to leave. do so at
The Lewes Boat Parade will start at All tra c from Beach 1, Beach 2, and • COVID protocols – Delaware remains
approximately 1:30 p.m., Sunday, July points east toward the state park will in a state of emergency until July 13.
4, in the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal. It will exit via Freeman Highway. Once Savan- Those attending the fireworks show are
end around 3:30 p.m. with presenta- nah Road is clear of pedestrians and asked to maintain a 3-foot distance
tion of a trophy and citations for first, bicyclists, it will reopen to tra c. “We’re and wear a mask if not vaccinated.
second and third place at the Lightship trying to get people to understand that
Overfalls. this is the plan and they shouldn’t plan WANDA’S
to go anywhere,” Spell said. Assisting
DOO DAH PARADE Lewes Police in the e ort are Sussex PET SERVICE
The annual Doo-Dah Parade will step Emergency Operations Center, Sussex Pet Sitting and
o about 5 p.m., Sunday, July 4. The EMS, DelDOT, Delaware River and Bay Cageless
informal parade will travel through the Authority, Delaware State Parks rang- Kennel
streets of downtown Lewes and is open ers, DNREC Fish & Wildlife, U.S. Coast
to anyone who wishes to join. Guard, and the Slaughter Beach and We handle
Lewes Fire Departments. Domestic, Exotic
No children’s games this year & Farm Animals
Due to COVID regulations, the old-fash- • Viewing options – Go Fourth Lewes,
ioned children’s games on Second the nonprofit group that funds the fire- Licensed & Bonded
Street have been canceled this year. works, is encouraging people to view the
show throughout town. Debra Evalds, · 302.339.0376
FIREWORKS AT DUSK communications chair, says the fireworks
Go Fourth Lewes will present fireworks will be shot higher this year, making 4TH OF JULY SUPER SALE
at dusk, Sunday, July 4, from a barge them visible from most areas in town.
o Lewes Beach. In case of inclement Besides the beach, common viewing lo- $50 OFF
weather, the show will be moved to cations include Canalfront Park, the Sa- ADDITIONAL PAIR
Monday, July 5. vannah Road drawbridge and Pilottown
Road. Drone photos were taken from When you purchase one pair at Full Price
• Road closures/parking – As in 2019, the approximate location of where the
Savannah Road will be closed to vehic- fireworks will explode. They are posted *some restrictions apply*
ular tra c at 7 p.m. Freeman Highway at Evalds said if
will be closed at Monroe Avenue at 8 you can see your intended viewing loca- 302-212-5406
p.m. Only residents with valid ID will tion in the photo, you will have no prob-
be permitted through the checkpoints. lem viewing the show. “For those who 70 REHOBOTH AVENUE, UNIT 104
Cape Henlopen State Park campers decide to venture down to the beach, be
will be also be permitted through the mindful and use a lot of patience,” she Rehoboth Beach DE
Freeman checkpoint. No parking will said. “Get there early, bring in what you
be allowed on Savannah Road or Cape need, carry out your trash, and plan to
Henlopen Drive. stay late.” The grassy area at the Cape
May-Lewes Ferry terminal will be open
• Post-fireworks – Following the fire- to all at 3:30 p.m. Grain on the Rocks will
works, there will be no movement of be holding a ticketed pig roast on the
any vehicular tra c on the beach side dock.
of the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal until all
pedestrians and bicyclists are back over • Fundraising – Go Fourth Lewes did not
the canal drawbridge. Chief Tom Spell run a fundraising campaign this year due
anticipates it will be 30 to 45 minutes to COVID. Anyone wishing to donate may
LEWES SLIPS Happy 4th of July,
Lewes & Rehoboth Beach!
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No more rising rental fees. 3 Park Place
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Boat Parade from
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Best Seat in Town!
©UBS 2018. All rights reserved. UBS Financial Services Inc. is a
subsidiary of UBS AG. Member FINRA/SIPC.
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 19
Want to see C4
your business
books • cards • gifts • art music • clothes • stuff we like
Open Daily 17314 N. Village Blvd.
CALL US TODAY! 302-644-0370
C4Second & Market Streets, Lewes 205 Second St., Lewes A3
645-7700 302.644.2210 in the basement | entrance in back of building behind biblion A4 E2
C4 B4
C5 1 2 345 6
OPEN YEAR ’ROUND Shipcarpenter Street Campus
213 Anglers Rd., Lewes A CONVERSATION Museums, Events & Tours
PEACE JEWELERS Maritime Museum at Cannonball House
(302) 645-6888 Experience Our Seafaring Past
Historic Milton, 105 Union St. ARENA’S Delaware LHS Ryves Holt House
DELI Bay LHS Museum Store &
(302) 684-8889 Information Center UNIVERSITY OF LHS Lewes History Museum
DELAWARE at Margaret H. Rollins Comm Ctr.
F6 New Rd. LHS Antique Shop Opening Fall 2021
P LEWES B Lewes Life Saving Station
HISTORICAL Visit us online for Events schedule
CAR WASH SAVING 302.645.7670
LHS RYVES STATION 110 Shipcarpenter St. • Lewes
Wescoats Rd. Park Ave Shipcarpenter St.
LEE ANN Mulberry St. KING’S
on Lewes-Rehoboth Canal Milton Lewes
Savannah RoadGeorge HPP Bank 302 Union St. 201 2nd St.
Kings Highway Smith Park 302-684-8900 302-645-9425
Second Street
Front Street
D REALTOR Neils Alley Breakfast & Lunch · 8am - 3pm
2021 MUSEUM 329 Savannah Rd., Lewes
Kings Highway B2
Stango LEWES Cape Henlopen Dr. P Conversation Peace
Park PUBLIC Jewelers
E Gills Neck Road LHS LEWES CITY DOGFISH Full Service Jeweler
MUSEUM THE ROCKS Watch Batteries
DEPT. Cape Henlopen
LEWES PUBLIC State Park Five Points Weis Ctre, Lewes
Theodore E Freeman Hwy
For all your local P D1
news and events
F Map is for general reference and is LEWESVisitor’s Map to the Best of F
1 not intended to be drawn to scale. THE
The grid can be used to guide you CITY OF List with Lingo
C1 to businesses and other points of
reference located on this map. Enjoy!
1240 Kings Highway
2345 6 302-645-2207
B1 D6
Superior Service, Outstanding Results in Real Estate FULL SERVICE • SOFT CLOTH Sales · Rentals
16698 Kings Hwy. 17246 Five Points Sq. 418 E.
302-645-6664 Savannah Rd.
302-200-9007 Lewes Beach 302-645-1955
B7 C4 5
17314 N. Village Blvd. 32 LAKE AVENUE 4 REHOBOTH ART
302-644-0370 LEAGUE
302.226.1160 HeAnclroepsen
C6 Henlopen Ave.
Lewes-Rehoboth Canal 3rd St.
Henlopen Ave.
302-569-9080 Grove TOWN
146 Rehoboth Ave Route 1 P REHOBOTH
Rehoboth Ave.
B3 Scarborough Ave. P
59 Lake Avenue D Christian St.
302.227.6476 Visitor’s Map to the Best of REHOBOTH
E 1 P 3 Silver 5
234 REHOBOTH AVE. Map is for general reference and is C3
not intended to be drawn to scale. 4 The grid can be used to guide you
to businesses and other points of C9
302-212-5107 reference located on this map. Enjoy!
C4Online Ordering &
Reservations Accepted
C4 AA CCooaassttaall AAmmeerriiccaannGGrrilill.l. List with Lingo BUSINEFOS
HHaappppyyHHoour Starts at 44PPMMDDaaiillyy 246 Rehoboth Avenue 43 Rehoboth Ave
222288 RRehoboth Avveennuuee 302-227-3883 484-667-7122
3302.227.38955 @SaltyPawsRehoboth on FB
Taste of the First State ®
C6 Olive Ave & The Boardwalk
On The Avenue
133 Rehoboth Avenue 302.227.6261
56 7 8 9 B8
Lake Gerar LakeCAapvSeet.aHteenPloaprken Grenoble Pl. Atlantic
Virginia Ave. 25 Baltimore Ave.
Olive Ave. A 302-227-8331
Maryland Ave.
Baltimore Ave. Baltimore Ave. B rerehhoobbootthhaarrttlleeaguuee..oorrgg
Village By JOLLY Rehoboth
The Sea TROLLEY Bandstand
Rehoboth Ave. BLACKWALL C
PET First Street Penny
WANTS Station Lane
Second St. Wilmington Ave. D C7
REHOBOTH 227-1197
BDeeacwhey Philadelphia St. Delaware Ave. E
Brooklyn Ave.
149 Rehoboth Ave.
5 67 8 9 in Village by the Sea
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
C8 D8
B6 302-227-1707
SS Call us today! 302 - 278 - 7433
645-7700 follow us on
22 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
COMIC BOOKS ARE A HIT HERE! Home | Auto | Boat 4
PLUS NEW TOYS FOR 2021: Legos, L.O.L. Dolls & More
129 Union St. Workers’ Comp
(historic home
next to library) Business | Farm
Randy Brown
1 626 Mulberry St., Milton
302.684.1522 Account Executive
[email protected]
C4 @OGRESGROVE: 103 Broadkill Road | Milton, DE | 302.684.3413
C4 2
Milton Lewes A To Ellendale AVERY CHEER
302 Union St. 201 2nd St.
302-684-8900 302-645-9425 Rd 240 Broadkill Rd
13482 Spicer Road, To Route 1
Ellendale, DE 19941
PUTTIN’ ON THE Union Street
A1302-422-9000 RITZ SALON
Monday - Saturday: 8am - 5pm FARMS GOLF Highway) HISTORICAL
Sundays: 10am - 3pm (seasonal)
Route 16 (Milton LIBRARY
Ellendale KING’S ICE
To Ellendale Mulberry Street Broad Street
Milton, Delaware To Cave Neck Rd.
302.684.1808 Route 5 (Harbeson Road) Hudson
B1 Route 9 Route 9
Martin’s Farm Road Cool Spring RoadTo Route 1 Wagamons Pond
E2 Fisher Rd
18864 Coolspring Rd.,
Milton, DE 12 3 4
E8 210 Union Street
Beach Paper Please review the proof thoroughly THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 23
and submit all corrections together.
Any requests after 2 revisions may incur
additional design fees.
OpePrnes7endtas yousr/ week 11am - 5pm
WEEKLY SweetheartC6
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Call for hours! of oEunrjomye!n5u.0 + Dealers
Broadkill Rd (Rt 16)
A6 Love at10FI2RFSeTdseirgahltSt, Milton, DE 19S9EC6O8ND time around 109 UNION STREET
FRANTIC • C(h3i0po2tl)e4C9ae3s-a6r290 • Open Thurs -•S uTwnin4P-1e0tite Filet Oscar •Lo C(vi3enn0tah2mao)tnL6A6ST4s-f1or8e4ve0r
FRETS 7 jumbo lump crab & asparagus & bernaise
• Spinach Salad with lemon dill potatoes Crème Brûlée
egg, onion, bacon, goat cheese with sun
• Roasted Eggplant Stack • Chocolate Dipping Fondue
8dried tomato vinaigrette tomato & basil pesto & grilled sweet onions
& fresh mozzarella over polenta • Heart-shaped
• Lightly Smoked Salmon Dip Berry Tart
• Buffalo Brussels Sprouts • Scallops Risotto
• Stuffed Mushrooms leek pesto & oven dried tomatoes &
truffled salami & gouda stuffed mushrooms kalamata olives & crisp prosciutto over
with cider reduction C5risotto
• Little Neck Clams
roasted shallots & IPA butter with garlic • Blackened Chicken Pasta
asparagus & tomato & spinach & srirach
P crustini
boursin cream with angel hair pasta
Prix Fixe Dinner - $45/person Hoochi Coochi
Includes 1 of each section above and your choice
of prosecco or sweet table wine. A July 1 - 7PM (Quayside)
Walk-Ins welcome. Latin Explosion: Stand Up Comedy
MaRpeisserfvoartigonesneenrcaolurreagfeedre. nce and is July 2 - 8PM
not intended to be drawn to scale.
The grid can1b0e2 FuesdeedratloStg, uMiidlteony,oDuE 19968 • (302) 493-6290 • OpIenndTehuprse-nSduen n4-c1e0 Day Picnic &
Dance Party with DJ Jamie Fox
to businesses and other points of
reference located on this map. Enjoy! July 3 - 7PM
A Tribute to Reba McEntire
July 4 - 7:30PM
Mama’s Black Sheep
July 8 - 7PM (Quayside)
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24 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
Ocean View Brewing Company to open on Route 26
SoDel Concepts recently A crowd turned out for the groundbreaking of Ocean View Brewing Com- SUBMITTED PHOTOS
broke ground on Ocean View pany, SoDel Concepts’ 14th restaurant.
Brewing Company, the hospi- SoDel Concepts broke ground on Ocean View Brewing Company, which
tality company’s 14th restau- is expected to open in early 2022.
rant and second brewpub.
The Rehoboth Beach hos-
pitality group plans to open
the new brewpub in early
The groundbreaking took
place June 3 on the property
at the corner of Route 26 and
Woodland Avenue in Ocean
View. The location is near
NorthEast Seafood Kitchen,
another SoDel Concepts
“The Ocean View-area
community has always been
so welcoming,” said Scott
Kammerer, president of the
hospitality company, which
will open Matt’s Fish Camp
in Fenwick Island this month.
“We have so many loyal
customers in Ocean View,
and we are excited to bring
fresh, homemade beer and
delicious, chef-driven food to
the area.”
In 2019, SoDel Concepts
opened its first brewpub,
Thompson Island Brewing
Company. The restaurant
is just outside the entrance
to Rehoboth Beach near
sibling Bluecoast Seafood
Grill + Raw Bar. The brewpub
quickly won fans, along with
awards at prestigious beer
Jimmy Valm, head brew-
master at Thompson Island,
will oversee both breweries.
While Ocean View Brewing
Company will feature unique
beers, it will also offer some
of Thompson Island’s most
popular brews.
Matt Patton, vice president
of construction, is overseeing
the project, which is being
built from the ground up. He
is working with Lighthouse
Construction and Fisher
Architecture to develop the
200-seat restaurant.
Patton, a certified cicerone,
also handles the company’s
beer program. “We will make
world-class beer at Ocean
View Brewing Company,” he
“Expect a comfortable
atmosphere with a beautiful
beer garden, superior service
and a menu full of coastal
Ocean View Brewing Com-
pany will feature the fried
chicken that made Thompson
Island a destination. The new
restaurant will also serve
pub-style sandwiches, light
and refreshing bowls, and
dishes suitable for sharing.
The restaurant will be open
for lunch and dinner.
This season, all SoDel Con-
cepts restaurants are open
for dining and carryout. For a
listing of the establishments,
special events and menus, go
Menus, more information:
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 25
Nicola Pizza celebrates
50 years of business
By Chris Flood day. The anniversary gift tastes good. CHRIS FLOOD PHOTOS
[email protected] customers were most happy “It’s even better when it’s at
about was the rolled-back Nicola Pizza celebrated 50 years of business June 11. Owner Nick Cag-
In the not-too-distant- price of a large cheese pizza, the special price,” he said. giano Sr., who co-founded the iconic pizza joint with his late wife Joan in
future, Nicola Pizza will because Nicola was offering Graham estimated they 1971, is shown at the anniversary photo op display.
be moving to Route 1 near it at the price when it opened
Lewes, but it hasn’t happened in 1971 – $2.25. come at least once a month – It was a family affair for the 50th anniversary of Nicola Pizza. Pictured
yet, which means the restau- especially for Eagles games. are (l-r) Nick Caggiano Jr., Kelly Munyan – Caggiano Sr.’s niece and res-
rant was able to celebrate one Kelly Munyan, longtime Due to COVID, the day of the taurant manager, Nick Caggiano Sr. and his 17-year-old grandson Vin-
more milestone in downtown general manager and the anniversary was the first time cent Caggiano.
Rehoboth Beach – 50 years of daughter of Joan’s twin sister Graham and Forman had
business. Janet, helped organize the 50 eaten in the restaurant for
days of Nicola Pizza trivia over a year.
“It feels great. It’s gone that took place on the restau-
by so fast. It feels like we’re rant’s Facebook page in the “It feels good to be eat-
celebrating the first year,” lead-up to the big day. ing in the restaurant,” said
said Nick Caggiano Sr., who Graham. “I’m going to miss
founded Nicola Pizza in 1971 “Even I learned stuff about this place.”
with his late wife Joan. “It’s the restaurant,” said Mun-
been a great run. It feels like yan. “Some of our customers Waitress Pat Mutchler has
it’s all just happened.” know the history of Nicola been at Nicola for 43 of the
better than the family and restaurant’s 50 years. She said
The Caggianos opened employees who have been she hadn’t planned on being
the original Nicola Pizza on here a long time.” around this long, but it’s been
North First Street, which a place she’s felt comfortable
quickly became famous for Munyan was busy handing for a long time.
its Nic-o-Bolis, and then out goodies. She knew the
opened a second location on pizza special would be a hit, “I wouldn’t still be here, if
Rehoboth Avenue in 2010. but not how big of a hit. I wasn’t,” said Mutchler, in
between serving tables.
To celebrate its golden “I’m not sure how many
anniversary, Nicola Pizza was pizzas we’re going to sell,” Ed Colodny and his family
giving away T-shirts, pens she said, laughing. “It’s sum- weren’t in town specifically
and postcards June 11. Both mertime, on a Friday. That’s for the celebration, but when
restaurants had a display of why we didn’t advertise it too the 95-year-old heard it was
red and yellow balloons with much.” happening, he made sure to
a big 50 on top, while the visit – he had eaten at Nicola
original location on North Tom Graham and Scott the summer it first opened.
First Street had more red and Forman aren’t decades-old It’s been a lot of hard work
yellow balloons inside, and a customers, but they have and dedication, said Colodny
spot set up outside for people been coming to Nicola Pizza to Caggiano, who returned
to take pictures on the special regularly since 2012. Finishing the compliment.
up one of the cheese pizzas,
Forman said the pizza always “It’s been a success because
of customers like you,” said
to keep you in
good hands.
I’m an orthopaedic surgeon at Bayhealth Orthopaedics who specializes in hands, wrists and shoulders. As a former Division I
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26 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
‘DreamCatcher of Rehoboth Beach’
now on sale at Browseabout Books
By Chris Flood with the use of Iktomi’s pow- Author Ed Moran holds up his
[email protected] erful dreamcatcher. book “The DreamCatcher of Re-
hoboth Beach.”
Just in time for a good Moran said he came up
beach read with local ties, with the idea years ago, but open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven CHRIS FLOOD PHOTO
author Ed Moran has pub- wasn’t able to flesh out the days a week.
lished “The DreamCatcher of characters until he moved to “The DreamCatcher of Rehoboth Beach” is a beach read that follows a
Rehoboth Beach.” Delaware. For more information, con- Native American spirit, a local woman who is a Nanticoke Indian Tribe
tact Moran at dreamcatcher_ member and the use of the spirit’s dreamcatcher.
The 113-page book is about “My story is a mystical, [email protected].
Iktomi, Mother Nature’s Na- historical fantasy; a light but
tive American spirit, and a thoughtful summer read,”
young woman named Skye, said Moran, in an email June
who is a member of the Nan- 10. “It is illustrated with
ticoke Indian Tribe. The book many popular local locations
explores the relationship and is rich in local history,
between the spirit and Skye influenced by the Nanticoke
as she and a second character story.”
claim a small but rewarding
victory in the summer of The book is for sale in
2019. The victory is possible the local interest section
at Browseabout Books, 113
Rehoboth Ave. The store is
You know you want it.
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Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 27
Favorite games from E3 and Summer Games Fest 2021
ously worked on two games
I adore - Limbo and Inside.
This is one we don’t know
too much about yet, but it’s
definitely one I’m keeping
on my radar. Even better, it’s
coming to Xbox Game Pass
on day one.
PLAY Lake Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope is not your typical Mario game; it is a turn-based tactical RPG game with Ma-
Lake is another indie rio characters and the Rabbids.
game that revolves around a 2 and 4 are my favorites, AUTHENTIC BRITISH
Do you ever feel like middle-aged woman named and now I get to experience FISH & CHIP SHOPS
there are just too Meredith who decides it’s some of those boards and
many games and not time for a change of pace and minigames on the Switch.
enough time? Yeah, me too. returns to her hometown This will definitely be a day-
But that doesn’t stop me from in Oregon to deliver mail. one purchase for me!
getting really excited about Honestly, the game seems
new game announcements. very Animal Crossing-esque Mario + Rabbids Sparks of 24 REHOBOTH AVE. 18388 COASTAL HWY.
Here are some of my favorite to me; your objective is to Hope Downtown · Rehoboth Beach Lewes
games announced at E3 and do your job to make money,
Summer Games Fest 2021. and then meet people around The original Mario + Rab- Sun. - Thur. 11:30 - 9 Sun. - Thur. 11 - 9
Somerville town and find things to do bids Kingdom Battle came Fri. & Sat. 11:30 - 10 Fri. & Sat. 11 - 10
with them. It takes place in out in 2017 and was such a
The 1 minute and 46 the 1980s and the scenery random, amazing game. It’s 302.226.1044 302.644.2250
second-long trailer for indie looks very serene and nos- not your typical Mario game;
game Somerville had my full talgic (even though I wasn’t it is a turn-based tactical RPG
attention during the Xbox alive in the ‘80s). This game game with Mario characters TRULY BRITISH
conference at E3. The game is certainly not going to be and the Rabbids, which are THROUGH & THROUGH
is being developed by a small for everyone, but it certainly characters from the Rayman
team called Jumpship, and has my attention. series. I wasn’t expecting a
the team’s co-founder previ- new Mario + Rabbids game,
Mario Party Superstars so this was honestly the big-
Connect on Instagram: My dreams are finally gest surprise announcement
@planningwithcass for me.
coming true - a Mario Party
with boards and minigames What games are you most looking
from the N64 titles and more forward to? Let me know over on
minigames from the Game- Instagram - @planningwithcass.
Cube titles. I screamed when
I saw the trailer for this; I’ve
always said that Mario Party
28 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
Arbor-Lyn is a local’s dream perfectly placed just minutes SINGLE FAMILY HOMES
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Rehoboth Beach offers basement lots and a wide variety
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© 2021 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information is subject to change without notice.
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 29
The stakes might be high, but the steaks are worth it
STEPPIN’ UP cut beef grilled with onions REHOBOTH FOODIE PHOTO
TO THE PLATE and topped with bright-
orange cheese from a Beware of pretenders! It takes special equipment and special talent to sear a great steak just right! The high-
REHOBOTH FOODIE bright-orange spray can. tech broiler at 1776 Steakhouse does an amazing job under the watchful eye of Executive Chef Tammy Moz-
There is certainly nothing ingo.
This week’s ramblings wrong with that. But today
are inspired by several I’m referring to actual steaks this page (remember – we surrounded by one of the oil, vinegar, and red pepper
recent visits to our grilled over fire, or pan- started with shish kebab) I most delicious sauces I’ve flakes.
two Turkish restaurants in seared, basted and finished in will take another 90-degree ever tasted. Yet another place
downtown Rehoboth. Both a blazing hot oven. turn and send you to Raas that doesn’t tout steaks in its So treat yourself to some-
Aroma and Semra’s never Asian/Indian Fusion restau- name is Atlantic Social. My thing extravagant! Diamonds
cease to amaze with their One of the shining stars rant, also in Lewes. Don’t go-to dish there is the Steak might be forever, but steaks
intense colors and Mediter- here at the beach is, of miss Chef GG’s Lamb Shank Frites. are easier to chew. Pass the
ranean flavors. One of my fa- course, 1776 Steakhouse. Rogan Josh flavored with car- A-1, please.
vorites is the kebabs. Though Tom, Johnny and Tammy damom, caramelized onion, The fries are hot and
traditionally made with oversee this fine-dining treat & saffron pulao. perfectly salty, and the meat The Rehoboth Foodie also writes The
lightly charred lamb, many that’s been grillin’ ‘em up for is drizzled with a wonderful Business of Eating column every Friday in
Mediterranean restaurants almost 30 years. I like it when It’s quite a production, chimichurri – an Argentinean the Cape Gazette under the pseudonym
substitute beef. And (hold on: they wheel out the raw steaks marching out of the kitchen delight created by blending “Bob Yesbek.” The two of them have
a sharp 90-degree turn here), so you can choose your cut. in a hammered copper cup parsley, oregano, garlic, olive never been seen in the same place at the
that got me thinking about It’s like getting together with same time. Just sayin’.
steaks. a tray full of old friends.
Quality brings longevity, and
To be fair, everything gets 1776 has both.
me thinking about steaks, so
for me that turn wasn’t so But if you’re in downtown
sharp. Rehoboth, you’d do yourself a
disservice if you didn’t order
A disclaimer: If you’re the beautiful ribeye steak
from Philly, you’re probably from Theo’s Steaks, Sides &
thinking of an elongated Spirits; expertly seared and
sandwich stuffed with thinly cooked perfectly to tem-
perature. ALWAYS get Theo’s
mashed potatoes with the
steak. You’ll know why when
you taste them.
Harvest Tide in Lewes and
in Bethany (and in DC, by the
way) dishes up a well-worth-
the-money Wagyu steak. The
texture and taste bring an
entirely different experience.
Since we’re already pretty
much all over the place on
Dewey Crush has canned
the flavor of summer
The authentic flavor of SUBMITTED PHOTO Don’t Miss the French Lavender Bloom!
summer in Dewey Beach offi-
cially hit shelves in Delaware Dewey Crush pays homage to the Every year in late May to early July, the French lavender plants
over Memorial Day weekend. Starboard with its logo on the can. bloom and you can see it right here in Milton, Delaware!
Jarret Stopforth and the Since the Starboard was Enjoy the gardens and pick up a lavender plant for your home
Dewey Crush team have such a point of inspiration, for $8 a plant. Our Cottage Store carries soaps, lotions, and
been working for more than Steve “Monty” Montgomery,
nine months to capture the owner of The Starboard Res- other lavender products made on-site.
refreshing experience of taurant, was approached in
orange, ruby red grapefruit early 2021 to see if he would OPEN DAILY 10AM – 4PM
and watermelon crushes in allow his famous Starboard
a convenient can people can logo to appear on the can. 18864 Cool Spring Road Milton, DE
take just about anywhere.
“While we aren’t in busi- 302-684-1514 –
“Dewey Crush is all about ness with Dewey Crush, the
capturing the experience and idea that the team wanted to
essence of East Coast sum- pay homage to the Starboard
mers. We wanted to be able with the logo on the can was
to re-create those memories really awesome. The Star-
and moments wherever you board is synonymous with
are, so we canned the taste of Dewey Beach, just like the
summer,” said Stopforth. orange, grapefruit and water-
melon crushes are our official
Over the last year, the summer flavors. So we were
concept of travel has shifted, honored by the nod,” said
with more Americans than Montgomery.
ever vacationing domestically
due to restrictions. For more information, go to or look for
Incidentally, it was on a Dewey Crush in local liquor
staycation in Delaware that stores.
Stopforth fell in love with
Dewey Beach, the Starboard,
and the iconic Orange Crush.
He started thinking about
the possibility of having that
flavor in an accessible can he
could take anywhere.
The concept of Dewey
Crush was born, and product
development began in Sep-
tember 2020.
30 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
Beach Property art exhibit
to open at Gallery One
The artists of Gallery One storm and was never rebuilt, pays homage to the band- “Walls’ Apartments,” acrylic, Dale Sheldon, Gallery One artist.
announce Beach Property, leaving behind this quaint stand in the heart of Bethany
their July exhibit will be open reminder of the past. Beach that features many U.S. Both paintings depict the in Ocean View. The gallery
to the public through Tues- service bands performing all marsh at Gordons Pond at is open with special artists’
day, July 27. Artist Dale Sheldon’s summer long. different but equally dramatic demos until 7 p.m., Fridays
acrylic painting, “Walls’ times of day, and each paint- from June through August.
When the sun reaches its Apartments,” delightfully Artist Eileen Olson’s ing is alive with color.
northernmost point from the illustrates the oldest house watercolor, “Bethany Beach For information, call 302-
equator, known as the sum- in Rehoboth Beach. Known Dune Fence,” was painted Gallery One is open from 537-5055, email art@gallery-
mer solstice, many European as the Lorenzo Dow Martin en plein air on the beach 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day at or go to gallery-
cultures hold midsummer house, it was built around after a nor’easter. The viewer 32 Atlantic Ave., Route 26,
celebrations which include 1873, when lots in the city can feel the power of the
gatherings at Stonehenge and could be bought for $25. waves, and the deep blues
lighting bonfires on hilltops. and greens heighten the
Artist Leo Kahl’s water- scene’s drama. When one
The beginning of summer color, “Boardwalk Tradi- owns beach property, storms
locally is traditionally marked tion,” painted in loose, lush are both exciting and nerve-
by seasonal residents return- colors that seem to glow, is wracking.
ing to their beach homes, and a portrait of what has made
visitors arriving in droves so many families continue to Artists Lesley McCaskill
for some sand and sea. Some visit the local area generation and Michelle Marshall also
artists took the exhibit theme after generation. It’s not just approached the beach prop-
literally and shared images of the beach that makes a visit erty theme from the perspec-
their favorite beach proper- special; it’s the boardwalk and tive of the beauty in one’s
ties. Artist Laura Hickman’s the family adventures that own backyard. In Marshall’s
pastel, “Bethany’s Small- create lasting memories. “Beach Property at Sunset,”
est,” charmingly depicts the and McCaskill’s acrylic “View
smallest building in Bethany In Mary Bode Byrd’s from the Trail,” the viewer is
Beach. The main house acrylic mixed-media painting, treated to the beauty of the
washed away in the 1962 “Waiting for the Band,” lively marshes in the state parks.
and full of vibrant color, she
Mother-daughter art reception
set July 12 at CAMP Rehoboth
SUBMITTED PHOTO CAMP Rehoboth will “Portrait of Aina,” photograph,
present Inspirations, an by Marta Nammack, CAMP Re-
Artist Gerilyn Gaskill will teach a mini-landscapes watercolor class on- exhibit featuring the works hoboth exhibitor.
line and in person at Milton Arts Guild July 8. of mother-daughter duo Aina The beauty and simplicity of
Nergaard-Nammack and life on the coast is especially
Mini-landscapes watercolor class Marta Nammack from Tues- evident in the early morning
on deck July 8 at Milton Arts Guild day, July 6, to Tuesday, Aug. 3. and at dusk, when the light
is more dramatic, and the
Milton Arts Guild will offer choosing. A courtyard reception “Portrait of Marta,” painting, by beaches are less crowded.
a new watercolor class on Gaskill, who has trained will be held from 5 to 7 p.m., Aina Nergaard-Nammack, CAMP The mesmerizing shapes
mini landscapes with Gerilyn Monday, July 12, when park- Rehoboth exhibitor. and patterns in these images
Gaskill as instructor from 6 to at the Rehoboth Art League, ing meters are not in effect. inner peace. provide some order and calm
8:30 p.m., Thursday, July 8. has been painting watercol- Attendees can view the art on to this sometimes-chaotic
ors for more than 12 years. display in the gallery. Marta said she is inspired world,” she said.
For the first time since the She has a special passion for by the surrounding world.
onset of COVID-19, this class old barns, farms, boats and Aina is a colorist working “There is always a different These artists inspire each
will be held in person at the buildings. She has exhibited with abstract forms, both way of seeing the beauty, other. Marta’s photograph
guild’s Walnut Street gallery, and sold her work through- representational and nonrep- whether it be the expression “Clouds, Sunbeams and Wa-
as well as virtually via Zoom. out the years and has won resentational, and Marta is a in a subject’s eyes, interac- ter” served as inspiration for
recognition at art leagues and talented photographer. Each tions between people or Aina’s painting of the same
Participants will not only exhibitions in Florida and artist uses her medium to animals, the patterns made in name. The special mother-
learn to paint miniature Maryland. communicate in an individual nature, or a combination of daughter bond inspired them
artwork, but will also hear way. Both artists use art to shapes, shadows, and light. to create portraits of each
the history of how this art The class costs $40. To reg- tell a story and show life and other.
form originated. Students will ister and receive a detailed nature in an interesting light.
use a magnifying glass to add supply list, go to miltonarts- CAMP Rehoboth is open
the finishing touches to their Milton Arts Guild Aina said she is inspired from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon-
work, which will be based on is located at 310 Walnut St. in by the act of painting itself. day to Friday, at 37 Baltimore
reference photos of their own Milton. “Don’t believe any artist Ave., Rehoboth Beach. Private
who tells you that he works tours may be arranged by
when he is inspired,” she emailing artshow@campre-
said. “That doesn’t work.
You work, and then you get
inspired. It is hard work. It For more information, go to
is fun, but it is hard.” She
extracts what she feels, and
imagines forms and colors
in equilibrium. “My nonrep-
resentational forms flow as
part of a rhythmical inter-
play.” The result is a vibrant,
balanced composition. When
she takes time to notice the
intriguing shapes and pat-
terns all around her, she feels
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 31
limited-edition print July 3
Kathy Buschi of Milton will Saturday, July 3, in Lewes. THE LEE ANN WILKINSON GROUP
be exhibiting her new limit- Buschi is one of the show’s
at St. Peter’s 55th Annual Art featured artists. She will be in
Show from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., booth No. 19. For more infor-
mation, go to
“Blue Heron” by Kathy Buschi. REGISTER TODAY
Edwin Krumm pastels available FOR THESE FREE EVENTS
at St. Peter’s Art Show July 3
Thursday, July 8, at 5 PM Eastern
Local pastel & mixed-media artist Edwin Krumm will be participating in Bill Lester with Jonathan Ingram | Winning in
St. Peter’s 55th Annual Art Show from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, July 3, Reverse: Defying the Odds and Achieving Dreams
in Lewes. New works and prints will be available. Shown is “Gordon's
Pond,” pastel. NASCAR has traditionally been a Southern, white man’s sport,
but that changed with Bill Lester. Lester had a trifecta of odds
Discover against him: he was Black, middle-aged, and not a Southerner,
and many fans did not hide their contempt. He was able to
arts & rise above it all and make history, becoming the first African
cultural events American to race in NASCAR’s Busch Series and Nextel Cup.
in Sussex County Thursday, July 15, at 5 PM Eastern
Bob Drury and Tom Clavin | Blood and Treasure:
Daniel Boone and the Fight for America’s First Frontier
Like many historical icons, Daniel Boone’s image in popular
culture leans toward caricature. This book tells the unvarnished
story of Boone’s life and the era that gave birth to a nation,
illuminating the history of the early United States through the
eyes of both the ordinary and larger-than-life men and women,
white and Native American, who witnessed it.
Thursday, July 22, at 5 PM Eastern
Dean Jobb | The Case of the Murderous Dr.
Cream: The Hunt for a Victorian Era Serial Killer
In the late 1800s, Dr. Thomas Neill Cream targeted women
who came to him for medical advice, using his knowledge of
poisons to conceal his crimes. This account of his life exposes
the flawed detection methods, bungled investigations, corrupt
officials, and stifling morality of Victorian era society that
allowed him to prey on victims undetected, time after time.
Thursday, July 29, at 5 PM Eastern
Honorée Fanonne Jeffers | The Love Songs of
W. E. B. Du Bois
Ailey Pearl Garfield, a young African American woman, seeks
to come to terms with her identity by journeying through her
family’s past, uncovering tales of generations of ancestors
in the Deep South. She discovers a legacy of oppression and
resistance, bondage and independence, cruelty and resilience
that is the story—and the song—of America itself.
To register for events or learn more about the
2021 schedule, visit
32 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
There’s serenity in
Bill Schab’s beach walks
hundred yards to the beach nice pair of sunglasses or a CHRIS FLOOD PHOTO
through scruffy dune foliage. stylish shirt. Then there have
Nor’easters have sculpted been bottles containing notes, In a 2017 photo, Lewes resident Bill Schab takes a moment to enjoy the
the trees along the path into a half-dozen over the years. view at The Point in Cape Henlopen State Park.
twisted ghouls. The heat of Nothing romantic, though.
BEACH WALK summer has kicked in; on “You find ‘em where they one pecking away at a mol- Beach. Are they destined to
such days the breeze blows were just put in, or vice-ver- lusk.” Although not officially slip into the sea? “What most
NEIL SHISTER in off-shore making for biting sa, because the water wraps endangered, its numbers are people don’t know is that bad
sand fleas and ‘no-see-ums.’ around the Cape.” One said declining due to habitat loss flooding isn’t from the ocean
Apologies to Ernest ‘contact us to learn where we from coastal development. but from the canal. The tide
Hemingway, but a Bill’s pace is steadfast and put it in the water’ but failed There’s been a buzz the last keeps pouring in and can’t
literary character determined, interrupted only to attach an email address. few days about a whale close get out. The banks overflow.
modeled on Bill Schab with when he breaks stride to pick to shore, cruising between That’s what makes for the
a bit of license would be “the up the odd piece of litter. Our northward trek halts Rehoboth and the Point; high water.”
wise man and the sea.” For He’s hawk-eyed in spotting at the no-entry area set aside people had taken to chasing
the past 14 years he’s been debris, carrying a bag to for endangered birds to down the beach following a Despite his brisk stride,
walking the beach at sun- stash refuse. Mostly stuff left nest. Black Skimmers, Least trail of bursting spouts. Bill there’s a serenity to Bill
rise, one year not missing a behind by visitors, acciden- Terns, Piping Plovers. The hasn’t seen this one but he Schab’s beach walks. The nu-
single day. Dire weather is tally forgotten or indifferently seasonal barrier blocks his recalls how a friend in a small ances and habits of the beach
his preference; it makes for a discarded without concern favorite route up the beach. boat off Lewes Beach “once are so familiar to him, so
deserted scene. Winter’s his for the consequences. Even Not averse to making his saw a whole pod.” ingrained, that he moves with
favorite season, no insects soiled baby diapers. Social opinion known, every year he a calm composure akin to a
and few people. flotsam. The worst kind of petitions the state to lift the Our conversation shifts Zen master. Undistracted.
litter is the environmen- ban for people on foot, argu- to climate change and the Yet wholly present. Sensi-
A longtime Lewes attorney, tal degradation of plastic ing that pedestrians would advancing ocean. These days tive to both the constancy
his approach to the beach is water bottles and Styrofoam tread cautiously. But the state he regularly sees tides that and endless variation of this
in keeping with his profes- packaging that never breaks refuses. “They say if you wash up to the dunes, the remarkable sweep of nature.
sion. A kind of eleemosynary down. “I draw the line at dog allow walk-ons, fishermen kind once associated only
stewardship. poop.” would want to drive on, too, with big storms and called That’s why I think of him
and they’re a powerful lobby ‘hurricane tides.’ Now they’re as the wise man and the sea.
We’re starting our walk He doesn’t make a big deal in Delaware. Nobody wants a no big deal. He muses that
from the Navy Road just out of this daily policing of political fight.” the Point is going to be cut Neil Shister, a lifelong journalist who has
below Herring Point, a the area, but after one walks off by water in not too many reported for national publications, has
less-traveled path of several with him a few times, it’s I ask about his encounters years. I voice concern for lived part time in Lewes since 2009. He is
clear he’s offended by these with wildlife. He’s seen seals, the houses fronting Lewes the author of “Living Lewes,” “Revealing
insults to the pristine purity sprawled in the sand sun- Rehoboth” and most recently, “Radical
of the setting. ning themselves. Recently Ritual: How Burning Man Changed the
he spotted the year’s first World.”
“There’s no telling what oyster catchers, distinctive
you’ll find,” he observes. with their long orange beaks
Lots of towels. Umbrellas. and pink legs, come south to
He’s been known to keep breed in the marsh. “I saw
especially good stuff like a
Heidi Lowe Gallery jewelry
class registration due July 9
Heidi Lowe Gallery is of- SUBMITTED PHOTO
fering two different 2.5 hour
jewelry-making classes every Rings of Intention Class will teach
Tuesday this summer. basic metalworking techniques at
Heidi Lowe Gallery.
Each class is designed
for fun, success and safety. Wave ring class participants will
Students will learn how to make a fun beach souvenir.
make a piece of jewelry from
start to finish and wear their Registration closes Friday,
own handmade jewelry out July 9. No experience is nec-
the door. essary. Participants must be
at least 13 years old.
Rings of intention class is
set for 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Heidi Lowe Gallery is open
Tuesday, July 13. Each student for shopping by appointment,
will come up with a word of curbside pickup, and for
intention, a word that embod- private and group classes at
ies what each person wants 17522 Ward Ave. #2, Lewes.
to attract, cultivate, or focus
on in life. Students will learn For more information, go
basic metalworking tech- to, or
niques to make a silver ring contact hello@heidilowegal-
with their word stamped into or 302-227-9203.
it. Everyone will leave with
a wearable reminder of their
intention. Cost is $120.
Wave ring class is set for
2 to 4:30 p.m., July 13. Par-
ticipants will make a fun
beach souvenir during this
jewelry-making class. The
instructor will teach students
how to use a variety of tools
to make a silver ring and
form the metal into a wave
shape. Attendees will start
with finding their ring sizes
and will be guided along each
step through the final polish.
Cost is $120.
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 33
Christopher Peterson’s ‘Eyecons’ show to open July 4
Famed female impersonator returns to Clear Space for another season his own creation.
Attendees can feel free to
Clear Space Theatre in hit show “Eyecons,” where ator. virgin Julie Andrews.
Rehoboth Beach announced he opens his magic closet on Known for his comic tim- He also plays Bette Midler stay afterward and meet Pe-
that Christopher Peterson, stage and instantly trans- terson for a photo and chat.
North America’s foremost forms into the great ladies of ing and cutting-edge humor, with “Boogie Woogie Bugle
female impersonator, is back show business right before Peterson fills the evening Boy” and her take on divorce, “Priscilla, Queen of the
for another season. the audience members’ eyes, with laughter and applause. then goes right into Cher’s Desert the Musical,” contin-
for a final bow. He dazzles with his perfor- final, final, final tour. Then ues at 7:30 p.m., Friday, July
Besides starring again for mances of Marilyn Monroe come Tina Turner and Liza 2. “Eyecons” opens at 9 p.m.,
the second time as Berna- The show is all, no lip-sync. cooing a modern version of Minnelli. He caps it off with Sunday, July 4. For tickets,
dette in “Priscilla, Queen of His singing talent far surpass- “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Judy Garland. He does this all call 302-227-2270 or go to
the Desert the Musical,” he’s ing any expectations one may Friend,” the new queen of on stage as he changes right
excited and sad to bring his have of a female imperson- country Reba McEntire, Joan in front of the audience into
Rivers kvetching, and eternal the bejeweled costumes of Tickets and information:
In Christopher Peterson’s “Eyecons” show, the female impersonator
transforms into great ladies of show business.
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34 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
Group encourages more PLAY BEAR TRAP DUNES
players on Delmarva
THE their personal as well as their
19TH team’s performance.” BEAR TRAP DUNES is located at 7 Club House Drive in Ocean View. Call 302-537-5600 for tee times and
HOLE information. Hole number three is a par three, which plays 200 yards from the championship tees, down
Currently, members from to 129 yards from the forward tees.
GENE BLEILE Bear Trap Dunes, Cripple
Creek, Plantation Lakes, Hole number six 6 is a par five, which plays 557 yards from the championship tees, down to 424 yards
Afew weeks ago, I was Heritage Shores, Mulligan’s from the forward tees.
contacted by Anthony Pointe, Wild Quail, Maple Hole number 8 is a par four, which plays, 434 yards from the championship tees, down to 296 yards from
Colicchio, playing Dale, Bayside, Glen Riddle, the forward tees.
out of Bear Trap Dunes Golf and Ocean City have a
Club, about his third-year golf weekly competition with
league program, and I am play scheduled Monday thru
proud to devote this week’s Thursday. Each club consists
column to promote his East- of eight players playing per
ern Shore Inter-Club Golf As- week from the first week of
sociation, which encourages May thru August.
more players on Delmarva to
play golf. The format is match play,
combining both individual
The membership of 10 and a four-ball match. Alto-
Eastern Shore golf clubs will gether, 36 points are available
be participating in the East- for each competitive experi-
ern Shore Inter-Club Golf As- ence. We will tally up the
sociation for the 2021 season. results for the outcome of the
The purpose of this competi- front, the back and the match,
tion is to enhance the golfing for the individual matches
experience by expanding our as well as the four ball, with
universe of players, meeting 9 points at risk for each
new competitors, and play- 4-player match.
ing an expansive number of
exciting golf courses. After the final matches
have been played, the four
The concept of these inter- clubs with the most points
club matches was conceived earned will have a playoff
by Colicchio with help from to determine the champion.
Glen Reid and Brian Trout, The winning club will have
both of Cripple Creek. In the honor of displaying the
2018, Colicchio approached Eastern Shore trophy until
the club professionals at the next season.
more than a dozen courses
on the Eastern Shore. He was Note: In the event of a tie,
seeking their assistance to a comparison of the head-to-
identify their club members head matches between the
who would engage in the clubs will be calculated, and
concept to start a competitive the club with the most points
golf league. will advance to the playoffs.
By the spring of 2019, Minimum requirements to
dozens of phone calls, text join our league: Captain, co-
messages, emails and a few captain and at least 16 mem-
face-to-face meetings result- bers from your club with a
ed in the exchange of ideas, GHIN index of less than 15.9.
and concepts became rules,
and blank calendars became What’s a GHIN?
home and away dates. The GHIN stands for Golf
club professionals were
generous in accommodating Handicap and Information
tee times, and their guidance Network, and it is the service
has been an essential element established by the U.S. Golf
in the early success of this Association to provide handi-
competition. The clubs from caps for players who belong
Ocean City and Bear Trap to golf clubs affiliated with
competed in a playoff, result- their regional golf associa-
ing in Bear Trap being the tion. For example, if you join
inaugural 2019 cup winner. a USGA-affiliated golf club,
one of the benefits you’ll re-
Colicchio said, “Regardless ceive as a member is a GHIN
of age, this inter-club play number. This is the unique
taps into the competitive ID provided to you to keep
instincts of all its players. your handicap index. GHIN
It’s been years since they is the most widely accepted
hung up their baseball cleats, handicap index, and is often
football pads and basketball the only handicap index you
Chuck Taylors. The ‘thrill can use to enter specific golf
of victory and the agony of tournaments or events.
defeat’ are never forgotten,
and now each week they can Fees: Each club may make
once again take measure of an individual determination
if participants pay a fee. The
courses have agreed to an
all-inclusive fee of $30 per
player. By general agreement,
the host club participants will
provide the visiting club with
light refreshments.
Continued on page 39
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 35
From a Hobie to
offshore racing
Lewes sailor Warwick-Smith and crew
compete in Annapolis-Newport Race
By Ron MacArthur 2006. She has worked at Dog- SUBMITTED PHOTOS
[email protected] fish since 2016.
Hattie Warwick-Smith of Lewes, shown at the helm of another boat, not Iris, has a strong passion for sailing.
After only racing since To get to Annapolis, War-
2019, skipper Hattie Warwick- wick-Smith sailed solo from small spinnaker and jib. Iris’ colorful spinnaker catches a strong breeze during the race from An-
Smith of Lewes took part in Lewes, through the Chesa- While this was the first napolis to Newport.
the 470-nautical mile An- peake & Delaware Canal into
napolis to Newport Race in Chesapeake Bay. She docked major offshore race Warwick- breathtaking. beautiful. brilliant.
early June. at Eastport Yacht Club in An- Smith has skippered, she
napolis two days prior to the has logged many hours of BAYWOOD GREENS.
She's come a long way start of the race where she training and sailing in local
from sailing on her Hobie met up with her crew. waters. Described as one of America’s truly great golf courses, Baywood Greens
Cat. is a public 18-hole championship course. Manicured greens, flawless
The first leg of the 38th She attended offshore rac-
Warwick-Smith and her biennial race was south on ing classes last summer at the fairways, man-made ponds, timber bridges, tunnels and over 200,000
crew of four started the race Chesapeake Bay, then around Maryland Sailing School. flowers, plants, shrubs and trees don’t begin to describe its beauty.
in her 34-foot Tartan 34C Cape Charles and north in
sailboat Iris on June 4 and the Atlantic Ocean to Rhode She stresses safety above Known as the “Augusta of the North,” Baywood Greens is by far the most
finished at 1 a.m. June 9 in Island. everything else. “I take safety visually spectacular golf course in Delaware and is consistently
Rhode Island, second to last of the crew very seriously,” ranked #1 by Golf Digest’s Best in State.
in the 82-boat race sponsored Because Warwick-Smith she said.
by Annapolis Yacht Club. has some offshore sailing
training, she was respon- Warwick-Smith, who lives
Crew members included sible for all navigation and with husband Mike Goetz,
local sailors Nate Landis, weather-routing, which was a an avid windsurfer, moved to
Josh Getka, Jason Subach and first for her. Weather-routing Lewes in 2006 after moving
Elizabeth Hinkle. software is used by skippers to the United States in 2000.
and captains to determine the She left England in 1997 to
“We were the smallest best route based on current live in Dubai.
and slowest boat in the fleet, weather, forecast weather
and I didn't think we'd beat and ocean currents. At one She is not one to sit around
anybody,” she said. “Finishing point, they sailed as far as 80 and is already thinking about
when we did is faster than I miles offshore to catch favor- future races, including the
anticipated.” able winds. Annapolis to Bermuda Race
possibly in 2022.
She purchased Iris in 2018 The skipper and her crew
and has been involved in worked shifts to keep racing Her ultimate sailing adven-
Lewes Yacht Club sailing ever 24 hours a day, with two crew ture? “I'd love to sail transat-
since. Warwick-Smith, who is members on duty at all times. lantic to my home county of
Dogfish Head Craft Brewing “And when they weren't on Hampshire in England,” she
Co. Delaware site leader and duty they had to sleep. Get- said. “But that's a lofty goal.”
senior director of finance at ting sleep was very impor-
Boston Beer Co., has been tant,” she said. Lewes' Carter also in race
a member of the club since Another sailor with strong
They had to stock provi-
Hattie Warwick-Smith has owned sions to last six days, and Lewes ties also competed in
Iris – a 34-foot Tartan 34C sailboat without refrigeration it was a the race. U.S. Naval Academy
– since 2018. challenge, she said. She said midshipman Frank Carter,
for the first two days they son of Nick and Laurie Carter
ate foods stored in coolers, of Lewes, was part of the
but had to switch to nonper- crew of Ranger, one of five
ishables early on. Somehow, Navy boats in the race.
she managed to provide a
home-cooked meal – some TRIVIA BIT: County
were prepared ahead of time Hampshire is home to High-
– each day for the crew. clere Castle of “Downton
Abbey” fame.
Although the weather gods
smiled favorably on the race,
she said the wind picked
up about 20 hours from the
finish and destroyed Iris'
large spinnaker halyard. From
there, they were limited to a
DIRECTIONS: From Route 1 in Lewes or Rehoboth Beach DEVELOPED BY
take Route 24 West for approximately 8 miles. The TUNNELL COMPANIES, L.P.
entrance to Baywood Greens will be on your left.
The view from Iris at the start of the boat’s class competition in the Annapolis to Newport Race on June 4.
36 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 37
Milton Garden Club to exhibit July 2
The Milton Garden Club Tour 684 exhibitor Kathryn's Treasures will offer Christmas in July SUBMITTED PHOTOS
and Kathryn's Treasures will items as well as plants for sale.
both participate during Tour Milton Garden Club members selling 50/50 raffle tickets at the Horse-
684 from 3 to 7 p.m., Friday, shoe Crab and Shorebird Festival are (l-r) Jan Daily, Sara Smith and Janey
July 2, at Frantic Frets Music Wilson.
and Antiques, 26370 Broadkill
Road, Milton.
Both booths will have
plants and feature some
Christmas in July items for
The garden club will have
banana plants and some
ground covers. Members
will continue with the sale
of their 50/50 raffle tick-
ets with the winner to be
selected during Hollyfest
in December. The club will
have photos of wreaths and
arrangements they will be
making for sale at Hollyfest.
Club members will also have
a table in downtown Milton
at Irish Eyes with the raffle
tickets available.
Kathryn's Treasures will
have a selection of pollina-
tor plants for sale. Plants will
include black-eyed Susans,
solidago, autumn joy, bee
balm, lemon balm and obedi-
ent plant, along with a small
selection of porch/patio
pots, ferns and other garden-
related items. There will also
be a selection of decorative
Christmas holiday items.
Keeper of Cape Dock closer. Fish faster.
Henlopen Lighthouse
program set July 2 The new South Shore Marina at Indian River Inlet is a dockominium
community that provides your boat with the security that you need, with the
Lewes Historical Society’s
Museum Associate Bill Hicks immediate access to open water that you want.
will be front and center por-
traying Lewes’ own legend Enjoy all the benefits of owning a South Shore Marina slip
Dagworthy Derrickson Joseph
from 1 to 3 p.m., Friday, July 2, Take the guess work out of where you will moor each season • Build equity in your investment
at the Lewes History Museum, Secure your boat within a gated community • Avoid increasing slip rental fees
101 Adams Ave., Lewes Lease your slip when not in use
Joseph, the keeper of the Photo by Liane Lee on Unsplash
Cape Henlopen Lighthouse
from 1867 to 1910, had one of Contact us now to reserve your place
the longest tenures in an era on the water or for more information.
when there were six light- 443-614-2442
houses in the town, with few [email protected]
keepers. Joseph was a major
in the Union Army during the
Civil War and came back to
Lewes following the conflict
to take charge of the Cape
Henlopen Lighthouse, which
was the sixth lighthouse built
in America. He and his fam-
ily of eight lived in the large
keeper’s house next to the
lighthouse overlooking the
ocean. Hicks’ depiction of Jo-
seph will also include history
on all six lighthouses in Lewes’
past. The program is free with
a $5 admission to the museum.
Children 12 and under are
admitted free. For more infor-
mation, go to
or call 302-645-7670.
Support local.
Repin art and products at
38 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
It’s summertime and local fishing is fine
RICH KING The deer are eating my beans; I might have to crop damage this big guy and his little buddy.
The summer fishing is tilefish and sailfish. They I am loaded with Fishbites for the
in full swing. Typical are going a good 60 miles season – being pro staff has ad-
summer catches, still offshore to the Poorman’s vantages.
waiting on pompano. Prob- Canyon, but eventually the hard to find. Fishbites are
ably see them after, if not by, action will move closer. Soon working just as well right
this holiday weekend. The the big tourneys will start. now. Freshwater action has
summer fish are hitting de- been hot for top water in the
cent. Spot has been the best Hit up the headboats for evening. We didn't get the ci-
catch at the Cape Henlopen inshore reef and wreck ac- cada invasion down here, but
fishing pier. They are great tion. The sea bass has been we do have decent top water
for the table or as bait. good. Flounder isn't too bad action anyway. Pond hopping
offshore, either. Bluefish are has been fun.
Some spots you can catch now the rare catch, it seems,
a spot in one spot, move to especially in the surf, at least
another spot and whack a compared to years past.
flounder with that spot in
that other spot, then repeat Speaking of tourneys,
catching spot in the other Delaware Surf Fishing will
spot to fish for flounder in host a Zebco Surf Fishing
that spot, until you hit four Tournament Saturday, July
flounder using spot in the 10, in Cape Henlopen State
spot. Park on Herring Point Beach.
It’s sponsored by DS Custom
Flounder have been decent Tackle and Fishbites.
for this time of year. Inland
Bays action is slow. Too many The tournament is limited
boats and sand bars. Eventu- to 50 anglers, and they have a
ally there will be little room unique way to score fish for
for fish or crabs at the rate this – each angler will score
the bays keep filling in with their neighbor’s fish. Should
sand. If you haven’t had them be interesting; we are trying
yet, the farmed oysters are something new. Why Zebco?
delicious. Look up Rehoboth Why not? It ain't the gear; it's
Bay Oyster Company. the angler. Besides, parks lets
the fake anglers use them, so
Surf fishing is either all the we may as well actually catch
small summer fish or skates fish and have some fun.
and sharks. The action has
been typical for this time of Bloodworms have been
year. Kingfish bite is still de-
cent. Bluefish are far and few
between. Using the modified
mullet rig from DS Custom
Tackle is a great way to catch
more fish. Bluefish now have
a creel limit of three per day;
last year it was 10. Clam-
ming and crabbing are good
around the Inland Bays.
Offshore action has finally
picked up, and anglers are
doing well on tuna, sharks,
Zebco Surf Fishing Tournament July 10 Stefan Talabisco shows off a nice 33.3-pound tuna caught in the Poor-
man's Canyon during his Dewey Beach vacation.
Beach Paper THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 39
The Peninsula hosts top-rated All Your Bait & Tackle Needs
pickleball players for skills instruction
The Peninsula Golf &
Country Club near Mills- 18388 Coastal Hwy. Offering a large
boro hosted some of the Unit #6 variety of fishing
top pickleball players in the supplies for all
world June 5 for a clinic. (look for Go Brit) types of fishing as
David Kempster, The Penin- well as truck racks,
sula’s pro, brought brothers outerwear, rain gear,
Ben and Collin Johns along sunglasses, boating
with Frank Anthony Davis supplies and more!
to provide eight hours of
instruction to the club’s SUBMITTED PHOTO See current shing reports
members and their guests. and hours on our Facebook page.
Learning and developing On the courts at The Peninsula near Millsboro for a day of pickleball skills
skills alongside three of the instruction are (l-r) Trevor Rumsey, The Peninsula Athletic Club director; LEWES ICE HOUSE BAIT & TACKLE
top-ranked players in the Collin Johns, 2021 U.S. Open Doubles Champion; David Kempster, The
world, including the No. Peninsula Racquet Club professional; Ben Johns, ranked No. 1 worldwide (302) 645-0600 |
1-ranked player worldwide, in pickleball and four-time gold medalist at the 2021 U.S. Open Pickleball
was an unforgettable ex- Championships; and Frank Anthony Davis, ranked in the worldwide Top
perience, and one that The 10 of pickleball players.
Peninsula hopes to repli-
cate. For information, go to
Continued from page 34 19th Hole Trivia CROSSWORD SUDOKU WORD
Bear Trap Dunes has three SEARCH
The Eastern Shore Inter-
Club Golf Association wel- separate nine-holes named
comes participation from all Black Bear, Grizzly Bear and
clubs on the Eastern Shore. Kodiak Bear.
For more information, Bear Trap Dunes is Antho-
contact Anthony Colicchio at ny Colicchio’s home course.
302-598-6766 or ajcolicchio@
Check out my photography website at
Hole in one! Follow for golf news.
Delaware’s Cape Region Forecast and Tides
Today Tonight Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
A heavy t‑storm in Rain and a Cloudy, t‑storms; not Mostly cloudy with a A shower and Humid; a p.m. Mostly sunny, hot Partly sunny and
the p.m. thunderstorm late thunderstorm
as warm shower t‑storm possible and humid humid
76-80 / 67-71
High 85-89 Low 71-75 76-80 / 65-69 77-81 / 65-69 UV Index: 10 80-84 / 70-74 90-94 / 72-76 88-92 / 72-76
UV Index: 11 UV Index: 2 UV Index: 9 UV Index: 11 UV Index: 11 UV Index: 11
The higher the UV Index™ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021
Delaware Cape Region Tides Boating Forecast
Broadkill Beach Jul. 1 Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 4 Jul. 5 Jul. 6 Jul. 7 Today: Wind SW 8‑16 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet.
First high Visibility under a mile in an afternoon t‑storm.
First low 2:52 a.m. 3:44 a.m. 4:38 a.m. 5:32 a.m. 6:25 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 8:02 a.m. Friday: Wind SW 8‑16 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet.
Second high 9:38 a.m. 10:27 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 12:02 a.m. 12:59 a.m. 1:50 a.m. 2:36 a.m. Visibility less than 2 miles in showers and t‑storms.
Second low 4:26 p.m. 5:18 p.m. 6:07 p.m. 6:54 p.m. 7:39 p.m. 8:22 p.m. Saturday: Wind N 6‑12 knots becoming E. Seas
10:00 p.m. 11:02 p.m. 12:01 p.m. 12:46 p.m. 1:29 p.m. 2:12 p.m. 2‑4 feet. Visibility less than 2 miles in a shower.
Cape Henlopen ‑‑‑ Sunday: Wind E 6‑12 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet. Visibility
First high Jul. 1 Jul. 2 Jul. 4 Jul. 5 Jul. 6 Jul. 7 less than 2 miles in showers and t‑storms.
First low Jul. 3 Monday: Wind SW 7‑14 knots. Seas 1‑2 feet.
Second high 2:30 a.m. 3:22 a.m. 5:10 a.m. 6:03 a.m. 6:53 a.m. 7:40 a.m. Visibility under 2 miles in an afternoon t‑storm.
Second low 8:48 a.m. 9:37 a.m. 4:16 a.m. 11:11 a.m. 12:09 a.m. 1:00 a.m. 1:46 a.m. Tuesday: Wind SW 6‑12 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet.
3:10 p.m. 4:04 p.m. 10:25 a.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:32 p.m. 7:17 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Visibility generally unrestricted.
Rehoboth Beach 9:10 p.m. 10:12 p.m. 4:56 p.m. 11:56 a.m. 12:39 p.m. 1:22 p.m. Wednesday: Wind S 8‑16 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet. Visibility clear to
First high 11:12 p.m. ‑‑‑ the horizon.
First low Jul. 1 Jul. 2 Jul. 5 Jul. 6 Jul. 7
Second high Jul. 3 Jul. 4
Second low 1:31 a.m. 2:24 a.m. 5:01 a.m. 5:49 a.m. 6:34 a.m.
7:56 a.m. 8:42 a.m. 3:18 a.m. 4:11 a.m. 10:57 a.m. 12:02 a.m. 12:47 a.m.
2:07 p.m. 3:04 p.m. 9:27 a.m. 10:12 a.m. 5:35 p.m. 6:19 p.m. 7:03 p.m.
8:16 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 3:59 p.m. 4:49 p.m. 11:42 a.m. 12:27 p.m.
10:14 p.m. 11:11 p.m. ‑‑‑
Jul. 6 Jul. 7
Indian River Inlet Jul. 1 Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 4 Jul. 5 Regional Summary Weather History
First high 6:43 a.m. 7:29 a.m.
First low 2:30 a.m. 3:21 a.m. 4:13 a.m. 5:05 a.m. 5:55 a.m. 12:52 a.m. 1:37 a.m. Partly sunny and humid, a heavy Heavy rain that start‑
Second high 8:38 a.m. 9:29 a.m. 10:17 a.m. 11:02 a.m. 12:02 a.m. 7:25 p.m. 8:07 p.m. thunderstorm this afternoon; storms ed July 1, 1975, in
Second low 3:10 p.m. 4:07 p.m. 5:02 p.m. 5:53 p.m. 6:40 p.m. 12:25 p.m. 1:04 p.m. can bring flooding and damaging eastern North Dakota
8:58 p.m. 10:04 p.m. 11:06 p.m. 11:45 a.m. winds. High 87. A thunderstorm or two and northwestern
Oak Orchard ‑‑‑ Jul. 6 Jul. 7 early tonight, then rain and a t‑storm. Minnesota caused
First high Jul. 1 Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 5 Low 73. Showers and thunder‑ flooding three days later on the Red
First low Jul. 4 8:40 a.m. 9:25 a.m. storms tomorrow. High 78. A shower River.
Second high 4:22 a.m. 5:15 a.m. 6:09 a.m. 7:52 a.m. 3:33 a.m. 4:18 a.m. Saturday. High 79.
Second low 11:27 a.m. 12:13 p.m. 12:46 a.m. 7:02 a.m. 2:42 a.m. 9:10 p.m. 9:54 p.m.
4:58 p.m. 5:55 p.m. 6:50 p.m. 1:45 a.m. 8:26 p.m. 3:13 p.m. 3:58 p.m. Sun and Moon
Fenwick Island 11:47 p.m. 12:58 p.m. 7:40 p.m. 2:28 p.m.
First high ‑‑‑ 1:43 p.m. Jul. 6 Jul. 7 Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset
First low Jul. 1 Jul. 3 Jul. 5
Second high Jul. 2 Jul. 4 5:42 a.m. 6:27 a.m. Today 5:39 a.m. 8:29 p.m. Today 12:50 a.m. 12:54 p.m.
Second low 1:24 a.m. 3:11 a.m. 4:54 a.m. 12:01 a.m. 12:46 a.m. Friday 5:40 a.m. 8:29 p.m. Friday 1:13 a.m. 1:53 p.m.
7:55 a.m. 2:17 a.m. 9:26 a.m. 4:04 a.m. 10:56 a.m. 6:12 p.m. 6:56 p.m. Saturday 5:40 a.m. 8:29 p.m. Saturday 1:37 a.m. 2:51 p.m.
Ocean City 2:00 p.m. 8:41 a.m. 3:52 p.m. 10:11 a.m. 5:28 p.m. 11:41 a.m. 12:26 p.m. Sunday 5:41 a.m. 8:29 p.m. Sunday 2:01 a.m. 3:50 p.m.
First high 8:15 p.m. 2:57 p.m. 10:13 p.m. 4:42 p.m. Monday 5:41 a.m. 8:28 p.m. Monday 2:28 a.m. 4:49 p.m.
First low 9:14 p.m. 11:10 p.m. ‑‑‑ Jul. 6 Jul. 7 Tuesday 5:42 a.m. 8:28 p.m. Tuesday 2:58 a.m. 5:48 p.m.
Second high Jul. 1 Jul. 3 Wed. 5:43 a.m. 8:28 p.m. Wed. 3:33 a.m. 6:47 p.m.
Second low Jul. 2 Jul. 4 Jul. 5 5:34 a.m. 6:19 a.m.
1:16 a.m. 3:03 a.m. 11:34 a.m. 12:39 a.m.
7:48 a.m. 2:09 a.m. 9:19 a.m. 3:56 a.m. 4:46 a.m. 6:04 p.m. 6:48 p.m.
1:52 p.m. 8:34 a.m. 3:44 p.m. 10:04 a.m. 10:49 a.m. 12:19 p.m.
8:08 p.m. 2:49 p.m. 10:06 p.m. 4:34 p.m. 5:20 p.m. ‑‑‑
9:07 p.m. 11:03 p.m. 11:54 p.m.
40 THURSDAY, JULY 1 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Beach Paper
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