Cape Gazette’s
Visitors’ Guide to
the Cape Region
Fireworks are back in
Rehoboth, Lewes - Page 3
Report: Fish are showing
up early this season - Page 26
2 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Beach Paper
Waterpark fully
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Beach Paper THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 3
Rehoboth Beach fireworks are a go for July 3
By Chris Flood gatherings, as well as cor- State lifts mask FILE PHOTO respondence with other mandate for most
municipalities that also REHOBOTH BEACH announced May 14 that it will be hosting Indepen-
After being canceled last decided to hold fireworks dis- A day after the Centers dence Day fireworks this year on Saturday, July 3.
year because of COVID-19, plays,” said Lynn, in an email for Disease Control revised
Rehoboth Beach will be hav- May 16. its face mask guidance, Gov.
ing its July 4 fireworks this John Carney followed suit
year. The city announced May Lynn said Banks and Riddle May 14 lifting most face
14 the display will launch at are confident the police de- mask requirements effective
roughly 9:30 p.m., Saturday, partment, with the assistance Friday, May 21. Following
July 3. of their usual partners, will be CDC guidance, officials said
able to adequately staff and fully vaccinated people can
“We’re really excited that provide for a safe event. stop wearing masks in most
the country is opening back places indoors and outdoors
up and that we are able to Mayor Stan Mills said he May 21. Exceptions include
celebrate with our annual agrees with the decision. crowded settings, such as
fireworks display,” said City public transit, planes, in
Manager Sharon Lynn, in a “We will be opening up the schools, healthcare facilities
prepared statement. “It’s been city and expect a great num- and congregate settings like
a challenging year-and-a-half, ber of happy visitors. We want prison facilities and homeless
and like everyone else, we’re to provide the safest, friendli- shelters.
eager to have a little fun and est, and most festive summer
enjoy the kind of summer season, and that includes Pictured Below is Tiffany’s Venetian Box Bracelet
activities that Rehoboth Beach fireworks that will celebrate It is priced very reasonably at $285.
is so well known for. We are the birth of our nation,” said
confident that we can have Mills, in an email May 16.
a safe fireworks display this
year, and delighted that Re- In the press release an-
hoboth Beach is a happy place nouncing the return, the city
for so many. We look forward said the state has approved
to a great summer.” the city’s planned COVID-19
safety precautions, which in-
The announced return of clude hand-sanitizing stations,
the fireworks came roughly 72 mandating masks for those
hours after Lynn recommend- who are unvaccinated and
ed to city commissioners the encouraging social distancing
fireworks be canceled again. between groups.
During a special meeting
May 11, Lynn said it would be Lynn said hand sanitizing
nearly impossible to meet the stations will be distributed
guidelines required for events throughout the city, espe-
larger than 250 people. At the cially in densely populated
same meeting, she said Police areas. The city is looking into
Chief Keith Banks and Lt. Ja- portable toilets and separate
mie Riddle also thought it was hand-washing stations as well,
in the best interest of the city she said.
to not hold the fireworks.
As for enforcing the wear-
Lynn said much thought ing of masks, Lynn said the
went into the decision to hold city will have signage placed
the fireworks and that police to alert people to the guide-
will be able to adequatley staff lines for safety. However,
and provide for a safe event. much will be self-regulated
and on the honor system, she
“Factors included recent said.
CDC relaxation of COVID
guidelines, especially con- Firework festivities include
cerning mask wearing and musical sets performed by
The Funsters at the Bandstand
beginning at 8 p.m., and again
after the fireworks display.
Lewes moving ahead
with July 4 fireworks
By Nick Roth state, county and city Shore Silver’s 4mm Box Bracelet agencies regarding traffic Sells for $85!
and crowd control. Becker
Fourth of July fireworks noted the event will need to Need we say more!
are returning to Lewes be approved by the state’s
Beach this summer. Division of Public Health. (obviously we aren’t selling Tiffany bracelets,
but they are so close you can’t tell the difference in the picture)
Lewes Mayor and City While one tradition is
Council unanimously voted returning, another will have Open
May 17 to move ahead with to wait until next year. The Every Day
the event, which is slated old-fashioned children’s at 10am
for the evening of Sunday, games on Second Street will
July 4. The 2020 event was not be held this year. Becker
canceled due to the CO- said he decided to cancel
VID-19 pandemic. the Fourth of July tradition
because social distancing
“This will be a tremen- would not be possible.
dously positive thing for the
community,” said Mayor The Lewes Boat Parade
Ted Becker. will happen this year. The
Lewes-Rehoboth Beach
The move comes less Rotary Club, City of Lewes
than a week after Rehoboth and the Lewes Chamber
Beach officials decided to of Commerce will serve as
bring back its annual Fourth hosts. Freedom Boat Club
of July fireworks festivities will underwrite the event
Saturday, July 3. by being the sole sponsor.
The parade will start at ap-
Lewes Police Chief Tom proximately 1:30 p.m.
Spell said he’s already
initiated discussions with
4 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Beach Paper
Delaware State Parks named ON THE COVER: Funland on
the Rehoboth Boardwalk is
a finalist in national contest up and running for the 2021
season. The amusement
Delaware Department Division of Parks and Recre- other year, and Delaware center opened Mother’s
of Natural Resources and ation is a finalist in this pres- State Parks had to wait until Day weekend. Funland is
Environmental Control tigious competition, especial- this year to apply again. If operating like it did last year
announced its Division of ly while celebrating the 70th selected as this year’s winner, – reservations are required
Parks and Recreation has anniversary of Delaware State Delaware would be the sec- and offered in 2-hour blocks
been named a finalist for the Parks this year,” said DNREC ond state park system to win throughout the day. Games
American Academy for Park Secretary Shawn M. Garvin. the award twice. are accessible to those
and Recreation Administra- “Achieving this level of recog- without reservations. For
tion’s National Gold Medal nition among other high- Agencies are judged on more information or to make
Award for Excellence in Park caliber park systems across their ability to address the a reservation for Funland,
and Recreation Management. the country is commendable, needs of those they serve 6 Delaware Ave., go to
The award is given in coor- and it puts a spotlight on how through the collective ener- or
dination of the AAPRA with talented and passionate our gies of community members, call 302-227-1921.
the National Recreation and staff and volunteers are.” staff members and elected Cover design
Park Association. officials. RON MACARTHUR PHOTO by Teresa Rodriguez
This is the second time
“We are proud that the Delaware’s state parks are in Applications are separated Beach Paper Editor For more local happenings,
Learn more about state parks: the running for the award, into six classes, with five Jen Ellingsworth go to having won it previously in classes based on popula-
2015. The state park award tion and one class for armed Copy Editor About us
category is presented every forces. Delaware State Parks Nathalie Willard Cape Gazette launched its
joins three other finalists in free visitors’ guide in 2000.
RON MACARTHUR PHOTO its class that will compete for IT Manager/Photo Editor The publication is locally
the Grand Plaque, which will Christopher D. Foster owned and operated at
THE DELAWARE BREAKWATER LIGHT, as seen from the shores of be awarded in September. 17585 Nassau Commons
Cape Henlopen State Park, is bathed in light from a sunset. CoPublisher/ Blvd. in Lewes.
The National Gold Medal General Manager Web Manager
Awards program, founded in Chris Rausch Kristin Sinnott
1965 and sponsored by Musco
Lighting LLC, honors com- Advertising
munities in the United States Andrew Thomas
that demonstrate excellence Cindy Bowlin
in parks and recreation Kathy McGinty
through long-range plan- Lauren Zaniewski
ning, resource management,
volunteerism, environmen- Production
tal stewardship, program Edwin Krumm
development, professional Mallery Galaska
development and agency Tara Arjona
recognition. Teresa Rodriguez
To learn more about the
Gold Medal Awards, go to
Cheers to all our readers!
is celebrating
21st Birthday!
The Beach Paper’s back NEXT WEEKLYBall of Sunshine
for another exciting ISSUE
season of sun and
fun in Delaware’s June 3
Cape Region.
Read the latest news and WEEKLY
updates about events and festivals,
July 1 to Sept. 2
including art exhibits, concerts,
farmers markets, kids’ programs ntoCesxaGutbonsit’tcsothresiaBvbupteeeegairytcecoithkTsnfPhreaueumpperpeseandrir.etlcaewshoydo!mselnet?ter
and so much more!
To advertise, call 302-645-7700
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Beach Paper THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 5
Horseshoe Crab & Shorebird Fest
launches passport for prizes
To kick off a celebration of Coastal Adventure Passport, Old Dog Woodcrafts, Cape FILE PHOTO
the local wildlife and envi- visit the Mercantile at 109 Custom Art, Hammer &
ronment in Southern Dela- Union St. in downtown Mil- Stain, Crafts by Island Girl MILTON’S HORSESHOE CRAB AND SHOREBIRD FESTIVAL was can-
ware, the Milton Chamber of ton. To print from home, go and many others. celed last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the 2019 festival, Ra-
Commerce and the Horse- to gan Callahan, a Cape High art teacher, shows off horseshoe crab cre-
shoe Crab & Shorebird Festi- Educational exhibits for ations from Cape Custom Art.
val Committee announce the Completed passports may kids will be provided by
Coastal Adventure Passport. be turned in at the Mercantile the Friends of Prime Hook, Nature Center, and Prime Horseshoe Crab & Shorebird
or to Milton chamber table at DuPont Nature Center, Envi- Hook National Wildlife Ref- Festival.
Passport holders can visit the Horseshoe Crab & Shore- rotech, and the University of uge, thanks all event sponsors
and explore five designated bird Festival Saturday, May Delaware Sea Grant. CopyCat for helping to put on the 2021 For more information, go to
locations that highlight some 29. They also can be scanned Paint Parties will be doing
of Delaware’s amazing natu- and emailed to chamber@ face painting.
ral resources and habitats. Prize
Questions about each site winners will be announced in Attendees will have mul-
must be answered on the early June. tiple opportunities to win
passport. Completed pass- prizes throughout the day
ports may be turned in for a At the festival, Milton’s and there will be a 50/50
chance to win one of several very own talented musician raffle. Funds raised will ben-
prizes including outdoor Mark Gratton will play piano efit Friends of Prime Hook.
adventure experiences and in the morning and DJ Jerry
nature-related products. of AWE will provide enter- The festival committee,
tainment in the afternoon. which includes members of
To obtain a copy of the the Milton Chamber of Com-
Confirmed vendors include merce, DNREC’s DuPont
Tour 684 kicks off have partnered to become
in downtown Milton one location on Broadkill
Road. In addition to picking
With the invention of cell tour is reliant on the weather pretty things from artisans RACHAEL BARKER will be selling prints of her Quartz Goddess art at
phones and contact lists, cooperating, as most vendors and the Milton Garden Club, Brimming Horn Meadery during the June 4 event.
many people these days can't set up outdoors. Tourgoers attendees can savor tasty eats
recite the phone number that can plan their routes monthly from the Broadkill Store on
they call the most. But the by viewing the Google Map Tour food truck while listen-
Milton community remem- at ing to live music coming from
bers a time when there was To introduce different prod- Frantic Frets' deck.
only one phone exchange ucts to a different audience,
that all town residents shared many vendors alternate loca- Other locations to explore
- 684. Eva K. Smith managed tions from month to month. include Brimming Horn
Milton’s telephone exchange Instead of a booth fee, they Meadery, Broadkill Tattoo
until approximately 1946 donate items to give away Company, Dough Bar, Irish
in a small room above her to lucky customers. Follow Eyes, and Salon Milton. Go to
millinery, which now houses @Tour684 on Facebook for for information.
Ogre's Grove, at 129 Union St. chances to win local cre-
When the owners of Ogre's NOON - 3 THROUGH
Grove and Frantic Frets Smaller shops like Ogre's MID-OCTOBER!
were brainstorming a way to Grove and King's Homemade
give shoppers a safe way to Ice Cream only have room 32165 Winery Way,
support local products, they to host a vendor or two, but Lewes, DE
came up with a collabora- they're also within walking
tion called Tour 684. Instead distance of each other. Kids (302) 645-9463
of hosting a market in one can enjoy comic books and
place, vendors are invited ice cream as usual while Great Local Musicians • Live Music • Local Vendors
to showcase their wares at the adults check out shop- Award-Winning Delaware Wines • Try our New Apple Wine!
participating Milton busi- ping options. Neighboring Apples from Stag Run Farms • Tastings & Tours!
nesses from 3 to 7 p.m. the businesses, Fuel Automotive, Last tour starts at 4:30 pm!
first Friday of the month, Frantic Frets Music & An-
May through October. The tiques and Lockwood Design,
Downtown · Rehoboth Beach Lewes
Sun. - Thur. 11:30 - 8 Sun. - Thur. 11 - 9
Fri. & Sat. 11:30 - 9 Fri. & Sat. 11 - 10
302.226.1044 302.644.2250
6 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Beach Paper
BETHANY BEACH • Bushels Crab House & Seafood:
• Ropewalk: 107 Garfield Pkwy. 18289 Coastal Hwy. Wednesdays - Trivia
Thursdays - Let’s Do Trivia, 7 p.m. 302- Night, 7 to 9 p.m.; Saturdays - Karaoke
537-1330. Night, 8:30 to 11 p.m.; Thursday, May 20
- Kyle Offidani, 6 to 9 p.m.; Friday, May
DEWEY BEACH 21 - Matt Lafferty, 6 p.m. 302-645-5115.
• Bottle & Cork: 1807 Highway One.
Friday, May 21 - Tribute to Bob Marley • Crooked Hammock: 16989 Kings
featuring Spokey Speaky, 8:30 p.m. 302- Hwy. Tuesdays - Trivia, 6 to 8 p.m. 302-
227-7272. 644-7837.
• Jimmy’s Grille: Bellevue Street and
Highway One. Mondays - Stealing • Grain on the Rocks: Lewes Ferry
Savannah Duo, 6 p.m.; Tuesdays - Chris Terminal, 43 Cape Henlopen Drive.
Diller, 6 p.m.; Fridays - The Everafter, 9 Friday, May 21 - Rick Arzt, 6 to 9 p.m.
p.m.; Thursday, May 20 - Rick Arzt, 5 302-291-3900.
p.m., and Sam Capolongo, 9 p.m.; Friday,
May 21 - JJ Rupp, 6 p.m. 302-260-9914. • Greene Turtle: 17388 N. Village Main
• Nalu Surf Bar & Grille: 1308 Coastal Blvd. Thursdays - Team Trivia, 6:30 p.m.
Hwy. Fridays - Matty Q, 8 to 11 p.m., and 302-644-6840.
DJ JY 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturdays - Matty
Q, 8 to 11 p.m., and DJ JY 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. • Irish Eyes at Anglers: Anglers Rd.
302-227-1449. Wednesdays - Jake & Elwood, 7 to 10
• Northbeach: 125 McKinley Ave. p.m. 302-645-6888.
Tuesdays - M80, 8 to 11:30 p.m.;
Thursdays - Jenni Schick, 6 to 10 p.m.; • JD Shuckers: 20750 John J. Williams
Fridays - Stealing Savannah & DJ Hugh, Hwy. Thursdays - Sol Knopf, 5 p.m. 302-
5 p.m. to midnight; Saturdays - DJ 945-8850.
Hugh’s Yacht Rockin’ Pool Party, noon to DAN COOK PHOTO
5 p.m., Sunsets with DJ Always Sunny, 5
p.m., and DJ Scooter, 9 p.m. to midnight; • Lefty’s Alley & Eats: 36450 Plaza COUNTRY SUPERSTAR JIMMIE ALLEN just can’t seem to stay away from Sussex County. The Milton native
Sundays - Sammy, Laura Lea, Jenni & Dr. Thursdays - Karaoke, 7 to 10 p.m.; and Cape Henlopen High School graduate, who recently performed to a packed Bottle & Cork audience for a
Jefe, 11 a.m. 302-226-8673. Fridays - Live DJ & Trivia, 7 to 10 p.m.; May 10 fundraiser for the family of fallen Delmar police officer Cpl. Keith Heacook, will return Saturday, Aug. 7,
• Rusty Rudder: Dickinson Ave. and Sundays - Family Fun Karaoke, 11 a.m. to as headliner of the Bettie James Fest at Hudson Fields. “I’m having my own festival in my hometown,” said Al-
the bay. Mondays - Fantastic Four, 7 3 p.m. 302-864-6000. len in a post on his Facebook page. “I named the festival after my father and grandmother. Hoping their mem-
p.m.; Tuesdays - Stealing Savannah, 4 ory lives on through this festival.” Tickets will go on sale at on Friday, May 21.
p.m.; Wednesdays - Ginger Trio, 4 p.m.,
and Laura Lea & Tripp Fabulous, 9 p.m.; • Nassau Valley Vineyards Farmers REHOBOTH BEACH • Rehoboth Ale House On the Mile: Starboard
Thursdays - Filo Betto, 5 p.m., and Love Market: 32165 Winery Way. Sunday, • Big Chill Surf Cantina: 19406 Coastal 20859 Coastal Hwy. Thursday, May 20 ready for
Seed Mama Jump, 9 p.m.; Friday, May May 16 - Matt Lafferty, noon. 302-645- Hwy. Tuesdays - Lower Case Blues, 5 - Beach Bandits, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, May summer
21 - Rick & Mike, 2 p.m., Late Last Night 9463. p.m.; Wednesdays - Trivia Nite, 6 p.m.; 21 - Joey Harkum Duo, 8 to 11 p.m. 302-
Duo, 5 p.m., and Late Last Night, 9 p.m. • The Wheelhouse: 7 Anglers Rd. Friday, May 21 - Adwela & The Uprising, 278-7433. Dewey Beach is com-
302-227-3888. Mondays - Trivia, 7 p.m.; Thursdays - 7 to 10 p.m. 302-227-5568. • 1776: Midway Shopping Center. ing back to life this sum-
• Starboard: 2009 Highway One. Mingo, 7 to 9 p.m.; Friday, May 21 - Rob • Blackwall Hitch: 52 Rehoboth Ave. Wednesdays - Nick Wayne, 6 to 9 p.m.; mer, and the Starboard
Wednesdays - Lost In Paris Acoustic, 7 Barbarita, 6 to 9 p.m. 302-291-2163. Sunday, June 6 - Jazz Brunch featuring Thursdays - Bernard Sweetney, 7 to 10 stands ready with a
to 10 p.m. on deck; Thursdays - Bingo Hammond Hot, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 302- p.m. 302-645-9355. great live entertainment
with DJ Travi Parker, 8 to 10 p.m.; Fridays LONG NECK 226-0550. • Shrimpy’s Bar & Grill: 18585 Coastal lineup.
- DJ Manny Mann, 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.; • Amvets Post 2: 32592 Long Neck Rd. • Blue Moon: 35 Baltimore Ave. Hwy., Midway Shopping Center.
Saturdays - DJ Woody B, 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Mondays - Terminator, 5 p.m.; Saturdays Tuesdays - Bingo with Miss Margaret Wednesdays - Matthew Kenworthy, While it may not be
Sundays - Brunch with DJ John Hardy, 10 - Terminator, 4:30 p.m. and DJ Mark, 7 & Sister Dorothy, 8 p.m.; Fridays - 5:30; Thursdays - John Flynn, 5:30 p.m.; full on shoulder-to-
a.m. to 2 p.m.; Sundays - Kristen on the p.m. 302-945-2599. Spotlight Show, 7 & 9 p.m.; Saturdays Sundays - Sunday Drag Dinner hosted shoulder style quite yet,
deck, 1 to 10 p.m. 302-227-4600. • Crab Barn: 32600 Long Neck Rd. - Legends Show, 7 & 9 p.m.; Sundays - by Julia Sugarbaker II, 7 to 9 p.m.; Friday, Steve “Monty” Mont-
Dover Wednesdays - Karaoke with DJ Cherry Climax with Magnolia, 8 to 9 p.m. 302- May 21 - Catch The Drift, 6 p.m. 302- gomery and his staff are
• Jerry Longo’s Meatballs & Martinis Hosting, 7 to 10 p.m.; Thursdays - live 227-6515. 313-5124. eager to restore nor-
at Dover Downs: 1131 N. DuPont Blvd. music, 5 to 8 p.m.; Sundays - live music, • Chesapeake & Maine: 316 Rehoboth • The Hideout Arcade Bar & Grille: malcy with their sum-
Wednesdays - Sol Knopf, 6 to 9 p.m.; 1 to 4 p.m. 302-945-5555. Ave. Friday, May 21 - Bruce Anthony, 5 18693 Coastal Hwy. Wednesdays - mer vibes and a solid
Thursdays - Dan Marro, 6 to 9 p.m. 302- • Paradise Pub: 34814 Long Neck Road. to 8 p.m. 302-226-3600. Karaoke Night, 9 p.m.; Thursdays - Trivia schedule.
674-4600. Mondays - Mingo, 6 to 8 p.m. 302-945- • Coastal Taproom: 18766 John J. Night, 7 p.m., and DJ Wood, 9 p.m. to
0500. Williams Hwy. Thursday, May 20 - Keri 1 a.m.; Fridays - Karaoke Night, 9 p.m.; Montgomery said, “We
LEWES Anthony, 5 to 8 p.m.; Friday, May 21 - Saturdays - DJ Wood, 8 p.m. to mid- are bringing back a lot of
• Bethany Blues: 18385 Coastal MILTON The Amanda & Teddy Thomas Band, 9 night; Sundays - DJ Wood, 9 p.m. to 1 our favorite events and
Highway. Mondays - Mingo, 6 to 8 • Irish Eyes: 105 Union St. Fridays - p.m. to midnight. 302-645-9911. a.m. 302-645-1985.
p.m.; Thursdays - Let’s Do Trivia, 7 p.m.; Guess What Trivia, 8:30 p.m.; Saturday,
Friday, May 21 - Hope For Success, 8:30 May 22 - Dune Dawgz, 8 to 11 p.m. 302-
p.m. 302-644-2500. 684-8889. evenings, like Comedy
• Big Oyster Brewery: • Conch Island Key West Bar & Grill: • The Pines Rehoboth Beach: 56 nights, all our bands,
1007 Kings Hwy. • Milton Fox Hole: 102 Federal St. 207 Rehoboth Ave. Thursday, May 20 Baltimore Ave. Mondays - Fueling and even the Running of
Friday, May 28 - Thursdays - Matt Lafferty, 6 to 8 p.m.; - Marty Mitchell Duo, 8:30 p.m.; Friday, Pianos featuring John Flynn & Matthew the Bull, which is now
Stayin Frosty, 4 Fridays - Al Frantic, 6 p.m. 302-493- May 21 - Matt Avery, 8:30 p.m. 302- Kenworthy, 6 to 9 p.m.; Fridays - Happy moved to August when
to 7 p.m. 302- 6290. 227-9378. Hour with John Flynn on piano, 5 to 7 we anticipate things may
644-2621. p.m.; Saturdays - Dinner, Drinks & Divas be more normal.”
• Milton Theatre: 110 Union St. • Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats: with Mona Lotts & Kristina Kelly, 7 p.m.;
Thursday, May 20 - Quayside @ Nite 320 Rehoboth Ave. Friday, May 21 - Sundays - Drag Brunch with Mona Lotts Mainstays like Kristen
Homestead Bluegrass, 8 to 10 p.m. 302- & Kristina Kelly, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and and the Noise, Lost in
featuring Scrapple, 7 p.m.; Friday, 226-BREW. Pamala Stanley, 6 to 9 p.m.; Thursday, Paris, Bryen Oboyle and
May 21 - Aunt Mary Pat May 20 - Intimate Evening with Danielle Johnny Phatt will all be
DiSabatino, 8 p.m. 302-684- • Greene Turtle Sports Bar & Grille: Furst, 7 to 10 p.m.; Friday, May 21 - back in steady rotation
3038. 101 S. Boardwalk. Friday, May 21 - Michael Solonoski & John Flynn, 7 to 10 this summer. Also back
• Sydney’s Restaurant Absolutely Snatched hosted by Brooklyn p.m. For tickets go to are G. Love , Thursday,
& Lounge: 16388 Samuel Heights, seating at 9 p.m., show 10 p.m., events or call 302-567-2726. July 29; Bruce in the
Paynter Blvd. Wednesdays - reservations required; Friday, May 28 - • The Pond: 19266 Coastal Hwy., Unit USA, Sunday, Aug. 1 and
Car Cruising Night and music Brenden Lane, 8 p.m. 302-226-2000. 1. Mondays - Survey Sez, 6:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 9; and the
by David Aman, 5 to 8 and Steve Bowers, 9 p.m.; Tuesdays - Amish Outlaws Sunday,
p.m.; Friday, May • Nicola Pizza: 71 Rehoboth Ave. Let’s Do Speed Bingo, 6:30 p.m., and Aug. 22 and Friday, Nov.
21 - Christi Tuesdays - Let’s Do Trivia, 7 p.m. 302- Cooney Tunes, 9 p.m.; Wednesdays - 5. Comedy nights are
Taylor, 7 227-6211. BJ’s Damn Jam Crew, 9 p.m.; Thursdays back with a barrel of
p.m. 302- - Trivia Challenge, 7 p.m.; Fridays - John laughs beginning Tues-
313- • Ocn Blu Beach Bar & Grille: 37169 Flynn on piano, 5 to 7 p.m.; Sundays - day, June 15.
4770. Rehoboth Ave. Ext. Fridays - Karaoke, 7 Lower Case Blues, 8 p.m.; Friday, May
to 10 p.m.; 302-212-5355. 21 - Garrett Shultz Band, 9 p.m. 302- As always, the Star-
227-2234. board provides this
• Rehoboth Ale House: 15 Wilmington • Zogg’s: 1 Wilmington Ave. Friday, amazing entertainment
Ave. Thursday, May 20 - Lower Case May 21 - Chris Ryan, 6 to 9 p.m. 302- for free, as part of its
Blues, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, May 21 - 227-7660. feel-good, summer vibe
Sidney Joseph, 8 to 11 p.m. 302-278-
Sidney Joseph will perform Friday, For updated entertainment list- philosophy.
May 21, at Rehoboth Ale House. ings, go to
Beach Paper THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 7
Lewes Garden Tour
tickets on sale May 28
The Lewes Chamber of Chamber of Commerce visi- Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 2 NICK ROTH PHOTO
Commerce and Visitors tor center is in the historic p.m., Sundays.
Bureau will sponsor its 30th Fisher-Martin House located HYDRANGEAS will be among the floral varieties in full bloom for the
annual Lewes Garden Tour in Zwaanendael Park next to Payment options for the 30th Annual Lewes Garden Tour June 19.
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Satur- the Zwaanendael Museum. tickets include cash, credit
day, June 19, spotlighting eight The visitor center hours are cards and checks made out to
private gardens this year. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to the Lewes Chamber of Com-
Friday. Beginning May 29 merce. For more information
Tickets will be available the visitor center also will be on the tour or to order the
for purchase Friday, May 28 open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., tickets in advance, call 302-
and will include a description 645-8073.
of each garden. The gardens
are selected by the event
committee’s co-chairs with
assistance from other com-
mittee members. This year’s
Co-Chairs are Janet Law-
son and Carolyn Marshall;.
Susan Crawford will provide
program garden description
and Terry Yates is volunteer
Chamber organizers excit-
ed to be able to stage the tour
this year and to do it safely.
The tour has been modified
to meet the requirements
of the Delaware Division of
Public Health’s guidelines. To
that end, there were elements
of past tours that will not be
offered this year including
the free transportation to the
gardens, hosting artists in
the gardens and no food tent
set up in Zwaanendael Park.
The chamber is following the
Governor’s COVID-19 restric-
tions and will have in place
the most current masking
guidance issued by the Cen-
ters for Disease Control and
Prevention. It was required to
submit a plan in advance to
DPH to address all COVID-19
protocols including contact
tracing, mask requirements,
hand sanitation and social
distancing. The garden tour
plan was approved and will
be implementing those re-
JUNE 19 ARE $25 IN
Volunteer greeters in the
gardens will be asking for
voluntary compliance from
all visitors to the tour gar-
In addition to the tour of
private gardens, the event in-
cludes a market in Zwaanen-
dael Park with vendors sell-
ing garden-related items from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tickets for the tour of gar-
dens on Saturday, June 19 are
$25 in advance and $30 on the
day of the tour.
To purchase tickets in ad-
vance, go to LewesChamber.
com and the tickets can be
picked up at the chamber’s
visitor center after Friday,
May 28. Tickets will be avail-
able to purchase in person at
the visitor center beginning
Saturday, May 29. The Lewes
8 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Beach Paper
A slice of life that’s a
big part of beach eats
TO THE PLATE area to cook pizzas with oak,
wood-fired ovens are pop- MATTSFISHCAMPLEWES.COM
REHOBOTH FOODIE ping up here and there. Three
of the busiest glow brightly
Welcome to the beach! at the Touch of Italy restau-
I’m back again to rants in Lewes, Rehoboth and
regale you with sug- Ocean City. TOI is so serious
gestions and thoughts on how about its Neopolitan-style pies
to eat well by the ocean. So that they snagged third best
let’s get down to business: Ex- out of 200 competitors in the
tensive research (…well, ok – I international pizza competi-
eat a lot of pizza) has proven tion in Las Vegas!
that pizzas tend to congregate
near boardwalks and oceans. The minute you walk in to
So I thought a little roundup Crust & Craft in Midway Gal-
of our plethora of pies might leria you can see the flickering
be just the thing to kick-start flames adding their crunchy
the 2021 season. char to pizzas and C&C’s
particularly good side dishes.
Here in Rehoboth, it all Next door in Midway Center
started in 1960 with Grotto. is the longtime Pizza Villa.
That thin-crusted pie shares a Not only are they known for
trait with many Chicago-style their pies, but they put out
versions: The sauce is applied a very good cheesesteak.
on top of the blend of cheeses. Another tucked-away sleeper
In 1971, Nicola Pizza appeared in Rehoboth is the DaNizza
across The Avenue. Their truck at Revelation Craft
sauce/cheese paradigm is Brewery. This thin-crust de-
reversed: their sauce is topped light is well worth the search.
with the cheese. Oh, and They cook their wings the
check out Nicola’s signature same way. Consider yourself
Nic-O-Boli. Forget the details. warned.
It’s tasty.
Around the corner at the
Three years later, Louie westernmost end of Rehoboth
Gouvas opened Louie’s Pizza. Avenue are Casa DiLeo’s New
Sons Tim and Tony have York-style pies. Pete’s Steak
been running the Rehoboth Shop in Rehoboth Market-
Avenue storefront since they place - in spite of the name
could see over the counter. – also whomps up a fine pizza.
Locals maintain that Louie’s Get the thin & crispy. Another
yeasty crust and oven-seared place where you would not
pepperoni are greater than the immediately expect a fine pie
sum of the parts. is Dogfish Head Brewpub.
This busy spot also toasts
Mr. P’s Pizza in Lewes with wood.
is built around an Italian
wood-burning oven. Glowing You can’t talk pizza in Lew-
oak bakes the pies quickly, es without invoking the name
creating slightly charred crust of Alex Kotanides. Pat’s Pizze-
bubbles and a light, puffy ria in Mariner Plaza dishes up
perimeter. Though Mr. P’s two entirely different variet-
ies: a traditional round pie,
REHOBOTHFOODIE.COM PHOTO and Alex’ favorite, the very
cheesy Greek-style pizza. It’s
THE VERY ITALIAN and very tal- served in squares and reheats
ented Biagio Lucci started out at perfectly at home on a 500
Touch of Italy coaxing perfect Ne- degree preheated pizza stone.
apolitan pies out of their wood- As me how I know.
fired ovens. (It's an art AND a sci-
ence!) After almost 8 years with Up the road and around the
this tightly knit company, he is now corner, Chris, Erikah and crew
overseeing culinary operations as crank out a consistently tasty
the chief production officer. product at Full Belly Bistro
(plus some pretty amazing
daily specials). Just around
the corner is Mara DePace’s
Sorrento restaurant with a
choice of 11 different pies.
Back downtown, new kid on
the block Chris Agharabi will
soon open Ava’s Pizzeria and
Wine Bar in the old Jakes sea-
food spot at the corner of N.
First and Baltimore Avenue.
Open flames from a huge
oven will crisp up his made-
every-day crust.
Dewey Beach sports two
longtime mainstays for good
pizza: Franco LaRagione’s
Mama Maria’s, and Mama
Celeste. Late-night week-
ends bring long lines to both.
Search out your own favorites
and let me know what you
Bob Yesbek is a notorious foodie and can
be reached at
Beach Paper THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 9
#1 Locally Owned Real Estate Company
in Sussex County for 2020*
New construction opportunity, in-town Lewes! This custom 5 BR, Unparalleled views of the Delaware Bay! Rarely available exquisite, Magnificent oceanfront property boasting incredible panoramic Private ocean side in the Chancellery! Grand second level entry, great
4.5 BA home boasts over 3,800 +/- SF including a great room w/ bayfront home featuring 6 BR, 5.5 BA, +/- 6,000 SF, gourmet kitchen ocean views at every turn. This sprawling 7,100 +/- SF home room with FP, chef’s kitchen, 5 BR, 5 BA, home, oak staircases, oak HW
gas FP, gourmet kitchen & FF owners suite, rear screened porch, offers 10 BR & 8 full baths spread over 4 levels, while being easily floors, private beach access via secluded boardwalk, and much more.
w/commercial grade appliances, and multiple decks/balconies accessible by elevator. Numerous decks offer breathtaking views
outdoor shower, & attached 2-car garage. $1,595,000 overlooking the bay. A truly must-see property! $4,650,000 Room for a private swimming pool. $2,650,000
Call Bryce Lingo or Shaun Tull 302-226-6417 (Direct) #3688A & ocean breezes. Being sold turnkey. $9,250,000 Call Tracy Kelley 302-542-9610 (Cell) #3349I
Call Bryce Lingo or Shaun Tull 302-226-6417 (Direct) #3756A Call Bryce Lingo or Shaun Tull 302-226-6417 (Direct) #3652C
This oceanfront property, on one of Coastal Delaware’s most unique 4 BR, 3.5 BA, fully furnished townhome featuring patio, covered Stunning & impeccably maintained 4 BR, 3.5 BA home located just 1.5 One level custom built home situated on quiet cul-de-sac street located East
lots, is one of the most highly coveted addresses along the East blocks to the ocean, & offers spacious living room, 2 master suites, new of Route 1. Open concept floor plan with fenced in yard, rear deck, Brazilian
balcony, roof terrace and garage, Community pool! Walk to town & kitchen, screened porches, & sun deck, one with views of Silver Lake.
Coast! No dunes to block ocean views, walk out your front door onto HW floors in main living areas, tile in baths & laundry, gas FP, sunroom/
private N. Indian Beach. Multiple outdoor decks beach, on bike path. Rental income booked so far $32,644 for 2021. Sold beautifully furnished with some exclusions. $2,395,000 office, upgraded kitchen appliances, surround sound & more. $609,000
& 2 new rooftop decks. $4,399,000 $750,000 Call Bryce Lingo or Shaun Tull 302-226-6417 (Direct) #3378F
call the Ava Cannon Team 302-249-5620 (Cell) #3721B
Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-562-7954 (Cell) #3442IL Call Randy Mason 302-236-1142 (Cell) #3746B EAST OF
So convenient to downtown Overlooks Lewes Beach! Recently renovated, rare-to-market 2 BR, 1 BA
Bay Views! Water Access! Custom 6 BR, 4 BA, 4,400 SF, energy Situated close to nature and the beach, this gem offers three Rehoboth area attractions condo w/private balcony has brand new porcelain tile floors, enlarged
efficient home situated on 1.25 acres featuring features high end separate apartments, all fully renovated with plenty of parking for and Coastal Highway! This kitchen w/granite counter tops, insulated sliding glass doors, & more.
upgrades, wonderful outdoor living, and a beautiful, serene area. is the only unit currently $549,000
all and is zoned general residential for three units, multifamily! Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-562-7954 (Cell) #3733AL
$969,000 $896,000 available in Rehoboth
Call Chelsea of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-382-6090 (Cell) #3738UL Crossing! 3 BR, 3.5 BA
Call Tracy Kelley 302-542-9610 (Cell) #3575J
coming fully turnkey
furnished for your
summer enjoyment.
Call Molly Bayard
302-381-0839 (Cell)
Turn-key two-level bay front penthouse situated on the Assawoman Close to Rehoboth/Dewey Beaches – walk to town & the Amenity rich Kinsale Glen, with both outdoor and indoor pools, is Lot home package w/Caruso Homes. The Ashland Model features
Bay less than 2 miles to the Fenwick Island & Ocean City beaches. beach! Wonderful 4 BR, 4 BA home with gourmet kitchen the place! Close to downtown Rehoboth Beach, shopping, & dining. an upstairs bedroom & morning room w/upgraded flooring &
Mallard Cove on the Bay is a gated community offering a community Home features HW floors, private backyard w/hot tub, large owners’
pool overlooking the Bay, crabbing/fishing pier, & boat dock. $710,000 with island, open floor plan, Florida room, Garage for bedroom, & unfinished basement w/lots of possibilities. $698,500 gourmet kitchen. Community pool, recreation facility, club house,
Call Shawn of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-542-8591 (Cell) #3632ML storage, fenced in yard, and more. $1,150,000 tennis courts, dock, & more. $489,900
Call Tjark Bateman 302-745-0018 (Cell) # 3741J
Call Tjark Bateman 302-745-0018 (Cell) #3736K Call Mike Dominguez 302-745-2019 (Cell) #3605BL
219 Washington St
26114 John J Williams Hwy, 43+/- Acres 4.71 Acres, Coastal Hwy.....................................$7,250,000 ZONED URBAN BUSINESS..................................$225,000
174 Pine St
COMMERCIAL .......................................................$299,000 14706 Coastal Hwy, 0.97 acres COMMERCIAL/FRONTAGE ON RTE. 113 ............$150,000
17698 Beaver Dam Rd...........................................$176,000 COMMERCIAL ..................................................... $338,000 4.5 Acres, 32631 Millsboro Hwy.............................$119,900
1403 Savannah Rd, Covey Creek, 3.71 Acres 1.2 Acres, John J. Williams Hwy ............................$175,000
PERFECT FOR MEDICAL OFFICE...................$1,250,000 25480 Carol Dr..................................................... $300,000 .45 Acres, John J. Williams Hwy ............................$150,000 ZONED GENERAL COMMERCIAL C-1
17581 Stingey Rd...................................................$188,000 403 Sussex St ....................................................... $99,900 13 Poplar Ave, Evergreen Acres ............................$50,000
Lot 4, 6.60 Acres, Lawton LSn, Travis Estates.....$250,000 The possibilities are endless! Lot dimensions are 50’ x 427’
Lot 5, Coolsprings Manor ................................... $59,000 9.25 Millsboro Hwy & the buildable area is 40’ x 204’. $405,000
ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES ....................................$749,900
ELLENDALE 409 Cedar St .......................................................... $79,900 Lot 3, Woodlyn Estates Call Lily Hsu Gosnear 302-841-4640 (Cell) #3533R
PARTIALLY WOODED............................................$125,000
27/28 S. Old State Rd ..............................................$45,000 WOODS AT PEPPER CREEK
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WOODED ..............................................................$265,000 Dagsboro, Millville, Ocean View and Bethany Beach area
MILFORD & SURROUNDING AREAS 440 Railroad Ave, 38.07 Acres 5 Lots, Benson Rd, Rt 216............................. $74,000 Each attractions. Priced to sell and the only listing currently in the
6.58 Acres, Rte. 113, REALTOR owned..............$1,200,000 DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY -
66.05 Acres, Route One neighborhood. $240,000
DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY! .....................$4,026,000 12 UNITS PER ACRE .........................................$1,330,000 Call Molly Bayard 302-381-0839 (Cell) #3654V
7811 Cedar Creek Ct, Sugar Maple Farms..........$130,000 3.98 Acres, Park Ave & W. Penn Central .................$79,900
Corner Morris Mill/Zoar Rd, 1.6 Acres
SEAFORD WATERVIEW ............................................................$79,900
Lot 4, P/O Lot 3, Baker Mill Rd ..............................$139,000
SELBYVILLE 139 Cornwall Road.................................................$339,200
10.75 Acres, Hudson/Lynch Rds.........................$1,200,000 REHOBOTH MILLSBORO LEWES
246 Rehoboth Avenue 28442 DuPont Blvd. 1240 Kings Highway
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1-800-345-3469 1-888-934-3970 1-800-331-4241
10 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Beach Paper
Fun at the Beach!
Outdoor Concerts Farmers Markets
Grab a lawn chair or a park bench and soak up the sounds of summer. Bursting with the flavors of the season!
• American Legion Post 28 Pavilion Don’t miss Betty and the Bullet • Lewes Summer Concert Series: Tuesdays Historic Lewes Farmers Market, 8
& Tiki Bar: 31768 Legion Road. Food Thursday, June 24, as part of the Concerts start at 7 p.m. in Stango a.m. to noon, George H.P. Smith Park,
& drinks available, no coolers allowed. Grain on the Rocks Rocking the Park. Tuesday, June 8 - Navy Country Rehoboth Beach Farmers Market, 10 Lewes. In case of inclement weath-
Saturday, June 5 - The Funsters, 6 to Docks Summer Concert Series. Current; Tuesday, June 15 - The a.m. to 2 p.m., Grove Park, Rehoboth. er market moves to Shields parking lot,
9 p.m., (tickets, $20). For tickets go to • Hudson Fields: 30045 Eagle Crest Christopher Dean Band; Tuesday, June Face masks required to enter, market Lewes. Go to historiclewesfarmersmar- or call 302-947-0581. Rd., Milton. Saturday, Aug. 7 - Bettie 22 - Tydewater Band; Tuesday, June 29 bags & produce bags available for pur- for information.
• Freeman Arts Pavilion: Thursday, James Fest featuring Jimmie Allen, - Free Range; Tuesday, July 6 - Vinyl chase at entrance. Go to rbfarmersmar-
June 17 - Kashmir: The Live Led DJ Jazzy Jeff, Neon Union, Hero The Shockley; Tuesday, July 13 - Authentic for more information. Saturdays
Zeppelin Show, 7 p.m.; Friday, June 18 Band, Chuck Wicks and Chase Martin. Caribbean; Tuesday, July 20 - Mike Oct. 2-Nov. 20
- Indigo Girls, 7 p.m.; Saturday, June For tickets and more information go to Hines & The Look; Tuesday, July 27 - Wednesdays
19 - Starry Night Opera with Mid- Matt Lafferty & The Pros From Dover; Starts June 2 Historic Lewes Farmers Market, 9
Atlantic Symphony Orchestra, 7 p.m.; • Milton Concerts in the Park: Tuesday, Aug. 3 - British Invasion; a.m. to noon, Shields parking lot, Lewes.
Thursday, June 24 - Broadway Under Concerts start at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Tuesday, Aug. 10 - Milford Community Market at Sea Colony, 8 a.m. to noon, Go to
the Stars: Stage & Screen Edition June 2 - 33 & 1/3; Wednesday, Band; Tuesday, Aug. 17 - Zydeco- Marketplace at Sea Colony Shopping for information.
featuring Austin Colby & Caroline June 16 - Delmarva Ramblers; A-Go-Go; Tuesday, Aug. 24 - Navy Center, Rt. 1 South, Bethany Beach. Go
Bowman, 7 p.m.; Friday, June 25 - The Wednesday, June 23 - Shades of Blue; Commodores. For more information to for Sundays
Mavericks: Live & Unplugged, 7 p.m.; Wednesday, June 30 - Tydewater go to more information. Mid-May-Mid Oct
Saturday, June 26 - Jake Owen, 7 p.m. Band; Wednesday, July 7 - Smooth Concert-Series.
302-436-3015 or Sound; Wednesday, July 14 - Over • Rehoboth Beach Bandstand: June 2-Sept. 29 Nassau Valley Vineyards Farmers
• Grain on the Rocks Rocking the Time; Wednesday, July 21 - No Spare Concerts start at 8 p.m. unless not- Market, noon to 3 p.m., 32165 Winery
Docks Summer Concert Series: Time; Wednesday, July 28 - The ed. Friday, June 11 - Mike Hines & Historic Lewes Farmers Market, 8 Way, Lewes. Face masks required to
Lewes Ferry Terminal, 43 Cape Funsters; Wednesday, Aug. 4 - Al the Look; Saturday, June 12 - Philly to 11 a.m., Crooked Hammock, 36707 enter, maximum of 2 people per house-
Henlopen Dr., Lewes. Concerts start at Frantic Band; Wednesday, Aug. 11 - Heart & Soul; Sunday, June 13 - Guys Crooked Hammock Way, Lewes. Go hold For more information go to nas-
5 p.m. Thursday, June 24 - Betty and U.S. Navy Commodores; Wednesday, In Thin Ties; Friday, June 18 - Love to for or
the Bullet; Thursday, July 1 - Higher Aug. 18 - Patsy Cline & Friends; Seed Mama Jump; Saturday, June 19 information. Nassau Valley Vineyards Farmers
Education; Thursday, July 8 - Pressing Wednesday, Aug. 25 - The Pros from - Sensational Soul Cruisers; Sunday, Market on Facebook.
Strings; Thursday, July 15 - Dry Reef Dover; Wednesday, Sept. 1 - Big Hat June 20 - The Big House Band; Friday, Fridays
opening for Little Stranger; Thursday, No Cattle. Contact 302-684-4110. June 25 - U.S. Air Force Band Singing May 28-Sept. 24 Sundays
July 22 - Melt; Thursday, July 29 - Sergeants; Saturday, June 26 - The June
Jocelyn & Chris; Thursday, Aug. 5 - Reflex; Sunday, June 27- Gringo Jingo. Broadkill Farmers Market, 4 to 7 p.m., 6-Sept. 5
Sammy Rae & the Friends; Thursday, 302-644-2288. Riverbank Side, 116 Front St., Milton.
Aug. 12 - Joe Hertler and the Rainbow Bethany
Seekers; Thursday, Aug. 19 - Amish Saturdays Beach
Outlaws; Thursday, Aug. 26 - Skribe; May-Oct Farmers
Thursday, Sept. 9 - Joey Harkum. For Market, 8
tickets and more information go to Riverwalk Farmers Market, 9 a.m. a.m. to noon, to 1 p.m., S. Walnut St. & Mispillion Garfield
Riverwalk, Milford. Face masks required Pkwy. &
to enter, maximum of 2 people per Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany. Go to
household, credit cards preferred, if
using cash exact change appreciat-
ed. Go to or
Riverwalk Farmers Market on Facebook.
CAPE 18585 Coastal Hwy.
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Visit any
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our locations that deliver.) 302.684.8889
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After over 30 years in the business Irish Eyes is guaranteed
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& our Lewes location overlooks the Lewes Harbor. Visit us on facebook & check the website for current happenings, nightly
food specials & live entertainment!
Authentic Italian cooking carefully prepared with the finest
ingredients. Delicious appetizers, salads, savory pastas, and 108 Second St,
other Italian specialties like Nonna’s Meatballs and Italian Lewes, DE
Sausage. A full Italian deli and market onsite offering ready
to serve family meals, antipastos, hero sandwiches, and fresh 302.645.6611
Mozzarella. Dine-in, carryout, and curbside pickup!
Over the years, Jerry’s has carved out a niche with a huge
selection of fresh fish and popular dishes. And it all starts with
the Crab Bomb – the ultimate crab cake weighing in at ten
ounces, lightly seasoned with Old Bay and baked to a golden
Due to special precautions and hours of operation, please confirm current service
hours & availablity by calling ahead or checking their websites/social media.
Beach Paper THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 11
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12 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 202 1 Beach Paper
Exploring the wonders of where water meets land
BEACH WALK It took COVID to awaken journalist mostly to satisfy my the beach. share his perspective as an
me at age 75 to the wonders personal curiosity. The job I pitched the concept to the artist. An environmentalist. A
NEIL SHISTER of where the water meets gives you license to ask ques- ship pilot. An ‘old salt’ who’s
the land, and ‘wondrous’ to tions that in polite contexts editors of the Cape Gazette. been walking the beach for
The leading edge of the a writer is a word carefully would be aggressive inter- They shared my enthusiasm decades. Maybe a wetlands
sun has just crept over chosen. rogation. There’s nothing else and proposed a regular report expert. Or a member of the
the horizon on a morn- I’d rather do. in their special seasonal edi- Nanticoke nation that fre-
ing clear enough to distin- We - wife Cait, son Will, tions. So, voilá, here we go. quented these beaches long
guish the outline of Cape May dog Mango - have had a house The ‘ah-ha’ light that ignites before the first Europeans.
nine miles to the east across in Lewes’ historic district when I have a creative inspira- Over the summer, I’ll
the Bay. At this moment, since 2009 but our permanent tion started flashing: it was be conversing with a wide Possibilities are wide open.
with the sun’s angle of incline residence is in D.C. Several signaling me to ‘report’ on the range of folks. There will be Indeed, readers are more than
virtually flat, the shadows we months into the Covid lock- beach. various marine science faculty welcome to suggest sources
cast are narrowly elongated down, we came here for what types from the University they’d like to hear from.
to stretch from the surf to the figured to be a few weeks My idea was to take walks of Delaware. And a fellow
dune. of respite from cabin fever. with experts in various spe- recognized as the ‘number I’ve come late to appreciate
That was a year ago June. We cialties and engage in free- one sand guy’ on the east what locals have long under-
There is nobody else to be haven’t left. form conversations centering coast. And the former ex- stood. We are living in the
seen in either direction, we on their expertise. I presumed ecutive director of the Lewes presence of a phenomenon of
are alone. Cait takes daily walks along there must be lots of readers, Historical Society who talks cosmic proportion. The on-
the ocean to clear her mind habitués or first-time visi- about Cape Henlopen as going evolution of our planet
A trio of pelicans passes and revitalize her spirits. I tors to the Delaware coast, as the ‘great meeting place’ en and its life forms is occurring
overhead, their pterodactyl wrote a book about Burning eager as I am to learn more route to Philadelphia. And an at our doorstep. Grain of sand
silhouettes so non-aerody- Man, the annual counter- about what is happening at celebrated painter who will by grain of sand.
namic it’s a marvel they can culture extravaganza in the
fly. Pelican sightings at Cape Nevada desert, and dedicated Sizzle.
Henlopen have become it to Cait, “who gets me to all
frequent only in the past few places.”
years, as they follow their
prey into waters that are During the Long Siege, she
warming with climate change. got me to accompany her to
the beach. It didn’t take long
A pod of dolphins, at most to get hooked.
fifty yards from us, surface for
air to replenish their lungs. A Over the winter, I worked
calf hugs close to an adult. my way through Annals of
the Former World, 800 pages
Just another dawn beach about global geology. An
walk at Herring Point. unlikely subject to hold my
interest were it not written by
As this series of columns John McPhee, our generation’s
debuts, full disclosure dictates acknowledged master of non-
that I admit I am not, by fiction. His explanations of
nature, a beach guy. No idyllic how the planet continuously
summers by the sea in my forms and collapses blew my
boyhood. Most of my life has mind.
been lived land-locked.
My excitement carried over
to our beach walks. I’d point
out configurations in the sand
I recognized from his descrip-
tions: ‘that’s the Mississippi
delta taking shape, there’s
the Great Salt Lake, this will
become the Rockies.’ Which
would prompt random, odd-
ball questions about dune
grass or wave patterns or
washed up horseshoe crabs.
I’ve spent a career as a
ElegDanitn, iCngasual TWO LOCATIONS
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books • cards • gifts • art music • clothes • stuff we like
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C4 B4
C5 1 2 345 6
OPEN YEAR ’ROUND Shipcarpenter Street Campus
213 Anglers Rd., Lewes A CONVERSATION Museums, Events & Tours
PEACE JEWELERS Maritime Museum at Cannonball House
(302) 645-6888 Experience Our Seafaring Past
Historic Milton, 105 Union St. ARENA’S Delaware LHS Ryves Holt House
DELI Bay LHS Museum Store &
(302) 684-8889 Information Center UNIVERSITY OF LHS Lewes History Museum
DELAWARE at Margaret H. Rollins Comm Ctr.
F6 New Rd. LHS Antique Shop Opening Fall 2021
P LEWES B Lewes Life Saving Station
HISTORICAL Visit us online for Events schedule
CAR WASH SAVING 302.645.7670
LHS RYVES STATION 110 Shipcarpenter St. • Lewes
Wescoats Rd. Park Ave Shipcarpenter St.
LEE ANN Mulberry St. KING’S
on Lewes-Rehoboth Canal Milton Lewes
Savannah RoadGeorge HPP Bank 302 Union St. 201 2nd St.
Kings Highway Smith Park 302-684-8900 302-645-9425
Second Street
Front Street
D REALTOR Neils Alley Breakfast & Lunch · 8am - 3pm
2021 MUSEUM 329 Savannah Rd., Lewes
Kings Highway B2
Stango LEWES Cape Henlopen Dr. P ConveJrseawteiolenrPs eace
BEACH E Full Service Jeweler
E Gills Neck Road LHS LEWES CITY DOGFISH Jewelry Repairs
DEPT. Cape Henlopen Five Points Weis Ctre, Lewes
LEWES PUBLIC State Park 302-313-4664
Theodore E Freeman Hwy
For all your local P D1
news and events
F Map is for general reference and is LEWESVisitor’s Map to the Best of F
1 not intended to be drawn to scale. THE
The grid can be used to guide you CITY OF List with Lingo
C1 to businesses and other points of
reference located on this map. Enjoy!
1240 Kings Highway
2345 6 302-645-2207
B1 D6
Superior Service, Outstanding Results in Real Estate FULL SERVICE • SOFT CLOTH Sales · Rentals
16698 Kings Hwy. 17246 Five Points Sq. 418 E.
302-645-6664 Savannah Rd.
302-200-9007 Lewes Beach 302-645-1955
Like C4
17314 N. Village Blvd. on 32 LAKE AVENUE B7
302-644-0370 2 302.226.1160 5
1 3 4
A HeAnclroepsen
Henlopen Ave.
Lewes-Rehoboth Canal STINGRAY 3rd St.
C6 B Henlopen Ave. Lake ACvOeN. VENTION
Grove TOWN
146 Rehoboth Ave JUST Rehoboth Ave.
C3 C
Route 1
Beach P
B3 Scarborough Ave. Christian St.
59 Lake Avenue Visitor’s Map to the Best of
302.227.6476 REHOBOTH
E Map is for general reference and is 3 Silver 5
1 not intended to be drawn to scale. Lake
The grid can be used to guide you C9
to businesses and other points of 4
reference located on this map. Enjoy!
AA CCooaassttaall AAmmeerriiccaannGGrrilill.l. List with Lingo 43 Rehoboth Ave BUSINEFOSRS
HHaappppyy HHoouur Starts at 44PPMMDDaaiillyy 246 Rehoboth Avenue 484-667-7122
222288 RRehoboth Avveennuuee 302-227-3883 @SaltyPawsRehoboth on FB
C6 C8 C8 ® Olive Ave & The Boardwalk
133 Rehoboth Avenue Taste of the First State ® 302.227.6261
On The Avenue
56 7 8 9 B8
Lake Gerar LakeCAapvSeet.aHteenPloaprken Grenoble Pl. N
Virginia Ave. A 25 Baltimore Ave.
Olive Ave. 302-227-8331
Maryland Ave.
Baltimore Ave. Baltimore Ave. B
Village By JOLLY Rehoboth
The Sea TROLLEY Bandstand
Rehoboth Ave. BLACKWALL C
PET First Street Penny A4
WANTS Station Lane
Second St. D C7
Wilmington Ave. ™
Philadelphia St.BDeeacwhey Delaware Ave. E
Brooklyn Ave.
5 67 149 Rehoboth Ave.
8 9 in Village by the Sea
WANT TO SEE Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
C8 B6 302-227-1707
R Call us today!
302 - 278 - 7433
S 645-7700
follow us on C3
CPOLUSMNEIWCTOBYSOFOOR 2K02S11:2AL9egRUonEs,iWoLAn.OeIWS.nLHt’.W.lsDIeIlTuoneI’Hlnlrlss’HllsaW&euluEHnHMlreIrRpncoaaee’ErlsenenllYlu!ppcHcorPeaYeeuiYnolPtpcofPuAietaYuifvAltoPalofsvuAliltaosifAdvlaildvolslosiidd
(historic home
next to library) F#OITRFOJSOFUMTORIFON6RRN8UID4TS!HAY B3W62eI6n’lsM3lu0uHr2lba.e6enlr8prc4ye.1YS5toP.2,ui2MtfiAlatovln1l10os033iBdBr1o0ra3odWaB1krd0Wioollk3arRidolWkBolkearRirollkrodoHrsR,eaak’ooMderdaCWHmisrdkl,HWtos’,oMoie’oloMmCnlmCim,|riRleIltpoDtokAonooeeE’mmenn|auls,|3,|BrldtpDHp0ADuosA,uE2H|u’EoMs.r||3u6BtCi0m38BoaniBetul204toooes.|un.o62el3Hisam8Bpnns.4|s6co4t1oie,|.8B3nm|3peDsaA44Y•sFoeteE1.A3|3au|osaP|v43•rsBFtetA1m0uAoiar3u|uytv2rHe•tFms.f|Ao6rayAiaa8BlnH|lv.vr4lcaBeoemlo.lrl3oos.samyc4asoHti1tmd3a|l•lF.cAaoRvmraeRmnradynyHdByarBollrw.Rocwnaonnmdy BrowRnandy Brown A4Workers’ Comp | Business | Farm
C4 @OGRESGROVE: Home | Auto | Boat
103 Broadkill Road, Milton, DE 302.684.3413 • RandWy Bororkwenrs’ Comp | Business | Farm
C4 1 2 3 4103 Broadkill Road, Milton, DE 302.684.3413 •
Milton Lewes A To Ellendale AVERY CHEER
302 Union St. 201 2nd St.
302-684-8900 302-645-9425 Rd 240 Broadkill Rd
13482 Spicer Road, To Route 1
Ellendale, DE 19941
PUTTIN’ ON THE Union Street
A1302-422-9000 RITZ SALON
B Highway) MILTON
Monday - Saturday: 8am - 5pm SHAMROCK HISTORICAL
Sundays: 10am - 3pm (seasonal) FARMS GOLF POST
Route 16 (Milton Ellendale KING’S ICE
To Ellendale Mulberry Street Broad Street
For all your local OGRE’S
news and events
Milton, Delaware To Cave Neck Rd.
302.684.1808 D Hudson
Route 5 (Harbeson Road) Route 9 Cool Spring Road Route 9 Wagamons Pond
Fisher Rd
Martin’s Farm Road To Route 1
18864 Coolspring Rd., 1234
Milton, DE
E8 C4
210 Union Street
OpePnre7sednatsysou/rweek 11am - 5pm
WANT TO SEE SweetheartC6
BUSINEFOSRS Inaugural Opening Feb. 13
Call us today!
5 Please choose 1
645-7700 from each section
Broadkill Rd (Rt 16)
67 of oEunrjomye!5n0u.+ Dealers
Love at10FI2RFSeTdseirgahltSt, Milton, DE 19S9EC6O8ND time around 109 UNION STREET
• C(h3i0po2tl)e4C9ae3s-a6r290 • Open Thurs -•S uTwnin4P-1e0tite Filet Oscar •L(o 3Cvi0enn2tah)maot6nL6A4ST-s1f8or4e0ver
jumbo lump crab & asparagus & bernaise
• Spinach Salad with lemon dill potatoes Crème Brûlée
egg, onion, bacon, goat cheese with sun
• Roasted Eggplant Stack • Chocolate Dipping Fondue
8dried tomato vinaigrette tomato & basil pesto & grilled sweet onions
& fresh mozzarella over polenta • Heart-shaped
• Lightly Smoked Salmon Dip Berry Tart
• Buffalo Brussels Sprouts • Scallops Risotto
• Stuffed Mushrooms leek pesto & oven dried tomatoes &
truffled salami & gouda stuffed mushrooms kalamata olives & crisp prosciutto over
with cider reduction C5risotto
• Little Neck Clams
roasted shallots & IPA butter with garlic • Blackened Chicken Pasta
asparagus & tomato & spinach & srirach
boursin cream with angel hair pasta
PPrix Fixe Dinner - $45/person A Aunt Mary Pat DiSabatino
Comedy Show
Includes 1 of each section above and your choice May 21 | 8pm
of prosecco or sweet table wine.
Walk-Ins welcome.
Reservations encouraged.
Map is for general reference and is
FRANTIC not inten1d0e2dFetodebrael dSrt,aMwinltoton, sDcEa1le9.968 • (302) 493-6290 • OpenSTwhuersa-rSiunng4-e1n0 & Kelli:
FRETS The grid can be used to guide you
Music Of Simon & Garfunkel
to businesses and other points of
reference located on this map. Enjoy! May 22 | 8pm
Kathie Martin & The Hot Rods
May 23 | 7pm
Broadkill River Visitor’s Map to the Best of Lower Case Blues (Quayside)
May 27 | 7pm
110 UNION ST. | 684-3038
THE MERCANTILE Route 1 Route 1 16394 Samuel Paynter’s
Cave Neck Road OPEN DAILY
MILTON POLICE Front Street Now serving alcohol
Mill C D7
Front Street
Union Street
IRISH Atlantic Street
Mulberry Street TOWN OF
Federal StreetINN THE Carlton Drive C5
Chestnut StreetDOG HOUSE
MILTON Federal Street
ELEMENTARY Chestnut Street
Carlton Drive
EBrick Lane
C5 A4 A6 COMMERCE Cannery
C5 D7 Adelaide Drive
113 Union St, Milton, DE
(302) 745-8338
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 302-684-4819 26370 Broadkill Rd. Pizza Place · Comfort Food Tasting Room, Distillery, Outdoor
OPEN YEAR ’ROUND 302-402-3055 109 Union Street Seating & Beer-centric Food!
24855 Broadkill Road Milton, DE 19968
105 Union St. Milton, DE 19968 WWW.FRANTICFRETS.COM
Historic Milton Call for hours! 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
(302) 684-8889
(302) 386-7432
Historic Lewes, 213 Anglers Rd.
(302) 645-6888
18 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Beach Paper
Art project
rocks Lewes
By Nick Roth confront,” she said. “It helps NICK ROTH PHOTOS create this sense of vulnerabil-
ity if it’s your height or even “UNBOUNDED II” sits in Lewes Canalfront Park near the Lightship Overfalls.
A meticulously organized towering over you.”
pile of obsidian rocks is piqu- fied several potential artists Each rock is numbered to be placed in a specific spot.
ing the interest of many people She said she hopes “Un- before narrowing the list
strolling through Lewes Canal- bounded II” makes viewers down and selecting Weiss. to be manually carried. Ryan provided the committee fund-
front Park. reassess their own personal “Unbounded II” will be on Peters of RISE Adventure + ing through its budget, and
boundaries or limitations. She display through Labor Day. Fitness graciously volunteered the Delaware Division of the
Created by New York-based believes the piece feels pre- to help Diver and committee Arts may provide additional
abstract artist Rachel Mica carious, almost like the rocks Committee Chairman Cliff member Barry Dunkin move financial support.
Weiss, the piece called “Un- are gravity-defying, especially Diver has spent a lot of time the rocks.
bounded II” sits in the shadow around the back where the at the park while the piece “This is an ongoing effort
of the Lightship Overfalls, a walls are more vertical. was installed and since it’s Diver said the temporary to increase artistic presence
stone’s throw from the Lewes- been completed. He said reac- art project could not have in town that spurs dialogue,”
Rehoboth Canal. “There is this sort of vulner- tions are very diverse. Kids happened without the help of Diver said. “Bringing in people
ability that I want to engender from the nearby playground major donors, including the from outside the area benefits
Unbounded was created for in people, which is what I are offering some of the more Farpath Foundation, Andrew local artists, because they have
an interior space, so Weiss is hope people feel when they’re interesting interpretations, Williams, Dennis and Becky more to learn about and can
interested to find out how it in conversation with the he said. Forney, and Barry Dunkin. experience things they cannot
will be perceived in an out- landscape,” she said. “It’s not Others provided smaller con- experience just staying here in
door setting in a place where like ‘This is my territory to Diver plans to have a docent tributions. The City of Lewes our area.”
natural landscape meets a control,’ but like ‘I am a vul- on site biweekly throughout
man-made environment. nerable member, a speck of the spring and summer to
this Earth.’” discuss the piece with pass-
Weiss created the first piece ersby and those who come to
in her Unbounded series in She understands not every- the city specifically to view
2012 while attending gradu- one will react that way, and “Unbounded II.” Check lew-
ate school. “It’s always sort of she’s interested to hear how or the Lewes
functioned as this boundary her work is perceived. Public Arts Facebook page for
for me,” she said. “The first future planned discussions.
version was this kind of wall To create “Unbounded II,”
that was installed in a closet. she procured about 800 ob- Installation did not go as
It was this vertical wall in sidian rocks from Colorado. smoothly as they had hoped,
this very domestic interior The rocks are wrapped in he said. Upon arrival, Weiss
space that was like hiding or rope Weiss dyes in her studio. and her assistant learned they
obstructing or camouflaging Then, each rock is numbered were unable to drive a vehicle
one’s interior life.” and placed at a specific lo- to the site, so all rocks had
cation on a wooden mold.
When installing “Unbound- The art piece weighs about
ed II” in Lewes April 17-18, 8,000 pounds when fully con-
Weiss and her assistant Em- structed.
met Ryan added about two
feet to the top to make it about Weiss’ work was selected
6-feet tall. by the Lewes Public Art Com-
mittee earlier this year. With
“I really like that sense that the help of consultant Karin
this is a being that you could Bravin, the committee identi-
Beginner pottery class at
art league starts June 1
Beginner hand-building SUBMITTED PHOTO Lightship Overfalls by Joan Fabbri, Cape Artists. Cape Artists
classes are a foolproof and to recognize
friendly introduction to pot- THE REHOBOTH ART LEAGUE Lightship
tery making. They offer a will offer Exploring Clay classes for Overfalls
great way for students to build beginning potters on Tuesday eve- opening
confidence as they become nings, June 1 to 29. May 21
immersed in making ceramics.
for members and $240 for The Cape Artists would like
The Rehoboth Art League nonmembers. The registration to recognize the opening of the
will offer Exploring Clay class- fee includes the cost of clay as Lightship Overfalls at 4 p.m.,
es from 5 to 8 p.m., Tuesdays, well as glazing and firing of Friday, May 21, at 219 Pilottown
June 1 to 29. pieces. Road in Lewes.
This class is for students To register, go to re- Ceremony attendees can go by
with no clay experience who or call the Cape Artists Gallery at 110 W.
will explore the possibilities 302-227-8408, Ext. 112. All 3rd St. to see Joan Fabbri’s rendi-
of clay. classes are held at the Re- tion of the boat.
hoboth Art League, 12 Dodds
Participants will learn and Lane, Henlopen Acres. The gallery is at 110 W. Third
use various hand-building St., Lewes.
techniques such as coil build-
ing, slab building and pinch For more information, call 302-
pots to make functional pieces 644-7733 and check out Cape
as well as sculptures. Students Artists Gallery on Facebook.
will play with surface-design
techniques to discover their
own personal style.
Each week a new project
will be introduced. Creative
ideas and experiments are
The cost is $205 per person
Beach Paper THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 19
Watercolor show at Nassau Valley to run through May 31
Delaware Watercolor "Bougainvillea,” Christine Heyse, “IN THE CARPENTER’S HANDS,” Joan Fabbri, second place, Delaware Watercolor Society exhibit.
Society announced a juried third place, Delaware Watercolor
exhibit of 32 paintings by 22 Society exhibit. Discover
accomplished artists may “Peaches!”
be seen through Monday, arts &
May 31, at Nassau Valley Delaware Watercolor cultural events
Vineyards and Winery, 32165 Society extends congratula-
Winery Way, Lewes, during tions to the winners along in Sussex County
vineyard business hours. with special thanks to Ellen
Elmes, juror, and to Nassau "The Path Taken," Wendy Leddy,
After careful consideration, Valley Vineyards and Winery first place, Delaware Watercolor
juror Ellen Elmes, a signa- for its continuous support. Society exhibit.
ture member of the Virginia The society is a nonprofit
Watercolor Society and organization originated in
well-respected teacher and 2014 by a small group of art-
author, selected the qualify- ists interested in sharing their
ing paintings and determined love of watercolor. Today, the
the awards. society welcomes all levels of
MERIT AWARDS WERE artists interested in all forms
ALSO GIVEN TO EILEEN of water media.
PAINTING “READY TO For more information and
SERVE” AND TO NANCY to view the exhibit images
MYSAK FOR “PEACHES!” online, go to delawarewater-
First place was awarded to
Wendy Leddy for “The Path
Taken,” while second place
went to Joan Fabbri for “In
the Carpenter’s Hands” and
third place was awarded to
Christine Heyse for “Bou-
Merit awards were also
given to Eileen Rosenthal for
her painting “Ready to Serve”
and to Nancy Mysak for
For more info, view exhibit images:
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20 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Beach Paper
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Beach Paper THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 21
What I Played
To Survive 2020
PLAY me cope was video games - ANIMAL CROSSING: NEW HORIZONS released at the ideal time; it came out on March 20, 2020 - right at
no surprise there. the very beginning of quarantine.
One of the unfortunate to start an interesting and Animal Crossing: Astro’s Playroom
Ithink we can all agree things about suffering from likely volatile conversation. New Horizons My husband and I were
that 2020 as a whole was anxiety and depression is that Whether you love it or hate
a bust. For me personally, I sometimes lose interest in it, The Last of Us Part II was Animal Crossing: New lucky to score a PlayStation
2020 was filled with waves doing the things I love - like the game that everyone in Horizons released at the ideal 5, which has become nearly
of emotion - from crippling playing video games. Despite the gaming community was time; it came out on March impossible to purchase due to
anxiety and depression to ex- that, I still spent a good por- talking about in 2020. Person- 20, 2020 - right at the very limited supply. The PS5 was
treme anger, and everything tion of 2020 with a controller ally, my feelings on the game beginning of quarantine. a gift for his 30th birthday,
in between. I wasn’t expect- in my hands. Here is what I are extremely mixed, to put and getting a new console
ing to experience a global played to stay sane during the it lightly. The original game I really enjoyed watching is always an exciting time.
pandemic during my lifetime, pandemic. is my favorite game of all my husband play it and found We both thoroughly enjoyed
and I never could have imag- time, and I think Part II was myself getting addicted to Astro’s Playroom, which
ined a year like 2020. All in Persona 5 (original) an excellent game ... but it watching him play every day. comes bundled with every
all, I feel extremely grateful I started Persona 5, my was just a little too heavy for For whatever reason, I didn’t PS5 console. It is a love letter
that I survived and didn’t me. Dark themes in games start my own island until to PlayStation and an excel-
lose anyone close to me, but first JRPG, in 2019, and didn’t normally don’t bother me, November; I’ve been hooked lent platformer, to boot. This
that doesn’t take away from complete it until April of but in a year like 2020, The ever since. game brought me so much
the hundreds of thousands 2020. Completing Persona 5 Last of Us Part II weighed joy and I have such positive
of people who didn’t survive took me over 120 hours and it very heavily on my heart and As silly as this is going to memories associated with
this pandemic. Throughout was a huge accomplishment mind. Regardless, it was still sound, my villagers brought playing it. In fact, it’s about
the waves of emotion, one of for me. I enjoyed it so much a game I thoroughly enjoyed (and continue to bring) me time for me to play through it
the only things that helped and I’m so glad that I had it and hope to be able to play it so much comfort when the again. Thanks for reading!
as a distraction during the be- again in the future (once I’m world seemed like it was
ginning of quarantine, which mentally ready). ending. Check out my podcast, Pixels & Planners,
was one of the scariest times on Anchor, Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
in our lives. Persona 5 is one I still play every single
of my favorite games of all night before I go to bed.
time and I’m so glad I played
it. If you haven’t played this
game, make sure you play
Persona 5 Royal, which is the
ultimate version of the game.
The Last of Us Part II
Just mention The Last of
Us Part II in mixed com-
pany and you’re guaranteed
22 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Beach Paper
Fun By The Numbers
Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending
puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square
off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to
the test!
Here’s How It Works:
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down
into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers
1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each
number can appear only once in each row, column and
box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers
will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in
the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets
to solve the puzzle.
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 HOROSCOPES SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
You can only proscratinate for son long, Others can use a dose of your optimism
Aries. Soon enough this will catch up with LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 right now, Sagittarius. Find a way to
you, so it’s best to start addressing your Sometimes even Leos needs to work include as many people as possible as
to-do list as soon as possible. through their feelings on their own. Don’t you look to spread some sunshine around.
be afraid to spend some time reflecting on
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 what you need to resolve. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
Your patience will boil over this week if VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Capricorn, you may develop a soft spot for
you do not find a way to let off steam, Virgo, it’s nice to have like-minded people someone who needs your help in the next
Taurus. Exercise may be just what you around you to support your efforts. But few days. Do all you can without stretch-
need, so schedule some time to work out. sometimes you need someone who sees ing yourself too thin. Your assistance will
things differently to shake up your per- be appreciated.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 spective.
Gemini, speak up and share your opinion LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
this week. Others will appreciate your Libra, make a concerted effort to block out Aquarius, in your search for a different
straightforwardness. Explain your point any distractions in the days ahead. You perspective, you may find yourself con-
of view in detail and others will see where might not avoid all the turmoil, but your fiding in a coworker in the coming days.
you are coming from. efforts will prove fruitful. Give careful consideration to any advice
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 you receive.
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Scorpio, take others’ point of view to heart
Cancer, you wear your heart on your in the days ahead. This signals to others PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
sleeve, and those closest to you will be you value their opinions and recognize Pisces, your imagination is running wild
able to figure out what is going on in their efforts. and this could lead you on an unexpected
your head. Accept their support when it adventure. Take a level-headed friend
is offered. along for the ride.
Answers on page 27
will be hosting your 28615 Lewes Georgetown Hwy. FRANTIC FRETS & 302 Union St. E
3 to 7pm the first Friday 112 Federal St., Unit 1 26348, 26370, 26412 129 Union St. I
of the month as a SALON MILTON N
fun way to start the Broadkill Road 517 Chestnut St. F
weekend in the 684! O
109 Union St. 105 Union St.
Win Mark YourCalendarFollow @Tour684 on Facebook and Twitter, • June 4 • July 2 • Aug. 6 Thanks to
Prizes! • Sept. 3 • Oct. 1 Sponsors!
and @Tour684Milton on Instagram, for how
to win products from vendors each month!
Beach Paper THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 23
Milton Concerts in the
Park to return June 2
Shows to be held In July, big band act
every Wednesday Smooth Sound will play July
7, followed by Over Time July
By Ryan Mavity 14, No Spare Time July 21 and the Funsters July 28.
A summertime tradition in The final full month of
Milton will be back in 2021. performances will be August,
with the Al Frantic Band
Concerts in the Park, held Aug. 4, The U.S. Navy Com-
every Wednesday from June modores Aug. 11, tribute act
to September, will officially Patsy Cline and Friends Aug.
return Wednesday, June 2, in 18 and The Pros from Dover
Milton Memorial Park, after Aug. 25.
last year’s slate was cancelled
due to the COVID-19 pan- The concerts will conclude
demic. The series will kick in September, with the final
off with longtime park favor- solo performance Sept. 1 with
ites 33 1/3, with all concerts western swing band Big Hat
starting at 7 p.m. No Cattle.
Guests are encouraged to The park will host the
bring their own lawn chairs, Broadkill Music Festival, a
which is normal, but the daylong event running from
difference is those in atten- 11 a.m. into the evening Satur-
dance will also have to follow day, Sept. 4. Confirmed bands
state COVID guidelines. include Tydewater, Mason
That includes masks, social Dixon Band, Cathy Gorman,
distancing, and hand sanitizer Sweetwater and the U.S.
stations, and all attendees Navy Band Country Current.
will need to provide contact
information in case of a need All shows are free to the
for contact tracing. public, and for the first
concert of every month, visi-
Additional concerts in June tors are encouraged to bring
include the Reunion Band canned goods for Food Pan-
June 9, bluegrass act Delmar- try Collection Night, which
va Ramblers June 16, Mo- benefits Milton Community
town-style R&B outfit Shades Food Pantry.
of Blue June 23 and country
band Tydewater June 30. More information:
to keep you in
good hands.
I’m an orthopaedic surgeon at Bayhealth Orthopaedics who specializes in hands, wrists and shoulders. As a former Division I
athlete, I know how an injury can put a damper on life, and I’m committed to finding solutions that can help. I have advanced
training in microsurgery and innovative techniques to provide the right treatment option that will get you back on track.
24 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Beach Paper
from a cow pie GENE BLEILE PHOTOS
THE the ground. (As opposed to HOLE NUMBER SIX is a par three, which plays 223 yards from the gold tees, down to 147 yards from the
19TH where?). white tees. It is the number 13 handicap hole on the course.
3. You cannot change the Hole number thirteen is a par 5, which plays 534 yards from the gold tees, down to 265 yards from the
GENE BLEILE ball you strike off the tee. white tees. It is the number 8 handicap hole on the course.
(Even if you lose feathers or Hole number eighteen is a par 4, which plays 425 yards from the gold tees, down to 203 yards from the
Welcome to the 2021 other stuffing during the hole white tees. It is the number 6 handicap hole on the course.
Beach Paper sum- play).
mer publication
season. I hope you are well 4. You cannot remove
and safe from the (hopefully bones, stones or broken clubs
soon to be gone) COVID-19. It on the fairway to play your
has been a long haul, but we ball, but you can remove them
are near the finish line. within a club length of the
hole, once on the green.
By the time you read this,
hopefully the monsoon season 5. You may remove your ball
in Sussex County will be over from water or watery filth and
or at least subsided enough tee it up behind the hazard.
to play golf on a regular basis, (This rule says you don’t take
again. But before you venture a penalty stroke, but give your
out, take a moment to remind opponent an extra stroke, if
yourself who invented the needed on the hole).
game you love to hate.
6. If two balls touch on the
If you are stumped, for the green remove the one clos-
answer, let me give you a few est to the green to putt the
hints: think of a golf course(s) second ball.
without trees, but with cows,
horses and sheep on the 7. After putting out, don’t
fairway. Add in rough two feet mess with your opponent’s
tall and a calm wind, usually ball placement.
about 25 miles per hour, then
mix in rain and more wind 8. If you have a lost ball,
(and don’t forget 10 feet deep play another from your last
pot hole bunkers). hitting spot and give your op-
ponent an extra stroke on the
Still not quite sure, throw hole, if needed.
in a kilt, some fine whiskey
and a bagpipe or two and by 9. After you putt out, don’t
now you should have your block the hole with your club,
answer. If you said the Scots foot or any object.
or Scotland around 1556, you
would be correct (if you take 10. If your ball hits a person,
out the horses, cows and cow, dog, sheep or horse, play
sheep, you still have the same it where it “lyes.”
look and feel of the upcoming
2021 British Open…COVID 11. If you strike at or hit the
restrictions pending). So now ball and your club breaks, it
we jump ahead to 1774, when counts as a stroke.
the Edinburgh Town Council
decided to give a Silver Cup 12. The player farthest from
prize to the winner of their the hole must play first. (Fi-
first annual golf tournament. nally a rule that makes sense).
Someone pointed out, that
to be an official tournament, 13. I will give you this rule
“golf” should now have rules word for word and let you
and basic standards. (His- figure it out.” Neither trench,
torians have pondered over ditch nor dyke, made for the
the question, why did it take preservation of the links, nor
almost 200 years for official the scholar’s holes or the sol-
rules to be implemented? dier’s lines shall be accounted
Some believe that golf was as a hazard.”
only a game of recreation,
not to be to stuffy with rules, 14. If your ball lands on or
while others think alcohol near a pile of cow, horse or
may have been involved, or sheep manure, you may take a
both). The town council pre- free drop, a club length from
vailed and here’s a synopsis of the pile.
the first 14 rules in 1774.
19th Hole Trivia
1. You must tee up your ball
within a club length of the • Some non-golf purists
hole. (This is not a misprint; believe that golf was invented
the green was also the tee box by either the Chinese, the
for the next hole). Egyptians, or the Japanese and
even Native Americans get
2. Your tee must be on some credit for the game
• In some games of ancient
golf, the goal was to hit your
ball, stone or animal head
toward a tree, post, basket or
wicket. The Scots are credited
with inventing the cup, stick
and flag in the 16th century.
• Going one step farther, the
Scots are also credited with
the words fore and mulligan,
as well as stopping play at the
end of 18 holes and then going
to “The 19th Hole.”
Beach Paper THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 25
Vintage team looks forward to hosting
Cape Base Ball Festival in September
By Ron MacArthur off its season April 10 with Lewes Base Ball Club founder RON MACARTHUR PHOTOS a doubleheader loss to Fair Mike “Oyster” DiPaolo is running
Play Club of Talbot County, out of space on a bat to see which LEWES PITCHER Kevin “Dart” Schultze takes the mound again this year
The Lewes Base Ball Club Md., 8-5 and 14-5. The team team will be home team. The Fair for the Lewes Base Ball Club vintage team, which kicked off its 2021 sea-
is back in action after the plays its home games at the Play Club from Talbot County, Md., son with a doubleheader loss to the Fair Play Club of Talbot County, Md.
COVID-19 pandemic forced Villages of Five Points off got the honors.
cancellations of most games Old Orchard Road outside the 1870s.
last season. Lewes, as a member of the
Mid-Atlantic Vintage Base Dogfish Head and Dover
The vintage team, which Ball League. Downs are sponsors this year.
plays by 1864 rules, kicked For more information and
Formed in 2012, the club a schedule, go to facebook.
Even in his 80s, Warren “Yan- won the Eastern League title com/lewesbaseball. Included
kee” Miller is still playing softball. in 2016. The team traces its on the schedule is the Cape
The former Yankees Minor Leagu- roots back to 1874, when the Base Ball Festival set for Sept.
er also plays in a prison softball earliest town ball game was 26 and 27 at Cape Henlopen
league as part of a ministry group. played between Lewes and State Park, which will be the
Milton. Eastern League champion-
ship tournament.
Fielders do not wear
gloves, and a ball can be
caught on one bounce for an
out. Pitchers throw under-
hand, batters are called strik-
ers, strikes are called when
a striker does not attempt to
swing the bat after a warning
from the umpire, and foul
balls can be caught on the
bounce for an out.
The club’s uniforms are
replicas of the original uni-
forms worn by the team in
More information:
Kevin “Dart” Schultze rounds third and heads for home as the Lewes
Base Ball Club scores its first run of the 2021 season.
breathtaking. beautiful. brilliant.
Members of the Lewes Base Ball Club get together before the start of their first game of the 2021 season. The Described as one of America’s truly great golf courses, Baywood Greens
team, using 1864 rules, plays its home games at the Villages of Five Points off Old Orchard Road, Lewes. is a public 18-hole championship course. Manicured greens, flawless
fairways, man-made ponds, timber bridges, tunnels and over 200,000
flowers, plants, shrubs and trees don’t begin to describe its beauty.
Known as the “Augusta of the North,” Baywood Greens is by far the most
visually spectacular golf course in Delaware and is consistently
ranked #1 by Golf Digest’s Best in State.
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BAYWOODGREENS.COM | CALL (888) 844-2254 FOR TEE TIMES DIRECTIONS: From Route 1 in Lewes or Rehoboth Beach
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26 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Beach Paper
Fish are showing up early this year
RICH KING DAVID MOORE with a large sand tiger shark at Assateague Island. SUBMITTED PHOTOS
Welcome back to an- up some migratory bass surf have shown up early and in Kevin with a short bass in the surf. View Bait & Tackle, The
other fun, crazy and fishing. Put in the time, like numbers. When the great DS Custom Tackle top and Broadkill Store, Tiderunners
packed summer! Bo the Garbage Man says, a blitz hit you couldn’t buy a Bait (Lewes) and Treading
The fishing has been de- 36-hour chunk soak, Anise small fish bite for months. bottom rigs are solid hook- Water Bait and Tackle (Mil-
cent for his time of year. By optional. ups! They’re great, locally ford).
decent, I mean fishing usually This past weekend spot made gear, available in my
stinks in Delaware. It still You have to be there and be showed up in the surf and favorite tackle shops, includ- “We are also in several
does - but that doesn’t mean in that spot. That’s the luck the Cape Henlopen Fishing ing the following: Dan’s shops in Pennsylvania, New
you can’t catch any. You of fishing, not just timing. Pier. That alone is telling Tackle Box,
just have to target what is While everyone is always of the near shore predator Continued on page 27
running and use the current going for striped bass in early action. Now that isn’t to say Icehouse Bait and Tackle,
baits. That usually works, spring, usually after weeks don’t be ready for bluefish in Fenwick Tackle, Lighthouse
but again - this is why we call of white perch fishing, a the surf. The schools of fish
it fishing. lot of other fish showed up that are here are the smaller
early. Even shad made it up bluefish, which are fun to
Luckily for all of you, while the Delaware River early this catch and good to eat. We
we have been waiting all win- year. have a new creel limit this
ter for fish to show up, every- year on bluefish. Only three
thing seems to have shown What’s hitting shore fish per angler per day. Keep
up early this year. There’s a The big black drum are a spoon at the ready on a
laundry list of fish anglers good casting rod for the
can target. still hitting around the coral surf. Many have been caught
Striped bass beds and the Delaware bay mixed in with the striped
beaches. Action has been bass and shad surf fishing
Let’s start with the cov- slower than recent years. Try south side of the Indian River
eted migratory striped bass. clams or sand fleas on drum inlet.
The run has been typical for rigs with fish finders for the
Delaware, with a few keeper surf. Solid hookup
migratory bass caught along Northern kingfish action
the Delaware beaches. The The gator bluefish are
short striped bass cation not coming like years past, has turned on with the recent
(rats) has been on fire most and everyone needs to calm warm up . The fish showed
days along the beaches. By down. It’s been wild to watch up a couple weeks ago, earlier
typical Delaware striped bass anglers blitz reports of one than usual. Northern king-
run, I mean it is practically bluefish, hoping for hundreds fish migrate off the coast, not
nonexistent like you see in of gator bluefish. We are along the coast. Guess they
Jersey and even Assateague back to the days before the got hungry and hit the beach!
at times. We don’t see the great blitz of 2017. A few ga- Bloodworms or sand fleas
surf blitzes. Anglers putting tors would hit our coast, get will work as the best baits.
in the time this year picked caught and then that would Fishbites bloodworms will
be it for the action. Maybe work as well, the fastacting
Tyler Graden caught the first a school would run the (red package) will dissolve
flounder of the year at the Cape Lewes canal and that would faster, but both are working.
Henlopen Fishing Pier. get some excitement roll- Even in the cooler water the
ing, then the fish all moved regular blue package Fish-
offshore. Another telling clue bites bloodworms is working
of that action being gone is fine.
the amount of small fish that
Beach Paper THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 27
Fishing All Your Bait & Tackle Needs
Continued from page 26 LEWES ICEHOUSE
York, Maryland, and New
Jersey,” said Lighthouse View The Half Striped Bass blitz his past Spike weakfish (trout) in the surf 18388 Coastal Hwy. Offering a large
Bait & Tackle owner David weekend. The tax man is in own. hitting a small bucktail (speck rig) Unit #6 variety of fishing
Okonewski. “It has been a worms, sand fleas, Fishbites proaches. supplies for all
busy winter for our gear mak- on top and bottom rigs or any (look for Go Brit) types of fishing as
ers and summer is looking to small hook rigs. The puffers I think many of you will well as truck racks,
be exceptionally busy.” were the first early arrivals find the beginning of this outerwear, rain gear,
with the kingfish, season a lot of fun. You have sunglasses, boating
many more options to fish supplies and more!
Summer flounder The sand perch and spot for than you have seen this
just got here. I’m betting at early in years past. Check out See current shing reports
Summer flounder are in the this point we see croaker Delaware Surf Fishing’s web- and hours on our Facebook page.
Lewes-Rehoboth Canal, Cape soon enough. Then the site and social media sites for
Henlopen Fishing Pier, Inland southern kingfish, followed up to date fishing reports and LEWES ICE HOUSE BAIT & TACKLE
Bays and around the Dela- by pompano. The taxman is fun for the area waters.
ware Bay, more and more. even early. (302) 645-0600 |
That action also started early
and is picking up. The cold David Moore landed a GAME SOLUTIONS FROM PAGE 22
snap slowed down all the large sand tiger shark off As-
action but the recent warm sateague a couple days ago. CROSSWORD SUDOKU WORD
up has put the fish back on Half of a striped bass was SEARCH
the feed bag. Jigging with found on a beach and it was
gulp or drifting minnows will definitely not eaten by a seal.
produce. That was a shark. Summer
rays are also here, early.
The sand perch, spot,
weakfish and northern puff- Sea bass season opened
ers are all hitting on blood- with a bang for all the head
boats and charters. Tautog
David Moore with a 50 inch migra- has been decent action for
tory striped bass at Assateague the boats too. There are a
variety of fish offshore now
to catch. That action will
also just increase as the water
warms and the summer ap-
Delaware’s Cape Region Forecast and Tides
Today Tonight Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Clouds and sun Patchy clouds Partly sunny and Warmer with some Times of clouds and A thunderstorm An afternoon t‑storm Thunderstorms
nice sun sun
possible possible possible
82-86 / 64-68
High 70-74 Low 55-59 72-76 / 57-61 84-88 / 67-71 UV Index: 10 71-75 / 56-60 82-86 / 65-69 88-92 / 64-68
UV Index: 10 UV Index: 10 UV Index: 5 UV Index: 7 UV Index: 7 UV Index: 9
The higher the UV Index™ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021
Delaware Cape Region Tides Boating Forecast
Broadkill Beach May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 Today: Wind N 7‑14 knots becoming SE. Seas 1‑3
First high 3:50 a.m. 4:49 a.m. 5:48 a.m. 6:46 a.m. 7:42 a.m. 8:37 a.m. 9:31 a.m. feet. Visibility generally unrestricted.
First low 10:41 a.m. 11:35 a.m. 12:27 p.m. 1:00 a.m. 1:59 a.m. 2:55 a.m. 3:50 a.m. Friday: Wind SE 6‑12 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet. Visibility
Second high 5:31 p.m. 6:27 p.m. 7:21 p.m. 8:13 p.m. 9:04 p.m. 9:56 p.m. clear to the horizon.
Second low 10:54 p.m. 11:58 p.m. 1:18 p.m. 2:08 p.m. 2:58 p.m. 3:48 p.m. Saturday: Wind S 7‑14 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet. Visibility
‑‑‑ generally unrestricted.
May 25 May 26 Sunday: Wind WSW 7‑14 knots. Seas 3‑5 feet.
Cape Henlopen May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 8:15 a.m. 9:09 a.m. Visibility clear to the horizon.
First high 3:28 a.m. 4:27 a.m. 5:26 a.m. 6:24 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 2:05 a.m. 3:00 a.m. Monday: Wind ENE 10‑20 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet.
First low 9:51 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:37 a.m. 12:10 a.m. 1:09 a.m. 8:42 p.m. 9:34 p.m. Visibility may be less than 2 miles in a thunderstorm.
Second high 4:10 p.m. 5:09 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 6:59 p.m. 7:51 p.m. 2:08 p.m. 2:58 p.m. Tuesday: Wind SE 8‑16 knots. Seas 3‑5 feet.
Second low 10:04 p.m. 11:08 p.m. 12:28 p.m. 1:18 p.m. Visibility under 2 miles in an afternoon thunderstorm.
‑‑‑ May 25 May 26 Wednesday: Wind WSW 6‑12 knots. Seas 3‑5 feet. Visibility may
7:18 a.m. 8:11 a.m. be less than 2 miles at times in thunderstorms.
Rehoboth Beach May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 1:17 a.m. 2:11 a.m.
First high 2:41 a.m. 3:40 a.m. 4:37 a.m. 5:32 a.m. 6:25 a.m. 7:47 p.m. 8:39 p.m.
First low 9:03 a.m. 9:55 a.m. 10:47 a.m. 11:38 a.m. 12:20 a.m. 1:18 p.m. 2:08 p.m.
Second high 3:15 p.m. 4:14 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 6:03 p.m. 6:55 p.m.
Second low 9:16 p.m. 10:19 p.m. 11:21 p.m. 12:28 p.m. May 25 May 26
‑‑‑ 8:07 a.m. 9:00 a.m.
1:50 a.m. 2:44 a.m.
Indian River Inlet May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 8:42 p.m. 9:35 p.m. Regional Summary Weather History
First high 3:25 a.m. 4:23 a.m. 5:21 a.m. 6:18 a.m. 7:13 a.m. 1:47 p.m. 2:36 p.m.
First low 9:37 a.m. 10:29 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 12:09 p.m. 12:53 a.m. Clouds and sun today. High 72. On May 20, 1982,
Second high 4:01 p.m. 5:02 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:55 p.m. 7:49 p.m. May 25 May 26 Patchy clouds tonight. Low 57. Partly Cincinnati’s eastern
Second low 9:44 p.m. 10:51 p.m. 11:54 p.m. 12:58 p.m. 10:09 a.m. 11:02 a.m. sunny and nice tomorrow. High 74. suburb of Milford was
‑‑‑ 4:48 a.m. 5:42 a.m.
10:38 p.m. 11:30 p.m.
Oak Orchard May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 4:49 p.m. 5:39 p.m. Times of sun and clouds Saturday swamped by 2.50
First high 5:32 a.m. 6:31 a.m. 7:28 a.m. 8:23 a.m. 9:16 a.m. and Sunday. High Saturday 86. High inches of rain in just
First low 12:34 p.m. 12:47 a.m. 1:50 a.m. 2:52 a.m. 3:51 a.m. May 25 May 26 Sunday 84. Monday: clouds and sun a half of an hour. Cincinnati’s average
Second high 6:06 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 8:01 p.m. 8:54 p.m. 9:46 p.m. 7:11 a.m. 8:04 a.m. with a thunderstorm possible. High 73. May rainfall is 4.07 inches.
Second low 1:26 p.m. 2:18 p.m. 3:09 p.m. 3:59 p.m. 1:16 a.m. 2:10 a.m.
‑‑‑ 7:40 p.m. 8:32 p.m. Sun and Moon
1:17 p.m. 2:07 p.m.
Fenwick Island May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset
First high 2:34 a.m. 3:33 a.m. 4:30 a.m. 5:25 a.m. 6:18 a.m. May 25 May 26 8:10 p.m.
First low 9:02 a.m. 9:54 a.m. 10:46 a.m. 11:37 a.m. 12:19 a.m. 7:03 a.m. 7:56 a.m. Today 5:44 a.m. 8:11 p.m. Today 1:26 p.m. 2:31 a.m.
Second high 3:08 p.m. 4:07 p.m. 5:03 p.m. 5:56 p.m. 6:48 p.m. 1:09 a.m. 2:03 a.m. Friday 5:43 a.m. 8:12 p.m. Friday 2:35 p.m. 3:01 a.m.
Second low 9:15 p.m. 10:18 p.m. 11:20 p.m. 12:27 p.m. 7:32 p.m. 8:24 p.m. 8:13 p.m.
‑‑‑ 1:10 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 8:13 p.m.
8:14 p.m.
Ocean City May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 Saturday 5:43 a.m. 8:15 p.m. Saturday 3:46 p.m. 3:29 a.m.
First high 2:26 a.m. 3:25 a.m. 4:22 a.m. 5:17 a.m. 6:10 a.m. Sunday 5:42 a.m. Sunday 4:59 p.m. 3:58 a.m.
First low 8:55 a.m. 9:47 a.m. 10:39 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:12 a.m. Monday 5:41 a.m. Monday 6:15 p.m. 4:29 a.m.
Second high 3:00 p.m. 3:59 p.m. 4:55 p.m. 5:48 p.m. 6:40 p.m. Tuesday 5:41 a.m. Tuesday 7:34 p.m. 5:04 a.m.
Second low 9:08 p.m. 10:11 p.m. 11:13 p.m. 12:20 p.m. Wed. 5:40 a.m. Wed. 8:53 p.m. 5:44 a.m.
28 THURSDAY, MAY 20 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Beach Paper
- Henry David Thoreau
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