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All The Strange, Strange Creatures Volume 1

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Published by Susan Henry, 2018-01-18 16:26:04

All The Strange, Strange Creatures Volume 1

All The Strange, Strange Creatures Volume 1


powerful, such as bullets, the Gamemaster may provides the same -4 penalty to be spotted but the
balance this immunity with a weakness, especially in alien can move around without losing this advantage.
major villains or player characters. While it is usually a Gadget Trait, it can be a natural
ability if the Gamemaster can rationalise it. If this
Infection (Major Good Alien Trait) invisibility cannot be turned on or off, as in the case
Some aliens have the nasty ability to transmit their of the alien being ethereal or immaterial, the same
‘alien-ness’ into other beings. Sometimes it can -4 penalty is actually a Bad Trait, providing 2 points.
start as a strange green rash that comes from a
bite or scratch that takes over the victim until they All of these levels of invisibility can be purchased
become alien themselves, or it could mean that the or taken multiple times to provide better invisibility
unsuspecting target becomes host to the alien’s with the penalty being cumulative. For example, if
consciousness. the alien has almost perfect invisibility through optic
camouflage, they could take the trait twice, providing
Effect: Infection can work in a couple of ways, both a -8 penalty to anyone trying to spot them.
are Major Good Alien Traits. As a transmittable
disease, the target needs to be scratched, bitten or Natural Weapons (Minor/Major Alien Good Trait)
take some form of physical damage. If the damage The alien has weaponry that is part of their form.
penetrates any armour worn, or if the victim failed This could be something straightforward, like
with a Bad or Disastrous result, they become toxic breath, a poisonous bite or sharp claws,
infected. At regular intervals (usually every hour or or more complex, such as built-in guns or
day) they will have to make a Resolve and Strength being able to fire sharp spines. As long is it
roll, against the Resolve and Strength of the alien. is not something that is usually dropped or
Failing this will mean the infection has spread. The carried (like a gun or bow) and is part of the
Gamemaster should decide how many failures mean alien (like a Dalek’s gun or a Cyberman’s
the target has become alien (one fail spreads to a particle cannon or electric grip) then it is
whole arm, two fails to the chest, etc.). It should give technically a ‘natural’ weapon.
the characters time to find an antidote! The other
way it can work is by making the target susceptible to Effect: Natural Weapons is a Minor or Major
possession, making them host to the alien, and the Alien Good Trait that can be purchased
infection is actually the alien moving from one host multiple times if the creature is particularly
to another. Again, this is usually from sustaining an dangerous. As a Minor Trait, the weapon is
injury. Once infected (as above), the target will have only for close combat. These are usually
to make similar rolls, though instead of resisting teeth, claws, spines, electrical shock
the infection spreading, this is to resist becoming or something similar. A weapon like
possessed (see “Being Possessed” in the Doctor this increases the damage of the
Who Roleplaying Game. usual physical attack by +2, so
the alien’s damage is equal
Invisible (Special Alien Good Trait) to their Strength +2. This
The ability to be unseen is possibly one of the best increase is just like a normal
weapons and defence on the battlefield. It is an close combat weapon, as
ability seldom seen (pardon the pun) naturally the trait adds blades or
occurring in aliens but a mild version of this trait ‘dangerous’ damage to their
can be accomplished with shifting pigments in the physical attack.
skin, allowing chameleon-like blending into their
surroundings. Full invisibility is more commonly As a Major Trait, the weapon
found in advanced technology, such as the optical shoots something (like a poisonous
camouflage developed by the Sontarans, or in ghostly, spine, fingernail, flaming breath, or
intangible creatures that barely exist in this reality. built-in gun). A ranged Natural Weapon
deals a damage of 5 (2/5/7) and can
Effect: Invisibility is a Special Trait that comes in reach a greater distance than a simple
various levels. If the ability is natural, and the alien swipe of a claw. This trait can be purchased
can blend into the background to be unseen, then this multiple times to reflect various forms of defence that
is a Major Good Trait that costs 2 points. If the alien the creature has, or it can work on a single weapon
remains immobile, any attempt to spot it suffers a -4 and increase the damage cumulatively (damage of 5
penalty. Full optic camouflage is usually a trait that per trait purchased). For example, a female Slitheen
would be part of a Gadget and costs 4 points. This would have claws, toxic breath and poisonous dart.

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CREATING YOUR OWN ALIENS The Gamemaster decides that the toxic breath works Intelligence could hypnotise and control its victims,
at close range, so it is a Minor Trait. So, the Slitheen while the Nanocloud protecting the Dalek Asylum
has 2 Minor Natural Weapons Traits (claws and effectively took over the bodies of any non-Daleks.
breath), and 1 Major (darts). A Dalek has only one While in the host body, the alien can make it do
weapon (the exterminator “death ray”). It’s a long- or say almost anything (except make the host kill
range weapon that usually kills with one shot, so themselves, the survival instinct is too strong for
the Exterminator is worth 2 Major Natural Weapons that). Possessing someone is exhausting and if the
Traits, if not more. alien has left its body behind somewhere, it will need
protecting (and may die of starvation if they are out of
Networked (Minor/Major Alien Good Trait) their body too long).
The Networked Trait means that the alien is
connected in some way to others of their kind. Effect: Just as the Hypnosis Trait, the target will have
Whether this is an inbuilt gadget that connects them the opportunity to resist becoming possessed (with
to others, a telepathic field or a ‘hive mind’, it means a Resolve and Strength roll, or Ingenuity in some
that if one is in trouble or injured, it can call for aid. cases). The possessing alien receives a +4 bonus on
Whether others are in close proximity to help is their first roll to possess someone. If they fail this,
another matter... every attempt that follows loses the bonus. As a good
guide, the possessing alien can inhabit the body for
Effect: Networked is a Minor or Major Good Trait. As as many hours as they have Resolve, though very
a Minor Trait, the aliens simply sense each other and powerful foes (such as the Family of Blood) could
know when one is in trouble. They can act together inhabit a body indefinitely. If they force the host to do
fairly simply, like the Whisper Men or the Clockwork something very against their nature (such as attack
Robots - when one wakes up, all of them do. They one of their friends) they will have a chance to resist
don’t really ‘talk’ to each other but they know where (and on a Fantastic result, the possessing entity may
to congregate as a group. As a Major Trait, they have be rejected from the host completely!). For additional
the equivalent of the Telepathy Trait connecting them information, see ‘Being Possessed’ in the Doctor
to each other, or even to a hive mind. Cybermen Who Roleplaying Game.
are more like this - they have the ability to send
communications to other units. Most of the time, the Replication (Alien Good Major Trait)
range of this communication is limited. Gamemasters Unlike the Infection Trait, Replication means that the
may wish to use the Telepathy Trait as a guide. alien can multiply itself by various means without
the need of transmitting its alien-ness to another
Possess (Special Alien Good Trait) life form. It could be that they ‘bud’ and create a
This is, technically, the highest possible level of the youthful clone of themselves organically without
Hypnosis Trait (see the Doctor Who Roleplaying natural reproduction, or it could be that any limbs
Game). Possess allows the alien to take over lost or removed will grow into a duplicate version of
another person and control their actions. The Great themselves.

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Effect: As a Major Good Trait, the alien can replicate As a Minor Bad Trait, the alien’s effective Speed is
itself outside the normal expected means of halved (round down), so a Coordination of 4 means
reproduction. This can mean spawning a childlike that the alien has a Speed of 2 in a chase. The alien’s
offspring or creating a duplicate of the original. The Speed has a minimum of 1, though particularly slow
alien will have to make a Resolve and Strength roll, creatures can sometimes have Speeds that are
Difficulty 15. A result of Success or higher means slower (down to 0.5, etc) but this requires additional
that the replication is successful and another version calculations on behalf of the Gamemaster and may
of the alien has been ‘born’. It will be confused be ignored. As a Major Bad Trait, the alien’s Speed is
and disorientated for a few minutes. A childlike effectively zero. The alien does not move or, if it does,
offspring will grow at a normal rate unless artificially it moves so slowly that it is regarded as stationary in
accelerated and will learn as it goes. A duplicate will a chase situation.
be ‘born’ with the same attributes and skills of the
original. If a player takes this trait, the duplicate Special (Special Good Alien Trait)
will not be ‘playable’ by the same player, unless the Sometimes, aliens can do something remarkable
original is incapacitated or killed. Gamemasters and odd. Something that none of the other powers
should be aware of the way this trait can produce an and abilities listed here covers. It could be the
army of clones or duplicates that could threaten to Dalek’s ability to “Emergency Temporal Shift”, or
take over the world or otherwise quickly unbalance the Boneless’ ability to render people down to 2D
a game. images. This trait allows the Gamemaster to go
wild and create the odd and special powers that can
Shapeshift (Minor/Major/Special Alien Good Trait) sometimes define the race.
Some aliens have the ability to look like something
else. This is especially useful if you’re a 2 1/2 metre tall Effect: This is a Special Trait that costs 3 points
green alien with claws, or if you wish to try to mimic or more. The more powerful the ability, the more
someone to gain information. The actual methods the trait costs. Using other powers as a guide, the
of ‘shapeshifting’ can be as complex as genetic Gamemaster can create any power they feel necessary
manipulation, or a racial ability, to something as basic to make a cool alien. This can be around 3-4 points for
(and barbaric) as wearing a suit of human skin. the Krillitane’s ability or the Dalek’s temporal shift,
to 7-8 points for being able to move faster than you
Effect: As a Minor Good Trait, this means that can imagine (when you’re not looking) and being able
the alien can disguise itself as a fairly convincing to send your victims back in time. Specific traits for
member of another race (usually human). The these powers can be created, or the Gamemaster can
Slitheen skinsuit is perhaps the best example of this, simply use the Special Trait to cover these.
as is the Nestene’s tactic of replicating humans. In
both of these cases, the disguise was not perfect. Teleport (Major Good Trait)
You could see the Slitheen’s zips if you got close It is rare for a creature to be able to teleport, to
enough and the gas exchange was all wrong, at least literally disappear from one location and appear
in early versions. The Auton Mickey was very plastic in another. However, some aliens have developed
and glitchy. As a Major Good Trait, the alien can the technology to do it. Some, particularly scarce,
physically shapeshift, like the Zygons, the Krillitane creatures can do it without the means of gadgets or
or the Carrionite witches, into a perfect human (or gizmos. If, like Missy, they can teleport with a device,
other specified race). If the alien is able to shapeshift then it’s simply a Gadget. If they can teleport without
into multiple forms and replicate actual people, like a device, appearing wherever is necessary, like the
the Multiform, then the trait is a Special Good Trait Whisper Men, who can simply appear next to their
that costs 4 points. next victims, then this is an Alien Trait.

Slow (Minor/Major Bad Trait) Effect: Teleport is a Major Good Trait, costing 2
A lot of the Doctor’s adversaries are incredibly points. The alien will have to make an Awareness and
dangerous but thankfully many of them move slowly. Resolve roll to teleport and can only ‘jump’ to places
Cybermen are walking tanks able to withstand they are familiar with. Most aliens that appear in
gunfire and damage but the Doctor is quick to avoid unfamiliar places have some sort of psychic ability
them as they lumber from one place to the next with to see the location before teleport in. Failure means
a slow marching stomp. the alien doesn’t move. Frequently, aliens that
teleport find themselves weakened and disorientated
Effect: Slow is a Minor or Major Bad Trait that means for a few minutes until they can recover and get their
the alien is slower than your average character. bearings.

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CREATING YOUR OWN ALIENS Vortex (Special Good Trait / Alien Trait) dead civilisations with a Judoon, a Malmooth and
Vortex doesn’t mean that your character has access a Raxacoricofallapatorian to protect them from the
to a TARDIS or other time travelling ship or device dangers of the universe.
but it does mean that they have some knowledge
of actually using one. Travelling the Vortex is very Using the steps below, you can distill any alien race
difficult and TARDISes are usually designed to be described in any supplement for the Doctor Who
controlled by more than one person. To the casual Roleplaying Game into a ‘Creature Package’, a
observer this operation can look like a random sort of ‘Super Trait’ that can be taken at character
sequence of twirling knobs, dials, switches and even creation to create a player character from that race.
hitting it with a rubber hammer. Vortex Manipulators The steps are fairly easy and there are some ready-
are unreliable and time travelling ships can be made packages below.
dangerous. This trait means the character has some
limited knowledge of how to pilot the TARDIS or other 1. Determine Attribute Modifiers
Vortex manipulating devices or ships. Vortex is a 2. Determine Traits
Special Trait, costing 1 point, and is not for beginning 3. Determine Cost
characters (unless they have a background of using
a TARDIS or other Vortex Manipulators). Selecting ATTRIBUTE MODIFIERS
Vortex as a trait at character creation will have to be
approved by the Gamemaster. For the purposes of the game, a ‘3’ in any attribute
is considered to be the average human baseline for
An additional ‘level’ of Vortex is available to Alien characters. To find the attribute modifiers for an
characters and costs 8 points. This high level of alien race, simply subtract 3 from the appropriate
Vortex means the character can time travel without attribute to see how much stronger or weaker the
the need of a ship or device, literally stepping through average specimen is when compared to humans.
time. This is an Alien Trait and is best reserved for
villains or NPCs. For example, a Judoon has a Strength of 8. Subtract
3 from this and we find that Judoon player characters
Effect: The Vortex Trait adds +2 to any roll that start with a Strength Bonus of +5. A Malmooth, on
involves piloting a time travel or Vortex manipulating the other Hand, has a Strength of 2. Subtract 3 from
device. Controlling the TARDIS (or other such time this and we find that the Malmooth character starts
vessels) is so tricky to the unskilled, that it is almost out with a Strength of -1!
impossible to actually be able to succeed at the task
without having the Vortex Trait. The Alien level of This also changes the normal minimums and
this trait, which allows time travel without a device, maximums for Attributes. A normal human, for
requires an Ingenuity + Resolve Roll to use and the instance, cannot start off weaker than a 1 or stronger
expenditure of 2 Story Points. The more successful than a 6 in any Attribute. A Judoon, however, with
the roll, the more accurate the ‘jump’ through time. a +5 modifier to Strength, cannot start out weaker
than a 6 and may have a maximum Strength of 11!
C PLAYING ALIENS: ALIEN Regardless of how low a race’s attributes go, no
player character can start with an attribute of 0 or
CHARACTER CREATION PACKAGES less – they must buy up difference before they can
raise the Attribute.
The universe is very large and full of aliens of all
shapes and sizes. Some players will want to play an Continuing the example, a Malmooth player
alien and it can be great fun for groups to explore the character has a Strength of -1. This means that it will
interaction between species outside of Time Lords, cost them 2 points to gain their basic strength of 1, 3
humans and near humans. points to get a Strength of 2 and 5 points to gain their
maximum Strength of 5.
A short campaign focused around a Sontaran Strike
Team might be fun, for instance. Or maybe the TRAITS
characters are a Draconian, an Ice Warrior and a
crazed human bearing a chainsword and blaster, all This part is simple. If a trait represents a natural
dedicated to destroying Daleks. ability or racial psychology, then add it to your player’s
character. If it represents some technological device
Maybe you’re more into the investigative type or ability that can be easily removed or taken away,
of game where a curious but cowardly archivist then don’t take it unless the Gamemaster allows it.
travels from planet-to-planet investigating long

DE 154


For example, a Raxacoricofallapatorian gains the with racial purity issues and a genetic desire to kill.
Alien, Alien Appearance, Alien Senses, Natural Combine that with the rather limited focus of Dalek
Weapons and Weakness to Acetic Acid traits of intent and having to speak with a ring modulator for
the Slitheen entry. The Shapeshift trait, however, hours at a time and it is clear that a Dalek is probably
is provided by the Compression Field technology better left as an non-player race.
used by the family Slitheen in particular, so the
Gamemaster may or may not allow the players to
take that trait depending on whether or not he wants
the players stealing people’s skin to wear.


The cost reflects the number of character points
it will cost for a player character to take the Race
Package. For every point of attribute bonus, add +1
to the cost of the Race Package. For every point of
Attribute reduction, subtract 1 point. For traits, add
1 point to the Package for every Minor Trait, 2 points
for every Major Trait, or cost for the Special Trait as
defined in the trait’s its description, the Gamemaster
may decide a suitable cost for the trait, ranging from
1 to 8 or more! For Bad Traits, subtract the cost from
the Package, instead.

For example, a Judoon has Awareness -1 (-1 point), Some other races are so powerful that a campaign
Coordination -1 (-1 point), Presence +1 (+1 point), based around them might be fun for a game or two
Resolve +2 (+2 points), Strength +5 (+5 points), Alien but there will be little to challenge them for a full
(+2 points), Alien Appearance (Major) (-2 points), campaign. They are just too powerful for the typical
Armour (+1 point), Code of Conduct (Law) (-1 point), game. Ultimately, it is up to the Gamemaster and the
Fear Factor (+2 points), Slow (-1 point), Special: Lung group to decide what aliens are and aren’t suitable
Capacity (+1 point). It costs 8 Character Points to be for play but it’s best to avoid those who are too alien
a Judoon… in mindset, too powerful in ability, too limited in
personality or too evil in essence to make a good
ATTRIBUTES campaign. All that being said, it might be interesting
to have the players play a one-shot that features
When buying an Alien Package as a player one of these races and then use the results of that
character, purchase attributes as you would game to set up a normal adventure using standard
normally but spend enough points to make characters who are now trying to stop the plans set
them all 3 across the board. Then purchase in motion by the alien characters in the previous
your Alien Package, apply any modifiers to the adventure! This can provide a whole different point of
Attributes, then spend any additional points you view for the players and make for a nice break from
wish to customise the alien, or put them within the current campaign.
playable parameters.


While these rules allow you to translate just about To save you a bit of work, here are some completed
any alien the Doctor has encountered into a playable Race Packages. We’ve left out some of the more
character, even Daleks, the Gamemaster and the outlandishly powerful aliens, like the Daleks or the
players should think twice about campaigns based Atraxi but have included a handful of those found
around them. While it might be interesting for the in the Aliens & Creatures chapter. The numbers
gaming group to play the Cult of Skaro, for instance, in brackets are the character point cost of that
it can be mentally difficult (and not all that healthy) particular item.
to put yourself into the mind of a xenophobic alien

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Cost: 3 points Cost: -2 points (Natural Ood)
Awareness +1 (+1) Awareness +1 (+1)
Resolve +1 (+1) Coordination -1 (-1)
Alien (+2) Ingenuity -1 (-1)
Alien Appearance (Major) (-2) Presence -1 (-1)
Armour (Minor) (+1) Resolve -2 (-2)
Special: Liana (+1) Strength +1 (+1)
Special: Photosynthesis (+1) Alien (+2)
Weakness (Major: Heat) (-2) Alien Appearance (Major) (-2)
Psychic (+2)
Telepathy (+1)
Weakness (Major: Susceptible to Mind
Control) (-2)

Cost: -2 points (Enslaved Ood)
(As above, only add the following Traits)
Gadget (Translator Orb) (+1)
Enslaved (-2)
Natural Weapons (Translator Orb) (+1)


Cost: 1 point Cost: 13 points
Presence +1 (+1) Ingenuity +1 (+1)
Coordination -1 (-1) Presence +1 (+1)
Resolve +2 (+2) Resolve +1 (+1)
Strength +1 (+1) Strength (+3)
Alien (+2) Additional Limbs (Major) (+2)
Alien Appearance (Major) (-2) Alien (+2)
Code of Conduct (-2) Alien Appearance (-2)
Dependency (Minor) – Bodily Fluids (-1)
Environmental (Minor) – Water (+1)
Fear Factor (1) (+1)
Natural Weapon – Tooth and Claw (+1)
Special – Camouflage (+1)
Weakness (Major) – Ultraviolet Light (+2)

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Cost: 18 points Cost: 21 points
Awareness +1 (+1) Ingenuity +1 (+1)
Coordination -1 (-1) Presence +1 (+1)
Presence +1 (+1) Resolve +1 (+1)
Resolve +2 (+2) Strength +2 (+2)
Strength +3 (+3) Alien (+2)
Alien (+2) Alien Appearance (-2)
Alien Appearance (-2) Alien Senses – See Through Time (+1)
Fear Factor (2) (+2) Attractive (+1)
Hypnosis (Major) (+2) Empathic (+1)
Natural Weapon (Major) – Electricity (+2) Environmental – Time Vortex (+1)
Special – Memory Proof (+4) Feel the Turn of the Universe (+1)
Technically Adept (+1) Immaterial (Special) (+4)
Tough (+1) Keen Senses (+2)
Networked (+1)
Psychic (+1)
Cost: 5 points Selfish (-1)
Awareness +1 (+1) Teleport (+2)
Presence +1 (+1) Vortex (+1)
Resolve +1 (+1)
Strength +2 (+2) ZYGON RACE PACKAGE
Alien (+2)
Alien Appearance (-2) Cost: 9 points
Armour (Minor) (+1) Resolve +1 (+1)
Environmental – Minor Heat (+1) Strength +2 (+2)
Weakness – Cold (-1) Alien (+2)
Weakness – Hexachromite Gas (-1) Alien Appearance (-2)
Fear Factor (2) (+2)
SONTARAN RACE PACKAGE Natural Weapon – Energy Blast (+2)
Phobia – Fire (-1)
Cost: 7 points Shapeshift (+2)
Coordination +1 (+1) Special – Organic Interface (+1)
Presence +1 (+1)
Resolve +3 (+3)
Strength +3 (+3)
Adversary (Minor: Rutan Host) (-1)
Alien (+2)
Alien Appearance (Major) (-2)
Brave (+1)
By the Book (-1)
Tough (+1)
Weakness (Minor: Probic Vent) (-1)

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A Escaping Imprisonment 19 Cybus Cybermen 33
Cybus Encounters 33
Aliens 143 (The) Female Form 19 Encountering Cybermen 28
Instant Cybermen Adventure 30
Aliens and Creatures 5 Motives and Agendas 17 Mondasian Encounters 31
Physiology and Conversion 28
Alien Creation 144 Sorcery vs. Scepticism 19 Survival, Power and Conquest 28
Using Cybermen 29
Animated Plastic 82 Using Carrionites 19
D 38
Activation Trigger 83 Victim or Victor? 19 Daleks 38
Background 44
Attributes, Skills, Story Points 83 Words of Power 18, 19 Dalek Adventures 40
Dalek Biology 41
Mission 83 (Scary) Cave Monster 106 Dalek Construction 46
(The) Dalek Emperor 45
Traits 83 (Trees of) Cheem 21 Dalek Mutants 42
Dalek Technology 44
Artificial Servants 61 Background 21 Daleks 43
Daleks and Humanity 47
Atraxi 6 Biological Technology 22 Davros 38
(The) Doctor and the Daleks 40
(The) Atraxi 8 (The) Collective 22 Encountering Daleks 45
Eternal Dalek 41
Atraxi Adventures 7 Emotion 22 Invasion Procedures 39
Motives and Agendas 45
Background 6 Encountering Trees 22 Scientist Dalek 45
Strategist Dalek 45
Encountering the Atraxi 6 High Finance 21 Supreme Dalek 43
Using Daleks 48
Motives and Agendas 6 Motives and Agendas 21 Dalek Puppets 48
Background 49
Using the Atraxi 7 Trees of Cheem Adventures 23 Dalek Nanocloud 50
Dalek Puppet Adventures 49
Attribute Modifiers 154 Using the Trees of Cheem 22 Dalek Puppet Biology 49
Encountering Dalek Puppets 48
Auton Duplicates 82 Clockwork Robots 24 Motives and Agendas 50
Using Dalek Puppets 156
Autons 81 Background 24 Draconian Race Package 51
Draconians 51
Axos 9 Body Horror 25 Background 54
Draconian Adventures 53
Anticipate Responses 10 Clockwork Creations 25 Encountering Draconians 52
Motives and Agendas 53
Axonite 12 Clockwork Robot Adventures 26 Using Draconians
Axon Goldenform 13 Clockwork Robots 27 E 100
Energy Units
Axon Warform 13 Encountering Clockworks 25 Eye Drive 122

INDEX Axons 12 (The) Half-Face Man 27 F 55
Axos 12 Motives and Agendas 24
Axos Adventures 11 Organic Repairs 25 (The) Great Intelligence

Coming Down to Earth 9 Time Travel 25

Encountering Axos 9 Using Clockwork Robots 25

Find and Exploit Vulnerable Spots 10 Why Clockwork? 25

(The) Grand Deception 9 (Trees of) Cheem Race Package 156

Hide Weaknesses 10 Constructs 144

Keep Talking, Keep Spinning 10 Control Sphere 60

Motives and Agendas 9 Cost 155

Replication 10 Creating Your Own Aliens 140

Throw Player Tactics Right Cybermen 28

Back in their Faces 10 3W Cybermen 35

Using Axos 10 Across Time and Space 28

Background 30, 33, 35, 36

B Cyber Leader (Cybus) 34
(The) Boneless
Background 14 Cyber Leader (Mondas) 32
Boneless Adventures 14
Communication and Senses 16 Cyber-Planner 37
Encountering the Boneless 15
Motives and Agendas 14 Cyber-Pollen 35
Strange Shapes 14
Using the Boneless 14 Cyber-slave 35
(The) Cyberiad 36

Cyberiad Encounters 36

Cyberman (3W) 36

Cyberman (Cyberiad) 37

Cyberman (Cybus) 34

C Cyberman (Mondas) 31
Background 17 Cybermat (Mondas) 32
Carrionite Adventures 17
Encountering Carrionites 20 Cybermen Adventures 30
(The) Cybermen of Mondas 30

Cybermites 37

DE 158


Adventure Settings 59 Background 74 Motives and Agendas 92
Encountering Multiforms
Background 55 Multiform Adventures 74 Saturnynian Adventures 94
Multiform Biology
Encountering the Great Motives and Agendas 77 Sunlight 93
Psychic Links
Intelligence 56 Using Multiforms 74 Transforming into a Saturnynian 94

Gadgets and Equipment 60 N 74 Using Saturnynians 93
Nestene Consciousness
Great Intelligence Adventures 59 Background 75 Vampires 93
Encountering Nestenes
(The) Great Plan and the How they Invade 76 Silent Race Package 157
Motives and Agendas
Guiding Powers 57 Nestene Adventures Silents 96
(The) Nestene Gestalt
Make your own Intelligence 57 Technology Background 96
Using Nestenes
Motives and Agendas 56 78 Defeating the Silents 98
Time, Space and the Intelligence 56 Ood 78 Encountering Silents 97
Using the Great Intelligence 57 Encountering the Ood 78 (A Note on) Eye Drives 99
Motives and Agendas
Ood Adventures 79 Motives and Agendas 97
Ood Biology
H Ood Telepathy 78 (The) Paradox of the Silence 98
Processed Ood
Hero or Villain? 141 Second-Class Citizens 81 Silent Biology 97
Using the Ood
Holding your Breath 26 What’s got into the Ood? 78 Silents Adventures 99
Ood Race Package
How are they powered? 144 80 Using the Silents 98
How does it interact? 143 Playing Aliens: Alien Character 80 Silurian Race Package 157
Creation Packages
How emotionally advanced are they? 143 Portable Perception Filter Silurians 101
Power Pyramid
How much of the animal is still there? 143 Attributes and Skills 105
How technologically advanced are they? 14 Race Packages 85 Background 101
Background 85 Culture and Society 103
Encountering Rutans
I Manipulation and Infiltration 86 Encountering Silurians 102
Introduction Motives and Agendas
Is anyone in charge? 4 Rutan Adventures 86 Enhancements 105
Is it a Monster, an Alien or a 144 Rutan Invasions
Construct? Rutan Ships 88 Many Names 102
142 Using Rutans
86 Many Species 102
Saturnynian Race Package 86 Motives and Agendas 101
Background 87 (Alternative) Poison Effects 106
Bodily Fluids
J Encountering Saturnynians 87 Reptile Monsters 106
Jagrafess Gadgets and Equipment
Background 63 87 Silurian Adventures 103
Encountering a Jagrafess 63
Jagrafess Adventures 64 87 Technology 106
Jagrafess Slave 65
Managing Temperature 66 156 Underground Redoubts 102
Motives and Agendas 64
Servants 63 Using Silurians 103
Shell 64
Using the Jagrafess 64 Variations 105
Weaknesses 106

154 Skarasen 138

95 Skovox Blitzer 107

60 Background 107

Encountering Skovox Blitzer 107

Motives and Agendas 107

K 155 Skovox Blitzer 110
Animated Plantlife 67 89 Skovox Sniper 110
Background 69
Encountering Krynoids 67 89 Skovox War Machine Adventures 109
Krynoid (Adolescent) 68
Krynoid Adventures 73 89 Talking like a Skovox Blitzer 108
Krynoid (Emergent) 71
Krynoid Hatchling 72 89 Time Sensitivity 108
Krynoid Hybrid 71
Krynoid Life Cycle 72 89 Using Skovox War Machines 108
Krynoid (Mature) 68
Motives and Agendas 73 91 War Machine Designs 107
Using Krynoids 67
70 90 Sontaran Race Package 157

90 Sontarans 110

90 Background 111

Encountering Sontarans 112

Motives and Agendas 112

156 Never Knowingly Outgunned 113

92 Sontaran Adventures 115

92 Sontaran Biology 112

M 93 Sontaran Commander 115
Multiform 142 93 Sontaran General 113
95 Sontaran Technology 113

D159 E


Sontaran Trooper 114 Gadget 149 Background 128
Sontarans and Gender 114 Immaterial
Using Sontarans 115 Immortal 149 Cameras 131

T Immunity 149 Destroying an Angel 131
Tharil Infection
Background 116 Invisible 150 Encountering Weeping Angels 129
Encountering Tharils 116 Natural Weapons
(The) Gateway 116 Networked 151 Energy Feeding 130
Tharil Adventures 116 Possess
Time and the Tharils 118 Replication 151 Laughing Angels 134
Time Navigation 117 Shapeshift
Using Tharils 117 Size 151 Motives and Agendas 129
Tharil Race Package 118 Slow
(The) Toclafane 157 Special 152 Physical Appearance 130
Background 120 Teleport
Defeating the Toclafane 120 Vortex 152 Time Manipulation and Distortion 129
Encountering the Toclafane 121 (Special) Trait: Don’t Blink
Motives and Agendas 121 (Special) Trait: Lights On 152 Using Weeping Angels 131
(The) Paradox Machine 120 (Special) Trait: Swallow Whole
Technology 121 (Special) Trait: Temporal Exile 153 Weeping Angel Adventures 132
Toclafane Adventures 121 (Special) Trait: Using Dimensional
Toclafane Biology 123 Energy 150 Weeping Angels 133
Using the Toclafane 121
Traits 122 V 153 What are they built from? 144
(Alien) Traits 154 Vashta Nerada
Additional Limbs 145 Background 153 What do they do? 144
Alien 145 Chatting with the Swarm
Alien Appearance 145 Encountering Vashta Nerada 153 What does it eat? 142
Alien Organs 145 Hiding in Shadows
Alien Senses 146 Hunting for Meat 154 What purpose does the creature
Armour 146 Spacesuit Zombies
Aura 146 Swarming 132 serve in the story? 141
Burrowing 147 Using Vashta Nerada
Enslaved 147 Vashta Nerada Adventures 132 What really makes them alien? 143
Environmental 147
Fast 148 W 65 When is Alien too Alien 155
Fear Factor 148 Weather Control Systems
Flight 148 Web Gun 132 Where does it live? 142
Frenzy 148 Weeping Angels
149 (The) Angel of Liberty (The) Whisper Men 62


124 157
124 Z 135
125 Zygon Race Package 135
124 Zygons 137
124 Background 136
125 Deep Cover 138
126 Encountering the Zygons 135
124 Let Zygons be Zygons 136
125 Motives and Agendas 137
127 Shapeshifting 138
Using the Zygons 136
Zygon Adventures 137
95 Zygon Biology 137
60 (The) Zygon Fleet
128 Zygon Technology

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