Season builder & a puzzle
build your next season like a puzzle
There are 4 simple steps to putting together a puzzle
1. Having the picture on the box top
2. Finding the corner pieces
3. Connecting all of the edges
4. Filling in the middle
These 4 puzzle building steps mirror the 4 Season Builder steps
1. Defining what you want in the next season of your life (Box Top)
2. Identifying areas of personal growth (Corners)
3. Choosing the thoughts that will inspire, motivate, & empower
you to grow (Edges)
4. Committing to the specific actions that produce growth &
progress (Middle Pieces)
You will be led through each step of the process by the self-paced
exercises in this playbook and personal, 1:1 mentoring/coaching.
Together, we will build and realize the satisfying, fulfilling next season
of life that you truly want … just like we were putting it together like a
Sketching Your Box Top
You can live a purposeful life according to a plan, or simply be imprisoned
by the life your environment gives you
- Freedom Flight
Welcome to step 1. Our life is made up of seasons. It is not just one continual period that
starts when we’re born and ends when we die. We go through and grow through seasons.
The best way to build a satisfying, fulfilling life, is to string together satisfying, fulfilling
seasons. You don’t build a beautiful house with one big brick. You build it brick by well
placed, intentional brick. Same for a life. Season by satisfying, fulfilling season.
Your Box Top is what you desire and envision that satisfying, fulfilling next season of life to
include. This is going to act as your target during this Season Builder process. Your Box
Top will guide you and keep you focused as you dig deeper into who you need to become
in order to realize it.
The objective of this step is to ask questions that prompt you to think about and define what
a satisfying, fulfilling next season of life is. While we want to come out of this step with
something meaningful and relevant to you, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. This
step is not intended to define your career path or help determine who you are going to
marry or how you are going to win a national championship. This step starts your journey
of looking inside yourself and being intentional about change. There is no wrong answer
and please don’t stress yourself out about getting it ”right”.
This step encourages you to feel some freedom and explore ideas.
At the completion of this step and with help from your coach, you will have defined a
statement, bulleted list, paragraph or even a picture that represents what you desire and
have defined as your satisfying, fulfilling next season of life.
Box Top sketch
To start, you are going to write down your thoughts and ideas about what you would like to change in or be
a part of this next season of life.
Examples could be … I’d be a starter on my team, I’d be more spiritually mature or grow in my faith, I’d build
new relationships, I’d have more balance in my life, I’d be employed doing something I love, I’d take on a
leadership role in my organization, I’d be living a healthier lifestyle.
Your possibilities are limitless and very personal. And definitely involve personal growth and change. To see
how diverse Box Tops can be, see examples from others who have gone through the program at the end of
this section. Here we go!
1. I’d like the next season of my life to look like, include, or have changed in these ways
(There are no wrong or crazy ideas! Feel the freedom of writing down your thoughts)
Now that you have brainstormed some areas, let’s pick one.
2. Look at your list from #1. Which one do you feel needs to be a priority in your next season or which one
would give you a sense of freedom if you realized it.
Box Top sketch
3. What do you believe this would provide you more of in your life?
4. What do you believe this would eliminate or produce less of in your life?
5. In what ways would your life be different if you were experiencing success in this area?
Box Top sketch
6. Based on the work you’ve done above, how would you combine these thoughts to best describe what
you want to realize in this next season of life (This would be considered your Box Top. It may be a bullet
point, descriptive statement/paragraph, or picture/drawing)
7. Why is realizing this important to you?
Sketching your box top
Wrap Up
Nice job. If you are like everybody else that has engaged this process,
you’re probably thinking to yourself, “man, that was hard, but kind of
fun” … maybe even freeing and empowering!
The work you have done in this exercise is extremely valuable. Your
coach will help you clear up any areas that are still a little fuzzy, narrow
down your focus if it is too broad, or even walk you back through the
exercise one more time and give you another go at it! You’ll use this
Box Top throughout the process to keep you focused on what you want
and where you want to go.
You are off and running … with a purpose!