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Published by pragsl, 2020-02-11 00:42:43

Smart GML February 2020

Smart GML February 2020

Vol 4: Issue 8
February, 2020

Be that difference, that ........... UNNEES BEESKA FARAK

GML, a magazine of RID 3142 February is designated for Peace building and Conflict Prevention

infinite vision of doing good

The Doonmoon Connections 2


This came to me as a whatsapp message: I pondered over it and thought to myself
– how can we connect this philosophy to
A man of 92 years was moving into an old Rotary – a few pointers emerged:
people’s home today. His wife of 80 has
recently died, and he was obliged to leave his • Service Above Self - if possible
home. He gently smiled as he was told that
his room is ready. niswaarth, will free our hearts from
negativity and hatred.
With the enthusiasm of an 8 year old boy,
he blurted, “I like it very much. It is already • The Four Way Test - if used as it is
decided in my mind that I like my room. It is
a decision I take every morning when I wake recommended will free our minds from
up. worry.

Happiness is something I choose in advance. • Live simple - we can choose to. Reduce /
I can choose. I can spend my day in bed
enumerating all the difficulties that I have Reuse / Recycle and now Refuse
with the parts of my body that no longer
work very well, or I can get up and give • Give more. It’s said about the great
thanks to heaven for those parts that are still
in working order. conqueror Alexander - Khali Haath aya
tha Khaali haath jayega.
I will focus on the new day, and all the happy
memories that I have built up during my life. • Expect less. I was unhappy that I didn’t
Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw
in later life what you have deposited along have shoes till I saw a person who had no
the way. legs.

We are the privileged, we are the blessed,
we are the doers, we are the givers. As RIPE
Holger Knaack beautifully revealed, from
our perch we need to be thankful that Rotary
opens opportunities to serve even as we
connect the world.

Dr Mohan Chandavarkar
Chief Editor & District Governor

doonmoon Nitrous Oxide In Rotary A wise man once said.....

Spending on the family is no P at all
Your money and your right to have a ball
Community understands the pin you’re wearing
Ostentatious acts they’re closely watching

Speaker to Rtn: Please wake up your neighbour
Rtn: You put him to sleep. You wake him up

Published by Dist. Governor, RID 3142, Dr. Mohan Chandavarkar | Edited & Designed by Sandeep
Sawant | For Private Circulation Only | Printed at Online Prints, Thane. All Editorial & Advertising
matter should be submitted to DS Dinesh Koregave at [email protected]

3 Veena’s Wishful ivaSva


Somewhere it dawned on us, pretty early, Discon, kept increasing steadily till we had a
that the organisation of Discon is no full house.
different than that of a family wedding. DG
and I had said - I do. So began the Band, Discon Chair Santosh and Co-chair Mahesh
Baaja and Baraat. took on themselves the onerous task of
making everything smart and perfect like
The venue had to be one which had great the vadhu paksha needs to do. And they had
ambience, and convenient location – we their willing sena of Northstarrers to execute
zeroed onto Cidco Convention Centre. the meticulous, time bound plans.
DS Dinesh Koregave is a foodie. He strived
hard to conjure a lip smacking multicuisine The need to work together made our 42 year
fare that had people thanking him profusely old club bond even closer. The main bhatji
for his culinary vision. One Smart President was in the US, so he sent his Sri Lankan
came and confessed to him, that he has representative Dushan & Manorie to officiate
eaten 5 modaks – too yummy. the ceremonies. The couple, gracious friendly
and knowledgeable amalgamated into the
All baraatis need to look their best. North vadhu paksha – made the pheras look good
Star ladies needed to select clothes that and consecrated the wedding.
would look good on all and also cater to their
tastes. Pradnya, Medha and Madhuri worked Wedding sangeets happen usually before the
hard - the guys looked dapper and the ladies marriage, here it was after – a time for joy,
elegant, resulting in confidence, style and fun, frolic, relaxation and celebration… and
elan. The registrations, a flood at last years did the Smarties let down their hair. Thanks

Dr. Veena Chandavarkar
(First Lady - RID 3142)


hope and opportunities

Anant Drishti…the infinite deep-rooted impact on the way we look at
vision of doing good – the our life and conduct rotary services for the
theme for this year’s district communities.
conference of D3142 has been
demonstrated in many ways As we celebrate Rotary’s centennial year in
by DG Dr. Mohan and all Smart Presidents India at Kolkata on 14th & 15th February, we
throughout the year. Though we have been would like to ponder on RI Director Bharat
able to give a glimpse of various activities Pandya’s pet mantra on Rotary being all
conducted by you to do good in the world, for about “hope and opportunities”. Hope is
want of space all could not be covered. what the community has in Rotary… that it
will do something to improve their lives and
In this issue, the emphasis has been laid make the world a little better. It is rather “an
to cover the DISCON in its entirety. DGN invitation to endless opportunities,” and a
Dr. Mayuresh Warke took us through an Rotary membership creates pathways for
exhaustive list of the cumulative service members to improve their lives and the lives
work done by the clubs of D 3142 in 2019-20 of those they help through service projects
and exhorted Rotarians to continue doing as well as leadership opportunities to put
good work and smile well in 2021-22. their service ideas into action and make
lifelong connections.
Besides, an array of interesting speakers
laid a sumptuous platter of philosophies, Sandeep Sawant
lessons, and opportunities that will have a Editor

DISCON 2020 4


Anant Drishti… infinite vision of doing good

ANANT DRISHTI(AD). . . infinite vision of doing good (RID
3142’S one day district conference) was hosted by the
DG’s home club Rotary Club of Thane North, under the
leadership of District Governor Dr. Mohan Chandavarkar.
Held at the state of the art CIDCO Convention Center, Navi
Mumbai on Saturday, February 01st 2020, it was attended
by more than 800 delegates.

RIPR IPDG Dushan Soza (Sri Lanka RID 3220 RC Colombo
East) accompanied by his charming wife Manorie were
RI President Mark & Gay Maloney’s representatives. The
event commenced with a Grand March. Smart President
Rajesh & Medha Paranjape, Discon Chair (DC) Santosh
& Pradnya Bhide and Discon Cochair (DCC) Mahesh &
Madhuri Gupte of the host club, escorted the RIPR, PRID
Ashok Mahajan, DG and 3142/3141 COG dignitaries into
the auditorium to the fanfare of Mile Sur Mera Tumhara.

Smart Presidents draped in the national colours (orange,
white, blue and green), performed a deafmute sign
language version of Jana Gana Mana. The well-coordinated
effort was organised by DS Vinit Shah, AG Sharwari
Deshpande and AC Sucheta Rege. It was followed by the
Sri Lankan National Anthem.

A beautiful thematic invocation dance choreographed
by Kathak celebrity Sonia Parchure was performed by

5 DISCON 2020

Sponsors her troupe. Based on incidents in Lord Krishna’s life, it
highlighted the six focus areas of the Rotary Foundation.
(Maternal Child Health: Yashoda’s receiving the child; Basic
Education: Sandipani ashram; Disease Prevention: Killing
of Kansa; Water & Sanitation: Killing of Kalia; Economic
Development: Lifting of Goverdhan and Peace Resolution:
Virat Roop). The Virat Roop then blinked an eye which
became the logo and tone of the conference.

DC Santosh Bhide, along with DCC Mahesh Gupte, Secretary
Vivek Patankar and Treasurer Deepak Oak, welcomed all
and introduced the Discon Team. D 3141 was represented
by PRID Ashok Mahajan, PDG Vijay & Kiran Jalan, PDG Dr.
Jayant Kulkarni, and PP Rajendra Unnikrishnan.

A high voltage video of the AD theme (created by Rtn
Dr. Abhishek Chandavarkar) depicted two weapons of
Dwapar Yuga’s Lord Krishna (Hari) – the Sudarshan
Chakra and his intellect - and associated it with Kalyug’s
(Harry) Paul Harris armaments - the Rotary Wheel and
the concept of Service Above Self in Rotary.

To begin with, DG expressed his gratitude for supporting
the event to the sponsors: Tata Projects (collected by
SPC Smita Mahajan), Just For Dogs (collected by OSD
Neha Nimbalkar), D 3141 Rtn Ashok Saraf, GC Kaushal
Pankhania, and Meyer Organics.

DISCON 2020 6

DG Dr. Mohan began his address, with the 1966
Simon & Garfunkel song:

“Hello darkness, my old friend, I’ve come to talk
with you again

Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds
while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain still
remains, Within the sound of silence

People taking without speaking, people hearing
without listening, people seeing without vision…”

He explained how the vision of Rotary unfolds
– a smile on the face of a 6 month child whose
heart has been healed, the joy of being able to
eat with a newly acquired LN4 prostheses or
resuming a livelihood with a corneal transplant
that allowed a painter to see.

He thanked all fellow Rotarians and urged them
to pat their own back as well as their friends
standing next to them for the selfless efforts,
they have taken for doing good in D3142. He
also appealed to them to dip into their pockets,
purses, and hearts to generously donate to TRF.

PRID Ashok Mahajan was felicitated in this
august gathering. DG Dr. Mohan released a book
- compilation of Ashok Mahajan’s twitter blogs
– PSALMS (published by D 3142, printed by Rtn
Shirish Songadkar / Rtn Ravi Iyer). The proceeds
from this book sale will go to TRF through D

PDG (RID 3140 in 1990-91) Dr. Venkatrao
Gadwal was also honoured for giving 50 years
of service to Rotary.

IPDG Rtn Dushan Soza, a cricketer of repute, has
captained the under 19 and under 23 Sri Lankan
teams and was also on the Sri Lankan Cricket
Board. In his address, he wished all on behalf of
RI President Mark Maloney and expounded his
interpretation of Rotary Connects the World.

A wide array of eminent speakers and
performers then, enthused the audience. All
of them were introduced with a thematic
exposition followed by their AV introduction.
After their discourse, the distinguished
speakers were conferred with a Rotary
Excellence Award by the RIPR Dushan &
Manorie, DG Mohan & First Lady Dr. Veena

7 DISCON 2020

Session 1:


believe in oneself

Theme: Fear makes all creatures to flee Capt RAGHU RAMAN
from danger. Yet human beings accept
fear as part of their life – specifically the (brought by DG / AG Prashant Ambekar / Aide Rtn Randhir Rathod)
fear of change. We face it despite the
pounding in our heart that keeps saying: Content: Speaking on Leadership at 26000 feet, he began with three
Turn Back. Whatever the course of action simple questions: 1. How fair life has been to you? 2.How successfully
we choose, there is always one part telling have you faced challenges? and 3. Have you set goals for yourself?
us that we could go wrong. Difficulties The audience, then, pondered on them, seeking answers from their
do arise, tempting you to believe your own life experience. They realised after the speech that the answers
critics are right. To chalk out a path and were completely different. He took the audience through the rigours,
to follow it to its conclusion, requires challenges and ordeals of soldiers posted at Siachen glaciers. Being
the courage of a soldier. The toughest 26,000 ft above sea level, the weather (at minus 35 degrees averagely) is
challenges in such circumstances are extremely chilly, windy and dangerous. The soldiers (with a 30kgs back
endurance of your patience - to wait for pack and weapons) have to walk in knee deep snow, patrolling the area
the right moment, and expectations - and protecting the nation from enemies. In his gripping presentation, he
to not be disappointed with what you emphasized 1. Good teams are ‘joined at hips’, 2. Survival of the team is at
encounter and to stand for what you stake with each member’s existence 3. Leadership requirements are much
believe in, even if you stand alone…to live severe when the chips are down, and morals are low and 4. A true leader
your dreams according to your vision always ‘Walks the Talk’
and purpose instead of the expectations
and opinions of others. You do not need Award Inscription: You are braver than you think, more talented than you
anyone’s permission to follow your heart. know, and capable of more than you imagine

Rotary Excellence Award given - for Capt Raghu Raman’s inspiring,
spirited, motivational address

DISCON 2020 8

Session 2:


doorbeense doordrishti

Theme: The knowledge and the ability to Dr SHAILESH PUNAMBEKAR
be of use to others, to help mankind, fills
the soul with a noble confidence. A good (brought by DR Abhishek Chandavarkar / Aide Rtn Dr Sunita Oak) Renowned
surgeon does not merely concentrate gynaecologist and laparoscopic surgeon spoke on the world’s first
on his technical skills, but also on laparoscopic uterine transplant, done in Pune.
righteousness. While performing surgery,
he utilizes every bit of knowledge and Content: Uterine transplants are done by open surgery globally.
skills to overcome the problem. There, Dr. Shailesh struggled hard and fought the system to get over the
he does not have the luxury of doing it bureaucracy in the government and medical field. The then CM Devendra
after an hour or the day after; nor can he Fadnavis stood solidly behind the team. They did the first uterus
go to the library to find a solution. The transplant in 2017 and a year later the first child was born from such a
surgeon will agree with Sidney Sheldon transplanted uterus.
Quote: “A blank piece of paper is God’s
way of telling us how hard it is to be God.” To date, nine babies are born from the transplanted uterus and India is the
Yet, against all odds, against all logic, he only country in the world with a 100% success rate of such operations.
still hopes. For when he chooses hope, The most important thing is that all these operations worth Rs 2 cores
anything’s possible. Hope in ability is like were done free of cost. He says - fulfill your dreams even when others
praying for rain, but faith in doing good in don’t believe you will make it.
the world is like sharing an umbrella.
Award Inscription: Today I will do what others will not, so tomorrow I can
accomplish what others can’t

Rotary Excellence Award given - for Dr Shailesh Puntambekar’s surgical
skills and medical knowledge that enabled the creation of the world’s
first laparoscopic uterine transplant.

9 DISCON 2020

Session 3:


ab tumhare hawale watan saathiyon

Theme: Ours is a world of nuclear giants Lt Gen DEEPINDER SINGH HOODA
and ethical pygmies. We know more about
war than we know about peace, more about (brought by Rtn Capt Adhip Pavan / Aide Rtn Rajesh Kumar) Northern
killing than we know about living. India is army commander during 2016 ‘surgical strike’.
fortunate that every warship launched and
every rocket fired is in the hands of the highly Content: He expressed his views on Kashmir and human rights.
professionalised armed forces… a triumvirate He believes the removal of special provisions should help in the
of army, navy and air force that has been integration of Kashmir provided implementation is done properly.
steadfast in its duty and loyalty to the nation, However certain negatives like moderates in Kashmir feeling
while its neighbours are stubbornly defiant alienated due to restrictions on telecom, the few political families
across the borders. General Patton once said, exploiting Kashmir and issues of human rights and conflict with Pak,
the battle is the most magnificent competition need to be handled carefully. Rotary can help to connect with the
in which human beings indulge. It brings out Kashmiris by buiding hostels, giving their children scholarship, skill
all that is best; it removes all that is base. All training in horticulture, apple industry, promoting sports by building
men are afraid in battle. The quintessential academies. Ban on internet has put sever retriction on the youth who
soldier on duty says - I have nothing to offer have to come to Delhi for filing online applications for jobs and other
but blood, toil, tears and sweat. The coward is formalities.
the one who lets his fear overcome his sense
of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood. The Award Inscription: The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but
Bhagwad Geeta reveals that - Go on doing he who conquers that fear
your duty at all times without attachment; by
doing work without attachment man attains Rotary Excellence Award given - for Lt Gen Deepinder Hooda’s
the Supreme. strategic understanding and tactful demeanour in military matters,
that allow India’s common man to sleep in peace

DISCON 2020 10

MAN KI BAAT DGE Dr SANDEEP KADAM (Aide Rtn Pallavi Phoujdar)

DGN Dr MAYURESH WARKE (Aide DS Vinit Shah) accompanied by Dr. Ranjana unveiled his vision of
JOSH - joy of spreading Happiness. Along with the
addressed the audience with a smart ppt presentation Discon team, Chair Kirti Vasan unveiled the Discon 21-
that exhorted Rotarians to continue doing good work Jallosh with a video presentation
and smile well in 2021-22


talked about her dual membership of Ambarnath and Wadhawan) wished 3142 all the best for the conference.
the excellent Rotary-Rotaract relationship, and the She gave a brief resume of the work done in IW D314 in
wonderful work done by Rotaractors. the last 50 years.

11 DISCON 2020

Session 4:


taal pe taal

Theme: Music is an outburst of the Pandita ANURADHA PAL
soul - a symphony in honour of God. It
is the language of man’s creative spirit. (brought by AG Nilesh Likhite / Aide Anjali Korrgave)
When asked how they make music, most
artists will tell you - I just step into it. It Tabla virtuoso, multi-percussionist and music composer and the first
is like stepping into a river and joining professional female tabla player in the world
the flow. Every current in the river has
its song. Musicians paint their pictures Content: Anuradha played a double tabla (one which sounded like a
on the canvas of silence. They express Pakhawaj) and a bahya to educate and entertain an interested audience.
what cannot be said in words. Music is She rendered her special jugalbandi of mother and daughter squabbling
the magic key that opens the tightest of on school issues and husband and wife quarrelling on shopping matters.
closed hearts. It is a divine way of talking She reminisced how she grew up in an atmosphere of Rotary and giving.
to the heart. Every musician seems to live
these words – I play until my fingers are Her father a Rotarian from Bombay Seacoast nurtured
blue and stiff. But I keep on playing… until the art of giving silently. She plans to open a cancer ward
I’m lost in the music… until I am the music in Udaipur and Mumbai.
– the notes, the chords, the melody, the
harmony, the rhythm. It hurts, but it’s Award Inscription: Desire is the starting point of all
okay because when I’m the music, I’m not achievement, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends
me. everything

Rotary Excellence Award given - for Pandita Anuradha
Pal’s sustained rhythmic endeavours in the service of
Indian classical music

DISCON 2020 12


Carefully crafted and designed by DS
Dinesh Koregave (also from RCTN), a
total foodie culinary magician, the menu
was embellished with Dhokla, Khakra,
Sengdana chutney, thecha, Haldi batata
bhaji, Ukadiche modak, varan bhaat,
bharli vaangi, Surti undhyo, Daal bhaati,
Sindhi Kadhi, Thai roll, Fried surmai,
Saraswat fish curry and Peru ice cream
with mirchi among others was a delicacy.
The speciality was a Back-to-School
counter which had Kaccha mango, Imli,
Ber, Aam papad, Popcorn, Candy floss
and Ice golas.


An award-winning skit, conceived, written by DS Dr Dr Suhas Kulkarni, Co-Chair of the project spoke on
Lucky Kasat and directed by him and AG Pushan RID DR Bharat Pandya’s magnum opus Ek Chamach
Vaidya was performed to perfection. It was earlier Kam Chaar Kadam Aage and the need to tackle
performed at the Pre-PETS. It explored the need of the noncommunicable disease. A Walkathon on 23rd
hour of adding more members to Rotary. February 2020 in Thane has been planned.

13 DISCON 2020

Session 5:


asambhav se sambhav


Theme: Jidd is not just the strength to Dr. KETNA MEHTA
go on - it is going on when you don’t have
any strength left. Nothing in this world (brought Dr Veena Chandavarkar / Aide Rtns Sadhana, Sama, Sarmistha)
can take the place of determination and
persistence. Talent cannot; there are Founder Trustee, Nina Foundation, an NGO for rehabilitating friends with
talented men who are unsuccessful, Spinal Cord Injuries, an incurable permanent disability.
many geniuses who go unrewarded and
so many educated people who failed. Content: Dr. Ketna Mehta explained how the Nina Foundation teaches
When we least expect it, life throws- everyone to manage – the defining differentiator. Counselling and
up challenges to test our courage and motivating new patients, connecting with conferences on spinal cord
willingness to change; at such a moment, injuries and networking with doctors in India and abroad is the key. A
there is no point in pretending that helpline for spinal cord injury and has been set up. Expert doctors are
nothing can be done or in saying that we
are not yet ready. Holding-on is a sign of trustees and help at creating awareness and building
great strength, but there are times when motivation. A team of paraplegics on wheelchairs
the strength is to know when to let go and performed a musical drama showcasing the life of
then do it. Never say never, because limits Pari – a free-flying girl, who has an accident that makes
like fears are often just an illusion. Jane her a paraplegic and how she overcomes the trials and
Austen sums it up squarely – “There is a tribulations to get rehabilitated into the mainstream.
stubbornness about me that never can
bear to be frightened at the will of others. Award Inscription: Your willingness to wrestle with your
My courage always rises at every attempt demons, will cause your angels to sing
to intimidate me.”
Rotary Excellence Award given - for Dr Ketna Mehta of
Nina Foundation’s proactive support to the spinal injury
challenged community.

DISCON 2020 14

Session 6: Seven inbound RYE students along with the District RYE
team performed to traditional and Bollywood tunes.
ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE Choreographed by RYE Team member (Events) Roopali
Deshpande, under the able supervision of Advisor Girish
Ghate, Avenue Mentor Resham Thanekar and Avenue Chair
Rajendra Shinde, the children put up a stellar show which
culminated in the RIPR Dushan, Manorie and DG Dr. Mohan &
First Lady Veena tapping their feet to music for a grand finale.
RYE students of D3141 also put up a traditional folk dance.

Session 8:


Session 7:


DGN Mayuresh presented an exhaustive resume of the A travelogue of a journey organised by a fledgling club
cumulative service work done by the clubs of D 3142. In – RC Thane Aces - over 13 states, 80 cities, 100 Rotary
the segment of TRF, special Rotarians were felicitated Clubs and 6120 Km by 13 riders and their support staff
– SP Suchit Gadkari (TW) and his brother Rtn Saiyam was shown. The mission – to raise funds for the martyrs
Gadkari (TMT) for creating a USD 25,000 Endowment in of armed forces (> Rs 34 Lakhs collected till date), to
his father’s memory; SP Rajesh Kadam for being a Major celebrate the centenary year of Rotary in India and to
Donor and AC Manoj Thakur for contributing Rs 1 lakh to disseminate the Positive Health Project. Convenor AC
the Polio Fund of TRF. Dr. Sanjeev Jain were recognised. Young enthusiastic
SP Mihir Patel and club members received a citation.
Spontaneously RCTN SP Rajesh Paranjape announced a
contribution of Rs 50,000 to the cause.

15 DISCON 2020

Session 9:


Mission 2100

Theme: Men create opportunities. Every THOMAS SPENCER
great human achievement has been the
result of individual efforts - the practical (brought by Aide Rtn Jitendra Bhambure)
development of a dream in the mind of
an individual. Successful design is not Thomas worked with the Institute for Sustainable Development and
the achievement of perfection but the International Relations (IDDRI) a research institute based in Paris. He
minimization and accommodation of moved to India and joined The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in
imperfection There is much to be done 2017 and works on decarbonization of the power sector.
that no select or small portion of people
can do; only the greater mass of India Content: Globally we need to reduce global warming by 2 percent. India
will ensure the achievement of a nation. is driving for a huge transformation in the energy conservation sector.
This can be done only with hard work Indians in everyday life are already resource-efficient, but the sheer
and sacrifice. Every job is a challenge.
but often it is the simplest challenge that volume of numbers matters. Indian economy needs
gives you a sense of achievement when bigger systemic changes to conserve the environment.
you finally pull it off. When you work
with people, you buy into it, you work Award Inscription: Happiness does not come from doing
together, and you pull together. It doesn’t easy work but from the achievement of a difficult task that
matter what your challenge is: there is demanded our best
always a sense of achievement at the
end of it. Rotary Excellence Award given - for Thomas Spencer’s
understanding of climatic change and research for
equitable options

DISCON 2020 16

Session 10:


able, reliable, sustainable

Theme: You cannot solve a problem on ULLHAS NIMKAR
the same level where it surfaced. You
need to rise to the next level. The only way (brought by DG / Aide Rtn Kiran Patil)
to discover the limits of the possible is to
go beyond them, into the impossible. It Nimkartek Technical Services provides analytical testing services to
is being here now, that’s important. Time stakeholders in the textile & apparel supply chain.
is a very misleading thing. We can gain
experience from the past, but we cannot Content: In a talk titled, Kal, Aaj Aur Kal – Ullas Nimkar presented some
relive it; we cannot revise it. We can hope startling facts. Globally we are producing food, clothing, and shelter at
for a better future with learnings from a much higher rate than what we need, and which earth can support.
the past. Learnings and innovations go The global population has reached 7.6 billion and is growing. There
hand in hand. The arrogance of success is extensive use of chemicals, plastics resulting in water pollution,
is to think that what you did yesterday will air pollution, increasing cancer cases, reducing fertility, and depleted
be enough for tomorrow. Innovation is resources. “Our house is on fire,” 16-year-old Greta Thunberg had cried at
seeing what everybody has seen and yet, World Economic Forum wanting action. “People are dying, resources are
imagining what nobody has thought of.
To change something, we need to build a getting depleted and we are talking economic growth!!”
new workable and sustainable model that Mr. Nimkar made an appeal to all to buy only those things
renders the existing model obsolete. that you need, not what industry wants us to buy. He said,
“Till now, we know on 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Going forward 4th R will be introduced, that is REFUSE.”

Award Inscription: Every once in a while, a new technology,
an old problem and a big idea turn into innovation

Rotary Excellence Award given - for Ullhas Nimkar’s
effort in researching earth’s pollution, and trying to find
sustainable options

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17 DISCON 2020

Session 11:


jaamse kaam

Theme: The oak sleeps in the acorn; SHATBHI BASU
the bird waits in the egg; and in the
highest vision of the soul, a waking (brought by DG / Aide Rtn Sama Wadhawan)
angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings
of reality. Persistence. Perfection. Shatbhi Basu, Creative Consultants - she is a bartender, beverage
Patience. Power. Prioritize your passion. consultant, author, head of a bartending academy, and an American
It keeps you sane. As the greatest boxing Whiskey Ambassador for India.
champion, Mohammed Ali said, “It isn’t
the mountains ahead to climb that wear Content: Creating beautiful cocktails and mixing drinks behind a bar counter,
you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.” You Shatbhi Basu, well into her 50s is still innovative and part of an industry that
can have anything you want if you want is young, vibrant and needs her to adapt constantly. “I firmly believe that the
it badly enough. You can be anything you only thing constant is change. So I’ve spent a lifetime being current. I reinvent
want to be, and do anything you set out to myself all the time. Seek new challenges. I see people, not just look at them.
accomplish if you hold to that desire with I listen, not simply hear. Then shape my work on the learning.” It is perhaps
singleness of purpose. Passion is energy. this spirit of adventure that led Basu into an essentially male-dominated
Discover that passion, and realize the
power that comes from focusing on what domain all those years ago, when she became the first-ever
excites you. For blessed is the man or female bartender in India. There are many lessons to be
woman… whose true passion can become learned from bartending: You alone can’t build a vision. You
a profession, and then a calling. must fall back on your team; You have to have patience
with people. She believes a bar is the safest place - safer
than women on streets, on roads, in trains. Women feel
much safer seeing women behind, mixing drinks.

Award Inscription: If you never venture out of the pond,
you’ll never know there is an ocean.

Rotary Excellence Award given - for Shatbhi Basu’s
stirred or shaken passion in concocting a new vocation

DISCON 2020 18

Session 12:


toofanse takkar

Theme: Sports do not merely build Capt DILIP DONDE
character. It reveals it. Freedom lies in
being bold. The greatest achievement was (brought by AG Nilesh Likhite / Aide Rtn Milind Nagve)
at first and for a time - a dream. Everyone
has talent. What is rare is the courage to Winner of the Shaurya Chakra, a retired Indian Naval officer and the first
follow the dream to the dark places where Indian to complete a solo,unassisted circumnavigation of the globe under
it leads. F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget sail.
Everything and Run’ or ‘Face Everything
and Rise.’ The choice is yours. You cannot Content: From 2006 (when he volunteered) to 2010, he planned and
swim for new horizons until you have the executed Project “Sagar Parikrama” which involved constructing a
courage to lose sight of the shore. At times sailboat in India and then sailing it around the world. Subsequently, he
the vast ocean may seem an unfriendly also supervised an all-women circumnavigation of the globe. When
and sinister place but believe that there is he was offered to do the Parikrama by the navy, he didn’t have any
more good in it than bad. All you have to experience of building a boat. Through a bureaucratic process, he was
do is look hard enough. What might seem given a boat builder who had no knowledge of sailing. Somehow both did
a series of unfortunate events may, in fact,
be the first steps of a journey. Success is pretty well together, and he successfully completed the
where preparation and opportunity meet. circumnavigation in 9 months. He now provides sailing
It’s not the will to win that matters — experience to small groups of people who would like to
everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to travel on the sailboat.
win that matters.
Award Inscription: Ability is what you’re capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines
how well you do it

Rotary Excellence Award given - for Capt Dilip Donde’
indomitable spirit, courage and persistence while solo
circumnavigating the globe.

19 DISCON 2020

Session 13:


genre of hunar

AMRUTA FADNAVIS would she prefer, it’s a no-contest she says - as a mother. She asserted
that Devendra takes the decisions at home, but Amruta
(brought by Rtn Vilas Bhandarkar/ Aide AG advises him what to decide. Queried about her political
Sharwari Deshpande) is an Indian banker, aspirations, she confessed that she does not have a
singer and social activist single quality to become a politician. She is not politically
correct, and she likes to speak her mind. The session
Content: AG Sharwari Deshpande had ended with Amruta singing a few lines of a Hindi and
a tête-à-tête with the celebrity who is Marathi songs.
married to former Maharashtra CM,
Devendra Fadnavis. Working as Vice Award Inscription: What the mind conceives, The Heart
President – Corporate Head with Axis believes, The Body does
Bank she juggles her various roles -
mother, banker, singer, wife of a politician Rotary Excellence Award given - for Amruta Fadnavis’
with aplomb. When asked, which one multifaceted achievements in social service, banking

Concluding Session:


RIPR DUSHAN SOZA summed up his collective experience as a visitor to
D3142 and as a representative of RIP Mark Maloney. He was amazed that
delegates in large numbers waited till the end. He was impressed by the
diversity of the work that Rotarians do in this part of the world. He thanked
all for their hospitality. His special thanks were to his batchmate IPDG Dr.
Ashes and Nandita Ganguly, Aide DGN Dr. Mayuresh and Anjali Warke,
and PA Vikram and Jayashree Mane. D 3142 COG, Smart Core Team, and
Discon Team collectively honoured the RIPR with a Shawl and Sriphal. A
commissioned caricature done by veteran artist Prabhakar Bhatlekar was
presented to him and his graceful wife Manorie.

DISCON 2020 20


everyone who made Discon a success. He was
especially grateful to the core team, the Discon
team and their band of enthusiastic volunteers
of Thane North for their efforts. The curtains
closed with the mandatory lucky draw where
10 prizes were on offer. The top three gifts
were Alexa Echo of differing models.


Delegates then freshened up and
let their hair down to celebrate
their vison and visualisation of
Anant Drishti.

21 DISCON 2020

SPECIAL THANKS TO: All Sponsors/Patrons/Stalls; Lalit Kewalramani of Nash Events; IPDG DR Ashes Ganguly;

PA Vikram Mane; PA DGN Mayuresh; CC Kailash Jethani (3142 service ppt); OSD Rtn Atul Wadhawan; DS SP
Dhanapal (office space, hotel coordination & transport); DS Lalit Manik (venue advisor); JDS Prakash Rao (regn &
event backstage); Rtn Santosh Bade (Live feed facebook); Rtn Randhir Rathod (stalls); Rtn Sunil Soman & Dharmo
Vanjani (gifts), Rtn Dr Abhishek Chandavarkar (tech support on console, AD Theme & DG AV); Rtn Shirish Songad-
kar (PSALMS and designing of speaker trophies), PP Rtn Sharath Ail (fine tuning introductions and inscriptions);
Rtn Varsha Likhite (Discon event report) Rtn Harsh Makol (Reliance Hospital support).

DISCON 2020 Reviews 22

SP Dr Yogendra Jawadekar, SP Anuradha Deshpande, RC SP Jitesh Kariya, RC Kalyan SP Suchit Gadkari, RC Thana
RC Badlapur Domb Saudamini . . very well managed West . . great thought ,
. . fantastic lectures, . .distinct SMART flair and and executed in such executed professionally.
fantastic food, flavour with that personal a great ambience. The Speakers were offbeat,
fantastic fellowship. touch entertainment was the unusual but effective
Congratulations to the cherry on the icing of the and all carried a powerful
organisers ! cake. message.

SP Dr Namrataa Srivastav, RC SP Dr Supriya Lad, RC Thane SP Rajendra Zende, Thane SP V R Sai Ganesh, Satellite
Thane Hira Estate Premium Midtown. . Back to school City NM . . brilliantly put
. . gratitude from the core UNEES BEES KA FARAK - could not resist to the together in one day.
for for giving us the most _Ek din ka safar_ mango, imli, bor, candy Galaxy of speakers will
cherished moment of life _Bana umra bhar ka floss and popcorn. be motivation for the next
time, miming the Jana HUMSAFAR . . the one day format 5 months of the Smart
Gana Mana. worked well. Year.

SP Amit Patankar, RC Noteworthy feedback of DISCON 2020 SP Senthilkumar Pillai, RC
Dombivili Thane Greenspans
... Not a dull moment 3141 former 1st Lady Kiran Jalan ...Good Theme, excellent
till the end of the . . witnessed an amazing event - thoda hatke. Speakers speakers who activated
programme. The entire touched the hearts because they spoke from the heart the thoughts and
event was very well- ... everything was meticulous and executed with love great bonding with all
choreographed. and respect. Rotarians.

SP Achut Damle, RC Thane 3141 1st Lady Romi Talwar Dr Lucky Kasat, RC Thane
. . The flow of entire . . wonderful beginning, program flowed so well . . Premium ...That the DISCON
event was fantastic, and Mohan’s enthralling speech . . speakers impressive n is District Governor’s BIG
the food selection was enlightening. FAT WEDDING is well
interesting, particularly known! DISCON2020 was
back-to-school counter 3141 DG Harjit Talwar like ‘Samudra Manthana’
which took us down the Awesome start to “ANANTDRISHTI” . . typical stamp of - it churned out varieties
memory lane. Mohan in his inimitable “hat ke” style of good, better, bests
Excellent speakers in the morning session- sorry had to and poured the halahal,
SP Sanjay Sharma, RC miss the afternoon session & fellowship. if any, in Mohan and
Thane Skyline . . everyone Thane Northers neck.
was having a blast.. D 3141 guest PP Rajendran Unni DISCONGRATULATIONS
delicious food a fun filled . . selection of speakers was different from normal Mohan, Santosh, Mahesh,
environment made such discons. Your speech in your iwn style was brilliant. Rajesh and the back office
an amazing experience, Time management was praiseworthy. 3142 has created team for your HARD WORK
filled with such amazing a new benchmark. for we Rotarians of D3142.
persons. WE VALUE IT.

23 The Last Page

19 Rotarians Congratulations
from D 3142
registered till RID Dr. Bharat Pandya shall be
date serving as Rotary International
Treasurer 2020-21

TRF Trustee Gulam Vahanvaty has
been appointed Chairman of TRF’s
Stewardship Committee of Rotary

RRFC T.N. Subramaniam (Raju)
has been selected for the highest
recognition for a Rotarian - Service
Above Self Award by Rotary

PP Dr. Suhas Kulkarni of RC Thane
Hills has been selected for the
highest recognition for a Rotarian -
Service Above Self Award by Rotary

Upcoming Events

• Centennial Celebration Kolkata...............…. Feb 14-15

Lewis wadi JITO Hospital…......................... Feb 23

• District Women Day Celebration…………....... Mar 8

• TRF Seminar Kuber 3 ……….......................... Mar 8


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