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OMG 7.1 English Year 4

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7.1 English Year 4 7.1


English CEFR-AYEliAgRned

3 What should be 4
done if students do
Professional Voice
Over Talent for not understand?
Listening Audio
(Native English 1
Guided Practice
New Level 1 & 2

(Easy for students to


4 2

UASA Format 5W1H Technique
Practice (Helps student to

(From LPM) generate ideas to write)

5 Latest Formative Summative
Assessment Assessment
Ujian Akhir
Sesi Akademik ANSWERS Provided in the Student’s Edition
(Detachable Set)
You may download the Audio for
Latest Listening from https//
or scan QR Codes in this book to play
4 the audio files.

Teacher’s Edition Name:


Part Type Question Type Total Question Mark
Part 1 Short Texts 3-option MCQ 5 5
Error Correction
Part 2 • Grammar 3-option MCQ 4 4
• Vocabulary
Part 3 Linear Text or Non-Linear Text 3-option MCQ 5 5
Part 4 Multiple Short Text Matching 6 6
Part 5 Spelling 5 5
Part 6 Short Communicative Message Complete incomple spelling 10
• About 30 to 50 words 1
Part 7 Writing Writing
• Stimulus given
• About 60 to 80 words Writing 1 15
Total: 50 marks

CONTENTS Kelvin 011-1527 8088
Wilson 013-778 1667


1: Listening 1 Nicholas 012-288 5285
Johnny 011-5507 1039
2: Speaking 2

3: Reading Core Civic Value 3

4: Writing 4

5: Grammar 5

6: Phonics 11


7: Listening 12 John 017-331 3993
8: Speaking 13 Vincent 012-973 9386
9: Reading 14
10: Writing Core Civic Value 15
11: Grammar 16
12: Phonics 18


13: Listening 19 To Place ORDER Or CHECK STOCK
14: Speaking 20
15: Reading Core Civic Value 21
16: Writing Core Civic Value 22
17: Grammar 23
18: Phonics 27


19: Listening 28

20: Speaking Core Civic Value 29

21: Reading 30

22: Writing Core Civic Value 31

23: Grammar 32

24: Phonics 34


25: Listening 35

26: Speaking Core Civic Value 36

27: Reading Core Civic Value 37

28: Writing Core Civic Value 38

29: Grammar 40

30: Phonics 42


31: Listening 43

32: Speaking Core Civic Value 44

33: Reading 45

34: Writing 46

35: Grammar 47

36: Phonics 53


37: Listening 54

38: Speaking Core Civic Value 55

39: Reading Core Civic Value 56

40: Writing 57

41: Grammar 58

42: Phonics 62


43: Listening 63

44: Speaking 64

45: Reading 65

46: Writing 66

47: Grammar 67

48: Phonics 70


49: Listening 71

50: Speaking Core Civic Value 72

51: Reading 73

52: Writing 74

53: Grammar 76

54: Phonics 79


55: Listening 80

56: Speaking 81

57: Reading 82

58: Writing 83

59: Grammar 85

60: Phonics 87

Cursive Writing 88
PdPc Corner 91
Picture Dictionary 92
Listening Tapescript 95




A1 - A8









ANSWERS (Detachable set) (Print at Student's Edition only)


PBD Skill Practice & Learning Page Week Date (3) Achieved Teacher’s
Standard Signature & Date
PL (7) Not

Module 1: My Country and Me

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide 2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable statements
range of target language phonemes 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple

1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and texts of one or two paragraphs
details of longer simple texts 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements

1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives
on a range of familiar topics

1 Listening (1.2.2) 1

2 Speaking (2.1.5) 2

3 Reading A (3.2.2), B (3.2.2) 3

4 Writing (4.2.4) 4

'to be' 5

Present Simple 5
5 Grammar 7

Adverbs of Frequency

Present Continuous 9

6 Phonics A (1.1.1), B (1.2.3) 11

Module 2: Monday to Sunday

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide 2.1.1 Explain and give reasons for basic opinions
range of target language phonemes 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital

1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and texts of interest
details of longer simple texts 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements

1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives
on a range of familiar topics

7 Listening (1.2.2) 12

8 Speaking (2.1.1) 13

9 Reading A (3.2.1), B (3.2.1) 14

10 Writing (4.2.4) 15

11 Grammar ‘How often …?’; ‘have to’ 16

12 Phonics A (1.1.1), B (1.2.3) 18


PBD Skill Practice & Learning Page Week Date (3) Achieved Teacher’s
Standard Signature & Date
PL (7) Not

Module 3: A Long Time Ago

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide 1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives on
range of target language phonemes
a range of familiar topics 2.1.2 Find out about
1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer
simple texts and describe experiences in the past

1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or two
details of longer simple texts

4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements

13 Listening (1.2.1, 1.2.2) 19

14 Speaking (2.1.2) 20

15 Reading A (3.2.1), B (3.2.1) 21

16 Writing (4.2.4) 22

Past Simple 23

17 Grammar Wh-questions 25
Present Simple and Past

18 Phonics A (1.1.1), B (1.2.3) 27

Module 4: Let’s Celebrate

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide 2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories
range of target language phonemes 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital

1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer texts of interest
simple texts 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements

1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives
on a range of familiar topics

19 Listening (1.2.1) 28

20 Speaking (2.3.1) 29

21 Reading A (3.3.1), B (3.3.1) 30

22 Writing (4.2.4) 31

23 Grammar Questions; Future ‘be going 32

24 Phonics A (1.1.1), B (1.2.3) 34


PBD Skill Practice & Learning Page Week Date (3) Achieved Teacher’s
Standard Signature & Date
PL (7) Not

Module 5: Healthy Food

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple
range of target language phonemes texts of one or two paragraphs

1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital
on a range of familiar topics texts of interest

1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues 4.2.3 Describe basic everyday routines
provided by knowledge of the topic

2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by:
using suitable words (i) to show understanding (ii)
to ask for clarification

25 Listening (1.3.1) 35

26 Speaking (2.2.1) 36

27 Reading A (3.3.1), B (3.2.2) 37

28 Writing (4.2.3) 38

29 Grammar ‘some / any’; ‘How much? / 40
How many?’

30 Phonics A (1.1.1), B (1.2.3) 42

Module 6: Let’s Travel

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple
range of target language phonemes texts of one or two paragraphs

1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and 4.2.1 Explain and give reasons for simple opinions
details of longer simple texts

2.1.3 Give a longer sequence of basic instructions or

31 Listening (1.2.2) 43

32 Speaking (2.1.3) 44

33 Reading A (3.2.2), B (3.2.2) 45

34 Writing (4.2.3) 46

Imperative 47

Prepositions 48
35 Grammar 50


Gerunds 51

36 Phonics A (1.1.1), B (1.2.3) 53


PBD Skill Practice & Learning Page Week Date (3) Achieved Teacher’s
Standard Signature & Date
PL (7) Not

Module 7: Let’s Be Helpful

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or two
range of target language phonemes paragraphs

1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple
simple texts texts of one or two paragraphs

2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges 4.2.1 Explain and give reasons for simple opinions

37 Listening (1.2.1) 54

38 Speaking (2.2.1) 55

39 Reading A (3.2.2), B (3.2.1) 56

40 Writing (4.2.1) 57

Object Pronouns 58

41 Grammar Possessive Pronouns 59
Indefinite Pronouns

42 Phonics A (1.1.1), B (1.2.3) 62

Module 8: We Love Animals

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or two
range of target language phonemes paragraphs

1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple
simple texts texts of one or two paragraphs

2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges 4.2.1 Explain and give reasons for simple opinions

43 Listening (1.2.1) 63

44 Speaking (2.2.1) 64

45 Reading A (3.2.2), B (3.2.2) 65

46 Writing (4.2.1) 66

Comparative Adjectives 67
47 Grammar 68

‘as + adjective + as’

48 Phonics A (1.1.1), B (1.2.3) 70


PBD Skill Practice & Learning Page Week Date (3) Achieved Teacher’s
Standard Signature & Date
PL (7) Not

Module 9: Let’s Do Sports

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or two
range of target language phonemes paragraphs

1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple
simple texts texts of one or two paragraphs

2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements

49 Listening (1.2.1) 71

50 Speaking (2.2.1) 72

51 Reading A (3.2.2), B (3.2.2) 73

Writing (4.2.4) 74
52 75

Writing (4.2.4)

like / love / enjoy / hate + 76

53 Grammar

Superlative Adjectives 77

54 Phonics A (1.1.1), B (1.2.3) 79

Module 10: Good Health

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or two
range of target language phonemes paragraphs

1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple
simple texts texts of one or two paragraphs

2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements

55 Listening (1.2.1) 80

56 Speaking (2.2.1) 81

57 Reading A (3.2.2), B (3.2.2) 82

Writing (4.2.4) 83
58 84

Writing (4.2.4)

59 Grammar ‘should / shouldn’t’ 85

60 Phonics A (1.1.1), B (1.2.3) 87



Theme World of Self, Family and Friends

Listening Textbook: page 5

Track 1.1

A Scan the QR Code and listen to the audio. (Listen without looking at the tapescript.) Module 1
B Now, listen again and go to page 95 to read the tapescript. Pay attention to the words in bold.
C Then, match each child with the correct flag.

Malaysia Singapore Thailand

Yana This icon shows this is a Guided Practice Level 1
2. (with tips, bold keywords in the tapescript).


Wei Kiang


L.S. 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of PL 12 3456 3
longer simple texts



Speaking Textbook: page 5


My friend is from Japan.
Her name is Kimi.

Module 1 This is Rudy. He’s
from Indonesia.

Complete the conversation below. Then, role-play the conversation with a friend. Rally Robin

This icon shows this is a Guided Practice Level 1 My friend is
(with tips, helping words). from   India  .  His 

name is   Jivan  .

This is   Nisa  .  She’s 
from   Brunei  .


L.S. 2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable statements PL 1 2 3 4 5 6 6

Reading Textbook: page 6-7 Core Civic Value: Happiness

Read the text below about a school trip to the zoo. Then, pay attention to the words in bold. Module 1

School Trip to the Zoo
It isA1Friday afternoon. Ashraf and Su Yin are going on a school trip toA2the zoo. They are very
excited!A3There is theirB1class teacher, Mr Mohan.
Lin is from Vietnam. She is looking at the cars outside.B2Jimmy is from America. He is talking
with his friends.
They are now at the zoo. The children want to see theB4monkeys climb. They want to look at
the tigers and elephants, too!

A Match the phrase in List A to the phrase in List B. One example has been done for you.

List A List B
1. The school trip is many animals.
2. They are going to the zoo.
3. Everyone is on Friday.
4. The zoo has excited.

B Tick (3) the correct answer. 2. Where is Jimmy from? 3 This icon shows this is a Guided Practice Level 1
1. Who is the teacher? Vietnam (with tips, bold keywords in the reading text).
Ashraf America
Su Yin
Mr Mohan 3 Malaysia

HOTS Analysing3. How you think they go to the zoo?3 4. Which animal lives on trees?
By bus Tiger
By car Monkey 3
By lorry Elephant


L.S. 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of PL 12 3456 7
one or two paragraphs



Writing Textbook: page 11 UASA-Oriented Part 6

Your friend, Emma, borrowed your bicycle. You need the bicycle back.
Write an email to Emma.

In your email,
• explain why you want it back
• say where Emma can meet you

Write about 30 – 50 words.
Write your email below.

Module 1 To:
Subject: My Bicycle

1. Greeting
(a) How should you greet your friend? (Example: Dear/Hi Joshua)

Dear Emma,

This icon shows this is a Guided Practice Level 1 2. Opening
(5W1H technique with example). What are some ways to start off your email to ask about your friend? Why are you writing this

email? (Example: How are you? Can you to return my bicycle that you borrowed last Friday?)

How have you been? Can you to return my bicycle that you borrowed last week?

3. Body
Point 1: Why do you want it back? Point 2: Where can your friend can meet you?(Example:

I need the bicycle back because my sister wants to use it. We can meet at the playground
tomorrow evening.)

I need my bicycle back because I need to go to school on my own next week. I can meet you

at the playground tomorrow evening.

4. Closing
How do you end your email? (Example: Do reply soon!)

See you soon!

5. Signing off & name
How do you sign off an email? (Example: Your friend, / With love, / Lots of love,)

Your friend,



L.S. 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements PL 1 2 3 4 5 6 8


01 ‘to be’ Textbook: page 3

Explanation (5W1H) I am Kamal. Module 1
I am a Malaysian.
What is the verb ‘to be’ in the dialogue?
I am / You are I am Fara.
You are friendly.
The verb ‘to be’ tells us about someone or

• I am (I’m) not a student.
• You are (You’re) my friend.
• She is not (isn’t) 10 years old.
• We are (We’re) hungry.
• They are not (aren’t) flowers.

02 Present Simple Textbook: page 3

Explanation (5W1H) Sammy reads every morning.

1. What is the verb ‘to be’ in the sentence? 5
The verb is ‘reads’.
2. What type of tense is this?
It is the Present Simple tense.
3. When do we use it?
We use it to talk about things we do regularly.

We also use it when we talk about general

The Present Simple tense is used to tells us
about habits and things that are true.


• I do not (don’t) speak French.
• It plays with the toy.
• He goes to school by bus.
• We do not (don’t) come from Sabah.
• She does not (doesn’t) watch cartoons.

A Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. Plants ________ when you water them.

A grow B grows C grew D growing
D are
2. I ________ British. I live in England. D are not
D does not
A is B am C be

3. Julian ________ my brother. He’s my classmate.

A is B are C is not

4. She ________ know how to ride a bike yet. She’s still learning.

A do B does C do not

Module 1 B Write the correct Present Simple form of the verb in brackets.
Hanie ________ (wash) her shoes every weekend.
Hanie washes (wash) her shoes every weekend.

1. Tanya   lives   (live) with her aunt in Australia.

2. He does not/doesn’t brush (not brush) his teeth three times a day.

3. Lily and Gina   bake   (bake) and   sell   (sell) cupcakes for fun.

4. The men do not/don’t drive (not drive) to work. They   take   (take) the train.

C Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows. UASA-Oriented Part 2

Billy the Canadian

Hello, friends! I (0) ________ Billy. I (1) ________ from Canada. My hobbies (2) ________
playing hockey and riding my bike. I (3) ________ two brothers and one sister. I want to be a
(4) ________ when I grow up. Nice to meet you.

0. A is B am C are
1. A come B came C comes
2. A is B are C was
3. A has B have C had
4. A teacher B stewardess C waitress




03 Adverbs of Frequency Textbook: page 9

Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Activity: reading at night

Wei 3 3 3 3 3 Wei Kiang always reads at
Kiang night.

Anne 333 3 Anne usually reads at night. Module 1
Yana 33 3 Yana sometimes reads at


Anong never reads at night.


Explanation (5W1H)

1. What are the adverbs of frequency in the above sentences?
They are ‘always’, ‘usually’, ‘sometimes’ and ‘never’.
2. When do we use adverbs of frequency?
We use them when we want to show how many times someone does something.
3. How do we use adverbs of frequency?
Adverbs of frequency tells us how often something happens

100% Always
80% Usually
50% Sometimes
0% Never


1. Tim always washes his hands before meals.
2. June sometimes plays with her friends outside.
3. I usually do my homework after school.
4. They never talk to strangers.


A Look at the table. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Family members: Mum, Dad, Izam, Nurul
Activity: watching the news

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.
Dad Dad Dad Dad
Mum Mum Mum Mum
Izam Izam

1. Nurul ________ watches the news.

A never B always C usually D sometimes
C usually D sometimes
Module 1 2. Mum ________ watches the news. C usually D sometimes
C usually D sometimes
A never B always

3. Izam ________ watches the news.

A never B always

4. Dad ________ watches the news.

A never B always

B Write four sentences based on the chart. Use the words ‘always’, ‘usually’, ‘sometimes’ and
Erin and Ben


Sally and I
Fitri and Murali

Fitri never talks loudly in class.

1. Murali   never   talks loudly in class.

2. Sally and I   sometimes   talk loudly in class.

3. Vicky usually talks loudly in class.

Answer 4. Erin and Ben always talk loudly in class.



04 Present Continuous Textbook: page 9

They aren't playing
basketball. They are
playing football.

Module 1

I am skipping.

The children are playing in the park.

Explanation (5W1H)
1. What are the verbs in the above sentences?
They are ‘am skipping’, ‘aren’t playing’, and ‘are playing’.
2. What type of tense is this?
It is the Present Continuous tense.
3. When do we use it?
We use it to talk about things that we are doing right now.

When we talk about things we are doing presently, we use ‘am / is / are’ + verb-‘ing’.

1. (I am/ I’m) swimming in the pool.
2. Mimi is reading in the library.
3. They (are not/ aren’t) buying a computer.
4. The birds are flying away.
5. He (is not/ isn’t) listening to me.


A Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. He ________ to the bus stop.

A run B running C is running D are running
C be going D are going
2. It is late. I ________ to bed. C is not eating D are not eating

A is going B am going

3. They ________ because there is no food.

A is eating B are eating

Module 1 B Write the correct Present Continuous form of the verb in the box.

play video games 7 jog 3

Kiran is not / isn’t playing video games. He is jogging.

read 3 draw 7

1. Malini   is reading  . She    is not / isn’t drawing   .

help 7 make 3

2. You are not / aren’t helping me. You   are making   a mess.

learn 3 take 7

3. I   am learning   karate. I   am not taking   piano lessons.

C Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the message that follows. UASA-Oriented Part 2

Holiday in Singapore

Hi, Sue. I can’t talk right now. We are in Singapore and we (0) _______ my aunt. She
(1) _______ to my parents. They are loud. What (2) _______? Message me. I’m bored. Do
you go (4) _______ this school holiday? How about the trip (5) _______ Melaka?

Answer 0. A are visiting B is visiting C am visiting
1. A talk B is talking C are talking
Password: 2. A you doing B is you doing C are you doing
vid123 3. A anywhere B anything C anyone
4. A up B for C to


Phonics Textbook: page 119 es /iz/

s /s/ z /z/

eats sings watches Module 1

A Scan the QR Code and listen to the audio. Pay attention to the words in bold. Read aloud. L.S. 1.1.1

She sings, and she runs, Track 1.2
She comes, and she goes,
She skips, and she jumps,
She washes her hands,
And she blows her nose.

B Scan the QR Code and listen to the audio. Underline the /s/, circle the /z/ and square the /iz/.
Two examples have been given. L.S. 1.2.3

He sits, and he sips, Track 1.3
He watches, and he laughs,
He makes funny faces,
He naps on the chair,
And he snores – loud as a bus!

L.S. 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide range of target PL 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 Answer
language phonemes

L.S. 1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives on a range PL 12 3456 7
of familiar topics




UASA Format Practice Info UASA Info UASA Format Practice

Practice A Based on the given sample question
in Part 1 given from LPM, there are
distractors in the text.

Read the following texts and choose the correct answer A, B or C. (Dotted underlined words are

I am Isa. I live in Taman Seroja. My friend, Anis 1. Raju lives in
lives in Taman Mayung. We always go to Raju’s
house in Taman Intan to play badminton. A Taman Intan.
B Taman Seroja.
C Taman Mayung.

Dear netball players, 2. The netball players will be training on

Our training on Thursday is cancelled because A Wednesday.
the coach needs to go for a two-day meeting B Thursday.
on Wednesday. Please come on Friday. C Friday.

The Maybank Tower was the tallest building 3. What is the tallest building in Malaysia now?
in Malaysia. Then the Petronas Twin Towers
replaced it. Today, the Merdeka 118 is the A Merdeka 118
tallest building in this country. B Maybank Tower
C Petronas Twin Towers

Damiyya’s family is celebrating her baby 4. Damiyya’s baby sister is
sister’s first birthday. Damiyya is ten years old
and his brother is twelve years old. A one year old.
B ten years old.
C twelve years old.

Adam : My mother says I must watch what I 5. Adam has never eaten Answer
eat. She allows me to take fruits and
vegetables, but she never allows me to A fruits.
eat sausages. B sausages.
C vegetables.



Practice B

Read the following texts and choose the correct answer A, B or C. (Dotted underlined words are

UASA Format Practice Aliya : My father always drives to work. He 1. Aliya’s sister goes to school
sends me to school. My mother rides
a motorcycle to the market while my A by car.
sister walks to her school. B by walking.
C by motorcycle.

NOTICE 2. What should the last student keep on before

The last person leaving the room should turn leaving?
off the lights and fans. Please leave the air
purifier on so that the room is not smelly. A The fans
B The lights
C The air purifier

Dear students, 3. The students should get their parents’

The trip to Zoo Negara is on 11 March. Please approval by
send the consent form by 3 March. A briefing
will be held on 10 March. A 3 March.
Teacher Anita B 10 March.
C 11 March.

Our school football team will compete against 4. The school football team has not won yet
SK Perdana on the coming Saturday. We won
against SK Intan and SK Anggerik yesterday. against

A SK Intan.
B SK Perdana.
C SK Anggerik.

Dear patients, 5. Visitors to the clinic do not have to wear a

If you are having flu and cough, please wear mask if they have
a mask. You do not have to do so if you are
having a normal fever. A flu.
B cough.
C a normal fever.




Practice C

Read the following texts and choose the correct answer A, B or C. (Dotted underlined words are

Alex normally goes to the library after school. 1. After school, Alex does not usually go to UASA Format Practice
Then, he goes to the field for football practice.
But today, he is at the hall for the report card A the hall.
day. B the field.
C the library.

Zalikha, 2. Zalikha’s mother will

Please feed the cat. Then, help me to get the A feed the cat.
clothes in to the house. I will fold them, so you B get the clothes in.
do not have to do it. C fold the clothes.


Yesterday, Anna woke up at 6.30 a.m. It was 3. Normally, Anna gets up at
earlier than usual which is 7.00 a.m. But today,
she was late. She woke up at 7.30 a.m.! A 6.30 a.m.
B 7.00 a.m.
C 7.30 a.m.

Dear friends, 4. Puan Latifah’s last day at the school is on

Puan Latifah’s farewell party is on Friday.Please A Tuesday
share your gift ideas by Tuesday because we B Thursday
will need to buy the gift on Thursday. C Friday

Dad, mum asked you to buy a carton of milk. 5. What does the father needs to buy?
She said do not buy cereals and apples
because we still have them. A Cereals
B Apples
C Milk




Practice D

Read the following texts and choose the correct answer A, B or C. (Dotted underlined words are

UASA Format Practice It takes about twenty minutes to walk to the 1. Liam and Denny are going to the library
library. It is also expensive to take a taxi.
Cycling there is the best option. A by car.
B on foot.
C by bicycle.

Dear Gardening Club members, 2. The Gardening Club members have grown

We have successfully planted five chilli plants. A pak choy. To editor:
However, the okra and pak choy are dead. We B okra plants. Question 2: okra? is that
will try again next week. C chilli plants. unfamiliar word? honestly i

also don't know what is that?

and pak chop. Please change

We always see hamsters eat fruit and 3. A hamster’s diet consists of
vegetables like apples and carrots. But they
cannot eat everything. Avoid giving your A apples.
hamster apple seeds, almonds and any junk B almonds.
food. C apple seeds.

WEEKDAY PROMOTION 4. If you want to play bowling on Tuesday,

You can now bowl five games for a package you need to bring your own
price of RM20. Add on another RM3 for shoe
rental (socks are not included). A bowl.
B shoes.
C socks.


NOTICE 5 Encik Sahar has his doctor’s appointment

The clinic will be closed on Friday. We changed to
will resume operation on Saturday. Any
appointments made for Friday are carried to A Friday.
Monday. We apologise for short notice. B Monday.
C Saturday.





UASA Format Practice

Practice A UASA Format Practice
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage below.

Why Good Friends Are Important

Friends come and go. (0) ________ good friends who love and support you is really important
(1) ________ your happiness. The better your relationship is with your friends, the happier you
will be. But what exactly makes a good friend?

First of all, good friends will always be there for you. They will not judge you no matter how
(2) ________ behaviour is. They are someone (3) ________ you will enjoy to meet. They will
be there when you are happy or when you cry. You can have one or (4) ________ good friends.
Appreciate them and be a good friend for them too.

0. A Has B Had C Having
1. A as B for C because
2. A my B your C their
3. A who B why C where
4. A much B many C little

Practice B
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage below.

My Travel Story

I enjoyed (0) ________ since I was a kid. My older siblings were (1) ________ playing sports.
They were always chosen to represent the state. We frequently went anywhere the tournament
was held to support them. Our first destination was Perlis.

I still remember that I was so excited the night before the trip. I (2) ________ not sleep. We
woke up (3) ________ the next day to start our journey. After the tournament ended, we took the
chance to visit Langkawi. It was a (4) ________ experience to see other places. Since that day,
I never stop travelling locally and overseas.

0. A travel B travels C travelling Answer
1. A actively B passively C inactively
2. A could B would C should Password:
3. A late B after C early abc123
4. A bad B awful C wonderful

Practice C
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage below.

UASA Format Practice How to Stay Healthy Around Pets

There are many good benefits of having a pet. Pets such as cats, rabbits and dogs can make
you happy. They also will always love you. If you are (0) ________ to adopt a pet, you should
(1) ________ the risks. It is important for you to stay healthy around your pet.

After playing with, feeding, or cleaning up after your pet, you (2) ________ forget to wash your
hands especially before (3) ________ and drinking. Other than that, you should give a good diet,
fresh water, and (4) ________ bedding for your pet. Lastly, you should not keep wild animals
such as tigers and chimpanzees as your pets.

0. A go B gone C going
1. A understand B understands C understanding
2. A could not B would not C should not
3. A eating B watching C showering
4. A dirty B clean C messy

Practice D
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage below.

How to Choose the Right Sport for You

Sports are good for you to stay active. You can also make friends from other classes
(0) ________ outside school. There are many types of sports. You need to choose the right sport
for (1) ________. How do you choose the right sport?

You can get recommendations from your friends because they know you (2) ________. They
can advise you accordingly. Then, you need to see if the sport is (3) ________ with your health
and physical. Some sports like rugby (4) ________ muscular players. Finally, make sure that you
are interested in that type of sport.

0. A so B and C because
1. A myself B himself C yourself
2. A better B worse C nicer
3. A disable B capable C suitable
4. A need B needed C needing





UASA Format Practice Info UASA Format Practice

Based on the given sample question UASA Info
in Part 3 given from LPM, there are
distractors in the text.

Practice A Linear Text

Read the text below and then answer the following questions. (Dotted underlined words are distractors.)

The Tale of Tasik Chini

Tasik Chini in Pahang was a beautiful lake with lotus floating on its surface. However, now it
has1dead fish floating instead. The lake has become polluted by nearby iron ore mining. The clear
water changed to black and killed the fishes. This lake is also said to be home to a legendary

There are many versions of the stories. One tells us that there are two dragons, the female is
called Seri Gumum and the male is called Seri Kemboja. It is said that2Seri Gumum was a cursed
princess that lived in a Forbidden Garden3on the lake. One day, a prince called Putera Kemboja
came and they fell in love. When4they tried to get out of the Forbidden Garden, both of them
transformed into two dragons. Besides that, the Forbidden Garden was flooded and now hidden at
the bottom of the lake.

Over the years, there have been reports where villagers sometimes see the dragon. However,
these have never been scientifically proven. Some myths say that the dragon is still there, guarding
the sunken city.5The truth is unknown.

1. Tasik Chini now has 4. Why did they transform into dragons?
A clear waters. A Because they fell in love.
B dead fish floating. B Because they killed the fishes.
C beautiful lotus floating. C Because they tried to get out of the
Forbidden Garden.
2. Who lived in the Forbidden Garden?
A Villagers 5. In the last paragraph, the author
B Seri Gumum A is not sure if there is a dragon.
C Putera Kemboja B says that the dragon is still there.
C believes that villagers have seen the
3. Where was the location of the Forbidden dragon.
A On the lake Answer
B Beside the lake
C At the bottom of the lake



Practice B Linear Text

Read the text below and then answer the following questions. (Dotted underlined words are distractors.)

UASA Format Practice A Busy Week

Sandra has a busy week ahead. On Monday, she has a netball game against1SK Temiang.
Last week, her team won a game against SK Kelana but lost against SK Rampai. Sandra was
unhappy about the loss. So, she hopes her team will win this week. They will be playing at SK
Temiang’s field. The bus will leave at 4.00 p.m. as the game will start at25 p.m. All the players
need to be there by 4.30 p.m.

On Tuesday, there is a prize-giving ceremony at her school. Sandra is receiving an award as
the Best Female Athlete while Tan will receive the Best Male Athlete award. Besides that,3Delisha
will be awarded the Best Student of the Year because of her academic excellence.

Next week the school holiday will start. Sandra and her family are shopping for vacation. Last
year, they went to Bandung. This year, they are going to4Korea. It is winter now, so they need
winter clothes. Sandra is5excited for this trip as she could play with snow soon. She is hopeful
that her family will visit Australia next year.

1. Sandra’s netball team will be playing against
A SK Kelana.
B SK Rampai.
C SK Temiang.

2. What time will the netball teams play?
A 4.00 p.m.
B 4.30 p.m.
C 5.00 p.m.

3. Who will be awarded the Best Student of the Year?
A Delisha
B Sandra
C Tan

4. Where is Sandra’s family going for vacation?
A Korea
B Bandung
C Australia

5. How does Sandra feel about the upcoming vacation?
A Excited
B Hopeful
C Unhappy




Practice C NON-Linear Text

Study the poster below and then answer the following questions. (Dotted underlined words are distractors.)

Let’s Go to Kenyir Lake!
14–16 April

Location:1Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu Accommodation: UASA Format Practice
Distance: 440 km from Kuala Lumpur Petang Island Resort
Fee: RM100 (all inclusive) Package for 3 days and 2 nights
• Return bus to Pengkalan Gawi (Ferry Terminal) • breakfast, lunch, dinner
• A packet of biscuits and bread and a bottle of mineral • return boat transfer to the

water (2 times) resort
• Accommodation • Kenyir Island Hopping

More Activities: (Butterfly Park, Herbal Park
• Jungle trekking and Orchid Park)
• Kayaking • Kenyir Elephant Village
• Flying fox (entrance ticket not included)2
• Abseiling • trip to Lasir Waterfall5

Students who are interested to join this trip, Image need to replace.

please give your name to the class monitor by 5 April.

Consent form and the full payment must be submitted to Puan Lina by410 April.
Organised by3Recreational Club

1. Kenyir Lake is located in 4. When is the last date to pay RM100 for the
A Kuala Lumpur trip?
B Hulu Terengganu A 5 April
C Petang Island Resort B 10 April
C 16 April
2. The fee does not cover the
A accommodation at Petang Island Resort. 5. The students can go for a swin at
B entrance ticket to Kenyir Elephant Village. A Herbal Park.
C jungle trekking, kayaking, flying fox, and B Lasir Waterfall.
abseiling activities. C Pengkalan Gawi.

3. Who is the organiser of the trip?
A Puan Lina
B Class monitor
C Recreational Club




Practice D NON-Linear Text

Study the poster below and then answer the following questions. (Dotted underlined words are distractors.)

Help Protect the Earth

UASA Format Practice Reduce Reuse Recycle
Cut down the amount of what Find new ways to use things that Recycle materials such as glass,
you throw away you would have thrown out cardboard, aluminium, and lead

Save Water Save Electricity 1Shop Wisely a
Turn off the tap while brushing Turn off the lights and electrical Buy less plastic and bring
your teeth and take shorter equipment when not in use reusable shopping bag

Did You Know?

Plastic bags and other plastic garbage kill over A glass bottle can take up to 1 million years to
1,000,000 sea animals every year break down

Paper2from trees can be recycled 6 times. About 10 million trees are cut down every
Glass and aluminium can be recycled endlessly year to make toilet paper

5Protecting our planet starts with you. Join a talk on How to Protect the Earth on35 June.
Register yourself with Encik Daniel before 1 June to get a special gift.
Walk-in is allowed.

Join our Recycle Day on 3 June. Contact Miss Leela at 010456123 for more info.

This message is brought to you by4Consumer Club

1. We need to save sea animals from dying 4. Who is the organiser for both events?
A Miss Leela
because of plastics by B Encik Daniel
C Consumer Club
A saving water.
B shopping wisely. 5. What does the organiser try to tell us with
C saving electricity. the poster?
A We should register to get a special gift.
2. What material cannot be recycled endlessly? B We should do our part to protect the
A Glass C We should attend a talk on How to Protect
B Paper the Earth.
C Aluminium

3. You can learn about ways to protect the

Earth on

Answer A 1 June.
B 3 June.

C 5 June.




UASA Format Practice Info UASA Format Practice

Based on the given sample question UASA Info
in Part 3 given from LPM, there are
distractors in the text.

Practice A

Read the texts below. Write the letters (A – C) for the statements that describe the texts.

A Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)

Located in Kepong, Selangor, this place is open to public for various activities. Visitors can
carry out recreational activities from 8.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. on weekdays. You can have
picnics near Sungai Kroh and4enjoy the cool waters. You can breathe fresh air by jogging
around or renting the2bicycles if you do not bring your own. Do not miss out the Forest
Skywalk for a canopy walking experience.

B National Botanical Garden Shah Alam

Previously known as Bukit Cherakah, this park offers various activities for visitors. It opens
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Tuesday to Sunday. You can walk, jog or cycle around the park.
You are not allowed to bring your own bicycle. There is also a6buggy ride available if you
get tired. This park is also famous for its Four Seasons House. The3seasons on display will
change according to the real seasons.

C Kinabalu National Park

This park in Sabah has more than Mount Kinabalu. Opens from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.1every
day, visitors can go for5jungle trekking, birdwatching, or sightseeing by themselves. If you
want a guided tour, the schedules are at 9.00 a.m., 12.00 and 3.00 p.m. You may find the
largest flower, Rafflesia, and the largest pitcher plant in the world here.

A Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)
B National Botanical Garden Shah Alam
C Kinabalu National Park

1. You can visit this place any day of the week. (C) Answer
2. You can bring use own bicycle. (A)
3. There is a winter display in this park. (B) Password:
4. Visitors can swim in this park. (A) abc123
5. There is no cycling activity available in this park. (C)
6. You can tour around the park without walking. (B) 11

UASA Format Practice Practice B
Read the texts below. Write the letters (A – C) for the statements that describe the texts.

A Adnan’s Vegetarian House
Famous for its pumpkin curry, this place also serves wanton noodles, chicken rice, laksa
and nasi lemak for breakfast and lunch. If you are in town, it only takes 10 minutes to go this
restaurant. It is a highly recommended2vegetarian restaurant. You can feel the atmosphere
is nice and comfortable. The only downside is the above-average price. Walk-ins only.

B BFG Steak
If you are looking for the best steakhouse dining experience and enjoy a scenic lake view,
this is the place to go. It is only1half an hour from the city centre. You can also request to
eat on the boats with no additional price. Other than steak, you can also enjoy a pasta dish
or a seafood menu. Make your5reservations on the website:

C Two Ringgit Stall
This is a wonderful place for those who are on a tight budget. If you want to have tasty but
affordable meals, this is it. The stall is located just next to a MM Supermarket in town. You
can get laksa, ABC (shaved ice), cendol, meatballs, noodle soup and chicken rice for3only
RM2 a plate or bowl. The only complaint is the6small portion of food. Well, you get what
you pay for.

A Adnan’s Vegetarian House
B BFG Steak
C Two Ringgit Stall

1. This restaurant is 30 minutes from the city centre. (B)
2. People who are not meat eaters will go to this place. (A)
3. You can enjoy variety of foods for a cheap price at this place. (C)
4. There is no dinner at this place. (A)
5. You can order food in advance before reaching this place. (B)
6. Normal-sized meals are not available here. (C)





UASA Format Practice Info UASA Format Practice

This part practice is written based UASA Info
on the vocabulary list in DSKP
English Year 4 (KSSR Semakan).

Practice A
Guess the word. Write the correct spelling of the word.

0. A piece of clothing worn when you are cold. sw e a t e r


5. A gardener wears this when it is too hot. ha t

Practice B
Guess the word. Write the correct spelling of the word.

0. You refer to this when you do not know the d i ct i ona r y
meaning of a word.


2. This is a thing that you sit on while in class. c h a i r

3. c o m p u t e r





Practice C
Guess the word. Write the correct spelling of the word.

0. It brings sick or injured people to the hospital. a m b u l a n c e

UASA Format Practice 1. It flies by spinning the blades. he l i c o p t e r

2. It can carry people or goods by sea. sh i p
3. pl a n e
4. It has wings and can fly.

5. People use it to carry many things from one lo r r y
place to another.

Practice D
Guess the word. Write the correct spelling of the word.

0. You can order food and eat here. am b u l a n c e


2. Students can read and borrow books l i b r a r y

3. Mothers usually go there to buy su p e r ma r k e t

4. A place where you can enjoy swimming. p o o l

5. You can watch newly released movies ci n ema




Practice D UASA Format Practice
Guess the word. Write the correct spelling of the word.


Practice E
Guess the word. Write the correct spelling of the word.






UASA Format Practice UASA Format Practice Info

Email answers are given with structure
(Greeting/ Opening/ Point 1/ Point 2/ Closing/
Signing Off) on how to write.

Practice A
Your friend, Lucas, borrowed your coloured pencils. You need the coloured pencils back.

Write an email to Lucas.

In your email,
• explain why you want it back
• say where Lucas can meet you
Write about 30 – 50 words.

Write your email below.

Subject: My Coloured Pencils
(Greeting) Hi Lucas,

(Greeting) How have you been?

(Opening) Do you remember borrowing my coloured pencils last week? (Point 1) Actually, I need
it back because I have Art class this Monday. (Point 2) Please return it to me at the canteen
tomorrow during recess.

(Closing) See you.

(Signing off & name)
Your friend,

(43 words)




Practice B UASA Format Practice
Your cousin, Andrea, borrowed your sweater. You need the sweater back.
Write a email to Andrea.
In your email,
• explain why you want it back
• say where Andrea can meet you
Write about 30 – 50 words.
Write your email below.


Subject: My Sweater

(Greeting) Dear Andrea,

(Opening) Can you return my black sweater that you borrowed last month? (Point 1) I need it
back because I am going to wear it on a field trip. (Point 2) I will come to your house tomorrow
evening to collect it.

(Closing) See you.

(Signing off & name)

(43 words)





UASA Format Practice UASA Format Practice Info

Practice A Email answers are given with structure
(Greeting/ Opening/ Point 1 + Elaboration/
Point 2 + Elaboration/ Closing/ Signing Off)
on how to write.

You saw an advertisement for a year-end sale. Write an email to invite your classmate, Ramesh, to
say why you want to go to the sale and invite him to go with you.


Comic books, magazines, workbooks, dictionaries, novels,
stationeries and many more!

Date: 16 December (Saturday)
Time: 10.00 a.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Location: ABC Bookshop, Level 4, Seri Mall

Extra discounts for students!

Write your email to Ramesh in about 60 – 80 words.

Subject: Year-End Sale

(Greeting) Hi Ramesh,

(Greeting) How was your holiday?

(Opening: Why do you write the email?) Just now, I saw an advertisement for a year-end sale at a
bookshop. (Point 1: Why do you want to go?) I would love to go because I need some stationeries
and workbooks for the new school session next year. (Elaboration 1) It is at ABC Bookshop, Seri
Mall. It is near to my house! (Point 2: How to invite your friend?) Please come with me. I know
you like comic books. (Elaboration 2) We can save a lot because there are extra discounts for

Answer (Closing) Hope you agree. (79 words)

Password: (Signing off & name)
abc123 Your classmate,


Practice B UASA Format Practice
You saw an advertisement for a sports warehouse sale. Write an email to invite your cousin, Badrul,
to say why you want to go to the sale and invite him to go with you.


Over 20,000 pairs of footwear priced below RM100.
Up to 80% on sports gear.

Extra 30% off for any 4 pieces of clothing.
Date: 8 July (Saturday)
Time: 10.30 a.m. – 7.30 p.m.
Location: Aman Warehouse, Subang Jaya

Low prices guaranteed!

Write your email to Ramesh in about 60 – 80 words.


Subject: Sports Warehouse Sale

(Greeting) Dear Badrul,

(Greeting) Have you recovered from your fever?

(Opening: Why do you write the email?) Yesterday, I saw an advertisement for a sports warehouse
sale at Aman Warehouse, Subang Jaya. (Point 1: Why do you want to go?) I really want to go
because I need a new racket for my upcoming badminton tournament. (Elaboration 1) It is near
my house too! (Point 2: How to invite your friend?) I think you should come with me. (Elaboration
2) I know you want to change your old football boots. They will be much cheaper after 80% off.

(Closing) Please tell me you will go.

(Signing off & name) (79 words)
Your cousin,






Perforated lines provided (Detachable set)
UJIAN BERTULIS 1 jam 15 minit
Bahasa Inggeris

1. Kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi tiga bahagian: Bahagian 1, Bahagian 2, Bahagian 3,
Bahagian 4, Bahagian 5, Bahagian 6 dan Bahagian 7.

2. Jawab semua soalan dalam Bahagian 1, Bahagian 2, Bahagian 3, Bahagian 4, Bahagian 5,
Bahagian 6 dan Bahagian 7.

3. Bagi Bahagian 1, Bahagian 2 dan Bahagian 3, setiap soalan diikuti oleh tiga pilihan
jawapan, iaitu A, B dan C. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja.

4. Bagi Bahagian 4, Bahagian 5, Bahagian 6 dan Bahagian 7, jawab semua soalan dalam
ruang jawapan yang disediakan.

Part 1
[5 marks]

Question 1 to 5

Read the following texts and choose the correct answer A, B or C. (Dotted underlined words are

I am Adib. I am 10 years old. I have five 1. Adib’s sister is
siblings. My 17-year-old sister always takes
care of my 6-year-old brother because Mum is A 6 years old.
busy working. B 10 years old.
C 17 years old.

Dear Scouts, 2. The Scouts will start setting up the tent at
Our camping starts on Friday at 5.00 p.m. You
will have dinner at 6.30 p.m. Please be at the A 4.45 p.m.
campsite latest by 4.45 p.m. B 5.00 p.m.
C 6.30 p.m.

Lisa always reaches school the earliest 3. The student who will be scolded by the
because her house is nearby. Hamid arrives teacher is
later as he lives further. Juliana always arrives
late because her house is far. A Lisa.
B Hamid.
C Juliana.

NOTICE 4. You can order the shop’s signature dish on

Dear valued customers, A 21 April.
B 23 April.
Our shop is closed on 21 April. Business will C 25 April.
resume as usual on 23 April. However, our
special curry mee is only available starting
from 25 April.

Dear visitors, 5. Responsible visitors will not go to the
cinema bringing
Pets are not allowed in this cinema. Kids
under 12 coming with parents or guardians are A pets.
allowed. You are not advised to bring toddlers B kids under 12.
below 2 years old. C toddlers below 2 years old.

© Myteach Sdn. Bhd. (859523A) P1 – 2 SULIT

Part 2
[4 marks]

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage below.

Why You Need to be Careful at Home

Other than on the road, you (0) _______ know the safety measures at home too. Even at home,
accidents can still happen at home. This can happen when you are not careful. (1) _______,
robbers can break in when you are not aware.
Firstly, always keep the doors closed. Do not allow (2) _______ to come into (3) _______
house especially when your parents are not at home. Stay away (4) _______ cleaning or chemical
products that can be dangerous to you. Accidents at home are one of the leading causes of death
among children. Therefore, you should always be careful.

0. A could B would C should
6. A Never B Rarely C Sometimes
7. A parents B strangers C grandparents
8. A my B his C your
9. A in B at C from

Perforated lines provided (Detachable set)

© Myteach Sdn. Bhd. (859523A) P1 – 3 [Lihat halaman sebelah

Part 3
[5 marks]

Read the text below and then answer the following questions. (Dotted underlined words are

KLIA Ekpres and KLIA Transit

In the past, people had limited transport options to go to the airport. However, when KLIA
Ekspres and KLIA Transit were launched in 2002, it has been5a lot easier to reach KLIA from KL
Sentral. The services were extended to KLIA2 when the new terminal opened in12014.

The construction began in May 1997. The project was slowed down because of the 1997 financial
crisis across Asia. Nevertheless, due to strong support from the government, the construction
was finally completed five years later. Now, passengers can choose a non-stop journey on KLIA
Ekspres between KL Sentral and KLIA which only takes228 minutes, or KLIA Transit which stops
at three stations which are Bandar Tasik Selatan, Putrajaya and Cyberjaya, and Salak Tinggi
between KL Sentral and3KLIA2 which takes 39 minutes. The journeys are much faster than by
driving which takes 41 minutes to KLIA and 46 minutes to KLIA2 from KL Sentral. Besides that,
you can also ride on the train between KLIA and KLIA2 which takes43 minutes.

In the last 19 years, KLIA Ekspres has been cruising at the top speed of 160 km/h making it the
fastest train in Southeast Asia.

10. Both KLIA Ekspres and KLIA Transit starts going to KLIA2 in
A 1997.
B 2002.
C 2014.

11. How long is the journey from KL Sentral to KLIA on KLIA Ekspres?
A 28 minutes
B 39 minutes
C 41 minutes

12. Where is the last destination of KLIA Transit from KL Sentral?
B KL Sentral
C Bandar Tasik Selatan

13. How long is the transit between KLIA and KLIA2?
A 3 minutes
B 41 minutes
C 46 minutes

14. What does the author try to tell us in the article?
A There was a financial crisis in 1997.
B KLIA Ekspres is the fastest train in Southeast Asia.
C Passengers now have more options to go to KLIA and KLIA2.

© Myteach Sdn. Bhd. (859523A) P1 – 4 SULIT

Part 4
[6 marks]

Read the texts below. Write the letters (A – C) for the statements that describe the texts.

A Sky Residences
Located in the city centre, this condominium unit has an easy access to the train and
bus stations. A shopping mall is within 5-minute walking distance. It is also at a strategic
location near the major highways. Some of the facilities available are a gym, swimming
pool, function room, barbecue pits and tennis courts. Each unit comes with one covered
car park.

B Taman Seri Perdana
Ten rows of five terrace houses are arranged neatly facing each other in this residential
area. The car park fits two cars. Suitable for families with young children as the common
amenities nearby are primary and secondary schools, a playground, a supermarket,
restaurants and bus stops. The distance to the city centre is145 minutes by car. A flyover
that connects the neighbourhood directly to the highway is still in construction.

C Flat 3A
This five-storey building is located just outside the city centre. The monorail station is
within a 10-minute walking distance. There are many hawkers around selling varieties of
food at affordable prices. Convenience store, schools, a playground, and other amenities
are4reachable by walking. Car parks are open and on a2first-come, first-served basis.
Residents living here consist of locals and foreigners.

A Sky Residences
B Taman Seri Perdana
C Flat 3A

1. This residential area is far from the city centre. (B)

Perforated lines provided (Detachable set) 2. The residents have to compete for a car park. (C)

3. This residential area is suitable for single people or couples without schooling children. ( A )

4. You can live without a vehicle if you live here. (C)

5. The choice of eating places is limited if you live here. (A)

6. There is no train station at this area. (B)

© Myteach Sdn. Bhd. (859523A) P1 – 5 [Lihat halaman sebelah

Part 5
[5 marks]

Guess the word. Write the correct spelling of the word.



4. You switch this on so that you can read la m p
more clearly.

5. Your family could watch a movie or news te l ev i s i on
on this device.

© Myteach Sdn. Bhd. (859523A) P1 – 6 SULIT

Part 6

Your friend, Shirley, borrowed your English textbook. You need the textbook back.
Write an email to Shirley.
In your email,
• explain why you want it back
• say where Shirley can meet you
Write about 30 – 50 words.
Write your email below.


Subject: My English Textbook

(Greeting) Hi Shirley,

(Greeting) How was your test?

(Opening) Can you return my English textbook? (Point 1) I need it back because I am going to
have a test too. (Point 2) Please bring the textbook and meet me at the school gate tomorrow

(Closing) See you.

Your friend,

(45 words)

Perforated lines provided (Detachable set)

© Myteach Sdn. Bhd. (859523A) P1 – 7 [Lihat halaman sebelah

Part 7

You saw an advertisement for a back-to-school sale. Write an email to invite your classmate, Rohana,
to say why you want to go to the sale and invite her to go with you.

Water bottles, schoolbags, pencil cases,

stationeries and many more!

Date: 8 December (Friday)
Time: 10.00 a.m. – 9.30 p.m.
Location: Level 2, KN Mall

50% discount on second items!

Write your email to Rohana in about 60 – 80 words.
Subject: Back-to-School Sale
(Greeting) Hi Rohana,

(Greeting) How was your vacation?

(Opening: Why do you write the email?) I just saw an advertisement for a back-to-school sale at
KN Mall. (Point 1: Why do you want to go?) I am going there because I need to replace some
old items. (Elaboration 1) It will be opened at 10.00 a.m. on 8 December. (Point 2: How to invite
your friend?) Let us go together! My mum can drive us there. (Elaboration 2) We can get more
discounts if we both buy the same item.

(Closing) Hope to hear from you soon.

(Signing off & name) (70 words)
Your classmate,

© Myteach Sdn. Bhd. (859523A) TAMAT SULIT
P1 – 8

Oh My Guru | OMG (M) is a teaching and learning module series written in accordance with the Myteach Authors 7.1 English Year 4
Ministry of Education syllabus. The purpose of this module is to strengthen and improve students’
understanding during the teaching & learning sessions (PdP, Pengajaran & Pembelajaran). Banulata
This module; English contains brief but concise notes. The aim of this method is to help students Written book: 55 titles
understand the text better. To further fulfil the needs of the students, this series is also equipped with More than 15 years of
Formative Assessment and Sumative Assessment along with answers provided. The production writing experience
of this module will lend support to students in learning, understanding, contemplative thinking and
problem-solving within the given scope. Towards the end of the PdP session, this module would have Khaw Ai Hoon
served as a revision book, a sufficient reference and a ‘tutor’ for students who will be sitting for their Wrote more than 50 books
exams. with various publishers
More than 15 years of
Copyright writing experience
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without prior
permission of Myteach Sdn. Bhd.

First Published 2023 (22.12)
Printed in Malaysia by:
Gains Print Sdn Bhd (111764-T)
5, Lorong 7/3A,
Kawasan Perindustrian Seri Kembangan,
43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.

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with us?
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